HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-06, Page 4We Believe the Proposed Industry Why I Am
Will Be "a Good, Sound Business Storage.
Tt 'the tefithlisbinent of a. Pork
fthoSsterya With, eefficient Cold
, Storage capacity to handle a consider-
able 04144 of periehable farm pro-
ducte, such as fruits, cheese and butter;
deetined for eXpert-large quantities
of which are Yearly in increasing quail -
titles seeking up -to date Cold Storage-
ehould he pushed to an early console-
tiou is, 1 think, generally admitted by
Poonie of town and. country. The
desire for such a plant is prompted in
the minds of the people tit Clinton by
a laudable desire to see internal in-
duetaiee established in their midet.
the absence of manufacturing in-
dustties, any town must of necessity
become a mere trading depot, tbe
energy of it citizens cenfined to the
duties of middlemen engaged in band -
ling the farm products of tbe territory
tributory to it, and in supplying the
wants of the farmers, etc. Under mph
a pondition no toms can greatly pro.
per and property will deteriorate in
To the farmer such an industry offers
a home market for his bogs, where
under efficient management they
can be handled and converted into.
various hog prodncts more cheaply
than in the distant places to which
they are now shipped, with the export
market open to • I abke.
In the roatter a Cold Storage,I Ven-
ture to say that 15 18 admitted by every-
one in the fruit trade that apples will
stand 0, long voyage. land in better
condition and consequently net larger
• returns to the shipper and through
• him the producer, if chilled in cold
The annual supper and entertain-
ment of Lodge Barnstable, No. VA, S.
0. H., was held, in Gledhill's hall on
Tuesday evening of last week and was
, the most successful in the history of
the lodge. There Was a /liege turnout
of the members and their families,
After doing justice to the bivalves and
other delicacies, which by the way.
shows that the ladies of Beruniller can-
not be excelled in setting out a good
spread, the taesembly was called to
order by the president. •Mr. James
Jewell sr when Mr. Harry Morris
was called to the chair and the pro-
gram proceeded with. The chairman's
address, together with the way he con-
ducted the entertainment proved him
to be quite capable of filling that post,
tion. Among the principal attractions.
of the evening were the I‘Tile orchestra
assisted by Benmiller, which played
several selections that were enjoyed
by everyone and Mr. Ward Gledhill's
gramophone is the largest and best we
have ever had the pleasure of listening
to and was a great treat to all. There
were also a number of songs, recite -
tions, mouthorgan selections and
speeches. Altogether the •prognual
was one of the best ever placed before
a Benmiller audience and was brought
to a chase by the gramophone singing
• 'God Save the Xing."
T112 CLINT024Vii013.7,Ezzoonr) March eish, 1$02
_1 Ili.. xfwitaritighoH 1 11 11 its80514401111.111111•11111111111011 1 _
An Advocate of cold to*********.****•••••••••40.4........4.«....t...... 44..44** CreasOreliaeltesseestleeleellosilepite Aitellte eassitesetela,AasIaliteollal
••••••••••••••••••••••••••10 110••••••• ++40* .41t441.44484404444
Cold Storage le on absolute neeesSity instead of purchasing only what he On 2nd Fab. Kr. J. Frei* Haldane; The next Meeting of the Women's
J 1.1 Haldane firat priticipal et the old on Thurecley next at the m14000014
in order to enable producers. and ship. may need for immediate demand, a berrIeter of Windsor. eldeit son of Ur. Institute of West lliaron will be hoof
pers to place perishable products upon large percentage of which under exist -
storage before allipment. Such being Grammar School here died at his home. Mr. Morrow,
home or fOreign markets in ing circurestancee the dealer loses and in Windsor after st Song Illness, He A Young man who has latelY returned
the case the fermiers will be large gaits- elbhet
good circler. European handlers have this loss has to be added to the balance graduated with hie father, studied from Manitoba ears he walked 20 wiles
ors by having Buell an establishment in fully realited this and now store all of the goods, whereas with modern law with the late M. 0. Cameron, and a do behind a plow while that labor
Y ,
Clinton, such prodeets in a modern chemical storege this loss does not exist. ""s .
1 might,were Iso disposed,offer read. Cold Storage and sell all such ex-stor• Cold Storage in Clinton means that Prac/t1"4 law for soma years here. was bong done, 10 miles in the morning
He %toweled Miss *fines Galt, a sister of and the wee la the atternoon. £h�
ers of TIM Naws-Reconn an array Of age instead. of tams commission,as we • apples and other products can he sold
figures showing alluring promises of do,to all markets, home and foreign, Postmaster Galt, Of late years Mr. farm was half a mile long.
great prate in the proposed concern, Cold Storage bae enabled Tasosania ex storage, as soon as the brands are golden° relided 113 Windsor. Post. Our cement walks are bare ef snow i
as ia too often done, but I forbear. Of •to place their soft apples upon British confidently established. Itmeans that master Galt entl Xiss France* Islahlaile, whichligisea oer citizens unalloyed pleas -
far tome troportanbe, to me at lee*, is mar kets in perfect order although they families as welt as local merchants can daughter of the deceased, ecieciropanied ure.
