HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-27, Page 5•
March 27th, 1.9 02
Hagar SOE
"V0,•6r4 4th ►t0440 4l' fit
For Men
For Women
These shoes are made
from original and
' f .
excl•lxslve designs up-
on which the highest
skill and best thought
have been, concentrat-
ed, and impart to the
foot an elegance of
style.which distin-
guishes their wearers
as being better dress-
ed than those of less
particular choosing.
No Matter for what
purpose you may de -
dire shoes you will
find ,,your require-
ments perfectly. sup-
plied in•the
HAGA:Ro the .BELL.
r h
Eine, so Complete is
is *:
the variety,
Sole Agent in Clinton
Big Wholesale Stock of
at very best possible
prices now
Organs, the wonderful Gramophone,
Sheet Music, Books and Variety Music•
at '
C, Hoare's
Music Emporium.
A stock of choice
Canned Plums for sale. • .
Logs and Heading of
all kinds wanted.
Highest prices given; .\
Soft elms to be cut : 11• ft.,
12 ft.•or.13 ft. long.
R. & J. Ransford,
Stapleton Salt Works.
q•esit)s.sersso •iieeeeeeeie r
e Enter now and bo ready to accept a s
'r good position in the fall. This popular 2
s school with itaeplondid staffof teachers, •
e thorough courses of Btudy and repute. •
k e
er tion foisstrictly high work is the
. one for you �tto attend. This ,college owon-. age•�
business far higher
1oWr1'ite for cirrculare.
e '
s W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal. er
e' e_ s ,. iJtyM n d
The Turner tannin Tuckersmith consisting
& urea.of di rea, le offered for rental. Will rout in
separate lots or together.
Drucoflold. March 25th,
House `for Sale
Lot IQi, Victoria street, (Tinton, with tramo
cottage containing seven ronutK. Hurl and
sett water, Bina stabler # note of land, bearing
�ruittrecs. ,apply to
• rliuteu, Mttrcb 38thR1AQUT AND BALE.
House for Sale
The frame house on Huron street at present
oeoutdid by 1• i. Sloe is offered for maleif not
disposed of by private sale tq bo sold by public
auction en Saturday, March reth.
Oiintou' Mareh 18th.
A good general servant wanted at the -flatten-
bury House. blood wages will behid.
lintou, March 11th.
HOUSE FOR situsg,
ii'o sato the two
Veundersigned o to story
rsfor t
brick residence en William street with or with-
out the adjoining lots,
Clinton, March 17th,
The underdlgned offers for sale his cottage
and two lots situated on Fulton street. The
cottage is triune. %sae, :with five rooms, sum-
mer Ititchen,•large woodshed, etc., hard and
Mgt Water. Large 011.2tOr of ail kindsotsmall
fruits. Will be so on easy terms:
Clinton, March 11th, GEQRCI1 STEWi1.RT.
Farm for ;sale,
The undersigned offerstorsale lot 19, on. 6.
e t,consisting o 100 acre all but 8 acres
eared,10 aOres �all wheat!' 4U AMOR pastille
land, well watered and fenced good clay land.
acre good orohar +, frame barn . 64x60 with
stone foundation, t} mites from sohool 31 miles
from Londesbors, 8¢ front ltinburn and b from
Clinton, Immediate possession can r,e given,
Will be sold on reasonable• terms. Apply on
Mullett, March bth Clinton P, 0.
ham 1 un fermi n d otSerge three-year-old Dur -
JOHN HOLMES, Huron Rood.
Clinton P.0.'idaroli17th. . _ .
Conservative Convention
A convention ot'the Liberal-Con,orvativea
of the south riding of the County of Huron
willbe hold in:
-oN=4 •
At the hour of"2. o'clock P. n1,81141'0 ..
for the purpose of oreaitlzing and pplacing a
Candidate In the field for the coming•Provincial
campaign. •
• I-1.
