HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-13, Page 6Feb. Mill i902
Tat 01.11>TT ItitTE'VVS4tECIORD
QARD OF THANKS. Fr Over Finn Yearti,
1 wish to return my sincere thank to tn,Y
neighhere and Moro distant friends for their
content kindness to my wife -during the long
ilMees which resulted in her death. And for
their sympathy in toy bereavement 1 o at deeply
derieh towneldp, Feb, llth,
Hagar Snow
3A1191,WINSLOW'S 000YRING Suer has bee4
used by minions of niothers for their children
while teething. It disturbed. at night and.
broken of your rest by a sick child suffering
and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wiwelow's path -
in " for Chtldron
item the poor itto sufferer iinun;diately. De-
pend upon itonothers, there le no raistako about
it. It cures Diorama replates the Stomach
Gant% reduces Inflammation, and -gives tone and
energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea.
sant te the taste and is the prescription of one
of tb.. oldest and best female physiefans and.
nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five
cows an bottle. Sold by all druggists thrii.egh
out the world." lie sure and, aelt Mr Mrs.
For Men . trttlt,ow Soorrinee SYRUP.
and bowels, cures *in Voile, softens the
Bell Slings BARN FoR SALE
The undersigned offers for sale a Frame
Barn 20 by AO toot, on lot 20, con. 0, Dullett.
For Women
These shoes are made
from original and
exclusive designs up-
on which the highest
skill and best thought
have been COD oentrat,
ed and impart to the
foot an elegance of
style which distin-
guishes their wearers
as being better dress-
ed than those of less
particular choosing.
No matta for what
purpose you may de-
sire 'shoes you will
find your require-
ments•perfectly sup-
plied in:the
HAGAR or the
line, so complete is
the variety.
Sole Agent in Clinton
• •
• To Manitoba and Canadian North•West will
leave Toronto every Tuesday Suring. March
and April, 1902.
travelling 'without live stook
eheuld ta e the train leaving, Toronto at 1,45
p. m.
Passengers travelling with live stock should
take the train leaving Toronto at 0.00p. m.
Colonist. Sleepers will be attached to each
.1' For full partimilars and copy of "Satter&
, Guide" apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific
.Agent or to •
Asst. Genl. Paso. Agent,
1 Xing St. East, Toronto.
• , .. • . .
To Rent or
For Sale Ads
The undersigned offers for sale a seion.:room•
ed cottage on Orange street together with one-
fifth acre of land. New cistern and well. Will
be sold on reasonable terms. • •
Clinton, April 12th.
'$9,000 will buy a choice farm of about 120
acres situated a half mil 'arena Clinton. Good
brick honee, 20e28 and 20x2 ;barns 40x40 and
with stone et underneath,silo,wind
tom, etc. Will be , sold on easy terms. For
further particulars apply at
JAMtp stIfvlfbTS. Clinton P.O.
1 nton, Doc. Oth.
Logs.. •
Logs al -1d Heading of
• all kinds wanted,
Highest prices given,
Soft elms to be cut 11 ft.,
12 it: or 13 ft. long.
R. & J. Ransford
Stapleton Salt Works, •
IIENRYIVIeBRIEN, Suramerbill P. O.
I have an improved Yorkshire hog for service.
Teruo, N.
The building known AS. the Salvation Army
Barracks la offered forsala. The lot and build-
ing will be •old to one party or st.parately as
desired. For further particulars apply to
FRED. Livgiount,E, Clinton.
Feb. Oth.
Tho undersigned offers a Durham cow for
sale, one of the best lunch caws in the county.
Will calve about the middle of February.
W. DUNCAN, Clinton
Jan, 25th.
cows FoR SALE,
The undersigned has three cows for sale.
Ono is a half Jersey, newly calved, while the
other two are expected to calve this month.
jan. 2nd. Summerhill 0.
. -
Clinton Markel Report.
Wheat, . ...... . . 0 75 to c'7.
