HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-20, Page 44 ra•,. Tho h1ltou Haws -Record. HOL,MBSWILLE. W, .1. MITCRELLI EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR OLINTQN, 'E13. `.r:0'lj,'H 1902 New. ,.dvertjselnents. William Hick, who with hie wife came to reside in our village about five years ago, joined the silent rnajority on Monday last, aged seventy tour years. The deceased was of English. birth, but for about twenty years farmed near Taylor's Corner, this. township, Ile had been in poor health for some years. so death .came as a merciful release from suffering, In his f. TRS CLINTON NTOWS-RECON D miss A SEBUM GIODBRICJ OORI SPONDPjNT iiT40•N•NN•N•NNNH•r►NH•IN••••••••••••NI•N•••••• Miss Donogh is in Detroit attending Mrs, George. Buxton is taking a six the millinery openings in that city. Weeks' holiday visiting relatives in Pet - Mr. Jaynes Johnston, who formerly voila and London. kept a fruit store on West street, has Miss Cameron left on Tuesday week returned from his visit to Seaforth. to v Jolt her sister; Mrs. Davidson at Mr. Robert Whitel , : oungest sou Elora, and later attend the millinery en in: - at Toronto, ''eb, 20th, 1002 THE NEWS -RECORD SUPPLEMENT Clinton, Feb, 20th, leoa. HAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP P Huron Uounty P.aokiug. andOdaStorage Company. o The township council met a Febru• j[Jj ary 0, pursuant to adjournment. Pres- ent, the reeve and Messrs, Carr, Ducie The Different Branches of Business to be and Beecroft, councillors, Minutes of last meeting read and pnssed. Carried on by the Huron Pork Packing. Bylaw from county,counoil per wm, 9,nd Cold: Storage Co. Limited, 1 ale, county clerk ▪ hvinw passed at their late siting rattly- , bylaw No. 12, 1.901, townahii of Tabt At a tussling of the ell, "Dors held in and packthe pies, marking each bar. • *e Waawanoah re the. opening out of a.new:,v,0linton on Monday, Jan. '20th, some rel exactly as they call for, When the road through ,the lands of Allan bl.. Va. three propositions were made to the apples are delivered at the station ll'ok, o rn 14 of the . township., directors from outside capitalists, the fanners will be paid a set price for each 1l'1Pe annual certificsaidate from the Re• one stated below being the one taken grade, the apples sent to (Inc storage gistrar cfeneral's Department, "Toronto', up. It is confidently believed that station and as the winter advances will ,received, s:ertilying'that the clerk in his the stock will be rapidly taken up, and be shipped wherever they can be sold oapao.ty of Division Registrar in 1901, work on' the plant commenced at an ata the Prost advantageous prices. had registered 40 blrtha, 1'. marriages early date. Farmers need no arguments to con - and 23 deaths, in all 75 entries, arid' oc- ; As the Dominion Government has 'wince thein of the benefits they will daring that he be !raid for the same in subsidized steamship . lines for the receive by having their apples handled . Intl. pnrposeof placing coldstorage plants in in this manner. It is simply what we The treasurer reported cash balance their vessels and the Provincial Gov- have long desired buthitherto have not on baud date, $1567.70. ernntent has authorized wunieipalities been able to reach Any definite action. Moved at Mr 16. 0. seconded by to vote money to- aid in the erection of With' an oa.tfit of buildings for saving • ale.ov a by drat Carrle same as now re- cold storage stations in their own our produce, situated in the centre of +counties, it is felt by all' concerned that so fertile a district as Clinton is,a sugar -ceived, being satisfactory, be adopted, if we are to secure a rnarket for our beet factory cannot surpass if even and that the auditors as usual be paid nimbi and p+ndatea•w, ni'p1e+, ednal it.. Bach line it will handle will. ;1,7 each sur their services, • (tarried, that now is the tune to inepala for the give ns an increase in the price we now The clerk was instructed to order sev- coming crop. If- we swish to save our receive. After"), deputation from this apples for the thousands of consumer& .district visited the counties • where in (creat Britain and our great North- beets are grown• they concluded it west then we must promptly net. would be touch more profitable to rave those products we ah•esdy