HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-27, Page 8Fr
OM' opening display of Spring 1V.illinery .is
no* at its.best. Never have we prepared
for your 'inspection so complete ,au assort-
ment of high class and stylish "Millinery as
is now to be found in our show -room. Tats
that t acre. exact reproductions of the , leading
French and Aui.erican styles are here. There
is not a' good or suitable style missing, and
the display is. well worthooming to see. Come
on Saturday} if not then, next week. You
will be j u.St as welcome then. as on our formal
Opening days. The new Hats are here tor
you to examine,, to study to criticize if you.
desire and you' need feel under no obligation
to buy,
For Easter Suriday I About
If you want your new Hat for Easter Sunday let us ! INHERE THEk ARE ^eagle
know Thursday or as early Saturday as possible and we will HR WHERE
guarantee not to disappoint you,. THEY ARE GOING
Wall Paper People
At our store you will find Stir
Complete a stock in variety,
Colors, .qualities and values as is
to be had in the county. We
have it at 6e per roll. We as
good.as you can buy anywhere
at the price. Our 8e line Is
much better value. It's twice
as good as the fro line. and our
ten cent goods are more Wan.
twice as good. We have it art
'high as 50e. Whatever • your
needs may be we want to see
von. We will be -here to about
you our stock any day. If you
want samples by mail we Will
send theta to..yon. �V'e sell
Window Shades too. General •
Stationery, Art Materials for
decorative needle work, etc.
Agents Parker's .Dye Works,
TV# .+l:2
Mr. Percy Fitly le etpeoding EMter ytitli
" his sifter in Detroit.: ' '
• Mr, W, T. Dackviile, T. P. A. et the
U. P. '11.., wee In town yesterday.
Nr. 'W, Jaekaen rettxtned'.esteraity'
from a, 'business trip to New `Murk,
Mics Logan, Mise Mary Mud* and Mrs.
0, 0. Rause are guests., of Toronto
friexed ,
Mies Annie Wright and Mr. Maedel. ot
lienrniller Were guests OP Sunday of,
Mr. JobnWrigltt.
Mr. Reuben Graham was in St. Mary's,
this week and. bought a span of
blacks. •Reuben will have nothing
but what. is good.
Mr, William Waiker returned yester<
day from Stanford. Mew York,where
he delivered to the purchaser the ,
trd ting :!stallion owned, by Mr.
WilliaeaDoherty. .On hie 'way home'
hespeut a few hours with his sister,
Mrs. Thos. Rumball of St. Jacobs,
The W. • 11 Fair CO,
IOften the Chexpeet, Always the Best.
Easter Gloves
The best Kid Gloyes made ,in the world .
ai a made in. France. ' The best French maker
is "Trefousse" of Paris and Genoble. There
are more "Trefousse" Gloves 'sold: in the
United States. than 'those of any other make:
The best stores .-everywhere sell them,.. Our
best Gloves are all '".Trefousse" make.' They'
are perfect in fit and unequalled for wearing sonday.I.ast.
qualities. New Gloves for Easter are here. .All are soft Mr, P. W. scat, of,East. Wawanosh
new was in (Minton on Friday last.:
13Axr' LD. ,
Perch fishing As now the order and.
any urchin who can muster the neces-
sary tackle can bag' plenty.
Mrs, McAllister of Chicago is visit=
Mg friends. at Belfast and other points
with her sister, Miss. fvollidy'having
taken a turn, for the better. ,
The young people . of St, Andrew's
church have organized a society with
Mr. D, M. Mackenzie as president;
Miss M. Armstrong as vice and Miss
A. E. Whiddon as secretary -treasurer.
Mr. Thos. Stephens, proprietor of
the River hotel, was 'around the Wili-
er day securing, signatures for a year-
ly license for his home. ,It is said
those who sigh for prohibitions and
long • for temperance would make.big
eyes if a list of the signatures was
Mr. Norman Cameron of Toronto
We Knout Junction was here the past week at-
tending' his brother's Clintonuneral,
Mr, Gus, Colyer Sundayed in London, Mrs. Granger of nwas also
Mr. Norman Fair was in Toronto last in attendance • at the funeral.
' week.• Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Marks attended
Mrs, 5, Murch is spendinher holidays the funeral of their brother-in-law,,
last Thursday.
