The Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-27, Page 1T1s • • 111}1, .CLINTON it al .wit WS -RECORD. 23rd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THWRSDAY, MARCH 2, 19027 Whale Ili i Liber 1207 „ Conservative Conventions : South Huron in Hensall on Thursday,. ,.prix 3rd West Huron. at Smiths Hill on Wednesday, Atril9th ale. Ail, ••-v ®.1► aw.r -avo►••.... •R►.,... •ten a.-- ►-a..-+ .-•s•+►--abi►•-a►• 4 "Jn the Midst of Life," Etc. Another Referendum. .• The death of three citizens of Mu- inasmuch as Ion. G. W. Ross now ton this past week and of a former resorts to the referendum when the resident of town, has brought forcib- question is a knotty one and he does __-�� -- --.�, - _ I]y to mind " In the midst of life we not care to deal with ft,it is respect- . f are in death." Two of those who fully suggested that he 'refer the regis- have crossed the bar were sisters and try office appointment to a referen- j tomorrow afternoon there will be two dam also. Even those who are oppose ed to such a subterfuge by a back - boneless politician might be disposed to say amen in order to put the appli- cants out of agony. Owing to the =scandalous way in which the Government bas dealt with, this appciintment, Mr. Whitney, if he e Premier 1 isth , Feat r after the a ectfans,will be fully justified in 'declaring the of- ficevacant and in filling it promptly he will demonstrate that lie' is' t. man of Winch more backbone than . is Mr, Ross. f S THE NEW BABY 1 furnishes a great. deal or delight in the household as also does a fine new pattern of t1'alt Piper hung with artistic taste Come and See our exhibit of Wall Paper—won't cost you anything you know and if you,'e not pleated here, we honestly believe there's no other place in the county which can suit you, as to either pattern or price. Special price for Saturday and following week. 400 Hnlla Wall Paper.8 yards to the roll in Crean', Blue, Bull' and Green suiln i1' for bedrooms or riving rooms regular 15.•. t'3.Io, 10e nn stale naeti• per .i:,};t.• tan 7c 300 Rolls Wall Paper, Bronze and Galt suitable for any r•o..m, Blue, Cream, Buff, Terra Cotta and Green . worth regularly 20e and 25c now on sale per single roll... 1Oc .1 Co.,CLINTON. & cl, W. Cooper� Agents for 0. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express Money Ot dent, also for Butterick Patterns. ' ••...••••.••.•.00000.,0.0000••••••••••.••••••••••••••6 •• • • We are offering a nice line of o a • �iiuwger S�li;: is ;: t lbs. for 25c 0 Z • • 0 • Z SNAPS . Just think of getting 130 to 135 nice fresh ginger snaps for a quarter. They are cheaper than you can make • them and do away with the work. f CASH FOR BUTTER ALSOice line of Dried Peaches at 10c a lb. ' ,_ an ®%�� le Ctoper & C O AND EGGS. THE CASH GROCERY o•'**•••••.•.0.0.0aN,0••O••••••••0N••••••••••+•••••• 1 "Speaking of Pleasure, The Masses furnished by P. B. Crews, after a scientific examination of the eye., give a rn at enjoyable sense of pleasure after the old ill fitting sue, which I wore." Expert Watch Repairer. P.B. CREV V.S, Jeweller and Optician. Biddlecombe's Old Stand. :..••••00.0. 0.00••O.•••••00•••••••••••••••••••••••••• : i: • Halts • - • i • • = • • t 1 1 $ ♦ 11 h 1 Those hats have arrived direct from New York and they are the nohhiest line that has been shown in this section. We have them in black, fawn and brown. The bites!: shape is called the semi Florida. It is -between the oldshape and the high cornered rolling riot which makes a very nice medium. On Saturday we are going to give you a regular 20c col- lar for 15c each ort for 25c. P 1 i•••••.••O.••b•••0.O••.O•••ol•O•..•0000••.•••••••••••••• 4. J. IfOLLOWA1V t Hat (1) a Lr n o 6 50c Saved On Your Spring nat. Before selling nut Mr. Motrlsh had placed an order' for Spring Hats. They were the celebrated " Wakefield " goods, one of the best, English makes. The ]Hats were trade to bis order and were shipped before he sold out. Ris name was stamp- ed in the crown, and the agent made us a liberal concession, if we would take the order over. They are now here. They ate a line Mr. Morrish sold at $250. In order to cleat them out quickly, and because of the reduction we got from the agent, we place the lot on Rale Saturday at your cholre for a two dollar hill. $2.1130 Hate Selling Saturday Each $2 1 I ®!