HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-05-22, Page 2.(e 2 1 11 1 11 II 1 1 11 111 1 0 01. 11 . 'Oink • • ++1.4+4-1,+4,114-1,4•411ffiri-144,+++,1-1,40+4 sj4 i 3-1-1.14 40 ELOISE E. Si(lelleGS ODER' CH CORRESPONDENT Vi+14.-1.+14•44.14.144.-Telef4461.44444+444.14.144+4 1 THE (narrow rrEws.itmooRD May 22nd, 1902 Miss Jet sie Steelton, late of •the Mrs.. Card and Miss Mime . will Rochester training school, will spend spend July in Peuskegan with Xis. Vittoria Day with her parents here 1 Robert Burns. Some of the Central school pupils Mr and Mrs. .Tervis of Holmesville are working hard for promotion and were the guests last week of Mrs. J. some au not are whether they pass William Curry. or nut. The G. C. I. ..had line Weather mr. Alex. Saunders may remain ift hist Friday afternoon for their games London for the coronation. which gave thorough enjoyment to all. Dr. Jukes Johnston of Toronto is There was, a very large attendance having a very handsome verandah from start to In the evening. Melt on the north side ei his resi- the literary entmm erteent was held deuce on Wellesley street which will It was a well attended and interesting improve the building and be a affair. source of pleasure to his family w1ici iJ1O00 will be spent in the erection they arrive. of a Methodist churea upon the site Miss Mary Irvine of Port Gelogue, of the present North street church. Antrim, Ireland, is the guest of her Mr. Richards, peck:ter, has Moved brother, Mr. William John Irvine. to the Itoulg .on Lighthouse street septan George and Mrs. Tretheway formerly ocendied by M. IL J. Hor- lieve returned. Irom Toronto. ton. is Harry V iclean and her mother, There is a, gathering of dandelions Mrs. Mex. Johnston are spending for wine makeeg in utter disregard to this week with friends itt Port Albert. the war now waging between politic - Mr. McKim is removing to his new lane and;prohieition and tis the lad- eurchas..• west side Church street. Ile ice that . are gathering the blossoms. will remodel the 'rout of the house, Not the white ribboners: They are • leaking a handsome bow window. too loyal for Miss 011'.e May Buchanan is ex- We have much pleasure in announc- peeted home at an early. date from ing the wedding of Mr. John Shaw, Toronto where she has been ill of fev- - grocer, .and Cantelon atthe tr for some weeks. Methodist parsonage, Stratford, by Mr. John Bedford of Port Iluron the Rev. Mere Baker on Thursday last. has been very seriously ill, having The bride • .looked lovely in a very lost the power of speech for many pretty costtune of clove colored .nun's hours, hut was improving rap.dly at veiling, the shirt of which bad eight last accounts. Mrs. Bedford, his bands of dove colored liberty silk mother, is still with him. stitched about one and a half inches* We had quite a talk on Thursday apart. The waist and sleeves were al - last with Mr. Arthur Cantelon on so trimmed with cloVe colored silk,the spraying trees. He has some trees waist having a front, of white satin. that are 70 years old, 'level been Her hat was a. black picture hat 1•lauted bif.ae he bought his present with plumes and trimming to match. residence. He has owned the prop- The wedding. • dinner was prepared by erty for 63 years and his trees, with Mrs. Turner of Stratford, a friend of good care, are 110W white with blos- the bride, to 'whichthe bridal party Nom. He is an expert in tree culture and wedding guests•did ample justice and makes fruit his study. He said After dinner the bridal party drove in the year.ietie he grafted 4000 trees.. to the residence of Mr. and Mrs—John Ile pointed out to us in the garden of. McLeod, Fairview, the lady being • a 'Mr. J. C. McIntosh the, row of lovely . sister of the beide, and retriained to trees that be had grafted when they tea, later taking the:9 p, m. train for were very young. They are fine trees Goclerich. The - .bride's • going away now. Last year from his own little gown was • of broned.eheviot tweed, orchard be sold coo baskets of plums, green and yellow silk waist -and hat 16 baskets of peaches and i cwt. of to match • costume.. Mr. and Mee. grapes, all due to the spraying.- He is Shaw were the recipients . of ' some a native of Waterford and for a half handsome gifts from their Stratfoed century he has been engaged in prun- friends and a beautiful sunset view of ing, grafting and planting trees and the harbor, • a gift- from Mrs. Colin is hale and active. Campbell,,artist of town. We Wish We have heard that there is much 'Mr. and Mrs. -Shaw -much happiness. dissatisfaction among the hands at the Miss Hattie •Megaur -isable to ge knitting factory at the reduction ol out driving every. fine day.. • • •!