She fact that the raw materials, are at a distance of 14,000 milee from store all their perishable goods instead the remains to Goderloh where the caa Kra, George Buxton has returned
whether it be hogs, fruit, cheese or that market and they realize larger of keeping these in their cellars and ket was taken to St. George's °hutch, from a pleasant visit to her relatives
butter, are right to our bands, and, in prices them we do because of their making. as we all do in this way, a Rev, Mark Turnbull officiating at the east.
larger quantities than the proposed perfect brands although their .preduct heavy loss in quantity and loss in funeral servioe there and at Maitland The lecture given oo r*The Chinese -
factory can expect to handle at the be- is not to be eornPareti, to sum in Point quality besides. It means thet local eemetery. The pall bearers were, Problem" in North 8t, Methodist
ginning, leaving room for growth and of ettractiveoese or flavor. They use butchers can use Sheriff Neynoles,,E. Campion, D. 'Mc- church by Rev. Dr, George Daniela
the storage for their
development in the business.
I think this undertakieg stipule re.
waive the earnest Attention of investors
in tovvn and country. not alone be-
cause it offers a reasonable promise a
direct profit to Wein, but the indirect
gain should be great.
If new industries are not established
to take the place of those which, for
various reasons, have passed out of
operetion in Clinton, and: can name
no less than nine steans-power-using
concerns that have ceased to exiet with -
boatel instead of barrels and their mea s, can slaughter a num er nf Donald, Charles Seeger, D, 0, MoXity wee a most surprienig treat to the large
inlets at o e d f
Chamber of Commerce endorses theiran
tline before using for their customers
no an storeor souse
brands. audieuoe. The aptiquity of China was
Cold Storage will enable shippers t o thus giving a much finer quality a and F. J. T . Naftel,
Miss Mona. Weathereld left on Friday explained aa well as ita three classes
hold perishable goods in perfect. order meat and more suitable for conannp_ to enter the Galt hosPital as a trained of people with greet precision, The Da
until mark.ets are demanding them, so don than our Mea,ts are fresh from puree. • She will be much inbreed in Is in touch with Chins, which, be says,
Shat we avoid the eacrifice of such slaughter. literary °irides. We wish her !mow gave to the worlii four of tbe greatest
goods in a glutted market. AU our Oold Storage Will encourage the in her new profeesien, known discoveries-nayigation, gun
1 i f H iota M h s owder, Rutin retie an 1 oculation
Mrs, Co 1 son o am , Mao,, a P • P g P a 4 •
late keeping is.pples should be stored
breeds of poultty as they can be etored There are a large number of apple
raising and fattening of the finest
and only shipped to foreign mitrkets
y and forwarded m perfect order suited been visiting Mende here for some
ostioos for the leadership of the marine
requiredailteertheatfo0rf clannsuuttnItiwooheinesttheield to the demands of any market and at On Thursday of last week a very band. A new trombone player is
of being sent forward as we do in the prices tar in advance of present prices. pretty but quiet wedding took place in needed also.
in the last 12 or 15 years, and otitside of fall to heneet Cold Storage firms in This is fully borne mit by the results the parlor at Mrs. James McPherson, Mr. W. Logan, jr„. of Buffalo spent a
the one proposed, I fear there is Ifttle Britain who ail teays realize high prices
in the United States where the poultry the bride being her twice, Miss Ethel couple of days here the guest or his
likelihood ot any taking their places, for them towards spring. . product has melted the enormous
Robert Ratters, who was given in mar- Kirkbride, and reterned to Buffalo. with
.grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
In conclusion, let me adcl that this Cold Storage will enable us to go output of 300,000,000 per year and is still Isabel Roberts, eldeet daughter of Mr,
conipeny is not promoted from Whim- into distant merkets with sotter fruits advancing. .
throw motive. We are not working that et present are comparatively
Followed ou-.n a • ll it:, effects Co • ld rbisanglec boyr bxereitehtiboeyr. tvooMrkre,hti.i.rhea,rBlensgraan101-, hisivimr.otaboeurn.
ft •e , MacVloar of Xentucky,
growingand nroduei
we believe it to be a good, sotind Wei. ninth larger pricee for their te•oduct - ai a sats 1, "Kt will enc"rs;13° months ago by his firm in Birmingharp, the death at Sarnia of his son. Mr. John Sale Price
farmin and atte Um
noes investment, one that will .pay sat- and thus encourage grocers and pro- :o orcharde0 ci g
an garden instead of
T' 1 England, to prosecute his study in MoVicar, ja, left on Tuesuay, of last , $1.50
isfactory dividends and furnish letter ducers to pay more attention to the
d neglect and ruin as at present, higher engineering 'in Canada, and later to I week to visit his iters, Meedames Ssle Price
to a. loge number of men. . production of strictly. highest bran s. prices foe the hi h class article h
to t e spend a year or two in New York. The ()argyle of Ilrautford, before hie return $2 25 & $2.50
• to help the people of Clinton and min- valueless, rot g Storage will remodel our system of
ity, but itis promoted simply because buyeve!will be able to pay .prodncers who was sent out to Canada fourteen who was riummonsecl to Goderich by Oac
Pocket • Pocket $
. Books Books $
• 141..BONC 50 TO $1.50
Ri. PP Reekie, suoves.c.r to fixducsy .ineksom.