*OlELVnJ. I:;%�OS. 01 - �s�► 1 4 ���1 Real ]% f[ ll ea o n 0 Ph1 otogr,r When we 'arkeeaeltpoto. graph, we give it quality. There's artistic judgment in the posing and exposing.— there s photo raphfe ability in the retouehing and finish- ing. Our photographs are worth the price. interments in Clinton cemetery. 11IRS. JOHN PECKITT. This much .esteemed lady had been in poor healtlafor some time, but her condition was not considered danger- ous so that her death, which came in the twinkling of an eye Last Friday morning, was a fearful blow to the family which was thus so suddenly and sadly bereaved. Mr. Peckitt had arisen about the usual hour and a few minutes afterwards hearing a noise as if somebody had fallen in the room above he ran up and found Mrs. Peck- itt had fallen upon the floor and that the vital spark had fled. The cause was heartfailure, from which the -de ceased had suffered. Mrs. Peckitt was wife and mother the devoted wi- a and u'tsympathises whole .comm nt y , with' the husband and three sons, Fred. W., Louis and Thomas. The largely at- tended funeral took place on Monday rnto Clinton cemetery, The afternoon o , me y, T t services at house and grave were con ducted by Rev. W, Gt Howsonand the pallbearers were : Thomas •' and played byMrs. John Derr John Jackson, • Henrynry Stevens, John The ceremony was performed by Rev. Stevenson, William Harland and. Geo. Alex. Stewart. while Miss Hay of De- Swallow. Among . the relatives who troit, a sister of the groom, assisted. attended the funeral were : Mr and the bride, gbeing the ' groomsman Mr. I. Curwin of Goderich township. Alter the ceremony, the congratula- tions ongrat 1 -tions and good wishes the company sat down'to-a dainty luncheon and at 2.55 Mr. and Mrs. Hay leftby the eastbound train for Stratford where he will ousekee in theytakeu housekeeping.. ' pl p g MRS. HARRY CANTELON. . Among the guests from outside of town were Sr11, and Mrs. Curwin and. i aboutten'ego One vee n days Ott e gg i Harry Cantelon visited her .'sister,: Mr I, .Curwin of Goderich township, Mrs. John Peckitt, whose' subsequent. Mrs:. Thos: McKay of Kippers, Mrs,. Miss e decease is spoken of in the above par- agraph, and the weather being'inclem- troit •and Miss . Ethel Carter of East ent she contracted a cold which level- Wawanosh. oped into pncutnonia.^' All possible ef= There: was' a large array of presents which were evidence o forts were made to - 'stay the disease ,f theesteera -in which the bride; is bell by her many but it was aggravated by her sister's s sudden. death and .yesterday' Mrs.:.friends, Cantelon also passed ,over the dark Miss Jones, now Mrs, Hay, was. river, aged 56' years, The end carne, for years the efficient organist of St. so sucldenly that there was not time Josepli's church and was also a val- to summonthe members• of the, Tams rued amen -slier of; the 'old Rattenbury ily who are away from .home. Mrs. street . church= choir. In whatever she Cantelon was a devoted, -woman.. and undertook her services 'were freely ren-: held in the highest respect by all and dered and, much appreciated. • by her departure from thee to etexz- Their. ,.many 'friends. wisb Mr. and nity the husband: and family have Mrs.. Ray a long and happy married suffered an irreparable; loss. The fun- ids oral will take .place at 4 o'clock to- "happy to 1Vleet,. Sorry to Part." morrow after A fiarch Wedding. Only intimate friends of the, con- tracting parties were present at pretty wedding which took place at the residence of Mr: William Jones at one o'clock this afternoon when his daughter Ada became the bride of 141r. P, L. Hay of Stratford. • The house *as prettily decorated for the occasion and asthe bride en- teredtheparlor leaningu h . pa l0 upon the arin of her father,there' pealed forth• the sweet strains of the wedding march, Mrs. McLeod, Mr, and Mrs. Selena. and Mr. and Mrs. Fowler of Petrous, Miss Moore of . Lucknow, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Thompson of Dungannon, Mrs. Bell of Montreal, Mrs. Robert McKinney, . Sr.; and Mrs. Robt, Me- .Kinney, Jr., of Owen Spend.. noon: bade `1' Weir William On Tuesday Mr li n of " Owent Mrs. Robert : McKi Hey