The Clinton News-Record, 1902-05-08, Page 1Till CLINTON 23rd Year rs CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 8, i9O2. elteeleeleelleonselee'veelleagelleteleele•elaeleollseenolleelleeleelluelleile MAY VISIT ENGLAND, • Mr, W. Kemp has given lip his posi- tion at the o. f. where he has been employed In,. seven years. Ile tante $ Sporting Goods of visiting 1VIerrie Engle% this sum. AUBURN G1JN CLUB. Spalding's Base Ball Goods are acknowledged to be super- ior to anyehing oil the market and we keep a complete assortment. Our price for Spalding'a Official League Ball la $1.25. Bats, Gloves, Mitts, etc., can also be had from us ' Vase at equally low prieen. • Spalding's Tennis Racquets • $ to $7.50 each We‘i The Lakeside at $3 ie a yery fair Racquet and about the best value, Tennis Balls 25e and 35c each. $ Lally's Lacrosse Sticks $1,25, $1.75 and $3 each. ' Cricket, Croquet, Home Tennis and other sporting geode. I Wall Paper Specials 750 rolls paper in lots of 20 rolls and loss, worth regu- larly 15c and 25e, now selling at per single roll sc ALL PAPER TRIMD FREE Ask to see the line of Window Shades vebich we • are selling at each . .350, 45c and 50c• • • • • • • • W. Cooper . Co., CLINTON. • . Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and DOminion EXpress Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns.. ..eaeleeesiefesiseeseeeeelbelleelleiieb,,,ebeei-iseetieetiseeleele- 7". 44. SNAPS • • The Auburn gun club has not a large membership but those. who belong take an interest ,in the sport and have all the necessary paraphernalia. On Monday Citizens J. E. Cantelon, R. Graham and R. Agnew ot Clinton be- ing in the village a match was ar- rauged in which Dr, Turnbull, George .Youngblut and another took part, ' 0, E.. SOCIETy. The consecration meeting of the C. E. of Willis church was held after Sunday evening's ,service and on the following evening the business meet- ing was held, The Bible study was taken by. Mr. Charles Sewers, the catechism, by Mr, W. Lindsay while hriss Jean Carling gave -an excellent . recitation. Miss Lizzie Chidley was appointed to take the Biblestudy for next month and Mr, R. King the eate- chain. • • SOLD OUT. Mr. Albert Marion has disposed of his harness-rneking business to Mr. A.; McKown, who is now in possession. The former will, however, sell the stock in hand. M. Marten has not been long in business, but being first class k and a young nein of ••sterling integrity he built up a large and growing trade. Be bas scarcely decided yet where he' will lo- cate but will visit the West this sum, mer: We are sorry to lose men of his stamp from our tewn, • - CONFIRMATION. 'AT ST. PAUL'S. A very large congregation was pees - cid at St. Paul's church on Sunday evening last to listen to the Bishop of Huron and to witness the•achninistra- tion of the APOstolie rite of .Confirma- tion. . • • His Lordship preached; from :the text St. Matthew xi, 28 " Come unto me all ye that labor and are - heavy laden ancl.I will give you rest," The eloquent preacher Introduced hia subject by '.telling of hew the Reticles. Who are citizen:1plypreutl. of • the beauty of the City and .434 of Naples have -a saying among thein " See Naples aud die.". But he would say unto those presentthat the thing nec- essary to accomplish before death was that which was contained in the text Come mite Me-.." Better, for that man not to •..have been born than not tpecome to the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet satan tries in, all ways to de- eeiire yow and to hinder you from coining to Jesus. He .gives you . a false picture of Chi -este— jf you had. ' a very , dear e friced who sent you his photograph ygnize his feetures ou would be able at once to r . and We are offering a nice Hilo of • i . . . Ginger Snaps at 4 lbkofor 25c . , . . ; Just think of getting 130 to 135 nice. fresh ginger snaps: for equarter. They are cheaper than you can make eco ; them and do away with the 'work. • • .. - , likeness. But satan gives you a 'false i ALSO a nice line of Dried Peaches at 100 a lb. picture a your dearest friend and • ' ' thousands have these false pictures . • . ,.. . .. Ogle Cooper • & . Ca, ..... .• . : : CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. • THE CASH GROCERY •••••••••••••••Iete.MT 4•4044e4•11•••••••”.••.