HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-04-10, Page 7; . I I . I A*ft1Q001qPAA­ � . 7_ - I . ��111 _____ . --------- __-__-._.___1_ I I . vow - _1-,_n,_- � , . , ", "­ ". " . ,� � I., I - ' &,-.=, 111. _ I .1. 1, . i- , I I , M _.__��,_­ 11­111­�� I J I ii;,;inr.�-�­ -.11.-1 ­_ .--,. .;,4-___- 1, . � "I I ... I - I ".... - -11 L � � 11 I . , ,.*--Z � x -."m- ZA 10._�ll,! ";Cow i ,,�,,,,.,,,,,,,, -._��:.�:,, �1.1­ ,. , __ -W-11sim-FTWO �._'I_ ''. �, .. : - I -_1 _,:_­� I., -_ _01, __I�­­._i___._,1,_.\ I V PJ_Nolsioww� ��.A.. A 11111011,01%,k., I'l I 11410 - ---t __." � �__:,i _�_I_� ., �.:.11.1*!! . 9441VK51 . 0 - ­%� 'W _* __ ''-l"�llill�l-.-."�"-,-.,-�wo T rMilgromm �� . UeVer I _..� K� 4*llolpt� .9 _ __ - ...- - ___ — __ ._ , - 11 wwrT wo* � ­_­ . ­_­ I.. ­­ 1_--_____;;" "I t a:7, I VOZ� like to go down in somo ,I" . p SILEXICt IN MOE. minutes, but It tvilt y .RQ18M nct,�, herritt. Brantford, ()nt. .. I � id Live, spare One minute. In I worsIlip in I q4tot part, of tit I with � � sw. 11te. )VIllialit Vollrath-E I t 11-0 0 #00,11 ��.. I I 1 carthl fill cl�ljs - whele, tilt41'e. �are friends, alkil F t . I �� t , Pug R 11 A! -N#*4, I � , - M�� , I MINN. 3, " * Awl , a 11i'l. UIa­X#W*#(AA #*###**#+V##* *###*##*#m-- �'fi 0 C b , el .9 14', t TOr"WORP xwww. IF* .I . I - ompAratIve! , A4710 6i P 11V4,0 - , I I t (V at estion, that IS, Dy0PNPKA. A THIRTY MINUTES' RECESS ALI, TH A ' ' iven got ro,thoile whose � hearing is me dolso � , . � r'.) AT set brevity, but how will be, V(lffift 0 , I _V,,I,i6" t1h, 0,11 Jam , , 1� , . 1, N �, 11, .... P. ". .. , .1i , Mn 9 .. , "1 ,,, ,V . A Aea 14 1% .. IT IQ It to let one blix hen 370 ___ L.411,� 1 ,.l *11. 1 7, ­_ '_ "t."`*_tMPtI*0 TWO Plindallers After < 42AV;_1r_V7tf7_ I I .6 0 , ,4?.LD AFFORD r Idl V - A �; mm $ascribe the cr�ah'a X14 next of kin, father, A. West, - i"o .rj� .1 �. list litpof despondewl, li � .d , It Nap e Lane, Gondhurat, Neut, Bag. �. . .I . I tornat orchestra, And they fftl Ilk* Ho Wils Mqrtally WaunOaO. 0 . I � . .... 04 11, �� 4 t -j . A'C('3'a" A Witu h r I I Dax—B a �'Jllf I 'f , ""' k I " " ' '�edm I . I let beallactie, tilitsfiless, constipation, r .,:Z I � I . ..: / , . , I l W11 . . J I at feliTA Of 10411:1407 OVIIII, Conduct 1104 and I- Ayling"Va *a66ZJ` =_ q� AM 0144lAlfis ted t,T V I IF h tho distress after e&tJnv, the Lsourneom 'k1Q*LXJ*T At ik XTXJli3*.,i*ri* - � � rVi " e I y" I ?AM" R ��4 I' �: I 1. I 11 014 . 11 , 'I � 1� . L.6he 00140,911, the bad tillote 14 the mouth, , �16_(;*,W oll .il. � Peak Of ** ipffi '_ 4' ,,_, "!0`11AMMM 0, qXJ*. ,my.row , 0 1 ; . I (4, ; , - ,,, then one ndred act for- � P No q at Rao I esOpAw W I , A )It`� POWER OFW NU 14:-�,10 114 u 0 � � .11 I 14V 9k90uW'*f ,kW, As ok Vilsol ,4at, Xogavo. js.yl � I 1� I and, fort3-four trillion? Not only are on "Whitetill"t1bok Otis" *X` X* Mr. paxXoroull'y *up 0. 0 -V 1 d so forth, to The lljghtldi�� TkIng Is Oftentilpes $9 he I to Lie lit' whNb,JVqJ%- V . Aeawlo 14 . , - - - 411rtike triumph PAIS h . VW #*iw"Afirw Montreal. I , I : X ­ I the triumphs Advvy*s" AIVAN, JWf *OW e,)?olq *y . I $11 "11 O"NL- - -, .^,. 1W,Z,f6Jfrm?rnqA!:kR,P -A . , , I Y$Pe.p1)IA resulted from torpid liver in , i 641 ­ W II, Xnow Of , , I . . u R K I er Scarcely Wc ad, DO , , W 1 T40an OUT a star 01; , et Ar , 9 I m 1*p "If." '"liI0,11""- I I In, 11 ? 0 &� �t 8 V0, a ,'�' i .. , 111"W415 , -V InNaii its ..r.a., "ra, law"..4 7014 *140 so What It woold no of No , , Corp. S. UcL. Howo,Z I Xth n,616 . tore$ I ext ise,owkwit e#0&rJ0ac4�,jqlT,bqrA*#q 41tir, X400; of Vapp#14no K01441 --- . . . . �� case of Mrs, ;Ones, P20 X, 12th ft., f I A"War .tq 11-roag Is %Uo God, but what we will know of 111in le4co .- '0 Q, I . , � .. 1 1:17pr ll � qW*0WAVl)do*1#i.l,rA,,,, 1%vivill0i V�W�qfl,& I "� . .1 . ,r2orj�jrijg ,� O'�F I �, ,tnbrpokt - I I , ]Out sllja%6��Ofxw WT h, ,III ,( fter everlasting ,Study of the Ocific, You'W1114"d A1%&dn;bAbA*:*tw*AXsA 44U"4i;,6j�oA i,,A6i�.i##4ktr#,j:4 I 4 � r 14-VA01, I 1 IladelphI4, Pa., who *All 4 great sufferer. 01 , . t Owe. -orntesgilite-limpo'PaIlil .0" � note W . or statoluent made in her 77tiL year.1s, f my text had said there was Silence . ­ Kalce�Joeq "��J- ��fi- . m , 1Umercd,&cooII?lI4VtoAoIt of ParI144ittof Can- in hea, an for thirty days, I would - 40 ,f rMTT"`,-t,. ,q til'. 'q%kk�*-j '1,'%f MAPP, �. . - . ., , ",WRW,Ta;t­4 So Bud value, so others 41da,in the year iiw�, �` W10,04fig i 'A I % - I I _J1 0 %jetely cured at It ioctmll Axis ollyllbWeliftipsoitfdr lawo ciblivo . :London, April 15,—znIere was severe, §w"In."'11. &­vt r b 0 ave been startlod at thQ Ru- nly tKUi*3J1**A4WfOXl1,sl1I qbmy;oa�, .. * , . e 4 'I' .i �, I a I rollt-4, A�� LhAI)Qp`t()J ,4yglry��11.11411-VI.I,av"�411,11;�o* . a t b jIl I B 0. I �.it�­T-,, �, , T I-, 1 . > �1' I I.. Yo1wep As ptq� J. C, ior, V v .51 I I , . nounceniout, but .it indicates thirty . I � . �F 11'*�R! I, 10MVVIIJU.18 ('111 � u , . - ,.,k,fkv)llflallny,(,1;74.�,t-,it.1, . I To th"04"Mool, r4k*ff,oM*i-49St.TA1*W )M04t)v �itgi'if� -� � , ,*WVhVt�1l',I1JQlJ0,l6,_Xi1 tt , ' Ite 1100.1�41* hwfo0w(r)l(doloti" , ad".Om 11av-K34 -,11,4 ,�I " , , - I " .. ."Wef, � 69 :is Jarsapi k., . P, I �) t 1- 4; "' --�;,qu,'qf rr I 'I..", , to -,k. I . . I ... . , . , aryuh- z", '4 v Ir �. 13. Hodges, Virden, Mdan. � �� I It IPUR'�n��7�tP,:;',Q(;ild)oylf�'Q'4 l,A0f.Npl(QkftVQ . e 4 I discourse Prepared qLaY ' rk ofa%(*aurtdlhW* 1W 0,b*Kqb,V -1 i" . IN$ R, I . by. Pr I , . # f �Mq,l, I;rtv- IV.P.;W�113DO44440i,t,,q4Ipr,n",.IIF,W,i',�t I.. i . wint0l % neAr -4 1 � � . I 47r I and glories Anscrutable things of eart we , " A,A-fqlOftr( I 11 -, . ' ly P of the he th mettgolblot tAslflioula,4741 oullit A&VAMV.."' oej- "'11-ev,tol 401mi qf,ftita". i I , "As,it y r IrR , 1. . D. i: . I ­� I 495 sitaiii. a ,!,,,,,.,,,,,,,.',,,,,"."I,t,,,,IFr�al.it 41.4av-04 I'llat q, axoW101a 106t. woo krx ,va .11taw 'ffwo, - I U . - Pd � As,'=fj�rr% WIT. ,. * will Itstep i bentlitylkl4b q dik A; , almouxo I out. � . � - I � . PVIrc " I ­J4j�.,IL'jdAAJ'fV]�1.RJ,W,JA_ __.___'J his An the ll�ulae of the Boors, alter R. 'fosegldild;' �, wfthg 4 0 11% 00. �f .1 ! lilliff 49, Fill V '191fed flov .