•••Ii ]3�rz; 11/x. P. P. -
and others will address the meeting. ,A. larse.
aced representative meeting is urgently request-
Jonx.H w1,rt+nis,: M J, Vi'kT1rs�
• President..; secretary.
if arch .14t11. '
I ` offer. my Well
•Drilling Outfit for• :
sale..: It is in good
order and will be sold
ata fair figure. Apply
H. Beavans,
Rattenbury House,
Olinton, March 25th. .. •
C xrnK6WKs.„..
4 i-n�.W,.
T is is: Your Opportunity
r $ 'n `shrewd
' We are t) exl g to w
buyers the greatest
opportunity they
ever had in
to purchase reliable goods
at prices which defy
competition. See
the . special
. we now have.valfoeuesn' view in.
our window.
Watch Repairing. is : 'a Specialty
With US: •
A. CiicICC"
Scientific Jeweller and'
Reduction in
Prices .
Here is agood . chance to
secure ao first class buggy at a
big reduction. Note these
380 Buggies flit 368
376 .Buggies for $65
365 Buggies for 360
Remember these are all our
own make which places us in
a position to guarantee them
as we do not buy anythin g bu
first`class material,
Repairing promptly' attended to
by experienced melt,
RUMKALL and MATHninonSt., 0110ton.
brei. ''nenr
"W'oeO, ti Phiintie!linrr
274e O,'Mtt Jfrigtleh Itenteliv
d utig
Soldete in d Oanmadda.ddonly�b rein
sage medicine dierAvered. Ids
Pactetetesg7karankcd to etre an
forms o &goat Wenknesa all effeote et alma*
erexoeia, Mental Worry, Broiled,* the otTo.
beano, Opintih or etliuulattiitM. ManedteMnureoeipt
of tsu4 Orie nt els Hee to any adirz•ede ,
a w comp'.oy. Windsor, Ont.
Wood's 1'hosphodine is sold in Clin-
ton by H. B. Combe, 12. 1'. Rcekie, Z.
Bove", and Waite & Cor.drnggistir.;
j lircct itlsiutrtr,ra. W'Vorkman•
ship and Mate' id guaranteed.
-.» the
I �- O At the halals of h
bride'a parents in Coderich town-
sliip, on March 19th, by, Rev. I.
C. Jennings of Bayfield,lixabetlt,
daughter of liar. Charles Cook, to
Oliver Grigg, all of Goderieh
HAY-- 30NUS-At the residence of
the brides ,parents in Clinton; on
March 27th, by Rev. Alex. Stew-
drt, Ada, daughter of Mr. William
Jones, to Mr. P. L. Hay of Strat-
Rattcnbury street parsonage,Clin-
ton, on March 24th, by Rev, W.
G. Howson, Mr. Jonhua Shcriinan
of Toronto township' to Miss An-
nie Colclough of Blyth. '
PROCTOR-•-IgcMURRAY .At the resi-
dence ofthe bride's, parents, on
March x3tlt, by Rev; George Mc-
Quillan, .Richard Proctor to Miss
Maggie A. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McMurray, alt of
P'AT1`ERSON---BROWN At the resi-
donee of the bride's parents, on
March 19th, by Rev, D. B. McRae,
R. Patterson to Miss Maggie,
daughter of John Brown, all of
Grey. •
at the family residence of the.
bride,by `Rev, Mr. Musgrave, Mr.
Richard Alhert Cardiff of Grey to
Miss Elizabeth Menzies of McKil-
JAMES-TAMAN- In Blyth, by Rev.
W. Penhall, on Mareh x2th, Mr. H.
James of East Wawanosh to Miss
Annie, second daughter • of Joseph
Taman of Blyth.
WRIGHT--CI,ARI£.Fr-In Stratford, on
March 12th, by Rev. E. N. Baker,
M. A., Mr, Jonathan Wright of
Zthel to Miss Nellie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Riehard Clarke of
on March zeth, by the Rev. J.
Hart, Mr. Thos. Johnstone to
Miss S. White.
