HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-05-29, Page 7•
ea -
May 29t14 1902
1 11111 j 1 11 . 11 1 I.1 I. ,
The Moisons Bank
Incorporated by
Act of Parliament, 1855.
Capital - - - - - $2,500,000
ltee,L 2,150,000
Molson Macpherson, President.
James Elliot, General Manager.
Notes discounted. Collections made.
Drafts issued. Sterling and Amer-
ican Exchange bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Interest allowed on sums of hi and
Mouey advanced to farmers on their
own notes with uue or more en-
dorsers. No mortgage required as
11. C. BREWER, alimager, Clinton.
G. D. McTaggart
A General Banking Business transact-
ed. Notes discounted. Drafts
issued. Interest allowed on de,
Albert sti•ect - Clinton.
Money to loan.
0 iott Block - - Clinton.
Notary, Public, Eta.
011ice-Beaver Block - - - Clinton.
Conveyancers, Comm issioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Monlya to loan.
R. C. P. and 1,. R. C. S., Edinburgh.
Night calls at Iron door of residence
on Rattenbury street, opposite
Presbyterian church.
0:lice-Ontario street - - Clinton.
.1)R. SHAW,
011iie Ontario street - - Clinton.
Opposite St. Paul's church.
Special attention given to diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office • and Residence- •
Albeet street, East, . Clinton.
hurtle of Rattenbery street.
Will he at Bayfield every Wednesday
()nice -
Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery,.
.1 ..........111111 1 an
Wesley Church -Sunday Services at
11 a. in. anci 7 1). lfl. ‘1.1a1.9.y school
at z.ao p. in, Wilbur Manning, Sun-
day school superintendent ; Sibley,
choir leader ; Miss Halite Combo, or-
ganist ; Rev. W. G. Houston, pastor.
Ont. St. Church-Suuday servIces at •
11 a. .. Itt. and 7 p. in• Sunday
sehool at t,3O p. In. Jacob Taylor,
Sunday school superintendent ; 13. J.
Gibbings, choir leader ; Miss Azle
Gibbings, organist; Rev. Dr. Gifford,
pastor. •
St. :f?aul's Church --Sunday services
at 11 a. in.and 7 p. M. Sunday
Se11001. at 2.30 p. m; Sunday school
superintendent, Rey. C. R. Gunne, M.
A. choir leader, Mr. W. U. hater--
mil ; organist, Miss May Bentley ;
rector, C. R. Gunne, M. .A..
Baptist Church-hSenday services at
11 a. no and 7 p. ni. Sunday militia
at 2.30 p. ni, Sunday. school superin-
tendent, Mr, I). K, Prior ; choir lea,1
era Mr. J. B, Hoover; organist, Miss
Lela Hoover ; pastor, Rev. J. C.
Dunlop. .
Willis Church -Sunday services at
It a. to. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
at 2.30 p. in. Sunday school superin-
tendent, Mr. Jas. Scott ; assistant,
Miss •Wilson ; choir' leader, Mr. W. P.
Spaulding; organist, Miss Maude
Goodwin ; pastor, Rev. Dr, Stewart.
St. Joseph's Church, Catholic -Sun -
clay services at 10.30 a, ni. and 7 p.
in. every end Sunday. Sunday school
at 3 p. m. every end Sunday., Sun-
day school superintendent, Rev. D. P.
McMenamin ; choir leader, Mr, Chas.
Gravelle ; organist, Miss Minnie Rey-
nolds ; priest, Rev. D. P. Mehlenainin.
*Plymouth Brethern-Service at ix a.
on Sunday. Redding meetings at
7 p. in. Sunday elle Friday evenings.
Town Councile-Mayor,Thomas 'Jack-
son ; Councillorsiali. B. Combe, J. A.
Ford, C. JaStevenson, Alex, lidacKens
zie, C. Overbury, Thos.. MacKentie
Clerk and Treasurers W. Coats. Meets
the first Monday in each month.
Public Library Board -President, W..
Brydone ; Secretary, W. E, Rand ;
W. R. Lough, Dr. • 'Shaw, W. Coats
and E. M. hicLeati.
Public School Board -Wilbur 'Man-
ning, C. B. Hale, W, T. O'Neil, J. W.
Irwin, Dr. Agnew, F. It. Hodgens, T.
Beacom. Secretary, 3, ,Cunninaltatne ;
treasurer, W. Coats:* • .
Collegiate Institute Board -Chair-
man, James •Scott ; secretary,' M. D.
McTaggart ; treasurer, W. Jackson ;
I). A. Forrester J. Rafisfard, II.
Plumsteel, ,W. II. „hamming. Meets
first Wednesday in each month.
Whollester Shall Compel Thee to 44O.
Mils, Go With Mim 1:w5lm," Loostril es
a Duty Chrlitala vallowahlp-Uosalo
Law of Cold Justice Contrasted With
in. Now Order of Things.
Entered Aceordingto Act of Farllainentof Can-
ada, in the year 1p02. by William y. of To,
ronto, at the heti t of Awl:Immure. Ottawa.
Chicago, May 25. -In this sermon
the Itelh Prattle, De 1Vitt Talmage pre-
sents in a picturesque. and forcible
waythe daty of Christian fellowship.
The text is Matthew •V, 41„ "Whoso-
ever shall compel thee to go a Mile,
go with him: twain.". •
A keen, shrewd lawyer .was one day
listening to Jahn 'Wesley preaching.
The founder of Methodistrahad three
difTerent headings for his sermon :
rit•st, "Got all you can without
hurting your epuh your body or your
neighbors" 'hrhat • is sensible;"
. thought the lawyer; "unless a,. man
is continually reaching out • for
something he will never have any-
thing. Industry is the foundation of
all success.", Second heading, "Save
all you can, cutting off tiny needless
expense." "Right again," muttered
the listener. "It is not so much
what a Man cants that makes hint
wealthy as what lie saves." Third
heading, "Give all you can."
"There," exclaimed the bard headed
lawyer, • "the .•minister has: foolishly
gone and spelled everything he said..
.He ought to have had for his third:
heading; 'Give as little as yeu can.'