`l`,ThVre.wa0 rthly exporlenceg we W411 want to bog at'd 01'060,3�4*ls - -#A0 he nal � 0" _ I 'fit, fiWt�' . , Si- � sit, I I I IMA ( Vkhv *9VKv41%Zldq*n41%i*(;,9W ;WCOdit br0'f'fiIWi;�...'1-'fldM,1,l,A� - J�.fft:�-A-lr an a . � spaig"t"fl, taW.1t14er)Vi,ad1:I01#,-1)VI10 [RtAiii Apli-its � the"74ft 00,met 161611bituakliz 13,41t, alliaA Rifles .qspeclally. dlot "guished M . " , . I �, . tIX . . � : 11038 ocr . I 1111 I I . ... I And all the ages Will Want The saiu,-, (It w?eaulakemancirt ftwhAttaltaluilo - tIX 41(a Oi6tilittyva . . . . . . C,P_0�gt.k1P-1#% A. $ rli�� �. t ") . I . LAeut, Brueq Carruthers, . . . to I . I . , i0 t v r h%tl&tgl10rdaW4A Wfi&OTIL�14"1*06101 01 A 'Sil4f, Thoh ,.. AmP 1014 . 4 V,0'4et . I p d #J L V,�Jjk . Aa�. -10 ; � A. General Banking Bushicef Transacted. . . OP I- 1�66-'Ilh,�tw tali4rd I I � At ftl, milMON0.41OPPO1191AIrl It Q l, I'lo i kFAII . ; . I. is hea,v a. -ft* is the centre from cessation. RO v busy W-0 w bat Ift"Ovet 7PDXh$kVqxV.rlVmq#J � V , , , . I f. Z�l W ,, KI LIN , . V"VeI1Uf*V4o4W,VX*fh4- � , " ,)(0 . . . : otes iscounted. Drafts Istftle(l. 00 I t which all good Inflaeaces Start; it IS,41�q i t t 10 so and grace I Why, he Woundek$:, Al V rta.li w" roo, V�fiaiiigh<'sq ( . I . A 19 I I - 2 WU iQ*bt**0 -)Jt,Sr_or4yAF m ' rte. .1. Simons, Nelson -D.V, I � . .1 It " V . rldl But come I ; k, .1 11 # . ')!Ill ,lidliflAoR.R .� __ I-' � IV III— Qy*"?4)1�411L , . .�� Cn ... 4 , Ith ma 917p, AV I, hT a fit es h6l. eal,-00459610 "'011 kib� ill -do 11. ill.trVk t A, I . Nr**quh*lV4: I V I. Tile Bible r6pi4i'seos "it"' 49 9ApPi(o0F&Aodh+th* 4,yekl4w . ,:A,\ v pti.�".1iftucw4ty, tyr � 1. I I. . , 11 . oriva" . i fo ul�l Ito -W-461�rW. o§s - Lord Xitchtner's c F ,,I %A I On R 'T . -V111911 A1l,,KRO4,..,; ,41t . I 1 .49, . M_ I - , OL bad re mod 4 W . Aj*or,,Nr , I V 1K r V, I t eQlA .JiiRd, 00.1 Al i I ' I re 'Port, te, Alexander eDon4ld, )Port * . , interest Allowed on DejY611 ,f1_,,Jt=Qr1CO( I P.anlwe y South- . - .... at W C� palases?, t1liatV, t4s. da (Pa c � . � . � , . a In sdaMl 0 bloi4A-,A.�ft Irk)CI. I-ew-4og!t4l1w . I C 01 ' ,% I '0Vi6t1Dk1Qo9114% '. k� _. 3,ti�o witti wheels and wings and : fevel 'abdi ahoiS�4"ilowurovok%kilk tlled� Ot I ilaqt L - l, I the fu- , posta 9,W,, Vo.yqu see. thmtllfim�g Ifig, says: 3 � 410 -0 9W . s If hall posts, , I A reliestrap and processionig mou ted, � froln I W, 10t� - MRARORW91-if n I a, �,, r 4 ; ,t - � ' 7 L I "wol hl:)I1,,t-.rA0 It? pqf)jg�4j , . - P. a. H. trawes, mifax, 9 � � , ,� ., q 4tflr40v;V%A4%,,1P ., V Desmagelin a -it avar,glAitectural glorl;s? 'Vhli, �1' 1.0, xlixV ,.t - - '40opprV,-�K,#4henff..tl��r - ly ,�'X -'f� to�': A CVVV�,O'Ft" . I � I %1� . I I � row. Do'�Otl 0,;; thtt Ilia- 'erlo'brot erl sent o on Is ei'*fn �pjftj�,t�%)N ,­,� . I ...... . I—— ........ 0 - R. or or I r tin. . . �t),, Ull Us ,a"­0f04r4WJ"9 M. , .4.9M I's INmr.-pt) )o J" . , , , . g ft a I . & kt?; . , .� ,,, 1108 , ( ,,� , .. 0 A 111� RT STREET c,,T,W,'_ 'I Mii,-G�& ShiltH.),,6nL-,tB.Jmnp4t�i,'.ftl,wst. _pRI) N ill, #Lens* structure? That is -the biggest 0 I . . . . � , rles, su -rg tgribly frorn.Rfleinnatism In , Q � L "Illy 404 �;.%V, . * N& 0 1 It Mr, �' T � 11 91' t "�' them- II(OUSO in heAv011; that is "the house lit"IM11"MfUe gle,ktl i4t1fil.1r, kmgiN-�r'nroi , rjWd All sorts of iturm q %,,Ji�vr. TI I V l I �11, ,ie , L I . - -----. _ j?hii , %ft1bg of maRY n$aft1XOMV;*Xl*tkV4u%.ReffiNthat to 44w'-6, , a - __. ____ -,- - * - ____ , , , ar Ises 'iiel 14 Uu btjTc� %Isoon of, ) di enipoil:i - CF11-VOWC71 a A 14f . he *all? Shade your eyesAgainat its lit a, rill4e-V 141-1 0 ogi Qla tillInA -A L , � , AJMQA3&)Io-) ,conal bru pela)whilio isAvolito.titta,440cs, rpe 8 buted'. iMbe ballot 09"acrqs 1 g I M , urn splevad-, fouth I , an a running xlgbtI for eight miles, Klefriliall"a , 22. I I If X.191,"V. 7atil4t(Ane L � I - � � im. th 016 Var -0 ' 6 3138&W pVk woWd mut I 1 [-following the track through, the bush, but L Its,oby tl� V­Uidl 6 . Ii A L L gAin �g ( . - sh lip - f I r at "' i I the onl; q 1, -1 J ,>SCOTT i 'At �, to Al I performed In . . ­ . - ­., ­­I­),111I1I,,A ' f, I NW -41 &aPdMth1-*q*tLh,q-,A1 4 . ft a] �11 at L . 19mergInK On 9, PIMA, large Boar ra� �rfTka( � � t h ItIl1lisha r Von all, the splendors. . I 'Stop, At b III` g1l0*ltVn*id'0tV4-Aq4t 70 .411 , , ,4 used Z,V.ttlos Nyas 28 d I nipote . � L fioalfft t, r fi,�, T , absolutely cure. ( , , ? I . ' : eavoul 11 crio voice, an I t I It h , L lnfetlileamsnts� y L 4. - I _m I � -1 . 11, Aicilling through the heart of � the . -advanced.against. their,,.. legrain gives to '. verytbinf;, , ', 0,qq, I, ,, , 1511,111, VA iffillud I ly,Olnt- Irrea . a � 'tlfeie-Erple,ndid-�record,-as-�told�4n, .4h&- - . - BARRISWR, SOLInITOR. Etc. _­_tJJq&_-67U .ej - ttind ft stopped , . .. r -, kq��,� �'IlAvad which the official call (1143%%Wl%�111" I as$, ge - M-11INTU . .1A # -441 � :�p _ _ t4 I, i to , I M - � U'll t ; , 40 , Wor OOPS L to �, molitoftliomalo.) Y-1rull f)qsioily "I FKm-#hA4#- once Banks, forcing the British tr 1 with . Me ,�'tholloplilo VJor Ifi%n *,*o-,,b.elpa4od up, . ensive poottion,. L't t . 11W) -1.�.".),�9,,ifftkv6ol.�)V(tOiA�LVIA e I $ I I , ­ I V� � -ita d6N6o*,hio4iekt,dhA(a,0ndtj , Nose who take up a def a 1) - . , ".4 . . All a'*, . At 1W 0 w q I i "lKe $NvftjK 6AJ I, , . � 0 A I i all . lax ad . t JAU W pte§`, t r . ., � N11MV , .* I . which press despatches is the intimation. L 04101c-&Ript P 0 � k. 1. X.7 I W*9 of h 0 r.' .11,1111, ...... of the Hudson they hAstily entrenche . to lit . . .. I ... ... ......., -1_1 % I&I'll . .. .� . � d. riligh 4 _hp en- � . vMl ) I I , ting e" I . .hJvtAi:1"!§q0. - IT a' we, o 0 "yltdd1A?_Mk%AtheM'ftd`qw`mW has� Qr t4W44",QR14L4 oi. t,'AV"ftl,:..., U.'' /.'- 'It close quartore until the " Thwal . I . I . ,__._J1.pAJIV l ' - � ._.". , t _ � IS 1. i..'"I'llbeI' 1J1 14 An= ,� -1 front tb,d Colonial , 'ecretary: " ' li!rom all we - - sited �.JI .f,bull$ da a probab y lost, Shannon say, VWO never saw the like ' 0� ��AL . - . . .f 1. Oil$ not stop as other cities fomthb, X'� �#In,.ar f L _ 'her , I %WfirlF . -*.�qffllw I . , , 1. WIWI " 6 0. Ififfi " '116t ity and s1Vee*"JWs0 k "Delaray- JE p a . "a-Ri."h 1"wi. IWtM IX4mV%F-AAr,QWpW,�MAX0 Boers were - , two officers dea Af�bims vs, ooll.... 14 I _kLIA ed men report . d#A . � pr - cong a uldto' .4, � , . 