HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-13, Page 30
• :ill publisbca every Thureiay at
The NeWs-Record
Power Printing House
Takata OW genesonnatoss-01,00 per year in
aaaance ; el.60 may be charged. if not tie Pia
Naaalseralscontinued until all a a s
aro paid, unless at the option of thopublisher.
The date to which weary subseriptieu is paid
is denoted on the label.
vantleaseS lanais -'rratuilent a:In/rasa
ments, 10 cents per uonparielline for first
alsiatiell and 3 mate per lino for each subsa
euentinsertioe. Small advertisomente no
to exceed one inchairch aa "I49st," "StraSedt
"atelen," eta inserted onee tor50 cents and
each subsequent insertion16 cents.
aolvertisemente without specific, directions will
bo inserted until forbid and charged accord,
Velar forahange of advertisements on pages 4 I
and 5 must be intim office on Saturday and
Or pages 1 and 8 On Monday to ensure change
o awing issue.
Oweensar RATEIL-The following table shows
mu =teeter specified. periods and space;
arivransare names,
1 Vt. 6 Nio. Mo. 1 Mo
1 Colltunt.. .670 00 130 00 W5 08 88 88
ColuMn.... ...... 4000 25 00 1600 0 00
Column , 25 Oe 1500 800 2 00
1 In011 18 00 10 00 6 60 200
6 00 3 50 2 00 26
araPecia position from 25 to 60 per cent extra
Editoy and Proprietor
Income ;ated
Aet of Parlit meat, 1855.
CAPITAL 52400,000
Rasa • 82,160,000
Wm, Moisorr MAerninnum, President
J'Amas ELmor General Manager
Notes discounted. Collections made. Drafts
issued. Sterling and American Exchange
bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits.
Interest allowed on sums of Steed ue,
Money advanced to farmers on their' own
notes with one or more endorsers. 6 No mort-
gage required as security. •
H.C. BREWEii, Manager, Clinton
• general Banking . Businese Trensaoted.
Notes Discounted. Drafts loaned.
Interest Allowed on • Deposits,
Money to Loma
Ovvien-Elliott Block • • Minna
Notary Public, 80., .
OrincirBeaver Block, • ... CLINTON
Conveyancers, Commissioners, '
Real Estate ' and Insurance
Agency. Money to Loan.
R. c. P. and rd. R. C. Edinburgh.
Night calls at frontdoor of residenreon Batten
bury street, opposite Presbyterian church.
ONTARIO STREET, _opposite 'English .ehurela
Special attention given to diseases of the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat.
Albert Street East north of Rarrzanuor
DENT-lit-RY •
• .
Will be at Bayfield evere NVednesdaa ,
• -
orince-Stdjoining Poster's Photo Gallery.
sansane, Osa
Successoe to Dr, Bruce, Clinton,'
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work.
D.D. S. -Graduate of Roaal College of Dental
Surgeoes of Ontario. •
L. D. S.-Firsis class honor graduate of Dental
Department -of Toronto university. Special
attertion paid to preseraation of childron's
be at the River Hotel, Bayfield, every
mondav from10 a. nr to 00, m.
VETERINARY stniciam •
A member of the Veterinary Medical Associa-
tions of London ard Edinburgh and Graduate
of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Office opposite St. Paul's oliurch,Ontarlo street
Phone £67
* Whitt fa commonly inherited iv not
ccrufula but the scrofulous disposition.
This is generally and chiefly indicated by
cutaneous eruptions; eometimes by pales
Peso, nervousnese and generel debility.
The disease afflicted Mrs. X. T. Snyder.
'Union R., Troy, Oblo, when ehe was
eighteen yeare old, manifesting Itself by 4
bunch in her ea*, which causee great pain
was laneed, and became a running sore.
It afflicted the daughter of Mrs, IL
Jones, Parker City, Ind., wben 18 years old,
and developed so rapidly that when elm
was Biala lute eleven running spree on her.
ck a d about ber ears.
neTbeelile sufferers were not benefited by
professioual treatment, btlt, 48 tbey voluu-
tartly say, were completely cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
This peculiar medicine poeitively coa
nets the scrofulone disposition and mil..
Cady and permieuentle cures the Ohioans
. ..-
Farm and Isolated Town Property
only Insured,
J. B. McLean. President. Einpen P. 0. ; Thos.
Frazer, Vice -President. erucefield P. 0.aaT.
Hays, Stay-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.•, w, G.
Broadfoot, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P.O.
a': G. Broadfoct. Seatorth; John Grieve,
Winthrop ; George Dale, Seaforth; John Watt,
Harlook John liennewles, Bradhagan ;James
Evana_Beechwood; James Connlely. Clinton
John MoLean, Eleven
Robert Smith, Barlock; Reber McMillan, Se
forth ; James Cummings, Egmon.dville ; a W.
Yo, Hcamesville P. 0,
Paties desirous to effect insurance or trans
sect other business will be pannpay atteeded
to on application to any of the above officers
addressed to their respective post offices.
• -
; I II I "s4
Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton
Station as follows ;*-
DITYPAID AND cummuca plasmas
GoirtgEcat Expsess • 7:38 a. m.
-66 a m.
." a afixed cio p. M.
Gots N ,.!:stElaixed 10:15 a m.
64 6. Iiirse 1...:65 p. m.
7.05 a. in,
10:27 p. m
G011,1"; S01.1th REIVOSS 737 a. m.
. Mixed 1:15 p. m.
Going North Express 10:15 a. m.
•• n Mixed. 0:65p. m.
agent. Town Ticket Agent.
District Passenger Agent. Toronto.
