HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-13, Page 107 ,,. BAILORS' PARTIN TH13141E1 _ ••••qq. •••,0 TENT BESTED JOHN BULL. "you, oo,„„ineo, .oz)..e. geed at the foll3r of the politicians who THEY WANT TO B BRITISH BITS OF INFORMAer101h. hie AMeriean partuer tbe venture, takea In the SitUation, he ie amezed A Few Pararples ilThich Wilt Be SOUTFC AFRICA. It is illega1 to practifie hapnotisra HA.S BEEN CHEATED. "But werks of art, are admitteh afre$11 the Wisdom of Lord Beacons.- , perer of Morocco, three yeare ithe, phrehEs 13.2. hohhhhic BRITAIN "Yes,' Wacl the reply, "180 per ISUCz Canal eleesee wad preen:060d to ' WOEE, OF THE BLUE.T.A,CEETS YoUla Intereet. • 01.74,.... Stiff duty ou lead, deesn't, it ?" eondeMned. the purchane of the new Gent." Belittle out of Egypt, matt he admire* TINDER hileenee aaeox. decline the offer of 4).bdul Azia, Eau - added a ,eouple of MillionS a, year tO feer (vitae under deeent manatee- nte,ThONS WICO WOULD LIVE It was something of a wrench to MarConi lea Off, Director Seeredere, ao directOr of the MareQui Wireleee Telegraph COMpany, who =PM- paideS Mr. Alamein, paid that work Would be eOmeneneed ireenediatelg and sinuntaneously on the Cape 1•31.0. ton and the Cape 00d stations and that the company hopecl tO be ready ler business by May. A larger tower will be eroded at Cape Cod te • ret Place the Pelee which sucetnebed to December storms, permanelli station will be built at Cape Pree ton. As the distance iron/. that point to the Cornwall station ie cousiderably less than the distance at which the station sigealled the Philadelphia, Mr. Saunders sees no reason Why messages cannot be trammittee directly across the ocean and with as much certainty and eel. erity as they are now carried, by sub- marine cables. "We are prepared," Mr. Saundert continued, "to confute any who may be disposee to doubt the genuine - nese of the woe% (thee on this trip, as we bave incontrovertible proof. After we lost the Poldhu station we die no more talking until eleven o'clock Friday night. At that hour we spoke the Nantucket station and sent several private messages ashore. Just before sailing, Mr, Marconi addreased a. meeting of the share- holders of the company in London, and gave them a clear statement of all that has been accoutalished up to deem, ancl explained what he bas laid teee, to accomplish in the ire - mediate Outure. The shareholders are all enthusiastic over the results ac- corepliehed and have the utmost con- edence in Mr. Marconi, NO PEARS OF RIVALRY, titories 9f Their °Qut.age While le rellexhi it is a Penal ()gene° to Peer Old ;am, Is Soft Meek Tim Yankee ppined tinst thie wae I augurated, modern Egyptian Pelle S°3311Kejts eDat:luSine141144 (35a0,r000eate)Barqtaip flag, and control both sides of the to let us gather him in under 'Ufa 111,••••••114 in Belgium. Fightiag Side by Side With speak Polish in any public resort. ter P4Ople of the Reeser ger 1icee And the statesMaeifthip of those gates of the hiediterraneen. Ila was a Year. . so troublect by internal tribal light% "Goon 1" ejaeulated BarrY, and a great pre-cOn.suls, Cromer and Kit- ! • es, the Work ot the "redcoat" and not 900 years ago. the Ban Bigh VaW:tVa.rrested ih• the stetues of George 'Washingtou, all I We are now the real governors of under the 'Union Jack, we Might in- bar to apProach the British Govern - the Soldiere. A shipyatd at Oininato, Japan; Weelc or two leter the vessele Sailed chener Who lutve brought that pole Did Britain accept all the offers of and the bad management of things • ,..--,-... . 01 the man/ boas of the war it is still in operatien wee established 1,- A short ivbile ago a. steamer Called for Boeton. freighted with life-sized icy to ite height. Other Coantriee who want to come in in general that he sent Shaelik Ale. that of the bluejacket" thet has ' It hes been stated that a murder Tharnea by Order of the 13ritiab, Gov- i cast out of solid lead. Egypt, and the lengliele power there crease the Empire by half its size Ment about annexetion, and if we ' been giveu. Now the sailors' werh. is committed in Italy every tWo ernment, as she was a.beut to leaVe 1 So thet Barry, not content with increasea eVery day. We have roue aga.in, add some 50,000,000 subjeets emild linve taken the Mier, we should 1/ ' has been Ounce" by naval officers ! ha the land battles a South Airice hours on the average. Of all the newspapers Published in the port of London l'or an unithowu , ;destination, the allegetion being aged at practically the same time giving to the mass of the people am- the revenue. But there are two South. "besting" John with one hand, Man- dered the greatest service to Egypt, and put a trifle of sa5o,000.000 to have doUbled our power in the who figure(' in the scenes they gra- the world 68 per cent. re in the that she was destined for eervice to "best" Jonathan with the otber; tice, and comfort, and security, and sides to look at, says laoudon An- ness-like treatment, would have Besides which, the trade, With busi- phically describe, the story of the English language. a 'with, the Venezuelan. insurgents. . !for, of Course, the statues, although it is time we shoule let the world sWers, Eileen Brigede, whicla Raymond • e A.s after events ha,ve pravecl, tne tee Blathwv.yt in the London Daily Mail Tne lifeboats round Beitainee coest allegation wits well fount:lob end to pass theta as "worlcs of art," and head this prosperous couutry 'other "white males war,": :low had leaet, together with e fertile country American Customs had perforce know that we do not intend to retire I We should be on the brink pi an- Yielded ue $6,000.000 a year, at calls "a stirring story of storm and last year resceed 888 lives .besides there are not wanting poop' -svho were melted down almost as Soon as , over to anarchy and ruin. we accepted Caili's application of stretching so far inland. that noeody stress," aere is an extract. imagine meal valuable property, landed.-Pearson's Weekly. The Englishman who yen leave 1891 to take her under our wing, quite knows how far it does go. blame the authorities for letting her a party of officers sitting round a The "Giants' Club" in Berlin ad- go after all. But they need not , Eget* without pride must be cleaus- and make her people Britons. Far Hero, again, we declined twice. and free 7" held. Whe, b that clever otrolce in- • r ; • camp fere eiscussing the chances of lints no one who is less than 6 feet trouble themselves. Before the Ban 1 i ed, not Only from the spirit of pat- the Senate of Deputies voted almost were apProached yet a tbird time. a fight, and out of the darkness in height. 