HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-20, Page 3V A one has an unusual number art In vorto for milturles in this t0ooiluy
hIV1,12111d, or for love" an", 01 Season, or 'FETISH CH RAL HOUR cave, Of savago superstition, flmt,
I" -
because they
tho so which tire Worn only to Xuatch.
the, toilets.
tire Afraid, And,
ondl, becatiso, the priests have et
I -lave you ever been troubled with
IN VM- ST AFRICA. to be captured. V'vorytbing Which I THAT MNEVIW 01-TILDRIM. GIGANTIC SCALEA.
goods that is very thID, gathering up
i -inch its wats,
is sacrilleed. . - cattle, i,
There Are 'More Smiles Thau Tears, in ,,,,House
`6 when you are sewing? Just try put-
A iing. a'strip'of paper under the goods
fowls, otc., must be white., The Iligh. Xany Diseases of Later Life re
Fifty Hu3nau Beings Aur -11411Y Priest of the oracle In iisuiOl out of
Children Details of the Scheme, to Capture
and you Will find that it no longer
Caused by Soothing
Sacrificed At the Great Be- eight and addrolsset4 the I I Lorda XiInQr and Xitcllouer
'0 ow vov M. The paper cart easily be
Every 0 ne s Life pulloU, off.
uglous Contra, an impressivo vionotone, hal'yl
When They Cry. and, Sacli: Zphantioabltrg.
viousl been made cognIzAnt of every
COOXING PEAS. Patent leather boots, slippers and
The following details ba. a been re, detail and
v concerning the supplicants Laughing, crying, liouting, Writitig froxv. 'XicrUsilgrp, Mr.
eas pudding hot, peas udding cold. bolts should be wiped over with a
calved In London of the of even singing, see extrome)y ridicul-
the fighting In and their disputes by means Bonnet Isarivigh. tile war correspoild-
o1co evermore ; In everything, you not only take A false view of Peas pudding In the pot nine days old, cloth dampened with oil, and then
WrapPed In tiSSU0 Paper when not In
against the Aros. -it sort of tish freemasonry which ous, performances when you sit dQWI1 f the, L-ondon, Pally Telegraph
expedition To tj
The correspondent says Certalilly extends as far as the limits And quietly ponder the"'. But phy-
Ile thanks.—I. Tessalonians, v.,' life, but you'render yourself inCaP- This rhyme, accompanied by 'a
10-16, 151UPPIA9 Of hands, is a familiar use.
At dawaou December 24;. 1901, the of cioutber Nigerla.. It would seem siological investigators 11AVO found said
Able of making a Strenuous effort, I ( -
1 have an artist friend who a - few tying your own hands with art ivir game to most young people butfew
know the dish, Which is Aa
troops In the U suitu camp fell in, to be a fitir estimate to put the num- out that thoy tire a's Useful As they The contrast15 are as nought, 09111-
with praiseworthy precision, reached ber of pilgrims down at about 500 are absurd. The man of culture Will pared With. tile multiplicity of par -
days Aga fell Into that 400P which ugluary cord. of them TRADE 03F TUE YVXONI
old English one. This is thot recipe:
the Camp at Okorovila farm in ox- annually, all at whom pay dearly for rarely laugh, will never shout, and allels in history. I-dveu in the ox*
we call death. He in my friend still, The facts are All opposed to the
though We are separated, I in one chronic faultfinder. Nature has her , Put A pint And a half f -Split Peas Machinery X cloaking
On Are Ove:
collent time, And joined n to the the advice or decree which Is vouch- will take every precaution: to provent parlance of a lifetime I could. cite,
tail -of the Column. The Advance at &tied to them. Probably the number Ids children from cring. This Is numberless instance$, To be b0atent
world and lie in another, for hot was rough and terrible moods, but on in' water over night, with it pinch of .
steadfast Ill his affections and could the whole she is beneficent, The gon- carbonate of Soda. Before boiling ro- Opportunity.
No. 4; colunin in its, entirety then of illInan, avrifices, doe not reach:qulto A mistand, and has to be Paid to suffer defeat, is poisoned bitter -
began. Half way between our start- A total at 50 A, ear, while about $or in redo'",ol health. Nature did ess to raw natures. Wben. 9, Strug-
not easily change." lie went to.tlxq �eral trend is to produce happiness, 111010 Any of the peas that. float.
'Jor Doll the beans until tender With a Where hs now no doubt whatever
Ing point and our objective,, Aro- 200 people are sold Into slavery And not give us tile btrong Instinct we gio has become hopeless there IS "I
OPQrFX in the Afternoon, he was and In most cases the misery from that the Xlondilce Mines Rail -WAY is
flavor, a
sensitive to music, and on his return which we suffer is caused by some little salt and any desired to be built, that construction
Chuku, six important were tile remainder are allowed to go possess to make these curious noise
's waya. a section of stubborn saxagils
encountered, who Surrendered uncon- Away free. without recLsoii. to wreck And slay, regardless
home, dUring A sweet slumber, his 'wilful or Ignorant infraction of jaw. bit of lemon peel, garlic tbyme,. or a and
little three, wafi and rub, will begin In the near future. It will
ditionti,11y to the commandant,. And Crying, for instance, expands the whether they involve themselves and
0oul wandered AWAY from the body There are more bright thp gloomy Of All
And. seeing so much that was beauti- days in the year, more srailes tha4 them through 9, colander. When work wanders in the whole Yukon
region, as it will render possible 0
at the same time we were informed THE BOERS AT PRETORIA. 'lung&, circulates the blood, relieves the innocent In ruin, And transform.
I verve strain, and lossons the
that the natives of Aro-Chuku were i SOMA- the ghost of their cause into A I)Ye"
ful On the otter side at the river for- tears fit every one's life. We take smooth add two a unces of butter, p, working of , many comparatively low-
got to return. the good as A matter of course and dash of pepper, And two eggs well 10 ,low
Pepared for us and intended to lon of Pala. A child who cries word of contempt. It has been so
light. We found, however, that the Britons Still Asking Why They lwstily is Sure to grow up Stronger and
the new,
straightway forget it ; We ]!tiger beaten. Flour a pudding cloth or grade propositions, which at
Ho had One characteristic which. .1 handicapped by the enormous
I in the old world and
town was deserted And thot the Didn't Fight. fit lungs and beart than one who. is Africa is affording Another parallel,
Admired beyond express,lon—namoly, over the painful moments and chat- pudding
boil for An hour. Fluel� chopped freighttlig rates."'
