HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-04-10, Page 5cI • 1,0th, 1902. 1. atas....as.tsisap.assae",-- .saissot The People's Shoe Start.; Is headquarters for stylish footwear for spring. We have the latest styles La dive Luce Shoes, Oxfords, Trilby'! aud Toe Stippers. Our stock of Men's Fine Shoo is the largest ever sbown in Varna. We are caret ing great values in Weear ing Shoes Sir boys and girls. Butter aud Eggs 'Laken in Exchange. 8. 0 RATHWELLI VA IRINA. •••••••••••O• 0•000•0000000 • • Ire SPRING TERM OPEN'S APRIL IST • ebe STRATFORD, ONT. 0 Enter now and bo ready to accept a, ' • good position in the fall. This popular .„,'e ii • school withsspenild staff of teachers, .0 • thorough courses of study and repute, • Ulm for strictly high grade work m the Loone for yon to at tend. This college °coa- x eke a far higher level than tbo average business college. Write for eiroulam • W. J. ELLIOTT, Prima/pal • a a 0 0• 0000 2•6042800 116090•004100000 WELL DRUM OUTFIT FOR SALE Oat my Well Drilling fi sale. It is in good order and will be sold . at a fair figure. Apply to • • agar Snoes arii-O•qt.444.•Wataarca,.. For Men. Bell MOW For Women These shoes are made from. original and exelusive designs up- on which the highest skill an d best th ought have been coriZentrat- ed and impart to the , foot an elegance of style which distill- guishcs their wearers ed than those of less particular choosing.. as being better dress - No matter for what purpose you may de- sire shoes .you will find your require- ments perfectly sup - COLBORNE TOWNSIIIV. School started on Monday again, I Mr. William Cunninglunn is improv - lug in health as well as can he ex- pected. 11er many friends will be glad to see her around. again. I Mr. James Stralighan sold one of ' Ms driving horses to Dr. Hamilton of Goderich at a good figure. Mr. William Asliwith also purchas- ed a fine general purpose horse from Mr. Frederick Mugford at the neat sum of $9o. Miss Nellie Hornby spent a few days. the past week at Mr. John White's of Goderich. • Mr. 'Wilson Brownlee lost a fine working horse on Saturday night last eaused by inflammation of the bowels. it is a big loss to Mr. Brownlee. • We ara glad to say that Mr, Jodgra Moore is doing as well as can be ex- pected, He was shot accidently on Wednesday. of last weck,the ball pene- trating the leg above the knee .and passing through his body and has not been goutul at time of writing. .s. For Over Sixty Years Mne.Winstotee Socristace STAIIP has been used by milliellot mothers tor their children wbils Iretbhig. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting.Teeth send at oneo and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winelow'asooth big Syrup" for mower. Teething. It will re- lieve the poor itto sufferer immediately. De- pend upon It, mothers, there is no mistake alma I h g 1 t th St aoh and bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums, red mos I n II animation, an d gives tone and. energy to the Whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of one of th. oldest aud best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Prior, twenty-five oen:s an bottle. Sold by all druggists through. out the world," Be sure and ask, for "Mrs. iNALOW 800TITINO SYWCIP Minton Market Report, plied in the wheat 0 '78 to 73 Goose Wheet..... . . 0 75 to 0 75 • HAGAR or the BELL Bariey THE CO:IBM:100 NEWII.REICOftD MARRIAGES'. •••••••••••••••••••• 1.3,LIOTT-REID---At the residence oil. the bride at Carniluff, Assa., on March 26th, Sarah, daughter of the late Andrew Reid of Hallett township, Ontario, to John El- liott of Carnduff. 