HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-13, Page 54 01••••••••••_____ THE OLINTON VAIWS-RECOBV The mato Nowat000rd A Cold Storage and Packing Factory, Centrally LocatedWilB , ellef it the W oI e County. • Wo J4,11TCHELIrt EDITOR LEO PROPRIETOR OrertivON. FEB. OTH W02 Few Advertisements. ebrinkrY Sale -W. Cooper & Co .,. 1 Deve1oping-N-1J- Don't Fatl to Bee -P, B. Crews Tour Attention -4. J., 3ierrJeh•• • •.... •• • • 1 Savo 80o. on every Dollar -A. J. Morrieb.- -• • 4 February Bargains -A. X. Molleath ..... 4 Barracks sale -Fred Liveomore Barn for Bale -H. Mania ... . Glorioue Ormolu Event -T, Jackson 6 Card of Thanks -B. Beacom 6 Letter of Condolencs-R. Irwin 6 Clearing Bale -s. 0, Bathwell 6 atornIT Weather -F. B. Crevre.•.,,•.• •0•01.10 Army Barraoks for eale-F. Livermore Eureka Federated Jacket -J. G. Medd 6 Boys' Mo. lenickers-eackson Bros 0 our Weekly Budget-Itodgens Bros 8 A lidoth of llargains-Newoombe's.. ,... 8 Valentine -W. D. Fair Co, 8 (10DERICH TOWNSHIP. Master Will. Sterling of the Sault was home visiting under the parental roof for a few days of last week and renewing old acquaintances in the n.ighborhood. Representatives of the Goderich Lumbet 0o, are out buying logs to be delivered on the lake shore to be towed in the spring ha a raft. They are offering good prices. Mr. William Leonard's big straw shed collapsed on Saturday night with the weight of snow upon it. Had the tumble taken place in the daytime some of the cattle would have been caught and perhaps killed. The big storm of last week put the roads in such bad ehape that for a few days there was very little traffic upon them. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Edwards of Souris, Man., who have been at Mr, Geo. Oantelon's for several weeks, left this week to visit relatives in the Kingston district. ' Mr. Guy Hicks sold a two year old colt last week to Mr. Sam. Gliddon of Hullett for $120. It was a superior animal, This is the second sale Mr.. Hicks has made lately. Keeping good horses, he gets good prices. Mrs. Henry Beacom peacefully breathed her last on Wednesday even. • ing of last Week. She had been ill for three years and her passage from time into eternity was not unexpected. She wee a native of this township, a daughter of the late John Thompson. The surviving brothers are : John Thompson, aseessor of thie township, Robert of Kincardine and James of Buffalo. Her only sister was Mrs. Ed. Pollock of Kincardine who waited upon her for several weeks and was .present at the funeral. The daughter -in le.w of the deceased, Mrs, Fred. Thompson, of Chatham, was also ab the bedside when the final summons came. The funeral took place on Saturday to Hayfield cemetery. The road had to be broken part of the *ay in order that thesortege might make its way through, but,notwithstanding that and the prevailing storm, many friends gathered at the home to pay this tribute of respect to the memory of her whom in life they esteemed. The services at house and graveside were conducted by Rev. Mr. Yeeland. The pallbearers were: John ()tuff, • Alex. Welsh, Thou. Hareem°, Robt. Thou:fp- sun, J.W. Elliott and Peter Cole. Much sympathy is felt for Bie.Beacom who is thus so sadly bereaved. Mr. and Mre. Fred. Thompson, who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. H. Beacom, returned to their home in Chatham on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollock went home to Kincardine on Monday. • The meeting held in the town hall on Monday night to dinned the ques- tion of the erection of a cold storage and pork packing factory in Clinton was fairly well attended, considering the state of the country roads which in some directions were quite impageible. For this reason Captain Young, the presi- dent of the Oold Storage Conepany, was unable to attend. Hon. J. T. Garrow was called to Toronto to attend an important meeting of a committee of the Legislature of which he is a eaember,and a belated shipment of etock kept County Oouncillor Cantelon away. All these gentlemen are etrongly in favor of the proposed scheme, Their absence threw the burden of the speaking upon Messrs. D. A. Forrester. W. 13.. Belden and A. McD. Allan. The latter is a citizen of Goderich but he approves Ztf locating the cold storage and packing factory in Clinton because of its central loco. don. There are few men in this country who understand the cold storage question as thoroughly as does Mr. Allan who was placed by the Government in charge of Canada's fruit exhibit at the Paris Exposition. The chair was occupied by Captain Combe, the energetic secretary -treas- urer of the CoId Storage ComPanY• -The Captain is tei se and