HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-03-06, Page 2TRECUNTON NEWs.RECORO eng's Evil I:11E MARKETS CA.NADA'S WHEAT. THE DOMIN ON PABLIAMEiff. 7:A(')1(4')".***Ik3(.1")41 telffedllir le114 21:2 aetuv:ice:1110 11.q1:7" , Inibliebed every 1.1airsday at eilee- CCOr Power Printing Hottee 41,,HDRT STAUDT, CLINTON. name OP Sons(nurriorz--81.00 per Year advaeo0 ;el./Olney bo charged If not so Pam eeelemordiscontlueed until all arrenrages are el The date to *which every subscriptiou le Paid **del:Wed on tho label, APunefeneo Iteirei4-erransient advertise - Meets, 10 mei per nouperiel line tor first 14'30040X Wad cents per lino for each subse- ellentinsertion, Small advertisements no to exceed, one inch,such as "Lest," "Strayed, "Stolen." etc. inserted once for 00 cents and each subsequent insertion 15 cents. A.dvertisements without, specific directions will be inserted until forbid. and cbarged accord 114dr. Copy tor ohange of advertisements on Pages A and 6must be lathe edice ou Saturday and for pages 1 and 8 on Monday to ensure change for following issue. CosTitaor RATES. -T101 following table shows our rates for specified periods and spew: ADVURTIBIN4 Ian.% 1 Yr. 6 Mo. 8 Mo. 11lifo 1Column 37000 elo 00 $25 00 88 60 Column 40 00 25 00 15 00 0 00 *Column 25 00 15 00 8 00 2 60 i Column 18 00 10 00 6 50 2 00 1 Inoh 600 3 60 2 00 1 26 iteSpeelal position from 25 to 50 Per cent extra W. J. IVIITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor • OR Q OPt Pa 0 P BANKS. - - ------- THE MOLSONS BANK Incorpo.ated by • Aot of Parlk meta, 1855, CAPITAL • 82,500,000 REST $2,150,000 HEAD OFFICE • MONTREAL, WAL MOL$ON MACPHERSON, President Lams ELLIOT General Manager Notes discounted. Conections made. Drafts Issued. Sterling and American Exchange bouvht and sold. Interestellowed on deposits. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sums of 31 and up, FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers en their own 'flutes with one or more endorsors. No wort-. riblo shock of joy, he saW the living, t NEWS ITEMS , p ' That le Scrofula ' 1 No dleeatie ts older. diseaaa le really responsible tor a larger mortality. Consumptien COMMOnly OdtgrOWth. Tbere no excuse for neglecting it, it inakee its presence known by oo many frigate such as glandular tureen!, etitaneene eruptions, inflamed eyelids, sore eare, rick - eta, catarrh, wasting and general debilitY, Children ot J. W. McGinn, Woodstock, Out., bad serotula Bores 130 bad they Gould net atteed echoed for three months. When different kinds of Medicinee bad been osed to no purpose whatever, these nufferers were cured, Wording to Ur. VoluntarY testimonial, by flood's Sarsal3arilla wlech bas effected. the roost wonderful, radical and permanent cure. of screfula tit old and young, 1 • • • . I ilvsuRAivoa THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured. OFFIOERS .e. B. MoLeart. President, ItipPen P. 0. ; Thos. Frazer, Vice -President, Bruceared 0„eT. E. Hays, Seey-Treas., Seaforth P. O.: W. G, Broadfook Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P.O. DIRECTORS: W. 0. Broadfoot. Seafortit ; John Grieve Winthrop ,• George Dale, Seaforth; John Watt: Harloek ; John Bennewies, Bradhagau ; James Evans, Beechwood ; James Connlely, Clinton John McLean, Melton' AGENTS : Robert Smith, Ilarleck; Rao Se forth ; James Cummings, Egmondville ; J, W. Yo, Holmesville P, 0. Paties desirous to effect insurance or trans snot other business will be promptly attended to 011 application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective pc:IA(00es. '• " '" " • - ' TI E TABLE. Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton 'Station as follows :-- RUF5'ALO AND GODERICR DIYI JO N, gage required as seourity, Going East Express 7:38 a. in. 14 1. H. C. BREWItit, Manager, Clinton ,, " " Mixed 4:15 p. 2:55 p. m. Going West Mixed 10:15 a, in. • • " Express 12:55 p. -m. f, .6 7:05 a, in. -10;27 p. LONDON, utracto AND•BRUCR DIVISION, 0011448outh Express ' 7:47 a. in. " " Mixed . 4:16 m. Goliag Nitrth Express 10:15 a. . Mixed • 6:55 p. m. A. 0. PATTISON, F. IL HODGENS, Agent. , Town Ticket .Agerit. M. 0. DICKSON, Distrlot Passenger Agent. Torento. W. JACKSON 0, D. fificTAGGART BAN General Banking BusinesE Transacted. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. • Interest Allowed on Deposits, ALBERT STREET' CLINTON. LEGAL j SCOTT • BARRISTER, SOLInITOR. Eta Money to Loan. OPFICE-EllIoti Block BRYDONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. , Notary Public, 8co., Omen -Beaver Block, - CLINTON AGENT C. 12: R. CLINTON Travellers to any part of the World should consult the above in reference to ticketS, fares, eto. ' • . :W. JACKSON ., oLiNTON. AGENT c. P. R. . • CONVEYANCING RIDOUT ffiz HALE Conveyancers, 'Coiminissionere; Real Estate and* Ineurance .Agency. Money to Loan. C B. HALE JORN RIDOUT MEDICAL. DR. w. GUNN R. 0. P. and L. R. C. S , Ediahurgh. Night calls at front d oor of reside:woo:I Batten, bury street, opposite Presbyterian chnrch; OPPICE-ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON. . - - DR. SHAW OPPICE .• ONTARIO STREET, opposite English churoli CLINTON. • DR. C. W. TifoifFiEIN PHYSICIAN AND StlItCtEON. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, . Ear, Nose and Throat. , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE- • Albert Street ICast north of RArrexanur STREET, CLiNTON.• ' • _„ DE NTISTR'Y DR. AGNEW- DENTIST. . , Will be at Bayfield every Wednesday afternoon. , Omen -Adjoining Foster's Photo -Gallery. . CLINTON', ONT. • . DD. G. EA ltNEsT HOLMES • • successor to Dr, Bruce. Clinton. Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work.. D.D. S.