*****”•••• 4 eneke. "Speaking of ',ensure, 7., The Glasses furnished by F. B. Crews, after a, scientifie examination • of the eyes, give aemost enjoyable sense.of pleasure after the old ill- fitting ones which I wore." • " Expert: Watoh Repairer. • P. Lik. cl?Bi : Jeweller andoptician. • tititileconitie's 01d Stand. • • . • rrneemeneweierruireetruiveite " ••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Go Way This is what our competitors do when it comes to follOw- ing the values we are giving in spring and summer under- wear, the best -to be found in the trade. Natural wool unshrinkable for immediate wear at $1,50 and $2.00 a suit, also a large variety of plain and fancy balbriggans at prices to suit everybody, We haye thena in all sizes, not forget- ting the little boys. . A. J. 1/0/2,01VA1/.. Miens' fixts 99c Turn over to page 8 and learn aII about our. annual big sale of Mena' Hats at 99c. It starts on Saturday May 10th, and will put money in the pocket of every man who takes advantage of it. We have over 125 styles of hats that are worth $1.50 to $2.50 to sell at 990 each. • If you want one eome early. HODUENS ROES ewAa.-1604th.lowlia,e&e‘,4‘e,eia.Abeliel YOUll Look Plexsed When you receive the photo. graphs We make for you. They'll be good likenesses and well finish. ed. Our -abilities are each that we can promise you the hest pictures withoet, any danger that you will be disappointed. Henry's Photo Studio, 'about them; The young learn froth these counterfeit pictures to hate the Bible because setae. tells theta that Clitistienity is hard. 'file young ,keep away frenn church because satan .tolls thein that it is tiresome andeall - the tiine the voice of Jesus is calliug " C me unto Me." • Note in •the first place that Christ does not call the bankers „and inillionaires and the great and the noble of this world, ,but " ye that 'labor and are heavy laden." 'Those who are pressed down by work, those who lie under the fierce rod of ;Mille- ; tione those who are weary he .calls unto him and would give them test. Thup, we note again •that :Jesus is on- ly attracted by bureau misery. Hu- man misery is the lodestonewhich at- -tracts the attention of the Lord Jes- us Christ Again Christ is the only • centreof attraction for Christians. The solar. system has the suti for its centre to which all the planets are attracted. So the Lord :Tema Christ is the cen- tre for all Christians, " Come unto 1VIe." It is the power of the evil one upon earth that prevents all from going to Christ. In my youth, his Lordship said, appeared a comet which they told us was going to destroy the world and we were afraid. But out at the observator they said there was no thine as e comet was fly- ing away from. earth. Satan is readfto destroy us and comes as our enemy, but if we go to Christ we will find that satan is not to be feared, that he is now flying away from the presence of the Son of God. Again, why should we come to Christ ? Be- cause he is love. A man once put up a weathercock and on it painted the words " God is Love." When a neighbor asked him if this were not derogaeing from the reverence due to God and inconsistent with God's uh- changeableness, he replied, "No, but I want the world to know that in the North Goct is love, in the Smith God is love, in the East and the West God is love, get n note les prom - " A i Ch t' Ise " ,give you rest," Did anyone ever hear of a Vanderbilt or a Rothschild going to some public place and crying to the crowd, "I will give you rest." No, gold will not CORONATION COMMITTEES. A meeting of the Coronation com- mittees will be held in the council chamber on Friday evening to organ- ize and decide upon attractions for June 26th. ONT. ST. LEA.GVE, The Ontario street League held its monthly consecration meeting on Mon- day evening when there was a good attendance. The S. S. lesson for the following Sunday was discussed by Miss Stevens and a paper read by Miss Trowhill on " Prayer a Neces- sity." " WITHOUT ARE DOGS." From the above topic Rev. Dr. Gif- ford preached an eloquent sermon on Sunday ,evening last to a large con- gregation. The reverend gentleman said in part ; The world is not all good. Injus- tice often prevails. There are men who are up who ought to be down, and those clown who ought to be up. There is a better place and we call