N.• B. -White Fine and Tar CompoundAltires Oolde-
••• 25c per bottle.
Great Clearing Sale
of First-class Footwear
. For the Next Two MT" eeks..,
Come and see for yoorselves for if ever Low Prices
Sold Shoes in a hurry it will in this ease.
Sale Price 53 pairs Ladies' Genuine Dongola Kid
Buttoned Boots, worth $1.75
Sale Price 50 pairs King Quality and Bell Boots
$2.75 buttoned or laced, worth $3 to 53.50
Sale Pi ice Men's Waterproof Overshoes, sizes 6
Ladies' Felt avnadluVee?te7t:Sctliispipae7rs, good Salki Price
Sale Price
Sale Price
Sale Price
Sale Price
class goo .f' t t advancedmbfact Cold Storage is a necessity
system of buying by forcing the high tailor made costume of uterine blue Dr. Clement of Brooklyn Y is in
/ • • Bele Price
producer instead of the present low
rices for a mixed or inferior article. bride looked lovely in a very handsome to Kentucky,
D . Forrester. Cold Storage will bring. sbout a new
TP1E GREAT NORTHERN HAIL- nbrydestvcchereas inferior stock w e
equally to all classes of perishable I .am a citizen of Goderich but am in
Cold Storage will enable the con • Storage plant io Clinton a.5 the most
In offering reduced rates to the sumer in small towns to purchase central town in Huron and the most
Northwest, Commencing march 1st foreign perishable products in better easy of access by rail from all parts of
and eontinuipg daily thereafter until order and at lower prices than at the county. ;
throughout this province if we desir
as demend at lowering progress and prosperity. re
Preice: aneglethilang
WAN' ONCE MORS TAXES principle will itpply
products. favor of the establishment of a •Cold
.Aptil ROW inclusive, cheap, one-way present as the dealer will be able to stere
•second-class retes will he in affect to ell such products in larger quantities
points in the states of Montana, Wash- •
ington, Oregon, also to Rossland, Nel-
son, Victoria, Vancouver, New West-
CCold.Storage Has
olumbia. Dont rides the opportunity Pa
minster and other points in British
of visiting the Golden Northwest to
'select a home for yourself. For lates,
literature, and all other particulars
call on or write Charles W. Graves,
mental Stage.
A. McD." Allan.
ssed the Experi=
District Passenger Agent, 6 King Se.
West, (Room 12) Toronto, Ont. • Having heard the common rumor,. eration. •These two cardinal points
that Oold Storage plants where are now settled, and it is admitted b
erected in other places, had all who are thoroughly posted' cni. the
EST WORRIES OF SHOW' iniyiestors, and having oceasion to Consts.•ucted the first essential, and
. .
• di__ Systern•fOr cooling the various cortipart-
; age of.some time that I' had at my..
' it is easy for doubters and
. * remits by purified cold air is the next.
' 'raid and Visited, tWo, of the. principadi
proved a raineus failure to. , the Subject, that a new building properly
• DIRECTORS. v a t Montreal last week, I took adwant- that the Linde 13ricish Refrigmattion
Pair • aid Storage planate hi thet city,.and- At the recent convention of ors rit progress to point to failin•es in the
arose over "one of the 'chief difficulties niquunients o intecititi eiae.sLvt ""
ad pointed out tome as s ist
to properly' constructed mid equipped
Managers -13eld in Toronto a discussion welch I b assa,„ .4 .., kis pastiitts equally easy for ethers to point
One of the delegates suggested nee's. `"'
eon nec tic()):), namei y,Ltd.
IA d ihe Union
Canada 'Cold
bnilt, that are a sneeess. Let those who
we have to face as fair managers," .ColdStorage rile ts that have some beim
.. teeage =many, ; 1...
ing out n black list but Fs Metcalrof .(solti torego -)°"'Pat4P tIct doubt thia, visit London: ,
B1 th 'as a:excels' re 1 red to go this 1 f mid heth these ' places Lg. be Of It is irnposeible in an article of this
f arY. 'w&Whist." he ftS13.kedP,t`lis the obleot immense size and doing a large buse short length to begin to cover the
sup. of our exhibitions ? The object, as 1 ;nese, Having received a- personal in- ground -cif removing objections and .of
SWEET °HAMMY THAT bringing out arguments in favor of a
_ „rasa: as, underiaand it, is to bring• out models traduction to the managers .in both
FERETH LONG. mi.': . ago ofexcellence to sleeve •as ideals which eitseannci in eachcase by an !intimate a Coid Storage plant here in Clinton.
. we shell endeavor to attain. How are friend, I was enabled to obtain infor in-- I will only add that frorn what I have
wet') get these models of excellence? atic;n that otherwise, would have beea seen I am convinced that the .erection
. .
• inducin 'ex expertsto s o
I3Y - . g o . e h w the best • out of all eccees. One cempany has ex- of a OcildStorege -plant in Clinton would
Re+. James Livingstone, president rif ' they -can eroduce. One may bean ex- peilded over halt a milhoo Aif, dolliu•s, be a good thing, and that to all those
the London Methodist Conference;
Ore hi fruit, another in horses,. and and the other over one hundred (hone- who are apprehensive of a:laek. or sup.
formerly ef Clinton, intends to begin another in sheep. •Why should not . and dollars, and in neither, case have ply of ' material to store, I would say,
a movement to have the Methodist erect the plant thereby show ing.peoele
these experts take from show 50 show' they as Yet paid a cent of dividend.