pointed, in short, a business like chairman. Mr. W. R. BELDEN, the promoter of the Company, was the first speaker and said in part: The competition of the Northwest has made what is known as perishable products the principal output of our Canedie..n Panne. Poultry and apples are thrown upon and glut the market in about six weeks in the fall while during the winter there is a shortage of both. With a .cold storage establishment in the county this poultry and fruit could be held until the supply grew scarce elsewhere and then sold at better prices. In shipping poultry there is often a loss by heating, which would not be the case it' they had first been placed he cold storage. Poultry can he handled most profit- ably whey there is* cold storage and fattening station combined, surh as it is proposed to build in Clinton next summer. With a cold storage buildingliere the farmers and business men can keep their fruit, poultry, butter, eggs, cheese, etc. until the highest market price is cat:linable. The county of Huron is a heavy loser by not having cold storage. Cold storage would 'have saved the apple crop of two years ag6 whet' the apples went begging at fifty cents per barrel. The industry will be a good thing for Clinton as it will. 'employ about two hundred hands. In introducing Mr. A. MeD. Allan nf Goderich, Captain Combe said he. was one of the best posted men in Cenada on the question of cold storage. MR. ALLAN- very strongly support- ed the building of a cold storage establishment in Clinton. He said If the people ' thoroughly understood the great benefits to be derived from cold storage the project for the build- ing of such an establithinent in Clin- ton would go ahead quickly and thor- There are great profits in cold stor- age and I am confident that the tine is not far distant when Such plants will be found in every part of the province. • Our products ,should not be sent away too quickly, but by means of cold storage be held for the highestmarket. Many people think that the fruit, poultry.end dairyproduce we ship to. the Old Ci ountry s placed open the re- tail market as once, but that is a. great •mistake as the great bulk of it re put into cold storage and sent out as the • demand for it increases. " • This holding in cold storage should be done in this country and the profits left with our people. Holding it means bigger prices for ourselves. Old Country dealers buy our large consignments but told them in cold storage and reap the profit that should have remained in Canada. , • A:system tif cold storage produces a • choice article. I have had considerable' experience in apples' and must confess that I am • Mr.Frank licIlyeen had the miefort- •une to lose a valuable colt last week caused by the distemeer affecting its lungs. Mr. Geo. Tyner also has one similarly diseased but it is recovering. Mr. J. Hill ot Stratford Business Col- ledtge is hume for a few days. Mr. Hayes deliverd eomecattle. to Mr. S.Smith in Clinton. , Mr. IL fa. Reid visited his home Sunday and brought his sister back with him to .spend a few days. . Mr. C. Lovett has been away near Blyth waiting on his brother-in-law, Atr.James Mains, who has since passed away. *dr. Wm. Johnson 'and wife of Porte er's Hill visited at Mrs. Can3pbeles on Saturday. . • We are sorry 10 .report the serious accident which befell Master Goldie Hid on dunday. While riding eine horse and.driving a colt ahead to water the colt kicked him on the knee which is very sof*. Medical aid was sum. mooed and it must be treated with the best of care. There was no service ip St. Peter's church Sunday evening on account of the roads being blocked. Miss Winnie Thompson of Auburn teaching staff visited at her home on Saturday. Rev, H. Wright visited several in the neighborhood last week. Mr. E Butt purchased nUmber of of black. cattle last week. Messrs. Geo. and J. W. Hill have each sold a horse -to Mk.Archibald of Seaforth aud will deliver them next Monday. • Mr. N. Jordon has purchased a four- year-old horse • from Messrs. Johnson and Bell of Clinton. Master Goldie Hill is improving as well Ratan be expected. Mei Morrison of near Lucknow and Mies McCartney of Holmeeville are / visiting at Mr. Hayes for a few days. . Mr. John Hill teturned to duties at Stratford 13usinese College last Wed. nesday. • DRYSDALE zee-- Lake Huron is once more covered with its icy coat which has caused the fishermen tothink which net to set first. Miss RO6y Westlake was the guest of Mies F. Maumee one day last week. Mr. Peter Mausser returned home from Michigan last week accompanied by his cousin, Mr. Alex. Mausser. Mr. WilliamTurner, his sister, Miss Florence Mable, and Mimi Diable New- combe of Goderich were the guests of Messrs. Snowden one evening last week. A number of 'young people smembled at the home of MiSir Rosy Westlake one evening laet week When a moot en- joyable time' was spent. Mr.Maxim Disjardins who has been employed at Mr. M. D. 