VOGAN-LA.WR.B NCE --At the manse,
•Wingham, on March 19th, by Rev,
D. Petrie, Mr. James Vogan of
Howick to Miss Jane Alice Law-
rence of Culross. °
JAMIESON--In ..Hallett, on March
2oth, the wife of Mr. John Jam-
' ieson of a son.
aIART-In Hallett, on March 2oth,
the wife of Mr. John Hart of a
• daughter.
SPARKS -In Stanley, on March 14th,
the wife of Mr. John Sparksof a
WARD -In West Wawanosh, on March
x6t]t, the wife of Mr. Geo. Ward
DiOCE$3 a]i' HURON._
A regular meeting of OA executive
committee of the Synod of Huron was
held in London last 'Thursday.
The report of the finance committee
was read, showing the accounts pass-
ed and to be paid. On notion of
Dean Innis the report was adopted.
The missions .committee's report
as then read. Rev. Canon Davis,a
Bishop's commissioner to the south-
ern part of Latnbton, recotnmendcd
(I) That a travelling missionary be
appointed to the charges of the town-
ships of Sombre .and Dawn, including
the villages of Sombre and Port
Lambton, with headquarters at Som -
bra. (2) 'that Oil Springs, Inwood
and Brigden constitute a travelling
mission with special grant in each.
case. Clause adopted.
Rev. Canon Brown, Bishop's coin-
mii sioner to Hespeler and Preston,
recommended that the two places re-
main separate parishes and that the
assessment of each be goo and be
placed under the provisions of the
Canon. Clause adopted.
Rev, Rural Dean Hind, Bishop's
commissioner to Comber and Mersea,
recommended re -organization. Refer-
red to the Bishop.
Rev. D, Williams, Bishop's commis-
sioner to 'Teeswater, recommended
that T' inlough be detached front Ber-
vie and Kingarf, and attached to
Teeswater, and that Lakelet be sup-
plied from Gorrie.
After considerable discussion the
report was held over until next meet-
ing, pending further inquiries.
Special grants to Indian interpre-
ters and teachers at Nuncey, and Wal-
pole Island and other places were con-
tinued for theear, except that to
Point Edward, which was limited to
three months, pending proposed re-
organization. The Bishop was re
quested to appoint a corniiSsioner to
visit and report.
On motion of Archdeacon: 'Davis, a
resolution of sympathy with Very
Rev, Dean Innis and Rev. D. Williams
and with the families of the late Mr.
W. J. Imlach and Mr. J. W. Fergus-
on in their recent bereavement, was
carried by a standing vote.
Deputations from Granton, Chat-
ham. North, Dover East and Mitchell's
Bay were heard in regard to proposed
re -organization and occupied the re-
mainder of the afternoon, session,
The committee resumed at eight
The claim of Rev. W. N, Duthie for
arrears from the parish of Lucknow.
was . referred to the Rural Dean of
Huron and Bruce. -
Appeals against assessment were re-
ceived from several. places. No.action
wastaken except in the case . of Max-
well, which was reduced by $5o, and
Shelburne also reduced by, $5o..
On motion of Rev, Rural Dean Rid -
of the 9th con. of twins; boy and ley, the Bishop was requested to ap-
girl, point a conimissioner to visit Water-
MAINPRIZE-In Brussels on March loo and parts:adjaccnt with a view to
14th, the wife of. Mr. Robert Main- re -organization.
.prize of a daughter..., The land and invcstnicnt committee
WORDEN-In Logan, on the 2oth' of reportedthe amount of investments
March, Mrs. Ira Worden of a son, made and- amount 'on: hand. Report.
MORENZ-In Logan, oft the loth of adopted.: •
•Marcli, Mrs; John' Morelli of. a The income andexpenditure co.fl
daughter.. a•• , mittee' reported,; through Canon:
SW/IONS-Ili Logan; on the loth of Young, showing the 'results of the par-
:, March, Mrs. Win. Sienibns .' of a tial. 'canvass rnade by the 'Rev. Mr.
son., Roy in . the city of London. Up to
MARSALLES=--In Hibbert, ,.on the the present time . tate amounts paid
and subscribed since last meeting was
$28.42, which reduces the debt to $9,-
989, or counting subscriptions yet to
come• in,,, to about $6,000. Report
Igth. of March, Mrs. Wm. Morsel -
les of a daughter.
