HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-20, Page 1TINTON
23rd Year
Whole Number 1202
Examine your label, If it says you are :in arrears, pay up. To have it marked. a year in advance will be still better.
. .
4,11,111--es--41.estle-lse-wesssevela-abeie..-leesse-airent,..eie•ifree...ese-see.seresiteeses...laieseseses- Little Locals. they Curled In Wingham.
$NEwe•Eunonn Mr. John Watson of Winghern on Friday last bet did nor
In renewing his subscription to 'Trie Two rinks of Clinton curlers visited —
Belgrave says that "it easily takes the succeed in adding to their victories.
lead for MIMI news."—T. Beacom They were most hospitably entertein-
& San have rented. the store in the ed, however, and say that "Winghare
Harland block next TIE NEwe. cutlers are all right." Clinton and its
REcortn office, into which they expect progressive neighbor are on the very
to move next week.—Mr. George best of terms and when their represent -
Bentley has a parrot which is forty atives meet on the field of sport the
seven years old and a good talkerit utmost cordiality prevails.
was brought to (Hinton by the late
Mrs. William Smart and no dealt Clinton Defeats Masan.
many of our citizens who were young The hockey match, 'Hewett vs,
folks in those days will be surprised to Clinton, played on the local rink last
hear that the bird is still living.— Friday nightwas a one.sided affair,
Court Maple Leaf will hold an At t•he Clinton septette winning by more
Mune on Thursday evening next. than eight goals to none at all. The
Organizer Torrance is •expected to visitors will be good players bye and
spend the week in town in the interests bye, but just now are not in the same
of the Court and will be present on the class with Clinton. The• victors were :
above occasion. Mr. Torrance hes Charlie Porter, Nelson Woods, Wal.
been meeting with remarkable seccess lace Irwin, Will. Whitely', John Mac -
in 'Linea, where he was instrumental kenzie, Clarence Shepherd and Ray'
in adding largely to the membership of Bowers.
the Constance end Londesboro Courts. .
--We understand that Mr. Thos. A Big Collection.
Fortune, a former resident of Clinton, • The anniversary, services held in
recently took 'unto • himself a wife in Willis church lest Sunday were largely
the person of a Nerfolk county widow attended and the sermons delivered by
with a.good sized family.—The third. Rev, Mr. Scott of Toronto inuch en -
lecture •in the 'University Extension joyed. The reverend gentleman is an
series -will be given in the town: hall eloquent speaker and the good people
tomorrow evening, when Professor of Willis church will be pleased to have
Ramsay Wright vvilI take as hissub? another opportunity of hearing film.
ject "The Microscopic Life ef the Sea" The cellections amounted to $231
with limelight views. The committee which le in itself a very handsome sum
100 Colored Pictures to Clear
Money Orders, also for ButteriCk patterne. ' ' '. - . '• dance is desired.—Rev. Jas. Living- day and was largely attended. The
, the coming campaign. A full etten- er's cemetery in Tuckersmith on Tiles -
tion willbe held in the CQU
stone, formerly of ' Clinton, who
bar this evening to consider plans for end. The •funeraltook place to Turn.
neo. chum. the homestead and•Mrs, A.mos. Towns-
' , ., •
. •
Agents for C. p. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express .. .
received fi call • from the Methodiet . services were Conducted by ....eV. Mr.
Steadmap. - • . . . • i
...6....b„...........es,,......b.....eb...44ewsb,e‘...sa..............sgessieme.....aegieemeAse-geAls- church at Dawson City at a salary of ' . •
• ,. . ....____--: $3,000, has decided . to remain: in
.4".........................e....................e.... Ontario and decent, a brill to Petrolia. •
On Saturday we place on sale about 100 Colored Pic-
tures, various sizes, such as come with Xmas papers
and magazines, see our window for display and prices.
4 Packages Envelopes 15c
Box containing 4 packages of Square Envelopes' good
quality, cream shade, other people's price wouldbe 100
a package, we will sell them on Saturday, tbe box
packages) for I Be
75c Books for 35c
The new ,Alpha Library of 12 numbers, uniform in
style, being printed in large type from new plates
on extra laid paper, with trimmed edges bound iu
English silk corded cloth, titles in gold and gold tops.
