HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-13, Page 2g MINTON NOW$4112030 ONTARIO ftfiNBRALS. THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Kr !reel a pelillt 04 the Main line peeted to furnieh Pair eorpe. mUito iTorpid Lt er IRE MARKET prod...... D.J... 1901 07 rir o the Jame* Bay ee or Sir Wilfrid Laurier replied that the eublhed, every therrelee • Pear the Town of Parry Sound to a Government lard received no internee 'the News -Record Seaton, that is, DYSPEPSXA. • r ces o Grain Cattle etc The reetallie predUction in Ontario ING .0.T TORONTO. not exceeding 90 miles (in all 95 Any kiud with regard to any scheme I.' What beselache, dizziness, constipatien, 111 Trade Centres. the report Of Mr. Thee. Gittecel. GOOP ROADS. Power le*Inting HMSO te seinetlines reversible ter difiecult Cent ()Vey 1,900. point on the. Oanadiait Paeille ton regerding any such ,fieheine. WHAT Oi'M MENCEIERS A.RI0 PO* WaY at Or near SudleUrY, a distence There bad beeu ne negatiatione of P f ALBERT" STREET. MINTON. wheals. as Teetelet advanee -141.50May be charged if not so pale enspaperdiecontinued until all errearages ere pate, unites at the mitten ottimpublieher. The date to whice every subacription ;old le denoted. on the label, Areteneenee Itemitee-Transient advertise" Monte, le cents 'per nonpariel lino for first Insertion end 3 cents. per line to each steno, quentinsertIon. Small adverthrernente no to exceed o»o ineleauch as "Lost," "Strayed, "Stolen," etc. inserted once for 60 ciente and eact eribeeettent insertion 16 genet. Advertieententa withoutspeeitle directione will be inserted until forbid mid °bargee accord, CoPe for change of advertisetrunne on Pages 4 Peel limuet be lathe office on Seturdae and for pageil an48 on Monday to entRIT0 challfto .or following issue. CONTRACT RI.TES.-TIF) following table shows Ourratesfor specified periods ancl space: envionsemea noes, • 1 Yr. elo, 8Mo, 1Mo I Column ON 00 41000 825 00 $850 *Ctiumn ,,,,,, 4Q 00 2500 1000 600 (Miumn 2000 1500 800 240 *Column 1000 1000 050 200 1 Inch ....... (300. 360 200 125 rig -Special position from 25 to 00 per cent extra W. J. M/T01113LL, Eclitor and Proprietor P P during the year 1901, aecording to Miles). in addition to gunsidiee pre- of military defence. As to the sug- , viously granted, a cash subsidy of seition that the Matter Might be dis- t/11 eluirgentreroo--41.00 Per year rector Of the Mining Itureeu WAS aa $1 000 95 000 t th hi h N f eyeetteare or latitsinary evil's, conduce Toronto. March 11. -Wheat -No. 1 telltales ;--,- ' The Premier introduced a bill de- , a rii e... ••• e. ••• ...$ , ccs0c a 9 Oen erenee e c Val/ signed to erreeurtige County Gounellg 6. To the Lindsay, Bobettygeon, and to take WACO in London fleet seine 1 Wieft HU et despendence, seeao Quaint% Velem. to avail tbelaselees og tee good Pentypool Railway, from the Village mer, the correspondence eeletieg to ed et 72ie outside, and 53-10. Wheat. Iron ore,t°1314".'s 82122208 e elle:112g ratcCauterrseLP0ofritth:efrildrges itIth"ortiltesr o"fet141,73001ea ti.lc:el%orelrQnrmtic•5•PAt Inatidetbi= AUDITOR -GENERAL'S REPORT. oze. e. a,. 3.4,293 244443 and so forte, to make the life of the sue, 800 en route North Bay, with.out sun 0 ,a tall 0 tea= anuobts i d ye X wttnit.rele of :fuer ecareely worth living 1 ! bide Fitt 1 • Y -eight -11), red winter offer- wird,,,i th. at Wee outside, without, bide. '''''''''''""'"' "' ""-' - ' - . -,----"- • - that it should go to the Municipal mile... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .448,000 Pig iron, tons ... 116.870 1,701,703 7. To the Thunder Baer, Nopigen. Dyspepoia Malted trent. torpid liver in ' the WO Of Mrs. joneo, 2820 N. 12th St, 8 Committee at Once. The bill pre - west, svith 79c bid. See 161 4 0 that she vote com letely cured of it and all Her statement made in ber 77ch year Is I f Otets-hTo. 2 white offered at 42c east, with 410 bid ; at 41e high Zino are, tons.... 1,500 15,000 Peribd of 20 years to 30 years. Be distance of ten miles. a General's report. Hf3 poinued. out that the expenditure under the coll- een' t cash subsidy , freight, without bids d t 411 • also Preleosed to permit County of $2,000 a utile in addition to 5,- e 1 f , 1 d its attendant ac es en p , . have been, by a faithful use ot !Middle freight to Portianatin, Witith 41.: ThQ 'Faille of noneMetallic seta stancee seined Wee $6,805,781 without submitting a byeere to the •••' A separate part of the repose and he With the Margo; after eatiree the Bournesa Northern catered at 8131e en relit() copper, ..... 4,0 $589,086 roads Aloe mewed see A year ego, of I3obcaygeon to the Town of Lind- such conference would he brought Of ale *tome* the bad nude in the mouth, North Bay, and Xe, 2 Northeru at Goes, er, ca... Mr. John Charlton offered 0, resee Philadelphia, Pa., wive was a great sulTerer', 1 Fees -No. 2 White offered at elOc Steel.'tons... ... 14,471 1311,2gt.11 rses todextenddthe priVileges of issue and St. Joe RailWay, front a point a lUtion with regard to the Auditor- , 0 ng goo road s debentures for a thirty miles east of Port Arthur, E d lens as other* • Total.. 