HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-06, Page 3• e (., Y . • ..
left- the rocao, returning., a fext, min-. that they had• taken. the .enencistery by hie compenton,
utes . later with - a bo,.c mider his Therefor'e, theorw woeld say keep the nabs aitentiant
exalle acid together:. Both then got Theoatestas, •and the emhress wept
rich soil on the surfece, :the. : lower
aren.. lee ;then .proceeded te • open i 1., Otto the' older .meenheae aed•begen . with jeer:, She rentaineet there. a, lew
arid revealed ei, ping-pong edle"There sell will. look after itself, especially
erabriteing-eaelt other: • ,.. ' . : - , ' years..lorager,-: during' which time she
of trial it seems very difficult to see them . (John xvn, 8).. We gave our. . .. . . . It is," exclaimed life Majestaa eha where some deee-eooting plant,. as
For a •few momeets :there was a . caught only a casual and infrecpient
any good in it, and not to see our Lord • plea,Sure when. we receive HU .11 you are getting a neW skirt get- preseat teem *my
. .. clover, is gtown at intervals. ' Na-
leffhtethaehie..pti aacef.- :Iweirthl ahveer
persecutors, but faith sees only .God word.' It is. te be recetc,ed
de sot, a:China or hint other.soft. Sir g. la. Stanley heops.in it, large
ward. It's a beantayar.°. X.11.1... ''.i. de ture, experiment, • and theory enite icibitle-Tebituitarixttoritsresaotcutlhose:ixiatttheart atshao pgliinessye sheet
le f recommending thee the humus be
men Were seriously ill, and. they wet.° court atteedants,- • never 'to..retarn.
- ..svith a foulard .10 a plain color, a Pearl
Silk. to • match. the gown with' Which room en • the ground floor of hie. lente hear ' the eetince. Then, who,
and is matt becaese He controls all ineelmess and thee. held feet and held
, . et is to be wean. . Skirts •of cene house, e Private Museum of his Af-. •
shall: be ecabold este say Nay ? removed nest .to it coffee :house. in. NoW• the tower ie uSed as a hlOok-
illaiden lane, where an (imetic.. wits (lute and a •watchnian ie. stationed'.
people and all events.' These seat,- forth (Oas..i,,.2i; Tit. i, •9;• Phil. ii,
.tered preachers of good tidings were 3.6Y- __,.• The introduction of and; a. 'system
not the apostles, but ell except the • 150; '16. •,`MhOc• when they Were .
tras o m are no longer the Heart curiosities.. One• of the quaint-
' ting c 1 -9 ' Of rottition and' cultivation on. aey seeneeistered. Thole condition rapid, there day: and .night, ;who seens• the
apostles (verse 1), end theY were come doian,. Preared for' thein • that mode. . Although black: ekirtS Can est items is Repair- of coaree, heeey ..faim 'hes Many' edvantages.. Te ...be eyaraew evorse, and titO were thee meuntains,and valleys ear and wide*
with propriety be worn' with any-. boots, the paie in .whiela ap marched vied/ ; • ., .. . •• taken with ali.speed to the.hospital, , to see :whether ante danger •threetens
just the Lord's meseengers: with the theY •might receive the Holy Glioat,"
*Lord's message Illag..1; la).- 1U:ell TilaY • werasOrnewhat like the aposa thieg. .estra, bleak. and white stripee •aeteles tee Dere ...Contipent. Not , 1.• It increases:the fertility of pro.: with.the result' (arcade= •stxted. • '• the monestery. , .
• lopg ago •they were hate oet of the duction ' ..poWer.• It 'has been .knoWii' '',Harry Riehrirdeoti was :abctut Alta . es . ... • • I •se • , . . ..
1 e the• onle corribinaticies allowed in ' • • ' "
belie.vers now Were. ready! to tell othe tiee (hid ether .b,elievers 'before Pente- n . • • - • • • •
A Home Where We Will Meet Our Loved
Ones Again.
Eye bath not Roe, nee ear '
neither hath it entered into. the hevat
Of Mae, the things Which God bath
prepared for them that love hina.-L
Corinthians, xi., O.
From each successiver elevation.
Which we lebohlOUsly reach we get a
Wider horizoe. he the valley where
we made mix ate" We could see but
littie, and that not quite distinctly,
but as we climbed higher we not on-
ly got a wider view, but more light.
A straege thing happened to us.
Whet we theught true when we were
in the lowlands we found to be un-
true whee we climbed high enough to
see mere, and to see it more clearly,
We discovered that. on' Certain, sub-
jects our opinions were constently
changing. The troth ma not change,
and never will, but our opinion of
what the truth ia underwent a, change
with the accession of every group of
new facts.
elle earth, for example, was perfect-
ly fiat, and it was the centre of the
universe. What science we possessed
yroVed this conclusively, and he was
made of queer stuff who could enter-
tain a. doubt on that subject. But
the years passed, a wider knowledge
broke in upon us, and we were coin-
pelled to surrender our old beliefs
and take on. now ones. The eerth
not only became round, but it swung
away from the centre of the uni-
verse and became an ineignificant
orb in an obscure corner.
But in nothing have we made such
advances or thrown aside so many
cherished convictions as in ,
Especially is this true of our. concep-
hen of the future life... It would be
as impossible to accept the. notions
of our fathers on this eubjeCt as to
wear the clothes of our childhood.
We have a belief which is. more ra-
tionel than theirs and morci 'lit ac-
cordance with universal •lavo. Their
idea of heaven was more like a fairy
tale than a historic fact, They
found but little comfort ite it fee et
death there was a !week in the horne
circle which could not be mended un-
til the far awey day of resurrection
had come med. gone. 13ettseten heaven
and earth there . was nohrighway of.
communication. and the future was •a.
long and pitiful blank, without a ray
of joyous or cheering Sunshine.- As
one said to me who represented the
old faith:-"lify child and I have
parted. The relatien of parent and
daughter has been severed,. As 'a re,
deemed engel she will not know me."
I could mot wonder that his heert
we well-nigh brokee, for she was his
all and he would have freely given
hie life for her, His tesee ellen, and;
though lie was as noble a Christian
as ever breathed, he was without
consoletion, and had to be content
with thee itind of resignation which.
elosely resembles despair. Our Mei:t-
itre belieVed that, and their church-
yards etre the gloomiest spots on
eartn, acres not green with hopes,
but arid and parched:
We have a larger view than that.
We plant • flotvela on graves, Our
faith is bright as the landscape at
noonday, and if there is a sbadow it
is made by a passing cloud and does
net linger, Wo have a new Scrip -
titre, or a Scripture with nays light
thrown upon it. Death is no longer
a dread spectre, but
**************4114110....ifthe so that the eliiik Will not run
'h through rapidly, even though it is
1, perfectly clean in appearance, Put in
,; e small handful of salt end rub
,s. through with cloth, wash ite usual
* axtd ree what a dillereitee it Makes.