(-loose Wheat 075 to 0 75
Barley „ ... . 0 60 to 0 62
Oats ,. . ... 0 ;s9 to 0 40
Peas........ .. .. 0 75 to 0 75
Rye 0 40 to C 45
Potatoes per bushel .030 to 0 30
Butter rolls and crock • 0 15 to 0 16
Butter in tub. . • 0 15. to 0 16
Eggs per doz.-- , C 20 to 0 20
8 00 to 900
Wool 015 to 0.16
Live Hogs per cvvt...,..... 5 75 to 5 75
DressedPork per. cwt.... .8 00 to .7 '75
Chickens per pair .0 20 to 0 40
Ducks per pair 0 40 to 0 60
Geese per pound._ , „ 0 05 00 0 06
Turkeys per pound 0 07 to 0 08
Flour per cwt...,.. 1 90 to 2 15
Bran per ton .1800 to 18 00
Shorts per ton.... 20 00 to 20 00
Dried Apples per lb.., ... 0 05 to0. 05
• . Eyestrain uses -up thlif
• iterres rind drains
vitaldy. ft is danger.
• oats tcr health and life,.
We save, life and en.'
• 'sure health by renter..
. ingreyestraln.
Scientific Jeweler and
•• •
fa A school well known from one end of
• Canada to the other for its superior 0
.0 work This college gtves the right • ,
• kind of education and places rugby of 0
O its etodonts ie good POSH/1011g. NaW is
4. the that to enter. Prepare fot stieCess
• and you will get it, •
• Write ter tatalogue •
• _
4444 dowse**. eseioloWwwwwlipoi
ilskrar JOYez woon4 rhotiptodi1t4
the Great Pngtialt. Pathetic
Sold end teem:amended by all
druggists 111 oenade. Only reit.
Able triedieine diseoverea, fib
paekaged guaranteed to cure all
forms o Seltnal ,WelignesaL ell effeeta Of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, EldethilVe hie Of To.
bocce, opium or Atiattants. Mailed en receipt
et price, one amounts $heix.M. One fa:Nitta*.
siztog/tere. PaIrtPhletti free to any address.
The woad company, windsors Ont‘
Woca's Phosphodiee 1g Sold in Clinton „hy11
rt. Combo, 1t, P. Iteekie, l. liovey and watts
This is the best device known for
the support ofweak or diseased spines.
• For further perticulars'apply to
DEAR FlitNne.--Whereas -Providence in
Its infinite wisdom has scan fit to remove from '
our midst our brother, we hereby heartily Mt -
tend onr deep empathy to yowin the hea.ity
bereavement you have sustained in the death
of a beloved parent. The loss to us as a mem-
ber of our Dome Circle is great, for we have
lost a congenial, active and highly respected
member, The loss to you • howovor must nec-
essarily be numb greater. To .him have you
undoubtedly looked. for council and advice and
he alone has boot interested in your welfare as
aft affeetionato parent only could. We scarcely
know how to lalk Of consolation under such an
affliction. Wo would however ask you te 000.
fide is your father's God Who alone can guide
you ell to it glad and happy reunion in the
glorious Home Circle beyond.
Rooms of Clinton Dome Circle, 1'e13, Oth, 1902.
11. IRWIN. secy.Treas.
The executive committee of
the 'West Huron Teachers'
Association met n Goderich &Our -
day week. Thera were present
Messrs.H. I. Strang of Ooderich ,• j..a
Tigert, Dungannon ; Holman,
J3ayfte1d ; P. Gowan, Exeter ; I.
patrick, Crewe. lt was deckled to hold
the next annual meeting in Goderioh
on May,Wani aUU 23rd.I4essrs.j El rig
ert and CC W. liolinan will represent
West •Ilurow teachers at the ()uteri°
Educational Association in Toronto
during the Beater vitcation,
Mr. Wm. Tout of Kincardine spent a
few days in the village with hie brother-
in-law, Mr. jas, htawkitis, sr.
