HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-06, Page 8•.• 11111' ; 1104ROINED Van Btuiro DOCTORS, S 01,-1 PIERS AND ACCOUNTANTS. roreigit rowers When. in 'Trouble, ApPly to +/ohne Bull I or 'it It is lucky thing for te country to ea. I .• the .erish., eapec;ally the Catholies. I of refractory conduce le sufficient to arid •Great.13ritain as much as See,. That robber tribe is now . •the mopt . . , ono re_ 1, wish the war' was corer, I am sick ed refroctory coneete is. sufficient 'of received a gift of $60,000 000;000; If any man, .having 'freely industrious class in Siam, and Sbow turned to England quietly,. only to i . h . , I ' ht 'I 4 1 ' ,, • rtself to secure eiscipline to .such a received,' has obeyed the Dieine 'Cora - mall as pectors-ebe was f or ced .to return . • degree that it may: almost be . paid mond to. "freely give that die .of • • there are ne 'refractory prisoners to , without hiving found them, although • • , " Andrew Carnegie: • • • • ' 'That would • note however, he The inlmbitants .of Liverpool and he had been. furnished. with an ae- A POISONED HAND, ..• • •• THE. BIGHTING MATE, • lie dealt "with; ... - Manchester have ; good reason to • curate map .of the vi'cinitY of the the Sultan owe; the inereose of $2.- 501,1;000 a year to, 1413 ineoine soleiy to hin luck in being able. to borrow Evotin for the short space of two years. xExsn vp,IEST'S PROTEST. How the Doers Havr3 Trateel. BO- Xnati Catholics. FOR UNRULY PRISONERS. • r UNISHED BY SPANICING A Town() r BISON. Tlte Dark Cell Not Permitted. Opinione of Officials on the Subject. "What is your method ot dealing if. Dublin merchant sends out the with refractory itrisoners ?" have Britieh intereste ieraPPed uP id ee her when she happene to be trou- follOWing extract from a private let- "I whip them, was the laconic ble- She has only to apPier toe the ter received hini front a Ronlan answer. British GovernMent, which strokes -Cathelle Priest Oa. Ultenhage, South ' In reply to the same question, put It will be o blessing when the war arena: institution, the enewer wan: ita chin, onel says, "Well, we'll lend AfricA" to the heod official of another and a n o p g yoin but you must send lane baek is: over. The country ie a. howling "Oh, we keep them in solitary con - it. ag ." ri g , p y ' wilderness aria a ruin -no crops, no linement three to rive days, and feed ty years , Britain /ems audited the vegetatien, all a desolate Wild waste. them on nothing but breed and books and drilled the armies of over M present I am here fer a, few weeks ,water. They generally conie to their a, dozen nations, says Loudon An- but Will soon be oll Bellwether° else. owlets in that time, and we have but ewers. I enclose photo of altar who.° I held little more trouble with then)." TWo years and a loof ago napeo mass in a tent. Solnetimee I have These, then, are two different meth - got her accounts into Ouch a muddle mass under a tree or wagon out in ods in vogue • in the two principol that she had to berrow One of queen the epee, end off at daybreak seine- punitive institutions in Toronto, the Vietoria's servante to hap her. Over where There is no knowing jail and the Central Prison. $4.000,000 went wropg through the when. the war may he over. Unless "When I first clime to this institu- else. embezzlements of a, hlinister-who al- the Boer lea,ders are caught' It wiel tion, the,idea of whipping a, prisoner terwards killed hiniself-aud. another last 4 long time, was as repellant to my mind as it Is $5,000,000 Per Year wita Jeat thrOugh "The Boers .ore furious bigots, hat- to the minds of most people who 0, flow in the customs. ing everything Catholic. No °Athol- ;have had no experience in dealieg TUE JAP GOVERNMENT. ic had a vote, nor Was taloned to be :with crilninals of the lowest, ,the a town councilror, policeman, or hold ' coarsest, and roughest type, such im after worrying its hoir grey over the any Government situation, Cetle• :we get here," said ono official. "1 Matter, sent a Messenger to Britain olics were subjected to • penal laws believed that form of punishment to ask for the loan ol a business man 'under 'the Boer Government, Bish- I Was brutalizing to everyone concern - who would set Matters right, and 'Os, Priests and nuns are delighted ed, to those who inflicted the punish - Britain Sent them the fainous- LW- here that the tyrannical Boer Repub- meat as well as to those who re- , Countant John Dern/Lock Murray, The lies are overthrown end crushed-. It. ceived it. 1 soon, however, found Japanese had recliOned it a twelve was impossible for the Catholic that' I was mistaken. I as thorough. - months' job, but eiturra.y in six weeks church to get on well in South Af- . ly believe now, as I refused to ba• brought seven defaulters to book, re- rico under the Boers. Our schools neve then, that the whipping method vised the whole tax system, organize got no grant under the Boer Govern,- is the -least brutelizing, the most hu- ed the Pollee, and added pormaneatly merit, but now under . British rule mane, .and the only method of deal - $5,000,000 to the country's yearly they are paid by the State. Cothe ing with the refractory •prisoner of income. In gratitude, the Japanese olic. magistrates are' appointed al- the confirmed criminal class." 1 sent him bock With a present of ready.. It is 'disgusting to see Oath-. - . MANY OTHER WAYS. uzia suirGuas 088811111 GENERAL THE nux.:Tain pour wIFE OF RannEw EARN NGS !ROI BONNIE SOOTLAND. A SU° An Article for the American. r ro- Boers to Itoad„. Here IS a parigraph which is com- mended to the ottention of joUrnae- Jett; pre-Boere on the "other Side." 'They Might even reproduce it iu their paPera, if they possess the hon- es Y or 8 , ' few of them sadly lack. rills extract is not taken trona the Saturday Be - 1 Millione Made on the Concert SONE RICH. CLAIMS. Just look tor a Moment at the coe N°2'ES 13V 351Alro VROM BE13' BEITC u"'""'s • Platt °rm. BANKS AND BRAES. *14..s GONE TO BELOOATE loSsal earnings of some of these fa.- CORD IN SOUTH APRICA. view or the London Times or any Presumably hostile critic of the Uniteci States .and its methods, but is written by the special correspond.