HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-27, Page 3P - A , NT ENDUR,
More Depends Upon Its Possession
: . 'Irts
speak of the world us treating them yet) find bite of wet) an tho under.
well exioushl" fV side in which tiny ro(l-brown. Specks fC
*11 paint pictures which the world aro scen, the red spider is at worg
won't -buy," said the, young Man About the Sucking the life from the plant. Tho
"but I' don't know whose fault that Funlz IN CANADA
reluelly IS water. UP it In a tub of
rather warm water, sullmerge It se.
"Can't you manage to paint Pic- veral tiales for halt it Minute at it
tures which the " world will buy V ....House time, and relicat till the spiders art HUDSONDAY COMPANY TID "AVJK
aslwd Up. Vira. I, a I gone. 11,11011 keep them away b,
The young man lool<ed at itimwith V1##04*"V1F- I , v
having the air 410iut; shower tile &Airstii,
4M, YV V U11 V ^ 1.
Vk LV I 1AAAAM. a smile.
40 Of course I could If I wanted lil"ALICIOUS LAVEIR CAN -VIS, plaute, keep mass on top of the Pots
it was nearly three o'clock in V or set,thein in two inches of sana Thu Hudson J347 oomilu% has Slave Lake. The 0191A Is worth, out$
-es those And keep it.saturated -wit1t, w6ter. Ct no I portant rivalry
morning, And Josiah 1>IM Almost be-: f o' " lie sai.d. Of good homemade cal, W. nx the 75 cents to $2, About 7,000 iwoll
But. lot pationco, tavo, her perfect 'bomb, which Ja sure tQ' injure it It gau to despair of doing any More, "Only you don't, choose to 7" re- Made in layers fill o, need for Ra There are improved methods of da. great fur trado of 0411440, sixteethat, . from the XilrthW"t
skins, mostly
W docti not kill a friendship. trade that, night. miuked the old Man. evening collation Or COMPAUY -de8- Ing everything nowadays, , oven In long light With its stronger go=". Territory. are now rogartiloll as A
Qvkft Jauwo, 1., 4, "Never knew things to be so "No..; I don't choose to," Said hi� sbrt. The recipes given fire unusual, MAkIng rag Carpets. Vo not follow 1)otitoll, the North Wtst VOW
Vii4leme Is generally glassed Among in " toile of Customer. I PAlly', good yield for this gaim4l. Tho
It is an inexorable law that three- quiet," be muttered,, 41ld therefore of sVeC14l Value: the tedious Method of sewing the Which ended lghty.one yeap$ Age. wolverine ls almost worthlOom PLA4 10
tbe millor VJrtue.'but so much of Quarters WO world must 4rudgO "Well, I'M banged I" said Mr. Vim POIlcato Collee Cake—Few peo
114,4 bappin ta ordqr -to live. You xatty Wonder ('cap disgust, ,It's Moro like A PIO raw together. A quicker and Since that tio the 'lluds011, Bay a great ost. no la the exiomy, 0.
asusefulness . do- country . churchyard. than London with 'n twinkle in his oye� are familiar With, coffee aS7 ix 00vol- stroDge'r Way is to cut the. Strips compully, Which ubsorbed its com- ;the poor Indian bocL*
, , a he ponds on it that we ought to give it wb�r this should be so, but You will blest. if I waarilt right whall. I said' ing for aay*Aer ke, yet it maketi one about balf all inch wide, ip All tliq 1101d, strays the wooden traps "sot for the
the pilzzle, The town. I . on . lie pet1tor. b(%S ControllQd
Moro pronal of you were the one man in the crowd of the most delicious. known. 1i'or each end of each Strip 4 little Blit thQugll there has been no logAl b
. x]entL Place. To patiailt, grid no solat4on of
IY ndure oil �xxviroxxxnoxxit o1MPlQ"At0b0PA $mot faces You, and Mr. Flux. ad A pleasant babit orth noting 11, the layers, cream, one-hait Other, marten and lynx 4114 JS too
CIU00 Suffering And D, it ends all , controversy. Moreover, talking to himself, which was pro- w PO nd 01 Jw,go pnough -for & strip to pass st"clO for many years in the way of wary to be caught himsolf. J.)A0.kpp
hardship is , n, all the world bably the result of so often hoving t "Whan did you say that ?11 Asked butter and one pound of sugar, Add tllrougll�. place tile cuts. of two any other company th4t mtgh
thing loss than, berolsm, Arid there without excePtiorl, no one else to talk to, he Young man. Rix wall beaton, eggs, One Pound And strips OvCr orlo Another, take the up, . I to Obtel- the fUr trade of Bri t Clut wrote, ears gm "The '"Olvor-
Must maonor rheavy go "A eburile of years ago," eald Mr. one Ounce of flour, one-half pint of poito and of Ono of them a t" Ina is the most running Animal X
Are unseen and Unrecorded instance's Blest If I don't thizik I'll take nd pass ish XOrthAmericit, 14 1859 this know and he uAgommoly V;611.
in,which man and women iavo oven burdens of sorrow. and bereavement. th Vim, "when you stopped here one.:mIlk and two evew teaopobntul of through both ol ing
'The normal conditiou of Man, IS to P. old sbop home/' he added, with its; pull tile loop to trade wile thrown open to tlio,�World; pious justin t
ipbown. the courgge 41 the martyr. a threatening loo1c. At bit giant night with A party - at tolls. YOU Ileatvigorousland gether gently and firmly. It wili but the old Company, With the MCMv
LIWilys yoked )ir Ith, otb�. be , 4ur4et , bqarer,' And I Almost
of charaeter.- Its it* is the out$, healthy covidt- tin $Owing. t
Is . 'Q I'll take you home, and fit pOtUU1 jelly 09LICO P"114- TO lioJil'bettr th _adv4utAgCa derived ,he numpr..
to were illfreroutly dressed then; And , ba4
Or high - qualfties Sol, ou had a young lady with you." 1VAUO the filling tie two largo table-
'riltre, break yQu up, for old Iron I Bust- To take oft a ring, that is too :01's Posts It still maintains, find 2MW WAR XA There 10.4.0 )smooth road laid . ,
9t A)I;� is salkdritrol, and, self- tiort. an. the cllart'of life. We all lies&," lie continued, turning to the The young r44n colored slightly. spoonfuls of'Well ground Aloclia ttud Ught, thread it needle with thread with its 'large concessions of torri.
control is as important When you down tQ4POt for ympathy, "what's the paid for his, cotlee, and.weat Away Java, coftee in 4 piece at cheese,- that is strong, but not too coarse, tory, which embraces Due-tivexitloth
Are building A character as a, rudder trudge through storm and Sunshine. hurriedly. 3144litaVy. Xotor wff-0320 Alre NOW
rty sickitilds, trouble, 49a�h are 9000 of talking about, the state of Clint t-110 'b4K in the Pot And soap.3 and pass the head of the of all the textile lands lying within
IS when, A hili Is launched. It is POVO- - But one night when he WAS, v! Pour bver it three Quarters Of L', Under the ring. Pull. A few the fertile halt from the It.ed JJIVr Ttsed.