0 _ a T&V WPM, i _ , I , n ql .F AV '01 I 4 0 -this for clar J L'PM et P go =' (ViVolOck V*t�ilh)f 1jilligMe 'London, , 10 L Owe of .,!, It I h.K�4 tv night, for there L a .1 I ,1 ' then I . � .1 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Dominion on ,liv, v 1 c conduct of. Can- I Is no night there, � .. . IS.�tt;i�..q . - ' J the British.trocips ;�agage �kers tak- I L . . '4�h ,own to oulejaM of gold and T%PW %� ted I. to erguade -th9ir - I stop for a. plague, for - , the, co MU III $Lmber 11 ,,temy ft . ­ ,,?�, AI?V�, I ,o- , I 1 . . I Tend see those = R t 044 4' It&I jj6 �6b it I, III IfLgo* 3,f sonqZ&A"i �%. V�%V - the lnhablt� 11VIR . ,�,tly 914 at . . I Zt does not, , , 'e. _ ;_.+ � Notary Publiciliwi,01wo waal . OR43119 .t 4 MA U I .. I _, th L I . ' , . "A Deeply romrot . heavy Casl]#Qt� '�It Ves, Vh? . ,u utlyer sa . aterrainable streets built'l 1W 'A64 WA �4wllivo!)000�a I)aTp4ic1l:lqtk0d yvftl - liliterty bV. one , y r t1hQ fact - .. . j1144 I - -.01t M.24. 41A " I , . . I �: it 0 �1,pql A OR,., or tWk-P I ""'gi*Z,AU�kthtilt, AR0991011g 4140m 61iftect, lot the universe into 4ftfteiiip � th0l't, thW rW&V N 16 11 IN 11.1- . CLtNTOX 43 , ", � ` 0. .IdO Ilia d: a di . . . � . desire t0j��LrVaTOVQX� Artal =,P"4i,th#0 Opirim-Beaver Block, . ,t: S,W��fl`mtfir I . I , , , , " . el]!K, r . 6'ell , . � . I , � t i 404, 1 3, I- -,I; thei"W pACIRW ,q"vpAa.,,�1#ir iIes- h;13 O W 0* -�q 14 I�w* lql� Tw8c,t4A " ', f . . 11- ­ftu_&-� 1&_1v m401,04tv"W ,, g�� h " fh toosourovill'Tto 1, bk"N' I _&§ Ahe, 4, '&T " 1 RR 1w 0, r awy wb 54 I . Z__ is- ,�1.1_ft_ rb. 1* ,-)04R . �. , I , t It -Mat, .�A,,Ms_ - 0 i '� -0 , A - I . � , �A R`"d%'T1 cuo, .Au4I#tqdq* P4vWp,fjnd we Be win- XI9r0weAt.41 ba rades, ug .-iffi . . , ,t,4 V .404, 4, tiwo V. L . .1 I "*= I " , fioutha rr ,�Sti t at it ky wet . I . . .giv9p 11 IgAMMY T-6 got no crown on. earth we 1pl:�Wxtll qjAh�v 114 'jdjv�ls, . I ." 00004[Vay istrebto;,%foir ttbLerq.;ap0v&q�,$qIJpA, W , earthly to 9 wev, &I ­­ I 1. .1 4 : 4A&QJ*lGtr L'� . gnol I t . _* _. _ did tr�ditious bf a n a I at';y I , 4b I mad I "hent itheyo&t, thel r � .�. A� 4"" "71th & , , L Ile 1115V ;; o I o4l I I .. A 1:1 I I rilluti tJhQ*A0 �, R. . . , . ,I I! - Imil. 'I ,�Iblol t I a I yo(l &W1k4f&'A16%fiW1&0W . -YA) Nifftyx# , I Is , e� �- I: I ; "' OXMces, once , a 0 with 4 . 4 - _­ _­ - gnedi . N (31iiiiii e,r . wlnowpt yell I I e ,irRP1(W% 1 7 � 91tv. L . . . � ,i I 1� . Ii . I , 0 - thirty minutes? crown in houFft't 'Welft "Idlit'l hea tM1=1,Qr%: . dIdAft'g0sheill th -on r3s, whlc%f � . . , , , � Mis 6noIsw*WilIgWkeshets. What, =., � _:==-.7 ­� _�.�� ------ _ (si, a , I'.,,- I- , then, 'stoppodilt. f, r . . 117 e.iVagtyl -04 In,, e . . ___ . . . will have. no more half bours .t' �, I . - dtitiigWeup _ pr I g 1Z . i . IR --a `eaera'1'4fth".0LI1iV -I"WU Wx ,GvOt4us- and­Px0fesoor-IStuart L LL tit A " Coq do " 1, Flic,1=4 %oz AGkIeFfald .W0 - . . rt�)�'I"AI_ Ahiak, 'aparo-_­ �� � - - "'.. ', 0 I "I"ObW44"wo,"Ril �&ftrio,-,Oml e � gffi,�P:K lj�iit,., ru�4 Carl - el� %,4; 'tile $Ii ,� � I I_ _-�_ � - ­­., , I 0 O� _4 . . . 'L . -1-Ta,1311 'O."a -it was at the time of'the destruction �ou Bay. No, you c4pnot go I -TiAl, � 11 Oro, - I I �, I ii, .,� I f . . A IDOUT & HALE - O'Grady colvc . 'I R I ,�_A , 'led .6 � IoM, ce�. � &pt*j1"V,1 V I git,#PA � � . . ; '-�.� Conveyaricers, Coultnissionerb, cable yesterday from , Col - Evans,, of Jerusalem. Xr,, Lord thinks it - My iii6ject also imprasaes,,xne wit. - 11 T Was killed or wo e - an . Canadians: "Hearty con . ' , , . . . laRothq0A -Aqi�Fo?AAtnQvft;;qP%%&1 atula.06'rIff -nanding , (1P. , 9f yundeq. Oth T , . I . conii the Second Canadian was the Inu I'tali ... 0411 oil I .. �et you CoMe.olit agal# L J ... 'a . . I , I iguni '01ft "" "%h ",',golthe . ' pg lorce showed g i I)IOW.' , � Ito lh� roulm.p, 'th 'r.�aPkA4#0V sue. . . . . .. I ,r.", 4 � . . *f . I . i� p "Po ingLthe- i '1-DeePIly,,-,-de; i I , L � ,I ,ilardt's I � . ipore y Othe here they navex�, p4 & L v , Olt$ 4,09f, T,V,l lVersdhi�l ,till5pteiit., 0 . I . . I I .. " . f tb . , %4'�rp, Py do lif'.t C- M­i'hnd'rbh,lfiQ � . ito.4h4fAllen'lier eq* - . L f,�,). n P4' A le ion persecution , " Arla,,, vy loss. 0 Real Hstate and Insurance � the In the4,qtp I "Vebygilb?, %i"�.;iij - L I, Wo , -, on L, " cl A %;'�-',i �-� cosal , � mounted Infantryi staling that 'AlAhift-1. %49? ** 11"0�QA,.k4ne.-,,,1g4+X qwon-, � W6,21", I. 1,41q. � Ag)A(-yn a . M le 4I, ! widely known , . . - 'I- �4* Vcid'*434*j1*hgy1Jv4gAWj it sir � - 4 "'96Milk"VAd", � aml -4-wlhqr4� - *as-�IIWO�by -thoso.%vthol,b4d served ' .. . I t fIght, Ift,a0elpoll P 91A I "I'TOV9 , J ,Ar� ep ?� �" 11) r ant -0 -F X ,T4r NY: Steady _rlflQ L fire. " L 11 ' Q'IJ'4" _ aid. I. .'*.�t'lj; (BIW� if ok If (gq .t4Q1xlqyer p.�,iA,,' I ply . . . . 1:. 4AIn(1,13A Ith4l-Ne o , , , whole Ur � I . I . .. I VE41 (41[j (IiJ908010 )�� P - JaVA-13 4,14;910,') n(Il' M"t Wabl 0 Xt With. them in. the earlier stages. of the " � . Q,B - I I �11i' :1. t." . " I . I , . I .�ffl yj�s In, this engagement ths . . - . P).1 Ill I , i ii5 111511t,=, - ,,, lt,�,*(*P, 0 i* P - .. t . . . . I I 4*cW ,q1?,1Fn1r .1 K & , ty", I&A Pel - ("Wars . . . . . I , . ___ - __J.L_-wJ4,J-10W_-_._ - -fmlofll , IJ.V . _AQ1f nine Uanadiarks Were killed ' ­Lampaign., . . , ..; I . . . 6(44- , . II -1191 WAM. amompV14444,14f, . . ­'­ � y li ftlig 1y--'!1P1W"q�'"N't was; and'l' ' ' it ­ . um .t . ON and forty. .. . � I , t0glAt )";'I"hilf?�Asi -.�li6llT!�l,'�lAibA'�fwf7tfioi,c.*" *i&#q9RqLt,4 .w I a must get�.,,V U The Canadian trdops engaged,were" . I I . � ­ __ . ­ AF atw6h f . here reported. ­", ... ... '�'?I " ( I .1 11 0A694UP13AW ) A i I bloo thin" rf"slot - i V%%�#tr (01. )9ofl f(I t iT,&nOW W qX JqI #%�� . V 40 Acted, as elsew I `��' . 3 � �q I -a t e. rat 1,,Wh �.!;4, 410 '0. 3� .. - _. - --- ­.. . , hWil "L' V00, �w' ,0- in � I . I - I to- - _­ P,� . it *as lbile&.t ., V gil; , I If olipi ,i,. qfpg,f, lfflig,ini 0 so , tkI4Iih#Jft,kIiq�#vcA f III 11 ' ,r . R. W. G - ___-_� . . TA% PAW . 1.� -, xPl4r, 9 a I !* , , _! � -_ f I . ­­­- -"----- - -- ­ .. .. . I . . '..� breiiiUs up, f4pol". -Xim 1, e D ft � . . fr � I ga h I - ....� . . - - - Qb ta I . . � �� " �J��,V , .. %,hgliivenI � UNN . O 6 o ne W . be: if , . (Il .111own, Or ,�. I i u- . . � ' - 1 Tam TA. ,) 4 IF'( � I �Ln � .. ______ I 0K. �p �4.