....House .: TO ziabc stove polish, make a
strong suds of eotiP and water, add
ta,bles oouful of anal s ad t re ternal application. of arserecia poise
fristrhshhihriffhTeteinlIelfiReelliWilfitirit a" P as es a u
Stove anti use in the usUal way. Prof. J. al. Grisdale, agriculturist, no effect upou this group as the
pentine, • sufficient to polish. your ons to plants would have little or
Vinegar rubbed on the hands after 730minion Experintental Vann, re- poison does not enter the cells el
Beaton Jiro= Bread-Teree cupe they have been In strong soap sues cently, at Amherst, Mee!, u.dareseee the plants. elateriale are used to
'nape zuela eat eups gr am , will re121.0Ve the drawn shiny appear- the membera of Nova, Scotia ear- act externally on the betties of such.
. A i th eubject ef insects either as a caustic or to
About the
1411.11ech inet•ItIgintloar.Witlitiuheasart
10 the. pleute euckiug out the inie0. •
causing the plant to collaese
CARDIBN giltudes """ali d'it
sects, plaut lice, Squash bug, /wale -
(min and terrapin buir, etc, 'Ile ex -
• rye meal, 210: cup neolassee, 8 cups mite and make the skin smooth and niers ssociat ono on
sour milk, 1 tablespoon thick creem soft, as vinegar neutralizea the lye "Farm Management." The eubject smother or ethic them by cldsing
or other shOrteaing, le hounded tea- in the soap. teas well received and opened up an their breathing organs. Insects do
spoons salaretus end le teasPoone For burns and scalds there is not interesting and lively discussion. A not breathe through their mouths.
Omit, After thoroughly mixing the anything So soothing aa the white of brief review of the addrees is here as do higher animals., but through
other ingredients, add the ilour and an egg 'which may be poured ever the given. :- sniall openings on either side of their
wound. It Is softer as a varnish for Our conception of succe s in farm- beaks called spiracles. By spraying
,meal, and pour into a tin, cover. and
a burn than cellodion and being al- hng to -day is broader; • ur efforts, anythitig of a ceustic or oily nature
Which ushers the unforgetting soul
into the nearer presence of a Father
who has propered a home ior us, foul
will bring us and our loved ones toe
gather again. We ba.ve dispelled the
gloom 'connected with thoughts of
death. • We say good night' with a,
tear, but with the certainty of sey-
ing good morning with a smile. .
in all our creed nothing has chang-
ed so much or blessed. us with as
Much good cheer as our conception
of heaven. It is not, the piece of
harps and songs, for tee stettely souls
which pass life's boundery shall be
sturdy still, the heroic shall find op-
. BLACK MATF,RIAL. zy gorge, at the bottom of which,
of God, done by Ilis faithful sere mixed 2 teaspoolle ginger .and ,I tea- enotigt for his comfort, and he has
This is known as liumus. The chief where three nets of aatimals, fed
shown by. an experiment in. France.
seethes , in winter. Mee rock falls Y, a itys anx OM ,o s r
portunity for heroism, and the work pumpkin, 1 cup sugar An which are so tall that nO betel bed is long
600 feet' below the torrent Cedron.
vents, sball .ritill go on ee•it went on sPoon cinnamon; h little salt, 3 one built in eections, weich he car- _______ ___, y . .
Tuataras wn 0141. al.a1)10 soils are '11Q alike on hay, -straw, Potatoes. and away so perpendicularly that huge
. eligible Powers fancied making love
Teutonic neighbor, that none of the,
to her, But Russia bad been givia4/
. tra.ckers dried in the oven and Glen ries with his luggage • everywhere.
here.. Wo shall have life more. abun- longer- as fruitful as of old is the beans for 1% days, one•lot had •ne a • side -glances for some time, and rtir
Tbe History of the aleonaetery
Dates hia.cle to the Fifth
The most awesome, most repellant
dwelling place iu the world is the
grim fortress monastery of Mar Saba
on tee Dead Sea, where thousands of
Monks live ie. griirx ana melancholy
Ihese monks are the most rigorous
of /Any iu the Greek church. Their
lives are mussed in penance, with no
bope of pleasure this siele of the
heave, and not one cheerful Incident
France and Batesia Are Very Had
• in Love--Grea ra.
X.ikee Italy.
European hietory is one long ree
cord of flirtatious between dinerertt
Powers. hut things are not noW
what they were. The l'ineerit heve
grown staid and practical, and heve
settled down. One romantic affair
is, however, still in Pregreee, tile
love of France and Russia. Though -
the Russian suitor has not yet
gladdened the heart of trusting
France by uttering that magic word
I f • Offi 1 i Ite of
Belted Beaus -Soak a. heath)* Pint ways at hand, can be applied lan- etherefore, let us hope, ahe I be more over the body, these spit ricks WO
thela.tda%L'I:14.1Cilliddrit(1111YOSt. a , y ,
steem two outs. to brighten. their existence. Day ol-
dish of tee yellow -eyed pea beans Mediettely. It is also more cooling
over night or until they aro plump. than the "sweet oil and cotton, '
choly triad, they go throtrgh the same remain en*
smitrernonndefinagns, .periodical ruraors, on the most inte,
in fthheeiravreesrt:gtes. faSmouceezessmeotiols- cllasheedsealli.selmtahlelor neaptpully•e eisspedeeislyoyetdo.
Pour off the water and put into a
ruoTinadrfningg theapaltirrh 'god reymertins of mate of terms, mud seem likely to
Drain. in colander. Pet a pinch of
ren Wad years of the nineteenth century,
it Was a long time bee
which Was formerlY sepposed to be (1) an imreasing income from his insects which feed upon the exterior
with water, arta set 'over the fire, smarting pain. It is the contact his feionaute;iliticenodes(s8,)
val tints could produce. t sere fore France and Russia really took
to love elicit other, diplomatically
kettle with * teaspoon soda; fill up the surest application to allay the farm ; (2) au increaosoilufeerretaisliityg ooirf toifoophotfuttLeilf gesso itoheeogerxeipttoeste•ci goolil:
beauty, and neat- dition Where they can be readilY sucle true romances as only mediae- °Peaking'
ground mustard in. the bottont of accidents of this kind, and everything ewe:Woes, Making up our ideal of tioned. Insects of both classes at
iece Which eecludes air and prenents in- success, are so cloeely interwoven in times feed upon plants abooel•ied ptalst
I near the Dead See., and its very la- Frence had never eeriously thought
of a match with the far-awl/5f
In fact, until the last ten
auto -
stewing until soft, hat not broken. With the air which giVes the extreme of h
discomfort experienced from ordipary ness about his ferule These ehree reached. by one of the methods men -
Mar Saba is at the end of the bar -
the bean pot; also, proem a P
cation is enough to send a chill
Y ext Nor. or Xedron Valley,
feature aad put it in with the beans, aPplied at onto..
of salt pork about three inches ilanunation IS the best thing to be their bearings and connections as to ground, for a short while,
be inseparable. eiost things have a Li, portion of their lives teem the
down one's spine. erotic barbarian. She was a repute.
adding 1 tablespoon salt and a little •
rEitsoMAT, RoiNTERS, LO far as I can see, is limited by no grub or root lice Aro common ex -
I a destroyed stron ld
It is the only lie with violent traditions. Besides,
the two. cOuntries have been almost
traditioiml eneenee, and on tWo race
-------.4,---.. limit ; the development of the farm, roots below the sin.face. The white'
oasis in the wilderness of this re ion,
' Ana set • in the ovee. Xeep filled
cover with water (which I use hot). - sect while . the latter is one of the
chieftain, that of Sheik Messiah The
gho of the Ore -
g. eiteiens have actually found themsel-
ves tcratchiug each otber's eyes out.
over 2 tablespoons molaeses. Just
! seders end the tomb of a. nomad
Notes of Interest About
. some p.arent boundary recedes as we ad
hard Jim, Like the Isorizon, the eh- temples, the former being' a biting in -
once at the iestigation of Nan
1 cup molasses, 1 cup cream, 1 tea- recently gave him a silver stetho-
and pour it in the hot inilk, and Ewa : A. humorous friend of King Edward 1,1,P. . p . . a gi s,, , g p 3..
