HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-13, Page 5Mob. 18th,, 1902 1 I 99 I LI 1 I I Hagar nioes 4,0i40,40„gecoriim!„9„4., For Men Bell Slioes 140, 50**-0"qs.,0"QisiliKesiiKles • For Women These shoes are made from original and exclusive designs up- on which the highest skill and best thought have been concentrat- ed and impart to the foot an elegance of style which distin- guishes their wearers as being better dress- ed than those of less particular choosing. No matter for what purpose you may de- sire •shoes you will find • your require- ments perfectly, sup- plied in the HAGAR or the BELL line, so complete is the variety. ••••••••••••••••,,,,•••,•••••1/....,,,,./ Fn. T. JACKSON. Sole Agent in Clinton emseeeeeeeeeceeoseeamme • * i OaffieraS 1 6 i O " 0 O e O ..•"...."...."."0.4,.......,,,,,,,,,,, 0 0 o .e : We.have a large range. : of cameras but .the . • : best for a cheap camera .• • • • • 46, fa --is— • . , - 0 ..* , * . - • . a • 9S a L 0 • i - e . s • . , • • • • 0t- Persons in neighboring towns 2 • . who are thinking of purcha,s- ; • ing a carriers, will receive an... -fts* • Eastman catlaogueby dropp- • 0 ; ing us a card. Other cameras : • esides the Eastman can be o 9*-tunplied. Films, developing 0 06 - powders and other light sup. : • g plies can be sent by mail. e e •. • . e a •.. • Our cheap ExPosure Meter .• • at, 35c gives the correct expos- 0 - 6, ure under all conditions and 2 - Q. a pays for itself in a short time • . e by saving over nod under 0 e • . exposure in negatives. O 0 - a Browi nie No, 2 Which We soli at .. $2.00 0 • • - • H. E3 COMBE5 • a Chemist and Druggist. • • • _ • aus•GoossisaostalesS001100••••• Logs° • •• ,• • Logs and Heading of all kinds. wanted, • • • Highest prices given, • Soft elms to be cut 11 ft., 12:ft. or 13 ft. long. .• R. & J. Ra.nsfotd, Stapleton Salt Works. , •000•0001100000••00000000000 0 • P. S RING' TERM OPENS APRIL IST • For Over Sixty Yoars, Mum, stows 80011IING Syzwv has bee used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and, broken of your ret by u. sick child sulfuring and ming with pain of Cutting:IWO). send at ono and. get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will ze. Bove the peer itte sulrerer isornediately. De• pend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about It. It cures Diarrhosa, regulates the kitontech and bowels, cures Wind Coli, softens the (Sums, reduce s in !lamination, and gives tone and energY to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething, ia plea• sant to the taste and is the prescription of me of tit, oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twouty-tive cows an bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mrs Wirtsxow bloirrivisre SvittO,. ori• • • • •• • HOUSE TO RENT. Comfortable little house on William St., at preseut occupied by Noble Lovett. Possession given at once. Apply to ItOBT. MARSIIALL, Clinton. MoSchlith. 2t. • HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE .1••••••••.••• The undersigned offers for sale his cottage and two lots situated on Fulton street. The cottage is frame, 21;x00, with rive rooms. sum - mer kitehen, large woodshed, ete., hard and soft water. Large quantity of all kimisof siessi fruits. Will be sold on easy terms, 01:101t0E STEWART. clinton,111(treh Ilth. Cheese Factory Notice, On Saturday March 22, 1002, at 2 o'clock p, m at Wilson's hall, ITolmesville, the Holmesville 0. & 11. Co. (Ltd) will let by public auction the drawing of milk on the different roe tes,santo last's -ear. W. B. FORSTF.11, W. 5, LAWRE1NCE, President. Secretary.' lielmesville, March Sol, Parm for Sale. Tha uudersigned.10, on. consisting of 100 acres, all but 8 saeres cleared, 10 acres fall wheat, 40 aero pasture land. well watered and fenced, good clay land, *acre good (mbar 1, frame barn 6001) with stone foundation. 