'Westlake's for the past five Months, has left to visit friends in Michigan. A sleigbload of our young people drove to the home of Mr. Richard Pen - hale Wit Wednesday evening and Whiled away the glowing home in Sod- • ial Chat and games. Mt. 11, Talbot had it very successful Wood bee, By gaba, Harry says,it Is a slick way to get wood cut. Mr. R. J. Talbot is doing alltshing business at. cutting Wood tor Me. R. Snowden, The Drysdale stage was wrecked at Wagnet's corner one day last week, Mr. Frank Denomy, who is engaged With Mr. John Kalfleish, commenced Work lad week.. •••• ▪ WEST TtICKERSHITlif. Mee, Georg. TUrtter hail been on the lack Hit and wm confined to the bonito for itonie time. The deem of the poet week blocked . the reedit running north and tiouth, Monday being a fine day the traffic. on theta haft put theta.. In fairly 'toad PM* 141+11.1n. afraid of apples that have not been re -packed in cold storage. You Can place no reliance in perishable geode without cold storage. There must be colkt storage to avail against change of markets and the whims of brokers, With a brand established you can make your own price at your owa cold storage. Cold storage builds' up a reputation for a country in the foreign markets which means better prima for our produce. Our country is getting a bad name that it doesn't deserve in the Old Country tuaekete. It le a 'name we besmirch our good reputation by bad shipments. A cold storage establishment would be of immense benefit to the farmers of Huron county. It would also be profitable for the business men in this aud towns for many miles around.. For instance, in the ruatter of a perishable fruit, such as bananas, dealers could combine, buy in large quantities and take out of cold storage as needed. As the most central town in Huron, Clinton is splendidly situated for sea an industry and I hope to see the matter taken up vigorously and puthe to a successfiel conclusion. It141041.11e***••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IN•f••••••••414.11 ELOISE it SKIMING5 GODtRICH CORRESPOPENT 0 leale•••••••••114.1M11101110••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mies lc eturah *own, one of our The friends of Mr. and Mrajohnston• most popular soloiete, left last week. to will be very pletuted to learn that their plume ber vocal studies at the College von, Mr. Fronk JOhuston has palmed of Music, Toronto. We Neigh " Turie" his pilot's examination I before the inspector for the district of Cleveland. unalloyed success. The funeral of the late Gordon The certificate empowere Mr.Johnoton Mutts took place from hie residence to act ite pilot on the lakes and rivele on Tuesday. Biel brother S. 0, Ws between Buffalo, Chicago and Duluth, laid him in a bandsome 'casket with Mrs. Gordon Heodereon while in his badge and a little Union Jack on Toronto was the geed of Dr. and eine to, left ereast, and a spray te heather Hooper. Mr.. Henderson accompanied on his right. Rev. Jae. A.nderson Mre. elitleohnson and his wife astir as officiated at the house and Rev. Mur• Toronto on their way to British Poe dock MacKay read the prayer belong. males. ing to the S. 0.8. formula at the grave. • The ceremony of the blessing of the • Two handsome wreathe were laid : throat was performed at St. Peter's upon the casket, one the floral offering church on Sunday last, it being a most from Camp Inverness, the other it effectual surety against contracting . i'family, sore 1 rby13 e Rwotiret °Carr:111e, who tribute o played the at Detroit of Miss Lenora, Isabelle, turned out, headed We were .eorry to learn of the death bagpipes. The pallbearers Were: daughter of Mrs. Won Morgan. Miss James§ Mitchell, Graetne Cameron, Morgan attended the Public school James Tait, Oaptain McDiartnid, A. here a few years ago, her family re - MoD. Allan and W. Birnie. A large moving from the coimtry into town. nuntiber of our citizens also attended pSubsethtehdrebeeeynealured, ebliattehehreadltehatfborwthaes lb..aBvrionwgniolivausu up pturned from unexpected. The casket his business with beautiful floral wreaths, one a. sthetmrafrtuf noj.ke: or P. • beautiful family wreath from the was covered fin that town. their meat market and are going to the emiseteserr,s,MiTesuruSualyra The Andrews Bros. have .given up membere of her home circle. Her ha ri Morgan,dne 8Morgan,bothers , ioNi si oehi ur i nutt dhoeenv vnr tei he, s have