85'4)/6'784 Cloencile to IMAM such debentures .000 acres of land per mile -420,000 re o cac t spa ee appears as Hood er d s arsaparilla bid. Corn -No. 2 yellow offered a 56ie ; cures dyemela and give permanent vigor h cent. over the previa* year. Mr. Pug asked-IIas the attention, exterrninatien. ot the barberry shrub, • Yvette aro as foliowe fact that emigrante from Great Brit- Pante of lands whose crops heve to a date at Whieli the report was °leered at 56c middle height, to • The aggregote ealve of the pro - THE BARBERRY SHRUB. wanted each such part in future peeple. A seeped reading wee given ldr. Promptly Made public as soon as That acta on all the digesthre organs, duction showe art increttee of 27 per IMMIGRANTS F011, ONTA•RIO. .1)rydett'S hill, Which provides for the ready. ' and tong he itiege system. Buckwheat -No. 2 wanted tit 5.6 The chief increases in quantity and ot the Glovermeent been celled to the upon the petition of owners or dece.. He thought a nett er plan would be west wit 56e bid. Mr. Fielding opposed too motion. INSURANCE ortlAncl, without bids, Pounds, or 35 aim at the rate of 4,000 raentlely, been injuriously affected by the must be in the hands of the Printer, per cent.; $269,899, or 81 Per cent- 'lave been arranged for. Is it the proximity of the Plant. The measure and let the A.uditer-Oonerel after - Nickel -1,802,000 pounds, or 25 intentiori ot the geuve Iron ore -182,286 tons. or 201 per Government to take ale° prohibits the sale and cultiva- wards Prepare 0. SuPPlementary re - THE mcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE these for Ontario? If so, what.? evidence had been taken whichelate the complaint that members INSURANCE CO anY stops to on any nuraber. time ot the shrub, Mr. Dryden said port if necessaree This would on- MPANY Dried apples -The market le __,„, eerit, per cent.; $1,108,844, or 144 per btai COUNTRY PRODUCE, Mon. Mr. Peels replied that the. ed conclusively that barberry was the did net have sufficient time to exam - Farm and isolated Town Property 9* to 10c. o e per . v p t cert.; 462,623, or 56 per cent. only Insured. Pig iron -53,98a tons, or 86 per Hops -Business quiet, with prices OFFICERS cent.; $765,687, or 82 Per cent. steady at 18e; yearlings at 8c. J. B. McLean. President, Melon P. 0 .;Thos. Steel -11,652 tons; $332,809, . Frazer, Vice -President, Brimfield P. O. • T. E, I -Toney -The market is steady at T i Government's attention had been cause of black rust in wheat. In° the various items of publte ex - drawn to the fact and negotiations Dr. Jessep (Lincoln) said there Penditure. opened with the Provincial Fanigra- was good deal of barberry in his Atter SCITIO discussion a vote was ton Office at LiverPool, and With the own County, but no bad results had taken, and the motion was beaten or s4,nercurointtgarajoshare et the immigration Mr. Deft (West Simcoo) and Dr, by 96 to 53. ACT. uan- - Barr (Dufferin) testified to the tlarre Mr, Clancey introduced a bill to a". Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0,; W (1. 9* te 10e for strained. Combs $1,50 ••• q Dominion autherities, with a view of been noticed. Broacgoot, =specter of LOSBOS, Scaforth VAL t...y and value are : - DIRECTORS: to $2,25 per dozen. Petroleum -1,948,283 gallons, W. G. Broadfoot. Seaforth ; John Grave Maple syrups -One gallon tins, 95c e BANKS xx 1 k J i ' .1 ' R ' ' . C"t • ,Per -In reply to. Mr. Monteith, Iron, Mr. gerous quality of the barberry and =fend the Dominion Elections 40t, I* per cent, ; $401,106, er 21 Winthrop • George Dale Seaforth • John Watt. to $1• smaller packages $1 05 to ar ec ; On nennew es. Bradhagan ; ames ,,,Li, per gallon (imperial) Sugar • Dryden said an option heel been se- approved the bill, 1900, t Evans Beechwood ; James Conulely Clinton ' " I Natural gas -456,640, or 14 per THE NIOLSONS BANK Ineorpo,eteaby John laoLean, Ki • i 8 to 9c per lb, as to qualitY. . cured on eleven acres as a site for HIGHWAYS REPORT. APPeteElINTS: I Beans -The market is dull. Prices The valties are all calculated upon the • McDonald School of Domestic Science at Guelph, • The annual report of the Good Col. PlunglrheAsigwEaNsT-toblr byCED'r. b d N'eleset • S ITEMS. Telegraphic Briefs Prom Ali Over the Globe. CANADA. Hantilton has not had iN P.Y0tertir ate cleaning of its streets in the/ spring- sinee 34393. The Bisley team will leave tor Enge land on June 14, the shooting Tees ginning on August 25, Hon. Wen. PaterSon. will likely 13. One of the delegates to the Colonial Conference in London in June. Galt Grammar School will have a reunion on July 17tb, and 18th, celebrating its 50th anniversary. Glisten's collections for Winnipeg during February reached $27,961 greeter than Felartutry last year. I Sir Jobei Carling is the honorary President and Dr. CaMpbell the prates ident of the London Historical 80* 4 ciety, A Memorial tablet is to be put UP In Vancouver drill hall in honor of the British Colunebia, troops whO fell in South Africa. E. R. Dyer & Co., of Cleveland, have been awarded the eontract for the erectiou of the Onterio Beet Sugar. CoMpany's 600-toa refinery at Berlin, Ont. Nine thowPand farmers from North Dakota points where land is scarce are to visit the Canadian Newell.; west, and it is said that the greater • nu her of t tem w u an Robert Smith Da 1 k b kern •$1 10 to $1. 80 or bush as to Act of Parili meat, 1885. the selling prices at the extinea or . Roads Conuniseioner, Mr, A. W. -den that the number of courtsanar-a m Y. • •• • r ec ; 0 er e I an, Se , P forth • James Cummings, Egmendrlle • .7. W.. quality Hand-picked $1.85 te .? • Campbell, has beew issued, and re- tial which had taken place in the Acceading to the now rules of the PRIVATE BILLS COMMITTEE. Camel. - • 52,500,000 REsT • $2,150,000 READ OFFICE - MONTREAL. Was. MomsoN MacenE,Itsos, President Jaws ELmoT General Manager N otes discounted. Collootions made, Drafts issued. sterling and American Exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. SAVINGF1 BANK. Interest allowed on mune et$1 and up, FARMERS Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endoraers. No mort- gage required as scour' tv, B.C. DEEM:1i, Manager, Clinton C. D. MeTAGGART /3ANKER. A General Bankiefe Bushiest 'Transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. ..• . • Interest Allowed on Deposits. ALBERT STREET1 CLizeros.- LttiAli• T - SCOTT U. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Eta. Money to Loan. Onus -Elliott Block CLINToN "W BRYDONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notary Public', &a, • 0 vslog--Beaver Block, . CLINTON CONVEYANCING RIDOUT & HALE Conveyancers, Commissionere, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan. C 11- HALE • JOHN-. MEDICAL. ' VR.W.GUNN R. C. P. anti L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Night calls at front door of residencoon Radon bury street, opposite Presbyterian church. Otrenea-Onmenro STREET, CLINTON. DIL SHA.W • OFFICE ONTARIO STREET, opposite English church, CLINTON, DR. C. W. THOMPeCtel PHYSICIAN AND eURGEO.N. Special attention eiven to demobs of the Eye, Ear, Nose and rhreat. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE - Albert Street East north of RATTENBURY' STREET, CLINTON. DENTISTRY DR, aGNIONV DENTIST., Will be at Elayfield: every Wednesday afternoon. 010310E -Adjoining Foster's Photo Gahm. OLINT0N, ONT. DU. G. EArtNIEST HOLMES • Successor to Dr, Bruce. Clinton. Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D.D. S. -Graduate of Royal college of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. - L. D. B. -First- class honor graduate of Dental Depertment of Toronto lJniyorSity, Spode!. al Lotion paid to preservation of clitIctron'a teeth. 'WM be at the River Betel, Baylleld, every Monday from10 a, nv to m. DR, 3. FREEIVIAN vitTEMNARE stratmoN A member of the Veterinary Medical Associa- tions of London ard Edinburgh and Graduate of the Ontario Veteihiary College. Omce oppOsite St. Pain's ohurcleOntario street Phone In VETERINARY BLA.CFALL & HALL VETERINAUYSEIRGEONS. GOV- TOINMENT VETERINARY INSPECTORS Oinnon, ISAAC STREET ; RESIDENCE, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. AUCTIONEER TII0S.11ROWN LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Salo conductee in ell parte of the Counties of Mem and Perth, Orders left at Tue News Theron° offiCO, elframt, ornate:mod to Sea forth P. 0. will settles prompt attention, Sae sfaction gueranteed or no clargel. Your at. °nage solicited, MiSOE'LLANCOUS HORSESHOER alID • HENE.RAL131.0ACICSMITIT, Yo. Holmeseille P. O. , . , i works. Patios desirous to effect ineuranee ar translele.40. . , 1ports that benefit has resulted hone t Canadian militia from .1 une 3.st, Canadian Militia Department, the sact other business will be promptly attended ' oranberries - Market unchanged. l The Private Bills Committee Pissed to on application to any of the above officers . with stocks srnall. the comniatatien of the statute la- 1901, to January ist, 1902, was 85. lieutenants of the fierce must stay addressed to their respective post offices Cape Cod, $9.50 . REBUKE FOR HIS MAJESTY the bill confirming the charter of the bor ebligation. Mr. CaraPbell also; The number of miner punishments single until after seven years.' sere . o per wee , Steel Company, Cl alludes te the growing inertopoliza- I reported in tee permanent corps for vice, when they may marry if they 1 concern, with an authorized cal)/ ; Onions -Market steady ae $2.50 to Rev. Dr., Pk C t ar er .res. es s. ensile of $20,000,000, tion of highways by electric rail- the same period was 1,146. The can support, a wife. s3 per barrel. Iss ''• - d 'tee time in Lond.on. Ways, and thinks that comperdes , permanent force in Carteda now con - The bill to incorporate the North- ehould be held responsible for acci- sista of 54 officers, 152 staff per- GREAT BRITAIN. • Hay, ba e -The market, is lirm, ' with good demand. Timothy quoted A London despatch says: -There ern Electric Company, of Newmarket dents. TI IV! E TABLE. $10.25 to $10.50 on track Tor- , was a, striking scene in the City Tem- which proposes to supply light and PROTECTING THE GAME. tal of 1,021. geants, and 805 rank and fee, a to- Belfast has started a meoventent to erect a statue to Lord Dufferine onto for .N.o. 1 and at $8.50 to $e ple on Thursday when, during the power in New York and Simcoe Trains will arrive at Ana ciepart from Clinton tor • 2. • • course of his sermon the Rev. Jos- Counties, eves also reported. Station aa follows :- Hon. Mr, Latchford moved • the • SHERIFF EILBECK. ' The Duke of Connaught will be • .1 Straw -The market is quiet. .Cer I eph Parker, •D.D., tie rainister, ad -1 'Two Cornwall bills to "bonus menu- second reading of his bill to amend Mr. Ward was told by Mr. Carroll made Field Marshal at King Ed - Menem° elm efarreacu rnvisme. . I lots on track quoted at $5,50 to ee, , ministered a pointed rebuke to King facturing eoecerns by • fixed assess- the Ontario Game Protection . I --A-et• that leave of absence had been ward' e coronation. 7:38a in. the latter for No. 1, I Iedwerd, which was loudly applaud- ments were amalgamated es one thee:- 7)- rO. ' Poultry -Supply is small and prices , ed by the congregation. Having al- sure and reported, 4:13 P. RI. ' 10:15 a iv, steady. We quote fresh killed tar- hided te public -houses as. "trap- ''' POL,LING 'SUBDIVISIONS. 12:55 p. to. keye, 12 to 121c per lb ; geese, 8 to doors of hell," Dr, Parker referred 7:05 11. 10. 'go; ' ahiceens, '70 to 90e; old hens to the King's recent brewing of beer trieg Beet Express Mixed 43c64g Some of its provisions ere :-An granted to Sheriff Eilbeck, of. •the h panting of a child by Ratieurn open season for Ittc0BC, reindeez', or. Yukon, because his health required a ' was sold in a, London auction -room caribou smith of the C,P.R.- • main change. He desired also ,to see ,his ' for 2,800 guineas. line between Mattawa and Port Ar- father, whose -health Was feeling, I • Hon. Alfred Lyttleton is likely to •ALIEN LA130R.LAW. ; succeed Lord Pauncefoto as British The Attorney -General introduced a thur, from November lst to Nevem- while visitin Lord Burton: bill to amend the Ontario Election ber 15th, both days inelusive ; and • I LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE LSVIS71:407$ Goig South 0,.. ;ix, e"Express Going North Express ' 4:13 p. M. Expressss 10:15 a. ni. " " • Mixed . A, 0. PATTISON, F, IL HODC0:1455I), 21°. S, 9gerit. Town Ticket Agent. ' • M. 0 DEESON, • . .,Distriet Passenger agent.Toronto. -, W. JACKSON AGENT Ci P. fit. CLINTON • Travellers to any part of the world should consult • the above in reference to tickets) fares, etc. IPotatoes -Li cat lots, on track,' 68 "Prav. for nee," said the' divine Act, preavideng that where the num- from October 16th to. Noeember 15th Charlton's bill