his host of friends. good byeand with Sound and Miss 'Moore of •Lucknow; :his. fancily began the long journey to who were called here by the death of. their new home near Saltcoats, Assa. their sister, .''Mrs: Peckitt, remained, It is twenty four years since he first and were at the bedside when Mrs. came to the .vicinity of Clinton. from • Cantelon, too, passed. away ' . • • the county, of York and'ever since he 'Mrs. Peckitt `'and M.P. Cantelon has been counted among _the best .itt- were daughters of Mr, John Moore of 'formed and .most'' progressive farmers.. Lucknaw, who. died last'year: at the: in Harem.' He was . an active member. advanced age, of '9i years. He was a of the ;Farmers' Institute ; indeed he native ' of Yorkshire, ` England, and was •a.leader in anything which would: sante to • this • country in 1344. He bring about . improved methods in first settled on a farm' on Dundas' : farming. , street butafterwards removed to a ' - When . it became • known that Mr, farm near .Clinton where- he lived for Weir intended moving' to : the West fourteen years. He was. twice mai-. Much regret. was expressed and •a num- tied and at his death eleven of . his. ber. of his friends took advantage of thirteen children were living: the, occasion to present him with the WI IAM IL BEACOM, _.. _ address given below which was accoin- Til,The purse offiftydollars. r partied 'by a p Possessed of a magnificent physique presentation. took place in the council Mr. Will, .Beacom seemed a fortnight chamber on Monday :evening.. Mr, D. ago to have a long lease of life, but A. Forrester presided and.in that. neat today he Tics cold in death: and what speech which is• characteristic..of frim is mortal of him but awaits the hour :voiced the kindly. sentiments of the when " dust to •dust'.'.. shall be said ,town and country for Mr,'Weir, 111,: over thein. lie had been ill only William Coats then read the following' about ten days with .inflammatory address : : rheumatism and,though all that skill- To William Weir. ` ful physicians could :do to stay. the r —Your neighbors and P Y Dear si , g. departure your d a r arke friends. desire to m P :t e it attackedh disease was done, heart and at an early hour yester- day in' ruing all was. over. Mr,Beacont 'c t township RRGodcrt 1 e'it inthirty was b n. one years ago and for the past three his years has.been associated with 1 father, Mr. . Thos. Beacom, in the grocery business. Seven years ago he married Miss. Annie Rathwell, .daugh- ter of Mr, Samuel'Rathwell of_Goder- ich township *and of the union two children were `bornwho are noiv'. de- prived of the care of a. loving father, For the grief stricken wife, sister and parents the whp'le community sym- pathises. The deceased was a mem- ber of the C. 0. F. and W. 0, W. holding $x000 insurance in the former arid $50o in the latter. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, Members of Court Maple Leaf are requested to meet in their court room at x.3o p, m. tomorrow to attend the funeral of the late W. Ii. Beaeotn. The Woodmen will. assemble at 2 o'clock: • 'MRS. WATTIaRS0N. On Wednesday morning of last week Mrs. Hannah Watterson . 'of Toronto was found dead in bed. IHeart failure was the cause of death's sudden sum- mons. The deceased, who was in her 67th ear was a former resident of Clinton but about a decade ago took u her abode in the city. The remains were brought to Clinton on Thursday 7 year, p and taken to the residence of her•'sis-. ter, Mrs. James Houston, ;,from whence the funeral took place on /tri- day to Taylor's cemetery near Londes- boro. Rev. A. Stewart conducted the aerviee at the house and Rev. Mr, Hamilton at'the graveside. The pall - bearers were Sohn, dames and Chas. Houston, Sautes McC1ay, L. U. Witt- terson and R. Irwin. The two child - roti of the deceased attended the fun- eral Mr, Ya. E. ' Watterson etf Wood• oc9resvzree�r►�•s>r &ye. oarsowelh, lic�11�1 ry; •s Studio n ► ' stock. stud Mrs, R. W. Howdain , of "a'''r~1e'4.41► ss-ianvri.•'Iwrli, yit►:•'iIM• r Danville, 'Illinois. r 1 'sae. aw.•w rs. Phoilo from this ,'locality .to find a .home iii the West by an expression of our sen-' timents' of friendship for you and 'of regret at the severance of the happy i and • profitable relationships • w laic .hs have existed between us for .well nigh ur b uo-, a quarter ' of a century.