HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-13, Page 8• Thursday, March 13th, 1902 GODERICII. GODERICIL George slIenderson, son of Mrs. Strangh, lute secured a position in Brantford. Mr. J. if. \Vorsell is chnirtuan or the public library board, J. E. Brydges, treasurer, A. .1. Moore, secretary, and A . Doff, librarian. Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson have returned from Detroit where they spent the winter with their nieces. Mrs. Fred. 'Phorneson anti childrei have returned from Lions Head. Exeter Ticnes: - ".lir. Charles An- drews, anti of Thome.; Andrews of Con• stance, who has for some time been the clerk for 1Ir, McKim in (:nderich, is spending a Bhnrt time wrth his friends in this vicinity prior to taking charge of a general store in Gerrie which bas lately been purchased by bis father. The family will in due time move to that village." We congratulate Mr. An- drews open his pro notion for which he is well fitted. Ile IN popular here in snci.tl feed church circles. Mr. T. G. Allen, formerly prinoipra of Dengennon public snlino1. is appointed •w successor to James 11, l'i; e'rt, who at Easter holidays takes charge of the Central school here. Birth -in (io lerioh on Feb. 280, to Mr. and 1frs. Archie iff.eiden, n eon. Mr. Scalia of the engine works, has accepted a position in Toronto. St. George's Sunday tchuol loses a worker. _lits. D. lfacdonald returned horse on Dfareh 4th from a couple of months' visit to friends at Toronto, Ottawa and Montn e1. Mr. and Mrs. Westohy are at the old home tit, Patrick St once more. They have resided at St. ('atherines for some months. Rev. Damen iTamilton attended the proliihi(ion convention and the great missionary gathering recently held in Toronto. Dur ne his absence his work cit Leebnrn was taken by Revs. Ander- son and Daniels. 'The Clinton twins, Ernest a:rt Edwin Devine, have good po Wong in town. Ernest is with 1)r. 'Turnbull and Edwin at the lintel Bed lord. .lira. 4\'. ~horror and her daughter, Miss Josie Shannon, late of the Park House, ort making pieparationst) re. aide in the Yukon, the :lfessrs. Walter an.l John being in Dawson City. Miss Shannon has been orgauiat of St. Peter's far soure yea s and will be much missed. Grippe has had full swing the past tw c weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. J. Herr seri and son Itegineld, Mrs. Stowe, mother at Mra. Ben ,Saults, and a number of our citizens have had pretty severe attacks of that unwelc lino dimefse, Mime ('arnernn'a miltiuery eatablis)t- ment ie being painted, which gulps to brighten up 11 trnilton street. A (l. 1'. detective ca no up to look into the nae -e of a post being laid aernss the railway t'r'ack last weak in February. Scene one might have been hauling posts and let one drop off his lend, W • hope no one dreamed of causing an snei,fent to the train. A number of cit zone near the/rake say the cows have been running at large of late, and going over the (awns in search of whatever green sprout showed it+ head when aha anew departed. certain John Macdonald improve his time anti intent in shipbuilding this winter and will very soon with him two cLver young sons leave for Chatham where they will have to give the Knl- fagen little trimming up to be ready for the early opening of nxvieation. Mrs. Percival E Bell returned on Fri- day last fr tn) her visit to London. Miss Minim at present has taken np her residence at the home of Miss Ilam- ilton. Mr. John Better is the first of the West end mariners to leave. lie was up hr re two or three tunes last week. We were very sorry to read in the Toronto Globe of March lied of the death in that city on .March 2nd at the residence of his mother, of James Fred- eric. only son of the late Frederic Henry Marlton of Spanish Town, ,Jam- aica, aged '3(i years. We knew James. IIe with his mother and sister Elm, acme from Jamaica nearly twenty years ago and re.ided on Stanley street in the house now occupied by Mr. Murphy. One day while playing he received an injury which was not et the time con scdered dangerous, but ultimately sap- ped his young lite away. Mrs. Marlton was a cousin by marriage of Mrs. F. Smeath, which caused Mrs. F. Marlton to leave Jamaica for Goderioh after her husband's death. Later they went to reside in 'Toronto. ".Jinni 1," as he was called here, visited Mrs. titneeth here a few years ago, but he was quite an in- valid. The fine weatber of last week causad several of our housewives to have the carpets taken up, etc. Mr. ,John Mitchell is removing from Emit street to a house an St. Patrick street ownecl,by Mz Blake. are -e happy Io state that Mr. Eph- raim Downing, our veteran shoe rner- claent, is about to re-enter the husiness. Mr. Downing has bad a most successful career sin •e he left bis native land, Wale:,, for our old town. The polders are being out down on the new purchase of ex lfayor Wilson. That