HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-13, Page 14c1
23v1 Year
Examine your label.
CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 13,1902 Whole Number 1206
If iz. says you are in arrears, payup. To have it marked a year in advance will be still better.
71.,•91k-Allialwgialaereeveleesariealaresbale...leaesaiaaehaasaeceialaaea.,- A Clock for the Now Posteffice.
•A sketch of the proposed, new post -
office ha 's been submitted by the offic-
ials of the Public Works Department.
It calls for a handsome buildiug sur-
mounted by a tower intended to con-
tain a clock. It is understood that
$ the tower will be erected if the town
will provide e cloelc, It the tower
be 'built, by ell means.
9 -Ji TT
P e
Our Wall Papers for Spring are nothing
• if not artistic,
We give preference to the beautiful no matter if the
price be higher than we'd have to pay for tinsel and
"gingerbred" effects, • We are confident you under-
stand the distinction and appreciate our efforts • in
your behalf in the way of making your home "a
house beautiful,' as well as comfortable.
The New Samples.
• are now ready for. your inspeetion
We have two complete setts, one on the first floor,
the other in tbe wall paper department on second.
floor. Special prices on sraall lots and TOnriantS.
All Paper Trimmed.Free
$ Miss Wiggins Will Speak.
Miss Wiggins, the provincial organ-
izer and lecturer for the W..C. T. U.
will address two raeetings in Wesley
ichurch on Wednesday of next week, at
three and eight p. .m. Her topic in
the evening will be "The present as
I pect of the prohibition question."
The W. C. T. IL expect a large atten-
dance at both meetiligs, There will be
a silver collection.
A Geed Day's Work.
Messrs, Thos. Monagliaa and Wil-
• 1liam Marshall did a. good stroke of
work in Mr. George Shipley's bush on
Thursday of last week when in eine
hours they felled the tim,ber and cat
ten and a half cords of maple wood.
This is considered a big nine hours'
: work and is the second time Mr. Mona
• aghan with a mate has eccomplishea
1 it. Mr. Alex. Morris. was his assist -
ant the first time.
' W.. Cooper •& Co., CLINTON. .
Agents for O. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
$ Money Orders, also for Butteriek Patterns -
4.44 #4.44000.440•04 4at•ei #####04:04•404.•#•#.44104114•4# 440 444.
We are offering a nice line of
Ginger Snaps at 4 lbs. for 25c
Pi Just think of getting 130 to 135 nice fresh:ginger snaps • j
for a quarter. They are cheaper than you can make
them and do away with the work.
ALSO a nice line of Dried Peaches at 100 a lb.
• .0
Ogle- Cbolier co........
"Spe king ot Pleasure,
• .
The Glasses fureished by P. B. Ce.ewa, after a Scientifieexamination
of the eyes, giVe a moat ecijoyabl§, sense -Of pleasure after • the Old 111.
fitting ones which I wore." •
Expert Watch Repairer.
• CAR4VV•os, Jeweller and Optician.
B td dleco nab e'S Gld Stand..
_ Arir2i#Arw
Men's Furnishin s
. #
WF Atm BRIMMING Tins Wzmu: our spring• importaion's of 4
i' English and American Hats
They range in Price from Mc toS3. We have them in all colors and you t
• are sure ot getting the new and up.to-date goods,notbing old or shop worn.
11.4.11.••••..... ',OMR
Nobby Shirts i ' 1
are none in town to equal them. At leftst we think RO and you will likely
Have you seen the new'Shirts that we opened up last week lo There
agree with us when you see them. Canada's hest shirt maker* made there,
Patterns are right up-to•date and what is more the colors are absolutely
fast and the fit perfect. Your- collar will sit just right and your tie keep
in its proper place ;
Men's Fancy Cambric Shirts in stripes, oxbloods, blues,pinks,
on white grounds, fast colors and perfect fitting .. . $11•00
Men's extra quality Cambric Shirts, will wear well, feet
c9lors4assorted fano? stripes M all the new spring shadea.
ail sizes, ench..,•.,ttrot4 . . 000000000000 • • 0. ha. 4.0..•$$•.215
........ .40.. .400 4 .44 ' WO. • 44444...44. + .. 4 • . ............
25c Caps Pc, Men
A line of blue yacht shaped Caps tbat 'would be good
value at 35c are going for 25c, j
4. of. HOLLOWAY.