-t wuges. Mrs: W. Saults left ene Saturday,. ac - The new tug, with her pretty name ...oximaitied by her son,e.ter, Alfred Osprev, Capta.n Alex. Purvis-. of Gore Saults, and. her grandson, Master Buy, left on Thursday night with salt Mason Bell, to visit her elaughter,Mts. end oth,r freight' for the Duck Islands. Cluness of • London.; er . • '1 he Osprey is a credit to Mariton's Mrse Sproule utas returned. from a shipyard. •visit:to her mother, -. Mrs,- Drennan oi Mrs. C. Crate) and Mrs. J. Harrison Wawanoph. *Her brother, Mr. ;Breit - spent Saturday and Sunday at Sea- Mine accompanied her to her home. " • meth the guests of Mrs. Charlie Mr. Geqrge. • Williams has removed Crabb. from' '.his • elegant." brick mansion on Dr. Palmer and family, who have • Britannia ..Roact 14.: to be janitor for been the guests of Mrs. R. Donogli for the OcIcIfellows' hall. - • * two or three weeks, have gone to Mr. Banclmaster Bassingthweite....has :te, Proctor's farm neer Hohnesvillee Dr. moved his family. from Toronto to Palmer is in delicate . health and he one of Goldeltorpee. houses on • Albert left his practice in .Detroit to try and street. . .,• regain his health on the Holinesville Mr.. Doty after • remodelling - :the farm . Mrs. Palmer is the only 'mum* on • Brock. • street ..Which. was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor, fernieely oweed ,and 'becupied by Mr. late of Iletroit. R. H. Mackenzie tee remoyeeeto it. The " Harmony Club" has wound up Mr. Wallis,* East street, -is making. the scassn with a hop at the club and great improvements in the: lawn in lovely supper at the Victoria restaur- kront. of his residenceand that of Mr. Forrest,. . • • . • e. ant.. Mechanics were putting a base board Mrtence Mrs.- •Leck••Kennerly intend to the bottom of the bowling .green leaving the. Hotel Bedford .atan.early fence as the earth continually falls date and possibly. return toe Clinton. down from the sidewalk into it.. It is Victoria street choir is losing one of . • .. a Leautiful spot and delights.' the eye Its plto.singers . at early of all West streetpromenaders. . pot twoof.. them. Miss Josie • Shannon is at Wood lqw, hag been. -*at ..work there. .yire —stock ..e. 'siting her friends, Mrs. and presunte • he hoe: visited the choirs , .of • Miss1 St. Peter's and :St. GeOrgela as well .'• Mr, William I,ee has bought the 550 Mrs. Crabh is openieg- up her 'reel-. tons of coal that the schooner John deuce on Elgin .Avenue for the .•sum-• Miner was carrying to Collingwood. nice. . . • • This is the boat that was damaged Mr. James Gairow -011T pper.Canada. bv running against the checkwater. Lolitige, "cironto.„ On • the staffof Iliis accident but emphasizes the. fact he Bank Of Montreal; town: • • that the sawmill's supply of logs has Miss Grace Polley is ..to 'be. Congeal, been and always will be a • source of elated upon her enema as san -artist. -Colonel Varcoe has • received_ •a. long danger in the harbor. Barrister I,. E. Danccy returned Semrvric.enindedivailr.s. • • • eepending., . the • .1.1IciTianirryYmoeae/7°. horn Detroit in time for taking . a inneetpafvit4er,,.. part in election work. He is a use- ful man at elections—for the le.berals. have gone to Montteal.- • . „ . Mrs. Hackett. and her father, Mr. -,• Miss 'Ethel' Vittistone• of liiiiseourie -Simpson, were out on Thursday tak. and herbrother of .Chicage hare „been ing views of the Algonquin and other the guests Ortheir.reletives, . Mr.. and hartew scenery. MM. Peter Bissett. ; •. •-• There was a great rally at the tem-• •• . . ' • • perance hall un Thursday evening to • . • . . • hear Mr. Nicols, the great temperance• THE LIEBEAL.. ELECT/0N ..aLe,_ disciple, hold forth. The two P's are CHINE •ATTEMPTS - TO BUY... A the most popular letters of the alpha- - FORMER. STEPHEN 'TOWNSHIP bet these days, pellets and prohibi- .MAN TO BETRAY HIS FRIENDS t ion,• • . There were three registration courts The following is reproduced from the. :Winnipeg • Tribune' as illustrating opened on Monday and .elosecl on Mute:day. No.i presilted over by Judge. the. • abundance • of money at its dis- Doyle and John McEwan and H. -11% posal. The article has application in MO0CtS, 88 agents of the Conserve- the present contest inasmuch as, Mr. t,ves and Liberals respectively. No: Morrow. was forinerly a resident of 2 had D. Macdonald as registrar, Wnt. Stephen- and. much' the slime • Methods' Robertson being clerk and H. W. Ball - • the axe, machine works and are being employed by the machine and John Craigia as agents. P. Pe: .11 that township in this campaign to Seeger was registrar of No. 3, Janice. bring aboat the .defeet 'of Mr. Eilbee, Breckenridge chrk aud Wm. Campbell Georgeand The Tribuile . says :* . • g • • • "Mr. Marrow, .11S will be seen,' was Mr. E. Campaign, K. C.; fell upon decoyed *to Winnipeg froth Lisgar by his own staircase the other day, hay- ail urgent telegram. He 'comes and ing missed a step, which necessitated the sender of the aelegram learns from his confinement to bed. We_ arc very Iiiin where he. es staying in the city.' sorry that Mr. Campaign will be On a Sunda, \ morning a prominent called upon to suffer pain but the pain siftottian mac' foe man, Pretending to of being off duty in election time will