litel*lly the steering appeAtil a found. everywhere. Kim the coffee-otall he tool� ... fill of
Wo and trade, when r.4 coffee�stalj c.Lt the car loul
to b tier -of OWane street can't take more boiling Water. over closely of the 411-044 towards the to 'the 11ocky Mountains, has been
have their sorrows. book And made it Sketch of Mr. VIM And let dimmer slowly for ton min- hall the 00 AtrOlagly oxitrexx4ecl that, till the Im
�VOPS, 110: clear of the rocks and peasants Alike than nine once in two hours ? I il� And wrap the other end of - portaxit, trialo. of motor wagon.0
S"4041$ Of'All 11APettiolup And reckless IT is TXII,� C&UAIOX LOT, P and. his. temperance hotel, utes. Remove, from the fire and , no rival 4ritarpriae hits for Military use lir 0 n
chuck M. that's whoti I shall do." let Abroad tightly and Smoothly Around present tima are being' c . rle a
tOMPOr. I Would rathol, I.1%Vd -pa- It was one of the advantages of said Mr. ]?I= quizzically, Stand until settled .-Tteservo One the finger tow-ards the riat'j. Tulce entered the Country, constantly 14 various
There is srmI04
tionce with. -perfect selffcontrol th only '0110 -question to -be when. the sketch was firlished, "Ro tablespoplIful Sol, Icing, . Put the ro- hold of the needle and, begin ol ws C in S Among the Most Interesting. of tbeN0
Mr. Plat's business that it cusionters owly. The ne a a from W a
to. have Reillus': for While gall Amli:ed- und L%nswqred'.—HQW shall we yott're, the young man who p4lixta mainder in a double boiler and Add to unwind the coil, carrying the ring the, he" lAro those conducted by'All, Army
file Is make these. experioncos contribute to. came not to him, he could take his dquartors of th
erratic and ; pietures that the world won't buy ? throo quarters of A Cup of Sugar, along With the threaO until it slips that an organization of British and
often, Unbalanced, 4�116§0 wares; hop and All, to them. a 'amp"Y' board at rell.2gdort, near Vienna,
Othe q4411tio give us polse an I d strength of characteri and possibly Y of 'Young people NOW. I'll tell you What I, era Of casll from tlux� finger, AuAtria, and the British trials At Al�
equilibrium. - Patience ls� grounded you care'to, scribble a copy of that A CW44dlall interests has been formed
to our� wolfaro7, Not, surely by a, then a part do- If Pinch of salt and thri-e-quart,
resignation- restless Cout4overty with'the Ixievi� returning from, some scene of.social cup of milk, Thicken with, two. bo Plants in tile living room be- enter the fur trade and tbat a 11orsot, the results of which, li%vo
art the front of Wy Stull,' toi- my tablespoonfuls of flour rubbed.0 a come, dn#y, and dust is no 111: 1 . I .
to the 'xiev'tatile, tAble.and Inexorable, Tha S Of festivity came In sight, t healthy. young Englishman nanixed 0. AL. do publish.ed,
which results in , ca, Customers . to lool, kit, while, they V"sto erville, 4 person of wealth, Ani
im endurAnce mixxd�only aggravates the evil with- Mr, Illm eyed them scornfully. wittl 01 little ni"ILi'd allOw � for house plants an word han for Valid In the Austrian trials, thir Vfagoxil.
tes relative at* Lord Rosebery, is at :Wore tell And 12 horse powar;Daim-
"Tolfs t" he said conAdentially to I r Coffee every night free of charge,' then pour Over one -Well bo"t*, lor benzine moto.rei and tho. Maxi -
under exasperating circulustailces, but even the shadow of ii, g drink, tbeir.collce, YOULCkIn Come here the mixture to coal, for two ritinit huma beings. It the plants c
an h ood re-
onvtCtion that it is -pat, stilt. It la,your attitude of mind the sugar basin. "Not worth tw al egg talk tho would th I - the, head of the enterprise, which in-
to �bear the ills. �Vo av - .0 The young men laughed. out of ank yoi for tak
a thall to And between tha,laye.rs,' To Ing tli�nj -doors during a eludes also old, =11. load was, 11,000 poulids, The
fly to others that Iva know ot 'of, and- h6art Which decides your happi-, Pence to us 1 "What's the goodl of a sketch of MAIM the Icing Stir one-livarter, of .4 traders who itaqvi all wagons Were When ness or,luisery. But for once even Up. Flux's Pound of confectiotiory sugar warm. spell and giving them a show� the ins and outs of the. business, it (luring 249 days,,
a man cultivkttes patience, ., Vight filto (tud Von will Surety One of the youxxg� me , xx u into at, bath. XAlw tbo dirt Around the is Swill that the rival company in -
therefore, LQ'becomes master of Ili gacivy was At feLult, "That's my business," said* Ur. the tabtespoo for a total Ump of 624�.houro,
M, , nful of hot coffee and roots, Ing f, M Ono to to
Who . Wits I m, it .,a ur trips A 443t
Self AZd Ma, aeiiat, onlW defamted. but 08 soaking wot- and they will not, tends first to establish a number of
Star Of wbatever'may poA- leading the way- called out to the a business offor; you can spread ovex- the, surface of the eakle�, need rapisture %q�l� for %. weak, - it posts on b he W, The total dtatAnce covered, w.4a S,980
ri 15 a Idrigly, ll it, As you like. ad West
sibly ggpperx. isoured,' On the ii�her hand, -make rest take it or le, miles, or 12.
'the best of the worst, calmly a;n4, IS, surprising how a,,'good bath from sides of Hudson and James Bays, .4 miles day, And tho
l � virtue. and more depends oil its atly use events, ' and, extra a collee itall I Who wapts, I a eept," Said the Young man. which chocolate IS usedaro familiar the sprinkling can �vill brightert where the Iludson JkLy Compan' It s roadbed varied, bein
_Ct . but this Cake is y a, g Sometimes A
than we ae apt -to think Patio toilee, Why should I not' ? I have painted to All households, thein. up. many ostablishmenta, -couxatr3r
ypV CAN RECICON from tboC,'whatever of, good good highway, sometirnes
they "Oh, I Would like. to have some, a 6clod many pictures and got no� novelty %nd well worth a trial, Beat Pads And sometil�qs n ' atur I moad�
VALUE may 6ontan, nd your days will Nature 'gives you warning of. a One of the, olfleials a$ 'the latter. r
by considering. its opposite. Coffee at a stroet stall I shall we thing for them, At any rate,. I shall three eggs,, the whites arul yolkar'se- Cold In the first c, At Compan The Average amo Ut trans_.
Iul� swing along With a smoothuessthat :get coffee for this.'.' hilly feeling tI1 is reported to have Six
Patience is a daugerous. quality, It will. Surprise you,- More and better stop tb PAr4telY. To the Yolks add one.and creeps over last week, that Ported was 9,680 pounds per day, at
glit he bpOught �Oxle-quarter cupfuls of sug half a you., Tleed'it At once or his Company would
Then a Young m6n,� who -we's evi- a fOIIOWil1g ni, a rate of five miles per, hour.
413 Of sour ereAm, one large
his �xxaterials with him, and worked tek),P pay the penalty,. Take 9, brisk walk regard he newcomers AS invaders
nPI4CQ your- 901f,respeot than that,, your. calmness and' PA. dently a humorist, observed 'that ItL WAS found that in deep snow
and Your reliltiOns io Your dearest fienoo will have a, tendency to draw the, away for over an hour CUP- or run, breathe deeply and keep the and woWd give them
ntly a
friends. in peril. X-oreover, v might as well die there as any- Nyith all- fill of flour, one-quarter at a pound and cold winter weather. the se of
�q Y6%i'th� help of the other world, keen sense of mouth closed. It Situated so, that A VBUY ARD FIGHT. the Motor Wagbm was very limit
Unhappy herg, solhe whole party ptilled up. onjOAlent, Of unsWeetelied. chocolate - Melted you cannot do "ther, breathe deep- eA..
