HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-27, Page 2' t'• THE .CLINTON .NOWN.RECONP evern TWIN:10 en Scrofula The NeWS-Heeord Power Printing HOUSe ALTIRRT STRUT, CLINTON. TElbss SVSSezurgiogr--$1.00 per year in advance ;$1,00 may be charged it not so paid Nopapertilseentinned until all arrearages are paid, =unless at the option of thopublisher. The date to *bleb every subscription is paid le denoted on the label. AbvERTISING ItatzP-Transient advertise. reents, le cents per nonpariel nue for first insertien and cents per line for each 81113$0" quentinserthm. Smell advertisemente to exceed one inch,such as "I,ostn "strayed, "Stoleit," etc, inserted once for 00 cen Caeb oubsequent insertion 10 cents. Advertiseinents without specific directions will insertecl until forble and charged accord Copy forchange of ad,vertisements on Pages and must beinthe office on Saturday and for pages 1 and8on Mendes': to ensure change fog following issue, Consenter RATES. -The following table ehows our ratesfor specified periode and space; ADVEBTISING BATES, t Yr. 0 Mo. 3111e. I MO e70 00 el0 00 825 00 3850 Column 40 00 25 00 15 (10 Q 00 I Inoluma 2500 1500 800 2 60 * Column 18 OD 10 00 500 200 liven 000, 50 2 00 125 12nSpecial position froni 25 to 50 per cent extra 1Column W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor t What is Commonly inteirltee le not Oerofula but the scrofulous disposition. This is generally Ana chiefly indloted bY Cutaneolis erupetenti; aometimea by pals- nes% nervousness and general debility. The diseaae afflicted Biro. X. T. Snyder, 'Union 80., Troy. Ohio, when she was eigliteen years old, manifestIng itsclf by a bunch M her neck, which caused great pain, was boxed, alid became A running sore, It afflicted the daughter of Mrs. J. H. Jones, Parker City, Ind., when 13 yeara old, end developed sti rapidly that when, she was 18 she bad eleven running sores on her neck and about her ears, .These sufferers were not benefited by professional treatment, but, as they volute, tartly ally, were completely cured by Hood's Sorsaporilla This peculiar medIctne positively cor- rects the acrofulous disposition and radi- cally and permanently curets the disease, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Farm and isolated Town Property only insured. 'OFFIGERs J. B. McLean. President Kippen P. 9. ; Thos. Frazer Vicennesident, inucefield P. O. • T. E. Hays 'Seot2Treas., Seatorth P. 0,1 * G, DIRECTORS; W. G. Broadfoot. seatorth; John Grieve, Winthrop,. George Dale, Seaforth; John Watt, BANKS Bedeck ; John Bennewtes, Bradbagan ;James Evelio BeechWood ; Ames Connlety, Clinton Broanfoot, specter of I,osses, Seater hP:O. THE MOLSONS BANK Incorpotsted bY Act of Parlicment,1855. CAPITAL • • 42,500,000 REST s 82,150,000 HEAD OFFICE • MONTREAL. John Macao, Hippen AGENTS ; Robert Smith, „Oarlock; Reber IneMillan, Se -- forth ; James cummings, Egmondville ; J. W. Yo, Holmesville P. O. Paties desirous to effect insurance on trans sect other business will be promptly attended to on application to any ot the above officers a ddressed to their respective post offices. • WM. MOLE= MACPHERSON. President . , , . JAMES ELLIOT . GeneratIVIenager Notes discounted. Collections made. Drafts issued. Sterling and American Exchange bouitht and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. Interest anoWed on sums of et t;nd up, FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mort- gage required as seouritv. MC. BREWER, Manager, Clinton Going nnestEngrecl 64 .6 • Arataittal,, TIME TABLE, Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows Bernet° este GODEEICH Dv/mum. ' Goiligleast Express 7:38 a. 2:05 p. In. " " Mixed 4:15 p. m. 10:15 a m. 12:55p. m. 7:05 a. in. 44 0 10.27 p. m LONDON, notios AND BRIJQE DIVISION. C, D. McTAGGART BANKER. Going Soxth lanas 74375 141: ;in): Goliag Ne.rth faillxnendss 1030 a. m; 6:55 p. m. A. 0. PA.TTIS0N, F, R. HODGENS, Ve8t.pitacTsog Ticket Agent. A. General 'Banking Businete Transacted. • District lenssenger Agent. 'Toronto. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issuedt ' " Interest Allowed On Denosits, W. JACKSON , AGENT C. P. it. ALBERT STREET.' CLINTON, , OILINTON . Travellers to any part of the world should consult tbe ty. Small lots, out of store, bring LieciAL NiARK'ETC !SITUATION NEVER BETTER. 10;_ Delarsy'a Becent Successes Were . Unimportant. Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc DaTihlye cmoaririefswpoirnetisetkoilthoteb:Itudal 111. Trade Centres. un.bie to give, for obviousi mamma extact details regarding the present eases. Toronto, sfairca 26,-Wiseat„ .-Ne, , oPeratias of the troops in the field, Manitoba hard offered at 86c en foutow*la=mdog hotypettlirthtahoe eitite4ettnenr route, North Bay; No. 1 Northern was before. offered at 82*c en route, North Bay, "With thoroughness and zeal with. 82c bid; No. 'Northern at 78*0 which are most admirable, the col- on route N.B., with 770 bid. On- tario, No. 2 red winter, 70c bid, Misl-• „swims, operating anroorth;eysatsetmoafticiltiliiye dle freight, without Offerings. No. 2 "range white offered at 7t3c east on G.T.R., without bids, No. 1 spring, 720 bld east on G. T. R. without sellers. No. 2 spring offer- ed at 730 01.T.R., without bids. No. 2 goose offered at 67c 'middle freight on 0.1),11..