14ILLSON-S.A.NDERS-At the resi- dence of the bride, on March 27th„ by the Rev. W. E. 1V1illson of Ges- to, Mr. Jabez Wilson of Whalen to Mrs. Ella Sanders of Claude- boye. JORDAN-MOFFAT-In Mitchell, on the 204 of April, by the Rev, Mr. Iloward, Kate, youngest daughter of Mr, William Moffat, to Mr, William Jordan, all of Mitchell. COCIIRANE-SCIONS-At • the resi- dence of the groom's father, West Ward, Mitchell, on the 31st March, by Rev. Mr. Howard, Mr. James Alexander Cochrane of Brantford - to Alice, daughter of Mr. William Scions, Kesaieott, Logan. STOODILIc-SHAW-At the residence of Mr, George Hart, Seaforth, brother-in-law of the bride, on April and, by Rev, F. IL Larkin, Mr. George Stogdill to Miss Millie Shaw, all of Seaforth, LITTLEJOHN-JOHNSTON-On Mar, arst, at the residence of the par- ents of the bride, by Rev, P. - Musgrave, assisted by Rev. F. R. Larkin, Mr.. James Littlejohn of HowIck, Ontario, to Miss E. lo Johnston of Seciforth. • FARROW-JOHNSTON-At Palmer" ston, on April and, by Rev. It. Johnston of Woodstock, II, Ward 'Farrow- of Windeox to Miss Mary Emma, daughter of the late Jas. • Johnston of Palmerston. CAR.NDUFF, ASSA. ovv...1•••••.4 ZURICH. remp..e•Mpo Miss Sarah Reid, formerly of Hula One day recently w ilg 1 re < e, sett township, Ontario and daughter year old son of blr. Ileury Thiel, was of the late Andrew Reid, was -united PlaYing wttlx a catapult the handle it marriage On March 2ftlt to Mr. Hew back and struck him in the eye, jolin Elliott, a prosperous farmer of making quite a cut on the eae-ball. I from Goclerieh township in the good and unless inflammation sets in his' not injured I these parts bat who fortnerl3t came The sight, however, was old county of Huron from whencRe esido PollITeiewciinaag: hwtiihetbuakeigtshherthacereepeisst ri:gtreatatuhgeart many of our settlers hail. Miss that was is a handsome girl and the i friends of the groom are heartily con- ltellaerned of the death of Mrs. Campbell, citizens of Zurich and vicinity gratulating him on winning so esti- learned health the previous day until triable a young lady for his bride. Tabhoeudtecieharseeed hoc:cc1107:ninenjtohyeinagitleterrnouosn- Huron friends of Mr. and Mrs. El - when she complained to her son, Dr. Britt will likewise, we have no doubt ilL Some hours later she ample their best wishes for a bright . L'ampbell, with whom she was living, ahout it, also extend to the happy ; of feeling 3114 happy future. Mrs. Noble Lovett, who recently at. I wasalnevereawgaiitnh aparalytic stroke and owing to a , nese, until her death, which occurred regained conscious - rived from Clinton, Ontario, reached at about four o'clock next mornin. g. Brandon on Friday blizzard had to remain there, until 1 here for five or six years and in that Monday. First impressions are the . The deceased lady bad been living time made many warm !Honda by her most enduring but we hilly expect kindly manner and although of a rath- that with our beautiful climate for the greater part, of the year that Mrs. er retiring disposition she had nsade a Lovett will forget all about that in - more partznost ticularly‘ Mourn henate .encls who r sudden troductory blizzard, We are much numher end. Her remains were interred in pleased to have this .good lady and the Brownson Line cemetery, the fun- Mr,her husband make their home in our section of Assa, eral service being conducted by Rev. Nonle Lovett was also delayed ar- C. S. Finkbeiner of Zurich and Rev, en route owing to a -washout but rived in time to attend the wedding t . Hfldz'Sfl of of Miss Sarah Reid and was one of CONSTANCE. . the merriest of the merry party. ----- upMorir. aanfedrinMrosn.lyLoov)eotutr lataymenesettrtelemd Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor and child BIRTHS. • . CHISHOLIVI-In Winiham, on April 2OC1, the wife of H. IL. Chisholm Of SOO. HAMILTON -In Wingham, on March 29t11, the wife of A, If. Hamilfbn of a.daughter. N C SON -In East Wawanosh, on Oats... . ... . , , ..... • .... 0 40 to 0 40 April ist, the wife of F. Niehol- . son of a son, . . line, so complete is Petts.,..- .. - ....... ... 0 75 to 075 the variety. Potatoes per bushel.....10 30 to 0 30 0 40 to C 45 Butter rolls and crock. '0 15 to 0. 10 . • Butter in tub . ... 0 15 to 16 ° Eggs per•doz .0 20 to 0 20 H. Beavans, FRED. T. JACKSON, 8 00 to 9 00 0 15 to 0 16 Rattenbury House, Clinton, March 25th. Sole Agent in Cli• •nton. , • DressedPork per cwt• 8 00 to 7 75 - Livo Hogs per cwt.. ; 5 60 to 5 60 Chickens per.pair.. . . .... 