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The Nieto News.11eeordo
POR,TER.'S HILL •41144.44.•••••••40414.01.1.1444•40114••••••••••••••••
W, MITORELTI EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR wrest a abort tirne ago, is iniproving I — CORRESPONDENT
Qui e eilioYehle time was 'Went at •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
MAXNTON,, FEB. 27TH lobs Mt. Oliver Potter's one evening last • We are eorry to learn of the accident
week. All the members of Bethel Mr, and Airs, George Williams •movecl that betel Miss Myrtle ?rouse of Goder.
into their bandsome new briek, house ich township. Yet-another—Airs. W.
choir were present.
Mr, John Elliott, who squalled eaoise SKIMING$ GODERICII
slow lt. an • •
Mr. Geo. Cox has purchased e, new last week. Fibber fell and broke her wriet, at her
evir Advertisements, driver, from Mr. Sam. Einmerson of Hodgens Bros. were last week putt- home in Colborne. It will take some
We Thank Cer Customers—A. J. linarrisnaer. Johnston of Galt le visiting at
opening A.nnouncernont—A.• J. Holloway1 Mr, John Pickard's, each of their show windows' and mak- is getting strong, but it will take a
imine Have a Look,4f. Henry 1 Mies Legget of Pittsburg is the guest e improvements up staire. They few more weeks before we can use it
Colored Plctures—W. Cooper & . 1 of her aunt, Mrs, John Torrance. are progressive and up to -date. witia ease.
The Venus Club and their gentlemen Mrs. J. pridhain spent three weeks
A Wand New Stook—A. 4. Holloway 4 Ur, RichArd Metfiellend is able to be friends held a most enjoyable evening of February at Clinton the guest of her
the 7tb con.
ing some sliding panels in one eide of weeks to get Into position. Our wrist
Compare the Time—P,51. Crews
•Peeket Borers tor 00—E. P. Heelde
Gleaoline Engines—Northy Engine Co
Great Bargains Still—J. E. Hamwen
Auction Sane—Noble Lovett . p e .
Specials for This week—mtainnon &0o0 MV. David Elliott spot ts a new hospital of Scranton, Pa. We wiela
Seeia.Oate for Sale—Tyndall Bros 6 driver, , le. ies too e t. arm ng,
Miss. Farrow, after spending her Miss Strang stracess Four of our
Huy Your white Goods—Newcombeai 8 vaeation at home left on Saturday trained nurses are in 'New York—the
Our New Department—Imogene Bros . 8
0 around again after being laid up with, a
severe cold.
6 Mr. Robert Marshall jr. intends go-
ing to Goclerieb. to learn to be a car-
on Thursdevening at the residence daughter, Mrs. P. El, Crewe.
Miss Helen Strang, daughter of
vocal music, dancing. and games was Principal Strang of the C. I,, is now a
the order of the evening. Abeautiul trained nurse in New York City. She
surer was served, at inidniglat The is a graduate or the Mows Taylor
of Miss Blackstone. Instruroental and
TIM to spend a few days in the Royal Oity Misses Anna and Aggie Fletcher, Tillie
with friends prevlous to her return to
Grahame and Helen Strang. Four of
1.1011..M8SVILLE. Miss Maggie Ryan is spending ber berposition at Shelburne.
vvour druggists also have Positions in
There will be a meeting of the holidays visiting around Luckno.
Miss Stewart succeeds MISS Reek at
New York city—Messrs, Charles and
Mr. Rohn Tiffin, Jr„ with his wife the Central School. Bruce Witteen, Potts and Herbert
Holmesville Drench of the Women's and dauglater Vera visited friends in Mr' 3.an'esElolland is a scientific obese morjeau, Messrs. Le Touzel, Haale
Institute at Mrs. George Tibbett's on Clinton the past week, player. and Turner represent our full fledged
Jessop Foreman of Chicago Print
March 4th. The subjects under die- Mr. and Mrs. R. Mellwain visited We are pleased Ito learn that Mrs,
mission will be "Spring House Clean- Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Carter of Auburn
0 oWl weel al reef ,
Et: p enoteils srthatetu returned
ing" and "Home Training of Children," on Sunday last. We are sorry te has recovered from her recent illness.
ood health and spirits to put bis
All are welcome. learn that Mr, Carter is on the sick Mrs. Foreman is a native of this town.