Church adopt the Rornan Oathelic
the best products'of their skill?: If one The:report; therefore, thet certain corn- the manifold advantages there are in it
Church rule, which providee that no
can excell along any special line: : he -is ponies hevegone• into OolaStorage and and in doing this you will create the
man at death shall receive e Christian
burial if he has not been a member entitled to ali. the prizes. be can win,. lest money, ia Undoubtedly true, and in stiApPylie;_y brief
de,,..soriotion of the .Lh•i:de
my, . ad he is doing a public serince by, vieyv• of.the Present peeition of the chi. .
of the church. It is tune, said showing others what can .' be aCCO.M*. •zens of Oil nton. tvho are askedao invest process is assfolloWs : Anhydrous Ain -
Livingstone, that the church stopped ' amnia which liquefies ander a.presitire
Ostler.]: But the trouble is that these in a Oold Storage platit,this fact should
pan r
de ing to the irreligious element,
. eut professional exhibitors er•e not the not he sought to be hidden but on of about 150' lbs. to • the sq, inch, and
most honeet'reen in the world, and a :the contrataishoold be instead u` omelet '
which encourages people to remain. e-raprn'ates or b els when wider iitmos-
f the church. He said,. blither, it percentage . obtain money at ' fairs ely brought to the front, adro.itted and tan-rie pressure at abodt 40 below, zero
not right that as man who has led which they do not honestly Wit). They explained, and the Nery•explanation of, Fah.,is used. Tbitevolatile gas je corn
a bad life and given no sttpport to the sot/lett:lies show articles which are not this seerningtobstructiim, will Provets. pressed in a eompressor by the act of
church should be given a . Ohristian all their .own breeding or ; PrOduetion. be one of the strongest arguments that. which the heated vapors re I '
su tine are
burial. How is that difficultY to he overectes? caneoseiblY be used in favor of the erect, --delivered into hermetically sealed pipes
° 1 think if an example were made here •tIon of the Cold Storage plant in our called pondensers. Here .being
by watersurroinicling tbecoilethecoyoflaell
and there it would help. • midst. While, however 11. is true these
covert cloth, with white silk waist and town this week.
bow of white ribbon in her hair, wry. Mr. Alex. Colborne enters uponl hia
ing a shower boquet of white carnations, 96th year thie week.
Rev. lamas Anderson officiated at the Suuday last was sacramental Sunday
wedding ceremony. None but the in3- at Knox church and there vvere a greater
mediate- relatives of the bride attended number of communicants than last year.
the wedding. Luneheon waa served Thirteen new members Were .added to
immediately after the ceremony, the the oongregatiotia A very toweling
table having beautiful'. vases of white
arid pink carnations placed upon it.
After the luncheon the bride donned
her handsome black velvet pidture hat,
trimmed with three ostrich plumes and
bows of panne velvet to matce her
dress. The staff of the engine Werke
of:vrhich he was the draftsman, present-
ed the groom with it very handreime
dressing oase which also'held a beauti-
ful hand mirror, for the bride.: The
marine band et whom tbp groom was
•one of the. trombone play-ers, escorted
the bridal party to the station. They
'left for New York and sailed for Eng-
land on Saturday last vvhere they will
remain until after the coronation when
they will return to New York: Where
Mr. Wallbank tvill study up every.thing
pertaining to an engine. The beide
was a bright, joyous, dark eyed maiden,
moat attentive at church, • IlloGillivraY
.lifiesion band and 'Christian Endeavor.
She was a general favorite.. , Thegroom
was 'a mostexeroplary young Man. We
heartily islets the happy pair 'bon
voyage. • , • a • .1, • . , ,, • -
• . The fishermen hive. in :the old
town council room. •The balls,' allow 'ee.
to say, are. foifish nett. Balls areall
nets any way. • •
A. horse owned by Mr. 'Vanstone•of
Colborneian away from the station on
Titeeday and taking to the sidewalk it
nearby ran over Several, citizens.. •
Miss.' Ada 'Morris is we. learn, of
inianintetore rhemnatisni, •
Mrs: William' Logan returned ia 'her
home in .13tiffalo. on Tuesday week after
some months' stay with her 'parents,
and Mrs. Kirkbride. . • • . '
• Mrs. George Stenbury of 'Stanley
spent a most enjoyable week • Feb-
ruary the pest • of Mr. (Rev.) MeGil-
itltrfss. • Torten '•Jenkins.• of. Clinton and
her cousin, Miss Florence Watson, Of
• Listowel :Were the guests the past two
weeks, of' Miss ;Clarice Laithwaite" of
kerns : • • • . -
On Wednesdayweek Meesrsi Harry
Rutson,Murdoch 11.36luire and his young
isms went out on the ice •to lift their
hooks. about seven Miles and , before
they had time to•look after the hooks,
She ice parted and Herry • Rutson swain
scream the break with a line armed his
vvaist and happily he alas able to pull
the sether two acmes, and the three had
to walk home. . ' .•
• • •
Mrs. • W. I,..;Elhott haisbeee spending
a.couple of weeks With London friends.
