The Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-27, Page 3IN, IN
I.- 10k
— )VII
Pawlion, Ill. 1698 and' To-4ay,_ The Xine Approves of A DesiVu, What art E;.roriencod Loudo4ev Rusoil Start6d in tI,
Fiad the Good in Our Neighbors and Not. . Cold Is. the Great Obstacle -Is a result of the Prince,$ ThillIrs-DIust Look. Largely to Trade at tlio Close fr tb.a
to Mining. Tour. Europe. Crimean War.
Magnify. Their Failings, FOU SP401AT4 OCCASIONS- -ored At last all cusigal which Shall Mr, V. W. agent of the he of llito Mr. 11, C. Wade, K.Q., delb, i trdoseenis tit first incongruous, I)ut
The fAowing recipes have been very Interesting tind instructive ad- adequately represent Oreat Britain C.P.R. in London, I"llgland. is oil 1 as majority of (.ov-
And to godliness, brotherly kind- only kind worth having. not only Used for Years and are without fault. dre8s On mining In the Klondike at both at home and beyond the hi wily home ' from it irip around ntly getting tuto lanaditin Institute, Toronto, the seelus assured. the world, and is now in Montreal. criallelits are Dabs ; And to brotherly kirldness,. prays that "from all first one IS known tOL be over a tha C y have per-
cintrity.-Il. 1"etor, J, 7. nessi good Lord, deliver uf-)," but hundred years old, other eveni g. Air. Wade;`s resilience The lQng has received with favor Ila visite(l ittillous places. Ila linanvittl quagullies t1w
There 15 oxic*form of vice which is co-operates with tile Lord In the VQlatillental Vako.-Two nsin the suggestion that ot, 116W flaff Was dropped isito a barber's shop at forCo to Jay SCttIII9 i.lICnI
fit the Klondike as Crown prosecutor
to me specially offensive and repel- accomplishment of the task. flour sifted, I 11) 11 oz needed to heop pace with the grow- L,Oylon and folind a nlap of the city ,QIves up ill butter, 3. tb 3 at Dawson since 1807, when the first t4arted in trade tit the which oz sqgar, I 11) 0 oz raisins seeded. -01,, first big rush occurred, well qualities ing enipire, d it finished design for of'London hanging up, At Inap - is- lant, namely, habitual uncharity In A legend Is told of Jesus I �elosa of the War. Al oxic the judgment of others, ga any point. lie was staud� Ill citron cut thin, I pt milk, 2 eggs, yj',,3r1, OR SHIRT Illin to handle the Subject. Tile ICC- the sall'O, haS submitted to 1110 sued by the III tile it is twice Illustra WOiMAN1S 13LO ture was illustrated by numerous ex- was sc,4rce, So the Umermullut, no -
,an who grati- ing In a group who Were looking at NVAIST. ticing that pvop!o were making lots cursed, for it curseth III I large nutmeg, 3. gill bailed cider, it MaJesty, Says it London loiter. parts of Australia lie found laten: Iles his morbid appetite and him who li, (lead dog, 1,1,4ch !spectattir liad\ gill Yeast. Stir butter and sugar to eellent limallght, views. ,By means of Mr, 0. D. 11winutt, the cousin of la, from -the Count)r Armagh, Irdland-I of allolley liy tile old Iron
'a froth. 11011 the milk and pour it one of the newest An& Alread, one of these views Art-. Wade first distinguished. colonial Governor, hs about cight, within it Week, and In is unconsciously the victim of it. something hard and cruel oil his been entrusted with tile respousibil- lTouolulu the other da he said t up -oil the battlefiel(Ls all(I III lips, but at last a gentle Voice was on the cider, put curds and whey most popular - models for,'the' new Inointed out that 'the great -13 0 decided to let aa title- It is always safe to be generous all w4rin (not hot) on the flour for shirt waist iiy� it of preparing this design. 110 has the young Iaa In Into Officials Were criticism, and seldon - heard, Saying, 111 -le had very white takes its name from Streak gold belt extends from the
.I safe to be se dredging the fruit, add the eggs well the famous artist of Alucric SUCCONled 111,giNing colonial POS- which he had dropped : "Where do 1110di . Italia bettw-ell tile vendors and vere. If the Christ's rule, tile 11mca-; teaths I" It. was perhaps the only all girls southern boundary of British Col- sel�'slolia full YOU conio from ?1, I
be measured , a Said Of ki, favor- beaten, one-third of the froth, butter charaning enoigh to ux-Abi to the Arctlo: Ocean.'a dis- and tile brig it vs. laid for their Isure you mete, it Shall thing that could b land'is quite out acrificing the chief feature of young fellow -X calile. purcliast
to YOU A94111," liQuld be literally able nature, it,,(, it was tile Only apd, Sugar. and tile yeast. Lat it !be taken bodily from one of his t"Ilce of 8,6450 miles, running almost the old flag -the cross of St. George from Ontario," thin cpacit exacte(I cents
enforced mi: thing Ile cared to say. It was a rise till very light,. then add remain- popular drawfiags. As Shown it is parallel with the Rocky Mountains. is In Itsolf A litaxillinr bhoil every hundred- tray (v inall and wountax, and sugar and let it , made Of strong feeling prevailed in British IARD Or. wc-iglit of motal sold. brouglit rebuke n6t to be eagly forgotten, der of butter oft finished white pique
would be Wrecli:ed by the conse- - ; rise agam. When light. add the spi-' lecable, Columbilt, lie said, that an all- blent. Of power In every DquenCes. If it is alwys possible to "Ilia the men in the group silently, �axad is both smart and sery liussi $75,000 by the thue all the stole way, wondering at theiUselves ces whiell have been dredged with 'but chanibray, . batiste, IIII14111s, Ox- Calladiap, railway should be built quarter of the globe. He found al." this gratifying thing
Say something 1 -laid it is, wto be The following Old Iron was bought tip, says Lou -
dry flour. Put it in baking p Li description Of that, fit till the European capitals, !it (toll and Axis 4nd'ford, silk, Ililit--,veight wools and all throixg4i'tlils district.