You cannot. save' unless you keep
what you have earned." So some of
Christrs auditors -.felt that he was
preaching the most foolish of doe-.
trines When he used the illustration
of the twain •inile. They were ready
• to obey the . Mosaic law of justice.:
They would assent to an eye for •an
• •
eye, • a tooth for a. tooth, a '.hand for
• a hand. •• They would: travel the first
mile- willingly: and pay. ei•cey penny
thatthoi.legitimately owed, • -bet
they Were: net, ready to turn the left,
•eheek to a 1 on f sr that enomy had
deliberately struck.. them a stinging
blow epon Abe right cheek. .They
protisted against a communistic gos-
Township CouncilReeve, Thomas
Churchill,' Chilton a; Cottacillore, John*
•Middleton,. Clintoh •John ' Woods,
Vorter's Hilt ; James Cox, Porter's
Hill • James Johnstoitea Genteel& ;
Clerk, NiXon Sturdyi • coderich ; As-
sessor, John Thompten, . • Clinton ;•
• Treasurer, - Whitely, Goderieh ; Col-
lector, Louis Anderaota 'Clintem • - "
Board of 'Health -Reeve; • Cleak;John
Cox,• John Salketah Sea -Albert .Cara
telon.S't- • •-' .• •
• s ae , -
0..1. 4 .4 • 1, S.
Township. Council --Reeve, *John
McNaughton Varna ; -Councillors, W.
J. Stinson, Rayfield W. L. Kerte
Varna; James Johnstone, •BaYfield I
McDiarmid a Clerk. J. E. uarnwon
there will eome a time when my in-
dust*. will he recompensed as well as
g d."
The young limn is led along the
twain utile of sacrifice. the more will-
ingly because a's he walks hancl itt
hand with the sweet angel of inspir-
ing hope he reads the lives tar the
great men of the past. He finds that
the position from which some of them
started to climb the ntountain of
fame And usefulness was often more
hnuomsbell t4ht apnootrh,atignwohriacintt he o colored
r etidl 1 ibnogy..
standing before the billboard . politer
trying to learn how to spell. Then
he sees the ignorant colored boy
grow into the great orator, until
Frederick Douglass' name liecomes
known. over the civilized world. He
sees a young man as e. Sunday
school teacher gather his own class
of rough boys by going into one of
the poorest, and most depraved sec.
tions of Chicago. Then ho hears of
that young man, D. L. Moody, who
1 1
• ..11
Willi hfill t Wttin."
th t are there. •chineti. •
Jesus eeomes to v r„ In'
'1 he tb,wain 1..g teh,e1 tiges rater: and ttie sea and all things a .
costa e
1 111 11 1 11 1 11
1' rorty xsadiee Recovered.
V.1 With great earnestness did the apos• veatie 13 (I May 04 -Rem woris
substantiated is the fact tha,t love ties seek to turn the people s tboughte
grows as muck upon what we do for from theniseZves to God, as when the
others as what others do for us, 1M-• angel said to John, "See thou do it
on what we are ready to give as up- not worship God" (Rev. xxii, 0). The
on what we are ready to receive. ha tendency today is to think more of
order to have true love, we must be natu than of God, and the great trot!.
ready to lose our lives before we can
have those lives come to their true bie is that M n men do not feel trou-
, erlii.lrec(1.1hY, no. Thor
, of all earthly love? Decause the baby has been trying biro in every possible
development. We must be ready to
die if we want to truty live as we
Why is a mother's love the purest
ht t live
does so mach for the -moth- way -in Eden and out of Eden, with-
° never was a biggir out law and under law, Under grace
tions to walk in their own ways.
bled about it, but love to have It so.
le, 17. Who in timee peed suffered all na.
Since God placed man on earth He '
tyrant who ever wielded a sceptre and the special inintstrY of the Spirit- .
than a little .baby in the overtly and he sball have one trial more under
, home. From the time the Child s- the personal reign of the Lord Jesus. !
born until grown it practically does fu due thne it shall be fuliy proved
• nothing for the mother. Tha mother that raan apart from God' is only tatil•
in the wrecked mine is proceeding
slowly on account of gas. Very
few foreigners volunteer.
Forty bodies have been recovered,
all from Maill shafts. Some were
killed by ruck's. some by lire, and
some by afterdomp and . gas, Many
bodies were badly scarred. The
English Church is used as morgue,
where the bodies are placed In cur -
A public funeral was held at. 6
o'clock last evening. The rescue
work will List several daps. Some
bodies may never be got, as they are
burled deep in debris. The Coal
Company are arranging for the fun.
orals. The' Board of Trade organiz-
ed relief measures, and $1,100 was
contiibuted on the spot. Relief 18
badly needed.
1 is always doing something for the .
e In ROM 1 20 21 it is made plain
child. From the advent some one has ' ' '
all ages all are without excuse,
to keep tending the child. The moth- that in . was vtoomiea 131 18"
last. century. I:
Was the greatetit evangelist of e ' er feeds it, dresses it, cares for it. 18. With these' sayings scarce restrained
Ile sees Dr. Barnardo
Racrifice to them. Brockville, hitty 24. -Joseph Best
' For the first year, at least, the -ow- they the people that they had, not dope
called to his great work by being led thee has a tugging silver cord of al- - died Thurstitty hight at the ripe age
1 of 97 yetus. lle came to Brock'vilIe .
by the hand o4...0.4o.set urchin to foction, with one end attached to the Having seen the Impotent man .hea • „
mg a winter night in a coal bin, crib and the other end attached to ed throngb Paul and Barnabas, it wa.a 'tont Ireland when a lad and lived
here nearly all his life. Tio was
where fifteen little begp were spend -
There the great human savior of the her heart. She practically. lives by hard to convince them that the work wof 'Med whi'e taking pert in the
London street tarab saw fifteen hung- itnIt(smathitsle. orrfhetnh:istvheehnil.dthefoib•mtbyyeelksssiogl, ownaenunnoste(4d13Thabray titihe'seeseintennenr,epbruestenbty. ccice4 0, pension in consequence.
buttle at 1,11..ta ott, in 1887, and to-
ry urchins who wore on their way, who nurses it -the graduate frOM the ed. The natural man walks by sight,
but for his rescue, toward the gal -
Iowa, the peoitentittry, or the poor- school fpr trained nurses? Oh, no, Mel it ts difficult to persuade him that
house. when the young men thinks The trained terse may come in and anything is different from what his
have a mission in life. I, too, can
of these great men, he says: "I, too,
accomplish some good . for u'IY fellow help. The person. Who for weeks neva
er takes off her clothes, the perrion
who is always h5e the side of the crib le •
e31•97nsaevel.nsCsotnosniodderpIatul7trh, iyv,41ra8e7,;. r. h. 17m: weak 0
. •
men if I• am ready to travel the and scesthattl the i zonnedicines are given
out of the citY, stIPPOsing he ,tt a men
l b. xl 27,
tie in Grain on Saturday Was .
regularly,th m.s a ho is anxious- retool ets by Firm Clue -The Latent
Una. .
twain Mile of self sacrifice."
