HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-04-30, Page 8LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Jno•Tierney, of Detroit, is Vending some days with his parents, J. B. and Mrs. Tierney, Mise Dorothy Robinson, of Seaforth, was a visitor with her parents, R. Ii. and Mrs. Robinson, on Sunday. Mrs. A. 13. Carr is visiting relatives in Indianapolis. She visited her son, A. H. Wilford, of Windsor, enroute. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Mason and children, of Goderich, are visiting the former's parents, Ben. and Mrs, Mason, Misses Katherine, Mary and Phyllis Hardisty, of Galt, spent Good Friday with their aunt, Miss Woodcock. Mr. and Mrs. John Snell and children, Of Windsor, visited the latter's parents, Robert and Mrs. Newcombe, over the week did. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ney and daugh- ter, Joyce. of Sebtingvitle. are spending I: -stet week with Mrs. Ney s parents, Mr and Mrs E. Laundy, Mrs• Armstrong, of Sault Ste. Marie, rcho has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nathaniel Johnston, returned, to her home op Monday. Mr. J. II. Richmond. Mita Alberta and Mr, David Laidlaw are in Toronto at tend- ing the funeral of a relative, the late Rich- - nrd Moore whose death took place on Saturday. District Deputy Grand Master Scrim- geour, of Palmerston, paid his official visit to Blyth Lodge A. F. & A. M. on Tues• day evening of last week. The officers exemplified degree work in a very pleasing manner, after which an hour was pleasant ly spent in social entertainment. Easter Day, service was held in Trinity Anglican Church on Friday morning. There was a fair attendance at this very Pleasing and interesting service was con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Anderson, and in the evening Rev, Geo Weir conducted simil- ar services in St. Mark's Church, Auburn, Special Easter Services were held in in Old St. Andrews' Presbyterian Church on Sunday,. at which Rev, T. W. Gaod- will preached two exceptionally fine dis- courses. The choir rendered some appro- priate selections and at the afternoon ser- vice Mrs. S. Curring sang a beautiful solo in splendid voice. The floral decorations were very pretty. consisting of Carnations Easter Lillies and Hyacinthes. i'rovincial Entomologist, L. Caesar, who is in charge of the enforcement of the corn borer act, recently declared that the im- pression that the core borer has been re- duced in most counties and that the law will not be strictly enforced this year is fallacious "The borer is just as danger- ous an insect as it ever was," he declared, "and all it needs is to be given a chance such as it would have if the Corn Borer Act had not been enforced. Corn grow- ers in Ontario will have to become accus- tomed to the fact that cleaning up corn remnants each spring will be a regular part of farm operations. Non -enforce- ment of the act this year would be folly." It has been found that the average life of a grain binder is sixteen years with a variation from five to thirty-three years. A spring -tooth harrow, under Winery service condition is good only about eight years, while a wagon will hold out for twenty -tour years, A survey made recent ly indicnted that the cost of using a one - row cultivator was eight cents which was about the lowest for any implement. In some instances made almost entirely of metal and not housed seemed to last as long as those which were housed. How- ever, other machines with many small parts or parts with wood, cloth or leather, badly need shelter. Binders fall in this class. Investigation reveals that binders which were sheltered required only 1,38 cents per acre for repairs as compared with 2,38c for those not housed. 111/rlrrrr111frlflrrf11■ r X ■ r ■ s ■ ■ ■ School Report The following is the report of U. S. S. No, 3, East Wawanosh and Morris. Prize for spelling, Marjorie Grasby; prize for conduct and manners, James McGill: SENIOR Iv Mary Bird...... 82 James McGill 80 Sylvester Kelly 76 JUNIurt 1V Glen McGill 65 BENIOL Ili Marjorie Grasby Isabel Nethery JIfNtOn I1I Allen Baird 66 Loretta Kelly,..... 65 Eddie McGill 60 Mae 'Kelly 41 seNion It Strto Healy ... 86 Edna Baird 75 Edwin Fear 70 Cameron Walsh 65 JUNIOR II Marion Nethery Kathleen McGill John Sanderson Primer -Albert Kelly. Eliza Godkin, Teacher. 76 66 77 67 '51 FOR SALE—Black Jersey Giant Eggs fur hatching, 60c. for setting of 13; also duck eggs 75c, per setting of 11. Apply Wm. VanCamp, phone 1515. Brussels, friends: PAGE 8r—TBE BLYTH STANDARD—AO! 24, WO ■■rrrlll�lrrrrrrrlllrrr111rllllrrlrlllrlrrrlrlrrrlrrrlprrrr DRESS UP SPRING IS THE TIME FOR NEW CLOTHES This week we are having a sale of all our dresses and coats. We have a nice assortment of very smart spring styles and materials which we feel sure will please you. Be sure to see our special this week. KAYSER SILK HOSIERY FRENCH KID GLOVES You will like the new shades they give excellent wear and fit perfectly. $1.50 to $1.95. Flowers for Coats & Dresses. Now that you have your new coat or dress you want a flower to match. Priced at 15c to 75c. In the new spring shades. These are excellent quality are are fully guaran- teed, $2.00 to $2.50. LADIES' SCARFS We received a new shipment of very fine quality hand painted Searles. Priced at 75c. to $4.00 MENS SUITS Today when it is of growing importance to be well dressed the suit has an add ed significance fo,. nothing so bespeaks ones personality as his suit. Clothes may not "make the man," yet certain it is that an immaculate, well -cut suits is a stamp of success. Why Not a New Suit This Spring? GLOVES Gloves are essential to a well- groomed appearance. Choose a new pair to complete your spring outfit. We offer guar- anteed lines that will combine good looks with long wear. CAPS. ' Society Club and Victoria Caps at $1.00, $1.50, $L95 SOCKS Choose a pleasing supply of socks from the unusually wide variety of new and attractive patterns we are now offering. SHOES Men's fine Oxfords priced at $3.50 to $6.50 ».......»