HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-13, Page 6Maroli 13th, 1902 TME ax,,T*Tir ON INT ' —.0041 elk AA "lh I ..!"-"1 I L 1111.11111111101111010101111W Lielf$100101.01$111$1 atnifliaNIMON L 1 IJ i I WI iftea,01 sse.t it ',Josses sitii• i imac' 04 ,44"1 rl - cos • *iittlespultiar *****K1 • 14 ti tie pati.iiviai nott tu..i,toa wl 4J: veuv.isedds Nit apstu eatriie 110Illa‘100 • I1017:XUUO'D zool go,1981A14.8.pszuttai Hagar Bones 141**carQK*9•Sa*6ss,fle4e For lien• Bell Sftoes For Women These shoes are made from original and exclusive designs up- on which the highest skill and best thought have been concentrat. ed and impart to the foot an elegance of style. which distin- guishes their wearers as being better dress- ed than those of less particular choosing. No matter for what purpose you may de- sire shoes you will find- your require- ments perfectly, sup- plied in the 'HAGAR or the BELL line, so complete is the variety. FREO.7. JACKSON. Sole Agent in Clinton •••••••••••0•••••••••••• • • • • a Ca ern co • • • • • • • S. o ; • • • • We have a large range ; of cameras but the ; best for a cheap camera • • • e Brownie No, 2. • Which we soli at : • . .$2.00 . . ' • .is • • • et • • • is • : • • . • Persons in neighboring towns • •. O w ho are thinking of purchas7 ' 01 • • ing a camera will receive an .• . -.gilt" 2 Eastman catlaogue by dropp- • ing us a card. Other cameras pesid es the Eastman can be 0. . •' implied, 'Films, developing 0 0 .. powders and ot her light stip- ' 2 6 plies can be sent by mad. 5. 0 e • a • Our cheap Exposure Meter • at 33c gives -the correct expos- • ure under all conditions and 'Z • o pays for itself in a short.time . 0. O by saving over and. under 0 e a O exposure in negatives:. • 0 • es . . . • • • 6 e • 1.1. B. COMBEI q' 9 • lw. o a is • It , . • •••••••••••• seep sooeseeier" ' • • • Chemist and Druggist. • Logs. Logs and Heading of all .kinds wanted. Highest prices given, Soft elms to be cut 11 ft., 12 ft. or 13 ft. long. R. & J. Ransfoicl„. Stapl eton Salt Works. • . • coesteemees• ....Si....... • • SPRING' TERM 0 OPENS APRIL 1ST • eide7iviz STRATFORD, On. • Enter now and bo ready to aeoept a •_ •_ good position in tho fall. This popular Tschool with its eplenclid iithff of teaehere, . - thorough courses of study and meta - w tion for strictly high grade work is the „.0 ono for you to attend. Title college oeme 7. pies a far higher level than the average '" business college. Write for circulars. • • W. J. maitorr, Prineipal • • • • e••••••••••• 6.08••••0••••0 MAIIOLE AND ORAN1TE VIONUMEMS. ,Oe'v dawtzazt,- For Over tilizty N"'ears Mxis.Wnotow's SO0TUnie SyituP hat: bone used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and, broken of your re3 by a sick child onlibring and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth sond once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing leyrup" for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor itte mutterer immediately. De - end upon it,inothere, there le no mistake about in)i)Itig16s,"lettiglirifir Guam, reduces Inflammation, and given tone and energy to thu tlole eystem, "Aire, Winslow:e Soothing Syrup or children teething is Plea- sant to the taste and it the prescription of one of tie., oldest and best female physiciaes and nemesia the United States. Price tweuty-live COWS ap. bottle. Sold by ell druggists througb out the world." Ile sure and ask for "Aire. WiNstow SoorinNe Senor. HOUSE TO RENT. comfortablo little house on William St., at present occupied by Noble Lovett. Poseession given at once. Apply to 11003T. MARSHALL, Clinton, March lith. 2t. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The undersigned errors for sale his cottago. and two lots situated on Fulton street, Tho cottage is frame, 26x30, with five rooms, sum- mer kitchen, large woodshed, etc., hard and soft water. Large Quantity of all kindsof small fruits. Will be sold on easy terms. GFORGE STEWART. Cheese Factory NOtice, On Saturday March 22, 1002, at 2 o'clock p, m at. Wilson's hall, ITolxneaville the Hohnesville 0. & n: Co. (Lull will let by Adele tutetion the drawing of milk on the d firereet routes,same as last year. W. B. FORSTER, ' W. S, LAWRENCE, President, Secretary, Holmesville, March ard, Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers forsale lot 10, con. 6, IInllet consisting of 100 acres all but 8 acres cleared, 10 acres fall wheat,'40 acres pasture land, welt watered and fenced, good clay land. 1 acre good orcbar 1, frame barn 50x60 with. stone foundation, 1 miles from schoo1,3i. miles from Londesboro, 3i from Kinburn and 5 from Clinton, Immediate possession can be given. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply. on • TITOMAS.4 QUIGLF,Y, premises. . Clinton 17. iluilott,March 6t11 SEED OATS POR SALE Tyndall. Bros. have a quantity of Canadian Pride Oats for Salo. These oats have given great satisfaction to those who got soul last aPriug, They aro free from smut and aro clean, Wo tuck:lied 1200 bushols from 20 acres this TYNDALL BROS,'Itullett. Fob. 20th, -• Clinton I) Q. eduction in Prices Here is a good chance to secure a #rst class buggy :at a .big reduction. Note these prices •' $80 Buggies for $68., $75 Buggies for $65 $65 Buggies for $60 Remember 'these . are •ei Our own make which places us in a position to guarantee them as we do not buy anythingbu first-class material. Repairing preniptly attended to by experienced tneu. • RUMR,ALL and McMATH num, St,, Clinton. . . This Is • Your OpportunitT RATTENBORY ST. WORKS, • Ditect importers. Workmato. ship and Material guaranteed. We are offering to shrewd - buyers the greatest opportunity they . - ever had. in ' •.Clinton." to purchase reliable goods at 'prices whieli 'defy' • conipetition. • See the special .values we now haVe on view. in our window. Watch Repairing,.. is a. Specialty • With ps.. • • A. .1. GRIGG Scientific jeweler and Optician• • CLINTON, owr. MARRIAVES. HASTIE—SMITII—At the manse, Fordwich,on Feb.26th,R. It. Hes- tia to Miss Emma, Smith, both of Gorrie. WIIITTINGRAM—ELLIOTT — At the residence of the bride's parents Goderich township, on March 5th: by Rev. C. R. Gonne, X. A. Clin- ton, Frederick G. Whittingham of Qu'Appelle, Assa to Sarah. E., daughter of Mr. W. 0. Elliott. Sl'INRS—GOGGIN—In Vordwich, on Feb. 26th, by Rev. Gonne of Clin- ton, Mr. Albert Spinks, to Miss Sarah J. Goggin. REID—AITI<EN—.A.t the residence of the bride's parents, Glennanan, on Mar. 5th, by Rev. W. G. West, Mr. Neil Reid of Paisley to Miss Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr, Thos. Aitken.. MARTIN—DAWSON—At tlie resi- dence of the bride's parents,Kin- loss, by Rev. G. M. Dunn, on Feb. 26t11, Daniel II. Martin to Mary J, Dawson, youngest daugh- ter of John Dawson of Xinloss. STARLING — ST.A.RLING — In the • Methodist church, Wingliam, by Rev. R. Hobbs, on Match stli, Wm. Rolstotu Sperling, M, A. M, D. of Lusk, Wy•orning, IT, S., to Miss Laurette Louise, second daughter of F. G. Sperling, Wing - ham, HOY—LAING---In Grcy, on March 5th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev, 11, E. • Curry of Ethel, Mr. W. J. Hoy to Miss Melissa, youngest daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. B. Laing, all. of Grey. • MORGAN —. HENDERSON — At the Methodist parsonage, Brussels, on March 5th, 'by Rev, John Holmes, Mr. John A. Morgan to Miss Catherine J. Henderson of Goder- ich. HARRIS—ALLISON—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on March 5th, by Rev, Fletcher, Mr, Charles Harris to Miss Mary A., daughter of Mr. John Allison. FRENC11--CATVIPBELIr—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on the 26th of Feb., by the Rev. Mr. Abery, Mr: George French to Aliss Margaret Campbell, all of Logan. • PEART—HUBBARD--At the residence .the groom, Exeter, on Feb. 26th, by the Rev, C. 