. • 1 1 e history be epitomized in "clover- fully consider the nature of the . in-
sothrobbers," so must the future destruction. Fanners- should care -
It is the most romantically situa- Hance were iraminent. They had
been casting side -glances at each oth-
er for a considerable time before
with water until nearly done. el,.
Prominent People. cote and is ever in the dine hazy %tickling group. Still . other insects.'
tablespoons meal (not heaped). The Xing of Italy Las successfully SeY of hastening its retreat. -
Just as the past history of Can- neither arsenics nor heritents can I nueshtry
I weitried traveller is glad to behold hi 1812,• ealh again in the Crimean
1 ley, even hh, 1 h i
way down in the dark vale war. But eircumstancee at hist
Indian Pudding -One quart milk, 7 • (*tench ever receding. Ours be the lave in straw, grain, seeds and manu-
factured producte of the mill where .
. the fortress -like pile of the ancient
Scald the milk, then wet the Passed his extuuinetion as a motor -
adieu itgriculture has been summed • he 'used. In such places the fumes of
in the Mares "Ca• in- •ower sentunent of . some hidden danger
, ougi e once ences a pre- brought them together, and in 1891
things began to look as if en al -
meal with milk or water: car driver. ,. verious rises aro em loeed for their • •
lurking in that forbidden place.
spoon ginger, 1. of cinnamon an P i n
salt. I emit the Cream from the In the not, gerterally Moen tact that ghowers." "farm -builders," sect before epplying any remedY.
pudding, and use a sauee of cream,- Ilie Majesty has beee given diplomas Tnnuediately :ender the dead leavee
eugar and nutmeg. ." as a physician and surgeon. . of our forests lies a more or lees 'VALUE OF SALT FOR STIET4P.
P tm ein Pie -Take 1 pt stewed The Grand lathe Paul of Bessie. is heeP layer of .
. ranee was en a,
lad monastery, the oldest and en- - •
Atter her defeat by Germany nobody
doubt( dly the most gruesome in the thought very much of her. Besides,
world, says a recent writer, It is she was such a dangeroue young
built on the abrupt terrace of a, die.-
"h • It f ehee is
ving buttresses had to be construct-
• .1 I e-
.dantly, active, virile, noble life. pounded nno, and ei cues in lk. 11 ix , p y leek -of this humus. The influeoce of salt, one ead half tin ounce of salt ed, in. order to afford the very model.- more got about.
Heaven. is the consecrated toiler's in the order named. .chanic wherever the Grand Due° humus upon a soil is rnest Stia.rtlym. each every day, and the other had ate space occupied ba the monastery.
home, and the unfinished task of to- Paste for Pie -Three cups sifted..goes. • Consiating as it Mew of deceyed three-fourths of an . ounce. Those • FLIRTS WITII aussi.A.,
day shall be taken up to -morrow. flour, 1 large• cup butter, 3 table- • It is reniarkable tilat Vereschagill, vegetable •matter, ie is exceediegly that had half an ounce gained four • 1 A LIVING TOMB. Then France sent her fleet to,Crone
'Death now call us before the hours ot spoons sugar, rub hi butter, • add the Russian painter of battle scenes,
heft in plant foot! in siery available and a half poends each more dthan ,. Y P i he . fifth. cene
pry it was inimbited by the .Saba- sta.dt, and, as a result, the twa Pow -
In the •earl art ci t
labor ere over, but eternity will:fur- milk,. and mix into a .semoth doegle should 'de such capable work when form.
Les, an order 'of monks °X whom Sim ers were regarded as en a ed, The
nish Us witlohours enough to puree() of . moditen stiffness. Line greased one feinemb.ers how nitwits/3f his right chepe of .'for tility front any soil and oireligicuharltreard ponuondsasltoarnedthoanne !'t French fleet was receivegd g with W-
its presence prevents the' ee- those
our work until it is completed. • . •
So it makes little difference whe- pie plate, wet the edge with cold hand has suffered. A leoptetel bit oIT
laY an a. narrow sty/ thumb, while 6. rifle bell struok so uilt, the greater pottier' of' the naultimus enthusiasm in Russia, 'the
Tsar said all sorts of nice things,
teough washing, and ia, :therefore, those which end move than half an abbas was the snporior, ii•nd who 'al-
l:x*14 ueble•to all soils, not aloe° as a ounce. So it seems that too nuth
tiler We are here or there, We . ere lett Paete and ' Press it clam, then the • middle linger during a battle, • '
water, i) of role the
substance rich in fertility •itself, but salt can be given, ftfl well as too monastery. San Sa.bas was born end Franee we t 11 h. h (I, '
flame .of love is not extinguished and first finger •of the other hand on in- Mazzantlul, the we/I-known Span- waiter or...worked eloWn beyond the wool and a better fleece than those tery, whicla vette originally founded by • As years wention the two PoWers '
le o er ea over,
likely to be • . • The Salted shee 1' d
p .c ippo pno the charms of . the nortlaern grandee.
-ourselves wherever we are, otti• holY with the first finger of lett hand n and the rest of his fingers were bad -
o its a retainer of fertility otherwise little. about 489 in Cappododia, and at 8
ainaltions a,re not I quenched, . the the outside, 'with tit thumb and ly smashed In a sledge. accident.
ettaied off by surfaces and three-quarters pounds more of Years o a
1 ge he. entered. this moues -
Memory still holos deae those Who:- side, Press into 0 rim. Fill with pre- ish bull -fighter, was a railway porter
reach .of .common roots by pereole- that had no sine, showlag better re- Euthynieus. As - the reputation of ae e-
rew even iehi t Russi
were dear on earth. -So we hut paled purrilddn, and bake in rather before he tomtit his present oceppa- In brief,' it improves the phy- sults in the wool -that is, hewer. Scan Saba& for eafictity incrertaed he
1 sgent her fl tatroa•Toul ina eild h r saia-
profit th.an in the gesh. ' . i ell 1 at at : eintri
aside the •thildish things of the past quiek •oven from half to three-quar- tion. . Growing Weary •Of his humble lien'
sical ponclition, of the soil. Humus was foirtecl by a great number- of an- s sy. re rece v n t e s ree s i
and put on the garments of a lofty toes et au .imur; rit he said: -"I must make mane), • being so great a,' factor in soil ler- - : diorites, all of whoni could. not rind' unparalleled enthusiasm French •
maidens vied.with each other in kis-
and • immertal manhood. • Heaven the centre. or until it is firm in wo
' In • S'pain there tires only two *ay s --
will bring es aad our loved ones to- . sponge ingerbreae-mtif a, • ette to be a tenor or a, bull . e tility, how sball -we g•et ?, How
shall We increase . the store, and sing • the Russian senors, so that
soon the two• countries got en to
shelter in his monastery, and it is
gather -once more( and in that blee- of .butter or sour cream, 2. cups ino- can't sing, but knoiv I cart,kill BROTHERS COHN= SUICIDE. .said that 10,000 of these holy rnen
eow retain what we. gale ? Form- • • • • . emieezing terms with each other.