in the frale of i4ind to do It, The at Nim. tho new empire flu, given oftlelatily Australia, in the Canada was widdle course is to be silent "IYOU let stand till Again light. This cake the list Of WaiStillff 21111,terialS , LWO The Yukon district, proper covers ()it all absolutel white ground is: known and The great Hpikill goes Jai for trade whenever
there lust be well beaten qach time it I's e(lUally suitable. The featUrer-, all Lima, of about 800 Square miles, i her finances wani attending to. Two
a 906d Word to Say, alld, it you think. youare religious and worked over, which are the plaits running fro embroidered it golden sun, typical offorcign shippitig companies had and the combined length of all the,l, race to the Outbreak of the
the heroic course is to rebuke the still bidulgo In uncliarity. I ivould i Sister's Sweet Apple Pudding -One the shoulders and the ornalioOlItaln creeks upon which gold Claims are never s Oil Whose dominions the Sun ndprinted fit large type
harsh and unnecessixrY criticism. rather- � be poor Abell Bon. Adhem, pint flour, 1, Scant pint. milk, eggs, cts, shining oil a large red upon their lists, You fotuid C,anoida war with America she. decided,to'
ro rge, represe 1hrist, , but I teaspoon salt, 1, teaspoon baking son and make it Most distinctive markable contrast betweea the.Daw- of C
M0,11Y a life has bee stitching, are entirely new thig sea- being workold is fiftv I turn all honest penny by lineall
n sericloisly who Cared nothing for C , 11 iles. The re� C %s of St. , ueo IltilIg, In evidence at the hotels. Canada, -fillitt; marking. Accordingly an Act
wounded, many a heart well wanted to. be classed 1. as one "who powder, I tablespoon sugar, 4J nut- our,:e,
broloan and many a life eflect. on of to-�day -and Dawson In 1.898 "all to be part of America. That Was passed making it canipulsory for
oi�ershadow- loves his fellow men, than $0 meg grated, 2 qts ,;w( The fronts are laid in one deep after tha great rush to the gold VMPTRE AT HOU1,13. la has It -'vita so) 'I' li'ng- everybody bose hicolue exceeded It IC CftIlV its. to It, it -hand corner is all Inx- It is dilrerent, now. You sea certain sum to bavo their ,linen and a Secret delight in the faults sure aher slicing, then part of where Then 30,000 men were precipitated plate properly marked, with all- al -
c hapti had no foundation. in fact, or Cherish - , plait, each of which runs,from the flelds wits, , shown oil ti
d by thoughtless talli, which per- wretched a Christian thai lie ('091d Slice tho apples very thin, allu 411% I (land, too, �,ovi laxight say, the other
was based oil facts 'misunderstood. of others. ELligion is either shoulders to the Waist line perial crown, the sign of one great CL;iiadian clielLI.Se fit every It is so much better to be sweet than most practical t):ie. flour with the sugar, salt, and powder the extra fulness can be. arranged In into the Camp, - and 3,700 horses lay empire embracing till creeds, tolerat- shot). native of a $100 :(late for breaking
and useful thing 211, mixed, then I the law. The 0overnment did -all
part of apples,, wave I gathers or adjusted to the figure as. dead in the white Pass -a spectacle Ing all beliefs, but under one great "Ali, but' I want cheddar cheese," 1 sour, The juicy plum filled with the World, or,it, counts for n0thing� flour and apples alternating, till all5referred. The brick may be 0ther as horrible as 1111perial Won_ the customer will say. :the marking. ana"learnod $7,500,000
runshine bangs.on the branches lri� the theory of a. day, to be abandon- tire in. Afix till no dr flour ap- plain or made with all applied yoke A Underneath the Illefore tile law was repealed a ye'ar ubvildanco, and so does the lemon, ad on the morrow. And It proves. its pears. Dako !it flat plans till apples but must ))a drawn down in gathers crOW11, Oil a, Will) "Very the grocer will i�iid It is it more gracious tato mettle when It demands it generous are soft, willelt will be about tin at the walst line. The Sleeves fire in Now Vic town presents 0, Skibstnlltial scroll, is inscribed the Latin ren- swap, -lHere 'is Canadian .1 Righteen.monthi; passed, and then which Chooses the plui-A and leaves axi(l, charitable judgment and. will hour. Do not have a very hot Qvon. regulation 91airt style with culls three appearance, IN11th WeII-I)tIllt hauscs (loving of the anotto: "The emptre on And it 1.9 tho same Praser �4paiii_deelded to take up bookbill&'
tile Imion for others to pluck. Life 'accept no excuse if you have It noL. Serve and-inimenol warehouses of corrugat- which the still never
pudding hot with hard gauco, inches In width and At the neck is I. sets," which is River nbuon These things illean a Ing. vle Government made It im- are never yet Of Iron. .111 1898 public 'worship the proudest boast of every r- r I 9!.- kroat L deAl to'Canada In the wily of perati - ve -for Lill new books to � be' contains so many disagreeable things Th as a human 501,11 or'plain butter and sugar, Very de- plain stock worn with tl� fancy tiO- advertisement.
that if Nve call avoid 'coining Into so debased thitt, the Angola could not liclons conducted Under it, tree, Ea, bell thero-in lisliman bound by the State, And supervised alid purging. flarael (2tacen, Tomato Salacc-Simmer over USL1,11 box Plait Which, bOWOVOr, is IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS, ever bookbinding business in the contact w1bli any one of them we 'kindle a divine L The closing is eflected through the, being used -to suizinion tile worship- "Jiliperium eui nullus do ourselves in it. In the basest creature that m slow ll�e_6 whole tonaoes, 2 tur- .slightly wider than those of last Pers, Now there tire several churches Solis ,occastia, there tire 1,)ossibillties of excel- nips one of which cost $28,000� As to the Oass and character of, country, -Another law compelled the. A DISTINCT 2 apples, 2) onions and. 2 striall season. .131 the right lialld,top corner of the lance which � cannot be - calcul:1ted, CA s -for 25 minutes Dawson prope , is, merely a, depot flag will ,)a , OWNERS OF ALI, mULiiS Ia laid your word of censure, tion of tile. pro- - Air. Flana they � born Withill. la, certain period to take