'W.• Brown, 13, A., Mr. Joseph Peart to Miss Hub- bard of Toronto, ANDERSON—REM—At the residence . of the bride's parents, on the. 4th of ,lklarch, by. the Rev.Mr. Hosk- CLINTON 'lug of Ripley, JoSeph. Anderson to • Miss.. Maud Reid, daughter of Pet- MARBLE r Reid, all of Huron township. '. •BENNET—WRIGHT—At the 'resi- AND• • dence of the bride's parents, on • March jth, by Rev. R. S. G. An- • derson, Mr.Rich M. Bennet of How - ick to Miss Mary. Rebecca Wright, daughter of Mr. Wm. Wright of • HEYWOOD—In Elurville, on March mud, to Mr. and We. JamesIley- Dlr. and Mrs. Chas. Petrie, a weed, a daughter. PETRIE-1n Elma, on Feb. 25th, to • . daughter. YOUNG—In Elute., on Feb. 25th, to Mr. and. Mrs, William Young, a son. GORDON—In London, on Feb. 27th, to Mr. and. Mrs. F. Gordon, formerly of Wingham, a son. 0.11010000', mite ile.10~00•10,100- vie alitellelto leelkfrolltelbesilt~bAileeliite ft01•410WW0Pef~•1010 Pocket Pocket $ MoKIN NON Books Books $ .. SEE HEM NEW SPRING GOOD..8 T. PROEM 50 TO $1.50 13.1t...1171.11E1 DEA.Tus Re P. Reekie, Successor to Sydney J'aollson. N. S.—White Pine and Tar Compound (lures Colds. 25c per bottle. is~sieseomanbewii~6...16~ea.-sa,swia-460b...evis.-es,se.wes,; ETUE—At the Safible Line, Stanley, on. March xst, Levi Etue, at the age of 79 years and 9 months. DEICHERT—At Cavalier, North Da- kota, on the2nd of Match, Maggie Beichert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Beichert, at the age of 27 years, lo months and X7 days, ROWLAND—In Elma,on Feb. 24th, Mary Amu Sanders, wife of Geo. Rowland, aged 47 years, 3 months and 12 days. THOMPSON—In Brussels on March 3rd, John Thompson, 'formerly of Seaforth, aged 66 years. SMIT11—At Springhurst Farm, Hay, on Feb. 26th, Agnes, only daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Smith, aged 18 months. SCOTT—In Di kna, ort Feb. 25t1t, Wm. B. Scott, aged 79 years and 2 days. DIcKENZIE—In Logan, on March 1st, Jean Xvelyn, youngest daughter of James and Nellie 1V1eXenzie, aged. 5 month'a'il x day, TTJER—In Ellice,on Feb, 27thdldar- the Florence Tuer, aged xx years, • 7 months and 25 days. GODBOLT—In Toronto, on Feb. 22nd, George Godbolt, formerly of Sun- shine, 'Osborne township, aged 83 • years SMITII—In Hay township, on Feb. 26th, Agnes, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Smith, aged 1 year and 6 months, LITTLEJOHNS—In Chicago, Illinois, on Feb. 26th, Frederick Little - johns, formerly of Exeter, in his PSESCRIPTION DRUG; ST01031 2rst year. To Care a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money Cash and One Price Butter and Eggs taken as Cash . • . • Great Clearing Sale of First-class Footwear .Por the Next Two Weeks. Come and see for yourselves for if ever Low Prices •Sold Shoes in a hurry it will in this case, Sale Price • 53 pairs Ladies' Genuine •Dongola Kid Sale Price r t . J Buttoned Boots, worth $1.75 $1.25 Sale Price 50 pairs Lung Quality , and Bell Boots Sale Price $2.75 buttoned or laced, worth $3 to $3.50 $2.40 Sale Price Ladies' Felt and Velvet Slippers, good Sale Price 50e value at 75c5 0c iSale' Ptice Men's 'Waterproof Overshoes, siz. es 4 . Sale Prtee „.., 050 and 7 only, worth 31.67 95c Sale Price • Men's Felt 4 Buckled Boots, sizes 6 and Sale Price $1,50 7 only, worth $2.25 . $1.50 Sale Price Mer.'s Box Calf and Dongola Kid Laced Sale Price 8225 & $2.50 Boots and Gaiters, worth $3 and $3.50 31.75 Sale Price 75 pairs Misses Buttoned School, Boots Sale Price 81,00' worth $1 to $1,50 80c Prices out of A. line of Men's Fine Laced Boots go- Bargains Joint lug at $1. See them. Beckon you A Regular Feast of Bargains in every Department commenoing Friday morning, Feb. 7th. Priori Figure. qutility Counts. • Watch this space for next week, It wilt pay you. • • Win. TAYLOR & SON. if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig. nature IS 011 each ho*X. 25c. . . . . „ • GRANITE VVORKS 44404.