HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-20, Page 9•
THE WESTERN RHORES the hiteretite of Territorial breederfi." ,;i1Toit A gp Q7LID Li An Ttv (IA rpg 4,09a nfipaisokrup vozt, ;FORTUNATE MISFORTUNES DIFFIOULT TRAVELLING, PRIOE.S. AT ITIOR NOTOR
(s0.1.) w. raerson, see. .141,404,14.1 1401.1/glAkti 01,1 WA, V
I The Calgary Council of last year vio* a the English County'
PURE-BRED STOCK PRODUC- ae'reed to grant the free use of Yie- AGENCY SHOWN IN' AN EVI- COnrta During the Year. IT'S AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS BOUND TUE" WORLD 'WITH •: DOUBLE RATES zixnLY im
WION IX TUE NOItTIVAMST., therein. for the approaching. shoW
Ilona Park fold the public buildings DEMO /DIPUTHEBIA. The returns a the English county
vourts, for the year 1.900, recently NOBODY GOOD. HANDS MANACLED, THE RULE.
and sales, and also clecoled to rector).- „ published show some Peeuha, e re-
Anhlial SPriii Show and. Auction mend tbat, in view of the import-, .13.11raan Beings /ofeeted Virst-. etas. When the system was inaug- Many Marvellous Triumphs of Hands at Liberty Two gours a Hotel Proprietors in London Hope
..Sele Will be Held at Cal- since of said show and sales to Cal- Poxes and Other 1.Vild. Arai- I urateti it was hoped that the power Kind Over Matter- Brave Day When. Ire W'orks to Pay to Reap Harvest in Oor-
gary, us well as to the Territories mats Next Affected. given to tradesmen to sue for small Hearts. His Way. °nation Time,
at large, it would be wise for this That the microbe of the Imbenie debts irt the local county would mino A, great actor has said that no The tat of travelling arourni the , - The 'problem of Kota. aceommodeo
ands of dollare are annually sent put Year's council to Assist them with a plogue has been carried across eerie imize the growing evil el small earn- teeeen call act until he tee suffered. world under uncomfortable and dial- tions is likely to prove a serious one
of the Territories for pure-bred. bulls, reasonable grant. by rats on board ships is a fact de- ere Abusing the credit system. "e that es it may, it is an °Pen Sec- Cult circumstances has found ite late for foreiguers who come to London,
for use on Western Beeches, and 1 monstrated by scion°. It is also 1 The result seems to have been the rot la the "professioo," that the est exponent in Marius Dernstarf Intending to remain in the city only
that this demand could at lea.st be seici to be demonstrable that malar -I opposite of what was expected. While I Wonderful character impersonations Schroder, a Young ;Danish JoUrnalist, it few days, and especially so in the
partly supplied from local sources if CURE FOR- smALtirox. • •
gaze' Nay 14 and. 15.
It is a. well-known feet that thous-
ial fever io disserainated aMong the its ether tenet:10os have been scarcely .loargaelywetitehneeirtvenpriturgagQict hearetere:ns oar: eVit0,110inlachlaioinwo.trarapIng across Amera ethee of Perseus prepare o ma, e
inhabitants of trollical lands hy the used, the county court ha.s xioW be- only a Modest outlay says a Lon-
! '
mosquito. I come practically a Mtge sieht-collect- ,eneetie infelieities. It woUld be in- In August, of last year Mr. Mehra- don letter, As all the hotels will
The cheerfully buzzing bluebottle iug agency, and the figures show i vidious to mention names, but the der ,who is a, reporter on the Folleets advance rateri persons must expect
fly has beeo accused, of conVeying ' that not otaly the poor, but the rcietaalueuchstitra4nocteesr. are undeniable.
not so generally known that leethY tent, refusing te pay cash when thee' was sleeedilY disillusioned as to his out taking a coin in his pocket, and
blood poisoo froxa putrifying car- , thriving part of the working-elasses I Yarded at an early age to a die- dertook as the result of wager to dinary times.
casses to human beings. But it is live on credit to an. enormous ex- solute Man very much her senior, she eactice his way round the globe, wiela
Avis, a Copenhagen newspaper. un- to pay just double the prices of or,
of the diseases of huinanity may be cen get credit either in good or ba5 Inetead, however, of with his hands manacled for twenty- At such. of the big hotels us are
eentracted by that favorite of all times. The following figures will il- ‘8°Ixtg into retirement, Or a ilMatie tWe hours every day, the handaiuding Willing to entertain Patrons lor a
our domeseic animal friends, the sleek lustrate this; I asYfuln, oho threw herself heart and to begin with ins arrival in New week or less 4t will be practically
and purring cat, and communicated It must be remembered that cases , soul lot° her profession. She has York, inipossiele to get good °aeon -mode,
through it to human beings. involving more than 450 can be ; seCceeded, beyond her wildest dreams, Schroder, starting ou the 28th ot tions fot less than 42 a day. One
In one locality in Canada where a brought in the King's Bench, and the I But her audience little suspect toe August, made his way to Liverpool, can easily go much abeve this
isecret of her power. Way the plead- and from there worked his papsage amount,
quieltly fatal type of diphtheria was majority of county court cases are
prevalerit, the spread of tbe disease well tinder that figetre. During the i int love, the malignant jealously, to New York as a stoker• At New One enterprising firm is attempting
was for a long time puzaling to year 1900 there were '780,000 debt !the nerce hate, and the one thousand -York, which be reached on October I to malte a corner in boarding-houeee.
a larger number of skilte.d breetiera
wiatild leeeleire pure-bred hole:104 Su- Used With Success 34 Faris Diulng
. .A.n. Epidemic.
perior individuals of nearly all re-
cognized breeds ot cattle and other The sisters in charge of Sea Jos -
live stock are being prodUced in elm eph's Female Orphan Asylum, at 8ee
province of Manitoba in increasing !venue and Some Streets. Phila.del-
numbers, toed it has been amply de- ,phia, are in receipt of many letters
raonstrated by actual experience that , daily from persons who seek infornea-
many portions of the Terrieories • tion concerning the preparation
present a most favorable field, fromiwhich is believed by the sisters to he
every point of view, for the success- a preventative against ;smallpox and
ful breeding and taising of porebred all other contagious diseases. A few
live stock. What the Territories physicians; are among the ioquirere,
now lack M more herds and inore a small proportion of these having
breeders. decided to try the meaicine.