- Your o f buoy -• cheerful and friendly disposition - and. deportment have. endeared you, to. a large circle of friends and acquain' tances and your honest,' straightfor- ward dealing and your manly, helpful life have commanded the respect' and confidence. of the• whole community. We ask you to accept the accom- panying material testimony to our confidence, esteem and friendship and of our desires for your future well 'be,- ing.. In taking leave .of you we ex- press our sincere hopes for the future prosperity and happiness of yourself and 'your family .15 the new sphere to which you intend moving. We assure you that we shall ever cherish . the kindliest recollections of our associa- tions with you, Signed on behalf of the contributors, It A, Forrester Alex. Innes • William Coats Mr. Weir had no intimation of what was to take place and was surprised manifested towards ltirn by those among whom he had dwelt so long. In his reply he said that auld ac- quaintance could not be forgot and that he would carry away sweet and abiding recollections of Clinton friendships. Itt going out front among thein it was 'a source of mueh grati- TicatiOn to know of their kind regard. .Among those t who were present Were : J. and N. Pair, Dr. altaw,Joe Itattenbury, 3. Copp, W. 3, Paisley, 0. Johnson, A. Innes, J. It'1ynn, P. 1VLddwatt, A, Porter, W. S. Lawrence,. W, Perdue attd representatives of 'the 1otial papers. fastex.;Sunday in S. Paul's. The services in St. Paul's church .on Haste, Day will be of an especial nat- ure. The choir have prepared several special anthems suitable to the occas- ion and lite sermons will also be ap- propriate. The services will be as follows : Holy communion, 8 a. m• ; matins and holy communion, ix a. in,; children's service, 2,3o p. m. ; even- song, 7 p• m• The Last Lecture. The fourth and last lecture in the 'University extension course was giv- en in the town hall on Friday even- ing last when Prof. Hutton of Toron- to 'University took for his subject " The. 'Roman, the Greek, the .Eng- lishnian : and the Frenchman." The The 'lecture was an able one but the matter was better than the delivery. The Professor said the Englishman is. 1 Roman the mode, s Ro a and the French- man the Greek, • Cold Storage. : Mr.';W. R.' Belden, assisted by the, Forestville architect, is drawing out the,. plans and specifications for the new packing and cold • storage build- ings to be erected at .Clinton. shortly. Mr. Belden is —Wroxeter Star. in town this week with the piaiis,which have been viewed by a number of the stockholders.: By the way, the stock. is being freely subscribed. A big firm in: Glasgow, Scotland, has expressed its willingness to put 30,00o into the r ris cute p e. A Lodge of Instruction. A' lodge of instruction will be held in the • Seaforth Masonic Tull tomor- row; beginning at `z p. m. when the degrees will be exemplified, the first by Morning• Star Lodge, Colborne,the second by the Hensall Lodge and the third•+• by the Stratford brethern.. Jud a ..Hardinthe acting.Grand g g, a d Master, and Mr. George S. McKay of Henmall, D. D. G: M: of South Huron district, will be present in addition to members of all the surrounding, lodg- `es. Quite a number of .the :Clinton ,prethern purpose` attending. Pretty Displays Of. Millinery. Clinton's shop windows- have taken oh anFast r garwhich means that they are'.looking their best: ' This ap- plies particularly to the big dry goods and- millinery' houses of Hodgens and Newcombe which, .have"d'isplays which would vie insist favorably' with the most: fashionable city' stores. Their Millinery departments contain large stocks of the most up-to-date things :n headgear: :that ladies delight -in. A visit. to these stores will convince you of the range and quality of goods they ,. carry, Miss Randall: at IIod chs .and g Miss Sterch . at Newcontbe's are ar- tists in millinery, Good Examples. . As with all other local papers The' News -Record has a'. large' number of subscribers ,who are .slow pay, people who. apparently forget that it, requires money to successfully conduct a' news - . paper .'quite as inueh sat- as •torun a• diy goods• store