1* miles from sebosl,Si miles from Loodesboro,3fr from Kinburn and 6 from Clinton. Immediate possession can se given. Will be sold on reasonable ternis. Apply on promiseS. THOMAS QUIGLEY. Rullett, Mareh.6th . Clinton P. 0. • • • •• • - • SEED OATS FOR 'SALE Tyndall Bros. Immo a quantity 'of Canadian Pride Oats for sale. These oats have given great satisfaction to those who got seed last spring. , They are free trom smut and aro .closn. We threshed 1200 'bushols front 20 acres this year, TYNDALL BROS, I-fullott, Feb. 26th, . Clinton P .0. • Reduction in. Prices here is a good chance to secure a first class buggy at a big reduction, Note these prices : . $80 Buggies for $68 $76 Buggies for $65 $66 Buggies. -fOr $60 Re/Member these are all our own make which places us in pbsition to guarantee them as .we do,not buy an3ithi xig bu .first-class /material. . • Repairing promptlY 4:ttended Ito • lay experienced meg. RUMBALL ;and.. Boron St„ (Milton. This is Your Opportunity,. • We are, offering to shrewd buyers the greatest opportunityl they ever had iti :• Clinton' .- • to:.purchase reliable goods at prices which defy competition. See the ' special .. • values we now haVe On .view • • our window. • Watch Repairing' is a,Speeialty With Us. A. .1. :GIUGG : ScierAtific Jeweler aria opticiaini CLINTON; ONT. STRATFORD, ONT. ! Enter now and bo ready to accept a • good position in the fall- This popular • w school with its splendid staffer teaehers, • - thorough courses of study and roptlta- • w_ tion for strictly high grade work is the , s" ono for you to attend. This college mem ss X Mee a far higher level than the overage w • business college. Wrlto for circulars. • • VV. J. EL/Acerr, Principal, • • • 000060000000 000000•00000011 'MAPLE AND GRANITE MONUMEii1S. „too' • • Cook's Cotton BootCompoun Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask _your druggist for Cookie Catton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous, Price. Na. 1. $1 per box sNoi 2,10 degrees stronger,28 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8.cent stamps. The Cook Oompany Winchlor, Ont. pfs-N0s. 1. and 2 Bold and recommended 17 all responsible DAggista In Canada. , .Kos. 1 and 2 are Sold Clinton by fl. 13. Combo, BAP Rookie, 11.11ovey and Watts & 00.—Druggists, AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLE11!IENTS. Mr. William Weir lute instructed the under- signed anaioneer to sell by public auction on. Lot 40, Bayllold Road, Goderieh township one mile south of Clinton, on Friday, March114th, the following : 1 colt rising 4 years old,. 2rillies rising 1 year1 newly calved 000,8 cows sup in- nosed to be calf, 1 farrow cow, 2 brood rows. 19 store pigs, 2 lumber wagons. 2 pair bob sleighe 1 democrat with pole and shafts, 1 top buggy 'nearly new, 1 pair light sleighs, 2 hay racks, 2 flat racks, 3 corn melte, 1 Poulthard St Scott grain drill MasseysDarris binder nearly new, 1 Messily -Harris mower, 1Mowat mower and pea harvester attached, 1 horse rake deer - log, they carrier with fork, slings, ropes and pulleys. 1 hay tedder, 1 hay loader. 2 Miller plows, 1 iron plow, 1 drain plow, 1 drill plow, 2 plows 2 furrow, 1 corn cultivator, 1 disc har- row, , I set iron hiwrovvs, 2 fanning mille one new, 1 straw cutter, 1 farm cart and harness,. 1 let light double harness, 1 Melotte cream separator new, 1 churn. 1 butter worker, 3 milk OMR and pans, 2 refrigerators, 1 cook stove1 Radiant Rome coal stove neatly new, 2 heating stoves, lagnicultural furnace. I land roller, 1 weeder, 1 turnip drill. 