enemy, tinder the Impression that a quiet. A great authority On About two weelo ago I heard of the
Britons aways h4ve 'bee, uch alwc�,
he -as an apostle of good cheer in fall their memory. A sturdy effort to
'delighted har d bacon may be Added to the pudding Mr. J. A. Christie, of Vancouver,
we WO"Id go on further than the mystified by the 4ction at the Doors child"On's beAlth—litr- ROSbAch—says latest Johannesburg plot, It W49
Art. lie in An orchard of make A good Use of a ex- D.C., and also of the Canadian -Yu-
if desired. As bacon and split peas
apple blossoms and ainted them parlance would rub away it cutting Uon Saw Mill Company of I)awoh, is
great, fetish capital, had retired to that inany diseases of later life, such ' gigantic, scale
in abandoning their capital without conceived on a more
the far side of it and entrenched technical as tliaemla, consumption And Me
battlo� London can- thanso of the previous. conspi-
with such ounning, $%ill that you edges, but we bivoliao inspleasant Inay be kept n hand, this pudding
could almost catch rvianent -tome mak a a� good dinner when entergon- authority for the Above statement,
their fragrance things And keep a po e "There
themselves. On our arrival At Aro- journals are still discussing the pro- traeted chest, arise froin 50.0thing acles. The object wits no less that'
Chuku—on the -very dkty fixed—the children . Kiteliever Amd
are any number of pro-
and almost feel the spring breeze fan In the unpleasant. cles Arise. erties, in the immediate neighbor-
blem, And , incidentally publishing
Advanced guard occupied the front, photographs to show that Pretoria
-to kill at, seize Lord
WHEN THL-Y ARE CRYING. Lord Milner and their Staffs, shoot
your cheek. He never looked on the This habit of mind cannot be cttll� Split Pea Salad—An excellent win-
hood of Bonanza and Eldorado
face of the town, the main body, the
Was guarded by several formidable I
Of cotirse, if the child is suffering down the police And the Rand Rifles,
dark side of nature, would not use ad religious, not by any stretch of ter salad may be made With, either Creeks and Along the tributaries of
his colors oil a tempist, and so one the imagination. It is much nearer dried lima beans or peas; Soak*un�,
Indian Ijiver which in any other
sidea, And the rear guard the remain -
Ing portion. of tba,town, which was fopts, well equipped With arms, severe pain It shotil(I be relieved ; sat fire o Johannesburg, laying It
land fit all.cases. the cryin should fit Ashes, and work As much havoc as
etc.' 9
loves to look at his pictures., for to, atheism, for it engenders the sort til they are very soft, and. .-bo" in country would be considered. ex-
they are uplifting, and there is A Of emotion, close to desperation And salted water until tender, but not but 6annot
water, electrical Appliances,
burnt. No sooner had we made Our -a decamping into the
dispositions than the eneal aolvanc- Pretoria is in a. baslit, and no less not be allowed to go too f ar But possible befox
It was that
tromely valuable, which
imile. in every one of them. despair, w�ich belongs to pure un- mushy. �Ijrala and coal. SQuoe2e be -worked satisfactorily because of
ad and Attacked us from the north. tban.seven forts wore projected for it is better to lot It child cry' itself mountains. supposed
yj�01.11.� to sleep than to roolt, it in' a cradle such A blow successfully dealt US,
It seems to we to be a oltity to al- belief.. Religion, Indeed, Is the over the beans or twas the juice of the cost of supplies, These must be
They were quickly repulsed, but On h w rounding � . itchetier,
these comploted and two or march around the room With it, with Lord Millier, Lord K
ways look on and to look for 1,110 science of good cheer. That is , its An onion and add one or two bits
f tomatoes, which may 1packed up now, and the rates ' run
bright side of things, as my Artist mission In the wo4d. It is -not ail from a.can a as high as $160 to $160 A toll
to return a very short time aftcr� of were
wards, Viom within all h6ijr of our were begun, biit the other had not If any reader happens to be one of And othem as hostages, would have
those unfortituatii la I tliers, who has to. compelled Britain to sue for peace.
did. Life is a different matter to npalatablo dose of medicine to make bg emptied and savedfor another 00 ;Whereas, with the ratiroad built, the'
occupation the Arog never loft us progressed beyond the planning, Col -I perform. the latter'duty, lot him take So little do our enemiesit know ths
Schiel, to whom the construk-
him who looks out for the shadow In you die comfortably, but a glorious casion, When tomato to Used !rato Will be Dearer to $15 a ton.
Ills heart from what it ought'jo be. hope that will make -you live can-*- pinch of dried thyme gives del I- I S260,_
"of the $500,000 required
quiet either by (lay or night, for ovel
when thev did not advance against tlon was. intrusted, is said to 'havo, Dr. Itosbach's int. The child will spirit of the English race. An oven
fresh- partial eucceSs - would bave� ensured
It �'n easy to exaggerate an evil Or it fort4bly. It tells you' , how to got Claus Uv.or. Serve With a. French 000, has already*been subscribed in
me,in sufficient numbers to malte it gone to Berlin to secure the best pro-;, sleep more soundly, and awake
or in the morning. the complete destruction of all pro-
mid:o�rtune, and the Imkiginat out of sorrow All the compensation --cain dressing.
ton can or It sour Icilicago, alid about440,000 In Orna-
U.-ood over a'sorroW no bigger titan At contains, how to bear a burden Split Pea Cutlets.—A delicious'dish balance will be sub-
necessary to send troops out to fessional advice, Great Care was
drive them off, they persistently. silip- takato to insure secrecy during this I 11,yon grown -tip people derive berle- Boer aspirations, at home as well as
Women In South Africa in' that sense, some-
ba, whilothe
Le. dime until it covers tite whole with equable temper and ho%y to die sold irk vegetarian restaurants, us- scribed In Dawson." .
varth. To magnify our joys and to with tho.consciousliess, that when at ually under the naino bf,cutlets or thought.
Taking 1up another line of
: fit from a lit of crying. wilo
ad,- the camp, itlid, Unfortunatel, work, The laborers on the several call cry easily And often keep . young of our austere patriots regret their
with some effect, forts were housed in -different parts.