I1r. Frank Swallow left yesterdayMr• fir,' G, Johnston held a sale of
for Rartney, Manitoba his stock, etc. on Tuesday which was
Miss Edith Ilodgens will spend Faster well attended, ' Mr. Johnston leaves
in London,
in Galt the late Mr, Sheppard, fn Goderich
Miss Vire, Heywood specie Sunday in
Seafortb. . '
Mr, Fred. Eagleson was in Seaforth on
fresh skins an t e co or ng's an s c ng • he t You
will not find as .good an assortment any place else in town.:
Three Standard Qualities All Guaranteed. .
Real French ,kid Gloves, fine' Real French 'kid . Gloves, soft: -
quality, .sott skins, dome fes. plaiableskins, newest cut,
teners, newest etitchings, in dressed . or undressed,' dome
black, greys, fawns,- tans,` all fasteners, newest stitching's. .
sizes, the equal of inany•$L25 in black, creams, fawns, tans 1 A n
Gloves, per pair I :O U and browns, all sizes; per pair ..L
Real French kid Gloves, extra fine quality, selected skins, soft and ,plia•
able. People•who buy'this glove once:do nob care to wear. any. other.
make. Dome fastners and newest stitebings, black and leading colors 1 .5 O'
per pair..... ,
e ..
L c
This isgoinggto be the' -.teatest lace season `known
r l ..vm late a.nless . it . has •
for years. A costume is hardly c
ya p ,
lace on it in some shape or form. • ::Take' up any, paper
and readthhe..report of. fashionablegatherings and you
of tendresses .
• • was used . on nine out
willfind that lace
{� wil
.:described: Our 'importations of daces: are • on a.: larger
scale than ever. -From -France . from Switzerland the
stock has been.gathered,. and every kind ' favored by
fashion is represented, You. can make no mistake if .you
do your lace buying. here.
Valentines Laces. , 2.3 & 5ets Itch
Heel French Valencines Laces - i, 8,10 & locts
Insertions to match •
Tocchon Lasts .. .... +
'Plauen Laces and Insertions . • 10, 15. ft�20.ts'
15, & 20 cts •
Fancy Trimming Laces 15, 25, & 59 cts '
Whites, cream, black, ecru, and linen shades.
B l .Corsets
Tne highest development of the'.
' Corset Maker's Art is represented
in B &I Patent Bias Filled models.
The corsets are honed with flit'- -
- • est quality of ribbon . spring
steel wires and patent whalebone, . The shapes are produced
by numerous gores, bias seams and folds ; and the Corsets.. are
carefully put together•=as though they were custom made: A
fresh stock of these famous Corsets came in this week, and we
strongly recolnelid them to our customers. Styles to fit slight
medium and stout figures: '
Three prrtist ; r" 1.00 $1.25 $2.00
Lustres -for Waists
Colored Lustres are much„ in favor. for waists : this spring..
This week We opened a complete range imported direct from
Britain. They Will make stylish and inexpensive: waists.
The values are better, than we could get here. •
Colored lustres, 42 inches wide, bright finish, will wear well, in - ^rJ
. - G
shades of cream, pink, sky' and green; per yard
Extra finequality coloredlustres, rich silky finish, 44 igehes 7
wide, in navy, sky, pink, green and cream ■ 1 �.
Extra finalities in black lustres, 'suitable for waists or skirts, will
hold their color, per yard , . 50.75 i'.O O
New -Neck Ri.bboris
New neck ribbons all pure silk washing Taffetas, in •sky,
turquoise, -blue rose, white and cream., per yard 20 & 30cts
Ties.for Easter
this Thursday for. the West and in -
tends locating near Regina...Mr.John-
ston is but the, forerunner of a large
emigration . to •the great West '.from
these. parts.
We are pleased to.. notice that Miss
Martin, who has been at death's door
for several months past, is able to
take •a- drive. .Her recovery is little
Mr. Alen.. Cooper of Goderiehwes in short of a miracle and her case has
Ready for
town over Sunday. - baffled the understanding of, physic-
ians.. • -
114r. James Sturgeon has had Mr.
D. Harrison. and Mr. W. 'Whi&lon at
work , in the Bayfield . ship -yard' for
some time building a scow to carry
•stones• forthe pier.• A large crowd
assembled on Tuesday ,evening and
launched the craft which has been:
christened the • exphoiiious na;ne of.
`'Erin Go Bragli. '
Again . we • are called upon t� per-
form the sad duty of recording the
'doings of death. • This • time we . chrori- -
icle, the ; death of Donald . Cameron,.
fourth son of our respected townsman,
Mr. •• Thomas' Cameron.. Deceased, who
had been an invalid•frpxin.infancy, was
x8 'years- old, :the immediate cause of
death.. being convulsions, The funeral
took place last Saturday -and was
largely- attended.
