HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-27, Page 611011118 ,1114 NTO.
WhOWAUCla of Women Tbrouglecrat
Canada in a Similar .0ondition
-,,Words oliope Sufterera.
In ecnintleee boniest tttrougnout
Ce.oade, WIlere health And haPPMesn
Shetild reign. supreneethe pectiliar
Infenfeese and diseasea weinen are
respon.eible for an atmosphere of
nepelesseess a.rid despair. Tine aw-
ful condition ie largely due to a min
understanding ot the proper manner
Whictt to effect 0, um for female
troubles of all kinds. Dr. William:1S'
Pink Pills have been more successful
in Wes t this kind than any other
Medicine, aed they should be in ev-
ery name. and should be used by
eVery Woman whb is not Perfectly
beferty and etrong, lif.rs. Fred. Mur-
PIO"a welleknown resident of Vels-
nice Head, N.S., cheerfully beam
testimony to the great value of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills in woman's ail-
ments. Kra Murphy says: -"A few
years ago ray health was completely
brolten cieWn, my troubles beginning
M one of the Alla:teas which so fre-
quently afflict ply sex. I was a
great sufferer from violent attacks of
pain which would seize me in the
stomach and =mend the heart It
Is frapoczsible for no to describe the
agony of the settees. Several times
the doctor was hastily summoned,
my friends thinking me dying. 1 was
wholly unable to perforra my house-
hold work, and was under medieel
treatment all through the suretraer,
but without benefit. My appetite
left ine; niyIleert would palpitate
violently after the least exertion,
and I was pale and emaciated, MY
husband urged me to trty Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, ancl procured Pie a
supply. After using the pills a cou-
ple of weeks, 1 eciuld feel that they
were leelping nae, and enter using
seven betties, I was fully restored
to health, From thee time until the
spring of 1901 1 enjoyed the best of
health, but at that time -I felt run
down, and suffered from pains in tho
back. I at once got some more of
121r. Williams' Pink Pills, and they
soon put me all right, and I am now
feeling better than I hane done for
years. I cannot praise these pine
too much, , nor can I too strongly
urge those who are ailing to test
their wonderful health restoring vir-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills go right
to the •root of disease by Making
new, rich blood, and restoring shat-
tered nerves. In this way they cure
such troubles as the functional ail-
ments of women, restore the glow of
health to sallow cheeks, cure
tation of the heart, anaemia, head-
ache, indigestion, kidney and liver
troubles, rheumatism, partial par-
alysis, St. Vitus' dance, etc. 13e sure
you get the genuine with the full
name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People," on every box, If you
do not fid them at your ,dealers,
they will be mailed postpaid at 50e.
a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by
addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Oat.
Foundation of a New Building
Sealed with Blood.
In old Japan people were some-
times buried alive -or, oftener, allow-
ed themselves to be buried, alive -at•
the beginning of a difficult piece of
engineering work in (inner to Impart
strength and We to 'the undertak-
ing. The victims to. this horrible
superstition were known under the
title of "human pillars" .aridmany
quaint and weird stories have been
woven around this eentozn, and are
recounted to this day by. Japanese
grandmethers to their grandthildren.
But no one would imagine that
any grown-up Japanese of the pre-
sent day Would seriously believe in
* these tales, much less' offer to be
the subject of -one pf them; yet
this is exactly, what • two 'persons
have just done. • ' •
The Buddhists of Osaka, • nave. re-
eently been collecting subscriptions
for the erection of a big belfry, with
a monster bell at Tennon Temple,
in the suburbs of that city. An old
lady, a fervent Buddhist, living in
• the south island of Japan, happen-
ing to hear ef this ' preject, •had a
letter written to. the temple intimat-
ing that she. was wining- to offer her-
self as a sacrifice Of the "human pil-
lar" variety if the temple authori-
ties did net object. Of course they,
dal not object, says •the. London
Leader. '
was an ex -priest of Osaka, 40 years'
of age. Op the evening of the 19th
inst., a policeman attached to. the
Tennoji police station noticed the
Agin° of an elderly parson proceed -
In toward tbe temole. The figure
was clad in white, and was earrying
on its back a cabin The latter fact
•aroused the suspicions of the police-
man, on whose approach the figure
attempted to run, bot Was overtaken
and led to the station. "
An examination of the coffinre-
vealed a singularly beautiful old
sword and a mertuary tablet, A
letter addressed to the head priest o1.
the temple, which was discovered on
the person of the prisoner, explained
exactly what the latter hed been
about to do. The man; on being in
teinogated, calmly confessed that he
had resolved to commit suicide that
night in the teMple •premises• in or-
der, as he said, "to vitalize the col-
lection of the bell funds and to give
strength to the belfry on it con-
struction." •
He was perfectly :lane and not
literate, arid the warm rentonStrarie-
es of the police and the' temple
priests succeeded in making hien
.promise to abandon his rash projent.
He Wael consequently released, but
he insisted on leaving behind in the
police station his valuable mord, an
heirloom in his family and an excel-
lent specimen of the swordsmith's
at. The Man's nalto wee Glevano
Anyishi, He has a. Wife and two
Children and has so far been able to
Maintain• them decently.
To every,another of youtig ehildrett
who will :semi us her IMMO and ad-
clrees plainly written on a postal
card, We will send free of all charge
Valuable•little book on the tare of
infants and young children. This
book has been prepared by a phyel-
ChM teIto has made the az:Resents of
t. little ones a life study. With the
<, beak tie Will Send a free catmint° of
• 4/3aby'e Own Tablets-,..stite best medi-
eine In the world for the minor an-
t:naafi of infants and young children.
Attention the name of .this paper and
address Tho Dr. Williams' Ateclicihe
,Co.pIircleleville, Ont.
