The Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-27, Page 1jii. 41J»
Ott TO E S4„ 0
tqa. r"
Whole Number 1203
, Tr,
Examine your label. If it says you are in arrears, pay up. To have it marked a year in advance will be still better.
A Oood cow.
"Rwel-'10.-111.44wilbelliellbAs,~ebrge.AerAer-wis./.......Asewbe46-40,1111- Women May JO" the W"dme"'
COLORED PICTURES At Monday night's meeting of Olin- Mr. Alf. Moore has a cow that he is
ton Clamp W, 0. W. Mr. H. Ker gave proud of. In the summer of 1000 she
a report of the proceedings of the averaged sixteen pounds nf butter per
c-cw's='03)8ixmo=9‹Ds.0328Cr CC:a88CD=383‘.7)=0,041)(1:X2= . meeting a the Head Camp held in week, but during three days of the big
Woodstock last week. The order is in storm she made a still better record,
. a prosperous condition and decided to the butter front thattrio of days' 'milk
-' 5, To 25o EAcH adMit women to the benefits of insur. weighing ten pounds. Mrs. Doyid
CIZ383tCD (C2SEKSE) (2::g18CD rra2SCEsrL2080) (3::$88CD
We have now on sale 75 choice pictures and it, will do you $
good. to see them even though you don't buy.
They are copies of fatnous paintings some of which have $
cost several thousand dollars, .
If you want to brighten up the rooms of your house, hall
or school get a few of these now while we are offering S
them aksuch low prices.
1 Bread Boards 25c
A choice line of Bread Boards
made of hard untpleal inches
$ in diameter,nice deepgroove
on edge for crumbs, lathe
finished each 25c
$1.25 Books for 50c
fi Choice Books by hest auth-
ors, well hound in cloth with
gold stampings. In the as-
sortment, there are books
froro 75c to $2, choice for... 50c
A Clean up in School Bags
60 assorted School Bags, mostly hemp, some few leather..
They are worth in the regular way from 10c to 25c each
but in order to clear them out they are marked down to
each 5c
1 New Music Book
1 IA 7 r'
, ,TY e Cooper .Lik. C�., cm..N7roiv.
$ Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion:.Express .. , . 1
Money Orders, also for Butteriek Patterns. .' • i •
'The Star Da;fibe Folio
arranged from the most popu-
lar and latest. successes of the
day, Waltzes, Two Steps,
Schottisches, Polkas,March
es, Lancers, Mazurkas,
Gavottes, etc., -price.- ... 7 Ilic
Gilbert Parker's Latest Book
• "By Right of Way"
on Sale now, Cloth ,
Paper edition ready March 1st 7 5c
Sent post paid ou receipt
• of price. .
The holiday season has come fled gone
and we are once again settled clown to .
our usual line of trade. Before long we
, • expect to get things In onr store so
* • arranged that we will be able to .
: make some spedial announcements.
: Otk Coope r & Co. .- .
a.nce, They will not be required to Steep made the butter, which was a
take the fall initiotion, but merely to soperior article and a tgibuto to her
subserihe to the obligetion. When skill in the dairy.
they number twenty five they may A Small Dividend,
forrra a Camusof their own- Citizen J.
B. Hoover was re-elected one of the The liquida,tor of the Crealy Dairy
Company has detartred a first and final
Board of Um -urgers, and is chairman.
dividend at the rate of 7 310 cents On
Mr. George West Will Go 'West. tile dollen The creditors Welsher 410
IThe Solvation Army special siege and are scattered over a wide area.
meetings have been well attended dur- The total dividend amounts to $7(38,20
so that iu will be seen that the crhe, j pcoanrtgyregartst Rev,
aott.enLdoenclog,s,thueenssuarri,ri:ne gotten ready. at the Snowdon homestead last week
by a sleighload from the Town Line
Friday evening last, . Mr.. J. E. Barnwell left on Tuesday
pany was head over heels in cleht.