-Graduitto of Royal (allege .of Denter Surgeons of Ontario: L. D. S. -First- class honor Pgaduato of Dental Department of Toronto Dniversity. Special at ter.tion paid to presentation of children's toot h. Will be at tho River Bayfield, every. • Monday from .10 a. In. to 0 u. in. DR, J. FREEMAN •, • VETERINARY stmagog • • A. member of t he veterinary•iviorlical Associa- tions of London ard Edinburgh and Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary C011ege. • Office opposite St. Paul's church,Ontarlo Street Phone 07 V ETE NAITV Y BLACICALL & BALL ti VETERINARY SURGEONS. GOv.. ERNMENT VETERINARY TNSPOCToRS °mace, ISAAC STREET ; RESIDENCE, ALDERT STREET, CLINTON. • AtiOTIONEER THoS. BROWN eICENSED AUCTTONEER. Sales conducted in all parts of the Counties of Huron and Perth, Ordersieft a Trig Nutvs Itaconn oftlec, Clinton. or addrossed to Sea forth P. O. will meolve prompt, attention, Sat - &faction guaranteed or no charges. Your pat, anage solicited. MIS bEL.f..../INEOLfS • CEO. TROWHILL 11ORSESECOER AND • GENERAL BLA CKS MITA Woodwork Roiled and firseciass material and work guartteteede Farfn implenients and • ma chines rebuilt and repaired. • JOBRiNG A SPECIALTY &Lan= ternosie, Nercere CLINTON 50 YLAPth* EXPERIENCE ia4 I0 TRieet Menke DesieNs OOPYfiteitiett &e. Anyene minding a 'Oath mei description may meekly toe -retain our opinion free whether an invention is ereimetepetentOblo. CoMMunietr, tfootti4tricupeontMoutiat IhitalboOk PAtehtft font from OMOst ngtmoy for seeurinepatente, POLOrits taken' toroUgh Motto toCoMf rpetietlftotico, without canto°, in tiro Scitittific A hamisoinele illestreted weekly. tamest .011.. othitiOn of tinr soloattne leirrnat TerOM...$3 tinunttr nioinas, 5L eiela eYnieeevrsappiere emuNN G0.3(110toadsay. New yen goo* co. CS IP NI. WsabIAsoso e. 'IrPINCOTT: ; ; . A FAMILY LISAARY The' Best In Caroni Literattite 12 COMPLETE P1OYELR YEARLY :4' MAN* SHORT, STORI ES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS ' $2.60 Piot YEAR; 25 ots. A COPY NO CONTI N IJ ED STORIES , , EVERY NUMBER OOMpLETE IN 1TEELF ' PLOUGHING *WITH ELEPHANTS. A fame: io Ilasvana :has fotind new eiee. fee the sagacioue elephant. He uses it for 'his ploughing •In ihe place of horses, It eate very little more thon a horse, but it does far Vlore Work, does it ioenitely beiter, 'and with much lees teouble. The farmer is' -delighted With its uSe, for. he bought it as an eiperiment lapin the oweers of a eieeus which wee stranded en .his. neighberhoed, It is a. decided novelty to eee an elephitot drawieg • o -elough. ' • • "OIL ON Te.101313LED AvAvEs: • A tiest ofea, colleen. that throws a shell designed to scatter oil me bois- teeous waves was teeently made: •The shell. is of wood' and conical 'in simpe. It contains two gellons of . . oil. At one end of the projectile.is• a vent; •• This is e9Vered with- paper, which -is platen off as the shell leaves the piece,. 'allowing the oil to escape. COSTLY EXPERIMENTS. Atarceniee eeperithents, test a good deal of 'money. Pah-mast 1§0 .feet eigh means $1,200-. Masts .are so troublesome • that he proposes to build. towers for perrnanerit statione. Kites are liable to be blown.alowne, Marconi' does 'not eee why, the rate, for trane-Atiantie messages.' should not be reduced • to one cent a' word in • eile lettere, , COMPIII,SORY VOTING,. • . -A bill' te make voting a elections corneulsory, which• is to be introduc- e& into the French* Chamber by M. Georgee Berry, provides. that any person abet:Lining from. voting • at elections shell- have his nettle dis- played 011 the door of the town hell ray a• fine of from. 5 %francs to' 10 erancie Arid he disfranehised and eerie dered Ineligible fee' any public office. A TEACHF,RS' PARAI)ISE. •The pulenc schools In' Switzerland are operated by. the.Oovernment and Civil Service rules are strictly ale - plied. The teachers who ere most! women, aro very wall i 1 1 pa en< riever discharged, except for sotto serioes cause, When they get so old that they* cannot teach any more they are pensioned liberally. The tastat is that the country hati an excellent corps of educators in the echoole. - - • • • "4412;10;91074X1ILTEDIEZ,..,,,•,..4., km. • .1. COUV'' 1611605ROONS 1 Paces of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. •Toronto, March 4.-101our-No bur, e s. ' 'offerea at 317.2;5 otitsiee, West. Wheat -No. 1 Manitoba hard offer- ed at 86 en route. North Day, with Mee bid, also at 811ec Owen. Sound, with 81AO Ind. It also uttered at 88Le Sarnia tunnel. No. 1 Northern. offered, et 830 ea route North Day, while 133e was bid spot. North BaY, No. 2 Northern; offered a 80c en rate North Day, with 70c bid. On- . tarot No. .1 red winter- offered at 73ec outelde, either road, ad 58 -lb. red at 72ec outside. No. 2 white offered at 73ec outside, and No, 2 Mixed at 73c middle freight, without bids. No. 1 spring offered at 72ec east, No. e spring at 71ee east, either road, and No. geese, at 68* row frelg•ht to New York, without bids. liarleY-Feed offered at 49e outside without bids. Peas -A car of No. e sole at 790 high freight, and 791e was bid for more, low freight to NeW York, withoue offering% Oatee-No: 2 white,* 40*e leid in buyers' stteks outside, and ten cars offered et 401c low freight to New York, with 40ec bid On track here 42ec wee bid tor No. 2 white. Corn -No. 2 yellow offered at 56*c west with 56e bid, and No. 2 mixed at 05c west, with 55ec bid. Buckwheat -Five thousand bushels of No. 2 wanted at 550 low freight to New York, without sellers. Hay -No. 1 timothy sold at $10.50 on track Toronto, prompt shipment. Straw -A car offered at $5.50 on tretek Toronto, without bids. COUNTRY PRODUCE, Dried Apples -The market is quiet and prices unchanged, with sales at eee to Ge per tb. Evaporated sell at 9* to 10e. Hops -Business quiet, with prices steady at 13e; yearlings at 8c. • Honey -The market is steady at 0 to 10c for strained. Ccimbe, $1.50 to $2.25 per dozen. • Beans -The market is dull. Prices $1.10 to $1,40 per bush, as to qualitY. Hand-picked., $1.50. Cranberries - Mareet uncho.nged, with stocks small. Cape Cod, $9.50 to $10 per bbh •Onions -Market steady at $2:00 to 88 per bbl. . - • Hay, baled -The market is firm, with good dernand. . Timothy -sole at $10.50 on track Toronto, for No. 1, and No, 2 is quoted at $8,50 to $9: Straw -The market is quiet. Car lots on track quoted at $5.50 to 36, the latter for No. 1. Poultry -The market is dulls with few offerings. We quote ;-Fresh killed turkey,s, 12 to 18a per lb ; geese,- 8 to 10e; chickens, 70 to 90C; old hens, 40 to 50d. • • Potetoes-Ill car lots. on track, '65 to 66c per bag. Small lots brieg 75 to*80a per bag. _ • True DAIRY MARKET. Dutteree-The ,receipts are lair, anti prices fIrra• -fOr 1 good •ctealities. Creamery prints ffrm • at 22 to 23ic, and selide at 21* to 22c. Choice 147) dairy Prints, 19 to 20c; choice large roll% 17 to le7e•c;• sec- ondary grades, io eon's, 15 to 16c ; poor to niedium; 12 to 13e. • Eggs -The market is dell ; buyers hole off and prides to -day were 20 to 27c per dozen in case lots.. Cheeee-eThe demand is fair, and prices emit. at 10* to ele per lb. • HOGS AND PROVISIONS. • • *Dressed hogs unchaeged; Gar' lots nominal at .