'nigh was allowed to proceed she was D OF THE P ARIAOBS, t II triotisin, but also frora the feeling of unanimously in favor of the offer, Hall We accepted, however, we shour humanity, for the anal victory of his and Senor Ana de Selba was deputed almost certainly bave lied the mile - steps the "fairy" they hael invoked- , No kissing ever occurs in Japan. 'thureughly overhauled, and John TAN order for the commanding officer- not even between a mother and child. his waters, at all events, h h d s e a on. et .r....* 1 of war, but of peace, , of Chili in on us in earnest. Dut it was a Pity "European coalition" down a dust -covered A. D. C. with this except between husband and wife, Bull assured himself that while iu 1•111111 pa ion on the Nile has not been that to apPly forraally for the incluoioa talked, of "The enemy, about 400 strong, hold board no contr band of war nor auy we ceuld not take the EmPeror at Madrid has the uuenvlable distince IAN 331.A.CLAREN''S Es...! But I also pity the Englishman, a hill on our line of advaace two armed rnen, loor John has grown THE BRITISH EMPIRE. ' ais word. . tion of being, in every way, the most wary in thie matter. He has been SION'S OF EGYPT. nal% whose blood does not tingle with A polite reply went back. from the nailes to the north. The Naval Brie: unhealthy capital in Europe. shame as he retnemeers the inexplic- , • British Government, that it Was very gade will Wed the attaca, supported , . . 1"had" before -to the tune of $3.6,- . -- able and unpardonable tragedy of : s To prove to yen that Dr. eice of Chill, but eve couldn't. The • Lie erPool s city debt is the g eS 14.3,830. by the K.O.Y.L.I. and a field bat- ' rerun:is and Properey Are as Safe tery. in Britain compared to population. i The man who "bested" poor old There To -day as exi, England Then followed Precise instructions , It is seven times that of London. ! John in this wholesale fashion was Itself. as to movements and dispositions, I A. ilIancheeter, England, man has a certain Captain Semmes, an AM - 1 t tl t h v a celebrated two silver weddings hav- erican and a. Southerner, and the When one visits Egypt with his eyes "'show" -all to herself ; the news flag lived twenty -Ave years with each time was the spring of 1862. A ter- oPen-esPecially if he has visited it seemed almost too good to be true, of his two wives. rible civil war was then raging he- before -he comes home with various and it was some short time before In 1871, 17,338,000 acres Of Brit- tween the Northern and Southern imPressions, and the first is the ab - we could believe it, and realize our ish sou were under cultivation. This States on the subject of slavery, solute quietness of the country, luck. i has now dwindled to a. little over and the Confederates (as the South- Writes Ian MacLaren (Rev. John The officers went to their cone- 14,000,000. erners dubbed themselves) heel plenty . Watson). • nanies and told them there would be 1 In Zululand, when the moon is at of men and plenty of money, but no I Twelve years ago Port Said wee work for them next day, though the the full, objects are visibleeat a, dis- ships,. So Captain Semmes was emit Safe bet empleasant. Thirty years t E y star ig t r through the Brigade. "33er Jove, 1 one can read with ease. A steel wire haulage ropo, five miles cruiser. She was launched on May had tried to stab him, but that he enhead, who built him a nice, swift and remark casually that some one Ile went to Messrs. Laird, of Birk- a inan would come into the hotel eret. 'le thrill of excitement ran what sport 1" said a midshipman. actual arrangements were kept se- tame of seven miles. 13 1' h o ngland to supply the deficiency, age' etewes so barbaric a place that in length and weighing about thirty- 15th, arid every •day thereafter arras had shot the other man first and his "What luck 1" said an officee of the five tons, hes just been dispatched (tad . other mutations of war were neighbor at the table would ask him marines. "Is it really true, sir ?" asked a t fr°111 a Sunclerland, England, rope- , smuggled aboard, and men were re- to Pass the mustard. company sergeant, radiant with the maker's. created to man her. But -meanwhile I It *as then the wickedest place on everyone felt a sense of subdued joy the bellehandle of a. house in Holland . affair, and began Making all sorts of the possession. et the refuse of the anticipation of an infantry job ; A Piece eh white muslin tied round cousin Jonathan had got wind of the !the face of the earth, and largely in and satisfaction that something was informs intending visitars that a eePresentatiens and asidng all kinds Levaht, evho had been dischareed by goivg to happen to -morrow. case of infectious dIseano %Vete the ' of curious questione. •the Canal Company, 'ancl. were living MANY KILLED OR WOUNDED. THE "ALABAMA't SWINDLE. by their wits and their knives. Peo- And poor fellows, soraething did SPain has more sunshine then any What sort of a boat that i P happen. other country in gurope. The year- the Merse 3', that Captain Semnies lives waleed down the iniddle of the The officers lost heavily, Command- ly average in Spain is 3;000 hours; has got ?" he queried anxiously of street after dusk in case they should • le who had any regard for their er Ethelston, Major Plumbe, R. M.. a 0 a Y, J hn be dragged into a side passage and I. Captain Senior R.M.L.I„ and 700; Er; •and, 1,400. I ''Hanged if I khow," rejeined stabbed, and a revolver was More • John, "but "I'M inquire and let „ou necessarY than a hat. . Midshipman Huddar't being shot I • A school foe lion -tamers is the late A e er etic refect of police man - Gordon chase's ointment is o. certain it e na on r e aga n, e aria absolute cure for each Don Alvarez- with a special plea. It bleeelagancl protruclinh Paw. BATHROOM DRILL. 