�,Q WL' , fille haolylev(fttl th. P .1 I . ., . . _ . . . .. . �trq 1) � )D �� . .1 place, am clirtain, `Tliore,' %a 51- __�If. . . ,yO*V4AAAWP1,s 14urpir,Atill , � " 1 %� . � . : _�- . . . ... Alter mliioi Xariia,' a6l , . . . I I I . % � I I , I ... . ejvLve Lee Of 3 ­ LA.Wp' . I . � ,t,, R. C. P and L. R. C. S. Edinburgh, , Milao intmo - Splendor a4don%esIVA'Ai�P 06W4&68*J&4 il,lmiiA tiril, , �qqn vo.%N f Pein I tlt Call L _�M� _Ltr ire. . 1.111:11 - lence in h ' n..4bout the, a I hour of my t,dxt is , I PT&TAr,*AV _j)o, I ,r ' 6 lit frehadoor cfiesidenecon RM,aon 4M CA - .'T,'-- ­­__�Rl . _ , . "Sty?" . jw, 1,4tJ I it,% . ,An of L ' , , . I � . . . . . , pf.1 PI .111(fJ ,J4A#4*0j . 'o . upp 'OV . . . . ' �_.,­­.. , tal-431 I 4 qi�d*,,,'.. Ilrl� I 1 I P. - "A.�, L I . . I " L ... 1-0--4* . haix an liour.. o.only-PArt,Qt,,,e.�tv�..rAnilt.Y, _�tha h*Jf0h0ui0�ff-rPUeu9q,4 li "I ( f" ' I . I ­ � T, Mid& 1­,M:1� - , 119try ill reet, olitiorite Prosbyterlan chal,oll.. . . . I And, , ilrot of all ver measurLd 13Y caTtilly tin � fday will cQiw,qNwbeiNiyq,u, . . ­ , illmosiss.. " , I. thWU4112tiAg ll%x� A4tA;)bq0 - rilpA41 . I , � . -that gr6at motor.*, - L I I -that . I . . . . i I IgierJi*OoroJ-;EtTrA4�*Ah.1,1-10A�OUM,,:i,M,I.$.OVftrL;q4gu . � ,l�,Jl' ' L I . .. co d by. V n liall'i t Veh, 'jVtAPI.]1iqhI;tSt*1,1�t#, AP,t,11 I - 4' #9,146%, . � �., - 4 The Heart , we, Icarn. God, was, a . I . i . . �ICK—ONTARIO STREET, CLV,qT0X. of the Al lie -111111 . . . .- , .;, � ,� TLL o;".j)�PA, LL urs J Is receive I . . . , , . I I , 41 I . Ii.11 . I . I OVI human angrbomy---4 andl, pphjj o I . I �'..lf L *., . , !rfjq,1P0 . . : a . I The I I . - I . � ,. ,.j ., _I Inein 0al r3 -MU. I . . of the bat-' I I r,atifillavi P�llantry r It'd' . ;1 never.falters, in the portor. . . I , ' Ir I I . . . L I . � I . L mance If " IV (I is that - .if 6 'nqAhandVm,kIiqi,fu.1I 4 %] . , r " �4,4 4 . L � hey decide , A func. that ever existe, . - - I A " . �,fbtJXRV f L t - '"VIIA rb ­�ierythln . I b4il*i.*goX4,Xqo 3 ial I'llau " t4 114y, Rkri"Ar"(1 t Wdo'it - Vall VILLF . 1. I * ' . ­ 1:11io T."I'l . K I ., .., � .. ' '04. ".. ,tjT,)4)t'sraI y "' 0i qVSL � . . flaur.Q.. I ."Pxorx. I . & hl%� qrgdiew 416, ost lgit i tba 1powrefl. . . I . . . . . I I I . L L . diseade - ! U Is *orld hef#v.eA for.j.'Vore ,%ha ,4i 1 Ih-ee , " ' brh dr. : no � ) � SrAl nX vf at yop. O I . " .n, til =W111 ;harmm�ax 41ad,lou,nixot�aM the 04114,, ,.�thiv to R:' I�TrAW III&I - over which , as , , h I - roll, -, q ,, qg,lw ; D tio A e I I , will do with ' th . ,j ,q Wit Afveri� 31kFell. 61. ,in which-, .. i6o OVVICI., ya- hold on .t- A d 24, i6cia . fa Vedt i R';�A- �'30' or wainiths or,illays ,of you - , .4 ho4r, 'tit a ffi mq,q1,�jTtjti4 1�4 Bppr ar .' I . I .. . & mr� I . . I fe;'but what of . ' VT '' ,1,,, _01*6XV; I I . .. I . : Anyq$4 61 0 " I * me .''River; -Sbxit","V�st6fil'�,' V ". , -, ­ �, fib - thii..haff bourg . d 9:Ad 1, M&iiihi Ad 11'" ,,% I . , , Wiiinded� whi;J,thet abesis, bVfd,,!. 187' E tt.'racts,tuliqu -P.44,109, " " , ..' 4TARd �'.MEA",i %0AW" �ppilfill etillh,J 1, " �t'VAq.4h,l-.,,QA,���IP,U#ko�,,�-71*pFl, Imaking- %,yAs ajiater day occup�tiqr - i, - � I'! . !Tel L I XiavW� iTha,oCIqAk , T I . ­.. ­ Irls .t4q ,in " Jol'i'm 109"lly-Alsoill,ii't I 'T titlil yup'.1t , : &. �,nie,.;tihe ,hi4targ ,of.,�Toqr, J40,1.. I. ur - obloginpat ' L 0 ' ' 'L ft� 0 � I Al'. g'lq , � . , d"al -i -, -il ,;­ - r ,'�-jand ,�L, Alvi it- tiell-,�ypit- tbq,S"0I !of yo , Ili tH6,whdaffeaw,an ol men killed,p J"J� at,14, . # PA , , - '� I � , Jit . lK,rokit jill, .-A . � ­;4g�4�1� -9 it" wag, I 0 , , - . - un(* -, lije t . t5e : , : > . kor , Ur = xotil%Ft4l 4�fti wo, 'i L Cr,INTON ; unx � U , I I ij�.6wyolw) ho'hnsen a dr q , 4.�PWAIII.rAT0,1th9L Otor* q (juits 2,0 � oars cps a 414 .1 : , 'air, 2i. - "22-10 1 . J'�, 4fijr ... - * I a 'y &r ' ft,Q! A0, .Zut how will you i a or ,tpoj YL (4,111 fov ''. . V .96bw Rg ; .r I r 09�-., ,4 _7kaaj 9,,q�q I 'Who�e'l,fi4v 0 F, kovir lSWqq4ed,,tI . ,., 0 JiVffo-'�Afl e" , J'W', � ,lit f4m,--i ,:Rffqj1#,q�?,??j. if an hI " , ,��J - 1 It " , , , '' to . � ,g .- . '?, i , as t 6re was no one t. I . . pend' the . ArOt . . I .. I � R Tn ,� . , Ac I . — - UPSON ... .......... I. !16V, ... 1. F 4L 11%VP, Jase it no utterance. . b.Aaroul, ImIlotai J#fQ4 I T.'h& hWip hourpole.N,o,ur,�beaWenly,tpitiZ a lApirfAnt, PCIO& - I. .: *41l'. , . . I . � L . .1. � . . . . . .11 ­ ha driMILIVIVIL Speak ,to, , there Was , . � .1 . I ,*4r,g ' 'L' . .. , . � ad relleve vre almost B0t'tha,t,4Aehc*d:ia0,,a111beV* tb;,,?JcqV I ig t or wrong things you can thin . I three gU �, - 14. r- A . , , . . . � , I.Ij! RJAP'i alter IYAL*tbavel �gane: in'to'Astaiy? I "P.001PP.Atio - ','I L. ' : Ald: S ei;�L,it6l 'qP.`,J.dV . & I G1T'Jlft1r*dh I . I . . , -ArV-0�AX, 1AW10 9tJRG**.9Ww &�Jj " I *W - I IS'[ land L . I . h If ' 1r*Atff1]ftilt6-,,l*A& Viefitt This atta, I, ,alsi adq,a� pL,p * 11 inat,' 'Y ':§9 X�agIkTaV,WiyI1bvF1t,he . . - . - ill W I'Mit V, � . K lh�!. MIAP . rz,15urNual - ar("on"' Aftet V - prostration. before I I Abe. L S ­ . I Cr V , x , . .�omer i�?i ,J� qeckil atton'(Wil �,Ivel- to diseases of the Eye, : VX Ilt, bwft "Ilibcc,,WQ41� : ,oill. g I -1 1 '64 li! t t �it onis 's Z5 8b 'J � ' ' . 4 'L . I . ,Worlds in u 'I - It 1Y I ' , PT I , ,_ , . .� ,51l,'�%. - , . .. . - . - - flar.Noso anclThroat. � i % ,bTV&d1:V& --WrtbII(t)0`miA�tcS Oirone4tla 0.qWrsb4p�,*f,hjn"iKtt.q1 mA tri . -I eft. flApir; , i I A .1 - L I t. fl It I gr-Ittiterse. pheaval, X . . � ti . - 411 11 � v m5nes,, restlessnessi 13,1.11215. r t I.. r1do'i c the rig. T"dr."Wrdtf 11 . 4 4, , 14 , I. . ;, . � .,� "Ll. co,ppi. . .. . . ." I . . i t0 ia.m.11low"r,)l In ", ig lation, 'worlds lwcon- i's -611 'em - ibip". i,blotlfbMiygoik,ek,*.t.4,bor%,,,,, Carl - . `4 charge. iii . I . . � . I O*VICR AND REsiDE,,;cE- o,lfv.l,A wots ofil . ­ w I 19 - - ,dho Ili . glIfft ff', "y - *t I a c .an � the. . I" $ . ,- . . � L . . . ... .. -hsa49xQ3;Af IW =1V1 I I than ant d wip-re ,gal- '. - . I " L' " . _AIVh49M4tt 9 J M,0WyjI).4,1,;ij0.,,;,-r�W.r ,='�- ­ - -1­06� L, ti L. 1MY'Aw%villiftl i "444A;0irU,-,mi 0 "O all I think the.rest cifyour firat#44 �qy­l ,;.-­i�� ; -'T I . I . . I NIAchAVAI.N5 ,f . ­- � -.­----­--­-­ -- qil.'j[,�..; �', �. 'L, . . , . 3THEL - ... � %. - ­ ­ - _._­___ . . . -loping alcross I . . . . 