• acid life . which gilds out' declining lassese 1 cup sour milk, 2 teaspoons bull." be,gan in. a small way,
were living in rock caves an t e
an s of• eaves enhabited by .'
- Since that, the Tsar has visited
yard manure is a hruitiu source . . Mountain oimosite. -
years as the setting nun gilds the satratus, e •;,easpeen ginger; 3. tee, and seen became the greateet null- • ' • • 1 t SevolloW Cerbolic. .Acid and Die lehoes e • France twice7-and the Prench Presi-
and being =tree, it follows that the
increase will be slow ' Another" . . • 111 'a Cab. • these hermits look iroin the side of 4 t nee returned the deal at Se.
clouds of the West We shall gradual- sperm salt.. lateen' the .butter,• stir eating artist in Simin. . • a '
heart of Mare cannot ceeceive. Love. Wkly.' add 5.1. ceps* Dour, •Beat ' sitien in Anierica Once wrote. te • ech Soil; •giving .: •stich relatively . Southampton street, Strand, Lon- ft 1 h ' • „ event for a Republican President, and
pore - am ecoraticms upon Petersburg,. an almost • unparalleled
ie- retain those thiegs which tile together' in the' order.nientionecl, and A wealthy mite holding a high po- isottrce is sod, leverhone •lt.nows tao. • .. • • •the• mountain many having mosaic,
God, and there is no dewier either' don, England, was the scene of a Walls, and the story las eeeey set.1--
. Meekly for a minute, ' poer into a Mark Tweeze who failed to answer.
• heavy crops, after .a sod • has ' been . Altogether things • have gone very
i 1 • • i i s ntl f r both countries* • •
his. e or.
here or elsewhere. Be true. faithfut. large dripping pan and bake la e e et, w we a ' blence of truth. About 4,000 monks
loyal, and you, will bear welcoming Irtodertite oven, considerabte• • tint for a, reply, at turned •avee.• et seems eold thee the two cabmen,. uamed Richardson, inhabited the monaptery proper; and •• Britain is the proud heiress among.
average farmer,- has not, generally •
brothers taking poiSOn together • in the Powers, who :tells her Biafora
or es of hhosroes. routed them all
voices when yeu stand onthe border. • es--- • . . length.became.eo exasperated. thathe speaking • availed hiniself shortee it their vehicles' between three e V.
that she likes 'them very much, bot
land. asent a sheet., of paper and stamp to i t I nd wit' more regularity' ° , -
is "quite able. to. Molt after myself,
s. . and four o cloak. People hurrying.
• Geerge E. Hopworeli. • ' the author. as -a reminder,- Mark . • . •
rid luidered the' itionaethr and for
. into signincanee before' the pate-. coed; ePaper .and startle received. - -crepe. Lack of humus, or irre- - foot of tit street at thge time could and does not believe in
aloeg tee busy thorou bier° at• the centuries its wealth ett thd
. rac mar- tilank you'
I • • • • . eon, are the two Most tommon ann h y tee e been aware cif tit- Mei- •
denh-for Within a. fear min t i zas pillaged was in ipp and marriage. Aa a result most of the
in tee cOndition , in which •ineert coat. Tnere aro t4Pee PrieciPleS •Please ferweid envelope " gulae or uncertain teentment. of a. . - - gyaere of all kinds. The last time
al 1 1 •
u es of ts a n t th bout ker nil are all
othe ers have combined to say
All other arelelee of lingerie pale .Teerien. inetently replied on e post- aie
church. in,embers are and it may which must, be obseryed malting it, • The new' Am
ear of Afghanistan sets •.
• b 'Bedouins Aft r th •ver a° ST rig a ' a
injurious mistakes of present -clay • e e y
have been in reference to serving Ood First, if must fit as perfectly as the aside one day in the week entirely Tun:epee the tvirio Man....the elder of 'Irbil. attack it was fortified, just as *very jealoes of her, and 'delight%
INTERNATIONAL T..gssoN,, that. hie heart wit not right, Simon dreSs skirt; second,' it niust• lit close for the•chnsidoCation .(>1' Milifery ar, agricAt'ure. in ennaaa,
. • , w ipm ie name( }Rely and the . t
but . both, are when she gots into trouble. 'At th'e
MARCH 9, , thee eorcerer •, is .not comfortable- about, the 'hipg and have a great
oeda eastle-like towers
' etudy: There 'is much 9f himself Mere at tho bottom; third, it must
fairsclevoting it, woad. ' day to:in- ' •', ,, i • younger natter (popularly known to. •, . , • -same time, prittania conrd unfold a •
• .
terual. affairs; and a third to errecti., PresZ°" ii one Word-rotatione, re- his esihrades. es ...,weelieee. .e.aa . ea wnicn 'serve as • bittelements •. are the . tele in the twee' ht f rein e s el .
e Mr ' h . • e . e first -evidence the ,traveler has a the , - 1 4 0 an e '
tive works: ,Eveili night,' *front eight -n ••• moved- to the, Cherieg Cross HoS,' • ' • • . long ago, an4 even now. has a kind
till twelve, ueiless urgent austeese in- . •sue9L7ssiow Or crtoP§, . pital, where, •on. arrival,. the iirst. existence of the noir* toinb One •of
e pon eroue towers tn.ei very
tervenese the Ameer studies 'foreign fleeted wasefound. to be dead, while th 'd ' ' • • • '
:piL.e... of notion that if she gave her con-
feet nte suggest. one. It is of 'NW's' tureeque lines sent More' than mut .Continental .•
agaiia. An Oriental 'touch is ient by • the latter succtenbed •within• a guar- ,• • • ' • 'ha. a ' • - Power • would be glad toi join ban& '..
yetuae duration h•Fireti N' cox ' roots, GUARDED DAY AND NIGHT. . •
the rigidity with whieh,, ohleridaeise, eesilehe,,, eer„ •• - • ' ' ' ter• of tin. hour: • • .. . . . • . : '
, .potatoes, And. peas ; - With. li -
.. er. . .
e, ear, gram ((ceded own to Both • men, it seebas, - had been ' The fair Empress Eudoxia, huilt it , . . BRIT IN N RA. CI
A. A D.F N E, .. i
g'--- secoricf • " d '
from early morning till • late. at ni ht
clover and timoth ' third year, 1 a.
e &biking heayUY of:late, the.younger ,i order • to be close. to her ideal of - . ' • . • • .' . ..: .
