HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-13, Page 8aneial commercial .' advantages • door about an inch, balanced it care- 1 . fully upon the top. • The other clerke, looked rather blank. tho minibus' etood little Maisie pare- • Frahce , there were;• from. eeery 1:00,e a- • a ' -,' Who they reeched the eorrier where Petershurg One to .every 2.1,000; In rid defective' brek eveo• driving 0, • . .-WHERE ARE THEY?* . re r : x g• , . bonertaafilli-glItitereintee:tn:Irvse:ft:ei 7::ibyiniah:. tide.'" IMMO seme .coemensating 'saying that theiarig had refused te is' • ' , r • James Gazette ot Lonsion, England: - including services for everee. functic;ii ' A recent . quotation Irene the St. teeth, The value of theroyal plate , - TheY haft; neeried.from eer ziew rien wi 1. gr. f • el ' 't1 ' eat re, t 900. inhabitants, fecine• 1841: to. 1845 baY 8•74g.on' Is the e'e eithi: ' • • '. ', e The .queetion &lees: "What has Ne- ver gone so far as this before, an i . ' .. .. , . , ." may decline to 'renew the arrange-. Sunday, aud•has "stiemech:seciety by . . traVel. from' 1.SCOtland tO LOndon , On • , : , , OVER $8,900,900.. ... . i luotance, clinging 'to ehis, neck and 9 suicides, and from 1846. sta 18.30, 1 . OUT ON THE, RANGE. • come of the balance.. ... It is feai red, . ber of men air, ..inent.., i ance, it ie certain, can. if if Westcotte complained there might be trouble. ' But there wee no - time' i his eae• until.. the lapt moment; ann 1871 tee :1875,• - 15; from 1876 • to (Whispering :her sweet blileY talk into 10; •frenx 1861 tci '1870, :. 13;,' fecim,' . Life on the big binges. is ineke dis- ., 'that a very •large nem she. pleaSes, OfTei:'tO Ita1Y scene' come' tertainnients on - Sunday under -the I• • patting,. ell seeial; functiona and en- eeing allowed ' to remain: on. the ae . inercial inducements or the: most, Ale To .pay . his yearly :household 'expenses. about $500,0.00 is. neeessary. • • was pushed quickly open; and-woll, it is wonderful how far a 'penpyworth :mould still hear the bird -like voice and in. 31894, 26., . ' Froni' ' 1826 to 21; in 3.893,' 2e; itinctive and. interesting than. on the SuggeStion 'that' the .: throne of the "Mightiest erapirethat that His' Majeety's aceession to the .are three servants ta six guests -one . to do anything now, . for the door..; even 'when: the vehicle :rolled iwaY..he 1880, 17; in ..1899, small ones: .The Work is dividechule whO haye the poesibility within elenr legrig..iicibeertteutreer . RoYal ban," 'would seem to indicate To•return to. the state dinner, theio i cryinge--.. • • 1 , • • ' . :11890 the . proportiOn . of ,suicideS in • • some -of the 'men . twine- employed reach of:rejoieing the conimandoes...d . ceirilis .. eiti GreeeePoin:. any around the. ranche'ferices en co , ' el ' 1..i'etla '1S7nleteria 1dreibund; . long end dominating: fae-; to pose. the food, ene ,10 take aWay town doe ot accoent for an - • Y -, - :,led.. to: th,e: relax:: the .enipty dishes. a_nd one t_o go for. of ink will go, in the wrong, place. . ...lioed-bere,. dear,. Ugly Man, MaiSe.:Belgierri has- aUgmented 72 per cent.•;: eor in continental politics, meet be •ing of hi.e seruples ae tehow Sunday . from the doorway, like en: inky•spec- . . • ,. - . ,.: W.estcotte steed; glaring • fit them ' ie -tum ahd• see 'Ale adain Soon;" • el iii ,Rtiesia• 411 .per cent.; .in'Austria. ete , while the' eldizig outfit . is quite thing eike the ba ance.. iri ecip retee eliminated a vista of ' wide possibilie ' islliii:ubldeebreei shpaeinti:ot the food -The king is alierivs waited lit' .. • 1'238 _per ceot.; ih Sweden . inad . Den- separate -the cow -Punchers'. • duties I b ' g siidely with the cattle. Mit *on . • a; .. • and if these men are .in cupto y up . - the man's fa.ce was murderous. Jest . tre. No one smiled, for tne inek.on. re:. eotte' presented hiinself in .3lfr, May- reenectively; 'and in Preece •818 per , .- - • s . • ..e' . • , - incembeence to the -field 'army', -While. -Jew. next morning: ' Stephen West -e, mark 72••nee cote and 85 per Ont. I tlewlerange • The big 'outfitters Start .countree IT. is bo . a g , th el n eous and • an • : .: . much to saY• that there le at leeit .e. that are; rife• about Sunday. ' ht• •on by tne same footman, and he es . alwey,s served test: the queen hes. epeciel seevitor. . . . . het , ties is Op.eneci. -up.. .. It is noe tao . If there is any•trutfh in theetimors -• rk when the spring -round ,up • ing the heavy ink -pot he hurled it' teteesap.. . . . cide is more . common •in the• Frew* . yac ing , after it, and the next niihute the ee- -. he whole Continehtal•system be eve' 't ' • .• I h t h • h eamybery, irritably, "Jest as- we force, ' Oue of ,1,000 soldiers fifty.die I eteing Of' saddle. horses tne party 'Sprees which -has been Male . • me o t - . y s eeamp e as no nine . -weig t . Castle .; Buckingham Paled() or °which,. • start off to eicie the range, scouring.i ever ',royal yesidence' xi:My be the .• two men were rolling over and over • are . getting into the busyteeesan, by Suicide, arid of every 100,b00 men tin -le -reported. ' - - • ' ' - • - . • with 'Ms representative en" Cenada, .1 one ' another like dogs. It ell' hap- . .'lifrs., LammOnt asked rne to say :commit suicide eeery year.• In the ., Apperided ' are 'the' aetaili of the : - . hea,ded; .'''Theiri•lilrajeetios', Dinner;" _Ale- on the floor, tearing and Wierreing 'too." . . . . • ih the 'army. . abolit. twenty-seven i the. country for . miles, gathering tip . RUSSSA JOINS IN CHORUS. :•• not indeedeivith society leadere• gen- •. .scene of the function. The menu .is Shipments of prisoners from the: Cape.' .. Officere. Burg.wrs.•• found expression in• 0 • d • einem an Aus-. .1 f - an tl • th • t pened so quickly that • no one ,at-, eir • that she hoped 'you- Would not ',United Stetes the increase will proe : ithe cattle in aegreat..ever increasing up to the end of 1901:-e . ' l• This sentiment - nee 'repeatedly. e • ' : thisAsefollowed by. the date, end af- erelly et the Derninion capital where 'Stop ; Lamont's' salary, :as , they have:- bably reach' 800 per ,c.ent.. Two pe -'1 a ' - .g. • • 1900. . • atm. Lemmata, hushing tlio Child been robbing him, nave you any- RANCH LIFE IN ALBERTA, iblesome to bandle, are a, regular I POVIIRS YEARN FOR PEA01: `441401.4eteHaleaeleaataletealateteialaiate "Is Mr. •Maybury here?" asked "Lammont tells ree that you have Wad tencieric,y; sheep, though trou- , ;gold mine to the owner, and horses "" against her breast. ' thing to say, Westcette?" .6 " "No, ixideed. X expect that he ie "No, Sir! yr.", How T%UrtignEtvixTERN • et au elessea are at 4 ipremium. , EUROPE ANXIOUS TO XIAVE 11:4 e ell oto e s t :: at dinner by this time." • "IVheri you first spoke to ine about ROYALTY'S SUNDAY. verrem.A. Eie hlajeety the Pay in a Quiet Way. HOW GUESTS ABE RECEXVED DINING WITHKINGEOWARD The rapid settling up of the cotes- 1 BRITAIN FOOTLOOSE. When Rime Edward and QUO= Al- BY HIS MAJESTY. 