as s being the most central that city to the family residenee here is quite satiefied to let and cousin, Miss Sterling, all of De- -e the Oold Storage Estate trait. accompanied her remains from town in the county that is the beet on Tortedai sdaywpheuku.seRez.dMgr.ruAvuederTsohne place for it. u Mise Vesta Watson has been engag- pallbearers were : Messrs. Alex. Mem ed as assistant In St. Patrick's ward jauleIvor,steelesnMriaicurVictoraidRElliotteidTorrd MTorrance, sebur°81..A, Moore left on Wednesday • weee meeemele. The funeral took to visit her parents at Bothwell. ! place on. Thursday, La grippe is making its appeerance, 1 One of the most enjoyable parlor Mro. Webster was laid up with it last meetings of the season was held by week Tueiday week Miss Lulu Smithe W. 0, T. U. at the handsome resi- th dence of Mrie W. Warnock on Friday gave a delightful party to about evening last. . The attendance was thirty other young friends. A most ood in spite of the storm and Mrs. enjoyable time was spent in games, Warnock is one of the exist genial of song and -MIMIC. A very recherche hostesses. Che president of the W. a luncheon was served about 11 30. T. U., Mrs. J. V. Brown; made a Mrs, H. Bothwell in Writing us a kind beautiful address. Miss Murns.y, the letter of sympathy from Toronto in. clever daughter of the hostess. render. fornied us' that, she and her family are ed two fine piano eelectione with much enjoying good health in the Queen taste, The address of the evening was City this *inter. Mrs. Bothwell has given by Dr. Gallow on "Narcotics our thanks for her kind letter and fi•orn a medical standpoint." Mrs. accompanying valentine. • McGillicuddy read a paper on 1 Prohi i The Daily World of Vancouver, B. eition.e .- Then refreshments were 0,, contained the following pleasing served on little tables which were note in a recent issue ; " Mrs. A. GI: .bountiftelle laden with good thiege. Franklin (nee Minerva E. panic, of Everyone telt grateful to Mrs. War- Goderich) will be at home to her friends nock for her gracious courtesy to all. on Thursday at 010 Granville street, Mr. Charlie Humber has begun' early . where already numerous friends of this season to make preparations for herself and'Mr. Franklin have called building hie new residence. .- to present cordial felicitations. The We are pleased to inform the friends wedding was celebrated at the home of of Mr. Blackstone that he will he Mr. Franklin's father., W. A. Franklin around again the latter part of this of Victoria, Dr.. F. J. Williams and week, having % recovered from a six, Miss Zelunt Greer bele* the supporting weeks' Beige ef sickness from ppeu. couple and Mr. P. W. Vallean; Qua. monis. . noes, gold commissioner, giving her Principal Stewart and Miss Rusk of alvMatli: J, Tilt. lefb.'for the Busithe Central school have sent in their ness resignations to take effect at Easter. College at Stratford on Monday week. Written THE NnweeltEcom3. Mrs. Jenkins • of Ot'end Rapids, an . John Bates . . • . . Lamm.' old time resident, is the guest of Mrs. Thougli . stricken with grief; dear I On Thursday last the spirit of . ,.,waials..yol6elo, 'nd,t3.1.1r.ieri:i;g hand i. • Alexander Douglas Jo jilt? hs nt oent 0, tut b:wi ten gseodn i toif wiry. Thy cruse of oil. at His oomixiand -But well thou knowest, dear Isobel, to the Eternal Father. Deceased had Will overflow, .. e • .. • 'been' ill for three •years, • which illnees , and wipe out woe. bore him !while .awaY at the last. He And Nth And hope thy. . heart was ie business in Portage la Prairie ' .. . expand. ' • ' . and Winnipeg for a time, .but his From every eye, dear 'Isobel, health failing he returned home and. . He wipeth away the tear, the end came eroWly but surely. ,He Atid thine will sparkle, dear Isobel; bore the cross with Christian resign& With the purest joy, ne'er fear; - tion. His. brotherse Dudley of Melton Like Noah's dove, • and. James of Cleveland,. attended . the Thoult find thy love. • ' • _ funeral which took place on Saturday. Will soothe sad hearts when thou'rt . Lively floral tributes• were laid. upon near: • the casket, among them being a, meg- . —Eloise ei. Skin:tinge ,. niticent family wreath composed of • . ' _ 'large cream and white roses; a love.. ' ----ST. HELENS. - • • • casket boquet of hye,cinthe,eareationi. . ' Bei t • • Euglish • violets . and maiden heir* fern, . The eideroadti are all blocked 'hi this the gift of Mrs. Harper and a shmlar neighborhood , by the recent severe - one the tribute of Mr. • Bert .Smith. . wereall friends of the storm. • ' The lbearers deceased youth: Messrs. Charlie last Mr: Thos. Todd lost a valuable • home week. He was breaking