it heaven. This is the place or state that John saw in the Revelatiou. From it are excluded sin, painhung- er, death, yea all evil, Exclude evil from any place and it is heaven, .eiree, it is excluded every disturb- ing element. There is danger to the church and the world from the senseless talker. From -heaven are excluded the fierce and quarrelsome. Strife among Christians works destruction, The very thought of heaven includes the idea ofpurity. The dog is an unclean aniinal ' and often spreads disease and death. Let thc life be pure and the conver- sation as becometh the gospel and the church and the world will be safe," The efficient choir of the church was in its best form and rendered the 'old; old story in song with sweetness and power. MEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL. Vectoria Day falling upon Saturday the town council on Monday night de- cided in favor of its observance .upon Monday, May 26th, instead • of the time honored 24th. The change was made for business masons, the mer- chants not wishing to . close their doors on Saturday, their harvest day. The council increased the pay of Chief Wheatley, who will superintend the laying of the graeolethic walks this ' season,' to two dollars per day. The work commences in a fetv clays and a is the intention to push it forward more rapidly thus sea - pen than heretofore. • Night Watchinan Walsh will be act- ing chief of police and weiglinmeter; He will be given an rissistaet, Mr. Nichol Robson probably. Mr. David Cantelon addressed the council ne relation to the 'enlarge- ment of the stock yards which lie said are altogether too small. He e said that next Monday eight carloads of cattle and several of hogs will be shipped from Clinton and' the drovers would be considerably inconvenienced because of insufficient acconimecktion. In the discussion it was stated that the board of health and the G. T. R. had had a controversy in regard to the present yards, the former insisting up- on perfect cleanliness. As soon as these two bodies Understand each oth- p y pp ,e e g • the stock yards fifty feet east and about doubling their present capacity, • Mr. Joe Rattenbury• "talked right at" the council about raising Ontario ' street in front of his garden lot. • He said the roadbed. had already been thrice raised and if they . kept on he • : would soon. need a ladder to get dowei . • into his garden. Ile thought they were. :doing him in injustice and If they •persisted the would have to do, as property owners. elsewhere • have successfully done, apply. for redress to higher Councillor powers.e.. Mackenzie sad the • Street committee did not propose mak- ing. the street any higher, but for the public safety et. was necessary • to • widen it somewhat. It's appearance would then be improved and he did not think that Mr..Rattenbury would then consider he had a grievance., Secretary Cunninghame of the Public school hoard itiformed the Council, that Mr. I. Saceson had resigned and that it would be necessary to choose. his suCcessor. Mayor Jackson said the town by- laws need revision badly and thought the work should be under, taken as soon as possible. It was- peoposed to go right ahead with the work, but as this., for obvious tees - ons, will be a busy month for those upon whom the task :will likely de- volve, it was decided to take up the matter at the next meeting of the council. The bylaws have not been revised since 1880, • 'rhe report of the board of health, width was adopted, _called forth the principal discussion of the evening, It was as follows : z --That the closet in the rear of the fire hall be closed up as it has be- come a nuisance. MRS. CHALLENGER We Mrs. Challeeger, Sr., of the Base Line is very ell and her two sons and two daughters have been called hoinee MOVED. Mei James Munford has moved to the house on Station street, seeond house north of Mackenzie's mill,which he recently bought, AN INVITATION. Rev, W. G, Howson addressed Wes- ley League on Monday evening cm Practical Consecration." The same evening an invitation was received from -North street League, Goderich, to visit them on May 27th. The Wes. ley were pleased to accept, PICNIC. On Tuesday, May 27th, Varquhar's grovo on the 4th con, of Hullett 'will be the scene of a big' picnic to be held under time auspices of. St. Jos- eph's