• without bids. Barley. -No. .3 offered at 50ic out- side, without bids. . Peas -No. 2 offered at 81.c high freight Pacific, without bids. Oats. -Ne. 2 white offered at 42*c in buyers' sacks, low freight to New York, with 42c bid, and one car Sold at 4gO. No, 2 offered at 41.e, low freight to N. Y., now shipped with 40.1e bid. Two care of No, 8 white sold at 40c on a 14*c rate to Now York; five cars then offered at. 401c on 14nc rate. A bid of 43c on track here, was nin,cle for , No. 8 white. Corn, -No. 2.yellow offered at 57ie outside, with 57o bid. No, 2 mixed offered at n7c outside, • with 56c Ind. Rye -No.. 2 offered at 56nc on .a . T. R., middle freight, mils' SlIfIVen, without bids. • . ' • ne.'n • • cOUNTRY PRODUCE. clearing the country of the strongest centres of Doer resistance. "Such operations, however, re- quire, an enorinoes number of troops, and it is a tribute to Lord Kit - Wiener's strength that, in spite of Geeeral Delarey's recent successes, the columns operating against Gen- eral De Wet have not been weakened by single man. "It must be remembered that In conducting a war within so vast an area the.nunsber of troops has never been sufficlent, a fact which few peo- ple at home realize. An army of a million men• would not be excessive. Nor must the fact be lost sight of that our recent successes, in Orange Coloily, while owing much to the clash, zeal, and wisdom of the driv- ing columns, are the reselt of long, hard, and patient work,. which hes now been strikingly rewarded. The capture ot guile by General Delarey is unimportant at this stake of the war. The Boers seldom Arid use for captured guns --witness General De Wet's captures at Zweifontein, Gen- eral 13otha's at Brakenlartgte, and the seizures near the Bloemfontein water, works last September A, Dried Apples -The market is quiet, battery of guns would be -less use - with small lots jobbing at 6c; round fel to the Boer than a. few thousand lots bring 5ie per ib. Evaporated, roupds of ammunition, 10 to 10Ic,' "The heavy rains which have re - Hops -Business quiet, with prices ceutly fallen indicate an early and steady et 13e; yearlings at 8c. severe winter, which is always a face Honey -The market is steady at tor, and local farmers say that the 91 to 10c for strained. Combs, veldt. fires, which will destroy the $1.15 io $2.2,5 tier dozen. only available Boer .1 °rage, must, Maine Syrup -One -gallon tins, 950 owing to the present condition of to $1; small packages. $1.05 to the veldt, be severe." $1.15 per gallon (imperial). Sugar, 1 9 to 10e per lb., as to quality. 1 BURTED BY A COU'G.A.R. Beans -The market is quiet. Prices $1.10 to 81.30 per bush. as to gnat.- A hunter's Adventure in British ity, Handpicked, 81.85 to $1,40. Columbia. Cranbeiries -- Market unchanged, A hunter 'who was trailing after with stocka small. Cape Con, $9,50 bear meat in Britash Columbia re - to $10 per barrel. ports to the )yestern Sportsman an Onions -Market steady at $2,50 to experience which he calls a "narrow 88 per barrel. ' graze." If the incident happened as HaY, baled -The market is firm, the hunter tells it, it was indeed a with good deinand, Timothy 'quoted at $10.00 to $11 en track, Toronto, for No. 1, and at $9 to $9.2,5 for No: 2. Straw -The market is quiet.: Car lotS on track quoted at $5.75: te $6 the latter for No. 1, • Poultry:- Offerings limited,- and prices firm, We quote—Fresh killed turkeys, 12i. to 14e per lb; chickens, 70e to $1. • Potatoes -In ear lots on track, 62 to 67e per, big, according to qualn above in reference to tickets, tj• 1300TT fares, etc. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Ete. Money to Leen. • OrnecE-Elliott Block • BRYDONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notary Public, &en Orrice -Beaver Block, - Ctusnosi • . OONVEYANOING • . • RIDOUT HALE. , 4 Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan, C HALE JOHN RIDOUT Ir. NA GUNN , R. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. • Night calls at front door of residenceon Batten bury street, opposdte Presbyterian church. OFFICE -ONTARIO STREET, ODINTONs W. JAOKSOP/. AGENT C. RAC 'LIPPINCOTT'S _1 IVI THLYVII Au/a I N Els; I A PAIVII'LY,LIBRARYr- The Best in. Current Literature • 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEAA.LY MANY SHORT, STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR; 25 CTS. A COPY NO COIYTINUED, STORIES° EVERY must 13 Cline M MET g N ITSELF AP CAN EAT SUPPLY.. . . Great Scarcity Expected in the • Future. • • The. London Standard's PretOria correspondent, reviewing the pros-! • pects South Africa, says the ques- tion of tile re-ntocking nt the. new colonies ie a very serioile. ohe. . The • S th Af Ciold-storane ants ONTARIO STREET, opposite English ' church, tansamv. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and -Throat. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE- . • • Albort Street East north of RATTENEURY STREET. CLINTON. DENTISTRY • = Dit. AGNEW DENTIST. Will be at Bayfteld every Wednesday afternoon. OFFICE -Adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery., °LINTON, ONT. • DR. G. EARNEsT HOLMES Successor to Dr. Bruce. Clinton. Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. •D.D. 8.-Geaduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Wain. L. D. S. -First, class honor graduate of Dental Department of Toronto university. Special at ter. tion paid to preservation of childrenn teat h. Win be at the River Hotel, Ilayflold, every Monday :amnia. nr to u. on g kill:et' for the use of' the treeps, be, tween-July, 1000,• and Jithe, 1901, • no fewer than .184,000 Cattle' and 544,000 sheep: living are 'givein far the previotis nine eer 'for the last; °seven. monthS, nor:any record. 'for Natal. The • loss in.,cattle to Smith Africa- through the War can- . not, however, ,have been less, than 250,000,, and of sheep : over: a mil- lion. Breeding cattle -Were at, one • ' •' d 1 th thousand sci that • oxen might be • saVed .for transport. . •• • ' purposes.