Such authors as Scott, Corelli, Doyle, Sewell, Dumas, '
Caine, Lyton, Hugo, Weyman, Blackincire and others,
worth regularly 75c, now only
$1.25 Books for 50c
60 Books by popular aethors,well bound in cloth, regu-
lar prices from 75c to $L25, now selling at 50o ,
25c Papetrie for 15c
Box containing 24 sheets of Paper and 24 Envelopes,
ruled or plain, 3 colors, blue, azure and cream, the
celebrated Plushwater paper and envelopes, big value
at 25c, now on pale at per 1Di:ix. , 15c
Several of the fanners In this vicini-
ty who purchased New Maxwell bind.
ers treat Mr, Robinson of Brucefleld,
drove to $t, Marys Tuesday for them.
Mr. Robinson Is a very pushing and
energetic MOM and takes vvell with tbe
Mr. Lin Workman is busily engaged
hauling saw logs te 111r.Alex.Mcl3eath's
saw niill.
Mr. Alerrorrest of Her has Pinellas -
ed five fine horses to take with him to
Manitoba in March. His brothers
James and William intend going with
him. They will be greatly Missed in
this neighborhood.
Mr. John Maxvvell has taken the con-
tract of cutting one hundred cords of
wood front M. Ash on the bush lot of
the 8th con. Ur. Maxwell is getting up
in years but is as industrious as ever.
Success John.
Mr. James Turner has sold his cele-
brated stock bull "Stanley Pride" Inc
gentleman in Hensall and purchased
a very superior calf from Mr, Robert
Douglas of Hay. Mr. Turner is to be
congratulated on securing such a fine
animal which will no doubt be a great
benefit. to the section in the imProve-
ment of stock.
Mr. jamas McOlymont and wife re-
turned horne after spending a week
with friends in Tuckersmith.
For Hillsgreen news read THE NEWS.
has secured the use of Mr. Brewer's hut is likely to be yet considerably Recoup.
lantef n, for which a new acetylene increased.
lamp has been procured and which
throwe a strong, clear and steady. Death of George Crich.'
light. ----While one of the OD Saturday morning Mr, Geo, Odell
teamsters of kr. B. Forster of breathed his last, aged fifty t
Colborne was delivering wood in the years. He was a native of Tucker -
yard of Mr. John Handcocko1'town be smith, where he carried on farming
drove over an old well, leosely covered, until about three years ago, when he
into which the horses fen. A chain become a resident of Clinton. Ptieu--
WaS hitched about their necks and out Mania -carried him oft He was a Lib.
they were ,drawn by another team, not eral and a Methodist. His, wife star-
. ixtuch the worse for their vives, together with the following
W. Cooper &
Co., CLINTON. A. meeting of the friends of probibi; member's. of their fainfiy : James on
Abbut Ontario Street Church.
On Thnrsday evening of this vveek
. Dr. Medd, brother of Mr. J. the Ontarie street Sunday schciol will
I TIME PLIES .... ',
• The holiday season has come and gone ' - . •
i and we are once again settled down to .
our usual line of trade. Before long we '
expect so get things in our store so . .
arranged that we will be able to
make some -special announcements.
In our extra busy spell we did not forget. to keep up our Standard
of excellence in Staple Groceries and we are now prepared, as
we always are, to give you the purest and best groceries that it
is possible to obtain in Clinton or elsewhere. • '
Fresh Lettuce and Young Onions every week.•
Ode Coop& & Co. •
Don't FalI
to read my ad en prige'5.' EVERYTHING
to be sold at cost for balance of Febru-
ary. '
We refund your money if goods don't give satisfaction,
CREWS, Jeweller andOpticias. •
Biddlecombe's 01d Stand,
Expert watchltepairer.
set "
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
will save money by taking advare
tage of the bargains we are offering in our,
big ad on page,4. ' ' 2
A/1 P'.'•FOSH frit IIATTB
. •
Goodson Medd of Clinton, is doing have its annual sleigh ride to be. follotiv-
splendid work at Bothwell where chap ed by refreshments served in the lec-
ing the present ccinference Year there .ture room of the church. The young.
hits been an addition of twenty to the stera are loelting forWard to the event
a i i ti n Men-
membership. 'Ills official hoard recent- with great. nt c pa. o .--;-.-On
IY Presented him with an address, day Dr...„ Mrs., and Mr. Clifford Gifford
setting forth their appreciation of his left for Wingharri to attend the tet.
ability as a preacher and lecturer and meeting in Contleation with the re;
requested him to teturn for another °Pening 01' the-nevir Ale0°dist :church
year. --Mr William Carter, assessor in tbat town. Oh the following even-
Hullett, began his work on Satur- leg Dr. Gifford delivered his *pular
Th a young people
entertained at the
Mr. and Mrs. John
Town Line,Hay,on
of this vicinity were
hospitable home of
Cochrane Sr. of the
Friday evening last
The evening was spent in games and
dancingantil the wee eine hours when
all departed well pleased with the even-
ing's fun. The event Was in honer of Mr.