A smile helps the Worl r 111111114rants who come to Canada,
rrot Let coal, To out this waist for a woman of for th, concentra placed particul, d more that of th gan said that while
Your then strain through a fine sieve, Add medium size, 8� yaras vice repres a empire be -1
I of the mines, mild While its yond the sea. For histaucc, 'n, -very considerable number oCtlIO animals *to Government offlCials, vinegar, 2 of 21 inches wide, 30. yards 2 7 in6es I tile liag: SO
frown, and the good nature which scorn.and ollisdain,-ybur repetition of 2 tablOspoons tarragon Of anaterial 'Llact- I a
- and., dweIN fill evil - rumor . axaa�, quench that C ii1i villager. point ation is only 9,000, the 20,000 Old Country peoplo-to the DowinIpti, for branding, at a Charge at $1 it only on the. agreeable gs. 0,000 whierm working claii . I
ignores the unpleasant I I Mix the ingredients wifle, 3 Yards 32 inches wIdA, or or to be used in.India will contain to ' head, Lind these two businesses
-is a Christian flma. in its feeble beglimill I together all yards 4� inches wide.will be requir-, ns 'I' Star of India in the riglit-liand - b.ulk were f virtue which is as Charming , I well d keel). in: a cool dkil.rict should be included Ili the top ?f course the gx�6at olind ' brought versatile Spain in several' .is it is There is but one wholesome r al 0. al L 'vei
place. This is very fill,-. ed. poptliatiom corner. in Centr, - urope,.- U -ybody was millions. Potato BiScuit-Coolt and msh 'ountry. Wages Nvere to follow, It It the dictate of honor bus in. the Old -oxisciolisriess that a,% A good story was told at the. ex- good. Somebody wanted -to 131-illg Italy and Fiance have both nia a The clear injunction of religion is and of the e I . C The flag as Used in Australia will, I Oil doz large good potatoes, add �,' ptl olittlit, insted' the device' LIX, the Ld
to find the ood in our neighbors you need to be judged kindly, Ioine to -sea the Pense. Of the oitt a number of English. mechanics. a good t1fing out of their blisinesses
9 1. It is I Cream 'or rich' milk, nd when ;and wholesome they c Old ininers who, rew Commonwealth, while the Can-
to magnify 1 their failings. well never to - spread andaijurious anixture cools, . other was onl a, porv6iltod taste and. Vi011s to the ACID. discoveries oil BI- said ft persopi !it illutherity, as the national tobacconists. Italy
We May Inugh at their fpll.ics or story, for ypur own sake, for the and add I teaspoon salt a have thought.that place no adian and' other Colonial *Govern- I 0 , . flour enough.. to roll olit, first. Itake no pleasure -in it, . Thing nients Will add to the design their "we pay olu, mechanics live dollars a pockets a profit of $40,0 0 000 look with scorn on their weaknesses sake of all concerned. No bitterness of . 11 trs -The good, and In a spirit 'of deirislon. own bailke, for use oil all and yoti won't do that in Call- Year in this nia
I , mixing in flour I teaspoon baking Advanced in the last few. co: ,.,empire day,,, allierand Franco but who knows what we posted it notled to the Offect tht. As for I $75,000,000, with an additional ,es spirit and Ila bitterness 61 criticism. 1'pow�der to. every i Pt -flour, you flind nursery is one of thona. in thut pafticular part of the adit. rish enigrauts, it
would- do under like circumstances ? LOok-for the good and speak of it' thQ creek was reserved for Swedes. must be understood that 0 per iiiillion - from -the sale of matches. We are not,so strong that we * &n freely': but be, blind'to the faults of n,ecessavy. to Use. Bake. in a quick The Swedes, who tire a, remarkably The Itallmil Covernalionit also clears even, PLATU'lt STATUEG.S.' law-abi ding people, took the notice This design has been warmly com- cent. oVall tilb LISIL putiplo who thank God, as -the pool- Pharised did, others a you, would have them the State
Apples -Four. Pounds tart 'Maily o 9ter of Paris m6nded by several peveons higli wd)ib'to the United Siate went upon $15,000,000 it year by that we tire not'like other men.. rs. 'The Christ loved I,- its literal kind Laked 0111111S prell�id' tickets-, �ent them by. thuir lotteries, retaina-ii andn6poly of all If blind -to -you � t the- cheap p1m
applee, 2 lbs -.brown stagar, I pt good i in,reality quite orna-_ Authority to has been. ex- we are really strckng'tbe best way a a: W I I -C ill orlaaknents are all long the creek.- the flags . ixiied -in the Country, and , to justice,. but He, -%,ea 1 no I I. cider vinegar, -,t, teaspoon ground cin- nIental, but'tha,,V. soon Show the of- 'Those claillis hillited. It for his. A,,fL,. relatives who had, years ago, gone makes. it handsome 'profit by the ale Show our strength is to elp ihose So you may love the. truth, but. if bliveallicox tui-libil Out to be tile ;rich- jesty to ]place the final seal of. ap-,, to the United tates. frlie class.. of -it that you teaspoon whole allspicc.:'2 or 8 pieces cast aside. .1inloss one knows 'how to Provat. ains, which who have fallon. by. !the way rather You cahnot help, See to liamon, 1 teaspoon whole cloves, I facts. of dust and smoke. aiid must box Cat in the distri;t, an'd avarage $1,- tenant farmer who would benefit this of snow from her mount
than spread the news of their,fvdl� do not holatt. A silent tongue som fla , mace 500 to $2,000 to the.running foot_ is broug�ht'dbwn in bhskets - by. night ak 2 Mr country. was, hot. . lound in 14�ngl-&iid
saxiall'pieces tire, as though we stelod n it higli.t1r. times consecrated heart; preserved Clean helli. They -can - easily'box. Bennett hap notillool'the Cing . (in nt, As for the Vrell' and sold for.refrigerating purposes, The cliaincte,. - (if cotirsc,, preei-its that tba'-design 6walts his ajesty', to - Y exte ch plager root. Parox ap�.Ies And halve. clettaxed to lobk like now by the fol- one of th I a -chief obst . acles. to mining farming class, :�ou could -not induce Greece bns tried many ,Ways of Lind safer level. True religio . aa, the GLORGE 'H, HE-P�VORTI-I*, them if ltirge;. leave whole 'if small. fl' pleastare, Should it -be� approved by mliking money of late, but none o owjng�.plan: Make Ordinal, cooked: a,' y, ilig is� frozen is Majesty, I -to, . bow design 'The I )eratiors., Ipvei ti , them, even With- a free grant. of one IBoil *sugar. vinegar and spices ,is for,starching clothes, only 1 tl will. be- V_