amending the ambassador at Washington. ; . . • to 65e per bag, Small lots, out of "that I m ay' speak delleatelY, loyal- ber of names on the voters' list at ;north and west of the main liman alien labor law embodies, the principleMrEdwin AeAbbey has been cora- e • store, bring 75c Per bag. ly. If the Eing brews beer, what one polling subdivision exceeds 800 open season for quail or wild tur- adopted. in resolutions, by the Mane- nessioned to paint the picture come ' Association. At present meneorateve. of the coronation. can be wrong in the subject drinking it may be divided alphabetically into", keys from October 15th to December lecturers • (I. • •"the law ail. ino • THE 'DAI. it? What the King does is likely to twopolling subdivisions ; for ine 1st; Permission to the owner or oc- wsnew industries'to . , If the. ecclesiastical., authorities are. . RY MARKETS be imitated by others. His Majesty stance, that one polling place may cupant of any land to kill cottontail pert sjcilioedlaborThe new bill to heve theirown way the corona,' Butter -The 'market •is unchanged, is mere than a, man, and pause re- .be provided for voters onsthe list rabbits or,license others to kill theme' Would extend the privilege to all in- .tion service will occupy flee or six ; • 1 with choice qualities in limited sup- gard all uestions from a kin ly from A to M. and another for those when damage to trees or shrubs has • hours,. ply. Low grades are dull. We quote as follows :-Choice 1 -lb prints, 19 to 20c; choice large rolls, 3.7e0; secondary grades, in rolls, 15 to 16e; low grades, 12 to 3,3c; creamery prints, 22 to 24e; do solids, -21 to 22*c. • Eggs -The market is lower to -day. New laid sold during the morning at, 22e, and later at 20c per dozen. Cheese -The market rules firm at 10* to 13.e per /b. , HOGS' AND PROVISIONS • • dustries if needed viewpoint. If the leing goes from N to Z. It is provided that,' n been proved ; permission to owners QTJEBEC HARBOR. Santos -Dumont will make Sunday concert, as he did recentlyei , the ellieg places shall be closed to- of deer preserves to kill deer osuck A deptteation from the Quebec Hare tempt at the' coronation to guide his lie deals a 1. i1, to the Eng- getter in eerier that there mnor Board sew the Governmeet and ay ne- Preserves between October ist • • and machine 'round the •tower ' 'of• flying. lishmue's Sunday. The Xing can- no inconvenience., - • Noventber 15th upon proof that the asked for extension berbor improve- St. Paul's. , bred, oi• nn- teents to meet the I' apidly growing not attend a Nonconformist place NEW GAME REGULATIONSdeer were pet there . ported by the person killing the needs of the port. Whitelaw Reid has rented Brook of worship, but he can go to a Sun- Hon. Mr, Latchford introduced a se.,„e. , day concert" House, in Perk lane, eandoriefor six bill amending the Ontario Game - TOLL ROADS . .wooks during • the coronation fest,- "Shaneet" Dr. Parker continued ,the open season for moose, reindeer, The Legal Committee passed a bill ---re- ' vitiese at $20,000. * This rereark celled forth cries of Protectien Att. It provides that ; ' Wentworth) to amend the •Toll RICH GOLD FIND. Connaught as' the GrandMaster of ' he, Installation of the Duke of .,11 the King who. is the head of and carilum shall :in the di t I t movedby - Mr.. Dickenson (South. . Lt Church end defender of £_ •t !south' of the .C.P.R. 'main line. 136'. can .violate the English Sunday, titert Mattawa and Port Arthur FL Roacis Appropriation Act by enabI- Ranges All the Way Prom 25 Mark Masons has been definitely Axed what can the people 'clo but follow main as at present -that •is horn llg un mpa ounqs o pure e an. • i i 31 L C I t ha s C t• $700 t th P for Tuesday, Juno 8. , . . m his .steps? I would tathee. giee a NoVember 1 to November' .15, but , , toll roads on twentv-vear deben-,. . . . • • ' ' ' • The Cunard • . Steamship Company' .. .JAOKSON' ' -•-•-•. . •• - • • ., • great sum in gold than appear to be that in the regions west and north tures, without, submie.,-ting .a by-law .. :tenni lete ' ' ' Lid two steamere larger . than •, .. . Dressed hogseare steady. Car lots ,..- - -,. • A Victoria 13.C. despatch says .- Lasloyal, . . . the to the People. , . - ..• , • • , ,The steamer'. 'Aziiiir arrived from la ythmg . now afloat sena with , a . AGENT 0 • iss-1- ft' Mineral.. •-at. $7.50. Hog , products' but I cermet ne .dislqyal to, of that section of• the C.P.R. ROYAL . TRUST. COMPANY. Lyn.'" Canel on ehursdey afternoort speed of 25 knees an hOur . ' . • steady.., We •quote .eaBacon, -- long Christ, and. it .is better Anat." those. Open season shall be froth:October .... . .• • and . brought aerie of a "very . •rich , , . • .. e • . . ,The i I enabling the esoyat Trust • • ,. el'• eleare, sells• at 10 to .3.0ed,- in' " . eon thins should should .be said." ' - - 3.5' to November 15.• . • ' • id • d • Old I? 11 , 1 ' h i • UNITED- STATES: ,LIPPINCQ117 MONTHLY:I MAGAZINE:, . A •FAMILY LIDRARV . Tie Best hi, -Current- Literature 12 Com at.riz 'Nov Le YEARLY : MANY SHORT, STORIES AND PM:MRS ON TIIVIELY TOPICS ; $2,50.PErt YEAR; 25"CTS.: copy., NO CONTINPED. STORIES' EVERY SOMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF - and case lots. Mess pork, $20.50 ; do Shortcut $21.50. Smoked meats -Hams, 12e to 18e; CANADA.. AND WEST INDIES. 'breakfast bacon, 4..8i to 14c; rolls, ' lic; backs, 13* to I:4e, and should- Banks_ Dorainion Establishing ors, 10ec. .. • . Branches. Lard -The •Jaarket is unchanged. 's We quote :-Tierces 11c. tubo, A :Halifax, NS.-, despatch says :-' " 11-c" Canadian banks ere invading West pails:, lle -t� .111e; coMponne, 9 to Indies 'territory in view of the • eia 9-ae ' 'UNITED STATES MARKETS. ' e PeOted large increase in the: trade of Tt hnee 33.Dominien with those islands. ank,of Nova Scotia which was Toledo, March 1.1..