- For many years to ceme . South Africa wilt be almost wholly • P ld-stor n • 'ts • . D11,3. FREEMAN • VETERINARY SURGEON A member of the Veterinary Medical Aesoela• dons of London aid Edinburgh and Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Couege. • Office opposite pt. Paul's ehurch;On tario street Phone 07 . _ VETERINARY BLAdialVii BALL ' WET ERINARY SoRGEONS, o0V- ERNMENT VnTnItINA,RY INSPECTOttS Union ISAAC Smear ; Ricifinence, ALSBERY STREET, Cusses. AUCTIONEER THOS. BROWN LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Sales conducted in all parts of the Counties of Huron and Perth. Orden; loft at News Reecnin office, Clintoin or addressee to Sea forth P 0 111 • 1 sfaetion guaranteed or no charges, Your rat- . °nage aonoitod. . . id . . w rote ve prompt antention. San meat supplies, - i` • 'OLD -AGE PENSIONS.. Reading of Bill in British ' House • of Commons, , A. London clasp:Abb. soya :-Tha. House of Commons to -day presented the second reeding of ,the Aged Pen- sioners' Bill. granting deserving noor persons a pension .01 feoth five to Seven shillinge Weekly, at the age of 65. It is estiMated that the sum of ly to pity the p . S. 1, tl national l',10,000.,000 Wil \be required annual- \ excliegoee (Lod th , lcieal authorities ea& providing hi If the amount re- quired. ' , As the Government at this session declared it douid not provide its share, the scheme is not likely to become effective. I '$20,000 FOR. WGILL. - . Sir W, ' MaCdonald Adds te MIS Malty Gifts. A Montreal deepatch says: -Sir Win, Mandoeald ' has added to his many gifts tO MeGiii Voiversitsr by giving $20,000 toward the library fund of the university', which Will now be largely increased. - MISCELLAIVEDUS cEo, Coughed- HOUSIMIOER AND 75c Per bag. . • TILE DAIRY MARKETS. . Butter -There is a fair trade, with receipts: of choice qualities still small. We quote as follows: -Choice 1 -lb prints, 1.9 to 20e; choice large rolls, 17 to 171c; secondary gredes,, in rolls, 15 to 16e; low grades, 12 to 130; creaniery prints, 22 to 23c; do.; solids, 21 te 221c. , Eggs -The ma.rket Arm; with sales at 1.84,. to 14e Per dozen in ease lotn Cheese -The market rules firm at 11 t 11 • lb., • choice Snptenibers. narrow graze ; but one cannot help suspecting .that some of the• invig- orating 'ozone, of the Northwest has got into the story. Nevertheless, It ie worth, hearing. . , It was wenn and .dry, and• along in the middle Of the afternoon be- gan to pine for rest and a pipe, It was,all quiet and, -no teem of game, and so whensi'd lied a comfortable smoke I stretched Out for a nap.• It ,mest have been an hoer later that. I Woke' up and fOund .ninself covered with two -feet of leaven, • snug as the babes. in,' the wood. I wits all. tucked in that cony that thiliony. else could.have done it .but eougar, .anc. racist ti.'temale:COuger at that. It 00cl:tried to tind with 'some force tliat • I'a neen , aanan'liarnfuture reference; and that I hadn't waked up any teo soon. It didn't sonthe me to.Agure on that cougar •stowing me away as a dog hides a bone. - It seetned that •the best thing for nie do. was to tounterniine that cougar's mine, • as •it Were. • So • • huntee .up - a log aboet my ••nize and CO VOiCCi it with the leaVes-a nice : ' fat hump on the groenn. • Then • • HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Dressed hogs are noininal,..With• few offering, and little ilerithad for .car - hinds. Hog prodocts in fair 'demand and steady. We qaote:-Baccm, long clear, 10 tia 101c, in ton and cane lots. Mese pork, 819,50 to $20; do„ short cut, $21.50: . Smoked Meats -Hams, 12n to 13tn breakfast • bacoo, 18n to lne; rolls, 11c; backs, ..3.3n. to 1nc, and should- er ,s 10ne. Lard -re market is Unchangen. We quot ,-'Fierces, 11.c; tubs, 111c; 11nc to 11.16; compouent 9 to 9P. • ' . • • • : 1114ITED STATES HARICETS. • • Btitialo, Marph Quiet and easy.. ,Wheat ---Spring active; No, .1 NOrtnern spot,. 78c; ' Non 2 red, Sac,. Orn --Weak; ,•No. 2 yellow, .65.1e; No. 3 de., 656; -No. 2 cern, 65en No, ..do„.. 64ne. Oats-SteadY;, No. 2 white, 50c; Eo, chin 491c; No.. 2 mixecl,..4'7i to 474c; No..8 'do.; t 47 B .1 ' , ' No. 1, 64i.c. • was after that meal and not to • ne taut ., March • 25. -Wheat closed- discouraged by any trifles. • it was Cash, No. 1: .hard, anazin No; 1 Nor- . her idea to •climb 'up abone me on them,. 71:c; No. 2 Northern, .69:c; the other tree, and then bring me May,' 72:c; July:. 73:e; Manitoba, don;n . with a. flying leap. ' . • • No. • 1 Nerthern, cash, 70ne; Munn nidn't lose any More time with 71te; No', 2. Northern, 67ne; • Oats- • enneriments or . speculationg, but iet • her have it the first tune.she came 41c. • Corn--60-nc. . , • round the tree, The . ball went Milwaukee, Mar. 25, closed --Lower; No. 2 , through. her jaw. and'breast, arid the No.. 1 Northern, 75 to 75,1,e; Northern, '74 to naiej • mann • nano,.I varthint *eat , to • the ground; • The Ree -'--Steady; No.- 1 60e, Barly__•. young ones • were renning around; Firm; No, 2, 651c. - , • , and I, knocked them over, too, with Minneapolis, March 25: - 'Wheet the gen. n • Since then 1, haVeint gone to sleep Closed -May 71-1c;. July. 72ie; on . track, No„ hard, 7410; No'. 1 Nor- 'in' the "kis so sareless and ca;sual thern, 72: ne• 72:e; •anan 2 Northern, like. • . • 704c, Ti'lour-Pirst patents, 88.80 to $3.90; seetind patents, $8.70 to 'TRAVEL' UNDER PRIVATION • • .shinhed a tree :close by, assuring myself beyond any doubts or perad- ,Venteres that . nobody • had. ineddled svith. the -working of my repeater. The cougar :canna in Such a short -tithe :as to shOw how, fortunate it waS • that' had waked up wnen I . did-, and .svith nor, es I hed ;calculat- ed, were a, Ohoice lot or young ones.. She !rad left a dinner 'located , end nad been. off to get lier fainilY.. Well, -that cougar eircleci around the pile of leeven for -a matter of minutes, crouching and pinking . nice . ••eelect place to enring from.. When ehe • got satisfied and made the leap she 'went through. the • air tre- mendous, • tlu•owing the Jean'es in .0 whirlivien and .scratcninn and. intern ing. It was .• ,some of , elsock • when • she :found Ann log, but she . alispley any disanpointnient. • • She just took the 'scent and • came -0 tne foot. •of my , tree end 'latticed Up, real -Venomous. . • • •nt seemed to- • her an. aWkwerd 'job • to- handle,' I tinning inn ••gun ready so, and • the • Cougar had- an inspire. flee: 'She went t.o.