church, Clinton, • A large num- ber of the county politicians of bah stripes are being invited and there will, be music, games, etc. Prepare, tions are being Made for a large crowd and au enjoyable day. A NARROW ESCAPE. •• Mr. ancl Mrs, Reuben Graham and Master Ernie visited at Mt; Alex. Robinson's of Auburn on Tuesday. They started for home at dusk and when a mile south of the village one of the buggy wheels dropped oft: Mr. Graham is a -careful driver and had his horse well in hand or a serious accident would likely have resulted. As it was, finding it impopsible to fix the buggy he had, to leavc. et and walk back to Auburn for another Convey- ance with which to 'reach home. NEW LANDLORDS. Ott Thursday last Mine Host Can- telon relinqinshed control of the Mire endon and the now laridlords, Messrs. Perkins & Mahen of London, entered into pessession. They come well and Worthily recommended and have al- ready made improvements in the in- terior . of . the hells°. Mr. Cantelon, who was a popular landlord, has not yet fully ,decidecl what he will do,but in the. meantime Is getting. his affairs straightened up and will shortly make a brief visit among friends in Toren- Steeetsvfile •and Mt. Forest. • • • SPRAYING DEMONSTRATION, Arrangements have been made through the local Fruit • Growers' As- secia.tion to have a spraying demon- •stratioia in Mr. Hoare's orchard on Saturday of this week at 2.36 pm. Mr. Alex. McNeil *of .Welkerville will be present and will give some practi- cal lessons on spraying, etc. and also is prepared to give any •inforrnation on orchards. and fruits. This will be . a. very • intereAing meeting and valu- able to the farmers. of the vicinity so it is expected that a large number will be present : Iter. Sherrington of Walkerton will probably be preset al- so, • . THE SUPERINTENDENT. '. At the anneal' meeting tif. the On- tario street Sunday•school Mr. Jacob • Taylor was re-elected superintendent. • Owing to his many 'ditties he was re- - • • • 2—That the council pass a bylaw pro- hitieg privy, pits and compelling the use of dry earth closets and providing for cleaning' the • same • at the general expense. '3;eThat the attention of the couheil he drawn to the condition of the drain fromTipling's to the postoffiee and that the pane mutt be opened up and cleaned at once. Councillor Stevenson said. the dry earth closet . system must be grappled With for the welfare of the commun- ity. The cost would not be great and he believed the ratepayers would, thank the council for Carrying Oat the re- peat of the board of health,. He said if this systeet could be supplemented by et more general use of artesian Wells the town would be in a first class con- dition from a sanitary point of view, Councillor Ford held up both hands,. so to speak, for the' adoption •of the report. Ile believed the new system would Meet with general satisfaction and the cost of initiating it would be small, ' Mayoejacksoti itistanced the case of the town of Durham where the dry earth system has been adopted. The corporatiou had undertaken to make the change for non-resident property holders, of whom Ida worship. was One, and the bill sent to him ainoutit- ed to less than four dollars. The council derided to Move the grand atand from the park to the titer- ket Vitae and have it re-pairited., give you rest, But as in a floating prairie fire it may be necessary in or- der to save your home to first, burn about the vicinity of your house -when you Gee the smoke and fire likely to sweep your wey, so Christ will take you, it may be through aillietion, out of the consuming fire of the world and give you rest and Make you sale. At the conclusion of the sermon the following candidates were presented for confirmation : Misses M. .1, Churchill, M. E. Cluff, J. Glew, M. K. Gunue, H. D, Gamic, N. E. Her- Mait I. J. Murphy, le. Stewart; V. '11. Thompson, and Messrs, A. 13rewer, C. P. rirewer, R. A. Col- clough, W. T. Ifernian, T. C. John- son, G. R. Marten, W. H. C. Rat- tenbury and N. Woods. Itis Lordship then addressed the candidates, emphasizing four points for time to remember Z, to read the inspired scriptures daily and con- secutively ; 2, to pray every inoriting; 3, to attend' the services of the church at inconvenielit as well as convenient times ; 4, to attend • regularly the Holy Table. The rector was assisted itt the ser- vices by the Rev. It, A. 