Row gekle is man! The servants of
So the sweet faced angel of hope . ly touching the fevered cheek, is - the
mother, the sacrificing mother. tanoreitens.
• leads the diaciple of Christ along the . the devil Mich followed Paul and Bar.
Liverpool wheat futureS
Saturday Evening, May 24.
self sacrificing pathway of the twang Why IS love generally purer and
tinha.s, from the other cities and were taday than 00. Friday, atitreedint%). (if tliftgi
mile, She puts the Bible into the . deeper and wider in •the poor man's
disciple's • hand and stays: "Read, home than in the rich man's palace.? so suceesstul that 'these people who were uneltauged, ,
Christian; read, That Bible is the Some people may. declare that • this were ready to worshIP Paul are \ now . htleasto gado markets firmed to clay After
a toner opening. At the ease July wheat
statement is untrue, but if you have just as ready to stoue him, and tthey
promise God has given to you. God been around as a pastor- as :mach as
declares that If you will do what he „me aamsaeas yea •win mai that
• bids you do, you Rhall have .Your re-
. such ft statement is true. The reason
wind for la ave. ng the wain rai e that love is generally sweeter. and
for -hirnh"rhen the Christian, be- purer in the poor manie hotna is not.
lieving the Bible, says, to .hianeelf: becanse the 1001' malt naturally has
.'"1 will do what Christ wants roe to as bigger heart than the rich ;titan,
do, I- will live as Christ wants Me itit- the poor Man has to daitY soul -
to jive... I will speak what' Christ nee for his. Wife and chilslren. • When
• wants Me to say, I know that Christmas conies eirmind, in iiratir to
Christawill reward me at the end of ' have it Christmas tree. 1,ei haps •• •the
thatwain utile. Did not my eSaviour . father *himself has. to go withOut . en
' '' k' d •
010 stone him and left him for dead,
20. He rose up' and came into the city,
While the disciples, helpless to pro
titycialsltutt:01ittlxingeetalufarot jureyyes0tiettrsdavar.0. 311.1Y cora
• roasts( ria atvas. sroos.„
la:Vitra of live stook was fairly. large, 71
ds, eionipoehe of 107 cettle, WOO
teat him, stood around his apparently .eacligh, 313 sheep nue. lambs, awl about 15
*dead body 004 gave hint back to them
til PacepsOrt 'cattle -1.10 load
may be that while his eneinies .were Lt r°Irriholairhte$5:Flis-,,t itioChi°0fieli:le -1h-6e allviyo'ffeftnis:u!
to their great aui.prIse annidDitoisybSefdo.r
work was not yet ;tem
?re* at $475 ' to $5.1's; tight expert bulls ..
bruising and so ill treating his poor . Ex4pee5r t to 0$w4s.3_5u
body he Wats enjoying thnt of Which a xlip"ortew• etehoi ao.ld at 14.01
• -rho,11.a,tnlicle.nheaav irioagr ..,. to $a per ewt.- •-. s • - .. -• .
.- of God -and Mei eightetstualeSS, end all sant, to 'college, in all probability the sliteelitleltish_e_inglioiryCoiwa,ax.sias
j tinteherte 'Cattle • equal •in etutilty 'to Test
. 21 The :day after the. atoning .Ptinl • 1, tenets' heifers ei d steere, 023 tri 1025
You ?' I ina3• - pot have earthly . Ile'. has to - Work oyerti me: lie . has to •
'o - Iltsis each sold at ,$5 to $5.40 per cwt.;
- wealth, 'but 1 shall surely have trete- and . Burnahne set. teeth' -to Derb , :
londs - of . go.oa butebers sotd at $5.26 fil
. sures laid ein ia 'heaven.. I may not ' Jiro:IS:in a •sinali 'house Upon a a side
, $5.40S- loads of meet= butchers' $4.85 -to
, e S Upon 1 whoi•co they ale° preacheh the gospel : .
have Worldly . adot•ation, but I•shall.. street IDS love f ed 1 is sacri-
$.25; ponamoe .butehers' ecovesat Sag) to •
floes: So, niy brother; if' year and• I ' and tunde many 'dieciples, and then 'in• $
• . • altreitge ana Butchers. mIxed-toads ol
tie • be willing -t do- 6 ieth'ng ..i. •
f Au IA. We must give. out sett es near. they turn. about,* retrace their - p
iammig the redeemed -6,f' heaven. • I •
i•Butchers cattle-Cholce picked. lots of
P 'overcoat.. When his sons are . to be •
exporters, 1100'to 1150 lbs. each', eol at • '
these thinias shall be added . unto future. seeviee.•
•$5.40 .to $5.65;• choice. tacked tote ef •
poor man, will have to run into debt.
have .the commendation •of ony.
• vim.. I may never. be a, tempoeal n must
oci and truly loVe..ChriSt, •stead of going an to Paul's home at
.a t t
net .
pel, which alloWed a :thief to run •
. • o n twins. to Which they we m chers'and exporters sold at $6.2
potentate; hut shall • be corona -4d • we • • • re now quite
to 88.130 er cwt.
d steers weighing iron
• 00111ero1753709ris.e.r•eas sofa at. $4,25 to $d
s , mts , tuind and 'soul to his service. etc pa and visit •again the vera•plitees
hall hear Christ say, e.i uone,
• away with their; • whole wardrobe, •
• It e must be ready to travel. for .hiita .where theh had ltee So ersh .nted
d faithful s evant.-'• Thott ee;
with their • cloak • as • well . as their goo. ."" . • 9 h 'the twain mile. It is becanse•soMe Of . P• 5 • toe ers--Well-bred, thrifty yonag, Steen •
coat. ,They would hot onslievestitem- i, -I actin loathing ovleirt• a few thi _es;
tfs• are aot a,cly to travel this.twain 22, LI e g 1)101 to 600
er are rt•at wor hi for lbs. eel hre worth eu,50 to •
servee to any mertaless' tasihmaster. 1 int the • jay of mile that Christ's teachings s seem • • Ills; word and Spirl•t we must- be estela • ,fire• a" Per -ewt..-t.eteer 800 to 850 lbs. •each,
nahree sfecas and heifers are worth abod
11 Make t rt e • over many .
worth $4 te $4. e per mt.; °Sheeler, •
t h I ord ' hen the die( harsh cod narrow' and perhaps ma:. "ilea anireenliatth (huhe rill, 17h; Jelin.
things. k?ir,ter .t p.