- ent ot the Philadelphia, Bublie Led- ger, aud printed in the columns of that journal. Read this : fake, opera houffe engagement; our "The present war is no bloodless / Men have been relentless, have killed to exterminate mon, women, children, prisoners and captives? active ineur- gents and euspected people, from lads of ten up, au idea. prevailing that the Filipino. as such, was little better than a dog, a noisesome rep- tile in sonne instancee, whose best disposition was the rubbiele heap. Our• soldiers ini,ve pumped salt water into men to 'make than talk,' have taken prisoners people who had up their hands and peacefully surrender- ed, and an hour later, without an atorn of °eidetic° to show that they were even instirrectors, stood them on. a bridge and shot them down one by one, to drop into the water be- lew and float down, as examples to those who foend their bullet -loaded corpses, It is not • civilized warfare but we' are not dealing with a civil- ized people. The only thing they 'mow. and fear is force, 'violence and brutality,' and we give it to. them. The new inilitary plan of settling the troulate by eetting them at each ther is one that looks romisin Mad tit Di Agto-Obliged, to Return Prom Patti has earned live million, dollars Voritee of the concert platforna. It 4,4,4.410 r Fifteen 'Years ie no exaggeration to say that AIMO. Thinge Happening to Inter- His Splendid March Saved British est the Mends oi Auld orce Zack of Peed. with her wonderful voice; and 1 can Seoticies Sons. Winburg. Three hiendred Miles north Irene ovtaeueill ,t//,? factttte 031,90'140 Q eniring , the paSt year 5,181 3:1011 'When the time coma to appraise g e yeal e le ne e e a) , , 4 • • journey upon which the plucky wife Tit -Bite. Day. after day au South Africa it will, without doubt. settled. anti mountainous ,section of g cessful lawyer or doctor earns M a as ceMpared with 5,145 in limo. of a prominent Howe Sound rancher (Part ex her career she mode. SaneucarlioospueaaketiGeaoenlify. and English Meade Hamilton will Conic out pretty hair startexi in order to relocate a two or three hours, over $5,000. and Additional eitees of smallpox in rhwigitohrilno number of valuable quartz and near the top in point of . continuous placer claims winch had been staked hard work and excellent resulte achieved says London /express. out some 15 years ago, but which her husband, although furnished with within three years.. The late Mr. William Johnston a map of the vicinity, failed to find . rhea again, take the famous bro- reed ' , who was for many years a Sevin; that he has siraply swooped tb ed u the mined the regular army in. Seothind, the repUtations of OW generals 'in AnlierOft, B.C., to an unexplored, un- sure. laud), rooter than many a, sue - the •Chilcotin country, is the arduous maim°, says a writer in Loudon be found that Afajor-General Breeie No fewer than 202,700 persons in was coining money at 4 rate which, (elasgow were reported last week and would have niado her a millionaire gow and Dundee. - that the general has been luckY ; it xnay be put Soren:x(1 by some if it could heve been maintained, there have also been cases a Linlith- when he made a similar trip fall. The Woman undertaking th 9 - i . ter of a century of singing they have to Edinburgh institutions and -church la- et :tilers Do lieszke. During their Val' merchant in Leith, has lat. £16,000 t,ehmtieh(oFhreanscrhe,aped where others have down on laagers and ga er p ter ie Mrs. J. Iteckleton, has, ot course, got the lion's share. The annual meeting of the Vacuity . hialasdlidaoTesatkhee' ii•o4unglihaempandte°°*Z7,11, Boers in centuriee Alter other gaennd- Sraith-Dorrien, adventurous trip to the frozen Nor.th whoee bus- made a sum which a. modest estimate rends. places at 85,000,000, of whieh Jean 1While it is still in. the grasp of win- ra,ncher, °wain 4 farm near the singer of $100,000 a y accept this assertion would be to advocates was held in Edinburgh, band is a. well-known Howe Sound Thie mpresents an average for each. ear for the when Mr. Aeher was re-eleeted Dean, argue a. very imperfect knowledge Of and Sir. John Cheyne, Vice -Dean. Bruce Hamilton's operations : •sinCe inirol'uhteh s0t of rythe0fSquamish River, • how eh° earn° . t° potentialities for saving there are Tell last tweaty-five years. look what e big Celtic crose in memory of he went out to . South Africa. as I oue. About fifteen years ago Mrs. 1 Ileekleton. accomPanied her n4.54' , there is no doubt that Do Reszkee with such au income ad. that; and have not altogether wasted their op- raiders of the Glasgow Weekly lier- general has worked with a feverienr- ald have subscribed for; is ready at ness, a tirelessaal c°til•:irtyla astnda,rf.with: the heroes of Magersiontein, which Chief of Ge er Y . . onalte the discovery is an interesting Portunities, as their largo estates, thoroughness as to give him the• husband, who was (me of the early Aberdeen. !pioneers, on o prospeeting trip sobriquet of "Brp,te" Petamilton. e studs, ana so on in Poland testify. The 31fitster of Balliol, Mr. Edward Not that the brute was =gone , through this section of the Chilcotin elme. Nilsson (now the Countess de Caird, LL.D., ein giving a series of !country, which is situated near the k un.kincliy. It was used by his men Miranda), the "Swedish nightingale" Gifford lectures in Glasgow last wee . , . . in the same way as we speak or a headwatere of the Fraser River. i After a tiresome journey across the had only a brief professional career concluded his study of the Stoic man achieving things by brute force ' cated a promising • looking creek 7 250,000 by ber singing. have made considerably comparatively, yet she is said to Philosophy. •• .. over $1,- During the past year Paisley burgh police dealt with 2,84d eases, In- , which Mr. Thomas Atkins holds ot and stubbornness alone. The view extensive Chilcotin prairie they lo- ' tom which they piannee finit ii, dean- • I Then see What large incomes are volving 2,980 persons -an increase of the general is that he "just works t ty , of coarse (isrlit the credie .1 being mode every year by our Pi'e- 140 cases and 1305 persons implicated 'isself to a skeleton, that there ain't applians t ey had tint sent-doy singers, who fall far :Mort when comPared with 1900. no stoppin' hire; he does a. heap, of ;therm unniug .short al provisions. hing on the River max& wnen we blokes have made up strange things at once, starting a I they Were forced to return to thelof the revenues of a Patti ler a De :bounds of civilization again to pro- R m k se The .salmon ils mice. Mire. el a. can nia e eorth belonging to the town of Stir- our rancho to sleep. He's a hot 'un, cure fresh supplies, and then • the !000 a, week • whenever she pleases, ling, were let by public roup for five is the gerieral, and no mistake." $50,000, four medals, a degive of oleo papers mad Well M.P.'s sticking roi . . . . and if you want her to sing for you eel i o p g no seasons at the ric of £725 I ' aderin .111 ""ing Thle old rent was £945. P 0 . n con i g bis brilliant achieve - honor, and a Japanese peerage. up for the cruel, brutal Boers. wile iere aie seeetal rriethods, more or , we haee rate sent a thousand Mac- near approach of winter ',revolted at your own house, ' meets during the last two months, • cabbees to Samar to avenge the their return. even ,b 1 less familiar to those who boy° ever ,i treacherous murder of Company "0" VERY RICH QuARTz. • -I " h f • 1 t vou could get her, you must be pre - given the question. of punisbeeent O... decree Of divorce was granted in one is apt to lose sight of hie eaxlier any consieeratiore-depriving prison- I of the Oth Infantry. They ore here- Before leaving the creek whose • P$7.1;010t.