In tnese days of envy' hatred . and •
his Highness "iii ts • in • the . Assembly e
a the learned -Iffullabs Of Afghanis;- (chiefly. crover) ; !Ojai] year; hayl.iir 'having. only' recently , regained -his manhooda-Buthymius *as noted .. for • a - . - - • • " .
• malice aeainst Britain, et seems cur -
tart; .and diecesees .with teem gees-. pasture -plowed; in August. : lieeese. On the daY of their ,suicides • his 'sanctity, throughoilt Palestine, . - - • .
. ious. to remember that we once had ..
hone of Mohammecien. mew." • they were. laugh the worse far liquer„and his learrung and great moral en-
. • • 'N' '11 t h •
attire, yoa • we observe, pu s • er
The Kaiser was one of the firse to hem* on- the. surface. ' Judging .ba. and 'it is undeestood that there eves dotements attracted„ the einpiesse
succumb eo the fescinetione of. pinge the 'rexik growth of. e•egetable matter 'echo° • trouble' with the polices. • on • See loved him With greet hevotion,
eoug. Quite recently •when the :Eine' • • point of dieter whiCh might have had bot Euthymius, true to his erust, re-
d ' et- ' -. d 1 •
-- . . ie...• our woo s, • 1 .1S a goo p an. -. • . . .
.peror 'formed the prineipal gueet at Experiment lute provee • thne• and unpleasant •coesentioeces but •for the fused to see her. When her devcitime
a hunting. party, he.tves conspicuous, again that it is •the best Plan. -• The 'timely' iuteeVention 01 their friends. to hien did not cease, he ,fied to the
as he always is, in, providing oracle earlieet • end, enest . impel -tent -robt Accoiding to ono of these, the - Mortaite 'desere, beyond the" Jordan.
t inthent efter dinner Ono evenin •• . . . ' . , •brothers after this: incident werehost The Enzpress Watchee 4itily from the
Text of the Lessen, Acts, viii., .frout first to last and.little,. if . anye be without • stiffenina. . eltych. the
• sheerest :of •muslins 'Must •be guiltless
Golden Text, Acts vine .4. of Christ' evert after he eelieeen.
14, "Note, •when the apostle§ .tvhich of •starch, and the soft silks must be
8.."As for Se.ul, niade • hevoc of wer.e at aeresatein heard that sae used instead et else •tustling• taffeta.
the church." Tee Revised. Version nutria had received•the Word of•God. Taffeta, •Ints .secii•its day. The 'only
says that he laid. wa.ste the church, they. sent unto them- Peter. and way in' .which it is-einialoyed is as.
.for.. gowns and then of 'the
but eur • Lord' had said.'•"The gates John."- These two. wha-'•are so • pro- lining
of hell shall not preveil against it". minent in the early theeters ate stile soetese variety. -Observe these three
(Matt. xvi, 18). •So that this. iin- evidently 'the forernost •arnoeg the rules, heap yotir petticoat about the
prtsonment of Christians. and 'poWer . apostles aeO apecially honored . by foot with tiny ruffles. and you will
decrees as cola
of Saul anti • the atithoritios Ovate the ethers.. • Netice what it, was the have what rashinn
rect, For walking and dealt nowns
them did' not really hurt the .elturth people • of Saumria• received..
the petticoat should.etop at ehe anise
any more than the fiery furnace or 'They had iteceived the word- Of God,
they ices If the goWn ,ie of -thin material,'
the lions hurt Daniel and eis friends. and,. • :like the' Thessalonians,
It should .bo aa ' tong as the goeve
4. "Therefore thoy thete were scale, doubtlees • .reeeived it, not as• • the
even Jet:tiling. The English put a
tered abroad went eyerywhera preach- word of .men, •but• es it is iii truth,
ing the word." • So the •ffleeiples the word of God, which. effectually great eye' ori the body of theso petti-
could say to S'aul and .his. company worketh• in those. who belieha a. coats -en the side -seam-and e." core
Hiheea reepoetling hook. on thes train,. so
as Joseph said to hie -.1eietheen, "Ye' These," ii, 13), Oer Lord
thought .evil against. me,. bat .Gott *Lid, to Ris rather on the. night. bee that ef they' Want otoewalk in them
ee haw ,•hieee •when it iesincohydrkient,but necesseew
meant it. unte good •to save much- fore:Hie crucifixion.;.
people alive." .(Gen, I, 20). 'When unto them the Words which . equal th lift. theme it can: be dorie
-Petticoats are fuller about' the hips
we were persecuted and in the midst 'gayest Me, end .*: they have received
' • it 1 •
a sincere lover, and that: none other'
than France herself, Wben Louis
Napoleon, .in 1851, was! prociainied,
*at his men instigatioe, Emperor et/
the French, Europe newt to once •
'mere look on France as a respectable
poWer, and to hope that under an
le . gravely ; informed the' company ex e 1st 1 sight of •for smomente. :When tower for his. return. -After inuch empire she weuld cote Sor ail, throve
surface ; the percolatiori of • • t
tea er •
th t •Ite lied a surprise for them end
• •
off any ideas ef becomeng A republic
1, ley teappeareci the younger told the peratutsion he vat dragged back to again. First =mtg. ebose Powers
was Britain, whe, under Palmerston
and'hls huccessors, Made iiielexit love •
to -.Prance. The latter receprogated,
end after much flirtaticse aria ex-
change of cpurtesy, a. treaty o/ al -
peace was signed in 1858, by which
the two powers joined haxids. in the .,
war against Russia.