1 Bath -tub drill is the latest addi- tion to the curriculum of the public school, and the city of Boston, Mas- sachusetts, is the first place to put it into practice. It has been decided that the Public schools of Boston shall be provided with. well-appointed bathrooms, end now, when a child presents himself for admission and gives evidence that he has not been as well groomed at home as a proper regard for hie health and the com- fort of his class -room associates de- mands, it is the duty of an instruct - 1 or• to leacl him th a bathroom and !give him a lesson in the hygiene of the person. Not until ha has pawed a Satisfactory examination is he per- mitted to take his place in the elites to which he is assigned. Children are naturally- sensitive to classifica- tion among the unclean, and the Dos - tan school teachers report that the scholars come to school much cleaner than formerly, SOME BIG BII)8 FOB, FAME and sent oven its chief diplomat- and every form of itching, the manuateturere have euaranteee it. ee toe a as at t me of e emu, timonialo in tbe daily press and ask yournelgh. and the na,tion voted for annexation earn hhhhhigrgyttiailiatt(„)t •cYlgcfauriaegxanari in a body, bet the request. was re- nee' .._ a..eale, e or hencsescnveleres & Co.,Torothe fused a, second time and Chili got rather huffy. It would, have been a better Pro- perty than the majority of the South African Republics, for Milt has a NEW WIPbELESS RECORD. revenue of $83,000,000, with a year- ly balance of about $1,000,000 on. Or, Chase's Ointment P "To the ptockhelders Mr. Mar - the right side, and we sho40 have MESSAGES RECEIVED 2,009 coni pointed out that so far as long gained 270,000 square mile °Id 8,- TITTLES reiehle ENGLAND. now fears rivalry from no one, and distance transmipsion es concerned he 200,000 fairly industrious people. to balance the accounts, that we left Turkey's offer alone, in 1889, for nveTnhtiose• LMaatersctonoi rIesate•uAboihilaenvte(!ver meat. marine cable is directly affected by that whereas the speed of the sub - length, that . of' the wireless aystela ' that shifty nation would, as a Brit - It is just, as well, evhen one comes is not affected in the least by dis- most tame. It is just as easy to work at :ish asset, have let us in‘for plen- This is an account of the high speed across the Atlantic or 1 Mel crop of European wars, and a amazing triumph. which wireless across the Pa.cffic as to work ammo :general dilemma, that would take a telegraphy has yet a.chieved-a story the neglish Channel," _ Hainid bein conemunication with the Cornwall of haw an Atlantic lime maintained dozen Cabinets to get us out of. But before the Armenian troublea, Abdul , , g signal station throughout nearly all POOR FATII'IR 1 BO'hH VERY IMPECUhTIOUS of her three thousand mile journey A farmer was driving along one and scared, about the outlook, ap- trona Cherbourg to New York. • h t take his empire as a suzerainty -a la coni's recent assertion that by means Son 0.1 neignbor standing by the plied to the British GOverunaent• to • There 'were many to doubt Mar- la summer day when he met the he roadside viewing an pverturned load . Transvaal -leaving the revenues in of •his svireless telegraph eestem Jonathan, "she is a Confederate aged to transport, the ruffianism of A prompt refueal followed this, had. sent a signal from Newfoundland of hay, It was a, very hot day, and Lieut. Janes, R.N. being severely !is to be a state-alded iestitution, 1 , ..p "No need to do that " retorted Turkey's hands. • and his house close by for dinner, . th,e,brfa07,aer oaosikded ttlibee bobyoyto c,o,mbietbtoor wounded. Nearly all. the petty °file' with premises in the Jarclin des ort Said to Alexandria, so the FOOLISH PEA.TS PERFORMED and, it wa th ht littl s oug 9, compiir to the Cornish coast, but there can Plante, . be none to doubt this later dead ; Captain Prothero, ane est educational novelty in Paris It know'" ' i • d f , story goes, ((nil after the same gang TO GAIN FAME mentary that Turkey. should think greater feat, which was accomplish - c i ld 't lik 't " • cers were.killed or wounded. And this -let us be Proud. of is a British bluejackets' idea of luck and sport 1 The writer of. thie. gra- phic account states that the number • of marvellous escapes was very great "There was scarcely ao officer or • us foolish. enough to agree te such ed during the just ended voyage o .• Farthing breakfasts,: consisting of Se I shall hold had made Alexandria more intoler- go out of the Merse • coffee, bread :hid butter, ancl iam, 1 That weke JOhn u bit a d able, a prefect of -police there, hav-• an agreement, or to have anything • the steamship Philadelphia from Persuasion was used, and the are now being provided by the Sal- P a - colasuls who had an unholy habit' of 11 A ing come to terms with the foreign Niagara is the Mecca for Many of These Notoriety Seekers. • to •do with the "shifty country. awing to New 'York. boy at last -consented to go to the you responsible " eye on the naysterious craft. This Chet sen wor o• verpool to keep • an ' Captaie. A. R. Mills, master of the ne1 . , 'ghbor's house but he added that vation A.rmy •for poor chilnren • in protecting their own subjects, even Ever. since Blondin walked across Turkey- however thinking she would t d t Li Newcastle, England. tenip profrer'ed a secon'd s•ugges- Philadelphia, bears witness to the he wee, afraid "father wouldn't 'like fact that six messages were received it. was done but not very effeetivel though they were cut-throats,•gather- the rapids on a tight rope and offer- tion, th t h Id h th a wo s on. ave e raven - man who had not had his clothes or was ed together the moral residuum o There is a tribe in Central Africa. 'for one morning at sunrise she ed to carry our preseut King across ues to. ourselves, and take the coun- uri g bates aro required to stand on one at once apparent that she had all European in descent, and see Etgara has been the haPPy hunting sion. end finance and protect it. But rae, these beginning wheu the steam- wanted the bey to remain and anlang whom speakers in public de-' nowhere to Pe"foural; and it became Alexandria., native and imported, but the seething waters on his back, NI- try altogether, as a British posses - 2r0 '1 di -tent from a mi es 5 smoke a cigarette, and rest till it accoutrements shot through. One t nip was hs'oldhu, the Marconi Cornwall sea- gdt cooler: officer, over six feet high and very leg while oratin and to speak onl wetly slipped her moorings and .put them for a trip to sea in an old sail- ground of the seeker after notoriety, I3ritain said "No, ehank' ynu!" very . "No," ' said the boy, "father deal weuld have brought tion, and ending when ihe vessel was as lone as they e'er! so Stend. Y out to sea. . ' broad, had four bullets through his' • - - ing vessel, which was accompanied . ' bv aunboat and so the story CO1 Some of those who have braved the 2,099 miles from that Point, The. wouldn't like it." that brig was never seen again. a • decidedly. . their signatures the accuracy of this uniforra without being even scratch.