Tilorg and th otbell world come p still,, you rebei'againit MUCIA to Mr. Pim's astonishment, ow is it that you've came down with 4 second ''half -cupful. of Soup ly'.rap(dly And. noiselessly till you If -they, wanted it, Ile added, as a repair% had to be made On mallyr
your to - a, harmonious. underlitan ding, iNg 4 in the world V asked Mr. ]?!in, §Iqd- Cream a
Sul.I.Olindill . nd demanded poffeal hot. pinch of salt, it te4spooA S Parts, especially on the motor, the
40 With a colliplain-,,vory c adverse cir- are patisfied that Your circulation. Strong Point In favor. of the Rud on
omplexibli of your Mr. Plul was not at All flustered donly, used to, look, as smart -ful Of' Vanilla, the whites of the L eggs 18. &Cting,proparly. apparatus,
art without rendering yourself, quwstgncqs will' change. 4s*any of them.*' and,, lastly, one i the L ignition
tug 4, BAY OOMAnY that the natives were driving
at this ttrusix. of Aristocrat' eAspoouful'of bali- :, 61 *.
tve&k to Oppose or, change wholly controlled b it burners, -the wheats And. the pipes
them. Iii a; N�ord,- the soul which follows P a- "Docauso Y 0, very dig-
trage. Ind6od, he often boasted m What most POPPIO ing sodr, dissolved in a little boiling nificcUrt statement the cooling apparatus; some � parti
Look Your life over calmly -arid !in- in theJo6tste s of the Christ And in that (it )its temperance would call a fool,"- said the you FEED F AT TO CHILDREN. in vi the had to be entirely replaepcii.su , As
partilly and YOU 'Will itiatl PoVeitk -and D9 Wi tel -4 For the filling boil one .0w of
f, r .'d hotel -4s 'he Man. "I call eazin. a good enough% a C p- Many of our thin Ana aie child-, fact that the Indian trappers. and Ch
-a you bava been at oddsr with''tinlo ald -work An 1�isfp'r,; Sometimes -used to call his coffee� 1 living if 1. choo fill of granulated augur axid 6ne-balf hunters Supply niost o,the,flirs.
h , Ott roil, - who have tandencies to Colds tIV6 magilet'07eloctric igrAter.and We
bitvoly Irdeets And nobly - stall—lie served all classes of societyj SO to do. so., by cupful at w4ter togothe driving wheels.
our lot you b4ve'mAde thAt lot r until it �Ixese XndfiGs. and Frenob, half-
ketching for illustrated papers, spJiis a- thread.. Beat the whiteof arid. sore throats, and many others To
so dulge will find,light unexpotO from noble, dukes to ..art'ful dodqers. But I,ve got it, conceited not1QA rritable wou d be greatly 'breeds wander ovor the prairles' and
inuall *Orse and mor�. dififeni-t to gi't "d jays whel'a Pal ware tYL iart It6s.t the endurance of-t1to Wagon
for. e served'tho par one egg iQ E,�, stiff froth, And Add to along the stras. t, it Wa 1044.04 Wit 11,000 pounds of"'
away from, whereas if You looftd Tere Is 'a slubtio law my head that I'milt for somatbing. it Spa L, ifill of benefited by the continued And Judi- lusi rapping to a
had, ac- I coffee of tile' Most aromatic and re- one-quarter of a tea at smaller exte shell sand 880 pounds of other mater,
cePted the bitter expeiJefice, 'ah4 here, and 11' We ca discover it' at, shooting the fur- L
And t ciolls use of fat ill some 41gestible
pelts . the,
be ter, So I PlOu& Away -it a Class cream of tartar,'And the sirup little be4riag animals, Whose al, and taken over a wet road In
trashing quality lit his power,, talk- 6f woric which the public won't buy. ag, all L form, such As fat bacon, the'%;�e of
made the best I Y it the clouds Will have ing'all the time in a low voice, as by little, beat!' carry to tuo Posts. Of the company
of t you would have' be guided b, i the while,'WhIp, the rain, over ' oiling eb�ntry Or
reaped it benefit, otherwise silver liniing'and cAbn our liorrows- was. his "stom, to the varlaus,'8e
evenly - afid vigorousl until cold. cream on bread, or baked potatCles,
it Is equally true that whe� as well as a bountiful Supply of for trade. - Coin Is 'now used -to some nillietee4 hours' steady working. On
aill prdve , A blessing, articlOs about 'him, "I see," 'said Mr, I�im. . quickly. Vlavor with a little lemon juice. extent, but the business is mainly -the first day the road as. mostly
You won't mj.� chicory With.-yout., good- 1),
inpottious Of speech .-abd �js s Ull'with us, a it'Is a rum world, and no Apple c�miliar at this doli- 4tter, All of these fats'will arter, For years y
You have 'been 1 �rld so are the on
You have had cause'for regret, while, angels of ' God. - With patleneo And -cotyce", -subdlvldedo the basis of I Ir UP hill, -and 'in twelve hours out
1 " be said In a confidenti Cate �Cake s, it is ll'ut little. known' be laore digestible if well
A curbed tonguo has been Cause -for courago. may. fit ourselves for WiliSper to is m St I tim Now, tliere'is 'a, certain celebrated. to I ' whenever Jt has come to. the know'. thirtY-five miles were made, or on,
Q n ousewives. in sol,,4e hence we spread butter on our
rejoicing. . When YOU hitvu be6r) silent thair,kincl Services, and ate friend Parts of �110 ad average of- about three miles an
. r L I artist loves'art. for, countrY., - - V or the � lityars make. -it bread, and use.bread crumbs or po- 1 96 - Of the to inpany that Any hour; but 'on the second day, Mostly
SO m44S the coffe6-ura, -"Here's , a lot of itself,. and not.inerely for I at, trapper has sold a pelt. -to
You have do'no-better thall when what ' It tatiles. wltll� fat bacon. Chocola, a
§OQA 'spongli cake by 'be4tirxg. the 41 the. company s On a lovel.the same distance Was
You. goo( -Use 01 the roughest pluces over iW --downright but-and-outers, as 'brings in He Is " qUOOr, wandering whites - and yolks of 'three, Uintai it seven h6urs, or, ab
.1141ve Spoken". . A bitter'L Word up-. we must travel to the rest and elld lybody except
YOU ma7. ieew-who or cocoa is also.useful as a fat pro -
could have :every eggs Se- ag ocovered I
and description miles An
pressed strengthens the. clifiracte , rc-w4rd of the glorious. future. blessed illing fh character; Who. de'llghts' In patately, then addixig to t vider. ents,� the name. out five
ey asked to,., must he .volks the.offending native has been seat to. hour. The prove4
While a reckless utterance ls'�'llka a Geo. .11. Hepworth. needs come t roaming about the great old city At t -qu&pter a that roads had no 't othor,
0 a qolyed-�stall at �hrea S , of a cup�ul . eAch,pf every post of th mpdny
...... .... ..
that lie
three night when, 17to thinks, lie sees More sugar And of.flour, -and finally whip- SUNSHINE AND SLEEP.
o'clock in ' the morning for pe than reducing.
was likely to visit, axd lie has sud-
cups_of COffC6, eal ituman. nature than i , a , th� day, ping in' the beaten whites., Wor the -No syrup� of'popples, no. tincture of denly found himself linable to sell 'a.
her -and s 9he turned to -see. whom jolly go' He was..all 6ecasional Customer of ling, at. THE RATE
Oil Coffee; I Said he 'Mr 0110, ordinavy-sized cak� opium, no powder" of moviihino, Says pelt, or ProcurOL-ally Supplies at any O TRAV] QIT4
fact -which Mr. Pliti.no
or wiat't�ey. were Io6klx1g:at 6 grate bile largo, tart, applej , aftai� one -of the ix has 0
901sY Young In n. who had 'led - ubt bad I' lus-iiiind Whe 6dical journals, can of the �Compaxxyls stations.
a The mitar-4agorls Were Alsip
THE'S. S,'IESSON �tbe do!