• a tree. about tee feet away and started- to go up. She • • THE 110M111101PARLIAMENTI NOTES Arar PROCEEDINGS IN TUE rgrontAx, nousE. TUE 'YEAR'S FINANCE. • In his budget opeech Mr. Fielding pointed out that the receipts on con. siolidated revenue account amounted to $52,514,701, while the expendi- ture was 846,866,867, leaving a sur- plus of $5,048,384. The capital ex- Penditure for the year had been *7,- 695,488, and, adding to this sum certain special expenditures, whigh were also cledisect under the same head, it gave a total of 811,116,- 49$, or an increase of $1,874,811. The aggregate expenditure of ell kinds was $57,982,$66, being an in- crease of *5,265,899, !Phe total net debt on June 30ta was 8268,480,- 000, an increase of 82,986,000 over the previoui year. The average in- ' crease for the past five years had been $1,996,514, cis against an aver- age for the eighteen years of Con- servative rule of $6,568,07.5. Mr. Fielding enumerated the increeses of revenue under the several heeds which had taken place during the year, in- cluding $285,969 froth postoffice re- eeipts, • The deficit in that depart - lama had been very materially re- auced, and the postoffiee returns for the cerreat year indicated the next budget would diiclose even more satisfactory results, For the eight Months of the' present year the re- ceipts had been $3,172,981, as against $2,909,128 for the correa- ponding period of the previous year, and $2,946,518 for the correspond- ing period of 1898. Since the last- mentioned year the domestic rate of postage had been reduced from 8 cents to 2 cents, and the Imperial rate -from 5 cents to 2 cents, not- withstanding ivhich nhe betterment upon the operations of the last eight menths was over $200,000: The to- tal 'net surplus for the past RYA years had been $16,748,557, aod the avsgage during the same period 88,- 348,705.. For the eighteen years of ConServative rule the surpluses amounted to $27,862,801; and the total deficits $18,060,648, leaving $9,801,71.3 as the total iiet sarplus for that period, or . an average of $to55m4,a5r8c9h. iciFthortitioherecvleirnrueenteonyoeallin• tuepd to $88,047,685, and he estimated that at the close of the yeer the to- •tal revenue watild ainount to $56,- 800,000, ae against an actual rev- enue last year of $52,514,701, so that the probable • increase for the year would be $2,285,29$. There had been expended fOr the current year up to March 10th, $30,138,502, and, taking into 'account. last year's expenditure, and allowing for% a con- siderable increase this year, he anti- cipated the 'total% when the twelve months closed wonld be $01,000,000 or $4,133,632 in advance of lest year's enpencliture on consolidated account. Ile expected the Simples t? be $5,800,000. . , . TI -In CAPITAL EXPENDITT,TRE. The capital' 'expenditure wou bi- ••exceptionally. large,. and he expected =it to total n14,250,000. ' This. would include railway, • Subsidies, iren and , steel bounties amounting to about I $700,000; whieli were for the first ntinie chargeable ne .canital account, 1 end large Sums for improving the equipment of . the hitercolothal and: for trannportation, and S950,000 for certain awards dealt with last sessioe. The addition to the public debt, at the end of the year : would therefore Amount to, close npon. 86,- 000;000, as against $5,420,000 dur- ing the last yeer of Cointeevative rule.- • The average 'annual addition to . the pablie debt would thou ainount to $2,793,000- as against $6,:••• 56:3;090. during the •Conser native nen gitne. Mr. Fielding then gave figured tO ehow that . iii the perr ' iod • from: 1885 • to . 1890 , only na' per cent. of the • capi- tal charges was paid for out Of re - 'venire, and. frem 1801 to 1896 only .35 per cent. wes. so paid, ' From 11897 to 1902, , howeverassumirig his estimate of the result', of the pre- seet year'n operations to' be correct -the Government , Would have pro- vided for cannel' and. special charges out :of revenue to the extent of 71. per cent. As to the nent fiscal year : beginning on July 1. Mr. 'Fielding sew no indications that prosperity Would not centinue. Notwithstand- ing that ' tne • Goyernmeiit had neen, able to meet • the large capital and ' special .expentlitutes ' 'Unposed upon it, recopese bad been had to tenipoia &int :loarin aggregatitig. aboutg.ln n50,000. Having regard to, this ann leans' which Weuld shortly mature,. the Governnient weuld shortly have to, go linen the inarket as borrowers. . . , _ . L el m wou e one in mg, the preseni:Year. or :next year, when the • loans thatnred, would. be deter- . hi 1 1 t • I Preiti lila obsiervatione while in the 'Old Country, Mr. Smart is of opia- te/a that the Britieli leles are still the Moist promising sollree of settlers for the Dominion. CLIMATE OF CANADA.. COL Hugliee called. attention to an alleged iitatement hy JoSeph Chamberlain regarding the "terrihle climate of Canada." Mr. Fielding said that all the Gov- ernMent knew about the matter wee the report M the public press. They were of the opinion that thein was senne clerical error, but it Ur. ()haus. berlain really held these views the di b i 1 to send the Oanaclictn lady teachere to call 011 hint 011 their way to - South Africa. RAVAGES or LOCUSTS. Refer° the Committee of Agricul- ture and Colonization Prof. Fletcher, Entomologist and. Botanist at the Experimental Farm, etated that it had been discovered that horse man- ure and Paris green were the most efilettelous remedy yet used to pro- tect wheat Adds in Manitoba from the ratages ot the locusts. Ae an exempt° of the necessity for prompt, mensures being taken by owners of orchards ag'ainst the San 'Tose scale, Prof. Fletcher cited the case of an' orchard oj 20,000 trees, the owner of which neglected to take ac- tive measures when the pest first ap- peared a few years ago. When he 'visited it last fall every tree was af- fected and many were dead. Whale oil or soap, crude petroleum, and fumigation. with hydrocyanic gas were the three remediee ivhich Prof- Fleteher regarded as most eftleacious. $3.80; fiest blears, 82.50 to . $2.55; `. •Seconcl clears, $2.20 to $2.25i•Bgan .Passenger Zed to Go Withont , , `, ' . ' and Eire. , Detroit, March 25, -Wheat -Closed .• A St.. Paul, Minn., deepatch. says: - 71C; white• 83-ic; No. 2 red • nee 'Min red Gloat Noithern pee -- cash, May, 82e; July, sehgers noints • west of the St. Louie,' March . 