'try makes free homesteads scarce, as exandra Were the ewe Mitt Ilincees "Can you tell ine where he live*? I Lammont's accideet X gave you a Meet see hint to -night." meseage for him. Did you give it? illiais+49:i4•10t,isr• ra"P chair and burst into tears, "I remember quite well, sir. Ile dietricts are getting* crowded. already Centinont. habit of spending Sunday appeared teecount of, how they were in the - . a . ..., a II"•• interesting alolTvnintigr4is the form of levitation: . . a . ." Mrs. X.e.unstont set* back in her Lammont?" What meesage did he bring from. me, Much. Capital Is Needed far a Fair be favorably situatea as regards Start OU a Big Canadiaze water, hey anti elielter. The older ing tae Equilibrium on the ance is Neeesee.ry irillestoze el Wales, the iellemul Three Servants to Six Gue t , such places to be of any value must Assist asenn or a atoyas eniener. ':' ' a* "Ile lives a Ilampstead." I. • ' "What ehell 1 de?" she sobbed. "„I eaid that it was against your rules Ranch. and old-timers grumble at the influx SPecial reasons just now cause the in the Quiver. The writer sayte- When Kaliavge Eadawtearjel danintineQruteiel:1A01-. • Ee was the Meet disagreeable fel- shalt not be able to come baek Work, but that you would make an f fru t tu tit id f car s f oung a .e ea, o e e e y a I ishing ef the open range. It is ouly sire a epeedy ending of the war iis Wales is passed in much the same "The lord stevverd is commanded rte'srondage wiit,hrintehoeiranirgya4.1incelt2gloat cannot go all that distance, and I to pay anyone who was unable to Go west awl get on a cattle ranch! of settlers and the consequent dimin- 'rulers and statesmen a Europe to de* low who ever sat on an office stool again." exclePtion in my case upon condition elloWe tared 'of clerking in cit es e y 0 • a matter of time in such Places un- South Africa, The stalking horse of quiet way au witli lier Majesty, the by the king. and queen to invite Mrs, in the place, irons old Mr, Zetaybury, the Mewling; yetvcan see leita then," 1 "Then, If he told you that, lie told Ontario farm, says a Calgary letter. a fenceagrowing /odder for their but from the capitals of all the great inasmuch as religioUs ewe- ---e. to dinner Thursday, the Ilf- That was ehe opinion of everybody "tie will be here at ten o'clock ist !that X mentioned it to no one." "down east," or discourag d b th til emelt rams nmet keep his cattle ine intervention is no longer in evidence Queen, the senioe partner, to the yeungest ' seed Stepben, shortly, as he picked You A Meet Confounded lie," cried Ranciaing is au important and 'Bid° winter food. Then ranehing will Powers indirect Pressure le being the household and servants are spar- The guests afieemble in the drawing , Monies are faitatully observed, and teenth, et nine o'clock. Full dress," office -boy. It was geaerally believed up the office Ley and put on his hat. Mr. Maybury starting from hie chair. money -making business if properly cease and stock fending commence, brought to bear upon the 13oer re- ed all unneceesary eluties. 'rhe room and there arratige themselves in among his fellow -clerks that Stephen 'I caenot Ciente again. 'Ilie doc- "Anil Z littie thought, Westcotte, maim ed, but in it both experience nd glottal • =Val t cceSs " Men Who wish to run large bunches presentatives in Holland. and Bel- guests; wend their way, es the hour a crescent to await their xnajostiee' entrance, which is made without we- ed in the workhouse, aad that his Frank Whil$ I cane° here to -night; look such a liar in the Mee. Listen if a young fellow has some ineney church. a St. Mary ategdalene in the nounceraent. With the ladies only is Proaches to tne little Westcotte had been born and educate tor kindly offered to stay with that I should ever be asbamed to a ea- tle elin I ° °I'l " . of Cattle are vacating their old gium to avail themselves of the only of eleven 4p ranches, etriking out for new loepe terms of peace the British Govern- l'aric. 1.'here is 0, private footway there handshaking ceremony, Guests royal hots in the drawing -room to ,,,••••11.0 mother had died. there. And when tit his disposal, a Itking for a healthy tions up north and east where the Merit will grant. invited to a private dinner find their receive them. The guest of honor sits on the king's right hand and the royal family on the left. The precedence at state dinners hi as follows: 'Foreign ambassadors take precedence of English nobles, archbishops rank with dukes, bishops with earls, foreign counts and barons take no precedence, but renk with English baronets or great landed pro- prietors, and in entitled precedence of the aristoeracY Precede •the ess an earl's grandson or near relatives quires or country gentlemen;. next come wives of country gentlemen of no profession, then barristeis and their wives, neva' officers and their wives, military men and their wives. Physicians are ranked in the royal household as NEXT TO BARONETS, At private dinners usually eome members of the royal household aro present; the• royel household num-. bers about 200. one added to this disadvantage the further one that he Was extremely ugly, and a gloomy, taciturn fellow at best, it is quite easy to under- stand that young gentlemen, whose anteceelents were aboVe reproach, looked down upon hiriS and made him the butt of their tinae-honored jokes, They Made his life a burden to him g , by mous of these same jokes, Rid- "That is bads" said Stephen, cold - era were suspended in unlikely places ly. "Well, if you cannot come and fell with a smart crack on the again you had better write to Mr, head of the unsuspeeting victim; Illaybury." pins were stuck in his stool; hot cob- "I cannot write what X have to bier's wax was spread upon it, and sey," said the poor little creature. they alraost ruined theMselves buy- "I don't Unow What to do." ing squibs and crackers to attacri to The child, who had all this time his coat-tails. It was -only when Frank Lammont made hie appearance in the office of Maybury & Son that serious trouble began. It appeared that the two men had been fellow -clerks before and the hatred between them was bitter but X. am sure that I shall not be to me, Lammont, he went on, lay - able to leave him to -morrow." Mg his hand on Stephert's shoulder; outdeor life, and the necessary sand .steek can be kept clear of wire Tne motive is not so eaucb, a wish direct from the house to the church "The doctor! Is there anything 1 "you have not had one penny from tmoavputciunp with a fear hardships he ch up bis pac s an s ri e , to help the burghers as a wish- gate; by this, the Royal family and the Matter with, Lararnontr me since last October, and if you weera k d t! 