Si(PpQS211g Silo. * SAW. the gardendr,, WOY. a n lie ask Add to it t wbit load 6�tclx, as gea�
it' rad for. ft sketch to adorn his-'st4ll P661�119,1- he a of _Onc� collipare in sleop-producing. power. been the, ;P6Ii0Y of the company to
speaks:to hinv.o Inquire s
f th4 �ody.sha q&xxxxot d' Pim drily. e0l, 0130' cUPAil'of j'ranulatod suga� with, stiftshirlei.' The wolst: soporific keep on good coast guns. and the results were. ens� INTERNATIONAL ..LESS,bbl, fi�d1 finagislo bbr talking.*to, Him "That's' I and not Iong "Iter'L -it � W"' lWished it P,* OIL I' ternis With n. tirely satisfactory,' sldp�s of 5 de�
X.AnC.H 30. rather � surprising.' Seeing -b and.'a few dro i onion Juicb. I$ laudailum,: 'and the. best J9 sun-, 'dealing 1onorably WIth thbm,
whom she so loved and not' -knowing that I've I appalled tb.catcf his e3ra, a �tr,
Only been making Coffee for'., ..A I Whip' all.together with Ali b-Q4t,, slillie.' , Ther�foreAt un- They* hav %ded' clathitig, guns,, grees. and. pamps o1.3,,on,8.,wero,
a looked at it carele$S'ly, '13UtL it i .141111 but see also chapter xxi,: A, the last. forty ye or Until White, and. L founly, crossed without trouble. L nally,
. .1 xj16 to arS, You Wouldn't �ieomed When 'derstood*.that poor gleepoes should aXG4 and other necessary Articles %t
Tcxt of the Lesson, John xx.148 And uelnbe� tho. two vAlked 'to expect now &n3�thin* :L .to rivet. his Attention, and
xo ab t spread between 'the layers evil 0 pass As many th power, of the mactilne. in turn -
5* OU cup'of coffee to.Aook: op of th n .8 1 sunshine' very reasonable figures which the xxa�
Golden Text, Jo" 251. rnmaus, with .,Him t 9 .:he put down Ills houi n the
Him it Ye a Ing on a, Short adina'was #ied ad
sible. Many tives f -not ree,113�
- "They have taken Away 1,be not*A41 they saw His hands as He �That's one, �at, it more closely, While Mr. as pos women are mar- May, ancy but do 'a radius. of.11* feet was found SUJ
1, 2. How grief bar, of for you," Said, a main� Cake. —Abiladailt bana-L tyi�s nd dof fiot know'It. 1% 'y,shut nded.L he influence of thd company
and I've 'ke, bread in the -house., m6ked his pipe in observgtrit kl- a
b party to Wilen pUllialk .tw ' $.6' ilith
Lord out of'the. sepulcher rO . the nolsy y�uih, ties" are there tire: many, housewives sunshine out of their I ficient 0
-now and tabelief do blind us . and hoiv trice. the tallies, is; of CoUKse, ery"reat ainong these
not wherb . they have laid you -see a a Y
some funny -tides lit I
ho have t cOACe1PtIQh: � of'* ih they they arr stinihad--,PeO and xnaixy� of them'will, cer� -siege gunsi
1jim." These. Were the.' much sor�r'ow' we inight escape if *a of:ftfo here, do't you But the areat,man N�as not satir,- pie;
various'llishes . VOlich can Ve-:made The uses �of 'Motor wagons iii, the.
he' Qsked,� the -do. aft that is possible ' to y be likely to th
would oil' fie. wit meirely lookili -at eso, t taiill ink. a IfttJ6 b&
Xary - Tdagdalexx& to � Peter. ana'John I n y believe -Go nink to Mr. IM, wi.th.them. as'a.basis.' This doheate -1� ap 0 IT niost, fore they go over to any rival ton" field. for, the- transportation of sup
on her return froxii the- 16. V' "Master If" 'What 'a, ' "Yes,"' sketch,. for he took out a glass and'. e the subtlis and Yet I sepulcher. 0 replied the. hotel px�6prjetor cake makes A notable example, and Plies� to supplement.: -the. field' ritt -
early on -the morning of the resur 'itum'in paryo Just. I n txh bit of It'anxiousl, Xn 4441 dqtied
be faun tfo n ' str gth,. : ypaVty ' d bY'ihe great Carp(lpatlonL. Wbie I
hea;venly "mu exami4ed every Yi will . potent influence which is intended to cern *at the risk of being 'boy
Santa SIP-, stirca6tic tent , 'of d li to' -the diva thei road and �tlxe -wagorA train '14
on's dlye meets voice. - "I get -all Sort$ and fillilily table:�F or the eake. use 'thii known; the* Above 6xp
rection d word "from each,' but. heart i "Whb,phinted- that lie. asked �t 11 h: oay. As all the 'leas - cola- I Lst. so long been*.their Sala deperidence,
ve shown -us 'the power heart. in thod;a two words. Tlie.heart. ditions of' Cheerfulness. eri
recipe a s
spoe cake
aid Mr.
and doings of the risel'andaspended brbk6n is �omfortod. ; 'the -Father 'of - - : I TR 10 FUR, -ANIMAZS 7 -melit illustraie - Another great� lise
the quarter ha mail 'here'. I've' -had lords and loafers, Prime Minjstej.�. or a .1114ng xxxi4 two'ba. of thern n ernianerit tQ�t1ficationg
and f
e, ad of All comfort has, jockeys, tog�ues, And vat "A. d fa
Christ, niere:160"' And .0 Phia brioflSr. -WONEN AND -TEE, 0ORONATiO14. gexleritlly� have been -gro�itly eplete'
it is not limits on'thIs r Abouds, wiSO have beta thbroughly r tIxO'.trv6ispor_t�Ltioxr of boav :ord"
OL. as -as of Hudson ;Bay And
ftether it b F rederic 'Welf And" here !he lo6ked.quizzi voting fk�xxd of 'Yoin's Which along the bhox
view day_which happens to b. ast- h hilled,' tbrougb., a ' cplajidex� and nance,
er,. to consider at oes' -.! the rtist incredulously. -C - * v6�9 trlbuta�,y to it. Thoy,-Aie. in the British - ttidla five types of
Whitfiqlct the sorrowing, brok- ai� ..the small le, of:Dress W)tieh Excite Inr the ri
noisy -,Yqup�� ge sprinkle the JU14-e 61 one. "Oil
ntlama"7- "WbLt*s his name
-esurrection, We see fix these women' n behit0d Mary, -or tb4 tlr6d and 'lfools� )low in thp, 'ackell40 Motor lorries.
i over. the pulp, Add the white. fbile Aerest in Ellgland., U I took part, all
W 1; 4xiow his name,". said 0 bas ld *that iprob
tet-rihed.'disciples in'the uppo dot' in And It' is- Sa
r room, hat heading do'we come Under?" ably zsteam. Iix�dPelled excdpi':one petroleum
as in the apostles, true believers in or doubting PIML egg And beat until, white 'and.foamy about two-. thirds I I . .*.
and ollowers � of the Lord.. Jbsus. Thoni,as" or,the,Weary, 'asked a Young ladv', turning a', Pail, Mr .-no-more do you. The cloth 6f gold for Zing Ed- Diamlar 4ilgina, and only &iieaf'the
Haveready ono�idofleecupful of Xr4ft-
disappointed toil I of ev painter S '' coko'llatioll robe is b6in comes rom that,�Irbgloxx. Xaturally
with life And the future &11 Aark to ers oil the' aLs! 61 Lbe4utilvi grey�blue::.6yaS tO,. .Afr. I Cry ulated � Sugar. bolled L With half a'_Cixp-� waid' Steam, engines using liquid fuel'L The
PA'iA inquiring Y.,' n London..'.' inl: of
Jesus shows Himself, -the risen Chri I wilto a'S way.ea� arid 'Is;',,upofi: completion to!be as t1teArapper now,goes a little fur -
them because they knew not of the to each Ali Is Made right, and the% "Yes , 'but.' YOU don't' know tho, 'r _ jAntil.it forms oft ' IL'.SChool I . 11 .1 steam vehicles were A. Straker,' two
resurrection, and they k3pow not'lle- all The old Mali,- who hi%A handed over to. the Roya of -ther north, to'
r most at his urs.. Thornycrofts
cause they believed not. eV@ry.L State been read- Will. wheir droppe& iix� liirater,T !?our NeedIdworic. Princess. -Christian there;j no hi the qual- Th6 tr And a: Foden Wagon.