Robt, Cochrane who left On Monday
for Richburg, North Dakota. '
We notice that the, Stanley council
have decided to Construct a ditch
through Mr. James Logan's farrii to
carry off the surface water which has
so long been a hindrance to Mr:Logan..
There seemed to be trouble brooding -
one time among the north Scottish
clans of that seetiOn: but ail now sing.
" Scots wha bite," •
Mr. William Reichert visited Clinton
' _ Messrs. Isaac Hudson : and Wilson
Carlyle are still busily engaged cetting
wood. ' these gentlemen make a'.• tine
job and are worthy of patronage.
•111r. J. R. Shaw of Clintou condlicted
service in the Methodist church Sun-
day. Mr. Shaw a fluent andeloquent
speaker and the Hillsgreen people Were
highly pleased with his diepouree. '
.: There Will be no service in PresbY;
teriari church next Sunday owing to
the anniversary service at Kippen. The
Sunday sehool will be held at 2.80 p.m.
day leaf) and. is making geed headway. lecture on •" The 1Vlarnmoth Cave pf • .
He mune un the Huron Road on 'Mon- .Kentucky." . Dr. Gifford was formerly
day, making progress :than any .stationed in Wingliare se 'attending " Stephen's'iFavorite Sen."
of his predecesaOrs, Mr, Carter's work the opening services was a special joy
will be thoroughly and. conscientiously to him...-7Next Tuesday evening r.
done —Mi R. j. Macdonald has Gifford Will cleliVer his lectOre entitled
Withdrawn from the firni of Greig & 'The Mernmoth ()ave of .Eentheity.',
Macdonald of iiieaforth and is succeed: He gave It here last winter and at the
ed by Mr. 13. Stewart; Who has been in reqUelf, Of Many citizens has consented
the employ .of the grin, which will in to deliver , if again. It is good,-.='- .
future be known as Greig & Stewart. Monday nigher; meeting of the League
Mr. Macdonald intends PeOsPecting for was a treat, for in addition to a praise-
r!, few months .and may locate again. worthy program, Miss 1VIounteastle
in Seafortb or down ' by the sounding read an essay on "Home Influences"
sea. Hp is it nittive of this tervii, and as Well gave several heruorons'L
!‘ One Of our boys," and the people. :of recitations. -Mias.Mountcastle's con.. ,
. Clinton take an interest. in him and tributions are alWaya appreciated.
will he pleased to bear of his success . ,,,,... . ,._., •
Wherever he -limy go. Until be. !"''''''e '.'-'13.114*
locates Mrs, Macdonald and babe will . "Divine. guidance, or how can I
rimaio with her mother, Mrs, Vain know what is God's will concerning
Sr. --'—'Under " Birth's" our citizens n:re" will be Rev.. 'W. O. Howsen's
will read with pleasure of the visit of enhject next Sunday morning. In the '
h ill s eak of " The peni- •
Men's Frieze Overcoats
that were $7 and $7,50 for $4.$o
$1oFrieze Coats for $6.5 9 $8 Beavers for $5 •
Black Beavers for $3.99
We have Ordered a full line of Gent's Furnish -
ins which will he opened out On March lst,
Everything Will be entirely new and up to date.
giver saeses-mte°46.-ewselelaAseess..44..eares...1.--seesiksfa.44.--ee......-#
The eat of photography IR eon. A
thivally developing, new ideas end
methods are eentitantly appearing. $
Our gallery keeps just a little
$ahead of the rest, Suet &little better
Work, just a little better methods
and accestorite.