gentleman must have got the building fever, ,I stirs, Pellew and Gavin Green are build;ng on Anglesea street. A young merchant of Dungannon, Mr. Mark oung, has we are sorry to say met with a very serious accident while driving to town with a friend one day last week. '!'Ice young men ware in a mutt r and meeting near Dunlop's hill a team laden with furniture, turned out of the way and in getting out of the cutter Mr. Young in some way un known to himself had his leg fractured in two places, one being at the anale. His sister is waiting upon him at the residence of Mrs. Silence. We are very s )try that 1Ir. Young's accident is 80 great, hut we hope a few weeks will give him sullioient strength to bo ab eit again. Mr. Dean Cooper, near the residence of 1fr, 1Voolt ar, has purchased the resi- dence of Mr.Peter O'Rourke on An,llesea street and is making several improve- ments up."n it Miss Chrystal of London (late of (ioileriah) has taken a position as head milliner in an Willie establishment. Ex Maser Nilson has purehaser'th•tt fine site on North street, adjoining the residence of Philip Holt, K. C. On Saturday evening 1Er. ,James hays observed a flame in the organ factory anti gave the alarm. Fortunately the fire brigade was called out in time to extinguish the incipient hlnzs. As there wets no fire in the room it roust have been acane of spnntaneoua combustion, 1fi,s Eva 1IcM:ath left on Saturday to take a p Isltion as nurse in training at Mount Sinai hospital, New York. Mr. Marwick, who spent the winter with his mother at the Orkney Islands, has returned to his home here. GIOUERIOH. Lettuce has made Its appearance • pretty early Mid season. It was lovely and crisp.. . Arrs. Alex. Craigie.has thirteen hens, and since October they have kept her in eggs all winter. That is a pretty good record. n Miss Charlotte Wiggins of Ottawa,.. the famous Canadian temperance leo turer, is this week the guest of Mee': J. Parsons Brown. At the meetingofthe Goderioh Town- ship Rifle Association last weei>,Cap.tains Grant :and MacIvor of Goderich attend- ed. Captain Grant gave some interest. ing remarks on thecharacteristics of the new rifles, and their ogre. 'There was a good turn out of the members, but they had no special subject for discus- sion. iscussion. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch of Aubtarb, haye come to take up their. residence here. . Seaforth Sun : Miss McKenzie of God erich is visiting 1lrs. T. J. Scott, Spar. ling street. At St. Peter's the 40 hoare devotion closed ,on Wednesday with solemn. High Mass., Rev, Father bMao Cormack preached cm Sunday evening. Rev. Fathers [Ianlon, MoMenattafn, 1VIolieon and Corcoran all kindly assist- ed. The object of the sermon is.re- pentance, the means of salvation, and intimate union with our Lord. Captain Dan, Sutherland, who ,had'. been employed all winter -at the Clergue Steal Works,.'iauit Ste.. Bisrie,will leave, at an early' date, for Sarnia, where his boat the Corieande hes, and help pee- • pare her for the opening of navigation... Don't forget to order your Shamrocks for Monday morning next. From the Daily Chronicle qf. Muskeg - an, Mich., for Feb 18th, we copy the following obituary referring to thedeath of Mr. John B. McLaren of that city and brother of Mrs. Collinson of this town. t' A large number of friends. neighbors, rind business associates, were present, as a mark of the high esteem in. which Mr. McLaren was held by alt who knew . him, and of the great loss sustained by the oommunity in his untimely death. .. The 'employees of the Muskeg/in Manu.. facturing Company of`whieh B`ir: MoLar• en was the tireless and efficient super- intendent, attended in a body. The floral offerings were very grand end_pro. fuse. The service was conducted by•the • Rev, Archibald Hadden who spoke of the character and worth of Mr. McLar- en, ashe haul cometo know him through years of intimate association. He was a man of tireless energy end•indefatig. able industry. No obstacle seemed too great for Mr. McLaren to endeavor to overcome, and inepite of honest doubts, anddeep sorrows, he steadfastly went forward in the discharge of hie duties air he saw them Elis life had been a bless- ing to the community, and at the time when it seemed he could be least sprired the summons came." Those present at thefuneral besides the son and daugh- ter of deco teed. Mr. 13ruoe McLaren of Ann Arbor and Mrs. Victor Morse of Ithaca, Mich., were our own tgwnepeople Mr. Daniel McLaren, Victoria street, brother of deceased and Mrs. Jane i#oldthorpe and her daughter, Mabel, sister anti niece of deceased. Other relatives attended from Chicago, being Mrs. James E (wards, sister of decoaeed a000mpanied by her husband, and rel-, ntives from Sault Ste. Marie, Lansing, and Paw Paw. Mr. J. 13. McLaree's. home was a short distance from Saltford and he studied for a teacher, leaving. • home very young.