or even a church. But while we have slow pays we have 'also' good . pays and some extra ' good. Among • the latter , we would place John 1'. Reid of con. 4, Stanley, paid' up.. to :Jan., 1904.; Arthur Elliott, Grendin, North Dakota) to July,x9O4; and A. W. Redmond . of Marlette, Mich.; who 'Some months ago paid his subscription up to June, 1903.: and visibly touched by the good will Cantata in Willis Church., Ott Monday evening ' next an Easter cantata, " The Resurrection,".will be ,'given in Willis church by about One hundred voices drawn from the: S. S. and church. The cantata will include solos,' choruses and recitations Among the soloists. • will .be Miss Mc Corrie, -".whose' selections' are always appreciated ; MiSs Palen of Toronto, just returned from New York ;and said to possess an exceptionally sweet vette, .and Mr. W. P. Spaulding, the leader of this church 'choir whom our citizens are always pleased to hear, From five. to severn o'clock tea will be servccl.and for the half hour preceding the beginning:' of tl. W. Glen. Campbell and Miss Goodwin will contribute selections upon the pipe organ. Addresses will be given by the local clergymen. Bogota. The The Clinton News -Record appears With . improved typography due to the inauguration of a Monoline compos- ing machine which is noted for the cleanness and beauty of its work,as is evidenced by the appearance of the FIerald. The News -Record has the first Monoline in the eounty of llur- on, its fact the first composing ma- chine of any kind in that county. The News -Record Is a handsome paper and a ''competent 'focal news -gatherer. --- Stratford Herald. The Clinton News -Record has pur- chased a Monoline type -setting ma- chine. These expensive machinesare indeed labor saving and by degrees Will come foto more general use. The News -Record is an eteellent paper ttnd its proprietor, Mr. Mitchell, is to be congratulated on his -enterprise and success. Wingham Advance. A, lanoline type -setting machine has been installed in the Clinton News -Record office. This is the first machine of tins kind that has been brought into usa in a newspaper of - flee in this eouttty,- Winghain Times. 'We roust eongratulate our predetes- sor, ]fir. W. S. Mitchell of the ClintonNews-Record, who installed last week a tiew Monoline type -setting machine. W. 3. is bound to snake things go. More power to hit pluck.•--Durhatn ' Chronicle. A New Legal Firm, The News -Record understands that on,the retirement of Hon. J. T. Gar - row from practice to take a seat in the Court of Appeal, that llfr. E. L. Dickenson of Wingham will take his place in the firm, which will be known as Dickenson & Garrow. Mr, Dicken- son occupies a foremost place in the bar of Huron and will add strength to the profession its the county town. A New Society. A new society known as the " On- tario Street Methodist League of Tem- perance" was organized on Wednesday afternoon when some twenty six of - the young people of the congregation subscribed ' to the following pledge : " I hereby solemnly pledge myself to abstain from the use of all intoxicat-` lug liquors as a beverage, and from tobacco." This new league promises to grow into an important factor in connection with this prosperous church, New Teacher atthe C. C. 1. N w hC A Mr. J. W. Treleaven .1iasresigned his position as classical master in the Collegiate Institute to accept the prin- cipalship of the Almonte High school at a salary of $z000 and he enters up- on his new duties • on April 7th. Mr. Treleaven is an efficient teacher. and has many warm friends in Clinton. His successor here is Mr. Robert d rt atpresent classical ass Stoddart, m er in the. Listowel Collegiate wlto'.will• receive the same salary as has been paid Mr. Treleaven, that is $9oo, S. A. Band Concert. . Special services will be conducted its the S. A. •barracks on Saturday and Sunday of ; this week and on Monday' evening a band concertwill be given. The program will be a good one and will copsist of brass and string mas- k; vocal. duetts, recitations, etc, Cap- tain Kitchen. and Lieutenant Yeomanx. of Seaforth are expected to take an active .part. Captain Knuckle, whose health has been 'very`unsatisfactory since coming here, returned to her home in