..$Olid 'and no Shaft is ever sunk so hundred and 'Sixty acroli of'lcaid, to; tlibln are ysuccessful.. thex,,' and drop;in apples and ginger thiii it n� little. more. ' While It is Aee�' come ."official,, lVitholit *delay. leava, Th6y iiiia their - little libines .;.. Frnment, r4t1kes and soxilg all the. play- 4 Abat fielleved in Thee, and When thel of as to, get belbw the'-rozen line. .blood of Th -_v nartyr. ; in. 1 pieces about ail'indli long, 'still -quite warm, 'cover 1.1in whole Tllb otirious'. fat wil-d , stated nd - TO THE KING 11TILISELF they had THE: S. S.'LE$,S0N1 was bOr- wine, - which tliol�r Ing cards Used, fit iho Country,, and Bell gently till -applies Ore- tander, rc� the' suitud with U, lbeing quro� that Proof furnished On'tI16 calivas that, is.due this idea. His Ma asty has ro-. as *.a Qr'Ink tem , they: . had also.:' ictails it little bronz badge shed I also. i',ras standing by. nd move Opt a his death.and kept DIOS to oo , vered joir, �601i. liquid some of 'the stai,61i.aillicreq to OvOrY oil January �ho t1len; al ha the present national -call- thoir fnihiliea ; they sang find tlallc�. which find a ready. c,011senting; Unto -till it is 4 *,lice;-. rich SYrup,', Pour hot part. Set it away feli- wit s4le. at. twenty- INTERNATIONAL L2 S90N,-* the five: ceht6 as the national emble-Vi. raiment of them that' slow, him" Over apples,' and When Cold, the 'Are the' On' inonicter dropped. -a-, l6w Is blem does not full express the dig-. ed and.were' happy; It�iioiild be no MARCH 2. Y starch can be peeled off, .leaving portah6 of These two Dilonopolles produce.. $2,- (Acts "10 6) Agrip- 6 -1) I a R I -0 nity and .-am the empire.. promotion Tor such people to come L with ready . for.use; 01' cool' the statue- clean. -and Whtc. ' Some- year, Swede goop'l1i'lor., pa, lie said; !'I t,-erily hough" C 'I �fgi'alaments 'A in plate �tlxay 'will klep ,IOng time. Ulnes it s, ball . tli6: Prince and Prificess of to 4luadd. lut the fore . . �inking, condUcts. a State bank. -it .-I aught to �lo� inany econd application is nd�ded,l At till" Point the or d1nary ther� 'a" lit to'bb d spigea. I'llere Wes thl :1110alleters. uro p Text of The Lessqn, Acts vii. I 154 - . I . Coctilled.Apples-Wash tho0u9biv if it is badly s6iled, but-taiivally, on Lit. Out. Of Wale,4 � started . oil their toar,' 'nearly wet n or re ting , contr r tp the nine . oT e .b. I ally -1, xyu�j 0 ity, of fit -olle. time f voillilo. of ak . , it unripe, dark green, igour appicS., pa��.,�Wil sufrjeo, the lilinam Say,'and only a spirit III-., t In- to viii., 2. G61de t, Jesus' .1 - Jear ago, tIICY.WOvC:OSP&CI. r 50,000 par rUlm of- Nazareth, which thing. I , . ls� Ill t English is..$7 UnI.* Matt. v., 44.. them in T� -Porcelaiii-lined or agitte- dicator will show - tli6 � Lemperature'. to carefully :xxote every in the Uni�od.Stata it. also did in Jerusalem" (Aet xx 0, shade of coloial opinion on the siib� the language of hat country to -day; It is rather stirprisibg that Austria choo' -t)ie -xicoilgeni I" Vitro kettle, co-�er-wltlx water The miners in their pl4ful way 'have 10)., -And " then lie ent on. to ind let BRITAIN'S AFRICAN ARM e'tiling woald ap'ly to shoitfol so u 54-, 55. "But lie, being. full" Of thd them �Oill tailder. Poadi, into a it habit.of-affixing long strips -of pit- ject "' ivilether a; new flag. was. desired and the sam p 'Ow, away the h colony'pxpectei rthrif- tell how n6t 6nly in Jerusaloin, but pei,at-the bottom of'the th and what eac C1, patioll, of Aweeping Chimneys In oil- Holy Chost, looked up s,.cadfastly col,ander and oolf.. .-Thi The Natives An Said to kake . ermome Canada. Th I ese foro gner,s, 'i der to ralse -the lacking millions, but water that draills- frbin the ich, thoy'redord- t6napera- I E very- -a tv In other, Oft ilicre *.the answer wtia th into heaven." WiLh great powcr� apd. mad � against; 5 . ailits'.110 the m� Rub ix;kleni. Poidier's'.. t.ersj oni wit uch is the case... Soxiletime agro,th(i boldness, being filled�with the Spirit,' them tlx�quglx. the colilaider wibla, a tvv& in the hundreds below, some - "Give us a now flag.' , an zero. overnment antio very Stephen had spoken the and, ans of their I t, 'mature of 4.6 below zero " is lai- veidloit -was report' unced that e truth Me inrisonniall P'n iooden spoon, or. WoOdoin potato �Ilie British :Government has d tile popu ad to. e LOUIPCI 33ONBOYS AS'. STIMUL chinincy. must bo gwept balbe a aolith like Peter, had accused the council lShment, and dqoith.m O.ur lbselontells; masher, Old cores and q Cided' t6. create a. native its frequently record I' the King,' his. Majesty at once-signi- of. the -' 'of thd persecution kin[6 v�ill r ed fol-'eseveial cays, . ., :. and ihe GoVevellidnt, -would 'do,it foi greatness . 071 various protectorates bit the.castern at it.time. '.When I'll fled.a desire to -have it, pro design % ... -. -I. — of being the murderers of,Jesus tftei' InAin behind., to 'ID6 thrown away. East goes 0 :tpilaperaturo a ei -chim a � 'the death of pre filled.. a; fee of $5. cent p, ney.' Christ. . They ere So cut to the Add' sugar -and ro, hjnt'� Of claina coast of Afri I below A0 the nalailDrs do. not Chocolates said to .Be -a' !Long Stbphen and how. all the believers man heart that.they were filled:witli fury, Africa, Ughrida, ' and Central Africa. war].; their: horses or mules, - After* Weeks of t6il the design Is ALL TIlk 01"NE Y -SWEEPS Alxeir� 'teeth at hint. to taStQ. The apPlois should be- sour Way Ahead of.Lfoluor. 'lie tntry were pressed into the and . likeept 1,116. apostles - were'scattered - I. I As, 6' to- "I'lle ditarence between 6r6k, hill, ready, which. an' . gnashed exioug I.., to - great -deal of Somali and vO rented a piotec� ny * people believe in. t 0 How suggestive Was. their conduct of," through 1idaea, and Sainaria, The sligar. ' L a a in .3.884,* Fast Africa, in 1895, nd. beach claims - *as' defixx�d, and- all will. eventual] y. be flying at the t is. PD, . w . elirknown fact among .