'k fences' , A y'ear , or two's exPerienee will Which. is esPecially strong in Vieena guests often proceed, driving round. "Oh, yes, he met with a dreadful have escaped starvation you owe it show that cattle ranching Offers good and ltome-to free Britain's hands, so iv the road Only in case of unpro- roleau'hheens hitshedesetinupr cattle tee- 3.ro . , ''• r chances to a, young fellow, and with that her voice tray he more potent pitious weather. Sunday aftern000 accident on Monday night. lie fell to Westeotte's generosity', not to .ation in tne vanc - 'n the councils of Euro e This from his bicycle and was run over ine." it is al, : or e• g c (ano her name for 1 . . . . P . . • is ellietlY Spent in the house or park. dinar ood lu k t by a Van. The doctor says it will I Frank Litiamont cowered in his ing belt of western Canada, perseverance) it is the most healthy, view of the situatton is entertained Dinner is served at half pest seven. ;In inatiential quarterS in London. Occasionally, however, dinner is a lit, be months before he can go out chair 'as though he had received a "tglyeth.er likely h. e will be unfavor- ' • ./ heavy blow. "I did not deserve this of you • • . things. have el -lenge(' picturesque cowboys, etc. -well, I impressed, ideas shattered, since the days of ! no independent Me in the world. 1 I • STRAIN IN THE BAIA-ANS. tie later, as the Prince and Princess I Ever since the war began the rola- may e e ent ng sten ne s • n tions of the continental powers to- one of the village churches near. The Westeotte," he moaned. the rebellion of '85, and the west has .STRENGTH OF THE BOERS1 ward one another Mote shown symp- small station, some two miles away, an, fest much' of its wild and woolly tiai- i waere the Royaa Family have their "I know that," said Steph roughly. "But I did not do it for )3" it was from these , toms of increasing disturbance. The pearance. you, so there is no more to be said." own waiting rooms, is closed on adjusted equilibrium which GER OF RELEASING BUR.' likelY selne prairies that the 0.M.R. and GIIERS ON PAROLE. ut you don't know everything," DAN had exiStea since the triple and dual Sunday as no train whatever is run Strathcona's Horse recruited their 1 faltered Frenk. te ori that day. By this means, the " alliances were instituted scone best men. church is kept clear or EtU attendance "I think I do. You had better say , When looking for a job it is quite 4 f B . have been lost. " been grevely studyieg his face, sud- e ain in•the Balkan prompted by curiosity, and also the unneceesary to imitate a. bull punch,- Interesting Figures Which Show : Signs of fresh str the Enemy Keeps Up Its regions er from "way up the crick," by i have appeared on the hori- men employed have the entire day's 1 denly stretched out her little ar/119 "About that, money, you know, rest, secetred to them. In fact, no with a pretty, babyish gesture, when we were at Grayling's togetb- w a hi fi d h ad long- • Foto in, the Field. ZOn• EuroPe is never allowed to be "Ugly man carry Maisie," she de- er, It was I who took it." e g hae 5 aPP3 e I unnecessary work in any shape or way without an eastern crisis for ninny shanked spurs, for the western ranch- If the British had retained es cap- mandecl, with a radiant smile. . ,veare at a stretch, and it would ap- • is performed on Senday on any one I "Be' silent mart, for your child's ers are' quick to size up a green: .tives all the Boers taken prisoners pear as if the.difliculty in the remote „part of tele Prime's doinains. The burning fluph rose once more sake. I hnow, all about it;. X have bend, and sometimes say sarcastic during the war, there would not have Orient wee hardly ' adjust b • Sunday at Marlborou .h House dir- to Stephen's face. lle hesitated for ! always known, although I could not a moment; then he (Maned his arms . prove it.". ' ' and rancorous, ' In their fiequen . ed. efot e thiegs. been a fighting force of any conse- there is ' fere slightly froin Sunday at Sand- , and the child nestled in perfect con- "And yet you did this for. me? . mon w ere to two at least of the • quarrels everyone sided with Lam- mont, and this Was not surprising, itent against hie breast. a menace of trouble in a, re- , GET ON A BIG RANCH.. quence left in the field, says a Lon- . ringhara but tee day is spent in greater powers complicetions would • :n ' • ' • ' d '. I h . "NO, not for you; but 'for your a A, big ranching outfit is the best , on . . RIVALRY IN THE EAST. It Ai their ',1:loyal Highnesses attend apespoe King Edward's new _rules I divine service in what is known as This statement has been reitereted for he was the very opposite of West- "Maisie loves 00 dear, ugly nian" , child, who was the first ereature on place with which to get employment. from. me o ime y responsible peo- . t.' t te • b • be even more unwelcome. cotte in everything. . . ; the German (Lutheran) Chapel, Ai- • ' . on precedence etehis coronation pre - she ecoed, softie, emaisie will tiss 'God's earth ta treat me as R I were a. They don't exactly hanker after ' phi bet the weight of the opinion i , 'oo if 'oo lihes," human being. ' , greenhorns, u i a a • 11 has neve e by . t ea east -ter luncheon, the Princess and her ; r be n backed a line of Rival ambitions in lie n r sidents will rank with len nd m - "I cannot let her trouble you," 1. * * ; s• to ur e its oteney It 's are a ain threat hin t ' i g e g o tax the re- daughters may possibly attend one perors; his argument is that be de - said Mrs. Larnmont. "Uttasie, cense •Frank• Lammont never came' back , will ' give him a show. ' The. big * * • ' I to work and do as .he is told thee' figure g p . In the first piece he was a hand- some young fellow, with handsome daek eyes and a, well set-up figure; then he was alseays well dressed and i back to mother darling ". to Maybury and Son 9 for in less ranches are few in n in been obtainable, so closely have sta- Duliasptitietustshiea amyraAluicsetsrlifIroamre Val:tie-net sseonntie aptopular preacher, or to be pre- en, !than a month after his last vi it ' removed from the•towne in order to tistics of prisoner& cif war been kept.. 