IA .a. Conservaieve, tells one yarn be comparativefy of more moment to ter : another liY way of, introduction, af- the talented K. C. than the accident. - .e.eee to. play 'upon his personal feel The Frank G. McAuley arrived from ings and to excite his cupidity and Hamilton after a very pleasant trip Offers hint et,000 in hard cash to • put to that city, Capt. Traunch, after an in. his 'pocket, oilers to supply in ad - absence from that port for 34 years. clition all' 1:116' money for hie election Captain Traunch is a veteran sailor txpenses and to manufacture a supply but unlike' Captain A. Murray Me. cif literature for the electors, all for . Gregor, he has not kept up to the life ehe avowed purpose of defeating Mr. of a sailor for a few years. Yet lie is Richardson „ as fresh a seaman as anyone that MR. MORROW'S -STATEMENT. comes to our port. He must have I, I was at home last week, busy sailed for half a century. The first with my threshing,. when I received Port Stanley, the name of which it - . 1% vessel Captain Traunch sailed t on the following telegram from Dr. Me - was the schooner Lady Colborne of Artliur : Winnipeg, Oct. 26, /goo. plies the early history of our town. Jas. leforrow, Silver Plains, via La The schooner was owned by W. Pat- • Riviere. tin. Three years later he sailed the Come •to Winnipeg Saturday, .to - schooner Sailor's Bride, owned by our morrow's train, sure. veteran merchant, C. Crable Three DR. .111cARTIITIR. years later he sailed the schooner I had never in iny recollection met Mermaid owned by Mr. J. Waddell of Dr. McArthur and I could not imag- Chatham. Five years later the City hie what he wanted me for. I• could of Toronto owned by Litton. The (wily suppose that it wee soinething next schooner was the Merit owned eery urgent. X took the train to i by W. Seymour (now of Detroit) of Witinipeg and wont to his office, won- I 4ieytnottes warehouse at the harbor derilig what Was up. He 'told me that 1 and the late T. 11, Vanlevery. The , they wanted inc to speak as a prole. j next was the schooner Lady Dullerin • bitionist in Brandon in support of Me, 1 ,Of Welland owned by Dee Schorley, 1 Sifton and against Buchanan and Mut- - late the tug Enterprise owned by . ock, They were anxious, he said, to d " 'oronto men. 35 years ago lie pilot,- : get such a man and my saint ',ad I %bey, the seine name as the last lig refused. / told him I was not a resi- .a t I a tug in Hamilton, the Frank Mc- . been mentioned to him. I, of course, a e *tat he piloted to that city this dent of lir d . 1 . i tri 2 ontli. Luise a coincidence. Captain ber of the Prohibition Alliance and An:midi also sailed the schooner Oil- cotild net consent to go on the stump Uric* owned by Seymour and Ilor. as he had suggested on any considera- a tan of Goderich. The stealli barge VV. Con. i cause I thought was tolerably well known as a resident of Lisgar,friend- ly to Macdonald and Dr. McArthn 10.111.1 the grouping of the cheese factories GRAND UNION PICNIC. , and creatneries, each geoup consisting Ir of kern e4 to 3o factories according to To be held cl p ces o t. t. e egenant of these groups to be central- I May 270, in Varquhar's grove, 44 where I was staying. I told him tha secure a rapid improvement in invited to attend and speak on the had sent the telegram via Rtviere As 1 was going out he milted m how long I would he in- the city an I would be in town till Monday it e milk delivered to cheese factories and occasion : Hon G W R. . the exigenetee of loeality, the Man- joseph's church, Clinton, on Tuesday d *zed under one authority in. each prow coil. oi nunet.t. t ince. The following gentlemen have been Tuesday and was staying at th i3rirnswick. On Sunday morning about 10 o'clock as I was sitting in the hotel saw a man Mlle in and ask the clerk : "Is Mr. Morrow here?" He was a strange er to me. The clerk pointed me out where I sat and the man came over, shook hands with me, spoke for a moment and Alain asked if he could see him privately I said yes, and we went upstairs. Here was another mystery. What did this stranger want with me and bow had be found out that I was at the Brunswick ? We should be clothed 'with the requisite at town prices, creameries, the conference advocated I Whitney, Rober• t Holmes, Hon. Frank i ale. for fanners' sons in our dairy schools Latchford, James Mitchell, Me G. short cours of talks, bellowed by Cameron, M. Y. McLean, Arch His - practical work, on the best inethous I lop, H. Uilber, Morgan' Dalton, Ale, for producing and caring for milk ' son Spotton, D: McGillicuddy .atui from the feeding .of the- cove to deliv- others. eryxhiii; tlwiea sfaefotpllroYWed by a resolution mots and games, foot races for men, • There will be all kinds of amuse - in favor of the compulsory licensing - boys and ' girls, fat inan's race, to hest health and sanitary conditiens. 