There will be service in the Brethern
hall at 3 and 7.30 p. m. on Sun)Elser
next when Mr. Thos. J. Somerville, with his team, Mr. Joseph Currie re -
of Brentford will preach.. There will
caved a nasty hurt. While attempt -
also be preaching in the sotne. place
on Tuesday and Friday evenings end
on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
evenings in Mr. Glew's house, near
the old Orange hall in Hullett.
While helping a neighbor who had
broken through the ice on a pond
Censure the Engravers.
Having to "wait an unnecessarily
long time for the "cuts" which ap-
pear on page four, The News -Record is
several hours late in getting to press
• this week. We regret disappointing
our subscribers who have been in the
habit of getting their favorite local
on Thursday and limb)" Promise that
the same firm of engravers will not
disappoint us again.
Two Pine Monuments.
Seale & Co. have had on view at
their marble works a three foot fig-
ure of Italian marble which will be
I placed in Maitland cemetery to mark
the grave of the late Mrs. Seines
Clark. It was imported from Italy
and is a beautiful piece of work. The
firm has also an order for a Scotch
g•ranite monument to be placed in
Einburn cemeterY to the memory of
the late John McMillan,
A Scare at Varalty.
• Toronto Varsity has had a small-'
pox scarp and One of the students has
beee moved te the isolation. hospital:
He was a fourth year student, in the
same year.as Reg Bell' of tOwit,and the
litter, in writing home to allay the
anxiety. of the family; says. that with
fumigation andvaccination every
precaution is being taken to prevent
the diSeaae spreading. • But i .has
givenold Varsity quite a scare. •
A Politician's Subterfuge.
Daring the course of his Sermott on
Sunday morniug in Wegley- church the
President of the London: Conferente
denounced •the Ross Referendum
which he said Was merely the subter-
fuge of' a politician who wished to
evade •his •pledges.
." Amen!" said a ministerial brother
in the Congregation:
" Thank Goa •there is one junta,"
relined. the eh:await end plain speak-
ing prea.chee.•
• .
Give it for an.liospitid.. . . •
A petition was passed about town
on Saturday and .freely signed asking
the Government •to give the building
tam standing oe the new •Postoffice
Site to Dr. Gunn for hOspitat
purposes.' As the Geveeerriett will
have no use for the Old bifilsiieg it is•
not •expected that there :will be any
serious objection to greeting the pray-
er of the petitioners. A pit:line hos-
pital in a central. town like Clinton
will. fill a public want.
The Directorate Strengthened.
rneeting of the directers of -the
Heron Pork packing. and told -Sor-
age Co. was held. on Monday which in
addition to the loial directors was -at-!
tended' .by.Major Young and Mr: W.
'Straughatt. of Coll:or/1e and..hlta, S,
Sendai of Eaeter. The latter was
appointed a director Vice mt. W.
Weir. resigned. • The boatel was also
strengthened by •the name ' of Mr.
Seines Twitehell. The reports :pres-
ented were of 'a very, gratifying eat -
•Meeting of P. S. Beard. .
. At the meeting of the P. S. board
held on Thursday evening last , the
resignation a Miss .A.tinie p. Taylor
was received and aceepted: and Miss
Kirkby appointed to. the vacancy,
her duties to begin oe May zpt. The
report of Inspector Robb; was, as us•
ual, eulogistic. .11 Everything is mov-
ing as smoothly and accurately as a.
well-regniatect time piece," he wrote.
Peincipal Lough's report 'put the at-
tendance for February at 373, boys
192 • and girls x81. Miss Cooper was
in cliatge of Tins§ Corn.be,s room dux-
ing the letter's unavoidable absence.,
Sermon in St. Paul's Church.
Death of Mr, W. McKeown.
• This morning Mrs. William Mc-
Iteown, a much • esteemed, citizen',
passed into reet.: Ske. had been in
poor health for years but the end,
came suddenly. Mr. and Mrs, Me -
Keown have been residents of Clinton
for nearly a score of years. To them
were born four children, Mrs. Wm.
Downs and 1VIrs. Fred. Bakes Of tows,
Mrs. Peter Munroe of Tara, and, Wm.,
who is in the West. For' the family,
but pesticularly, for Mr. McKeown
ing to undo the clrawbolt the horses
plunged forward and Mr. Currie's
hand became fast between the end of
the whippletree and the cloubletree,
The wound was not as bad as was
first thought bat it is bad enough.
Mr. John Steep has engaged with
Mr. George Middleton for the coining
year. Jack is a trustworthy xnan and
no doubt will prove satisfactory.