,The remain
s were
•interred inBa fielti ceinetery, hisfour
brothers, :Neil, ' John," Norman and'
James avid his, two cou sin , Archie
^and Donald • Galbraith, performing the -
sad and • tenderduties of pallbearers,
As is- generally the case those who
have - needed much .'-care twine. them-
selves' about the hearts of those, who
love theso in this .case .'the 'parents
We, .
'and family feel their loss keenly. .
join .the many. friends in extendingour
syrupathyy - to the family. •
The' following is a list , of those pro -
;noted. in. the .school at the • recent ex-
amination conducted the past •week
on papers prepared by the county .in-
spector :
n-spector: From end .to 3rd •Class-
Gordon Holman, • Harley Attwood,
Clara Galpin, MalcolmMcLeod,
ence ":Pollock,• Clifford .Pollock,. Frank
Cameron, • Alice Tippett, .Verna
Leod, 'Rena Holman, Mami" Heard
King, . Hazel Brown, Maggie
Mr. and Mrs. T. Webster of 'Ashfield, Parker,. Herbie Sturgeon. From Jr.
who have been •visiting friends in 1 30- .to Sr: 3rd -Cleave Erwin, May
Macdougall,' •Eddie Sturgeon;.. Willie.
Turner,. Sarah Turner, Lawrence F.ow,
lie, Rich McI)ool; John. Tom,. I,eonerd
McGee. From Sr, 3rd. to Jr. `4th—
t an Katie
Holman,. Res Roastoss,' Retry `CaSadie Hol mmeron,. Nellie Biggart,
-Mabel Leitch, .George Sturgeon, Geo..
Erwini Flossie Attwood. The names
•are not given in order of merit but as
recorded onthe register: :•Thirty
six wrote and thirty three were sue-
cesslul. The following have been pro-
moted from Jr .4th to Sr. 4th—R.
Marks, C. Tippett,• M; Erwin, H, Pol-
lock, W •Heard,. J. Parker,: G. Camer-
on, C. Martin, F. Ross, -
Mr. Young of the Molsons Bank will
spend Faster in Exeter.
Mr.:3. C. Walsh of Chicago is spending
the Easter holidays at his home here:
Mrs. J. Taylor and family will spend
Easter with friends in Blyth. •
:Postmaster Gairdner of Bayfield was
hi town on Thursday last.
Dr, Blackall'wee in Toronto this week.
attending .the aunual meeting of the
t rts,n Council of Chosen Friends. -'
Mr..tseorge l3rickenden of London was
'a guest at the.: pareut.cl home an
Tuesday.• .
Mrs.•Horace Foster of Brampton, who
' re,
has :been visiting friends in to iqn , ,
turned home on Wednesday.,
Miss Cassie'JohnsonofVerne,
a few'day$ in town .this week among
friends. , • • ,
Miers Carrie Copp.of Goderich has been
din.g'the past few, _ days visiting
friends. •
Mr, 'will. Stoddart of "Seaford).was a
guest at the home of Mrs. Finite:ft on
Sunday• • • • •
-Misses Millie. Stevenson of Mown and
A new tie is the correct
thing for Easter Sunday. Of
course this is the place t s"
come for what is ' newest in
neckvifiear. The nobbiest and
nattiest ties in town are here
and more toselect from than:
you will find in any other
stole. ' We will have a '
and you ought' to
showing for next
come around and see therm
All shapes 215c and 50c +
PearlTretheway. of .G'oderich.: spent
.Sunday in SeaforEh.
Miss Carrie: Akan has secured.;; situs:<.
tion .ss milliner'at Baldwin,..east of
Toronto.: , •
R. Ransford, late of'Belleville, nd
whose hanne. is 30 Clinton, is now
teller in the local branch of the Do.
• minion Bank. —WinghainTimes •-
ever before has this store contained such rich merchandise or so .mutI
Because of our carefulness in buying you can place every confidence
goods we offer, hence there is no risk in buying here and you will .always
ready to make cheerful exchanges or refund your money for any goods'that
not been cut from the piece. Our unmatchably low prices mean a profit for
'but we ever keep in mind however low we mark'the goods, the quality must
right; the styles must be new, Nothing else finds a place in this store.