Dame of the Crealy Dairy Company is Y ,
morning for Kincardine to attend the
Mr, Ed. Etue delivered a lead ot fat
certainly in bad odor in this district.
nrs. Barber Very III. wedding of a lady friend,
The Foresters' concert on Wednesday bogs to J. Andrews of Goderich on
of last week was one of the best ever AltenchtYm
Mrs. Barber of Georgetown, who is Miss Utley Johnston svar tbe guest
given in Varna, Harry M. Bennett
known by many citizens of Clinton, is of the Misses Wallis on Sunday.
very ill at the residence of her brother, and Will. McLeod are both first class
Mr. Dave Dewar has made a move in
en tet taieers and -Miss Addie Itathavell
Mr. John Ridout, whose guest elle has right direction this time. He
been for the past couple of months, and the Taylor and Dowson orchestra the
intends building a new barn and has
Her children, who have been summon. did their share in making the eoneert
in Clinton visiting Mrs. Thos. Kyle in Kirkton oa Monday after visiting
Nelson Fletche d to his home
George knows a good lame when he Mr, Joseph Brown is moving hie
Miss Kyle and sister, Mrs. John Mr. George Campbell has purchased Miss McCartney le visiting friends at
Deitz of the Town Line, spent Monday a line driver from Mx. W. G. johneton. Dowel, her old home, at present.
Prior to her returu west. at Mr. 3, E. Harnwell's for a couple of family to Mr. Charles Tippett's house
The anniversary services in the weyieikses' Letitia, Foster left on Friday Mr. Ran Fields is out buying horses, on Main street,
sees one,
Presbyterian church, Kippen, were Miss Annie Denomy is yisiting at Mr. Jas. Johnston has purchased.
largely attended on Sunday. All morning for Manitoba. -Bliss Foster
Bayflitld just now from Mr, J. Brovvn the frame of his
were delighted svith the excellent ad- was one of Varna's popular young
Messrs. R. Greer and W. G. John- house and intends converting the same
dress of Rev. Mr, McVicar of Fergus, ladles and. will be greatly missed, She
ston are out buying horses. for Mani- into a stable,
A large number also attended the was organist of the Methodist church
lecture on Monday evening on "Sign Mr, George Casten sold a fine pair of Mr. Herb, Collidy, brother of Mrs.
We extend our congratulations to
Posts of London," by the same rever- ably
which position she filled very accept- °ha'
last week,
end gentleman. her success and happiness in the
for nearly six years. We wish
steers to Mr, John Johnston of Varna Cosvis of this village, who has recently
taken to himself a wife in Chicago.
Mr. Blake Horner and Miss Latira of prairie province.
Mrs. Chas. Johnston, who has been The presents were numerous and costs
Drysdale visited at Mr. Ed, Troyer's Don't forget the grand concert to be
sick for the past few weeks, is able to ly, thus testifying to the esteens in
on Sunday. given in the town hall on Friday even.
be around again. which the young couple are held, May
A. large number of the Methodist 1 ing by the Presbyterian church choir.
A. very enjoyable evening was spent their joys be many and sorrows fetv,
An entertaining program is being
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Batman and
1 ing the past week and good results
hove followed. Next Seturday and
Sunday the meetings will be conducted I
by Adjutant Kenway. On Saturday 1
evening the Adjutant will give a lee.
ture, illustrated by magic lantern,
on 'Stanley's South African Travels."
Mr. George West, who has been a
faithful member of the army for many
years, will leave town next week to
join his family near Victoria, B. C. He
will be tendered a farewell on Thurs-
day evening next by the local corps.
Oddfellows' Smoker.
The ':Smoker" given by the Odd -
fellows in their hall on Tuesday
night was a very enjoyable affair. It
was attended by almost foxy score
members and their guests. Among
the latter was Mr. Sam. ToWnseed of
Brandon, whose zeal' the interests
of the society of the three links is
great. He was acompanied by Mr.
Crich, the noble grand of the Seaforth
lodge. :Mr. Si,Davis, one of our oldest
Oddfellonis, was also present and en-
tered heartily into the evening's fun.
The first pert of the evening Wee spent
in ple,ying games of various kinds; : in-
cluding the irreproachable crokinole.
Then the noble grand, Mr. Stewart
Seymour, took the chair and a short
program wait given including addresses
by Messrs, 3, Tayler andsS. Townsend,
Selections by' the Ernmertoo quartette,
solos lay Messrs. Reekie and Collyer,
and gramophone selections. Judging
from the applause Mr..Reekie was. the
star vocalist. His solo " 'Nea,th Fair
Luna's Rays" was very well rendered.
indeed. During thacanrse of the even-
ing a luocheon was served and shortly
before Midnight the assert:11)1y hreke up
after singing "Good Night Brothers"
and the national anthem.
Little Locals. •
On Sunday last the rites of
ba,Ptism were .adrninietered in the
Baptist church to Sour candidates for
memhershiP.---be the evening of St.