'Wright of the adjoining parish of Middleton., AN ACCIDENT. Mrs. E. Dinsley met with a fall the other day which has since confined her to her room., ASCENSION DAY; This being Asceusion Thursday ser- vice was held in St. Joseph's eltureli at 9.30 this morning. POTATOES SHIPPED, Cantelon Bros. shipped a carload of potatoes on Saturday. The firm sold during the week 9000 dozen eggs and 2oo0 pounds o1butter. PERSONALS. Mrs W. Delve returned tome to St. Marys yesterday. Mr, W. Millyard of Exeter visited Clinton friends on Sunday. Miss Mille Stevenson spent Sunday in Seaforth. Mr, Silas Andrews • was in Beamiller on Sunday, A LECTURE. " William Pitt, the Great Common- er" is the subject of a popular lecture to be given by Rev. Dr. Daniels of Goderich in the Ontario street church on Tuesday evening next. The Dr. is a noted lecturer and a treat is in store for the audienee. The chair will be taken at 8 o'clock, Admission 15e. and zoc. QUARTERLY SERVICES. The regular quarterly service of Wesley church- will be held next Sun- day morning. The Love feast 'will take place at mo o'clock in the lecture: room and the sacrament at the close of the evening service. The pastor's subject in the matting will be : 14 Where the sun never sets." At 7 p. he will repeat by request his sermon on The riches and. poverty of Christ.' QUARTERLY BOARD MEETING. • - At the meeting of the Quarterly. board of the Ontario street church -oft Monday night a resolution of pondole ence was adopted to be sent to the widow of Mr. W. 11. Beacom, - who was a Member of the board and held in high respect by the brethern, There was also placed' epee:, the rec- ords a resolution expressing the -grat- itude of the board to the Divine Being. for :ehe restoration to health of their Much beloved brother, Mr.' Henry Plumsteel, When the resolution was put the board united: • in 'Singing s" juPgrsaiFselowGind From Whom:Ail Hles- Mr. F. W. Watts was elected a mem ber ,of the boards and eler. A. Hooper representative' to the District Meeting, MONEY IN CHICKENS: . The •chicken fattening station.. ;at Holmesvffle has Deee the Means of diffusing information in regard to this industry which is expected to be One of great importance to the fanners-. Mr. F. C. Elford, under whose charge the station is, combines energy with courtesy and readily imparts ell: in- formatioti required of him. *In addi- tion to his incubator stock. he is now leaking ready for the Old Country market ' cansigernezit of Rock clue/t- ees which. reached bun last week froin Toronto. • They :are now two- months old and in monthhe expects to have -them weigh 3 to 3X pounds, • the best selling .weight in the Old Country market. Mr. Elforil expects to tatten several thousand chickens before the. snow. tliee• so' that he will necessity a Very 'tipsy purcheser. The best Opinion appears to be that it 'will pay, the trainees. best.' not to fatten.: their chickens tlieniselveS,• but, t� .sell them. • to those wile make a -regular business ofit. • ' • • . HAYFIELD. • We understand that Mr. T. T. Marks has been appointed inspector .of mater- ial on the new harbor extension. Mrs. Janice Pcalock, who recently vacated the Queen's hotel, has moved into Mr. Make' brick cottage on Main street. • . Miss Greets Cameron, who has spent the past few weeks visiting friends in Scaforth, has returned., , Dr. Aitkinson and family of Detroit have rented Mrs. Cleave's house on Louisa street and moved here ler the , • MR. 3. TAYLOR. luctant to again accept, but the re- quest that he do so was so unanimous that he finally stepped into the harness again. The school , is prospering apace. . • PRESENTATION-. Me, • W. hi, Mainiing, Who for. over fourteen years has been identified with the Doherty organ industry as- as- sistant heok-keeper, head book-keeper and business nienriger, has severed his connection therewith and will in the course of a few days leave the office where he , has spent so many years in faithful and energetic service fpr his employer. After spending about a month in town Mr. Manning will take an extended trip west. Ticketed through by. the C. P. IL, he will vis It the principal places in Manitoba and the Northwest, pass through the Rockies and on to the Coast and -af- ter