It has been estiniated that to pro- "These druge have been in use by
Aide for the breeding of th? natural us for 60 years;" says one of the
increase of the cattle stock now in, Easters, "In all that time we have
the Territories no less than 2000 to not had one came of smallpox in our
2500 bulls per anouin are required. institution. The prescription was
It is safe to say teat scareery five obtained by mother Gorigaza more
per cent of that number are to -day than 00 years ago from a minister
Produced in that country, .There is, in Germentown. He got it from a
therefore, no practieal danger of doctor in Paris, who had used it
glutting the home market with pure-
bred bulls. But stronge as it may
appear, in spite of excellent Terri-
torial market conditions, the mose
favorable presented anywhere on ehis
continent, breeders have not always
been able to readily dispose of their
bulls at remunerative prices. This
apparently Paradoxical state of al -
fairs, is due to a variety of influenc-
es. The tendency on the part of
Territorial cattlemen in the past hate
been to rather under -rate the queeity
and merits of pure-bred animals
raised at home, particularly if the
to pay a higher priceefor an inferior adalt, For an infant, 10 'drops for
individual if it could be shown he tbe same length ef time, and for
bor. They have always been willing hour for 12 consecutive hours for on - ° '
where and nobody comes here. The couragement to •the syetern of nude.- the biligshsoepe'Veptalace• He decided to
only excitement is . over the . cats, for ing many families tithe hso.euesde:: pthensiegzetemtOenAeymeileicaa, gbauitublolisntgalldle-inis lcs°
very worn and travel -stained, end his
shoulders were bent with the relent;
SUPPORT OF HIS FAMILY. and a few life .guards? This is a
of the king and queen, their suite
or ivill the procession consist only
there tie a great procession of troops
breeder happened to be a near neigh', The dose is one teimpoontid every v ung woman declared "We go ma court, there will be a statotory en- timid , he was turned out of
was bred in Ontario, Manitoba or childreo under 10 years, one half tea- old Jim is very facer, and theelittle bound to buy; at certain shops
some other distant locality. This spopnful hourly for 12 hours. not think what intthe Other :figures show a general: dip- white:, was subscribed for his study of
world is the ney while his wife and child were in a very impOrtent question, especially.
Manx tortoiseshell is dead. W can- whatever be their auality.e , The eame fate overtook the rno
prejudice exists in all places and "We usually repeat this treatment condition of ehronie cramp from to foreigners, who desire to know
more or less in every line of stock- once a month wben smallpox is epi- matter with them,'
It is Advertising. that it wants ao-
commodations for 5,000 ArnerIcans.
It is • expected tbat the sale of
windows Overlooking the procession
been easy to avoid contegion. But- mainder 827,055 failed to Pay within t s le emotions that so many of are at iihertY• ln order to w n t e will realize un immense cum, It is
day after day new eases appeared in the statutory time. For these fudg- .her craft merely ape. She A as as I wager .he must complete his . journey understood that as muck as £100
houses separated by long distances mint summonses were issued, With hetcneelY as she has. suffered. says 1 and present hinisel(' at Copeithagen 4as been offered for two windows
with great success duriog ,an - epie . of the uninfected families shut them- their cases were heard, The remain- So haleneago-fuelty was Oliver 0 old. I Not content with the nornual difii- WIta Sum a long route as the pro -
smith, that it is doubtful whether -he ,culty of supporting • a. wife' and ' ceeslon will take tlie day after the
and eefused, .
I It' f 'e et in and meet th . ult tl t 128 480 mid before Pearson's Weekly, levithin a year from his start.
demi° of _smallpox there. iselves up in their houses, and refus, der were heard arid jud *merit was
"The prescription is one grain sol- ! ed all communication with friends, given failure to conmly6with which would have given a, single wOrk to 'ohild, Anton. Hanslian, a young Aus-
ten- grinding ee coronation, there really ought not to
of sugar, four ounces water. Die
id extract digitalis, one grain eul-
phate of zinc, one half teaspoonful. •strangers or visitors.
vages with deadly effect, until a clue alty.
Still the disease continued its rae court, and 4,692 incurred that
' ' entads•irnprisonment for eontempt of
.. .ereditors. His misfortunes were 7,000 utiles in a Perambulator for 0, that is the length of the route -and
itgihleoeystala'yorio.olscrie. had it not twee for his trien, has given himself the task 0( be any great crowding. When one
hPoiosuvteo.N'votynr iclaihisiodo Iiii s h o u n d 1 n g wheeling Mrs. elanslian and his child thinke of ' the fourteen miles -for
solve the . digitalis and the gine sep-e •
- - - was ' accidentally given by A young The London Times urges thet this 1
Ilinbger'nsiahrdi. vieerr-- f
eemn of $2,000, offered by the editor in many parts the roads and thor-
a New yora Newspaper. On Sep- oughfares are very wide -there ought
veornan 'who called acroes .the front is a proof that the law should be
Trinity College, Dublin, in the perambulator and started for
da tember 12th he. installed his family , to be room for all. No doubt there
I Will be. •
tion. garden from the doorway of her changed, It suggests that debts un-
born° to a paseing traveller to in- der La should not be recoverable in
ship et painIzeplinigeaornlyalcoositmehaisbles.1aani
St all =h.
arately, then compound the prescrip-
"It is of the utmost •impoetairm . .
quire about the •diplitheria epidemic. the county courts after they have • 0 Vienna on his way. to San Francisco DETAILS NOT ARRANGED:
that the solid extract of digitalis be There giving a ball in the college attics. making. bis way from there to Eng` People are 'asking what the Proms. -
was no other house within. a 'been 'due six months, saying: "While -
used. Some druggists say there .
those -who engaged in fighting it, As cases tried in English county courts. an ° emotions which ber sublime .24th, he assumed his chailla en
the community was widely scattered In these only about 8,000 defendants [art =were to them in turn, thrill began his 20,000 -mile tramp, paying
and. the popular feer ef the disease. were successful. The majority of the tehahl in 40 extraordinary a manner, !his way by workiug during the two
very gent it might appear to have- cases were undefended. Of the re- ‘..ailn Yet it is so simple. She really :hours of each. day whet. his hands
is 1mile or two, the road was little used tradesmen can afford. to let -custom- ' "Vim VICAR OF wAreKiptELD,o ; sion will consist of. , Will the for-
paration. This is valueless. It does la rid.