* ***•••••••••t••••••••••••••••.*****“.••••••••• THE GREAT CASH STORE, I I New Spring Goods • • . The best'eluss of work ' •procurable • has ' been • • jatnestown, 1 WE WON'T 'call on you a week after • • Bikini your bereavement. PERIn Clinton, on March 12th, WE WON'T nuke the work to suit • the • WE WILL make the price to suit to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper• , a the work. • give you the choice of the SCHR.XNX—In Harriston a h WE WILL , o rc loth., the wife of •Mr. A A• produ9tion of the world . • in design and material. • S ienk of a son. • • • of the groom,Xxeter, on Feb. 26; *McFARLANE---In Grey on March 2nd • to • Mr, and nirp. George 1VIcFar- _ • • • We are the ONLY prac-• ' tical men in Clinton in . • •• ' our line. Do not he • • talked into placing your BOLGEitt--:41- korris, on March 3rd; order 'Without first call- • to Mr. and Mrs.Thos, .Bolger, a ing on us.: • daughter.:• • t ' • BOINite—aInid.Xlieter; ,,c1;.11 Feb. 27th, to • Ms ' lf. Bowen .' a ' Oa B. HOO•V•E•R, PRpF, , . daUghter:• •' *• '• Next to Oommercial Hotel. *lwlife Ate...•nevenireesei•,40vis;.-eiee•ii..eseib;10.:AltseAte;10.,elaegeellaoge...104 • • um a s eNve ery ore • • • in Great Variety The suitings that have just arrived on Ladies' Spring Suits are beautiful. Also something very special. in Costume Venetian.• • • • NEW SPRING HA TSAHD CAPS .; NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS haying just received a, large The finest selection in the • consignment of them by direct ira- • market. • pnrtation places us in a position to ' Call and See Thein • give you the best value in th•e mar- ' The Print department is nil' ket. •• „ • of all the newest designs. OUR BOOT. AiD SHOE DEPARTMENT. •' is well assorted but it is needless to saranything about prices as it is a standing fact that our prices are the lowest. • . . • MILLINERY OPENINGS •will be announced- lat.. ; • er, Miss 1VIorrison is again. in.charge of that Departme.nt •. and is at present visiting the business centres in our in- ; terests and will, as she always has done, supply. the buy- ing public with th,e very 'best that is to •be.had for money. ; I 1 Pretoria .73logolz. ••••••4•••••.•••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • D. M. MoBEATH - BLYTH. 1 . -e*--eatiatela-liain-tena,ve:--•*--t•;10.-se.rees...••••••.0,10.-ea-e , . • . . .. .: , • T . . , . $ . . E $ - FOR THE - NEXT 60 DAYS • • AND LONGER IF NECESSARY Clook's Cottoil *lot Compound .t Is suceessfully.used monthly by over . 10,000 Ladies. $afe, effectual, Ladies ask. pound. Tyakeindor.titg,ZralClooliggiltg, Pits Cigna imitations are dangerous, Price, No, 1, $i per boxNo. 0,10 degrees stronger, Ss per box. No. 1 or 11, mailed on receipt of price and two il-cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. larIlos. 1 and 2 sold and recomMetided by all respeneible Druggists in Canada. ?os. 1 and 2 are sold in Clinton by IL 23. Combe,' It. P Rookie, E.Hovey and Watts & Co. --Druggists. • AUCTION.... SALE. . STOCK AND ImPLEMENTS. Mr. William Weir has instructed the under- signed rtue'Aoneer to sell by public auction on Lot 10, Bayfield Road, Goderich township, one mile south of Clinton, on Friday, March 14th, the following : 1 colt rising &years old, 2 fillies rising 1 year, 1 newly calved cow, 8 cows stip- ° posed to be in calf, 1 farrow eow, 2 brood rows 10 store pigs, 2 lumber wagons, 2 pair bob sleighs, 1 democrat with polo and shafts, 1 top • buggy nearly now, 1 pair light Aloighri, 2 hay . racks, 2 flat racks, 3 corn reeks, 1 roulthard & Scott grate dri11,1 Airissey-Harris_bindor nearly • now, 1 IVIeesey-Barris mower, iviewat mower and pea harvester attached, 1 horse rake deer. ing 1 hay carrier with fork, slings, ropes midpulloys, pulleys, 1 hay tedder, 1 hay loader, 2 Miller Mows, 1 iron plow,, I drain plow, 1 drill ploW. 2 plows 2 furrow1 corn cultivator, 1 Oise har- row, .1 set iron harrowe, 2 fanning mills one now, ' 1 straweutter, .1 farm cart and harness, 1 :let light double hareem, 1 Melotte dream noparetor now, 1 churn. 