'Valuable prizeit offienrecidu.ding of factories to secure and preserve the begin at one o'clock. Handsome. and To insure the carrying. out of these Refreslunente, fruits, ice important duties the dairy .inspectors cream, etc., IU' abundance and served went into a parlor upstairs but there was someone there a lady, and so we authority as dairy inspectors, the The famous Zurich orchestra has went on to my bedroom, covered by a fee chargeable on each Dinner served at 12 o'clock cost of the additional work being been engaged for the occasion. He opened the conversation by say- I *cense issued. ' ing e eon requestediy a Another resolution Seeks to place All necessary conveyances secured in large number of Conservatives of Lis- the responsibility for " culls" upon town to bring people to and from gar to see me and induce me to take the cheese or butter maker only when picnic grounds at a very moderate the field as a ConServatice candidate they can he proved to be the result of figure.• there. He said there was considerable his negligence or inability, au agree- A most enjoyable day expected and dissatisfaction at there being no Con- meet bein made to this effect be- cordial •il -Supper , ipper at 6. sereative nominated. • I then asked him who he was and he said his name* was Bradshaw. I did not remember having beard of him and I still supposed he was a Conservative. He went on to say he believed there would be no doubt about my carrying the constituency* if I would run. told hint that I could not enter- tain. the proposition for a moment, that he was very mistaken in his views of the situation in Lisgar and that at this late day, when the cam- . paign was so far advanced, there was eo little time bit I thought no man alive could • go into Lisgar as 'the Conservative candidate with any pros- pect of winning. Ile replied that the parties who sent him had - authorized him to state that they would. pay me $1,000 if would. run and Would in addition to this put U all • the money that was needed. for the election expenses. They -could have all the literature ready .by Tues- day morning to go out on. Tuesday's. train, X said no, there •was no use in dis- • cussing the matter further, .1 had made up my.mind. I would not be a candidate and even. if the Conserva- tives called a properly constituted convention and tendered me the' nom- ination I would•noteaccept. • - But even when I told him this he . still persisted. He • would urge some argument and' I would repeat that • would not .-run. Then be would •eub- side for a. moment and bring up an- other argument. ' . • 1 •• He said. lite though was unwise to. refuse because he understood I was at 1 considerable expense when I was nom- t inated at the last general election and: • he couldn't see why, I should not, re- e .coup myself when I had the Opportueo C • ity. Besides, Richardson had• made a t deal Would' have been the Con- r srvative candidate and even if. .1 could- not win' I could defeat Richard. e non • by running end by doing. so I ••• tween the makers and employees on forms supplied by the provincial de- partments of agriculture. The conference emphasized the im- portance of perfect cold storage for dairy produce being provided by rail and steamship companies, both in waiting for .and actual transit. The use of the fermentation test and acidimeter by cheese and butter mak- ers • was strongly advocated 'and it was decided to request provinetal de- Part:neat. of agriculture to furnish slkali solutions of the proper streng at nominal cost. To secure uuifor* ity in the strength et the alkali solution used in the acidimeter it w decided that the strength of the sol tion so used should be equivalent ten grammes of lactic acid in a lit of distilled water and that a ten p cent. pipette should be used to mete ure the samples, The conference unanimous:y • he that the condemnation of cultures 0 starters" is due to their improp use and so it was recommended tha cheese and butter makers should mak ton o all, Tickets coseceeilitins.ission, to grounds and dinner, The liveries of J. W. Elliott and Davis tic Son• will run rigs to and roil' the picnic grounds. Fare tot be round trip 15 cents, children to ents. Teey will make trips every lour, starting froin the postollice, be- inneng. at nine a.*m. • TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY, th ne- 11" lets. All druggistsfund the moue Take Laxativ to • Quinine Tab - as if it fails to tun. E. W. Grove's sig- nature is on each box. 25c. to re er . Huy firrnQ cuAT , ififin tlit i.,,no.HLrti °HUI • ld ' 2 t • or • , - r• t themselves thoroughly • acquainted • se • with the :scientific baste of the u of a Culture or " fermentation start- er," because in butter making? while a good culture is advantageous at eUl times, it • is especially necessary in winter and in connection w.th pas- teurized cream. Only good cultures should he used at any time and these require frequently renewing. The last clause in this resolution recognizes that these fresh cultures should be /melded 'at nominal cost by the pro. departinents of