$7.50 to $7.60. Hog procluete pteedy. We quote to -lateen lOng clears, sells -at 10-.1c, in tort and case lots. Mess pork, 320.50 . to $21;.•doe.ehort cut, 821.50 to $22. - Smoked meets -Hares, 12* . te 1.ec; betakfast. bacon, 13e to .14c: rolls, 11c; becks, 13* to 14e, and shoulder% 1.011e. • • Lare-The 'rno.rket, is •tinchanged. We quote :-Tierces, 11c; tubs, 11110; Palle, 11* to 11e,e; compound, 9 to UNITED STATES MARKETS.. Buffalo, Meech 4.--Flour-Quiet and • only seeteder. Wheat --•.• Spring Jinn; No. 1 Northern; c.i.f., 794c winter dull; NO. 42. red, 88ec, Corn - Enquiry good; 'No, 2 yellow, 651te ; No. 3 do., 65e; No. 2 corn, 6aec; No. 3 do, '64e. Oitts-e-Higher: Nei. 2 white, 48/c; No. 3 do„ 47.1e; No. 2 mixed, 470; No. 3 do, 16e.c. Barley -66ec to. 139e spot, Rye -No. 1, Minneapelis, March -- Close - Wheat -May; 73f to 73Le; July, 7dec; ontrack, No. 1 hard, 75ci No. '1 Northern, 73.1e; No. 2 Northern, 711. to'721c.. • ' Duluth, March 4.-Closeeeleheat- Cash, No: 1 hard, 760; No. 1 Northern, 730; No,. 2 Northern, 71.ete; • May, 75ec; July, 76.1e; Mani- toba, No. 1 Northern, cash, 71110 ; May, 781c; No, 2 Northern, 68ec. Coene-60e. , LIVE STOCK .MARKETS. • • . Toronto, Mach 4. -At the We.stetee cattle market this morning the re- ceipts were 53 cerloads- of livestock, including 842 eattle, -165 sheep. and lamb% 1,100 hogs., 80 pelves, and 30 milch cars. . Following is tee -range of quotae tepee 1-, • Cattle. Shippers, per ewt.„ $4,50 e5.25 do, light... ., . 4.25 4.50 Butcher, ehoice... e4.00 4.50 Butcher,. ordinary to „, 3.25 8.75 Butcher, inferior- 2,75 8.25 Stockers, per cwt.. 3.00 3.50 Sheep and LaMbs. • Choice ewes, per coot 8,50 3.15 Lambs, per cwt.. .. 4.00 5.00 13tieks, per etvt.„ 2.00 2.50 Minters and Calves. Cows, eaehe, .....„80.00 45.00 Cayce, each... ... .....,.. 2.00 10.00 Hogs, Choice hogs, per cwt 5.75 6.00 Light hogs., per cwt., .... . 5,50 5.75 Heavy hogs, per cwt.. ... 5.50 5.75 Solve, per Mt.,. .... 8.50 4.00 Stags, per etvt,.. ... 0.00 2,00 -4. WANTS TO SEE THE WORLD. A Trappist Monk Renounces 1 -tis Vows After 28 Years. A Dubuque, Iowa despatch says :- • "Myerlfe had a deep,seated eciugh An event unprecedertted in the hie., for three years. I putebased two 1 this country is Mae° public. Broth, - • large size las e era e renounce s vows, . tory of the Trappist Monaptery in • Beating the .Americans in late Brit WA Market. t tyllE BE HOUSE. RECIPI1 TRADE. pogo. - .1 . . - ... RA" . . :•1A Pipe,01Tobacco- ATO=S CV MO EDINGS 111", e . Mr. John Charlton'e speech on the • trade question. was supported by an ,impressive array of ngures to show Chrietioas Daer dawned On nilYaiel this cantry doee not get anySthing in a Doer prison. The jail was a - enclosed within a, 11.101100. stockade Irel?limdloibnigGi,ti°gveidrael-liellarliePtelellt9ady.to teherp°11'legeha aMnrer, surrounded by a, trench through long, loW building of corrugated iron, ae conflinea binitself to saying that the ing in itesavory tunt bordered by t M Ai ld' which the town drain ran, this be- ' Government's view would be . set berbed wire. Sentries patrolled e forth in connection with the budget. here, and the click Of the Maser TO AMEND ELECTIONS AcT, breech proclaimed the vigilance of the Transvaalers who wanted gliard in the co. urtyard within. the etocke ad'ei W'onder if they knaves at 101110 as wot we've bin copped?" said one e become a Candidate for Parliaraent - or to withdraw froni suck a cendi- a twang of Kentish Town, between - dacy. The Act already provided a gulps of the dirty water with which penalty for offering or bestowing an he closed his men, a, sharroz,nieavalhely,rt, Lyo,onudonbeiro,owmlitnhi office on a person under such ch.- loo"nSouyr,o,, tsoalid another, 'via are dos- e etigemlOes,tAaCMniettiliers*Ult. eNI•OrTaisCINtoPidORbyetAbDe7;Sr.e- And then, like poor, forlorn things, patches for, an' telegraph orfices, an' noosepePers, D they don't know?" 1 i ceived petitions front the Collegiate telling stories about bale. . Secretary, Mr. Brodrick, announced A London despatelt says: -The Wa 1 mier that the Government has re- they all fell -these prison men -to - facilities in rifle shooting, and for around lill the lIouse of Connnons on Friday Institute Cadet Corps asking for wi,tagh ean"strrgigtlio aihrictlyalordokosigtting up I that during tbe last two eays siX ; eoment has no swords suitable for gaunt, 'starving ligures of "his fellow at 28,000 heed, of cattle had fallen into hundred Boers had been . hilled oi captured, and that 2,000 horses and ' swords for uee by officers. The Gov - the dirty, hopeless faces, and the iliu'sreeebyaioniftreneirtsion oifs tihsesuceaddetto c LI ill Ise, ; associations only, and not to educe.