1 large platform scale, 1 platform scale and truelt combined, 1 root sheer and pulper, 1 bag truck, 'road Scraper, I Swill barrel and trunk, so hens, forks, hoes, rakes, stains and other ortieles too numerous to mention, All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold hisfarm and is rteing West. Lunch will be served at 11.30 and sale will commence at 12,30 o'clook sharp. Teams sAt• --A11 sums of en) and under, cash ; on over that amount 8 months credit will be given no approved Joint notes. 0 per emit:per Winos for -cash on., credit amounts, WILLIAM Winn, MOS. intowN, Proprietor. Auctioneer, Goderleli township, Feb, 28th. "'Jet 0.A.Arr,=ernt; ' ?tile HATTENBURY ST. WIWI Mt eat Import:ere. WOrkmarl. ship and Material guaranteed. & BIOS PROPRIHTORS, Wort AM% 47/00en P11001A1ORIIIII0 Vie Great English 'ternary. field mid recommended by ill dinggietfl 111 Canada. Only ten. able medicine diste,Vered, paokaga guaranteed to mire all fornia o Sexoal Weaktiessfiell effects of abuse 0? excesS, 'Mental Worry, leeSsire WO of TO. Meet), Opfttflt or sumuistus, Mailed on reeeipt of prier), one Pftekage six, $5. one toatotas, six mg mot -Pamphlets free to an* &biretta. 11,6 Wood Conlystfly; WilIdaOti Ont. Wood's Pliesphodino is Sold in Clinton :bill 9. combo, m„ Reekie, flOvey and watts Ss CO.—Druggists. TME CITANTON N MARRIAGES. IlEYWOOD—In Uhnville, on March the manse, Fordwich,ou 1'eb.26th,R. L. Has - tie to Miss Emma, Smith, both of Gorrie. — At the residence of the bride's parents, Goderich township, on March sth, by Rev. C. R. °untie, M. A. Clin- ton, Frederick G. Whittingham. of Qu'Appelle, Aesa., to Sarah E., daughter of Mr. W. 0. Ulliott. $PIN1CS—.IQQQXN.....I Iorwicb, Feb. 26th, by Rev, Gonne of Clin- ton, Mr. Albert Spinks, to Miss Sarah J. Goggin. REID—AITICBN—At the residence of the bride's patents, Glennanan! on Mar. sth, by aev, W. G. West, Mr. Neil Reid of Paisley to Miss Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. Aitken. MAR*TIN—DAWSON—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents,Kin- loss, by Rev. G. M. Dunn, on Feb, 26th Daniel Ia. martin. to Mary J. Dawson, youngest daugh- ter of John Da,wson. of Kinloss. STARLING — STARLING — In the Methodist church, Wiligharn, by Rev, R. Ilobbs, on March. sth, Wm, Roiston4 Spading, M. A. 111. D., of Lusk, "Wyoming, U. S., to Miss Laurette, Louise, second daughter of F. G. Sperling, Wing - ham, BOY—LAING—In Grey, on March 5th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. H. E. Curry of Ethel, Mr, W. J. Hoy to Miss Melissa, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 13. Laing, all of Grey. MOR.GAN — BENDERSON — At the Methodist parsonage, Brussels, on March 5th, by Rev. John Ilolines, Mr. John A. Morgan to Miss. Catherine J. Henderson of. Goder- . ic HARRIS—ALLISON—,At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on - March 5th, by Rev, Fletcher, Mr. Charles Harris to Miss Mary A., daughter of Mr. John Allison. FRENCH—CAMPBELL—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on the 26th of Feb., by the R.ev. Mr. Abery, Mr. George ' French to Miss Margaret Campbell, all of PE...Z.Vr—alikUBBARD--At the residence the groom, Exeter, an Feb. 26th, by the Rev C W. Brown,B. A,, Mr. Joseph Peart to Miss Rub - bard, of Toronto. • . ANDRRSON—REID—At the residence of the bride's parents, . on the 4th of March, by the Rev, • Mr. Hosk- ing of Ripley, Joseph Anderson to Miss Maud Reid, daughter of Pet- mA BLE er Reid, all of Huron township. mid, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hey- wood, a daughter. PETRIB—In Elms., on Feb. 25t11, to Mr. and. Mrs. Clia,s. Petrie, daughter, YOUNG—In Blum, on Feb. 25t11 to Mr. and Mrs. William Young, a son. GORDON—In London, on Feb. 27th, to Mr. and Pars. IL r. Gordon, formerly of Wingliain, a son. • DEATHS EtUE—At the Sauble Lino, StaUleY, on March xst, Levi Etue, at the age of 79 years and 9 months. DEICHERT—At Cavalier, North Da- kota, Pa the2nd of March, Maggie Deichert, daughter of Kr. and Mrs. Nicholas Deichert at the age of 27 