'I, their Appearance muo� longer than total failure, Uard.as it might have
minimize our sorrows is one of the .10st You fall asleep soma one will vagetarian beefsteak is made as fOl-'Tjr, Christie v ituiled the opinion
secrets of human happiness. If yau'wake you to a higher And better life. lows� Soak the split peati. as for the that Canadian merchants generally,
to coul�
of the city And forbidden with-
THE LONG JU�Jii. munteate with other, and scouts liept those who cAnnot. There are several been for a time to have done
-reasons for this. Any kind of, crying out Lord Milner and Lord Kitekenor
Plk1cQ a Palmy On the eye you' can �oe If your religion fails to do that pudding. Put into a double boiler not skyan excepting those of Van-
nothing but blackness but ifyou hold y iLdulterated. with water enough to cover tbenl couver, were ot yet, fully alive to
Aro-Mil4u, or, as the natives,also strangors at a distance a,
of 0, mjIL
call it Omo-Chulcu (the sons of God), from t1fie forts. whether quiet weeping or the via-. —we could profltab.l� dispense with
lent paroxysln hich couvulses the many lesser civil servants, &is * well
it at arm's -length it grows so small You. must throw the old thoughts and sprig of thyme, two. cloves of the importance of the Yukon trade.
in the brightness. aside and find better ones to "that
consists of 14� towns situated round When - tile British took possession
the "Long Ju -Ju," which is under a of the fortifications. they found that I whole. body, lessons the blood pres- as generalp And colonels for ever—
general that it at- guide garlic And A at -Cell Pepper' L from I '!It is true," he said, about
most vanishes. To cherish A grief. you through the maze of coming comes� to
which he seeds ave been -removed. 175 per'bent. of' the Crude
mile from our preset camp. The ap- the four completed forts had outer h . The tension of
the nervous sy4tent. is also r.olieved.'
yet the empire would managed.
You probably have heard little About
or disappointment al -id b o 0ars.' You cannot always be hilar- Steam L. until ili6 peas are tender, .Cnda,now, And- that is a vast im-
And when the fit is violent, n
i. �arly
the plot at battle. Here * 0-
-great reti
it, As I have known Mail and women Ious, for sometirned you t: weep, drain And partly mash them. Alix ;Proven.iont on the old conditions, but
every muscle in . the body `cbntracts,
ence has been maintainecl—quite un-
to do, is to give it Proportions' to butyou. -can always be" culin and with the peas a little - -very finaly I see no'reasoli Why Callada should
with the same good effects cis cLre
necessarily., I think. Otherwise I
which it has no rightful claim. It trustful, And if you are both Of these minced anion or celovy. Porin into, not got it. all. The machinery men
be the lrouln"
would have wired. The latest plot -
irrows by your encouragement Until you will as cheerful as bal .0 11sit cakes', - Shake over are particularly slack. There. tire
is -And, stances adralt.' Good; thughts, high
"blown -upon" possibly too Whan one can't cry, the next best got
Ii the only thing in sight, them dash of popper, dig first into American. -boilers, , ongines
like a despot, rules you with an Iran thoughts, bring hope, and hop.e is it beaten egg, ! and then in Toldiail. 'hoists, and other mining nl�achitiary
thing is to.laugh. here is no tonic Soon. Whether t was
medicine In the whole catalogue. of THt �.,IXNEVIT"LE WOAN,O.'
Will It ma be only a dwarf, but. sunshine-. mcal or,broad crumbs and fry, These sent into the yul�on 4dountry, ovhell
drugs equal to � go6 gh.
you make it a glant, .11*1 doing this GEORGE II. IIEPWO11TH,: cutlets are- very. Substantial, and lit- C&Ilhojilin. 11' rms Can supply articles
-L Campbell says, the =all who disclosed the, conspiracy,, or the
As Dr. .1
tle, If any, . inCat. should lie eaten every bit as good. Thdy hwve ha
who makes us laugh is a public -bene-.
irate burgher who would not allow
ith them. Pried llina, ben." may 'tariff in their favor, too, nd it's6me
factor. Laughing caused- us' to
his Young sons to' jiri the gang, I
Ing Stock- and rpid'go,ins. This is be preparedtyr exactly the Sallie WAY, of them - only � had the eineriy,.the
breathe, deeply and o fill the lungs
leave injolecided. The Aodr . has his
especially true If the green cor'n fed except �hat a little tomato or milic- Could assuredly captui-6 the-.'trado.
this Season of the vear happens' ad parsley adds.&catly to the flaVOIL. There.are.-Other instances, too, but'
with -puro all,.' It also makes. thogjaults,
lymph flow out of the muscles, avd.41
but he is not*A. born can-.
apira-Vor. It was amo . ngst the for . eign
to be sweet corn. - I usually plant Split' Ilea Soup.—Thii' this is one particularly noticeable.",,
thus serves the same purpose as mas�
riffraff that ille.treason, if !lot batch-
my. sweet- �orn with a drill, dropping beart nieti.1 in itself. oak it �uart
ob 6 one seed every I.0 or 32 inches'lil the
Sage. -The only'people who sould ad, was; at any rate, 'nurtured. It
is that there
of'split peas night in it large
v understood were; norn-
not, laugh � Are those. far ad d,need In
row. caw'
0 -Ys Put In& :a Wt Of. kettla. Pour off the W4ter And rinse.
heart disease, inally at- least, over $00 foielgadrs'
Pumpkin -Sedd . And a tile end -of th6 cover w ith three - pints' 15 I W'I torL tn d
The benefits of Singing are" 'well engaged in the scheme.L a, SmiLI1
FEEDING A DAIRY HE . RD.* season have a'fine supfily .-fo iftilch. put L.6n. the. fire," �vith, a spoonful eacfk
Qows tolcod in'Connectidn'WAII ants I of salt. alitt stiLear and two cloves at
D 'Scoveries of the Gernlan
known. 'It 6�4elops the lungs, and nimilier'. .Were. Boers and"burghers,
strengthens the beArt, of and of these very few . are rnoun ' ent
What I know about feedivig.farm. bran or milloit bay. In ln.� Opilli0ii: girlic. �: Don't omit 1. tho. garlic. Ile-
aninials I have learned by experience a mileb. cow is a good deal. like a inember: bano of Aikierlenti. cook-
Oriental Society..-,
g C1 - Thii Now Club h6re may have
singi aim. that. many pupils. who imen.
come to them 'with hing are contribixt9d a member or two. .. Any-,
and a careful study ot� books � can-, machine, and if. you-`Ptit nothing in, eyy is the lack of flqvor. X you,
taining the practical and scientille' to hot'. ; You Cannot expect to get bona
The nieillVort of the Babylonian cw
iledition'sent but by the Germ Lill 017�1
-diseases ,
coMpletely-CUred after a few Alonths..1 Itow, � several of.them were under sus-
Of dedl depende,.6n. plelon, -and 1. believe there'llaa beon
nanch :OUt ] have ham-bonoi Or a Chicken
observations of leading farmers nd C believe in su lental' Society have, !it, spite of . the' PPlyi1lg ib. pilt-in so- much *the better, ',,Let 'heat wind iind'.d
. -S� , . ust,.hel.d,OUtL Ste
liberal qUarliltl6s. of the best dairy. th - *
.experiment Station mail; writes Mr. br for several houi�s
oup Imnl
cour§6;.'a great
VIC kind of' mu'si be an lairest, in that onnectibll'. Atolt,
0 Ch6son, L To aot'ters,'.howevor, ..are sub j4dico And
ieally stimulating 6'.song must
�s filstl� their, post, and , have
�r. , One function ot'food;ls- food �vmilablol, Planning alway, t at
A. Mille a on the -back of the stove. Then' add lirpught. to light.1h y valuablo,me-
a bright type. further Comment must be- deferred.