SuMelevey of Christ for: ing human nattire'111 the Stillness name of this and," insisted Mr, Pim. Art s' detqloi.0ioxx, .2
In the Its- of man's heart fig. me. Thia the night for nearly 'half' a centu'r Of doesnt advertlie hi this, sirup sloivfy ov the banana ials, W6re eoxxdu�tdd. at- Alilor,:.
sons of the quarter' *b ba any paper, Y , or of Schlemig-HolUtelit , is' responsible the further north , he goes, shot- by the War , OffLee -committee Oil
ve Seen M6'keen eyes'to her for far run am -boating briskly All the wh -to more. beautiful: are tire furs. The Meblianical TiAap'ort-and the ptin-
and* he. doe5n't about asking the . ile,
thousands upon. thoiisands of men of; Mail. need's onlv t a Sap turried When' 'all - the sirup. hits been con. for this move, � tire school being - her' tl
presoint.Himsalf moment', and, aft -help",
er , glance at - thei pet hobby. Her' proiegees arli to of tile Maekdbals - River - b
and women Mudd; now Creatues. in surfied,aild �rxo teasPoartful- of,granl; lly� ver, , title and asin ciple requirements Were �that'the;.vie-,
8, name I" said the, work upon the cloth a bold.des'iga-in Are, its ua v
the Power of His resurfeeti� 110 - stood by her Side, artist impatiq his ulated g-elatin whi6h*hab, been- dis� are mlxighly hielea lid CapablOLO1
*e And Lill - Wili I be Well , and the: heart young fellow W ma III
will be filled with 'joy and gladneSS, in:i trily" "Te'll need to be often th4t, it Satter voleb me- colors. prized
name olved,in & tablespoonful Of water. rough rauds- and across 'rouhtx�y a
schild, YOU -come , -the Mixture b6CbaLeS COOj Queeli onation.. robe -It' will be. interesting to..rA6nti �Alxionajly, � to,'bo , capabIe, of: going
Christ be- not risen alf'PieAdhimg. and rep6se.quietly-Iii*Hiin, Pregent,L my We. haven't 'Many Vitzioria's cox- On
'ather in like fashion the. animals that figuge' most largaw-. Wliex;
ovev- "I ascerid. unto my I d, Under xxa.heading,- artists in. Vngland let n . �e lInd'this 'Beat norhanionted, � . I IL I :. -
-vain said none has.biten aaVed'- YOU, have not ypt. .4uick�ly I i, And bgilisAO thicken when spread.yt. ever A country . cart call go,,. -to.
T�'Athe, axid�to my' God and qvalifled yourself,,, a$ ly In. p: Your with a, gorgeous design of . ros CanadA'S fui �Ziade, In
er III be. but Olirlst ll4ng ri, an " aa tldd'turn�d. -s7 L point. carry Ave tons:- (i�reO - on the, ' lorry.
again t'th Th - lightly. between the layti - 'of cake 62,numbers ihV,muskkat i-nids-first,_
n ked At was -how � th, -shawrocks a CO
from the dead, And having.;,all power your Gall:2,0, The question.is ofte Then ho. to ad thistled. itself. find two" �trailr). exciv-
1h, two -or-' three mornlixgs - the And OvOr Aha� *-O'P,
In heaven And earth -every Purpose: asked, Why -did our Lord, not *allow fil low, by Ild 'Sidii,.-, wh� had a curi� The. royal wish that .0, aglish - silUs though the catc,4 "declined from: 2,,- 'f , fuel,* A;nd tb be, caIr.'
k ng. tat And Said 'to th great Man �Ix.�d,taujht� him: more, or C .��.Cre `6natibn� w 485,000 in 1887 1 4 0
of the Lord sbal� be perforinqii (1, Vary to touch'Him hen. just,- a iit-' ously stri I a of La�y ake am hdi- Shall ho ils"od for the Cox as to 649 000 in 1894. L fLU:ll oad-�Of- A. speed -of
-qua ters of, a cUp of . Able under
O'lialliting.t.han,be.had learnt in. so. qUghly . three 11. '�ent a
10 later' the.same illorning At al- girl : I . I . . -a It
Car. xv, many . years. More�'tbayi:,t1at, 3)6 in� utter with two cups of. sugar. Add helped on byi the, �xldblti6n of It is rarely found north pt,t a timafgbt.L'_ miles': an ho�r on fair, level
up opportunity 'five On is O8-5. 'The two selple.5'ran. Ueeall-se, lowed the other women to ld "YO 'Miy, be; British silks held'. for the -benefit of. ber'llmit And Ifavorite It
11 N cOM*'troduced him to.the public ; go that the beaten YdIks,of three' eggs, 441f,
by'L the feet and Wbrsbip Him ? 119. the Queoil's Xiir (is' Fund' 1he he 'lower 'Sascatdiawaxi basin, Who'
of Mary's '�mossage, 'Arid the his 'wokk . at fail, attention, and he the grated,rind of One orauge'and'a S ro ra-Stds" Up all.d' 'down And td
fleetest of - the Awo,' xxvill, 9.) .'Why BY this time Princess of Wales ;Who is prosideat it, someyear
not, be con- most Of the party had ` ;,' it -failly swarms. - The calle without -6h
�Igll� quarter, te�aspoo a er aid a -ri4er of -,I.,
nfill of sittt, . Put the pelt Afr'onx.
Lo),Ws ow- reason, to and' those t no longer' had to Slip but. ajLL of National Silk AssociatioXi, Iau.12 s.
tnt ;f1th, the gone or Wo Were alone. to take is Walk in Or strained juice �of'two large orange to. 15
stooped down and looked in. and saw �'Vor I -am. ftot'yet aacoildod..t6 My at the COITOO-Aall. der to hide his cents, T6 skunki % fur that 'is in, on 81 Thp VehinleS a're to beL work-.
Cold attended.the, e�klxibltio ,and so d ed1by:on6 man dxxIy,':and'LxxXUt; run,
the linen lothes lying, but. did not sshabby clotheal into a cup and `44 up with. I P abAda't bith 1
- ?" The - Inference, plain, The girl.ttppeared to be'strucic by. the ladies who happened to. go In. It may have.seemed o him F athei (tit large. demand, is ll 0 U. for f6fty-eight " hours without qver�
the �old mail'$ 8011:10 Way "tile Public heard: ' at water. Add this to the butter, sug- the prairie and lie Wooded coun-
1.0o sacred a thing to ntep into 'such and -eas� that before the other . we- emark, for she Said , the s . trango,manor til Which he had ar . and- akgs� betl ln three. 'and. be. in *.or neo";r , Loildoc for. aside men met Him 11� y of' the Noithwest, 600,00
a place, or it.may,ba' tli' ad ascoridbd� to, S MY opportunity really com- train L loyaltyi there WAS.-& keen our- tr.
at e feared ing been. discovered ; but there VV4 0, hAlt 0, 0 or Oxie of the Thornycroft� wag4ne're&.