Mr, and biro. Jae. Myer gave a party
to the young folks on Friday evening
•when an. enjoyable time was 'vent.
Mr. John Green of Goderich .spent a
few days at home thjt pest week.
The roads in this part are almost im-
passable from the recent storm the past
week. •
The daily mail between Goderich and
Kincardine only got through twice last
Mr, VVilliain Tout, Eincardine, spent
a few days with friends in the village
last week..
M .aw p
Sunday and Monday with friends in
Huron 18111p.
Mee Yatesa of Goderjeh was visiting
in the village thia week.
3 notice that a oommittee has got out
some posters mink a meeting of the
1 citizens of the village and neighborhood
to meet on Feby. lOth for to try and
get a grant by asking the Government
to finish the harbor of this port. It
Boerne to me, Sir, that the matter which
is under discussion at present 'is noth.
ing more than an.election dodge, This is
by the same people who threw cold water
on harbor improvements when the Tory
party bad the reins of power at Ottawa
and when things were somewhat flour-
ishing and coming our way. These
viewsrest with that ,beloved party
whose crooked work has lately
came to light in South, Perth,
West Elgin and old West Huron and to
cap anything that has ever been brought
to view in the history of our beloved
Dominion that which has just come
to view in St. •James' division, Mon-
treal, where the Conservative candidate,
Mr. G. H.Bergeron, was defeated a
few weeks ago. Those things. go to.
show that the party which advocated
honest .government will come to the
assistance of their candidate in some-
way or other to gain the riding for their
party, and now at the present time
when we in West Huron are on the eve
of a general election for the Local House,
those parties who in thel past did all
in their .power, both by their, tongues
and otherwise, to put a hinderances to
anything in the way of harbor improve: -
menus itt this burg under the Comer -
waive party, come out now bcildly with
a smiling face and•silvery tongue to no
• other -purpose than try and blindfold a
few for .the coming election. • In con.,
'elusion I would say that the object in
• view is like a man looking through the
• wrong end of a spy -glass. So beware,for
no 'surer is the spring of a trap released
than something is caught. •
School Section Secretary -
Treasurers of East 'Huron.
The following are the Secretary -
Treasurers Of the various school sections
of East Huron t. • .1
• 1 John Grant
2 Alex. Stewart
3 " Alex, Stewart ••
4. Edward Bryans
• 5 Robert Pirie
6 Angus Shaw
7 William Canaeron
• 8 • James Shiels
9 Alex, McKay, sr
10 John B. Hyde
11 Conrad Bernath
12 Alex. Buchanan.
14 E. A. McKee ,
1 Wm. Crawford
2 ,.George Burnett
8 • Wm. R. Jehnaton
• 4 Matthew Dame
5 Robert Deachnian
6 Not yet appointed.
• 7 James Armstrong
8 Jobe V. Sothern
Cranbrook WE
• Jamestown
• Trowbridge
• Brussels
WAITE-WALLACE-At the resulence
of the bride's mother in ilullott on
Feb. 120, by Rev. Alex. Stewed,
Richard Waite to Etta, third daugh-
ter of the late Thornton Wallaoe.
All of aullett.
DUKE -BARB -At Trinidad, Colorado,
U. S., by Rev. B. F. Lawler, Mr.
W.E. Duke, formerly of Grey town. .
:at:: to 1Vlies Zanie X., daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. U. Saarr oi Trio'
iFosr.ER-UNDERWOOD-At the rest.
1 donee of the bride's parents, on
Feb, Oth, by Rev. L A. MeXelY0Y4
Mr, Geo. X. Poster to Mise Bella
Underwood, daughter of Mr. Geo,
Undemood, all of Ilowlek,
LANG -In Exeter on Jan. alst, the
• wife of B.S. Lang of a eon.
gOORACKEN-In BrusSels, on Veb.let,
atosolr,. and Mra. Fred. McCracken,
ADAMS -.-in WIngbans on February 2nd,
Alm, Chas. Adams, a daughter.