Patrick's Day a sacred. concert and
lecture will be :given in Sb. jeseph's
church, about which more will he said
later on. -.,-The Wednesday ayening
service in St. Paul's church was taken
by.Rev. IVIr, Wright in the absence of
Rector Gunne, who was in Fordivich
attending to some church affairs in
that parish. --Mrs. 'Dottie, sister. of
Mrs. W. Murphy, had the misfortune
• td fall on Sunclay. morning and eustairr
hetet re -or her thigh 'one. Mrs.
In our extra busy spell we did not target to keep up our Standard
of excellence in Staple Groceries:and we are now prepared, as -
we always are, to,give you the purest and best•groceries that it
is possible to obtain in Clinton or elsewhere: ' , • .
Fresh Lettuce and Young Onions every week. •
etelet******************************************* **twe.
See .Our zarg vpidows •
For Saturday •
Expert Watch Repairer.
'Meaner mad Optiolan.
Biddlecornhe's Old Stand.
Cettle is eighty four years of agese--
Mrs. Sly of Stapleton WaS quite ill
last week, hut is 'now improving. -H
The London postmaster died Suddenly
last Week and "dust to diaSt" had
scarcelY been said hefore his successor
was appointed; They de these
things differently in West Huron
Where there has certainly been no
unseem6, haste. By the . way, how
many -retnember , the name of the last
registrar good audience a,sseni.
hied in Ontario street church on Tiles.
sr day evening to hear Bev. Dr. Gifford
deliver his lecture on "The Mammoth
/ Cave." The doctor is a word painter
* and it required no great amount of
sat - pre,- -
. . Our Opening _Announcement
imagination to -fancy, one's self amnia-
panyiog him on his trip through the
labyrinths cif that wonder of nature.
. --e--The regular Monthly meeting of
amen - .111k,40 Lin t " a :AI 1•7 • the W. F. M. S. of Willis church was
4, held on Thursday evening last svith
, ,
. '9° * I the president presiding. The sieve.
We make our opening announcement on page 4 of this •
the attention of all who need anything in our line, Our . i yard," was taken by Mrs. J. W. Irwin
Wallet topic, " The labbree in tbe vine-
. .
issue of THE NEWS,RECORD to which we would draw
• prices are bargain prices and mar stoe new and tipto.clate; and the,missionary topic by Miss
Mr. Johnston, teacher, took charge
• of, the services' in the Methodist church
on S'abbath last.
Mr. Levi Stelck is. busily cutting
logs for Mr. A. -MeBerith.
Mr. and MIs. Chas. Stelcli visited
friends near Seafoeth Thursday last.
Miss Vine Curry visited near -Clinton
last week, .
let the contract of the frame work to
a Success.
ed and are now at her bedside,inelude : Herd Bros, while Mr. Schumacher has
Mr. S. A. Moffatt of London visited
Lawrence of Winslow, Arizona, Reg- of the contract of the stonework. These
inald of Sault Ste. Marie, Misses Con- at Mr. John Johnson's on Tuesday
• , are both reliable men and we have no
this week.
stance and Vivian of Toronto, and her doubt they will make a first --class job.
tavo daughters by her first marriage, Mrs. James Armstrong is visiting at
We might just say that Dave Will
Miss Foote and Miss Isabella Foote, R. McCool's this week at Der:tube.
Messrs. George and Willie Beetty move his house up to the road in a few
also of Toronto, attended the funeral of the late Wm. days where the barn will be built.
surineRna.L. Simpson of Ethel on Monday of this •This will make it very convenient for
Dave as it is a nasty drive back to the
Mr. John Cochrane is busy hauling
timber for the erection of his barn. •
Mr. Wm. Oonsitt disposed of a large
quentity of hay last week to Zurich:
Miss Letitia Foster left Friday
morning for Pilot Metand,Masa„ worn -
panted by krs. Pollock of that place.
Mrs, Geo. Hudson of Hansen is visit-
ing With friends laere.
• week.
_____ •. • •
Mr. Thomas MeAsh is hauling sand lake after dark!
Mr. A. Lcivett, we are glad toay, and making other preparations to Messrs. D. Spencer and C. Johnston
is improving as well as can beexpected. build. have taken the job of cutting D. Mc.
Mr. Geo, Hill, jr., is recovering but Naughton's winter's wood.
very slowly. •
Mr. Geo. Hayes has been somewhat
ill for a few days.