rying half a dozen f
When Mr. Hanslian was interviewee, eign p a :
nacos, envoys and other func-
no suck thing,. and use the liquid pre- I
. and the family had so far escaped ers run. scores with the knpwledge After v "
ainly t
the plague, that at any time within a few - years professions; he applied for ordinca a OW weeks ago in Birmingham he
not produce 'the same results. ' "It's a.s lonely as can be," the they' can be sued in the county don. But- as he a) 'eared 1 d ' : 1, was„ as might be expected, looking' •tionaries connected with the corona,
tion ceremony take part in it? eVill
truSt of the jury system. Only 894 the law. Finally,. after begging b's spending so much time in such close what really will take place. But
'miners. •
raising, and the breeder is, there- demic, It is the best rnedicine,..we The words game baek to her friend cases were Flo •tried, the rest prefer- way with a flute half over the Con- q nothing is yet settled. Nobody, not
fore, face to face with the necessity' think, in cases of smallpox. The as he stood at her graveside two ring to be dealt with by the judge tinente he brought, his weary limbs He has managed so far to support even the great. officials, can give any
of seeking markets away from his face may be bathed with it, thus pre- days later and heard that tWo lads alone. The suitors fees in the above back to London, where he took a
genet, at the top of himself by selling illustrated post- information ou the suleject. •
owilt immediate neighborhood'. In* a venting scars. I know of one case of the household were also in the CaSOS aggregated 4488,017. . miserable cards contaloing the photograph of The actual coronation procession
sparsely settled country, witta limit- in- which a. -mob sent for the grip of iph ta.
ed transportation facilities, this is a medicine, as his wife had smallpox. 'Then a woman of means in a neigh -
particularly difficult problem, even it She topic it all night, the eruption boring house asked the advice of the
Fleet Ditch.
On one occasion his landlady hav- and counts- himself rich if he has a be a very impositig one, but the dis-
shilling 'or two in his pocket. He is tance from Buckingham Palace to the
intrepid perambulator -pusher, to Westminster Abbey will, of course,
Breakneck Steps, overhauging the the
means, and with a limited number of "The digitalis kills the germs of
animals for sale a.nnually, could disease theft may be in the eystem. general principles he refused to have . Chinese Empire.
anything to do with grimalkin, but . A. i
Discover. ies IiTthe—Wel-t•Part of tfie
g d sent in advance eats ' y utea eat ned his $2.000.
d ir I. ' lated 250 days, wheo he will cer- •will be unable to obtain any sight of
tainl I - •
mg called in a sherifT's officer, Dr.
it did not involve extensive adver- having almost disappeared in the local
tieing, which the breeder of limited morning. . • gora, which lmd a sore throat. On
actitioner respecting er • n -
son . arrived, only to find that the
ainea he •Im however, confident of completing hes Abbey is so ehoot that there will
7,000 -mile journey. within the stipu, eertainly be thousands of people who
Johnson was hastily sent for, John-
- plover has been emulating the arc 1 -
Dr.. , Ste n, the German 7
NOT- POSSIBLY AFFORD: . The zinc purlees the blood. Some advised doing aevay with it at once, • already ahanged 'for :a. bottle of Ma, More iariginal and trying still was PEERS -DODGING-EXPENSES.
docters •objeet to the digitalis -be- Instead of folleaving the advice the ,
appeased .'by the e metiod adopted_ two years ago Another. question is being asked -a
e a. intated beyond measure. the
What individual breedera of liinited .cause - it acts on the heart. Of woman vainly atteinpted tti save her . e or was sadd'enly
aeo ogna, rig zevernen s o r„ s en
liedin • the Swedish savant, in the el "1
1 ; 1 h• t f 1) 8 • eki:itt c•tf a
manuscript, .which Cold- by Mr, Baines, who trendier]. a bar
rot 2,000 miles in 100 days on: Am -
e very serious one, tem. Is interest in
resources cannot undertake to do course, the :medicines must be taken pet's- life by blowing sulphur doWn
, „ the coronation waning. It . certeinly.
sing e- ended, an Association can ofe With care 'as the raeclicinee are tower, . . 11,_
ten accomplish successfuely, hence the , ful. ' ' ' oped diphtheria, and within tbe week inzaGon be tae deserts of Central
Asia. Tee interesting cliecoveries of
organization of the "Territorial' "Seine peOple• complain that it her Imlay was. buried and she wee
tion." Through the eleorts of this , their systems are net in good condi- which struggle she escaped, a physi_ West of those Which Pr. Hedin - hae
. . popularity of which. has 'continued
Dr. Stein.are .severae handred miles
t tat he ad not earned, and that, ..coaches for the coro '
Pure-bred Cattle Breeders' Aseociii- makes them sick. This is because fighting betweeo life a,nd death, froth
asseciation, in the direction of briag- ' t' :- • cal wreck.
' tan whole town that had been coa- .
de H • f u d i Chinese Turkes-
s to this clay. Moit of Goldsmith's like Diogenes, he should make the shin. It May bo that !Viisc.Sie, IsVns.,:i
that the cats were looked af- , .
. . disebvery of emiderices of ancient cee- smith had h. ' ' . .
cold and duns, That MS. Was "The Ihe con Aeons of the wagei wane growing a bit scared at the amouat
of money it is
e combined pressure of hunger,
immedietely sold
Vieth' of eVakefield," which eldlinson tee proverbial eent in hie 'pocket;
that he shoold start even without
Few ot the peers intend going to the
likely to cost theme
. for 260 ed tae :that he should 'not receive a cent
, a . expense of redecorating their state
astaly turned out under erican roads ipr a wager ol MOO. loeks as if some of the nobilitY. were
• •
iug pure-bred stock, raised locally, I "We are not opposed -to vaccine- After
ered by drifting sands. Scone of other masterpieces were only wru•
• ber dur the tunes -of a. growiog British die-
. You can veccuiate•as often as • them evidently dated- froxnabout the from him under similar pressure. '
eg barrel his home,and beeeoam _ •
ing the hundred days. . inclination to maintain the tracli-
to the front, Western ranchers 'are, 11011 • ' • • • • ter, when to the general surprise it . -
even now, beginning to expressa, de- I you please. • It •will be. useless, here- wile :discovered: tbat very few were . .
f th Oh • ti r whl •
to be foUnd. Those that remained te
tanning o e ns e ously enough, the great doetor -•
Antoice, an enterprising I ench
r - -0
ti ns of the magnificent .pageants of
e `on -
•b buried far 1 ' lf d d man, for, a. similar wager crossed their ancestors, as is evidenced each
cided preference for hoe* . bred one(' ever, if yeti have taken'this medicine.
tt of- it but were sac-
. °theta must have een ii nse pro um two of hie best
acclimated bulls. 'I The Vaccination. will npt 'take.' had short shri , , .
more than 2,0.00 veers . ago, • The known Works under thee str f '
e ess o Europe oo stilts; 5 feet high, covera.year in the decline in brilliancy of
ln order to assist in this work, ant "We have 130 children here now. rificed te the poblie good.
relics unearthed in the yoanger of great Mental akony. The logs of his ing the jaueney from :Marseilles to the Lord Mayor's shew, -which novae -
"Annual Spring Show, and Auction theee towns were essentially endian wife,. Who, by all accounts, was nei- Moscow at the ale/crag-a rate of thir- days .is a, shove ire narne only. .
