HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-04-30, Page 5almillisfiNomme H, A. McINTYRE, L. D. S., D. D. S DENTIST Office hours -9 to 12 1 to 6 BLYTH--Tuesdays and Wednesdays Evenings by appointment. 'Phone 130. Dr. W. Jas. Milne, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. CORONER COUNTY OF HURON, Office—Queen Street Residence—Dingley Street. BLYTH, • • ONTARIO J. 14. R. ELLIOTT, NOTAPY PUBLIC & CONVh1YANCER Fire, Accident, Sickness, Employer's Liability, Plate Glass, Automo- bile and Live Stock Insurance. BLYTH, (Phone 104) ONTARIO, LOFTJS E. DANCEY, HARRiSTER,SOLI GITOR,NOTA RY P(IWIC, CON VieYANGER. MONEY 'TO LOAN. (Mite— Queen Street BLYTH, ON'l' SUN UFII ASSIII4ANCE CO. OF CANMOM, PIOSPEItOIIS & PROGRESSIVF It leads the field among Canadian Companies. H. It, LONG, District Manager, 0 oder' ch THOMAS GUNL)RY, AUCTIONEER, CODERIOH, - ONTARIO Farm Stock Sales a epculalty, Order at the lytended h Standto, Tard Oftloe w111 be �t� aB++elephone me prorup�, ,re, antes at my ex,'. Dr. J. C. Ross, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office hours -10.30 to 12 2 to 4 7 to 8.30 Except Wednesday evening, Phone No. --Office 51; Residence 69 BLYTH, ONTARIO MY OPTICIAN mite Mill Drug Store 1)R. W. J. MILNE, Fine Spectacle Ware and Accurate Lens Work a Specialty. QUEEN ST., BLYTH TH1 MCNVMHHTAL INCHES ' has the largest and most complete stock, the moat beautiful designs to choose from in MARBLE, SCOTCH AND CANAD• IAN GRANITES. We make a specialty of Family Mon• uments and invite your inspection. Inscriptions neatly, carefully and promptly done. Electric tongs for carving arid letter. ing. • Call and see us before placing your order. Robt. A. Spotton, 7JINGHAM. ONTARI( Tho tndaotrial lulortgago and taiga Cor SARNIA, ONTARIO Money advanced on first mortgages on lands, Parties desiring money on farm mortgages will please apply to the under- signed. J. H. R. ELLIOTT, Agent, BLYTH, - ONTARIO. C. E. TOLL, L.D.S. D.D.S DENTIST Hours 8.30-12 1.30-6 Wednesdays at Monkton. 'hones 124,•4212 James Taylor License A ' tioneer for the County of Huron. s attended to in all parts of the co Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay —den left at The Standard promptly attended to. Belgrave Post Office. PHONES: Brussels, 15-13. North Huron, 15.623 The Standard Club bing List: Standard and Daily Globe .•,..,$6,75 Standard and Mail and Empire,,, 6,75 Standard and London Advertiser 0.75 Standard and Free Pree ' 6,75 Standard and Toronto Daily Star 6.75 `.Standard and Family Herald 3.00 ' Standard and Farmer's Sun 3,50 Standard and Can. Countryman 140 Standard and. Farmer's Advocate 3.00 Standard and Weekly Witness 185 Standard and World Wide 3.90 Standard and Presbvterian 4.50 Standard and Poultry Journal..,, 2.90 Standard and Youth's Companion 4.50 Standard and Northern Messenger 2.55 Standard and Can. Pictoral 3.95 Standard and Rural Canada.,....,, 2,70 Standard and Farm & Dairy 3.00 Standard and Saturday Night..,, 5.50 Standard and McLean's Magazine 4,75 Teta By th Standard, PAGE 6—THE BLYTH STANDARD—April 24, 1930 l V Gyproc Makes Summer Homes FIRE•SAFE! DROTECT your family by making your Summer home draught -proof, dust - proof and fire -safe. The new Ivory coloured Gyproc, that does not barn will render you this service at small cost. Use it for structurally strong walls, ceilings and partitions. It needs no de- coration (when panelled) but you can tint, )raper or plaster it if you wish. It is easily and quickly applied, h a permanent asset, and is vastly superior to other building materials. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information on Gyp- roc Wallboard or send for interesting free book "Build• ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Ontario Paris ?ANEW iv RY Yl( tea Fireproof Wallboard !N"" J"For Sale By•- Blyth Planing Mill - • Blyth, Ont. 1 044444144141.444.44.4 444+414+4++++#++4+4+444+4444++++4 SCHOOL SUPPLIES We have now in stock a complete line of Public and High School supplies: Text Books, Scribblers, Drawing Books, Loose Leaf Books, Exam. Pads, Rulers, Inks, Rubbers, Paints, Water Colors, Compasses, Slates, Pencils, &c 1 The Standard Book and Stationery Store 04,4414+++i+0++4444+++4+4+++ ++++++++4444++++++4++444, FOR SALE—Pure bred Black Minotca eggs, 40c for 15 eggs. Apply Harvey Letherland. Auburn, Ont. FOR SALE—Pure bred Berkshire sows (breeding age) Apply to John Ilislop. lot 3, con, 15, Grey Tp, 'Phone 27-9 Brussels. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. A. Tunney and family wish to thank all their friends and neighbors for the kindness shown in their recent sad bereavement, for those Who so kindly loaned their cars, also, Rev. G. Weir and Mr. Stan, Sibthorpe. etMy wit enamelled every piece of furniture here" tea, YOUR husband will he proud to point out the work you do with B-H "Fast -Drying" Enamels Stains and Varnishes. Colour schemes for the various rooms in r - + your home, upstairs and down, are easy to plan. Mote - over, they can be quickly put into effect -- thanks to the ease with which 13-11 "Fast Drying" Enamels Stains and Varnishes may he applied and the speed with which they dry. up your mind now that you will brighten and smarten up your home awing. We can supply you with B-H "Fast -Drying" Enamels Stains and %Yobbos and a complete assortment of reliable time -tested B-H products. Bit • C DRNG" ELAS: STAINS f VARNISHES $'RANDRAM •HENDERSON FOR SALE BY C. T. DOBBYN, BLYTH. ONTO, If1O The Standard Real Estate Agency The following very desirable properties have been listed with us at very low pric- es. We also have a number of farm, and village lots which we are offering for sale Get in touch with us when you are In the m gr;'.n buy either village or farm pro- perty:— „ 1ly storey brick dwelling- on -the tocaet' of King and Wilson Streets. Three- eights of an acre of land. This property is in excellent state of repair and can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. 13 storey frame dwelling on Morris St. Three-fifths of an acre of land. This is a desirable property for anyone requiring a comfortable home at small price. 14 storey frame dwelling on Dinsley St. In good state of repair and moat de• [drably located. This property can be purchased on excellent terms, 15 storey frame on Dinaley St. (known as the Graham property). This can be purchased at a very tow price to close up the estate. If storey brick, modern equipped dwel- ling on Dineley Street. Desirably situat- ed and can be purchased at little more than hall the present coat of construction A real snap for anyone desiring an up-to- date home. If storey frame dwelling on Morrie St. Half acre of land with small stable. This property can be purchased with only a small payment down. 2 storey brick dwelting on Dinaley St. Modern in every particular. quarter of an acre of ground on which there is a good stable and garage, 1 storey frame dwelling on Queen St. North. Quarter acre of land with stable. Get our price on this property. 1 storey frame, aahpalt clad dwelling on Morrie St. In splendid repair, A good buy for small money. 1s storey brick dwelling on Morrie St. In splendid repair. Three -eights on an acre of land on which is situate a good stable and garage. The property known as the old fire hall on the east aide of Queen Street. This building le now used as a garage. It can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St. Ten acres of land. Good brick stable. A most desirable property for anyone desir- ing a small acreage of land, A very desirable 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St. One quarter acre of land, Property in excellent condition. Most desirable location. This property can be purchased for little more than half the cost ot construction today. 1,4 storey frame with cement kitchen. stable on premises, If acres of land, A good buy. 10 acres of land on which is situate a good comfortable frame cottage, barn, driving shed and the land in a first-class state of cultivation, The Standard Real Estate Agency BLYTH, ONTARIO CLEAN UP NOTICE. Blyth Council Board has provided a dumping ground for all garbage and refuse and our Sanitary Inspector will be on his rounds in a few days to see that there is a general clean-up of premises and out- houses. Consult Sanitary Inspector Ferguson as to dumping grounds and garbage disposal as parties will be prosecuted for dumping garbage, etc, on streets. By order of Council Board. Jas. Moody, John Ferguson, FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire boar, also a num- ber of sucking pigs, Apply Alf. Haggitt. lot 13, con. 9, Morris. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acres of good land being lot 40 in the second concession of the Township of East Wawanosh (known as the Wallace Potter Farm) On the premises are a good 15 storey brick dwelling, bank barn, im- plement house and garage. This is con- sidered one of the best crop producing farms in this section. For particulars ap- ply at The Standard. fi ulliersa The following is the report of the Au- burn Continuation Class for the month of April. Jr, Commercial France McLarty 89.5 Annie Straughan 87 8 Grace Scott 80 Lillian Robinson .. 71 9 Ella May Wilson Absent Sr. Commercial Georgina Lockhart 65 1 Norman Rodger 60,2 Eorm 1 Beth McPhee 81.1 Mitt' Dobie 701 Arthur Mortimer 70 Form II Mary Houston 50 7 Dorothy Wilson 80 1 Eleanor Wilson 75 2 Doris Wagner....... , 74 3 Phyllis Taylor 71 Minnie Spuhl 69 9 Verna Chamney 69 4 Josephine Weir 68 3 Isabel Robertson 65.9 • Grace M. Redmond. Blyth Bowling Club The annual meeting of Blyth Bowling Club was held at the Commercial Clouse on Friday night with a fair attendance and matters of interest to to club were thoroughly discussed, rhe date of the annual tournament was set for Wednes- day, June 11. The membership fee was set at 35.00 for old members and 33 00 for new mem- bers. The ladies are alto invited to join. The election of officers resulted as follows: Hon, President... Dr, Milne President F. D. Stalker Vice -President.. Roht Watt Secretary J R Cutt Tournament Committee—F, D. Stalker, J. R. Cutt, R. Somers. Ground Committee—A. W. Robinson, H. throne, J. Denholm Membership Committee—R. D. Philp, J. R. Cutt, W. H. Lyon. Honorary Members:—Dr. J. A. Mc- Taggart, G. E. McTaggart. H. A.Thom- as. Dr, Allison and M. W. Tetter. School Report The following is the school report of S. S. No. 1 Morris. for the winter term. Pupils were examined in every subject and their names appear in order of merit: Jr, IV Mary Fear 77.11 Roberta Laidlaw 73.54 Sr, III Isabell Cunningham. 