to keep the. animal in health And An- get the proper proportions -as cliCaP-;. one or two cups of ...rililk, -'Of ials , - �ovbljh, Wall those 'already
bi.6 mor
Preaching is somewhat, The Authorities: very
similar to quibtly,
other -is to tuatntain,the heat of the ly. as butt& - And a'dash of. black. pepper unearthed,' will ' Solna day'give. a.
singing in its results... Sir-! William ; the'- gist -61the plot and the. names
body, furnishing force and'etterg for and it is ready to serve. althful
-he muscles; I picture' of the uncient me
the movement of t Still TIT NOTES m Baked Peas.--��A doliclovs� baked
Broadbatif. considers it a highly ol the bonspfrators became kn;awn to
beneficial exekoisa for'those'sufforbi the the course of tWd#
trOpolii, its r�dots,'.telnples and p til-
another. is to -cause an increasdAh Tho 0 wilo to plant dish I I'UCCS, a 0 ec ua I
'In and its soci 1,:. int 11 t I L nd
si� 4�iiL2 by rubbing
from heart disease.. Clargyilie,. so ty-f out - houni, some tirty pqirpons,
. : order.to k .
wqight -or flow of milk, h 11' a Clove Of. garliC.. rqligjbUS..jjfC. L Up to now, I
supply food to. fulfil these. different trees. this spring should lidak. in mind ba e t bur hun.�
4 far gquo. in heart dNeiLsd thii�t. they �who were At ()tied examined !Lnd
.. . .. .. . . a i1i th carcerate e'fort.. Sin e. then
have I q
a few facts - wh�ch ma ,g,reatly' affect- Tura this a pint of Pplit'peAs inscribed. Oay- slab h&v6. beeii
demands without w�cste requires C16S6 their One af. these facts Soaked until oft.. Chop.a'.*larg� bit- found qib tho Contra, of th uin 0
. L . . .. . I . I
I:tir. F MULTY ASCPUTDING iout thirty. otheft havol been. ildded,
Study. MY way h" been to. -decide aucpess.:..
by practical tests with Jirsey'qows that Some of our best vaill sties ' of I ion voi-j fine �And spread ever the top 113abylov. Of Only. tN�o " f them aro
;of �thc, It
I . .! to the list of prlsoners� A week ago .
the'pulpit, preach- with ekase, and I Arrests 6f' ' othei%s of Liho'g re'..
'much ang we
peas� with popperand alt. the insotipticiiis yet olacila
kept solely for dairy - purposes, the apples tire wearly .Worthless when lidred. - One
drafted at the root.' If planted, they 1 you .havo left over gravy or stock tablet contitils a-greatpart bf A*col-
find themselves.' bett&'. - af tel!made At Elair E6
dsfbntein,. few miles T sertnon,than before.
best ration and the best crops tp' lipendiiiin )vhlo.
inay sucaed for a . and!PburAt over the If not grow. to. supply this ration. ' I find few . yeals, ob'r&tcd BabSrlon coi
then 'suddenly died out. . 'Amon cover with -water, spreb.�diiig over 411 ",explains the, Babylonian ..cuneiform
Not everyone Carl preach and- si !out from Johannesburg, bri.the Pro
T - ay it is give
But it'ia open to* all to talk, And to* to�ria line, ad n out
that the best crops forma-
tion of butter fat n milk are III no'
bacon, cut into the thinnast possible i characters. It is A. v. an�ient. dic-
'these. arectlic Swaarand th`� SPILtzen- :ver,
read Aloud, and.th latt4r are: a cused will
I, ose
. bekin. b4f are a court. I hav�' been:
asture with corn fod'der as a.
berg,, two of Our grandest irults� The slices- h en 'to" two :tionary' of- great'llaguistic interest
reason -for this.dying iR-that the.. hours- and a:dd A little- bollinAf water and of excepoonl value' practically'
ost as - good as - the f ormor. Ali!-
in told.;that already the nillitary 'tri;-
mated -conversation, 'wAh Plenty f I
supplementar' fo, ye pasture, mil":
Y ad,: r'
let bay, oat bay. and fall.pumpkfns,
Wood of.�thm ;varieties is.,stiblect . t; . a- if 'the- peas'got too dr�r.*, i Thi� Will be The second tablet contains' notbinq
found A great iinpro�-emoixt on' baked less than the lit4fiyawhich was'6ha i-
winter ki-11111 a. n
hey should alwa��
gesture, is a I wonoldrful stimulant. bunal has adjudicated -!it ono'casm,
'The. Suppression of "L JU-JU ites byLtboiro.�E xpilditl6n. A human. :Dr.. and that thb ptisonek has paid -the. -hat '
Canipbell assertB t I
As grass is apparently the most na-
tural feed I Alm, 'to have. it in abun-
.be, di 90y the singers, of Cite of'
-afted Wall on.. - 6.e Kifkland., beans. 'A.s Peas. sold us low jodL bLV
A cents-* thes6 dislies.'wiil
IV his at Imes. Alm-
S.'rifide in a .1talkilig prolongs life., Perhaps thi� extreme penalty for
i ilb,uhtedly the -onspiratoird* are lceel:i-
danlee.- The stock must be re veol.
to Parmft:
in, fall so 4nougj
stock, or n trees grown rom Seed. as a qua!,t,
t I ttgila on the return . of .'the god
very. coonomical.' Marduk to III
that...hae proved thelpaselVdsiatix, s sanctuary. Mardult,
1 '
P 0. -the Long Ju -Ju is
r ell to I
_that wonlan liv,
ac 0 ing -up. a , bolirespondetica wltA thoL
of onry many thick'. conAider-.6 I I it er-thall . On commando� The. I .
walis '-': mas, Boars - out'
growth to form a coverillk or itittleph,
for the grass-roots during the' Cold,
Sill le, 6 get I
hardy. It i. po b the:gou,of-ra,:ti.nd
just as -good Spitzenborgs now Lis 5 bile- of -the, twolvio groat gods of -the
donpa bush, ,vJiich gradually beedines
t hicker'and thicker. until-* one arrWes
* I I Tallchm relieves- th6. bz�oatlilessness
anlced:,b, earth,wo, It I
ll cs.n: the: Outer. Scheme a f'the Plotter was. little short
fwces*. he-interloi of fo, r t a W 6)*- of devilish. Some eleven. hundred.
a - years -ago,' if -this rule. of high graf t-. syro-Dablonfall .. III.,;
freezing weaher, especifilly if th .. . . . . .. :1-1
Ing is Observed temple" Esagila "thoeialted bongo"
- also. -takes the place. of exercise.,
at tliie '.entrance of deal), - derbooi�!'and Schantzkop Wore colil- ; 6u it* wat or s*tornlry day it
men. were to be'enlisted, whose work
pasture is in a locality wheic- there. To m"Wmashad potatoda s ecially,.