raise than to enter afield that is fast filling up. and which costs not $100,000 but $500, 000 to build a plant and equip it.. It is confidently believed a like increase in • price can be umde in apples, butter and pouli ry, as " that accomplished • by handling hogs. The estimated cost of - these buildings when fully equipped is $75,000 with a capacity for making an annual turn -over -of $1,000,000 worth of farm products. - • • These buildings will he situated in Clinton which will:be easily accessible to fainters living along the various branches of railway leading to Kincar- dine, Goderich, Exeter, Stratford and en copies of the Municipal Wold for the use of t.ie council and treasurer in 1002. - Petition of B. II. Taylor, John W. Bowler and over 200 other ratepayers, • . praying the council to build a bridge on river cons. 0 and 7•wae received. The erection of same was again strongly and eloquently advocated by Alex, Morton, Jaines Armstrong. John W.•Sowler and The company have accepted W R. Belden's plans or the erection of a group of . buildings for handling the different lined of farm produce. • This will incicule a poultry finishing station equipped on pians triter the style of that in use in n. lcrtcl iug Kai trt;aS con - others. The council admired the had city packing house.. No industry con e y sleeted with the farm Js more profitable done well in their canvass as far es it i than the raising of pouitry; that is. wept, bet foundout that two, sections of i where farmers have facilities for finish. the township -the .extreme north and - ing them properly. At this plant.. all •senth ends__ had not been canvassed to' poultry will be received alive, properly any, extent; and in event of this bridge ' killed, dressed and crated, then shipped • being built. and 'likely to costa large t to the cities_ and Groat. Britain. Be- sun► of money, the pramotors of the . sicles handling fowl for .the farmer the scheme were asked to go around with. building WI he equinpe1 similar to the Brussels. their' petition in the sections of the , ate ve referred to Packing Haase, Already over $20,(00 worth of stock 100,000 broilers are growl) and market- townsbip,aiready referred ro, and get as i has been soils and las farriers in general many.more solid and heavy ratepayers' ed aannually under a system• entirely desire to make itse• of these buildings stew to. Ontario. • 'nnmes nn it as possibly could,-wh,en in the canning season it is confidently in all likelilroodalie matter will be 'dire' Along with the Handling of bogs, believed;every dollar of stock will be perae I al' at the march meeting of the '°little and pltry a modern cold slur- sold in. a few mouths. This is undoubt- council. • . age building will be erected with ou. a ca- •edlyWhat sheuld be done, .thereby saw. parity forhaandlins all the butter and • ing interest and other charges . caused Bylaw NO. 1, 1002, ratifying the ap apples.EIuron County and the•tributitry by uaitig hor'i owed Money. I1 every pont of townslip• officials forthe, townships can produce. • .. • dollar of stnek is taken up by the time • current year,made at last• council meet- Farniei's have year after year lost so the bufldingsare completed there can be . ing ; byla•v \n 2,.apppoint..ing the coon- , In welly in apples than ,umany have Con- tau doubt ore six per cent. dividend be - oil road commissionea s ; bylaw No. 3, 1 eluded that it does not pay to grow ing.pnid•. the firstyeiir.. • ., authalrizipg end empowering the col- , them.. Although almost- everything ' Mr. Belden, who has beenconnecdte• lector to charge and collect 3 per • cent. ' hes been done•hy transport companies with this line cif hilliness- for some • _ extm on all -lazes remaining unpaid at. , that can be done,. yet they.,cannot do• years, UAL practical farther and -on the - ter the 15th of December next i andby-. ail, and this partunlet be done by 'the. arceptatnce by hitn of the position of . law No. 4 appropriating end placing fn - farmers 11they wish to reap. the Nene-..head of the nrganizingstaifoftheabove the town ship treasury, the' amount fits front a system of shipping the Gov- company, he resigned his position as raised from .the tax levied on dog and •• I1. luteminee been been `e.,�ts nnatedtc�tliattuch t ino10(10 atrP lrnerstctor of dn.rHe enters. this a rnaer's Fork work in • birches fur (he current year; each duly 13urun;Uoutitylost in apples alone over `x practical manner by subscribing lib - read and• passed.. iil100,0oo by not having a cold storage orally: Having the utmost faith in The'o.liowing ncoounts were presented•,station, This station will. send packers •the business, he will devote his .entire:: and paid Ti'uateea S. S.No. 13.