eave tile apple is it.falls r. t mast- Go-Vernment's service, for. no coxii- they were journey7 Loird's Command Was to "go into in the dish, an Uganda 'Lind Cqntral -Africa explanatioli of he* Claims are tak- -heads of 6ur'warslrips.and over Bri - ho petition ' as allowed, and Au�ti,ia . d seraox cold wita'six- t kain business men and Nvomen.w o gar and III- each of these districts ad was given. -n the gooc Live apt to'beoibine tired before to ai I
Ing, where- there is. wee ing , nd all the wqXId . and preft�� the, gospel ish. possessions at 'home and abroad managed uniiflat6.$4,000,000- a is wi - P. to every creat "To,.be H cream. in. 1891. 1 old' (lays the gnashing of teeth not against,otherq Itesse,. unto. - U t the ruling powers hai,e erected, and when a miii& Wanted to find the base end of the day"il Wbx�k .'that two or Year .In this manner; !it ddition to so much as because 'of itheir own to . r-�. .3 . the uttermost parts Of' HINTS FOR.WASTI b na- of a hill -he'latiol only to. roll down, three Chocolate creams, or- a- piece of fines;of $5,0.'6aQh, .:which people Were. the- earth". (Mark '.xvi, 15;' Acts I;: maintained fore a composed, of
is COX PAU nientl (Matt. xiii, 42, 50 tives. officered by British,. and serving but wit the Advent of sxlrvey6 L IN- EXILE. sweet c QC014to Caten, in tha,xliidW6 compojillid. to pay -for breaking the 18.)" 8)', 'but up. to this *t1ine'. th`&V� eem .. Try . washing, rea table linene in - . l 'Will IIUVO hei.effuldtidn' Uor�over �ha. Govern-;' 56.' "And ,snfd', Behol solely 'uncler - the uthorliy� of the much niorb Complicated me of,tbe.afternooLi , :1 ae�d, - he t - o liave.confined theii, te&tixaion� to. Water in - which-nt, little.borax thods have. heavens opened and the on of an n Y has Itesident .or Qomli�igsioner. becri introduced; hrevi vil of hacrit built, and condole fid It* Ilieen.ollsso'lved, �Vbe I new order c . a . an.1 a 'lot '01 all to �tli How the Old kan.irv' xj� clToict of 66116 nd,nolie - . . - t�' swimming n re.quiroid -a- satisfaction of the foinItf. �, - 1.1ts, delatericaus, - th. standing on the right hand -of "brukiona, a , a Aile thes6 s es- in e batlis voitighout the :Country,, and Add.-& few drops 6 , Little Town of Hil,versuan; . t . ''.. - r y or. dutiolli to scatter them that they niilmol�ja, to, -ions, into �'The ome, of the ters� emplo "It has been rcotllzes�,$7,'500,00D a yea h This'is one of the Seven thnes that: parat6 organizat . Yed by d6termilicd* by science we find the phrase in Scripture "fica" might pboxy-Ilis coamnan.4..'Thug: He'tlic blue ter to Whiten, the tlotnes. Icn 1 . I i the: miners alit ana The final seeii'es in the long and that :5u -'.,Lr is it mile) I I better stinallil-v State 16tteritig; X.big's Aft lifies " under i are particularly The passges tire maketh: ' the rath of mail; to, praise Clothes turned right side ..out, carbL. I vens opened," Him. and Tebtraitig.,what .He d6es ot fully folded � and, sprinkled,.' -aro'half adier-Greneral, whoso. ' head qUarters. amusb)g.- , A "sourdotagIll-'Julnei, for adventurous career of tild t than -liquor' of tiny sort," says There is evidently. a laxge pr6fit at- E,zek. I, 1; Matt. ii�l, 16; John lj,51; . sea fit to 4 11se (Pl�. 1xxi, jo). ironed. be, Entebbe; Uganda. He'. Will instance, is one 01 the old timersi dclIt of South African'.Republic,itho Worces taelied to. panbroking, oi- France, l 1be.' . I . .1 . h . . ter, ATiLss.; GazAte. twould not. interest herself. . in the Acts vii,.56;'x, 11; Rev. iv, 1; xix, under the Supervision of �,the who cooked bis -food Iii -this way be-. 'low. Oil t &:point .of abs6rption in dxperiment Was trie(I'soveral niontlis 2., "And. devout men. carried Sto�, Spriukle, -Salt oil a ine Stain all d British Foreign- 011ide, - find -*will fore.Eastern ycast� W tho British' bAiginess in ddition,to her tradox7 in 11, and they �wlll'rcpay a cavbful.T domlaions,'-a�o being 6n� ago upon dogg,, with 0 very Ile- hall to his burial' hild inade great , pour hot water tlx�robgh till It is -fic-Piete _a,V Paris 'ng- 'OPS and Ainkers" are acted at a- little town named,.' !-III- results, Tho aiiiina a were tobacco� The Mont
study, for the Lord. Jesus is always' spend Z part of each venl in E . duced. Itricaltation over Well they gond. its 'PsUm, in Holland. Accordl 14 the national, pa'wii-sh6p,, which the... the central person,, and the more we land; adviging the Secr& known In. the effet,e'tat. 119� '' to a brecol'ol' rttbuer�, f equal I10 two..0 -ad �-. bury 8tephenj .*'but' they WOt fruit StEL11191. wfth "Alcohol O� c9flee, look into heaven the more heavenly did .. t :tai�.y. , The rdsdltat army is Oescrib-1 and. -dou'UhnILA4. the latest dviiies, his ond cannot be speed an(f Onilbvanco. were takeii ajid Government conduct4; 'and it br. ligs buried hll tliat wrbq left of. hi 'on Water through them. in. the -very respectable 63�,dillxd - of we bucome, and thor&'is- so much in pour led as the nitclous- of a -new native very far off,, and',drie'li'l! the most re-* espb�,,�jll3i'. trained toi- the purpose. the earth', the libuse ift which h ad. 'I army for*'Colifinial defenco: ;'but .71s markable nien of. 0Q In,st centin-y; 0 vell'a -reguhi'l, .. llowance room for Improvement in that d1i a ll in the boiling . Witter ,s5,00000d Anything rec- lie was, g ber pawned tlapiq:. fidm a Catlin to an tion. sojburlied: Stephen hims6lf was* "itli hitens clothes sAfely, aspacially -really the first step Jax, the dilre4tion SAYINGS will lsajillear, fOI'OvC'1` ll'oln tile Stake I of find the o0or i I- may be 7'.. -ly WI ED ation
sent from 'the'. body, piesciat �vltlx.tho such its are Yellow 'from . ing:, Put of making colonles. out of the titulllr of. human Mr,' Kruger If After a Terlod 'of tinle. elephant-7both .�i hich'.1t, andritioned, have, 'Agintil nihPaig the Ir Cars ri 7, .58. "Theli the cPi in it tAlesp;onful to 'C44 gallon of Better to 'lose your argumdot thlin habits it y ad outwith Lord," but --his �ody'was protectorates, ivhIch-' ill two cases youll fl two�stbrlcd house, ha. lclapsdd the two'dogs were IJaken a loud voice nd stopped thal even AS Jesus- had said. of tazii�rtis lndpledges before new -and. inoney i§ und ran upon him with one acc&d'l" have come under ` British 4apervi- known ,its Casa Cara, .5inxilar.. it, out for. a 'long' with thb. result, -7 p 'cent. in�' 0 f his 4clatli, "Our For'Very Yellow. & grimy thiligs, f Ife man who. canc be silent 6,L when' speaking- lent at the: rate .of' Or