the stork to a home in Morden, Man. evening e vv p
Mother .nnct child are d'aing well.— tent's universal prayer," These will
During the recent stormy period "'Dlr. probably • be: the 41.0. sermons the
;Tarries Twitchell took train foe the pastor will preach in the old chereh. tiENRy EILBER, Fr. •
- on the sick list. Mr. Lowery has Mr J. T. Staples epent last *eek in
k is 13 h ell district where -•--A sleighload of young people drove
hotre. hjyos.thFuoststeoribmasybweeenstkhesprt, around
Mr, John Glouser underwent an
operation on his neck one day last
week. again busy canvassing for Brown
Mrs, Wm. Daer is laid up at pres- Bros.' ntirsery of Toronto. Next week
ent, be purposes calling upon the farmers
Mr.Thott Lawlor had a very success- of Goderich township, where he also
ful wood bee last Tuesday. , has a wide acquaintance. To those
Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of Brussels,who over there who are not now acquain•
has been waiting on her mother, Mrs. ted with Mr. Foster we would, say, by
S. Clark, is herself now ill. Mrs. Stitt way of introduction, that he is as hon.
is alse on the sick list, Mr. Doyle and est as the day is long and represents a
daughter are both laid up with la- reputable firm.
fltiPPe. Mist, S. E. Reisl is again at her post
•Mr.C. Redmond, who has been learn- in Mr. J. E. Harnwell's departmental
ing the tailoring with Mr. Medd, has store after spending a couple of weeks
given it up. Visiting friends at Sumrnerhill,
Miss Jennie Armstrong of Shelburne Mr. B. A. Higgins was on a business
who was visitin 4. here for it few weeks,. trip to Exeter on Monday and, Tuesday
returned home last week of this week.
Mr. Macdonald of Wingham was the Mr. William and Miss Annie Consitt
guest of Mr. R. Stalker the . forepart of were the guests of Mr. and Mrs,joseph
the week, Foster on Sunday last.
Mrs. John Clark is improving slow- Messrs, 0. Shier and C. Verner re-
ly, turned to Kirkton on Tuesday of this
Mr.Morris Sprung of Pontiac, Mich- week after spending several days visit -
igen, is the guest of his graridparents, ingat E. Harnwell's.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sprung, at present, ,Master Arnold Rathwell returned
Mr. and Mrs. John Olark leave this hcinie on Friday of last weekfrom Robb
vveek for their home in Dakota after where he has been visiting for some
spending a, few weeks with relatives time. He was accompanied home by
here. , • Mrs. J. Barber who will visit friends in
Mr. and. Mrs. T. Clark of Dungannon thii. vicinity for a few weeks,
were spending a few days in Auburn Mr. Nelson Fletcher of Kirkton is the
the beginning of the week guest of Mr. J. E, Hammen this week.
Miss Lilly Rowed of London is- the He is also taking orders for photo -
guest of her uncle, Mr. S. Caldwell. graphs,
Despite the steady winter ill health • Messrs. Jelin Bothwell of Goderich.
is very prevalent in the village,especial- township and J. Sparrow delivered
ly among the aged. • some fine horses to Seaforth buyers on
Mrs. Arthur, who has been long con- Tuesdey of this week. Good prices
fined, had the roisfortune to slip
and were received.
Mr. Hall Little, nephew of Prof C.B.
fall while being assisted tribed and in-
jure the hip joint so severely that much Little of the Varna hotel, wentto &Ir.
pain resulted. ' ich this week to reside where he will
, Dr. Turnbull's sister, Mrs. Neilson of carry on his profession of horse den
Milverton, is keeping house for him at
present. . ti stry.
grand.concer6 will be given 'under
the auspices of the Presbyterian choir
Mr. R. T. Erratt is still in a critical
on the evening of Friday of next week.
health as is also Mr. Virilliare Symingc
ton. There will he a splendid program of
choruses, quartettes, duetts, solos, tab.
The ice industry still flourishes.
leituir, etc., etc., and the admission will
Miss Ross of Clinton is the guest of
. . .
friends in the neighborhood. • be only fifteen cents, children ten
cents, Don't miss, it for it will do
thee gcod.• . •
We are glad to state that Mrs. :fltiLLETT TowNsuni,.
Andrew keys, who his. been suffering . —
from a severe attack of la grippe, is . Mr. Thee. Mason of Clinton beught
improving and we hope the will spon :a lot of fine cattle this part the past
be well again. • wee
Miss Oharlette Bates of Seaforth is Ferris &Welis are making the hogs go
spending this week with friends On. the some now. They shipped from Blyth
. •
Babylon Line. on Moncia,y.
