HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-05-08, Page 88
A Big Collection for May Selling
The first leading event of the May program at this store is a
great sale of fine Muslin Underwear. We have been planning
for months forthis special selling and it will be an occasion . of
uncommon interest to the ladies of this vicinity. Instead of putt-
ing these garments on sale in mid -winter months, before they are
needed, we have them ready just when they are wanted, ready
in all their daintiness and freshness, just as they came out of the
cases, direct from the factory. This White Underwear is made
by the leading factory in Canada,. Hundreds and hundreds of
operators are. kept busy all the year round to supply the demand
for it. It is well made from good cotton and cambrics, and good
quality laces and embroideries are used for trimmings. The gar-
ments are modeled after the most popular American styles, each
is full size and as near perfection in every little detail, as is possi-
to get. In no case is there any skimping ofmaterially or.workman-
ship, in' order to get a low price. We will be ready on,
Saturday, May 10th
With a great displayof dainty White Underwear, and invite you
to come and see it. -Not necessarily to buy -There will not be a
hint of that unless you wish it -But just to see the finest collec-
tion of Ladies Muslin Underwear that has ever been shown in
Clinton. Here are same hints of styles and values ; but the
most satisfactory way to judge of their goodness is to see the
goods in the store.
, 0.61_11i1I Y,
Many different styles to select from but all are good and better than .you can make'
yourself :
Gown of good quality 'Eng-
lish cotton,yoke 0 clusters
of fine tucks linen •
buttons, collar and cuffs
trimmed with fine cam-
bric trimming
AT 65c
Gown made of strong Eng-
lish cotton, yoke hem
stitched and tucked,'liuen
buttons, 3 inch collar and
cuffs trimmed with e[rr• 65
broidery trimming , each . ■
AT 75c
Gown of good English cot-
ton, yoke hem stitched
and wide tricks, collar and
cuffs trimmed with two..
inch open work embroid-
ery frills, extra special .75
value at each
AT 85c
Gown made of good English
cotton, yoke of open work
insertion and fine tucks,
double across sholders,
collar, front and yoke .
trimmed with good: cam- 85
brit frilling, each U
Al' $1.00
Gowns made of good quality
English cotton, V shaped
collar,yoke and cuffs trim-
med with fine cambric em-
broidery, hem stitched
yoke with wide openwork 1 0 0
insertion, each .•
AT $1.00
Gown of flue English cotton
yoke of clusters of tucks
. and open work insertion,
collar, yoke and cuffs ,of
two inch cambric embroid-
ery, double across •shoul- 1 00
- -der; pearl buttons, each..
AT $1.25
.Gowns made from;fineEng-
lish cotton, .fancy yoke :.
diagonal tucks and hem
stitched, open work inser-
tion .down front, double
across shoulders, collar,
. • and cuffs of cambric em-
broidery, pearl buttons, 1.25
each '•
AT $1.25. •
Gowns of fine English ;cot-
ton, neck square at front,
yoke of all .over embroid-
ery, insertion with baby.
..'ribbon round neck, yoke,
• neck and cuffs edged :with
fancy finishing hraid,neck
and cuffs of .embroidery,'
douhle •acrossshoulder, 1.25
pearl buttons, each ... ,•.: L
AT $1.50'
Gown of fine English cotton.
cambric finish, yoke of
narrow striped open work
insertion, V shaped neck
double .across shoulders,
•neck and cuffs of 2 inch
fine embroidery,pearlbut- .
tons, insertion around, ' 50..
yoke each..
AT $1.50
Gown of fine English cotton
cambric finish, yoke• of
torchon lace and insertion
and rows of fine tucks,
cambric frilling, two inch
torchon lace around bot-
tom of yoke and cuffs,
neck and front:trimmed
with two inch torchon 150
lace. pearl buttons each, tJ
AT $2.00
Gown made of fine English
cotton cambric finish, low,
square: neck, silk ribbon,
insertionand embroidery,
across front trimmed with
insertion and wide cam-
, . brie embroidery, cuffs the
same, neck :embroidery
trimmed, pearl.buttons,
each 2,0 0
AT $2.25
Gown of very fine English
cotton,bright cambric fin-
ish,square cut neck, yoke
of fine tucked muslin and
lace insertion, front of fine
tucks, cambric frilling and
. lace around neck, cuffs of
tucks trimmed with cam-
bric frilling edged with
lace, bows of silk ribbon at. p
neck, each 2.2 5
AT $3.00
Gown of very fine cambric
lawn, neck' cut square,
front of very fine tucking,
row fine insertion across•
top of each side of front,
shoulders, neck and cuffs
of three Inch fine muslin 4 Ah
embroidery, each
S. S
All our good Skirts are made with an inner dust frill which protects the trimming
and adds to the life of the garment. There is a positive. saving in buying any of •these
AT 50b
Skirts made of strong Eng-
lish cotton, draw string .5A
and 6 inch frill, each �J
AT 75c
Skirts made of strong Eng.