•:use of . throughout the • country to; its ow.n time to making this Company a strong school house for nomination mooting ' shareholders; they :will properly grade corporation. '. • Deo.'.0 1901, :52:P P. Perterfi'Id tae wires • ..• — , , as f iv. Registrar in •1001, $15 ;Xs. W • Bore and Peter Scott auditors (37 each) ARING$14 ; Finlav'Anderson services as trees• - �• : • . • A L... •, oyer in 1901,`$P0. also.postagee.,•station. ..- 111......... . •ery and. registration 1901. $4.82; Theo._ • IIs 1, Advance Office Gingham, balance . . • of printing. contract. f►iso extra printing and advertising 1001; 325.28 ; John H. ',Mc Clinton Balance ofe'alary' as collector • o'.taxes for 1901, $20. . The Coquet! thee adjournedtoThera- day March 21th'nezt,when pathmastere, poutvlkeeners and. fenceviewers will be _ e • app° inted for cur:•entyear, , , 4j i In order to clear, out several lines ;'of diy . goods, clothing; etc., we will for the next thirty dayc,before stock taking,: sell them at starting prices. -It: will pay to buy:here. HARNWELL, CHEAP CASH STORE, VARNA We are sorry to bay that Mr. John Mitchell is very ill - at present. We hope to soon hear of his speedy r'ecov- cry Mr. Alick Kirkpatrick delivered five head of fine cattle at Clinton for; Mr,' Smith which tipped the beim. at 6260 pounds. We areg lad to see Mr. Wm. Jones around again after a few weeks' illness. Mies Helyar spent Sabbath under the arental roof at Clinton to see her • .other, whole under the dobtor'a'care at present. - A very pleasant eveningwas spent at Mr. Alick Rirk a a tack on Friday of last week when quite a number o young people assembled and tripped it off till' the •wee sma' hours .of the morning. Mrs. Oarrol and Mrs. Robinson ,of Goderich were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler on Sabbath. . DUNGANNON. ' it is a sad and painful duty • this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. R. Reid, which took place early Friday morning, Feby. 7th. Mrs. Reid had been in poor health for some time and the end was not unexpected, The re- mains were takeq to - the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon, where a very impressive aervice was preached by Rev. Mr. McNair, thence to the Dungannon cemetery, Mrs, Reid was only thirty-two years of age and a lady. of very amiable disposition and with her estimable partner was much -re• spected by the citizens of Dungannon and vicinity. Mr. Reid has the heart. felt sympathy of the community in this his sad bereavement. On Thursday morning, Feb. 18th, another of our very highly respected citizens passed to the great beyond in the person of Mrs. Joe Connors. Mrs. Connors had only been i11 about two weeks when she passed peacefully away Thursday morning. The re- mains were taken to Kingsbridge on Saturday morning for internicntin the R. O. cemetery, Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Connors in his great lose. Mr. and Mrs, T. Clark visited friends in Auhurn on Sunday. Mr. add Mrs. Tom Little'were Luck- now visitors on Sunday last, Mrs, T. Robinson has been slightly indisposed the past week. Miss K. McFee of Ashfield is visiting at Mr. Fred, Robinson's, The stormy weather a week ago completely blocked the roads for a few days but they are about all passable again a no w Mica E tin EIe n 'lesson ofo er. Gl d t0h O. I. spent Saturday and Sunday at, her home here last week, The stormy weather and bad roads put a damper on partied and all such amusements for a couple of weeks now. But We understand those wed - (ling belle will wonting out n •n.:. At tbe.meeting held inSharon church lasI Tuesday 11 was decided to overhaul this old placeof worship. The work will commence immediately 'and atthe completion of the same.. re -opening services willbe held, Mr. Jacob Miller, who returned :re- cently from Manitoba, and Mr. John Miller of 9th con, are visiting friendeiu Seafnrtb this week An Old