On Sunday evening Rev. J. Hussar list at present. Mr. Joseph Kidd is moving his stock g
preached an excellent temperence ser. Mr. Arthur Ferguson of Auburn is to George A.cheson's block, schooner, the Katandin, in good shape
requirements are a new ceiling, two
for the opening of navigation. Her
talon, one of the best that has ever visiting kis eisterelirs. Henry Snyder. Mrs, Dan, Carrington, wife of the
new combings for the hatches and a
been preacb.ed here. We are glad to learn that Mr. G. 0. lighthouse keeper of Port Austin, Mich.,
We see that W. B. Fortiter sports a EcIalin is improving after his recent is the guest fora few weeksof bee Water,
span of Shetland ponies. accident. Mrs, McCall. new windlaes.
Tbe organizer for 0, O. C. F. is in Miss Ada May is at present laid up Miss McColl and little sister, Miss The owners of the fishing fleet at the
Hilda, returned last week from their harbor are all actively engaged in get -
the village canvassing for members for With an atta,ek of pleurisy. two months' visit to relatives at Lis- ting their tugs in readiness for their 1
. that society. Rev. M. J. Wilson preached a ser- - annual trip to the Manitoulins, Duck
Mrs. Walter Hick of Taylor's Corner mon to the Sunday school children last
Mis.(Judge) Johnston received a tele- Island, ete.
visited Mrs. Wm. Hick a tew days last Sunday morning. There was a splen.
gram on Tuesday frona the Sault advis- Mrs. W. R. Logan has left her
week, • did turnout, ing her of a possibly fatal injury receiv- cliildren here in care of Mrs, (Dr.) cas.
Miss Bertha Stanleyspent a few A load of people both young and old ed by her little son dward, a, fracture eady.
days visiting friends n and around went to Goclerich on Thursday evening on the 1 e head, Latest advices say that The local hockey league game for
Elemville. of last week to spend a pleasant even- little Edward is out of danger. Mrs. the championship was played at the
Rev. J. Hussar attended the Ontario ing eating oysters and entertaining Jfl
left next morning for home. rink on Friday evening between the
Alliance in Toronto on Tuesday. mi
selves n other ways. The roads
Mr, Harry Wallace of StiMinerhill
was ViSiting at the home of his uncle,
Mr. G. Christopher, laet week.
'Mr. and Mrs, George "Tyner of
Hullett were the guests of the latter's
ester, Min, John Scarlett, for a few
days last week.
Mr, Ireine, .on of Mr. J. j. Irvine of
the LeadburY Line, bas been convene-
ing this section of the county as agent
for the Windeor !silver company and le
meeting with good success.
Mr. and Mrs. Summerville were .4.4
Home to a !ergo number of friends on
Friday evening bust. All expreseed
themselves as having had a good time.
The roads are nearly impaveable at
present with pitchholeta from Bruseels
to Seaforth.
Miss; Ross, from near Constance, is
renewing old ac uaintances around
here at present. he is tbe guest of
Mrs. Poston.
A few of the young people of the
village attended a party at Mr, J.
Bulger's near 'Walton - on Tuesday
Miss Martha Pollard bas gone on a
visit to her testers; in Dakota.
th much sorrow at heart Miss Rusk Harmonies and Dollar Eighties, the
Harmonies winning. This is the final
On Sunday last a very able sermon
was delivered at St. Peter's from the
text, St. Mathew 11,21:' ' "VVo to thee,
Commit', wo to thee, Bethsaida: for if
in Tyre and Sidon the mighty worke
bad been done that have been done in
Mr. J. Thompson, the assessor, is on were in good condition an the nig on' Friday lastsevered her connection of
his rounds this week. all that could be desired, only a little eight years with the teachers and pupils
During the past week the ice -house frosty: The naerryrnakars arrived of the Central School. A half holiday
at the butter and cheese factory hashome in the early hours of the morn
,was was extended, and dialognes, recite--
enlarged. ing joyful and happy and report hav- titans and songs by the pupils of her
• ing had a good time. So all said, with
class and a lovely violin solo by Mr,
the exception of one, who seems to Fred. Doty made a fitting farewell.
DODERICH TOWNSHIP. have eaten too many oysters as he Was Her pupils' parting gift was an extrern-
- • not feeling very well the next day, butely beautiful tray,
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay of the Huron , we hope to see him aroma g
d a ein soon • with cream and sugar
plec es of Japanese china decorated in
ROad gave a narty in honor of their in his usual health and with his happy Colbalt blue and gold, The address
neice and her htis6and, Mr. and Mrs.