Millinery Opening
Thursday and Saturday
Of This 'Week
Store open each evening. You are Invited to Collie.
Godorich township,; were in town on
Monday: .
Misses Mwbel and Pearl Tietbeway:. of
Goder'icb, have beenthe guests of
, -Miss Millie Stevenson for the past.
:.few days, -
Master Vern and Miss Vera Mennel
are spending their Easter holidays
. nn Woodham, the guests of their
aunt, Mrs, W E. Doupe;
T. Callender,who has been spend-
: tug a few days in -Michigan, returned
to Clinton on. Saturday last and.
leaves for his home in Manitoba this
'Miss Kathleen•Ciunne is home from St.
I3fldei's College, Toronto,for the Eas,
ter vacation: • She is.aceompanied by
i'•Miss Madelaine Keefer of Port• Ar-
thur., who is also a St. /Indian'.
Miss Parker, who has been in the ser.
vice of. Mrs. McTaggart Sr. fur twen
ty;three years,' left on Tuesday for
Ninga, bran.,•, where she will make her
home with relatives,
Messrs, T. A. Walker and D. Oantelon
were in Goderich on Friday attend-
.ing•a meeting of the executive of the
West ;]Huron Conservative Associ
. ation,
Mr. Thomas A. Walker is making a
trip through the northern part of the
county hi the interests of the Owen
Sound Cement Company. Mr, Wal•
kor is a practical man and well vers.
ed in the use of Cement so is making
large sales..
Mr. John Forrester returned home
Monday night from Medicine fiat
N. W. T., where he was for over.
two years. Tie was engaged in ranch
ing aid is personal proof of the
healthfulness ofthat life as he. i
looking remarkably well. "Jack" is
one of our most popular young men
and his numerous friends ate pleased
to have him in their midst onoe more.
Mr. Andrew Taylor lett this morning
for Bowmanville teret'lsit the scenes
pf,hie youth, after.an absence of Chir-
ty'years. Ile hoes the old bottle is
still standirig but atanyrate will visit
the spotupon which it stood and the
stre{iiii' in which he was wont to
swim 'in those happy early days.
He was accompanied as far us Tor.
(mtit by his sister Miss Mattis Tay
low, `Who will visit friends itt that
Mr. Harvey Beavan of Petrolla
turned to town On Monday
to re•
eume hie' work of drilling for arts-
Bien, wells;, that is provided he tides
• notdispose of his drilling outfit
which he is offering for sale. If he
sells he will return to Borneo or -
ttome pater part of the distant i:ast
where there is always A. demand for
•kkilIed men suchas he is. Mt. Beit.
van' spent four years in Borneo itt
the service of theAtapdard-till Coni•
CLINTON-.' pant i ,
Miss Maggie Ross has returned from
visiting friends in Wingham. . .
gr. John Brown: left on Monday
last for the Northwest and Manitoba..
Miss Maud Wilson visited "friends . in
Clinton last week.
Miss Ella Ross of Clinton is visit-
ing friends in this vicinity.
Mr.. Goldie and Miss Ella Graham
have returned ;from, a pleasant trip to
St. Helens.
• Mrs. Ross of Clinton is visiting her
presedaughter,nt. Mrs. Wiliaim Betty, ..at
Misses Flo. and Helen 'Chrysler "are
speeding their Raster holidays at the
homes of their friends in Toronto.'
Miss Edith Sewers .is enjoying Ras-
ter holidays at her)tonne here.
Easter Gloves
Our preparations for Easter ; are complete. A' brand
new stock comprising the very best makes of Kid Gloves.
Little need be said ofpricesfor you . have learned to expect best vai.ues for. your money '
here no matter what you pay.
Our Kid Gloves. at 59c I Our Kid Gloves at $1 and $1,25 .
• are extra value, some stores ask $1,they come in • are the best glove values. in the county,, they
tan and brown shades only, with silk stitching on come in shades of epode, grey, tan, brown, also black-
back; with silk stitching on back and every pair guaranteed.
Undressed Kid Gloves in grey and ;node shades at $1.211.
New Lace Curtains For rn
• We have just received the finest and largest stock .of Lace Curtains ever; she}wn
this.. store. You are welcome to,come and see the new designs. No need to 'buy if y
are not ready.
Prices are 25c, 35c, 5Oc, 75c' to 01$9,00
ew Spring r'in Veilln�--��� s'.
We have made preparations: for a big veiling business this spring and -ar
ing a very fineassortment of the new spring styles.