11 I I ... .� I�N S IT, UIANTON. . . I . Lh I I � . ­ i till &"7,4.­�!tj , . I � . . L 10. ___._1 ____ .- . I . ... 461 1, B ar�''riglit�'-itilit'li'li..b)i4'1 iP&'L'�41',,14�-PR�TIA.9,ON.�$,�qRqr.w�,I I hollark irr Aaaywoul woA P40go.4 - in r" the inteft� A oflAgMidW mii "'Wite,111 , , .. - . L. . .. . � . --34e , ir: I there -has- -no:t�-.been_Ai,., .�'.,L � qut for the fragments of ttille - cokwibgsyooi,rawtii;4b,Ati,y,o�Alhp4*i�W L%V!" tj!K1 - ..- 9.9L ' . . . . I L I . . . - , - _Tn"V_51 . I V, I , F - " .. ' ' . i t"Iff . I . �.. , ... I I I# WN t of si rli� since 'the -Iw6rid lilhip�"Lt���'�j,L"E,di�,6,t.*elkenTtl,V.,"it4l*7-W faithful.' AVbe9W'W�4,'VftSd !14L. .. I ; I ­� d' I - L:. : . . I �, - of Si I . , , I have a mtrang, . . .1 - 0 ,,�t . I A.- .1muoment .e wi.� 11,v pl­u ,,f . . I I DENrISTRY X-eqn1111. _M,)" j1pillim . ,Iy-.J3P%a* miI4 ahucy. wl.q�.",­ d ­"K . began Its travels, andothbi craishting �, f4p.liall hours between shotAng horseft, f"lkbima,hp�crAttainAng4hi�,pjA�Wes;�.,.9(4 L. I . . . . - _ ______._ . .. . . I ..r I - -v,, I' * h Y " , 40, I ... . . . . _. � . and the splitt4ng and thPutifdhivaill& i that mot "libu, Bill' " thelearnedr.ttwirnods.ld oiotrwkA.w�h -F4bgliW - .. I . . , . " . *are: ever in pro - -�smitih,', th',d h �. L L having dismountedi opened.g; . xetulrn I " h' - I ' . ^ - " 9m, ftn opeilty� , I b British r4fred'steadil T. Farri, and Isolated T Wn r 4#1 " b 1-t-tl�,V-,,�j-tti&-td' hoi3;3,)-tqxo itoirtiqo 94,t ollp) � i ltuuRtg A 00 0 0 fffi � I I =;4F-- . . . . . the hubb so. But blacl 1. 11 betwe Government fit honor of gresit,ta,h#- I . 1 �J' . . . . .. . when . gre � . . . L L . . . .I . am I wpernals. a vc, , 'jonal, calls ' ' ?Llan .. ,tWoo.�Thbft 'Bala 1 fusila? �.qn I -OW Bitlier% I , f I . L )[I, the. f fee pl'ofeSs 0 �k th . .r_­�Isl ,F,,,,*, �k . .)MAt)UL[ flijf @414jj 0. .,, TP .. , . . I . . . ... .�, . # &"a 1pinno 'A, qVao ; V .. ,firl, - .. ':"P. 4" - criod '111us and for half an hc the fiiart at tAo�4-ebuIA*dqIxOrow ' f- 4, 4404,6f-4the ; I - VI.R ow I",4yJ1*,1, Me NVA - ��-�LLL , , (1.1t1IWft0fflVd14.%' ur, . made Abererbuibi a ,is il%n.1311 Yh a 1K44M,kf9ttRot4n, jh , ,Q0J - "' "O . . . I � '31. Atw* � I'! W ',' . �-­' It .1 � . � ...... ""-� 'r , , , . A , Kv .4 WMtl T&orrfl�,V .. 4, ,,,-T I JM044yl . ,,razor, L 1. IL . 11 I PAD I", ­ il I - ' ��. I.. . 'I'MAIM(b Rqc pgx -gg� 'CA, I G, q S I .,p lb&13110ri the.. I i's . the-ariny,on. great odmsionitAls,potbe fafta�*as, *nt f.6fL-th&­!British e�oQtor'1W '" ' ... . . . � . I �11,yvttu"_R , f$4odfqsV 17 KIL It - &i � 11fty fthlvo. .1 I ): d ,started, didgitag ,, . - I 14 1 I ,% . if), it Lt I MU. a'. ejt�uWL �.ail Ad - I- - . 9,'?11T`P1,- -)jj-W- Xniqf)qo ja sm&y "' I "'sy AM a . - .* . . T11V I it Cc I IN I as mail rbygl latm.d*IY(,.pr"or4,x;anA�;ther,,,�oyak trenches. . I . . 'S Liver RMS are jfti�AWG;i N . ' ' . . - ' '. � .'. . ARM 0 I rim. � I . � . Or. AffZlqW � � "W:qVk,td, 1, ha . n ,. L . . o L. . L I . L I I 1r-_ eAjp&lql .�J*.l:AoqAIgt , , , a'-- '06'*11AVh 9 %1101�lth* i4eaknw,; , �. - . * , � . I as li us th Lmt,nd,.q�p,tWing�i4tb(�,oQmii-aeao,,,U,. . The qk . . . . r , ",_ 19j�xcr.-Adjoining Fester's Photo Gallery _. r ..ot. searorth; Jolln 67-44'ev" Zy ' I I I 1 ..WO4: 1 oth R . -g "if- �­ , I 0 e It S lag . L L . .. rp . , ;, I ,0 (LINTUS, O.N T. [,u YO t h n I ,�., . e medal of.the mutin;V),.tl*e;? . Wintliro ; Gu()i a Vale, Soato �Iln `%'at A19. . , .ih V1Iotictr­. 0"AIR(lort t itwifff , L . I . I .. ..:": agab ;J 6nes 11; I ad the rAllites.94 , � 114' ttd,MiP*yltt 'to "J'Alt.in � I . - J,I,,Lrloci�,Jolin.j3et)newte,4I radli iie. res ... lborGrdss, Abb VIS,.'WiVlootimadid, ,iq F t�tyi4g,,Prq,yJ,,4lork$,q*d , . _I ,.,, ,..,,;, ; ; . : ��": __EhtL�aL--_y.1iab_. babbs Ra 1, Q. L lely..Cl Bien. +. . . cqAfu I - V I I 'U",110. 0-4 . I . . � I.' r I. I �PV 'caused . pf.9 � . :" �". J6 a 10 6an, on - d tates, t a ha ydiftlet firitphttlf,ihc)io.",Sil�ke'a"lb.#Iuoomo - ... ni"but4,0W*1a"J-4 it , Cure Colittipation or Nervous Hea4ache, clear I I .. . ..".11 L , , t ... . . . . . . .4 tl it. G. HARN EST HOLMES : . . �j'J�tjlt ` oats.t at ad I be7h6"V".i;�fOp.V,4h9 ,,..,,*,VAV-3r.leff,,ective,,jxmiiy,,4c�lk3 'the complIat6h,11d -'#of,WnPHoni,P,ye1f61v skbi'tl .. � . ,�. . 811I.U0.,48or to I)r, Brace. Clinton. I A, I ��� .way you wil . . ;-4.", � , .Robertftlilth arlov�qL� Ian; Se. I -SI'dent. , 7h = n"Ir. to soxpiode.- rl-­� ..A.) . i coated tonkiteIiIete) *fAd ev0##4n6ver4#Ipe;id#d . . . . : T Specialist lit Crown and Bridgo, Work. ,1,o.b,qia ICATil ' -1, . iri'llIt""Ille" 1*A!V4dcbP6�ft W�O* The Conadia IL I - , - forth - anles Ci rninings, dvAe ., J. IV. 00i:1 1300 " -S a*rWh -, n tr ttacked t P tereffeillisaftkirpin ", - i � . Ont was ..'(10ililats. , , ., n �L 0 Oni6ftMe - Siftad,�vp ibekwo Ak`1LII*'i'"he L 16ye l9ws ' r A"'ir ­ . . �. � . - , 6L We . , . OT+"f (#444,"t Ila Ve,.Jlgj�j gf_D.pitt41 . g�AoCeiiij; loopillS,L25. ents. 1,,10% . I L . I . . r c # I+ , ., 1, --- , wai'l, hour a my I . A. stronlK.7m bers, I 8� First or graduate oflie�tlit - r"'1109 � ueXIr0nr,I . 'Vt**A,ud,,rocq:ilra,Jfl4q ., ­ - � _ -1 L. D. v e it I EMM.— 11W., wai'l, k 0 0 .day I royed-4mbpOoPiliesi I t�ey_ gallaimt =1 I . . ... � - e a,is hall' 'd , TM de,4. . _1 . � . I. I .�. . .. . . . � . , -1 niont of Torou I y. Deolft . � , ,j ")? I . to ILjIlivero t S I sact other Will less will be -promptly. a tend,id : . .no - t� "124, "b, - - . I . � J) 110 , . #160*14#11111*60 OfttW4P NvbW -Weft Iait* OnoloncedoO � ." I " "IV �?n . ima, I _ _y '. � I . . � ftlitpe&LINn paid to preservation of ilhildroh's in on application to any of. the Above officers 'ing. Those peqplo who. are mlw.mVa bla ting vJathr,.o#0clIp,�kle dwAftIIqftftd,4rqShptWj)1 the U i `b .1hii9fik ""-'�%-�-,'--'�rR,�7'm9t�"w�ov,,�,I 14- . I . . . , a re,;edtottieirrospoctl,Voodatoillet3sI . � _ , day for helping others or IS I - . I ra §,: rem I :V*Nne . - . I .. .. .. . dd & fv& ' V . � I . . -rushing into 'Print to got theraselves' iififlintlf � 0f4 � Ill i'lit - , -, . , - . I . . � 1. � I I ­ . IV .+� rilf-vakt. ��t6neetl, . . �. .. "Oft ta tile 1-tivitir ITOwl . iollf9bi the 401up- # N llsxagW44 0 11 &�, .