The many friends of Arthur Cooper
regret to hear that he is a.gain laid
up with rheiunatisin. We hope to hear
of his speedy recovery. '
While attending the funeral of the.
late Mrs. David Caatelon, Mr, Geo.
Hanley had: the misfortune to sprain
his ankle. The, sprain is a bad one
but we hope he will soon he around
again, ••
The funeral of the late .Mrs. David
'C t lon Sr hick took lace on
e w , p
Friday afternoon last, was largely at-
tended, notwithstanding the very .bad
roads. The services at home and
.grave were conducted by Revs, Greene
and' Hussar 'while the pallbearers
were : John McCartney, William
Stanley, William Crooks, Robert Ach,-
eson, James Richardson *and 'Robert
Beacom, • •
Mr. Duff, organizer for the Orange
Mutual Benefit Association, attended
a special meeting, of I,. o.. L. No.
189 held .on•Friday night last and afa
ter his address. eight members applied
for insurance. Three new members.
were also 'added -to the. roll. At the,
last Meeting a- resolutionwas
adapted expressing the sympathy of
the lodge for Brother Action Cantelon;
. who has .sullered • the loss -of a Raring
the sympathy of the community goes mother, The following were appeinted
out in their great loss: The funeral a committee to convey the condol,
will take plaee' on Saturday after- e?Ine of the lodge to Brother Centel:-
. oe . Wxlliain Crooks, John Woods
, arid .Taines Wallis:
S.. A. FareWell, . • •
The Salvationists turned Out hi full fen District L. 0: la, is in Peteolia.
„force last Thursday evaing, the occas*- this Week attending a meeting of the
ion being the. farewell to Mr.. George Proviticial .• Grand Lodge . of. Ontario
West. Short addresses were given by west:, .
the older members of the corps,. Who ',A: wedding' took Place at Laurel,'
bore testimony to kis loyaltyand Sanilac ,e'oeetY; this • week
faithfulness as a soldier. He • was which will interest many in this town -
presented by the corps with a beauti- ship. We refer .tf) the .marriage of
ful photograph album as *a slight tok- Clarence 'Cole, Son. of Mr.' Peter Cole,
en of their appreciation Of his .servica formerly of Goderieli township, to
es .• In his ramarks. Mr. West thaitk- :Effie, second daughter:, Of Mt. David
ea. his . coittrades warmly for their. -Welsh, who. was Also ecnne years ego
kindness and eoinPared. the :Present, a resident of this •inenicipality. ' •
standieg Of the corps -very fa.vocAbly. •
with what it was 'when a*
he first be- •a •
Came associated with it. Mr: . West
.left town. on Friday, carrying with • ' '
, .
lihn the good wishes: of the soidiar§ ++'+',' "®• «••••!•****
Mr. Robert Cox, Master of Goder-
On- Sunday evening the rector of 'St.
Paul's church gave an ,ititeresting dis-
course upon -the *linttoted Things of
'Life, basing his remarks. upon Acte 9,
25. After describing Datnasces attci
St. Paul's stay in that .-city ane the
clanger in which he was from the elm -
Inlet of Christianity the preacher
asked who were the disciples who
hel& the rope by NiThielt• the apostle
was . lowerect in the basket. " How
Much Clepeuded upon the basket, the
rope and his friends ? • Had the rope
broken , and St. Paul perished how
the • ebilseeratio
and many -friends. ,
Little Locals.
' 4' '' . EXCELSIOR. ••
• •••
Mr. J. G. Seale has sold his farm, •14a. :•41+
• .0
lot 15, Coit.7, Morris,. for a •good fig-, + R.caders Of The NCW3.12lec- ...
ere. . • . , :' • .•:• ord• will note the iinproved, +
Mr. George Stewart has.'deciued tO
A . 4. appearance r of 'our first page 4.4. •
try the . West and has an ad on page ••
+ the greatepatt of which +
a•was 'set up' • by -e. type +
four offering Iiii. cottage for sale. He + •aetting, machine , which we •+
has livedin Ctinton for threety three • + have lied installed in our + ,
years, is P. good citizen and we: regret •+ office this w.eek. 4*
his cOntemplated removal. i . , • .•• The a his machine will' eitable ea .
. . +
Peoples' Paper to don
The openieg, • services of *Wesley . • + a new dress each week. . +
when the Rev'. ,Dr. Carman, Gen 1 •*:. this crituity, • and many •:.
This , is the Only office in
church will be continued heit Sunday *
'Superintendent of .- the MethodiSt + . To, those of our readerS *
era. + _ other coutities, so equipped. +
. .