llsh cotton, 11 inch ruffls, 2
inch hem and row of 2.
inch torchon lace, under
frill of cotton, each .75
AT 75c
Skirts made of English cot-
ton, draw string, three
rows of narrow tueks,frill
of 6 inch cambric embroi-
dery, under frill of cotton,
each •
AT $1.00
Skirts made of good English
cotton,draw string, 3 rows
of tucks, frill of 0 inch
cambric embr ,sun, 1 00
der frill of colt , sac
AT $1.00
Skirts made of Strong Eng-
lish cotton, seams double
sewn, under frill of cam•
brie frilling, 10 inch out-
er frill of muslin with clus-
ters of tucks and hem
stitched,a very service-
able garment, each........ 1 .00
AT $1.25 -
Skirts made of good English
cotton,seams double sewn,
double sewn, double frill,
inner of fine cotton, outer.
of 8 inch muslin with tucks
edged with 4 inch torchon 1.25
lace, each L
AT $1.25
Skirts made of strong Eng-
lish cotton, seams double
sewn, double hill, 21 inch
deep, inner of cotton with.
4 inch frilling, outer of
muslin with 3 clusters of
narrow tucks and Ii inch
hem, each 1.25
AT $1.50
Skirts of good English cott-
on, seams double sewn, 14
inch double frill, inner of
flne cotton with : 4 inch
frilling, outer of muslin.
and 4 inch torchon lace.
and 1?1 inch insertion, 1.50
AT $1.50
Skirts made of fine English
cotton, seams double sewn,
13 inch douhlefrill, inner of '
cotton, with 4 inch frill,
outer of '.muslin with 5i
inch open work embroid 1 50
ery, ■
AT $2.25
Skirts of fine English Cott-
on, seams douhle sewn, 20
inch double frill, outer .of
muslin tucked and edged O 25
with two inch lace, each ■
AT $2.23
Skirts made of very fine
English cotton, 13 inch
double frill, outer frill,
onter of fine muslin with
three rows of laceinsertion
and one of 2,` inch. lace,
each 2.2 5
AT $3.2.5
Skirts of very fine English
cotton, cambric finish,
seams double sewn, 74,
inch double frill, outer of
muslin with two clusters of
narrow ticks and one row '
of 1, inch insertion and 3
inch torclion lace, each0.25
AT $2.75
Skirts made of very flneEn -
Iish Cotton, double frill,.
outer 20 inches deep with
three clusters of flue tucks
and 10 inch handsome
muslin embroidery, each , .7
AT 35c.
Skirts made of English cot
ton, lf< inch hem, 3 rows of
tucks .35
English Cotton. and Cambric Skirts, very fine quality, handsomely trimmed with laces
and embroideries, beautiful garments, not more than two alike, at each $3,$3.50,$4 and $5.
$ The Best Collection of Whitewear Ever Shown in Clinton $
Annual 99c Sale of Men.'s Hats
Saturday, May the 10th, we commence our annual sale of Men's Hats at 99c. It is
the great money saving hat event of the season. All lines that are sold down to one or
two sizes are gathered together and, no matter what the former price, are marked at 99c
each for this sale. This year we will have a bigger lot than ever and if you will come on
Saturday you will have your choice of over 125 hard and soft hats that sold at $1,50;
*2 and $2.50 for 99c. Don't let this chance slip. See them in the window. The ear-
lier you come the better the choice.
Ilodgons Eroa,
Nifty 8th 10.2
'sl I
1•N•IrN•NN•NNNNNN•.N•NPr•N N•••Nes
Creat Values in
Yyoucan betterjudge of the special advantages you have in buying your Hosiery and Underwear --sem
here when you see the goods to which are max ked the low prices quoted below and the many ,,,, . $
other low prices which we have not room here to mention, The Hosiery and Underwear we sell is i
Ithe best we can buy and is fully guaranteed in every way. No need to pay a big price when you can get such good _
lines for so little money. .
t Ladies' Vests at 5c Cotton Hose at 2 pair for 25c 1
t 240 LadiesVests, made of good quality cotton yarns all having 0 5.4ov pairs of Fast Black Cotton Stockings in ribbed and plain, sizes
short sleeves, Very Special at each. 8h, Sand 9}. This line is guaranteed to give good wear; Special t) F
Lasses' Vests a1 i ��ao .-- - pair for
240 Ladies firm cotton Vests, all with short sleeves, nicely made 25 Boys' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose •
and finished, extra valve at 2 for150 pairs of Boys extra heavy rihhed cotton hose all warranted
Ladies' Vests at 15c Stainless Black, sizes 4, 7, 7i, 8, 8i, 9, 4ll prices from 22c to .25
200 )wadies Vests of very fine cotton yarn, alt full bleached, nicely
made goods that will give excellent wear, A 1 value at each....