- -U1LLA1t%.iU­A.i.lJA.3_ 1 , . . ,� I i's" " otherst the halt hou�. before You go th;mit*(�fWqtAvf6t.W 2 , , , . .... . -= ----- - �­: � - �. - -. . � . - 'Atlt'lrlglru . -,,-,JA,,.,, i +bin - . 4 T and the half hour after' . toItions of the Stock Exchangettollfc_ � . are - it ad or Wounded, arid� thellast * I A ofttreaf o our n. .years in peniten.7. - -. I., . . ,:� t. . Monday froru 10 a. ni - to 6 v. 111, . , . g, _W114 �� ,., - t tg?n I . . h­rlo --I,+ftt._ . I I . . . . _ � ' " .. . I I - I- 11 , �` .. their own. chagrin. Silence! Do. you return from -businoss--�-'thhv =2156 td# i6vdp prof4 ".iv*g"' man, ,although mortally Wounded, � . tiiiry for killing Iiis father's colored, ', . : ;,, ., I , " I ItS L with * 1. . i ,I , r , - . . I -iio I 0160 oap 40P a, .the - - - - . , ­­­­ --11 .1 .; :. . ­_ - I aak4'0maWW ,emiitf d two ba dollars of cartrifig I ." . � I . . I right 'and le.% the'. resu the .differentic between the scholar ArYA.fl�oyBnvfi&yjI�Ade.#jl1, ti -, .. A es. coac tinan. * . . . . I .1 . . .. I . .. ; . �.. . . .. � .. . � 9-ML4 - ('�od 'Am 11 . the' grandest' lessons 6nd . I tile ignoramus, between , -th,e tiTriA�vcw*ikitclfanic�OlVh'bP,iwictd�r!cM a. ,enemy* and then broke ., his . � .. � . I . I - 1. . . . . . I e 0 I . . ,%ett 'the iitorehouse,, victor,over ,,boltio .. . '. .1 I I .. . ", &JV�d44, I - ­.. T ­ . I . 1. 1. .. . - — I ­ I * .1 * . , r rift.: . . : . � . -11 . :DMR`RT,"1,1V.JJJMJffff1VftV1 in . . � : .- ft - N , ,I g� ! h", 7"Mflilffl. y % ' -,&,6ftf"#J th The fighting was severe and I .* - - I - , g t.b , V'r ol � �! L, I 'ilet'dri A oa - �� . - ,.esso once St"IMOT � �YwVlirwniA,liv . general, . ljn�) 1. . . 7 . ... . end n liate . - - ;� .,I urs, but after the 'Md �.. . . .. . I . P1,g)I1.V�i.;s(jl,.A10A a, . . '111 4 Il� mcniber of the Veterl Socla- .. 1. � . I . -1 I no 0 Pa I ta . i I(e lor fully three he I � . �Z. tions of L . ­ . . .who ondured uncomplainingly person- umph and- cap,strophp, bet.N Ae #1 , , . , , � . It fro (1,11ut St I I 'X �kle,7.--j"#g,_'W idritlifellftchlidOldAid, thw1glInsi ' - ' I ..'s.alkip - ,. � ofthe o, Trellis will ar Iva at and deDal on I or don* "te'sqeso'*100&'%J'6*0-p"bd"O"'tp?r45 V� - - f3,0Iti,J1,,h1tl. )61:11� I ��. � qLation as followrg:- , 11 V or political in usl e , Ven, and hell. The t cincend jbtl&lJVoV1ffiJq4Ij1 Lfotkkl idesAll. . 1. . - . 4 1 � ... jiurFALO AND, 66DRAtuir -Dil � r .. " lqq.�Jnt ,otiltlo, I I I 'I VA . . ... . . 'Office ol IT , . _q, street I . . A15 � an � thil , .. 0terit J TWWPF�) , 'Alli'(1f. . . . , t, ade uil- I I . . !`Ogg , . . 8 a rn,-` ' - 116c) n -h 5 .� I r_ I 341461nal ek&ortatl6ivs,.�Gi lithel %.I1llI�htIV0VLWJPPJ.**6_t . , .l . -I- . I GoingEastEXII, I *g ul an 1� P c.or . al . - .. _ 2�­_ - � IM " .1 S tient silenco. , I , . 0 oa`,�,;,4 0 . 1101]W� bratos those,vic-torles thr6p'gh loditr � I ,led atta. a rh I I 11 49, I atir ib, yp 1i 1� F.Urti �_ � 170M ,Jo4*f& Q*wis1PT.1J3't*Ic4bJ6. oil, 1, 01,111, , , t"o ... c (Lou �lled � 0,$ 01' � � I Werf .khri�l,t,ei�io-Ttt4ce,thd-.:�b4A,4til$lmjb rj*,k­ III, Rv rpr I.. 1pil.itl .. I. Q � �h Go. -c -i ,thV .C& , . . I - .1 , � I . � . I r. � I res Ived : to becorne -91� I rrremW64 V � ftp, �' I ' ' 1� ,%outhAiVerilean IKI I . . ..' 0, ,06 -4 , , ,11 V - � = - '. I. . . 111"',"YoM " - ..'. ­ " Mixed 114*1­04- . 11 .1444 44"�. 41:40 ' fAf,uIli-lhqic,,4)IorIcS;A -0 ,. I?f, A% likel j31l1..1.,.­ k, I I I Y, . . . I . A I _ I �*40*-IAV444 , ajotly, . I ovra,r r. gra ual y - I I Go .: it 4* #q4 � ': - tt%_,%'J A&+�*+1*4I b 1, Ail htf . . eVOrtful.and act 1 - . � Wsl - " 1!�g '1�9'tjj"" ' - 10:*1,5 a To, von must, be an Avo, , If � Of , tl4T��vfs�iOPitilth'TIli,;N'i7?et4F;ll*b4M a4ohltisT.f.ai j6 Mlij 9 ".� " d&*d IhVnil 1V,qV1I10be*;.!� 111?40 I - .. ,' � � t ,, . J2:55 p. in. � . . .� 11 Is I .1 ' . _I,r,� i�=-__ .1� 11 I. .1 .so _ I I .. . I, In. place om- the4at that It �ouldliif- - hour - wher, 1 decided -to become Wa ,',eh'pffit.4,ii-jsrAl,h-esi,�,114 d,-thPykqVA0). xto4kfMe -ItHe 1E WOl ral6d I I t -1,111'f4, - I �CJ)8M lia 1 103ilie"'Mo.wiloo , 1 P4. . I � 7:05 1 1 1 � . ' LA ALL -'s's"WIP1015" I 11 .. I I - h I the gospel, the half houm Out of great tril I hhepl,t.ffi � rido, t . . 10:07 p, in. .Jq .0 fiptjW 1111n4joilill"Tandi-4111d lowga �L!Jwo �Ag;;.phtA � for � are I . . � . . .. - . �. _#�Ajq yjtc m- I ' 116 ', I ,,, and I ors I I - .. I _0 0 ': y Son wa tilsh�ii,�W.4,A%-hsiv(,dJktiid."*iade .w-hloor CM 6hrPili " lie I Xmitlif - . . . . :IX Ilt '�B . LONDON, ITU'RON AND BRVCP DIVIS10,4. 'Ther - � � U, f _14 ' '� - I 1. " . f. 1 ! qi�,c6qMi�l,aidlot�4'14C :Vil 4� I� . . VETERINARYSURGEONS. GOV. b have. been "events on earti &VJ APTA,r,aaliz.d that in . 4tid an further entrpnched thel a d rtl I 1,11 . . . . . . I . , , I the faff . olng South M. Arose - I I heaven, that s"med. to Aemand a dead, the half hour when I ­stood oiZ , jbilft 00lVW,)O&AIirt­UffnbrV t".Pf.,Jrl­ �. �W�%f IthN night, k*fdl Wlkattlbd 16 . .� 'J,t,,Rrop .tr4IS97 eq h6 it. � , , " I � ft ��ERNiml& VATX1!IJji&IAy';1 17:41 . 3 . f I I 1'�1199 I � , , I greales o idneySpeci es. is N 9. .$qT1XPT,4VS - a. all' �Ijj ,day, pr, Vlql? I vf�.�,�'% ,V(p- the t6li of my house in'Oiddid str0elo .-Iq.qw!r1,iotl'4Pti :oi yl;to ,-._j._,,, i. Art,tvmtf,orlefif;,,qllfitfhgpo�".A,qt,. . ,Ale qm*I,astAfKidftpUwaj 4446en t . . I . 06-bi ,*$ I , .11, - . rs a -to renew 110 . I I '.. .. , ,T; ItitaxiluNcz, AL 1.4 .. 11 .10 I "JA6. �, _ _ Mixed I ,, . . 6 , liqilAflp -Allf'sol it -41t ­Ip"I W,-, .no atterApt of w . ��:OVFICH, ISAAC .STnzr BERT rL,44.hqfiftxilij� P year or 610stRif consi dialion, - 1 I t iffikV*WA1t"*10ht�qObFWA the Ila* V '44,1,� " clietillf 7A 4 � 1. OP ioral6t � r I Th ' I- t =4 ­ III in: , . . , 11 . " . . . (111W "M*R4(1Cl41'rPF.- Ill), I U I I h d - th' it - hour lit Which Y..anicrofl'Joru lem! ,Pfo O.YtP441 1,J)p ,ol.-O., kft(4 � ... .... . .. I I .. IArn* iMt Kidn Y , r # I rl . � . ". I - 1.1"m 11iff) 41A. RWfiI*,X,JqV I ( . $41. . 14 .Ill. 7; . -it. T4*11114:1 lltfl� I ,7 I , I . . - . , . .. . , . . 'At -is u is — , V . . . f,h � 6 -A - . I - 0 - )_ i 0 -L '101U' Qj's s 'J'J'T9 � 1'�ih41fnIt,%hq .4111i Wh1$h.A, . � 0) Irlp" .,,A -in r -1 I p ,r 1) . y 4. (P � . N . tw in . . r . ___ kgoub" n I . 