1 butter worker, 8 milk cans encl_pana, 2 refrigerators, 1 cook store, 1 Radiant Homo coal stove nearly now, 2 hording stoves, 1 agrioultural furnace. 1 land roller, 1 weeder, 1 turnip drill. 1 largo platform scale, 1 platform settle and truck combined, 1 root. slicer and prdper, 1 bag truck. 1 real scraper, 1 barrel and truck, 80 hens, forks, howl, rakes, chains and other artioles too numerous to mention. All will be sold without reserve As tile proprietor lies sold hit farlY1 and it going West. Lunch will bo served 5( 11.30 and sale will eommenno at 12,50 o'clock sharp. Timms oe SAtg—All stone of 310 and under, cash I on over that amount 8 months credit will bo Wen ,An approved joint notes'. 6 per cent. per minim for cash on credit amounts, WILLIAM WEIR., TII06, BROWN, Proprieter, Auctioneer. Goderieh township, Feb, 88(h, . . . SEAL FA. 3 IC E PROPRIETORS, . .n41bP6 414% 'Moat PliosphoRine, nit &sal :English Ilesnedg. Bola Arid teOonftMendOd by SR druggists in Canada, onir able ni0die1110 didOOtAtrOd, packager ouaeartfeed to sure ell forms o Sexual „NVealittese,all Offeete Of illeide Or 010006 memo]. woo', EXeeitsive bele of To. Wee, Opium or Stirrailatita, Mailed on receipt of price, one deka 31,511, 85. One tan plorse, rtSsrat ant. -Pamphlets 1150 10 any *Admit& The Weed Compress. wutdsorgoni. Wood'a Phosphodine la Sold in ClitdOn _hy 11 P. Combo, 11, P.Iteekie, B. Ilovoy aud watts is (10.--,1)rusigints. We are offering our entire stock of $5,000 WOrtb. of _ _ _ Watches and Clocks $ ...Tewelery of all kinds Knives, Forks, Spoons 1 0 . . . Our large warerooms are fully stocked with; furniture of all • kinds andif :you are , thinking of purchasing :we invite you to call, see our display arid learn our prices. • • • • • • It will do you good to see the beautiful line of 'Fancy Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering. PARLOR CABINETS MUSICS CABINETS. • Sumo RA.Olte. • SECRETARIES BOOK CASES • • • • • • • • • • CHIFFONIERS . DRESSING TABLES HALL RACKS LIBRARY TABLES FANCY TABLES JARDINERE STANDS EASLBIS PiCTVRES PAPER .RACKS... CaptilES • —"exeraiss Our New Spring Goods are now coming forward in large qyantitres and by the end of this week we expect to have our stoek completed, in all lines when we will show great values in the following goods; New Lace Curtains at 18e, 25e, 35e, 50c, 750, $1. and $2 New Union Carpets at 25e, 35c, 40e and 50o New Wool Carp.ets new patterns, at 65c, 85c and 81 Japanese}lep Ca rmp eattst,i, ni in es:turiepwespaantdtedmozal at 150, 1a2rd. 2180e and 25c A. special line of Tapestry Carpet worth 65c, for 50c New Ginghams, in blue and white checks, worth 7c, for Sc Best Shirtings. fast colors. regular 14c, for 12ic Cottona(1es and Moleskins at ltic, 20c and 25e New Muslim, in all the new colors and patterns, including fancy open stripes and scrolls, at 12e, 15c and 20c Black Muslins, in stripes and checks, at 124c, 15e and 25c NEW SILKS We imported our Silks direct this season and got theIn below regular prices ; Japanese Wash Silk, in all colors, regular,Mc, for 25c Fine Japanese Silks, wide width, in all the new colors, regular price 69c, for 50c Fine Black Tafetta Silks at 60c, 75c and $1 New Colored Tafetta Silks, new shades, at 60c, 75c and 05c Black Peau•de-Soie Silks, very special, worth $1,25, for $1 • Silks for Waists, in fancy stripes, very special at 50c McKINNONA CO: - BLYTH i . ‘..wwww,AAAAA....AAAAvvvvvvwwww,AAAAAAAAAAs gloriolls Big Bargain Doi • Comilleilcillg Fe-irory 1)111 And Continuing Uhtil March. 