Mr. Geis. Hill, sr,. has been: ilt for a
few days.
Miss 0, Beacom of North Carolina
was visiting friends here this past'
. Mr. N.Lovett, wife and faniily intend
tatake up their abode in A,ssinaboitt.
He is making a sale- and i tends rent-
ing the farm. We wish ,, lea -all' sues
cess in his new field of labor. ,
Mr. I. Brownlee had a few of.the
tieiglibors helping hith• to pet in his•
supply of ice for the season. .A' num-
ber of the yenrig people Of the neigh-
borhood gathered in the eYerlingand
all enjoyed. a sociable •time. '
A number of the 'people from here
attended a prirtyait Mr. Wm. Patter -
son's of iiullett on .:Friday evening
lest. ' . • • • '. • '
The assessor, Mr. William Carters
was on duty 41 the village Monday.
• Miss Nettie Morrieon, who. has been
-visiting at. Mr. Hayes', has gone to
Hoirnesville te spent! a short time.
Mr. Geo. Tyner and wife visited.
friends neer Leadimey for a few days
.last weeks. * ' -
Mr. 11. Williams is rionsunable to. he
out on account of severe illness. .
'. Mr. John Watkins of l3r'ucedeld
called on friends in the village Monday.
Masters Russel Andrewsand Garnet
McBriert of Clinton visited the. la:Attlee
home on Sundey, .2 . • , •
. ,
:A number of the young people froin
-the London Road and vicinity were
:.entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Johns on Friday evening t and
whiled away a few :very Pleasant
hours. : • •
Mr. Steadman nf Wyoming spent
the pest week the guest of his brother,
Rev. -Mr. Steadman.- "
Mrs. S. O. °rich is visiting under the
parental roof in Usherhe this week.
Special services vvere commenced on
Sendai and will continue for. the next
• Mr. aud Mrs. G. W.Layton and Mrs,:
F. Layton were the guests of Mr. R.
H. Walker of Dublin on Stinday.
Miss Malay Turner of Clinton is
spending a short time 'visiting friends
arotind her old home. 1
• As thate rolls of The People's Paper
is beeoming mom: popular.. We hear
its merits soUnded from all sides. as
giving the best and most nevve of all
our county papers -
Mr.rrank Morton and his Mother of
Manitoba, old time residents of this
robalitY, are reneWing old acquaint-
ances here.
Mr. Robt. White, we are sera," to
sity, cotifined to his room for some-
time, laid up with pleurisy and con-
gestion of the lungs. A number Of the
neighbors assembled on Friday last
and cut about sixteen cords a wood for
him. •(Jambe joined Compafty No. 4 Of the
The young people spent a pleasant ITrctItttlitBitItittdtealiteonvfLtshehttlerr;i:e sthonowkeds
evening at a crokinole party on Tees -
day eveniog at Mr. Jennings' of icnouragat twheasRoaypapi oMiniltietadryiSieculatoeontaanntd.
Grant's corner.
Four years later he was tirornoted to
Mr, and Mrs. P. H. Murray of Eg.
monciville take up their residence in
our village • this week. They were
fornaerly residents of Varna, where, as
in Egmendville, they have very' many
warm friends, 'We bid them :welcome
to Blyth and hope their stay amotigst,
us may be hang and pleasant.
Large quantities of ice are being.
stored away for summer use.
On Monday quite an excitement was
ceesed by the falling of the large eheds
of the Commercial hotel. Forttinately
thereveas no serious d.ansage done with
the exception era puttee or tin) being
smashed ainaost to pieces. -',DiSt before
the occurrence there were a number of
rigs and horses underneath St. Next
day 3. G. :Emigh, the owner df .the
'Coo; naereial, b ad Men clearing eway the
debris of the collet:peed sheds.
On Tuesday Mr, Fred. Toll left•this
station with another carload ef horses
for the Weil., making three Carloads in
all this season. . •
There Were seyeral weddings in town
lost week .and Dame .Rumor reports
that more are to follow shertly. ,
Friday night laei,finished the, revivel
meetings in the. Methodist church
which were goinKoh for several weeks.
We understand that over fifty were
added to the church through the good
-wOrk that has been done. .
Mr . L. Scott of the state of Wiscon-
sin was visiting his brother, Mr. 'T. W.
'Scott, for a few driye the peat week.