It is also quite necos' becanie7tlib.neil'ont'Ll..qandt:uaty 0
is little or no show. sary to 'V4�- uttractive, dish it up liglitly instead
Shaped pit, 70 feet deep, 60 yards pletely -equipped. with Alectric
long, and .50 y'ards wide.. One then dil: engines lot'. weneratIng power, iwill 'do qul,tia, Us woll'to talk. for 4
en sijilai; to
it was, upon a giv as-
sassillate a like. number... of. Rand
member that Some varieties of Apples of . imoothifi it. dowft-. and* grate He also had A salle-
whole cnipfi-c'. -MY 'PRACTICE Are susceptible to varin;ti
on rom the. ovei, L cold hard balled f tuary at..81ppar'. is twic� moil-'
it -the of V I
1xi few 'acres of Stock, can Lin the Jeromlith,
-olffiibs down tile -eelpito sides of couple of louts:. to play �i 1,
lixlgq Water holdipg otiouffli, gplf, pr to,.cycilc, or walk..
the roelk . :into a narrow gorge., and Witter to S'*t* gt&rlsons 1t
a Politicians,
Rifles. That -excellent local -Volunteer
body. have been Wont tO ploceed to
has been t6. put a s low a variety of It is but -the worki 01. 0..niiauto 1 tioned .Dook of and
rye quite early, say -August at, ea4r S pitzenberg'. marol:yellow than- red,. the. - . flitinne.qs ISAIU11, as B.01 lt� v�as ibe-mistoin
into. running water, up which thrbo',nioliths; -and Under-, lik.il.fin(i. thtit hey need
two 'feuces,' 'In"6u,
OrillL Carrying �nly their riftes. - The
all y.116W Q:na ,* to ifila .litany Nvhfch
September to takethe L Place -of - Ot rather Oblong,..and of slIjhtly-sp6ng* wift. be, greatl�L adailrdol. h'hap; now
Wades Passing Under ild. littiLl wfiat � they .l,.6t:cofiSPirators---w1
until ollet f! nal ly * 6011les AQ�A� Once forts, hld poWerf ul :their ' Aii,private
awhitd tick0d Off* the
Addresses of most of these
help out mv sumni4r pitttlikes. toxtute;' and Spitzenberg bagn. f ound'. after, the. 1pevtodiaal pro�
When potatoes are inclin6d towards
always furnishes an. excellent nutri-' fr6ni thp'same orchard near -1 kound; cosslon, to 'that grand pantheon which y 6oldeiinessi,tiry
�jli the WAY- of business.:
where tile L WAiQr (�()InC§. Out of' tile SiCtualing lamps of 800 candle power: Poo-)PW,yuft� down, In ficalth. '. shoUll Ivolunteers—delegated' one� 6r more.
steaniing-'I'listead of�
tious feed for cows, to �WhichX add- deep dark red with L 'dots' and very ailing; OU L, - has.been. broUght-to light by the ex-
'a .bakirig and- b ill be -anx-
�prhofi!6 xommulijeatio to each residence.,
n: .talk Very- take.tob much of, their nubiber
trilte below n, stuall Island, oil. which With their -as well' as When the1wial -date, Which was toc
pumpkins when they re m4agb�dbnt. I can PeditioD, .(�04* it is- haper
' vAilable. I solid, 1'writes a c( azbd at thp result,.- for a' very �Poor J,- by
always, Plan to have a Small Patch sho' . variations in the the. wliA0 Will be com�pjptoly oxcll-
tire two 41ta�rs_ohei.maolo. of- IDUII,3rl,,�ith
of ,theill.
the The equipment of be -about the. raiddlo:of
I The �naturalAnelinatjou to is'
potato will turn Out L qUitQ'Mealy. If
of them -roi Jeed I 11
DAY for fall This Seek-Ino-larAher. Of; course'the more vated. ; ; L
trade, guns, . stuck roluzzfe downward,
� 1. I
these two.' forts tv�re toulla intact round, the signatfor,
.., � '86 strong tbat'�thoir6- Can. be no doubt
I . .
tho,steamer is air -tight Jallow,about - I
ryo will furnish food early fit spring Solid varieties. are the best keepers, thirty-fiv, W In the meantime 1-16r
for'go6d66d, po-' ran Xoldewoy
I,. I . .
ito tie ground. and' t6pped with (And in' A formidable, iarmainent
cluded it SOUT]a - AF RICAN 'S
skulls, � thd Wood an�d sit Itlia't.it serveg,a usefil'gurpose. P- or 4, inch gulls moitnted '!it
until blue grass is large ersough to all 6 tatoes" When' ide i�n-
,and the ther purposes. boiling, balting. or and- Andrae have ni-. - another
supply sfficient feed for my cows; There is not one of our. Apples, that. po I rtant discovery,.a. temple . of Ador,
portWg more skulls, bono4 feathers, 'has it Wonderful effect producing
and intensifying enthuslasm,.as may ;w&6Ao -be given. Meanwhile every.
steaming. pptatoosi �. Plan.* to It
ArtOr the rye has performed itdmib'_' needs mor� *gbod Judgment in triin-� &VO
-them of'uniforlii size,, as 'the smaller or Ninob, the tutelar god.of pilysi-
blood, -eggs, ,�Ild � other, votive offer-
ings..t,o-.tiie ju-16,'including the bead Fort Daspoort aptiarently hold been bc� Observed At tbcAtTes,,ptkblI6 meet- plottev� wa s. to be In r�adiness At life.
Stan I plow it under and Prepare the mi� d cWture than the ones will *be rulned while r Claw; hitherto quite Unknown.