- e -- 1- have • ., '' eludes the •gun boat came' back but terrors of •the rapids seem to This ed. The cause of their excessive loss A maiden lady who died in Paris , A few hours later an °facial tele- ‘, a' - ' ' • other officers of the ahip attest with Fin.ally he was persuaded to . re-• , , . had a nice appreciat,on of the idiocy. in an income ofe$80,000,000. with a main, arid .soon he insisted that he • was explained by .Lord Methuen . in. left $60 a year for the•suppo of • gram came to stop her from sailing ' - • rt her , d ' • f the After a square meal the farmer • f h • his despatch : "The Naval Brigade cat, and $20 per• annum for a. water- sinall. yearly balance deem good at •all kiazarcle. wee a .p#7 it did • • • of t eir performances, or a man w o Meat go back and get his hay up.. • attacked in too close formetion." teary surgeon to attend. It. : . To a not arrive sooner, for. the. .delay cost. Port Said to -day is as oederly, and . . went through the whirlpool in. O. bar- tplimenetsli o i0)..1 tIlitieniigtht side.. ' :12vhegre. _wuast The farmer accompanied him,' - and Among a hundred other lessona the rol last year had painted in big let- o ?cant . .(1 abo statement. Per. Marconi toak eliese Boer war has taught. us the -value of a •day fer life. . . . . , . • .. ie amount awarded egainst him by ENGLISH cOtivry TOWN..• • • ters on his craft the name "PoollCil-. 1,006,00o . • squaie miles -and 22,000,- • be colivincede The young inventor is 'when they got to the load• the boy precautions that the • sceptical might ver r ad of the tape beering • the insisted on going right to worlc; bet, . . 'John the Mtn named .abOVO... , It was .e's Cleall ahcl hS safe as an ' faithful female servant she. left°. cent common sense and adaptability as Signor Sonzagno the 'well-known. an arbit•aiion board. sitting •at.• In Cairo a Europeen may ge any- ler," ' . e " • '' • .0Q0 people -mostly idlers. 'Pleere. ie Y •P Q. • . "S" eignal, .Whica was received when the farmer wanted him to rest unclez• • . •• opposed to red-tapeism and unbend- Italian musical: publishee, 'has Offered itiezi,ueanodi Araite;iiecparnesestiteditrolig,,hdlY wheire• ht13,1 Pleauesereneehs• he mtakes foAr nttepriepaeszo: 071isoeerilusIgce?itshitiitalmifee not much doubt, either, that Turkey . . a tree. ''No," said the boy, • -fathar • , would have felled a way to siip out 2,09e miles. dieta.atdfrontii theteftadtiz P g foo of elee n a osque a setae . • and which is signe cer le . ing rigidity. a priee of $15,000 forethe best otie- • wouldn't like it But the bluejackete learned their act opera. Composers of. 011 nation- stroyed by the privateer in question sacred season-witho the slightest in print was a man who . after being leeson as far back as the clays of allies are eligible to compete for the Alabama ° • ' I ER LEGS • • Captain Mills and Ohief Officer Mars- . This exasperated the farmer, and -known- efterwerds to fame as the fear for his life or his property. through the seething SET OW ' • den. •went Nelson, and the bluejackets in South prize, . . • • The police are everyw iere t iroug . WA ot .goodness • there sva.s between the Sorah-bubble parties are the latest ' HOW, JOHN WAS TRICKED out, the eity.-etall, well set up, intel- . ' • . and eve cauldnit thee her. But we INEOXIALITVIN APPAB,ATUS. y s a er a e o soten emOecit. obbflt eitakteh,e, R10913001,t.eiyn acetty .let her 'have a man who .put ber 'fi- Air. the mesSages . were one• way- bo f th • n 1 h' lf ti at c uld 1 h STE'OF MAD ro AM .he wanted to know what in the name Africa displayed an amusing coe- ' • ligent, and attentive, and tbey note melees stritight. • . . all :rem the Station to the ehip. make his father dislike everything • regulate the traffic with a pareon- be ' ' • ti 1 L d lice- The fuenel was torn off, and at one Britain •thaleye did. connidei. the of - point the litt e vessel, ne ila Y• 1 fer that Nicaragua. made, and af we. Mr. Marconi explathed this bet saying proposed . . men, thopgh not Yet with the same that wnile the atmeratus :installed "Why," said , ehe boy,. "father's majestic! autniarity. They Ileac; 3: fathoetehafed iifurtoinbi,siggehetd ialutchke shhoeileilh. liimadmoailerytedim, i3tphiet situation tvoulh be . ane .1ust :now,. b on, the Philaclelpelia, 'admitted of the here ander the hay." • • • . : .. hi • k - 11 d tl h th arm e•-• r co tion • :of Meseages it wan not .- 1 . ...... trast to the "redcoats,." with whom fieak of fashion leadern An New .York they marched side by side. - . and the sight of a large number• of . , . . ARE THESE THE• CRUEL ONES eegues1 s all:. gravely . intent uaon this Pro -Boers at home a.nd abroad 'de-. soniewliet ebildish amusemeatis said. . to be highly •-entertaining. . ' ' . A Paieeian larap-lighter makes 'hie rounds• en .a bicycle, with . a . long' t rch c • .1 d h' • i h h 'ld light in frequent abuse of our troops and in wiceed and foolish stories e• • concernihg the atrocities of which they allege they were often guilty.. out of $2,500,060 'owing to the .ac- ,cidental insertion ef a single reduhd•- ; ant letter in an advertisement -is it not written in the Blue Bopks of ehe Parliament of Great Britain' ? A large parcel of Government lanel was offered for sale to natives and others in New Guinea. The price was • to • an nan o em -v e m d f th h. th dais e ged safe and sound an t 0 passen cause of the canal which a to be • • such a' distance as, the more power- • r hi the Soueen cempaigns. ger crawled. out Upon ;the Canadian cut to join the two oceans •at the sufficiently powerful to send them. Y. , ' narrowest point ,of Anaerica. 'That • i• • d d shore. • ful Cornwall station accomplished, . have been orxe shilling per, rod, but. • By way of beating all previous ex- would have meant, . .apart erorn the , e b spldiers • on various •Nile expedi- ih , As a matter of fact the conduct He guides the wheel with the left the clerk who drew up the official eio- • e • e uloits; lave.sevoinan ann bwitethrtelosvoemr othme eFnatlilise countrh, as big a aold over the At - of the army in the presence of wife hand,.and is so expert that he lignts trons far below 'the .first cataract, 1). e tice of sale thrust in an extra, "o" fering, whether human or /Inland, the lamps without dismounting. ' but to -day one mix go anywhere aaeomsThe risk 'of .sech a proceeding lantic and Pacific as we have over and made the word read "rood." e the alediterranean-in fact, it would was invariably characterized eby without protection as far as the.se- me : manity involved consideiable self forty . times greater than:a rod ; the drop is 169 feet, a,y be estimated, by the fact that the pool be- Nicaragua, in a formal . Govern- '• great humanity, even though that . . . ' . ' Now, a,sood is, of course, exactly vond cataract, and even as far as Khartoum, which is now withile a be a second Gibraltar. *tall rifle° or personal _discomfort. . , . . comparatively easy railwaa •journey y of 'the falling water does no TRAILING. SKIRTS. consequently, John