His Father and returned. Dur1rig. X.Wonder if 1 B12411 make UOe tips of figur, than. - thd stiffly the �fir t
he might see -the preciou'- body,. de- Ce connected ' w losity In rekdrd to thelitO Size- MO- More bf thow sometimes re�ching. ceived. s prize, the VoOn.
elsewh thifort days e evidentlyL ascended of , it Circumsfan ith - his wbipped whites of* the eggs, , Sift 461 of the Coronation robe appr the market in season. Camadia
secrated, lying art If,, the leareer-whieb. never b6came ublic— two teaspoonfuls baking p6wder With oved, . , a A wagon' the secorld'iAlid the Straker
and mturned-many.thiles, before the, 'Whit about ink old boy by the Queen, rabbit - beltS iialdom.'rea�h, the in -.- vehicle the t
tomb. We cannot tho'Young no,, not even whorl his Marriage with the fiour, Beat -hard. for several hfrd,, Vbo,BrIt1sh'do'v�
�t visible ascal2slolfir, since �,vvliich- he Mal), , "Lin I arriblig Rumor has it that in splie of toy- hats in , excess ' 01 '100,006 d'Year, ernment barught the first. two* for, use
houghts and feelings, inx.til he ha.11 tile. the bea�utiful. Miss Trent was ' an- lillnutes, then bako..in leyer, :tIns. For
Sheep or the g9atj j" on- The animalLis found all
not et,returned, but no will l.Ity and royal wishes to the' a in. 8outh'AfrIca.
Sam but: this, (Acts nbuitaild—and
US hwe surely know,, that if he IladL be-, 4n soon not., are among the tars carefully hiddan.away in his doublei. boiler. . Beat till light three tra�y, inithy ei)roxxatlo� 6rdoioa have Wooded' country and Is'silijoct. to
At 'present you le of -let- J-116�'fillilig Scald a eUP Of nifik'ill''a over the
18. Her tears'weie'drled, her hoart 906tg' ?" said the .61d�. bo perloAq Of plieno=enal
lieved his Lord's',V�ords he would ffeia-:stall . great. �ncreaso or
She Wont L as I trunk, which. had chaered Mi dito `�f IN WS OV T 'M FIRE,
Was 'glad and, Its mes_ keeper grimly. in week level, tablesPoonfuls of na alrcady� becin,placed with the, Scarcip Oliver, the a r
not have bepri sui-pilged. to'And An pointing. two tablespoonfuls of sugar and..tSb Pariskaii drelishlakers, TAM TA 3:
Senger to comfort. - oters As they .17110 Young Mali wag - evidently half by weeki without once disap' The Qubell's -of honor not the Ycimanton 'Bullet0r,'. wro. 9,a.
empty tomb, but- raightgather have Add his -to -the Mswhile ago that rabbits� Increase for Story, of a Co Deed by at
exil nly milk, t;W.till itgh)ckens; take from
mourned and- wept,.'b6t a: she told offended, and Said sharply Ill Ali through thL long time of yolks of three ad joyfully exclaimed, "Ho 19 ris 'Oh, I think it �tigglixl4�icttero Which, had being peerosses,, have less to Worry,
_Peter L more 'imPulsib, when thqM the wonderful story they would 'a time We got. be, over than tile other Women Whor will years till.the country is fairlyLover-
ndV' believe' her (Mark 'xvi, Miss Trent 1" 040 mi*gago Lin': 'waitink ki, the fire,'(Ldd half the grated rind at take part I'll Lt man, -h them. Whem-the
6 right, into th '; le he corona*tion core flowing wit .. The risks that firexacii take are an.
Nolther did t ai x1cid from the girl, and g You- , Struggle on dt nothing. ant <)range and two t%blospoonful� of India L h y-, are
cher, than John follows, and they hak at first believe the aside to ies. They tire not Sitting up higMs numerous, the as MV6,-abund-
two: who, Sa* I -Tim later oll'the* game Somewhat grull "Odod-night I" from Not Once had they met after that� strained orhnge jWce, Set everlasting wonder,' even- though. al-.'
both sea the linexx clothes lying! and night wheh� he fil-ft knew. agolliiing over cQronets. end Won- ftace,
day,, and - whati, in the i3vening, go the Young man, they went a1w ha but cool, t6rispread betwleen the lavers. . VURIXG. TIM W mbst tvery paper contains stories. 04
the napkin that was� about.Xis Head Ity, Mr. Pita tout dering what the State of their hair INTER&
Appeared ubta the 'eleven He upbraid- leaving Mr, Pint to'h]S' Own Caustic d ve old ho,* Once Into two tablesPoonrills of the jUfCQ, Jet th0fr. bravery, But the Man bellixill,
wrapped together in it place'lly itself ed,them with.-thoir unbelief. shrewd Or twice YOU ill be aff6r the br donning of :rLifien the rabbits. unaccountably �do- the he has, . oil.
thoughts, ng lady, carefully stir , poyvdored sugar ..sufficient to w
and they -believed Vary's' taslimony "That 'S the way of the world," he Wrapped hi. a long cloak, had hick Laing -.1ild spp�ad oil the those wkward emblems of thilr -crease more rapidly - than theY` had IV hine going, and.111
.1 L I Callao lna,J�e a to keep jlls Mae
thAt the body was not in the, tomb.' . muttered to his friend the' coffee- f to lill-a lata at � night., . merely to' hear top. rank,. increased and the Indiana Art do- �s safe as the Man who pulls thi
but beyond that, ad to bat hitd- urn. - "A cro him talk :The - luftids. Will Wear L* White with prived one grout supply of winter upright "donk T'
out a o. ht
become of the body they were. In the wd goes by, and, Of A, customer who was Silver tritins and will-9port the tft- food. Sometimes an abundance
varys Very Shabby, mritl very poor,— Of story qf Bill Brown, aa.told by Mr,
the whole croWd,, there's one man, nXaddenod VeeiOisd IIJ15 Milster, Of IS. London Answers, (]call makes up* for it, scarcity -of rab� cloveland * Moffett,
dark, as the verses following tostify. and perhaps. one' - woman, who WOnTH. XONVI ditianal strich. feathers in tilah oor as yet they know not the Took.,a, Wife. -r
worth noting." Wo%lia#tgx� the soll of, pot Plants lair,* So.' tfho Chances aici that lieft, bit,, but when both are soarce..many Daring And ihows tha:tthj
Scripture, that 116 must rido again. A 0 1114Y 't, ad by Saturatfixg, tito 0011 of the* Ceremony Will be of the Indlans.starvo. engineer's brit;Vory 14 abitletimes pu(
tim'190 dual was yOught I lately -He proceeded to pack up his uten
from the dead.1' - 13cside's 1.110, 1 Own, In the too 'Llidiivedii 3he411- sils, chattiag ajjpfj� more whole-heart6d. than that at the
t6'111i silent coln� With lime watoj,, 'of tho,feininhio contla I gent. . The Otte", Yielding Ono Of the most to tests as seveie as thpso which'ttu
oft repeated words they migbtwith' IV adult In '14,luro�o And his panions all the time, , ThE POINT NV,*�S. X16SING cation does not kill them, try it rest. valuable Of fur5, is 'low' nesply ex- hosemall or'tho ladderiban t)v4kii ha;