McNETi,-In East Wawanosh; on
March 14th; the wife of Mr, Mc-
Neil of a. daughter. • • •
CAMPBELL -4n, Grey, on March 13th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ivie . Campbell, a
BRADSHAW--Tn. Morris, on March
19th, to Mr. ' and Mrs, ' Thos
Bradshaw,' a daughter; ' •
VAI,i -ln Exeter, on March x6th, to•
Mr..and'Mrs. Will: Vale,..a daugh-
BEACOM---in. Clinton, on March .26th,
.. William .11. Beacom, aged 31 years,
• 5 months and 17 days.
PECKITT-In Clinton,- on March 22,
Mrs. John Peckitt, aged 61 years,
WATTERSON-In Toronto, on March
19th; Mrs. Hannah Watterson,
formerly of Clinton, aged 67 years.
HOWARDD--In Exeter, on March 26th,
William Charles Howard, aged 56
• years and 6 months.
HIi,T,--In • Exeter, . on March .14th,
• Sarah Ann, beloved wife of Mr.
'George Hill, aged.' 66 years, 3
months and 2 days. '
R.EDMOND-In • Grey, on Monday,
' 't1i Mrs. Joseph F. Red-'
March 1
7 ,p
d4oth year.
• mond, in.her
McARTI-IUR-In. Grey, on Tuesday,
March 18tH, Jessie .Nclntosh,relict
of the. late E. J. McArthur, 'aged
55 years and 7 months, '
NEI7rANS-4n Hariock, on March x9,
Mrs.:Margaret Neilans, 'relict of
• ' the 'late Thos.' Neilans, aged 67
years,, ix months and 19 days.
McLEAN-'In Arthur, on March 14th,
Chas, McLean, brother •of L. Mc-
Lean of 'Winghatn,
c-Leanof'Wingham, aged 58.
COLQUH0'ON-On Maros x6th, Ellen
Colquhoun, Fullerton, ' aged 76.
years and 9 months,
I.3ENRY---In. Rhine, 'on the '14th of
March; Margaret Graham, relict of
the late Edward Henry,. aged 64.
HALL -In Jamestown, N. Y., Mar-
garet Sutherland, relict of the late
Janhes Hall of Mitchell, aged 7o
ears and 2 months.
.AITCHESON--In Roxboro, McKillop,.
on March x7th, Allison Wilson,
relict of the late John Aitche-
son, aged 86' years.
SOIJ1'>aaTl-ln Egmondville, on March
17th, • Thos. • Souter, aged 73
The claim of the widow . of the late
••Rev. A. •tampman was, reported .upon
by the 'committee, :through Archdeacon
Davis. After considerable discussion
it was held -to be a legal question.and
was referred to the chancellor, Mr.
Bayly and Mr. Wilson to consider' and
Rev. Rural Dean Ridley moved that
the separation of the parish of Dov-
er East. from :Chatham North take
place at Easter, x903, instead_o£ 1902
last meeting.,
ro aced ati
proposed $' • .
.A long discussion followed and the
'resolution of Rural Dean Ridley was
lost•. The proposal . of last meeting
that the •separation take place at
Easter,. 19o2,was then confirmed. The.
parish will then consist 'of. Dover East
and Mitchell's Bay. • e
The petition of the, people pf .Grin -
ton ' for separation. .from .Clandeboye
was . considered and . after discussion'
was granted.' The parish will consist
of : Granton and Prospect Hill. Clan
deboye will consist of Clandeboye,and
Christ church, McGillivray; subject to
The best class of work
procurable has been
manufactured here for
many years past. .
WE WONT call. 00 you a 'week after
WE WONT milks the Work to suit
the pride.
=slake the pries to eta
the work.
WE WILL give you the choice of the
production of the world
in design and material.