years, to months and 17 days. ROWLAND—In Blina,on Feb. 24th, Mary Ann Sanders, wife of Geo. Rowland, aged 47 years, 3 months and 12 days. TRODIPSON—In Brussels, on. March 3rd, John Thompson, formerly of L1TTLEJORNS—Irt Chicago, Illinois, on Feb. 26th, Frederick Little - johns, formerly of Exeter, in his 2xst year, Seaforth, aged 66 years. SIVIITH—At Springhurst Farm, Hay, on Feb. 26th, Agnes, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Smith, aged 18 months. SCOTT—In Blina, on Feb. 25th, Wm. B. Scott, aged 79 years and 2 days, McKENZIK—In Logan, on March 1st, Jean Evelyn, youngest daughter of James and Nellie McKenzie, aged 5 months and x day, TUER.—In gllice'on Feb. 27th,Mar- tha Florence Tuer, aged ix years, 7 months and 25 clays. GODBOLT—In Toronto, on Feb. 22nd, George Godbolt, formerly of Sun- shine, t'sborne township, aged 83 years, SMITH—In Hay township, on Feb. 26th, Agnes, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Smith, aged x year and 6 months. *uol'uorl ol• IP" "11 "".'" " uos 'utts4voussise vosv.s.; - - AfeloRuavelvfloedhal. v 91 11099r11. v003.9 e 191,11 tic 1:100011:11e1r1.1 no pothirroa *inn ""=, m,•••= - - - _ 1 1 0111aCE00 110111ZOOD '110I11CCOO • tiN A A "1 INj ZO6T lloavT/i'kePsantEll 0 '111VIOW1bON "WiSAIOS,111011.111011~10,11.91&914SAISO 4110.11belle1~11/69,111~00 Books Books $ WWW~ArtoNAINOW • • Pocket MokINNON & 000 Pocket •• IL. W'Ro1./i 5c TO $1..50 . SEE THE111 R. Reekie, successor to Sydney J.'acke012. PEESORIPTIO14 DRUG STORE ' i. 13.—White Pine and Tar Compound Cures Colds, 25c per bottle. . . . Great Clearing Sale of First-class Footwear For the Next Two Weeks, Oome and see for yourselves for if ever Low Prices Sold Shoes in a hurry it will in this case. Sale Price 53 pairs Ladies' Genuine Dongola, Kid Sale Price $1.25 Buttoned Boots, worth $L75 $1.25 Sale Price 50 pairs King Quality and Bell Boots Sale Price $2.75 buttoned or laced, worth $3 to $3.50 $2.40 Sale Price 50c Sale Price 95c • and 7 only, worth $1,0 050 Sale Price Men's Felt 4 13ockled 13oots, sizes 6 and Sale Price $1.50 . • 7 only, worth $2.25 $1.50 MCKINNON & CO. - BLYTH 1 Ssle Price Mer,'s Box Calt and Dongola Kid Laced Sale Price ‘AAAAA,AfirwAAANNAAAWAWAVSAM.00~~04A0koSAAAAAAAA4 . $2 25 & $2.50 Boots and Gaiters, worth $3 and $3.60 les'a e in e vet lippers, good Sale Price value at 75e 50c Men's Waterproof Overshoes sizes 6 Sale Price 38:14^YrI7101. NEW SPRING MOW Our New Spring Goods are now coming forward in lame qyantitles and by the end of this week we expect to have our otock completed in all lines when we willshow great values in the following goods: New Lace Curtains at 18c, 25e, 35e, 50c, 75e, $1 arid $2 New Union Carpets at 26e, 35e, 40c and 50o New Wool Carpets, new patterns, at 65e, 85c and $1 Hemp Carpets, in stripes and floral designs 120, 15c and 25e Japanese Mattings, new patterns, at 15c, 18c.and 25c A special line of Tapestry Carpet worth 050, for 50c New Ginghams, in blue and white cheeks, worth 7c, for So Best Sbirtings, fast colors, regular 14c, for 1240 Cottonades and Moleskins at 15c, 20c and 25c New Mtrslins, in all the new colors and patterns, including fancy open stripes and scrolls, al Mc, 16c and 20c Black Muslins, in stripes and ehecks, at 12hc, 15e and 250 ° NEW SILKS We imported our Silks direct this season and got them below regular prices Japanese Wash Silk, in all color ,s regular 30c, for 25c • Fine Japanese Silks, wide width, in all the new colors, regular price 60c, for 50e Fine Black Tafetta Silks at 60e, 75e and $1 New Colored Tafetta Silks, new shades, at 60o, '75c and 050 Black Peau.de-Soie Silks, very special, worth $1.25, for $1. Silks for Waists, in fancy stripes, very special at 50e Sale Price 75 pairs Misses Buttoned School, Boots . Sale Price $1.00 worth $1 to $1,50 80c " ' Prices out of A. line