80.e. nen, eastern :Montana line; tweety tons of Wheat ---Cash; 81*e. ,Inly g matter, and car after ear of ,ternber, 78:c. ' . • baggage, • all snow bound for it iveek, reachen St.' Patti on . Friday night, ' • LIVE- STOCIC MARKET. The• first' seetion of the through train pulled in late in the • Toyota°, March, 25. -At the West- breaking a blockade that had lasted ern tattle yards tO-day the receipts e,nilge're told' stories 'of frontier were 50. carloads of nve stock, ID"' . • Eluding . 1,000 Chttie, 1 000 hOO'S • p ations. They were on the flint 4.00 sheep And lambs;. 80 calves 3o. • eastbomid Overland train same -bound colvs, and 21 spring lambs. . • • and were caught et Stanley, N. 1)„ 'The quotations for Toads of good to a station wide)) COWAN Of a aide choice 1 -oftener cattle were from 4*. - k • trac and a cattle yard, (9 4te paeic'inpaorund, with, from • an . From Thursday night • until Mon, eighth. to ter more paid occa- day morning,' .the passengers were sionelly for extra priblI0tIlotiPro' in.,,i, 10 hardly able to /ease the train. A Good Seeders are, nl_ r , lid no food wee' to 40 per pouriii, Witit‘a, froetion more bbenzzliT;Id eix.clegeep(tt the limited quantity . . for choice stuff, Both feeders awl 8 th . 1.1 t , ,. ,, , . etockers are in lair reqUest. • day Coaches gave out on Munday. FollOwing is the renge of quota- P.I'wo .brakestnen took empty Mail . , . _ tions;-- • . pouches and going , forward over the drIfte filled them, tvith eoal from the GENERAL I3LACICSIVIITII, Woodwork trolled and first-class material and. - work guaranteed. Farm implements end um elduee rebuilt and repitir_cd. $01311/InG A SPECIALTY = AinEter SYREET, Marin Curving stenn-nn en. nsnns ±*".'m -5-0* EXPERIENCE Retie MARKO Dtstatin CatiVenelfre &O. Minnie tenable Sketch said 1Yokthiption May eilioetr 11100r00tt,.1)tir opinion tr$0 *nether tlft tionsatrioureenneataga.„.sraues'ook on Pateliii lent nee. omen ANellef Tor eccutine patents. esteem taken threeth Mann t teeeite Waal toike,itibiottt o atge.181, 6 Jfittiltan. mand.„mer ohtfrir,04 teotot.ttt. tlicuMarlon Of untrellegart =Wet hi NH co Setiltaisivoi, y trK tt fibom 5,5 , „ 44 h d bb h • for many years. It deprived me of sleep and grew very thin. I • then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectorah ' and was quickly cured." N. N. Manor Fall Mills, Tenn. . 7 Sixty years of cures = and such testimony as the above have taugHt us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral : will do. 'We know it's the great. - est coug remedy ever made. And you will say so) too, after you try it. _ , Therescuteineverydrop. ,°"'4' LttguettiOigla iraVV4•I'itti 1:41'"I.ViTkeglaggift14,.. ' •-- - Tana elven negotiants tot kb °Tilt*? :Cattle. Shinners). Per ov1-0...- - 0 ' "•''' tender of the engine, • They returned Do „ light .... Butcher, .choice.,. 4.25 4.n0 4.50 . 5.00 *witli a, supply .of fuel after a hard fight against the storm, in which Buteliee, ord. to :good, 3.50 4.00 ,,,, both 'were badly frostbitten. The ,,,,,,,„15.ute„,,11" '1"f 14'5,,,,,r, gl,h)g 4,1-4,.: On 08V -pi OWS rf*DtbSti 1-1)0 t MI D on ...,,oe.ers„, pee c... ....,-,-- .,,,, - mortau3r, 91q4 it woo. 0011 •Ireat to , Sheep .and Lambs. Williston where )044 ciecenunotlaa. Choice ewes, per cwt8.50 4,00 . ,,_..t, loi s Were stVstilable and 100d pient,V. spring lambs, each •-• it;), vig, . Yearlings, per cwt ' 4,50 5,60 ' THE IRONY OF FATes , ...•_... • ni*PlafitIf• V 1-0 Pt'. 1 F .1 t litilkers and Calves. . Coe's, earth .„ .,. ,,, .--25,00 ' 45.00 Methuen Wee eh Uill tftfit "Cefl, Calves, each,„ .. ... ”, 2,00 10.00 voy” Trek When Captured, . 'Hogs. A London . deepatcli says:n-131e' Choose hogs, 'pee ctn. 5,75 6.00 u v pc fo? oy" trek durbig which toed Light hogs, pee met I'. rif 5.55 5.7./ ' . Ts, ,,,,t ,.,1,,,,, Wn fi en p i WOO was met I,„ Heavy hogs, per tert.„ 5.50 5,75 ' "'" "" Stags, per ern “. ... ,0,00 2.0.... over two pane tiara worg of tear* Sown, per eWt,,„ .„ 8.50 4.00 cAllY„" 11 PO eetenlint the Iftet *Inch il MS Or (WO bantam, to Simko. Atter ..4.d.41+0,04...104M14.1" ( ling up and down tlio kettnitr. itlff DUPPERIN LEM 008 548' tordolip wag intellsii»g 10 term up f • permanent headipiartorft, WO from • there direet, under Lord gjoilpnor's Will of rormOr CieiteettOralerteral supreme command, the operations of of Canada, the eolunins in Ais district, Besides, nays n.anhe 116 Wile of the Mind that the oon- A London despatch will of the late Marquis of Duiferin, voys Whiph in) Was Aecompanying who died February 12 last, Wee pro. tc,,ece becoming' fen sille4 te ileitifY bitted on WednesdaY. The estate is tile CloPloYhient et Oil Olcer et hie salLed at 1.108.34S. Ito*. . , • , CATTLE GUARDS. ' The 'Hallway Coramittee Met fdr the first time in the new committee :room. Mr. 'LanCaster's' bill adds to the Railway: Act a 'clause- that -no ann. Mats ...not allowed by law' to run at lerge shall be held tor the purpese of such liability to be improperly in a- plade adjoining the railway, if such animal gets upon the railway froni. the highway' by reaston of ornis- sion . neglect to maintain seen cattle innards or fences at the high - Way crossing. Nr. tancester sctid the 0,P,R. and G.T,R. Were required under Americen law to provide cat- tle guards, and they shoUld nOt ob- feet to do as nitich 'for Canadian as for American farmers. . 