WITIVIER-At the Goshen gay, on
January alst, the wife of Mr.
Sylvanite Witmer, of a son.
1‘10011NtalEY-At the Goohen Line,
the wife of Mr,Robert McClinohey ot
atitdaanulegyh,teorn, the Aret of February,
OURTIN-In bloKillop, on Feb. 2nd,
• the wile of Mr. Patrick Curtin of a
BUT Tuckersinith, on Anuary,
liOth, the wife ofMr. W. D. ButL.
• KENNEDY -In Tuoltersmith, on Feb, I
or a son. •
let, the wife ofMr.Roland Kennedy
• of a son. .
HARDY -In Morris, on Feb, 5th, Time,
Rardy,aged 54 years.
Bly thy on ,Janeary 3rd,one
• of the infant sons of Mr. and Mrs.
• Fred. Hegel.
McARTHIIR-In Morrie, .on Feb. let,
Mary Bellisecond daughter of Peter
and Mary J. McArthur, aged .15
years and.2 months.
SPENCE- In Ethel, on Feb. 6th, Wil-
• liam Spence, postmaster and town-
• ship clerk, aged 62years, 9 monthe
• and 13 da,ve,.
SCOTT -In. Mani* on Feb. Ist,Chris-
• tins, wife of John Scott, and deugh-
• ter of John and Mrs. Thomson, of
' Brussels, aged 36 years.
bieBURNEY-In •Wingham, Feb. 2ed,
Wm. James McBurney, son of Wm.
• MoBurney of East Wa.wanosh, aged
3 years. '
ATKINSON-In Centralia on the 30th
January, Mr. WM. Atkinson, of Mc-
• Gillivray, aged 72 years.
. Weather .
he past week has proved to be too
stormy for our Auction,Sale so we are
out ot pocket in oonsecru.enoe and, for' the
benefit of those who could 13,0t getin to
secure bargains we nave decided to sell
The following prices will give you an
.= idea of the money we can save you if you'.
take advantage of this sale:
Watches • •Watches
Gentlemen's Watches •
• 7 wish to go. 2.50 to any price desired.
Ladies' Watches from
froth $3.50 to any price you $
All Watches at Cost•• . Ali at Cost
. NTON •
The best class of work
procurable has been
manufectured here for
many.years past.
WE WON'T call en you a week after
your bereavement,
WE WorT reale the work to suit
• the price.
WE WILL make the price to suit
the vrork
production of the world
in design and material.
' We are the WYLY prac- •
WILL give you ihe choice of the
tical men in Clinton in
our line, Do not he
talked into placing your
order without first call -
un us. • •
Walton •
- Next to Commercial Hotel.
Gerrie . • MAY TOWNSHIP. Cutlery .
A11.1847 Rogers Bros •
At prices that it,77-r '4 'not pay
to repair • ,..,„ -.''es.
6 only eight day, hp,lf hour strike, solid oakcase,, usual II
,..r -
price $3.50 sale price $2,50. .
4 eight day, half hour strike, cathedral gong, alarm
attachment, oak case, usual price $4.50 sale ,
•2 eight day, half hour strike, cathedral golig, . walnut
case', usual price 04.50, sale price 53. .
• Also a full assortment of fancy and mantle.elocks at
prices that, are sure to self them. •
All'Meridan Britannia Co. Manufacture.
Tea, Set, 4 pieces, best quality quadruple plate,
hand engraved;usually sold at 510, sale price $ 8.00
Cake Basket, usual price $4,75, sale price ' 3.25
Butter Dish, usual price $3.00, sale price . 2.00
• Pickle Dish, ruby,glass, usual price $2.25, sale 1.25
Pickle Dish, plain glass, usual price $1.25, sale 1.00
Also a full assortment of other lines of plated ware
.at unusual bargains. • •
Y. a• g PROP.. • • • .• •
• •
; . iGARD OF - , • . .
