HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-05-01, Page 44,
The Newse•Record thong party of them are placiug pot-
rohibition yet many are affernICTeD.
is pUblished every Thttrsday at that public men should not play faet • resident of Bayfield, intends returning $114) this week renewing old frienn-
been visng her father and other rel -
The NewseR,ecord Printing House mtd !mese." bere to reside. ships and Ionian new ones. We will atives here, left with her children last
Mr. Thos. Sandereon has moved. out do even better or him than we dia. week for Chicago to join her husband,
ALBER.T STREET - CLINTON to the farm lately occupied by Mr. A. four years ago though we then piled. who has been living there for months.
THE CLINTON ITrovits-ozoonn
I I 1
tics f2 ore. p
going to show the Government leaders Mr. Fisher of Colborne, an old-time Mr. Harry neer is in the town- Ws. Anderson of Seaforth, who has
Terms of subscription -fee per year in
advance ; $1.50 may be charged if
not so paid. No paper discontinued
until all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. The
date to widen every subscription is
paid is denoted on die label.
Advertising rates -Transient adver-
tisements, IQ Cents. per nonpareil
line or first inser to t.and 3 rents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Small advertisements not te exceed,
one inch, such as " Lost," Stray-
ed," " Stolen," Etc., inserted once
for 35 cents- and each subsequent in-
sertion to cents.
Communications intended for publica-
tion must, as a gearautee of goo
faith, be accompanied by the name
of the writer,
To insure publication in current issue
copy for advertisements should be
sent in early.
Contract rates -The following. table
shows our rates for specified per-
iods and space :
yr. 6 um. 3 mo. 1 mo.
z Column... $70 oo $40 oo $25 oci $8 50
% Cobunn4000 25 00* 15 00 600
% Column25 oo 15 '00 8 oo 2 so
a Column18 oo to oo 5 so 2 leo
•Incli 6 oo 3 50 2 oo 2 25
W. J. iITCIIEI414,
Edi or and Proprietor
p, ht e River hotel has received a year's
' Affairs are kept active by the chang- license and the old Cominercial House,
es which are constantly occurring and
f r h'el B u ht
up a bigger majority than he .expect- nfr Yeo of Mount Forest formerl
Mr, and Mrs. H. Canon of Bruce- ed. Miss Lottie Cantelon, wbo has been
field visited the latter's" pereuts ou Mrs. Charles Cook was on the sick at at her home in Clinton since the
ney-General for Nova Scotia, adds to SeedaY 'net -
Hon. J. W. Longley, Liberal Attor- list last week but we are .glad in be-
e '
, death of her mother, spent a few days
hargumentWe are plesieed to notthat little ing able to say that she has abnost is in favor of a. change of
Eva Dewar of the Saltine Line, who recovered, with friends in town.
Rev. W. Doherty and bride arrived
Government these opinions. .
has been 'so seriously ill, is irnprov- Mr. Thos. Elliott of the xst con.
"Once more; the civil service is en-
ing and that tittle noree McGee is al was kicked by a. hone a few flays ago Lome last week and have taken up
ormously benefitted by changes in the '
50 showing signs of Improvement, and knocked senseless. He was quite their residence in their future home.
administration. The tendency of all Mr, Harry /either, the popular M. badly injured but is now getting along teem by
An informal reception was tendered
i their relatives. Dttriug their
administrations is in the direction of '
P P f S tl H in t • wedding trip they 'visited 'Woodstock
week it was found necessary to • per,
and Toronto. .
Mrs. R. Bonthron has been quite 1I1
for a couple of days and one day last
form an operation, which was success-
fully conducted by Dr. Gunn of (Clin-
People in this section will 'earn
with surprise pf the death of Alex.
Bossentbcrry, who - left here a few
weeks ago, after a vieit ofeet couple
of months, for Manitoba. lee had
been ill for some time 'before leaving
and started benne • fully recovering
and on atriving in Winnipeg was talc-
il 1 1:1 h It be taken the hospital evnere he died: '
was bureetteracy. . ,
makiug arrangements for
Red tape grows in proportion to TeesalaY
on. Mr. Eilber
the length of the period of uninter- 1 the ealliPaigit now
was accompanied by Mr. J. A. Wil-
rupted rule. The members composing
the civil service are chosen by the ileme Of Zurich. SaYflafl will no
doubt give a good account of itself
political party in power, either solely
for Mr. Either on the 29th.