Church will ,preach morning nnct- even- , .:. who :may wish to ' see the +
ing; In the afternoon there will be a 1.• cMcorndoialiine invittit..atoippenratiiscin excl.- . .1......,
special session of the :Sunday school. -
: The .rector of St. Paul's church. has •a.
..e. tended to cell any after- +a
.• noon: • l'•
been advised by the secretary of the -* + • • ..,•.-*
diocese that . the Bishop has altered +44+0+404"•,+(:)**O-+••••••••••£••:•+*+'
The following from the Toronto
World refers to a brother of Mr. Jas.
Mose of this township, 1rs. Wm.
Kerapton. of Ashfield and Mr. Wm.
Mose of Gorrie. The deceased had
been in poor health for some months
but a lengthy visit anion his rela-
tives in this county last sunneer built
hint up so that he was again able to
resume work. The Messrs, Mose and
Mr. Eempton attended the funeral.
The manner in which Mt. Mose met the • tables ., were laden. Then alter
Ids death was as follows ; Martin wishing Mr. Logan hearty good wish -
Mose fell while at work on Satur- es and many happy returns of the
day morning in Seaman, Cent & Co.'s day the guests bade their kind host
blind manufactory, 1139 West King and hostess good-bye and departed to
street, and sustained such serious in- their homes.
juries that death resulted about 14
ItOurs later. Mose had gone to the
top of the building to make some re-
pairs to an exhaust pipe. In order to
reaeh the pipe he had placed the lad-
der on a projection at the first stor-
ey -which reached to the roof. On
this ladder he walked te the roof and,
in returning he reeled as he reached
the last rung but one of the ladder.
Both he and the ladder fell to the
ground, a distance •of 12 feet. He
was carried into. • the factory and a
physician summoned. In the ambul-
ance he was removed to the Western
Hospital. There it was found :that
his right leg and right arm had. been
fractimed and he had sustained inter-
nal injuries. Shortly after his ad-
mission he lapsed into unconsciousness
and died about.n o'clock p. Cor-
oner Orr was notified and •a werrant
for an inquest was issued: The war-
rant was afterwards withdrawn, De-
ceased' was 4i years of age and
leaves a widow and two young sons.
He Was a member of the Canadian Cor-
der pf Foresters.
Mr: Matt. Sheppard bought a good
driver from a farmer in the French
Settlement in Stanley last week.
Me; Thos. Cronin sold a heavy
draft a feW days ago to Mr. John
Rathwell of the Ba3rfield Line.• ,
The • News-Redord easily leads inf
Tuesday of last 'week was the date
4 very pleasant gathering at the
home of Mr. and IVIxs. Charles Logan
of the Parr Line, tha occasion being
the celebration of the 82114
sary of Mr. Logan's birthday. A few
of his relatives were present and a
very pleasant afternoon was spent to-
gether till Ave o'clock when all re-
paired to the dining room to par-
take of the good things with, which
._ . •
the plan Of 'Ids vialtation for'confir- ., : V . . .
. .1....p.....1..•...WIN ÷."."..4..:43'04.
motion in.". the Deanery •of Huron so • a
/ .... a*
that his lordship will be in Seaforth
.on Sunday morning, May 4th, and in
Clinton that „same evening.
Two theethigs will be held- in the
town hall on Wednesday of next Week On Priday evening last all the
ender the auspices of the Horticul- young people 01 the vicinity gathered
tura! Society.' At 3. p. m. the meet- at the home of Mrs. Curry. • The ey-
ing will be for children and at. 8 for ening Neap Spent, plays and mimic
the older people. The speakers will • until an. 4043( 11i/r all departed
be iVf.r. E. B. Stevenson of jordan, weliaPleaaecl with the- evening's out -
and' Mrs. Torrance of Quebec, in. Mrs. Curry and 'family left on
Tuesday, 'morning Moosejaw,
where in. future they will reside.
Bishop Carmichael. .
Rev. Dean Carmichael of ,Montreal, They will be greatly tnissed itt church
Who was one of the first reciorS al, work as 'they were 'ever willing to as -
St. Paul's church, Clinton, has been slit in the spiritual" weliata of the
'elected Ilishop Coadjutor of the Arch- comitainity, -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Poi -
diocese of •Montreal. The aconsecra-, rest also accompanied Mrs.. Curry to
tion will take plate in that city oti Moosejaw, where hir. Porrest has.tak-
,April 25th or May ist. Archbishop en up land.