' Quite a number attended the coneert
under - the auspices Of our -football
Web: The proceeds amounted to over
BL,YTH. • •
A Progressive Citizen.
home ofMr. and Mrs. Geo. Burnett of
The Templar% are having high old the 1th con. of Goderich township.
tittles at lodge of late, debating being
one. of " the . interests. Moodel. music until an early hour in the morn -
The evening' wee spent in games and.
useful to marakind tiaan the horse in an .
with the evening's fun and thanking
they •prestecl that this cow was move ,ing when all departed highly pleased
impromptu debate. The. subjectfor :Mr, and Mrs. Burnett for their hespi-
next Monday night is "Resolved that
the world is getting better." miss Maggie McKinley of Egthend-
Ice transport to • and other ville spent a few days the last week the
parts is'still exterisivelycarried on, - guest of friends on the Babylon Line.
Our -tailor, kr. JamesMedd, is in We regret to say Mrs. Sohn SharnSis
the throes of =tentacles, while Miss ill at preseut but hope she will soon he
Annie Straughten appeared at kirk last restored to her usual health, s :
Srinday as the beide of kr. Bennett Of
Blyth after apretty but quiet Wedding new fence acrossthe front of ,his farm
Mr. J. T. Keys intends putting tip a
during last.week. , , • . , - . .. in the siring and brought. .doyin a:
The Orangemen of this burg -appear • large load of cedar posts froin Ur. Peter
to favor Goderigh for their next walk. Cole'saof Goderich township on. Situp;
. Our sleighing hi disappearing rat:dile.
Mr. R.. T.- Erea,tt is stilt ablaut the •'
day for the -purpose. : ' . :
Miss Ida, Bothwell of. the :Babylon
same in health. - • , : -
Mr. Stitt and Mr. Arthurs are. still • e•
' Line had as her guest for a . few days
indisposed, while Jame Carter and e,
last week her. cousio; Miss. Mabel
ssathwell. ' ' :
Sometime ago Mr. A.: McBetith pur-
Wm. Symington are also still incapa,c-
itated beim work, , . ,..ebiteedlillhe timber in Mr. • George
. * A number of our young people at-.
tended an assembly held itt Beemillee . 1VLitchell's •bosh and we see lite Men
On Thursday . evening of lest Week have built a - shanty in the bush and
commenced work. - -
• S •
On Friday evening last a load drove
over from Stanley to the hospitable
when a very pleasant time was spent- ,
Mr. W. McPhee of Colborne played :
the violin for the merry, .mazy dance. present. :
at the home of Mr. Jas. Campbell at
Mrs. Evans of Oentrelia is visiting
Mr. and Mrs'. Wilson Hunter, form-
erly 'of West Wawauosh, but who for Miss: Martha Taylor of Port Huron
is visiting at the home, giber brother,
the pest tvventy years have fermed
near Milton, North Dakota, are now
visiting friends in this seetims. •
For Auburn news, read THE NEWS.
• • Misss Martha Mole has been home
froreClinton for a few days week.
• Mr. Richard Sprung. of Goderich was
the ,guest of his father on the Base
Line on Sunday,
Mrs. John Clark 'ond Mrs: Jas. Arm-
strong tree improving, but very slowly.
Miss Turner, teaeher, of Donny-
brook was visiting Miss Effie ICnox on
Saturday and Sunday,
Miss Lily Rowed returned home to
London on Saturday. •
ear. Ed. Mole was in Clinton on Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Munro were in
Winaliaar on :Sueday and heard the
General Superintendent of the Metho-
dist' Church, the Rev. Dr. Carmen,
preach,- , •
. Miss: Sfiettler of Daehwood has been
the guest of kis. Moses Holtzhauer
for some days past•
There were a couple of social gather.
'tugs in our vicinity on Friday of last
week, when Mrs. Wm. Patterson and
Mrs. Gabriel Sprung entertained a
number of friends The forSner was a
'claming porty and the latter rather
more of a Methodist nature.
Miss Govier of Blyth was visiting the,
forepart of the week at Mr. "Beverly'
Miss Blair of Goderich township is
the guest of het, aunt, Mrs. Blair. -
Mr. William Taylor, at present.
Messrs, Thos. Sanderson and A.,
Townsend have finiehed their con.:
tract of cutting .wood for Mr. W.
Wheatley of Clinton.
Miesses Susie and E. Brownett were
guests at the haine ofMr. W. Clark on
Monday last.