Landmark, For many years the old barn situated on. Mr. Weston's corner on the -8th con, did its duty as a landmark. As time passes on every- thing seems to change and this noted building is at present being taken down. Mr. Wesley Miller is the purchaser and Intends hauling ith',me end erecting it anew, "not for a land mark tho." Mrs. Thos. Cook of the 9th con, has been visiting her mother, Mrs.Jones of Dungannon, for the past three weeks. Mr,. Thos. Cole intends splitting his barn next summer in order to make the capacity for holding " p drag stack larger. Mr. John Yeo intends building a large barn on the Cook farms, • • A special meeting of L. 0. L. No. 800 will he held on Friday evening. The members are all expected to attend. We regret very much to learn that Mr. John Anderson of the.- Bayfield Line is in a very critical condition from an attack of erysipelas.. • On Wednesday of hist week Mr.Mat b- ew.Sheppand and Miss Kate Johnston took each other for " better or worse, until death doth part." The ceremony was perforrned atthe Methodist parson- age in Bay Held by Rev. Mr, Yelland. Mr, and Mre.•Sheppard have taken up housekeeping on the Bayfield Line. They ate much esteemed and their Many friend are wishing them pros- perity and happiness in the future years, Mr. Thos. Webster of the Oth ren. sold a valuable horse to Mr. Ad. Can- tolon last week for a handsome figure. Mr. and Mrb. John Halstead spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mr. Alex. Ostrom. Miss'. Rose Dempsey has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Webster of the Oth eon. Auction Salo Register, Tuesday, Feb, 26th, at 1 P. M. on Lot 2, con. 9, Tuckeratnith, a choice farm of 100 acres, farm stock and iniplern- ents,--•James Watson, proprietor Thomas Brown, auctioneer. Saturday. March 1st. at 12.20 r. Archibald rd. at Ar ' balcl and'u n r C7 d to e s Sale lSta• bion tieaforth . extensive sale ofl <y 1 de , road and general purpose horses. -Archibald & Oudrnore, proprietors; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 4th,at 1 P. M. on Lot 1 con. 7, iiullett, extensive) sale of farm stock and impleniente.'--'Eobert Arrnstrong,proprletor; ThoniasBrown, auctioneer, ed to learn that her .eart-was-ram stronger that day. . Mrs. Cosford is ill at the residence of her. daughter, Mrs. George Acheson. A telegram was received .last week from Muskegon advising Mrs. Joseph Goldthorpe . and Mr. .D. McLaren of the death uf their brother, Mr. John McLaren, y g our est son of the late Mr. McLaren, late of Colborne. - Mrs. Goldthorpe and Mr. Dan McLaren left' to attend the funeral. 51rs. Collinson is also a sister of the late Mr, John McLaren. During Lent at St. Peter's there will he public devotions and instructions every Monday and Saturday evening. Rev: J. W. Robinson, we learn, has sent in his resignation 'ars pastor of Victoria street church. We will he sorry to lose him and his worthy wife from our midst. Mr. Stapleton has removed from Londesboro and is in the old town again. • Mrs. Colin 'Campbell has returned from her lecturing tour in the interests of the Woolen's Institute of Ontario. The following are the officers of . the !Board .of Trade : • president, R. S. Williams ; vice, J. H. Colborne ; treasurer, W. A, McKim ; secretary, - James Mitchell ; committee, F. W. Doty, S. A. Megaw, Alex. Saunders, William Campbell, G,-. M. Elliott, Charles, Lee, Joseph Beck, George Porter, W. C. Goode, 0. A. Humber, C. A. Nairn, J. T. Goldthorpe. Messrs, Robt. McLean, George Ache. son and Captain A, M. McGregor were elected . honorary members of corn. tnittee. Mr. S. A. Megaw was named as the representative of the board to go to Ottawa re harbor improvemente. On Sunday evening Rev, J. W. Robinson preached a most effective sermon from St. Luke 10. 