Lor political services or with that ele- ,
molt in the appointment. Mr, Chas. Donaldson who has con-:
In course of time the civil service
thus becomes a hive of partisans,grael-
ually gaining the impressions that the
mitt horses to keep up with the large clethat -
world was made for the saints
„ the saints.mand on his business. Charlie is a
But there is yet another cogent
reason for the frequent ehanges of
Government Both political parties
aucted a Itvery business in Thessalon
during the past year, has been, hi the
village and vicinity looking for
mover and speaks well of the north-
ern country and its prospects.
The masons are On the ground and
twork on the new c urch has begun.
contain their quota of able and atn-
. bitious men who exercise a wide and services in connection with the
laying. ot the corner stone will take
powerful influence upon their polit-
ical followers. place in a few weeks when it is ex-
pected Miss Gibson of Toronto,daugh-
These men have ideas of government
which could with advantage be put to ter of the first pastor of the old
church, will officia.te. A meeting will
the test of experience. It is unfortitn-
be held thie Wednesday evening for
ate for the country to be deprived of
the advantages of the services of all the purpose of making arrangernente.
Contrary to general expectations,
HERE AND THERE. both parties have a common interest
tas been left 'Mit of it. No doubt the
The Globe's slogan.
" Re_ in the good goVerninent of the coma license commissioners had reasons of
Mr. John T. Beacom has a colt ris-
ing one year olds for which he has
been offered seventy five dollars. John
T. knows a, good "horse when, he sees
it and always keeps the best.
• While it• resident of the township
was returning from Clinton on Sat-
urday he found a cape on the Huron
Road which he has left at Cantelon
Bros' store in town where the owner
may get it.
Mrs. Kerr of Bayview, Grey county,
Is a guest at the parental home, Mr.
C. J. Nesbitt's. Mr. Kerr has gone
to Alberta to take up ranching, talc-
ing along a carload of thorobred cat-
tle wilich he bought at the big stock
sale in Guelph. •Mrs, • Kerr will join
her husband later on. '
Seeding has been *for- some time the
order of the day -and sucker fishing
the order of the night.
Mr. Edward Harrison, who has
been on Mr. Charlie Wallis' farm for
the last two years,. has gone .to live
in pr
Mrs. Samuel Rumball, sister -of
Mr. W. Dodsworth of the x6th con.,
died at her residence in Salmon Arm,
B. C,, on April 15t1t, -aged fifty four
en so t la le ac o
ii[ [II 1 A [II
Ake* ••*4•410- •46.,0411011001fribefahollregOwillimogs• go glibelkelbAllwil.•116-16,41.41fris.
May ist, 1902
, '7.''72,.77411111101111, „
The Herald says the city of St. •
Joseph is expected to Change halide _
shortly, a syndic:Ate being formed for
that purpose.
Mr. John Galster and family intend
'to make Walla.ceburg their future
Mrs. J. B, Dennis of Woodham, who
--------------- or their action, be has been visiting. her. parents, Mr.
member Ross." Pray who bas the trY." the years. Old residents well remember and Mrs. G. Holtzman, has eat for ,
We keep all the leading
Slang Medicines
including Hood's :and
Blood Bitters;efe.:' •
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Burdock
R, P. Re' "It:1e
finecessor to See:1110Y Jaek.8011.
N. B. -Try our Blood Building Ii.on Pills.
25e per box.