0 20 to 0 40 Ducks per pith : 0.49 to 9 60 • .. . . ' lleese per pound ' 005 to 0 06 . . • _ . _ s _s_ „ •_ , _ s pos^AsvassOaaistsasi ••aitaieseaani^-Aswvassnesssaaftesatealaras.vastse_rsess., 1' Tut keys POP p00o 0 08 Flour r cwt 1 90 to 2 15 .4' '. ri% •Brun pet ton • , 18 00 to lb 00 r4 N ' ‘,.. '''`11, 0 'kJ a - 20 00 to 20 DO Di hal Applea per lb' • 0 05 to 0 05 _.E.3 •i _AL7-1-'..11.- • . . ___ -,, ..,,.. .... POTATOES WANTED. I WE L EA 1) , Pr'iriV;e gfL41; r potatoes A wanted. ; . • 11111r1;:t quantity CA.NTELON BROS. L. 1 NI 1\i1 I 1_1 N1 EitlY . Clinton, April 8th. • Our Millinery Opening thIdeeitsA was generally ackito w• ledged to he the hest Blyth ever saw- • The spacious apartment i he handsome decorations, the soft subdued -light, and. More ilea. ofl (he t.ichest asstirf roent Of new up.todate Hats we ever gath.aed to tle r.eninhined to make our MillitteryOpentng the most in:miaowed success. of the season. • .Itforms an artistic •Millinery education to meeely walk thrhugh aur spacibus'ehow. room where the lovely modek. are displayed.. You see the igi mils of rhe French and Americantriade Hata or the season the Hats that set the style fur women throughout civilization. Miss Stewart, an 'experienced milliner, heacharge• of this de,. • pertinent, who, wit ti a full .statff of competent assistants, is • gepared ts. trim Hats in the lateat style op shcirt notice. No .... A or Buimet will he allowed to leave oiu show room Pxeept. it is trimmed in the latest style and hecoinieg, to the %ewer, Call and have it talk with Mise Stewart about your Springtiat. She will show you all the newest ideas in Headgear, also all the newest t hi ngs in Trimmings; Flowers, Feathers, Mounts, • • • • . Etc., and will take your order teen:HA at any price you wish . FARM TO, KENT:. • • • •Servant Wantdd: Good generalservant wanted; • • MRS. F.. R, HODGENS,' St...Tdsepii street, Clinton. • • • • PROPERTY 'FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale 1118. shop, ' dwelling And loc. situated cn Huron street, Wii/be soldon easy terms. . • • . ' . . S. WILSON. Mute's Merchants • • • • , , front $1.75 to $10. We show a lat•ge. 04min-talent of Ladies, Sailors and readyto.wear Hatisinaillthe .newest shapes, also Girl.' and Children's San flats in great variety. We- will be pleased to have you call and examine -Our. . You need not spend a cent except you want. to, andbeanieyou leave the store ask to see•ottr yardswide:Muslins Which are the.. talk of the town. • . BOYD-In Logan, on the 3oth March, Mrs. Thos. Boyd of a son, GRAHAM -In Logan, on the 1st Ap- ril, Mrs. .David Graham of a daughter. HOARN-In MeKillop; oh March 29th, the wife of Edward Hoarit of a son. • • JOYNER-In •Clinton, on April 7th, William Frederick, son of Mr - Fred. Joyner, aged 3, years, 3 " months and 9 days. • - • CAMPBELL -At Zurich; on the /A of April, Jessie Campbell; at the age • of 62, ycart; 9 -months and 17 days. • HOWALD-In Hay, (Zurich Road) In- . rick flowald, A the age of 80 years. • . • SANDERSON-In• Gorrie, on March 28th, Henry Sanderson,' aged 39 KINSMAN -In on March. 31st, Ann Hutchinson, beloved wife of ' Henry Kinsman, aged 6a years and, I/ months. MOREN7.,-In Logan, on March .28th, ' The Turner farm in teetairsmith, emistiting • of 200 aeres.,is offered for rental. ront in separate lots or together, • . O. A; TURNER • Brueofteld, Match 2stb. : House tot Safe. Lot 101, Victoria street, flinton,,with frame & 00. BLYTH cottage contathing seven. rooms. fiord and soft water, small,stohle. acre of hind, bearing. fruit trees. ' Apply to •. knovv‘ovvrvvAvNivwwis rIv,APNAAA.t 0161 THE NORTHY G/as and Gasoline En.gine 010-q11-49.6)•••••••<ria•ins.