HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-20, Page 10tr"-- • B The New Embroideries WIN CLINTON NIIIVVS.RICOORD. More Embroideries, better Er .broideries daintier Embroideries than are to be found in any other store in town. Valuestoo that are hard to equal, let alone discount. T12is is the • .universal verdict on our new embroidery stook. It is now practically com- plete. Nearly all lines are to hancl and if you: have any embroidery buying to do there is no time as good as now when the range is much better than it will be later on. Many patterns and all wanted widths in the deli' Date in.e mu•slins and lawns or the stronger oa,mbrics. Insertions and Allovers • Cambric Embroideries Cambric. Insertions Fine LaWn Embroideries Fine Lawn Insertions Allovers to match Our. Tb ree Specials 5c, 70, lac and 20c 5c, 7c,10cand 15c 5e, 8c, 10e and 80c 8e, 100, I5c and 25e 50; 75e, $1 and $1.25 • These are the best embroidery values we .have .had for the Best many a long day:It was only by'buying a 'big quantity we often erre o7cexpeet Always h , got them to sell at these prices. They are firm, strong edges, ��__ all good quality cambric and will wear well . At' 5c At 7%c At 10c This is for any LADY I When you think about your new spring attire remember STANDARD PATTERNS all seam -allowing hence easy to make, They are better than, manyand as good as'any February Patterns show latest designs in Jackets, Skirts and Waists. A' Fashion Sheet for the asking. Agents Parker's Dye Works, The W, .11 Fair Got Feb, 20th, 1902 I opuRio TOWNSHIP. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0•/•irN1••••••N•••••••I•N•UM*.•••••••!!•A RN••• R.•••••••• Mr. W. 0. Elliott as been quite ill • • • ■The aS Om,•ortututies ship was recently the week of Mr. Wiggington and while here engaged t Mr. W. 3, Elliott to build the stone • foundation for a barn he intends erectse - ing next summer. DRYSDAI Mr. Frank Lenwas of Michigan is visiting relatives in this neighburhooe. Mr, Ezra Smith and bis brother, Mr. J. Smith, visited their sister, Mrs. E. last onea Westlake, d y la week.. Mr. W. H. Bates of Goderiob, form- erly of Stanley, had laeen busily en- gaged n- i s t' a e at :canvassingL s ec to . d in h a g Mrs. J. P. Rau ad fatuity were visit- ing at her brothers, Mr. J. Etua, one day last week. Miss Mabel G. Newcombe, who has: , been visiting in this neighborhood, has returned home to Goderich aecorn- 1 ,tnied by her cousin, Miss 3'4 M. • • Turner. bt n .Scre. Messrs. R. J. Tal o a d A. L e. nan paid a business trip to Zurich. one day last week, who hasI Mr. Johnson,e � bl John Jahn o , leased the Westlake place, is now busily en - ,gaged moving his fuel and other ar. tides for use. : MCICII.L,OP TOWNSHIP. For the benefit of Nsws-Ri etnzn readers down near the equator, we wish to say:that the first halfof February baa been exceedingly cold and stormy in McKillop. Me. William Evans, our genial as. sessor, is again on .his rounds. Mr. Drager has a gang of men cutting cordwood and sawlogs. Mr. Wolfe of. Logan has come.to live in the house of Mr. Hagey on the Stan• zel farm. Mr, J. Dennison has bought a ear- ,. • load of horses which he will take, tothe 400 yards strong Cambric. Embroideries, assorted widths and .. patterns, good quality, .. extra. special value at per yard .O5 300 yards strong Cambric Embroiderres,flrm edge andgood duality, will wear well, extra spec- ial value at per n 71 yard .0 12 eh New ScotchZephyrs We have opened'out some .Zephyrs.y of our new'Scotch They are very fine quality and fast colors and genuine Scotch make. The' patterns are neat checks and stripes and they come in combinations of blue. and white,' pink and white, green and white and' red ai.d white,are suitableof .f• • child- ren's garments, aprons or waists. There is nothing will wear better. .. 'The prices axe 12sc,J L5c and 20c . 