- tieular"-he aushed as he looked and, the General's Secretary. prisoners include Gen. De .Wet's sot shared alike, so far, store In one par- eaptiees. '"We have seared and the hamis of the Britiali troops. Tit ; tional establishments unless organize „ ed for drill. The Government has re- ceived a petition from the Toronto e ; Collegiate Institute Board. asking for Lee-Metforel rifles. And for en- ' couragement to the cadets to pea- tise at the Long Braneh melees. ✓ About 50 young gentlemen, l'aril"lbg brought out something long hidden e formed themselves into a rifle club I, from 15 to 20 years of age, "You see, it's 'a new pipe," he said, . • ING AT TORONTO.' • • - ha" between the lining and the stuff. o cer commanding does not consider e at the institute, but the general °file co, as you see. Take it and smoke with a, last weak effort; full 01 tobac- n that they should be entrusted • with it between, you; but read the writ - of ammenition for range practice: ing on the slip of paper first -mind t 1 • QUESTIONS ANSWERED. . I Col, Sam Hughes. was -informed though -and you'll understaral why I you give it back to ma afterward, -.that the total cost of the permanent 1901-2 wee 3300,000. Cer- face to the wall in .silence. • Eager e' corps for ' c • • d u b red 828 and v-o'ices rose up about him; the pipe He lay down. and turned. his 256 certificates were issued to non- - commissiened officers and men. ... I Hon, Charles A. Fitzpatriek said " that the Government had not con- e esidered the question of amending the -• • Sepreme Court Act 50 that judges of - ; that couft ..may be Appointed from e the bars of Manitoba, the Northwest - Territoriee and British Columbia; Sir' Wilfrid Laurier explained - the e . Sir 'Wilfrid Lauri,* explained the ' ! appointments -that had been made to Pe the Supreme Court and the recent s changes that had been made in the ° " Cabinet; He jestified all the ap- , j pointments, which, he said, won the el respect cif his frieeds and challenged s , the criticipm • of his enemies. . I le, L, Borden'favorably commented 1 on •the.men who 'had been placed on I -the Supreme, Courte and those who Hotel been collect to the Cabinet. 1 - . ' . .0A.TTLE •GUAIIDS. . . The Chicago Itecordellerald says: - A concentrated effort will Probably be made ber the north -Western wbea interests, to have Congress roomy tbe tariff from Canadian Wheat Grain exchanges over the country will be aked to join in the move - Merit. The argument to Congress will be that, Under the present sys tem the moderate amount otowheat which, Caeada has to export spoils the market lo Great Britain for th American miser and exporter, alto gether -out of proportion to th amount that Canada has to spare Under present interaational arrangt. ments the Manitoba wheat has pra- t' II , f, and as this wheat is so restricted as to market, it mates a particularly mean competitor for the American grain. It will be urged that, witl the Manitoba. wheat admitted fre into the United States, it Would dis appear quickly and withat aPPrecia bly affecting prices. The American raliler would have a, chance to snake a prat out of it, and the American traders a. chatiee to merchandise it As for the farmer, Who might rais the objection he needs protection i the other fellow 18 to get It, It bo claimed that the American fernier suffers more from Manitoba, competi tion, while the Canadian market fot his grain is so limited, than if the Canadian wheat were permitted to come in free and miegle with the big croe of this country, CONFINED TO FOUR AREAS ele'reeKeeeleoefeeiteeifeefilee•Neereleeiteeeeeio • loving Alice standing near him, drop. sed ib mourning, and holding a wreath. oi white ilowers in her baud LIFTED A MAN'S BRAIN. Marvellous QperatiOn at johrt Hopkins Hospital. , kr. Northrup introduced a bill to amend the Dominion Elections Act ee 1900. He explaioed that the ob- ject was to provide a, penalty for offeeing or paying a pereon money to In one of the most reraarkable op mations known to surgery, says /3altintore despatch, the brain o Itev. William A. Stark, paetor o the Broadway German Methodist Episcopal church of Now York, ha been Actually lifted 'from its bed an the roots of certain nervee that ha caused the elergyman excessive neu ralgia were extracted. The patter:. is Sale to have. stood the operator well, Ana few doubts of his. recover are entertoined. 'Phe operation vea performed at the Johns Hoplein Hospital. • Telegraphic Briefs From All Oyer the Globe. a creCa.sBe.alt.wtaegleesgCrAaiNMAerDsA. ask) for in* th• Se tlealgearsetebreetxigin tAirtearteaolcoloosesut f ag,y, „e Messrs. Munro liras., of Montreal, huarveemwleoouogdie, t13tle., plyoVtsef oson,10eulto!r near By an alteration in the heating t system in Kingston Penitentiary • there is a daily saving of 812, y ' The 'Kingston Locomotive Worke s have received a coaract for four irate g• uelghteaCein°trreClicIrtgaiule:osttar9aCdo'IntPhaener.41.1. The daughter of Mr. Robert Bell, of the Geological Survey, Ottawa, is .suieg that city for damages for 18 - juries caused, by a defective side - a 1 wtAtitl Sinbhui has been awardea ✓ medal by the Royal Callahan Hu- mane Society* for herolsne in rescuing Pritia Johnson front a burning build- • ieg 1n ita Portage. The Widow cif Fireman T. Smith killed at Hamilton by. the hose reel e• tored suit agoinst the Street Raile colliding 'With a stsrleclet,00caor,, hes Mi - 1 wae Company for CA.PTURE BY BRITISH, Lord Kitchener Sends 1-lorne orze Welcome News. paha, Delarey, De Wet a.nd Cap C cloy Rebels e A despatch from London says :- Io his latest report to the We. Office Lord ICitchener gives a genera review of' the military situetion, says :="The enemy's forces in th field are now prectically confined t four definite areas, In the Easter Transvaal the personal influence o Genera Louis Botha, continues t hold together a considerable bu diminishing force between the .