Mr. and Mrs. James Keys and . Messrs. Bert. and Will. Ferris and •
family of the Babylon Line Spent Fri- Miss Ida received invitations to attend
day evening as guests of Mr. tind Mrs. the marriage of their couein, Harvey
J. T. keys. . Jenkins of Goderich township, to Miss
A nember from this vicinity intend Cartee of Hullett on Wednesday.
taking in the C. 0. F.. concert in Verne Miss Maggie Illerphy left on Tuesday
On Wednesday evening, which prom's- last for her home in Dakota. ,
es to be the concert of the seaeon, Miss Annie Knox. 'leaves on Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. George Bates, Were the dtiv to attend tbe millinery openings, in
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keys, Sr., Toronto. • ,
one day this week; Bills are Up announcing a -meeting Of
•Messris • J. •and Nelson Keys the Farmers' Testitute to be held in'
delivered their sheep, which were sold Harlock on March 7th. ,
to Mr. J. 'Johnstone, at Hayfield on Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Knox had a
Saturday, • rather rough experience returning from
Mr. Dave Dewar of the &Amble Line Listowel last week where theY were
was the guest cif, his aunt; Mrs.AndieW visiting •some of their friends. .
Keys, on ttrlday last. , Mr, 'Jas. Dale,we are pleased to note;
Mrs. Viirn. 'McKinley, accompanied is recevering from every severe illness.
by her brother, Mr... J. Redmond, and Miss Ferguson of Walton la 'visiting
his little daughter, are borne from at Mr. Harry Alleies. •
North Dakota. on a visit to Ontario ' Our popular blecksmith, Mr. Fred.
friends. At present Mrs. Mckitiley Argent of Herlock,wlie has been under
and her neice are With Babylon and ' the v.,eitther for some time, is recover
Goshen friends. ' ing are pleased to note.
On next Sunday sacramental seevices Mist; Maggie McDonald has returned
will be held in the Goshen Methodist after a short visit to Mrs. Mills of
c hurch . . Hari oek.
Mr W, Linsda,y is getting in his sup.
pl* Of ice for the summer.
•surirteRIALL. .
Mr. and Mrs..L.Proctor of Milverton
Quite a number in• our vicinity are are visiting at Mr. J. Proctor's.
Essex- e t- ot w ,
he transacted business for severardays down from Goderieh last Friday even -
without any interruption by snowing and spent a few pleasant hours at
While pushing trade in 13. Cl. shingles the home of Mr, Arthur Oook. Owing
in this prevince Mr. Twitchell has to a mishap they did not arrive until
acquired a pretty goodknowledge of ten O'clock,—Mr. James Turner and
such contrasts of clirna,te as it possess. son Dan. of the Parr Line. Stanley,
es,—At the recent meeting of the L. were in town yesterday attending the
O. L. of North ,Huron, Mr. Matt. horse sale. They brought im aflne five.
Mains of Lonclesboro was elected year-old mare which not a cent less
deputy n3aster, whieh means that, he that, $22ii will buy. Mr. Turner has
Will be Master next year. Matt's- t/eeti in Stanley since 1814, but, never
election ie a popular. Vir. saw just so much MOW on the roads of
Wheatley has his gang of men busily his township as at the present time.
engaged on the forty acres of timber
in Stanley and twenty in Goderich
township which he has bolight, He
Is having it converted into logs and
flrewood.—Miss Ella McEvvan, who
has been attending the '• Business
College here, has retriened to her
former position of assistant boOkkeeper
at Jackson :Bros.—Some of the
knowing ones in the county town
expected htst week that the appoint-
ment to the registrarship would heve
been gazetted on Saturday. --.--Mr.
Ike Rattenbury writes from San
Francisco, California, that the trip
across the continent Was it pleasant
one. He and kir. Hisons intended
remaining in the city for a few days
before going further south to more
balmy Ritiersicle,—During the past
week Cantelon Broti. shipped 1000
doz. egge end 2000 lbs. of butter,—
The attention of tempera:nee workers,
particularly Members of the W. C. T..
is directed to a douhle.headed
article entitled,.Saloon Man Outprayed
Ern." on peg; three of last vo ;dee New
Bra. The .okrtiele originated ip a
f the style of the
the Detroit Sun and Chicago Blade. Mr. .