-Wheateerirne first in the field, has branches at higher j cash, £34ea; May, 84ee; July' Ramiltcin, Jamaica, Demerara, and - 801e. • Corn-Afarch 60c. Deay eeee; Havana, and it is reported that it • • - • • • • July 62c Oats -March eeee. Auer Will also establish an agency in , 44 et; • July 86te Cloverseed-Dull Tnnided, and possibly may go to MAKING A .311S'PA.IeE. • :Some inert make e...mistalte by die - continue their advertisireg Where business is dull. Others. make a, mise • take by hoglecting to...thenge what is' in their space. because basineee is dull. It would be just as reasonable for a alewspaper t� republish the same iteine,,day by•day because there. -was not anything happeningeto take the place.of that which was petbliehed. yesterday. Such a newspaper would lose teeny Of its subscribers, lacunae, the average person does not care to rend se on time trivialitems which, aro" given in the" papers from day to day, 11 busteces is dull, the merchant , might Male it eve*? by publishing some business' news' which would create talk and got people in-. to the babit,of coming .to hie store. If values are good enough they will create business telly time or any sea- son. No matter how mulch or. hoW little .pthers iney be doing there is always a poesibility for ^ more basi- Ines tts the result •of better 'adverts-. strong ; ledtrch, $.5.60; April, $5.55 Porto Rico. The inspector of the Detroit, Mareh 11. -Wheat closed-. Union Bank, .of Halifax, who has No. 1 , white, cash, $6ic; • leo. 2 zed, just returned from Trinidad, has cash -and March, 85c; May, seee; made so favorable ,a report- on trade July, 80*c. .conditions that the directors have Buffalo, March elealslour-Steatly. decided to oPee a branch et Port of Wheat -Spring dull; No. 1 Northern, Spain forthwith. • A special provision is introdueed CemPanY, t causing great excitement at DIIMSOB a Quebec earporaton, o grantees. ,an • open eeascin for .dcer transact business in Ontario was re- ,, Jerome Rome, of Aetria, Pa..; : hes. , . - • . to November 15. ' quired of the company,. and •the E, .4 .is , 41113 at eorthern points whence stam- eders are dal o'n ' ON'S th i l'Yt °ell g ' kept on Preserves from Petober 15 ported...A deposit of $200,000 Is re- „„_ died -from 'hiccoughs, which began : The close 'Season for quell and wild. Lieuteeent-Governor-in-Council is .„'"'°a"` Arai 1 o 0 new dig;iee-e', i last week and could not be • cone. emPowered to demand-. •an increase .."outs yelp ph. , and Fate.. Powell„ trolled. . . . . turkeys is redeced' from October*. 15 . . , who arrived at SkagWay on Seeday, I • A half million: 'dollars will not,„ it to 1)ecerieber ' lst, instead . of, to De. , thereof; . corriber 15, as. at present. . - 2•.• • ' . . e report that they left Dawson. on Pete is estimated, cover the loss in Allen- '• . I. . . • • ruary 2(). ahoy say that all Dawson tome Pa., and -eicinity by the. zee' PROHIBITION 'BILL. ' , . • • ,Hon. Ge W. Ross moved the seeond .111EIRIMINION PARIAMF111. . . oaxnediteedveryobloodrynalootai:igkeel all, torlaailrweielyr.,eleer Board 0! of . E, ducation: bo• nunitteo, ..., reedit* of his ' prohibition bill . at .. , , 1 &beta, 30 miles from. Whelan Road ' of Ansonia, Cone., recommends that I 8,80 o'cloce. He declared ' • there ' . . . House, about 20 miles ,bolow Selkirk ne child. over sixteen be !allowed to " -- ' - • and between the Old Pelly and the attend the, public sebools. would. be •no.,chenge in the basia of , NOTES OF 'PROCEEDINGS • IN • • TRE FEDERAL ROUSE. • Yfi ukon Rieer. There weie stories of.1 e vote, excepting. , e o Charles M. Schwab has 'been elect - the votes polled in ,1898, instead of . • - finds ranging all the way horn . 25 ed president of the United Staled , • cents to $700 to the pan. ,Dick Bute Corporation. Last month the trusliYee polled in the .1e,st election numbereci IroTn7LAirEP.THOrNE COMPANIES. ler, well known among old-timers. 456,976, and one more than the halt earned $12,000,000 , • - , re_ .and stampeders, is discoverer or pi vs, enemeere of the Family 01 , of this waved enact probibitiee. He specting telegraph and telephone 'ttzpateeck's bill the new Eldorade. News comes from c harles Land, Of Laporte,• Ind., are companies authorizes 'the Railway Dawson that a strike has been made announced, that the vote on the re - rem ! in a serious. condition from winter ferendurn would take peace . early in , -. - C,ommatee to regulate tolls of tele- '311 Loot Chicken Creek; which cholera caused 'by "drinkirig snow • November; . • . phone companies. The bill will also as high as $e2 to the bucket; Mc-) . , . I water. . Paw, an old -tuner in Forty -Mile, is A NEW HOLIDAY. • • apply' to telegraph' as well as .Lele- , the discoverer of the new ground, be While standing' on an iron register • • at. the coming elections, The votes phone companies, and there will be bet. elesedetronger; No. 2 red, eele. 9f the Canadian Manufacturers As- n uen a delegation ,.amend the statute law, was given a, i huet....pi 10. , . havihg" made his strike on trebrbery tcanlokiionkg, of ftDo oalottnel,ephkroinnen. J. jt Mina: A sort of an omnibus . bill, "to - ertiviffion that 'the company's tariff ec car loads. Wolter opened easy, • second reaeling, afeer explahatiori stenty, killed, electric wires havirig d th re are to be no •secree or spe- • OcieneeDull; No. 3 yellow. offered ae •Socia,tioriehicludina the spresiderit end Mr. Gibson. t pro -Vides 'tow ° No pro:vision will be• • 65eee No. e corn, 641e; No. 3 do, -secretary, were:, touring ehe :West In- holidays ethe King'e birthday'. ; erlel • ra es. .641,-. Oats, easy; No 2 white 49c; No Ptovides that a Y the line; cer service of enether, and BOE.RS .1IJSED SHOTGUNS. ' cotemonies 'With the consent of the Two policemeneneted as masters of tees seeking t , rede 'sheriff's se ter shall made. fet the of one• eomPenY of • • .croesed the :telephone wire. • s tions with Canada, and it is expect -'be at least $1,000 tend also '..enat opholos parents,' tet a Public wanking adrieine 3 do 48fe; No, 2 mixed, 461e; No. 8 there aye Ito Special provisions as to ,Abee to Shook Through Do do, 46ec. Barley --Nothing . • tieing, ed that anadicen rhanufectureso end !Dames' shall eontimm to eontielette. isteeod th Six youthful delinquents Di, order of service. Preferentiel tees- • of ,lookhouste Rye quiet. Xce 1 65e products will to a considerabl ex- p annum to Minneapolis', March 11 .