We are the ONLY praei
tical men in Clinton in
our line. Do not, be
t:alk edirito pblcingyonr
order without first call.
ing on us.
41 0
J. . HOOVERS pRpl>
Next to Commercial Rotel.
South Arnerlca n Net" ifirie lit the
Antiiedeta for that like whloh
are Induced by htinma.nitrs
+, mad rush„for ate existence.
The oeiat and 1111101APAY Of livin
is aouountablet for more. 01
the Wiitched and puny 1'iliass
than any other Oats*, Under
thee sun.
Dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation,
tion sielo
headache are the prime causes for bruken•up
hervea. Nature foretold the Strain that we
Would be compelled to lilt under and hat re.
Sealed to medical science the favorite formula-
South Aniericen Nervine -and its daily joy. is to
pf mt l li n Wileck the d m honperfect oibhth in the f
. The Bishop informed the committee”
that " he had appointed Rev. S. L.
df -rd con-
of The
5 `it
to the char o
m h
ation •
b�' g
Permission was .' asked •to build a
new church: at. Melbourne at a cost •of,
$1,600. Granted if particulars satisfy
the Bishop: . ,
1:!errnission was asked to use the
material in the .old church at. Bervie,
in the construction of the new and in
the shed. Granted. •
Lease was asked to sell the old rec-
evtory' site at Leamington. Granted,
subject to the approval of the chancel-
It is a noticeable fact that the
dining ear department of the Grand
T'ruitk Railway System is second to
ilane 011 the American continent and
new improvements and modern inova-
tions are continually being made. The
Cafe parlor cars which have been run-
ning on nearly all the divisions of
this great system are aconstant
source of praise ,from the travelling
public. The company has rete fly al-
tered tb style of the menu car s.used
014 all l the dining cars, and cafe -
parlor ,re and have gotten up a Very
hat;ds'.ru:e and neat bill of tare that
aPpeats to the 'artistic sense. The
stock used is what is known as Old
English Ruskin Bristol of fine tex-
ture and mist grey in color. The
Grand 'Trunk trade mark in black ap-
pears in the tog left hand corner sur-
rounded by a neat combination of
scroll work of Italian renaissance des-
ign, printed in gold and embossed in
high relief, The name of the meal is
also itnbossed in high relief and the
tout ensemble is a pleasing and artis-
tie combination, Tbe wine lists have
the sable design at top and are print-
ed on the same quality of card, but
an olivette color for distinction.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
have included in the large list of sum-
mer and winter resorts which they are
bringing before the public the Sani-
tarium of St. Catharines, Ont., a re-
treat for rest and recuperation. A
mineral spring from which the water
flows and which is Y(iscd for bathing
and massage purposes at this estab-
lishment was discovered years ago
'and has been the means of attracting
hundreds of the best class of people
from the south to enjoy the .benefits
derived • from bathing in it.
Considerably denser than sea water,
the effects are very marked and when
heated and skillfully applied . cures
rheumatism, gout, scrofula, neuralgia,
liverrobskindiseases t u le, d seas s andcases
of nervous prostration. Many of the
cures are: simply wonderful. The wat-
ers of this spring are referred to in
Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Appleton's
American Encyclopaedia, Hare's. Sys-
tem of Therapeutics, Etc.
It is only during the last few years
that a commodious sanitarium has
been established at this point, com-
bining rest -cure and family hotel.
Copies of a neat little booklet giv-
ing further particulars may be had by
applying to M. C. Dickson, D. P. Ag-
ent, Toronto.
10.1110. Ili I i.
el= A. COIr'Li IN ONE DAY. rkplv4SNosfe aiaeiMISNVV
Take Laxative Broma Quinine Tab-
let*. AU druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig-
nature is on each box. as.
In the days.of the Revolution
h.e woman the side of victory.