250 yards strong•. Cambric Embroidery and In- eertions,assorted widths and patterns. extra good value at per yard .1 0 INew Cashmeres Among our late arrivals are some new" Cashmeres. goods are having These. g a big run for waists in the large' places. The line we show is extra special value. It is of pure wool and has a nice gsilky bright finish - comes : in cream, . pale blue, pink, old. rose,navyand two shades of cardinal. . The price is 50c peryard The English White Cotton b We do not want you to forget about. the English White ` Cotton we are selling. It' is the best value in the trade.' It is easy to pew and washes well It will give excellent wear and is equals ill appearance to • cambric Three prices, all a yard wide . hoc, tic, 123c Cottonades • We have two lines of',Cottonades that are extra good t find value: They, just 'came .:lli this, week •land you will iia better in the trade. It is a question if you get as good : Heavy Moleskin Oottonade, assorted patterns, soft, will.not ,t)f1 cut, special at per yard LU Best.quality. Moleskin Cottonede, soft, • heavy weight, the ' "ver best made, tweed patterns,. extra. special., per yard.. .25 Very . The Last Thin�-��-s. of winter. They ins Here are ,some, more of the last' things gY are the odd'.oanes and twos that are left of the afferent lines. ofwinter stocks. . We want them out of the road just as quickly as possible and are making the :price inducements very tempting. Just now it . is a question 'of getting the money out ofthem, not of making profit. Mantles The Mantle stock is getting done just where we want it. There are just a few more to sell and then . we will not have any to carry over. If your size is in. the :lot you ''can get . a stylish Mantle for less than half the original price ,• All the Mantles we have left that sold at $5, $6 and $7; this nn season's g yup goods, stylish and to date, your choice for... '1 . i7. 8 No such Mantle bargain was ever given,.ifl town, your choice of ail our Mantles that sold at $3, $10 and $12.. new and 0 nQ o/x� stylish garments each 0■V.V Last Th•iu s ; n Furs The last•odds and ends of furs must by cleaned out, you can save a fewdollars on a Ruff or Caperine if you buy ary of these. All are new goods this season, thoroughly reliable and perfect in every way. Otily room to mention two or three of thein. We have more than this at the store One only Caperine, long front, high collar, electric meal and 11t 1 A blue oppossutn, large bushy sable tails,regular $16.50,now rP L One only astrachan and electric seal' Caperine, long front, tt 1 and bushy sable tails, regular 316, now. w 1 1 One only electric and Greenland Seal Caperine, 6•large booby• tails, high collar add long front, regular $14 v • One only Ohio Sable Ruff, very thick and • busby furan extra. good article, regular 38.50, now 0.0U Ribbon at 50 2000 yards of silk and satin ribbon, assorted widths and shades, regular 10e and i2ic, clearing at per yard 5c. Hose _17c 75 pairs children's Woollen Hose, plain and ribbed, as- sorted sizes, last• pairs of flees that sold at 25e and 800, flow clearing at your choice for 17c. ` - Towels 100 Linen Towels,good quality huckaback, good weight, 18x88 inches, plain and eolored patterns, extra special bargain each 10c►, . ffi.iens Bro Northwest where he intends' to make his- home. • Mr. John Bennewies has a large About o o gang of men employed cutting cord.. wood on one of his fauna on .the noun: WHE o leo An inters Wh t td 1 da ry of M cKrt1P and Logan. RE THEY ARE suiwasrieat s g the OR WHERE date Division Court at $eaforth from. thio place. It took a 'fudge, two lead. THEY ARE GOING ing barristers and about a dozen wit OF BUYING HERE DURING THE NEXT 12 DAYS WILL BE ENoRnous. YOU SAVE Sale Starts Tia urrday Morning, Feb.20th N THURSDAY MORNING, February 20th, there will be bargains for everybody. • The most vigorous reduc- tions since this store o ened"its doors, Nearly' $1,500.00 worth of Short Lengths, Small Lots, Odd Pieces, to- gether gether with the balance of our Coats, Furs, eto,, is to be closed out and prices will get its work in, so that what we set out to accomplish (to be rid of all Winter Goods) shall be' done. THE Goorauss OF THE OFFERING, THE MATCHLESS CHEAPNESS, make this the most important sale ever attempted in Clinton --if quantity suits, quality and price are sure to. Some things at half, some even cheaper. This ad couldn't give a list of Half the Bargains.