% Is solving the problem for a cheap, quick, easilyapplied foinu of power ; This hardy lit tie motor is built in sizes from la horse power up: • Power users till over Canada are discarding steam and other forms of power • 4•1 in its favor. Use Gas or Gasoline, for fuel-4unning expenses.very • s - light -uses fuel only in proportion to amount of work done -no waste • ! power, you start the Engine when you want it and shutdown when s• _ the work is done -no waiting. around to gat up steam,. Needsno En, - gine to run it -any person can readily tuiderstand and handle i• quires no attension white working -perfectly safe and can he.nied on • any premises. .The smaller sizes are thoroughly portable and can be - taken fret!' place to place as: needed. . SUITA BLE FOR ILIINNING Planar aratinSErtat, • ritirithe nuTortans AND BRICE "itAn.11, MACRINERY, ELECTRIC MONT, ELEVATOR A.1413 ivtlIVIri PLANTS, 'ETC. for • Desoriptiud Dooklat and Full information Write Us For Sent Free • Zinitted' RIDGUT AND .HALE, - Clinton, Marith 10th • . • HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The undersigned offers for stile his cottage and two lots snouted on Felton street,. The col taco.% frame, 20:c20, with five rooms, sum- mer kitchen, large woodshed, etc.,' hard and soft water. Large (Monti ty •of all kindsof Small fruits. WO! . he sold mer terms.. " .• • ; . GEOltslE•sTE,WART, • Clinton, March Iltn. .. • . • • John Morena, aged 38 years, 7 • Attoitths and 12 days. TAYLOR -In Blares on April rst,Rev. .1. B. Taylor,in his 79th year. 131.014F,RTSIn Seaforth, .on March 18; Robert' S. .Roberts, waterworks en- gineer, aged 68 years arid 6 •moralts. • llicTAGGART-'In•Seafoith, on Marph • Irk, Susannah Fraser, relict of the late George Ridley McTaggart, aged 68 years and 4 nionths. CLINTON MARBLE AND • GRANITE WORK • Thi hest. class of • Work nrocuralae has been • • nianti acturaci • or • ' f 1 e f litany years peat.. • . the Reid homestead. Mr. W. D. McBrien is another citi- Miss Acheson visited her cousin, zen of Clinton, Outario, who has come Miss Andrew, last week West to Carnduff. We knew Will. at Mrs, Richard Hotham entertained his old home and were delighted to the members of the Constanee choir see him arrive here. He is a gooa last week. hearted and industrious young man Mr. J. T. Staples of Seaforth was and we arc all hoping that success in Constance on Friday. will attend his efforts out here. Mr. Robert Clark has moved to our ' spent last week with Mrs, W. Snell. The Clinton News -Record is much village and has rented the store form - appreciated in the Carnduil district. erly occupied by Mr. J. T. Staples. Since writing the above we regret We regret very much to learn of the very much to have to chronicle a dis- illness of two former residents of this tressizig • affair. Mrs, Noble Lovett township in tbe persons of Mrs, Me - Was. dming to the station the other Michael and daughter, Mrs. McMurray day and on arriving there it was of Seaforth. We hope to hear soon of foint1. that her child, a little one of :their recovery. six months, had its hands frozen. As Mr. J Clark visited friends in Blyth •we mail this it is not known whether on Saturday. the child's hands can be saved or not. tIENSALL. ••.••••••1 THESSALON, ALGOMA.. Dr.,Camptiell's horse took fright at a dog as he was leaving town for Mr. Chas.' Donaldson, formerly of Zurich on Friday evening. It bolted Stanley. township, Is • engaged in theat the railway crossing and the rig livery business here and is, we are struck a telegraph pole, breaking, the much pleased to state, doing a large ehafts and bending the axle. • and increasing trade. He keeps etgh- Mrs. McLeod, who was visiting her teen horses an4 they are on the move mother here, has returned to Detroit, all the time. They get good prices .taking her mother with her. Mrs. but feed is . very high which cuts oft White will remain for some time. some of the profit. Oats are selling G. F. Arnold has badefarewell to at from 40 to 5o cents per bushel, his Hensall friends and left for Buf- loose hay at $12 per to and .pressed Mao. - • itt$14. - Mr. P. Kara' b3de farewell to his Mr, 'Donaldson has Liberal procliv- Hensall' friends' on Friday and: left itiee but isamong a lot of red-hot for Woodstock. He will take a poet - and hard-working' Tories up here who Cott shortly in the newly established are sparing no efMrt to avin in the Sovereign Bank • • coming conteSt. We hope that by The annual vestry meeting of