Sale- was last year inaugurated at 'When one is brought we ghee her ihe - When the plague sat:sided there was
Calgary. The object of these innova-,
imedicine peomptly. Althotigh they net a pueeyein the :corifithinity: and it
come iron"; all ever. the city, we nee VMS a lcing -time, • before elle eettlers and Buddhietic. Which is not remark- alien beautiful. nor lovable, . plutige'd There is a great .comineeion in the
able as their position is not far frpm : him info tlie most, violent :grief, HO ter Miles a, •day, •an aetonishing feet .
of •eeill -and enduearice; axed a"few West End clubs, where :the meth:bees
tions is two -fold, (1)„ To deerelOp [Yee have a cbataglaus disease within begao imperting them,. 'evidence and the indian bender, in a region that only 'retained his mental. balance,. b
y ye'ara ago an American newspaPer think they should have Places at the
home breeding of purebred aattle, end 1 our doors." ' • - • subseqoent result appealed to proye undoubtedly wrea sithject, to the in- 'turning. doggedly te the completion man made his way -round the world. windowe to :aleve 'tbe procession fee
to afford a remunerative 'cash mar- . . • • • • • : conclusively. that the cats hied 'been fluence .of the Indian...peoples:. . af his great werk. , For three veal's. stetting not -only penniless but in a nething. en none of the clubs ie et
ket for such stock. (2) To fa.cilitate e ' .• 1 . among • the most potent factors in In One place Dr. Steio .found a . fie searcela raieed'pen froth ape.e" At suit made"entirely of old.newspetaes, possible to Iet .every niembee haye a
-the exchange of pure-bred sires. It . .. ,
• the spread of the disease. And the hotise that was quite well preserved the . en& of that Um t• 9 - .
. e .as grief had -
Which'. had: to serve until' he had
=ENT OF• COLDS. place. • Therefore the plaCes Will be
is found: that learners. and teochers : TREA . effect of their' -eickness wes faxther aria ie .
whieh some Officials must- abated, and • -earned sufficient by his' eiits to pur- put up fer ballot. ' e• ' :
How the Ravages of the great
• White Viague Nray 1M Pre-
The rooms 0 c up ie d by a tuh‘froYe
lous patient ehould be thoroughly
disinfected at regular intervale, enlace
it is possible even with great care
the furniture, neors, ealls, etc., rimy
have been infected. Evea the oecia.
eional disinfection of the persernal efe
Meta of the patimet is advisable. la
Case of decease it is, of course, self-
evidene that everything the con-
sumritive might have come in Con-
tact with, particularly furniture,
bedding, clothing, books, etc.,
sheuld be thorougaly disinfected. In
many communities ouch disinfeetien
is now attended to by the boarde ef
ing directions will enable one to
raaWnhPetr eb et 11 see caui rde d° tree f ho el laol h-
make a thorough disinfection by
formaldehyde gas: 1. An cracks car
openiugs in the plaster, or aboot the
doors and windows should be mune"
ed :tight with cotton or strips: of •
cloth. 2. The linen, quilts, blankets,
carpets, ete, should be stretched out
on a line in order to expose as Much
surface as possible to tile disinfec-
tant. They ehould not be thrown
into a heap. Book§ should be sus -
pearled by their covers, so that ,the
pages will fall open and be freely
exposed. 8, The walle and the floor
of the room and the articles COa.
tained in it should be thoroughly
sprayed with water, 1f Masses of
matter or sputum are dried doWle
the floor, they should be
and . lobsened. No Vessel of *Ater
should,. however, be allowed to re -
Inaba in the room. • 4. one hundred
and fifty cubic centimeters (aye
ponces) . of the comxnercial forty -per-
cent. solution of formalin for each
one thousand cubic feet et space •
should he placed in the distilling :ap-
paratus and distilled as rapidly as
possible. The keyhole and spaces
about the door • Should then be Pack --
ed with cotton or 'cloth, O. The
room: thus treated should repealer •
clothed - at least ten hours. If there
is mucea leakage of gas into the' sur-
rounding rooms,• secon'el, or third
distilletion of formaldehyde should
be made at intervals -of two • or
three hours. -
To be sure that the work is well
done •it is always bese to have it
supervised by a physiciazi. To MOM.'
agars of hotels and boarding boueeo
in health resorts', this method of
disinfection is particulexty to be re--
coinmended, and die: diSinfection of
rooms occupied. • by consumptive
guests Should alWaysitake phice im-
-medeately 'after their remoeal.
In some cities and villages tuber-
celoeiS seeins to ciing"to certaio lo-
calities and. houses. : The diseafse ap-
pears .io a veritable: epidemie form,
that is to say, it is always present
there, either from the fact that earee
less tubertuloup patients late% liaed
for years M' these hooses, or Owing •
to the equally: .finportant fact that ..
the soh ori which, they are built.;
the manner in which they' have been
ecinsteueted, is . ranch as to favor. 'the
retention of the tubercureus infeation
indefinitely. When a thorough' sane • •
ltary overhauling doei not suffice to
fitamP :out these spurces of Infection,- •
the' destruction of "such dwellings
seems the only remedy. • ,
The coupes of in.sufficient and bad.,
nutrition, while they have Often eo
be sought in the econornical and so-
cial .conditioa of the commanity,
which we Cannot discuss . here, are
are just as, and perhaps 'mote, fre-
quently to be found in igrierance.,
and inexperienee.. Te make a gooe, :
plain, healthy, tasty meal with. rola-
tively little expenee.is:•an art -Which
must taught to the young wifeei
leaving the factoey or the position in
the stOre to .enter uPon the duties of
a housewife. . Beni is • a field for
noble -minded and experienced women •
who have made the art et cooking -a
study. By imparting. their: expert
ience ;to their lese- fortunata sistera,
tifiligyWhiellppneynk...° liciasehold taste
Of 'course; the establishinent .of
public eating -houses, wheina especiale'
ly 'the Unmarried people of • the. werk
ing ehtsses 'Coo . Obtain good and
plain:meals foe a, noniinal price, is
also ' a necessiter." In connection With -
the: subject of , malnutrition, we wish.