-Wheat . sal ar. les h sages'w_til be prohibited. A ,IIellbron, Orange Colony des - tent displace the American a earney, . o ice Court; . closed -May, 731c; July, 74e- • to in the island. rticles of the Ontario Court of Ap- peal judges, after' thele salaries Mere -1-111-17-1WAY DRAINAGE. " patch says: -A partei of Boers rush- ' GEXERAIe • • '74fe• on track, No. 1. hard, 75 -ac• been increased ber the Dominion, as Mr, Cowan Moved the second read- ed a blockhouse on the esranichert N 1 Northern, 8 a - • • . • F h 7 X 2 • renc miners re I ; o. o, • o c. . they will likely be during the present ing of the bill iespecting drainage line and were successful in electing . . a a.. 71 eight-hour wells day... agitating or an • Duluth, March 11.-aWheat closed- , • TO . ABSORB HOLLAND.. session. . , . . . wonoyanodomaperosensise'st,heneprooxppelraynoodf that t- .. itsAncaniptouorte. people. . know, the ' ' DEVOLUTION CF. EsTATEs.. • under the present law land-owheys • houses are loopholed to allow the Czar M May aext for four days. Casle, NO. • 1 herd,, 76ec; No. 1 • ---.block- • President Loubet wilt visit thei Neethern, 73e,0; Na; 2 do., 71c„,. Kaiser Said ' to Have Designs when the Attorney-GeneraPs bin could how go, Were the railwaY inmatesto dischai.ge their eines • An Amsterdam despatch says thsk ,l1lay, 75c; July, 7(3e.c; Manitoba 'Nof. 1 Politteally. . to further amend the Devolutionof committee - of the Inevy Council to With • a Inieimein of risk to •thern- 4,000 mon in the diamond trade 11- Northern, cash, 71e,c; • May, 78ec; ' A London deepatch says :-The Estates Act . came • up . for a third seeuye eettiegnene of any dispute sel•ves, the aperture being so small there are idle. Xo. 2 Northern, 612ec. Oats-4ec. reading, Mr. Joynt (Gee/wine) about drainage matters VALI.' retie- that the chance of a rifle bullet hit -M . • Two. ore duels ha,ve ,occurred it ' ' 'The Doetor-ae's. 'think .yotz -under- stand fully new the directions for - those medicines, and this is for entur• dyspepsia," Patient - "Why, I. haven'tdyspepsia, doctor." ' The Doctor -"Ole. but you • will •haVe . it when yotert taken. • those other remedies 1" Corn -61c. Vienna correspondent of the Times reeved that it be referred back to way companies. This was a cumber , ting the Marksman Is correspond- c as ended . Germane-, elle ef trhi 13 13 calls attentioe to a new book hY committee. Speaking to his motion some and expensive method. The oh- ingly small. fatally. Prof. Ernest Halle, called "Voles J ht said the bill was another ject of the peesent bill was ' to I Instead of using rifles, however., All th German • see h' 'Ior nto 31 rch 11 At th W g a emen o er- o°1Ythcf screw to, tette • eetates adopt•the provincial' laws in fierce „in ;the. Boors• used shot -guns, diring Noe • • 13 Mi- • • CATTLE MARKET. • turd Seeewirth-sthaft." It containsarns ip. nes . • the unblushin t t 1' turn G h w h d tbeir dive. O Li. .- e este many's intention to . • e Be el o ces Of the Domiro.'8 shot, whieh, •scattering, invariably s o etree uc one ern cettio yards to -day the total „ewe ..te.--oadd into the probate Court There was th v •al pr vin ends fo 1901, • . _ . ' no necessity that a large majority ion 0 as to enable lanci-owners to ;Sound the open space and did con- d receipts were only 27 carloads of live first economically' then politically - - - ° 'A British Colonial and Industrial It sneers at Van Houten's receet ex-. of estates Should go into thee Pro- use the provincial' mec-tinety. The ' siderable damage to the little. garrie stock, •comprising 410 cattle,' ' 600 Exhibition will open at Cape Town pression in magazine articles of a bate. Court at all, ,but the effect of bill would be a great boon to the ' son. . hogs, 150 eheep and lainbs, 10 caIV-• e c,. • es, Peed a few meth cows. • . Dutch protest againstsection three of this the German bill would be western towns of °ataxi. I ' Owing* to the light run prices were ideaea of al3a°rI3tien• to play into thell hands of legal peace Mr. Haggart questioned the Co -k t i l' 1 titioners who were anxious to 'make stitutionality of the measure. In his money out of small estates. judgment Parliament had no power . . SAIL ON THE SEVENTH. . , o y Prof. Halle adds the correspond - well maintained all round the ni b d b en , s ono the b est young pro- Th Att • 1 h ld th t th c (Lege • outg are a Vance an s •---------------ssO e orne - enel•ae a o rmny. dvocated There was an early clearance., hon. gentleman VMS entirel3r Wrong Emperor William's views in favor of in supPosing tnat the bill would . Following is the range of qUotb.-, "Lady," said- Meandering Mike, "would you give a starvin' man soinethin'..to eat ?" "Perhaps. But you're. not starving." "I know it, lady, °But an ounce of prevention le worth a pound of cure, ain't ?" . • Teather-"Ilereditary la an reljec- tee that mettle something' that des -- coeds from father to son. Now, Wil - Jia .Green, construct a senterice con- tairrine the Word" Willie *Green - "My fatier'e trouSers ere heredi- tary." • , • Neighbor -"I called to say that You. must keep your .dog heel bark- ing; he won't .let leer baby sleep." Ito.useholder-"Xeri glad you called.. I waisted to pay that if you 'don't keep yottr baby from cryleg I shall leave to enter a complaiht. It wor- ries my dog usefully." • . railway northerly of the village 01 Tweed, as will not exeeed fifty 'neat in all, and will enable the said come pany to emitted its line of railway with the irort ore deposits or 'ether mineral lands lying northWard of the said village of. Tweed, in reneWel and xte ftl OU t ted ti ons:- an ncrease in the fleet some years play'into the hands of the legal pro - ago. His tow book. is issued by the official publishing house of the Gee - man War and Navy Departments. The correspondent thinks Holland will find In the book' something worthier of her attention than the war in South Afriea. Cattle. fession. It was designed on the con - Shippers, per cwt... -44,50 $5.25 teary to simplify the matter. of prove light . • 4.25 4,50 ing the titles to lands. Buteber, choice... .