. TheSoard of Health, cOraposed of De.
• Gorxie
Buchanan. medical health officer . Jos.
9 James Foster Newbridge
10 James W. Edgar Gorrie
11 Wil lam Edgar . Fordwich
12 Moses Aldrich " • Newbridge
13 George Doubler:lee Belmore
15 Robed Wynn Huntingfield
16 Henry Armstrong • Moleswerth
17 A. M. Spence, Pordwioh
• 18- John lIdagu Gorrie
I John H. Fowler Seaforth
2 Lorne ryndall•• Clinton
3 John Britton• Cobstanoe
4 George Ruddell
5 Samuel. McCool
6 Joseph Taylor
,7 John Brigham
8 Isaac Barr • Londesboro.
9 Samuel Cox • Auburn
10 Hugh H. Hill •Londesboro
• 11 5 John Wilson Auburn
1 Francis Murphy. • Seaforth
2 John Wilson Seaforth
4 Robert& Hatikirk Seaforth
6 •Thos. J. bloylan • , Beachwood
6 Win. Hogg • • Seaforth
7 Wm. H. McGivin Leadbury
• 8 Conrad Eckart • Beechwood
9 'Arm. X. Knechtel Leadbury.
10 Thos. McElroy . Winthrop
12. A. D. Somerville Winthrop
13 John McDowell Seaforth
goners. •
1 Wm. 0..Laidlaw
• •°• Blyth
3 Robert Yuill Relgrave
4 John Mooney ' Brussels
5 Henry Johnston Belgrave
6 Quintin Anderson Brussels
7 Robert Worwiok Winghani
8 Semways Paul Bluevale
9 Wm, Jackson Brussels
10 Wm. Jas, Johnston Bluevale
11 IL H. Ferguson Walton
12 Henry Young Blyth
1 Robert McLaren •Hensel)
2 John 1VIoNevin Kippen
ft Edward Papt3le Brueefield
4 Whitfield Orich Clinton
5 Wm, IL Archibald Eelmondville
6 Thomas Townsend • Seaforth
7 G. S. Black Seaforth
8 Robert Molts Xgmondville
9 Peter XellyEgMondville
10 Donald McDonald ohiselburst
James A. Edgar Wroxeter
2 James P. Hooper Wroxeter
3 William Aitktn Gienannan
4 Theis, Stewart . Blueeitle
6 Win, Carruttuirs Wingham
6 Win, S. Xing Wingham
7 Gavin Wilson Winghatn
Win, J. Henderson •Wingham
Herbert Henning Glen Parrow
Wm, H. Campbell Wingham
John CunninghamCiinton
Wm. Balialit• S
•ime worth
Wni Itobertson .. "%ringbolt
11. Rose Brussels
fl'. Torr Ranee Myth
Thos. Itoe , Wroxeter
ROMAN OATIfor,I0 titilAttATii lioneetS,
Seaforth Peter Dill Seaforth
No. 2,111111(AL Thos. Corbett Clinton
No. 14Moltillop Jacob tiruxor
See ObWOOri
No, 8, MeXillop John Dalton
$t, COIttinball
We are 'clearing out our :11
Winter Stock of
at almost cost price,'
Call and take advantage of
our genuine.bargains.
Snell, D. Spencer and Alex. Mobvren,
members of the board;'Peter Lamont.
reeve; JaeBpnthron,sanitary inspector,'
Eastern division ; Hy. • Zimmermann,
inspector 'Western division. and Fred.
doss Sr., secretary, met at the town
hall on Monday. Mr. Snell WAS tip,
pointed chairinan. • The inspectors
were advised to make a thorough inspep-
tion of the Bobool premises, slaughter
houses' and villages of the township due.
ing the early part of June next.