been carried at eOnsidereble coet to say oneemore. word coneerning
from Lagoa in the coolly of Lagos poor -School eheldren, especially in'
through the 'Medan, with braneh
t Very rarely go honee- foe lunCheon,
large ' cities. , The' majority of them
line to the: famous Yoruba city
Abbeocuta with • ita.150,0,00 inhabe--- and the • prOvisiOns • they.
bring along • from honov
itants ; front. Madan the line • will
be earned on, within a short.period are often of the 'most 'meagre kind.
in aome cities of Germany the' ex- .
to elorin, and froth there to
point,- probably Rabah, on the Nie
set" Penh:tent has been made to peovide
ger ; end it is intended to construct these poet. children- with a:lunch of
a :railway as early as -possible from gOod meat sandwiches and a 'glass:. of
ehe teem -Mils of the -Lagos line on milk. The result of this most praise -
'worthy.. wark among children badly
the Niger to Kano, the capital of
Northern Nigeria, toward . Lake fed at home. has been simply ettr-
Telhath.e. French iiree.t.
African col- gained in weight wethin a monthai
• •• .
prising Nearly every one of them.
.oniee railwaye. are aelog energetically intimadee, ahnadp.paielt .of dherti were certainly -
puthhed into ehe interior from the anid 'capable of doing
coast. A: railway several -hundred .
better -work at: scinaol4
milei in length aleeady unites St,
ager artived fifteen days later, rate,: line, however; is that which hes been'
Utile on the Senegal with the Ilpe
per Niger and another is about to PARLTittlENTS.
be undertaken from Kanakry, on the
The box,. with himself stowed away The British House of toraraons is
coast a shoet distance north of the
inside it, was then shipped by friends , pr e e,, io the largest legislative body in the
to New York,•*here the daring voy- the route lejallon gold fields to the
upper Niger. The ' most important world, having De -membership 670.
The Freoch chart:deer of deput has
probably the most terrible journey. 'begun in Dahomey. It will run dile a membership of .584; the Italia
any human being tuts ever survived. north from Poet° Noire to Lay on house of •. repreeentatiyes, 453; the
parlianient 508, the Hungarian
-London. Tit -Bits. 48%; the Anstriein
• --4 .
dian of Paris. Ultimately these
." itthei viNiigueitie, epteratl 'heel eweietth,efanodle. .itnicithnsiree iCiaort4es2,5,
three linee proloeged meet the reichstag, the smallest of the '
pone parliaments, 397. The preserie
. and, the German
projected ' Trans-saharan nee front Membership Of the Unites States
house of represenfativefe is 357. The
ef a. load of coar Ieft nut of Algeria,, and se give to the French
doors, exposed to the weather, say the commercial and military control next house of representatives will be
made up of 380 members: . Each of
for a, month. it lOses one-third of its of their immense West African de-
mob -I, from the Mediterranean to the
Atlantic on the west and the Bight 'delegate, bringing the whole mem-
of the four territories will also ha.ve
The Methane apparently are' not tri bership of the fifty-eighth Congress
of Benin on the South. '
tho same hurry to endoW their col- to 890. 'The Canadian parliament,
ony of TOgoland with railways, but tinder the 'apportionment of 1892 coa-
are giving attention in their usual elate .of 213 members. The boure of
Greeee consists of 207 members, and
inetit of its resources, particularly in the 'chamber of deputies of Brazil
hae, 212 members.
methodical manlier to the develop -
Cotton produetion, With this objeet
in view they brought over from this •
country some little time ago a num. 'Hostess (at the partyea-"Miss Rob --
live in ber Of expert negro cotton ealtivae enson has no partner for this waltz.
tors to Togolatid, and the first rea Would you mind &dieing with her lo-
in the porte .received describe the experie stead of me?" Hawkaril--"On the
Mot as promisirig great success. contrary,1 shall be delighted,"
Wrong Idea of...the/ Nerves.
on a small scale often experience dif- • t
How You Itea.y • d
reaching than could have been imag- have lived. A nomber of doenments JOHNSON'S •DICTIONAle5r chase more orthodox and durable -
ficulty in disposing of a bull which Some ECin s en .
Treat Thera. Dead foxes began to be found
neatly written oa wooden tablets, .
were discovered: They were careful- .V7a,:;wtaivent-to t wor
I Id • A remarkable journey Was recent-
. • I.
has been in use an a neighborhood
for some years. The sale furnishes a This is a subject .of perennial in- ip.bOut the stoee piles in the fields, a. d . i acka es and the dr '
• g o valicies causes, ohnson ly performed by Mr, °belles Vox
convenient medium for selling dis- torest and one about which mUch, hes and the farmers' wives noticed 'that
carded sires, and buying others. ilf ele n P g " y benefited but -little financially from Deckson in travelling from •Dawson
sand had, preserved the -tablets won- his geeat work. • Conseqiiently, when, .CitY, in.the Klondike, tO England, 'in
' been written, but with resulte dis- the young turkey§ and chicket% were derfullye well. The ink wee quite
It may be triken for granted thee I propprtionately email, considering not 'molested ey ehese sly etviest, black, Etna the strings :wrapped' a few years later, his Mother died, , sixty-two 'days, The conclettoos of
the Annual Sale sysiera has -come the consumption of ipk. The truth The word was,' sent arouod . ia. eroend.the packeget seemed us -fresh set Lichfield, ate the ripe old age of the' wagee :were that •he was to start
to stay" in Western Qanada, Last is that a:cold 'is .clae to en almiest something Was .leillieg. he foxes.
sa'td' d as thot g they had only been aged'
i h ninety, he was . • unable to. pay even , - , WITHOUT-- MONEY', • ''..
her few debei and funeral eXpenses. . " al 1
yearei sale proved beyond -a doubt infinite Variety of causes ; seme lo- A corinecting link was iseovere. •for a few•weeks. The evritilig Was in net te. Pay for n ing a single riai e,.
that this is the most profitable, con- cal, some generar e some -readily whole an incredulous trapPer came Indian Sceipt; which has not beetede-• Se hauoted was he by the idea. that
and his. entire wardnebe was to con-
venient and satiefactory method of Avoidable, :some • placeically inevi- along and was heard lanaenting 'the' ciPilereda though it es thought .this this beloved 'relative should lereve a
buying, selling and exchanging puree table; end no -one method will ,ptove leck of, cats; .Wheeewith to hait. his task ' Will bot iityolere special difficule
bred stock. Everyone of the breed- effeeteve 'in all cases: . ; fox traps: .