Mrs. McCoy of Centralia visited' it
the home of Mr. John Reid, sr., 90
Saturday last. . - •
Me, Wm. Taylor wears a bright
smile days. •Why? because his better
half has presented , him with nice
little baby girl a few ,him
Miss Bertha, Rathwell, who was
iting friends in Stanley, returned
home' accompanied by Miss Stella
Reamed on Sunday last. •
Miss Minnie NVebster, who was visi-•
tiog friends around Lucknow, return-
ed a few days ago.
bliss Millie 'Webster of Lucicnow is.
visiting at the house of Mr. Jas. Reid.
at presents :
Miss Mary Reid was the gnest of Mrs.
W. Rathwell on Monday kat:
a on Tuesday last.
Mr, John Davidson was in Ooderich
A number of young folks spent a
pleaSant time at the home of Mr. Jas.
past five years, was vist ng arouna.
Reid on Friday evening last,
here lately, Ile sees many changes in
has sent out circulars to a large It eriakei us glad to report that • Mr.
. thein are the losees.—The mayor
m the country since he left,
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1110 number of citizens requesting their See. Campbell, who had been ill for
There was a large party at Mr. Man.
................" attendance atm meeting to be held in some time, ie some better.
• son. The latter Used a map to film'
trate Paul's journey. Both' papers
were excellent and those. who, missed
One of the most progressive of our
citizens is B, Combo. He is a native
of Clinton, of .English parentage. klis
Whets the late J. H. Oombe,was one of
the pioneer druggists of Huron, open-
ing out husinees here in 1858; to which
his son succeeded at his decease.
In 1881 when a mere boy H. B.
family visited at Mr. I. S. Delgaty's
sonatutrhdeayB.rownson Line, Stanley, last
Mr. Donald Mackenzie of the Goder-
ich Roacl wears ar broad smile on his
face these days. It is a girl and we
extend our congratulations,
Mr. J. W. Whiddon was home from
Clinton 0, I. ovee Sunday. Hie visits
have been less frequent lately owing
to the severe storms.
We are pleased to state that Miss
Martin has somewhat improved in
health sinee her return from Toronto.
Miss Chesney has returned to town
again after spending .a pleasant visit
with friends in Seaforth. .
Mrs. Walwin and son Walter are at
present at, Teeswater, being called
there by the illness of a relative.
' Seyeral of our people attended ths
0. O. F. concert at Varna last Wednes-
day evening and were much pleased
withal:le numbers preseitted by Messrs.
Bennett of Toronto and McLeod of
Miss Ma,ry Whiddon, who has s'Pent
the past year in charge of a drees-
making establishineet in Chesley, has
returned home to recuperate her health
whiclf has not been of the best lately.
• Their:mai court 0. 0. F, have • hills
outannouncing a concert here in the
town hall on ,Friday evehing next, at
which Will.McLeod of Seaforth will be
the chief entertainer. '
, The • sawmill' here was shut down .
• for several days last week (sling to a
broken saw, but this week the whistle
announced that workhas again been
resumed.. • ' '• .
While other municipalities are take
ing active measures .regarding the ,
smallpox epidemic at present SO prev.
alent almost in 'our immediate :neigh-
borhood, we have -yet to -hear of our
board of health making any move. .In
fact the. medical health officer, Dr.
Viloods, svhose name was published as
such in the paper some time ago, says s
he has neyers been. notified of hts•
atmointmeet, nor has he:yet taken the • .
declaration of office. The B. of H. has '
not been organized.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jowett and their .
son Dencita returned recentlY,to their •
hinne in Part Hnroti after visiting fee .
some time at Ur. T. R. Jewett's hand.' .
, some residence over the river.. 'Title
was then' first visib ih several years.
, Our local framers look for a busy
season, having. already contracts for
barns for the following: lames -Cox,
Goderich township; 'David Dewar,
Sauble; Ed. Cumin, Jas. Stephenson
and Ralph Stephenson, Goshen. There
are others. ' , •"
BLAKE. • .
Rev. Mr. Davidson is giving a series •
of sermons from the Book of Revela-
tions. He preached his first sermon
last Sabbath.
We are pleased to hear that Ilr.
'Leslie, who has been ailing,most of the
winter, is improving.
-Mr. Swazy, who has been unwell for
some time past, is improving.
While chopping in the marsh Mr.
Rhudy Oesch of the Brownson . was
somewhat hurt by a falling tree which
hit and knocked him down but Its the
snow was soft he was not much hurt.