was•rnaking pub- low.over 700 feet, and that the main ment petition, asked iis to take her bed- ovee, lock, StOe . k and • barrel and Many instances are .given, one where bluejackets rescued an ox punk in the muddy river bank aiad dying froth exhaustion, unable to move., It Was scorching .hot, but they got it that, and dragged it to the shade of a! tree and brought it water from the! river in their hats. , "And it is the men like these," says the reviewer, "who are accused of atrocities to delicate woinen and '173. . • lie his willingness to part with his Health. intended. Within forty-eight hours Litehep camot be told. too often to tined, but by that tixne hundreds of abandon the unhygienic fashion of • oet •Lower -pt ' e Are Absolutely Dangerous to land. at One -fortieth the price he had at Caltf.,°,' Twelve years ttgo, hONV- . • Malicli was t the second catarac or erea ou s, an • e 7 tra • again rise to the surface until twO run up the Union Jack at Greytown. • the mistake was disci:re:mad and rec- rest 'of h s power was e nougi- f It tl 1 ex °Winery fluke, she, toe, came sura to build; but it would bave ashore alive, thobgh the barrel was paid, af course. We really did have a miles below the Falls. Yet, by some The cent(' would. hae-e 'cost us a, huge t th b t d th tin • amen s of acres had been pre- ea f ulo watei , an s e was - protectorate over Nacaragua once, ed. The careless clerk got the "sack" . with the Egyptian force. For, tivera These wild ptruggles for notoriety ehe Frederieks-Who wee° descended fend receive it at the -same Station trailing. dresses, . at least in tho The police sugg:est the army, and empted at the lesser rate, end John • • h ered with bruisee. Was the poorer :by ehe ambunt seat- and "ran". the native negro kings - the health and welfare of others'. hthheh*eshward w know," continued . • the st• t Th id b b d show the world that they care for "I believe," said Mr. Marboni, quietly and without a trace of tx- ultateozi ever the marvel which had been • eccoraplished and hip Own triutiphant vindication of what • he had claimed -"I believe that the dis- tance at whicli a wireless message may be sent deeends only on the power of. the sending station. I think it poSsible to send, a message entirely around the world -to start a message eastward around the globe . and that was all • the satisfa.ction ty reasons. • • have sometimes serious results, Beck, from the castaways of a slave -ship _. When one considers how many nul- h t 33ecause the inefi are of excelient • • .• tone, that t le curvature of the . the German who recently made the young iiffentor,i in the same even that was wrecked on the coast. 1' f d '11' d children and of indifference to the ' sufeteangs of a brave but woended foe. X am sorry to wound the ten, der susceptibilities of hysterical pro-. Boers, but how can they In the face of their own, knowledge of their own countrymen believe all the rubhish to which they so gleefully give tongue?" Many curious incidents -me . of course recorded' in this • book -little faashlight pietures, as it were of 'ac- tual warfare. . • "The Boers were still keepihg up a heavy fire from . the rear of their position, and the Writer was order: - trig a man to take shelter and reply to their fire, when he heard a bullet strike very close. The man seethed not to realize the order,. and appear- ed dazed. In a few •secends he came tip. and said, 'Beg parilon, sir. ; •1 didn't understand, and I feel allaover numb.' He was asked if he had..been hit, but did not think so, though on examining him it was found he had been shot clean throngh the body-, evidently hit while the ender . sees - being given." CINEMATOGRAPH IN WAR. Captain Leslie Wilson, D,S.O., RMLI relates an amusixig incident which occurred the day before . the Naval Brigade entered Pretoria:: • "Our guns, especially the large ones, alwaya offered a most teinpting, bait to every owner of a cinemato- graph or camera. But one bold , photographer at least got more than he bargained for this. day. He had arrived, early in the fight, with a cinematograph, afed requeeted the officer in charge of the, niarieeih gun to let him know When he was go. ing to fire, as he wanted to take the gun firing. The officer gave some or- ders and then turned round to the photographer, Meanwhile some Boer shells had -c -Ent si whizzing close over our heads, and all the officer . saw was the photographic machine stand•I ing disconsrlate and the operator in full flight to the rear of the ecti- . re umn 1" The Brigade Were wheeling into action olio day when their guns came under heavy and accurate flre from Long Tom as they got inte the open, and the foremost one Was overturned by a bursting shell three of the bluejackets being wounded. "Where are the gun's croW ?" naked Captain Lambton, as ho tame gal- loping ainid the smoke and dust of the shell ; "have they deserted their gun ?" "I am afraid they are all badly wounded, sir," said the gunner. "Good," was the answer ; "that is better than running atvay from *tip uns " I/s I have said the book makes no pettentions to literary style, and yet it ie a model of modesty' end tith r - tatted "strong" modern real is t s would do well to imitate. It is the story told by men Who '7 hare dote, es opposed to Cho story told by men who htvve only read. Qt.II41qTION OP TIII,1 /101/11.. Ono Is constatitly aelted when ereallpox is prevalent, "Ought to be vaccituttecl?" onIy^ ahswer 10. "Be re-veweinated and see. If you do not need it it will not, tithe and you wilt surfer to inconVenteneel you res,t1 it you will be well cam, yensated for your inconvenience." But it. was 'n tit d ld P hi tionist days when John levied a , eca e y tc:, their dr:lie-dm lina one another n ered 'B passage of. the Atlentic m a• Packing- • But these monarchs, wile were ad- . th h es not in the' leaet affect the organisms ere gathered up With the i case, WAS fal hat dead, when discov- dieted to drink, becanae rather' tire e goo o protec- h duty on peactically everything • im sonie, and. vee eventually' parted. with waves. any w o ave.. reasons or this unhealthy .niode elf dress,• further ported . 'nee' his' island, that • the ----. althoegh eonecripts, they, itee a hear.: 6 grouee during their effatiineabeenute . •• eCk fittedhaP a PeckPrese . ' out rights. . - So,. :when . Nicaeague wide, lined it. with sera*, put in made the offee, it was talked ‘oveze. feet. long,. 4 fee high, .an feet ki;i7tigasolath rtaivegift2i trutileiisiytvsfi:eutald: duet and broeght into the honee by' . - : , !..pOor Old gentlereari was But it is net so: During the voYag'P argemente. 