Owing to the existence of smallpox
in the townehip, the board of health re-
quested the council of Hay,to issue a
proclamation • and declare sec. 15 of
ohap. 249, R. S. 0., 1897, to be in
force, '
• Cotmort Menu*
• Council met at the call of the reeve,but
owing to the inclemency of the weather
only a quorum was present at this meet-
ing. '
At the request of the board of health,
the' reeve was authorized to issue a
proclamation regarding Vaccination and
Inoculation Act, (chali. 2.49 R. S 0.)
And also warning people to give nothie of
any ease of smallpox that may eXisb
their households.
The auditors' report was presented
to the council and °the accounts were
audited by the council and signed by
the reeve.
Moved by Wm. Consit, Seconded by
Wm Stalk, that the following amounts
be paid : Treasurer, postage and expen.
see to Godexich, $6.70 ; H. Mengel, noti-
fying B. of R. °faced, 51,00 ; Sheppard
45 Rivers, acolJ. tollioh, 6.0 9 ; Johna-
than Kerner, auditor salary, 6.00R. R.
Johnston, auditor salary, 6.0n Munici-
pal World, 9 sub., 7.25 Municipal
World, ass't and coll. roll eto. 14.14 ;
F. Hess cc; Son, repairs on grader, 1.75;
Con. Vollatid, Wood for Mr s. Ilse, 2.25;
Chile. Keller, wood for Mrs Ilse, 8.75
F. W. ,FartioOmb, expenses re E 13,
North, 10 00 ; F. W. Farnoomb survey.
ing sideroads and Babylon Line, 10.50 ;
Beoker, et al assisting engineer, 6.00
adjourned to met at dui call
of the reeve.
Mrs . Ilamilton has gone to Lucan to
yisit her daughter, Mrs. A. trodgins.
Mr. G. 'Mato of Kippen was calling
on Leadbury friends lad week and
while here he combined business with
pleasure and was making 'arrangements
With Mr. 3. Xeiany tor the building of a
cement hotel in place of the one that
Was burnt. Should Mr. McKay secure •
the eontritet Mr. Xenny has struck the
right Os en*SS he understands the °amen t
business thoroughly.
Master Olatee White, who has been
under the weather far the past two weeks
has 80 far reoovered ao to be able to re-
Antele hit studies at the Collegiate.
Mies Sarah 'Denny has returned boino
from Listowel after a pleasant t wo
week' Oat,
To Cure a Cold in One Day,
Take Laxative Same Quinine Tab.
lets. All druggists refund the moiler
12 10 fails to cure. X. W. Grove's sig.
nature is on each box. 250,
The only genuine Rodgers, no better goods manu-
factured •
- Tea Spoons, usual price $4.00 now
Dessert Spoons, • 'usual price 6,25 now
• Table Spoons, . usual price 7.50 now .
Dessert Forks, usual price 6.50 now
• Medium Forks, usual price. 7.25. now
Medium Knives, • usual price 6.00 now
Dessert Knives, usual price 6;00 now
$3.00 per doz.
4.50 per doz:
5.00 per doz. -
5, 00 per doz.
5.50 per doz.
4.00 per doz.
• 4.00 per doz.
• • •
• •
• We wish to sell this
entire stock and to' do so
have cut the prices down to
the last cent. A. look at our
china window will giveyou
an idea of the money you
,can save by buying here.
Cut Glass
We haVe only a few
pieces leftand have mark-
ed them at prices that are
less than cost.
If you have any desire
to possess cut giass now is
• oatelains Do You
Card Cases
all to go at cost •
At regular price
Fountain Pens
You can't beat our price.
All are guaranteed to give
and t yeglasses
from $1 to $10. Eyes test-
ed free.
'an invitation to a wed-
ding in •the near future.
It will pay you to buy
your presents now. We
will save it if you don't
want to take it home.
All lin.es of • -
at a great reduction
on the regular price.
Jeweler and Optican.
• Opposite Market.
Biddlecombe's Old Stand.