Prices elsc, 35c and $iOc per yard.
These,. Prices are for Saturday. onl
209 yards of:light and darkPrints and Tinghams all' • est colors,
• • i
that are regular 10e, 12i and 15c, on sale Opening • Days at. 6ic pairs ''of the B&1bias
filled iorsetrregilar
price of•
which is 2, for - ,�� :a
100 White Cotton Vests with
long slee es oPen front, nicely made These Corsets ;re ucrume iof to break.
and finished regular 35c values ono ening days only at 19c
Y triI aON1Y [LICE 150 yarda of Lustre, in navy With Small epot, bli h
white stripe. regular value 80e, pening
days to
I]N` Tot telt=IT• •�, �,�
200 yard. ofbery fine finality, of Taiketa ) 'asses of
• • w pink,.sky, gold,, na'vy,�, white and erects; •regul�8,"�c v;3lixe
. opening: day price.
Ladies' Kid Gloves Wade Ofgood. Strong .. skins wath silk
stitching on back. ';inbrpwn :*nd; tan tbades only, sold
Wires ?+ip
most res for $1, our price ... : , 59th
300 yards of Ribbon from 1 to gin -epee widerin allsilk and eilk,
and linea nixed, suitable for hairribbens and fancy
all ehadetem stook speeig
•N!fN••N•*N••444.. tN*NN4N.iN#N4NNNMNN•+N••NI•N•••4l.4NMNN•N**N*•N• isa.
� nr'. •. •. rn�t Vit: ;�
Jnr tctrrmnr4�r�n�i�rr9ttrrr�rrrr�rnr �tr��tt�rnr��r�rrttn�r . � � mnrnrmnrr�mmG�tmnt�tm�trm�rtt ,, ttm► . , ,
Miss Belle Henderson, who has been. .S
spending a month ; with relatives in n.
Berlin, returned home last week.
Miss McGee ;of. Port Arthur was the
guest of her cousin, Miss Alice Dale,
the past week. ,._
Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Yellow of Exet-
er spent a couple - of days last week
with friends here.
A few of the young people from this -
vicinity spent. a very. enjoyable even-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, ..,,,
Scott on Thursday last. we -
A few of the farmers in this vicin-.
ity are 'engaged itt making maple
syrup and say it has been a good
]3. ]fenderson, who has been
laid up with a severe attack of con-
gestion of the lungs; is not improving -
as fast as her many friends would
A fcw of the young people of this
community were hospitably entertain-
ntertain cd at the hoe Mr. and Mrs, ar-
vey Jenkins on Tuesday last.
A number. of the farmers are 'busy
plowing and if the fine weather con-
tinues there will be an early seeding.
_... 1•.
NuYnerous corp+ taints having been
made by citizen's of boyt running over
their lawns, tapping windows and in
other ways becoming a nulsatlee l
hereby warn Ruth trespassers that
future oarnpiaift5of this nature will be
Merchant .
Rev�ljtioll- loilie Cittt6in
$lei •
. for
ults $ - t . 12-414 Suits' for $101
... make the. above announcement ` ood,many
When we g
people will look sideways at it until they appieeiate the
'reasons for our selling suits at wholesale prices' perk-';
manufacture of • clothing,.
we commenced the wholesaleg
position to -direct tothe o'.
over a year ago we were in. a p g
and good's. ` at the same'.
• . best hills in this . country buy goo
a y
figure paid by the. 'wholesale houses The=result is that
we save 30 per cent. on all our Cloths and trimmings and
we intend giving our customers the benefit Of thisbttying.
You can have a regular $16 suit made to your order for
$12. You can have .a $14 suit made to, you order for.
$10. We can show you a large variety of goods • nom,
prising all the latest patterns and styles'. You, can have
it cut and made in any style you wish. You can ,give
your own directions' how you want it Made iv. and you
can have all the pockets you want.
., • 1, _ •,
We guarantee that the make "and trimmings will be
firstt glass in every respect. No such value has.ever
been offered in lArestorn Ontario' and the keenest buyers, ,
cannot afford to miss this opportunity of buying wits at -
wholesale figures,
dealt welt y latw and asst
Clinton, impendayor.
T. J,di�C7KSOx! M.
March 9th, • 11f1Mi��ilNdNiNaN/N�+fNfrM�I�NiAN6MHi6NeN%M " i/g � , �M1�N��I�aiMIM#+iIMMdM�N��IINMM�I�M�N1