° .write a c eque or .at eas nrs of certain privileges, gutting ff ce I ditary enemies of the Ladro•nes, 'end sands contained the preCious meta1,1 Such a, an action brought by Helen Mc- work, which, as ix reference to the their rietions, solitary confinement, e I go forth to the slaughter gaily." I'm rs. Heckleton wile has had conside er as Mine. Clara, Butt or Mios Ana popu ar an c arming sing- ]. d h ' ' Breortireof Coatbridge, • against her official despatches shows, was ar- the dark cell, the hose, whilMinge bl • ' ' ' ' ' ' husband, Jelin McBrearty, lately duous. all through, Let it not be• wine and spirit merchant in Airdrie. forgotten that General Bruce Ham - Ring Chulalongecorn. of .5441.0 subjected 'Catholics .to every indIgni- would have had a good many bad ter heee. Mid deprived them Of their times hoe he not been able to per- eighth,. The convents (luring the war s,uxide 13ritain to let him borrow a the Boers plundered and . destroyed. man or two. Besides business Mat- and made stables of the (hurdles.' tem, yeu cannot beat Britain for po- This was- done M Netvcastle, Natal, licemen, and ChulalonglXorn borrow- where Tint Healy, M.P., has a sister ed foam the British Goverreneet a a nun, and in other pieces as well. solitary man, who 'equathed a whole "The ' British ' have in every case hostile nation for the king -the wan- treated the Boers well, The cpuntry dering tribe of Mekeia Deceits, numo eoulO never prosper 'under the ,Boers, bering ever 200,00Q. These gentry, and- no British people could live un - who were deO their laws, which ehut out. all . .,. ROBBERS BY PROFESSION. . Brie/eh:era from.' the privileges. of the made it so hot loe •Slion that the e4entry• 'It ia 200 yeara behind the tinies; no advancenientO everything king lost a full half of hie. revenue, very old-feshioved. The ii3oers -treat- and many hundreds of his eubjects ed the .nlacks Most sharnefully 'one were killed pr capteired yearly.' cruelly, shot them down' likadoge, The Melton people Managed to gra.b: and made slaves of them.: The pique what was estimated at a clear $5,-, , ' 3 • • d • e • t lk ld i C os 1 fiord to smile at a • ieta piac ma now e ge n r .s ey can a achieved big things from the WAY,. ing, accidentally diseovered an • ex- Cabinet Minister's income for either Mr. F. H. Ilehr, the proJector a,nd iltcn These ere all More or less practised in our punitive institutions in Cene ada. , The whipping, hewever, hero re- ferred to ae praetised en smile Can- adian instittitioes must not be cone i time that he got his baptism of fire FORTUNES GIVEN A NOTABLE EXAMPLES OP PRIV"- tensiv.e vein of very rich quartz. The lady could make it comfortably ev- e P P -.in the eampaign in Natal. He fought discovery was made by the merest erY Year, and yet take a six zninithe system between Manoliester and Live with the same dash and eagerness chance one day .while, searching /or holiday. A single song from ono of erpocol, lecttired ori high speed rail- . there and in the Orange River Col - some ixto.untein berries, which grew these singers would cost you some- ways to the members of the Glasgow '• • • S ony as have marked his. doings in - founded with aeything so brutal as the old. style of flo:gging wieh tho ..' I mock, Mrs. Heckleton celled her huie fdoortriti.t. , . is worth. it if you can af-• Mr: H. 3). Hele-Shaw, LL.D., RR. g . • the Eastern Tra.nerVaal in these latr ter days, and the nation may well • . • - • m.,,profusion in the vicinity of the • thing like $100- to 8150, and no e a "cat." There. are only orie or two, Sir, ,Ernest. Cassel's . Magnificent • 5,, Professor of Engineering in Uni- Offences for whith the cat is now al- ' Present -Andrew Carnegie's band's attention to the find; and al -1 .ro miat Musicians . iarie at least versity Cellege, Liverpool, dellivetred rejoice that the : 'wound •he received . . though' he recognized it. as very- eith ' equally fortunate hi co n ng money, the -Ja.mes Watt onnivereary ec ure et Venter's Spruit was but slight. In the Orange River Colony he led • lowed tO beeused at all, and never ds - .'. . ' . Generosity. • • • .• ore, he was of course unable to notice as is..well known. /ear a long time at Greenock. • Corpl. ' Alfred James Bieleop • or which, though tot characterized • bY • long and tedious marehesoraany of . The recent splendid gift of $1,000,- an exact assay, and having more ;Paderewski's not ineome has' average • . . punishment for mere refractory con- ' - • e duct while in prison. Neither mast , , • 000 by. Sir Ernest Cassel to the faith iii tele placer claims anyway," he.• ed' over $250,000 a year, . or more Whitebreed, .of the 65th •Co. Imperial large captures, such as we hove, been • the "whip," as . hero spoken of; be . . Nahg and through His • Majesty, te contented himself. with,' staking sev- ' than' hail the aggregate revalue of accustomed to read lately, were em - considered at something, edentical . ' . . . _Yeomanry,. residing at Leicester, was the nation, " recalls to mind manY eral 'claims' and •secoring a number of ' tho British Cabinet; and it will not. •rit Dumfries sentenced to six months' inentier.successfuil. . To mention; only other notable examples of princely average samples frpra different parts be long before Kubolik is in the same Y a: few o$ his undertakings before pro - generosity froni which England lies' of the ledge, which they brought out -enviable position. The most gifted .imprisonment for having bigamousl married a. doineetic servant. ceeding to -more immediate statistics . . , -it was the splendid march of Bruce. ' Hamilton which' melee 250 Yeomanry. ' / DR. A. W. MARE'S 25 000,000 worth of .property in • 11170 . . . y ' ., . with the brutalities. such as reused stock and other treasures per year, took -per cometry, feom. use. ,•..slit the .an intense feeling of indignatiorx and the poor king dot so -hard up ' ' Y • n t ' over a, whele continent a few years • ' that be could not afford to ,keep up frcint thoenatives ene 'robbed • • them ago; when tho. revelations -of the benefited' in rebent years, sa.ys 1-301-- with theni. • • . : Of our native musicians , are paupers . - reeatea. don tit -Bits: ' As is well knoWn, Sir Shortly' after this . Mrs. Heckle- in comparison; in fact, with equal. his court. He