DollY-"P0i23r, how Many men have
you been engaged to ?"
Dolly, I'Ve lost count,'
'X'110 hire of the Opine for the royal
teur haft cost 4108,400. The esti-
Mate Wo.s only 470,400.
[tomer-"Jane, open that
Winch,* and let a. IRO/ fresh air into
the heist." Jane-s"1t isn't fresh
tvir at rata at all, mem; Its the sante
air that* been about here ail the
rt 115 etated than an Ameriefin tants
illeete bee. been formed to develop
tlis atlanit* quarriai of Donut'.
Daughter of
Klson Ludint
One woman with Sunlight Sop will do , REDUCEs
better work than Two will with impure soap. ExpEN$E
Ask for the Octeaaa Xer.
" ionr,gre.r cannot sePPIY. =ft* to LIM BEM=
LrNvrin.Toronto, *Win Mil nem/ and Address and a
444.040....€44444•44.040.,'(****,.. 44.44
,CHAPTERenn-Prince 112txtbo of TYre
Pursues Marina to Make her his wife.
QM aids her escape Ana is impriami8
by King Mapen. He eseapes; is
traeed to Marina's hidiug place.
• King's officers take her on board
their boat. A. corsair comes up end
takes her to Tarsus. She is sold arid
•taken to her master's estate wbere
she finds her father, supposed dead,
In captivity; they escape, but are
taken by a Tyrian warnailp. The
king at Mlle° sends for a, •priest to
Marry Marina to his Son.
It lacked half an hour of midnight.
Bark clouds had been piling them-
selves up In the lieavens until they
reached the , zenith, and now they
hung over the city of Tyre like the
black pall of death. There was no
break M the sable mass -no single
;Vet by Which to tell that the sky
had not always been as black as
now. A mournful wind went chant-
ing through the long avenues and
among the cyprees trees, and small
drops of rain began to descend aud
patter upon the pavement. Brawl-
ers had shrunk front their noctural
orgies in the areas and sought the
shelter of their dwellings, where their
revels would still break occasionally
upon the night Mr. Along the wane
the, sentinels had crept into their
niches, and there they stood peering
forth into such thick darkness, that
it seemed as though their spear
heads would have cleared it. The
wa,ves dashed strangely. aga,inst the
rocks without, and their harsh voi-
ces seerami joined with the wind in
mournful wettings. • 'Where a laMP
sent forth. its dim rays from some
open wine'---- 't I k d th b a
fiery eye was trying•to peer out be- Poor girl laid
Side. The priest united their hand%
and then he threw over their heads a
mantle of purple silk, fringed, and
worked with gold. Ilis Ups were op-
ened as U to speak, When his eY0
caught the expression that dwelt up, -
on Bather, who had crept near to
the side of Marina. In an instant,
hoWever, he seemen to •eoraprehend
that she had a riglet. there, and again
his lips separated/
"Hark!" suciderily exelaimed Visal-
ia letting go the hand he held, and
bending his head eagerly forward.
"It is nothing but some midnight
brawlera" hastily sent. the king.
"Hon there sounds the gtingk'it is
midnight indeed. Hasten -hasten
with the ceremony, for, by the Power
of nterCulest himself, this meeting
breaks not up until Marina is Pear -
Men to the prince anti thee obeli
the Oracle be fulfillecil 0 priest, go
•on with the work,"
"Y cl th ' than
night brawling in that cried Phal-
le, throwing the bridal canopy from
his head and sPeinging forward.
"Hank! Rear those shouts! And,
by the god Pluto, there's donning ef
steel within the piazza of the pal-
"Hoi without there, • slaves)" he
cried, half starting towards the door.
Not a sound indicated the attend-
ance of those whom he called, Again
in thunder tones, he cried for his at-
tendants, but no one came.
"This smacks of rebellion," he soe-
cleimed, trembling with a feartul
Marina looked upon her father,
but bis face was livid with terror.,
Slits sought proteetiore Then she
turned towerds Esther. The latter
was as calm and urunoved as thougla
she had been alone in, her own chant -
el, and buriying •to h r leen, the
hen heed upon her ob. aut., protection, says the, London.'
trial female of (Sunlight Reap *I/ be est you free cost.
Against you are nothing but the
wills of your people to he free• front
the curses you have heaped upon
"But Who art thou.? Oh. tell met
Did not see thee dead?"
"Yon did not eee incl. dead," an-
swered Gio. "It was the priest of
Hercules nem saw. His ° body MY
cold before your gloating eyes, not
mine. Balbeo no more."
"What •naystery is this? - What -
what. toted conjuration gave him
those features?"
"He bore them from his mother,"
•said GM, while a shade passed over
his face. '''Phe eaMe Mettler gave
Us both, and We both saw light
et thin same hour. The priest was
named Go Balboa. I ani anotlaer
"Another Giol" iterated the mon-
arch, removing his left hand from
woundtho and raising it trembling-
ly towards the Wonderful men. "You
are not the -the----"
nfapen's lips trembled in vain to
finish the sentence -a • look of awe
enldireverence was blended with the
death. struggle -the last syllable end-
ed in a low gurgling sound, and the
fallen monarch.roled over upon the
gory pavement. Tyre had no king!
To be Centinued.
Sentence for Those Who Take
' Boer Medicines.
A study of this 131ue Book, issued
recently, goes, to allow that every-
thing humanly possible is being done
for the comfort of those men, wo-
men and children, whore the 13oer
9 Methods) of waging war have throten
yond the impenetrable veil, casting bosom. • Express. Some good people-theY
the 000111, but only seeming a speck back of the throe°, stood a dozen of tations of humane motives notwith-
night. (lid his bidding with ready hands-- abotit the mortality in the camps.