• Cara bell of Hamilton, who have been
open ing a few days of their honey-
moon with them. About fifty guests on. Monday est, . touched by "the address and. presents,
were present, who spent the evening L. 0.-L1 No. 1052 will bold their regn- • We inust say that she was wholly en -
very pleasantly with games,. music, . lar monthly meeting next Monday titled to all the praise they gave her,
the Clinton Ontario street cihurch. • evening. . .
The Nile branch of the Upper Canada The residence of Mrs. Gundry was the
etc. The instrumental quartette of .Some of the teachers gave white roses.
orchestra gave several selections in Bible $ociety will hold a meeting in scene of mach ' mutual enjoytnent on
finished style. The quartette consists .the Methodist church of this place next
Thursday evening last when the West
of Mrs. F. W. Watts, Mrs. J. R. Shaw, Sunday evening at 7p. m..• The 'Itev. Huron Woruen's oyster simper. was fel-
Messrs. Borland and Jeanne McRae. Mr. Goldberg of Dungannon- will have lowed by addressee, recitations, musio
During the course of the evening a charge of the services. • • and Snatch dancing: Supper. was served
dainty lunch was served. . • Mr. Foley of Kintail. bought up a lot
. . at 6.30 and over eighty guests partook of
A lecture will be delivered on of fine young 'steers Around this plate the same. Dr. Hunter was the only re.
Orangeism by Mr. Duff of Toronto in last week which he intends pasturing presentative of the professionalcla.se.
• Cole's Alethodiet church, Bayfield Line, next summer.. • • , • - . .
After the supper .ordelicions bivalves, t
on March eth. The lecture Will be air.'W O. Jones line bought out the cake, tea . and coffee , was over, :MiSs
free and everybody is welcome. store at Carlo* and-. will start, business Murray delighted all 'with several well
We are sorry to say Mr. John An. 0.11 the Ist.a.lvbiroh• . -,
derson of the Bayfield Line is not ims - --
proving very rapidly. • • -• • The Misses Lindsay of Porter's Hill . .
are visiting friends on tbe Hayes:Ad • Elis address was very' complitnentai y.
Line. - • . A beautiful moan shone -en Sunday - •and put eVery one in good humor. air.
Mrs. David Cantelon of the 9th con, night, but no electric %lights helped • fa Fred. ;Doty followed with the "Creole
has been very ill the last few Weeks. , - • enfighten mit' darkness. Something
. . Bella" a lovely piano selectidn, • The
Mr. George Eludie happened with a
runaway last week which. left ',him
minus a cutter, -
Mr. Duff, Orange organizer, will -give
a lecture to Orangemen. only on
day, March 7th, in the Orange hall on
the '7th con. .
Mrs. George Hudie has had as. her -
guests this past week her brother, Mr.
Alex.' Fair, her sister, Miss Maggie
Fair, John Fair, her nephew, and her,
neices. Miss Minnie and. Eva Fair, all
of Huron township. Mrs. Hudie -gave
a party on Monday evening in their
honor which was .attended by a num-
ber of friends, among others, Mr.. and
Mrs. R. J. ()lute and Mies Eva Cluff of
Mr. and Mrs.. Jos. . Cook- of
Leeburn were guerits of Mr. And Mrs.
William Cook of the 14th con. lase:
County Councillor. Oonnoily goes to
Stratford this week to attend a meet.
ing of the executive of the Weetern
Dairymen's Asseciation. .
face, was read by Master Elenry McCreath
A number from here attended the while Miss Gladys Platt made the
TJnion convention at Zion in Colborne presentation. aiss Rusk was quite
executed -plena selectiens ending with
a lovely variation ot " Horne Sweet
Home." Mr. 'seat Salkeld jr., „made a
very pleasing and humorous claairman.
wrong at the works compelled our next -was ".Tbe aims and objects of the
churches to resort to coal oil And lena's Women's institute,". -a well prepared
fair rays. • • address by Mrs. Colin Campbell shavv.