*a Wait a fo
it . for il� the iligs, and s' forth. assigned
of th last -victiln. 'Ov6r I the' rocIc obbed of its catio, apost,. either lurking in the
iground for Nol
crop of millet or sweet thet�ji Spy, ands of a - the lger: (?ties to gdtL done,. . The German 'Oriental So&ety's ac-
the. It
doorwx3 or, I -possible within, t he
where is the source of the' water, I.,; � field, while IrermaniY-s Kkaal had not'l Boys cannot play without shout -a f
I .
corn. man who will use his 9 L it 18 nof those discov
brain, aries, tich has
if. I so,w the millet the ground is our most proffiablo� I e; in, The -objection ma�ny have to French just been published, a! , s'o gives `Mih -
app, 'pQtatoes
ng.' Probably th of is 'dwelling of. the
curtain� boonequipped with.its batteries. The I a reasaii marked riftemaii.-
roof of humari'skulls WitlL A 111ir �hing , abou . t tho. situation that, When thaking any groat effort, Murderers prefer the .dark for - the
the top. of Widefils c' of Pc�tl
given very thorough preparation as. hands it is a disappointment. nd fried may be Obvi itte description of� ani amulet, stip
they. are drained from the boiling
- WAS in the fact thai the two fait's 'We nsliAlly hold -our brcath�a 'very commission of iheir �crimes. Xn.1 the
cloths and the lower, p�t.of,native
it will not do well'unless'the seed- failure I shold sity that for gener- posed to protect the wearer from the,
ting we, havo hard val of the demon La
bed is very fine. 1, go Over the field 41 plan' ly a -ioty fat they are spread Upon clean brown machinations hartu,,liatiging
with batteries In place Were to the injri us thing
mattin*g, Screening the - rock all to do, � Shouting pre�
-Termann' this,. and,: 44 boys cannot be
sholt, north of the cityi while I a
I dusk of. evening the. leaders were to
rush the mine, and captux the
With a disk*and follow with &n.Or- to surpass the.Suttons Beaut.-Tho paper, this'abs6ilia. all surpluo 'at Labartu was ll . being,
just of the water's
edge, which Was 'V�ltllout gunt, was
expected to kilow.the law# of health,
"hooter"I thereat, which,."by order"
dinary harrow, coatinuing'this u it Hubbardsop4s anotitir'excelIppt tise- in a fo�v minutes, After which they who.! made people pale with. torror,
nt I ay -d.' Try potato soup,
tw'o tb four Iii- ful be serve I have a. bed of from
planned to defend tho approach fi
13L. -3 611ARNEL-IIOUSE.� boer
Israturd has, given them the_ln stiriet,
has �to. sound the fist note, of warn-
sort.' rant, hifineLn blood, causedgveat Igor- the- South. : It is known the
chbs of very fine soft. bouit the once -iii A while when tired of tomat, row,. and was acconipanied. y a a lower. 'portions of the 'real- a number
Th 0 ovornmexit, bought a, larg
Puring a Vidlent. thunderclap a ul
Ing -to Public. The complement
iter ih6rd is danger
eof, Ad show
last, of May I sow millet seed one vegetable'L and stock . SOUPS; hot This amulet was once
bushel to th acre and. then give- the' about six: Potatoes,. sift, while.hot black dog
94KING Wf RED - P- EX C E.. In
'add hung round A ' child's 1106L-
9. le 01,1i sot guns oln. the
compoigiing- the . 'other sid4- df thl of' 5-0� It 11 I 0* -. - fr
draped wlth, mats . only. Vronell - lifaicers f or - thd armameA of
might run you through the, bodY.
Abroad and that -the ellemy Are
About, 'is the firing of three roun.
h one quart
ground- o, slight ng. rough a. flouf Steve,
harroWl - with a Ths d' to (irlvd Off the denlojil.
posts for wire fence Should be or or
lant tooth barrow, thus leaving it in of milk) A -generous piece of - butter
crater, are. .
tions. The that
Oil the left act,
of the entrauce� centrally these fortificA '
by a cavilon from the fort. To A
driven tho'sprinj a� -soon a, the peppdr t6.*t�sie..'CjIop-
Jo splendid. condition for the morelr� frost Is 'out f* the ground, ' It -will at-. sliced Cold bolled,eggs' - AN AIrrFUL - 14USDAXI).
in ped
Situatod and* 6pp'ositc thosland, has, they Were mounted. on spealti.1
begil Nown.' out.or the rook a, ' flat-* ling: carringes, inAking thein availa-
the I t It relieves the nerves
to a,
conspirator �vas -entrusted the
on 'hearing -the "hooter," of It fin 9 -
When the heads are about all make a, better' fence If the wire is parsley
sight'the mfflot is out and -left to not put on until the ground has e- added at the'lasT, 'moment, before ,I should like to -give rny'wlfo", a'
serving., adds to Its Attractiveness,
topped ledge for sacrifical purposes. �;bla foil.sorvice in tholield inight III-
iches -deepi fs! dimte - that thby. never reaOted
Thd vater, About 123 It to'
van Sighing has its advantages.
The bollef.iliat at every sigh the
0. gun,, or Small -to SiMulato
the second official Alarm, When these
wilt. It is then raked uip, Into wind- come settled and is Solid Around the IiCtle surprise on her Lirthday ;'-bULt
rows, put into small Shacks and left Posts, so they will not. give, when the A salad finedriough ' to rodo any "I don�t want it to cost niuph."
Southern f art becatise. the. wee. i full. of tame, grey-e-olovod fish. about . a drop of blood Is far
Zwo, feet*l length with loiig suckero; i, too great demand For field nse. The from being- correct. Oil the contrary
sounds are heard, �Iby order,"' every
cIvll6,n mlist-seek �belter within the
to cure for several days. After thnt w1re IS' bein ]on , and especially desirable. "Thein you. should do 49 f do�
a stretched and nailed occas
It is In the barn. If the Served with cold inomt, is Potato
o%V oj� , which have I Del th 1) is th l9ng , And
and glaritig ell C sh' think none ' of the "Long i wilat hit flat). a at a
nearest'house, and the rifleman get,
stacked Always Set the posts in a Nvery Year I iocrotb a ploce of a, most, bizar a* over I tinted In Any of !(loop breath 49 taken, and. the blood
Is sown thickly and the millu salad. ' To make it usb one "blect ro 1%14 seed t straight line If the direction or the Cronin, jery Or (InIc otbor.. valuable 4) glide 110isoloSAY thriii,tAll. the Clear i thd forts. un 'W well acrated. Sighing, in fact,
their weapons'. The false signals
given taro Was, the instant for the
cut as indicated above, there Is, jit� fence must �hango, oven- though but lillit Of hot Sifted potato, butter the bolong1bg to iny wife. 'The EIrtilO 'a water in the Win light of this char- *lVlien the' 0 Cot I ts attack front shallow broathing.