* bor dere of Swaziland and the 13rug spruetaWatertral blockhouse line. in the west Generals Delarey and Kemp cling to the difficult country be tweet' the Mafekirig Railwa3r line and Magaliesburg. In the northeaster districts of Orange 'River Colony D Wet and ex -President Steyn still con trol a comparatively large and de termined following,. who have quit recently given prootp of their bold ness and•initiative in- attack, ariel in Cape Colony the country to th nathwest of- the Cape Town -De Aaa line is infested by several bands o rebels; keet.' together by adventurer from the late -republics. • Elsewher smaller . commandoes are to be found but their numbers ore insigraficant and 'their. want er enterprise reveal m all probability ati abating inter- est ,in .the otheless struggie..in whicl they have so .1Ong been emPloyed," • • . NOT WISETOSTIR UP STRIFE down et the filthy mattress that in- terposed between his body and the bosom of his 'dirty khaki tunic and WHAT OUR MEXBER ABE DO LEGIsSLATUDE wQrst clays there has been something THE ONTA1110 filthier earthen floor --"but front the which I have keptt o myself." He ••• fumbled with a shaking hand in the British Press Attitude on Prine Henry's' , • A London despatth says eeThe at titbde of the English newspapers to wards the visit of " Prince llenry o Prussia, to the Unitee States, ha called out a rebuke from the West minster Gazette. . . • "It is noe. dignified, 'and is scarce- ly Well-bred e. save the. Gazette, "to remind the United States of oblige. tions we have no reesoo to euppose they: will forget, and it is certainly not politic to display anxiety in re- gard te the possible results of fthe .friendly Meeting between the Presi dent and the German PrilICO:" The paper then proceeds tp eouece a note of warning againet carying resentment towards Germany to the point of endeavoring to make mis- chief between Germany end anotem power, "in • view of the aieeady strained relations ocecteionecl. by the zig-zag .poliey of the Governnient, which threatens to place Great Brit ain in a, poeitfon of antagonisen to both Germany and Russia." Mr.: Laneater• moved the sechnd e ; reading of hip bill to ameod the 'Railway Aet. He said the partiaular I object of the bill was to restorci the " ;law relathig . te' cattle guards, • to ; 'the positioe in which it was preelaus. .,to.1808. Mr. Lancaster Shouted how s , detrimeneally the present law hed alekites? A dhrop en the ocean! ' , worked in the interests: ,of the far- ' mere, and how imperative. it wap "Wotes one seek, or even two, to a that something should be done to starvin' bloke? , Wot:, I.. wants is to • put in meee effective guards: In: no. find a 'bacca, factory afire an' put my - State of the Union, so far as he mouth to the chithbley shaft!" ;could learn, was there a 10.w like ours:* There the railway interests, were being made subseryient ta those of the agricultural commueity. • -.' Mr. Sutherland, speeking for the 1 doveenmene,.seid there Was no qbjec- tion to the second readieg ef the Measure,. provided it was then sent to the Railway Committee, where all 1 the interests affected could be heard. ' 1 The .motion for the second readieg j• was carried. On the. ination to refer , the bill to the Railway Committee, ea division was taken; which resulted - in it being,carried by 00 to 50. TELEPHONE COMPANIES, Mr. Fitzpateick is to introdtice a bill reepecting telegraph and telee phone companies. It will console-. ante the present law and bring tele- . phone companieS under the control [ofPrivy Council' , As far as rates aro the Railway . Comoiittee of the concerned. - • . I a bill respecting pensioos to oft -leers. MOUNTED POLICE,' ' . , .. : Sir Wilfrid. Laurier gives nof.ice of of the Mounted Pialiee. was handed from one to another, smelt at, worshipped, dandled by each in tura. "Blessed sainte!" came front the Irishman, breaking the silence; "let me hould in me hands!" "Spell out the writin' on the slip of paper roulo.d the bowl, Ginger," ordered Trooper Snitchey. (linger deciphered, with moving lips and Anxious- eyes: "I -hope -you -will-enjoy-this-pipe-darling 1-- filled-it-myselfz-Alice‘," 'Is gal!" telegraphed Trooper Snitchey. The intelligence volted from one to another, until, the circuit of the cell complete, every eye turned on the motionless figure of Hilyaed. "Filled it herself wid her own blese sed little lingere* * * Mary help her, the• poor young • crayturee'' crooned' the Irislumin. They conpulted. . one another. with. a glance., and, though there was not a mouth thot 'did not water for the hoctiry, Hilyeed was FOUR NEW IVIIeMDERS, • lion. J . M. Gibson introduced th bill providing for further. represeata than of the northern districts, II said the bill proposed to add tout new members for the two Algoma end leipissing, Tee bill provide there shall be two members for Wes Algoma, three for East Algoma and ttvo for• Nipissing, West Algoma, he said, would be di vided tete north and south, , and oot into, Rainy River and Thunder Bay. The • populations by. this diVi- skin would be 12,649 .for the south, and 18,156 foe. the north. • East Algoma is_ to be divided into three electoral districts. Sault Ste Marie, • Manitoalln and. Algoma,. Th first will, .lueludo tho 'Soo and th southwestern portieit of the presen district. Manitoelin will ineled Maniteelhi toot the islands with o portion of the north shore. ' is to include that pertion not taken in by the other two electoral dis tticts and including' the island of Si Joeeph. The population- of nos new districts will be, Suit lt Ste Marie, . 1.4,448, Inc tnding t he ladi tins Maniteelin 14,186 and A.lgonite 096, • . • . efipissing is to be divided• into eas and 'West .Nipissitee. In regard. t GREAT RRrrArx,. The British shipping trade is suf- • fering just . now from a passing, do - Pression. , .