12W A d oJ% q. 16* ,,V&&K�IT . :V' q .'ri v � -hlir�iv it llflo,l 11'114 .I.ri-I hVd0,bcq#Pav ,qe y ld FT - � . - -, g It c I � � . I . . I . .. . e'll- __ ___ . M 0 DIO � � "ro .. I., . y . I .1. .,3. . - 0- I . -A . , . . ion c -usalein'. tile Cello was . U W 14-94 - � rAXT1,LL cAS1UA,LT1r-Ll1sV. - ­ he souffd .6 . . � 07A. - I . . r I " r t, 11 � Jel I lRA Aro ftw; I At, 'pgo . I D1 I ronlo,�.� I f) �,, so Wo nt Calvary, tile harlf- fitut '16 411t 701,i"O'', * . . . .14% I I AUCTIONEER ,QfiI;,fiftd,.,+0l11AAOI)Juge UX ,tIf#,l*,;�tV4W � , ., . � ,sell it;'� I 0 '11�1 yi -i , , , I . . . � strict Vasgongw " , 4 r�' , d 'b - 3110:111111.1 Aiftsliqmwy "Jmoiii� ;* . - I I. .. I . . " � . . � i fi�=_7_._ � 7 __ - - - 7'., � __ ., __. __ -.---- I %� - 7__ _�_"_. .�. 1, � 1_. t I y1fW040 - I , . . . X"Wif , . . .. . I . - 1. � , ____ , _.._:! . _�... . . _�� ' - habitanis of heaven Wuld.'npt have ten o fifteen ot "MIRUJI-9, rw, 101fritti, .AtFJo;C%v%,Xf#AeJ � _ ... . I I I . I . � 13ROWN . � . a . . . wl"�jtrr ftictf. - causidlaxe yiiii(b, W*o Will;* alilill rorolikii. I - ,,, i',�14.,4i'l.;1" Y -A ir.; -1i T---Ij-#,Q-ry ... rmmkl ­ . I I . ' I .. I 0 . . . . . .1 I . . . . � - . I , 'W�rfilYIL�1A1"'tIftd - 7 -*Wth, 111*611t,gril3lutdRial, - A rand Jury� hav-roimifted a'most. 1 /711 ;k -ATH`- . - . - U -_JAS ..01nu­­1 .r.. .. . done. justice to It, in � many miaeks. . the clilef iiniss of.. nly life. You ftfAl . �Ww'-w-*r", � , . I, � � I � � - LICENSED AUCTIONEER. To -U-ri _nVJt7rf_. - -Itftqr-I.eoltA-bosiegeintat.�-of. �t1lo_t,vio. forget '.tho'oaxne of the extict yeark . ' to of . co�ru . . ecial P * :. .. . C_ U � ,f'rvice Battalion -Irdyal t OA,�tn a - I - I . : , I , h llilpovtdjit� _ fl " 'tiq� in St� Sales conducted lit all parts of tile Counties � % - ' fortresses of.Jerusalem, Antonia and . croclits '(W RAK We, Z-0 . ' April Q.-The,410 11 . d,p . . AGENT 0. PI R. . , -11 l. going on for your eXistence, but thoso I otte. &6� in .i . -;5 .-I .- , . v A U.1 ,. .. .1 I . . Of or Most 0 t 0. w54 ,-'Alltidaift W mayi .d1,.t1:JI4d.,p:i: .. ,,,,, fs. � R, it VU ri!oun . 0111811W R, . mrs .. . roil and Perth. Orden loft at Tum NEWS ,. . 110 Opletts had beet .0, lalf hot&j J Iftefth' f16eVeA1'&'J`#in at voi or Klein. � Mr. 'fli6inas Wardell of Dundas Who � . . I 'CORD Who% Clinton, or addressed to t3oa . ng. while, 'a Roman soIdIer',-=Cf1nt_ like the half hou f. my text, . *i yardatwiS I gagaiAent, Ri . I i4no'rlh P.O. will receive promptattent,lon. set- . ,. I . . IN&, *,*0ILIbW.'fCOt.#rW91t hardt on Mond#*i,,t&gt" fs,j as 4 *et,.Irr#. ,iy@;v,,,q1Iit;L'qQ. clot, .iv .1 I * I I .. . . I - ed on the shoulder, of another , soi- be immortal. ' , ot (In . .rr,yu.0 :E4�*iv in tie I � l. CLINTON ; * ery 3 Avalve: 0, -troliekof cmifte 0,01i: . . �::Isfaction guaranteed or no charges. Your pat- . . _. � ., . . cOmpleteP Vftgilftb1V&d3u.,rE,tgve� Legislature, *Mcd iii t1le'llospital at � . . "onagesoncited. . . ' didr,' hurlod Into the ,�vffido%l of the you will A . I I, itleth , cqli� V116804"'Wnd"Imm ithkidedf on ri r14 d t f�4 11alnilt0ft While undo ' . I � I IV V An rgoing an opera- . ' part of tile ' t a y % it V� I Cl. i%cy ��, h,ayellors to -any . . I - tury, .1 do-' ,�, It YO Ah to the front.' The V 4 &a r of- . . __ __ - __ - - ­ - q -41. � _". '11YO , , I � . ." . 117�___ . A: 041; f)qAW.C.KA't+bq I tertiple a 'firebraild, and the terapiq I M, . iftdit!=c ficers .IrAcF 9eVW do , niiiWl;�&i�'�'t'iQlill":ol't�'r"* 400,P"" 011 -JI '' ,� . . . . I at will y ViOdd Of-Akri x;001i tsff, I . .---..It ? 'I" 8 . t" '484oAtm, , pf'(34 'q�f covering .1 Il?& 4 4 �k; . �y Iff I' � . ((V do,with th . I . I I � I . . .8 e , r �, j�. . . -, - ft �1.19&wrqlg . . I � . . . � W,�. IWOV o . L e . our? livah ziea 'AtAti*tm w"6entiv , a - - - $(,)" pi kIII&I 0 An of.) � COrruniagioned 0111cers and men killed : , .: �. � .11 .1 . 4 I ,), , I I WE � a - o iness of do with the 11, . �tl -7 . _­ � , . ___ . 10, . .Cc )(Ir � . I �. ­ . ,IW -�cblunflssloned ftcors and. .' _. . . .. _____ _rA , , . . � - . , , . y I 4) I () 11), - t � Iblo* ,'and 40 Ron, oil � .1 . I , , ges - -tiny, all 1% � -& 04014trit* 11,06, t . . a :�. :. : ,_ il,�, � , =�, t;i` rMs _41i. 44 . I 4,44A, 41U . :rft V0. flof U 11, � - 1tv d '' ", I le . $ f I I _3___r(rA__J)" . 'WAV - -' 4 Olt Inert Wounded, . I , , ;�4� , . - I - , Von n itshf, .60came A ilimt. hill d du liftwif) � X ow-hMsy ,Is1jql,$qS* ' 'If % _§ i0blfiva,041 i I W r 0 o- 0 yy . - . . 4, It r 'W.'tqft- 4it- 0AVull, I. I ,Jq.fe4ff'J,g ASIA., The ing that g ' _ Vogtaiday, �alt . , Dp � . I ' ernoo cat . po . n ', ,, 0. n . P 11 HAR�D - AGROUN .. I . All I 14 hut I I tIM 11"bli o# % a peop a A that city . tile gosp ju&'dLt4qF ox Idto gut. tl'940`114 IV W-Vf'66-h ft Ktroa -of. ; His r"'t"116"y A ' :. , 1�1. . . � 11 M 1&4"INI -.1 Ii"h uuA t:. � � , .. the a 41 . -4 - D it I d %5 4 VeVfd#Vir1e1J1V1W . 7-1 ter 'of .the serviceglo-m t ' � 0 �4 IN il, � - . g __ Ald - of r A dis a' ate fligid ' � , U """ ") "t""') "' ill - . . ; LIPPIND" ' , I as so grog, render .. tit &I, fromthat &Bualty DePartbtent�at sing sk1h . ., � ,�l e - '01 , . ,,, \ BQ� W 11 I MONTHLY t.� INVIV41%. ,JJ I I I 1.04,01491pe"g.lit 0 were passing a , I I rt. rov will be recommended tW-thV Wa�t Of. U.00 W ... q 11 I . . m I lip .1(v jf�t ,1 j door,f Ml - . . ,Z 'CVI* #I,A.#q1N,TA I,v yy�-,frrt,l.�J .44�,T .�.,tjr in Of1h4viDfi, I I e k d his good . . I. , y an inna ed. ,tho, odors of - � - . 'It" 4,0( I A . 4 tion � urgont �l uqAt Pie %., - 11,1,k, I �=31 fi%A _ . . " . A FAMIL4fH I li(I Xn .p � ;­Jil ­­lu. '"I'MA _q� X-6 I . �, . r ,� �a , if# I , 6 jjfd 6 19 Dr. A . ; " )I 1") . , h . li . , 4, 1 OftV - th% 1: it lit s V � open the - dooil, . L err - ml 14114'. -1 t wir'll, I 1. n4p , Mt V to the . _: I 90f 6 t1k V diUm"U'll"'Wbi, _K, u-na, . K ho�i- leased Wel"! " Also killed. , %films Joss ' - " . it � Tivn - men rest . tpin . * ,W�Wikjwy two ',I., . 0 t1f,", , , 1'.1 F, Abrsp4�pJI'q#l,t44 mother of the b6tise. 011, �"%W&A,ko a t ely. aid ­ . ,�;t, � Tho Best In.Arro .1itp AN. , . ". `IA . I , , 11,:�, might btl foilf .114.&O *; I 10.1,0t. Pte. We t and )?!te. � ohs I , I , I TV milli) �§. r be -t � k, Flady- � . i� .. It " 4 1 "Ll A fi ,12, lqea�h ., unle= She gave ly Jnut%5 usifi Al 0dit"b4,114 Iirel d 1- t S Amd - . . 