'is bardly necessary to • abpolately daegeroui to health. Ae, Apart from tee ethugglers-whoso do- , mest meta_ ter. end cheery Ot of felloWs; because a the 'English 'officers. are as smart a ,f--.,„ The feat COUld..IntrdlY 'leave .At w.ould have done,: we dreppeci" it.. ..-- I made 0,'IlUniber, . of • experiments Drove that -the wearing of trains • is, lesslY and "Systematically '.'bested." they .are•patient and docile; ledcattee Hamburg to: Neet York by the "Pale' ing a wae.with the' United States, soine' iced; arid shipped Iiintself.frorit btit as• the' deal was not worth caner the pot of the London • Truth. pute . set .of men iie one could .wieh-I.had "'eh!'" les: - which .I' hen long_ wanted . tO Make; f thi afticlea.thete :sprang uP a no eappOreuniey ef Meeting eho native . • 'Amalie . cot ntry, and- -a, rith: and but had fleece: attempeed!befehe. Yea ings lie somewhat atitside the Scope ' • • been undertaken • . , • ' • ' r i (c)laso ‘rs;f:Men, -shrewd, smart, and un-•L''ri°gYP°a1);* .. ofecersaearid because. they - FROM krOTIVES Or ECONOMY. phosp.mous 'One thae.eruide . a taig ef- must pardon me hor alot :diecIosing their ;nature. - All I can say is teat it la his "Song of the Skirt," why sheula dresses be made to do "the have carried themselVes well since for the cost of the case, hecatshee ifnototad, fjorti to .co/ne in. under pthe Uniont • mtheey were eminently .satiefecterY to scavenger's dirty work"; • seruphlous v;rho• mad b ' f •• • the day they' evere drilled o,nd organ- and cif the earl iage• t•he . ''Sweep-eiveepe-sweep- seeking out the week 1 c th Jaws and eratetments with which he Whether thet portion of the Eve- steerage ket, . eeni e y „ .• • inch But, throw out las chest.as he would . STERILISED BOOKS. ' To guard against insidious bacilli physiciahs . are recomme.nding the sterilising of books in public librar- • ies, not in the hope of killing evil - producing literature, but to destroy noatious germs cencealed. in their leaves, That disease has frequently been transmitted by the circulation of books has long been suspected, and the belief has recently been veri- fied. The most careful work in this • direction has been done by the Chi- cago Public library, and the doctor in charge reports that he has found a large number of bacilli, represent- ing nearly a hundred different pais - ons and disease germs, Fifty books, selected at random, were examined. and all of them Were found more or less infected. Dry sterilisation is re- ' . , commended, . • TIE DREW- ATTENTION TO IT. ' A merchant who had Made his • money quickly was invited to the wedding of a friend's daughter, where he thought he• would be able to dis- play to its utmost a fine diamond stud Which he had lately beught. Ho went to the wedding ; the diahaond eeteee , . . . . • . arniour • Of the various' customs" ized by Englishmen. liave - amounted . to • the price of A SOMAS almost a pity.we did not take : ae, . . . .r.:CRECY IS POSSIBLE. • blazing resplendent on Ins bosom Sweep-siveep-sweep;- ' ,' ‘ • However Our path we plat; - ,..... : t en army which -is reeruited• from ec (new la .,; us c2T, oi You LI, . .. . . Dist, bacillus, and germ, .. . CHARLES . DAIIRY'S DODGE. , say ragainst the dervishes or any paying .situation with rs circus, . er • • a • ' the fellajthen could'be depended Mame into . the' papere, and secure. Irian a. n w meae now she •has. • given Russia may, add. It has been .urged. as an • ha.d surroueded himself. - ' the gent. to the.beet, advantage ae he the chance, and . Russia has, fer all • oajectioa to nay systein that under fact that , he. had a new shirt -stud: might, 'everyone ignoeed the palpable Till we shudder' end tern : fro:A:the' aduty-dodgers,". as they were- , teen, withotie a . stiffening of eenglish, Unluckily eor the passenger' per her• • P.ersiees treuble at the time I Germ, bacillus, end dust, . • One of theneiont notorioes of these .fierce and selferegerdiess al -Aden, other travelling: show., ' '. . praceical purposes, got control over it seceece: of Messages is imPoseible. soiry ,eight •• . ' • ' .. called, was a certain .0i -retries Barry, troops, is a matter on Which no •Offie Packing -case, bad weather extended wae lack of railware, _alai she was the system's devetopment tklis ole- e 'admit, that„in the earlier stages of , tHo ilia: , tilieitkreetid isstti,;„...k.:i113:,23:.,dtiii:: :lafili . Witt a gesture of ciisgusee. •• e, ' . Who, in the Course of a •few years, cer ohtside.the "GYP" array Willepass the "Palatia's". voyage from twelve willing to' make . . - jection mighe- have been advanced eallee Upon in:his tarn for a 'tease ' ' ' . :' ' h . - • get' the beteer pi. ehe 0i:were:avant • to ane °pillion, end although ".G• p" t fifteen daysh with the ..result that HERSELF OVER fro, BRITAIN' with some cause.: But now 'that clife . e, y o. Oh men Who bave welledi•desed wives He begaii ' his camera n • in 1825 ere I think . ' ' ed. to break out of his prison in a *erovide.cl 'We woad "run" her. ! pro- rich* .hae been entirely' overcoine by thee her, anti , build 'plenty el rail- adeptio.n of syntonic clev.ices by , „ . to the happer couple. en ft, flash. he • "On, men with histerfiadeere . • the tune of. no less than:008,28e, officer is proud of hie 'men, yet he al- Beck's fbod ran out: arid he was halve Where the waste Of the street nee p a es in e tc s lik 1 -that her at her word, •for she would have 33 k 1 tl t 1 • Id• e.t been a, fine appendage • of India; 'there is one ot the thing w strike attitudes caleulated to show • t It is not alone an expenelvehnode, when, oiving 'to a. slip in •drawing 1111e HAS MS MISGIVINGS: . W le g Y - It is oee. that hezerds livesi • , a. tariff treaty with the United, hell staived exid cettey condition. But there were difficulties in the . . . . . ways. , To be talked about mounts money Ay, en. we. from ship to shore, from ship to leer malignnnt microbes swarm • States:, he was able eo claim, and As regards the .Soudanese ' battal- or everi across the 'ocean with - In, the triturated dirt, eventually to reeeive poo,000 to members of the variety s age. A W. . _eat a did What we could for Politely refueed Per- •Phila out interfere/ice of any sort.