'that, whatever happens in Servia, it ; "She is no tratuble," sa'd %t h was very open-handed with his mon- ,rou hl "You ar t• ci 1 '-• eP I had bet- there e was ea , n .110W many ge grazing an . or err ca. e, h dd Ad s t ' lcifeth' ttl But between the statement of the ey. -But, above all this he had a . g Y. . e We • sires to honor the state a.nd not the • f . doubtful if the figuree have hitherto seurces of diplomacy to the utraest. of the West -End churches eo hear man. No distinetione will• be made, pretty little house at Tottenhain, Y • • Government last year, . and the re-, shall not imperil Europon peace, A CHILDREN'S SERVICE. ter carry nee to the 43119. for ou . years ave passe away,- and Steph- w le require arge rac s o .coun iy h • d hh tt f t• 1 and a, etin prettier little wife, Stephert had leeked the office door en Westcotto is alone and despised 1 to range over. these two powers. are by no mons It is not only et Sandringham and cord of Lora Kitchener's despatcheS and NV as jUSt turning into the street no longer. He is Mgh he the confi- If the new gooier, has the luck 'to Business routine seemed particular - Marlborough House that Sabbath since that utterance, the number of agreed as tie the best methods of with his unaccustomed burden clasp, dence of his , employers, arid a feir, get a job with. some good Mita he observances are rigidly adhered to by burghers in caPtivity 'is recorded at carrying out their self-aPpointecl task the young men were at a 1 . oss to find grey -eyed woraan has found a. refug must b content to start With small cold 'little hand, laid ri his, and twO from sorrow •in his lo al h te wagee, efor .they won't 'Oat him Oat something under_ 80,000. • That it 'of guardians . of peace in the Dal- the Prince and Princess Of Wales, ly dull one Saturday morning, and ed clese in. his arms', when he •felt a g. y e i. were t e to his , . s . 1 y icin e c asp us, and r ng le ianee a once, i ing , Ought to - have been ler in excess of kens. No secret is inaee of the fact hut also ih Amy of the Conthiental means of enlivenin • g it. Weatcotte tearful re e ,es 9 ' l•ft d • Children' t'n 1 d 1 Y 1" ear idi tl • T.. ' t . Mak* ' had been serit out on business, so ,. e e , this total, but for .the philanthropic that their views on. this point are al- placo where. they May be staying, there was no fun to be got oat of . 'a',2','''' iolicy which placed thousands of emost diametrically opposed, and it There is an old saying that when you • itheir sweet eyes .greet him with love cows and cleaning out . corrals . are Won't you help me?" sobbed the .and trust. • , . • • not very romantic occupations, betel him, until presently the office -boy, • - , prisoners back on commando in 1900 is a matter of comm go to Rome do as the Romans do, trembling little creature. "I. em i "But I am sure :that he loves Mals- they are just as important in the . • . . . . . . on note that b t ' P ' 1 - " u our rince loners this rulo in who was peeping over the wire . , , is coznmon knowledge. • - . , 1 atistrat is trying to secure Britain's exclaimed:- Having learned by experience how .. suppert in her policy, ' . . • . , the breach, for &though. he has ever . • sure that 1 Can trust you. Wonet ' ie. better than any of tis,".. Mrs. .cattle , business as roping steers from ' blind "Here's Work'us coming uP the little the average .burgher .values an i 'Meanwhile the now German' tarili' been a. constant : visitor lei Paris yet tyou speak to Mr, Meybury for Me?" ilitesteette - would often -say to her- the back of -te broncho. ' street. Don't he look a shabby -look- ' • - oath of neutrality, or his parole, it threatens the very ;existence .or the he hes neVer seen the French Derby ' '"I. will -take a messa " q If *th h ' ' • li ' "II ' • d ' k h ge if you wish • .e wi a. eavy mg .-London .An- . eying as liar wor on a ranc , - • • , et. What shall I say?" • • . ewers. • . often. having to •be.. hauled long die-- • • might heye been expected that the re- dreibund, and the speech of Prince foe the simple reaSon that it is run " 'Work'es' is too good a mime for I mg chap, that s all? • f 'Tell him about Frank's accident, • and. what the 'doctor says of him; that fellow, Tom," said Lammont, the qualms felt by the "pilgrim" as cord of 1901 would be clear of .the von Eulenberg, the kaiser's friend t" Y. tanees over the mairie. any are . fatuoes folly which made fresh neva- and ambassador at 'ernia, is inter- handreds end ' thousands of Chris - seated on a huge, loaded rack, he tiatts have fdllowed 'the fashion of sions of our colonies possible. I3ut Prated by mane goo ledges as ell and ask oh, beg of him, hot to SUICIDE STATISTICS. spectable." eothirig. Indeed, we are in debt a Figures Show That Self-Destruc- hill on a rocky, washed-out trail- ' . . • . . f ' ' - — ' commences the abrupt descent o a • turally braceets itself with an ofil- amens pact. . with a sneer. "A pa.uper may be re- stop his saltine for we have saved 's this the actuality? The query na- but forshedowing the "Westeette does not look very re- little d • • tion is on the Increase. • how a slight deviation from the nar- , an there is nothing but star- , cial compilation of figures, which I ATTITUDE OF ITA "I'll bet you five that Weetcotte . • ,.. 1, . ' distriets in order to control the hill" shows that sinee the first burgher I ' As for "leavin Ital ou g y t n the every way the Prince and Princess spectable, it is true," said one. • row ruts means• disaster. In vation.before us if Mr. Maybury is ' Self-destruction is on the inerease An English- alienist has investigated - , fell into our hands in 3.899, to the c comes in another suit on- Monday nal a on us old" eecent utterances of Itali n a. have always faithfully observed the the Spanish Armada; on the walls of boys,;:i criiied Lamm, out "Just tell ,, .Lanimont," said Stephen, gravely', sults. Some forty 3rears ago the av- "I will tell him what you sey, Mrs, this • subject, with discourageng re- ' wagon, a home made contrivance known as the Missouri brake, an in- end of December, 1901, about 16,- 000 Prisoners of war have been trans- int.:desire to renew the alliance with pig, may congratulate oureelves that Palace are displayed many • gold a esmen o not indicate any burn - the two Germao statee, It is strong- Sabbath, and we, as a Christian peo- the beriqueting. room of Buckingham'. inf,a'w en e turns n a the dome,; "but I am 'afraid tliere is' very little erage nurnber of suicides was, in I vention of the skilled Montana . norted irom South Africa to St. Hol- ed olT his stool, selected the largest 1 Quick as thought Lammont hunp- know that it is against ids rules• tants. in Russia one to every chance of his doing .what you ask, I Sweden; one -to every .92,000 inhabi- efi,_ sists in a rope attached to e pole --h '' freighters, is used. This affair con-. - T e . transporta on ota leavee ena Bermed I di d Ce lo a titeierpaotleidticlavlbicuohnvdeindtinount :tutu: ouf r IGutdu,re kin: atnid, qdueetnierill stead- shields, mounted on scarlet, a pee, - y coc . o precious s ones va mt. a He is jupt a -turning in now. e,ti ut ae Ion Y a• ly felt at Rome that no renewal of fastly uphold -the sanctity of the Da l'' f • • t 1 1 t• as .not been in the , in t e rate le cie c o le ag , ' . balance in South Africa of consider-, f th $100,000, a tiger's head with a %el- and- Teiramont h ' ' 000. ' h V ' el States ope -to e'v-• at and fullest ink -pot, and, opening the ' office Ion " g. • • , • , gry 15,000; and in Londen. arid 'St. • throws a long brake against the ably !seer 3.0,000 to account' for, • subs t ' Christian 'church." 00,:a .0f that the gay capital they are visiting, -and. indulged their love horses' and of Pleasure, the Prince has set a good. 