- The London and North-weetern • • Railway directoruie approves the- " Americao heavy locomotive. ' The, heir to the title Pitzwillia.ta 1 will have to pay leguey duty te the ; extent of near a million and a guar - ter dollars. le Repeated earthquakes' Dochgar- - roch, near Inverness, have -caused the e !greatest alarm among the tolls' of the entire section.. levier- s jness Is on the. North Sett ceast. s I Mr. Brodrick, .Seeretary 'or War, t ; stntect in the irouee • on Thursday that the reepective claites Of the four !detachments. of colonial volunteers to - attend. the ' coinneition were being ' coneidered. UN'T-OF.D STATES'. Goveenor Oriel has signed the hill eviroorhkie4ttittntge..pigeon shooting New It has cost New Yak $300,000 to o remove 1,000,00Q cubic yawls of t snow during the last -Len days. e Charles Ingersoll, after 'what the Town of Ingersoll, •Cariaclo, was • ed, is dead, at Flint, Mich., aged 84 Yen:ult.:8n eriecipal of the North-western • ...academy,- :Evanston 111 Advises • - C. I. cigerettes, eo leave: e "All. Ainericanelemied vessels frota ;Lieerpool, Glasgow arid London meet t • ghinavieltsthleearootliilleteorz. men nod ie • • roused by his pepe being, not un- the east Mang; three ,.: townships of gently, thrust back into his hand. tNobwritlIsthRiper sroeowmai roefiniVligi doendqueinod wan pipe be arnong. elk stet -yin, Am- ;ieopaRroaitlewcia3iby, wtthieob.C.faopiaratoariayribdoiAontigaend- rsoorniice, "Take ue back, sore!. :What would to Nipissing, are added to -North gMasrt.inteegsibsoo Paid he did not faeral te• discuss the bill,. but declared it. eo be a,•,reasonable and fate way of "Take ie back, sir!" they chorused. "Thank' yote men," said I-111yard, iNinoOriThaesrinngditshterrprtesp.i...esentlition of the , .sTR1KEs ARE DECREASING.: UNITED IRISH -LEAGUE. Mr. Wyndhate. Says Crimes Act ' Will Be Sternly APplied. • A London despatch says :-The Right Hen. George Wyndham, Chief Sematary "eor Xrelane, at the Carl- ton Club en Wednesday exhaustively diseuesea, the Irish question He condemned the United Irish League in strong terms, deelaring it to be a political machine; which .constituted the gravest nienaee te the coni- munity. He said the league had core .rupted the whole moral •fibre of Iree land, and declared the only- course of dealing. with the league to be the stern application of the Crimes eta, which -he' purpoeed to see rigorously enfoeced. PRINcESS IN DANGER. Alinest Run Down by a Prighten- ed Animal. • A special cable to the Now York Herald from London says:e-"The Prineese of WaleS had a very .narroW ebeape ae the Shire Horse Show on Thursday. As the Prince Ond Prin- cees Were about to pass the exit. a frightened atallion rushed by Her Royal Highness missing her by a foot or two only. It was only' by the skill or the grooiii, •who• managed to pull the animal to ono side, that ver3r serious and deplorable accident was averted.'' WANTS RANSOM BACK. Uncle Sant Proposes That Turkey A Constantinople despatah says: - 1t is ,understood that the United states wile shortly take steps tO ob- tain a reimbursement of the sum ($72,500) paid to the brigands as a, ransom for Mese Ellen M. Stone and Madame Tsilka, holding Turkey re- sponsible, inasmuch as tile capture of tho missionaries Was effeeted on Terleish Soil. This question of re- sponsibility may have 'Serious devel- opments, since Teekey emphatically diselairas raspoosibility, and lays the blame on Bulgaria. : I REPORT AGAINST CHINESE. The Commission Declares They Are a Nuisance. An Ottawa despatch says: -"Your dominissitiners are. of the ,oeinien that the further immigration of Ohin- .ese ineorors into Canada might tb .1)0 prohibited," is the. finding of -the three coaniseioners, Messrs. 0, .Clute, K.. C., of Toronto: James Murals of lere*- Weetminstert and Christotehee Foley of Roseland, ap- Pointed a 'year ago by. the Dominion.. Government to enquire into" Chinese and-, alm.nese immigratieri in Can- • a'de•E'they prop.oPe that uneil ..a treaty. of 'exclusion be obtained the. tax be raised to $500. Messrs. Foley and Clete favor rasing the •tax to 3500 al; once; erifr. .efunns favors hn in- crease to $300 foe two .years, - The CoMmissioners report that" in ChinatoWn a, district of :four blocks,'are 8,280 people. foundeevidence ehat antiel paTtliioeyo Of their vieit. there had been -a sort of attempt at it "very recent gener- al cleaning tip". e'What. the condi- tioo of Chinatown was befere this cleaning out, and the burning of 100 old •buildings by the civic ,authorie tiee, -must be left to the imagibation ' of the reader." en -se:voted houses of the Chinese laborers the commissien- - ors found ledgers in third floors, "in-. to which the occupant crawle on his • hands' and knees." • The conclusion of the -Commis.- sieafere .is that the representations of the British Columbia, LegialatUre to the (Meet that the Chinese, as a class - are detrimental to the wage-earners of the Province, toad a menace to health, are "substantially true, and urgently -call for a. remedy." The report on the- tTaparieSe iS not yet ready.' FOR HER OWN PROTECTION. Europe): 112ust Adopt Commercial : Monroe Deanne. A Budapest despatch says :--Dur- ag a debate in the Hungarian Charne or en Thursday, Prime Minister Coleman do Szell, referring to the ecreaaing industrial produetion. of lie United States, gad the necesSity ould arise some day for Ieurope to ut in force a eommere' tl r octrine against that country. " OER. CHIEFS ROUNDEts bottleS Of Ayer's Cherry Petteral, ee een one, for 28 e ere Ix In te I pIe,tely." • which he took nearly a quarter of o X 3. H. Burge, Macron, COI. century ago. lIe ha left the ma- y t ma , and it Cured her corn- i; d lib tl dli b astery, and is notv looking fop some t • . Probably eiyos to earn a living, leis earn° ,you know of - cough medicines that ro. from /1111104 eri t seph Grab tame nty-three yeara d o 10 g.lappist, Woo aro the 7 lieve little coughs, all Most rigid of any mortastie order B • coughs, except creep oho anti Beether /gegen° got tired of - t ) on. He wants to see the world. x The medicine that has xt is stated that lila permissiott to been curing the worst of :1 17,0a,r76.the monastery came 'rem deep coughs for sixty ; Pectoral. chit -Iwo .spades feat British horse- v •••' 'Shoes 'Sounds like an absurd state- to meat, but the foct is tha enipIoads (1 anoutu for mi ordittirr - 0? ofei 1.,•re.i4eshoefi leave L-otielon for .5 tetetthigga,g,isittptibrAtiV, 1166110. - China. All tee:A' tale back. to tori- b ror Claaith OW% And ioneeppon eA.V.miem don in the form of spades, having 11 41. C. AYES CM Eoffel - I t• • • - Men no rails ormed by the ingertiouo . natives. , years is Ayer's Cherly SPADES BROM /101ISESHOESe nlittential Commandants Were Captured, The correspondent of the