' At an single point hear the temple and in frightened tones he ordered Many of these ndeathe have been
foetfall might have struck on an ear them to spring to the doors and find brought about by 'Boer ignorance,
near enough to have heard it, thougli. bis guard. Quickly they obeyed, but as the following extract from. Dn:
nothing could have been seen; arw herdlY had they passed the thresh- Kendal Frank's 'repeal, on the camp
had you stood still, you might have old. when they hesitated and turned at Bloemfontein goee to show:
heard other „footfalls follewing the back.
no light around, relieving .naught of nrapen turned to where; at the are utoetly• pre -Boers, their protesn
of red again.st the sable Wall of his trusty tools-slavea, wile always standing -have made a great noise
"One day Mr. J. Kruger, a itepliew
twenty yards distant, you Might swollen to a horrid din, and amid Mr. Bestumann to allow •him to glve
have seen that for an instant it oc- the •yells and shouts was plainly his wife a cow -clung bath, which, he
might Iteve seemed as tbough Seine Nearer and nearer it catne-the very rheumatism '
first; or had you looked off to where The first low sound that attracted of the ex -Pi at, asked the super-
& lamp stood near a, windOw, some the attention of the prince had now intendent to use hi • s influence with
casionally disappeared. At finst it heard the • sharp clang , of arms. etated, was the best thing for
. Mr Randle was
hand moved it quickly away, a,nd air was laden with groans and cur- surprised to see a cat. running about
then eet•it back again; but the ex- ses-torches Bashed through -Um win- stne tent with ell .its tur clipped off.
peered in the same spot would soon ed the large doors, the glare of red formed the fur had been cut oft and
show you that opaque bodies were lights poured up front the pavement roasted, and then applied to Abram
constantly passing between ttl° two below. Steaess' child's chest as a remedy
points. "The king-th'e king!" shouted ,a for brouchitis. Dr. Fern, the prin-
But this pattering of feet was not hundred. voices. "Death nto the Ty- Meal medical officer,•told me that
confined to the grand temPle
aetnees . with which • it ever reap- dews. arid wlien the slaves had open- He enquired' the cause, and -wan
piazza. Tant! Death: to thee°murder he was Onto .nont for to ;sea e. child
•All over the city -upon every- side- bur childroni On-orn The king -the who was ill in one of the tents. I.Te
have been heard. •'• • "Flee!" •said rnalis, • grasping his .kilMd a goat and cut it open, re-
Ahl -.Here comes one so near thet father 'by the arm, and trying 'to p1,111 moning all, the -internal organs, They
Let's follow him for he seeins on an They leaped to the door, but it the goat, with its head alone pro-
thropgh the darkness with 'cautious turned; and the thunder ef ' voices removing the breastbone. Some of
gine toom to human,. beings,. inseatt, the insurgents rushed into savor of superstition.Thus a favorite
till he enters the chief bezaar, and OM apartment. Hand to hand stood rconetly for jaundice is to rut; the pa -
ere long he stops in front of a rich. the king's own slaves, but theY tient's body Witlf cabbage seeds. The
are sown: When they
walk, near every station -it might , kwane • • ,
• , then' discovered that the parents had
we can see the outlineS of a man. . him towards a sraall side door. had then Put the child bodily inside
anxious errand.. , He • cuts along was locked on .the outside. TheY iruding through the opening made by
tread, avinding such places is may was heard in the Paseage... The next the Boer remedies ;have a. strong
dwelling; from the window of which fought against. men who were pant- seeds then
struggle the beams of a large iaterle ing for liberty and in a single min- ' •
come p the jaundice disappears.
It Is Strato's house.• • ute the last matt of them was borne •u
"Hal" excleiraed, the mains reer- backQn the sword -point of the can ti
cha.nt, starting up from his seat and zee a•aben ,
gazing upon the unbidden intrunier. "The king!" criecl one who led the VERIFIOA.TION
"What!- this you, Alzac,,, and arin- rest, a.nd irk whose noble catuttenanee , •
recognize the features of 11z. "On • NEEDED AT I
"'Sb-! Flee, my good lord -flee at __onn,•
once to your treasure vault beneathH "The king is Mine, remember!"
Dorothy-"Whot became of that
bashful man and bashful girl you
were telling me about ?"
David -"Oh, I introduced them ;
and in time weeks they were engag-
wers WWI n_ures Glligi COWS.
She -"I suppose it is hard to
eliminate flattery from portrait
PATiallteinAgr'Yt'ist-"Yee; we'd have to
eliminate a good many of the ele-
Duriug March and April, 1002 the
Northern Paean will sell ONE WAY
ets from eastern terminal points -St.
Paul, Minneapolis; Ashland, Duluth,
end the Superiors -at greatly reduced
rates to nearly all points on its main
line, branches and cormecting lines,
west of North Dakota, These tick-
ets to Northern Pacific points will be
igzhdo. for stopover west of Hope,
For example the rate to Portland
and North Pacific coast common
points will be $245. For further de-
tailed inforraation about these rates
call upon or write to Wm, G. Mason,
D.P.A. Nor. Pee, R'y, 216 Ellicott
Square, Buffalo, N.Y., or address
Clms. S. Fee, Gen. Pass es Tkt,
Agent, Nor. Vac. R'y, St. Paul, Min.
For those • who have not yet at,
ranged to buy homes in the North.
went this le a rare opportunity to go
out to Montane., Idaho, Washingtot
and Oregon taut look over the Collo,
try: The good lands- are being ra•
pfdly sold and the country and
tewns are prospeneus and growing.