pleaded -to the British and shot them do wn like . dogs. • The • Brothoway ' Iustitute . at Government, and they ierit*him . the .nativeE: are a splendid' type •ef men N.Y.; . horrified the .connriunity.. Ernest's magnificent present is to be tori'e .first. Misbono died,. and this ability, the ineee un -English and per, . veteran administrator of the Angleoi Chimse irregular troops.. Anthony and women, ihtelligent end indus- . trious, superior io , every respect to, ,. . , . • - object, , the caxiape.ign . pf inedieee ' stances Prevented ber froin returning ther will he lea,ve -our artistes behind SPANKED WITH A STRAP devoted to that humane and noble ' fact togeeher with Other ' cireum- sonany odd a musician is, the fae- Woburn-§haw. Shaw . recruited' a the Boers.. The poor _blacks are well The. whipping as meted ou.t'to re-. science- against . consumption, to t to that remote region' Wh'ere the yel- fin the rime. for gold. - !rectory criminals here is, simply a which each and every One of us may , low metal • awaits the hardy . prospec- .. ' - force of 5,000 natives policemen with_ I plecesed at the , overthrow • ,of tne out a single Englishman. help lora (Boers. l'he Boers are a cantirig, well breathe "God Speed," - ' (toe. The 'quartz samples. were, how- - • - . • • h7.... sPanking with a flit strap. Thaieurie with the leseil po'critical race, Bible -reading, psalm,. 't ishenent it .lpflicts, hoevever, . is suf- eet is only the' other day, too, that , ever,. cerefullY presez•ved; bet their . ANCIENT • SLANG. PHRASES. . v of only a dozen lives, he , completely einging bigots. • A. few years . ago a licient to inspiee even the most hard- me.. Andrew.. Carnegie gave .the enor- ;real valee was •not known until re- : - ....._,- .- • . ' and in eighteen menthe, Catholic .. priest,' • would net , get ea,' cried . old-timer with:- a wholesome . A Learned. German Tells. Prow eradicated the cheerful footpgcls who , • •dread and as ii come uence the oc- mous ;slim •ef. $10,000,000 tci `help icently. , . ' ' • . .. • were doing the misthief. . „He, eise 'night's' lodging in 'a Boer liemeof the , . • . n forward the . cause of. eiducation . in 1 In .the. couree Of Gra° Mre, Hecolee - They Originated. • i ° 1 ad I, ieep easions are conaparatively. ra,re that Scotland. Altogether, it is•%com- ton raarreed again, and la,et sum- many of tha eamefiar pneaeoe of tlie • and 25 iefanttytnen from being over- whelmed in August,.. 1900, near Win - CATARRH CURE ... pisaracesnety dielgece torotvedhe diseBlo.aseasree Boers who besieged them, he took . burg. Not eatisded with saving the Yeoman from ' .the strong force of ' Reels the nkere coats the alr the bull by .the horns, %vaned the ' passages, stops droppings le the enerav and r..aratured General Melee- • tbroat and permanently cures , - ' - free. Ail deeets, or Dr. A. W. Chase sons.. ' • Catarrh and nay rovf,r. slower (who is now in Ceylon) and hie three ehicheino•Coe Toronto and Haggle; • • SWEEPING THE LAAGERS, • the open plain, Then how stupid e'er •the whipping has to be resorted tor • But, of course, it fs in the Eastern armed them, punished them, a,nd then Scots-Ametiner r. ece. e on accomPaniee by gave them land, and persuaded thetn ea.notber man, inunediately left to try t. . • • • TONGUES BETRAY hee-e,M. Transnital, to which Botha. and the ' - eay have been in use since remote ' ' • ely.: Irishmen. to be raving and symPa- ie mere knowle ge that such a p'un- puted that the generous erican has given awl:wive the benefit to settle, down and feria Peacea iouity. 11 •-• • et1 tl e des is ishment maY be incurred es a result of the people of the United States to ' locate the valuable elaints n - • --- • . 1 residue o his ainay have held fast Through. want' Of .knowledge 43f the a P g Character •Reading by a New Me- during the last few months, where mine ihat ever-present bugbear' of 1 d mber these gee' trace a nu 1 1 h If district, and shoi•tage of provisions- r"e4 there Now Popular in. Paria. 1 Bruce Hamilton had gained most of pre_ called slang phrases tiroug a a his Wires. The capture of one "e- dozen languages to their begirmings. Aed still they come. Linguisto-' • , , • ' . • istence of one of the best Mack arm- • P An Incident .1 Life oh the ocean• , strictly true for whiPPings oCcosioo- blesa the• name of David Lewis, late The Khedive ef Egypt owes the exe' e 1 ally emir, but pever . wiehoot the founder Of the• colossal "Lewis's" ies in the world to 4 handful atone:An ... .. . . • • (permission .of the Government In- micelles in the ttec; cities named. leer non-coms. which Britain lent .him kw:. ' :..& shiP: at -sea ii an, iecffited World, spector of 'Prisons, and never niOre a time-drill-sergernits from' our reg- Not 91113o:does the little floating vil- 'than :ten strokes at one punishment. mthaenebiemniectfipts ofio. tli.e , jeLeivwegiudileiratneiociontirti iments .of the line. 1Jp to that time lege. depend, on the stoutnese• of the the "Fallaheen" troops used to run elenks 'beneath it; but the seedy A ,The man' receiving ehe spanking. is $5,000,000; which hasebeen, and. is aPe :invariably able to illeinediately ree being. She stayed .at. the Corter House, I' expended on hospitals, recrea- like hares whenever the Soudanese..or comfort of 'those on board dePend 'suite hie phece, at the work-beuch or,' e any. other eneiny shoWed their, faces. on ebedience to • intelligent orders. i ',ion bitildingee mad Other, 'objects. of . . . • Vincouver, for O couple of days, =thine, as the case mity be, • 0.. aisetul rulleJt; o .. . while" she purthased some necessary These men, who had never steed. up. The Man .who rideS must rule often., I •'Etesing" as. a. Method of punieh- -- ...' - -RAT, A °TER. •`-e"""' , - SuPPlies, end left ler Ashereft, wbere squarely to a foe, were . taken in as doeg, a chieftan of a ,half -savage meet, means the turning on of •the • 'The late Mr. Thomas nolloway,- of she will be joined by her sea •who eel., hand by one or two hard-working tribe, by phySical force. : hose at hidh pressueee whigh "tosees `.....13ritish Tommiee, who had get their Mr.• PrEknk T. nunen author i the mare about like o, cork:" .Thi$ Pelee: a"u• ualt, u • , , stripes, and patiently, laboriousler, ' of "The Men. of the Meralant Ser.