—our store is full of them. To fully realize what is happening ---to know all the opportunities ---you must come to the store. It will give you ideas as nothing else. can.. Can we afford it ? Yes and no. The loss in actual dollars will be large but we gain in t the end. You'll get what you want for almost nothing --we get the room, the advertisement (this salewl h''ll hun- dreds of people talking about Newcombe's Bargains) and your good expecting Big Bargains and you'll not be disappointed set will. - Read every line through and come I t .05 Flannelettes, cotton, etc., that sold at 8c and 10e per yard, sale price ■0 •U 1 150 yards of 38 inch wide. Victoria Lawns, •regular 0 i 2 12e value, sale price ■V V2 . 1n 3 250 yards of Flannelettev, Wrapperettes, etc., that 013 1 14 sold at 120, 15c to 20c a yard, sale price,..' , ..., .. 1 + Grey Flannels. in light and dark sbades,in twill and a 1 plain. that sold at 25c to 300 per yard. sale price ■ 1 0 U . 05 200 yards of light and dark colored prints, all fast n dye, regular prices up to 10e per yard, sale price . V U {Children's Vests and Drawers, all winter weights • 15 1 5 . that sold at 25c, sale price . - ■ Homemade Mitts and .Heavy -Wool Sox 'that, sold 9 Homemade 25c and 35% sale -price• • 9 150 yards of extra heavy quality' VictoriaLawn, 45 , inches wide, regular price 20c per yerd,sale price . 4 100 yards of Camel's Hair Plaid Dress Goods, the regular value of which is 60c per yard, sale price . 1 9 .14 I .19 t . 25 . 1.0 . 0.5 .09 • ° Cloth Coats and Furs Oise uarter, one third and one halt price: • l have been coming from far and near. We couldn't • Since we have been tellingof.these wonderful bargains people av , g g P P. found out to n thingbe f t tood wi without cause sand it doesn't t longfor. a do such a business o take g i s' Coats that at$4,5. and 6 for .. '; :.... $2.00. ;., Lade C atl5 t , at sold $ a $ �. Ladies Coats that sold at 9, 10 and 12 folr.... , .., . $4.50 Astrachan Oa crines for, .:... 6.95 3.7.5 'Mai131ack p ''..f0c.'Fur Ruffs for 25e, -$6;50 Muffs for....,:. , . . .. 2.00 8 75 Grey Persian Lamb•Oaps'for 2.50 $2:25Fur Ruffs for ... , ...�,1.21i $3.76 Electric Seal Oaperines ford � � $ y . 00 uffs•fo ... 1.7.i 2,50 Storrn Dollars o 34:50 Fur Gauntlets for,, .: 3.00 a. 95 $S.bO Ruffs for..... .. .. , :3.2`!s' $9.50 Black: Astrachan. Oaperines f • Y h ses. $3 � c a 1 .$2 and oar ihP r w t t i rlt b ifi c In' eidditio>a to the above: bargains. we give you a ea>si� u p ,•e. $ . e . C el d r e v sten sand Wash' Goods . have been • • :Several Thousands Dollars worth of New Dress Goods, Silks; Wai g • We •b•Ow-nesses to decide the ownership Of one • T tt is i iti f i nde in - shC3p Mr. David Cantelon was in. London this week, DONNYBROOK. Miss Eva Stevenson is visiting friends • Mr. George :Wallace and sister are • in 'Wingham, visiting with friends at Stratford this • Mr. Young of Molsons Bank spent week. ---Is thisan open winter? It Sunday in Exeter, look like it with . the windand snow Miss Kelly. of Jacksop Bros, store is , blowing a blizaid all. weak?'There has visiting in. London. ' been an almest coati -mons snow and Messrs. A. J. Morrish and A. McBrien .blow for daysand the roads ai•e .in were in Toronto this week, a had state.—Mr, Harry. Hutchins Mr. W. J. Stevens was in Toronto for and wife are visiting at his father-in- a"couple of days this :week. • law's, *Mr. Chas. Robb, this week.'' Miss Scutt of the Business. Oollege left Mr. T..Devidson of the 6 con. left last for Sault Ste. Marie en Monday. week for. the Soo where he is going to Mr; Duncan Jowett of Port Huron was work.—Mee Dobbs, of Muskoka was the guest of Miss Burnett last week. visiting at Mr. '.l'. .Craig's one day lastt, r andrs Plowman --Mess .J. a Wn Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ri�utledt,e week.nd t.. bake spent Sunday. at Mr. Dorse.y's. Burkitt are enraged cutting wood and near Dublin: • . • logs at Glen's Hill for J. Craig et pres- Mr. acid Mrs. Foster of Stanley. were : ent.