73.37 Doris Rogerson 66.87 Sr. II Mabel Fear 78.1 Jimmie Laidlaw 73 83 Miriam Rogerson 66.5 Jr. II Mary Laidlaw 77.75 Mary Phalen 71 75 Primer—Louis Phalen, (good) Marjor- ie Pierce'(absent) Number on roll 11. Average attendance 9.80. Perfect attendance since Christmas Jimmie Laidlaw, Mary Laidlaw. Viola J. Morrison, Teacher. FOR SALE --Agricultural lime for farms and gardens. Apply to Alonzo Smith, Blyth. The McLean Mission Band met on Saturday, April 12. The meeting opened with silent prayer followed by a paper by Matilda Maines. Several appropriate Easter hymns being sung, Alberta Rich mond gave the Bible reading Part of the bible story "The Last Supper" was given by Margaret Jenkins. Roll call was an- swered by the name of their favorite bird. The business was then discussed. Mrs. Weir explained the program mapped out for the Easter Thank-offerieg The meet ing closed by singing the hymn "Jesus Saves." New Regulation governing the Royal ' 500" Trip. The Ontario Department of Agriculture is again planning to entertain a party of 500 farm boys at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto next November. This party is made up of the ten high boys in a Roy • al Judging Competitiun which is held in each county in October Briefly the conditions of selection are as follows: (I) To be eligible for this competition contestants must first submit a statement Pertaining to the cost of producing some farm operation. (2) The competition is open to all farm ers or farmer's sons between the age of 15 and 20 inclusive on November 1st, 1930, who comply with regulation one. (3) Contoetants shall judge five class •s of live stock one class of poultry, a• :I five rises, s 01 crepe. such as vain, en d seeds, potatoes and roots. To those selected under the conditioue ' outlined above the Department will pr.), vide free of charge; (1) Railway fare from home station to Toronto and return. (2) Meals and lodgings for four nights in Toronto. (3) A program to include a tour of the city and visits to the stockyardseabatoi and factocies as well as a study of , ,o great Royal Winter Fair The major change in these r gulati •s is outlined in number one and onditie • of selection. The stateme be u'• mitted will be quite elemenrars an n the case of a field of grain wili si nph oe- cessitate keeping a record of the ni n ber of hours of labor for each oper ion, tli amount of manure or fertilize a, pli.e, the amount of seed sown, and the .um' er of bushels when threshed The following are suggeste' ; . eels upon which statements may be d:— (1) Cost of producing an ra I cop. (2) Cost of feeding a pi ty i 1 I for three months. (3) Cost of feeding eithe , r .t lits of pigs for three months. All boys who wish to er the Roy.l, Competition next Octobo it -Ild sena it their application at one • to e Ontati.s Department of Agriculture Ch ton, stet- ing on which one of the atm.— projects you wish to keep a cost record. your At; ricultural Representative will seed you forms on which to base your cost records and will also ei'_ e you any additional in- formation which you may require. Send me your application at once because this regulation muse he cmmnlied with before you are eligible to compete in the Royal Competition, Miss Olive FI :dy, of Toronto, visitor at the h' e: of Mr. and Mrs. Floody over the el day. Mr. H A. Lor - •- successnr to th I. Ferguson Co. ot ssels, is opening -.i a stock of dry -gr „r+ m n's furnislum s and women's and red wear in the McMurchie Block a • ' •op • to he read for business eel day 1 In The sto"•e will be in charee of Mr. 4..'t. Sperling, a young man who has had el e• experience in merchandising. The regular monthly m,: ting of the W. M. S., of St Andrew's U Iced Church nvae held in the basement o.1 Tuesday after- noon, April 15 Mrs. Wm. C. Laidlaw presided. After the operant hymn w,'s sung Mrs. Laidlaw took the Bible readies from the last chapter of St. Luke; al,' r other special literature suitable for th Easter time. Mrs F. Marshall had th lessnn from the fourth chapter of t Study Book, also Mrs. T. Laidlaw a 1 Miss Janet Craig read papers taken fit n this chapter. Mts. R. C. McGowan ga. , missionary news of interest to all, M. , F. Marshall and Mrs. W. Jenkins we; • appointed delegates to attend the Presb • tenial to be held in Seafnrth, on April 3 , After singing another hymn this deligie- ful Easter meeting was brought to a c by prayer led,bs Mrs, W,ir.