annointed eyes,,have loan His raglip- keeper. The gorilla Wag killed after shall see him again" Apropos of bead:Ladornmolit, the t erminatod, The catch of 1. - t
lie agWit four at, 9ve days afterward. a endupe,
reetion fit Pa. xyl, 10; ISA. xxvj, :Li),. a, light lasting, twenty minutes, in Said. "TIP thel tree air in the gutter, 'Trofessor,." suld all acquaintancog Tho.Chineso call beat -us In roaatm new Queell is' to have 1% fiew Crown, 060 lift 1887 was recluMd.abolit -one- What limpelled wtis this, ..EaKille �01
Iiii, 10; 110S. V1, 2, or at least A, which the Iteepor taidergtaxid Latl do y expressly. for her, and, it ig. half five Years latvi% As the fur is
Wat'so horribly Who.:kn6Ws ? She doesn't. know. ; "you, ou' �114 After it, tomer Out inado pulaping hor.prottlen, stood 4t th(
no I of the
mangled . that he died. 11�* A' hall not 71, said, more becoming thall the sariall vory valuelblo
strong suggestion of it, but their q rs And Yet it is she'*h6 will write his Ovell'-the ligni it in ie Smoke of the rctul�'hs al'6 still dornet.-L near the drug houso� that
hearts Weril * Aot. 110oli it 'kingdom later. fato, And perhaps she doesn't even "Well," ieplied thoL.ProfegSOV, "I aromatic berbs which givo.it.ti, filio jewelled tot) knot of other years. quite Ixport4lXt-,, *11110 -animal Is: of. the drivorthought it wasn't, date -tot'
which, according to their Way Of L The famous gorllsk, 'Wag* called know that his.fato is in her hands. may be said to'have a fair'. knoA. flavor and polls It of the pol,L-y tstd, Another coronation ttem now exor- ten. shot Ill. the Water, at- oft land. the horses. and led them kway. 'That
thinking, was to be establJohod there FrancOls. ITO Wits one of the largest That's the pity of it—sho may not edge of Latin ; Yes." Take a 'ituantity of Currants and chilng the thought and skill of do- Marten is bolding its own very well, left lql.owll tdoxiLl, against tlie cheek'
Species, dud always liad bet,
and than, kind. being filled ��ith'their ln Par- even know that the fato of 9, man is, "I know OVOrYbOdY SaysyOU have, iriash tfloill to pulp And Strata igners And Wor thOU911 ationt' I(A000 Of those *Lltl- of the Are, WAtelling his.boilor-.4nd
own thoughts they had no place'lor fectly tractable, Showing OSPeCiAl At- In her hands 1" 1 %visit- You would toll me, What through a. Slice very ripe bil, tion. 111blo, Which will 'be gorgeously ablo full Animals a14 taken in Wood- keeping Mill, steam-gago at sevbjity-
that I have nallas and pour the sweatetled juice
and'purpolies. -faction for )its keeper,. a, man of,the 'Voltz' means. Nobod bound In Crimson, eniblazotled with ell oil steel traps evory Year.: This five
disciples Went, to thelil name- of JoUrldim, until the latter A couple .01 years heard. of tile of the cur�ttatjj over tho�i, 'The Z the tire gained, chunks �f red -
to, Vho rolled by, and asked sooms to have the Iloyal Ars in gold, and fastall- atilmal In found dvor�nvhera ndrbh as
the married a few weeks ago, wrolight gold far as the troo limit, The Supply f ot sandstone began to, smash, down
own home, but Maty rowaffiod still Up. Plin, whooled fits temperance word." Colijbination 10 dollotpil ad with elitboratel
nopulcht-i- weeping, Zuke says that The bride visited tlie zoa'often there Is all clasp hits very greatly diminished" oft the 011glue. Brown, r&ft his prbs-
hotel, night by 'night to ali Y such word 'uk To get it, cork out of a. 'This bible is one of the Pei,
dtot departed wondering it, 'fijl�lxsolf and the g0rilla, Was vory sensitive 01. SIO&xio street, Volixj madam—of whiell I -have Six� K.Wire And Insert It, getting it Over 4ulslteq of the prelate who admin- about a sixth f that of 1887.'wheft sure up to otl Watched tha
at th.
'it L Which was coma it) ass about tho attention She iho*ed - He Was still' making caustic obser� pious, doubts—' certainly do not the cori�; tro burn 4 Candle fit it 'istOl's thO Oath, uoarly 400.000 wora- trapped in the deal, 'anxfbusl�i where the four Aro-
(Luko xxIv, 12), flat Jourlxo*t., When he Perceived that Vtiong'On the Ways. of the World'at A11101 What It 1110ans", r�txeam.
�ftot believing 'f jar oil bottlo 01do a, place of Pastel The beaver's Canadian, habitat Is a . had gone into
06'undoubtedly proforred Ill rofessor, bord Into the necli, thus causing An; JOHN Lthd furnace,
Christ was risen, but,bolloving. sitil. 9 keOPCr, large, and holding confidential Chats "You gurpriqO ' me p
Ply that 1TJs body i�as hot Ili the PrAncol's -boutime more and more With his coirea-urn. I man Of Your (Ltt4frxmCutd Ought to outWard and inward th-aft, almost evorywhore except on J.'110 I Then an explosion of, ehomit4i. I#
tomb and wondering what had he_� fiftallY JOUX-noUX found But his coffee�urxi was %lot liki only know.that means Vol. IX..,Yg Whon, shoos ar , aked Plains. 110 Is lound 49 far 'the building sent it flame, v�,Jd6 4s f;h(
a too large at tho t1john IF, Silo said, fookill at hill' n
9 1 � north a tmes grow, train tho
collie of It stud What It all mearit,; It impossible to apProach the gor- compailloti,, $or maty improbab;e The Professor dOVOt4d a moment heal. And are unplestartlit. bp severely, "elfil you know that Sester-,j Rocky house rurling Across the'stteet, an.
We are reminded by the diselples lind Alla, especially if Mrs. Jourhoux s alting up hid re'.'erve and. bring- 91JpPing" At ploca of volvet Should be day was to tho -Labrador coast, wrapping engwo and mall, And Oct,
W4 = stopped At big hotel, and to c the annivrsary of our i The hunter sots, his irtip in the ant" tfng fire to the elovated ralfivay 8t,
Mary of V to appreciate the queer I, Ing 1AS'light artillery Ao actidit, 'cut out and fitted In the livel, Gluo wodding Vo
time when Ildvery , Ulan alght. at( I mails housa Or g went to Ills Own home' JCSUS 'Wont Four daya' Ago Francolb was so Man's acuteness, "It 1.4 no wonder, inadatil," he gaJ4 this vetvOt, to -1,110 Inside botto'U, Of,; "Certainly, my, darling, cortilinly, pAs him by tion overhoad. Bill Brown st�ild,bY
"that I did not 81-10 tho;.0billt �of tbo 11001 and tile 011pping Will be he replied, Preto OT Ilis engine Witt, it Shelit VE fitorall
;&to the, Mount of Oliveo,�, �Jobn .1gurly &nd quiet,,, that 'tho, 1eepor There was one man—a young man nding that bo ove
U joke, You left the point 'a, I Tit spite of tha Wide raligo, Of the ll,nii him. 1,10 heard tootst8ps oil the.