Ranch lands, farm lands, fruit lands,
timber lands are all to be found. II
you want to go where irrigation ren-
ders you • independent of rainfall 6::
come along and we can, fie
yoSuon°11let- ,of the important velleys
reached by. the Northern Pacific aro
the Yellowstone, Gallatin, Madison,
Deer Lodge, Bitter Boot, and Clark
Fork, in Montana, the Palouse, Big
Bend, . Colville, Cleartvetee, Walla
'Wane, azicl -Yakin2a valleys in Idaho.
and Washington, the Puget Sound
and Britisti Columbia regions ane
the Oregon country, it is a vital
empire where climate *mil and otbe:•
advantages •make on it a favored
• Mr. Johnsiug-"Did you hear what
Mistalt Snowball asked for when he
sent back his cup law tome naciab.
tea, ?"
Mr. Washington --"No; whalfur ?"
Mr. Johnsing--"He asked law a
cup of dat which inebriates but dams
not intoxicate."
Lady (engaging cook) --"Do you
understand French cookery ?" Aps
Plissult (who hails from the Emorald
Isle) -"Oh, yis, muin, 01 understand
all about furrin cookery. 01 can
cook French beans, an' Spanish
onions, an' Jerusalem a:Mac/km t"
Ceylon Tea Is the finest
Tea the world produces,
and Is sold only In lead
Black, IVIIxed and Green.
repo tea drinkers try °Salado" crreCA USN
Father (to little son) -"And how
are you getting on at school, John-
ny?" Boy -"Oh, I lieve learned to
say 'thank you' and 'it you please'
in French." Father -"That's more
than you ever learned in English."
The Publisher of the Best Farmer's
Paper in the Maritime Provinces in
Writing to us states:
• I would say that I do not know of
a medicine that has stood the test of
has been an unfailing remedy in our
household ever since I can remember,
and has outlived dozens of would be
competitors and imitations.
The railway companies. of England
and Wales entploy between them
812,000 men. The Scotch and Irish
coznpanies employ 40,000.
Minard's Liniment Cures. Colds, etc
A Parliamentary return shows
that in the last two years • 227,699
officers and men hay° been, sent. to
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A,11
druggists reftind the money if lt fails to dire,
M. W. Grove's signature M on each box. , 21o.
• Huddersfield is more • liable to
storms than any Other taw* in tho
Meet riding of 'Yorkshire,
Assurance Company.
The Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting. of the "shareb,olders of the British
America, Assurance Compane was held at its offices, Termite, on, Thure-
day, the 2'7th Ansa. The president, • Man Geo. A, Cox, occupied the
0 E .chair, and Mr, P. IL Sims, who wan appointed to act. as Secretary, read •
the followings`
• .
. .
Your Directors have pleasure in .presenting the Sixty-eightle Annual
Report and Financial statements, 'telly_ vouched for by the Auditors *of
the 'Company, • .' • • •
the building!. There's safety fog you,' cried Uz; aed as he thus spoke, he EVERYBODY IN OSHAWA IS FA:.
there, but there's none here," pressed upon.nis monarch. • MILIAR WITET THIS CASE.
, The affrighted Mapen begged nut '
."What is it? • What means this, Al-
6tratogazing none heard hum He swung Ms short Joe 'Brown's Wonderful Escape
with surprise ono- alarm at his de- dagger frantically • in the air, hut
pendent.. even while he did so the avenging FrOmn Death le Now an Old and
Oft Told Stdry to the 1:.'enrile
"It Means •that you must seek a steel of Uz pierced. breast. The f T
place of safety. Follow me to the wenn p feu 'beneath a dozen strokes. , * • n
0 is Own own.. • •
vault and I will lock you. in." ' f:4 mantr Swords, and then the Oshaiva, Qat , Manch. 8.-(Spe(ial)
why?. What means this avengers looked around upon those -While interest in Joe Brown's case
Strange reellest? Why are you thun who stood aside.. The 'priestthey has been revived by the recent pub,
armed With. my Mord? Ar you would eot toneh-the' gnOs wane see- lication cff the facts in so•weny, •ete.
"No -no nay lord; n am not riled
mad, Alzac?" •• red by their oath, • but 'upott pers, Oshawa people. • are well na-
g qua n with the wit le theum-
, Lucien they looked with flashin ted o
Mit I :would nave y,en. Comet there eyes: • stitece. Ur, ' "Brown's .fathe•r-in-lawn
Mr John Anal whose placept busenes
is no tilne to lose. • • • owhc, hwo,3 we beree" cried one. '
• "Did this danger -whet is it?" "Down with him!" shouted thoten
In truth, then, good nastern the hehirid. "Pre 'is a Tyrian noble."
people have risen. Come!" "Hold! Bathl Touch not a hair
',Good Godt is this thing p0SSF 81 that inan s heidi"oxolalmed
ble?n -cried young Stied°, starting Liner; springing between Ludirn
back, aghast. • the slaves. • • •
"Yes;" the avenger is let loose um! "Down with hiliat•He should not
• on the tyrants and nothing ribw can be here in secret nvith the king," yel-
stop hirn. Too long have the necks led a dozen voices, and the angry
of the poop people been trampled In strife Waxed, hotter,• nAsr. down
the dust, . and now they: cry for jus-' with him!". anti ti! score of bright:
-ace, and death alone eau cheat them sharp swords Were raised •to take
oin what, they seek. Mk no snore, the old ni8.rI's life. •
good master, for I cannot etop tin "Freemen Of Tyre, stand backl'!, at
answer. Yoe have ever been kind' U./ this niinnent came in deep thundei
those under you, ancll will Save youtolies from the large doorwey.