I hdrtoved (foln- VY way 1,O.tho residence of tha the sugar fell dog rtal faRter! This is the first of the four ' 'One tc-. frl0 sldepetW' make all emulsion of 'horosene clea,r oil any subject, the ,aid Lazaru. $I-, terest�. . (John. xi bo long,. pr 'Wealthy Dutch*niorchants; and of gue than cords". of the: devil's iollo*ers jn.� Iland water and tuibexi6ine I ix�' 'Only those and Airtht'r With less fati L�). Thero . was..:no-occai;IOn. to A equal Or, t Residents or'Com- who sVmpathizo- with the 11SUl type Of COuni:r.I1OUSeS' in'llis bvotl I lar. - At "tho' Other trades:are well represented; r churches mistke. racket for a :grouxlds Sur- titilL the. various. scientific ouriall. a fQr France Ch. the niado 4 ome:: Cons Iderab - comment her four suggosts.the four corners of a IV, then. add a Cupful to bojl-, erx�ors and ates * be- rounding the building in whii 10 dOes a bIg'business. As & soap
0*. The xxtxm-,� Was �4.grqat gain, but it seemed that c`O 11 Shako them together until others can serve tlicm� H Thar6 � ar so runs a, theatre and, this book of Acts, th others being. lament. for Stephenj for -to him it I'Pari-J, antssione s'are succeeded by Gov- olland. x1i, _20; xviii, 12; NIX, 2 clothes �d the peotectOr mar-
-ch cot111 -ill tlOs -of i-estilts in -their ninchlitery*. cliut., Russia more Oj. logs controls the chm .6 erful nd 'boil for hitir:aaa , Pre,sidont slipaids a good portion of, about the -ex0crinlent. the earth (Rov. vil, 1), or.the hole' clome colbiAps well s in The worst cares to.take a -a. 'Now U16 cir- d taxes every sxioh a witness. - We think. wheat hour, or tcal. are. of, at. t ice is again . callell'to the tli her theatrei, � all earth, and reminds us that the whol The ,arne can those we borrow day. cuill al . I playgoer -two: cents fox: her' super- C tire called ulsion is good for very 'nsel about kittention, OWiDg tO the fact earth lieth in the w1hiked one . (I. - fie.- faithful 'witil dirty things, -Such as jumpers, over7. The natives'hav' shown ther vcs - Wh&ever you go Carry the oil of Hilversilail. is a town of. vision, the $.880,000 flerived from John v, 19, R. V.), d the w , faked home that I+, -is stralige when there to, be excellent soldiers ; they have kindness in the can f C . Qt . irtesy. 000 lilhabitalit's, and is half' an! that the 'soltlleils 'if] the Philippines all Ails, working shirts, childrdii's trOus- this source.going towArds the main- seems to be such ' a great -need of been hour's rifle by rail from Anisiardain. lhvc migonied 40,000 pounds of. one will never cease his hatred Of them here. and (ire seenlingly 86 ers. on With put to severe tests, hl. stiverdl It IS easier to recover from a liable It, teriance of. the. Empress Marie FGun expeditionary mo mcaits,� and have failure than from ail ignoble suc.� is it favorite Country. red[dence ofedi-talit .,brand of chocolate ' beat- ('.ad or of. the people or God. - 11*6 hastrong suds, . as )lot as the left little t ol.661), all, institution for the poor few, but 70 nitist remember O'be esired, petqch� cesS4 the Dutch'. being ve;t-y healthful and boils eaelvindalth. Vile use bf' *call- axe wise when We . stop ourears as th6 work 3.9 TTiq Who.- -M, lindktilebed hand nd r6b ox, little- dl;. in . Ul is explalhed of the land. Germanv keeps it,. carps David did and refuse to hear -the niia- ments fr6m' two battalion of' the Some sermon withel,- In the piIlpit nlIhilippines. .
of house-clensers which he loalig chievous things. tfix.t -evil poopic majesty; is at God'g right hand. rectly 1upon, greasy sPots� Let the Central Africa. Rifles visited L-111gland. cording to hi-41ifelong custblia; takes Ily the rmy-,surgqqns ou'thol gr6und clothes staiid five minutes before because they. have not bbera wittered I-clealling it ti, profit of,$ -I.- it year ago, good hing 11 p1pnty bf speak (Pa. xxxvili, 12. 13), 1 ut to a a it,. lmm di, t in tropical count les. 11 'I nol'mad . a cut) of blclo� coffee tife first annux� and X-Thsio with prayer in the Stud spria' 'fi ashing out, and be Store to have the ,ession; and the new force On' - Y it the. morning a sweet. Is necessary for tild PPOse"va" ona's, cars -am hearing the, 1X§ secoild'suds. and the rinsing water as III n pro 'If people could be induced. bd when dressed re . e kperimeht luadox. I.Ulal 6 lit by taxing .stop UL OF 'UNIVO1 P . 96
.A CAnr filled tirries over their I to 4r"lg pairs to the garden,. whprc lie rem tion of health. alliat '116161
things of God Is truly ' the'd6il's hot as the first; bably be ungs to the level. f their liv- .11 he,! b. over the Age of . . . *as a I Ind. by -'hit work. the truth, theywerol. If colleQ16 split oil iinea.,tbq stains i from natives., -who apply for exali8t� ing-thbr viorld would boi%a,good deal rile_ till hall past ni , the Inch a proved the correct- thirty. Enpoilvor Williarals Extensive Tra- p anent. Six - battalions-reginio tits, in Durlin ,a of tho'�tholory b 8 I I if) lx�s
believing a a a. 'I, i�l, . may be, ramovoid by- soaking, the art quWter. g this time he goes through Ilia and believing that Jesus -of Nazareti, velling Wardrobe. in clear, qoId-water, UP whieh'a lit- everything but name --are to be cre- mall, . Which has previously, .been BEYOND A DOUBT, PRIVATE CAAS.. ated ; two. Central Africa.and two Classified for him privato see- was an Impostor, the, ' Judged SIc. has been added,' I -,Lm OF QUADRtME DS. rotar. Ile alwa,-ys takes'with him The soldier boys I dth t
tic borax for twelve Uganda - battalions spr f a the feeling phen to be guilty of 'aiia ile b1laxperor IVIIIIaxii. as Is well - urnuxu yo Now Almost a.