«».«14»«»«.«..»......««..«..«....»..»».»14.14.»».««...«. ....44.14...14 COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. YOU ARE WELCOME All sizes in Con goleum and Lin- deum rugs on hand at lowest possible prices, Linoleum by the yard. TUE STORE THAT SETS ME PACE. ZA BEflEER "Service with a Senile" BLYTH, ONT. 20 per cent. off all Rubbers and Rubber Boots, 1■111111111■■111■rrrrl111rrlrlr■llrrrllllrll■lrrllrlrlrrrll■1■lllrr■ assuMilli■ PHONE 38 and have wagon call for a loaf of our Delicious Br e a d, B u n s, Cakes, Pastries. A choice assort- ment of Confectionery, Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand FRUIT CAKE and WEDDING CAKES Made to Order F J HOLLYMAN 'PHONE 38 BLYTH. - ONTARIO Address and Presentation A number of friends and neighbors con- gregated at the home of Mr. Robt. Pat- terson on Thursday night last to bid fare- well to Mr. Major Yungblut, prior to his leaving this section. A most enjoyable evening was spent, during which Mr. Gordon Augustine read the following ad• dress and Mr. A. Weymouth made the presentation. Mr. Yungblut responded to the kindly expressions couched in the address, in a very appropriate manner. Major Yungblutt, Esq. Dear Friend and Neighbor:—It was with feelings of regret that we, your neighbors and friends, learned of your contemplated removal from our midst; but we could not permit the asuerance of old associations without conveying to you, in some measure, our regard and es- teem for you as a neighbor and friend, During your entire life you have been one of us. Your childhood, school days and young manhood have ever been assn- elated with the life of the community and in no instance have you been found want- ing. Of a genial personality this quality radiated wherever you went, and with your departure, that smile which has marked both social and business relations, may it never grow less. We have the honor on this occasion, to present you with this club bag as a mark of our appreciation of your worth as a neighbor and friend. May you, wherever your lot is cast, still continue to radiate; that sunshine of disposition that has characterized all your activities of life. Signed on behalf of your neighbors and .++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPRING SHOES 7tt for 1930 re cordially invited to ct our Spring Tailor- xhibits of Samples. ep Clothes are known vet. Canada for their tappearance and w ul value. Every claim for them is backed o and a half million, 0,000) satisfied custom - cloth is guaranteed ,'ool. All garments esigned by men recoM O'' k a#r style leaders on eont1ent. tailoring, is done to 4 measure. ; ONE PRICE $24.00 * J�u fres* O N E STORE KINNON'S OLD STAND txl..., O]1tar10 r* Some of our new spring shoes are here. We show all the newest styles each season and the styles this year are very natty. Clothing Leave your order for your new spring suit in good time for Easter. Hobberlin and Taylor's Suitings are here. We guarantee a perfect fit. JAS. DODDS BLYTH — ONTARIO ++++++++++++++++44+++++++14 4- 4- 44+44444+44++4444+++ ++4+14 • 4+ ++ +ft +++++44 ++ +.4444.44 - 4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++6++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TO THE PUBLIC: ++++++++++++++M++++++++4+ The undersigned desire to advise the public that they have taken the agency for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO and have on hand a complete line of farm implements, also a full line of repairs. Our garage is equipped with the prop- er facilities to turn out 1.work of the best order with dispatch.. Gasoline, Oils and Auto Repairs on Hand. Hamilton & Dougherty Blyth, Ont. 1 ♦ +++++++++++++++++++i'++d'++'! FOR SALE—Raymond ine in first-class order. Standard. FOR SALE — Buckeye incubator, good condition eg city 220 eggs. A ply to Mrs. P. Wainer. Phone 18.7. Sewing Mach - Apply at The in p• FOR SALE—Gasoline operated slush pump and 20 feet of hose. Apply at The Standard. FOR SALE—Eggs Inc hatching, from pope bred White Leghorn hens. Apply to Mrs. Chris Rogerson. G***'',F********i -)1 *3',E***5' ** u+3r•+ sirdr++++++'ir'++dr+aril'+++ r+'lrx + TRY OUR + + NEW SUN WHEAT HEALTH + BISCUIT + 4. Ask Your Doctor + 4, Malted Graham Wafers, pkg 10c 4. P 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 35c + + 2 Cans Campbell's T'm'to Soup 25c + 4" Orange Marmalade, (a bargain) 20c 4 4 Figs 2 lbs 25c 4 4. Nu -Jell All Flavors + 41 Head Lettuce f +Seedless Grape -Fruit. + Ice Cream Bricks 4' 4. 4 4 GOODS DELIVERED + W. JASa SIMS 4, 'PHONE, 14 4. -* MTH, ONT, 4444-444++++++++44-1+++4+4+4 NATIONAL BETTER . BEDDING WEEK During the next ten days we are offering ex- ception.1 values in BEDS, MATTRESSES & SPRINGS For real comfort the Inner Spring Mattress is unsurpassed. We have them priced from $16.00 to $39.50 Layer Felt Ma.tresses from $8.50 to $20. Sagless Bed Springs priced from $5.00 to $14.75 Several designs in three piece Bed Outfits at attractive prices. CREL LAEAA/ —11_.leT l., 0Wr.. 1 yo