—Several of our young people guests of Mrs. George Hanley of town spentaleasant. evening' iat a party. at • on Monday... Mr. Weiiwood's . on the 10th' con. • one Miss Elva Potts was: theguest of Miss . night latit week. Rot.Beker. of Godericb township the f4o r 'ePart f' the week. ' Rev. _ J. McNeil the popular pastor of to/MENEAL.. St. Andrew's Presbyterian: church, Bayfleld,,.was iii: Gown on Tuesday "M 'it G F .- n S - eturned home on ar on' rove, .arm, .ear :. um merhfll he residen. a of the' -brill Miss Susie Donk r , . t c es Saturday last: efter.a very pieasant mother Mrs. T.' Wllac was the mouth's.visit in.Streetsyille and Tor- scene of an exceedingly. pretty wed- ont,s ding'or the evening of Wednosday of Mies Notice •Miller left on • Monday. .i w ' h tin t 0 1 k h wee exec.. a .o.c oc w en` for Toronto to resume: her duties. Mrs: Wallace's fourth' dao hter, .Miss ' as. "milliner • E t t hl' h ment. united in the holy bonds of; matrimony: in a on s es a ib - .Etta, and' Mr. Richard Waite were ..: Mrs. J. T. Clark and family returned by 'Rev. ' Alex, Stewart .of Clinton. o 7 The charming bride was beautrfylly home to Toronto on Mnde after a visit of three weeks with . Clinton attired in cream eilk:.luster: with lice relatives and satin trimming and carried a hoe are in Woodstock attendingthe be She entered the parlor loamy) the ialme tin the HeadLam of snit e of .. g P arta it brother, Mr. A.M. Wallace• Messrs. J B. Hoover and H. B. Ker quer of bridal roses and midden . ferias: a of he b . er, , the '01?: V. W, et strains who ave lier.:awa .The swe ofu.wedding'"m marchplayedh Miss: p d th 1 t f iY it s chu ch on e ' d t d g d under ; while in town. m p o g 3'• ,Rev, lilt: Scott of; Toronto, who occu ie the pu pi o i i r Erna The ei a and groom by Miss ey, was a guesta the manse an arch of ever reaps and roses and were ads min an "wife in the essence f Short ends of Dress Goods that sold at 50e to 75c per - yard, in. the lot will be found waist, skirt and 2 dress lengths, sale price. .25 Corset. covers made of good strong cotton and war- 1 0 ranted. to fit properly, Teal value 18c,sile price■ 150 yards of 'bias velveteen, brush binding, real . . value Sc, sale price .Q e1 200 yards of short ends of Prints,Ginghams,Muslins, etc., that sold at 12tc,20c to 30c per yd.,sate.price .0 .49 . 08 . 35 . 49 Ladies' Skirts and Gowns,. made of good strong cot- ton, regular value 75e, sale. price... .. « • « , . .. .81'0 lee yards of Embroidery that sold at 12Ic and 150 . O8 per yard, sale price V Men's extra heavy, all wool and union Shirts and .35 drawers. that sold at t10e each, sale price t It 1 Men's heavy Shirts and Drawers, theverybest 75c. nn values, sale price .Qt7 �+ Men's all wool and fleece lined Shirts and Drawers �c . U 5 regular value $1 and $1.25 each, sale price......: ■ V 5 r� i.. The balance of our French Flannels that sold at 50c .3 U and 60c per yard, .sale price. , ......; . ■t7 5 . 38 The balance. of our stock of ladies' fleece lined vests that Bold at 500 and 75c each, sale price....:.,.. .34 ' 'flan - o' lit American ` o d u. 's o a Ladies' Waists madef y W8 ' nel, in assorted colors and sizes, regular value. pp .38 .3 U 90c, $l and $l•26, sale price , I Ladies' and children's black and colored wool Mitts . 1 5 and Gloves, alt 25e to 30c values. sale price.. '.15 ..02] 800 yards of Ribbons f inch wide, - in all the newest . 0 22 2 shades, ou sale at - • L 20u yards of 2 inch wide ribbons, suitable .for.fancy wprk. in colors of pole •blue, pink. white,tuscan, Q 5 .V . Q 5 navy, gold, black, etc,, regular 10c value. sale_. . ■ U5 100 pairs of heavy wool Rose, in 81.9 and Sit, regular .3 0 values 45e and 50e, on sale at 0 About 4 dozen 75c and St Corsets,: in the very bests .50 filled, salei , all steel ■ 5 0 makes, , lP , 1 Tau WART IT . • Newcombe's .NeWeobs OLINTON ...CLINTON You are invited to come and see them. ' YOUIt HOti ssir BACK iii t t t Mr. J. A. Ferguson, •roadmesfer of the • the immediate. friends of the contract 4 : CLINTON, k•MidiendDivitien.of the G. T. R., was .ing parties. The number of, beautiful at the•station an Tuesday •while on a and costly: presents received shows in ••••N•••••HM••�••�•1•� ��•••�� .4..