agriculture tutil their more general use -warrants heir supply by. Canadian merchants.: The indefiniteness of the term 0fine , it quality" as applied -to butter 'and' 'Leese palled for a prenouriced defini- ion of the phrase and •the convention esulvedthee this standard should be fixed by the Montreal Prciduce Mer - banes' ,Assoelation. ,• The. ietprovement of •the exterior of kese factories and • creameries' was trongly • advocated. . as conducive to ealth, sanitation and patronage and' t was considered desirable that priz- s should be •offered for the structures resenting • prettiest peternal appeare Imes, the instructor being selected ,to ward the rewards : The subject of freight charges came n for short but sheep :treatment and esulted • in this resolution : • • . ." Whereas excessive freight. charges n dairy products place our Canadian airmen in an unfavorable position °livered with those engaged in this ndustry in other countries.; Therefore% be it resolved that effnrts e used to secure lower freight rates • o that a larger proportion of the rices • received for our butter, and • • hcese 'should be returned to Our •farine But Frenoh Law Does Not Justify ' and It Has Bean Hushed Up. . would endear myself to 75 per cent. of e the Coniervatives in Lisgar, 'because' -8 some arrangement had *been made .be- tercet]. ' John and Richardson, • that Richardson was not to be Owes- e -ed. .• • ... • • •-•• •. r I Still supposed thetelle wes a Con- a sei votive ? I told him that I dida't a believe there was any such arrange-. . ment. had letters from' Hugh John 1 showing that nothing of the sort ex- r fete. I knew why Itichardion was • floe opposed and it was for other reas- 0 one* altogether.. Besides, many Con- d servatives did, not want Richardson •e epposee, In, 'reply . to his, statement ' that the Coeservatiies• wanted to , de- feat Richardson, 1 said that if that.13 were true the Conte could al- S ect Sifton's men, without having to P nominate a • candidate 'of their own. c • • ,,•••••• mine, male Prisoners Sentenced to Flu Tears and 'Women to Three 'Tears. nu the People G Ily Aro Anxious re no -trial in Richer Coarte end Intros Won of Heavier Bits loess Overdune. . 1011111m.... 101 I 11 .4p• Tor id Liver $0•69,•••••••••••••••••e• Is sometintel responsible for 111314111t di gel 61 g In A p A cotton, that is, DYSPEPSIA. When it is, • 0 * • e What headache, dizzinessi, denstipettione ll° " I"' li 1 " 14 is 1 4 • WISTleat fears of imaginary evils, conduce •Ill .......Nv.%..v‘''......."%1W‘."!.." espon env, • of the etomach, the bad tit In the mouth. :a iVe have a large range with the distress after eating, the pourness and so forth, to make the We of the suf. i : Of cameras but the serer scarcely worth living! Dyspepala resulted from torpid liver In I re,, beSt for a cheap camera the case at hire. 3'ones, 2320 N. lale Ste ‘,6 Philadelphia, Pa., who was a great sufferer, 'fre ---i'S-- Her statement made In her 77th year is ! •. that she was completely cured et It and all ; Hood's Sctrs p rilla : :I 9 . Brownie No its attendant aches and pains, at others • have been, by a faithful use or . i that acts on all the digestive organs, ; 0 a a . Which we sell it • t•nres dyspepsia, and give perroanept vigor ' ,' end toile to the whole system. WI • $2400 • 9 , eg Pe▪ ., oone in tieighliot•ible towns : who are I hie king of port:base • ThHeereemarleota insUimuhaerillhofelhrott tytiRmaillaking •• Enst man en t twig Ile by deopp- • • big a ettniere, will !evolve an • sbteienageWhoirchinapwpauricehutlithedooninotousaerethaetir. i iliteigt4ictr.sti ctlikte.d.E,It.,,t1111(:trui.(1.tailleieta,es o ropbied and too blunt to hurt. Some are • tomplied. • Film% developing very smal), so diminutive that they are ft powders and other. light sup - called mosquito bees. They gather quan- ; • plies can be sent by emit. titles of honey, of which Bates, in one of • o • the forests on the Amazon, took two 4) „ • quarts from one of the nests. In Jamaica, scsa enir cheep Erpostiee Meter where some of them amiable bees are also . mi me 14,"I's 1!'e cm,int exlms; found, they are called "angelltos," a name • utv'e :::::::"org sc4vivec:":olp11"1:31(111: given them by the original Spanish set- Pald wr itself .I" 4 41(1", thne tiers In honor of their good temper. expostu•e to negatives. Some Australian dwarf bees—also "an- et e • gelitos" so far as human beings are con- : e cerned—do not use their stings, perhaps a 0 0 because they are not sharp enough to 9 11 m De COME y 4, 0 hurt, but deal with their enemies some- • , board Witte who refused to use a gun, but thing after the manner of the Quaker on 00 • Chemise ttpcl Druggist. ti threw the Frenchmen overboard. An en- : any is held down by several of the bees, oisecteoseense•ossoeseaossea2 • who gradually put hint oil the rack by pulling his limbs out tight and keeping • - --,----e then) so for as long as an hour, by which . ...