,Mrs: Charlie Reid has' returned lama
pleasant visit in Detroit. •
Cailord, a, brother of Mrs. George
Acheson, is .now on the engine works
Petal; al..E. Bad was last week
the guest of her sister, Mrs.. Cluneee 'of
On Motiday evening of last week the
marine band gave an entertainment as
a fafewell to their leader, Mr, Jordan,.
who goes to Brantford. On the follow-
ing evening a banquet was tendered. to
Mr. Jordan at13lackstone's restaurants
a popular place•at whichtO dineout. •
Mrs Williamson, wife: of Engineer
Williamson, who, Madre • her arm last
November, "is •now trying electrical
treatment with nluish benefit. •
Mies Gracie Martin lute been oonfined
for some time to the house from an at-
tack of the throat. ' ' •• • •
Mrs., Stowe has been a sufferer feint
lagrippe for some time at the. residence
of her daughter,' Mrs. Xing. .
-The Evening Record ot 'Windsor oon
tained the tollowing obituary of the late
Dr. John Coventry, who was a summer
visitor at the Point Farce for may year:
"After an illness of six days Dr. Jahn
Coventry, medical healtb. officer, ato-
cumbed SaturclaY night to an attack cif
pneumonia. .H is condition was not con-
sidered critical until less than forty.
eight. hoers before he 'pealed away.
Hope was entertained of his, reomtery,
until complitiationi entervened and
caused his demise. In the peening
away of Dr. Coventry the city loses an
honored citizen. a faithful public ser-
vant, a man of benevolent charm:ter,
and one Who stood at the head of hie
profession. His 'residence Windeor
extended over a period of thirty years
and In that tithe he discharged with
credit the duties of varioes offices, He
was at his death expresiclent of the
Ontario Medioal Assomation and alto of
the Provincial bolted. He was alias Dreg
dent of the Street Railway until 158
purehatie by the syndicate."
We note the death reoently.of one of
our old pioneer citizens in the portion Of
Julia A, Migtenna, relict of the late
Ateirewthirvey, who ,vrhen in Goderiola
resided With their family on St. Patrick
St. Mr, and MIS. Garvey removed SO
Aslitleid, where Mr. Garvey died 26
years ago. Some of Mra. Garvey's ten*
having gone to push their fortunes in
Chicrige, alio teak up her residence in
that. city vrhetti she passed away.
IVIes, Chiilis the guest this winter of
her sister, Alm (Dr.) T. P. Maslen of
VitiMisliadstihdith Weatherald, who hes boon
visiting her Meter, Mrs. Reg at Glen Ad.
elaide, N. W.T. .it new at home.
MtAtoh woe in like lamb, net very
lionlike assuredly.
At. abont 'four &cloak on Saturday
Morning Our eitliene Wet% awakened by
the Mang Of the fire alarm. Ey itottp
: untoward oircunistande the woodshed
belonging to the St. A.tuirisgesi ward
aohoelwas found 10 be on fire, but the
danger passed quickly When the Are
brigade got clown.
The MieRed UMW, had * quilt:trig
MAY 0 • comp mita bave lost Money inthe pest, to the botf ona in the form of liquid arn-
WOMEN ;VOTE AT ELEC. , • • it is equally true. that there are very Maniac From theee the liquid ammonia
TIONS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL Ettral free Delitiery Of Mali. good reasons sYty they !oat money, and 0;8808 through a •regulating valve to
these reasons cite be briefly surunsarized ;Another set of colts called the refriger;
in these Words,. that, these. companies ator. Whempassing threugh thisrege.
. . — ' The following . froth the Marlette ,'
Wing' valve the• liquid ariarnonia is Bud.
i', -.'"-- • - (Mich.) Leader shoWathat in postal fee.. wore passing thrtalgl;whgt; Is known a'
the expei.iinental stage, it condition 6f. denly reduced.frorn the high"pressure
Tbe folloWing gyestions and.answers ilties that state is • ehead :of Ontario:
iiffairs thitt ie cop:tan:in to any anti:every in the condenser • of 150 lbs. to. the
thereto appeared in the 'legal .celutuns •
.0 Mr, Frank P:'Robards; special ' agent
business under the sue.' The railway: low • pressure iii ' the evaporator
of last Saturday's Mail and Empire end
of the aural free delivery department, -• Systems' terthe continent today have of 25 paimds end is thuti reduced
no doubt have reference to the-akent
throegh experimental stages, • coitaiderably in temperature, Theliquid
election ip the Sumuserhilt School sec- :arrived in Marlette' Tuesday morning passed
• • . • totake up, the matter of rotitee leading and mullions' have been lost, but that•is atiamonia in the evaporator•coilabsorbs
Moe :
"J.L., GoderichTovrnship-Qn,caly out oe the village; Three somas have -.no reason why a railway today properly , the heat it re:It:thee-foe its evatioration.