of Men's Fine Laced I3ootsgo. Ba.rgains Joint iug at $1, See them, . Beckon you - ^ s space for next week, It will pi!,y you. morning, Feb, 7th. Pricati Figure. Quality Counts, Watch this . : EVI 11 A Regular Feast of Bargains in every Departtnerit commencing Friday ri I II To Cure a Cold in One Day. Wm. TAYLOR & .SON. rt fails tO cure. E. W. Grove's sig- nature is on each box. 25c. BIltter and Eggs taken as Cash Commelicillg Foillan 1111i Takg Laxative Bromo Qoinine Tab- Cash and One Price lets. All druggists refund the money : CLINTON 4.4••••• ei•••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••‘00••••••••0 IIE GREAT CASH .STORE. Rut Goiltinuing Until March. .1Stbi B • • RIGHT— At the resi- 1 • AND ' deuce ' of the bride's parentS, on March sth, by Rev. R. S. 0, An- derson, Mr.Rich K. Bennet of How - ick to Miss lVfary Rebecca Wright, claugliter of Mr.. Wm, Wright .of Jamestown. GRAN ITENVOR.KS . •• , •• • • . The best class ol work . • p oe ruble has been • . . Manufactured here for. . ' m any years -past, •• • ,. WE WON'T Call on you•a week after DIRT S. • • your bereavement. • WE WON'T make the work to suit COOPER—In Clinton on IVIarch tl 2 the price, to 1VIr. and Mrs.. A. 'I's Cooper, a the WOrk. - consignment of them by direct irn- market. • • New Spring Goods • in Great *Variety .' • The suitings that have just arrived on Ladies' Spring Suits . are. beautiful, Also :something :very special Costtinae Venetian. 1, NEW SPRING HAISAND CAPS NEW SPFIING CRESS CONS I • A royal time for those who need or who will need clothing. Men s Suits, Boys':Suits, Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boy s' Pants. WE WILL make the .prica to suit Haying just received a large The finest selection in the - OUR WHOLE STOOK WILL BE OFFERED AT A DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT. • t 11 t th V/E WILL SCHRENE--Ia Harriston; on Marchgive_ you the choice of tilie Pprtation places us in a. poidtion 'to (NI and iiiSe Thein loth, the wife of Mr. A, A, In design Mad material. • , of all the newest designs, season's • clothing before aur new goods The objectof thiS sale o se ou is, Sclircnkof produ9pion of the :world give you the best value in the Inar, The Print department is fuli 1 of , the groom,gioter; on Feb. 26, We are the Olsti4Y pros- McPARLANE-LIn Grey on 1VIarch 2nd tical men in Clinton in ' to. Mr, and Mrs. George 1VIeFar- . our line. Do not he lane, a Son. : . . talked intis placing youe , 30I,GER—In Mofris, on 1Vlaie.h. 3rd, . order without first' call - ,daughter.: - . to M. and Mrs. Thos: Bolger, a . .. ing On 089 : ' BOWEY—ln Exeter On Veb. 27th, to . ° u B.:- HOOVER, PROP Mr; and Mrs. Alf, Bowey, .-a - '' daughter. • . . -Next to COmmercial Hotel. hill , , twevlb.sses/seVeibsvassits:sessmiseiesswawies'asssess;-vevins,sei,/enssiareb... .serlissseesiliisib.,•* . . ' • . • ' .e....es.;.",‘••••sasiss-es.-ea, • ,..--sts-es.svasses-easstess*.osusei;••.e: OUR BOOT AND Slid DEPARTMENT . • is Wiril a. sorted but it is uSedless to say anything -about prices as it is ft:standing fsact that our prices are the, lowest. ' - MILLINERY OPENINGS will be announced lat- er. Miss 1VIorrison is again in charge of that Departraent• • . and is at present visiting thebusiness- centres in our in..r ; terests and will, as she always has done; supply the buy- ing public with -the very best that is to be had for money... ; D. .M. MoBEATH - BLYTK , ..• Pretoria 131.ock. • I ••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••;64.••••••i•••••-• F urn]. ilre # • : I ''' • - .-.. : • , • • . , ,• **Our large warerooms are.: - - FOR THE — -4 - : fully Stheked with furniture . 