41-42, Mrs. Brydges has been paying a visit to her relatives in Dungannon and vi. cinity. The cantata " Water Fairies" was beautifully presented te d by some a forty members of our. choirs under the lead- ership of Mr. 11, K. Jordan, Among the young ladies who participated were : Miss Mary Price, Mies Acheson, and lilies _Blanche Seeple of Brantford. We hear that Mr. Jordan has resign - the position of organist of Knox church to accept a similar position at Brant- ford, Mrs. D. McDonald is expected to vis- it Ottawa this week, Miss Attrill is spending this month at Toronto the guest of her slitter, Mrs, Heaton. ' Mr. William Melton is visiting his ton, Robert, Marys. at St. Mr, and Mrs. John Bedford of Detroit are Reeds this winter at the former's old home on Lighthouse street. We had the pleasure of meeting with our old friend, ()apt. A. I ddie McGreg- or of Port Sarnia, who took a run UP Co visit his parentis, Ed. looke as young andhandsome as ever, Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a-culd in ; one day No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. - Cook's Cotton Root Componna - is successfully used •. monthly o nthl by overe r00Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask druggist forCook eConornet Cam- pania Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangcrons, Price, No, 1,11 per bra; No. 5,10 degrees stronger, *3 per box. No. -1 or ;,mailed on receipt of price and two Leant Stamp&.. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.poNos.1 and 2 sold and recommended Druggists la Combe and 2 Re kie,i E.aHovey and watts It Co.—Druggists, Oi1•.•••tM•••••••i••••ti1•• .. • • . • •Oameras ••• •• • i.r.-" .• • • We have a large range of cameras but the • best for a cheap camera • -•-is— • Brownie No, 2 •• • s° Which . we sell at • • . $2.00.. • • • • s • ' • 441 Persons in neighboring towns • • who are thinking of porches-, • • ing a camera will receive an• • Eastman catlaogue by dropp• • ▪ Ing us a card. Other cameras • • besides the Eastman can be • • supplied, Films, developing • • powders and other light sup- • • plies can be sent by mail. •• • Our cheap Exposure Meter • at 85o gives the correct expos- • ure under all conditions and • pays for itself in a short time • • by saving over and under • • exposure in negatives. • p tree, • B • • • • •▪ H. Bet OOMBE,• Chemist and Druggist, • • tilll1t114.11111.4141410•41aaili4aiii --. -..... Men's wool Cardigan Jackets, regular $1 and 25, bargain nd $1 g 'days 75c SOCkg.. heavy ribbed worsted wear well, regular 25c, for Plain Cashmere Socks, last pairs of regular 20c and 260 in ee, choice on bargainn days 2 pair for - 4125` Socks, black, seamless,, will bargain •days per pair 1Se. Men's Woollen Socks, seam - leas, .plain grey and grey and white,regular utas 25c,on l ' bargain da gq g days 2 pairs for... +t7 5 Underwear: This Underwear .at theserr es'good ce is good buying even if you have to put it away until next year Men's tine woollen Shirts and Drawers, soft finish and will wear well, regular $1.25 per •uit, bargain days clearing at per suit a - . Men's heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, Last of 071 lines that sold at 60c, for sale days each ■ V 12 Hats You will spring hat .. You be . money in pocket if you buy your during the last 'days of the sale. Quality and shapes are all good and prices away Tower than the regular ; 8 dozen Men's Hard Hata, stylish shapes, regular 92.50 . quality, choice on bargain days......... I +2 5 Our $1.25 Hats clearing bargains at - .780 Our $2.00 Hats, hard and soft, choice on bargain day. *1.75 Bargain days will be ,your last chance to save 75c to 91.25 on your spring hat. On that day you can take your choice of our $2.50, $2.75' and $8 hats for....... I.1 U There will be manyother lines on . �sale bargain days that there is not room to mention in this advt. If you have any furnishings to buy you cannot snake a mistake taking advantage of this three days special sale. A. Ji.Morrisho �..`_CLINTON. MUSIC RACKS SECRETARIES BOOK OASES FANCY TABLES OOIIOHES ' LIBRARY TABLBS PAPER RACKS • It ill -so you goodto see the beautiful line of Fancy Morris Chairs •. andd O d Parlor Pieces we are offering ... �W' • e will consider la er it a pleasure to show. you through our warerooms:even iffyou do not want to purchase. • • J..W. Chidley, Manager.' Night and Sunday calls answered:at residence of our Funeral Director, J. W. Chidley, King street, opposite foundry, Clearing Sade of Boots � Shoss FOR T1RED„ 9WEATY,BLUETER1NQ FEET Havingnow the full control of -the Geo. A. S ater a er Bnots 86 Shoes for Clinton. I intend to sell ofe several lines. now in stock at cost. Call and be convinced that our prices are bargains.. These prices will continue for 80 days. R. J• .CLUFF, CLINT0N4 News4eoor e -sent toau adtiteSS end of 1902- tor ?5o