Goderich on Monday: . It' is hoped byher many friends that she will soon recover, S. S. Anniversary.. • The Ontario 'street. S. S, will hold its 'anniversary services on April loth and has already secured Rev: H, W. Crews, of St. Thomas for that day. Thatthis is a popular clergyman .we infer from 'the fact that."this is his fourth year in his present charge and he. hasbeen invited back for the fifth,' Next Sunday being Easter all the ser- vices will be in 'commemoration of• that glad event.The choir is prepar- ing choice music for the day. There ession'of . the S S. in. willo beanens p the pi ' m. to which the parentsand. friends are cordially invited ',100:30-1Crnei019 :1914£014. near' Holmesville, now of Swan La , Man., in writing . to Mr. William Steep. of Goderich 'township for the maple syrup season. • Jones to renew his connection with :Court Maple Leaf, warmly praises the. Miss S: Howard of Drysdale has: re- p turned fri7in a visit in Stephen .town-. climate of his adopted province. }Ve have had .a very fine :winter, ; no snow ship.' to speak.ofand only twosmall bliz- •Mr, ,Tames Johnston, Sr ,',net•with .. :cards. Our cattle have:. beet' out ; at - an accident a few days ago He was pasture nearly every ,day, says Mr.. standing in. the doorway:of the barn Docking. when. ,a strong wind hie* the door . The re alar monthly meeting of the •:against the old gentleman, 'knocking g y hien 'down and bruising him in several W. F. M. S. was held 'On Thursday evening last with Mrs. R. Irwin pre - owing Ire is able. to. be'around•but• . siding. `Mrs. Scott gave an- excellent owing. to old age the acci,tent was severe for the time Little Locals. H JLLETT T0WI.1'S$IP. • There will be divine service in St. Mr, and Mrs. F. Coleman of the Paul's church tomorrow at II a. ni. Parr Line were this guests of Mr. Jas. A successful meeting of the Fruit Reid on Sunday last, Growers' Institute was held in the Mr. and Mrs. James Dewar visited town halt yesterday, at the- home of Mr. John Davison on 'i'he Junior League of Wesley church Sunday last. will give an entertainment on Friday Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor were evening. Silver collection. the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. A convention of West Huron Con- and Mrs. H. Dawson, on Sunday. servatives will be held at Smith's Mrs. Launcelot Clark, who has been Hill, on Wednesday, April 9th, The visiting at the home of her sister, Liberals meet on the 7tlt• Mrs, John Watson of the Sauble Mr.` Robert Wacker on Tuesday Line, returned home a few days ago. moved Ifs family to the farm lately Mr; and Mrs. E. Johnstone were in occupied by Mr. Weir which he will Clinton on Saturday last on business. manage for Mr. S. IJ. Smith. Mr. Henry Hayter was in Zurich on Messrs. H. Routledge and Cousins Monday last and purchased a new •have just finished the contracts of wagon from Mr. Fred. Hess, cutting 400 cords of wood for Mr. A, ' Mr. Samuel. McBride, Sr., was in Nott and 50 cords for ¥r...G. Stan- Zurich on Monday last on business, bury of Stanley township. Misses B. Peck and Lena Erwin of Mr. H. Plttmsteel was able to visit Bayfield•were„ guests: at the home of his stole for short time yesterday, Mr, J. Richazdson art Sunday Last. the first time in many weeks, His Mr. James Ea leson of Clinton and numerous friends are much pleased to Master Wilber called on Mr, John seehim on,the high road to recovery. 'last. Mine hosts of the Commercial are Davison on Friday snaking Messrs. W. J. Taylor and W. Rath - still g improvements. The let - well were in Zurich on business on r h est is in the bar, re w e by the aid of Monday last. ' . • - a series of taps, coils and ice boxes Mr. and Mrs, J. 1V,. Reid were in they will be able to serve their pat- Goderich on Saturday last visiting' rons more rapidly and with ice cold friends. beverages; Mr. Fred. Scotehmere left on Tuues- At a shoot ltcld_ on isle .gun club day last for Kelso, North Dakota, grounds on Monday the following where he will visit .his brothers, John. stores were made out of a possible 25: and Robert, J., E. Cantelon 19; J. Dodds. 15, R. • . Messrs. W. G. Johnston, Dan Spen- Graham x5, T. Jackson 13. A shoot tet `arid W. Johnston left Thursday for a supper has been arranged for Good Friday foreman.. for. Assinabofa. Mr. John - Bell came down town on Mr. 