2.7here wad. a lively discussion, the friends of railWaye-and farmers alike asierting themselves with. vigor. Re- presentatives ot municipalities, of the railWaye, and of -the railway employees were pineent. In the enerse of the disetisSion It wail stat• ed that the number of railway time injured on the railway during the past year was 971; and there Were 11-8 killed, The railWay argUraent was that the bill wee not calculated to safeguard the livee of travellers and railway ernployeee, and that it was in effect a premium to farmers to get their cattle killed at good prices. (Cries of .".0h Oh 1") It was ae tnt the interest of tne railWaye as"to apyone to secure the safety Of the travelling nubile, imanAtriox AmaArtamlifins, James Sniart, Deputsr Miniater of the Interior, gave evidence before the Ifouse Coinniittee on AgriOulture and Colonization regarding the reorgan., izatien, of the Csinetlian emigretion agencies in the Vetted Kingdom an4 Liirope. The head office in. London is tO be pegioved from the office of the Iligh Commissioner to a more genteel M- ention, where a display Will 1)0 kept pp of Canedian products. lreder the 'High Commissiouer,• Mr, W, „T, it, Preston will have eharge of ell the British agencies and the agen- cies in Europe, reporting direetly 10 denartitiont At, 01.1:11Wp! TP Ireland ihe'ageney in Ulster is phieed in charge of Mr. &Kelly, with 1301411110'4'ra ill Pelfast. The Dublin agency 1011 remetn eharga 80 fp 0 abettor -4 1101%;,1111111,1)0Timn fnirr • eharge of Mr. Murray. TwentY-eight, locel agents Will be legeted in fairy 00;141 distriet. „ These (moon aro to Do veld by fl, commission of II Sitillingn Per' 1100 I tpinnetitll tiletSigirftlet.11P'Y t'eftlir"v" ayArsirl:o. b(celle:Cdttsfl. poet fill:ills VflowcrelaVilloi•n 18%,:ttittn,041 England will honeeforth he nt 0,hestep inetead of Liver'Pool. I rano a, P et,„ Irsolitinnes. b. -1 1., • REBATES PAID LAST YEAR. Rebates Were paid to agrieeltural implement manufacturers last year on account of experts froth Canada, as follows:-Maesey-Harris L om- pany, Toronto, $49,781; -Verity Plow Company; $8,165; Nekon Bros., $1',361; Mann Manufactur- ing Company, Brockville. ,$265; Hamilton Manufacturing Company, Peterborough,. $6. . CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT. Mr. Flint iatroduced a bill "to attend the Canada Temperance Act, and Acts la ameudrnent thereof." lain Charlton agreed to second .it, Iand the biil was given its first read, Mg. • IMr. Flint .promised to explain the , scope. of the measure the next time lit conies up, ' NEW BA.NIC. . Incorporation of the Crown Bank of Canada. to do a general banking bueiness, is sought by Messrs. H. R. Hardy, M. P. Davis, Cttawa, Lieut. -Col, J. A. McGillivray, To- ronto, W. Vandusen, and Senater 'Mines McMullen. PURCHASING SUPPLIES. The Publie Accounts. Committee examined Dr. Martineau, Medical -superintendent of the quarantine station at Grosse Isle, with refer- ence no the system of purchasing supplies for the station. Mr. Taylor examinen the - witnesses. Marti-, neau testified that most of the sup-; plies were bought from locel dealeisi a list of whom were furnished to him by the Government. .Two steam- boats are kent at the station for the , Purpose . of visiting incoming steamers. Dr,. Martineed • gave evi- deace at considerable length with reference to the. prices paid for sup- plies. He was unwilling to -admit that in any instance these prices were extravagant or that an exces-i siVe quantity was used. Eggs. at 20p a dozen .struck him as being ebout the right thing, , ' Coln Tnonipson asked him' if he theught the heee were tnorongh- bred, ' • ' Dr. Martineau. wan unable 'to give any informaticth on this point. • He expressed •tne opinion that on the whale* the suppling Could be purchas- ed c-heeper froth the local dealers than they could be firought . from Quebec., on account Of tne distance. . Mr.. Ewart, chief architect of the Public Works Department, Wan an -lined bt- Mr; Kemp with reference to a boiler at Grosse Isle, . for which 3$4 wap paid. nfr. Xerrip was under the impression that this was a standard boiler, for Which the re- gular peice was $37: The witness explained that this particular boiler Wan specially made, TO OUTFIT RURAL CORPS. 1 NO OAHE. IN POLIOYINEWS ITEM KING EDWARD MANES PLAIN BRITAIN'S ATTITUDE. .1•11.1.1 DeP.Iveta Csontaigions ilin South Necessary. of the King in South Melee, and the The Corn Exchange i$ opPOsed te Ittf,....1.,11 The Ancient •proverbial query, "Can the leopard change his spots 2" ap- An Anleelean plough firm maY Wee plies to the present politicel saw).- ta,blish a big factory at Peri*, Oat. tion. The question arises from the various rumors affecting the polieY having a tier in the new Montreal Board of Trade. nes, ays ey Ars s. Telegraphic Briefs ProM MI Over the Globe. CANADA. continuation in power of the TorY Mrs. Wm. hendrie has offored to build nurses' home at the Hewn* ton Hospital, at a cost of 88,000. Ministry, says a recent London let- ter. It is only those for whom the wish Ts father to the thought who affect to see signs of a change. ThoUgh 4 visitor at the residence of Mr, the Ceeil ferailY, Wile are now in the , John Hamilton, is ill with saddle, nifty be dismounted, their ,smellpox. successors in office will still be lin- The C.P.11. has even an order to the Hochelaga shops for '20 first. class ears and 1,000 additional box cars and six sleepers. Idr, George Whiteman of Winnipeg. perialists and advocates of the cruekl- ing out policy ageinst the Boers. NO BACKWARD STEp. Wbether the next premier be the • Peke of Devonshire or Larl , couple of young ladies in Stratford, bery, Rehear or Chamberlain, no , With De eagle, was lined $4.0 and costa backward step is considered pro -lin the Police Court. bable. The States once controlled by I The Manitoba 0 °remanent Will Kruger and Steyn are now perts of akain inerease the price - of that the Dritish empire, and the dictum Provirich's lands, another half della* "to have and to hol4" must con- en acre the first of April. Unite to be the policy of British • Ministers, if, with popular feeling P. H. Clergue, says that his roll, leg mills, which begin work next unchanged, they expect. to remeta in month, -have sufficient orders'for the Canadian market to keep' them busy office. • It is evident that the people, par - to the end of the 'year. liament and the colonies stand to- gether on this issue, and the indica,- The new Canadian Pacific shops at . tions are that should a general elec- Hochelaga will prebably comprise tton be called to -morrow imperial- twelve or fourteen buildinge, and the ism and all that it means-nwar, Inechine and boiler shop will. be a. bloodshed and ruinous expenditures quarter of a•mile in length. -woule receive popular approval. . There are many•more applications WOLSELEf STORY SCOUTED. for