Slaughter, Pale of
Slater Shoes
Having secured the agency for the celebrated J. D. King & Co. fine
shoes also the soveteinn and other makes of advertised lines which we
think gee better value ear our customers. We neve after careful con-
sideration decided to give up the Slater nnency and in order to clear
out what we have on hand we have placed tbem on our bargain coun-
ters and are Stelling them at te.ssthan
•• •
11 you are a weerer or the Stater Shoes and are satisfied with them
note is your chance. to sedum a bargain. Every pair must be cleared
out as we ueed the room for other lines, Come and see them,
We think we have the most up•til-date stock of Spring Footwear in
- the county, also the best kealues, having been very earefel In our selee, -
tion 'for spring trade.' buying direct Irene the manufacturers at close
• cash prices. When :yeti need a pair of boots it Will pay you to see what
we have and compare our prices. •
• greater reason for remembering Ross, . -
• ' same • good r bad. .,„ • Mrs. Rumball who left here for the iter home., • • . - •
- - A- large nuniber met on the river Coast twenty• three years ago. Her The new fire. ball is undergoing ex- ' i
the Prohibition party whotn he has
cajoled and humbugged for years, .or THE POSTMASTERSHIP . bank Monday • evening and launched husband and three sons survive. • tensive repairs' and will be made thor- : • • • • • "
the Liquor party to whom be is ap, • ' : OF CREDITON. the ' " Helen McLeod" for Mr. Hugh .. Mr.. ' and Mrs. ' Jetties A. Porter of ougnly up-to-date: We will eertainly. , • • •
pealing for support on -the ground ' , --a- • • - .. McLeod. This is one of the 'oldest the Huron Road near Goderich were have a good " cage" but how about -
.. - , ••••• ;"211h1 OLD RELIABLE. •
an impossible task their. defeat. will MR, SHERRITT asked: service on the lake. We hope Mr: Mc- -at Clinton pn Sunday. • , • Rev. C. S. Finkbeiner . the pastor of t
that having given the prohibitionists (From Hansard.) 'boats' in the harbor and has seen much guests of .144: and Mrs. A, Townsend the e bird ?"
set back the issue for a decade ? The /. lias the Postma.ster General Leod • will have a profitable season Miss Sadie Stirlieg of Clinton is the Evangelical- church here for the
. •
consistent temperance men, who eon- been informed that the postmaster at with her. Mr. M. Ross' also moved spending this week with .friends on the past three .years, will be stationed ate i . •
,- ; ., . . : a Mis 'TAYLOR & SON,
. .
eiders how much Ross owes to the Crediton, Ontario, is dead? h " " is boat Little Johnto the wat- 9th con. Sebeingville and Rev.. Mr. Yager will 0
promises he has given in returnwill ceieed Who has been in charge of the RevMrYelland preached a very Currie of the eth con. for a couple of RevEifert recently took to a Dailw
prohibitionists and how little but 2. If so, wth
when was e notice re- er's edge. • Mrs. Findley is the guest of Mrs. J. come to Zurich. .
vote and use his influence against him office since the death of the late post- eloquent and 'forcible sermon last weekswood store a hen's egg measuring ein,
as a warning to political tricksters. neaster; has any person been temporar- Sunday evening. on temperance and ' Quito a number of farniere have fin- inches by fee. and weighing 4 ozs.. • Cash and One Price
— ily or permanently appointed-? during its delivery scored the Ross ished seeding *kite others eantiot see Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
means a happy family An influential does' the Government intend making tion in deceiving the province on the Mr. Wesley Miller has sold his .pony
. .
West Huron Liberals are by no 3, If no appointment has been made Goyernment very severely for its ac-
e pn yet.• . • ,
ST. AirdosTIkt.
wing of the party endeavored to in- an appointment before the Ontario question of 'prohibition and giving the to r.- Hill 0 tn o . Wes. wu1 - - - . .
timidate. Mr. Graeme Cameron Into Provincial elections take nlace. ?people the • loaded referendum instead. have to try the new syetene niew.• . , Mr. 'Menritt of Auburn . spent • the
resigning, but that • failing they are THE MINISTER OF MARINE A • AND Mrs, Murray of London, who 'has . Mr. John Enunerson of -the 7th con. past week visiting at Mr. Geo. Bead -
now endeavoring to bribe hini into . FISHERIES (Hon. James Sutheie bought the Queen's hotel ,e has moved, • has engaged with Mr, James Richard- le's,.
withdrawing from the candidature. land) ' In the . absence of the Post- part of herbousehold good§ here and .. e011 of. the lite for the - Reimer .. Mrs. J. Mills spent one day week at
If they can put up the .price they are master . General, I begto reply that. on the first .Of May that favorite hes-, months. • - . . . .. • .. . her • father's, Mr. J.. Robinson's. •
likely to succeed for Mr: Clunerceif information was received on the eeeh Wrygoes out of the hotel business • Mr., Peter Cele of the Baylield Line . .. Mr. J.' Robinson is improvingafter
doubtless prefers a permanent place at , of . - October last of the death Of Mr,- and becomes a boarding. house 'only. - has • 'disposed of his driver to Mrhis fall. • ''
a good salary to the hurly-burly and ..leicob *Either! postvaaeter -of Crediton, We wise. mrs Muccs,3i success in her. Beatty at Varna. . . ......a. • • Mr. S. Garton. Of St: Helens visited
enterprise, . ' • • Rev Mr, Greene of Clinton, officiate his brother, Me. George • Gaeten, •e
. , .