Bona will in his capacity of, Metropo- I Mi. John Reichert has pureliased
titan act as consecrator and it is, Mr. George. 01ouchle's farm on the
probable that the Co-conseerators will Town Line. • "e
be l3isholx taltheiri.of Huron and Ilish- 'Messrs. James and Wm. Porrest hours: The 1:id con. team won by
op Mills of Ontario. *Dishop liumOul-• left for the\ West on Meade.). morn- about 'A of a cord. The total amount
in of •Niagara will probably be the itig. May suecess attend them. cut by 'both teams was 161i cords,
preacher, Dead ' Carmithael having Rev. a. tong was able to occUPY each team. cutting and splitting over
Mrs. Cameron of Brucefield(nee Miss
Brown) was in town on Sunday last,
Mrs. McAllister of Chicago' is visit- *
ing her sisters, Mrs. Cowie and Miss
Collicly, being called, here by the ser -
bus illness of the latter. -
r. James Donaldson is confuted to
hi bed. at present, having undergone
serious sergical operation. We are
pleased to state he is doing as well as
can be expected.
Dr. Pallister leaves this week to
walk the hospitals in London, Eng-
land; Berlin and New York. The Dr.
will be gone six ;malls, his practice
here being taken by Dr. G. M. Smith
who, we, understand, has rented Mr,
Sowett's house on the Crescent and.
Mrs, John 1VIcKinley and Master
large number of our citizens at -
11 his family here shortly.
Eigie of the Goshen Line are spend-
w!move tended.' the sawing niatch which took
place in Goderich: township at Mr.
Young's busk on Friday afternoon
last between two young men; Messrs.
Cook and Young of the xst conces-
sion and two from the Huron. Road
for a stake of ko. The match was en
exciting one and was witnessed by 4
large number of people, Messrs, Cook .
and Young came out the ,victors in a
hard • fought battle which lasted too
long and Was too hard a test of en-
durance. The • victors put up 84 corcbi
in four hours ,while their opponents •
put up eight, .
Wedding belle. and cow bells have
again • been jingling in our midst.
This time Richard Elliott 'of this vil-
lage has taken te himself a wife in
the person of Mrs. •Castle, widow of
the late Elijah. Castle cif the 'Front
Road. The widow will no more be
tormented by spooks or ghosts as .
Dick's strong, brawny arm. Rill be a
terror to all those evil disposed' peota '
le-, who have in the past drained the '
White robes and dough masks to tor-
na6nt a lonelywido*. We extend Our
cOngratulatioes, with the hope that • •
their treable& wilt not lie greater' than!
the mighty. parades of doeglt faced .
spooks. we ••.px' called upon to.
the ravages of death. .canc• of per best
lchowe and oldest residents in :the per-
son of Mrs. Rebecca Woods was •called
away on Thureday lest at the ripe age
Of ninety, years, Deceased was :a• nate .
ive of Dublin, • trelanda and Was well,
•cohnected, being, the daughter of an
English clergyteen :and her, .aeancla .
father Wes a. clergymen also end e •
professor of medicine 'in Trinity niCd-
kir. College, Dublin; Mrs, Woods was'
of robust constitution' and. erijOyed
'good health .up to a short ,tirtie prev-
ious to her death when the inure -fit- •
ics Of .old, age dos/Was, useful caeeer;
removing' one whose life With hetalete
husband saw leech of the pioneer
-deVelopment:, of this' part of : Caneda, '
having resided here continabuslY since
1851, her husband having .seen several
years .of . life here before she joined
him. Two children Survive her, nam -a •
ely,•it.la.. W. H. Woods ..and 'Mrs. 0.
Hetnnion, both..of Hayfield. The ,fimer-
took plaee last Saterday, .Rev: ‚Mr..
Jennings officiating. Theremains
were inter:to:Vie the Bayfield cometerya the -pallbearers •being MessrS
-John McNaughton,' reeve of ''Stanley, •
N. 3. Stinson!. -counCilior... Of tnis
sante township, ,Repert, •-. Dewar,
George Dewar, William King and
Thos. • 'Elliott, • eouneilloe of Bay-
neMlcit:e...LndorMarks, who spear • the '
winter .months in Cintario and I;asa-
dena',. California, andhas also visited
New Mexico, is now with her, dctugh-
teta. Eansas on. her hothaward
journey. Mrs. Marks is . delighted
with' the -winter climate Of the golden •
State .where she Was surrounded by
fragrant flowers while ,here we were •
having .suovir stories' and bleekaded'
roads. Mine in Ontario, -• Mrs,.," •
Marks -enjoyed 'the hospitality of tor.
and Mrs. Shepherd, formerly of Hay-
field, who are held. , in kind .reineiii- •
brance by. our people.