Miss Reynolds presided for . the first ing that woman pan look into so meny
time at the new 'Organ in the Metho- details in farm life, so necessary.to the
dist church On Sunday last and many farmer who Lute' sa many outdoor du -
remarked that the 'strains . roduced, ties t� -perform he .must needs have a.
pair of willing hands to assist him, and
a mind deeply, interested in all that
pertains to good management in the
house. Miss - Beatrice McCall tben
rendered the pretty • vocal solo "God
bless our dear old Mother " in, Very
pleasing manner. Mr. Harry L. Morris
of Morrisdale Farm, was in fine trim
for his address on "Co-operation of the
Farmers' Institute meeting and the-
Womens' meeting." One tiling. of
which they could boast,. he • said, was
that for seventeen years long years the
Fanners' Institute had been in being ,
and never had a supper before this one.
Mr. and Mise Duston of . the Nile then
rendered a pretty .vocal duetti Miss
Duatori aceempanying with the guitar,
Mrs. Bieber'. read a good and peinted.
paper on -,True Econcina y," Miss
Beila lloWrie recited very nicely
"Grandmother's"Minuet." . Miss Tre-
thewny followed with the pretty song,-
" I love you in Me earde old way"
were equal to the professor's of the
previous Sunday. • '
Mn Bugg, of Whom we have before
made mention, succumbed to cancer of
the stomath.on Sunday last at' the age
-of 55 years. About three years ago
he. bought •out' the business of- Mr:
.Duffield and during this' time by. his
quiet pee genial disposition he has
• made many friends. He was, a mem-
ber of the Methodist church and also
of the 0. 0. F. • '
Mr, H. Hooper, who has resided in
Wingham for a number of years, left.
this week for Belgritve, where, he will
engage in farming. '
• ' We learn that W. Webber, who
formerlybaked for A. j. Nichols of
town, but more recently in Manitoba,
will not in the future have its much
-" dough," he having given up the bak-
ing to learn the operating. ' . .
There will be a meeting of the Worn- We did hear it whispered in town
en's Christian Teniperance 'Union on that the first wedding in our new
. o mote it e. eil. Mr. Warnock's address was most com.
plimentary to the econonay and .persev-
Thursday afternoon of thie week in the church will take lace on March
Methodist church. ermine of wothen... Mr.' A. J. Cooper
On Wednesday evening.. the Rev: . Miss Lottie McOurdie, formerly of
delighted all with his violin solos,
Wingham but now of Nesbit, Man., is
Mr. Coven of Lucknow will give a very Visiting friends in town and vicinity. " Shames O'Briee and "In the -little
mong the Indians on the Indian Res- When hearing Miss Lottie speaking eo log cabin in the 'lane." Mr. Norman
interesting discourse on his labors a- When
neon the fair beauties of it ernighan of Auburn, a fine looking
serve. type of the young farmer gave a very
On Wednesday of this week one of the West we conld not but wonder
Dungannon's popular arming ladies will whether there was not some other eloquent address on " Institute Work."
attraction besides' the rolling prairies Another piano selection by Mr. Fred.
here one day last week to visit friends
Mr. Jas. Snaith of Whitechurch drove 1 .M_riee
ma young ladies of Wingham; was
anstorie, one of the moat pop-
a.nd well exemplified at ,Thursday's
meeting, Misses Tretheway and McCall
dress•on " Sociability" was well tuned
ness men. Particulars next wee . •
and while here he had the misfortune .married 'last Wednesday to a Hamilton
to lose his horse. It was quite aloes as gentleman. We believe that it is the rendered very nicely the vocal duett,
horses are in great demand and con- . intention of Mrs. Vanitone, the bride's, " Beery race has a flag but the coon."