• Oa Monday -evening word wee receive' ea in Sharon church. last .Sunday,,. in ' short. tinut ago.. . • .
ea here of the death of Mr. John Es. .place of Mr. Shaw wile was pi-evtouse • . The stofteinations are ...busy with Mr;
iota who died at. the residence of his ly• engaged. •M the good work. • . P. • Kearneyre' wall but on- account of
, .
usicertainty of West Huron politics. Ontario, The office has since been In
He has the fighting Cameron blood, charge • of Mr...V. W. Kerr,. who was
however, and of one thing the spec- assistant pestinasteeaunder the late
tators are assured, and.that is, that postmaster,. No siepointment, per -
he will not allow bis party at). "make ino.neitt or teniporary, hes yet been g
• . •
Miss Violet Cold enjoyed the hospi- the wet had to lecree and part of the
a monkey of him." made the offiee and it has not been Nairn, on Sunday. Deceased, who had tality of her friend, Miss Flossie Cole, wall fell with the ,wind ante rein on
deeided when the . appointment m reached the . advanced age of So years 7 laSt Suhday , • Saturday.
— . • •
t is understood tbat no one is just question will be Made. , was for many -years. one of the rnosl Bev. Mr. ‘Yelland delivered' to the Mr. Charles R.obinson was up to the
congregatiOn of Cble'a chuich, tem- loth .con, a. few cla.ys this week belle
' so anxious to pull Mr. Cameron out, - ' r p popularay • .
of the field as Mr. Robert HOhnes,for- . - . • field, being reeve- of the village for a .perance sermon last Sunday. His• ing IVfr. Geo. Neylor with his seeding.
though he expressed perfect satisfacANtEY TOWNSHIPnuMber of nears. Mr.' Esson area a points were well discussed. and well Mrs. . 11% . Hough of 1Vingliain
'- : ST. •
tion with the choice of the conven- . shrewd business man and had amassed eirected. Mr. •Yelland will take and Mee. Se Dow of Donnybrook
tion he does not look forward to li.r•. William Glenn has sold several considerable consideeable property. • He leaves: one -
Sunday. hi this appointment.
aharge Of the Epworth Leagtie next visited at Mrs.. A. Robinson's one day
stumping for him with any degree.of head of cittle to Mr. William Stan- - aaiigntcr.
pleasure. Of course if Mr. Cameron
reznains Mr. Hohnes will work lee• .bury delivery to be made in July,
Mr. John Thompson of Blak6. was a
him, for as much as he loves the guest at Mr. John Manfarlane's on
cause of prohibition, lie loves party smoky. • . . • ,
much more. Alai there are others. . Mr. 'John Macfarlane has sold his
• . Quite a number in this eicimty
• laid up Wite colds. .
Hozniimsvirmt. 'Housecleaning s the order 01 the
ilt WCCS.
— • • two Clydesdale stallions, a three year.
The Ross Governtnent is arraying old to Mr. Neil Macfarlane of Shakes-.
ber in South Huron and will leave
Elf- peare and the. other to a firmer at
all its forces against Mr. Harry
Strathroy. The Macfarlane stables
110 stone unturned to ensure. his de- •have not for twenty years been with -
feat. Sorne of those expedients which out one or more imporeed Clydes and
they have need- so successfully in other Mr. Macfarlane 'e • neighbors flow want
ridings will undoubtedly be iesorted
to, but with .all ;the rascality it can ,hini to take a trip to Scotland and
bring put another. He may do SO,
command, the South will again do like his lather before him, :who im-
itself the honor of re-electing Mr. Eil- ported many. He is a great admirer
ber. There is no doubt about that.. and judge of a good horse. •
His native township of .Stephen will Mr." Adani Stewart has rented for -
scorn the tempter and roll up an int- ty acree of rough , sod lama to Ewen
mense vote of conflcie.nee in the & Geiger of liensall, who will sow it
"Peoples' Harry."a • . - - , with flaec. This land, not having
---. - • • been plowed for carer thirty years,has
Bills were posted •
up in Slyth on become knotty and Mr; Stewart pine
Monday calling for a Liberal mass. poses cultivating it for a while be-
meetaig to be held at Mason's hotel. fore -again putting it into grass: He
The managers subsequently changed has -thusbroken up one hultdred and
their minds and i
got out a new set fifty acres of land n the past 'three
which stated that the ineeting would years. His farm eon -melees over three
be held in Temperance hall instead of hundred acres which with a fine •In.usc
at Mason's. The two set of bills hung
up side by side and for a time the and .barns makes it one of the most
valuable properties in the township.