ars who entered stock foe sale in Very few . are the. fortunate inei- "Nothing will: draw a fox li Io other ruins Dr. Steio found doe,
ke a
1901 is enthusiastically . in 'favor of vichtals who: nosier have colds, mid. cat," he said, divulging what was =outs, in the Sanicrit • Chinese and
these sales as a permanent institu-e moat of those living in ourenorthern evidently one of the secrets Of the Tibetan languages. He did not find
tion, and there has nOt oeen a single climate entist; be resigned to • haying .trade, since very . fee" people had . any seripte in Welting that is now
objection or' complaint recorded" by 'one or two 'in the Couree og the wilt- heard of such a thing before. • .unanoWn. . . • ' .. : :
any of the- purchasers. .. Laet yeae's ter ' 'hut one whci takei cold readily• - Then It was:remembered that es a Ameng: soine of the buried houses,
sale was an. untried and 'entirely -110W -and° ofeen is not in. a' liealehY Cora rale the bodies of theacats had not were prettily designed gaedens, -ei-el-
venture, and was organieed in a ditioo end. shotilci seek medical ad- been . foend aeound the farm build-
, lises,:erabowered walks, thebranchen
very hurried manner, And consequent- vice, 'The amuse in such •a ease May Inge,. the eseiffering eeeatures , haYing of the ,vines ehat had caeyered ethe
ly was insufficiently advertised. , it be local, camisting in seine. inalfore -gerferallY Crawled away to die in soh. trellisee being still intact. The gar -
is expected that the forthcciraing atm- mation in .the interim" of' the nose • itude in the woods: •So it ceases tO dens were laid out on a plan that
tion -sale and cattle show ea be held-. which keetis the mucous membrane in :be a Wonder 'that the: fences of the still pievalls • hi • Turkestan Mul-
• •.
•Great" Britain and :Peance Hurry-
. . ing .on. Constrnetion,
West . Africa- is entetiog On an
ere of railway enterprise which. Will
have: an important bearifig on the
' • one suit. political and bornmercial future of
pauper's :reputation, that he immed_ Slat of
Mr. Diekson left Dawsen Cites. on that part of the.Dark -Coneinent. en
with to pay ofl these bills. By
lately • commenced a novel, 'where.
working- day and night, and sending Angust 1711r, and arrived: at White the :,Britieh proteetorate. of Sierea
his sheets .stectight ' to the Horse seven days .later. In three Leone a line . is • under- construction
press, days more ha walked the 111 miles into the interior , 'from Freetown,
without even so much es reading that divide White Mire° front Skag- which Will open up -a, fertile country;
them through, he ciecomplishecl his waY' He then wOrked hie passage and in the Gold Coast Colony an -
superhuman task in a weele. . In 'this to Vandotiver Island . and reached oteer has already been built from
way he raised the necessary 4100, VaticouVer as a stowaway.. From the coast to .the Tarkwa gole fields
and his publishers: received the world- Vitncoover to Montreal lie trayelled , and - is--• being prolonged : to Koo-
tanious "liasselas," .. ...• . having nothing to eat for two days Massie, the capital of' the .former
Emile -Zola and many 'other famoui while riding 500 eniles: in .,the• unused kingdom 'of Ashenti. Oveing to its
French writers were driven to Woe water -tank 'ref an old engine which militaey. . importance a railway has
by sheer hungee. With Zola as with was being takeo to the Atlantic
Goldsmith, . it was write oe sterye. eoaet. for repeirs. e roe) Montreal
at a gary on the 14th and leth of ;an irritable state. .This fault in country were passing away. . belly, peach, apeicpt; atrid poplar Mr. Dicksoli worked his way as a
May, will be a vast improvenient' on anatomical constructioo can -usually But the effects of the mortality trees were burled out of sight as - cattleman to Manchester, which he
His early -Parisian days Were Passed
in a tiny seventh floor garret, where
the last, and that each succeeding' be remedied by 'an opeiation which' among the eats did. not end there. theer stood and•were still perfect al- he had frequently to sit in his shirt reached on the sixtieth day after
year's sale and show will witness a is seldom .severe. But before resort- From the Indian reeerves to the :most to the lost twig. leaVifig Daweon City, the whole dis-
marked adVatice in pepularity. and ing te this the general system should north came the information that the eleeves, because "uncle" had charge
Theee towns were apparently aban- teethe being 10,000 miles,
of his only coat. Doth Alphonee Date.
efficiency of management aver the be questioned in order to deterrnine Inelians had mede requisition uhon 'cloned because of the eontinuous But for downright discomfort it -
previous one. - whether' or not ,the fault -lies ' with the Departnient of the Interior det and Victorellugo were goaded on :
eand drifts Which. ihreatened their WOulci be almost impossible to
The names of the following gentle- that. Often this -is the case, even through their local agent for winter destruetion anti outdo it impossible , beat the experience of Johann Beck,
by theescorie gaunt hound.
men are a guarantee as to the sue- when a nasal .deformity aiso exists. supplies instead of leaveng for their to procure a sufficient Water staPPI,Y• When Hugo wee in 'Belgium .his•
a German, .who travelled 'all the way
miserable tittle had several unailinor-
cess of the venture: --t Chairman, Jno. Ofie of the chief predisposing hereditary hunting grounds as usual. The fact eeat the settlements were, frbin ,HaMburg. to New 'York he - a
ized openings to the skye and wse se-
a.. Turner, Calgary, Alta.; Sale causes- of a cold is a. disordered . di7 Inquiry. showed that the Yeling deliberately abandoned seeins to be packing case, As he was nimble tp
Sup't, Peter Talbot, Lacombe, Alta.; .gestion, especially intestinal •diges- men of the tribe had unexpectedly' proved by the abeence of all house- peer even the cost of -a steerage -pas -
mall that his bedstead stretched
right adross it. At seventeen, the
Director, D. IL Andrews, orane.1.,ake tion, es a result of aVereating or the and in fright •returned from the Pre-. hold valuables, though a number. of saige, Beck decided to travel as cargo
Aimee Sec-Treas. & Marie Directea use of alcehole It has been eaid that iiminary spying out of the trappeng soiall articles mere found. It is evi- and for this purpose he bought a
penniless Daudet *as tramping,. the
Agriculture Regina, N.W.T.