••�• �t•M••••N•••N�N~NN��N• •••••••••r•••N••••M• t•*+► cni a i i , taken and the company partaken � Jowettof fort Huron, spent Sunday of the good things :prepared for the t► tour of inspection of theline.:. • - . what esteem the young people are r Mr. Fred and Miss Alice Burnett ac- held After the solemn vows lead been o p n ed by their cousin Mr. D k h had k vmrnmmmmnrm r� mmmm'nrmmm�rmnrmm�rnrmnrm�n�ttn�nn��nm�n r�. • with friends in Harperhay. • occasion everything; went merrily till ins on. Monday to, seen a few days. t eh one' d : Sited to beivitreous' ea o e r P there and on March 4th. leaves again' homes all leaving their best .wishes foe for the West with three carloads of the young couple's future .prosperity •. horses: and •happiness. The `bride's . going V Mrs. W. H..Rile and Mrs N. Griffin t s f brown ho pu d of Wingham B. Kennedy Mel-. E. 13owson went up to.Kincard-' midnight when the part y broke up, - d away;sui wa o ro lues n,.an were .guests of Mrs. D blue silk..waist With black velvet hat, . on Mondayand-Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Waite will be 'est home'' .. and accompanied by their hostess to their many friends after' March its;' they visited the house of refuge, . on the•10tb con. of HuUett, where they Messrs. J. 0. Stevenson and J. Oun• will. commence .housekeeping where ningbkme returned on Tuesday from Mr. White has'an excellent farm bf' near Henfryn, where they were tit... one hundred acres. We: join in the tending.',the funeral of their good wishes.: uncle, .the, lata William. Stevenson, Mr, and Mrs. , E. Good of neat Ben-. �' miller were guests on Satetrday last IN MEMORIAM. nd Mrs, W. Fisher r.a i�V' of M east of — town. The letter formerly lived in One of the oldest residents of Hen. Colborne and, are"old" friends of Mr. fryn died on Thursday last at his son's _. and Mrs, Good " ---residence near ifenfryn, in the person : Mr. and Mrs, J. `Auttersereand dau.ah- ,of William Curtis Stevenson. The ...- ter, Miss Hattie, who have, been vis- deceased was born: in Toronto in 1821. icing friends in Clinton, are'ati pees- In .earl, life helearned the cabinet ree ant visiting in • Wingham be- melting in O,00ksville with his brother. +� fore returning to their home in St. the late Thos. Stevenson, : Re married Clair, Michigan. • a.Mise Jane. Worth of England in 1843 • Miss Orpha Miller is attending the and after living for . some years in .�. millinery openings in Toronto in the Cookeville moved to a farm near Tien-. interests of a leading millinery estab- fryn .where be continued until his lishinent of Victoria B. C. for which decease. Be was an excellent mechan- city she starts on her return trip the icand worked for some time athistrade first week in March, 1CZrs, Henry Murphy of the 16th con, dustry and natural kindness made him in addition to fitrrning, His hones; y,in- "^ of Guderich township rowelled horise many friends. He was always atten- • :ariThursday evening after an absence thve to the needs of the sick and those • of seven months spent with her in trouble when the .county was .nave daughter. Mrs. George "Laithwaiteof and help teas most appreciated, He 'near Edinburg,•Norih Dakota. Mrs. was for many years actively connected Murphy left Edinburg at four o'clock ' . with the Methodist church and Sunday on Tuesday afternoon and she had to thouggh school. Relived to the good" old age • make transfers th'e of over 80 years and until t' e connection:was so good that the only last three years was in • good waitwas at Detroit where there was health, A secottd attack of paral. it delay of four hours. Mrs. Murphy ysis ended • his days. Re and .— has a high opinion of the Western his aged wife were living for a short T.