roads Swanson - ' - -2- nd the animal dropped dead. . Smith.!Darius 1). SalloiveFred. B. Holmes, Ha arry Messrs. Thos.. :Myra and James Agar Sturdy and •Toretny Johnston; Rev. traded teams last week. They are James Anderson officiated at house both well eatislied with their trade. MR. D. A. FORRESTER in speak- ing of the value of cold storage in- stanced the case of early strawberries which are picked in Florida, sent in cold storage to Toronto and trans- shipped to all parts of this province where they are sold at fancy prices. Our perishable produce should not be rushed on to the Old Country mar- ket but be placed in cold stor- age • here and only sent across as it IS I needed. • Perishable produce loses much, of its value before it reaehes the Old Country market unless it has first been placed in cold storage. The cold etorage industry is bound to grow to great proportions. for not only is it profitable butevithoub such a system we cannot hold our own la the markets of the world. Industries niust now go where the raw material abound,. They centre around raw material. Beef, hogs, potiltry, butter, eggs, cheese and fruit are our principal out- put This • is our raw material and Clinton is the centre of this district. • Fruit and other produce from all parts of the county will be sent to Clinton for cold storage, This with i pork packing, which it s also intend- ed to carry on, will give employment Lo a large number of men, thus add to the population and assessed value of the town and make it a still bee ter mrauricet for .the farmers for miles auu The citizens of Clinton should give hearty and substantial encouragement to this project which will greatly en- hance the prosperity of their town. • MIL R R. IRWIN said that as a resi- dent f Clinton for forty years it will not be douhtel that hehas its inter- ests eery much itt heart. • For the year endiug February lst, 1902, 10,000 hogs were deliver -ed in Clinton. At an average of ten dollars per head this would mean $120,000 for hogs at this point alone. For the whole_ pourety_ . probably 40,000 hogs were shipped during the year stated, , • All these begs were sent out of the county and the profits of -packing went towhet towns and cities, 'instead of being kept in the, county. • 'here is money in pork packing and I believe • the profits made out of the 40,000 hogs •shipped from, Huron las year'. would pay the taxes of •every farmer who raised them. ' . I am heartily in sympathy, with the establishment of this industry in Olin ton as I bel eve It will be a (toed thing fortl3e town, as well as the whole county. • CAPTAIN COMBE, said • the prospects for the industry were bright. One canvasser alone had obtained $12,000 in subscriptions. • 0 thisamount the township of Bullet alone had taken over ,$4,000. Clinton should clo still better than this. Every citizen should assist, as all would re- ceive a beneffeand if they did the coin.• pany would have buildieg operations uuder way asanon as spring opens. • • • The Quarterly . business meeting of the Methodist church will be held on M onday afternoon et 2 o'clock. On Sunday there was no service in St. John's church on account of. the storm. J Rev. J. Hussar was unable to get to his outside appointments, on Sunday as the made were blocked. The sub. ject et his sernioh.for Sunday evening ;vie be; "The Prodigal' and. his brat her." On Thursday evening the 0 .0 . F's oyster simper held at Mr. Win. Mel- bollandei was asuccess not withstanding the bad roadie The proceeds amount- egdivteoua.hout, $25. A good program was Little Blanche Hume is recovering from a severe ettack of pneumonia. and graveside. • f t We have to thank Mrs. W. D. Tye bloom. • Mrs. Sarah Morgan and her -daugh- ' • . ' for sending us a lovely Chinese lily in . Stobel the Cough and full Laxati, Works off the Cold. veBromo Quinine Tablets e the Misses Morgaa' of Bayfield, are in the Forest City, where the cure a cold in one day . No Cure, No Price . ,,'• K • young ladies are pursuing the study. of ay. ts' '" music. The young lady' Miss .Leon ma . . • Isabella Morgon who died in Detroit. ' • ' • .. was a neice of Mrs. Sarah Morgan, Cook' Cotton Boot Compound- COLBORNE TOWNSHIP • HOLMEVILLE, • - A. terrible storm passed ever this locality the past week, blocking the roads badly, Many of the old settlers sey they never saw such it. long storm ata time or such snowbanks;on the road. The Union convention will he held ' hi Zion church on Feb. 23rd and 24th. Mrs, James Tewsley of the Soo is visiting under the parental .roof at esent taking care of her mother, Mrs. Robert Straughan, who has been ill foe some time and we are glad to say that she Is impreving.rapidl y. Lieut. Thos. Johns is in London at present attending the militery school. We wish him success. Dr. Hamilton and wife visited at the latter's mother's -on Sabbath. Mr. Wallow Fisher purchased it fine horse oneday the past week at a goOd figure. Mr. Robert Straughan delivered two very fine. fat cattle to mr. Steve Andrews on Monday. Mr Ed. Fisher purchased ft fine colt . from Mr. Satnuel Stevens one day the pest week. for the handsome sum of $90. Mr. Robinson of Manitoba is visiting at his linele'n, Mr.Alex. Robinson's, at present. • PORTER'S HILL • • Mr. and Miss Mackintosh of Settforth visited friends in this vicinity last week. 