•. 4..00 4,25 Mr. Joynt's motion Wee lost on Butcher, or& to good. 8.25 3.75 division and the bill was giver's a Butcher, Inferior 2.50 8.00 third reading, RAILWAY SUBSIDIES. Sheep and Lambs. The railway subsidies Were pre - Choice ewes, per cwt 3.50 3.75 sentea; and total $613,000, Lambe, per cwt... 4,25 5.25' ing two reVotes, and in addition to fticluci- 13ucks, per cwt.., 2.00 2,50 e Milkers and Calves, some land termite. Seven railways in all are subsidized, as follows: Cores, each ....... . . 80.00 45.00 1. Tel the Pembroke Southern Rail- Cale•es, ... .. 2.00 10.00 way from the Town of Pembroke to Hogs, a, point in the Towirship of Ross, Choice hogs, per 5.75 6.00 net exceedhig a distance of fifteen Light hogs, per cwt, 5.50 5.75 Miles, a cash subsidy of $8,000 a. Heavy hogs, per cwt.,5.50 5.75 mile- . -$45,000 Sows, per cwt.., ,.,8.50 4.00 2, To .th'cr“Ba' y of Quint° Railway Stags, per ewe.. 0.00 2.00 (formerly the' Kingston, Nevem°, and Western ItitilwaY), fee Stith ex- tensions of beatiches or additions to its projected and atahorized lite of Steckel* per cwt....-. 8,00 .8,50' WANT CANADIAN TEACHERS Request That Forty. Be Sent to South Africa. An Ottawa despatch says- :-The Secretary of State haft received an application from Hon. Joseph Cham- berlain, asking 'the' services of forty Canadian lady teachers to proceed to South Africa to look after the Boer children in the concentration camps. The engagement is for one FOUR CORPS PROM CANADA year. The salary will be .2100, with millet% and house or tent eccorrimee Mr. Brodrick's Plan for a:A.011W dation. ,Isassago- will be paid beat. Army Corps, I Ways. TWenty will he secured in A London despatelt says :-Teo Ontario and twenty in the other 0.0..provinces. A Normal School certifl- War Office scheme mentioned by thestanclard of qualification. WM. Secretary, Mr, trodrick, in the eat° is House df Cbinnfons on Tuesday ' • evening, by Which Ito beped the co- TUB ROYAL TOUR lonial forces would become fevalleble • • in the event of a War involving the Cost Vett Thrice; as Meech as Wits general interests of the empire, is Expected. said to coneemplate India providing three army corps, South Africa. two An Ottawa despatch Says :-.The army corps, Australia two army total expense to the Dominion Gov - Corps, Now Zealand ene army eorps, ertunent Of the receptioh to the Duke and Canada four militia arillY and DucheSs of Cornwall and York corps. last September and October was $478,000. Last session $120,000 Una Voted. '3,110 supplotiontary esti- AGRICULTURAL TAR Wooework troneaandfirstalass material and Work gUaranteed. Farm implements and hes' - chines rebuilt end repaired. JODIANG SPECIALTY / ▪ thkwr Sereter, efenen, Otiente 50 YEARS" EXPERIENCE 11,14 Asthma i "One of my daughters had g terrible cite of asthma. We tried 7 almost everything, but without re, lief. We then tried Ayer's Cheny Pectoral and three and one-half _ bottles Mired her."- Emelt linte Entsminger) Langsville, O. TisAbE Wienits • ObOYDRIlictellgtcto. 1 • Anyone sending a ikkefeh and description may . entemy aseertain one opinion reetierbether On - tretteStIOn to tirObAbtyDnMiltablO. COMMUrileft. 3 MOM tomtit renominate, MittalbOilkOli NKOMO - OmMftee, omen truer rev securissystents, f !0, rofelft Mel notice, laubeut Anse, 112 1110 _ - Patents it Sdtittific .11niesicatt. Altendsomely illitiarlited weekly. terseat dlr. . , tidatIon Of on' AC101101111 loUrnal. Terme, $3 s ; vete; f r moetlis, $1, 11101d srinunnyealelett. oi: mum g co 8610feadway, New york 2 Stal 0-010. Let I ffieWiribinetoe, lee. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral _ certainly cures many cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping. cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Seek sineu me., eneugt for otditierr ite 44 fit:131ga glittll&fillb!titnirtiteiregggi = tot enr0Olo Milos AM latrIr011 4,0. Jana MO. 111101101011161. 1 !PP. mates for the current year brought down total 31,335$,688, of which The Dutch Farrnere Demand State 0058,000 le for the ducal tour. Aid. • e o tun n. gran to ,the Eingeteh, Nepanee and West- ern Bali Way Iri the year 1898,\g,, cash subsidy of $8,000 a mile ()vote $90,000) ...$150,000 8. TO the Ironclele, lettneroft, and Ottaera Railway Contpany from Ein- mount junction to Ironclale (subject to conditions in the Ad, respecting rtelltertys) a distance of ten tulles, and front a point ',thirty-five miles from trondale and thence eaSterly for a distance of ten also from Palmer /Lipids to the Town of Ron - new, a, tlistante of about MeV In all a distance not exceeding trove A despatelt front The nape says s TO EXAMINE BOUNDARY venty milea, it cash subsidy' of $8.- • 6 000 it Milo (reVOte $80,000) $210,000 ,-The farmers of South irollitniave petilioned the Alligator of the LI- 11. S. Senate Cetrunittee Fa,Vore 4' tr° it ruihrftY from Dilmr/r14 terior for it tariff on wheat and ether Joint 001iiittiegion. Station, 1» the Distriet of A,gonet. tigritulturai staples. They Winn' northerly to take Iriinetakie, a dis- that such it tariff would enable the A Washington desPateli says tr-A •titnee of fifteen ingest a <mak subsidy, Dutch to compote with tile Maori- favorable report was authorized by 'of $8,000 a mile... - ... $45,000 cane and ',(3ave the egriculturol in- the Senate Committee on Commerce 5, To the James BAY ltailwaY elhe Nocialiets oppose ,the growing to appoint 0, tOMMisainil to co- rule Atlantic Railway 'near /1080 tereets of Rolland front prontration. on the bill authorizing the President Coalpany from a point on the Can- ' insiStenee of Dutch agrarianism in operate