St. reason of constant contact with these Paul's • church was held. on . Easter Tories, Mr. Donaldson will bye and Monday. The financial .report showed by: niel lie error ie3f pt:litical a Iratilisene pi the xiglkSiille which was Mr. Donaldson a subscriber of ficers• were • appointed, J. C. Clausen •The News -Record and. very much - retiring from wardenship' after Many pleased with it On account of its neat years of faithful service s W. White make-up and the great quantity of was elected ininister's warden and. G. news it gives from hip old township C. : Petty peoples' warden. J. C. and the neighboring inuateipalities. Clausen was ekcted lay delegate to : . • • , the Synod. The utiliers.„ Mr, Brown - w ys andbecomeon o •us. very S a.ctory. e °Rowing of - 5 131.YTH. The reaper Death has gathered an- other sheaf ripe for the harvest auto its eternal home. Tuesday morning of last week Rev. J. B. Taylor peace- fully passed front our midst. He had been seriously ill for about two weeks and WOO looking forward with an ex- pectant and joyful faith to a happy rel ase. The deceased, for the past number of years had led a retired life resigning Ms charge as pastor of Lucknow Pres- byterian church on account of ill health. He was of Scotch birta, com- ing out to Canada when in the bloom of manhood. His earlier education was obtained from the parish schools of Blackford and later in the cities of Perth, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. Many were the interesting and worthy just - dents related by him from a student's point of view of contrast with the Wei Of some of the most noted Scot- tiah divines. After spending some time teaching in Gleneaglee, Scot- land, he octane out to Canada, contin- uing suchlife in North Easthope and Harpurhey. • Always having a great desire for a country home, mid also being advis- ed by his physicians,.he took up land and settled in Morns near Blyth, in later life retiring to this ome. Prom a youth his hope, 'aim and ambition had been to enter the minis- try. These wishes were later grati- fied and he entered • Knox College, Toronto, spending the usual summer months as a pioneer massionry n Quebec and Northern Ontario, Mr, TaylOf was bora in 1833 and had just passed over the border of the sand anniversary of his marriage. Ms wife and family can pay no higher tribute than that He shall be -miss- ed because his seat shall be empty," A widow and nine children survive. The children are : Messrs. John M. and Robert Et. Taylor of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ; Mr, Chas, K. Tay- lor of Morris; Mrs. Dr. Tennant of Carson City, Michigan ; Mrs, Dr, Gray of Acton • Mrs. Alex. McKellar and Mr. Arch. 'Taylor of Blyth ; Miss Annie Taylor of Clinton Miss Hugh- ina Taylor at home. On Friday morning about seven o'clock smoke was observed issuing from our flax mills, Drummond Bros. haying got through their season's work about ten days ago it was sur- prising to some- of our citizens which caused them to go and investigate. A few minutes longer and we would have been without a flax mill. There seems to be quite a mystery about the affair, Mr. Joe Irwin has acceated a situa- tion for the summer with Mr, .George Yeungb1A, butcher of Auburn. On Friday evening a special meeting - of our towti fathers was held. Mr Bailey of Erin, the new princi- pal of our public school, arrived on Saturday and commenced his •duties .on Monday. „ •• On Monday a load of Grits drove over to Dungannotiqz the convention to help select a man for the coming election. On Monday evening a special meet- ing of the Conservatives was held for the purpose of selecting delegates to the convention to he held in Smith's Hill on Wednesday. There was a good attendance and a very eathusiastic meeting. . " • On Tuesda.y the late principal of our P. S. left to take up' his abode in Clinton for the future. We are sorry to lose him as he was an excellent cit- • izen. What is our, loss is Clinton's lee -T. Clarisen, G. Reynolds and 'II NESS: STA.TIONERY White' ; auditors, J. C. Clausen, H • • AB. OUT ?MIS' • for