'example 'and absented himself, In except perhaps la tl10 CI190 of near re- lations of the royal family: There is no race prejudice in England, end had not. Xing Edward issued a de- cree ' to the °net that .wiclows of peers who had married counnoners had forfeited thereby their preroga- tives as peeresses of the rea' lin, thare would have appeared among the lat- ter at Westminster • Abbey on coron- ation clay a eiegress of• the Hottentot . type fcie the widow of 'the Euri• of Stamford hag lately married a Deere On steee oecasions there is splen- did display of silver .and g•old, cry - stet and fine porcelain being more in evidence •cit . private dinners, The, diShee which the flunkeys carry about Must be deftly balanced oh t 1 s fin- gers. Dna dinner se f re d will dine 130 guests; in another sat there. are 400 silver plates.. The sideboard is decorated wieh 'a lot of gOlden trophies, mime .captnred from id gold tongue and diamonds ect for wheele. With a team of bronChos a moment he stood there, then, liet- bury's private room and delivered his cent... Recent,figures show that. sui- • 7.° - if they are . not the -alternative is prOspeet that a: new • triple alliance excel. ••0 Th • "'no us re prin:ted on neauti- e . n a 'comes on' about May. wagone are 1 d that is More Serious stili si ns. rnoun e ape c lases t d p t ful cards surmounted by the royal en view o e inceease e oet arms arid with a pictuee Of Windsor .blankete and grub and with a big f t* t structecl the a clifTerent grmiping of Hall, it would seem that His Majese strfaight at Lammont's head, dashed I `.'It Mast annoyieg," *said Mr. army than .in any other..Beeoaearefloaded with cainping •stelle•teretee. ,rara.e' tb.. . th .33 .,. .an alteren footing hnight be •con- and -.the like- -.starting . froin Rideau tempted to stop them until the door of the inner. office opened end Mr.: Maybury stood on the threshold: . "What?" cried 34. illaybut•y.'.. "Not .published flgtires, 'pi suicide's in lim-• tinned loose 'again' to, roam: at win. . .March... . - ..e. ,.. ,.....22 • • 189 t •' ' •• ' pri ... .., .. ..... . . .... 29 . 308. one- of the conimon )1, • f th It 1 100 ' ' ' • ' mutual •pretective association in or- iverance terethat the French name of the.vaie. nothing• else to, depend epoo," . . culiarities . are shown in the recently Ithe cori•ale the veliele bunch is to be rl ' h d t 't • • th ' 1 ' ' o • oi ra . eirise ves into a .. . • • — • zneening of thie disgraceful seene?" . to de. her husband's work...and pay list, and en increase in .the nuniber ma whea. thi3 beef iS zather.ed M. July,. ... .:.• - ... ... ••••15 • 227 Voice MI it • t d ' ' ' ' '' ce into theseIt le gl a a cus. bondage through having te nerice•fit- ies, afe noir. The -usual vector is . All summer the •coWpunchere ride. el • . ' • • • , amozig o her • . ' • • ' • ' • • ' ' ''' . , t . Lious dishes-epotage, .. poissOn, .hOrs .• o -Hungarian' official cireles, • ..... ••• - .. . . . ., . is the hope that Great Britain's • - . - •' • • - - ,,,, 1 aCea o e al- . : tliings froth Seven-day-ineehe-week .. t , . . .. • . .• • d'oeuvre :releve •entrees • sorbet 'roti salade, from:age,. dessert, fruits, vat.- - "Separate those macimen some of - ...tap his salary! • Is.the woman mad? °Heart cities, the reCession •Of ' atev s 1 .. . m i e . . . . ,. . . . aye.: ,.. ••• ....• •,- •••• ••••••- •. i - ean,prese.. .. a oin tnreu n tne• smelt seattez eci - der to get del ;beeches of:cattle, until the fall round uhe'''' - : ' .-12 ••:': '' .9a 'It • ' ' .. d .g i ep ro uceet calming and you," he shouted. "Wha is the Does she expect me to pay someone cif Gerinariy.. feom the bead of the a i s w ic un et ies t e tondance ' on their maistre ' • • . sees and two' t hinds 'of soups, twe' kieds of • . ment a dozen hands were •stretclied soon be in the' worlchouse if I - con, • the elast report ' published ein splendid condition, 'fat, &ter. a - • . At kuanst... . • . :. • • .,:- 1,046 ' September-, ... ... ... ... 200 tracted. c Moil 1i' h d 1 h • 420 riervotts • anxiety. ef the continent to pers, - etc., as well as on ell the' othe their gilests at Sunday dinneeee sup- with, . three.. , fish -in fact two km f ea eourse .. . different desSerts and a. ' a ds o eh I 1 needed no secend weld; in a me•-• •him as." well? :No, indeede; I shoule Of :suicides among colored people. In I ---e ,.. mo erating induce , in New , this time -of the year. the steere ere - '' - • - - - ee' • ' • • n0. sunimpe en the rich grass eild .. •881 see .an end -of' the Boer War.. Side table of various. cold meats: out and the combatants 'were-foi•ced ducted business 'on. that plaii," • • York City it, 'was • seen that. theire , to opposite sides of the room.. - . ' . eleoit well not change yoer mind, 'were more sticides by natives of th.e.:'°--'• eready..to be shipped off in long train . - ieee . •. - -- -. . • • October.... e. •,.. .,„ ... -.- December- ' . .a...... . ' i the Ittissian jbernals be • • • ' ' Even; el' days' of the owe*. ; . And -we fear - -that. if 'this Servants Mutual Protee- "Ie this the way you spene the sir?" Stephen seed, ."Yon will not ' United Statee than by, those' of Ger- Xing Edtvard• drinks but little. wine; . d , el. ' , gin., to si nor are long nienus pi:limier, an -hour time Mr which pay, gentlemen?" make an exception in Lamment's fa- many, though the disparity WaS very E Jantiarer ' 2 188 h t tective Association does' not extend "1 am very sorry, Sir," began "Certainly not. I never brolc my the fact that • er of LOAF THROUGH THE WINTER. .; aY••• ••• •••• a says . the ' Nnvee there is not about as much occasion said Mr. Maybury, coldly. . vor?" small. The change is explained . A .1 - 1,500 oef ey some ra to other. eities, it wilin,ot be because at most being the limit of the din. by ,1ish port. • . - • 1 5421 h t Vremya, "an issue could be found k te' 1 t • f d ff Rowing elle leati of eans, 110 matter • ner hour , • • - . • while the numb 1 rules. I shall pay Min up tO the end German men who cormilit suicide is Shi • • . • ' 510 • ' ' ' hppling over, war is prac ical y Lainmont. 809 from •the South African war, then, Y "Sorry, indeed! I should think of the month, arid not one . penny larger than -that of male suicides of _ ms ed or the vear-for with the ex- . - • _ ore- royalty in MenY' „ Wt....y not. th r 'shamed mere " • 'any eerier -country, suicide by German:II- . • August... ... . -oe. and then only would things ' E November.- ....89 1,978 from- ' which the events of the past Dalasyolin the observance di the Lerd's I I eptembere. . 1,71,7 ope return to the paths of Peace (-1 yourselves. Such, disgraceful con- Have you any 'objection to letting women is pomparatively rare. •In re. stol) k 'which ere: fed at -the hay S duct was never heard of in a. respect- me teke•LammOnt's Meeey to him spect to the total number of suicides • e •.camp, the .cattle feed on the range ,Deceenber... • 1,284 two ars h v • •f c d th f - • for it as there is at Ottawa. Seale e 19 on o o able office. No," aa Lamment was and telliag hint of your decisioo, compared with population,' 0hicago about to speak, "I want no explana- sir?" and San Francisco reek highest . 