'On ThursdhY quite a number ft ore around here went into Goderich to attend the fueeral of Mies Noteth Mote gen, Who died suddenly in Detroit hut Monday, For three years Miss Morgan resided with her sister, Mrs. Betties. Much sympathy ie felt for Mrs. Mor- gan and family 10 this their sad bereave- ment. Mr. Wilmer .liticLean of Goderich Sunallyed itt tbe home of his uncle, Mr. Wtn. Elliott, Mise Ruby Sterling, who went 16 Detroit about four months ago, spent a few days bust week with relatives in this vicinity. EAST HURON'S EL0- ° QUENT REPRESENTATIVE, ..1.1•0111 The Toronto Telegram, Independent, thug reports the speech which the member for BMA Huron delivered in the Legislative "Andrew Hisiop tipped his hands on thei precipice of his troutter pockets and talked at the Home in one uninterrupted vein of. language. He made a few general re. marks and speedily drifted into details which etamped him .as one of last funimg the "idea rate of the Budget eveht. °mute to live stock aasociete ti01111, attention to breeders' ageocia, tions, and Division Court expenses i were, n Hislop's sigbt, grand features of the financial etatement. RN speech was a bundle of trivialities ennobled Velth it metaphorical allusion to the bull that charged it railway locomotive and brought a wise observation from an interested onlooker. Hislop told of the tredale which Ontario won at the Buffalo Etposition. rho wealth of these bronze and silver ornarnente Won in competition with the eontinent, nottet rival with the minetal deposits Which are the pride of the Olergue country to the Aterthol. - • • THE GREAT TiOTHORN RAIL- WAY ONCE moitn TAKES THE LEAD , • In offering reduced rates to the ,Northwest. Connnencing March lst, and continuing daily thereafter until April 30th inclesive, eheim, One-way second -lass rates will be in effect to all points in the states of Montana, Wash- ington. Oregon, also to Roseland, Nel. son, Victoria, Vancouver, New West- minster and other points in British Columbia. Doti% tiliee the opportunity of visiting the Golden North, West to selecut iz home for yourself. For rates, lirerstore, and all other particulars call on or write Ohms. W. Graves, District Passeoger Agent, 0 King St. West (Room 12,) Toronto, Ont. We heard a Man say the other morn - -bag that the abbreviation for—Feb.— means Freese everybody, and that Man looked frozen in hit Meter. It wee ap- parent that he needed the kind of Warn:1th that stays, the warmth that reaches from head to foot, all over the body. We Could have told him from personal knowledge that EOM's Sar. intestine &vet permanent warmth, it invigorates the blood and speeds it a. long through artery and vein, and really fite men and women, boys and girls, to enjoy cold weather and resist the attacks Of disease. It gives the right kind of Warmth. stimulates and strongest at the sable time, and all Its benefits are last- ing. There may be a suggestion in thie for yeti. Iteinedy rote SniallOog. A . very 'high . authority spealtbig Of eniallp0x oases. says: "1 am willing to stake my reputation se * publie Marl if the worst cases Of smallpox Canna be tinted in three days simply by teem of tartar.Thie isa Imre curetted hotter failing remedy One °Untie Of Craton of tater dietelved in it pint of boiling water, te be drunk when Old, at intervItle. It ilan be taken et any time, and it is a pravaiitadva as well at eeratiVe. It is knowe to have cured 100,000 cases without failure. I thyself ate restOr ed huudrede by thia meets:. It never eaves it mark, sever MUMS MIAMIANS Ad prfrfatiil tedieto lioprismo • Thieentertaiunleet given on Thurs. stufeetisfully used nionthly eip over d g pound. 