X.Ondon 111100 at Brindle Says that Col. ackenzieei column, operative near rtke Chrisfee, elouthelettetern Trane - toll. has surprised Hans 'Grobelar's meal 'anger, capturing Stephatius robelar, Corps. Vatulertnewe and challemeyer, and four others. Gro- elar and Schalloneyer are both in- uential men, who been enceur- ging Boer resistance in the Ermelo • DESPER ADO TAXEN. Notorious Robber Cap -tiered ;Aftet a Tee. Weeks' Hat, • Dawsob, Via Ashcroft, D.C., des- patch sayfe-Mounted Police at the brokenly. "If, ever we 'get out . et thie infeenal place I'll etand 'you a theee-pound tin apiece of the best to- bacco that's 'to be had in remora- .: brace of this day." ' By aeon. of the next gay the. dirty little Boer town 'was in.the hands of the Rnglish, tlAe commandO garrison- ing it. had, 'fled, o,nd thepristeners were free. Two • moeths later elil- yard landed from a King's transport hours. more -and Ile Was fre Loeilea- ship et -South.ampton-Docks. A feW • The pfpe wtes .his • inrier -• -breast eocket- but. n. geeat eneiety was 411. his heart that beat ogainst it. • He ead cabled and written ta- his prom - Med •wife to • announce fhe ttewe of ' his deliereier from ,cgptivity, of •lits. speedy ,retern .00 leave'*from ethe, frone"-but he: haa •redeived no an-- swer.• Perhape Imel written! If 90, • the letter Must teaerel all the wtey back to • England. to ieach Hil- yard wieheite happer Welcome.. team aftiek reunion with the writer'. ..1•10 could- bear the disappointanent now, when a, ftiet•hansom *as : carrying him to. Glouceeter Gate, when te :few Miles more,' perhaps, •• would give Alice io his .arme again, • . "This 'ouse? No, 00?". said the cabman, huskily through the. roof. trap.. "The niaber you *.gev' me,• but tOere's it board up, 'To Let.' " The elanknesO ' of disappointment visible' in Hilyard's face made ••him add: • Arid Hilyard 'rang ehe servants' • • ., -. • . "If I wits you, sir, I'd .eing an' question the 'caretaker. Per'aps she haws the. farnily's new addoess." door. . bell, encl.& clingy woman dame to the "The family left -three inoalis ago" she said, and. iviped her eyes. which were quite dry, -With' her • diegy ap- ron.: "No, they didn't- lea* no ad- dress; they. left in a 'urry. One of the tiro ladies died, an'. after the funeral the' other took .'er Mar away abroad, both being cut up that dreadful about the- death. Which of the tteo young ladies? • The youngeet it was, an' a sweet, . pretty. dear!, An.' -all the furniture's stored, an' I'm -quite certain its never 'eard where they'd gone, except just genere ally the meritioo of abroad: bee- the cemetery where .the young •lady was buried was elighwood-and Ten told ne exlienee was sPared * * *an' such a, beautiful sculptured •rnonument be- spoke that 'it wouldn't 'be ready, the. endertaker's man told my niece for six months to come *. * *" Hillyard thrust a sovereige inter the woman's hand and stembled down the *steps. "Highwood Cemetery," he said to the cabman, • tted the ca.bman niuttered, " 'It's 'ard, poor bloke!". as he .whipped up his horse,' It was a long drive to Highwood Oonieeery,• but they got there Were the :great gates closed tor the day, and a, man in black with a. red nose consulted a register and found- the name and told .Ililyard to come this Way. And presently they were standing' by a grave, with a board at the' head of it on. which a, number• was painted, and the custodian was repeating the earetakeres story about the expensive monument that would elajcir Arthur Griffiths says 11% not be ready for six months to come. method is exceedingly cumbrous, and His hand wets ready for Hilyard's is a curious illustration ol the red - money, and at Hilyard's request lie tape. routine that obtains wherever shambled away and Tett hirn alone. the War Office rules. The recruites The grass was beautifully green al- moue has to be entered some sixty - ready, and a wreath of hothouse two times; the signatures of superior Stockade Road Muse, Yuk011, cap- flowers, not quite faded, lay upon it. officers are given tWenty-nitio times tured trophy, a netorloeS Hilyard had hot the slightest doubt in ,each earticulae case, aid a bulleY robber, after a ten weeks' hunt. Duro . as to ing the swine while arresting him et preached her, but only °nee. who lay beneath. He re- pareel of documente has been got revolver belonging to one of the Poe "Oh, Alice, you might have Waited rotteltoykobythothoeattibu.te each man is ripe s . . . • . The .report of the Bureau .of Labor. foe •1901. was Presented eel the Legise lature: the retiarns.: of strikes and lockouts shqw a diminutien for 'the' period from September 31st, ,1901, emnpared With'a- like previeus peribd the total number Of strikee reported being 19, and one lockout, involerhig 64 .estaleishinents, end covering 'an aggregate of '4e8- daYs, or an everage of 2.3. days.,to each: The greater, number -required but it few days for settlement. •. -The tendency to settle disputes between employers and ein- pioyes- by conciliation ie rapidly on the increase in .Onterio, as in -other parts of' the. werld. The report- pays further that some. misappreheesion as to tem objects of elle • bureau stilt exists; • though, • the seeeetary, Robert Glackling has visited .may indoiteitil ',centres , of• the • Provinte derieg- tee,year, and haS to some eke tent- reMoved this:misapprehension. . , THE SMALLPDX E.PIDEMIC. • • In reply eo etr. Matheson, the Pro- vinefal Secretary said ilia, the item of $6,000 for sanitary Mvestigetioo was expended on the 'tight egainst sintellpox. • An additional inspector; Hodgetts, had been -appointed. The' Government did: not . intend eo repay: oll munieipalities for their smallpox expendieures, but •enly a few small 'ceielyieg ones, where the disease %had been brought in by out - eiders. • .1.‘1•IIRD- READINGS. • The following lents were given o third reading:- ' • • . To divide tee District of Rainy River for, the 'registration of titles and deOds..:-Mr. Gibson • • Respecting the esta,blishment of the Carnegie Library in the City,:of Ote• tante-Mr. Lumsden. To ftireher amend the Devolutien of Estate's Aet.