spending some tiine in B C he 6 I Will take a Piteilie Coast steamer for. San Francisco. Mr, Manning's return trip will be by Deliver, • Omaha and Chicago. Mr. Manning's genial,open hearted way of dealing with the o. f. employees has won for him the friend- ship and esteem of the entire staffof workmen and it was with regret that. they learned o/ his intention of dis- continuing Imis services. His many friends all wish him a pleasant and enjoyable trip. On Saturday evening last the proprietor and employees took occasion to present Mtn with a handsome -gold headed Cane and trav- elling companion, accompanied by an address, as a slight token of the, es- teem in which he is held by them and by way ,of expressing .their regret at his departure from their midst. The address was read by Mr. G. A.Rorke, fortnatt of the machinery &pate:lent, and the presentation made by Mr. W. Mennel of the case room. Mr.. Manning, though taken by sur- • prise and somewhat overcome by 0030. tiOn, Made a neat and suitable reply, expressing hi well chosen sentences Itis heartfelt Sleeks for their kindness:. His remarks elicited hearty applause from the assembled staff, • , • summer. • . Miss C. Mackenzie is visiting friends in London and at Hyde Park. Mrs. John Whiddon and Miss Ruby Whiddon are visiting friends in Lon- don. • Dr. Smith was seriously ill during the Net week with totisilitis but we are pleased to see him on the street again, • Mrs. (Rev.) McNeil and Mrs. Stan - bury are attending the Women's b`or-, eign Missionary Socicty meeting at London as delegates from Bayfield Auxiliary, It is rumored that -Dr. Pallister, who rceently left here to walk the hospitals of London (Eng.), has lo- cated in .of City, Montana. One by one the residents of our vil- lage are moving to foreign fields for their summer's work. The latest to take his departure is Mr. John Pol- lock, who left Tuesday morning for West Selkirk, Manitoba., where he owns a fishing outfit and will engage in thatindustry on Lake Winnipeg. Mr. Pollock • has been for years a prominent figure in Hayfield, having occupied the positioti of elerk and reeve of the village, and enjoys the honor of being the only candidate who succeeded itt defeating the late Mr, John_ Esson for the reeveship. Some young men from down the lake shore put up at one o our hotels recently where • one of the number passed himself off to one of our prom - Mont citizens as the Hon. Israel Tarte of Ottawa. The next time the young man wants to play tarte on our peop- le he should hear in mind that no tender spring chicken of a youth can successfully pass muster for the only Israel, Mr. Vatter& and Mr, V, Edwards left for a short holiday atid will VIA - it old scenes in London ancl vicinity. Miss 3. Taylor of 13ratester is visit - Ing at the rectory this week, Mrs.Oreen has had her house raised and will put some improvements On it. lVfr. Merles Donaldson of Thessa- Ion, who has been in this vicinity for a week past, visited Lucknow blends last Week,/ • • Whole Number 1212 PERSONALe Mr, A. T. Cooper was in Detroit on Friday last. Mr. W. Newcombe of Petrolia spent a, day in town this week. Miss May Davis visited Goderich friends on Sunday tut. Miss Vire Heywood visited Seam forth Weeds the other day. Mx, and Mrs. Colyer of London visit- ed their sons here over Sunday. Mr. Bert, Peterson of Kincardine vis, ited his brother here this week, Aliss Maggie Moody of Lucknow is the guest of Miss Vira. Heywood. Miss Dot. Craig of Goderich visited Clinton friends on Saturday last. Miss Ethel Platt of Goderich visited Miss Lulu Eagleson on Sunday last. Miss Nettie Cantelon is the guest of her brother, Mr, 1.1, E. Cantelon of Torouto. Mr. Charles McGregor of Goderich is 4 the guest of his sister, Mrs„ Chas; Wiltsc, London Road. Mrs. Coats left Tuesday.Morning for Cressline, Ohio, to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) McCallum. Miss 1Vlinnie Roberts of Seaforth ' was the guest of Miss Millie Stevenson a couple of days this week. Candidates • Spotton of East Huron and Cameron of the West riding were in Clinton last' iiilit. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Robinson Of Au- burn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Graham. on Friday last. Colonel Peters of London was in . town .on Tuesday conferring with the local officers regarding the armor- ies. . • Mr. John Agnew of Wingham was in tan on Friday on his way home . from attending • the Medical School at London. • Mr. and Mrs. Thorn of' Mitchell have been spending the past few days in town the guests of their daughter, Mrs. R. Cliowen. Mrs, Dupcan Stevenson and daugh- ters, Misses Alice and Jennie, have been guests of Goderich friends for ' the past few days. • Mrs. Ben. Cale, who lias been visiting relatives n • Ypsilanti, Mich. for the past couple of months, returned home last evening. •••., • • Rev. Father ItIeMenimie returned on . Tuesday . from Blyth where he had been holding a Forty Hours' Devo- tion, ine which he was assisted by Rev. Father Hanlon of St. Augus- tine. There was a large attendance throughout the service. Mts.: T. Meech of the Louden Road . was - visiting friends in Fullerton for several daye, returning home on ,Tkursday. 'While there she attended • two.weddings, that of nice and a nephew. • • ' Airs. Frank:no, who has been asaist- ing her . father at the Clarendon, left for her home in Mt. Forest on Thursda..y last, She as accompanied • by her two bi•othere; Roy and Guy. • Centeloh, who will make their home • with er for a time. Mr. John 8lterritt, M. P. for North Middlesex,was in town for a few hours yesterday and called up- on a number of friends, including Recto t Gunne, Mr, G. J. Stewart • and Mr. Devid Cantelon. These gentlemen knew • each other very many years ago and time has added to rather than diniinished the liking • hey entertained for each. other. • There was a joyous warmth in the hand clasp with which they' greeted '. the e . Mr. Charles Donaldson of Thessalon, Algoma,- and hisfather, Mr.• James Donaldson of Stanley; were itt. town oh Saturday. The first mentioned embarked in the livery business in ' 7 Thessalon a- year ago: and has metre it pay. He has a free tend easy mati- nee which makes hifti popular with the teaselling public and ,helps to • push trade, Thessalon is growing, says Mr. Donaldson. A better class of farmers ate .going in and the area of cultivated land is rapidly increas ing. Settlement is pushing further north and there appears to be a bright future Aced of the Thessa- lon district. Mr. DOtialilson bought a umber of horses in Stanley for his • livery : business and' purposes • leaving for home this week. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Thos. Iturd and family and Miss Fannie ' Wilds of Stanley. Mr. Hurd- is in his eniploy et ,Thessalon and a good honest fellow he is. • • • AUBURN. • • . IVIr.and Ms, Phillip's. of Whitechurch were 'the guests of the latter's. brother, Mr. James Medd, last.Sunday. - Mise Clara Lawson has returned -home from Toronto after an extended visit. Mr. Mach 'is improving. . Mr, • and - Mr. l. - Meech .of Gorric were the guests of the -former's parents last week, ee„ • Mrs. • Dreaney of Dungannon is the guest of iter grand-daughtet, Mrs. S. . NiehoIson; at Present. Nicholson was on •the sick list east week. • • VARNA, . . • Mr, W. Ie. Keyes has completed O. fine implerneut. shop for. Mr. 13. A. . :Niggles. 'Bee. Will now have lots of room. - to put his implements inside and keep thent in better Alma to sup- ply the ever increasing demand for the Noxon make. • Bete and Effie Rathwell and Eva. Stephensow were the guests of • Miss • Cassie Johnston on Sunday, Mrs. Hall of Clinton will' speak • next •Suiiday evening in the Malta-. dist church on behalf of. the Women's Missionary Society. '.The sacrament will be adtninistered in the Presbyterian church •next Sun- day, The preparatory service take place on Friday at eleven o'clock: Mr. 13.• A. Higgins has tented Mr. joint Johnston's house and lot for the man he has engaged to work Imis farm. Mr. Ward and Kiss Alice Cudmore of Clinton spent Sunday' ii Varna, The last quarterly Sart/lea of this year .was held in the Varna, Metho- dist ;church' on Sunday. •and the official board met on Monday afternoon to finish up the business of the year. Mr. • William Rathwell was appointed lay • delegate to attend the district meet- ing and eonference. J, L. Spafford will give an eider- tainineut In the town hall on May Mk under the auspices of the lVfothoe dist church. Mr. Spafford comes well • recommended and it is expected that the entertainment Will be a good one. • 44.1iiit. • . • *' •