faithful were in a quandary as to A very pretty but quiet wedding
their rallyieg place. This incident il- was solemnized at the home of Mr.
lustrates "the good lord, good deve and Mrs. John Watson of Maple Grove
il" campaign which the Liberare in Farm on the Sauble 'Line on Tuesday
the West are carrying on. . , e of One week when their secone, dangle.
— • ter, Miss Ada, was tinited in mar -
While the divines are denouncing in-
temperance and the eyile• resulting
therefrom, it .would be. quite in 'starlet;
for them to condemn wide ..a11 tonerla
le emphasis the uneedy etractices . of
ballot .stealinnertallot slippingand
.------nealeiteterfiing -which are so . freely. in-
dulged in by paid servants of the Rose
Administration. .
wiirrNzir wiu, Aux.
Mr. J. J_ Poy, K. C., Conservative
candidate for South Toronto, in con-
versation Monday morning with, a
London News representative, sized up
the Conservative outlook in the com-
ing Provincial campaign. ,
• The news Mr. Whitney has iroin
all over is very encouraging," • said
Mr. Foy. "The Conservative party
is roused up as they have not been for
a long time and are full of confidence
and determination.. They ate a little
afraid of sonte new and old tricks be-
ing' played on them," continued Mr'
Foy, • 43 and workers have been warned
to be on their guard, but if there is a
pure and clean election, without too
much ballot,stuffingthey feel confi-
dent of carrying the country.
"Mr.Whitnea's receptions everywhere
have been of the most tecouraging
nature and we confidently hope thatia
great many Independent Reformers
will side with us on this occasion.
Many of them," said Mr. Foy,
" think it is to the interest of their
own party that the Ross Government
should go into oppositioe for a time.
They want to get rid of the barnacles
that have attached themselves to the
rjage to nate, .David Taewar, a prosper-
Oita/thing' farmer or ,the settle Line.
TIie ceremony was performed by the
Rev. J. G. Yelland of Bayfield in the
presence of only the immediate friends
while the bridal party stood Mader an
arch of evergreens. The bride looked
charming in a dress of white organ,.
die trimmed with lace and chiffon:
She was assisted by Miss Lillie Mil-
ler of Clinton •while Mr. Joseph Mos -
sop ably supported the grcioin. The
young couple are well known and
highly esteemed in this vicinity and
their many friends join in wishing
them a long and prosperous journey
through life. Mr. and Mrs. Dewar
will take up housekeeping on his farm
on tke Sauble Line. ,
The little daughter of Mr. George
Dewar, we are glad to say, has had a
change for the better.
The Many friends of Mr W, G. Sohn-,
stout who left here a month ago to
take up land in the territories, wilt
be glad to hear he has located in As-
sinaboia, at a place called Milestone.
W. 0, is highly pleased with the coutte
try. He says there is plenty of home
steeding yet but the Americans are
going in very fast, His farm is
about four miles from the station.
The furious wind storm of Friday
last blew off part of the roof of Mr.
San Sparrow's barn. Fences were
demolished in all directions and Mr.
Alex. McConnell's bush Was leyelled
to the ground.
Mr. and Mrs. William Herd of Bay-
field visited at Mr. Albert Towns-
soted's of Clinton on Monday hist.
Mr. It. E. Snowdon of the Sauble
Line delivered prime cattle in thriton
VAANA. •day. •
The Epworth League Was re-organl
. Thomas Bolea of London Intent
spent Sunday udder tke perental roof. lowing officers elected ' ' :
Hon President Rev J Hueear
George Andrews of Clandsboye' •ized. on Monday avening and the fol- '•
Sunday and Monday at Mr, Joseph
Foster's and with otker old acquaie- President, Miss Bessie pickard
maces round Varna. . .. ist Vice, •Mrs. Hussar •
• • end Vice, Mies Emilia • Courtice
Rev, Mr. Davidson wan in: London, aid Vice,. Miss Bertha Stanley.. •
rani Monday to .Wednitsday of this
week attending a, meeting of the Syn- 4th Vice, Miss Vina Tebbutt .