In later years surrendered to
t diserall.s but Routh Amsrloaan,
Kidney Our* gave him hi*
liberty. fi
Mr. A. Williamson, of Kincardine, Ont.; '%
Veteran in the American war, and new customs
ower, town clerk *ad a prominent citizen, says
of Smith American Kidney Cure: -"1 have
found it a wonderful specific in ipy case, 1
suffered s great deal front Bladder and Kidne
troubles, and one bottle entirety cured tile,
think it a boon to mankind," Cures in an stages
acid gives relief in six hours. 12
The first sod in the. Ontario Power
ompany's works at Niagara Falls
was turned yesterday in Queen•Victor-
ia Park..
The Life' Guards are two regiments
of cavalry forming part of the Brit-
ish household .troops. They are gal-
lant soldiers and every loyal British
heart is proud of them.. Not only the
King'shousehold, but yours, ours, ev-
erybody's should have its life guards,.
, The need of theta is especially great,
when the greatest foes of life, diseas-
es; find allies in the very elements, as
colds, influenza, catarrh, the grippe
and pneumonia do in the stormy
month of March,' The best way that
we know of to guard against these
diseases is to. strengthen the system
with Hood's Sarsaparilla --the great:
est of all life ' guards. It removes. the
conditions in which these diseases
make their most successfur'attack,
gives vigor and tone to the vital or-
gans: and functions and imparts a gen-
ial warmth to the blood. Remember
the weaker the . system the greater the
exposure to disease:ood's. Sarsap-
arilia'makes the'systeni: strong.
lar. Vit Stan'I 11'hzesppl. Tablets cured Her
naligestion-mads be Stomach ,stens
end wen. To -day alta sate anything she
wliltea, enjoy' It and suffsra no pain:
Mrs. Ellen Butler, 37 CoilabieStreet, Toronto,
suffered so front Indigestion that for years to put
a bit of solid food in her stomach meant agony
for hours. She had tried many remedies without
any permanent relief, but when she commenced
using Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple. Tablets she
Immediately improved. After taking three boxes
she was able to eat anything without the slightest
distress. Sixty tablets, 35 cents. • 04
The plant of the Wolverine Beet
Sugar Factory at Benton harbor,
Mich., has been purchased for $350,-
000 and will be moved to Berlin,.Ont.
or was a -martyr to lick and Nervous Head-
aches caused by Constipation, unfit for
businee6 on an average 2 days a week.
Bowe pill.; helped me, but Dr. Agnew".
Wet Pills at l0 ctn. a vial cured me.
Thiele my own testimony and it's a fact.
Row 1 never lose an hour or miss a meat"
This is the written testimony of a well known'
Toronto jotutwiist-you can have his name it
you owant ft Agnew's are the best pills and
rag/, cheaper than any other. 4o pills sects. ;
too pills 23 els, 21
Fire in the Boys' Home, Toronto,
endangered the lives . of its inmates,
but by the coolness of the superinten-
dent and nurses all got out safely..•
Heilk dacha mid Catarrh
Relieved in 10 Minutes.'
That dull, wretched pain in the head just
over the eye* is one of the surest signs that
the seeds of Catarrh have been sown, and
lee your warning to administer the quickest,
and surest treatment to prevent the seating
of this dreaded. malady. Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder will stop all pain in.ten
minutes, and cure. so cents.
Wouldbe no temptation to Mr, i
Beeler in exchange for. Dr,
Agneves Ointment. Meshing
Plies of seven year. standing
tooktb themselves wingsafter a few applications.
• Mr.111. Beemer, of Knotmaul, Nfioh: gays in
a letter of recent date:-" I have had /telling
Piles for seven years. I have tried most every
thing that was ever recommended as a cure :but
never got the least bit of relief .until I used Dr.
express the Ointment,
hankfulnesel he great euure,
1 would rather have the wonderful cure than
acres of land. 35 cents.
An item of interest to the Canadian,
book trade and book buyers is the
news that Messrs. George N. Morang
& Co., Ltd., of Toronto, will hereaf-
ter be the sole agents itt Canada for
all books published by the Macmillan
Co. of New York. Messrs. Morang &
Co. will sell the books at the same
prices . in Canada. as those at which
they are sold by theMacmillan Co, in
New York and the same discounts
will also be given , to the Canadian
booksellers and dealers its ate given.
in.tihe United States, Messrs, Morang
& Cb. have now in the press a com-
plete catalogue of the Macmillan Co's
publications which Will be issued by
them immediately.