a married WOMan Vflifille-nal:" A18 00 She been petitioned for and Mr. Roberds at built and equipped, issuee to lose money In. this way,' ,being converted again
assessment roll as the owner in a farm. •ones took up thework of lcicating 'them • but on the contrary is pretty owe te into gas itpapses hack into the compres.
vote for school trustee ? -' • . so that the best service could be given matte money. The manufeetute (Oak sor, where it agaia does its ware and so
(2) Can a farmer's' danghter whose, on Tuesday he circive•over the territory ' wascommenoe io 004orich•-tbere theY. on with. uhchanging regularity. ' It is
north. went through an experitnental etage- wbile the ligoid anneonia. is undergo.
name is on the assessinent roll as the' so be covered by the route to the
there they lost. tene•of thoosands of log the process cif evaporation that by .
owner of real estate vote on echos)! east fully eXainining all poiuts necessary.
absorbing beet from anyibing. axound
questions? ' He' Made the ti•ip, to the northwest - 'dollars, •whereas the people who wet.
into the businessafter theekperithentil it, it in otheravords chills.brine which
(3( Can a mother end two daughters
throtigh, Xoylton township on Wednee-
made Metier. I folind le .Montreal. that surrounds the pipes); and in the hernia-
' who are executors of their deceased
d and 0' Thursday went over the -
father's will and are all • assessed. for ah a ° , . •, . . the aecounts given hy the managers of Melly sealed chamberin which thietakes
country to the south alai east. In eon- both places were practically' thesante, place . the warm, tainted air drawn by
the real estate vote on School questions?
AnaaSection 18 of the Public Schools versation with the gentleman yesterday namely, that they had . taken up eld. suction valves froth' every et -impart,
Act. of 1901 says : "Every ratepayerof . we found. that the routes wOuld each be - buildings, and thought•they could cote, ment in' the Cold storage plant, 18 10 its
the full age of twenty-dne years who is . about twenty,three. miles. long, would vert there ieto Properly insulated coin- passage through nitrified . and chilled
a public School supporter of the sectien payer an area of' One bemired square ,partMents for Cold Stoiage, which the.;
, and driven beck. by fan blasts into the
for which such a person as &ratepayer mites, and 'would .serve about sixteen .found lo be a delusion, and in the next various compartments. . • • ••
--..\--- .hull be entitled to vote at any election
ehundred people. Mr; Ili:bards was ,Plitce they had 'been malting costly ex- • . • • . - ....
. ,
for school trustee' or on any school Veased to Bay thatin all hie travels; Over , periments with different ways of refieg•
,• • . : JOtin Ransford..
izahmle,aonf any
t:gar.:er prosperoue, up.to'ds.tel cdass' ot terms .
and farmers than those looated to the
A • Poultry
. .. .
Fattenitf S '
last revised assessment :roll' of the
Tatee north and east 'of, Marlette.. ' He saidg tat ion
school section for Public School
section , • •
question whatsoever." Sectfon 2,para- iohigan he had failed to find a more
4 • th f 0 m that there. was tio. doubt but that the
of declaration which a, Voter may be roarer would established and would -•
required to take, if objected. to. This probably be running • inside of ninety
declaration says nothing about the sex days, though this wag a question for tbe
f th oter From the foregoing it department to decide,he merely rotating
would appear that feineles , whose his recommendations, ' On eccount of theta being no Way of
namee are on the assessMent.a.oll as While it is his duty to determine the handling the poultry our farmers are
Public School supporters and whe are route to be taken, he vvas not yet ready ' forced to dispose of their entire flocks
of the full age of twenty-ope years .to decide definitely just whit • reads
have a right to vote." •• would be favored, but would probably teltiisTetteltil geralcreisi atibto°111tekse•IxteWdeaeko§dinerthrti°
know today, One thing be could tell the holiday season until next fall it is
was that Weeks postoffioe would. be Almost impossible to get poultry for
Supplied with mail by the carrier, and weal eoneornotinn,
that it would reach ti3ati 0530 about 10 . Had we a station in Clinton at which
In handle poultry, all fowls Would he
dtted before killing and those not,
required for itutnediato consumption ,
would be left in Cold Sterage until the
Merkets are firm.
WhenN/e ate ahle to handle poultry
its we. not do hogs, • fitriners will pro-
duce great numbers, knowing they can
-110c11 re good prices in cash, beeides not
having the tremble of finishing and
fitting them up for the foreign market.
Canada, does not at present produce
a tenth of the poultry it is capable of
• growing. The "United States receives
'more for poultry and their. products
than from either their cattle, hogs',
mines or grain trope. We can do the
same if we but erect buildings in which
_a_ •
Mr. Andrew Taylor of Clinton eras o'clock eVery day. The carriers will ail
the guest of his brother, Dr, Taylor, the . tartest Marlette at 9.11, In. and ranet re.
other day. turn by 3mn the afternoon, though they
Mr* Jattles Clark is off 60 a business are at liberty to make the trip as quick.
taip to Toronto and Other cities. ly as they desire.