'Welty church S: 6, is purchasing a
library consisting of the latest
gomodr, lioteeroartguere.,x'ing
loped one of his
cows lying deati in theItabie the oth-
rTnilic°111littnetry , .aselety ":1's progressive
ressive •
and a. profitable pastime is being in-
dulged in,- viz, . games., Music, song .
and subjects of discesSioxi. To Ur. .
and MA. Stanbuty is due :the kind
office of providing a meeting piece and .
furnishing a pleasant way of spending'
an evening a week. The various offi-
cers fulfil their duties itt promoting the
iuterests of the society. .
• bliss E. Cameron hes -recovered
from her teceet attack of )10, grippe.
The L. 0, X. have somewhat re- •
paired their hall .and further improve.,
megte are ott the 'way in the not toer •
distant future,
Dewar tiVII:sildWeie)°k,11"k is Visiting Mrs,
ing a few days in McKillop with the
former's parents, Mr. and hers. John
Messrs. J. Rathwell and T. Dowson
of the .Babylon Line were to a sale at
Summerhill on Friday last:
Mr.. II. Graham atul Miss Bertha
Oraliam of Goderich township, accom-
panied by their sister, Mrs, J. Han-
nah of Daborne, were the guests of
Babylon Line friends one day recent-
, Snowdon Bros. have engaged Mr.
W. Cook of Goderich township for
the corriing summer. • .
R. Orr end Tom Snoardon f deliver-
ed: hogs in town on Monday.,
Mr.Walla.ce johneton was down neat
Port Blake' on Monday when he pur-
chased.'a thorebred Yorkshirehog
from :Mr. D. Wilson, a noted breeder
of that plaee. • Wallace•likes having
everything up -to -dote:
S. - Darrow ani James Spackman are
engaged ' drawing hay recently pur-
chased ..from J.. Snider of Drysdale.
• Mise . A. Denomy spent -Siniday at
St, Joseph 'with -friends, '
•.''lyfr. D. Dewar is recovering from a
severe attack t1. .1a griPPe• and sore
. Mr. D. McPtiee of Goderich was,
through here:list aWeek , looking for
Goderich township ,news,, horses for Manitoba:
.4 very liappY event took place at Mr. John Howard of Bayfield.
the residence Of the: bride's parents, end a, few Of his thorobred White
Mr: and Mts. W. 0. Elliott,. on Wed- Leghorn liens to Mo. , W. G.- Johnston,
nesday of last week when their youeg- who. May tali! them. West with hini.
est daughter, MiSs Sarah E.:;, was Mr.- Howard is a , great fowl fancier
joined inthe hely bonds of 'teeth- and, the many . different kinds in his
minty to Mr. Frederick J; Witittinga* farmyard On, a nice . day inake a very
hatri, a prosperous ;farmer of enpoiing scene. Mr. ' Howard was
Appelle, Assa. The ceremony was accompanied by 3- Cowan of Bay-
perforrhed by Rev. C. R. Gunne, field. . Mr.' john Spencer has perches -
rector. of -St. • Paul's , Episcopal ed. a .number of coon Skins from Mr;
church', -Clinton. • • • • .1: Dewar Which he will ship to Lona
The bride was beautifully attiredin, den next"week.. . • • • •
'lavender sicilien cloth trimmed. with • Mr. J.' Woods of Goderielt. town-,
'Sethi and lace, . • , . : ship , Called on friend§ on the. Saithle
The brideiinald was Miss Nettie 'on. . MondaY. • •
Jervis - While eclr. Edward R., Elliott; •Mr. Chas. Patket delivered •a few
brother of the bkide; a.etecl as best loads ,of alley to, R. Dewar last week:
Peed is exceedingly scarce in this vic-
inity, a .good Many of the farmete
having to bey.
Mr. Rois Johnston-. was in Clinton
on Vs edneeday of; last week, delivering
a Ames& which he, .solcl to Mr. Oliver
Johnson of that . place Mr.: Jetties
-How'ard. accompanied - • •
Commit met :as. per adjournment; all
the 'members ,being •present..:Thee
wine three main' topics for cbrieersaa:
tiOn and :disenssion„. viz; : Logan's.
drain, opening lila Cameron's sideL
aciadand board . Of health. There
were no immediate Steps taken hi be -
hall . of arty. but are all to be lOoked
into in the .neer future. Mr, 1`, W:
Farneombe , was• paid baltinee of
:$2t i8o, Me.• Keyes $I.75•for
Joseph jaeobs ..$1 for .woilc on• road.