1 ye A e or e em as as ' • 'BRITAIN AND PRANCE. • all winter The x.iders usually stay! about the ranch • where they are 'us- 159 1.6,43.2 tfons from eiLher of you. I card no -1 "You seen"' very. aancious*itte•be the ameng Ainerican -Cities. t . . • thing :about your quarrels; all I „hearer of bad newts -but it' is no . • i Durin 1901 ea nienY"Bbets: were • linTLY FROM BRITAIN'. • Col. PiCquart Says Vrenee Should g • ttally boarded' iree, loafirig and pile., So someorw in "Any Case, for I want) no ., times Varying this by riding to town of thing shall not occur agaio.. ' Alkl ELECTRIC • RADIATOR,. - :' : i foe a "time." 11001 -bed to say next puted •to be in the eeid at the begin- the siren bong of those Who Wean& e shake hands with' one another; 'end correSporidence with the womane• , . • t spring finds theta dead broke. . . ning of "the yeat, and iii we tire Stitt tempt her, oven when the war is out _061onel Picquart, who was•promin- rig an eer . lighting large commandoes it' is clear of the way, to become involved in fount, i'li. 'the defence of Captain Diey- The deow-pupcher's life is tilled with that the revised estienate of the Boer the calculations and combinetions publishing in :the Grande promise me that this shall be the . y . Provides Yore Warm Air bald Is • Mr Maybur counted out e little The increttsieg use of electribity , seem good *ages are in reality. but Resale, Paris; a series of article's on end of such nonsense." •• lieep er moody cinch handed it te Ste- • • . B ' ht a Ch ful . 1 1 a goo ninny hardshipai and What• forces' was 20,000. short, and the :or, of the continent. She. replies to all Lammoht, with an evil light in his "Yau will go after business hours,. e'er doniestie purposes' readers inter- slight compensation foe a brcikeri log iginaleinteiligenee twice than. ntimbee sizeh seductive appeals: The . -"With dual or triple or quadruple - , . '7 the inilitare. position of France, and "1 will apologite to. you; sir," Said pheri. eYes, "but I hope theft you will not if -yeti Please, Westcotte. We cameo „estieg:sorne account ef a new electric • While brOncho-busting ' or • •chronic. urging Gteat Britain as en ally. He ask me to shake halide with tnat fele spare anyone in the. deytinao." I radiator Which has been breeight out „below, the aetual . strength. says France has come te the encl of Boers have been recruiting to seine • lea,gues and alliances, Whatever their low. I cannot shake hancia. with a , Stephen bowed ' rind, putting the : in Leaden, England, and referred' to substantial extent; and et Would be compenent elements,' we haVe noth- her military. reSoureee, ivhereas. Gete gaol -bird." interesting. to knOiv what has bedoree. irig to do. We: have definithly•i.e-. hiarlY h" hihr" resetirees with Which • to. increase • her streagth. rlietlinatism brought en by expostite in drenching :rainstorms, working in .. a. something like a.n atsbestos fireplace. its owa. ' . total tiaremoi ted and in the, coast the :balance of power or to secure &I : • • IV. •• ' systern, end he suggests various re - want is some assurance that this sort business of . mine, I should send ting in the time playme cards, some- accounted for as were officially cora- Britain, however, will not listen to Ally Herself With Britain. money in his pocket, went silently ea The Architect es folloWsee-The 'their employer's interests. Yet With Of the e ptives over arid above the „ flounced all attempts to inaintani Feenee therefore must • modify her ter be careful, sir." •• "I said that I refused to shake , a "What did yOu say? You had bet- back to his 'work. ' device consists of a movable form. all this it hcts a peculMx charm • of • • ' . • It contains four large electric heat camps; DANGER, , ederueiltibnriauvined 1, fzes yiitoanfesthoe 1 bands With a gaol -bird." The winter had passed, and the lamps in a polished copper reflector. ' i • • After a hard day's saddle work in. I a, ' itar are terse : the continent. ' We have elected to I Discussing the question of Franee's "And what do you mean by that?" breath of spring was healing its way The heat is generated by current the keen, 0 ear air of' the prairie, the ! A CONSTANT teliances, the colomel replies to the rands house, where the cheerful stantly referring; to Doers on'parole, Advices from South Afriea Stand alone so far. as Europe is con - corned. Isoffation, with all its de even into diugy city offices, for it • from an electric. sup il i 1 y nut n. All rider, tired and hungry, welks into aspect- of the big room arid well- . and if all the burghers ate not being treated as. Pri backs, has at least ono edvantacre7 adistulicalreses ihnfintliseufflictftnioli=teuvfieawn. 1.:10. "Westcotte can tell you better than I can, sir." was four long months since Frank that is necessary to fix thein ready "You hear, Westcotte," said Mr, liance with Great Britain cind says , beefstea , p ates oi res 1, . white . . . ine ing dragged into war over territorial soners of war the exiles e is o connet e exi le w ie . ' Lammont had met with his accident; for us ' 1 t th fi 'b i • s Spread table are a• grateful sight. Hot It will probably prevent us from. be- ei erne= Will never Consent to an al-• Maybury, curtly. . when, one morning, a•cab stopped at attached to each radiator to an elee- k 1 ' ' f I have a just reason for complaint. The me. ambitions or international jealousies Hance with Germany, Which would "lie means to inform you," said the door of Maybury & Son's, arid a trie plug which forms part of every seined or prisoners or paroie n Westcotte, scornfully, "that I spent poor, shattered creature, who walk- installation. For Vigil or low volt- bread, buns doughnuts, dake with pre imply a definite renunciation of Al - plums, washed doWn with. steaming g , arid in South Africa is a, constant d • diate shrire. • Our 'reliance continues A French alliance With Great 13rit- six months in prison for a theft of chocolate icing, canned peaches ed with etwo stielts, got out and age they are equally adaPted, heat ' - ' • er for even when in captivity and In whieh we have no direct or inane- saco and Lorraine. cups of tea. Then a few pipes of fra- rsalsved. f 1 d • f dive rorri t le engin o a to be u on the' stre th n'd u 't f ' ng a ni y• o ain end Italy, however, wOuld, he which I was absolutely innocent." limped slowly up the stairs'. It was lamps of the requisite ca ' pacity being grant tebacco, a chat with the boys, assistance -the presence of a. body of P the -peoples of the eilipire." chains, procure military adventage "They are all innocent," sneered Frank Lammont. eupplied, and work satisfactory on Lammont. - Everybody crowded round him to alternating or enntintious circuit. prisoners in the