'lake no other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous. Prise, No. 1, $1 per 13(02A Nnt t lia1;7•1 , .13t "..7;18 p. al two i-ccnt stamps. The Cook Company Windsor,. Ont. tarnos..1 and 9 sold and recommended by aLt tespenelble Drugglats in Canada, day evening list by the Y, P. G. of St 10,000 Ladles. gate, effectual. Lad este& George's church was held in the Sun- day school. There was a very fair attendance fora stormy night. Rev. Mark Turnbull was chairman. The Blackstone orchestra, assisted in the program. We learn that Rev. James Anderson has been offered a call to Montreal at a large salary. .'os. land 2 are sold In Cl—inton by H. n.. Combe, R. P . Reekie, Rovey and %%Tette 8c Co. -Druggists. Clearing Sale ofiloots & Shoes C0 E9 AND MANUFACIURECI Be tO,A.SLATER FOR TIREDAIN.,EATY4BLISTERING FEET Having now the full control of the IA. S!ater Boots & Shoes for Clinton I intend to sell off severa lines now in stook at cost. Call and be convinced that our prices are bargains. These prices will continue for 80 days. R. J. OLUFF, CLINTON. CLEARING SALE' F RO M IEB. I TO 'FEB. 20 As we have decided to clear out all lines of winter good g befoe stock taking we will offer thole at a great reduction and here quote a few of Our prices : titeereeeseeeteftellei Men's Overcoats were $10.00 now $7.50 0,49•49•Vbw419.(0411A9 e 8.00 now 550 6, " • 7.00 now 4,50 ?, Alt kinds ot u 6" now 8,5° # baeurreen gook weeds. teen's SIAM were 0.50 now . 7.60 0 And 'Anal, rure, crockery, 8.80 now 0.50 from too to Ma e ee glasewaree it &OS. now 4 00 Pee lb, A. Mei e U overshoesorun. boots and bete dnd seeks Boy& Sulte,32. to 38, were 4 60 now 3.50 will 'myth" shoes. ' on ell woorien 20per cent off t goods, MINIS t a.00 noW ZOO leraithelete Men,:Boys's ancl s Pants wer001 h st OM. eieeesseteateeeltete Cane Were .50 now , .25 ocapOlio 22 ihe Itednath's Granulated Sugar for $1 28 lbs. Coffee Sugar for $1 lbe Pigs for Ze 8 lbs. Prunes 25e 10 lbs. Epsom Salts 25e 10 Om. Sulphur 26d 4 'bre Fruit or Lemon Biscuits for 25c Prime White Coal 011 l5cpar gal, 2 Men's Coon Coats 1 Wombat Coat 2 Ladies' eatrachan Coats 1 -Black Mountain Bear Robe 1 Grey Robe. See theca before you buy ebsewbore. • POlt OASII Olt PRODI/OE. BEATTY BROS, VARNA- Feb. Mb, 1902 leeleeb elfeeetiellelleelle ellooefeell Save 306 eiblo giboiretlattollbe 011 Every .wieweeeeteettaeleenerellteeelle(i)lee This is just what you can save if you lay in . all the furnishing's you need or will need for some tinae while Ithis sale lasts. On some of the dollars you spend the saving may not be quite 30c but on many of them it will be more. Don't let this chance slip. YOU are not likely to $have such i another for many a long day, - Ties. You can save money if you layin a supply $ of neck -wear now for , ' you can get 3 ties for the price of 2, of either $ the 25e or 50c lines. At 1/c All the ties in stock that sold at 25e, knoes, strings.bows and four- itnhands, flabby pat- • terns, regular 25c,dur- ing sale each 17a At 35c Your choice of the best ties in this the best tie stock in the county for 35c, none reserved whatever,fion ing ends puffs and four.in-hand pure silk and newest patterns, regular 75c, during . . ... . aeic Collars aud Cuffs Why not Jay in a $supply of collars and cuffs now. You are Snot likely to get a chance to buy them as $. cheap again, nearly all A the good ones are Aus- trian,- make, the best ✓ collar to wear made, all Sthe . newest shapes in . A• S C • V i 20c Collars 2 for 25c ' Your choice iif all the . ..eollars in the store that sold at 20c,newest shapes and best quell.- • ties, all styleieregular, 30e.. .... . . ..-., -2 for 28c 1 laic Collard 3 for 25c $ All 12ec collars, stead up and turredown shapes, will wear well, ' your ehoice 3 for 280 Cutts a pair. for 35c Choice of all 25c cuffs', ' good qualities, will wear well, regular 25c, ... .2 pair for !enc 35c Cuffs for 25c Choice of • all the best cuffeeregular price 35c, during sale .. . .. 2 5 $ Suspenders You can save a little money by buying Sus- penders during the sale for All the 25c lines are selling for 170 and all the 50c for 85c per ptiir. . Hata mild Caps Again you are re- minded of the Hat bar- gains. You can save the best part of a dollar and even more on some lines ill you buy your spring hat now. $1 25 Elate for $ 75 1.50 200 " 1.25 150 S 3.00, " 1.75 .60 Caps for .350 -# 1 1 A Tie Special I3ow Ties 10c Your choice of over t 50 bow ties, in assorted ✓ patterns of fancy silk, - regular 25c goods, 1 choice of lot...... 10c Uudemear underwear buying to do you ought to come If you have any here for you are not , likely to buy it as • cheap any place else. $ .80 Vfiderwear for 87c .75 " • 600 1.00 " 750 Iiats and Caps Are Our Speeialty and we still have a S large stock to make your selection from. Morrish, CLINTON ••••••••••••••••00**aoeII i W 14 11 nog I 4 • Sterling.. • i presents .. : 0 • : O•oodirOo 3 • • •61 Havewhatayonniceeveprretiheonutglast ?I o • camera, would make P i a . , • • . • If you contemplating 