C. W. Peterson, Deputy Comm'r of .an. underfed man cannot. catch cold, routes for the Winter's work, with :dent that the inhabitants ernight neW froin the• first friend be could meet; packing -ease 6 feet long, 4 feet high,
streets • of Paris, glad to beg a lied
vehile an overfed Mae Can seercelY the informatioo that. they found the homes and' probably no long time and three feet wide. He lined the
whilst Balzae Was only rashade more
It is evident that the Western avoid it. Whether this is. strictly martens, fisher and inink dead in all elapeed after their departure. before
pint bottles of coffee, some loavee,
comfortable in a 1.1,arret, 'through -°°tt°1° with "8"3/' 'nett in two d6zan
horse breeders are no whit, behind exile or not, there is certainly some directions. Thee° ler four bear skine the aand eompletely coveted ebe which the Wind wh' u d "Like 'rue
the cattlemen in energy atid businese close eelation between tee digestive and one lynx skin were brought back villages. ' Ion -through his flute, though not 40
ts and chocolate together
portmanteau 'containing his few
ability. In September, 1900, a nitm- organs and the nose ; and inaction 'which they had stripped from ani -
pleasantly." with a Wottle of.Whiskey. and a small
Perhaps orie of the most successful
sengs of last century was Milton
Welling's celebrated "Some pay."
The story of its inepiration gives on-
ly one more proof that, despite him-
self, the shadow of a great grief of-
ten wrests a Ifian'S best veont emu
him. Briefly, the history of "Some
Day" is as follows:
Mrs. Wellings was absent from
Lendon on a yachthig cruise, when
word was brought to her husband
that the tiny craft had met with an
accident. He inunediately telegraph-
ed to Cowes, Whither his wire had :heating qualities. If a ton of ceal
gone hut received no reply. Again :is placed On the ground and left
and again he wired without result, I there and anoeher ton is plaeed tattler
Until at length it beearne too late. to 1a shed, the latter lcises about 25 per
teiegraph, 1 cent of its heating force. the former
All that night he sat up in the, ut- about 47 per cent. Hence it is a
most agony of mind, awaiting the :great saving of coal to have it in a
Message that, never Came. Restless, : deer place, coveted over on all sides.
ler pacing hie room., lie chanced upon The softer the coal the more heating
the maleuseript of "Sento Day," [power it loses, beeauset the 'volatile
which Was tying apon his desk. The :and valuable constituents undergo a
deep Signiilea,nce of the line, "Or are 'slow combUstion.
you dead, or do you liVe?" at once
a,ppealed hiin, Whilst alinost un-
consciously, his tuneful genius Mtge , town's, against 11,076,815
1'7,920,210 English people
gested a fitting melody, The day
Wife's safety, saw "Some Day" give '
/ country.
that brought the glad tidings; ot his
en to the world.
' Deep ift the Great Smoky Range
of the South Carolina moUntains
lies a little place, tattled "The Them -
sand Pines." Mere, in a tiny burika-
loW, Arita ten) miles front Tyron Vil-
lage, the great American actor, Wil-
liam Gillette, Conceives those re-
markable creations With Which lie bus
thrilled the audienCes of two conti-
Mine of Sherlock Holmes; but it has
It is a oueer, lonely spot for the
ate exceedingly pathetic Interest. It
Was here that the great actor fled in
smirch of bliv'
, ft I 1
his Wife -aa lees that eliattered his
health, and tante very bear termina-
: ting his career, Then, like the brave
ing at the Lyceum Theatre, Lon-
cessee, the stirring drama, noW Ave
don.gout into itis Work. The reeult, has
been the most famous or all hie sue.
heart he is, Gillett plunoed heart and
ber of representative breeders of of the bowels is a frequent forerun- ,
nods found dead in the bush. I
horses formed the "Territorial Horse rier of a, cold. - Soine sickness :was aboUt thee was .
Breeders' Association." The most The adage that one "must stuff a clear, Two of the young hunters
important objects of this Aesocia- cold and starve a fever"' is pernio- bad become possessed by sornething
-Um are to further the interests of ious-a cold is a fever, and one of which took them by the throat in- Excessive Use of Soap and Water
breeders in every honorable and. le- the surest means of cutting it short side and strangled them, and them Is Too Common.
gitimate way, to develop the ie to take a laXative, abstain alniost the hunters had left dead behind -
entirely from food for tweney-tour them. The. devil-Matche Manitou- , "Some people run' away with the
HORSE nAisING iNnusamt idea that the niore they bathe, the
hours, and drink two or three quarts was in it all, or there Was some -
find new and profitable markets, Mad of cool water. : healthier they will bo " says a oily-
' -ithing wrong about their charms; it '
to improve the various breeds of Another "popular remedy," which i was bad medicine to sieian of high standing. "It's a
be in the woods mistake. It is necessary to.keep the.
hoeses raised in the Territories, - • - is really an aggravator, is a "hot
The Association has already inter- toddy" at bedtime. A hot drink, ithe Indians said. skin elean, of course, but frequent
So the hunters 'determined to re-
ested itself , considerably in finding hot lenionade, for example, is good, bathing rimy result in ill health.
main at .honte and to set the medi- Apart from cleanliness, the bath is
new markets for its members, note- and the subsequent siveat is good, eine men to work upoo a new get of
of -very little importance to a really
bly in connection With the South M- if the sleeper does not threw off the
rican demand for military remoutits, bedclothes the minute he drops off ' - incantations, and to allow the Gov -
healthy indiVidual. if a person's
, ertunent to Med them that • winter.
and now desires to move vigorously but the alcoholic addition is not skin is clean, then a bath will not
Beyond a doubt the fatal sickness- add to his chalices of remaining In
,. in the directiori of the hnprovenient merely superfluous but injurious. Al- had sprectd from:the cats to ehe wilcl
a condition of health; he will be juet
of the various breeds of horses re- eohol in any forta .predisposes to a ; enamels
presented in the West, As a first cold arid retards the cure of one al- of various kinds over a good as Well without it. In cases wleere
step it has been deeided to hold an ready present. !Many square tulles of territory, un- people are ailing in sonie weed a
Annual Spring Stallion Show opo Cool bathing, deep breathing, daily i til 1 t it h d humanity
at as rear: e bath -hot or cold, according to cir-
to the Territories. As the Associa- exercise in the open air, fresh air in again in the persons of the young In.' cumstances-nuty do good; it le a
tion is particularly anxious to be the hottse at all times and espeeiallyldian tanners.
thoroughly "Territorial" in ite char- in the bedroom at eight, abstentious , During the last epidemic of the. Medicine, .