Itiorenver, whenever a Tyrian noble' At the sOund of :that voice ,eveny
has a Med .heatt, there is a hand to sword wen lowered, and oven the
save hit:3. Coneei'' • •king was ettirtled back to life, for
"But the defenceless women'?" •: he bent forward from the wall
: '"Not a lenluile will be harmed; against , which he had fallen, and
their AMC is Snored. 'To the vault-- with n deep groau ho strained his
quick!" eyes in the direction from whence the
AS Alae thus spoke he took the voice had coin,
young Main by the hand and motion- Instinctively the insurgents fell
ed him earnestly, entreatingly, to back on either hitnd, and up though
folow. . Stvato hesitated no bonger, the passage thusformed stalked the
for he sew at once his danger; floe giant: form of Gio, the armorer •of
was he entirely unprepared for this NT' On tne Diststpt Esther sprang,
nieeadful catastrophe, as la • reader fotwaict and fell upon her father
already knows. Alzac took the latlIP bosom, While Mariam, 'With a. movP-
Strato speak. Then he netted:- her hands together and 'thanked tha.
and lecl the way, and only onee did went equally as impulsive, elasped
"Has Gio aught to do tvith. this?" great God that she was saved, 'for'
"info." returned Alzae,"The ern in that etranige man she klenn she
morer knows 'nothing of it, nor.has; beheld ono who was able to deliver i
he in any way a luand in it, though her. . • I
he is• nware that the people have "Oh, GI bd.!" fell in; rattling accents
. . •
. , , •
- Theite has been a mOdei•ate increase in the Premium. recorne in all
branches, the Canadian Fire Business, , particularly, showing ei, *censider-
' able increase over that cif 'nnY previous year, this being mainly dye to
the advanced ratee which have been obtained. • ' •
' The.baaa,nee. Of Revenue AcCotmt, 499,590,00; has been applied an
followsen-$65,000,00 for two half-: yearly dittidends, the first at the rate
of Seven Per Cent, and, the second: at the rate of 'Six Per Cent:per An-
num, $4,•045.26 -written tiff office .furniture and Secinities, and the bal- '
s anee; $80,444.74, added to the Reserve Fund, whiels noes stands at
is right. in the Centre of the town
has, however, had to answer. . man
questions recently, but as he wa
e y c ose o Drown urns
the whole of his painful eiperience
in '97 and '98, he finds this an acts
• Mr, Allis is quite ns enthusiasti
as Mr. Brown himself, and neve
y. nelthotiglin considerable progress has, been made during the year in the
s direction •of advancing rates throughout Canada and the United States
g the results cat the business, owing to the increase in fire losses, have not
s proved satisfactory to Companies generally, and nieasures are now being
y taken for further advances which should bring about a material improve..
merit in the condition of the fire insurance business on this continent,
GEO. A. COX, President.
tires telling the story of how Dodd'
Kidney Pitts conquered disease an
saved Mr. Dimwit's" life,' He says :
"We 'didn't think he would eve
live theeugh it, let alone get stron
and be obi° to work, btit the pill
made hills all right.» and well in.
short time, and the best of it i
that tho euro has stood the test o
time. It remit be three and it half
years since, and as you Iknow he'
strong and hearty to -day and ha
been ever since Bodd's Kinney Pill
sent him back to the shop."
There are. many, others in towi
who have recently bee e reminded o
this wonderful cure of a seemingly
hopeless case who find no trouble in
callieg tip tho facto, and pone are
slow to glee all the credit to Dodd'
• •
Total cash ineoznen . . n. • . . . • ,.,$e,040,197 10
• • Total expendtture, including leppropriatiatt Mr los-
; • sest,uhder'adiustmentn. •se ... 1,940,607 10
$ ' 99,590 00 • •
. , 85,000 00
. ..,..$1,755,$49-21 .
Invidenns, declared... •••
Total assets- te
Sh ...
Reserve fund,., re re
.60 I:* .40 .0.0 so .$1,000,000 00
,.• 612,001 06
Security to policyholders", ...$1,61.2,001 96
The report, .on motion of the President, seconded by the Viee Preei-
itavolunteer, who. was a greet Man
hi his erivn eyes, Was by some in
luence appointed• captain. • He could
iardly speak of allything' but .his
new dignity. Meeting. a. friend one
day he accosted him thus :
"Well, JIM, I suppose you know I
lave been appointed captain. ?"
"Yes," said .11m, "I' heard so."
"Well, what do your folks say
about it ?" tt Wont the ceptein.•
"They don't say nothinl," replied
truthful Jeauss; "they ,just laugh."
long thought of it and seriously from the lips of the dyieg king; as
Meditated upon it. By the way, MY he praesed his left hand hard upon'
lord, baye you Seen Gio lately?" his bleeding...wound, while With the 1
"Why do • you ask?" other he supported himself front nail -
"Because he has not been in his I n "Has death •itself turned
Shop, end some say he le dead." treacherous? Does the grave turn
"I have not seen him," returned forth rebellion/ Do the mouldering
Strato; but he said no More, and in fames of the pit take to themselves
a, inemeet aftemeards he Was sett:Int flesh and life and pass• before "
thus in battle form? • Gio-Gio! tvby
nit thou come thtts untinleIY front
tl . •
"Mayen" •returned the armorer as
he went to the side of the king, "I
told thee we should Meet again,"
"I remember, But bete art .thou
"I have not been dead." • '
"That Met. be false," said the
king, .vainly endeavoring to raiSe
himself further up, "I Saw thee
-dead, X sate thee buried, arid now
the gam has sent thee forth to lead
on this most foul rebeilion. Oh-oht
What powers nave toinbined rgttinst
"%tom," answered Gio,,in accents
of deep distinctuees, "with this re-
bellion ha,ve nOthing to do. Not
one word of mine has gone to kindle
this spark in the bosoms of the TY -
Han people; but it, las been your
own. wickedness and lust -your own
iron grasp • of willful wrong -the
three of your own 'wicked Satellites.