,15 Cashmere Hose at 25c •
200 pairs of Ladies plain and ribbed Cashmere hose all double soles ♦ ..
Ladles Vests at 25c sizes 81, 9, 9i This is a very special line and is guaranteed to •
are made of very fine white cotton yarn, nicely trimmed with Lace .25 give good wear, price per parr ■25
and white tape, short sleeves, Extra Special at each L, •
Ladies' Vests at 30o Ladies' Cashmere Hose 4Jc, 50c and 70c 1111,,
Ladies vests made of fine cotton yarn, short sleeves, (perforated) .3 0 At these prices we can give you the best values in the market some --?
nicely trimmed and finished at each of our custotners tell us our 40c Stockings are as good as other -
stores sell for 50c- More people are finding out every week .
Natural Wool 't� Vests 45C that it pays to buy their stockings at this store. ' t
Ladies fine natural wool vests all with long sleeves, nicely made /i G p
and finishek, Special value at each Children's Cashmere Hose at 18c to 25c $
Childrens extra heavy Cashmere Hose in ribbed only, all having
Children's Vests at 12�C double knees heal and toe, this line has a little cotton carded
Ohildrens' fine ribbed cotton vests in white only, all having short 1 . 'into the wool, to make it give extra wear, sizes 5i to 8,' prices
rated sizes Extra Special at Each . 122 • 18c to 'Lill
t Specialy .
Sale of Whitewear Commences Friday i
Good value is the foundation on which this Whitewear Sale is built. High quality materi- :
als, careful sewing, liberality of size and dainty embroideries are the characteristics' of all the
garments and when added to these merits the lowest prices ever known for equalgrades is it any
wonder we have been doing such great Whitewear selling : •
100 Corset Covers made of good whit. Cotton, perfect I n Ladies Skirts made of good strong Cotton, extra A
in fit, Special . wide, trimmed with'frill at bottom, taped at ./i Q a`
Corset Covers, fine white cotton some trimmed with waist for fastening,'well worth 75c Special at.... TO a
ca nhric frill and insertion others with embroider- At 98c we can give you the best skirts and gowns
ies well worth 35c and 40c, Special at each...22c & .29 made for the money, they are made of very tine
- Corset Covers, fine English Cotton and Cannale nice,- white cotton, nicely trimmed with Embroidery, .98
ly trimmed around neck and sleeves with embroi- ---well worth 1.25, Special at Each O
der•ies, all having •full front. Extra 'Special at o Gowns and Skirts at 1.28,1.50 and 1.69 are val-
Each 49c and 75c ` .9 0 ues that will be hard to equal.
A Big Stock of Good Corsets
Our stock of Corsets is by far the largest and bestselected in town.. We keep .none . but the
good makes. The Corset we sell at 50c is as good as most stores sell at 75c. They are made of good
sateen, all steel filled, nicely trimmedand guaranteed perfect in fit.
The Coronation Corset is the latest model shown. It has just been on the market a few weeks
and isaselling very fast: This cutrepresents the Coronation, Corset,price $1.; It is a very comfortable
corset, straight front and .comes' down well over the hips. • •
Summer Corsetsin long waist styles at 45c. Summer Corsets girdle style at 50e. Batiste Cor-
sets very light for summer wear at :$1. If you havn't been buying your Corsets at this store . it . will
pay you to do so forwe guarantee every. Corset we sell to give satisfaction or your money. refunded.
Modes Patterns are the Best : -
If you want a pattern that will give
you the best satisfaction try. the Modes
Bazar Glove Fitting pattern. " Every one
guaranteed.. Price of any pattern only 15c
• each.
NNNDN.,N.+NON•NNNNN•N•N•••••NN•••NN•N•N$ •4NmN.N••NNN•M•:•
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Jackson Br+ s.
v. « Clothiti Peo 'e
The Famous -E.
The wonderful Suits which we offer at $10 made to your
order is causing a. sensation. Never before in this section of
the country has reliable clothingbeen sold at such low prices.
The out, make and trimmings are first class and you will make
a mistake if you miss the great line of goods. Y ou can. see a..,
great variety of patterns.
The Wrong Way
E Jackson
The wrong way to buy Boys' Clothing is too look around for some-
thing that is, cheap. A cheap suit is an expensive suit at any price,
more especially when you put it on a good lively boy. In a week's time
he would make one look sick because they are not made to wear. A few
days' wear on the lively boy causes them to rip and burst', buttons fall
off, sleeves shrink up and .a hang dog look is about them thatshows a
futile attempt to save money by Indulging in a cheap suit of clothes,
We don't attempt to sell this kind because THE RIGHT WAS'' is to
buy the famous 'Lion" brand which is made to give the greatest satis-
faction. As a proof of this we can point with pride to the hundreds of
youngsters wearing this brand. They have tested thoroughly the truth
of the old adage, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." 1'hey have eaten and are satisffed-so
would you be -and so will everybody be who trades with us.