sequently high prices prevail. , mother, to vacate ber beautiful, home Miss Maggie Elowrie in Highland cos -
We understand the Rev. Mr. Fair- in town to take up her residence in tame gave much pleasure with her
bairn is about to leave Dungannon and Hamiltim. Thus within a few weeks graceful execution of the. " Irish Ji"
The evening's
citizens as the Rev. gentleman and his families from our midst. Me. 'W. Feas-
three prominent And "Highland Fling"
entertainment was 1)0:Awl:it to a close
we are very sorry to losesuch estimable will WinghcCm 1°68e
good wife. ant, Air. Jas, Cline and Mrs. Vanstone. by a well executed piano solo, by Miss
St. Paul's church choir have com. - Mr. Peasant last week sold his beauti- Duston, with 'violin , obligate by
u owe to r, Irwin. '
Mr A. J. Cooper, Refreshments Were
f 1 h D -
services. We understand there will be Id Winghtian. there are six gondsona handed around agate at 11 p.m. after
which all separated'. The next "Wom-
their prantises for the Easter
morning and evening service on Vas- Crick churches, therefore while our
temporal wants are supplied our spin. •
en's Meeting" will hp held in March at
ter Sunday. the residence of Mee, Morrow,
Quite a number purpose leaving for 'Wel ones should not suffer. •
Manitoba, Alberta and Dakota next A few weeks ago Wes McLean, • one Mrs. Colin Campbell left for Eincar-
of our Public schooll teachers, was dine on Friday morning to give an ad -
Mr. Bert Snaffle, who has been spend- hastily sininnoned home bk the iserious dress at the Womens' Institute there
ing the winter with his parents here, illness of her father, who, we learn ' Mrs, A. Moore has returned from her
Mr. and Mrs. D. Smilie, intends leaving with regret, has since passed' over to 'visit to her parents at Bothwell.
ter his home in Daupbin early next. the great'inajority. Mrs.. W. McLean of Seaforth haa
montla. We understand his two broth- Mr. Guest -has succeeded Mr, Ford been spending the past three weeks the
guest of Mrs. Hall.
as caretaker of the Methodist chnrch,
wed one of Auburn's rising yourntbusi-. , ea the gring ei,t, Doty follewed. Mr, Chas; .Girvin's ad
era Jack and Dave, go back with him,
Much success to you, boys,
Mrs. R. Willson had the misfortune
to sprain one of her ankles one day'
week but the injured member is
prop tossing favorably,
For Dungannon news read The Peo-
ple's Paper, THE Nnws.Ramonn.
The 0, 0. F, coneert last Friday
evening was greatly enjoyed by all
who were peesent. The patronage,
hoWever, was not large.
On Saturdaylast there departed.
this lifeMrs. Kingsly at the age of 71
years. She was Widely known in
Wingbana and vicinity, having resided
here for many years. She was twice
married, surviving each husband.
Mr. and Miss Wallace have returned ST. HELeris.
after visiting in Stratford where they
were stormstead for a few days. Mr. Thos. Todd has been very sick,
Mr. Earl Beadle of near Brandon, hut we hope he will seen be fully
Man., was visiting at hits uncle's, hir. reeovered again.
George Beadle's of St. Augustine, last The congregational meeting Of the
Mies Jarvis of near Bethel wad visit-
ing at Mr. Wallace's on Sunday week.
Miele Emma, Craig of Goderich was
amending a few days under the parental
Mr. John Dow of Douglas,. Man,
Was visiting hie brother Shnon of
Donnybrook last week. . but will soon be able to be at Work
Presbyterian church was held on Mon-
day week, Everything; was very sat-
isfactory. They added fifty dollars to
Mr. Whaley's salary.
Mr. Sohn "Weatherhead is very poor-
ly at present.
Mr.Sam. Hutchison has been laid off
work for a few days with a sore face,
Dame Rumor says wedding bells will again.
aeon be ringing in Our midst, Mr. John Soya has bought the old
Me. and Mts. It' rhin-egeh ef Ile" English church in St Io/elens and
Dungannon visited at Mr. 1c1watd intends moving it up to his farm near
Plowman's ora,Sunday. the village,
Mr. John Banaford of Dutigatition Mr, nobinson weeds it laid up with
anent Sunday at home, a Severe cold.
Sacrament or the Lord's sapper was
adMinistered on Sunday, it haviog : ,
been postponed On account of the •
During the past week seemed as
if the hay fever prevailed as seVeral
of the fathiers were selling hay.
Amongst the number were Char' e
Milner, Ed. Chamney and Edward
Plowman. Play will scion be a, very
scarce artield in this section.
, The Ilev. John Kennedy Aub\eten
took charge of the Epworth League on
Tuesday evening. .
Wt011 LEA))
In offering reduced rates to the
Northwest. Commencing March let
and continuing daily thereafter until
Aptil 80111 inclusive, eheap, one-way
second-class rates will be In affect to all
pointe in the states of Montana, Wash-
ington, Oregon, also to llossland, Nel.
son, Victoria, Vancouver, New West.
minder and other points in British
Columbia, Dent Mies the opportunity
of visiting the Golden Northwest to
seleeb a home for yourself. For rates,
literature, and Ali other partiettiars
eall on or *write Charles W. Graves,
Dietriet Posenger Agent, 6 King St,
Webb, (K00111 12) Toronto,
_Mrs. John Ititidertten Wei called to
Barristori Thnriday latet owing to the
midden death. of Inv sister, Mrs. Snell.