in stoning him they thoughL'.they known, is the honotary commander [� If the stain is froxxxtell, or fr' Africa find one Somaliland battalion. oil these occasions his two insepar- of �a need of liquor is absent whom Oxloll� a L r uit do. I . A Correspondent sas that,. as the )CLAY of chocolate or Necessity. were oboying thpir law,.' (Lev, xxIv, of a dozen dillorent regiments in his jot put tile articles I old watcr,'or 1 These will ])a Potaxiallent oxlganiza�. able companions, a large pIro and a they have , p -ness. n ot result of experiments, he has. made lar go other kinds of sweet While tliCly, thellaselves W 'ally -and as many murO in the the stain will become get, tions, ofricered by officers detached Under 6aveful tim . Ing, - lie finds that "Tllo private car," snid a railway ere, be- Owl' a' Simply.: from . th6if regular command. :In OL "Whilo liquor will undoubtedly be -
foie God, the blspheiners null guilty 'other arialies of Lurope. ' Il ILE man, "is the besb evide he
0 holds pour boiling water over it until it i the greyhound Is the fastest at all. ones, but they were blinded by th several actual and honorary conlInis-, diappears, which it will do if qu view of the successful, development of used for a long thne to come, a World of the continued evoluLtdri- of. ito i four -footed animals, When going fit With large metal Clasps. , in god -of this world (11, Cor. Iv the. native Indian trotips, which full gllllop it Can, stibstituie which Is hrmICs.s L no , the businesu 4 3, 4)'. SlOns i� (111.10"Ont fle0ts: bOlOngs: to fresh. al's covor twenty yards: Although, �he' knows the sacred, every respect will be welcomed t "Marc and move p This is our first introauction! to ilie ,numerous order$ of military and civ- I x, Certain percentage of whitli offic 0: second, or about & railolin a m�xx books almost by heart, especiall rivato cars are
appointed Permanentl, It is possible Y only by temperance people, but b young 'man nalned ulileAs as il distinction, and to other organiza- I TOO INULGI112111 MOTHERS. Uto and twenty-eight, . seconds-ta, those of the Old Testament, and call thoox who need some stimulant to being turned out, every . -Year, anti some think, lie IS tli(,.- same y6ling tions which. have regalias that must i that a shililvi, may be -intro- speed that conles very. It ar that #,f a tLIwitys quofe all'appropri4to where one person had a private' car man who want Away froill Jesill. On-) be worn on gerenionlal occasions, duced in the'Ving's African Riflos. a accomplish- their dai]V. toil in a, Floretta Villin , writos as follows p1goon. Thern arfew thOr. sag ton ears ago, there are 'xiow ton or,
siblc�I may be grow-� carrier ty alste lie loved 1,19 Ilence, when he visits'n. foreign ebun- I twen -who, own them, or lea." thow da-, sorrowfully bc�, It, is bttraly P08 train; the Bible sultab a for any world. where thb so-caliled st�ealtious 119 rusty myself, but I sac, children onglibred , hot That n - exceed 91�011 emergency, yet lie, nevertilL life is alinost a necessity ill . the fil t Possessions, try,. oil is triiveliing 'about his own ten Years old and. upwards who nion- nillatee . IXL yards -a second. (Irey- less, reatis his Bible every day undfDr strup 0 arms. 50. "Lord. Jesus, rccl,civo, my spir- d0lkloxhis.. lie never knows wht uxil- it Intly. . not be generally known r Pgle for existence, Who Old-time' "The -presidents of railway .Coau- ppolizo the entire conversation ut, a . hounds hhvO been known to better tile Shade of a large trow fit 00 x1otion -that. .4%yect was Unwholesome panics were the first to lu6VO.-privatir it." Thus said ,Steplical as, thzv wel-p form and regalia lie may need, and dinnor mothers and 'that there Is cruelty in the. Itedping tileLt. . by four yards. 31"Oxhounds liavo pleasant grounds of the villa. At -
stoning him to death, for.h� �naw therefore must Carry a larfre quanti, . table, Of their is thus exploded. As a maiter, of cars. . Thoti the heads tif large - cou� fathers,. Wharo thare ard guests, and Of gold fish, llalf of such captiVes eL record Of four 111116S in. six and n. nooll precisely, fox, Mr. Kruger is no- fact, many - of tlie old ideas alro be- whoin he believed and saw illux. ev- ty Cf baggage. he has two fault with �he food, Lind it good share (lie from slicer want of rest. As fish half minutes, or nearly O.Ighteett tiling if not methodical, lie tft-k439 it iixg t- corns saw their" possibilities, and, on. before he went ont to. be ilth colliplet,ol'outfits of evervilillig, one of , 'have OV I 08 . SO formed that they call- yards a second. olegated to the rdar -of the car soon found that they could hardly Him, When our Lord 111111SOIJ whs which is usually oil thd Imperial of the tillie of the waitress is taRen I dure the light, in a glass veq- kjoin This ' speed'is to cold luncheon with his part, which of progress. One of theso, eciningly get. Along without thein The theat- up In satisfying th6ni. Ulloalia, 1 Nvas not On . 0 extent an Inheritad gIft, as, its it -ride, colisists-. Of I)IS nephew, -strango, t1leories was the furnishing rical Stars srLw the a&,rtls1ng, to box
dying, Ile said, n h acht 111rolienzollern' and tho, Other a girl I had to sit Still. say nothing, � sel they are In an pntirel,y wrong wolves can run at the rate of a mile. Mr. Who is also his private of sailors !it 'the, service of the Gov- prl-�atol , Irit," wardrobe cat-, built from the wily In qaincol by having a spi And in It litiggago'ot IlOwnrice, of _ cars, and, n find: tt, Whitt was given lue and'PIRce, -as is eviden in three minutes. Xftnsen says tbat secr,etar, and Mr- Vall BOschilOtCn, 'erniant with a daily. a lastl, . the rich illan Vv
Winflar Crime from Da, id I *spedally for the purpose-, and a lal't late .va, which they dash about and go round iberian (logs can trivel, orty-41ve of the Transvital Ministry ; grclg� Tills -.1 f his trafn,. IJ'IiI what I acceptud on any p t and round ILIA was . 'to cal tean Comfort and privad for hiniffolf or
the same spirit long before (Luka o 3 llIged to Cat. Chilth-en e110 il fairly worn out. miles on, ice In five li, hours, 1viessals. Bck van -Van and BreOdOl, beer, but it stiff glass of the ardent. lils fti.itilly bega to use the private xxiii, 46; Ps. xxxi, 5),. for he also train Was built after W4 own de- Up like that now, The Who are fit attendance oil the. aged 'It. ,vita puppos6d to gl�e men tile cars. could truly Say: "I trusted in Thee, Signs and is very conveniently or- of good food and the ex -President.. ITi% faithful servitor, strength and Lo go n asto A ,,The licad of a corporation or alit.
0 Lord." I'MY thes are fix Thy ranged for it man of hi, liabits. It amount of . spending nionc of the Thippe, and 'a Belgiall phyiclan, Dr� into battle and hi. That wits a
-11t; qhet;o Is always kept ready lot, Ilse, I 14 4'.1. Or big concern, who does much tra- hand" xxki; 14, IZ). Tleymano, always accompany I)Ijlll -taut
.youth. Js really iliost n.11 the father Iong time ago, bil�lt the no dti, veiling, flilds a privato. car a, giva� d ying Words of Stephen and of tbe, 110 never knows when he Is 901*119 to in Ordinary circumstances can earn,. The latter has, forbidden Wait the uqo fULIII`O IIaV scle a. ration of sweet converilence. Ile makits the car his Wine Or )Iquors, Ills Onl chOCO1116 d1,tvjI)UtLd to tht, Office, and Where he formerly lost a of to -day doll"t seem to Lord Jesus give no one uragenieftt to start oil it journev., Sonietillics the of an
PC Ja�y tip fur the future. I blanio the ibefore U16 4ii"nal tO 11
the belloif that be�w n death and. rallway officials have finlya,f6w ino drink being , mineral wator, business dav or two fit trav Ring, he rosurrection Vic, spirit is asileep and nients' notice, They will.recal I ve no- indulgOlit Mother, It i,14 the I1IlddI0 0
unconscious. Tf apy are. not fullyP tIco b, littlehenal Mr,'Xill,iger takvs ft lestft, is vnThis is no idle (Ireatu, bUt no;; loses little time. y anessanger or by telephone class that are the inost oxtravagant. which lasts till 4 o'clock in the after- the result of sclentifc, ill loll, persuaded concerning tho,life and front the palace bat the NVllat po noon. Ito then goes for � a drlvo� lit it v�lllcll "A flar built,for the business mail salble exeme is there for a ha made this generation is 111' elling 0MCO. carriage bearinp. the former arma hotilthlel, thall it's' dod six children to live bliss of the believer apart-froin the Will ICLIVO (at once for a carLain man with. five oi all acticall a trav body, lot them read arid believe t;ul(o pla", and aro . expected to have and escutcheon of the which should make the next I Sleeping quttr�OIIA are provided for
xvi, 202; . In the niost extravitgaut and one only hhis Secretar#
xxiii, things ready by the tinIc 110 VOELII08 when box loses his through no find returns to the houe by six , It. Cor,'v, 8; and servants.