Beitain's releitions.with Ereace dur-
ing the war and for severaleyeare•af-
terwarde 'Were • of a moist cordial
character. Tee French Eraperor vis-
ited os atnidegreat enthuisiasm, and
Queen Victoria eaat several times:
to Paris. ' But it seriee on "tiffs" un-
foitunately arose as a • result :of
Britaies policy of barborling Politt-
cal refugees, Which hnoluded temple-
ators a.gainst .the Emperor and
Fiance' Marin to talk very loudly
against us in 1859. As a result
Britain lormed. the volunteer ;move-
• . . • • • • e -
ers the loeie and glace of Goa, tell- cast. •Theyehad be . te. were bae-
neve • years , , of 'age • and a widower and
petticoet for street wear. Tile glass case .in which, they are usUally to double • the returns in e. &here
plainest. petticoats have' a narrow hoot, le order • that they Might bo ulna, ' . ' * • • had, it is said, a .son.'in S,outh'. Afa . C. ANCER . RESEARCH •FUND., '
ing,' His salvationf ram day tee day heed and - had become children - of
God and temples of the Holy Ghoit, ruffle " set ,in the heist • and a. deep photographed. Whee the mate with 2, It lessens to a minimum. the rice- •His ahrotherawile• *as Iittle ' , • • . •
pel might be preached to every area- but they had. not been endued with elneted if ef and very full if of eines. The eaplorer wee alarmed and thirty, :leaves, it is believed, a 'Outlines cif the Schenie of . In -
and . One child: It, was stilted vestigation, , •
(Ps. lxxi, 15, 24), how soon the gos- flounce. above it. This is accordion- the camera. arrieed :they were ,mis•
- the power svelte all belleversnead to - I .t4cleaendgitelrg. doofwao.failure to .catch•I whee xovviefer
tore! • . • . .—
•Cineet, .eih. saved and :hive. become circle:h. ruffles, are the best of .•alle ered in the.. baeement,. • Whither . the ...plowing to du Once in • feu' r yearS• ' • . : . ' ' . : ---7---- + ' •
3, It: lessens the labor of cultive, that the.yeunger challenged the eider.. . •
the causes, natare, end treatrcient of
enable ehem to secure -the living arid lace' or,. if. the garment is of •waeh. annoyed. - lt was only after en eic- ' •:. •
, •
5-8. "Then Philip went down id •• lel ei embreideiv G •
, ., . roups of tended* Search that they. wore discoe- hone for there. is Only Oen shallow te tele the. poison .witiabien, •• ho .,eheme of• ,investigation into
the city Of Samaria and preaahed thee God. All Who tidier receive matei
childrerx of God (Jehn es12) cad 13 - • t • ' ` n servant had removedetheina -in. Order 4; lt facilitates' - .fitrui operations . s • • • , . • crater, :hoe evitiobee. fund of a100,-
• mentefor her defence ln case of In- '
Christ unto theme! Philip wasth
, e a,ndinee' of lace • eortanoiderv e. d . •
second of the seven who had •been aP-
• bon are ut o as f ncifu speaking,. 'friendly' with France until ;
fraud. I haee tried fruit at • 'cheese to the, British Medical Joule:tea • the
the, leranco-Gerracut War, when Diet- .
• phen had been so honored eta pre: possible for such to be ouly babes skirts are lined with. a light weight yelling in• an 'English railWay car- 5; It lesdens. the cost of fencing meal, . withont the least improve-• following preposals :•-•. • * .', •
Hearty Man-.7hat!S . odd. • First -To provide, equip, ., .mana •.ain's..abstaininge from helping Prieee
ceanal a Core vi, 10, 20;• iii, 1, albatross. , 1 • . • • • hag° to a town Where. he waif to do- for title need be only lour fielde sinc nient'll • brought. upon her tbe vials of .her
Lord's messenger. If we are eon- 2), and • therefore the necessity . 9f Perlia.ps the. most serviceable petti- liver, a Gilchrist lectare. - In the •car- the' farm; • • ' ' ' • • . • Why, loolc at. me. I Subsist eetiraly tain or ondoW laboratories to.be de,'
wrath, vshich has continued more ot,
meted he is also liciporea • as the a:rid
aeing filled. with the 'Spirit and. ea- coat for all lanas tif 'teem.. ie the nat•-• hag° with elm • was .an eldealy. gene. ,6, 1 1 is tut incentive. to bederlieess. upon fruit." "What kind. of *fruit r! voted exclusively to cencer research.
less• eyer shicee as • .Britain es, now• -
dued With power to iive the. life of ural coloi eil pongee... etsen es t eoet is eleman,• „who,. obeeevieg the juvenile theinese .; ei. little 'hit of fiestem. he- . "1".lie it:Iiit, Pf mY own •industry..-• 1 Secon.t1,--To prOvide: an honoearium •
known as "la perfide Albion.''' Brit- ..
tent to de the- ordinalw• work of' the.
daily life, the Lord will. , riHis own large, but it washee as well as muse Appearance oe .the dector, thence to duces more, • • • . ' • haven't been ill a day.". " . .--7.- for' the director of carter ' reseitech.
faithful teetimony. aires seizure of Egypt too, en krt.-
time lead us lag . greater service. . --e-e• • • .' . , • • ' 'Third -To provide • held aseistants.
. 17. :"'hhen laid .they their.. hands: litivend deesn't tear. Besider, ifettun- bine and said: "Young maze if you '' • - .' -ai-•-- • - : tated France, and still atutoys tter,
Very helpful words on this are found dtring is air .item • to• be considered', have nothing send and instruetive ma Teivvet-"Taid you . hear. - of the to •the director and greets in aid :of -
that all talk of •,a renewal .611 Brit -
Having prayed (verse it sheds the airt rather than retains engage yotta ettentiOn thin ev.oning, • LOOK Illele0.11.1a, Y.OU, fhpllAY. , cancer research • Within the United '
ain's intimacy..with her of -theelifties
xxvill, 21. In verses 4, 12, 25 We. IT°1Y. Glinst." Tatairy to plants ay inseeta' how on Mies- Dimling. when* she.refesed his Kingcloni or in any Part of the' Brit-
. dieadful revenge- Frothingitrun tooit ,
in II. Samuel. xv, 15; X. Chron. on them, anti • they received the '
it, one therefore does not need.to leo I Will present you with a ticket for 0,
teinples of • tIte Ilo1y Spiht, • 'who rib P n ne "to, polish them ready for thaseerl". -by 'having ail the work of a.. pertain • leyspeptice-"Thie fruit; cure's • a 0.00 is required,. iiholudese according vasion. • But ehe.remoined. generally
pointed to minister. to the 'needy in-
dwell in Overa believer, bine it ithy one may wish. . F9r.vvariutb sins Dr.. Andrew Wilson was 'once twit.:
things temporal, and now that Ste- kited in ono field, t .
15). they noW wine e a
get a good idea et the preaching of. ,
those days. They preached Christ;
hands oh thorn, end the special gig Washed often. ..lt• can be worn with..Giichrisi lecture,. to be dellyered to- under two' itemise; hese, where . the proposal ?" Dicer- Whet. was it. ?: Dominions beyond the sees,. • • •• has
xpect tine In
of,• the Spirit . Is receitare also lathiest anything, . 1 n It *I h 1
h -1•-• him", niget in ,W---, Inow bow you pleat; itself •Ints betel eaten, SeCOnd Trivvet-"Ile entirried • hei• 'mother, Fourth -To assist in: the develop-
theyepreached the word of the Lord ver ecru; lace or tiny ruffles. edema young commercial Men spend • your Where the juice has been sueked out, aviai was a. widow ; and now . he ment• of the caacer researcli heparte Germany is a veto constitute lover..
and Mho things concerning the king- did Ihtui EPhesus (chapter. xix.