- form:of penishment is not prattised' ei • -or -' 'men' 'fame spent $8,/ 'will be- her sole coinpaniOn ori ' the• lenely joule -ley. They. intend primer - without the aid of any general or in- 7ee,009 in. fOunding the. Rayielhlio - structor, drilled them into first-class rifle shots, smart soldiers, arid sound steady men under fire. When. the next row came these blear troops did honor to that handful of drill ser- geants by proving themselves the steadiest and best of all the natiee troops, and Lord Kitchener foend them indispensable. Tito sergeants beceme seroant-neajors, and . eVent quietly back to their &mite. . le Magee after another, the incessant Here is a partial list of theme- . jogy is the last craze M Paris. night: maxches, often undertaken in "To Give the Cold Shoulder." -It, (me prefers to call it gioseoraancy, was- once. the custom in Frame, when well and good. ' Under e ithee name it pouring rein, have told a tale on - t t e hi velcome e s ton e readin and it threat- . • . a guest ou s (1 m gu g find hy his wife. FAREWELL TO HER PIUS13AND. to 'serve him with a cold thoeleer erie-to compete With pahnistry. Mrs. Heckleton new decided to go, mutton instead of a hot roast as a That a tongue mey*tell the Charac- ece she ba,de farewell'to her hu,sband. gentle bine for 'him to go. • ten of the owner • is a safe proposi- who remotes to look efter the ranch erre Rack the • Bucket."•: -This •tion. A toiagueomay even, to. expert during her absance; Lind eame down niwase dates back to % the time eyes; tell th'e condition of the own - on ehe etairnee Defiance last Friday. "of 'Queen Elleabeth. A shoemaker er's liver orid from such cleta inany • mimed leawkine coneraitted,thicid'e. by el:mansions - may ee' reached. ateeh etanding on a ledeket placed on a ta- the state of a man's liver,' history ble to. raise himself to a coiwenient nnd• pienlieco both seeni possible to raffet. • To 'kick the bucket. ores, off' even the average, logician. ' course, his laet ad on earth, • But linguistology has to do only ' ."AeipleePie Order," -A bertairr•Ilepe With .,the chape and fo'rm ef • the zibith Merton in:Puritan. times, was tongue. •A..big tongue, it seems, in - vice,",. is ncreedeocate, of' violence, oh in the habit of .baking it, number of dicates ' frankness; a thort :tongee,. , iti- either of "the Teronte prisonee. It lowaY 0 ege On • eng packhorses and outfit at , Ash- the- part of . officers; tnit, . e , croft, Oct Will be abre to -•go othout• apple pies every SatUrdoy,.. which cliseineulation; 6, • long: ' and •leroace peeing, if. there. io.: oe :weiehea: safe'efoerxee-1.19-regarded here 'as. most deg -reeling - arid asyrums, which are no* doing: a man . seeeinueh fot the.: • enlightenment ow 200 mileo ete ilia %oat : part.. ot. their were to lake heir family' through the tong)* garrulity and generosity; ' a behind an order, men. Wile alwaye be ' as a veritable rat. " • - jeurney. by otage.. ' • 'Week. She plOced them" in her pan- riblereste tbrigue, concentratieue •..and to 'Manhood,' and 'as Creating found, who 'win disobey: 'One of Mr. • .hurnanitY- as Well 'as fer the aeleviee Although -the claims were -first% lo-, trZ/; la -belling* one or more foi each talent; a short, bread tongue, 'dee- Bullen's earliest recollections of sail- . to piitae him in a dark Cell .is ' ve-' • tion (et its•••sufferings. . ceted spine nfteen.years a b • 110 • as- dey, in the week: - The Pantry thus •rulity and •Ienteuth. The neon with a: To deprive a Man of ..his Moe and ot life .ie Dispel intident on board the ardecl wiel h k b tl h d In ied.ditione tie Carious. splendid r• • ' t we 'lc • sessmen i was , dcine, and ace ,,,„ „ .. „ „ . g ' arranged' was said. to be in apple-phe -very short arid nereow terigue is a East Lothian. : , o , . :: ''' • : benefactions . in the United States 0 en cording to the present Mining taws al''''" . liar of tree artiitie =tete". '' • ..• The. teen hod, been dettorolizeet h -Y, lettmes the ,i g . 1 or or y o vocate the 4.. Whipping niethoe.. ••"'It - 1 • se 'w o • a ••• el P b d g th - eorge ea o y aye away cessary • o fetalce t ern t e ' "A Peather ia One's Oap."-It was The • disclosures • ol • lixiduistology a eoertiedli seeend iiiate.*Ii0 Was A evitalit of th - n oemous. man, r6 - fiertune of $2,5•00,009 to- I , it will b ' 1 t ip in complianee 'witii!this 'rev - e. ne . . ex e" cuetene in their wens wfth the..may be thrilling, but pahristry has lc a allY discharged at Bomba,3r,- Ris Suer --n-• 1 'delis • hiin Y'" ° unfit to work,' and . en- 'owe 14•69 id lying the Still pressing pro- II :letion..that thin phicky.•vecenan and . Turks foe. the Hungarians to Wear a, one. fievaireage.: Which gueraefeeS its. cetsor, was a spleedid specimen. of a blem of .the housieg • cif the Leneore Jame.: feather in. their cape for eath Tutie supremacy. peer the oival science:, courages -aespirit of brociding' • oad her salt are undertaking this 'Pour years ago the United eState„s .seannen, 'not .too tall,' firielY, iiroeer- vene official suninied up the dark- cell 'pook Tor his. splendid generesityhe • accepted the lieedorn of t 0 ei y, - II revenge - in the' airairuff." is the way ours. to lend 3ifexico a scientist eo cope with. the yellow -fever, Movie, ney intro the frcizen. North, 'it is .re- t.4,e,Te he'd killYi• ,. • The .subject need not stop talking • . lackguar si" When the I-Torse during a palmist's re di g - a n . , The first morning, he was on board fdecreciainett thhiem.b. aonetcy that was op.- por e a peemmon Westminster is fuenishing the neces- • thought et wasn't any business of tioned, and of a very pleasant fate. I process . • sar funds for the tri . leen o we were washing decks,' Mr. Eatch, pRo g Y P .Civards parade in St...James's Park, • . . if t ur en er ri the new sec nd-mate was lutein TEST' OF THE 'FINNS. church endowmeat purposes in cot,-, The Baird. lit. of $2,500,000. for , • 'London, e„ crowd of bootblacks al- ways. crowd ;about to black thekir fancying that vie go o g i . 0 herself rather 'unpleasant about it; wardi where two men were passing , g 3.,etaat °I.e., Congregation to Les- 1. deep • debt' of gratitude tp the - • • These attendants at the guard ineent beets. mid do other menial wor . we might go -too far. America, made neoh,.round, the ship,- and stayed for- ' - ' land places the-T..iand of Lakea under tio..,..4. deal of money, was losing . 50,000 As Mr. Eaton passed, 'one of them, lil'any storieS are coming out to has been .the Mains of aceomplithing• • "black guards. an official bacteriologist and physie 1 deco blidly wit,h its edge. With a' rogation by the Atissiaii Governinent nxineham by the late Sir josiah Ma- Bishop Brewster of the Episcojeal who gained •ailmittartee to an enter - asked us if we could .let her *mew the• othee, dropped it, .ano cut, the land in.consequence of the virtual ab-; • .14early e.s much *as given to Bir.- .. . Near Death. clan, to see what he could do for"the 'glance at the new °facer, .he burst ' of the COnstitution guaranteeing the son. • Cin the eollege ,Whiclie bears his diocese of Connecticut in •Iiis talk te tainment without paying admiseion country. So Britain, who is never out:into furious eutsing et. the otherl.peculiar rights and privilisges of the- name and the orphanages he ex- Yale stndents on '.