We are glad to learn that Mr. Geo,
bale lef improving after his &Were .
attack oeattaai
Mrs. J. 11. Greig of Seaforth and her
lovely little daughter, Mies Evelyn,
spent Sunday. In town the guests of
Airs, Greig's ostenta, Mr. end Mrs,
William Achann.
Mrs, Faulkher of Hayfield was the
guest the other day of her eistetein-
The anniversary of the death of About Your New Spr,ing.Suit
law, Mrs. Charles Symons.
Francis Willard was observed by the
W. O. T, U. of this town ata special
meeting presided over by Mrs. Parsons Itt the many years you have been getting your clothing from us we've never been
Last Thursday afternoon the late able to give as much good value for your money as this season, expvience has enabled
Horace Horton, ex.M.P for Centre Us to improve our making. Baying the cloth and trimmings in larger quantities than
Huron and ex.rnayor of this town, vvits „
kid iff Peet in Maitland cemetery, in the ever before haS.pla6ed us in a' position to get the very lowest prices. You reap the
presence of s large concourse, of friends. benefit of this m quality and money saving :
Deceased was born in the old land in A
1828, became a resident 'of Goderich in - f '
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Void.
Laxative Bromo Quinine' Tablets
cure a cold in one day No Cure, No
Pay. Price 25 cents.
you, they.would long ago have done COPIPIIRE THE TIM E
penance in sack cloth and ashes."
lation, which, only is used at St.
Peter's.) as kept by the watches and
Mr. Vanatter," we are sorry to say, clocks we sell with a first -
has been bad tip with a,„ severe attack class "regulator" and con-
ofialaugrliniPgthePewhole of this month re- , vines yourselves of the '
vival services have been going on at accuracy of our timepiecee.
Victoria St. church, and Rev, J. W. You know our watches
Robinson has been rewarded by draw- carry a guarantee and we
gentleman is &hard and sincere worker keep them in repair a
for Christ, , . whole year free of charge.
The members of St. George's : Subsequent cleaning and
Women's Auxiliary commenced the repairing at moderate rates.
first of their lenten sewing sessions in
tbe school room on Monday afternoon. Chrononieters, split-second .
We are sorry to lean' hat Miss An- watches and other delicate . .1
drews' . recovery at Levey hospital, mechanician' a specialty.
as ,
New York, hbeen so tardy. We
bad hoped she was quite well. How. ,See our bargain window on Saturday
ever, she is getting better and will with
recovered to leave the hospital. .
the fine Easter weather be sufficiently PB. CREWS,
(Copied from Catholic Testament trans- .
*seam*. sale Itealster.
Sa turday. March 1st. at 12.30 P. at
at Arehibald and Cudinote'e Sale Sta
Seaforth, extensive sale of Clyde,
road an,1 general purpose horses.
—Archtbald & Oudmore, proptletote ;
Thos. Brown, auctioneer,
Tuesday, March 4Clatat 1 r, M. on Lot
1 con. 7, Hullettt extensive sale of
farm stock and impleinents,—Robert
ArTnetrong.PrOPrieter; Tnomas Brown,
ing many souls to Christ, The Rev.
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Gook's Cotton Root Cots.
mad. Take no offer, as all Mixtures, pills end
imitations are dangerous. Pelee. Wo, per
boat No. 9,10 degrees stronger,V1 per box. No.
1 or ?, mailed on receipt of price and. two S•eent
stalur Tho Cook Company windsor, ons.
es. 3. arid ;told ancl recommended 57111
responsible Druggist. ta Clauses.
.I."tis.1 and 2 are sold, In Clinton by R. B.
Combe, R. P neelde, I0.Hovey and Watts &
• • .
0••*• ...,....,_ 0•0
1nameras . . ,
•• •.
: We have a large range :
: of cameras but the ;
: best for a cheap camera :
• . .
• . • •
e --18— •
• •
• •
i Brownie No. 2 I
• .