For every day' e • labor they •Intetit
•i" • ea. 1 el • • - hit i .1 s t r82,75 to $a per ewte •
• hare it ftill day's 'aitty,.•-•Yet, Christ s
• ( ' t • t • j• • it t ,. • h am, athetie. • . .
1.111ch Cotysi'llhell cone arid s 111 erl
etateinent is strilsingla true. -It is h1a "Lahl,,11 . And, my frienda•I want you•te fee-- endure fel' 1116* sake Glatt 'seta at hie Nos.'s eaaa, e g
a e .
.right. In referenee to.- the tempoeill •-• ' hh"- "h. - h thee .reine•nther thnt aa rota ' • tt•avel '12; Rae ili, ha John eel, 334.. May the ' Calves -entree saId at $2 .to $10 each, of •
'faced'. angel • of .inspieing hope. .
.life •tts Ivelj. an the Spirititai.• • !rho%
• , . ere alatia the• twain mile for Christ • he gene, ae eati h •:, a ,1 from $4 •to $6 per cwt.
• 1.0) of loll . Lambs-Yearen lambs sold 'at t e6,W
' tb:trayel the twain mite .• The twain.' tulle rs the lace. wh ' 1
..wits to tlivet. eposttes, nel may...we te.
journey learns. how to forgive an
• The" tO travel • the
F •• o
iires else trat eling Ong. ihe twain mile.' the 'kingdom Of (Tod 1)0 to us) whet it p01 4.11
• . - • *
• ' th i •ti tr theler 11 port sweats Lambs-.Spieng •Iiimbs aro 'worth •
• • a • .weth a you. . •Upon the one •
is the .forerminer 'Of all true •steccess. itt-
sweet faxed „aahlt tilled and Christ' °moiled mei
said . 'before, the plaanuotifeetly het stiptit.t fol. Mine ..11%,
giveness im one 'cif the gorpel • ne . .
' race is sifted • there tie Mendel rire. meet.; iblislitaea .0
. .. • off ears, sold $7.00e per-
$13.75, mut •fata at $6:73• per ewt • sows • si
. • bean.. h; Tit, 11. i-1,' 17...V.1. •
ally .says: .•'11.11en I have a woek to. ithercht •-lo 1710 liehhT, will •
• choose theanen whe are tis h 1
e tenor-.
ed in life's service. There the human • • • •
81 he of • you will go,. 'as I • . ' •
twain • Mile is the cause of almoat justice: its wc 11 as to forget,. .. For- -
cent ain arts • It 'is th w v ' • • •• it igh ..• • 1 a P
• Varna ; Treashrers John Reia, Varna;
Assessor Jahn Tough, Bayfield; . Bayfie
lector, Thos. Wiley, Varna. • • • ••
s:Vhd to 5s 7.ga. Futures nominal; .
' • • less individual' who lives without a Marching aon toward the 'great'city tibt.10t you have a. SorrOw Which ,pornie,„B.Q.,
• the he cannot end. will not cure He wilt' • • • - •
May: 21.-Orie of the es Vad 'buyers. Oet 5s nominal 'Flour •
• ••
Specialist in Crown And Bridge Work.
1). 1). S. -Graduate of the Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar-
I,. D. S. -First class honor graduate
of Dental Department of Toronto
Special attention' paid to preservation
of ehildren's teeth.
Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield, I
every- alonday from to a. tn. to 6
A member of the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Edina ,
burgh and Oraduate of the Ontar-
io Veterinary College. •
Office -Ontario street - - Clinton
Opposite. St. Paul's church.
Phone 97.
°nice -Isaac street - - - Clinton
Residence -Albert street - Clinton.;
Sales conducted in all parts of the
counties of Huron and Perth. Or-
ders left at The News -Record, of-
fice, Clinton, or addressed to Sea -
forth 1'. 0. will receive prompt.
ashIP attention. Satisfaction guaran-
teed or no charges. Your pat-
ronage solicite(l.
' • Sheep--I'rlees"li4 • to $4.30 for ewes,
• t• po er h coin. s 1 sbueice at $3 to $3.75 per cwt •
at Ing. .whert.1 .pewets that be iota .a • C' lir is Han is life wh hit pre. c te- her .. side, the lyou eft Male; the' AO 11 'PL. •• . 11 • 1.-1114s1.1.431041
11 title far ilk w • • than' 1601.bs. -nor 'nor than 2g a°t 171
Ilogs.-Best select bacon ho
The stientre .is the ptace of test-
1 to do it, I cannot afford -to be wast- eth sir Liam a. I...other, the One . . ,
One--------------- _ A .EFItsi e - •...arro•ot maitisaara „
. to 430 pee cwt., and. etags, $3 per ewt. • •
• CLO 'and 0111Y a Short: tilne in viiieh for compenic imitip .the (Inc whit) stiek-• . . -
DI AT.e.h 1". hlverpool; Mar 24.--Close-Wheat atpot .
;elm will' he by. yoer side, even . if .
a separated from the irresponsible.. the • • ing. my. afteegies•in foolinhly attacking .