admission to the Kingston Dairy School than can be accepted, ' and - In ministerial Circles sneering ex- thoega the attendatige is .now 115 • ports that Field Marshal WolseleY pressions are made to answer the in - it is neceseary to provide still more , goes tO the Cape es the King's en- eneonmedntien. voy, to look over the field and re- • Itev. Fathet• Walsh, Whe struon . Modern Rifles and Equipment to • ' be Issued. • An Ottawa despatch says: -It is nOtified that Lee -Enfield rifles and °liner equipment will be. issued, up- on recatieltiOn, to.. rural regiments, provided district officers command- ing eertify that all the officers cons:. Manning cornea:ides nave suitable armoing at cob -many hea.dtmarters in which to 'stOre them, and that the efficieney of all the companies is such. as to ensure , their being pro- perly. cared for. ' . This certificate is to be append d to all requinitions In the handwrit- ing of the dietrict officer command- ing himeelf. • • , BODYGUARD. OF CYCLISTS. Lord Milner's. Mounted Escort at qohannesburg. A despaten to the London Daily Mail from Johannesburg states that cyclists take the place of the Ordin- ary mounted escort which usually surrounds the High Commissioner when he takes his rides abroad. Be- fore Lord Milner's carriage ride first of all two mounted orderlies armed With rifles, next come tvio cyclists in inufti,, then abreast of the car- riage two more cyclists, while two More bring up the rear, .1, r41' •IL1)4'StIo'11110‘1114Yee'llars.14.ES• 8! The long -Waisted dress knoWe tit e e 110 s gol 1 iiine? Llexliitastlytlets. The3Vety peetty pie sliaWn is inade of nal nsook With yoke and trimining of nee needle.. work, and is Worn With a ribbon sash; but all washable materials' 010 equally eppi•opriate,' While eeshinere, istitlbaNt.roogifia afionel frocks, • The skirt is circular and flares free - and gracefully at, the lower por- tion, while the Upper edge is joined teeoattoldie tsirs.h,seant tieing eofti. TO Mit this dress for a ehild of 8 yeere of age, 51 yards of material 21 inches wide, 5 yards incheti wwilidie,beorrog8Lyeadf:dwaith4eli yinnredlisesofW01110- Oyer enibroidery, 3 of edgitig 21 yardS of ihsertion to tritn illuS- batted. 81 million tone of tratilc is 0011.= Yelled yearly tin Britiah. Tort on peace measures. King Ed- • , • GREAT BRITAIN, ward is hardly • the man to employ The Lairds of Birkenneed are no* Oil suen a mission what the cabinet in the field to, compete with Helfand:I clientele calls a discredited 'soldier. aad Cinde shipbuntiern , - Lord • Kelnin, the molt inmous . the entire. •at peece - at the. time of Much as . Edward desires to hand scientist, will :visit America shortly, his. coronation, he hesitates to flout to °beer ve. electrical navance, : his thirlisteraby intrusting to the English nnnoo statistics allow that - former comma/icier-in-chief any 11 -1 -is" convictions Of persons who have had sion -that .carries with it a 'reflection on the Salisbury Government. The situation is . too delicate for active or exasperatiug endeavor, and Ed- ward will hardly invite a conflict of policy with hin advisers.• Timm IN OTHER. QUARTERS:. . . MOreover„ the conditions abroad are lowering and infiathinanle. China, Turkey,: the Balkans, Afghanistan and Peraia demand unremitting dip- lomatie . attention; and the king is wise enough to 'discern that political strife •at home is perilous while the powers, though openly declaring cor- diality of feeling., are still menacing- ly alert in watching for aty happen. lag that might erabisall the empire. Recurring, to Wolseley'setrip, 'it can be said that unless Xing Edward • han had • a remarkanle ehange• of heart within- the' lent, fete Weeks, lie„ too.. firmly .stands. against conees- sion to the Boers, Recently the Free Monona of Switzerland, through the Alpine Lodge ,at Zurich, petitioned the^ Britiek ruler • in 'a fraternal Mess sage to 'the London lodge.'f or 'anon - previous, criminal records is increan. inn. , The neweSt and greatest onchid on . exhibition at the • Royal Horticule . • tural .Society in London has been named 'Edward VII. • • . , The Royal Geographical SociettI has voted the Royal medal to Briga. dier-General Sir In. D. Lugard fon his explorations in tropical Africa. The Royal flutharie Sopiety hag awarded the Stanhope medal -(for the best case of saving life duritig the year) to Commander A. C. Lowry! of the Royal Navy. •Beroness Ramey, Londpn, bo.s ob.+ tabled a divoree from her husbandb: " and Captain liingsdOte got a divorce ' ' from his wife, who betrayed hog glint ny talking in her ' The great number of foreign priimes and ambassailers . who will be present at the coronation la . • putting. the • Ceart officials et thole) ' tiritn' Oat' to Ond Jodginge, and marcal offers of room§ froni the 'best tans+ ilies are being thankfully accepted, tion of the concentratiois camps and tor, netter treatment of the Boers., • ' • • UNITED STATES... • • The letter' NVent to the English Grand Lodge, of which the Duke • of • The insegance, ebmpa,nies neve Piintl Connaught is now Master, end the $4,011,000 on th9 mo55,000; fire Duke held ' a conferenee ' with the at Paterson N.J, •• • . • Kihg on the subject. • , • ROYAL REPLY TO' MASONS. After mature consideration ICing Edward, whose fraternal title IS Pa, trim of British Free Mations, erdered an exhaustive reply to be drawn up. This reply received . his official ,sanc- don, and it carried additional weight from the fact that it' was hia first public declaration en the , South African War. : - The letter declared that the.British had not violated the laws of war s that the Boers theriaselveg had :creat- ed the necessity for the -„concentrat tioh, campe ; that the mortality, while Oeplorable, Wes something for Which Britain could not be • held re- sponsible; that it , is tlie principle and the right war :that an enemy shoind be deprived of all means :of subsistence, and • that it Was an honor to Great Britain net tel •hene abandoned the Beers to the horrors of famine. • • DEFENCE OF'• THE :ARMY. The letter