Several weeks ago Turt NrcWs.ltgoonn eotnewhat extensive farnaer.*The
wite requested to publish it, but refused Swedish Ladies' Quartette gave the
to do so, The ladies of the W.O. T. fourth. ooncert in the Citizens' Star
will doubtleen appiVelate the delicacy Course on Tuesday night. The next
and good taste ef. the article,* and final for the season will be present.
mra. *B. 3. Oantelop entertained a ed by the 'Tyrolean "readier; on Marc
number of friends on Driday evening 18th,
He is bearing his years well.—The
London Itriperial Aloving Picture Co,
will appear in the town hall on Monday
and Tuesday evenings next with what
they clahn is the hest colleetion of
pictures ever seen in Canada," Ad.
Mission 25c ; reserVed seats, 85e.—
Rev. Jas. Livingstone of Windsor,
formerly of Clinton, has become so I
popularly known as the "marrying
parson" that, says a member of his
quarterly board, there is talk among
the congregation of raising the pastor's
eatery about $200 a year for the Pur.
pose of inducing him to refrain from
marrying people,other than members of
the coegregation. Matrimonial monies
from over the river have penchant
for the 1Viethodiet clergyman and
their coming to his house is tioo much
of an inducement for him to stay home,
thus preyenting him from making
frequent calls on the congregation.*
Miss Bavvden, lately of BlYth, is the
latest actession to the choir Of St.
Paul's church. The choir on Sunday
was twenty tato Strongf the largest
Membership in years. --Mr. Robert
an paper -Walker has engaged as foreman with
5 It Smith who has beeome it
' leet......-Among the prize Winners et
Monday niglitse dative' were :Newton PerrlOtial.
6.41fr000kiii, 1)avie, Wishart HOWItOn and Norman
Studio Webb.-..,..W.esley ehnrch 18 reneiving Mr, and Mrs. William Stratton of
' the flniehingtouchea. It will be a very 1VIelite. Man., ate guests of the latter's
• pretty plaon of worebirfy A, trgAtt 1 unele, Mr. William Gould of Goderich
4110% 4a4/0 ngregatkin and tan,
Mr. Eilber was born' in Crediton
this county, on November. 15th, 1857.
His father wae Jacob Eilber, a native
of Wurtemburg, Germany, while his
mother was horn in•. the state of
Pennsylvania. Both reached a good
old age and died after having seen
their son chosen its the representative
of South Huron in the Legislature of
this province.
Mr. Henry Either entered public life
shortly after be became of age and for
eighteen eonsecutive years served the
township of -Stephen as reeve and
deputy. During his terni of office be
laid doivn a Plan and carried it to it
successful concluision to pay off a large
dehenturedebt under which that town.
ship labored, His thorough and busi,
netts like methods of dealing with the
finances won for him the eeteem and
confidence of the municipality as Was
evidenced by the tremendous majority -
given Ulna in the election for the Legis
lature. He is "Stephens Favorite
Son." '
Mr, Hillier has for the post twenty
one years been eecretery-treastirer of
the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual
Vire Insurance Company which, under
his management, has had a very sue.
cessful Career.
In the general elections of March
1808 Mr. Either was elected 'member of
the Legislature for South Huron,
defeating Mr. M. T. McLean by a
majority of 128. This was one of the
greatest victories in that eampaign, the
riding having always gone Libetal by
majorities which ran up into the hund-
Mt. iiIllber wilt In the min el .
been ill for a few days but is almost and around Wingham,Lendesboro and
well again, Mr. Albert Lovett was other mints. .. •
taken seriously ill with inflarnmation Rev, 3, Othildand intends giFingserne
of the lungs. • No apparent impreve. limelight views no Temperence also
, niett is seen but we hope for a speedy the pictures of the Queen's funeral
recovery. His father. Mr.O. Lovett, is procession in Conittanee -church on
also considerably under the weather. Monday next. A small adinissien fee
Mr. Geo. Hill, jr., is ill with what will be charged.
seems to be the la grippe and Is not The topic next Sunday night at the
mending as fast as is desirable. Constance League will bo. taken by
, Mr. Wm. Sheppard, who has been Miss Susie Wheatley. The subject will
visiting at Mr, 0. J. Nesbitt's for some be "Fidelity and its reward."
time, left Wednesday on his way home We understand itir.J.Lindsay intends
to North Dakota. : moving to Constance. .