' g t•e: D. 11 1 ti f 1 tl ' t
-.. oner e 1 om le s o 1 u , ie rue those people Who are attacking: me. .s.our *father told your mother' should. - , - ' ---a•-• • • .' • • •" -
......._ ..., ....,. ..... _ ... a . . . a atilet:• No. 1 Cal, Cs OW' to 6s 6d• No A • • •
• I canoott as a. getiehal, ' he • 5Pentlillg 1°I.'"ake Y°1•1•.• If Yoh. will, only. tru,St ' ..1•1•016. lic..1.50 L,,u.,p,•,,,r, ,i.. ,,.., um ny 011 .. NOrthern spring, ea 3a to Os 40. h' utares •
Man front' the false,. the self severing -
Most .of my. tittle la Puhsaialh a few , him. lie •wilt• "t. let.You earrY a blies • Bx plosion o earheraisie a wet -Beaty . ctiatioteetr:clifsa4thlhosoht: hvhaleilea'aeulaYtagse,.°s%podit
ing from the selfish, the. one puepove •
• ' ' • ' a I Ou hat to be • den greater than you ran bear. • re . ; • Bodies ,11. 1:..s.e..n..1. • ' ' .. . .' Filet; m1xed American, old, 5s 7%d; new, • ..
e " B -rides that • .woist coal mining disasters in the. , • . , • .
Minn '20s so to 21's ea
4' t.1 • ir, s.h. *, 11 ..., , ... ,•:',... 2 7.1 f .., r•-•:.., i !,
...1 Z iiitthit VI ilhO I h hth7.,:_sel t.
!j. ,iliives 1 0 41 ig ....... : N •1
. A FAUllay, 1,10RARY '1
TO Dect in Cart iltualare
„ 12 Cot...neva Novets veAnt.v !
h as2.50 PER YEAR; 26 CTS. A COPY
....._.,...... . .......... .. ........ ..... ..... ..... , ,
• ••••••••...
• • /..,11.
1.1. •
A1V1111114 Arnaing a sketch and doseriptien ItisY
11111,07 oseertoln oOr opinion free whether an
invention a erommtypatentetee. „commumeai
al. ltObOOK on FrttOttte.
seta tren. most Rooney fot securing,pittents.
Potoo(e token throttall Moon & CO. Mealy!
awned Imam without (Marge, in the ,
A hmultomely Muntraf oil Wealth'. Largest en,
mint Ion ..t nay *Wynn)Ternhathe
St. Simi ttyaii olowTerp.
0 3 Olbreadway, ew on(
8....00M00. 125 I' St, Wild1B121.0, B1 04
••• i foraging patties when a .
• • • .• • man boot the iodolent, lazy, shift- -
ae McKillop MiitualTire • I•defioite 'aim.- :The -twain mile' is the of Cospel Suc ess. .
says to himself; not • is t 3 ell ailed a. tear • unless. he is .histet.y of :Drittsh"Colienthia ami•uratel eiiiona-Clese-Wheat' on assage
• Ins.urance CoMpany • the wheat is sseparated from the. "rel•haps I ha.ve not done • 111hfll
: e , i•eahy to wipe it a.way, Ile is , oaed , ••at the. ( oal' Creek iniees 'T io
o'asck ei•euetedCaroe
. • fe No1 cl
. a.,..11:son, paciate;'
• • threshing floor. of human life, Where' chhistian traxeier
to• travelleh: the twai0 Mile. Ife.once •Thursday', night, aviie-n front 125 Lei gls paid; Wee Ia. hoe, May, 2es lead, pa d; .
•• • " chaff the rich' grain from the -useless -- my enemies. Perhaps I
• k• itaeja en- • treacle d that, twain mile of his own al50 Meet Met almost inetant deatl
1 :11 r yed 3os paid; parcels No. 1 Northera,
tarreep passive, 30s.tal paid; Australian, iron,
Farm and Isolated Town Propera
tahOnly Insured.. ' • '
TICE . • •
.1-, B. McLean, President,. Kipp* Pa
0. ; Thos. Fraser, Tice -President
13rucefield P, 0.';• T. -E. Hays • Sec. -
Treasurer Soafortli I'. 0:; •'W: 'G.
Broadfo'ot Inspector ef Lossea,.'
forth P. 0: ' . • . • • h
. DIRECTORS a • • •
W. ..G. Broadiont, Seaforth ; 'John
Grieve, Winthrop ; •George ate Sea-
. . •
forth ; John. Watt, Ilarlock ;' John
Bennewies, 13radliagan ; James Evank-
Beechwood ; James:Connolly; Clinton;
John McLean' Kippan; . • . • .
••• 'AGENTS. • •••
Robert Smith, Ilarlock. Robert 'hie -
Milian, Seaferth ; :James Cunnainge,
Egniondville ; W. Yeo, , Holmes-
Parties desirous to •elicit insurance
or transact other bushie.ss • be
promptly attencled to on application
to any. of the aboVe Officers addressed
to their respeetive•poStoffices. • •
oc'curieht.it:)the cifX•pS atte
Ham spriims steam, paseage, 2Ss paid, Duluth in -
tares. ' ough. Ferhaps I have rot p 11-1111eS No. a and 8. he exilic)
t.esetit • d ititectoo-dt.hol,Treooletftorhicilta‘,:ectirots,i,sielt-otracvneileoyd
Most of*the* human race Are 'bud-. speetten. Maize on passage • quiet but -
zny Jesus in a, clear, simple way.
)f dad then I inutlit clumge the foas 0111- aina, tout to die for us. Christ •not a tifan of (wee too. enthiehaa a., steady, • , ' ••
tiled together and. jostling eaah other- . .
. pe • to .tell t tale,•.. , EW. loaf. atom aattaa... •
sly -do what they hale to do. Bet in oh Chrfst into his lo:ving. disciples. I gladla. alt this her vou. Are yeti .that •mine' viva' d
during' the first mda; where they on -
the seeond or the• twain Mile of life's . , forget e aell as gots After*. real,
Christ? • • ••
1 1001 ho..3 workings.; Which MT eon- Nelv York, May 24.-Beeves-Lltecelpts, 17
Iv to: travel the tivain mile for s•,
. . .
.'jotinrey, Where to item does mare than. : haixie eouthr has. • mitten: Me vb. 'One . s
• •• ' • .neeted With iNo. .24 hamlet 21 men cs- ears; dressed beef steadir at thae.to•the per
• A th. rent also. • Afterahe has eompelled me to THE SU . ..
• and 11220 beeves. City dressed vents un -
1 atatesntan once said; "There is piens go 1% . • •
. ie asked *to (to; he alivaha has •• capen. lb. Exports to -day, 1830. cattle, 135 sheep
plenty of elboar room. s g
cheek I will turn. to hint. the othet •
ND/a SCHOOL. The 'first Intimation of the alisaeter
changed at Se -to lOtee per lb.• .