Otte material gain to the bookbuyer
by this attangenzentwill be the sav-\
ing of the two or three days' time
which i5 now taken up in the trans-
mission fir orders to Now York.
For Over. Sixty Years
Mne,Wnt i.ow's sooviriNo Srntrr' has bee
used by millions of inothere for their children
while teething. If disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child suffering
and trying with pain of Cutting_ Teeth send at
once and et a bottle of "Mrs. Winelow's booth-
ing Syrup,' for Children Teething. It will re.
Bove the poet itto sufferer immodintely. De,
• Mend upon it mothers, there le no mistake about
t. It cures it, regulates the Stomach
and bowels, cures Win Colic, softens the
duergy to the whole system, "Mire. WInsloW's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea-.
Aaotto tete taste and is the prescription of one
Of til., oldest mud best Renato phyatclahs end
WINO lit the Cuffed States. Price twenty-flve
can:shit bottle. Sold by all druggists through•
71itMatrr�wworlSdoatiIIiNd 8vatri*d ask tot Mrs.
A span collapsed in the new bridge
being erected between Iroshside and
Chelsea. and ten melt were plunged ta-
to the icy river beneath; All got safe -
to the shore;
ooth ani
':.Not having disposed of LTiY business•
I have ` decided to continue .,the same
for another season and have bought
My Spring:. Stock oaf
Boots and Shoes
From the Best Makers
at special discounts for Cash of which we will give
our customors the benefit. We have the very latest
styles in.
makes. For men we have Box Calf; Dongola Kid,
and Patent. Leathers. '
For women, misses and children we have Laced
and Buttoned Boots, Oxfords. and Tie and Strap
• We are selling what
▪ remains of our old
• stock at and below
• Dost as we need the
room for our new'
goods. ass.•.**ra►.
(tt!ltlmptlli►allit iINK
Before buying we would be pleased to
have you call for We can
please you in quality of goods and- price,
MCKINNON & GO.• 313 1.41rE
And we are fully prepared for it with a largo stock of Tapestry, Woolf
Union rind Hemp t)arpets, Floor 0ll Uloth and Lznoleunis, Japanese Matt.
engs,lLaeeCurtaiue, ArtMuslins, Etc.
NV; buy our Garnets direct l.frow the manufacturers and save the
middleman's profit which enables us to quote very low prices..
Japanese Matting, yard wide, in new patterns. will wear
well, at 15c, llic and 21c.
Tapestry Garnets, in the latest designs and colors for spring
at ii0e, 'ids and $1,
Wool'Ourpete, yard wide, reversible, all new patterns and.
colors, Rt fisc,. Bao and $1.
A special line of Union Carpet, yard wide,. reversible, new
patterns and colors, at 26c.
Union Carpets, yard wide, reversible, at c, 40c and. 600.
Floor Oil Oloth,;1, 1 and 2 yards wi35
de, at 20e per square
Heavy Linoleum, a great wearer, two yards wide, its new
patterns, Watt tit 01.,,, 1,., 5(Je pet mgllrrrr• yard.
Lace Ourtains,Iin new patterns, from 18c to $3.
We at, aprcial flew u.n t n,,,ti $1 CM mine,, Si ytit i]s long,
04 limbo/ wide. a regular $1.26 curtain.
Do no not blink o buying: Curtainis•or Carpets till you. have seen out new
,M K
GN& 00.
r1IVtrV1l1 . t WlS4 A <1iN- K .
We are'. selling goods at about half the original
wholesale price thus affording intending purchasers a
rare chance to get good staple goods at a price much
less than they usually pay..