0i o food- and she took ;them I ­ ,l I , 11 : r - -�'A . IfU of Vo - I X& rm, , . .1 ;. ". _ 14, te- ,,, - ,,, fS h ,,q4,,&1V#f.,1#AVp04jjf4I*r� . I 0 12 COMPUTE: NovELS YCARLY � I .1 Hato AM our -Pt bro *�l -nd, . '� - f, A 6' Zlihaing,dioa '.: ". I I ; i4flf. A '.1, 41, 44, . I I 4ho Mwa-, 11 J MANY SHORT- ST0131ES AND . . . - - ­ em Ili, WWI.! ,I g ��', �­ . q$ 4 � 19,X4Wq3f al # I tMont tin t I way - 4 14M utgfqvull rZI(A , . I 0 . her own child alie wiis cooking for __ - Wh is ;R 0 . 111 VeWi:18 Jib%) ' , . qi _ It . XkAijo thivo- . Z',"-'- � PAPERS ON TIMF.LY TOPICS . . the ghastly repasti Six huridred . sullaying, � 1.4. . A 101" , - - $2.60 PE" YEAR; 26 ' I ter. utidorst- It word 'let A0&onV1 1409�-N 44 #�&#, - � - ( k44 �14hig',evIl . : I �.9 ,"A M49.k.i. ­ , aill Z�: i;; CTS. A COPY : V!��MI-�W.*_� ­ prierita Wore destioSied on - Mount It PW 4h '.., Rup rol ell I ed non-com i� P flo CO ' ; I cqs� A Y that woJi liandle so . . im')P401114.0% Ap, , er.-O , m , - 0-1 .1 NTINUED STO R I CS affered terribly andwas e%- ZIOA beettlage the temple being gonoo -a word, Knowfe 4 81W 610, I*W t A I6V1V6#(;ftdd : is au immensur . 11 . " 0 CVMRYAU " .. . . J, niely Tile there was nothing for them to do. I PlIV Irr Ir - tro . Weak for 12 ye Atama=nZi. ,. .. !--� -.- (loctorg- , S I I .. a �. -4440041401*40f . , . 1 . . ­ 4 . '5 . ars. thab wo.could riot understand tift ;AVWs 9,Tq�D I n-, t_: ..... I— . . . � 1. ..-. � ­�' . I bi0vu W.,n, d, 44"hausl 'M U$ies ��f",'fijpt It � The official �- nd-PooPlil lA­I,0n,Q4lk9f4 -ivord,.�thq ... Bible . � �i or, - turning to witor. At latt I tried . were consufood. There were 1,100,� , We . 41 only , oft(t. T , 0 1 --- rl* "%qCpo%� arnor- I I l ' "my, "'Or a" and ever." .ujift 0 � oefteral f. - . AyeplLf:10 I' till, ;ft te . , P '141401094till, �104 gg1r�Jre,&eoqc1hus '�.Ji I "I . 4- ',,'J . , Qjk.'�' , I avor?" -11 I 44020th% 4ITT ,, , .. , all ri lit a aln.", I !it" 11 r ,, tooling VOA 0 . 11 text pt�ts un4or ##11, .#to f ... op ,,, . .19 #IVX1l#qPJe#tAAt" , I , � I 4, t, # I . . MR&WINV", "' d4s,41t i- "I I I ULUS f 11 III for half an hour. - -for thirty julnuto.4. , 44%14`�& V l. -1 . I— %4 i�. ft' . I''.. , . . I .., . . " le"Pte I gg34rhla Aprl 114�_V 1161 C119'e'k 4 §&t- V� t'. Mrs I J. I Fill If) Hadly"" . . . ,owe ille, , , & 6� .4 pi, . � .0 heaven At, A I 4L�dv ItergEO"JohA 11 11 * IV; f)V�' !U5'a�'4al' ""'(ndrth`t4 d1lef I *bon You sea t- groat -picturo,"' W Ift-60,61 "%;C11 ot ,.,g dur;lg the 13ioclo --JtrPy-"L,,,­.& �m .*0rdidt 0 , �, I I . '0 ltian p A Galt, �pt - A I wr ormucti- -into a Ste P;�� -­I��, � - Nomattor*qim lop , I I ;Zzy . it. I � t h �t of paper " 1, I h "(D ", - .511, -W 0 )4f[t�filf'ld44"ot)d'tAl4t$iafik�-41 "' #147through If, bi- join y� 1, W tftb t, , M0400r(140011jor,sAlypand an cord, Vro ft. - I mv ave bee'n ffl� nor oW Ilf".1. 4 Iv, - . . ­­ 1- . suffered, death from Sword and fire forefinger to your thumb- and li! houncod Waltor.,Xergt 11*VAtOJ;,;1AV � � IV I - ­_ V � _01-- - ...­ ­­­ - . Iv- A I I �i, I� I .. r 17 - # I ­ oll - 0_17.0 Q oqn,.ah '' I I ..f" 1Trl;fP­ __ - c - * SJfl ., did not hmvlon listen throughout tit picture eoln a Mo � Jntonsbo : all r t , erg 44 0 t�op' A 0 ( 11 :0 IT f 9. , ,sig ) Oil 1,10, fhq.A9f1lthqsqI&y4uJ �vjqlk,%?, No$ �I, )&Jk- IIX,*don, Vam ­. _ r 'I �y 11 , , . it VWXylu of ,66 I =1 tesf: no fdaw %11416i I v- A W, . .`�_ dmllul Uuhoyrf a #1 v6 en � 1IR ll ­u ry. . lit, rJ1'QAWI*olI.,-V P I 111*001.41111 10(wilio ,q)10*44 ts"4 ly 0 - in if of t at­gq lc# f gh tl2P!,rP.,gv! A­��.!_ #JA *V I lite. U, X. I � ph.) �,frlftlnqlxe .if 1"i _�2k�ol VMWAIMPtinik 4T don, Out.; nox 2_1 y it 914 1 r -;!;-,t Ill '4�06 4 el t� �PPXQ, I �),� I -, t - a so ot Ing I - 0sp#o1z Pa fig Ali 0#ff#,1 . 0 Y, one reccas Iii at Scot I c "a . , ;, [ 6jyg�"!# ' ftJ g, r '�.#1 'I 4.1o.111% till, t(;,#0, ol# 4... "I ,I a . t'.f*-,tt-,rt(t Ili vana'-rPrk.- - that for a, short space. While there it is a qui t heaven, 11f6__1X__G_ _4 ... ­ .- 11 I hell we , ' aril. . I , 1611141arletl , "I - it, . - I �&I% 19ib&`6drV964An` whit b"Alf- h0ft- '06,uraw About- tho-multituden,, Of t- _*ftlw_�, I �F*O,u-kva,lid-,!��qr�,!,-.t-.--,��-l�,��, don, Ont., nexi it ' ' Winillpog, A r1l O. -II., VOZq no it. , Ali 0 0 a n , , 16 trust in ft t ow I c a V,, I it at bo &lM6,St,_A,,,,nerV11 stands ; Por -u ell'816rce At Of , ont free, ( t v oney.fergoettrilitirl) ill r 0 11 to 4. $ ven go .1 h A, 11ustoji, -St - 9 . f AIr 11*7 ( y*&Q44 Wit i ,R, M f 7 � , ... ,,,A;aeh soul thcre bu,4 til- - 'b � 0 I .11 01 . 'I'd' " I R l 0 1 ,,Liquor Act 12 814-; ajoinst ent r A I V. k Altutill � W i V, AXv . i"IN1111,11., .. me-ift.fillb.hqVi .IAWI I#i,, w'd. - , :!U � , " ILI - 11_1­� -_.-___1. L .- ., �Ofi aw e If I , 00,- I , m �* it , . �Wa any PC In .) I - r .... it - mut A_ by It' t ! t . , , . ir tie, All o� .,,,i , st of , IW � a t i � _. 41 1 - 1. 1,01. . ", i iiii � .1 f. -A.c . - ­ ,- I , I I - T. - , I Aid ! ., - I v. _j. Most C your do or I F It . I Orpto lft 0- I , 4 , 4 " 11 rf, S r. ., rolloati I& %q lo A XkK b o I I t t I . �ri` I .1-P, . l'at 011119-31t '� 11yo. Vlowme.001's 0 d f'alftril rdildit-11 , Follow his a laid - I I � � I -1 1, " ­ P014 :, . I- A Ii I �' A �­*.... M,....V_..­ � � ",W 11 b 441106i. �.. - - _. . . - - � - _ I V and ace tire lAiltitnitted at , 004 1 over I .M.044A ,04#40111 t 4 a natrLeit vliro given al- .. 'Jobld) afid I hi6n. bwduhli. f 1 C. . . of R1 Ap, T4Y(;F.avew,?A -,gpnqirt . Illirty ad And 1, lit, .�'r, �f f i 'i'% , : 1�, g .� I r ,q, 'the V116V it disl t�oiVAA4dJA"jtr1Ro1* 1, ( d ini . Cablegram to the OV -P Itist to as follows. q, J;l I i telJof . . ]PILLIK I I 1pf, ., I 1;11 ". I' ­ ft ­*�, ­t0(6Pbd'1`*6tiY­l�- - By . pW1, %vii at,okIft"Utsuft '�fg I Nit, I . 11-11, (.10s � 111crillitoff7fithVitbal U­� , I, ,�.e­ "a".11 .ft", . ,, ,X. I AWO " ptill,94f 114'Ary . � r W, I "At *,.I;1'J1,.tf ;I . 1) 3 Wittod"feit ; next 0 Ill,. Doogald A s ... 311.5"t ,A. t,....,,o__r­., 13 *`PN0BTP_r RAIDOat . � � . . . , I, � 1. , , V7 111 Enclosed fin -.;,6.1,. Is Int* . '6 t- o - .. gne I . d re tl folt , tt, 1, , , . . I afi*dN I me . In - Vt k " 't box. giv, a any . t ill 11 � . 35 ovil -at I I I . . . I . I 0 a . . ­.. I I . . during 4 1 . . : It tit - W 21 per- ,nd 2 --nded. . � � . "L_ � , I I . . . ? ­ ­ I � � I . I I I 1, CY . I.. . . %W"r99kUktft4iWAs . I I blon ana v7sp6p" ft 35 C% $4