' • • •
leaving ;tee Inseets catising Won't let te men come to the house niont of the Middlesex Hospital and She haa two faithfel allies, Austria
dem of God. As Philip preached 5, 6)' Our Lord'e words, "Aele, tine wrth the raco• • , • . evenings, so take my Advice,* and
it shalt be given you," aro hi •con- coin° aud listee to the -lecture." Dr. injut•y eir the first class are called to see his stepdaughter." sof nay other hospital where a special _and Italy, end though sha crusts side
the Ltn4 wrought with and through.
chewing iusects, such as
maim). with these' •othere, "How: USIeFUL TISSUE, PAPER. Wilson accepted the ticket, and feta Intl" °r
him, confirming the word with Sig11.9
cancer department may he proviclede -glandes at 'Russia, she ie very true to
following (Mark 'eve ,20), and, .se(o Much more' shall •your heevenly rata- One would be surprieed • ;to know itoy,e;refidieri.tty, ottii.4eetilf (tohouretniclie ejo,itli:,,te; graseitoppees, . caterpillars, - cabbage, A contemporate •contains the fol- . liefth-'--To provide fejt tha'investi- her bonds withAliose Powers. She MO
and army worms.. They have well towing magma advertisentent: "Any gation of ally method which may •be earted often with Britain,. and. things.
. .
ing the miracles and hearing the er give the• Holy Spirit .to them that how Many uses Oen be ntade or tissue developed pate; fitted for tutting, and, person who hen prove that My ta- suggested from time to tint foe the _reached tie verh interesting -stage
message, the petiple With ono exceed "4 Elm"' (Luke XI' .1.4 18)' fairer, •..an article that abounds. In of the ticket welcomed hita eiTusivalo
chew. ing alma% They cull be the Moon • co-eta:et • aeything injurioue to prevention; treatment or cure of' wheri, in 189e, • the German Emperor •
I • ' .inost households. as tit ehope eine tend was above to ecinduct itini to:a.
v s etroyed• by 'using poisens such ix's the health will. hatei three boxes of .it cancer and to arrange tor .the teste visited bare'. Oxidise • seenes of the
ploy it • extensively .in paciong dell- r ' ,t , ''e it where his lleiitit
.. STERILIZIN.0 • maim. tette geode. . • • • ' Mahe toloWn, Mel Dr, Wilson maitre arsenics.' Tee newts •of the. SSCOnd . pent to Mtn. free 9f thaw. ... . ing, tinder proper. supervision, of any greateet orithuidiume and pronouneed
gave heed, and there was great joy
in that city.. Whether the meseengee .
be the woman of Samaria or Philip
the evangelist, if Ohrett is preached
Probably TM people have tested its ea hh11 the ticket'. inanY -•
Lord theIvin, the great Scotch
the Spir•it worirs, and aelieneeee How to. Guard A.oeinst Germs of inerit as a penell inark eraser, Yet it
Christ is truly received there follows •• Tuberculosis te. rood.
Selenti6i, once paid a visit with a
sea veb le p pose a 1 1 ye a t well-known :electrical
God and exalts himself is'alwaya to car it n la, ata Mont io ea a ias erarier, friend .tor ,sonar ,
peper of wine textures often • acts were escorted over the
more setisfactotely then tee rubber 'tint."' 1 110
•• werkshops by the. wirer foreman, a .
Man of much intelligens% And an •• 1
the front ever since Ile Alandered Ged been carefully immeeted and declared roe cleaning end polishing glass at
to Eve in Eden. Ht is Seen in the free from dittease gator*, it should be any description, from thhilite lens of enthusiastie Mectriciae. lenttemy un-
aware of Ms visitoe's identity, ha
willfulness and self-aesertion of Cain, very . thoroughly , cooked. 13y this_ a pair of spectecles to the common
paper is ubeee minutely explained the details of the
In the endeavor f the Bab I b ild Means (Me is sato to Jail all the dan- .window glass, tissue • i te. d lu chinory • Tel ' 1 et red
joy and peace (Ps, xv, lii). •
9, 10. 'Jibs adversary who• opposes lahenever °ea is not reasonably
ger/4'as • inicro-organisma." Against
to make thereselVes• a. Milne and in the fAZ,le of tuberculous 'milk there
all who opp.che themselves to God ,are . eery excellent lews ei slime
and His truth from Cale to the erre States a. the Union, whieh are rigor -
who shall exalt 'hineeelf and magnify.
himself above every god, so that he, ously enforeede In fmene the lases
are less good, cad in Remo there p.re
AS Gat Shall Sit in the tetapie of no laws at the present time, •
(lod showing himself that he tie God In justice to • fareaerS and dairymen
(Dan. xi, 86; /a, These. 11, 4). Tide
----- it muse, however; be Said. that there
Simon, like Thetidas Of chapter v, are many who do theft, very best to
86, WaS *St 0210 of the greet host ,peOtect therneolves and .their 'follow/ -
who magnity theinaelVeit and always ••
1nen from the danger of tuberculosis.
find a following. Aa I ,write it, nuee They hatertheir cows tested regular -
in Chicago, wheat many follow and ly, destroy the animals Which ere
Who seems to pettish .the gospel, hag found to be tuberculous, and keep
just given out that he hi Elijah, And their rita.bles and utenefla for milk as
so it gooe atid Will till Jesus comes. heart as possible,
11, 12. 13Mvitching peopie With feer- Unlees one cart be reasonably sure
corer might possibly describe many. that the cows erom entice the milk is
of the tertehings . Of to -day which .
derived are healthy and not tubercle.
captivate fetich raultitudee. A.
following. ie net eufficient •proof that
great bolls, the milk Should be •b.olled or
sterilized before use, more espeCially
the leader is •right, tor are feet foie when it is intended as food for child-
lowere necessarily aril evidenee that ren_ Milk obtained from stelae and
the leader ie Wrong. i from milk peddlers should ineariably
In. "SimOti iiiineelf belieVed thee, be sebmitted to boiling or Ateriliztt-
Was baptized. Continued with Philip
and wondered, beholding the Mir- tiOn; \\Then milk is kept Morale boil.
ing for five minutte, ell the bacilli
aelee and signs." The poWer of God
. are killed, and the Sante relent is'ob-
c se M. est tart, tattled.
and the fad that Sintoti Was bap- bef elle sterilizing proeetis, ehotadee protector e0 ea, .
that 14 to say, to keep the milk etopping on the WAY MOM to make
tieth and eteitinued with Philip after leirchnee of Winter flannele, etc.
heated for at ieitet half an hem' at te
celled. -, .
nought fresh 'and new -111 packages hlin in his vele or Inhinfill aulte Pre -
of 0, hundred sheets of white roue fessionally, Lora Xelvires friend
colore.d it, costa but little,' yet gives was on' the point of interrupting se-,
an added daintiness in many ways. verve times, but en amused sigual
from the time, master ofselectrican•
It brighterts bureau drawere, It melte
Wbee 'the iota: tif
08 a Pretty wrappirig for the small !tent hint silent -
inspection wag complete, Lord Xele
package that ono Often finds it nacos-
eery. to carry, It adds far more to vie quietlY ternett te tit° rohninall
the effect of a eresent than ordinary and asked: "What, 'thee, ie
Miler; eteffed in Waists and eleeves ih7" This wee 6, Poser for 00 mon,
and crashing who, somewhet shereefacod, confess. -
it .prevents wrinkling
ed thee he eould not Hey. "Weil,
When packed: Silk and lace that
need prosaine, are protected by tissue Won," Said Lord Kelvin,
is 'the only iltiug aboultieltilebretr"itcilltaYt
paper e,ncl •Wrinkled veils prosaic -1 un-
der it emerge with renewed freshness. which hhh hint 1 (1°11'8 know."