'Which we sell at
• Persons in neighboring towns 2
• who are thinking of purchas- ;
• ing a camera will receive an •
•_ Eastman catlaogue by dropp- •_
" 'I'gus a, card. Other cameras w
• . plies can be sent by mail. ;
id •
es es the Eastman can be •
• supplied. Films, developing •
powders and other light eup- 2
• • •
• • •
se Our cheap Exposure Meter.•
• at 35c gives the correct expos- 2
• ure under all conditions and JTI
.,• pays for itself in a shert time sr
• by saving oyer and under ••
• •
, exposure in negatives. •
' •
• • •
• Chemist and .Druggist.•
Jeweller and Opti e an. .•
.•. •
• , , • • . .
rand w Stock of
en's. Furnishings at
n Saturday Morning, March 1st, we open up for the first time a Brand New Stock $
of Men's Furnishings—it inky not be the largest stock in town—but it will be. the #
largest stock of new goods. In making our selections quality and .style have been'the "04
first consideration—price the second—great care has also been taken in choosing—so
that nothing but the very newest goods will be represented in our Showing. You are ,
cordially. invited to come and see the new styles for spring weak. In order ,to make ,f
0 our opening doubly interesting we quote the following prices which will give you
0 some idea of the values that you. will always find .at our new department :
Holloway's Old Stand
Men's 150 Collars at 10o'
:Men's and Boys' fine white linen Collars in the
newest styles, are warranted to fit well, sold
elsewhere at'15c, ourS opening sale price will be
Unla,undried Shirts at 38c
Meth; Uelaundried White. kihirts,made Of extra,
• quality cotton; with linen front, all sizes,sold .
s- in other stores at 50c and Mc; our opening Q Q
sale price each .,..,•.. ... . . .. , ow°
sMen'S 150 .Sox at 10c
. Men's extra heavy union Sox, . made . to sell it . I 0
, 15c pair, opening sale price will be, . , ..., ..... I
Cashmere Sox 'worth 350 at 250
Men's .extra fine Cashmere Sox, made of the
beet yarn. well Worth 35o a pair, our marked if) r
price will baper par 1.41.1
Boys' Braces *orth 121Ac at 7c
etrong web, regular value 120, opening sale
7opyrsic' eStaces In assorted colors, made of good
. 07
.••••, • air elo4 •
Men's Arinlets 5c inetead. of 10c
Men's Paper Collars, best -quality, per box 121c
Men's 25a Braces for 18c
Men's Braces in assorted styles and colors, all
.made to give good wear, sold elsewhere at I 0
• 25c, opening sale price • a I U
Men's Linen Cuffs at 25e
Men'a all Linen Cuffs, very fine quality, always •
sold at 35c, our opening sale pime . .25
Ties at 25c and 50c .
The yery beat values in Canada, all the latest
designs and colors.
The Swellest Hats in town at
Cape of Tweed Serge,
g5ec, e t410 It 1 a. 3580 ttoo . 5 0
Boys' 600Print Shirts for 450
Boys' Shirts made of good washing prints in as-
psorrictee.dregular value eflc, opening ale 45
• .
an active part In uilding up the town. 112 95 New Spring Suite for men made te your order
1832 and f r th et fift eater took New Spring Suits made to your order Of fine
tweeds, ete,, in the very latest cut and guar-
ae Was manager of the Huron &Bruce totted to fit, regular ptice $16,50, at„....... 1
Loan Company from its formation, and a , "
and performed the duties of that posie T Boys' 90c Xnickers at 59b
tion until four weeks ago, When the
serious illness thatended in death ever- Made to give good wear, well finished, etc., reg. gn
known men in Huron, but ein he re-
took him, He Was °Pe of lp best ular 00c value for ........ ..... . .... .,. ......., oU 0
signed his goat in PArliament in favor
of Sir Richard Cartwright he devoted
his talents to the management of the
}futon & 13ruce. lle married. in 18.55 a or
ivien s Overcoats 4...E -----
who,. with two sons and four daughters', t Exactl Ralf Price
daughter of the late Sheriff Gibbon%
the very beat of lininga, usual price $18, at I UN I U
rife very fine quality blackclagtworsted with iglg
Men's $1.25 Pants at 76c
tkien's Panto Made of good strong union tweeds
In assorted light and dark stripes and all .75
$1.25 qualities, for opening day to ge itt
We have much pleasure in annotinc-
ing the arrival of the new American
Consul, Me. Shirley, With Med. Shirley
and little child.We do not know
whether Mr. Shirley is of a poetic
temperament, like his predecessor, but
we know he is in it town which inspires
Mrs. George' Graham of Arthur is
visiting Mends in Goderich.