Drj,owery of Seaforth visited his
home Sunday. . r, Love is visiting his sister, Mrs.
Alex. McMichael,
Mr' 1 li• Lowery and wife and Mr, Wm. Morrison purchased a fine
family visited Mende in Hallett Sun -
cow and calf at the sale of Mr. Joe
day, Bulger of McKillop on Tuesday and at.
Mr, 11, 'Thompson of the 16th con.,
so purchased.some white legborns from
Mane again be the Conservative cant%
date and that he will be successful is
conceded by strong but candid oppon-
Ile is a fluent speaker, equally at
home in no lish and German and it
eanital organizer. He .is one of the
moat genial and kindly of men, ever
ready to do anybody a good turn, so
that his popularity le not to be Won.
doted at.
It is his good fortune to poetess more
, *ACM notional friends tbatt Most
politleiane earl claim to.
Goderich townehipes visiting his uncle,
Mr. Albert Hart of Seaforth as he
Mr. John Betteom, near London, thinks poultry raising and • dairying
Mr: J. Leithwaite of Goderich •
ecl friends on the 10th con, recently. pays the bestMiss Nellie VVilson of Morris is spend. -
Ural,. Cook of the 14th con, of Gode- ing it fortnight with her sister, Mrs,
rich toWnship is at present working at Sam. Love. .
Mr. O. Lovett's, Mr. F. Kettle told a fine tainvverth
Mies Alva, Beacom visited Mende in pig to Mr. H Cook for which he re -
Clinton fore few days. delved n, big figure.
Mr. R. Hu& is visiting his brother , Mr. George Montgomery is spending
near Meeford for it short while,
a couple' of day,s, with his sister, Mrs.
, Gifford Crich ortuckerstnith.
EntrzET,r ,kowssurp, = Mr. Riley and his men of Lorideshoro
are bosy getting out timber for the
A large party of young folks spent a erection of a barn for Mr. Joe Freeman
very pleasant erening at the hospitable- in the spring.
home of Mn 'Wm. Vodden, Oth coM,on There will be no serviee in
Merida, evening of last week. chureh next Sunday, owing ta the
We are pleased to eee Oliver lYfills Union convention being held in Zion
hOme againafter a few menthe eejotirti church, Colborne. But the eervice
in Dakota. Oliver is it jovial boy. will be held as usual on the firat Sun.
There was a crokinole party at Mr, day in March at 10.80 a. m.
John Noble's of Stapleton one eveningWarattrItritfut.tr.
last week. • . Miss Clara Youngblut left Tuesday
Mr. Fitz Sprung of Manitoba is visiti for Windsor to visit her sister and will
ing friends in the Harlock neighbor. also visit Chatham friends before re.
hood. Ile intends returning to the turtling,
West about the last of the month, Mr. Henry Mellrien of the Maitland
Scott Broi 'old a valuable team to Block has eold his farm to Mr, GI
Mr. Arthittaid of Seaforth 011 illyth Youngblut for it good figure, .
fair day for it. handsome figure. ' Mr, Richard Covier of the Due Line
' Mie. Verrit; hats returned from visit- Went to Goderich last Monday where
Ing friends in Goderith,Goderich town. one of his horsei became so alek that
ship and OlInton, . he had to leave itiri the care of the vet,
Mr. Alex,Mawing has returned from Mr. Hph, flail delivered 4 fine horse
Guelph a wiser man, , In Seaforth on Maudar4
Ash :Wednesday or the first day of
Lent was observed here in Trinity
church, Rev. E. C. Jennings conduct-
ing service in the morning.
A meeting of the building committee
in connection with the new Frisby,
terlan church was held On Monday
afternoon when the tenders for the
new church were opened. Ootatractor
Buchanan of goderich was the sUe''
cessful tenderer. We understand Mr.
D. Harrison of Hayfield is associated
with Mr. Bechauan in the contact'.