6 6 2 present do Not forget to • : BOunpaptliyd you 1:11aant • for you in gamer**. We CAD • ply:ice:1"ft oda: 11: : $1 up. The beet bit for a 44 • cheap munera is the Brownie • Iiiel °bristle:ma we will wake you :I leit pi; edui te coofu • No. 2 at $2. From now till • • • teem $1 to $15 • nt on Camerae * • • 6 • New li,Baiastiense . • " Currants tt Figs t t a • • • is% discount on Cameras 9 • ct Peels • Persons in neighboring towns • 6 • • " Nuts • who are thinking of purchase • ing a. earaera will receive an * We have on hand 50 pails • • Eastmen catlaogue by dropp. • Ot Cone' Syrup which -we • ing us a card. Other cameras : • besides the Eastman can be • • suppliedbought before the raise and : powders and other light sup- 2 Films, developing • . • plies can be sent bymail. are now selling below cost, 2 • atOur cheapExposure • i • • In allother lines we ex 35c gives the correct expos- • i ure under all conditions and : Cel and i • • pays for itself in a 'bort time * t • by Saving over ad under 0 " Fear nae Foe." o exposure in negatives, • . I • H. • : B. COMBE, W. • • : T O'Neil, •• • Chemist and Druggist. • e •••••••••••••••••••••••• HUB GROCE RY 'A man is known by thlt, company he keeps." Thei., character of a grocer's business is known by the quality of the goods he sells. That is why we keep the best of everf- thing, SOI110 of our special lines: reemeAft.•• •ebonlyilleAleAllfribetiogeAlb go Alb•Ally olbelhelhoghoW116,1belho OUT Emulsion of God Liver 011 - and - figpopliosplilies of IAMB and Soda. # Is the Beet Large Bottles 35c and 500. Try it. RP:f::::iPTI°11DRUG STORE. .• . • kie, ,toSy:neyJackson, N. B.—Laxative Broino Quinine and all the reliable and. popular Cough Ae....%,:wfria,a.A.,Aes.es.-iatma.v.e...saws,....„.•,. $ • medicines always on hand. .. . . - .' • • Great Clearing Sale , ...cifiFirSt701aSs..FOOt*rear. vo.the:.Noit Two Weeks.. Come and see for yourselves fer if ever Low Prices . Sold Shoes in it hurry it will in this case. . Sale Price :53 pairs Ladies' Genuine Dongola Kid • Sale Price, $1.25 Buttoned Boots, worth $1.75 $1.25 Sale Price 50 pairs King Quality and Bell /30ote ' ..$175 buttoned or laced, worth $3 to $3.50 Sale Price Ladies' Felt and Velvet Slippers, good 500 • value at 75c ' Sale Price . Men's Waterproof Overshoes, sizes 0 ' Voc • and 7 only, worth $167 • Sale Price Men's Felt 4 Buckled Boos, sizes 0 and 3150 ' • 7 orily, . Sele Price Meres Bot Calf and Dongoia Kid Laced $125 & $2.50 Boots and Gaiters, worth $3 and $3.50 Sale Price 75 pairs Misses Buttoned School, Boots _ $1.00 ' r o .5 Prices out of &line 'Of Men's Fine Laced Boots go - Joint , ingat $1. See them. • • Sale Price • $140 Sale Price . 50c • • Sale Price 95c •• • Sete Price '•8150 - • Sale Pricey - $1.75 e Sale Price • SOe Bargains Beckon you A Regular Feast of Bargains in everyDepartment commencing Friday morning, Feb. 7th. Priem Figure. Quality Counts..: Watch this 'space for next week, It will pay you. • m. TAYT...01t. • Cash and One Price Butter and Eggs taken as Cash SON. ..410.****....4. f********10. 0414 THE ,GREAT CASH STORE. Several consignments of Spring Goods •aIready received Dress Goods in the very latest weaves and colors also Prints, Muslins, Cottons, Shirtings and Cottonades Direct importation of Curtains, Laces, Embroideries and Insertions. •500 pairs of New Boots and Shoes just received in the latest spring styles for men, women and children. . FEBRUARY BARGAINS Tremendous snaps in men's and boys' clothing undArwear, boots, shoes and heavy rubbers. .LaCI is' fur tweeds, I2 and cloth coats at less than manufacturers prices. We need the room. If you require the goods it will mean. a saving of money to you. • D. 'M. MoBEATI-i 111 Pretoria Mock. •••411 •••• •••• 4** • ••••••• • •••• **Ns*** •••• • • •4•• *Ns •••• Ne0Y year's Furniture Selecting Holiday Presents is a difticult task. Nothing, will prove,„more satisfactory or serviceable and at the same time bring more comfort to the hom.e than a nice piece of furniture. Our seleetion for the Holiday Trade this season, surpasses anything we have yet offered. PAIteCin CAtitneere Otneementite JARDINititit STANDS MCS/0 riltReSIXO TABLUS Z.A.OLBS ' Plumage MUSIC P.A0X8 HALL PACKS BridairrAUISS talltrarilt TABLAS PAPER RACKS BOOK CASES FANCY TABLES COVCl/E8 It will do you good to see the beautiful line of Fancy Rockers, Morris Chairs and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering, We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our warerooms even if you do not want to purchase. J. liVe Ohidi Y4wallitort Night and Sunday calls atiewered at residence of our Voter,' Director! S. Wt ohkuey, King itrtat, oppoeite foundry.