theatre of war is an . rolls tip in his blank- . of the first order because it would tgerallida igleehe ps more sweetly than a recentive to commandoee and others "That Is enough," said eer• a -eV- shake him by the hand, and Stephen The standard size of these radiators se se f tf TIONIES ON IIOLLAND CANAL. give Franco cornPlete naval freedom gize, Lammont. Westeotte, When Lenutiont stared Stonily in hie face. to Warm tha air of a. room 12 feet -owssies----- . l', . . to effect t e r re , . , , bury. "I cannot ask you to iipelce came forward With the rest, but consists a,four heat lamps, sufficient . hammed" , seen came to my room." ' "Ah, Lammotal" said' Mr.SMay- unit per hour, but they can he ream I . The days of the cowboy' are num- 'Holland owes much of its . unique iii 'a war with GermanY, while if the you have made yeerseir - fit to be and passed on to the inner Office, , square,. With a consumption of one OW OVS, HAPPY JaAYS WANDTG source of prison plots. - When, Mr. Mae/bury left the room. bury. "X am. glad to see that .you ' lated to one half b le Of - - bored, for the big ranches that ive • bees Of the caPtured and the trate- ite distinctive qualities to, the gaily operation of Great Britain the ad - The diserepancy between the num-• charm and the Dutch race many of alliance provided for the active co- Westcotte walked Lip to Lanamont. aro able to be out Daman, If you switches ettached. Toor larger rootris . j 1 1 y t d ii bgeina, Ported MaY be. due to excessive in- painted and haPPily peopled. homes vantages woulcl be itcalculable. The i in emp 0 men are gra ua y was cold as stone. dulgence-a mistaken policy, for the that float, serenely through the land- allied • fleets would command the y n ans the All his rage Was gone now, mid he are feeling up to work I shall be or halls two fore eel to sell t ou as the ever. hr- . or more radiators can a ning six or more very glad to have you back." be used, or radiatofs can be supplied creasing tide of emigration Wines in. h arms W en press , ed and any act of h "tittle" or barge, is not be cut off and Germany could not napes of the Nethericinds. Nearly every utc seas, Germany'e food .supplies would lighting Boers only lay down their "You coward," he said, in a low, "Thank you, sir; I ant not quite of a design Cent i • ' Great Stretches of p t ful coward. If I wait for tivent y only come out this morning to speak is preferable, ae the heat c , tire now dotted with houses acifid acnut indulgence is barren of effect, I s-aeo only a conveyance for inerehanclise, sustain a proloeged struggle. yrneoarrs.I tyill be even With you for this to you about 0, most unplecisant mat- en to the point where mosat wantaed. nin s work " ter, rind to thank you for your a special feature being their porta- I up with miles of wire fence. 'Yes, the small settler is better for the gon. sfh_n_ice.ties as moral obligations to t,,h,se,,,,,cu,martictilunt of the slim e?celudes , not merely a, temporary habitation French feeling against Great Britain but aleo its oWner's dwelling place ; Colonel Plequart predicts' that the Pa nitionbtuotntd feW years ago was fine grazi 1 d for woik yet," said Frank, "I lamps, although the first I bility. But the most important is ' Oral good Of the country, as he uti- v There is only one way Of at' a, sea -going ship is to her captain on account of the Isashoda incident that they provide pure wares air, no lizes the laid which would otherwise When' securing neutrality in the individual. you catch a Boer, keep him. 'and crew, but an abiding honie, The and the South African war will die raised poop, upon Wilkie 1 0 t very large number of Britons. which of hie•family at the tow rope, is the that 'when the South African %tier is rieluded Great Britain Will have at o en range la a. ssionlese voice, "You mean lit • And for once Larament had '00 great kindness." . word to say in aneveer. Mr. Maybury cettld hot recall any After that day no one expeeted to particular kiridness, So he Wily smil- see Westeotte in. the office again; but ed and murmured, "Don't tnetitien whet' Monday moreitig came, there he it." Their appearance is certainly brig'ht , companies drove in their herds froze. the figures quoted do hot dispel. roof of the house, 9 a oxygen being eorisumed by them, be left 'West°. Whether this hes been done dining stands grasping the tiller and watch- Referring to the criticismS of the or re n noxioua fumes iven off 1901 of a subject of dtubt with a ing the sail or directing the labors value of the British army, he says In the early *eightiea the big'cattle was in his place ae Usual. "No, sir, anstvered Frank; Un - r • and cheerful, arid there are a0 ashes 'Montana and Wyoming, garden by virture of its row of'pote h sposal a roe nu ea Or di g t tuber of s having the IT derstoo'd that you wished me not to or dirt to be retnoved after thole country to 1,,,14.temeelves for the next • ' containing • flowering plants and sorted troops with which to recon- stitute the British military forces. Stephen Weetcotte tvae alorie in the mention it, and I shall take care not use, ten years. hese were the heloyon LAtorsT - bulbs. office. Lai/merit had not Mit in ail tO do se." days of the range riders,. plenty of ROETGEN RAYS. , • • Molecules in Bodies of Two Pa- tients Separated.' That the X-rays can have a really' dangerous effect upon the human frame has been demonstrated by two cases at the Hospital ,St. Louis, Paris, which have eaused much ex- citement among Paris physicians. The first is of a Man whose entire abdomen has become sore as a coh- sequence of one applicatioo of the • Roentgen rays. The Other is a man who,. having used his .right •arm re- peatedly as te Subject for experiments with the rays, in public lectures et the Teoca.dero, has lost the use of the limb, and finds other serious complicatfOns settipg in. The mus-. cies of the arm are swollen and the skin is ,parched'end cracked; the nails have been burzied from all the . fingers; he has lost his beard, mus- tache, eye lashes and brow and hair on the right side of his face and head, antl' his right eye has almost lost its sight, while the lid works Only with the greatest difficulty. Felix Meheux, the specialist of the hospital, explains this action of the X-rays by the excessive energy which causes the ray to perietrete the body by separating the molecules of which all matter is composed, The per- turbating action is so great that na- ture cannot afterward restore the moleculee to their original positions and funetions. A young couple had. been married by a Quaker, and after the eerenionY he remarked to the husband "Friend, thou art at the end of thy troubles," A few weeks after the man crime to the good Minister o ing over with rage, having found his wife to be a regular vixen, and said: "I thought you told me I was at the end of my troubles ? So I . friend, but I did not say Which end," replied