Sec. -Treasurer, Miss Mabel Wilson
od. He :was ecccenipanied by .nis spn Organist, Miss Alma 'Yee
Mrs. Hamilton and daughter. 'of Assistant, Miss Tillie McCartney
Me. John Hurley oi Goderich -was
Wroxeter spent over Sunday at Rev:
, Daviclsonai. • ' in our Village. on Sunday. • •
. IVIr. Williani Elford of goderich vi
. An enthusiastic ' Coeiervati' ve meet- ited friendshere on Sunday. • .
ing was . held: in • the. townsnip'heall, Mr. John Bucha.nzian and wife held .
Varna, on *Tuesday • evening,.. elle a temperance meeting on . Wednesday
"! People's Harry" addressed the
in the Methodist church..
meeting for over an hour on the pub- '
We are sorry to learn:thee left. and
lie questions, of the day. The electors Mrs, Thomas Kelley of Godeasob,
of this :polling divisien• are determin-
ed ea do all they an to get rid of fiovrtnbuertlnweofhtophies svoiollnegteoe 'iare seorficitihiseliyr
suchecoiruption and extravagance as _ recovery. . e • . ..
is peactisedby the Ross Governizient.
year will be held in the Varna Metho-
The' last quarterly service of Vile Dental 'Colleee is home for his vaca-
tion, •
Mr. Andy Coartiee of the Chicago .
dist church on Sunday morning •next Mrs. 1VilliantMulholland spent a
at 20.30 o'clock. •• . few days recently with friends in .
Professor Little niceved put to the Goderich.
American hotel, Biecefield, on Wed; On .yriday emeeig Rev. n .. Thmem .
nesday and Thursday! Ills strdceSsoi, of coder -kb will
Mr, Biake-of LOndoiti has moved into Om a lecture CM
" The swing of the century." This
the hotel here. . lecture M highly spoken of. Admis-
sion. ten cents..
On Sunday nicirriing tile usual !mart-
erly services will •be held and in the
- etiening aeong sernion, entitled
" Stepping Heavenward." ."
party duritig its lotto \term of power. on Monday. His exporters had an
After that the better clam of men week average weight of 1400 pounds. The
have more ittfluence with the Itelorta Stiowdens have between sixty and sev,
party because at present the Govertt- ettty head of tattle in their stables.
nient have attached ter them, outing to elr. atid Mrs. J. Watson of the
the stnall majority in the HOW°, a Sauble Line visited at the home of
munber of selfish people who boss and the tatter's sister, MM. L. Clark, on
control them. These inert wilt lose Sunday,
their protninence as 50012 as the Re- Mr William Sherritt of Stephen
forin party goes itito opposition,"
" What do you think of the prattle township and his daughter Alberta
biteon estelliclatea ?" the reportet iti- visited at the honte Of Ur. William
kathwell on Sunday last.
" Complicates mattets," replied Mr. Miss Minnie Ker of Clinton was the
Foy." It shows, I think, that a, guest of her aunt, Mrs. ‘Yolin David -
great many people are annoyed at Mr. son, on Saturday and Sunday last.
Rots' course in the prohibition toes- Afiss•Kinina Peck of Scaforth visit.
tit& They consider that they have ed under the parental roof on Sunday
been fooled and they were looking for last,
something itOin Mr. Boss as soon as The NeWs-Record'e reeent eltattee to
the jurisdiction of the Province was: an All Bohm Print is favorably re.
defined by the Privy emelt! And caved. It'il an improvenient.
Mr, James Howard. of Blake visit-
ed at Mr.: Chas. Troyer's oh 'Wedn?s-
day evening' last. ••
Mr. George Pringle has invested in
a sawing machitie and will. make the
sawdust fly.
Me, William Gram lift Thursday for
Deekerville, Mich.
Mr. Albert and Bliss Melissa Stnith
visited at Levi Stelck's on Sunday.
Miss Annie Consitt, teacher, of No.
7; Stanley, has been called upon to
address the teachers' convention to
be held in Goderich on " Nature stud-
ies and school cabinets."
Mr. Francis Coleman received a boy
from the Hotne last week.
Some of the farmers are evidently
feeding too many oats as was shown
last week by the numerous runaways.
Mr, James Hagan was in Brucefield
Monday on busi
. . ness. nig up in buemess again. .Success
Mr. Ed. Haganof the Medical . Rem, - .