Phil. 1. 21, 28; Rev. vi, 0-11. -tbo station. . AS Ills Majesty beronics fault of his own, blow his brain$ out o'clock. It the old mail -A In cortain 60. "Lord, Ill not this in to very Impatient wheat delayed, the and leave -nati to the general re- kill(IS Of il1011' It "A pecial car infelldi'd Illore as. a It Woluall alo to light the gi their chftrge.11 Liko his adorable railway officials alws hustle,. ftnil. 1) ttl without late no spact Which he llipptS With f Vehicle.. for pleasure dinn a alls? Vor years `0111 all flubjoet of dt-telts.91011 for inall velir
Lord and 'Alailter he prayed for . Ilk; reldont disappoint )%fill. The ulastOr this fanill must depend Upon their classe of the public. and even the If, 110 iniC 11 contallin stateroxonfs, it kitchen and a murderers (Luka� xxifi, 3.1y. Our of the robes, assisted by several rclativr,s and.frient:18 Land those that aa dilling.-roont; The bodsteads tire chlifiren, strike. up the liner nationl itlebra'014, is till extoliqloll ditillig-
instructions Alle, "Love your oil- valets, has charge or the Einporoll'a aved inust Share with those anthetn_*hich everyone know .111 stillAtIlaIlt, f(sr Whu,
einfes; bloss thow that Oursox you I wardrobe and When the train IS JjCt"hat have Wasted, Holland, Ils be passell by. Ire takeil 4oillethine L -O 111A1,0 11)(1 table, and, there. are arill-chalrq, desks do good to theal that.hale You, and motion can produce at an instaittla super at half ptlqt six, And retirpS colliplet foil of.001, greitter loUllfM], alld all Pray for them which deal, itefull uotfco any iniforili or In invnilifthly fit l p,m. the and tha'I'Mr. U11-TO-DAT1,11 13AnY. tride hits horn tttkeii* fit the (111100; rail be, plit III slich 41 Me, 1411ch use You ana Persecute Y (Matt., which ho niay dealre to appear at, the HIS Undaunted pirit does not Up- tion (it t1lall (III of ilia it rar Intl Cost from v, 44). And while this - is fmpoF>- next tation. It ]is to be IC-lan't correct tiny more to have li(%i- to be crushed by tild the pro-
sible to the naural man, If " any passing through a garelw)it town'thiligs daintily prett for the new which have overtakell ills beloved Illoti(Ill of flilit virt - lit-, have ablo 'brist lie Is a, new where One of his favorito regiments born bab Just in Order it) havo them w, and front (Irne to th mail b0 in C eminti, Ili! 110 to 11111ko 14111(,o fil-4-t thery be- tura,,born from above, -it teniple, of is Stationed, It pleaset4 th(lin tind it daintil pretty, Says a, writer. t olbsW�m, "We, are strong tw we glIll to l)(PW ILAN Olt it ollow Rux-fact, 111bra
% ; ght
the oly Spirit, -a intalwion fit which film to great the oflicem and Is it() longer the proper thing to WCI We call volitillue 01S f, I readil thnn on OIL blackand
d the �qon littve come mon front the p1tttforill of his cat, In i Swathe the little body fit ardn and right, olollgr�, and 'Will llev(%r adillit de- rod it will flot 11.4111111v forill.
to dwell (It Cor, V, 17; T Vor. vi, the same uniforan they tire Wearing. lardg Of muslin kind laca and put brave. but ex- DO Is Mr.
in the 10, 20, John xiv, %8), and Christ It It(, Cros 0 the border or ituotlier him to bed III billows of down And lips Of this Illo.qt In US Cali do what Ito did When bere country It istonsildered it perfurled with rose arkil violet. old mail iittliit, will of vollillionq tilt -I'd alliv Tlw Young buoil earth III ilio body prepared for for him to dress- In thn talliffil-ill Of tTp-to-datol inothers ra longer vlo drdown to file re- 11o, fewri. than nevell and twenty 1110111., Ju liallill 1.q Trotter:" Atissi PC Inote<it Under stupid of ilia, I know it
It (a our pri'vilege to yield tha aviny or nvY Of that colitintr, With Caell OtIlet, On the 0111t, of deli- fully to Vim -and take aq� our inotto, llonce It is important for him to ca,to� elaboration. Irlin do ot viol, Cord which enrluot be paralleled. 111 had SO1110111311T to illy With 1101'ses,
"Not 1, but Christ" (0al, 11, 1-10). have his Wardrobe car with him on tit fill any Illore. Their (1,110 object is You havo, put oile Of 11ho parliotivio.lita x)f Jitillesi 1_ Olt., gaul was; connenting all hts Journeys.. to make everything" aq saultary and "And 1, 0 o unto his, death." Mar Talf; own at- comfortable an poasible, for the new NOT VOn HIM. on the table of late, litv�ti wc" f I 11�v Count of what he sai(I to) tile Lord oiner, Nolnetifixeq the pive lt�/vigh been positively dirty NOW, under tnolltv Illilrq Of arvol, Jesus long afterward. "And r raid, In tqetthxg and distributing type a for the pretty bow or frill of lace, nlidar Vol% Aro cf-Ing to nOnd your pariloft to prim ?of ro'.At. thiliff"(4 got,to ho (iona 11bout it.- Aaluto lit Nvillialil TTI. tlu- Lord, they Itnow that I Inipriqfined eonipositorlp hand travels o a all AV. but after all, evermthing, in the now- Deacon COTIM-110; 101, eXactlY. NVO 4ro 901119 to 1101ill lilffl tr- Parlt so that Bridget -"Yip, would yo inollid vold tilt, of Liny whOr the Atlantic U. per rent., ol�te
Mid eaIn evorg pynagogu6 them arage It niile�q a day. fashlon, looks so clean find sexasible lie tan givib ug a, rast. pittin" dark-colorW iu not twouty-0110 yearo of A&�Q- tile Antaratila 10 par tQ1116,
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