Mr. George Shannon of the Dank of
Montreal At London woe renewing sia
AcquAltitances in town thie month.
George likes the old town.
Mayor Catneron vitited Toronto thie
month for a few days.
We congratulate Mr. Tigert of
Dungannon Public school upon
promotion to be principal of the 0
tral school here.
Commencing Saturday morning you can. buy any overcoat in the store at exactly
half price. In th.e lot will be found a fine lino of Black Oheviot Overcoats with self t
lining, suitable for sprint wear, regular price of which is $18.50 each to go at $6.75. I
A. J. Holloway,
Next door to Newcombe's
Dry Ooods Store.
Feb. 27th, 1002
an'iselleoa likeSneveellseeleell~granselli. 10k,slialse siell~lelli~leSse,
Pocket . Pocket 1
Books Books
..I.LR1o3vE 50 TO $1_50 #$'
R Reekie,
B,—White PineandTrbaroOtotre.pound Cu res Colds.
Great Clearing Sale
of First-class Footwear
. For the Next Two Weeks.. .
Come and see for yourselves for if ever Low Prices
Sold Shoes in a hurry it will in this case.
53 pairs Ladies' Genuine Dongola Kid Sale Price
Buttoned Boots, worth $1.75 $1.25
50 pairs King Quality and Bell Boots Sale Price
buttoned or laced, worth $8 to $3,50 $2,40
Ladies' Felt and Velvet Slippers, good Sale Price .
value at 750 50c
Men's Waterproof Overshoes, sizes6 Sale Price
and 7 only, worth $1.07 95c
Men's Felt 4 lauckled Boots, sizes 6 and Sale Price '
7 only, worth $2.25 $1.50 .
Men's Box Calf and Dongobt Kid Laced Sale Price
Boots and Gaiters, worth $3 and $3.0
75 pairs Misses Buttoned School.. Boots Sale Pelee
worth $1 to $1.50 80e
A. line of Men's Fine Laced Boots go- Bargains
ing at $1. See them. Beckon you
A Regular Feast of Bargains in every Department commencing Friday
morning, Feb, 78h. Priassi Figure. Quality Count. Watch this
space for next week, It will pay you.
Sale Price
Sale Price
Sale Price
Sale Price
Sale Price
$1,50 ,
Sale Price
1225 & $2.50
Sale Price
$L00 •
Prices out of
. Joint
Cash and ,One Price
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
*Nee,* .11•••••••••••••eellieeels011440•1044,1441ve04444044.440°
•1. Several consignments of Spring Goods
already received • • .
Dress Goods in the very latest weaves and colors •
t also Prints, ltuslins,' Cottons, Shirtings,and Cottonades
. •
iDirect imPOrtation of Curtains, 'Laces, I
; - Embroideries and Insertions. • ;
Z 500 pairs offNew Boots and Shoes just . received . in:the ;
ilatest spring styles for men, women and children. . t
i Tremendous1erwr, .i)oostnsays in men's and boys' clothing'tweeds,
shoes. and heavy tubbers. .' Lad es' ful.• ;
; -and cloth Coats at less than manufacturers prices. We.
t needthe room. If you require the goods it will mean a :
Isaving of money to.you. 's . ' , . ..i
Pretoria •
•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••
Our large .warerooms are
fully stocked with furnituri)
.of all kinds and if yOu are
thinking of purchasing we
invite you to call,. -See our
display, and learn our prices.
Paatuart Canwris
music 0.413xNETs
Music. RACES
It will do you good to See the beautiful line of Fancy
Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are 'offering.
We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our
warerooms even if you do not want to purchase.
J./W. Chi dlcY. Manager.
Night and'Sunday calla answered:at residence of our
Funeral Director, J. W. Chidley, Xing street, oppositefoundry.
Clearing Sale of Boots 86 Shoes
Having now the full controi of the Geo. A. Slater Boots ..t
Shoes for Clinton I intend to soli off several lines now in stock
I' at cost. Call and be convinced that our prices are bargains.
' These prices will continue for 30 days.
1-cisi•••••••• . , , , ._.,..
'f-ile.,Nevits4inwili.1)4..sent to anll
.atit11188 6111 tlie -mid algae for 78o