Which these on the .piltsicie received Sheep. and Lambe-Reeeipts, 2220. The
•ith hint 00(1 111110 1 will go with
ty of room at the top Of the ladder him twain."
Feritie, live miles from the inihes, Iambs, i0.25 to $6,73; unshorn do, eho ce,
market was Very -slow; everything Omitted
- was a, rush of coal 'dust •anct• fire to 11.
IX, SECOND QUARTER, INTER- • height -oh 0 ar front 1.5e to,25e except choice sring lambs,
of • selectee; • 'although thousands - es, i ?Ills is not an absurd .interpretation LESSON 1,000 feet. ahohe the •
$7.50; .spring lambs, $6.5010 $8.25:' dressed
'. is..trying: to travel the :twalo Dille 0 , . . - • and ieside of :12 ntiputes • heti'. the ..
' • mutton. .9d to ntee• 411. 0L Iambs .7e to s •
. .
- . Every. nierchailt. knows of the sep- .
• .. which were. abOut steady.•CI peed sheep
• haride nay be 'reaching for the Iowa •• to make of the Chris t :feel lags • ' NATIONAL SERIES, JUNE. -1. ' • •,. fates.- Word :wets immediately seht to . $3 to $5
choke do $5 V' Wird
. .
.25;. • • ., .
• • ;
e.at tamps.
• in reference to .his enemies when he . . •
• • arating or testing hafluetwe. 'of ..the .; •forgaveness. Ahriost without excel)... ,
ie Sato•hdolde 'reit '• s -• .... . •.• ,... .. ,...---.1,-11 181.e.1,..41p,riii:gvriettfmibtso•id3:rtiotlic7e,31•AR'KET. . • • , ".
Memory' Verse , ,. ra . ti
• • 11100 the acoldeitt Occurred relief nfl. • .
edema beettmea•viteant; whom., in All a consecrated. their lives to A teinporal • ."14 11111x6. Ur 3-,Couomentsixy ',reputed: . 'eS. 111°.!:" ....t,i-tki1C.C.. • .. .. ' .. : r : ' ''. .' . .'
• - ' '.Z
rket. ateady to ., .
twain mile, • When' a; positloa• hi thea tion.: the truly g*reat Men who a have,
probability, . ehici hou. Pramote toa•the •.caase . have been •able to sdrop • (he • by new. D. 10L stearns. ' . .. , . ' . " " - l'"1"1".' . . . - . ' 07.:16:0St; se.::::: May' 2A -Cat Dee -Unchanged. 1 • •
and ttght; $5 to $5.75.' •
•.a t net al SupL1 at ii Lit t 11. Drin . • Vents Receipts 130 'heed; ma
strong ;• tops; ed.75 to $7; fair to' good, $41 to •
tompelleci to de 7 Did you seihct the..
Vacancy -the, clerk. who hae been in bitter- pereonalitiet . out. of their ex- h
the:store for ten or fifteen 'yeaf.s., the , istenc9„. ThOy were able. to forgives. as „ ' .
yoeng, mail Who has never been will+ well as forget the personal, injustices i
ing to clo - any niore than he tees' : whiCh had been prat:Heed against
:•thema, • When the north German- 8•:1:0. A.' man•lame frOM 1318 birth, hahe .. Whee about .500 feet into the work:- Sc
Ing never walked; . hears:Litt* preach • inias Di•innan was : overcome. 'hy flee Vayr, $7:a_a to. $740;amiet *7.25 •to S7,3a;
the gospel .ai.01; eaving ' faith • to be • damp,. and had it Mit been a fot. hie•
leoPYright., ises,' by. American Press Assto :
dation.] • . . • were the; first • ,to enter the mine,
naii, Dr.. lioneell ,oa, True Witherby
, 7; igs,• $6.55 to $a0M roughs '$et 75 to
to '10e ' Meteor; other gradei steady;
g lie.celpts, MOO head; York weIghte, •
1 to $7 au, tie t vorkera $aw .
empicree whO was. genet...thy ten •raia- states, were being welded :into the ' •
Paul Commands .him to stand .. two. eompanions •avoula have 1)4.] Mb en
''"Are;epstRagnsti ra.M25tYs-7t° RSe5e,..0715t;b1 10,660'
tolKert *T' °
utee late in the morning, the clerk •: gateet eonfotleettey. of 'the German Em- .hrhileta, ed. On' icing remohed. to tht 'cater
• d leaping and ' Walking Such Is briefly . air* he•recovered, and gave instette, . slow. Lambs .100 loniet:. Sheep 9n I
. be, $6.75 to $0.00; fair to goocl, $0.25
. , . • • est ot. Om Lesson, Acts xiv, • S-25. •
I s his hat in his band readh to: pire by the waiter atateentan of • the Upright; which' he' iminediately does,
' • i 10 • co 11,- Let' '•
• • • • who la • ..tions to. the roalle I h
run far home LIS soon ai tho holth • last eeetury, . Prince Menu:tick sai • 1- $ .50. cults and common., .$3.75 to $a,
. . ' hand ;points tO the, *numeral 4 . .o
'•fr'e durie the darkest • days the stet! of thee° three verses' Beth
Y . • g inenee*.repairttig• the overcasts.. The „ a
tenilings, Sa.75 to $0; cheap mixed tor,
• you promote' one -.who seemed to be • of t e st gg, . .
de. apoities eame Oh leoniuni and, net- culls and commen, $3 to $4.
withstanding oppositien, abode there a as theY had been almoSt completcry Chi • •
indifferent to his •werk, .and had . to - what enne•enemies inight sti•y or sleet the air throeigh, the anine, mid, •
be Watehed day. bY day to he kept ' ' To •attain the end I Would: brave ttll
long time, spe nominal; good to prime steers; $7 to $7,50: •
--,CAGO LIVE sTocirt. .