— -• 00 • • • 0 0 0 • • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0• O lilt time the prisoner "dies a natural death." I • Bumblebees are popularly supposed not to sting. • The males have no stings, but the females have, at any rate in the com- mon bumblebee. There are so many sizes in i bumblebees' .nest —large females, • small tamales and males—that it Is a safe • speculution nut to take the risk, though e• bumblebees are very easy going creatures , • and only sting When pressed .or hurt.— ' Spectator. • Itreakinst Them to toe Tone. . Mr. Edward Lisle, whose "Observa- • tions 011 Eilleb111101re was published in 1757, describes The method employed by hli "oxhind" or cattleman to break cattle to the yoke. yoked two of the steers, being two yearlings, together, and so tuf- a fered them to walk about the ground where there were no pits or ditches for them 10regelve hurt by. He also tied.to- - gether the bushy parts of •their tails, the reason of which was because they 'Mould , • not be able to turn their heads to each 1 • other, so •as to strike one another with their horns, or by "minding their necks too !•••• ' • ' • Port do France, Martinique, May 19.—Acting Govern'or L'Heerre • 18 precautions- to Prevent whole - stele looting at St. Pierre during th relief work. The French troops . and the revenue Officers have been order ed t watch out for tbis.besiness. A sine) boat with:officers was sent to St. Jerre: The officers arrested on Wednesdity, Therschey and . Friday elghey-one • looters. Eleven of tiles were- women. • The officers shot many of .the loot ere whom they found robbing th dead. The shooting of' these people has been hushed up, as the • French law does not justify :any such •ac- tion: ' : , •• On Thursday Presiding Judge Des- fontainee sentenced • 44 men and Lour. women to various ternis of •im- prisoitmene,. and on Friday twenty- soven men and seven women were also convicted of . looting. •. The men were sent- to prison -for five years and the women for three. Attorney -Gen- eral De Trevoux de Breffeilac •• does not think these sentences are severe enough, .and will appeal the cases; to the Paris ' Assizes. The Martinique cOurts have. jerisdiction over peni- tentiary offences of Which the • maxi - muni penalty is five years. Looting is a crime which belongs td the. Assize Court. Notwithstanding this, It is stated • that the acting judge at Moine Rouge, the summer • . resort aside; of St. Pierre, sentenced one doter to twenty years' imprison- ment.. ,• • much by endeavoring to face one another '• Big' Wholci,sale Stock of and then striving break their necks." In 1 .16„6„6..... • ' * • • _ this Condition the oxhind let them go on thaground, if without holes or ditches, all . . e night, or else turned them into an empty I • open barn so yoked and thus treated them INfl g . They could stay at home or go and e vote for Winkler. I told him, the Con- .servatives - in Lisgar were intelligent • 0 o met. an nominate a cantle. • date if they wanted. one to run:. • . ,he withdrew, asking me to let him hear from inc if I reconsidered my• decision and decided to accept his. p oiler end telling me that I Could find G rp. •- . .• • ' . • • . TE111111110 kAnLIAnnadr, Ike Froroxitlets Ceremonies of SecOnd '0 **eastern:at ottawe. .'••1 Ottawa, Mayt wa rorogued yesterday afternoon by the overnor-Geneial. The Senate door as occupied by handsomely'', gowned 'dies,• and the galleries _were filled ith. spectators. His Excellency waX scarted to the Senate by the Fein - cies Lotiine Dragoon Guards and re- ived at the Itouge of Commons by -guard of *honor from the Foot tuti•ds. At Nepean •Point the guns f ehe field battery thundered out a royal salute. • .• • • posing From Ole Throne. • Lord Minto's speech peoroguing Parliament rune. as follows: • onorable Gentlemen de the Senate: entlemeu of the House of Commons: I r I tendance. in Parliament desire • to hank you for the care and attention reh to your important duties. • The upusual number ot acts that ave hoen• pasiced incorporating in- ustrial . and railway companies may e taken All an evidence of the rapid ogress that Canada is making • in h in in his ollice in the Bank of Hain- w ilton block. I did not knowhe wair an emissary of 'the machine or I w would leave kicked him out. I., .siip- • posed lem to be b. Conservativesoine- c what misguided, bet acting in good ee faith. But as I was going downstairs a, thopglit •I remembered having heard G Of • a Bradshaw who, was a Grit. o Thinking of the. way he talked I got •r suspicious and when he was going to - a d the door I stepped over ui kl ve r'• to the Messrs. Mcl,arete the propri- etors of the hotel, who were standink• H there, pointed& hi:aslant, and asked who G he was ? The said he was C. W. rat s avi, .a Winnipeg lawyer. From further inquiries I learnt that lte was a: strong Sifton machine man who gi never had anything to do with the Conservatives. • Such an offer as I had received from d such a source could have only one meaning. I was to, be:bribed by the pe Sifton.