with Canada, in an examine,* Point to it Point on the Georgian the 1141110 Of 011011/1 bread for work- tioil of the diversion of the boundary Day in the ToWn of Perry Sound, a ingmen. Watera between the two eountries. distance riot exceeding five Mile*, In November,' 1e03, ; • . . . Decrees , have been published at Berlin providing for the gra.dtaal abolition •of house ,slavery in the • to delegate to the different provinces• Comeroons and Togo colonies. - . Preparations for *Vice-Royeetts . the right of legislating from time to - ' The German Relehstag laa'S adopixid time on u, question on which it had epara resolution calling upon the federate ., Dture. exclusive jurisdiction. In his judge A Montreal despatch says :-The ed governments to employ' all means Mont the Railway Committee of the , Allan Line has been notified from to combat the abuse of duelling. Privy Council was a cheap and fair Ottawa. that the Governor-General tributal. . I and his daughter, Lady Ruby El- 1 . Mr, Fitzpatrick said the Depart- Ellett, will sail by the company's PLAINTNING FOR THE FUTURE. went of justice had looked into the 'steamer Parisian on June 7 for No doubt much canbe accomplished bill, and the opinion was eXpressed : LiVerpool, Special apartments, luxe during a dull season by a enan who that there was nothing in the wee -a uriously furnished, will be set apart . is laying theloundation. for the busy sure Which it was not within the for the Viceregal party, 'Who will ate days later on. U there are idle days . power of Parliament to pees, tend the Elm 's coron ti . it h a just norti they can be made valuable The . bill was read a second tirne hot been definitely decided when' Sir • to the establishment by laying plans and sent to the Railway Committee. Wilfrid Laurier and the other Mine t for the busy days which will come covr or THE CENSUS. istere will sail for England, but 11 when spring business operas. Much of is understood they will eithee sail by Mr. Clarke was Informed by. Mr, the stock is already bought, some of Fisher that ,the amount paid out to the company's steamer Parisian or it is already on the sextette. If the date in connection with the recent liallialaa. , selling -force of the establishment ie. census of the Dominion was $948,- i . familiar 'With the goods which they • 410. are expected to sell during the spring MOST POWERFUL WARSHIP _ RAILWAY EmpLovns. months there will be no dotert abont 1 Mr, Puttee Was told by Mr. Suth- , their ability to sell more of those erland that 765 men are employed in godds. if the fere° is not familiar Moncton, N.B., and 79 at, Charlotte- A London despatch says: -Vickers One 13uilding for an Unkn.own them the value et oath grade of the Government railway shops at this is the best time to explain to day's work in these shops, row the co : Purchaser. lines whieh they will be called upon town, P.E.I. Ten hottre constitute le goods and, educate them along the Tan PRINCE'S VISIT. Sons and Maxim have begun et Bar estruction of a Warship to sell to eustomers. In transmIte Which is described as it semi -battle - member what your arguments Were ting this infortnation to the clerk re. ssitiriepitAnitd of the LI:handy theirif 1 etebt e° arid later on you will be able to put riess 67' the later. She will be the manner them into your advertisements in a most powerful armw ored attiiip ever whieh will make your space a groat deal More ble giVe bbtielititd buIltltisfolr.t known who she is profitaand Mr. Monk Was Old by Mr. leite- patrick, that the Contract for the 11- luiaination of the public buildings in OttaWa during the visit of the Prince of Wales last year was given to Ahern and Soper, The amount was $5,000 for the main building, $4,- 000 each for the east raid west blocks, and $4,150 for the Larsgevin block. The post-of/lee and tile fes- toons total $17,150. The cabernet was for designs, the hunpe to be plated it eertain distance apart. No aceount was kept ot the timber of lamps.. COCIONA.T2OX DitY, Mr, Clarke Was told by Sir WTI- frid Laurier that the Govermnent has under considerittlou the ques- tion of making Coronation Day a P1111116 holiday throughout the 1)0- 121111100.. SOLJCITOR-GENERAL, Air. 11. G. Carroll, of Kainouraslia, the newly-appeirited solieltor-gefterai 'Was introduced and took his seat. IMPERIAL ARMY. Mr. lltonet (La Prairie) called at4 tontion to a report that Mr.. Brod- rick, the imperial War Secretary, outlined a scheme for Imperial tio* fence towards which Canada Wat4 010 you plenty of Satisfaction as a diet- drd horn the time spent, -rO THE nzln, An Increase of Nearly $10,000,000 Persistence is it greet thibg in ad- , Per Month. vertising. Vighting the earnpaign A Londoe despatch says: -The to the end, making success in spite trade reports for February show of all obstacles, planning large sales * that duriag the month the intportS with an assurance of valuta in stock' into the 'United Kingdom were of the itad convoying the Impression of it value of £41,091,591, being- n in- desire to supply the wants of the crease on the imports for Feinuary people at the 1,14,1it time in the right Met year of £1,977,162. The ex- way, this is What is tweesSary to -day ee ports for February front the United to -morrow tend eery day. Tide is f Kingdom amounted to E21,812,276, Mita Makes, lethalness certain this being an increase on the correspohd- Week, nett Week, all ehrotigh the Ing motith of last year of 4274,821, spring and all through the year. Keeping at it makes greater imetesa possible. Keeping at it insures the A. good advertisement talks to a attention of the buying publie. large Metter Of PeePle 111 werda which are plain and forceful. 'The re- Advertising gives life to businesa sults are satisfactory because the ad- and keeps dull deem front the store Vertisoinent tells a story in a man- when the non -advertiser Pi wonder., Vier which Would convinee the pros- ing what to lind for his clerks to peetive purchaser, keep them busy. BRITISH IMPORTS,