`Robust Religious were celied e'deadhecide," because the backward in these /netters, lent ivree.., man ter not catching it. Mr, P,a.ton" Grand Duthy, The 'people; altheugh pended'eome $ii,150,000, eo the cap- FaRli," recently, cited foe them the ivoey death's heads, checks Iliad for admission w. ore small • h . of but Mexico, which owes us a good tvater out of the big waeleoleck eel); ten to a Russian' Law; • , Princely. donor, fOr the goOd which it isIPLINWS PRAYER WHEN ILL: have , long gr;Te • by t e name men a year through the fever, and oftrOloS'sly. slinging Ei bucket toward show the unreat M can ScarSelY be over-estimatbd, Repeated “N'aar I Lay Me." When "Beadhead."-in -Pompeii people„ ico Sir Alan Staveley, the , turned quietly to him and at:1.2dt' • I alarmed for their national exietence, ital of the M Man may eve o case pf Rudyard Kipling when he 1 FAMOUS VACCIMATIOhTeST are carefully: refrainino, from any dise hire in grateful memorir. was critically ill "If ;you don't shirt that, foul head in NOW •He • TONGUE TWISTERS. • . and sanitary ex r The (frit thin pe t. . a • • To Lord Iveagh, Dublin Owes a delet said., , , ; ; . . , • "1 suppose yOu • youew men aro .. • ille, 1'11 shut it for youl" orders. . . he did was to catch the fever him- script, deceivee by 'Mr. Eaton's pleas- , bearing. the more or less readers of iludyaid Kip- Most people have at some Period - The men, a, huge New yor)c noni16- A protest in the form of a petitien which it. will never 'be able to reentY; ene look, strode UP to hirn sWearieg ;Fin -rash Mee apd Women -more than :Lions he made a. preseiet to the Irish iiii-e or their livee been requested by cer- eal, which he declared. to be the very . sigpatures of 470,000 In addition to varibus other' beriefac- g There is no name in Engli,sh best thing that could have happened, horribly and threatenino„to 'kill him, 1 one-tlfth of the total populatieneehas .capital. pf a sum of n1,260,000 for I tain ceilly-dispesed persons to re - i been sent. to :. literature thee stands mere truly for peat rapidly the inforination that to work and traced the fearful dis- the Otae, who l'alldd to ahe purpose of providing arthiaris' , ers. rienarty Parishes bave rausedrta trol. of . • 1 ficeth us," "What a genie sue 'or to My and, after getting rid of it, he set Ivor anstver the second' mato "leaped, fnasculiniter that Kipling. In fact, he "She sells e sea shells," ease to its root. Ile had a score of and waistband, (1. th I t i t t i an e lex in nu e . ' ' : suit imam ot his critics. The story is said to be riot ladylike enough to ethat the "Sea. ceaseth end it sof- t( a at him and seized him hy the throat (pay any attention to It. The minis- dwellings, which, axe under :the con - Institute of Preventative medicine, showe teui strong, Vigorous falth guest -ta require an imagb. Government of Mexico to Make a. sea, . . . . ro shapelY sash should sha.bby stitelies towns reorganized •sanitaxily, got the 'he Was flying• over the rail Inn) tae clainothe new. .conscription levw. VIE GUINNESS. 'TRUST'. • that k oin , relate aboat' line. Eaton turned euriftlY andeeras. i constitutionality, .ond in other•pare „nettteli,,ce -se eed 00 • lei d 't t f tl d d 1sired by • Or they may 'have been de - 850,000 grant for medieines and dise 1 from their pulpite on accelint of its S b auentle• Lord Iveagh gave aeld I suppese 'none . of you have • show." '1411 -tee. the reading of the law has beat • a inalielouely-inclinee fellow 10;Vy* in - infectants, organized the present illet in time to catch. the other man , to the Jenner , ear , eomes o me irs ma. an staff of ine ca me in, 0 Yv ,n n, d-ruith et him with -a ficiiiaeeler interrupted by the congregations, h h regulatioes and quarantine-- hi ei and tuined the whole of the shipping le- t- . landed him • a clacking. heap in ihe tics:of- the Russian' GOverrinient s planted blow On the chin, which A scene chexacteristic of the t ce..vw.ors.iceso,rtatehneolii e ev. e the • bedside of Mr. Kipling. during or to. comment upon in the wig is ng that invezitora are asked to 'furnish was the root of the matter-up:Ude eeeppeee. te 1°1 gy a d tees: yoersmearth in bite-; 'trained' reties() .Was• watching -at gigewhiP," f e of biology rllow hard ie is to- say, Sow high . • • .which is back of the mah's writin dividuarto "Give Grimes Jities gilt THE WORLD'S LANGUAGE, TWo-thirds. of •ell the lettetawhieh pass through -the post -office of the world ara written. by and senie to people Who epeak aecording to Bradstreet's. There are subitato. Gaily '500,000,000 • persoris speaking' collogurally oneor another of the ten Or [twelve thief modern ' •languages, end• of these. about .25 per cents, or 125,000,000 persons speak English. About 00,000,000 ;speak. 1 ussian, 75,000,000 •. German, 55,006..000 French, 45,000,000, Spanish, 35,000,- 000 Italian, and 12,000,000 Portu- guese, and the balance Hengarian, Dutch, Polish, '. blemish, Bohemian,. Rouma.nian, Swedish., Finnish Danish ond Norwegima. Thus. while only one-quarter of those whp em- ploy the facilities of the postal de- partment of the civilized world speak s • their natleatongue English, twee thirds Of those who correspopd dame, • ' • have been watched with the keeneet interesteb.y.stadents of war, and pub-. lie satiserietion Was great when the,4 geoeral, after molting three note -e worthy hauls in a week, received the special thanks of the GoVernment for hie brilliant work. He must have . accounted foe at least 1,000 Boers in lees thee two months, for be it remembered that, unofficial telegrams from the front have reported. a num- bor. of small captures which Lord 'Kitchener, pieaba;b1,y deeming them ' , • .to the War Office. Here is the official list of his captures. The figures deal with seizures bay, killed and wound- . ed not being included Place. Date Captives., Osheek " Dec 4 03. Trichardsfontein -Dec. 10 131 Witkraans-e........ ec. 13 .70 Lake Banogher:„ ,..Dec. 16 Near'Erraelo... ......Jan. -8 ' 100 Upper Oliphapts River.Jan. hi 11 Beeches/tree Kraal. jao 10 42 ' Near Knapdaax.... Jan, 11 88 (Botha nearly taught, escaped :in a 'cape cort). . Witbanke. „.,„ „. 1.8- -Orr Boschirianefontein Jan 25 , ' . and Neispan jan. 26 • .100 • Total , ,„..„ 628 A eplendid record sureler for the • youngest major -general in the Brit- ish army. Bruce •Hamilton is still in his 45th year. He was born in the same year (1857) as "B, -P." -•-in De- cember, whereas the hero of Mafe- • king was born in February One of • his brOthers, .who also fought the • Boer War -of 1881, rose from a troop- er in tho Guards' Cavalry, to the rank 'of FieutenantecolOnel of the 1,4th. Hissaree and all four have seen Ser- vice la South Africa. . • ; • . • • • rxu.aos FOR INVENTORS...