"Many medical specialists are now
acter and scope, an attempt is to be living, and not letting waste ma- grip some cats were no•Jeed by close pushing a vigorous campaign against
made to plea° all stallion Owners in tenets actumulate in the body- obserVers tainiliar' with the above the exceesiVe Use of soap and evater,
the Territories on an equal footing; these aro the best means of remov- facts, as being afflicted with an ill.
iness in its eYmPtoms not %Milk° that . which ie so Coltman.. The skin is
not intended to be sUbjected to such
by offering free transportation to Mgr one's "tendency tO catch cold."- which. laid 50 many people by the
and from Watley for all stallithas Youttee.CoMpaele A. treatnientp the conatant',Washing is
entered, providing arrangereente can . heels, The rapid spread of that die. injure:the to it, and makes it meet
ease may have been clue to some ex- 0
be made to gather carloade, Or eVen
and patchy. Women and children -
half 'carloads along the line of rail- t 0 tent to the visits of the domestic pet the Tatter often uneviniogly-are the
way en route 10 Calgary, An fin- TH KING s alp opt lizA, to tat friends stifferieg front its re,v- worst offenders, and it is preeisely
ages. they 'who should be the meet careful,
portant feature of this show Will be The King of England can be tut -
the facilities offered kw the purchase, ting as well as courteous, It mi ht be wise to subject pussy's as their skins are Mote tender than
sale and exchange of stallions. Par- ample here Is an incident which oe-
For exe visitingglist to strict supervision at
-Male of the adult Male.
ties owning stud horsee that have curred before the Xing eame to the times of sicknese and epidemics,
. "Soap and water are not always
stood for treelike in any particular throtte. ' needed to clean the face, for Metalled.
district of the Territories for a nitro At a large baZaar the prince, being ._,„....*.,.......4.,..-...-.,.. Ono occasionally hears a jesting re-
mark about hating a. dry rub' with
bet' of years, Will thus be able to er- tired, had entered the refreshment
feet exchanges in a coriverilent, sat. teem. He asked a well known so- QUEER SECT IN RUSSIA. a towel, but this dry ,rub is recoup,
isfactory and inexpensive manner. clay beauty, who Was perforxning A nale sect, having the meet re, mended by tonne of the highest ined-
Any transportEttion arrangements the role of Wattrese, kr a eup of inarkable tenets, is /flaking striking ical authorities When the face ie not
made Will admit of this being done tea. This Was soon brought to him. progress among the ignorant Bus- aetually dirty. Soap is eschewed,
if possible, with the payment Of no and stailieg, he asked her hOW much sian peasantry in the valley of the too, by many persons; they content
middle Volga. They call themselves themselves with rubbing. the face and
extra charges for the return trip. he owed her for it.
Fopolniki, or "dwellers under the other parts of the body with a flan -
At a meeting ef the EXeeutive "The price of the op of tea, your
Committee of the Territorial Horse royal highness, is half a croten or- eerth*" They bind themselves to net, or lufta, moistened in warm
care for all fugitiver; from justice, water, Others, again, make their
Breederte Association held at Cal- diriarity, but (taking a sip 2.0111 the vagabonds, desertere front the armY hands do, duty in the place of the
gory on NOV, lath, 1001. the follow. teacup) when I drink from it the
ieg resolution Was carried:- price is one guinea." and other mieerable beings, whom. flannel, ri ...'
"That this AenoelatiOn. having for "I see," replied the Menet), quietly, they hide away in clefts or holee in
.............e.,a4..,........... .
ite prineipel object the improverneet placing a guinea, on the table. Then rocks, Those among their own peo-
of horse§ in the 'Territories, feat; putting' a half -croft beside It, he Pie Who fall sick are treated in the
deeply indebted tO the Hero Minister oaid : "The guinea liquidateis my tame Way, but are tat Without food
Of Agrieulture, and the Dornihion Ara debt, and now might X trauma or drink Of anY kind. HVerY thee or
Government for generous; Ananeial Ito- you to bring me an ordinary op of three days they visit the eick.
sistance (worded the Territorial Lave tea, as I ant thirety 1?" Shottld any be dead they aro buried
Stock Ateociationo, and particularly 'The society beauty Wile ilo over- secretly, but not before the eorpeee
desires to express its obligation to Wile With Mortifleation that elm two baptised arid have received a
in order that the soul
Mr. I*, W. /rodeo% Dorniftion Live tould not bring the oecond cup 01 new name,
Stock Commistioner, for hig velure. tea* bet got a Weed to All the Or- buiY appeet Opetikei betel% the
bit teerViete, and untiring efforte in dor for her, throne of Heaven,
Judge -"Do you expeet me to seed
your hubband tO gaol When you con-
fess tbat you throve a tamp, codes,
pot, two ilat-irons, and four plates
at him; whereas he only threw a tea-
eup at you?" Wititees-"Yes, ver
1184,006 vegeels of a combined ton-
worehip. 'Cos, yer see, the cup he tinge of tid millions of tom enor
threw at ino Ine." British porta in the cows* of a.
satisfactork, ' ' ° LI vex, end 295,000 dear,
The Action of the Heart Lunge, Stomadh, Liver and Kidnap: Depend on
the Nerve Porce—ExtraprOilliary Iiessilts from the use of Dr. Ohastle
Nerve POOdb 1
There is uot a single organ of 11 hunlan body' that can, perform Its functions without a. liberal supply of
nerve force -the motive porter of the
a separate part of the body. tin brooches extend front
coottioldmrin tvoer bo ttilipoo• ttgot
th fingers and toes. Just as the blood is carried by the aro
Odes te. every nook and corner of the system, to st nerve force, by mewls or nerve fibres, is distributed and
IterVe force is just as important to life as is good, Och blood.
'When the nerve cells are wasted, by over exertion, worry or dieease, more rapidly than. they are replaced,
the action of the heart beeornes slower. the lungs begin to vecaken, tho dOnlEuell, fate to do its duty* the liver
and kidneys falter in their work ao fitters and the. exer ory organs get feeble and inactive. You May be a.
sufferer front wealiness and exhaustion of the nerves, end my have been attributing the trouble to the /item-
ach, kidneys or other organo. Nervous exhaustion is mar d by restlessness, disturbed eleep, languld,'*eary
feelihgy, headache, dyspepsia, and bodily pains, inability to oneentrate the thoughto, absentemituledneSs,
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dizziness, irritability and gloorny forebodings.
Through the medium of the nervous system De. Chase's Nerve ,00d carries now life and energy to every
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If you onetime° any of these symptoms of nervous exhaustion, you can rely absolutely on Dr. Clirioe't
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Dr. Chase% Nertre Food, 50 Masa box* boxes for $2.;50.. at all ilealoro, thiniation, Dites ik 00., Too