HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-06, Page 6Supplement to The Clinton NewsR000rd• Thursday, March 6th, 1902 DUNGANNON. The roads in this vicinity are nearly impassible for there is neither wheel- ing OU sleighing at present. Mrs. Thomas Arlen, who has been quite ill the past couple of weeks,is twat on a fair sway to recovery. The Rev. Mr Goldberg preached a vet y interesting Ser11101l ell•• PIoblbi• 111111" to it large culgiegatiou uu Sun. day la -t. 011 Wednesday of last week the home of Mr. I)utf, gravel road, Was the scene of an Intel esu ng event when his eldest daughter, Mies Ethel, way united io marriage to Mr. ,las. Medd of Auburn. Itev. Mr. McNair tied the knot. The bride was very prettily attired hie' emu cashtltele and was the recipient of very many useful gifts. We wish the young couple a happy voyage through life. Miss Duff was our of our popular young ladies and we will miss her. A sleigh load Of young people from here drove, out to this house Of Mr. and Mrs. H. Horton of Dunlop last Tuesday i evening Where they spent a very pleas- ant time and returned home iu the wee omit' hours. Mrs.Ilarry Halliday of Two Harbors, Mich., is visiting her father here at present. Mr. Wesley Studio of \Vnshiugtnn, Uncles no's duwuain, I8 NISI) v:siting his father, Mr, S. SII iht', Mr. \Vestbruok hrtd the misfortune to injure his arta quite badly while working in his mill near St. Augustine last week. Messrs Roht. 1)urnin at:d Maxwe:l Wilson leave for the Northwest next week. The Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's church held a business meeting on Monday evening Iasi at the rectory. Rev. Mr. Owens of Lticknow gave it very im'erestintr lecture its the English chinch Inst Wednesday evening on •• The habits and (•ustonts of the Indians of the Indian Iteserve and the hardships and privations frown which the missionaries suffer while laboring among the Indians." Mr. S. J. Young has added at stuck of dry goods to his now flourishing trade and brine taken Mr, Wesley Treleaven, late of Goderich,as partner. Dungan• non cam now 11(4411 of four general stores. \Ve wish them much success. Mrs. Thos. Begley is quite ill at pres- ent. Mrs. Alex. Pentland k irnproving,her runny friends are pleased to hear. A merry company of young people drove out to the house of Mr. R. llastie near Crewe one night last week and enjoyed themselves in a most satistaC tory way. SUI'ilf1ERHILL. PORT ALBERT. a Hilljr.still continues Mr. ?dullard, Grand Bend, spent a Mr. Gsur g few days In the village last week. very ill. we are sorry to say. Jessie Grey took a trip to the Queen 'dr Joseph Watkins Sr. was taken city last week. ill on Sunday. Joseph Wilson leaves this week for Mr. George Hayes is atilt laid up with Sprucedale, Muskoka, where he will a rheumatic complaint and is unable to remain for a few months. clove about. Hia recovery will be slow The ice on the mill dare moved off in hut he is bearing up under the atflic- tine shape least Friday and Saturday tion with touch patiencewith a little help, so some of our Litt - Mester Henry Beacottl of Colborne zeas enjoy their night's rest some - spent a few days with (rieudr in thi8 what better,. vicinity this past week. Will. Richardson lost a tine three - Mr. John Johnstone of Londerhoro year•old colt last week from inflamorna- visited hie parents in our burg on Suu• tion, caused by getting frozen grass day. theythink. Mr. and Mrs George Johnstone ttt- Te roads at present in this part are tended the funeral of the bitter's stetter, almost iwpas8ahle. Mrs. Samuel Frees, which took place ' It is reported that Rev.Mr. Fairhurn, MI Sunday to Colborne cenletary' who has been the Presbyterian minis• Mr. George 11111 has rein m d from ter hare for some twelve years or more, Stratford where he was taking assures is going to leave. The Rev. gentle - in the Business College. Mr. Stewart man will be much missed. Hill is home from the Chatham Buai• nese College. \Ve are glad to know that. Mr.George Hill, sr., is now un the road to rapid I11LLSOREEN recovery. Mr. James Bingham of Richmond, Mich.. is visiting friends hereabouts. The social hell on Thursday evening of last week at Mr GeorgeTyner'r was a very enjoyable atfrur and was attend ed by a goodly crowd considering the inclerueney of the weather and the had roads. There were ref'eshments,music games, etc. Everybody seemed to en- joy his or herself. Mr. Char. Tyner is also a victim of lagrippe. James Long has engaged with Mr. George Hill for the season. Mrs,Murray of Clinton it visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Lindsay, SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report of S. S. No. 14, Hay, for the month of Feb. [entry, nosed on attendance, demeanor and general proficiency : 51h—Ben. Smillie, John Petty. 4th—O. Fee, B. Petty, J. Petty, F. Clegg, A. Thompson, E. Petty, E. Clegg. 3rd Sen.—L. Mulholland, P. Clark Geo. Chambers. 3rd Jun.— E. Fee, J. McArthur. 2nd Sr,—N, McArthur, E. Mulbol- land, S. Petty, G. Anderson, J. Jack- son. G. Petty. Part 2nd Sr.—L. Fee, C. McConnell. Part 2nd Jr.—S. McArthur, R. Jack- son, V. Deters, E. Berry. Part 1st Sr.—C. Haters. Part 1st Jr -W . Pet t.y. O. McCon- nell, ---T. H. BROWNL.1 E, Teacher. Mr, Peter Baker has this week im- ported some fine thurohred fowl. Mr. Baker says they are flne layers and are also superior table fowl. Mr. J. R. Shaw of Clinton conducted services in the Methodist church on Sunday. Mr. Shaw is a fluent and able speaker and the Hitlsgreen people are always glad to hear hits. On Friday evening last a large num- her of invited guests assembled at the horse of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Troyer, Parr Line, Hay. The evening was spent in games and music until an early hour in the morning when all separated well pleased with the evening's fun. Mr. Arthur Hagan returned from Parkhill last week. Mr. Ferdinand Stelck entertained a number of friends on Thursday even- ing last. Mr. Fred. Kain left for Langton, N. D., on Thursday last, ' Mr. W m. Reichert was in Clinton last week for a number of days. Messrs. Isaac Hudson and Wilson Carlyle are now cutting wood for Mr, J. Hagan, After finishing they have a contract with Mr. John Cochrane. These gentlemen have cut over two hundred cords during this winterand have the reputation of putting up a first class job. Mr. James Parsons is laid up with a sore foot. Mr, and Mrs. Workman visited Clinton Friday last. The Rev. M. C. McLennan preached a very impressive sermon on the train- ing of children last Sabbath.