The firm is a responsible one and the
work will no doubt be well done. •
.Birthday parties were the order last
week. Master Mado Whiddon cele-
brated his birthday; last Friday even-
ing by inviting a few of his friends to
it nice little party, and Miss Flossie
Pollock celebrated a similar event on
We rem et to have to refer again to
that pernicious habit of cigarette
smoking indulged in by many of the
youths of our .villa,ge and take this
oPportunity of sounding it note of
warning to dealers who sell to minors
in spite of the fact, that the la,w pro-
vides a penalty of from $10 to $50 for
such offences. It is really too bad to
see boys of from ten to sixteen years
indulging in this most degrading of
habits and we helm something will be
done to stop the sale of such to our
youth by compelling vendors to pro-
cure a license to sell the article. It
has been established beyond gainsay
that this habit is followed by worse
consequences, both moral and physi-
cal, than any other and parentsshould
see to it that they do their duty in '
trying to step it.
Division Court was held here last
Saturday, His Honor Judge Doyle
presiding. The legal fraternity was
represented by Messrs, E. Campion,
K. C.; and W. Proudfoot of Goderich.
There were two cases disposed of and .
both created much interest as there
was a good attendance.
Mrs. M. Westlake. confined to her
bed with an attack Of inflammation lint .
a speedy recovery is anticipated.
Hooting and cutting ice is the order '
ef the day. The ice is tieing taken out
of the harbor.
Me. jOhn Day is recovering from -a, -; •
Severe attack of cold on the lungs.
We are informed thatafr. A.Pararms
has a, tlew organ. 41ex:believes in being
un -to -date. •
MmEdwarda sr. is confined to his bed
at time of writing. Be.has been ill
for a couple of weeks but an early
recovery is looked for.
• Mr. T. Johns Of Varna is on the road
iis traveller for a wholesale house,
He Was In Hayfield last Week. •
Reeve McNatighton .was town
•lamistri.wwee.kE.mott:has purchased
his n6
year's wood from Mr. W. Jowett. .
,. Mr. John Parke of the Goshen Visit-
ed at the parental home Sunday
Mrs, Mr.) Wood who has' been ill, is
Much:better et time of writing, vvt.
are glad to hear. • '
Mise josie Galbraith of Varna is visit:
ing her friend,Miss Maude Pollock. •
Miss • Minnie Wright of Seaforth
viSited her sister, the assistant teacher :
bete, a 'few days the past week. •
Miss Sarah Nat, who was the guest :
of friends in this :locality .,during the
past week,' is'now the guest of her. eis- , • :
ter, Mrs.' Hugh 14cf)onnell of Hay. -
The young people of the West End
. spent a very enjoyvAble evening lastrri.
(ley as the guests of the Misses Noble '
of theHuron Read.
Several parties are talked of for the
near future and the young people are
looking forward to thein with much
Therevival services, which were to
have started this week, will cenamenee
next week. . .
Me. Andrew . Turnbull tvas 'the guest
of friends here over Sunday.
Mr. Charles Crich is again under the
parental reef.
We are sorry to learn of the Meese
of Mr. Robert White, but hope it wilt
be of short duration. :
Mr. Will. White bas rented tile farm
formerly owned by Mr. W. G. plewes,
and rumor says he (lees not intend to
bach it. '
The sale at 61r. W. G. Plewes' last
Week Was largely attended and stock,
etc., went fairly well. ,
Mr. I, H. Dodd of Clinton paid a
flying visit to friends in this locality
last Saturday.
Miss Mary Nett is speeding her holi-
days at the home on the London Road.
Kind hands laid the remains of Mr.
George ()rich in their last resting place
In Turner' cemetery on Tuesday fait.
Deceased Was born here on the farm
now owned by his son Joseph and had
lived here fifty years of his life, when
four years ago he retired to (Minton.
He contracted it cold some two weeks
ago and it turned to pnerrinorda which
in spite of kind care and attention
ended in his death on Sunday morn-
ing. His was it nature whom to know
Was to like and those Hutt knew him
hest loved hitt roost and the number
ef old friends and neighbors that gath.
ered itt the graveside to pay thele last
Winne to the dead gave ample evi.
donee of the respect and esteem in
which he wah held, Ile leaVes a wife,
*eon and it daughter to mourn their loss
The sympathy of their many Men& is
extended to them in thole lots.
MISS Hattie Pickett of Clinton lute
been it guest at Riverside Perm this
petit week.
Mrs. Atthtir Centelon entertained it
number of friends et a crohinole peal
on Wednesday evening.
There was it large eongtegation at
Turner' a chureh on Sunday afternoon
to her Rev. Dr. Daniels' diseourseoci
behalf of the miiiiionaty Mae.