School,. Toronto, is expected home on Messrs, Rini& 'and Watson: shipped
Saturday. a carload of hogs to Collittgwood aud
Mr. Joseph Hudson, we understafid, three carloads. of cattle to Montreal
purposes retiring from farin life but this week: .
•, .
Messrs, Matt. and. Will. MeCreight.
and Alex. Loekie. left here last -week
for the Soo, • •
• On Friday evening one. of the worst
for years lightning and thunderstorms
passed over this burg accompanied by
lets of ram* but no damage was, done.
Theniany friends of our hardware
merchant, J, G. Moser, will be pleas-
ed t� hear that he is recovering as.
well as . can be expected from his in-
juries-. whichhe received through a
runaway aceidefit last week. •
• . Our Veteran sihoemaker, Mr. . John
Sherritt,, was •in London- last week
buying stock for the purpose of start -
as yet we heve not heard where he in- Miss Maggie Mattel= spent Sunday
tends casting his lot. Mr. Hudson in Clinton with her sister, Mrs.
will be much missed in the vicinity as Routledge, .
he has always been a kind and oblig- Mr, Prior of Clinton and his men
Mg neighbor whom we all eespect and are doing the brickwork of Da. Milne's
like. new store,
Standrett of Belgra.ve is doing
the 'brickwork of mut hew tannery.
DONNYBROOIC. A mass meeting of the Gelt frater-
Couneil Met in the Queen's hotel.,
Seaforth, on Friday, the 18th of
April. • •
Members of the council all present.
Minutes of . former meeting Teed and
adopted... D. •Newell, Canada Conipa.ny
agentwafted .oft the council to get
road between '13 and .14 concessions,
lot i, opened as they could get a ten-
ant on the land Council- 'agreed to
examine theroad ancl report at. a
future meeting. There evereeight ten-
ders for the Winthrop dietin, Paschal
I'igeon got ethe .contract ' at. $221e.00.
.Thaac.Bollen presented a petition sign-
ed by a majcirity Of -ratepayers- for .a
drain wider the Municipal. Aet• from
-lot 8, cone 14, to Beauchamp Creek in
Grey. Councilpa.ssed. umtion atitluor-
, izing 1. W.' ltarncombe C. E., to make
a report ote dra:M as:required by"peti- .
tion. Accounts were passed efide paid
ainomiting. to e37.5o. A 'bylaw was ,
passed in accordance With Chapt. 240,
R. S. Ce., to compel all parties build-.
'ing fences along road .allowa,nce t�
,band tete
least .one rod 'apart "tO be lawful fenc-
es , in accordance to bylaw fer line
fen*. The. clerk was *authorized to.
• notify all owners of gravel pits to at- ,
tend neat meeting of council. If they •
wane ten cents a load £�r gravel the
council Will arbitrate .. • The reeve
_ was authbrized to meet - the' reeve of
Morris before next meeting Auld if he
. would .ftot agree to . allow 1VIcKilloe
. for statute labor:on boiledaty of
Morris he would ask county council
to appoint. an 'arbitration as Meleillop.
has .done all the statute. labor for
forty years. •
• 'Council' adjourned to meet ..itt Mr.
Whites, Leacibury, . on Wednesday, the
2tst of May, as court of revision Mal
other matters to o'clock foieucton.
. • .
....... ...:.................................,,:..
1 ,
I New Suits
I for Men and 13.qys.. .:
. .. .
.. . .Weare showing a magnificent range of. ready-made t
iclothing which arrived this week direct from • the manu- ;
• faCturer and. can now .ofier you a new and nobby snit at a ;
remarkably low price. Also a Inge assortment of . . .. I
" . : .
. . . , .
. .
nity was held in the temperance hall
oil Wednesday afternooh when their
Miss Nellie Nixon of Wingliatn was c
tam dete for West Huron, Mr. atn-
tron, was present. 'The attendance
lVfajor Beck and Mr. Mitchell, the
Conservative caltdidate for West Here
on were in town one day Met week,
Tliey are receiving excellent encour-
agement for the cennittg battle,
Rev. S. la Parke of Amherstburg,
a former incumbent of Trittity church
here was iti town OA Friday,
on Monday .With another nate-carload
of horsez for Manitoba, This makes
the thied earload this Season.