I hail different poem' trent this to
hurl against your head, had nee.d
have been; and though its MUM
might not Minn been so fearful in
their extent, yet upon you they
would have had the same Weight.
have long sten the clouds that pen..
etrated this storm, but I lent not
iny breath to fan them up. No,
Wicked man, lutve rather eteleavore
ed to keep bn,ek this ressult by re-
formixig the Cameo that led to it.
powori Una tam cOMbined
locked up ainong his glittering gold
and jewele.
- •
"Ah•, here *comes the priest," said
the king, as the large doors • were
svnitig open. "Good health be With
thee, sacred sir, It is late to call
for one thee, but the Mine In
hod brooks no delay. Shut Met the'
doors, and lot no one aPproach."
the priest bowed to the king, and,
in a tone of some surprise, lie ask -
• "What, Is this business?"
"A Marrittge."
"Are the parties -a"
"A' truer, to thy parties," inter.-
rupted Maw, "It 19 the prince YOU
are to marry, so hasten thy core.
"But the natty sir?"
"Is the daughter.of this old mail."
The priest looked liPon Merin Lod:.
im and started. In a moment his
faro Was ettlin again and he proceed-
ed to the spot where Stood the
Minos. 'The mot:arch laid bis hand
upon Ludint's shoulder, and, with •11,
look' of demoniac: meaning, 110 Silent-
ly pointed to the drooping form of
The old man read hie death war -
•rant in that look, and, with a fear-
ful shudder in his fraitle and a flood
of agons! in 1119 furrotved rounten-
tuna:, he took %Wine: by. the hand
and led her towards the spot Where
stood the priest and the prinee.
Phalli tad Marina stood Wit by
dent; was carried. unsinlmotzsly, -moving the. adoptioo the' report
the President •• • . • • - •
• •
•The Revenue Aecount' show:: thet, enter &nineties fosses :and • expensee .front
• the premiums for the year, there is altalanee, or underwriting profit, of • $50..
713905a.ne6Tlailte,thwith the earnings -from' interest and. rents, $40,795 makes.the - total
ilt • • t N
p o
leg year the•- figures bolero. you show attain tit pi:coining (after deducting rein.
0 •
seranees) el stn27,16,0, ,and. .e.reduction in losses of $15,X24.•
This Inereased triennia is derived mainly • from the fire business, and Stated:
in. the. report, 'is. chieny •to, the 'better rates that have prevailed. In the Mar..
siite. Branch there has been little changein the volume of business We have dotter
but While the income from _this source represents less than• ono -fourth of the . to.
tal.prentituns reeeived, we araindeeted to this Branch for nearly • one.half the.
• year's prolits.' . • •
. Taking into bonsidoration tho large al:count Of Are busineert transacted, the
results 0!theyears-at-though they ShOW 11, marked improtement • on those of the -
year 1000-gennot. be regarded its affording an adequate margin of profit, but
those of you who have noted the records from month to Month of tee serious
tiros in Canada and the United Statee,. beginning with the 'conflagration in the
business Centre. or Montreal estuary last, meet, n think, regard the rte..
counts presented as .meire favorable than might • have been anticipated. We- catt
• at least claim that they will bear -comparison in their general results with theist,
shown by .other vompantes operating.in -the flame fields as ourselves., and this
is perhaps tho.. best test of the Judgment eXerelsed • by the °Moors and agents
of the Company in; the prohocutiod of It e businese. The problem as to what
rates *Ill be- adequatc. to meet the losses of tiny . one year le a difilcult,-% ritight•
say an- iMpostalble-,one... for tlici Most experienced, underwritere to solve. • They
can only meet the changed conditions that confront them. from -nine to time
by readjusting their- rates In attordance with the • loss recoede .*hich mese- .
changing. conditione produce. The adverse a:Moraine of Companies- engaged
hi the lire business: on thle count/lent for the past two years have shotint the
necessity _or increases'. on many chissee of "Mks, amt. we, „ettve beneittell to e
,considerable extent front the advanced rates whien. prevented during t to year
and in view of the action taken during the past ton -days 14 all tiles
leading ()Mummies doing besinese in the United Statest to bring about a more
ratline adVance -than has hitherto beers attempted 1 feel that WO may safely
anticipate that these improved conditions will have an even more marked effect,
upon tne bushiest; of the present year. •
In reviewing the business of the past .year, as well as of the preeedistg
tvieght Yreettini, iderintg wbidelt limy° had the honor of occupying this chair, it Is
Whi h C •
fire business in Canada as well aa as the profits which 'have accrued upon WS
notv;ithstanding the lossea by the conflagrations of the oast tWo years. A
'Company whielt been doing buelness-sug the 'British . Alikerica
upwards of twrYL. irds of a tentury should, We have Mit, occupy a preininent
position in cosh:ellen with the bus:Innis of itu home field, and Wttile ineOtte•
equal to that of uniriO leading Britialt °Oleos which entry much larger athouets on
individual rlska, might net be loisketi for. it ehoutti et:mutant' e ',beret share
of tbe business .ann elite to those result's actual to, if not vetter tiltt11, the
average. remits: Of RS c.ompetttors. trio •progrocie Which the British Anon len
has made in this direction under itt1 prosent notnagentont Is -indicated. by the
following figures, In 1E92 the' total ,flre premiums. of tho 111
oda were $113,0511 itt 1001 they &Mounted to $051,505. These- figures repro.
tient the net premiums (after deducting relnsurances), 1.11131. during these
nine .yettrs the interne of the Company In this branch has increased upwards; of
100 per cent., while the total 1»crease Of all Companies reporting to the.
department about -40 per cont. lt, is etill Moro iyrattrying nod from
, • p y t 410
Dominion itoverninent, that while for this sein0. perfect the average Ione rano
of - ail nompanies reporting to the otthatilan Insurance Department is 70,3 per
tent., our feesea !MVO boon but 51/ per cont. of the premsums received.