trditoes., The unsuspecting Rand
tie. if any good ahol the stalks';aiid Size of an egg,-,ot.iC-quarter teaspoon- is.made everwhere,
slightly,. get- the posts in -a straight search
blades, fine. Therdare * rd, half a teaspoonful of 'disappearance
1101 -house Of itatish fore., WHO I. 1%, on Pretoria wereL.In' bad- . depressed. or wear'
I . When we are,
riflethen be sandbagged,th or
were to
are small end, line to a certain place . and there. and its deeply lamerit b -ne
-nFely -1-tWilled Col. ( a I r it,
. , 11 1) J roofed with de lilt( I lW I fo tit that .3 or wtion our Attention is 2auch . oil no hard and woody Stems
and* the mak the han salt, a, little paprika, nd oil&, egg ad. But how. great is he� Jay -ome Some of tho guns, gagod, o take very shallow And in-
go on one post, being, creepers, These 0.4h tire as r,
sti-liek dowii and killed upon air."
door steps, or stabbed to death With
milIet, bay is .0
lightly beate, 6rcam. all together'
sure to Wive that post.well braced, surpribo ' when the brooch or the Oil the lcit� Of ties intended those forts Were Used �coniplcta inspirations. Soon. :the
then add either vinega at lemon L
t1feir own b As they entered
I oncts
ATEV It tho ponts* IlLro set In a curved lbi6, turns il� again In it, new,
juice, The' lenlo.n juice is nicer If 'have
of humail skulls And Willi grbat offebt. in --tha'fightf
anotli 'r pile ng at
I blood become Impure, and, 'to re-
their h6m0-1yomp . and one tholls-
oditiolit (for 1,10Ways it 'POl" 6tharL
Usually food it alternately With Oat or'zlgzag, the wire Will tend to draw relies'of lu-ju- rightq, and oil I tl-,d Tug6la Itiveri -but when tho boors
you have a. 10,111011 on' Llland; the *f1p
in reat-
Ova t1lat impurity, -we talco-a aI
and Boerg, who had. been communt,
hay And have found it a firstelass them Into a Straight line_and in a 19boo at the jcwc)Jt,r'i;)� Ali()
juice of one sivall one isabout right:
4110 right is Clio lust not itistali these
ly.'prolonged braath� which -sigh-
catod,With by the garbAffe-dart driv-
how kind, how thoughtful. of Die 1
roughness for dairy cows, I have hort tlmo tho wire Will begin to Sag for - the correct consistency, b ut Of 'unllt
��lllfo al16 th a branch-calmons !it the. fortifications at Pro-
ors, were to be -in hiding near the
and the stability of the fence will be In pattern and' illo,predsa toil . they orted
never noted any bad effect If prepared of A palm. tree tind 01tarvilig to -fit, course much depends upon the potA- countorptrt o
in this way. greatly impaired, f the lost article I You a J heni t a poin.ts north of the citv to
YaWning is also 6 very, good Cx-
orcisc. It proolue �s it strong call- L
Iii: the tumult, And: uproar ex-
p0iet,Yod to ensue, .,,.they *ero*to fOrCG
My experience leads me to believe All corner or end, posts should be toes, very mealy ones requiring more sea, this little dodge novel- Inisses its the dimptiLe Ilia nolvoIner of tho enemy be-
liquid to *give the sallid.tlib right The Lopg Juz,lu is probablY
tril'tion, (if all. it
C to muscles, forcing
all entrance, helped by their friends
his resignation after. twenty-fivo well braced, also Several at.her posts effect, and It -doesn't cost Ind much .. 1) It known and. ,vond rvetoria. The Alritish. openerl
that oat bay Is also Ono of the beat- if the fence touch. When Woll licaten it should but by the* tfule bel. birtilday collies o" II)OSt pt)lVoilill I -L,4
is any great length in ligiou4 Contra fit Wc.st Africa Und 1.4 fire on tho' forts from It, Point five
out the impure blood And State
jymph, Unit a dozen yawns oil got-
from within, Thow the work of rob�
bery, plundiar, murder and Incandfat-
be light and spong, butatiff on 1`OUud again the incident 14 totall visited front It till d 1-6, ols. f Ini'l it.vj Infles poittli of the city ntid were all-
tbiest and most valuable fecas fori oho.'direction; Tho - best wa to 'to Spoon out Upon or! . sp lettuce leav- .
Itilig 111) ill the Illorning are Lis good
Isin Wa.4 to proceed With r0lanticks
dairy cows. Sow'very thick and out make the eoruct, posts solid, Is not nfor
of ail tind, conditions. I 0. tifild by heavy P1111.4,
As it Cup of strour coffee.
hot littate, ;a that it inight be -
just a -to App6ar. by bracing them With a P016 oir rail,
It Is tit preaent, to gmt, l'ilt it was -afterAllar. OF; leartied that
All of theso habits are common to
Jshad, And the Conspirators and their
Let the crop Ito- in the awath until for In wet times the post is likely to 'It taltes four Pounds, weight
lull and accurItte ectans front, I [,110.1 tllpqo were ontside the forts and till
the whole hunlan race, showing, pro-
allies COU Id fly Britfsh troops
Soul!" IIINTS,
well wilted, then ralto up And put in- be raised out of the ground, but by a o mkon, bottle at Nvinc.
of a rape.
ves. The tyriemy
Ilooplo of the Atual which has 11voll cqrriag
babl, that they are nocessarV to
and -vengeance are morning light.
to Stocks, allowing thee to stand' lotting the top wire run to the The stocks and it which Are fto
three lyddlte sholls tit Schan- good healLit., The more civilized we
Until thoroughlydry. Stnek, &nd�thcr ground and there f4sfon to A large longer comfortable, but soft, wrinkl-
bil t the did little daning(s. become, the less wo indulge in the.