the Quaker. Jobs, Wages frOta $60 to $75 per blo share of work had fallen npon itor had taken leave of his sensee. VARIED VOICES. inonth and beard, and the utmost trent). has the largest, duck raneh in B According to a Sycloey paper, Aus- Polsons -Liver Disor r e s appearance for ttao deys, and, a dolt- Mr. Maybury thought that hiS vis - Stephen in eobsequence. Ire had "I Wish that 1 had not sPolten of It• is a well known fact that voices independence and freeaom. Old-time the World, and has just. completed NW 01 been Worlcing late, but had finished 11, sir; it is , a most unpleasant differ greatly accerding to national- ers talk regretfully of the bygone he heard a Soft tap at the door. has been robbing tries sir." in Russia one hears xnale voices hearted customs that prevailea when. With most excellent seceess the lerg- ebsattuinrchubacottaorelutipaeuxfitsyteunfceii:laeo idnuccuk- HileariaChESS, BHIOUEMOSS and Constipation are Thoroughly Cured by 'Or„ . now, and Wag just loekleg Up when thing. X am &Afraid Oita Westcotto ity and geographical positioes. Thus days, with the free -heeded, Opole !Eters!, is no single organ in the human bOdet Which exerte etteh a wide influence oVer the ether organa as came in and leaned wearily against a few shillings, it Is true; but even. !Asiatic. natiOes, according to Engel, oUt for niOney thennin the old days. ed. of ordinary Pine weather boarde, does the liver, It has beezi well homed the regulator of the aystem. Ortee the liver grows sluggish and fails to a desk. Stepheri lied only seen her a feat shillings snake a, different° to sing ill Shrill nOtal by Streirdeg tho A,..„L\V„AYS Ae„I,.IIP,A.,1,111:Y W,rd,L.C.,C)11,g• 1 with eoertigated iron roof. The egg filter the bile prileotui from the systerri, there conies Pain, diseaS0 and dee th. The heitd aches, the tongue ie one.e, but leti knout her quite Well: She nte, with docterS te pay and all voice tO its highest Piton; others de- "eStern U9sP"'"4"Y, Wn14'11 nag traya eiteh hOld 180 duele or 160 coated, the bowels become constipated, t•lie digeStive sYstem is throWn Out of order, and foul impurities that that." wise Frank `Lanntiont's wile. and a pretty, fragile -looking girl, "He inta been keeping baelc a, part ,Italianse on the other hand, are riot« 111011 don't fraternite foraerly, and eipie, and, in fact, is a hothouse. It Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. "Come in," he cried, and atter "Hew, Ileaveree name, could which. are absolutely' unique in the the country Was sparsely settled. 'eggs, or 3.4,800 hen eggs, The ma - short pause the door oPeiled Westeotte rob you?" lowness of their compass, The Everyone knew eyeryotui else. NOw chine is built on theshothouse carrying a Mall child in her arrnie of iny salary fOr Meath, past; only 'able for tlaeir fine tenor velem Some People seem to be more on the look- stands le the open arid is construct - light in a kind of vibrato or tre- made a name for itself the World hen egge, and there eta four of these Should be removed filen the body, are thrown beak int° the blesod stream to find their way to the weak Spote She Was deathlY Pale, her Pretty "TO be eure. For a month past, mimed°, Some eing habitually in, over, has not yet succumbed to the end to end in 11, tiers, one above the Of the hionen 'frame. eyes wore red* With eryirig. mid she you eay, Dia you reedy° it regular- an uridertorie; others in a tiasal tone. elutriges 'of the times and still pre- other on each aide of the room, mak- Dr. Chaee'ts Xidney-Liver Pith; have a direct action on the liver, ttn'd bring prompt relief and lasting ben - seemed ready' to drop With ytigue. ly up to that thee?" Lichteneteirt in describing the Wage veils to a great eXtente It is fhe ing totat of 88, tioisture is sups alt. Nearly everybody is familiar With the extraerdinary Virtues of thie famous treatraera. Here is a sant. Stephen gated at her ettipidl aetor a , "Oh, Yea, Mr, and alti nitre tun ing of a Hottentot eongregation eustorn vehen ftwaY from home to Plied in ParlS beneath the batten): pie of the letters reeelved from curet) ones:-. feta inethentfl, then he reatIvardlY /neat grateful. I dare riot think of South. Africa, obeervo that ;along ride to the neareSt ranch, turn In tier of tray°, The heat 10 gut:toed Sty. John Skelton. the welleknow bridge builder of 101 Sherwoed Street, Ottawa., stetest brought forteard Chair and tlie What Would haste become of us with- all the singers, coneieting of about your here°, end receive a, heartsr tvel- by means of stegen pipes frontett lieve used Dr. Chisse'a NidneysLiver Pills for kidney and liver derringemmits, hrotight On by ohlieetire, trembling gild eank into it, 'With a It. We Certainly have a hnildred lIottentota of both sexea, calico at the ranehinan'e table; bet er, which ie kept constantly \going and find them better than any pill or medicine have ever used. t eVed " there tea§ not one Man With a baSe rioWadays it is Well to look upon to furnish motive poWer for tlie nd them AN the best liver and kidney medicine that know of." "They cleaned my system and made Me feel iteitithy and vigorous and better in every way. crux re. grateful g aft 0 . Mg child stirred unealillet, oPened tier Ur. Mayburet Made Ito reply. Ile or baritone voice; all the men had blue twee, and cahrily fell tO eacan- struck Itia hand -bell sharply and terier Yokota The Chinese voices bible hie face. Waited, i Beene tO bear earn° reeernfflanee to the " 11 1 men 'oo is " "Send Westcotte heee," he said, Weak clutracter of the people. A , whom you are calling for nein set- rious Works in connection with the tiers from the east are apt to look establiehment. The incubator is Sir. James Baird, postmaster, C011500011, Ont., states: askance at a hungry -looking horee- sedd to be working Well and bringing "It gives rne and my Wife much pleaeure to recommend laa Chastise ladney-Liver PilIs as a family mede Mine of superior velue. We use them in preferenee to all other pills in our family, and I might here state elle Wiped, in a State. little chirrupy When the boy appeared in answer to military man who ha tee yea. Ilenthing IS losing lb) PlettireSque- This season the machine has brought that they cured me while suffering from biliOusness, and also cured iny Wife of Sick headachei from whieb men desreading on their. home. out it largo pereentage of ducks. voice. It. eervice in the countrY declarea that ,rieSS, but cOnditiotis bave never been front 10 ' to 80 per cent, and the She suffered severely," St Ridney-Liver Pills, one pill a depot', 25 cents a box, at, all dealers, or Echnonsosi, Dates ic ntophark fluelted hotly. SonlehOW Stelsheri Mine in, looking pale and he never one° heard a Ohinansein Sing mote favorable for the cattle buel- proprietor haa about 5.000 duck- Dr- Chase the babyish Verde( stung him. worried. v iirOM his 6104. ;nese, Ileof conettoitly luta an up- lingo. COMpanY, Toronto.