Our auctioneer, Mr. C. Hamilton,
has purchased the Gidley property on
Queen's and intemla 'moving into it at
Mr. O
111akley left here 011Wednesday
for Idaho to take charge of a ranch
out them
visiting at Mr. "William .11ixon's on
Suni;rdsa.Y; . Dow was visiting on the 6th
cOn. otte day last week.
Ur. and Miss Smith of the 6th con.
visited at Mr, George Tisdale's on
Sunday. .
Quarterly services will be held in
the lifethodist church next Sunday.
Miss Honor Plowman is spending a
few days at hoitie.
The • farmers are almost' through
seeding in these parts and if the fine
weather Coaitinues a white longer they
will finish this week.
Evidences of housecleaning are to be
- sect. 011 all sides.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sillibs visit-
ed at Mr, George Wallace's on Sun-
' day last.
r,John D ChI10I in left this atatiott
soura HURON •
- . •
• tron.
. .
The license commissiotiers for South
.alutem met in Hensall mid greeted the
licenses for the euktent year as fol-
lows : Seciforth-Mrs. Thomas Steen -
ens, Queen's hotel ; Samos Weir, Roy-
al. hotel': Henderson 8c. DeLacey,Com-
thercial hotel ; jatnes Dick, Dick
-house ; W. J. Hunter, 'Grip' house ;
shops, E. paweone Jos. Weber. .
R.HocIghis and George Scott.
Exeter -II. Cunningham, • W. Hawk-
shaw, W. T. Acheson, George Merner,
extended ; shops, Farmer Bros. and A.
J. Knight. Bayfield -Left over until
next meeting. Usborne-aeloseph. Stev-
ens. Stephen -Wm. Moffat, . (antenna;
August Hill and W.. Fritz, Crediton ;
Simon Deitrich, Moutit Carmel ; Jas.
haddock, Corbett ; Joseph Brenner,
Greed. Bend ; ;Mines Montan, Shipka;
C. I,. Moser; Dashwood ; George
Crofton, extetided three months ; B.
Cunningham, /Chive, extended three
months. Ilay-E. Besignaul, St. Jos-
eph ; Mrs. Nicholson", Blake ; 13,
L. Shoemaker and Louis Foster, Zur-
ich. Stattley-II. Sheeller,' Kippen ;
C. 13, Little, Brucefiela ; Varna left
over. Tuckersuntli-Charlea Wilson,
Brumfield e George M. Strong, nee
Tavern. .
' Theie is too much systetniri this
school businete,' growled Tommy,
" Just *cadet enickered .cs' little the
inonitor turned me over to the teach-
er, the teacher turned inc over to the
principal and the principal turned Me
over to pa.'
Was that all ?'
No, Pa turned me Over his 'thee,'
If pod need a waterproof 'coat we have lois Of theni :,it price • •
- 1 : . -• . ". that will save you money.
Some special values in our CaI pet .departtnent. It always pays..
to buy carpet here for you can get en** and you have the , •
, advantage of prices. . . .
New Goods are arriving every few days for our millinery . .1
.: department. ' .
Pretoria Block.
:•••• •••,******44•44.••••••••••••9**,•••4•••••••••••*4
Our large wareroonis are
fully stocked with furniture •
of all Ends and if you are
thinking of purchasing We
invite you to call,. see our
display and learn our prices. •
ainneoeincrai JaltoreientE STANDS ,
It will do you good to .see the beautiful line of Fancy
Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering.
We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our
wareroomeeven if you do not want tO purchase,
J./W. Cbidley.
Night and;Sunday calls answered:at residence of our
Funeral Director, S. W. Obidley, King street, opposite foundry,
ITo.Old: Chestnuts Here
Do not confound: the GeO.
Slater Boots with the Slater
Boots that are on bargain' count-
ers at any old price:
The Geo. A. Slater. Shoes are
decidedly the' best 'Boots and
Shoes made in the Dominion.
They are sold ih Clinton by
R. J. Cluff who always keeps the
Now is the time to come and see our new spring goods. We have a nice.
line of new prints from 5o up to Me a yard. The latest shades and designs.
Shaker Flannel for 5e a yard
Black Mereerieet, Goods at 25e yard White Mercerized Goods at 20c yard
We have also a new line of Dress Goods, the latest shades Sailor Hats 25e up
Ali kinds of Shirting and COttonacles at reasonable prices
Shirt Waist!! from 50c to 050 A grand assortment of wall paper all new and
of the latest pattering. We would be pleased to have you call and be convinced.
Highest price paid for ail kinds of produce.