further deplored 'the So- callend malicious. reporte. affecting BriMin that prevailed timotighout the continent, justified the war in general and defended the Britian army froth the reproanli of cruelty, While the SWiss Masous were shocked at this roYal letter, the mis- sive shoWed clearly the attitude of Xing Edward, and :if he has nhaeged his mind in regard to limning coin ceeSions to the fighting burghers it May be set down 'es wcinderful nen vulsion in feeling, " • . • • GETS ANONYlvIOUS 'LETTERS , British Consul at. Nevi Orleans •Aska Protection. A New Orleans, La., . despatch says :-GeOrge Van. Sittaet, British Coasul at New Orleans, who declares his life and property are in danger from the Boers and Boer sympathiz- ere ih the city, and has appealed to the Mayor and pollee for priate,ction, sitys anonymous letters 'bane grown Much more nunierous and threaten- A union', eteam railroad station will be built . at Washingten; D.On of white marble,' costing • $5,000,00% ' Agricultural' men predict swarms 01 grass -hoppers ' for the far western States this summer. • , The Urine& States is 'Prepared t . i retaliate on Germany by '. excludire , ' her • wihes „ann. malt liquors from th country, - . • ' The report that the deCtorn whts . 'attended: the' late • Prepident afcrine • ' . ley' ,charged $100,000 : is egnied I they .0hargen only 350,09o. : . . • The• 11.5. -War Department win. . sencn. sOlniers to the Danish 'Weal Indies to establish a garrison when the United States takes formal pos..- session, • • " . • • Li Sing; a• Boston . Chinaman,' Jeff • his widoW t*o million dollars On ., his death. His remains are; betel!. - conveyed '' back ' to Canton, {Minas - ,. via Montreal, Vanconver,, and the, •• Empress of Duna.. Mrs. Li is anCome pahying . 'Orsini: . ,• • 0:a Thursday it:horse in Middleton,- N.Y., kicked a dog With -cannon ball •• • foree against the leg of D. L. Black 'rho wag standing oil the side Of • streen, and broke both ' bohes o Blann-rinIng, while the • dog Tins tin. . hurt: . • A bill appropriating $100;000,000 for the construction of gond. road' -- throughout the United n'tntes ' was • , ihtroduced .in the Hops@ . oh Wodnern . ' day by Representative Otay, on . Virginia,. The money is to be ap. • portioned ameng the -variousStatens Dr. '1'. Taylor; of. the North Car i HIM Boatel of Me,clieal F,xtunine • and his entire family were polione by eoffee aed hash, centaining ar-, , sehic, put there bY 3-ames Walker, a' negro driver, who had often thre ened to , .kill the negro. nurse. family were saved. • • . __-_ GENERAL. . . • The Parisian pollee 'force is. to be increased by one thousand Men. Three officials 'are on trial at ItqlBti charged with theft from.the Vatican usstaaandd trTeahseuryx, Inc 01 stain win 32.1- aim sinugsinectioluaste, tnaleicul • theacstsd as his hoese, eontemplating, he' be- America, and Japan, taanngtleyro arOund his Consular office, as' well -tour this summer of Europe, Nortil Heves, an attack oh hint: ' ' • l'he Afghan arrny is in a state or • Chief of Police JoUrnee has pro- insubordination, owing to arrears of wised to inVestigate, and if there are pa--.• y Only the Ameer's 'body guard' any good grounds for Mr. Van Sitt has been, paid. art's fear the request for protection An American syndicate will blind Will be granted. Police protection a metropolitan railemy in' St,! Peta has been recently granted the Britt& °robing to supersede the horse (Arca, mule stations here, at the request of at a -colt of $40,000,000, the British officere .and Secretary of State Hay, . A cabman in Faris itoran effort to find a woman whose p se, contain- ing $140, he had fotind, lost a half a AN IRISH RESOLUTION. day's work, but refused a reward Board of Guardians Congratulate Kruger. A London despatch says :-The feeling in Ireland is well illuStrated by a reeOlutiou noW on its way to Mr. Kruger, "care of Queen Wit- helmina," adopted on Wednesday by the Edenderry (King's County) guardians, an elective body, as fol- lows a-- • "We desire to -record our admire- titai of the megnificent stand the brave South Afrieari 12010111es have made against the colossal might of the British Empire, and to eons , gratuiate the humane Boer leader, Beiarey, on his reeent gTeat victory, Which hot only covers England with disgrace and ridicule, a result' em- inently gratifying to the rest of the civilized world, but which must have chastening effect on the jingoes of the greatest helot empire the world Into ever seen," • BOTHA'S POSITION. 10 Zettger on ttis Own Farm Near Vryheid. A Veylield despatch sayst-C,leneral Unice Hanilltois has aseertained that Louis Botha with 800 men is in laager on his 01011 farni, 25 Milne llOrtlenaet ef title place, 0,.**10,46taaa-,* Side-saddles were drat introduced in 1888, from the gratefill loser. An agreement Ims been concluded between Perste. and Russia by which Persia. gets a loan of 10,000,009 rOubles and litiesio, a eoncessio4 over a neer read from Tabriz to Tee heron, "1- UARNING HO Vs/ O. FA IR. • students at Guelph From All Col... nail of the Earth. - The annual report of the Ontarld Agricultutal College at Guelph has hist been, - issued, and shows that 281 studenta were registered for the general course last year, 80 in the dairy coUrse and 22 in the special-. Ws' course, For the three short courses, stoelt judging, poultry raiss ing, and domestic science; 844 ada ditiOnal studente Were registered:4 The anerage of. age was tWeritY years,, and the gainut ran from 3.6 to 85 years, In the,general ewers* 222 students mine from the Provinee of Ontario (48 counties being repeal sented), ,27 frorn the other proVinese of the Dominica), '7 from England, 8 from lima -ilea, 4 front the United States, 14 from the Argentine Res public, otie%eaelx from .Asia Itieeto Scotland, alaiteititis, end SWeden. Eighty of the' Ontario studente ott the roll in 1001 were sent to the College an nominees of County Conn. oils, Which, tinder the Act, have tho right to send to the eollege, free of tuition fees, one nominee each year/ • . . . • *en .'• '