Council adjourned to meet On the 7th
Of April- at i 'o'clock .. E.
Harmsen; elcrk.a p
• •
Mr. Thos. 3. Elliott; who. last .year
becamethe owner"61 the- Helder
fatin on the London Road, has bought
the adjoining fifty acres from. Mr.:
John Avery, price $.4700. He now has
a• splendid farnt itt a favored section.
Miss Edith Stephensent is visiting in
London at present. .' .
' The Ladies' W. A. 'hold .e. special
meeting at Mts. ElliOtt's:this week.
We are glad to learn. that Mrs. John
Sharp is ,recovering frorn her receht
At the tonclusicin of the ceremony
and after congratulations and good
Wishes lied, been bestowed upon the
happy :couple, the assembled guests,
Who nembered about sixty, sat
down to! a bounteous repast to which
ample justice was done. . Mr.
'Frank POwell proposed a: toast to
the • happiness and. prosperity of. the
'bride and bridegroom, to which amp-
le justice was done. The .remainder
of the eveting was spent in games,
Music, etc., and in the wee. sma`
hours • the guests returned t� their
homes. •
The following moreing lir. and
Mrs 'Whittitigham left for Toronto
'where' they spent a • few days ;With
. .
relatives of the bride end frorn
there they. Went r7oo miles towards
the setting sun to their new home at
Qu'Appelle, Asa. •
The bride was the recipient of many
useful and cosily presents, indicating
the high esteem in •which she is held
in the • comeaultity and the many,
friends join heartily in wishing Mr.
and, Mrs. :Whittingham a happy and
prosperous future.
An interestiug sawing match took
place in the bush of Mr. George.
Young of the end concession on Fri-
day aftert1ooh of last Week between
teams front the Huron Road and from
the 2nd concession. The former team
consisted of Charlie Prouse and Her-
bert Lamfrey, whose opponents were
Wililant Cook and Richard Young.
The referees Were Alfred Tebbett,Itich
Burke and Alfred Naftel, holding
the Stakes of $2o a side.. About 200
visitors from far and near were pres-
ent and took a keen interest in the
match which lasted exactly four
Mr. and Mrs. Patch and their little
boy, who have been visitien friends in
Varna and. vicinity during the last
two weeks, returried to their home in
Markham on Wednesday.
Mr. James Armstrong is suffering
from a severe attack of la. grippe this
week. Mr. .Artheir Johns is also on
the sick list. We hope to hear of both
having a speedy reeovery.
preached n se.rnion in hie pulpit in the Methodist church on 8 cords in that time. The contestants Misses Maud arid Stella Andrews of
muck would be takett out of our owe
St. James Cathedral on the occasion Sunday. .
lives ?. Yet we know not who held
UL the former's elevatioft to the *pis- I Mr. IL P. Stelck has been ing to the las
showed great endurance and were go- Zurich visited under the parental tool
the rope. So in our own lives there
copal dignity Six years ago. The con- gaged as prificipal of Zurich Public t second, After a amain: during the past week,
are no suck things as trifles. We ubtia supper provided by' Mrs.Edwatd Mr. joseph Foster le booking large
pected, by mos p Mr. lames Hagan disposed of some
t of the Who s in the Uarrison and.Mrs. Young the resigt. orders for nursery stock these days.
of the match was decided and 0. very Although he had to compete with 'two
secretion will he attended, it is ex- school.
leave a mark on all we say e.rid do.
How mach good has been done in our
h ecclesiastieal province of Canada and valuable cattle on Monday last. enjoyable evening was speht in songs other agents, he succeeded iti getting
owli 'Nes y
'by several freer( the 'United. States.
preacher, teacher or parent ? The -
esaaeaaerataelaaehaelaielaeerlsearealle4lalba"b•meemb/49e-i9allallivilwill•igliellaalla newer- end influenee Of reir enViron- The diocese of Ituroe has 'fitritished
1. • aa, ten Bishops to the Church of England
!lave Look
• at the picture e in oar epeel.
men frames, There is the
evidence or the Superiority
of our vvork
We make you good Pfiptos
for $3 a dozen.
• 4).40 4"4.4)ci• 444,4i'Ci.4)41a•
6nry's Phoe Studio
tf the, are not "up to
sample don't yon take
them. We • want every.
customer to be a "booster"
for us.
me s
and instrumental music. an order from one gentleman in Bay.