4 of all kindS and' if you are t . ' NEXT '60 DAYS. $ -thinking • of pUrchaSing we • l , . . invite' you to call, see our AND LONGER IN NECESSARY " . display andlearn our prices. - We are: offering our entire stock of . $5,000 worth of • Watches and Clocks Jewelery of all kinds Knives, Forks, Spoons 1 I . Silver and Chinaware Fancy Articles, etc. At Cost Price and Less YES IT PAYS • PARLOR CABINETS - CHIFFONIERS DRESSING TABLES . MUSIC CABINETS MUSH) RACKS SECBETABIEs .. BOOK CASKS • • HALL RACKS. LIBRARY 'TABLES FANCY TABLES JA.BDINEREI STA AMBLES -7 t'ICTURES • PAPER RACKS COUCHES • • • It will do you good to see the beautiful -line of Fancy Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering. We will consider it a pleasure to show you through *our warerooms'even if you donot wantth purchase. arrive. We never carry one season's goods into the next season. All goods charged dur- , ing this 'saleWill be charged a.t regular prices. Positively 110 goods charged at sale prices. Our goods are marked in plain.. figures—de- duct 20 per cent, and that will be the selling price for cash:only during the sale. ' MEN'S SUITS Men's $5 Suits now $ ,4 00 Men's $6 'Suits now 4 80 Men's $8 Suits now -:640 Men's $10 Suits now 800 Men's $12 Suits now , 9 60 BOY'S SUITS • • • Boys' $1.50 Suits now $ 1 20 Boys' 2.00 'Suits -noW • 1 60 Boys2.50 Suits now ;2 00 :Boys' '3.00 Suits now 2 40 Boys' 100 Suits now 3 20 Boys' 5.00 Suits now 4 00 Boys Odd Pants • . MEN'S OVERCOATS Men's $0.00 Overcoats now Men's 6.00 Overcoats now Men's 8.00 Overcoats now Men's 10.00 Overdpats now Men's 12.00 Overcoats now 4 80 6 40 . .800 • 9'O BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced in same proportion. All Fur Goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps, Fur Coats Fur Collars, Gloves, Mitts, Heavy Underclothing; etc. THOS JACKSON SR 111 .? . Chidley; Night and'Sunday Calls answerecrat residence of our CLINTON - • Funeral Director, J, W. Chidley,`King street, opposite foundry. We wish our stock reduced one • half as we have too large a stock. - 'Ittmember This is a Gentili° Sale • .No Sham Prices, but as stated — At Cost and Less --- The price is clearly marked on every article, 0 just as we tell you or We will refund And every article gu.aranteed to be your money if not satisfied. RUMBALL S Albert St. Clinton. It paysito sell good shoes. We always thought so, now .$ we know it. ' Our shoes have a reputation. We sell the best, The name of Geo. A: Slater stamped on is a guarantee of * fit and comfort to the wearer. R. J. OLUFFI CLINTON. EMT Bfliff11148 STILL Our big sale will continue till titarch 1st. We have left a few lines of Men'e and Boys' Rubbers, Overshoes, Overcoats, Winter Suits, Gaps, Mitts and "Undertvear, Which WO will clear out at cost. We have Also a few Ladies' Waists, Suits of tInderwes. se Ties, 1 Oaperine, Gloves, Etc., Children's Ow, Tama; G1ere8. Ties, Etc., all at cost. Granulated Sart- al' 22 lbs for $1. Highest prices for produce. Call and See us. No trouble to show our goods. J. E. HARNWELL; -CHEAP CASH STOREt VARNA .The Nov-410mM will haseni to •anll .• • alms 'until tritenti of 1902 for 76o • • OP Wrs.44.-WassWas A RARE CHANCE We are selling goods at about half the original wholesale price thus affording intending purchasers a rare chance to get good staple goods at a price much less than 'they usually pay. We have stili a number of Ladies' Jackets left and in order to clear them out before the season is over we have decided to make the price so low that they must go. These jackets are all well made and of good material, the up-to-date article. Note a few of the prices lockets that were $15.00 now 41 11900 now 8.40 AA 0.00 now 2,05 14 0.00 now 1,80 " $4 and 5.60 now 1.85 MEWS OViROONT'S All our Frieze Overcoats which ranged in priess from $5 to $8 are now going at .90. All our goods equally as cheap- , COME EARLY AND CET FIRST C11010E. t PLUMSTEEL •& GIBBINGS 1‘4.Aris.Aet.,4‘Ablifr000601•ItoOtv . ,