An amusing • Atory le ;vatted • of
If. one ' cannot get an iron. a grui
Lady Cureatt of Xeeletiten, forinerle
globe or lamp ehatie (hot chimney) the beteta,ifen NINA Miry •Leiter el
is gellerallY Within rettch, and on its
eurface one may sinaoth veils turd rnikng°- 18 wan • hi Washi"giti"
ribbone With tissue lower between. that a young attache of oite of the
lier tweet() that. °Wing to a, funny.
Mont in tifertle paper, Cutting little
little ineldent, he eventually gave up
dolls, holding halide lit "ritig around the post. rt haPpened itt this weer:
a rosy" fashion, or making flowers
Or dainty dreseee for dollS, The .i»fittuaten yelling Men, knowing
that.Misa Leiter Wee going to a cere
Stilt another use is to fold the tia, thin ball, Went out one day and ors
Rile paper many times and emit it tiered a largo box of Amerieent Beau,.
under waist or coat fle a cheat, or tv lento, Which he took 'with blin.
cheerer, ean end ce rune ea amuse. embassies became so conapicuome
he belieVed, WOued scorn to indicate (tne box Was handed oeor to his '
a real eotiveraion. The stequel in teinperatUre of about 70 degreet1 O. clean valet, While, a feW hours later, Miss
Or 1(10 degrees P. There are Mete in hol'eehwtaasilt,10rtethibirellet ifottaYptralbert 4
Mahe a Leiter opened the fiecond, tOgethee
ve"°-9 18 to " rtlaY latilatt"'i ha" the Irlark°8 a number or ilear./ nnd Amite then With a SPOrige‘ or nioth With it en,rd entreating ilea "to Weer
eVer, that Marken had not tru_y• • re- practical eaMteattiees 'for sterilizing wash the ribbon -Clean. Ulnae by these foe hy home one niecovered
ceived the Lord Jame, or they Mao milk, Which tan be obtained at ale
IllOttli that, be Was not, eight in eliPPing tip awl doWn in clear water, the Yeurel dilhotriatista ilennel
th° moot any drugatere.
Matter Of the gift of the Spirit. If • elap the ribbon free from water, turn • things! The story 1i004 penetrated.
he had no part in Christ, he eer- a MOdcratele hot iron oit end card :to his club, and, Hot at a. I epprecie
tainly was ha saved, but if Peter The goldalds of Western Australia draw the ribbon baelt and forth luting the laughter at his expellee, ho
Meant that ha had no part in this are the largest in the world. ,l'hey the iron until dry. 8 'shortly after accepted an txPPoint"
gift of the lioly Spirit ha wan just cover 824,000 square miles. If the milk strainer seems clogged mot elaewhoo. •
OF cowl& vaT, ,
rior Utititt-a1/6; never reed whet ehe newsrapere say about uttle
InezeseiT eueliese Yoe tfellien't beliche it teen 11 yea did.
_ so-called Tamely for cancer. himself • as her friend. With the ex-
Sixth-,aleneraliy. to , provtdo eneens eeptien of that unfortunate Xruger
for systematic investigaelon into telegrain of 1896, Which Anflamed,
the.causes, preverition arid treatment Anglo-Getenen relations to bailing -
of cancer. err. Balfour informed Mr. point, the :Kaiser arid ins .Geevernment,
AhLec in the British House of Com- have continuously. been Britaie's
mons Unit ho•.was.not favor ce friende and in Egypt and elsewhere
appeintieg . rival eon -mission to she• has enjoyed their active suppert.
inquire • into the disease of caticer. But, alas! tamale no_• such affection-
. Of course; if tholet Who were entitled ate feeling between I3ritis4ers and
to speak for the medical profession Germano, so tae flirtation between
tooh dila:east e'ietv, their represen- tho na.tions le purely diplomatic.
tations. would receive the full . eone Britain is 'not Mech. of a lower, but
sideration ot the Governerient, she Itite one warm corner in ber heart
.• -
. an'd thee ia foe Italy. It began 8o •
• Iong ago as 1854, when. the Xing of
TOMMY'S SUGGESTION. Sardinia, afterwards Xing Vidor
. Emmanuel of Italy ohered • Britain
The 'family were putting on their the support of hie army against Rus -
best airs because J tuntiteeti. beau Mai sia, • whieli she eordielly accepted.
. come to dinner,
way the young Mee Was Making love Austria, Britain was the first to re -
When: Italy became witted 'under his
. The old folks were delighted at the rule, • Altai' a successful War against
.between the Mouthfuls. When they cognize hint as a Power.. In Geri-
• get. tO. iill(f dessert. he said, load en- belch's stetiggle for a ,free Xtaly Mete
QUO to bp heard, all around the inn did everything poseiblo, short of
table lee military co-operationhto, help him.
etetioncteaakiet ,saol Tett , , and: the enthuslasin for itetly's cause
'67:1: in Britain Was inteite,
aaA'k•Yault'ul3rUtabu°e'utgaloild gentlemen had " Sinee then, up te the Inlitsnt 'nay,
, ....., .
winked at the old lady, and said t Britain has been ou the; 'Most lute-
. . ‘'v"Thleei'ls. igitettiteihrgomthmeri;.
;ailed out 1
. mato terms With Italy. r .1Iis ilea
'• and Brit -
hi 8S Olid1a1)10
°IrrrVaitSli °I ei SI S I.
0,ii itetual
"Yoll ought to eat slionge-eake, an ° ten v s te( rith
helped Britain in, her f
ailes has been feted
1111:4717eitthley‘ ' little mart ?" asked Mr.
Sillith. Woking very sestet, •
of alliance be
Though we do not lin
war of 1886 by etarti
at Mansowalt against
"%Cause ma ites you are ali awe tnaty
, 01 mealtime'
ehe milliner, eaery teetee replied the fleets of *Rain and Italy Would
one flower in nty bat." sho said to
n be on the ;sante side, so ol least Brit -
and Italy, it is e'ertain that in the
"I really can't afford more than event of a Mediterranean Misfit Wee,
xe'that worthy lady, "W iere will yo
iiheav‘i1iaatiit, 91:4. avaattiTtlaily° seit" 17thechuarelli; fr,ellerr
so 1 'uAati:8;01:t'14 SIVI:letiode-Y. "1 . lay nify fortune
---.......4,,-...-... '
inn Ms 0111021114e leibvet.4,,lestoetierittitZ.11.
With the Wan on my right,
°G at your feet," The Pair Guee-"ror-
think leil got y(*.....iu to put it on
• Side neet to the congi.egation."
tune 1 T didn't know you !littd any
When a Mate is accused of having money ?" Ardent linitor--`gr haven't
More 1»oney than brines it doesn't inech, hut it takee very:little to
10110W that he is richt 'Cover thoe0 tinV feet.." '