•• .• The, French Minister of Agriculture ,'offers a Series of, prizes for mechani- • . . cal roventions that shall Utilize ale' cohea tor fuel. Anaong t•he machines • down. He aired over 8,000 babies By :this time the other men had , ite the temper of the people cuffed in a e1 country chui•ch a, few il•*Etring upon the exeuse$, naeure, pre- those elements evhen the author was iis it ?" • 1 .tef • are stationary motors to be ern- ; ployed on farms meteors for • pumps, of the disease, besides. numberless 'When a pretty teaser bas obtained seen the frost' and riodied forwerd, 8undays ago. The regoiar parish ivention and treatment of disease, in the most critical stage of sickness for automoteles, and so forth, and . minister, having refused to rale the GRAINS Or GOLD, and for her:tired purposes, an, of apparatus for incandescent lighting other people, mostly inueli adoinst More than 9. centurY 'end three- and -she noticed that his lips began. a temporary victory by setting you their will and he reduced the fever tiarteei: ago Thomas (eller devoted to move, Sho bent over hive think- I aiore-mentioned task, just re- f ti Sweet mercy is• nobility's true sheeting, .f Iiim!" Presently Eat- ' on Was the emit:* a a. howling tour a 1 I lth h 'k vi f • ing he wanted to say something to 1MOX ow, a o g not ng nearly $1,250,000 of the arm} ore If casualties by 55 per cent. per an- threotening, his life. But ha armed , that his refusal. ekposed him. to d ther, find she heard him utter these breath, '"What pity.. poor Peter. ice tu 'he made mit of the South ,Sea • Companei num. This took him twO Years of d ber importing Bibles wor . 114119(.1f With 0, "noririan" .a. hamly 'missal and punishment, the authori- ds. 1 1 d t ow aY me own o pecked pretty Peeler's pigs 1" a great One. ele is oven now tne. of them • tiered face him with • that oo aye. e. ntnse, rea z- she survives, link her to' inform the , iron bar from the windlass,. and none ties prevailed Ort another and Jess ; from go land, eo the foil/Wing of the that..old familiar Prayer of ecrupulous clergymen, 'to do the read. • titIon Hospital which bears his I Ildb. d d li Company ten tinies • in ten seconeg solid hard work, and his reward was. temporary service of Brazil, working terrible weapon. The akippot, one 7 o . Six misses • mixed hisses,. e phe moment the stranger appeared • her services, said in an; aPo , be amassed ono of thbO largest for- whisper: A COUNTRY OP GATES. n nia . In two minuteri m le pu p , a venei a e o mem el% parts of speech, you may with pro- want of motive. -George Eliot,. that is derived from drinking bad Otia ranged themselves ;by the side of • ti I it • bl Id b 'I beg your pardon, Mr, over fist. .... the whole tone ot the ship was al- of the congregation rose, 1 'Between five and eix years ago the , tunes ever made by a • ookseller. . "We will not listen to anything splehdid gift, of $600,000 was made something.' Kipling, I thought you. wanted Pr e ,, ,,,,, .. , . ••• P 8 , A Curious feature to travellers it . , she sap ? ohould a snip s stewaro ietir ask her "If he sipped, should ellie lea, of i norance will never ,• water. Ile is succeeding, too, hand tbe sem e to . terecl. It was never again necessary that is illegal," he announced ' " 'I do,' faintly observed Xipling. sell a shoddy suit, 2" "The bore kin. take away our responsibilities, -Rus- the high roads+. of Norway is tta her merchant ervice steamers eight i 6 resort to vlolenee. • . by ,.. r . o in tin e ap e , o te Si T 1 111 d 11 el 1 t tl groat number tot gates -upward ol name. It, instraetive to note that ing that Mr. Xipling dide't require that 3isg.• to stamp out a destructive disethe the erne mate, cam eneeing forward • logetic 41 When the surgeon has repaired her • • w ic are o USO 4 0 0 SS In misfortheie even to sniile is offezid.--Ilacon. • An infallible characteristic of me nese is crueity.-Johnson. What makes life dreamy is to Germany already, ie is said, 'alcohol is the great illuminant for perks and an_ public places. . the . • • Portugal had so much trouble wart Ibrought boar brawn, Sam should Pride is as loud e, beggar as want, 10,000 in, the whole country -which us. Portugal, ong other things, If ft years ago tha ellat act has Leen missed in vio a- Li:Mien University College Hospital. ' • and a couple of years afterwards Sir /Ingle and 41 great deal :more saircy.-Frank- have to be opened. Theia, gates, tion of the law of the land." . I only can care for me now.' soon sell Shorn six shilling . cannot turn out men whci tan man- . . The wholLcdonhdiraetircidonat:thesnkigr7nsge l'ecie0.00•0 te the meeareire, Trust, gions faith that.' we see in Kiplin 's Phomee Lipton made o present of ehrew two true lin. / which •either murk the. boundaries ot ' "It is this masculine, robust roll- I shingles," "Be cause they are riot sufficiently e'keen" Popular journals eeory. now and ress is Oust Ged," I I all robability this' will be the throWe." lnodesty seldoin residee in a breast tute 0, considerable inconvenience and t l nds e nsti- ago engines of any kind, mainly be- • • MUMMY WHP.1AT: iLnutaliebr(3'sdVold hymn, "A Mighty Portrl which existo for the useful put•pose of , writings, ad ed lishop Brewst-egr . the farms or separate the horde thirds of the merchant steamers were., again recount' teat wheat found in 1 , A ...,...... supplying workpeople with =eels ae "poet it is a faith which the young borne from the room in a swoon eoup do grace, and as your Victim M that is not enriched with nobler vir- I .t.1 delay to the traveller, who hag to and do not keep them. clean, Two- men of Yale University may Wel; '' tues.