As the extensive repairs on the field for fifty plum trees and a num-
Sharon Methodist church are now ber of apple and peaeli trees. Good
C d of whom Dean Car iehael T11 1 li In leted re -o enin serviees will fie square dealing always counts.
. ln Mr, Ed. a.y or las returnee to is o p , p g
ed. Prom this is naturally suggest- 11 a a af
rope for St. X'atil each of us cati hold IlialoP. tteLeauf P k taut i parents at Itippen. .
niatio nil it , home in 'llathwell alter visiting MS held on Sutiday next, The building . Goshen 1.4. 0. /4. No. 83n had a sue -
latest. 'They are as follows :
cd that like the disciples who held the ie the
Bishop Duraoulin, Bishop IlelImittli, Itippett and Hensell a few days last a.3o and 7 pan. Rev. Mr. Ayers, a into the mysteries of Oratigeism, The
that these small things disregarded by
is now a handsome and cotnfortable cessful meeting On Wednesday last
a rope for his fellow man.. It may be nishoP Sullivan, bishop Daldwin, Mr, Rich Visitor visited friends neat tabernacle. Services will be held when five new inetribeta Were initiated
:-Sionaries farther northward and 1 Mr. C. Cooper of lfullett visited at odist choir. A tett-tneetitig will Ilee and will no doubt turn out in. full
,tati scarcely tell us what they did to
g . b e me. i i
Iiieltop Fauquier, Bishop Mills, Bishop wad,. former 'pastor and a favorite of the same lodge will hold a degree meet -
us may have the greatest itiflueuce for
The robins are here again and sap's 'congregation, will officiate and mueic ing on the first Wednesday in April.
Weal or woe upoit another. Iteaven. 'Swnattistil nisimP Carmichael.
A" rimy god fined with those who. 'The diocese of Huron has sent nits- running, • will be supplied by liolinesville Metli. district is beginniug to wake up •
t as southward than any other in Canada. mt. z. 11, pettyta last wooh. held oft the following Monday evenfeg force on the'12th of July next. '
$'they, .supposed, a filial daughter, a
careful mother, a patient, God-toin.
forted invalid, SOMA oftts tr other who
had held the rope. Xi) matter if WO
are sinalI and of no reputation, the
Weakest of us can hold •a rope. A
kind word, a loving look, a little
prayr may save a Soul from hell and
Wilt a plate in heaven.,"
Mr. T. It Brownlee Went to'llullett when an excellent time is expected, /antes and Wham Porrest of the
DEATH OP MRS. O. W. ROSS, Thursday evening to attend the silver Tea Will be served from 6 to .8 o'clock Parr Line left on Tuesday fOr Mani-
wedding of his aunt end mole, Mr. anitdfistheivi jandbmieis;laolor wofillxbitelettersdiTtsis. tyoote itseu ttlitieeyy
:irlel be btissreirdetinetllatiss
Toronto, March rath..4Its. Itoss, and Uts. Coolicr.
wife of Iron. G. W. Ross, Premier of What ha S happened our tieWsy the guest of her sister, Mrs. George vicilfitY. We wish them prosperity In
Ontario, died this morning at 4.30 I pen correspondent ? gis budget is Indics. for a 'couple of Week& the prairie province.
o'clock. Mrs. Rosa' daath was quito. greatly missed by the people of Itity. MIs i Pearl Wise of Tuckerafiiiih has Pat. Murray is doing up the town
unexpected. She was in her fifty We hope he will tate up the cudgels been visiting lier ennsin, miss Aptly at present. Vat. is always ou the
lifth year, I again shortly.. Steep, doting htst week., lookout for a horse deal,,,
Mr Walter Sturdy- has rented Ws
• farm to Mr. Charlie McRoberts for a
Eerie' of yeara.
Mr. Thos. Joynt has.gone On ta bud-
nostril) to the Ststes,
We are sorry- to'port that Mr.
Thos. Todd is nOkrecovering es fast as
bit many friends would wisb for.
Mr. Malcolm guebaretn, has moved
into Mr. Oak's house this Week.
Mr. John •AfteG,uire has been laid ur)
with a sore leg.
We are sorry toreport that Mr.Wm.
Barbour is keeping very poorly.
Mr. John Reid is engaged with Rob.
intein Woods cutting wood.
M. John Duman.% and Mr. Thos.
White's horses are very hick with dig.
temper. A. few lost theft horses around
tore With it.