- sunnners and says that up to the time with his son, Mr. Thos. C. Steve date of het departure there had been enson, prior to his death. The 'Rev. " very little snow fall. Two ntdm- Mr. Fear of Atwood conducted the Q1 hers of her family have made their services and a very large funeral homes in Dakota, which \gives it a procession followed the remains to place in her affections, but old Ont- the cometery at Eima Centre, He aria continues to hold first place. leaves a wife and live children, vie, Mrs, Murphy's numerous friends are Mrs. Burrows of Detroit. Mrs. Oahip.' much pleased to have her in their bell of Manitoba, Mrs. Collins of Grey midst again. , township, Thos. 0. of Grey and George of California, The deceased was an, uncle of Mrs. John Ounning;hame and BLAKE.Councillor Stevenson of Clinton. What ateaneth this redness of eyea, TgE GREAT' NORTH1llR'? RA/A. headaches, weariness of limbs and WAY ONCE MOR T,I*Es these empty- prayer tneetfngs ? is it t f tl ger weather isorTHE LEAD o t ro their keel to music sot In offering reduced rates to the enjoy tapOng h well,-�-•-�•We are pleased to see that Northwest. Commencing March 1 � On a0000n o 1e seV e it because our yottn folks caeern to """'"^"" et: ._- Miss Maggie Allen, who has been on and continuing daily thereafter until t h e sick list is able to be out again.— ,Aptil Both inclusive, cheap. one-way Mr. John Manson, Jr., of the Goshen second-class rates will be in affect to all has a young eon. •---Messrs. James andpoint.* in the states of Montana, Wash- rtlgleson Esters Jack and. Robert Arm. ington, Oregon. also to Rosslend, Net- . - strung .were in Exeter one day last son, Victoria, Vancouver, Now West - week. -••--A sleighioad of young people minster and other points in.British spent an en nyable evening- at Mr. Columbia. Dont miss theop ortetnitY Howard's last Friday night' --There of visiting site Golden orthwest to le was a large surprise party et Mp, schist a home for yourself. For rates, Edward lk yce's, Jr., Wednesday week literature, and all other nrtieulars night, whet,' all enjoyed themselves call on or write Charlet W. Graves, until an early hour in the morning, District Pase'onger Agent, 0 King at. Mr. Robert Boyce has purchased the West, (Rooter 12) Toronto, Ont, lot of 100'arres which belonged to Mr. Jack 'Walker, for which, he paid .a ig handsome sum. You have the entre, . Wanted ted Bob, now for the Mill,..-. Tho storms of last week had the wade 'Sleeked Farm ll'orentan wantel married scan pre. Moth Saturday and Sundiet.eseeete. leasaae, steady employment and good waged' Co rri6ht matt, Arum Dougletc has the eontraet of ip, A. Irb#i1tgaT1Cit LINT(N furnishing wood for 5.5. No, 0. Adam clic tan l'.o, puts in fitst•claee wood, tloderiet tee., Ns. 10th, aekson Br CLINTON . ' - The Famous u Clothing Establishment a�ekson Bros. CLINTol, LeL-- —mt Call for Fur Coats 4 , : . , where . you • San The stock of Fur Coats which 1s carried in this establishment is a most complete one, Here .is get an assortment of reliable coats and at this seasonof the year the profits are sacrificed to convert them into cash, i\f The month Mar h theworst month of the year and fur coats are appreciated. We do not know how shrewd • ' of ist h ya pp buyers can make money any faster than to take advant ge of our wonderfully low. prices. Our Wombat. Fur Coat 4 at $10.50 cannot be equalled. a A Great Problem From our experience of dealing with the public we know what it means to a mother to get her, boys clothedwell and decently without too much expense. For years past a greatdeal of shoddy goods has been offered at low prices, bat it fe 11 short of filling the Bill. The Lion Brand solves the, problem. ` iten you buy this make you get the best . goods on the market for hard, solid wear. The knickers are made with double knees and double seats, taped n seams,double sewn with linen thread anct will outwear three pairs of ordinary goods ; hien look at the make and cut and you will find that they cannot be approached. Once a customer, always a customer. ' Met1 s Fine Neckwear Our stock of line Neck- wear is the most complete in •' • this section of the country. With us you see all the latest and finest goods as fast as they are produced. Our Bows, o . , String Ties and Club House Ties' are sold for 25c and some beautiful goods are to be seen amongst them. Our importation of Christy English Hats are expect. ecl in a few days. ackson Bros., i11t0110 uuuuuu411/1uuuu14uw4114uwwiuii►wuiiuiuu M AAA,uu�u�,uwu►u►�u►�uuuu�uwu�,u,uw,uw,uu►� r 4 a a a a 4