Gioriells; :Jig fillip liver
Commucilli Pir113r1 11
Dontinuino until Mato!' Ist
A. royal time for those who need, or who
will need clothing. Mens Suit, Boys' Suits,
1Vien's Overcoats.. Boys' Overcoats, Men's
Pants, Boys' Pants.
•The object of this sale is to sell out this
season's olothing, before our new goods
arrive. We never carry• one season's goods.
into the next season. All goods charged dur-
ing this sale will be charged at regular prices.
Positively no goods charged at sale pribes.
Our goods are marked, in plain figures -de-
duct 20 per cent. and, that will be the selling
price for cash:only during the sale.
Men's $5 Suits now $ 4 00
Men's.$6 Suits now • 4 80
Men's $8 Stilts now 6 40
• Men's 110 Suits now 8 00
Men's $12 Suits now • 9 60 .
13oys' $1.50 Suits now.
Boys' 2.00. Suits now
• Boys' 2.50 Suits now
Boys' 3.00 Suits now •
Boys', 4.00 Suits now.
Boys' 5.00 Suits now
Boys Odd Pants •
'5 120
1 60
2 00.
• .320
4 OQ
• Men's $5.00 Overcoats now
Men's 6,00 Overcoats now
Men's 8.00 Overcoats now
Men's 10,00 Overcpats now
• Men's '12.00 Overcoats now
and Pea Jackete. reduced in same proportion.
All Fur Goods at absolute cost --Fur Caps, Fur Coate
Fur Collars, Gloves, Mitts, Heavy ;Underclothing, etc.
• • , . ' ' , • . • ' •
We are selling goods at about half the original,'
• wholesale price thus affording intending purchasers a
rare chance to get good staple.goods at 'a price much •
less thhn they usually pay. ' • • •
We have still a number of Ladies' Jackets left
„and in order to clear them out before the season is over
we havedecided to' make the price so low that they
must go. These Jackets are all well made and of
good ma,terial, the up-to-date article. . Note • a few
•of the price's
Jacketiallaat wore -$15 00 now 54.85
••11.00 now 3.40 •
6.000. n
0° nowo1,80
$4 ancl 5.50 now. 1.65
• All our Frieze Overcoats, which ranged in prices
from $5 to $8 are now going at $3.95. • All our goods
equally as cheap. -
. • '
McKINt4.,11.8c CO.
• • Nut pHurrs Fmn SHIFTING
It may seem like forcing the season to show New Prints at this time
of the year but number of our customers like to huy their Prints, Shittl
ings and Cettenacles early and get their sewitig done during the slack Sea-
son before the spring Work eon) meneee and by getting our Prints, •etc.,
early we get a better selection of patterns than We can later on.
We are local agents for Walter Ovum & Oo's celebrated English Prints
every pieee is guaranteed fast colors. We show an elegant stock of Prints
at prices like these :
Good wide Prints, 10 a great range of patterns fast colors,
regular price 7c per yard, for 5c
Extra heavy Prints, wide width, no dressing,in all the new.
est designs, regular price 121c, for 10c
Crutn's celebrated Bnglish Prints, wide width, soft finish,
new patterns.guitranteed fast colors, the horde stamp.
• ed on every piece, worth 16c, for 124c
Heavy Cottotatcles,.. in stripes and checks, at 20e
Heavy Moleskin, ill new patterriajthey warlike leather,at
• 16e, 20e and 25c
;lest Shirtings, in stripes and checks, fast colors, regular
• 14c, for 121c
Any Winter Goods now on hand will be sold at wholesale
prices and in some cases at half price,
On Ladies' Astrachan Jackets you can earn from 53 to 57
by buying now •
Terrific reductions will be made in 'Dress Goods. Ladle'
Cloth Jackets, Men's Beaver Overcoats and Indere
Ask to see our Dope Overcoats at 54, reduced to 01.60
M0K1NNON & 00. so MYTH