15t11 A royal time for those who need or who will need clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's" Pants, Boys' Pants•. OUR WHOLE STOCK WILL BE OFFERED The object of tlus sale isto sell out t3ns • season's clothing before :our new goods* arrive. We never carry one season's goods into the next season.. All goods charged dur- ing this sale will be charged at regular, prices. Positively no goods charged at sale prices. Our goods are marked in plain figures—de- duct 20 per cent. and. that will be the selling price for cash:only during the sale. • . 1. 'MEN'S SUITS Men's $5 Suits now $.4 00 • Men's $6 Suits now 4 80 Men's 88 Suits now 6 40 •Meri's $10 Suits now •8. 00 •Men's $12 Suits now • , 9 GO• BOY'S SUITS' Boys'. $1.50 Suits now• •. $.1. 20' Boys' 2.00 Suits now • • 1 60 Boys' 2.60 Suits now 2 00 . ' Boys' 3.00 Suits now 2 40 Boys' 4.00 Suits now 3 20 .. Boys' 5.00 Suits now .4 00.. Boys Odd Pants ' • 40 MEN'S OVERCOATS . Men's $5.00 Overcoats now $ 4 00 • Men's • 6.00 Overcoats now '4 80 • Men's 8.00 Overcoats now 6 40 • .IVIen's 10.00 Overcoats now 8 00 • Men's 12.00 Overcoats now •9 60 BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced in sons) proportion. All Fur Goods at absolute cost ---Fur Caps, Fur Coats Fur Collars, Gloves, Mitts, Heavy Underclothing, etc. . We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our • • wareroomeeven if you doanot want to purchase. • • • • . • • • . Silver an.d Chinaware J. W. CbidleY, Manager, Fancy ..Articles, ' etc..: Night and'Sunday calls of our Funeral Director, Janswered:at residence , W. Chidley, King street, opposite fotindry, At Cost Price and Less YES,: IT !DAYS. $. We Wish our stock reduced one half as we have too large a stock, • r — Remember This is a Genuine Sale No Sham Prices, but as stated — At Gast and Less — The price is clearly marked on• $ every article. And every article guaranteed to be just as we tell you or we will refund your money if not satisfied, RUMBA LL'S Albert St. Clinton. , It paykito sell good shoes. ' We always thought so,now we know it. • Our shoes have a reputation. We sell the best. The name of Geo. A. Slater stamped on is a guarantee of fit and comfort to the wearer. • R. J. OLUFFI CLINTOIC GRERT BrIAGIII}18 STILL Our big sale will continue till March int. We have left a few lines of Men's and Boy& Rubbers-. Ovetshoe• Overeoats, Winter Suits, Caps, Mitts and Underwear, which we will clear out at eost. We have also a few Ladies' Waists, Suits • Of 'Underwear Ties, 1 Caperine, Gloves, Etc,, Children's Caps Tams, Gloves, Ties, Etc., all at cost. Granulated Sup ar 2iIhs for $1. Highest prices for produce. Call and see Us, No trouble to dhow our good!. HARNWELL, CHEAP CASH .STORE„ VARNA The News -fiend will he sent to anu address until tfie ma of 1902 for 7Bo THOS. JACKSON CLINTON • A .RARE CHANQE: • We are selling goods at about half the original • 'wholesale price thus affording intending purchasers a rare chance to get good staple goods at a price much less than they usually pay. • We have still a number of Ladies' jackets left and in order to clear them out before the season is over we have decided to make the price so low that they must go. These jackets are all well made and of good triaterial, the up-to-date article. •Note a few of the prices : • jackets that were 4, id $15.00 now $4,05 11,00 now 3.40 9.00 now 2,05 6.00 now 1.80 $4 and 5.50 now 1,65 MEN'S OVERCOATS All our Frieze Overcoats which ranged in prices. from $5 to $8 are now going at $3.95. All our goods equally as cheap. ONE EADLY ADD CET FIRST CHOICE. PLUMSTEEL & -01BRINGS 01•4016.sese;44000•1104•11.44&•teet•itti . • •