White thie has been our experience at home, the lirOgrt9S led MVO made'
Itt other fields; the way of eemaing advents:soothe cohneetions Mot been
nue!' as to warrant our looking for at:telly favorable result* from our &enlace
AU tside the Dominion, pertieularly when We bear in Whit UPI -improved out*
loolt to which have referred in the lInfted Staten from which .tertetory
largo oropottien of our income in derived. Is conclusion, X donee to anail my*
self Of- the opportunity Of eXpressittg out apprecintion of the work Of the ont.
tertt Of the Omnpecity. both at its HeadOillee and at its %%nth Offices, and our
obligations to our tleneral and Local Agents for their services. in the eoni-
pany's behalf, during the past vier,
fonowin gentlemen were reneected to serve ea Direettire dUrifor the
ettsuitig year: -.1 ou. ore. A. Cox, 44, Kenny,. augusaus Myera Thema*
tem Ileeniu, It. C., /Ion. C. Weed, Robert Jaffrey, Identodloi
H. M. Itellett and Id. Cox.
At, O. Meetiog of the board, held stinsequettly, the IBM. (111*. ,Cox Wa�
re-elestad PrOsident *11d Itir. Itenhy Viee-Frtiaideett.
At the eixty-eightli annual ineetieg
of the British. America .Ansuranee
Company held in the head' office at
Toronto' the, otlier day, a highly sat-
Wadi:my report was presented. The
net profits for last year were $90,e
590; •$05,000 in dividends; was dis-
tributed at 6 and per care, and
$80,544 'carried to the reserve fund,
Which now stands at $63.2,001, Mon.
Geo, A, • Cox, the president, said that
the not gain in pro:imitates for last
year Was $127,150, and the reduce
Mit in losses $16,124. Reviewing
the business of the tompany for the
past eight years, the president show-
ed that during that period the net
premiums in Canada, had increased
from $178,051 to MI, 565, an ad -
Vallee of 100 per men while the sty-
erage increase Of companies doing
bueinese in the same field, according
to, the GoVerninent reports, Was On-
ly 40 per cent,
The Marquis of Salisbury is 72
years of age, Ito looks hie ege. Itis
hair is turning from 'gre3, to White,
and hie sten llot SO flrin nottf OS
it used to be.
The new bell which bete just been
hoisted in the south tower of Bever-
ley Mitteter is the third largest in
Great Britain, Tt 118,1 8. diconeter of
.neven feet, two inehea and weighs
over e0Vall tons.:
efinote41.14111 tiolep
144 4. &Am/
aio, eleAutue evon,
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples om, produce
Correspondence Solientel,
Prost Wire Pence is a Strong- Pence.. i
The to wires and 6 stay fence has Imanyv uprights, There is not a
weak spot in its construction. It will laerifinee times as long as other
fences. Place yoor order for anrest Fence, satisfaction guaranteed.
• tortes few CatafeEtter. VIE FROST %Re FENCE CO: LTD., WELLAND, Ont....Tinir*•;:::,
• I J...601.11 I klitacratioangsganssologem
- Every Stick-
• Every Match --
A ht '
A Match
g er
3r4(:13EL, St41.3r.e791 1111117xXINEE,r-IVIT314CM3Litrif.
Brown -"1 dein t like to roan tales
which shoW how -geniuses wen) once
unruly children.''
Jones -"Why not r
' Brown --"They merely encourage
lazy parenth to believe that their, ,.
• unruly children will all turn out
RE.robt-to' DM.
The cyeature meet tenacious of life
le' the -common sea-aneunme, . Ono
may be ell into half a dozen sec-
tions which -will grow into 'as mann
animals. • They may be turned in-
side: out, When they anniarentlY erte
joy themselves just as won as before.
twobo divided Innd the.two helves
containing the heeds placed end to
end, they will unite, and, the result
vfllb a monster navingna hend at
eaeh entre:linty. • . ,
Beware of 011itreents for Catarrh
• that contain Mercury
:me ei mercuryanao t os 'al yr do lea; adnegzet rtohre wt tho eeesnys es t eon!
when entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used except on
prescript iring from reputable physicians, AS the
damage they will do !sten fold to the good You
can possibly derive/rem thorn, Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & ..T
ledo. 0., donation no mereury, and le taken in•
tim:tally. acting directly upou the blood end
muttons surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's catarrh Cure be sure you get the ,genu
Ohio, by P. .1. 'Cheney Lk Co. Testidionials
itnreee..ft is taken d made i_rs. Toledo
Sold by Druggists, price is() per bane.
Hairs Family Pills are tee bed.
First Year -"The biggest trout •
ever caught was a foot and a half
Jong, and he bad a big fish hook in
hie stomach," Tenth. Year-nDid I
ever tell you about the trout I once
caught ? It, was over a yard long,
and had an anchor in its stomach. '
.tear. tienenn:sorBo°oTviettil4SGIEZYtYrttlYPeht4er: beeo. used bY
InIllimes of mothers for their children while toothier.
Itsoothes the child, softens the slung, altars pain, ewes
ivind colic, regulaterrthe stomach and bowels, and ia the
best remedy for Dlarrhrea. Twenty•Ilve emote a bottle.
Sold by?, druggists throughout the world. Be pre nue
ask for ' Wniszoir seee•ritise Kraus
• Do you love me still ?" asked the
do indeed," replied the husband.
Then she thought •cuict he thought
and she 'wondered if he meant it as
she understood it and he wondered if
• she. understood it as he meent
. •
11' di 'II t Cures filst m r
S Menpe.