Miss Lulu Eagleson returned last The deliveries will be Made tti that
week to her home at, Clinton after a point Mt theroute that is nearest the
plettelemt viiit with her friend, Miss Aliee patron, and those who are served are
required to erect suitable limos for
Messrs. C. Proese and 11. Lamprey their mail. There are fourteen wale-
niean what they say. W. G. Cocilte ties that have been approved by tbe
and R. T. Young have accepted their department, IMMO 00e of which roust
challenge, the contest to take plitee • be provided before delivery of mail
in George Voungia woocle fer420 a Bide. will be made, The carrier will both
The Dayfield Road team wish, to say deliver and gather, depositing ids re.
that the tree they cut on nib. 8513 wai ceipts at the office here for forwarding,
maple, 84 inches across the stump and no win else receive letters ler regie,,
two feet through. Walesa atamps and money orders, in
Mr. and Mrs. ()bathe Wallbank, the radii, Will be a regular little postoffice
bride and bridegrocen of Thursday, 27th on wheels for the convenience of the
Feb., Bailed On Saterday per (steamer farinera,
Lucania for 'Liverpool, Bngland, The niatter of appointment of carriers
The killOwing Ithangea have tit en Will be the result of a eivil service eg.
pled° in the Centr4 Arid St* Petriek's amination which tikes plice thle mOrn-
war.. Se s s
A g mg beetling at 0 o (sleek. In this practical age the progressive
ion to
Mine Busk: In OA -Central -Miss Ball if the man offices farmer starts out with the mutest
When asked
reeved her class int* *he road on the around hese wouta dieeentineed, the every ri,4 product, be it grain stoek,
Is a
to handle the trade.
Ferniers Can he paid a third more
Shan they now reeeiye and yet a band -
50100 profit can he made out of heed -
ling theie basinese. •
Farmers in Huron comity ere' ready
to prod nee any number or poultry and
by erecting the -station in Clinton,
poultry can be loaded at an point in
the county and reach their estmation
within a very few Metes. ' •
Taking the whole matter of handling
poultry utidee the latest ideesat meane
it great saving on that now grown and
enables feteners to grow an unlimited
ntimber. It ent.nree them a good price.
It means number oue quality of pod -
try for the coneumer. It means also
the employment of a number. of, hands
to conduct the, Mt:tines&
In canclusion.it moans increasing the
popolation of the town:tea the trans,
acting of an Janne:me and profitable
business foe the ehareholders, ' •
W. R. Belden.
The Hog Is a Money Maker.
ot. •
groubd floor vaotst04 by Miss %tusk; Miss agent said it Was net the Intention of "Will it Pity" end just as the answer
SttiWart MiSit moved the department te take awaY any con. seems to indicate profit, so wilt he
into" the roeM nett Meg taji and venienoe, but rather to add AO them reJeet or adopt the change. In this
Miss Witmitrede Zell eeds to Miaa and that the efilees weak' in all probe. particular the hog has and is becotning
Stewart's elabe and r . rn St. Pat- bility remain at least until all the more valuable ;se a positiVe and sure
, Holed' Ward-Vaa ,(Vesta Watson isa• territory served by them could be cover. source of wealth to the farmer hy
de Bell. Mr. Itobards las very pleasant gentle., enriehing land aral owner.in fact there
famed' charge Of tile Water &glisten in ed by free deliyeyy,.
auccessiOn tO Miss Winnifre le to branch of f trming \out of :Which
Birth --00 PA. 'eflis tsfo Mr. and man to meetonci straightway linprrases "turnn enn be nettle so iliiieklYthand
Ilitth-On 24 h relaitti Mr, and Mrs. tion. He appreciates the difficulty of This is emphasived by the positive act
' lIngh Cameron, a (laughter. pleasing everyone iritereated, and while tin tb. f` 6 n' i'e'r fl/t1"T wil° e"ttnu*
ailitli Ili3S701:;'la °1141 attentiOn 01, gnarl
on Saturday one -et *the greatest, he le Willing tO teeeitio suggestlenti growing and selling le unaneially going
tteittli eter Ofreted 4 Gelderieh atidienee readily Sifts thent over and gess ahead backward while his net:011)0e, Who itt
wite given by the Oaledoniah Ootideri with the 'den. Of eatablithing 4 eereiCti giving his time entirely to stook feed.
co,y a quartette Of artlitar In Scotch that Will Berle the largest number Of ing, Is, on the tontrary, becalming
AnaitS" *One end' de.noe. , 'people regardloot Of station or pulities;1' i moderately wealthy. This being a Mott
.308, wimara itlyondgfir, 'Ono ono by big manow, of tooling the law,. retntitierittive tut that, of liog„.r!q.
it, is the duty of every farmer. and
stock raiser in his own interest to
encourage every effort and enterprise
that has for Its purpose the liettern3ent
of his condition. In this raved I
believe the Pork Packing and ColdStor.
age establishment in our snidst will
be of incalculable benefit to every fruit,
ling end poultry raisee in this section
of our province, in fact I di) net hesi-
tate to say the erection of such an
ittduetry in our comity is nu absolute
tiecessiv order that we may receive
every profit and iscivantage from and
for our Dairy, Agricultural and Pane
products, believing that the COMMoti
welfare of the whole communitY le
identieAl with that of each other.
R. Irwin,
sermon was given by the pastor. The
congregation in the evening was very
large, The Caledonian Concert Com-
pany twisted the choir.