It vvould be well if people would use
more caution while felling brees.
A few friends spent a pleasant time
at Mr. William Johnston's last .E"riday
Mr. Fred. Cain, formerly of Hills -
green, who has been in Dakota for the
the council chamber this •eVening " to
son'e, sr.( last Friday night when they
We are sorry to report the serious
15 ensoyed themselves till ah early hour.
discuss matters of grave import to illness of Wee Charlotte Johnston,
every citizen ratepayer."—Illa Lord' but hope she will soon be able to be in the *milling,
-------------------------------- as r- around again. , Mr. J. Tough, the Stanley assessor.
The Change
ed to visit the Deanery of Huron n
On Thursday, Feb, 27theI will leave my preset -it store to take charge May for confirmation seryi
'ces as
is on his rounds again. If people
Mr. W. I. Elliott of Clinton will
would only keep their dogs in the back
build stone foundatione for barns for
Mr, James Nett of tbe London Road ground there would be no danger of
v flth; Exeter, Wednesday, 7th, Miss Jessie Campbell of McKillop is
does a good job.
d Mr Neil McGregor. Mr. Elliott
also he profitable.
Mr. Tough getting bitten and it might
Mrs. John Armstrong has been slid -
follows : Seaforth, Sunday, May
of the Clothing and Furnishing.Department of Messrs, Hodgens Bros, I
teke this opportunity of returning thanks to my many friends and cue- 4th ; Clinton, Monday, 6th ; Wingham,
towers for the continuous patronage they ha ye given me since opening Tnesaa
tween us natty not be broken. s ------The iBlyth Standard says': "Mrs,
Fot the coming Spring Season I will be able to show you the finest • Thos. 13awden and family, who have Joint McKinley of the Goshen Line, denly 'called home on account Of her
daughter's illness. Mr. Armstrong
out in business and trust that the present relations so long existirig be-
• stock of nifty and stylish Gent's Furnishinge that has ever. beets brought been residents of Blyth for 20 years, at present the guest, of her sister, Mrs,
Yin Elford of Holtnewville was on the win follow her shertlY with a carload.
• into Clinton. It has beeta personally eelected from the best sources and of cattle and horties.
time yoe ate up town, a t anton on Thursday, MM
. Bowden was a good hearted Wonsan, a . .
move 0 1
1 you can depend on always getting the nobbiest and most up -date styles
in Hats, Shirts, Ties, etc. Come th and see me any
Mr. Chas, Rogerson has been in scene
of the northern townships baying
Mr. Thos. Archer visited his daugh-
ter' Mrs. James Macdonald of near
Brussel% for a few days last week,
Mr, %imam pipe le sassing his Babylon Line one day last week trying
BRUCE FIBLD. a captaincy and in a year will be
entitled to a - majority. He is svell
Large quantities of logs •ase poring informed in military metters and
feta our, sow mill daily. enthusiastic in promoting the Welfare
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron'intend of the regiment.
moving into the house lately occupied
by. Mr. James Nelson.
Mr. George Munroe Stored tt Itirge
The countil of Ilayhaveheen sudden.
A. .11. MORRISH • kind neighbor anti will be missed hy
Many friends here, She and her ly alarmed by the annonneernent that
Captain Combo takes an active Inter- there VMS eniallpox near and have
• Oynclia, of Ripley were guests at Mr. f
° datighters will be very much inhered
effeete to his homenear Brussels, to sell National cream separators.
Mr. Charles Smith and his sieter,Miss Mr. G. it. Keys has engaged Blake
T n from Colborne to work fish
eL *******************, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• from Trintt'Y wh"e t4eY est in municipal affaire. He has been or the einnmer. Rufus knows that Shea a decree that all persons most be
, , member of the Collegiate Institute Thos. Archer's for a few days, return. vacelnated. Many of our people heist()
ways took on actiye interest in every. that which comes ftom Onlborne is
446"1--se•-se•Ao..•asvos...refriorowse,....a,„.%„„..„.ta,..4,,„..,46.„,46„ thing pertaining to the welfare of the quantity of ice this week, Board and for the past three years has ing home on .Monday.