the village -Misses B. Pett and • Reynolds ; Collectora for mission fund, With . all the advantages of modern A. Reynolds for the country-Mieses printing offices, cheap paper and Qom- E. Johnston end N. Petty. . A. vot paratively. small' cost of prihting, it of thanks was tendered J. C. Clausen is remarkable that so meaty mei- the• choir and W. A, ag. for their chants have not decently printed lets valuable servico to ' e ter -heads. Rubber stamps are well in '-------- their place but it is mot. a substitute for good printing. Many letters conie into this office front goed sized retail establishments that show a wonderful lack of thought in ‚this respect. The tiff •importance of a 'concern having neat- GODERICII. _ • Judge and Mrs. Gamy,' are in Dans- Fifed.aniSthaeripuhmar.d id. in toWn this ly printed letter -heads ie underes- month. tated. It la:usually considered. too Mrs. James Hays is having a neat trivial for serious thought but it is a verandah built around her residence. S great mistake. A :certain merchant • Dr. Marion Oliver lectured in King - that that is very particalar about his let- ston recently.. ter -heads and checks says that he acts Mr. and Mrs. D. Sproule, Who spent on the same principle as in dressing the minter 'at Mountain. Grove, near himseff. :When he calls on the Mg Kingston, have returned to'their home honses that are to be his credithrs he• at .Dungs.ntion. . • puts on goocl clothes, then during the The Easter. Monday entertainnient year w en canno go 1 It t dlt Chapter was truly delightful in' every. • t ai s t gotten up by the Florence Nightingale wworT con on you a week.. ate er gore s te• e s s at sinery an . e - W. ber,,Vonent. ters make an impression for him. He feature and reflects great credit upon tht, pews. head will receive attention before sisted. ." The 'Emerson Club" .11%tietttelgr toIrctiaitritwhwolii: ienarraeyr. bi: ed to perfection that society ladies, like the old copy line at schpol, WE Price to suit E wiNT_ make the Work to suit reasons that a cleanly printed letter- the inemb• ars .and those who kindly show- WEas- .WILLwritten on ordinary . pa.per and 'with "' many men of- inany minds," :have J411 you the choice of the in .design andinaterial. indicath -the writer's. name and bust- Blies Tye, thought- so • • tho. The production of the world only a rubber stamp impression to many minds too. The hosteas, Miss - . nes, !the clerk In • the wholesale Scotch daucing, Miss Maclaren at the house will instinctively class the well piano, was very good and received We are the ONLY prae- , • written letter with those of the best great applause. The daticers in high - deal Illel) in Cliuton in - houses that -are to receive immediate land costume were Misses Mabel Doty • • our line. Do not he talked into placing your • attention. -Shoe and Leather Journal. Olive Goldthorpe, Irene Satilts and Lulu Tweedie. For encore little Myra taller w about first call- , • tle Consigney came out with her flax - mg OD 1.18. • She too received quite an ovation, , . A WESTERN EDITOR'S LIFE.. en curls and danced like a little .fairy.. SALVATION ARMY . •. J. B. 1400VERg PRO BARRACKS F8SALE. The ambling know') sa the salvation Army Barracks is otrereit for sale, Tho lot tout bulki- ng t 1 as, desfred. For further particulars apply to Fob Otb. FRED. LIVE1tMoRE,•C1fnton. An entertaining. list of autobiog- p raphy is the following account of his zini professional life, with .its -disappoint- Next to Commercial Hotel. meats and rewards, by a Victoria, B. C., editor. t f A - • • • , Been . asked to drink..., ........ .11,262 THE CLIN'rON PHOTOGRAPHER IS ran A PRIZE WINNER. -Requested • to retract :•••1.