Mow, as a mother has to watch ct , deogersa-eSile, indeed; the .scaffold it-' eking boldly in the Loed, destroyed, .it was •impossible to en- Chlatigo, May h4.h•Cattle, receipts, 200; •
Tittle .ebild 7 No, - •The young MEM . self. .What matter if they hang
me •who 'granted signs and wonders to be ter, owing to the after damp avhich
. . ' feedees $2.75 to $2.55; cows, $1 50 to
poor to Inedinin, $5 to $0.75; steelcers and
' 10110 received the promotion wa• s the proVided the rope with which I ant
don '1.) them TI oSPSite tiutt a •' Prehniled.• •
Volunteers *Were &tiled, for and , a, heifers; $2.50 to $2,05 canners; $1.50 t� '
tenor cottritry• boy who 'entered -yoter hoaxed hinds the new (lembany Hem • ° y • leY 6. . .. ..
store with lio rehommendation except .. to the Pu throne?" •
- •• Greeks believed but the opposition •
. score of brave anen :sprang to work. . $2 heh bulls, $2.50 to'. 4.80, C,alves, $2 to
• -great mtiltitude, both of 'Jews and •
the willitigluers to' travel the twain Jesus has beeo, given. as an, exant-•• . • , , •
became so geeat that they filially lied . •Foeanearly sig. hours this. policy was• •Fhthreshart heel Tethagyeitort$0•7h• • 5000.
tithilagyTAdal; eloseL11.11Ixa anNurichers':
mile, the Willingness to do i" than plo ter :all his -disciples to . copy. • thirstiest with reel:hiss energy, Every
. h le: "I must nat think of expelled from •Antioeh, in Pishlia, the overcasts arh the pipes whieh eon:- •• ,h5 to $4.25; fate to gooa, $4.50 to $4. 6;
• TIME TABLE, ' • 1 -
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows.-: '
Going East Express .7.38 a. 01.'
11. I 4 . : 11
• • 2.-1). 11.1.
h. • " . , 'Mixed . • •4.15.p. 10,
" West " • • 10.15 a.. m,
-ii EXpress. • 12.55 phlto
'1 " • " . • ,• 7.05 a. M..
.. 111 ' •(4 1047 -p. m.
Going South li;xpress .. 7,47 a. in.
• .4 " Mixed 4.15 p. in,
IsTOrtlt Express' to.is
• ii • -1. • Mixed 6.55 la
A. 0, PAMS014, P. IL I:MAGI:NS,
.. .. a
• • Agent, Town Ticket Ag.
IC C. •DICItSON,' • a
. District Pa.sS, Aga Toronto
.. . .. inertia were la b tter . demand and OW
. - you httve a twain mile to tntvel.
The t wain- mile .le - the 'place whale - the same were very arm. .roi. •
teem the nursery, the factory,
eithei. mellowed 'or completely can .fauelful gods which had no existenae hisirto, wfatitoopnei;tieibolarblyocitileostii,hblaev.e isc!on gkoira4et: aarto the
woo in
1.'hey gave to the Servants; Of GOd these.
gratz ,geni101 itiontleal. saczegfatiti to 1 i
. • • .
, That twain mile, 'whether it state hetall: New Smith •
the the enemies of the true Chtastiettiaaye
900 belest
h a .1 or the farmer's plow, heads strahrht• did to -.------------ ef.sgiends in Baby- talcen froin the mine, ttnd several . hat
days will :elapse .before all. are recov- •
. mechanic's bench, the laborer's ditch
(Wend ihr love. As the williegeess to . heathen nein ' ju t s • the heathen
• ho• WAS tOld • or • Paid to ,do. • ' For'. 'What did Christ:do. when he .was to Lystra, where we now find them ..fiVe Minutes the men Would collapse, $0.00 to• $7.80 good OS' choice heavy, r.15
the fli st employe at Work • in the °litanies made so ;Many. charges, preached the gospel, but they lived it ' their. places were quickly 'filled. by stilleveea-ittn7jastso, shoe.; eheep steady: '
• morning, For years he Was the last against Christ that Pilate, in amaze-. in their daily life (I Them. it 10), and avolunteereaSThe first hr.:My recoret•ea
pitman to leave the etore at. night. ment, asked • •hini . to elms haniething • this is always the •greet need. at Cor... tir.51.112ess,:iseaud:; goOd te chokes wethere, •
Iv, lb, 11). • Was taken froni :No. ;3 :Mine aline t I 1 PM to $6.23; western sheep,..$5.25 to $6.20:
n bs • to $0 00; aestern lambs,
When the work ,piled lip, upon his end verute the Charges. "Hearest.thou . . piclock and Was that of aVillie Ro-
(leek., unhidden by. the itead or his not, how many thinas they witnesa . • .. • • bertson, a lad of 18. Several beers
- 11, 12. The god's are Mite doWn to ins. in- - • IlltITISS cATTLK MAILIC..101'.
beers overtime until the week wits never a word; ingot/melt that . the maims Jupiter and Paul Mercurius. . , ;1:01111.)4eihio,conteedre• ctiheit tNheelelee ionfortebebotvi Ili.
cattle, 1.4thc. to 151he, dressed weight; re- • -
frigerator beef, tle per lb. • .
depetetinent he always attlyed manY , against thee? Anti he answeroil him the IlkeneAs of men, and they called Bars London, May '24.-Prteee unchanged; live
done. He was the young' man who governor marveled greatly." Chrint God, had teuly • come to earth in the. tints gave the slightest sign of .11N, .
. LO N max M 00Y, IX A RKET. -
threw hintselt. hitt; his allotted tasks came. to save . the world.. Jesus did .. . -. ., - . . a. ,. . and were removed to the Wash hottee.
likeness of num, for tiou was in oitnist, Loudon, May 24. -The offerings. at the
with such • intensi tY that he made his not havo. time ot inelination. tnspend
and -Jesus Christ was God manifest in Many arts Of bravery were wit- .
employer's iitterests his interests, - nesseh chn•ing the night. The heroic
firm; a good slippy of importer •combing.
wool auction sales to-eay were 12,245 bales. -
II htin his dsi the all • blind heathen knew nothing by, who time and again entered the ' was said
at extreme rates. Metines sold
position in" lire is very humble., but h S.,. .• -------------- l. . ..,•.• . •But these
we • • • of the true God and worshiped Many pit ',where men were falling at•ound . wen at tun rates ill ' 4 •
me tun tin (verse cross- •
yearn the twain tulle yomite mati woe seoffed at. and: spit upon? Why, the .preachhig and he.allng. They not•only and •were borne to the order eir, Lind h'?.?ah' !learn $6.00 to $7,101 neat, 0.75.
to *0.95, bulk ot. WO% $0.95 to $7.15.