Mr.S, Andrews of Manitoba visited SennIne.
already taken Unit precaution and
chureh.—The last sermoris delivered Mr. arid Mrs, George Clark arid Mi88 been a member of the town &Mina Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Peck were the about one-half of them are in bed or
in the old Rattenbury street chareh Olark of Stanley Were the guests of Mr. and can always be counted on to his uncle Mr, T. A.ncirews, last veeek,
carrying their arms in a sling
nests of Mr. ond Mrs, Johrt McKinley
Mise n. Forsythe of Egmondville was support every measure * 1
its object the welfare of the town,
h'eh hats for
• Snell on Wednesday.
Mr..I. &mobs of Biyth visited Mrs, g
one day recently.
in the holy bonda of matrimony/:
Mr, Ezra Otterhein has been Mailed
Will be preached next Sunday by itev.' and Mrs, Charlee Reiri over Sabbath.
.1 'Walker Shilton of Hespeler, whose .
ve Look
at, the pictures in our Spedio
men frames, There is the
evidence of the superiority
of ourwork
We'll Make you good Photos
for $3 a dozen.
(eala tase. teseiewsese ota.eaeasatsse.
, Henries Phov'o
If they are not "up to
sample" don't you take
them. We want every
customer to be it "booster.'
for us,
tnany friends will be pleased to seeand the guest of Mrs. McBwen last week, e is y h 11 ii I) n, • ..........-
Mrs. Mary Garber of Dashwood. ''`
Mrs. McIntosh spo rit a few days last
AB secretary of the Huron Per: wtleA visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mills.
Miss M. Henderson 'hilted her sister,
Mrs D. Sutherland, on Sattarday. Tho Mrs. William has - , .
0—.....,arter been con titee et lead'
intends living in DeshWOod for some
gists' Association whieh was recent'
hear hie], again, A. felloWehip meeting A eottage prayer.ineeting Was held
able energy. That the project has able to say she is better. Mrs. Sae, Hunter has also been under near future`
extensive flour and feed store in the
Mr, Jack Thirst. intends keeping an
will he held at 10 o'clock in the leeture tit the hoMe of Mre.• Ilugh McGregor
repidly that they will need the whole mrs. siona of myth IR visiting at Peeking and cola storage company, latter, we are tort y to say, is in very lined to the house for a few days, but
gaptain combe hat shown commend, poor health, but voe hone soon to he is somewhat better.
room.--3ackSon Brett. find their Sr. on Tuesday even ing last by Bev. II,
manufacturing business Mereasing to II. Savers.
success ia now assured is in no small moving to Seaforth this week.
Mr. 3. T. Staples and family intend the weather for a few days.
No. 4 schOol was closed last Monday
spent Sabbath with Mr. Geo. loorrest, measure due to his exertions, Mrs. T. Andrews le visiting friende Ori aecettnt of the illness of the teacher, Mr. and Mrs. Matt, Sheppard of the
aonakicti TOWNSHIP.
of the Perrin. bloeit. Dr. Graham,wbo the home of her brothers, the Messrs,
been brought to that point where
$has had his rooms there mince coming Graham of Stanley.
to town., Will MC:Hai/10y th0Ve °UN Mr. Daniel Clerk of Illgmoiniville
the Dowsley property and 11, his pro. expeeted to shortly resign to aceept Of The topic next Sunday night at the Mist: A. Tyerrnari and Miss J, Me* of Mr. and Mro. Alex, Ostrom,
Baylield tine were guests ea Sunday
The Dr. has made an offer to rent
• The present efficient town clerk is in tnndnni Miss McLaughlin.
position is accepted,he will take up hie _ 0orlitance League will be taken by Laughlin spent Saturday and amnia), mts. Adam Catitelon, Sr., to Whelp
cause ef the death of his youngest child, has aecepted a Sirhilar 4
Liieknow arid leavem for that plate 1/is appointment will meet with the endurance,"
Mr, T. Andrevoe pax a visit, to Gerrie home of her father, Mr. I). Mc6lregor,
Mrs, Lou Partition'', le visiting at the Well be applied, is in it tritical state and
the term a " Mother in Israel" may 80
'residence there, ---The bottle of Me 14e, releef 'who has been elerkingin a much niore lucrative government
Harland Bros. big hardware dote. ; Mike and it la altogether likely that Miss N. McMichael on "The secret of in Seaforth,
who passed away yesterday, i i recovery,
hot little hope is entertained for her
Wilber IVIanning is in mourning be
Pos.tioh in ' Captitiri Combo will be his succeesor.
a sweet little girl of thirteen months,
this week. approyal of our citizens. last week* at present,