The Pritonq "Whv Anti it
and'Llitappily, many, of the conspira-
hay is feady for teolng when wanted, stone at log -in the manner that line- an. be done up tit
are still arking: is not. at all unlikely that
tors have: been laid by the heals, tind
Treated in thla,malmer the oats be- man anchor tolograph p6les, Then It halite and'require only A few min-
dlon't the Boars put up it gret Ilgilt that msterious decay of great na-
later (in possibly Will be hold by it'()
come excellent food, most nutritious there are not too maby small poAts uteso Work. Wash 1iii whitoi Castile
At. Itrotoria?" tiall Which sets ' in wticti the have
nc�ck. � Already they are 1011OW11111
and wholesome. Cows, 'or in fact tile force should remain 80lid soap, and thoroughly rinso In hot
)eaclied a lligh stilge, of ckv,,ilivation.
their nature, In I ato Ailkin
any farm Animals, Cai it readily In through wat or dry seasons. 11011 III a dry towel'for. a
It 0
1-4 due to their naglact to, shout,. cry,
e inst oach. ewater,
conjunction* with millet. Ved with
few minutes and Iron While *still
Inugh, and, yan otiough,—London
liuly save that they, their individual
plenty of salt it Is all excellent quite wet, Tills method of froning
on tile (inlic Face, heeA 114wells.
wretched1livCs. For some little 0110
ducer ol'butter fat and cows recolv- C OLIDS ARE i9r, r arlixoTis. will give sufficient orialmess, but if
has 'lately appearccl a inall phactoin
Johannesburg has ))Cut, afflicted With
ing this feed always bavo a Clean,
Xanton and his companions, during More Is desired it, little 4tarch. water
Uji(I pidl, driven by it nativoy gentle- 'D V 'I MOLE
VARRIE - N - - .
All outbreak of political criminal
bright Appearance. I find that by tho . three yoAro that they were tit the may be added to the last hot rins-
treating oati; In filft Way 1 got' a Al'OtIC regions, never caught a cold, I jig water, and A little liquid bill-
iatin fit ti, vivi(il-colored. one
d a pink, anothee gr.L arlm serilants an, another 11. male domestic
There havo been RS41901111ts
and attel Lnpts (it wayInvilig and its
ilitiell larger tonnage of hay per store Yet they were exposed to cold, fatig- Ing. Castile will not spoil do-
than whon I doVoto the saillb grOuild
tire cticourttged to marry, as tlic.V are
II)EXTIve, and -,a oil, Ile lias a friand
betilde Will and two ervants I -e- oberved to be more anh at-
)tiee , 'NO -
OaUltIlIg , tile P( ..
the R iethods
no and WOt feet, .afi� 1gonorally wet licate colovs, but care must be tatten
to timothy, Than there is no loss to a degree' which anyone who lives not to tiqo Witter that is very )lot,
tentivo ta their dut than when
' I.
There q another uhIntirring-
and bludgaorling are
as In OVA (li.
adopted. Lat , s,
by froozingi or by deouth, Further, I), a Warint home cannot realise. Their Tf one can comfortably Immerse the
the land which is used for oats In trouble.
iger mated between 06 drive,
AR r0ndel'IlIg MCI' -
Ilis iriend who escapos
irictq tit fho polle(, kiyttr cinrIc
I Int it, little Will](,'
Clothes were at) saturated with Pat.- hands it there Will be no
thli; way 16 ready for it croW of hun- sPiMttorl, -that, they froze by day In- Sillvinay be cleaved at home and
the aame season or
irute, lookin(a; Ilke a bo vants More own
the box families thun to those of their mus-
90 4bOlit, III -twos,
ago it soldier doing SentIT-90 at (lie
garian or millet, ' to a. solid wass. of Ice and oven cut look, as nice after the cleanllig pro-
the two Occupants of
raIjWftV r,00(13 station Ill
it can be pitatted to late sweat C OfIl- Into the flesh. At night when they coss as though sent to the cleaners
I have found ' that by planting
Inspectioll, hoWeVer It you could onLy
tho, fact thot this is all exioritionN
w1blirly IArktillf ontolit,
d his Allo
Corn L got Into their t4looping bagq, to use providing the garment, Is ta be r 0.
in uecotision - iroin early
sea correspondont's words, 11 the first inside, and inny be ripped apart,
learn to nq my first. %vire lit([ I",
fully dressed fit coat,
Airs. you. were its Stuart
burg, was an
and bandollor ciVVIO(I OV.
May to the middle at July, I always hour, Was Spent In thawing; t
haver an abundant supply Of suceulal it hey lay Cover the Ironing board with an old
doUble hawl; folly
cloth And turban.
I %9 m dear first Iiisband was you'd
Ali instruction has been fainted to
t (
I)o abroad Ilf r
shivering, ilattl their clothes becAlne blanliot or oil tack
hod for cows In July, August And
wet. dud soft and ovetitually comfort. a sheat. La the silk Smooth oil
lie rich enough to employ the , best all OfficcrA Who na
cook fit the land," dark fit to go aboliat
September, when its, a general thing able and Warm," Yet theae lition, this shoot and sponge both sides VW
are brown And bood a, rest
stivo lie fol- "Zlkl tty walk In the, likiddlo of
been rendered 116.
pastures txpomd ilt this Way, noVor got old, with one-half cup gall, ona4ialf cut)
in ordoe to be not, did their health suffet, In any dininonlit, alid oaa4ialf pint tepid
lowe,d VoUr abo'llt the roatL This has
and lost 61MOO by It." -because Of tile VullIATIS )111'k -
VALVALML14 V01t NLf"XT YV.Alt. Wily from the exposure. Of courser Water. 11011 tho allk on III% old
111ho having lb
Recently it mail 1010 had Ila lilt- 1, tile ba,-
Ming6rl—IlDfol lie al� llodthlellt lit lits qPCOCII WOlit into, ti. ing Ill. doorways and Vildo
that cover iilost of the
t do not like to �Cotf fodder in they were all very strong mon. broom handle, perfectly
to wItlistaixi th
Yards 0WIvg to tIICL ollillculty of tak- were- able, a cold III fico from wrinkles, L6t It dr And
knew ho Wits a colly 1411ft(IOW8
cliellilt,q 141lop In the coul.try for onto fit this 31atrorjolla of
Ing care of 'file 9talks in the InaftUre the Arctf6 regions, but When they 40 not Iroli. Woolen goods may be
I;olno wine. t t
T lior—"Whoil I gave Illy Counter stood the oprand-boy, who
(Ireen earn, however, Is a reacbed civilization they caught cold, treato(l .4nd tolled in. the saxam man-,
eort, peoplo had to bo eavilled fallit- Willa Iltilizing Ilia Vitare tittle by ty-
succuloillt, load for all kinds, of WAnsefis-' deduction from tl
too Ila Is, in
farm allinlaIr'- horsel, C()ltq Calverg, U4 own words. There in, of -course, 1, It gloves are kept In waxed paper bath Wid A 010611
a' rcoll tame mwlull Ing, out of the liall," I, in- up 1wel,ets of Hults. poln, han oil alt averilgd
Opt nincer thell. Your voice iliv (6 tv-an� i4onui, ip4p of plinlible, a year, affaillpt,
t)ld hog and Cows. it iq ex- ji& doubt thdt cold is Aft Itifeetiouat *y Will nover .1010 elillotielty or S, tj& a %W*
tcedingly desirable, producing thriv- diaeaso.. softness. Tis Is Particularly seful