••••••••••• Dia.rettact • "Zampa," the instrunientat solo by Miss Elies, Tye, wits finely , rendered. As hostess at the " Emerson Club" Miss Tye was dressed in white organ- die and for the piano recital in pale blue, tlecollete waist, with deep lace " 1 )With 11,2112 deep frill at elbow and deep .lace ina arouncl top, Invited to parties and recep- ' The London (Eng.). Magazine .re- tby parties fishing • - cetitly took • up the challenge .from for voils . Farm for Sale, • the New York Journal that the child- Took the hitt Tho Undersigned. offers for salelot 10. con, Hitilet consisting of 100 acres, all but 8 arms cleared, 10 acres fall wheat,.40 acres pasture land, Welt watered and fenced. good clay. land. acre good.. Ochry I,. frame .barn 50010 with , stone foindation; miles' train scho01,31 Miles from .Lenclesbora, st from Einburn anti 6 from ntinton. bnmodiatii possession can . glycol; Will bo sold on reasoitable terms. .Apply on Promises. THOMAS QUIGLEY. Flullett, March Stit Clinton P. O. • ren of the 'United States were more Didn't take the hint beautiful than the ch dren 0 r s Thretttened to be whipped and Colonial British, The London fleet, whipped• Magazine, to prove its claim, ()pencil 416 der. " For -You," .6 vocal selection 416 of Miss Ausehrook, was sung in that lady's best voice and received an en- core. Kiss Ausebrook only bowed her -300„,„0 thanks. She wore an emerald green 00 organdie with three deep frills at bot - 13°0 tom of skirt, elbow sleeves and two Whipped the.other felloes a competition offering twenty prizes Dids 't come to• time...Jag 0.• I of £5 for the best twenty photos of men. asked what's the . children under seven years of age eent in to the editor. These twenty " prize" plates appear Didn't know ......... ...... .. . ........ 200,00„0. Told interpreted by our prima donna 99,977 Miss Laura Acheson, who wore a very 2 handsome dress of white chiffon cia- 33 with white silk braid, Miss 50 Acheson received a well merited en- ....... 170 Maely deep pitik carnations in her cor- ° sage, Miss Mary Tom, youngest tat daufhter of Inspector Tom, recited encored the little darling returned and " T le Hospital Collection." Being 300i000 •a h "Will I 23 Tell," violin selection, was beautiful - in the March number of the magazine, Lied about it been 1 chosen front t ousel' sBeen to c tirch sent in from all parts of the Empire. Changed polities Amongst the twenty is a Brantford Expect to change still having Notice. girt, Gladis M. Sanderson, eldest Gave for charity Numerous ciimptaints having been 0111tle by eititene of boys running over their lawns, tapping windows and in other ways lieemoing it nuisance I 'hereby vrarri Buell trespassers thst future complaints of this nature will be dealt with by law nod fines imposed. T. JACKSON, Mayor. Clinton, March Oth. THE NEWS -RECORD WILL BE Oodes Cotton loot Compound iastioessfully used monthly by over 0,000LadieS. sete,oteetual, Ladies. - EN11. nd T' To ilk NY ADDRESS .1tititiotisesilv danggrae sil ous. 'Mee, Nj. 1, Oka Atm dorMI:t Gees Cott* rot We. box; No. 0,10 degrees etromeir, El pet to*. NO. 10f 2, wined on receipt of prite mid two Smote LETriL -I"HE END OF 1902 :CtiiiiiSiVirifttilti=142 FON 50o. Nos. and 2 are sold in Clinton'by H. COtribe R. 1'. /Zeekie, Ittiv- - ey and Watte!St Co.„-441ruggists. d ht r Mr and Mrs Stuart San- Gave for terrier do aug e derson, Brant Avenue. The photo was Cash on hand taken by Mr. Norman Henry of Gina tort, late of the firm of Walker & Henry and is an exquisite piece of BREACH OP PROFES- SIONAL ETIQUETTE. (Canadian Law Review) • work. , • • Little Miss Gladys and her parents are to be heartily • congratulated on the very high honor of being included in such a notable bat. The twenty prize photos are all exceptionally beautiful children and Brantford may consider itself honored in being repre- sented in such a world-wide cotnpeti- tion. It is understood that the New York Journal will respond with a similar competition aud then the claims of the Empire and Republic will be left •to: impartial judges to decide, The Courier.believes that Uncle Sam is going to find it a hard task to beat the • twenty boys and girls from the Empire. It would be impossible to imagine a more beautiful contingent than the London Magazine has brought together,7-Droottford Courier, • $5'00 core and kiially gave another violin • -$25-13° seleetiOn. Miss . Price, in deep p,ink ST'°° costume, accompanied her. I A A lawyer while