• machine to use the .nameof w Conservative as elk d to' dupe my fellow -Conservatives into Ts helping to elect the Sifton candidate. tr Either' I was taken for a man of a • very low grade of intelligence or else le for a corrupt and base character who ie. could IA: bought to do the dirtiest s kind of work., To be offered such a in gross; outrageous insele would set, boiling the blood of •any mail with a . po spark of honesty or uprightness. • I . th had intended taking no part in• the campaign, tieing 'very 'busy On the farm, but X leave for home determin- th ed to work day and flight to defeat pft the gang of boodlers and corruption- it isto• who sent their emissary to buy me. ro • • . • JAMES MORROW.", te • . • fie CONVENTION ON nveruit • Inv AND ennusu MAKING: m' (Written for The News -Record.) The first mutual conference of dairy gr experts tinder the Dominion Govern, et Mont auspices, which took place in ri Ottawa a few days ago, and Ws. st formally opened by the lienotable the ti Minister of Agriculture and conducted Se Under the direction of the officers of an It:s department, was thepractical out- co conie of movetnent inaugurated by Oahe, and prosperity. Further roof of that satisfactory copdition • afforded by- the increase in the ade and revenue of the country.. It has been gratifying to note the mrecedented flow of immigrants oni Europe and Nein the United Wes that arc ilou seeking homes Manitoba and 111 the Northwest erritories. The rapidly increasing pulation in that fertile section of e Dominion niust yearly add to the rade of the country. The agreement entered into• with a Canadian Pacific Railway Colo- ny when authoriring an increase of a capital to expend over nine nin- on dollars in providing additional lling stock will, it ie hoped, mo- rtally diminish In the future the Pious lessee that have arisen from the insufficient supply of ears to car - the products. fi•oni the West to tern ports. The atneednunits to:the Manitoba. ain act' authorizing the farmers in anitoba. and, In the Northwest Ter - tortes to ereet flat wainhousesi for' oring their gi•ain tit railway sta- ens will, it is believed, be found to rve a Useful ParPoite and defeat y attempt to depress priceb by nablnation. The growing population in the VII - Mr.. 3, A. Ruddick, chief of the dair- ko ng division, with the approVill of m h•ofessor J. W. Robertson, the Do- ea minion Commirsioner of Agriculture In and Darying, to bring dairymen into in Inc with a view to sub consolidation ed of their work as Abell tend to the pro - action of uniform gradest of excel- ence itt cheese and butter making, so s to fuettre the higheet priece obtain- ble hi the best paying markets in e world. for Throughout the convention einphasis gr was laid oli the fat that itt dairying Ilo tt In every other industry " honesty (4e n Territory and the rapid dOVelop ent in the trade of that section of nada antply jusitify the act grant - g to its residents a representative Parliament who will be authorix- to speak for hie constituency in a nue ers a oc ng the Mete tn. pottaut interests of that remote part ot the Dominion. Gentlemen of the House of Commons: thank • u i hi eit t the liberal efliePlies you have anted for the public iverviee. norttble Gentlemen of the Senate: talonien Of the Mame of Com/tons: n bidding you farewell, desire to press the hope that when We meet xt year we shull im able to again We. tri the continued peosperity !eh nOW prOValitt Over this Wide t s the best pelicy." Walt rather than I arid piloted on H. M. Steamship Cher- lived in Brandon and that some mis- a fl Italia, owned by Mils Toronto Ire said that he had supposed that X u nd the result or the delibera.tions ha.s ne .ods characterired the proceedings 6X ti • in the time of the Pollan raid in. take had evidently been made. was ions, the foremost of which favors 11 wh and Sailed the Josephite Nidd„ Surprised at the war he fipoket be- t • Ft n summed up in fourteen. tesoitt- tej A twoor three times befom he worked the.ta. • • . TO 'Cure 'Pork Without Brine. • . .• • To. 100 pounds of meat take two quarts • at very beat possible.' of salt three pounds of brown sugar and ." prices now ' ttilidtrounces of saltpeter. Pulverize the last as fine as possible and mix thorough- Organs, • the wonderful Gramophone ly with the salt and sugar. • Now rub a Sheet Musie, Books aticl Variety Mueic small quantity of the inixture on the rind „,. • , • side of the put e. the remainder on the "`• flesh side, rubbing it in web. Pack in a box that will allow the drippings to run 0— •—ee (:1 H I off. Rub each piece well as you put it in . the box. After •thirty-six hours take out EM poritml and apply two quake of salt in the same manner and pack again. Leave it for A stock of c:hoice • three or four weeks and then smoke. Canned Plums.for saleSee that the . , meats not rozee when ap- • . • plying either the mixture or the salt. It • Is said pork Is better when cured in this - — way than When brine is used. . • • • • • • . • . Reduction in . • • Tbe people attackee-an.d tried • to Prices • lynch the looters while •they were.be- ALG61141.1 ing taken to the jail. 