'Fritz. Wilds has leased his farm foot on Mondayfor the first time in , to air. A. Scotchmere for the coming season: . Many weeks and no* that he is 'able Mr. .Chas..;Johnston has leased Mr: to move about more freely his coni- W ,G Johnston's farm for a. term of plete recovery will be More rapid. five years. The genial. John' is none the less -jov- • 1al Because of his enforced inactivity. Mr. Arthur Townsend has engaged • 112,. J. P. Sheppard was able to ie with Mr. W. _J, Stinson for the.sunt- c r turn to •duty at the Willi tl7rs week m, • after several days' enforced idleness. The little daughter of Mr. and. Mrs, owing to au accident in which he sus- • Geo. Dewar, who has been ill the last tamed a broken rib: Mr: James week, is, We are: glad to say; improv- She'.Iterd. of the' fotindry . `staff met ing,• p ' Mrs; Thos, Stinson of Bayfield•• was with a . similar.:' injury and was laid the guest of Mrs. Stillwell' on Sun off work for, a few days: The pastor of Wesley church will oc- day' • cupy his own pulpit next. Sunday "alien '• J Stinson has purchased a subjects suitable for Easter will be. very'handsotnc cart to train- his `pat in colt . W'i er e presented...'At xx ''a,', m his subject Mig., '. d I. c. . ss. • Stella Rathwell visited at Mr. will .be "Dims • death end all. ?"' In the evening Itis ,topit will. be' " Our Janes Reid's on S7,nciay, : holly; ' its present. and inters nature ' Miss Addie Rathwell' of Seafortlt'' wad -the guest of. her cousin,l4liss Ida . and conditions," •• Rathwell of . the: Babylon. Line; last' The Alpine;Yodlers, will give a con.- 'week,. cert in the' town hall next Tuesday ,. • evening.The are a strictly high We are. pleased to' hear that Miss Y Y Jane Reid, who has been ill forsome dans company and will furnish a de- lightftil evening's entertainment to all time, is .recovering. who' attend, In this number these is Miss• . Jean: Campbell of McKillop a Pleasing variety of vocal and in=. 'visited at the !mine 'of Iter. William P. 1; •. struinental music : interspersed with Clarke; last week, ^,, the Franz •Reflhoffer, Nita. Richard Peck.of Seaforth paid- ... .character sket s by ,,. UM Hated impersonator a flying visit to his. home ,on -Monday .. • • • MR: W. R.LOtfOH: Mr. Richard:. •Decking, : formerly of last.• • ke. . Mr: James. Reid . has engaged Mr. J. • paper on the devotional top a 7e Mr: W. R.- Lough, the popular prin- cipal of • the Clinton :Model school,will attend 'th'e ,annual meeting of the. On- tario' Educational .Association, wlticlt meets in Toronto next week.' Mr, . Lough is one of the most active and: prominent educators in theprovince and chairman of the training depart-. trent Of the association, His. daughter, Miss Mary ,p. Lough,`: who ' is a student of Toronto ' ;Univers 'city,, was last . week elected president of: the University 'Y'. W, C. A: ' Last year she was .vice-president. and the e r year. before secretary tr asp er. Miss Lough is a talented and proniisitrg s sful its invariablytees student and suceessful her examinations. • n n;nni, n h n i • The students of the C:. C.• I, again made merry last Thursday °yelling at one. of their celebrated- At Homes. The entertainment was prepared by the pupils of the first and second :forms, 'rite room was 'tastefully : decorated with Chinese lanterns, flags, bunting and evergreens in such a way as to re- fleet great credit on the energetic com- mittee which certainly deserves much praise. The cosy corners were a spec- ial feature and many a •touple ,had a pleasant tete a tete fa' tate.seeluded. nooks. Each person was presented with a dainty little program, render- ed picturesque by pretty drawing by one of Clinton's most talented ar- tists, , Tite program was as fol- lows : promenade, conversation, (school recolleetioas) protnenade,con- vernation, piano duett, Misses Parke and .Jackson ; reading, Miss Gunn ; solo, •M . Wilford ; piano solo, Miss Coats,promenade, conversation, (win- ter ter sports,) lunch, promenade, vocal duett, Misses Coats and Jackson ; solo, Mr. Doherty ; reading, Miss Shannon ; solo, Mr. Murch ; speeches,. Messrs. Treleaven, McLean and I.lons- ton ; God Save the Ming. STAITLRY TOWSSA/P. • Coutteillor Heys was itt Zurich on Monday last, Don't forget the Liberal -Conserva- tive convention nn Thursday next,Ap- ri1 3rd. Every friend of good govern - went should attend. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee spent Sun- , day with Mr. and Mrs. henry Peek. Good Samaritan.". The missionary Mrs, James Stephenson of the Gosh- topic, " Beginnings 'in Africa, Persia, en has,. we are pleased to hear, recov- India, .Greece Italy Spain >• ranee •eyed from 'a recent attack of grippe -and the British Isles," was taken by Miss Edith Step henson has returned - visit in ondon • ' from a I, Mrs. W. J. Coats who Handled the lengthy topic in an able mariner. • 'ALBE I' r POtI; ALBERT,' HULL TT TOWNSHIP, Mr. Walter B. Hawkins of Diafeking It is with regret. we announce the death of Mrs. Neilans; which •oc'curred: She had been ail - nig' Wednesda last. n y for• some tiine but her 'friends thouht she mightht recover- u n ti1a bo ut two weeks ago when she sank rapidly. The deceased lady was beloved Uy all, Her husband predeceased' her four years ago last November. She was a consistent member of Burns Presby- terian esb -terian chtireh since, with her husband, they . settled in .Hallett, She ltad reached the good age of 67 years and xx months,. The : funeral on Friday last was. largely . attended, about 90 rigs following the remains to Burns' cemetery.. Rev. Mr. Hamilton offic- iated at both house and grave: The deceased's daughter, Mrs. Hannah of the Michigan Soo, arrived home just a short time before her mother ex- pired. The family she leaves to tnottrn the loss of a kind mother are : Thomas, Belle, Belle, Maggie and Susie at home, Mrs. Dunn of Pittsburg, Penn., Mrs. Murdoff of Dakota and Mrs. ITaunalt of Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Watt Murphy has sold five hor- ses this winter for good figures. Mr. Robert Clark has sold his farm to Mr. Adams and will take up his abode in Conitance where he has bought the store anti stock of Mr. T. Sundayed at' home.' Mr, and Mrs. Randal Graham, who are under the care of the doctor, are somewhat better. - Mr. 'shos. Hawkins, our postmaster, is .confined to the house at prose nt. Charter Crawford ' had the misfor- tune cut on the lc tune to get a t h g near the thigh on Friday last,: • It took ten - stitches to close the wound. This mishap happened awhile at asawing machine. Mr, John A. Hawkins is home again from the woods fn Michigan. •. Rev. Mr. 'Whalley of StJ Thomas officiated at the Presbyterian church on Sunday, Sunday, the appointment here be- ing vacant at present, • ' A deputation consisting of the fol- lowing gentlemen : William Grey, George. Hawkins, Jaynes Hayden,Will. B. Hawkins and. James Crawford in- terviewed the township council at • Ar„ their rooms on .Saturday last its .ref- erenee to harbor improvements: in this village. Mrs. W. Leigh, who has been speed- ing the winter months with her daughter at Brantford, is lionte'agaitt. Mrs. H, Ridctel and family left last week for their home at Winnipeg, Man., alter several months' visit this village and neighborhood. Andrews, of which he will take pos- session shortly. because of the arrival of a. pretty baby girl. Mr, and Mrs. Ilotham visited friends art Stellar Iasi week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole have return- ed to Constance after spending the whiter with her sons at Ethel. r'- Miss Jennie McMillan of Michigan is visiting her aunt, Mrs, W. Mcln- • Mr. Samuel Pollard rejoices greatly toslt. Mr. Sallies Bale has returned home from Clinton hospital where he was undergoing treatment for some time. Ile is much improved in health, Mrs, McCulley is visiting tick (laugh- ter, Mrs. 3'. E. McGregor, is Clfntdn. HILtoGBtEM, . Mr. Wilson Carlyle has commented work with Mr. J'antes Green. Miss E. Maxwell returned to Clin- ton On Wedltesday lasts',,• Mrs. Trevi Stelek and Miss t, A, Troyer are both seriously ill at time Of writing but we hope to /tear of their speedy recovery,. Mr. George Pringle's younger son is also very ill at present. Mr. Arthur Hagan visited friends'itt London alt Friday and Saturday last. iNtfss Jessie Cochrane is this week olt the sick list. Mr, and Mrs. Jolut Cochralle Wert in Clinton on Monday.