We have still a number of Ladies' •Jackets left
and in order to clear them out: before the season is over
W, have decided to make the price so low that they
must go. These Jackets are all , wellmade and of
good material,. the up-to-date article. • Note a few
of the prices
Jackets that were $15,00 now. $4.95
11.00 now 3,40
,, 9.00 now 295
"'' 6:00 now 1.80
'•'. . $4 and 5,50 now 1:65
All our Frie;e Overcoats.'which ranged in priees
from $5. to $8 are nowgoingat 33.95. All our goods
e ua l .
q ly.ascheap.. •
Gas and
• ..11..m last
Gasoline Engine
i, ▪ iii W Q C� tY�iv81 St►• q 4► t1'm.
II 1
Is solving the problem for &cheap, quick, easily applied'lui Ili of ppower'
This hardy littleu]otor,is built in sizes. from 14 horse power up. Power
Users all. over Canada are discarding steam and other far,ma oF" power
in its favor. Uses Gas,' or Gasoline for fuel -running' expenses: very
done -no' was
ue r6 onion to for
punt of work to
light -uses f 1 l 'in
Y p. •P
•.power, you start the Engine when you waett'it and shut down when
the work is done -no waiting aroundto,get up steam.. Needs no .En-
gine to run'it-any person can readily: understand and handle it -re-
quires no attention while working --perfectly safe and can be used on
any premises. The smaller, sizes are thoroughly portable and can be
taken from place to•placfe as needed.
Write Us :For
Deseriptiue Bookint
and Full lt,formation
Sent Fred
Author bf „A Penniless Orphan." "Gertrudels Marriage,',
",ger Only Darling," ate., eta.
The heroine of this story isone of the most 'interesting.
'of W. Heimburg's alarming girls. Her perfect naturalness
and gayety are so winning that no one can read her history
without loving her. The author has the gift of making his
stories interesting, and filling thein with pleasant incidents
and characters, so that when the reader has finished one he
wants to take up another.
This charming story will begin in Tin NEWS -.RECORD
next week, April 3rd.
Ch ratan Iarkot Report The People's
Shoe Store
4irieat....,•..,....YY..,. 0 78 Of G 78
noose Wheat.:... , ... Y r, 0 75 tics 0 75
Barley 05080052
Oats,..... .. 0 40 to 042
ly'Easr ,...r Y. •Y'.'°Y1.. Y. YYY 0 0y1/5 to 0 78
Rye .fr ...r.YY,.,.,..YYtPY 40 to 045
Potatoes per bushel. 000 to 0 30
Butter rolls and crock 0 15 to 0 10
utte10 tub..Y:.......Y . 00'{15 to 0(10
Eggs perdoz.Y...r......+ �0�20 t0 0, 20
ay-•1YY.f r, .YY ..... Y'0 800 to 000
Wool0 15 to 016
hive tfogs per awt..., 500 to 500
Dreasedrork per cwt 8 00 to 715
Ohlckens per pair ..020 to 1140
Duoiisper pelt ...,r•. b 40 to 000 SALVATION aptly
Glees. per pound 005 to 006 NANn mi risn NXI, M
0 0 to 0
.Y, ...,A
r pound.. , 7 �
Turkeys O O 11
� pr �,
irlotrr pier cwt..... Y • ..r1 90 to 2 1.15 llr,xtha bk lidiafe kno itel85eT all lannd lAi tmy
1ratt per tort .1800 to 2i; 00 im will 6d ,wId to ofie >a or +Me}lattttly de
20 00 td 2000 desired, For farther part enters apply to
S!rorte per ton., .Y, ,rrn11ll. Zl�V61 1080, CUfltOiVr
Dried Apples per lb...„ Y. 0 05 to 0 t)5 Pah 8th,
Is headquarters for stylish
footwear for spring. We
have the latest styles in
Ladies' LaceShoea,Oxforda,
Trilby's and Toe Slippers,
>iltir stock of Men's Fine Shoes is the
largest, ever shown in Varna.
We are offering great values in Wear•
ing Shoes for boys and girls.
Butter and Eggs 'taken in Exobango.
N.- A rt.14r t. -