'The gendarmes drew their revolvers and the people • fled, cursinge the :looters as; they went. There mein no cosualtles. • The people generally are highly ex- cited over the lootieg and are anxi- • oils that the criminals shall be tried • by the higher Courts and more se- • vere sentences imposed, • • Ballet. Ousleess Overdone. New York,11lay 19.—The New York Weed's correspondent at Fort de Feance, Martinique, says that the re- • lief business has been greatly over- done. He declares that relief • plans everywhere should be curbed at once. in his opinion $50,000 worth of sup- plies would relieve all distress. If the relief movement* is not stop- ped at once the Island. of Martinique. will be pauperized. Alarm has quiet'. ed down and the people are returning to the homes from which they , had fled. • ' • • Odeon d London, Maydespatch date* ay as ee e General Trak Manager, RUM.BALL and • MoMATH 11 Frid h b r ceived by The • ally Mail from Kingston stating hat the Royal steamship At- ato, when off St. Pierre on Tuesday,* poke the cable ship Pouyer Querticr, dm Which it was stated that the ed •of the ocean had been rauch die- urbed. She found nine hundred fath- Ms where only throe hundred was 'meted. Recharting of these watero ill benecessary.• • Annihilated fp Ten nienter. The correspondent of The London lines says that St. Pierre was anni- Dated in ten minutets, Describing the ty after its destruction, he says: A portion of the upper town was Zed by a cloud of fire, which in - eased as it e.dvanced, and crumbled • vrything in its course. In the low - town, near the harbor, a few walls caring traces of • fire, remained ending. To the stuPefaetion of ose familiar with the spot, the wn clock remained intact as if to ow the precise Moment of the die- ter, marking 7.50; and this minis* r indletion. deeply affected all who w it. On the other hand, the tele. aph office and its contents were riled' Softie fragments of the appa- ratus were thrown a hundred yards. • Bodies whose attitudes were pere0P- tibia were lying prostrate, With the bawels protruding, as though forced With the backs partially carbonized. oUt by the tension of the heat, and It is a melancholy and alinost hum,- iliating thing that the site of St. I le. re hao to be guarded by the mil- itary, for muncroue pirates front the Tor,Eno--SAULT STE. MARIE DIV Here is a good chance to secure a first class buggy at a bprgicesreduction. Note these • . , $80 Buggies for $68 $75 Buggies for $65 $65 Buggies for $60 STR. " XING EDWARD"• . Remember these are all our own make which places us in .aposition to guarantee them as we do .not buy anythingbu t first-classmateria. . • Repairing promptly attended to address Win. Lee, Godericle or by experieneed mem ISION: FREIGHT PASSENGER: SR. ‘' OSSIFRAE.'' • Will • leave Goderich, North Bound, Ii -o'clock p. in. IVednesdays, Joe Sault Ste. • Marie and intermediate Ports• -;•' returning will leave Goderich for Windsor, Detrait and Toledo at e. o'clock p. In. on Mondays.'• • , • . Well be placed on. the route a'. out • May 3oth and• will call' at Parry Sound on both 'Noth' and South. Bound 'trips. ..For rates and further information We B. ROSEVEAR, • fr 0 • ci ta er tv er st th • to alt as . to Skt gr bu ne g or ng islands were preparing th conic arid lay hands on anything^ of vaue," Fort de Prance in haiter, received hero via La Guaira, Vent., Paris, 'May 17.—A private telegram xuela, oays Fort de Prance (Martin- 1 fq00) IS seriously threatened by the volcanic disturbance*, • Sault Ste: Marie, (hit.'" . . • Huron St., Olinton. - • . "Can't Afford 0 Paint." The min who says that, forgees that v.:feting pro-, perly done is mmmy, and the feet is he cantreffeed NOT to paint. How often yon require to paha is larepdy depend.' *at Upon the paint you use. • THE 8NERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS out laid other, they am the meet commiesl sines you can WA beeline, they cover racist and wear longest. Add to this their good appearance. ead Y0t1 NOVO 0611t001Paint—rhe ShemiWillims Paints. They are made tor many detresene kinds of panting. Whatever ft Is eon Taint IO Peent—a hotline or anything in or exit of the honse—eve make the right paint for stet portico:dor ptrrposnot ono skipilosh 1/gators Inc 10 per cent,. disconnt for cash off all the following linos Graniteware, Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Spades and Shovels, Daisy °hurtle. Clothes Wringers, Gatioline and Goal Oil Stoves, I large good second hand ite- frigerato' cheap. 3 fire proof Salem at, 0, bargain. Special Net Prics—Ooded Spring Wire fic per Di., Barbed Wire 80 per lb., 6 boxes .Axle Greese for 2,5c. Call and get otir special prices on Lawn blowers, the good kind, HARLAND BROS. QHSAP - HARDWARE .• STORE, . . 5,110