bathing was attack- ed by a shark. Ile itutuaged to heat off his assailant and struggl,e back to thore. Once in safety on Hie beach he shook his fist at the retiring and disappointed shark and gasped out " You brute 1 That's the most abominable breach of professional oti- quette 1 have ever known." STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OPP THE COLD. 1.111••••411. • Laxative Bronco Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one dayt No cure, no payt Pries 2$ Sradta,., Gainsborough Lady" was a delightful surprise to our play goers. Miss Prom made a most delightful living pic- ture. The Dairymaids' Drill" was really beautiful. Six wore pink dress- es, the other six wearing blue with whit stripe. All wore White sunbon- nets, white neck handkerchiefs and each carried a little milking stool or- namented with ribbons of pink and blue. They sang the " Song" at intervals. Mr. Barnesgate a very pretty vocal selection " Dottie where the cotton blossoms grow," and for an encore told the audience some humorous experiences. The tableaux illustrating Longfellow's Miles Stan. dish" matte a delightful ending to the interesting- program. The tableaux were perfect. Master Percy Tye rep- resented John Alden ; Kielty represented MileiStandish; Mis Mali - el Strang and Mr, Grant, the justice who tied the knot, Miss Price reading indS1 distinctly Ott illuStrated partsT. On Wednesday' the Conservatives of this burg were well represented at the convention A Smith's Hill. • The adjourned vestry meeting of Trinity church is to beheld on Mon- day evening next at 8 o'clock. Miss ABM End& left here on Thurs- day to pay a visit with relatives, in Black Roek. • Mr. Y. W. Scott paid a visit t,o Clinton on Tuesday. , HOLMESVILI.,E. , . The vestry of St. John's:clutich met on April 3rd and the wardens report- ed all, their obligations met with a • 'small balance on liatid. The :wardens appointed for the 'ensuing year were : Messrs. . Samuel Sturdy and • Guy Hicks. tat , ,the congregational meet- ing Mr. James Connolly was appeint- ed delegate to the -Synod, Rev. Mn. Turnbull of •Goflerich occupies the pul-• pit cif St.. John's church nesit. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. 'E. Acheson of Coder- - ich were in our village on Friday: . Miss Mina Finch of Clinton spent several clays last week with her friend, Miss Lu Mulholland. Mr.- J., D. Currie and bride of God-. erich were in our village on Sunday.. Mr. William Stanley was in Teton-. • to this Week. . • Mrs. II. Elford is seriously ill but we hope. to • hear of her speedy rectiv- cry: . ' We were favoured with quite a snow- storm. on Monday. . • • Mrs. William Hick is talcitig care of Mrs. Gilbert Mair whp.has'been ill for on ti ne • Mrs. Halstead has returned from Manitoba where- she -spent several nioMnitsis.siPearl itailley of the 9th con, has been visiting her grandfather, Mr. John McCartney. . • Mr:. Goodrich, wife and daughter of Seaforth visited friends here on Sun- day. • Rev, Turtibull of Goclerich will preach in St. John's church on Sun- day afternoon, We compliment the editor on the new- style of last week's News -Record. It's PI cl. Mr. Prod, Leonard and. Son visited friends in Bright. Mr. D. M. Scott of Tavistock was visiting friends here MA week. Mrs. T. C. Pickard spent several days itt Stratford and 1Vlitchell recent- ly • Nr, W. Courtice of Nile spent the vacation at home Miss Jennie Phipps of Toronto vis- ited her inother duriug the holidays. Notwithstanding the storm quite a number attended the entertainment oft Monday week. The lecture of Rev. R. Hobbs of Winglnun was both interest- ing and instructive. Everyone was well pleased with it and next time we could promise Rev. Hobbs a full house, storm or no storm. On Tiles - day evening there was a social. Miss 'iessie Crooks came Monne front Goderich for the Easter holidays but returned again on Monday to resume her studies at the Collegiate in that town. Mrs. (Rev.) Birks of London Was telegraphed for on Monday owing to the serious illness of her mother Mrtit ' Elforil., • ^-•