. My friend, you think your Spiritual -he • aSt moments *)i his eatthlY !.. th.e fietili (II Cor. TIM,' hi, 10). tvot•k of tt minet. named Tree Wither- 'Competition was attleited told pelees were •
chioetteerrce1311,,•1103001adbtaoielast 8asteattirweentsty, Vs tosticOd.
up to the throne of geace. God. Is love cite's .eneinies makes et • num
Ion, We meat not be offended if pee. eret
spiritually judging yau to-iin.y by strong to go forth .to the battle oi . . - • . . o - The .den.d Who were reenvered ',area
hreima, 5il to 1s itad. South Auetralla zoo
what you are spirltitaily willing 'Of Steve hilorgan, Joe Sangithl, :Willie hates; seoured, 1s; greasy, ',1y2ct to tid. • .
life, so. that willingness to love an pie give tis raise names, for tney milieu
yetir 01.111 accord to do for hitn. * enemy dulls the battleax of ahnoet heaus Beelzebub, glutton, wine bibber . Robertson. Victor Johnson, John. • New Zeeland, 5100 bales; scented. eta to
'nave kept Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral in My house for a great many
yerire. it is the best medicine in
the world for coughs and colds,'"
J. C. Williams, Attica, 14, Y.
All serious lung
- troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
In a single night with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kind s.
- Three taint Mc., enough fin Ma otainery
total 50e,just.tight fot bronchitis, hosras•
11.188, bird tOlds. eta.; St, moat momotomot
1011 %Middle Otal•11 Arid toucan on hand,
.1, C. AYER L0W011, b110$11 4
The twain mile has for a guide the every foe. Love is the most demo,- and told Hire ho had a dell. Leglibeater,, Frank Halter, John a:e..111 20; greasy, 41/4el to 18 10. Close of Good
:angel of inepirtng hope, The mats Oun hats has to Lo" is. Then the priest of nil/tier .W111011 Was Lend, T. Foretell, Thomas alcihnson, Dept. nue Natal, 200 bales; 80011000, %4
who lit cs withcett ambition or with-. is the duelist which will disarm many v.
•efere their city brought oxen and gar- and an Italian: whoSe mune is.' un- to, 38 2V.0.1; greasy', eld to SM.,
out the hope of makitig something a fatal ealversary. Love is the shield lande unto the gatend , awould have done known.
• ,
London, April 21.- he St Wheat .
• The mine is ft•ee ham fire, anti 110 'fillip to come under the tow taisethin
!letter out of hie ilfe practically which Care blunt or snap every plung- .Haerlilee with the people, .
11 ill 1 re n Ved tts hist th
as • segulations, ilie Oerintio itenria
ing spear. Lova is the dazeling light They' were about to WOrehip Patti boc es W t o
111 midwinter. All its latent. buds Which ean woo a smile from many a and Barnabas, believing them to be after damp Is cleared from the mine. este teem man' venal 'Nan. a,. taw in
dead. ITo is. like the •braneh.Of aired
unable to flow, but 'when the spring try brother, the difficulty with you
thin a whether in the live
comes then the Snowflakes melt away. . and MySelf Inc we have been fighting Christians there IS anything to tails° ..,are del ail iiku • their power to as- • to inty o shah r a.,060.
The pathway of the twain mile it hoe given to- tat a way to eon- 1 Are We no V' • I d aro doing in their Peeved.
Ple tree, its branches are ladened With bitterness, slartder with slaatier, • enee or w s om„ or power . . •
lug swishing of hope. The young man hate With love; we Moat selimerge US the praise Whieh Ought to be glVe11 who are Working..
always warmed by the Ilfe devoloP- quer our enentiee. We must, tlisarnt • horrified to hear given to After the etock brokers have ended
says tO hintself: "I Mt ready to Work (slander with forgiVeneeig we Must y, r are we apt towe ilotror.Strickee,
their purpose, we look for peace in
this Very thing and love to have it
to" GOd dill 0 t tO eotret The town is horror-strieken and 1:4,11e.thno‘orti. war as (Ifteit suits
heartererethig seenes meet the eye on
The rookie Parties are wOrhirlh iii 'the Tyne Sitturday, '1 hi. sanierie•an
eind the company tout on honmi the refiNel Will ba• e
froven. Then the sap of life 10 .stoi•nful lin and tile tear Of remorse More than men, It auggests the ques•
. Then the air is redolent with in- •our enemies With the wi•ong kind of people to Say: "That is not enteral.
a of retest four-hour shifts,
from many a flashing eye. 8 to .
' life. Later en, if the tree. is mi. apa with nee, hate with hate, bitterness that Person. That Meeknetile or pa. aad Superintendent Driniten 'have Port nit ,PI hi( , Hayti, 'May M.-
Sunerintendent Stockett oteeppseta,
cense. Then the tree takes on.o, netv weaPotm. We have been lighting fire There IS Senlething supernatural about (4eueral
with the golden fruits. death with death. But now Jesus It They rent their clothes. been on the scene ever since the aca Ali danger of .6%11 war iota distils -
power for the comfort of the men
ineouSpicuotlie 110eation. / am ready must
answer a curse with a. prayet'; We
Offer to the -clinched nat an given out that we ottrseiveri are some •
minis have teen crowded with itrixia
. All day the trailiftto the (11i - ilea •
years and years. if necessary lit an
to tvork hard anti do more'than I am 1 we intuit extend to every greet peOplei (Chapter 9.) The ous •frientis ttnd rehttiVeS of the int-.
°lien n ;
asked to do because I know that at enemy a helping hand, Surely this , Lord Jesus sought neither Ills own prisoned men, hurrying to the scene
last my employer will reward me idea is the laterpretation ot the , will nor Hie oivn glory, alwayS of the ditaater,
college student says, "I am ready to ou thy right cheek, turn to him the GO; Xvii, 4), knovm, but tito opinion of the Many
bury Myself in my books and Work other alao." "Whosoever Mogi eom- ! 15. Turn front these vanities Unto the of the miners le that it wag the re-
d b k th t at I t 1 t wftl hiiii 011.2 Mile go living God WhICh Made heaVell and earth oult of a shot from nue Of the Ma.
With a higher position." The Young WOrde, "WhOsoever eitall Smite thee glorified' the Father (301111 IA, 88; viii, The CaUse of the accident is Uta
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