A large congregation elso attended
Victoria street church when Pastor
Robinson gave an eloquent. sermon 10'
tended especially for the young people.
Judge Robertson • presided at the
sitting of tbe ffigh Oourt of Justice held
here this week.
Mr. James Stewart sold his white
pony to Mr, Polly, liveryman, who in
turn sold it to some one in Ashfield.
Captain'Albert M, Sheppard is to be
congratulated upon his promotion to
• command the new freight steamer
Saturn, built at Lorain, Ohio, ler the
Gilchrist Co. We wish Captain Albert
good luck.
• Mrs. Henry of Dutton is the guest of
her sister, 1VIre. George 13uxton tit the
Col bori3e House.
Stops the (Jonah rinii
Works off the CoLl.
Laxative Brown 'Quinine Tablets
cure a cold. in one day No Cure, No
Pay. Price To cents. •
" Speaking
of Pleasure,
•The Gla,sses furnished by
P. B. Crevvs, after a scientific
examination of the eyes, give
4 Most enjoyable. sense of plea-
sure: ' after th old ill,fitting
ones which I wore."
.113,, CREWS,
Jeweler .arici 'Optician
• Expert Watob Repairer
Hiddleeernhe's QM Staid!
. ' ' •
• .
• ' • •
8 :
0 S 0 I •
• amer .
e . • . .
• •
..; ; r7 " " " ' 'have :14:7ge :11;se 1
: , of 'cameras but the :
: 'best for a cheap camera :
6 ...,., 1
I. -*AV"""', . I
: ' e
• Brownie Not 2 •
• •
• . e
I W h i n h we sell at i
- ... $2,00 . •
• • . e
e e
* •
2 Persone in neighbering towns •..
a,', who are thinking of perches- i
se ing a camera will receive an a
• Eastman catlaogue by dropp- •
• • , o
. • nig us a cad. Other raineras a
• besides the Destmen can be •
• stipplied, Films, developing •
• powders and other light sup. •
• • 8
• plies can be seta by mail. • •
• . •
• a i
8 Our cheap .uorpostire. Meter •
2 et 85c gives the correet eXpOS* •
i ure untier all conditions end s•
• pays for itself in a short time 6
12 by saving over and under •
i exposure in negatives. •
• •
e •e
: H. Et. COMBE0 :
• •
1 : Chemist and Druggist, :
I : gis
Dookl Cotton Boot Com and
11 itietiestitall, tried monthly y dyer
10,000Liatiss. Safe, eftrative. lea ask
,P.tirdoritsist for Coles Coos Rae
rnsittilitimir gab caner, all stilton% 51118 11114
re esseereue. Priati r
Men's Felt 4 Buckled Boots, sizes 8 and
7 only, worth $225
Men's Box Calf and Dongole Kid Laced
Boots and Gaiters, worth $3 and 53,50
'15 pairs Misses Buttoned School, Boots
0.00 worth el to $1,o0
Prices out of Nee of Men's Fine Laced Boots go-
ing at $1. See them.
A. Regular Feast of Bargains in every Oepartrnent commencing Friday
morning, Feb. 75h. PriC1413 Figure.. Quality Counts. Watch this
space for next week, It will pn7 gnu.
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
Cash and One Price
Sale Price
. Sale Price
Sale Price
Beckon you
: New Spring Goods
• 6
: in Great Variety
I the suitings.that have just arrived. on Ladies' Spring 1
o Suits are beautiful: . Also somegiing very special, in 4
1 Costume Venetian. . - • . : . .0
. :
; Having lust received a large The finest selectien in the
1 consignment of' tiaern by direct ire., market. - .
pertation places ns in a position to Call and See Them
give you the best value 10: the mar- The Print department is 'full
ket. . • of all the newest designs. •
. . :
• is well assorted but it is needless to say anything about prices' as 'it .
• 'Lie standing hien that our prices are the lowest. '
• ' • MILLINERY OPENINGS will be annOuncenat- t
; er. • Miss Morrison is again in. charge of that..Department j
; .and is at present visiting the business centres in our 'in-
terests and will; as she always has done, supply the buy-. :
Z ing public with thetvery best that is to .be had for Money. *.
I, - - --
Our large warerooms. are
fully stocked with furniture .
of all kinds and if you are
thinking of purchasing we
invite you to ' call, see our .
display and learn dur prices.
. It will do you good. to See the beautiful line of Fancy
Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering.
We will consider it a pleasure to Show' you through out
warerooms even if you do„pot want to purchase.
J.?W. Childiey. Manager:
Night and'Sunday calls answered:at residence of our
Funeral Director, 3. W, Chidley, Sing streetr opposite foundry.
Clearing Salo of •Boots
Having now the full control of the Geo. A. &Ater Boots st
Shoes for Clinton I intend to sell off several lines now in stock
at.eost. Call and be eonvinced that our prices are bargains.
Theseprices will continue for 80 days.
end s sokten rettulassetained ell
nitentargittrir"gisill6r1"3:414 Ttie Neeiwns:11:11ofill
tot _aim:mom. Will he seni to an
Pomba to Is Meld., slallovay and wette st Eldiete UULIL
itna Aro sold In Clinton brit *1). a a end o OB tot 78b
bee the Other day. 00.-Inuatists,