Yll, 158; vill, I) Did yog ever thought he w4s Sick And tntered the —who had taken to coming Almost yo p tit, soppod, as the velvet Clings to the WeAllit , at all AOo it precious -body 10,414 away' cage to comfort his former Pe�- The overy night—or, rather, moring—to of stoeUings and prevents It, they solid that little thing out froni inal the supply of fur is rapidly fall. Pavement and valees that grew falut-
lrom, your sight, and the friends, alid 906114 . hilmodJotely r sprang . upon drink 040 of Xr, PIM's. cups of' It Is an ew,,ouraghig fatt that the Ing Onl, ft'tjout half tll(Lt Or, Crying, "Hull got- your livest" nc�-
the )evi,-allcr's that I ordered for
relatiVds All *ant to thair homes, him. JourflauX hold a short tan- coffee, Inclt attractivo tillogs about 0, WO- ushall go pound to -da alul Of tell Or twelva, ipgo; in othat was alone, ",in(( tAle akill.oxi, his hands
but, ou, having left that 'Which wag nor's fork, Which n1onO ixecoUntg for 310 was very pale and sbabby- A 0HEM11FUL �;Otlkll Mall. are the very on Vs she call. gain SC6 About It. Confound thote people, words, *11ft(iM S1111plies only 60,000 faco And neelt w0ro blistered,
tliti house In which tho one who was he fight. lasting so long, looking, and there was a pinched, �ou coming for hergelt It she will mako all Intel- auVwaY I ThOY ProntlRed, They'ditt) 60,001) skills 4 Year- T-11111bld is Drown knew wily Everyone wag
dearer to you than life had livoilln It heing dinner tiltio All - big faee that told on - effort. lillalcal It yeterda Without taill If pro ruliliffir 'xoth& ex
the other Sharp look about 11gont, utiful and oxtends. even beond . There Wouid be at
the tomb, felt that YOU- 110 I()ngOr �kCOVOPS had Withdr h tnbealth is possiblo to 411 OXCOI)t the there'd Anything 61at walies nit iad Alie limit of timber, but the fur Is Al- ploSiOlii, It WEI-14 . tolerably tolitMft
awn to a distant qUick-eyod Mr, im clearly enoug Vnelo I got f
had what 4ould be called It sli4lity., -Only three children Witnes- of th* talc of semi.starv4tiou that Is constitutionally werlk and I it is to have people lle to me about ferfor to that,ot Vuropo nd� only A that ho would the -it lie tayed. Zot.
got you Can symp4hizo' with Mary, ad the and they were beingr told. dor. roomatiz--an chil-blaills $n V61& ITealth means,no much,—a fine, Clear a thing 'of that Iduti. I'd have gone law 01011sands are caught. Tits fail%, clulms Were III the fipi) an(t
illy hall's an, bote feet—aft, In nose i
19. "Woman, why' ' woopost �o,,terrifletl that they failed to fetch 11ardly anyoue would recognim in sldfl, 01apoly 1i ley hall they The Skin of tile darlwat vilrintV of needed 00,Wattiv.
Wp gure, gracoful walu, Somewhere olve If 0 he qult�ls a)) -
thou V Thus spake the'angeYn to belp untll Journoux had succeeded In hirn, the well-dressed An my Cars done bin'troolt-bf.t, but good - teet,
young Swell 1, bllglit evs and gl00y I couldnt ha% o It r(,a(ly in time, tile Svrfox, Commonl Itilowil tts q1110 the water would full,
thank hebon, logo all 1119 Add Welt, t'll mako a raw Whon I the blhek fox, for a, vorV higlic' ' Ire stolced in coki and r ti g go
lidr, and She answers in t%bout. the, escaplug from the attgo who once, Stopped at tho Stall at myself. hair. Avo a li,
"Me Words she had used to vater 111110 gorilla followed before the three olrjoek In the morning, with a to those a, pleftilutlit SmIlo, il, got into town to-dity that, they price, Other varieties f'tlie' ,4ilvev tip another Votchi easing, tji� run�
and John. Words- imem, idle whojk Pot pould be Abut'And the dtiel *as young 1ady Who had singularly Manner alifl. A-rultivatod 111111t). And won't, forgat llext time, i'll bc�t. Yes, tax are not quito So valuable. though ning Parts %VtU% the Tle wax
thOrd I thiA telling Vol(f Ili tltil 6011tintied one end of beautiful grey -blue ees. ou tell in Iftst, but Also, important, good ttisto I it Ally de4r. I thourlt of eoatf� They -are the, rarest of the oltertug his, lito for his frionilq.,
heart unless they Come front th66 the building to the other. as is But Mr Vinribad not torgotten tho,good mail, the Ilaillil of that title lind lwattlpsq 11 dr0s. ylit, ITULY Yoli 0.11 da and Of that Other bi1ppy
i fOX04, Wbieh hicluiltv also red, blub In 0. tow minuteft, the four firomon
Who Cillt W110, havo -Ahbt0ii-bv, the Mod rstains. 1411lialtv fact. though he !lad not once r6ferred Wrd haverIng about ?" ()Iti all of theal.) if you will til1cp in- (illy. JVbat It glarloug—Xvily, 111,� alid white, the rod being !it larget out of the building, Thell Bill
VIOWRIV09 WPerlOnCed our sorrow. the, chil4ren Ilan away JI'V to oIt. I III-hat'a a J)assenl telligetit liallis, Thil, Rond; bealth li dapling, what tire ,you epylligo for It, Suppl And y1oldlog Myout 80,000 11rown, ran flop his, life with his, eoln.
14, 16. "Wmall, %Vl�lv weopest the til o' h0p Arrived the goillp, haod Good-evolling, Sit, SAM mr, Iim ger-11,11,10 it mra avis, is It not 71, cleautilleso, whole$01ne food "Oil, you wretell t" pho a yearl while only About 2l000 r a d es A socoo d or two litter 11n.
thou 7" Thift tillia the words are been, kfl led 0110 night to 111queOp tUlit.011101'. Old Pir; alwaya (ttid psiro.alr, tho cultivatod filludby ,It fault till next month, and you'rh sverfox nldxls iro Secured. They gino'46 w9 eJ.Xf,4h0d by tho 1*111fix,
from Jeritif; IT1111solf, and they lnkn The k�LIJY;r,.W�*Yohd 11�jtlx oAa 6yo "And how's tlit world beell using board It called it llalbatrow4,11 Pan- rettditig good booko aild talkingWith k-d-deeelvInK mb t (;a nwity I are, itt, trapa oi- by poirle walli,
More, for ITo can be touebed with a torn out, ralAdly losing blood frori ou ?" Yes, illy good follow ; 1nt(,,JI1gont �leople. Of what utill Wre DollIt, 7011 (lave to to-tAollell 1116 1, lining or Allootilig, - 111 ASS8 over',
feeling of '6110 InIftlitk9 (Mb. IV, fattily other WoulidAi,, itild lalifirfousIv 'lob, well 6xiough 11, said the' but I Call 'that it, rapa Avis just as I bpains, to it, wolliall if Hilo 41411not "Confoulld wollion, allyhoW 11" SMOR were takc�ll, but The heog luntelt wideiv him boeti.
mem , 4L wjy on quitl ' i
0Awt 4k l (Call Volt it glltift holuo," Old to IllaRe lierself ftttr40ttVd inev- said, INei 110 went down, file front tho 11111111301' itow Veara, atrailged 1l6tWW.lJ tile Illitilli 11buttv
AM booft compl6tol. riter to about 1Aj000.
Mary Ifteed 1,116 -allgalm an #i Vellew. Mr. 111 looked at 111tyl thell, I ealls tally And V're novel, happy h Tbc, IVIIX of tho� , AustriAlaft
opolto to hot, d 061 4XI Off And the 101VOr lip (tild 'part of .110-01fle who are half starved and that a ju.9t the marxie, da I I If the of 6usii pholts tum tliev'ro Making trouble thuxu� lives oil rbbits and I Vat'llalilent will bit Played oil April
thein lookIng at some one behind the chin had %,Is* boon bitten off. wear shabby clothes don't oftety calls. yolt anld hidlot." 1yellow and drop exallattlo the plarYt. -SWCS-11 fil tl)m Tegiou of Gioat, 16th "lid t7th,