"Poor man," • said 'the inquisitive
old lady,. "n guess you'll he glad
when your time is up, won't you ?"
plied the prisoner, "I'm up fur
m.a. 'am n. ot partitkerly " re-
• Chierigo.ne North-Western fly. from
Chicago daily, March' and April; on-
ly $5.00 for berth. in tourist • car.
Personally eenducted• exeursions
Tuesdays and Thursdays inom Chi-
cago and Wednesdays from New Eng.::
land,' Illustrated pamphlet sent on
receirit of two cent stamp by S. A.
Hutchison, Manteca ap Clark
'street, Chicago.
At the 'coronation the Duke of
Somerset's servants will *ear liver-
iesof cloth of gold, the only.ones so
. privileged; .
Chicago & North-Western 'R'y; ev-
ery' day durffig March and April.
*Colonist one-way second -010s • tick-
ets!, at vein, low rates. from Chicago
,to, points in Oolortido, Utah, Mon-.
taxa, Nevada, ndaho, Oregon, Wash-
ington, Celifornia„ 'Victoria, Varieoue
vein New WeSt1TlifIStei; 'Nelson,. Rose-
land 'and -other points in Kootenay
District. • Also special round-trip
ITomeseekere' tickets on • first' and
third Tuesdays, March, April and
, May. Pull particulars from nearest
tieket Agent or 13. H. Bennett, Gen-
eral 'Agent, 2 P.Tast King St., To-
. robto, Ont.
At Shelton Abbey m deputation
from the tenents on the MIA of
Wicklow's estate • .attended recently
to. present to the Marl and' Countess
at 1iIora1ne:0d, address.
•. Atinb4 LII,S €01tA1t
• And works 9(0' 3110 Cold,
IWO:tins BrOme•Onittitto Tablets turd a told
18 040 der. NO Cure, No. Pay. Price se cents,
Thomas Sheehy, a cottier on the
p1'oporty of•clonoral Dickson,
Glinn &runty :Limerick, is 100 years
of age and well.
LifilmEar 1115hti. , •
1The wily. copy of the first, edition- ,
" of, Dr, Watt's bynans knowe In Eng-
land was recently sold at Sotheby's
rooms fer 11,140. •
• .
Monkey Brand Seep twill' elean, a
• house from nellar te roof, but won't .
• wean clothes... , , •
;............—.......... 4 . ...........
__-- -,_ _,
CO 431....TEt mg. c.3),MATCCO
. ris co Cn "VIM
• •3iPtCA.Vir314)113 3Et.
' Prespras the teeth.' Sweetens the breath.
strengthens the gums •
I ITATLESIAER FOR i I knosviky7,
Best compresseaair sprayer made. SaentM
. ,, .. ,........_ ....*
. machine free.-eAyeit enog, ttlet, Odt.
CLEANING '411"1_6
LADIES' a OtIvirtie
Can be chino perfectly' by. our French Pm,. To IE.
• . 1111111011 AMSR1CAN 070199 08. '
atoOsssi, TOROBTO, OrTaWA • s el/sauo
E P.:.SS
Dominion Line Steamships ••
• Montreal ED Liverpool. Llogion to Lbw".
. Tool. Pertland to Liverpool, 'Via Queens?,
• Large and FaSESteamshxps. Simonet seceitirsofiation
for all demos ollga,songers. Saloons uud StAbentomg • ,
are amidships. Special attention bus hem given to the :
Second Saloon and Third•Olosa accommodation, or
rates of peerage and all particulars, apply to any Agent
of the Company, or •
Richards, Mills 00, ' • • D.'Torranee & Co., .
• 77, State SL , Reston. • Montreal and /torment .
Is n Bairn Oileati prostration.
norm- Cold Sores, Chapped Ilantle,
Wounds or Sititi bleeoses. It is not
EurasthotIo; but a healer -THE SOVER-
EIGN REALER. Largo Boxes 2E0. Drug -
mew or The Glleadhlo Co., Teronta.
rass ail
instrumento, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
• Leveed prices ever quoted, Fire catalogue,
500111ustrati0ns, mailed free. Write us for atty.
thing In 8111910 81' Magical litatritutents.
• Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man
:Seeds aro found in more gardens
:pa Kinds 'dare 20c.
11 13 afoot that Sal Sees Vegetable and newer
Mut 05 )50315 farms then any other'
In Ameriea. Therein reason for thie.
OWI1 and overamover 1000 0.0tek for
the prothictIon of onr e110153 seedg. in
• order to Indnee_ you to try them
nutk6 the following tinged.
.odented offer: .
uotsstileent earl lee in 0101/i
16.6,4, elertoso teAnoAdeo.
19.1,3,01)411 boot ilortni
hi all 1601iInds, nositittly fumbhins
bushels of charming :lowers in
tote and lotti af choice vegetaluts,
together with our greet catalogue
toning 3313 about 'feesinto, Andrea
()annul Sronniff And SDelts, MUMS
Seed tit Oa. ft pottlid, otO., oust
geed la Canadian Hamel •
. ,Crotte
cquza, arms. z
That. the Near York Central
11 4
.possesses great, advent ages .,
"-• over other lines cannat be•
gainsaid, and they are too .
numerous to enumerate, but .•
few of the principal featUrett • ne
are: the great' tract service
• •
(Melee enprees traina eaell
Way between Bundle and Ne W 84
York), four treat; and the r.
Grand Central Stetion the ern 8*
ly etation in Ihe city* of New •
York. • 't
This is the route of the
fanatIS Empire State Ex -
prose. 6,
The official ellitintete of the vest of IMO
the war from the outbreak of hostil-
ities up to the end of March is about
per annum, payable halt*
yearly, is allowed on Da-
bentures for *100 and upo
wards for lariats of 14
4, or 5 yosrs. Interest *:
ernes from tho date on *
which the money is rts-
calved by the Company.
Toronto Street, TORONTO