• As an And the dress that sweeps it up enah compensation for cotton which he as bioens4.3if the "GYP" army, there can one opinion -that such de- I. her from outside. Peesia would illustration of the point to Which lady who played in Loedon a couple ela's off , an hrove had purposeln permitthd to be il- of .nears ago attracted special atten legally seized. mom' for fighting could hardly be tion by the brilliance ot 'her smile. ve ee a n ce !ha b if i little asset to the tuning has• been already deeelopeil, I A shroud as well as a skirt! matched from the rising. of the sun thwo fin di d t i h e nn1011 S SO 1 1 er u er pp E 1 f • 1 hits ne rl 700 000 may' say that the Lizard station is to the gbing CloWn thereof. To say front teetki lent it' lustre, and weal Footwear is also a matter of ine- His nexe coup was in regard to • f $7 1'00 (100 se sh uld without suffering any interference at at present 0.ble • to work with snips equaah miles of good land, arid her Portend°. Shoes .sheuld never be grain, At the time a heavy duty concern yf or themselves a Is to trills the means of • repaying her many I l •worn too tight. They not .only hin- was• impoeed on all. corn imported . , soon have doubled or trebled. And all from the contemporary working ty.ith the ear; itne lean of blcrip lin times for the cost and pain • of theli of the big power •station.'at Peldhu; , ton of' the blood vessels caeses hi- e setting. By 'way of going one betthe her $25,000,000 of importe would . dor free movements, but the constrice into the United Kingdom from any • British possession out of Europe ; th:1110 aata theamr en Sh ir ? 1 eit- i.a116ther aspirant fer music -hall fame , have aeen ours, to say .nothing of only seven miles distant, leaned circulation and. coldness of the but the haW wits • silent as regards w r. Le t e have he r w ves w h , whoa best feature is her hand, he.; ' 'keeping Russia. away from the west "There aro several in England who eunderwear at night, a. dieerent set ;under the' impression that there were "1114.. go howlime, give there soniej for• without .their wives they ; had the nails of each liege'. of hes...side of India. • However, es it hap - left hand bored, -and Wears in them !Pened, we had to let the plum go. have urged this objection against the wireless system, claiming that it is possible to Intercept and read. extremities, ' ' . British peeseseions in Europe, the !!lirr4 1 If it is found necessary to wear framers of the Act in question being eill ' should be kept for that purpose, , ha sueh poSsessions. Barry thought in the shape of ariuds, an otherwise, and he, geld them twee- braVe men to lead them, aki there diamond solitaires. ere do this she We did take Sierra Leone's offer, messages transmitted by this meth - leaving England I gave which, with the night-clress or niglite Is no enemy living a Soudanese bat- like a, Clanannues-the hand is USA - 110,S to keep the nails so long. that,- 'and added her to OM list, though we had a lot -of fighting atomic/els ed. Ileicre ' ireight tenon would not face, to sittuttiba I fo 11 • cti 1 • B ess r a pi a ca pm poses. lit es she did not play fair. But we these gentlemen. an opportunity of shirt, should be well aired during the elated with hiria in his venture, .the Black Sea with. corn, carried' it they would not storm, end no cir- 1 might have had the Philippines had making a 'test, Offering to place any daeatime. . ed a small flotilla cif ships in the sacrifice pays. • • Ito Malta,. and there had it reshipped tuket2,t cumstances ' in which they would n t II. station of mine at their disposal for land consigned to •the port Of Glou- eeehae inn E ,,,„ 1 ler succeeded in reaching fame at a • lzi Paris an unknown artist rodent.; we liked just before the Spanish-Am- erican war; for Aleedes, then the the purpose. The: oder wes made in ONE NAME PER YEAR. . water. When the grain -laden fleet '-eh - ---.- a. d thi i rfe tiv 11 gen8t-tis * ley are per °US Pe c - if e ! boend. He painted a most realistic leader, offered to try to us, under a suzeralety. The yield up the eosin- all sincerit cepted, 3r, but :t was not ac - When a month old the Japanese arrived Barry Was, of couree, there, sthff in time of peace, for if they' picture of the beautifully earved end ortamented doors of a Moorisl ., trouble was that it was not hie to "I do not. 'believe it any exaggera- child gets its first name, with groat and cireined admission of the car- start drinkfrig they get beyond con- e ore w i c i stood a b g negro r ' give as Spain nominally owned it; tion to sa3r that it is now practi- sereinorilal,' The child is berne in goes free of duty as coining f tr°1' ro .a and if they are kept too lortg . • on guard with drawn sword, The house, b f 1 1 1 i only, as Spain had no Mae finnossibile to interac t wire - state to the family temple, and be- 33ritieli posseesion in nurope. g 1 • 1 1 for fi lit tpicture was accepted and hung. on . come y, hold on the c e e P . less messages, Itad the Philadel- hind the proceseion march the house- Customs refused to deliver the goo Is and one battalion Will attack tin-, . the first day of the exhibition, when I SHE WAS NO monn phia been accompanied on this trip 'hold servants, carryihg the infant's free, and Berry Paid the huties un- .other. t e cro v a as a ts t lic cost, the h d • ti 11 able to • ff t th use, ec by another vessel, and had the two • " 1 t h d t I wardrobe. Ihe last male servant der protest, commencing at the same 1 .. artist-, who was standing by his pie. le e s o o r. ; bears the box hi which is the priest,s Liemnecaltadcitdioirrorttgtattlikisot thtleterrGreovern- ago, and it Was "a regrettable inci- :ture, eouched• a spring in the beano. I But as Aleedes, anyWay, Was not 0. have beat, possinle for One to have . fee, together -with a slip of paper on pictured dome flew .open. • and recogrezed preeident, wo could not received messages intended for the asury dent," and very soon the number of even though both were fitted ' reachhtg"the temple the e t s nt.00 limn- answerable case, and th I "hee'' -2--" he '''' est comm.. a battalion will be missing on the rile . the amazed spectators saw behind a take any notice of the oder, either ether, , which three names are written. On long to diseover that he h d a an 1111-, (3,,,,,, a, mv, list • travelloe side by side, it would not with Identical instruments," to accept or refuse; and we did not., es Are tossed into the air, and the Inised with him aguill-$25‘5,000 this Shrewd officers consider that the ee"Y jut We could have done with the TWO WESTERN STATIONS. courtyard, in the centre of first that. touchee the ground is the , , one which the child receives. When uhToLn SAM CAtiGIIT. I three e ears old the child is again The law Was at once. altered, and ane .sto0 the Seeforths in Cairo -a . ! christeued, accompanied byeeiaborate poor John doubtlese• imagined that Nee tidy set of lads -and the other Next day the papers. Were lull of WPM GOLD AND GEMS. i religious rites, At the. age \of fifteen he had heard the last of his too th:.;ish uniforms, he saw the finttl discussiohs as to whether such trick* his education is supposed to be fln- clever subjeet. Not at all 1 Barry I 1 hood state lie is again ehristmied 1 dutiee charged on different kinds of guarantee of Egyptian security, ery was justifiable. ,The critics, of though there is a num 'oiled &nous- cource, all went to see the painting, ishod, and a he then enters the max..; turned his attention to the varying p-eountry who may give serious aild could not help appreciating the !When lie takes to businese he receiVes . rico, and quickly found that While 'Si n the duty on that imported themble some day, ,5YP Iv e One' conies horde every elm° froin artist is tow fast making hie. fot. ' d really good work it contained. • The . 