--.11r. Gibson. •• TO RE -STOCK. IfOBERTES: An item at. 32p,000.. for wedelns under the Fisheries Department, an increase of 82,000 since last year, brolight an anuouncement ;from .Mr. Latchford that the Government ire- terided nu.king a larger expenditure fOr restocking, of certain •Ilshing waters', especially with black. bass, and. for the • better protection • of aquatic .gettne, 1 MOTORS von cnuAmEN. • Motor -cars are now being made in New York for the childrett -ot' the rich. Tee millionaire's baby, • who has passed. beyond the perambulator stage may neW enjoy its dailY out - Inge in a, miniature electric victoria, which is supposed to be capable of management by children of four or five years old. The wheel of a "ba- by victoria," is but a foot in diam- eter, and the seat is but o. foot square.- lie cost, however, is not at all in proportion to its direeneions. RECRUITING FORMALITIES, -hillier/I Melee:en. •was assaseinated by semettetly whe'shot him . In the head theeitge. the. window qf his din- . ing-room .a.t Roitkuk. la. Ex -Mayor N. 3. Dillon, of New Rochelle, N. Y,; and sik aldermen, .. haee been indictee for not. properly caring for peblic money that was embezz ed. . Erwia Collins, son• of, Mayor Cole lins, of West' Point, Ga., died at the smallpox hesPital ie Atlanta. Of all the employes of his company he was ehe telly one te refuse to be vacetro ated • • Apearealy crazed by' the habitutile use of cigarettes; Charles A. Lyle, ozte of the best known eolitielans in Peesale Cotinty, N.J., ended his life. ey hanging at his home- lit Patterson. He letevee .wictow and two child- . • ren. • • • Gallia L.. • Huntinmclon paid $31,800 fie- duty •cue her personal ef- fectse wd,eh are :chiefly dress goqds, valued - at 575,00.. , This. is the highest amount of duty. ever paid. by one hidividual on personal, bag- . • A 1.4 -year-old 'Chicago boy hemee .• Cluiries•Antlersoe; cquunitted seticida ore ' 'Wednesday 'ber • takine.Poison. . eSence Mamma died," lie seed, •In a childish scrawl left eor.hie•tather,..".1'. eeeetto. etere to Bee. I miss her so time I mime die too,. Good - ,bye," fathee, The •neohey she left me. you can GE.NiatA4., The petroleum "companies of Rou- mania have been censolidated into one large toot. cigarmaker at Gulien wee given three years imprisonment for utter- ing discourteetis \verde of the Kaiper. Emperor William will persenally sail his new yaeht, the, Meteor.: in the coast regattas in Greatqlritain, especially ()owes. . The volcano Kilauea in Hawaii, is showing signs of renewed activity. Newly risen lava end great heat have been noticed. . There is said to be a plot formed entente. the Freneh exiles- at Buda- pest to elace Prince Victor Napoleon on tlfe Fretted), thronee • The Czar has*authorized St. Peters- burg' to raise a 820,600,000 loan for- • the most exteesive program. of im- provements ever -undertaken by the capital. . - Taltieg • advantage. of the enthus- iasm over the -Vika of .Prince Hettry to• the States, steps are .already tee ing taken in Berlin to form a society whose object. will be to extend the friendly feeling. between America and- . Germany. • • PLAGUE Ole 'WILD DOGS. Northern ratagonia•e, royale:1 -• offered for the extermitiation of the doge that overrun that part of the world. The ancestors of these wild dogs were a; pair of taMe collies which were ta.ken over by a Scots- man ,itraight from his native heath. The oninials have retained their nat- ural instioct in eonnection, With sheep, but instead of guarding thein they prefer .killing Ilene hence the farmers have always to be prepared' for the sudden advance at any time of a steong 'herd of the wild creme tures litingering after muttOn. uneonstitutionality, and in othee par. iN MOMS, Proles•ser A. 1,, Metz, of Titian() University, hue succeeded in making , block of solidified air, which was ae subetential for the time being as a block et ice, It Was -about 'fifteen in01103 in diameter, and lasted lifteen _minutes in a fully exposed condition. He laid it on Oa anvil, and as he truck it the .hammer bounded oft as • though it had been a Piece of rube • bete it Was so intensely cold that no 000 mild think • of touching it with hie fingers. othrgrioltathoolacrotpihylo 'aspianbod 'iceman eeptoded, the bullet gOing todil I cane home!" he said. • Then elaeona4nelporee he took tee° things out of his pock- ets --the UntOtechett, UnemOked Pipe, EN'COUltAGE PUNCTUALITY. . have Spent over $10,000 , in the With the slip ef paper rOund it, and 'With the vieVe of enCoUraging their Pearce told the capture Is the Meet tt Maser revolver, headed. He Workmen to keel) good time, Neilson, noted since that of murderer 0'- -. Brien. meant to 'Make that pipe out and /Old, and Co., Hyde Park tocome- then follow Alice. He knew if, Was tire Worka, Glasgow, have intimated Wicked. but things had been too that every employe who lite*.s not tough. He could not bear any more, more than eighteen hours' time mt. _ Last year was a very bad one for So he lighted the pipe. Tho.tobae- _.111 the end of June will receive a British farmers. Wheat wait 1/ bush- co was very dry and burned quickly; bonus of a week's wages: The ex - els an acre below the average, Oats there wan nOthing in the bow,3 but periment is creating great interest - Wail a bushel bolo*, and barley tWe ash In a few minutes, Thist he among the Workmen, and is already bushel% rOtatoes also were 17 Per knocked the asbes out and pet the bearing Milt In the 'Men turning out cent, beioW the aVorage, pipe bank in Itis Docket, and took Un more promptly in the mornings. • 44 TRAIN* STOPPED 13V 13A/LIMS, The other day, just as. a train Wan abotit to leave Kettle in Hungary, for Vittlfalva, an °facial appeared and pit seals on the wheels of the en - One, The passengers had to get off , , and tvalk. The rompenv was 200 .erowne arrow% pa*,tinent or taxee. Next day the tales were paid and the train proceeded,