-G old erni th . practically ot a standstill. and the you are at liberty to hiss in parting To persevere in one's duty and be • in eeepaie. initia.ted and grown. Certain wheats WHY HE WORE THE GOWN, chl.e'aliPe Ptiecelly of elle Passmoro Ede carry with them in the performance •of their daily Work. these fatal words, "Should sooty siletit is the best aoswer to calumny'. mummy eases has been planted, ger- stop Ilia vehiele and get doWn to (*- Portuguese Government, wards ie the providing of free librar- Sue seek soap '?" -"-George Washington. en them. turned to its old friend, of Egyptian origin rife known nit A clergyman was &peaking to the ies for the, people; and it is esthen.te • 1 • ''mp011 b I - ' - . ....... , , .......................... „ •• i • ................,,,e,mo_ime...i.er_Lo _.......,.,,,,..,..,,,,,,.....,,,,,,meee....oe, ENGLAND TOIL .untai. , miny . wheats; .tho legend, ‘ Will boys in his sehool on 'the necessity - - - ed that rn this way he hate Inade the - THOUSANDS THIIS EMPLOYED. e arin and said In the Ross benefaction of $1,000,. Th is est to *hail erves . nen but it lute no 'eerie-. of groWing up good and useful citi- We lent Portugal for twelve months able basis. M. B. Gain has recent- term. In order to illustrate bis re- nubile present of the Substantial Chief Engineer 13aillie-Coulson, Itho My tried extensive experiments with marks, he pointed to the gown fortune of 4500,000, A large part of the Spanish. pro- p ply ;vilece of Cadiz is loW, marshy' meet engineers' college for merchant- and ends tbat no cereale there found "Boys, 'work Well and be etraidht- started in that 'country a Govern- wheat taken from Egyptian. tombs was ve g, men, and now the graduates of that win reproduce their kind. the em- forWard, and one ay you may wear institution keep Portugal's steamers bryos of such grains are completely ono of theso 1 Why do I wear this going strong. Two-thirde of that dead, although the rosette Material deem, boys ?" nation's marine engineers studied is perfectly ilt to nourish than Were Ono little fellow hold up his hand under the keen eye of Bantle-Cot:leen they alive, , "Well rey boy why ?" "To hide the holes in your trees- i•••••.** Ors, sir 1" replied the boy. • e.jodi the other third are sound "Geordie"' engineers from Northern England, And Portugal has no more trouble PRICES IN LONDON ANT) PAM& with her'eriginee. Most of 'her rail,* • London Paris roads, too, aro engineered by British • taught men. Article of P'ood. Price. Prite, 13ritain has got rather tired of Leg ot mutton, per kilo 2.00 3.00 lending men to Turkey, who would Itunip steak, per kilo... 1.60 2.00 borrou, the whole Cabinet and Privy Roast beef, per kilo..." 1,80 2.60 Council if we would lot her have Veal, por 1.60 8,20 therm but she drow a prize when the Pork, per kilo... .„.. 1.40 2.60 British Government allowed her to Rutter, per kilo... ... .0.2.40 4.00 borrew Barton Evans, to whose Cram, Per 9,. 8.20 8.00 Work the WhOle tf Turkey's preeent 'COcoa, per kilo... ,.. 1.60 /.50 etistorns arid iitiveituti are due. Once Good tea..., ... 8.'20 12.00 Turkey paWned her customs to Os for Sugar, per e0,40 r, 1.16 a Peeled, and they.Were less valuable Herosene, Per litre... 0.20 0.45 then; but the untiring work of 'one Cord, per 100 knee 3.00 5.60 Man has reduced peculation as Much The oetroi duties of Prencli Cities as it eVer eould be reduced under niece the cost of living muck greater Turkey's foniton Officialdom, arid 'in ratite, • • THEN' cottriis It Was the middle of Winter, and the head of a charitable institution was examining a number of poor children as to their chants to more comfortable clothing, She Said tee a little girl, 'who was Vilified up in a thin shaWl. "Have yett any clothes at hone?" "Ncern." "What have' You got on 2" l'Plettee, this is mo reother's• shawl an' ine -dresS is next, an' then cornea ; lee It was a coovincing Way of stab. Mg a fact, and the little girl's claim was 41101Ved. 000 for hospital pi:nen:Mee Glasgow 'ground, unfit for cultivation, Never- receive4 a hatidsome dile. thoices, it is turned to good account .......-.....e.......-- by balm utiliZe for t to pioduetion of salt by evaporation. This is one TilE•BUCTIESS OP PIPE. . of the most extensive industries and Increasing' SUrerise IS felt in Ping- sources of revenue in the provinea lituti that the Ditchess of Fife is nee It, gives employment to thrift:sands of Ivor officially described as "printese workmen, tied makes Cadiz city an royal."' It is 'only Since the awe- inmortant seaport, as more than eion of George IL that duck a desig- two thirds of the 400,000 tons one nation has eiristed, but that moo- nuttily produced is exported to fo- arch'S daughter (though she was reign lands. ......-.......e................-. born when her father Was 'only oleo- . toral Prince of Hanover), enjoyed it, MOWERS RESPONSMLE. and so did the oldest daughter of George III, and the eldest daughter The nuraber Of people, who are Up - of Queeft Victoria.. 'White the late net either very slightly or serionsly, Einpress Prederick was living there kitten Without knoWing ' it, her the might hove been good grounds' for ; eniell of roses, vlolete and Mate, is , Withholding the title from the eldest 1a largo 0110. A. ease le. reported Of et, daughter of Xing Edward, for there !young lady who used to faint at the would have •heen tWo princesses ray- smell of orange blossoms, and that lal alive at the same time. But that . of a soldier Who loet consciousness 1 difficulty is now removed, and why through the smell of a peony, The the distinction should be allowed to rose has been known to•olleet 'certain dron is a question causing much eon- people with a, violeot attack of lecture, . ,eatarria, YOu Have These SYmptorns Your Nerves Are Weak and E)dhausted-You Oan Oat Well by Using Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. Nervous diseesee aro little understood. They have long boon enshrouded in more or less lavatory the medical profession. Many Whe are fast falling victims of nervotts prosteation, parialysis or loe.oraotor' atm*. thinlf that they are timely not very Well, and Will seen be arotind egain-oso inaidicius is the aPPAncir of • Study these oymptonts. They are for your guidance. You may not lutvo them all, but it ;you anY nerVoUS diseases and nerVous collapse. of them your oervous system 10 riot up to the mark, and, a little extra expenditure of nerve Vireo in bring the itinrter0rfuttlriedaoowinrafa0lit.104, 40100 arid light; ttvitthing of the initeclee (Atli() fate and eyolide; 'fatiguing Sleep, • sudden fitfirtings and jerkings of the limbs; dizziness arid flashes of light before the eyes; foritnbilityeeed rest. leeeness in every part of the body; headache, indigestion, feelinga'of weariness arid deprfession, arid lose of . intesre0stioinngtlitte0 atiffiettidroli?yf elixfpe.onditure Of' nerve fere° is greater/than the daily income, pitoical benkruptey is certain to result sooner or later. Nerve force must be inereeted, and thiS eari best be accomplithed by the Use Of •Dr. Chaike's Nerve rood. becautie it eontitioS in cOnettitrated form. the very °leitmotif of nature 'which gO directly tO form nervous energy. Nervous diseases do, not right themeolves. They cootie on gradually aS nerve fierce beeeinee exiutuated, and can only be cured %Viten, the nerve for 0 is restored. No treatment for nervous diseases has ever received each uniVersal endorsement by iboth phyeicians and people as has Dr. thallehi Nerve rood. in the press of Canada. you will find hundreds of eta:hest letters telling of the wonder:11d beoefits, derived from Dr. tilialle'S Nerve Peed. !SO@ is box, e boxs0 tort 02.604 at tidi dealcrs or Iildinanson), Oates .ila Co, To. scut*. 4 1 . 4