1 his business name and upon. evevy up- le duty of •one penny per quarter Was ward step in ble life he receives a, imposed on rice. Own the West, Coast I new mune. If his priucipal happens , of Africa., . . o 1..1 b.o ltil t his mind that; it was a singular by this bit of curious originality. . . English array of oceupation has • painted daughter of tho Spittle her pines yery well, for they would have Taking up the story where Mr. reached its minimuni, and to reduce'' dress set thick it further would be &morons. When Ito have the same mune he again al- front America was tWenty shillings aassi Itors it, as it, detraets from his su- :, per quarter, Here Waif a difference ng to that couttry that the A safe and easy way to get talked perlor's di/tufty.. At his Mart. 0 with a vengeance, and Berry was hot dual system of Anglo-rtrench Gov- about la to discover your likeness to •Itts name is altered; end his last, a tl long In taking advantage of it. ettlwe d°41° ° a 11 0 land bite g ' 1 1 1 tl only perrattuent name is given him Large quantities of rice were simill- period, and to cultivate this likeness. after his death, whielt Is writ, upon . taneously consigned 'under his au- Mr. Adolf Eeischfeld, an otherwise hie tomb. spleen to 'thee Africa, and thence re- end thAttntSt°11eLtireTall rCItt(1)ellrl'onf°EX4g'yyst is uhkeewn Germ" man of business, Wilhelm. By eulti- A nitms prxrAp havt.„3 sttocics, tiered at the Jenny rate. It waa re- self, couldn't, hold the reins' of power ture the gaiser shipped to le gland, duty being ten- net the Nhedive, who, left to him- haPPcns stronglY t;o rescalbto in teas fused, the higher rate paid under six months, but Lord Cromer and the voting a moustache of . the well - The electrie robe is the newest Protest, another action commenced, Sirdar, known Imperial brand, this gentle - thing in baths, though it is not a and once more John Bull Was faced They am thenorde of Lower and man has become one of the best - bath so far as the ordinary meaning to diegorge. . tipper r gypt, wearing the, double known people in Berlin. Officers sa- opera glasses are focussed of the word goes, It consiSts of a But the cream of this latter Story erotvn as Viceroys, neither of the Xlte- lute hiln, . thiek robe entsvined with wires which reitains to be told. When the ships )(live nor the Sultan, bet of the Xing unon him In the streets cries are conduct a eurrent of electricity. The whielt had brought, the rice to Eng. of England, . . raised of "Long live the Emperor!" garmeet in d011bed aild tbe current lend Weed about to return to the", An one stifle throegii the Canal and wherever he goes Al oritm circulate ei$`4„tebei VINO ChIa IVA done a United Steles, a question arose as aria mom rrei..01./cobir, or Atonds on Of thb conStent Mistakes made by watenth is produced %Odell has Ccili to What cargo they F.4i1OUld carry; the eitadel at. Cairo, or Mile tip the peoPle who fate; him to be in truth e, tot one Wats S S • "Let M itoe " renlarked r t Nil and tudie and tho EmPol'ot. tile eheeth Of a Turkish bath. 0 , ry • A Su erer saw his opportunity. Pointing. te the spitrkler en iiis breast he said with great solemnity '; "My. clear cahAdrreegrilltrnaasYthYa°ttirlel'v f'D f thre b•e• ' 1 . • ' FITTING NAME. "Why do they 'call them cressecix- amine:Lions ?" asked Mrs. Barley, who had been reading a report f:Jf court proceedings. "They make the victim cross," ex- plained Mr. Barley. • A PRELakatiris Edgale-"Eleanor, dear, yciu• are such a vivadous young woman .tbat I'm afraid sheen. be able to make you obey.'' Eleanor -"Well„ Edgar, perhaps you Would he wiser not eo try." e• - Willie-"Pather, what's a spend- thrift ?" Father -"A man who spends a great deal of motley foolish- • ly." Willle-t•Then is a tnan Who lends' mono foolishly a lehdthrift?" The Dcictor-"I think you , under- stand faller now the directioes for those medicines, and this is for yotu• dyspepsia," Patient -- "Why, . haven't dyspepsia, doctor:" The Doctor"Oh, but you will have it when you've taken those other remedies I" okache. Several Years of KichaeV Disease -A Prominent Merchant Cured by Br. Chase's kidney -Liver Pills. Every day adds SCOTOS of names to the long• list of persons who have been cured by Dr, Chasehl Kidrioye Them Tins, and ameng those who'.are now enthusiasts in praisin this great medicine is Mr. NV, Gilroy, the . 11 1 ,cli t Blenheim. Ont Like many others, Ur, Gilroy now wonders why he did not use Dr. Chase's Xidney.Liver Villa In the first place, instead of experbnenting with now-fangled. and untried remedies, There is no doubt about the ex - optional virtues of Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. They act direetly on the kidneys, liver end bowels. and thoroughly cure complicated allnients whielt Cannot be readied by ordinary remedies. Mr. W, Gilroy, general merchant, Blcnhelm, Ont„ states: -.1 am rather erithuslastie the prelSe of Dr. Chase's Uldney.,Liver Pills, and believe have good reason to be, Vol, several yeare I Was it great sufferer front kidney disease, send lied pains in my baelt almost, eonstantly, tried a great many remedies, but did net, suecod in obtaining more.than slight temporary relief, "A friertd of mitie advised nie to try Dr. Chase'S Xidney-Liver Pills, and I did so, With great eatisfao. tion. I had not taken half a box before I began to feel better, arid now realize that I have entirely recover.. ed, often wonder now why people go after new-fangled remedies when this tried and proven medicine is le • e a ibyr recb thattleneehis , xainddi 1:y04.7%Tel:di% eo heatylreo.114 hearty endorsement of good eitizena in nearty every city, town and village in Crounia. They are Probably the most popular rernedy that was ever Introduced into this tout. try and their enormous sales ere.due to the fact that they radically etlro serious and chronic .diseixsa. Ono 0111 deee; 25 centS a ben, at .b.li deillere, -or Iildnumson, Dates „St. Tomtit*. 0