41' 44 14
Travellers to any part of the
•world should consult the
above in reference to tickets,
fares, etc.
The Best In Current Literaturn
.$2.50 PER YEAR; 25 ars. A copy
1.11441111441#111171.1=11•1110444121111041 • •...
Nearly Half affillion•HorseS Fur-
• chased. • • .
• . „
A London despatch saysa-sthe War
Secretary, M. Brodickasaid that the
numb& of horses parefiaesal during
the war totalled 446,088, of waich
77,101 came from the United States,
and 11,864 from Canada,. In addi-
tion,- about 80,705 •horses had been
zaptured in Smith Africa. • •
I •
Lia0KING, AHEAD: . •
1 11414 been thinking," remarked
' a thougatfulslooaing man to a chance
acquaiatap co' ; "I 'have • been. thinking
what rshall put- my boy -to avaen -he
Sale., condueted in all parts of the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Orders left at Toe News
ItSCOILD °Moo, Clinton, or addressed te Sea
forth P. 0. will receive prompt attention. Sat-
at:Lotion guaranteed or no charges. rour pat-
onage solieited.
. nonsEsSoEft AND
Woodwork ironed and firstalass material and
work guaranteed. Farraimploments and ma
chines Mbuilt end repaired,
ALBEIM OrriEtTeMartt,
Y dAird-r-
TNiuse Manna
Mittel. tending AMA ikhd description May
MUOkly Moottain our opinfad tree ailetner so
IfiVeetiell le "robs's,' pewit/46m, CoMmenica.
COM WWI, eoneeetitiai. Um018004 Fatenta
sent tree, oldest twenty for .ectiring patents.
Patent.. taken thronsh mann & co, receive
Orem oaks, without enamel, in the
Sdeistifie Jimerican.
A handsomely ilitustranut wegrir. tetiteStASt
enlatton Of taly wound irlvm nuirmatu,
whir So
co,geforaway, orK
deg V te,..Waibinayet.
Prices or Grain, Cattle, etc
in Trade Centres,
Toronto, 1‘'claruary 11. -Flour -
Trade is quiet. Ontario 00 per cent.
patents, in buyers' bags, $2.90 mid-
is freighte. btraight rollers in
• woods $3,85 to *3.40. Manitoba,
flour steady; Hungariaa, $4.3.0 to
8a.80 and strong bakers' $3.80, To -
rout° freights.
IOatmeal -Market unchanged. Car
. lots on track, $5.25 in bags, and,
$5.4a in wood. Broken lots, 25c
per bbl extra,.
Bran -Market is firm at $19 to
$1.9.50 outeide. Shorts nominal at
$22 outside. Manitoba bran. $20,
and shorts, 822 Toronto freights, in -
eluding seeks.
latices -No. 1. Manitoba hard, 56c
bitl North 13ay or Sarnia; it offered
at 71c ingstore Fort William, and at
75:: la W., 'May delivery. Ne. 8 Nor-
thern offered 840 North Day, with
82ac bid; No. 2 Northern offered at
80ac Sarnia, without bids. Ontario.
red,. 58 lbs, offered at 750 outside;
59 lbs, offered, at 74ae Mount Albert
and 60 lbs red, offered. at 77c outside,
without bids. No. 3. spring offered
at '74c east. No. 2 goose offered at
68c, -14c freight, with •66*c bid, and
7,000 bush offered at 69c loW
freights with ' 68c bid. No, 1 feed
wheat offered at 6fic outside,
. Barley -No. 2 offered at 56c east on
either road, without bids. • No, 8 ex-
ftrreafgnatominal, at 50 to 51c middle
*Peas -Nd. 2 !offered .at 82e east,
'with 80c bid, and at 80c high
freights, with 79c bid. No. 2 black
eyes offered at 02c outside, without
• Oats -No. 2 white offered at 41e
high freight, while 40e was bid,
Nardi shipment. A car of No. 2
.white sold at 40Se high freights Five
cars offered at 20ac bier, and at
43,ae middle freight, while 40ac was
.bid low freights. •
Corn---Doinand good; three -cars of
No. 2 yellow sold at 57e low freight
to New Yora, and one car ot No. 2 -
mixed ,sold 56ac outside.
Rye-sNo. 2 offered at 65e afloat
MontreaL 'key, and at 58c low
freight to New York. A car sold at
55c middle freight.
Buckwheat -No. 2 offered at 54c
low freights, with 580 bid, and at
53ic on the C.P.R. without bids, It
was wanted at 58*c middle freiaht.
Butter -The market eontinues quiet
with prices unchanged. We quote: -
Fresh, choice 1-/b prints, 18 to 12ol
choice large rolls, tubs and tins, 16
to 170; poor to Mediums, 11 to 13n;
dreamary prints, 21 to•22c; *do solids
20 to 21c. •
' Eggs -The market as firm. 'NeW
laid quoted at .26 to 27c io case lots
and limed 21.to 22c. •
Cheese -The market is quiet..Prime
'qualities, 10f to 11.c. •
. . ,
Dressed hogs dull,. with- feW isn'er-
ing. Hea,vy, .in par lots, quoted. at.
$7.50, and light at $7.70 to $7.75..
Hog products 'Steady. We quote:-;
33acen, long ' clears, sells at 10* to
10+0, . ton and case lots, Mess
pork, $20.50 to 821; 'do 'short cut,.
$21,50 to $22. ,. • .
We quote: -Tierces 11c; tubs. 13.1c;
Smoked Meats -Hams, 18'in 18.1ci.
. Lard -The market is unchanged.
breakfast eacon; 11c; rolls, 11 to
•man'a coniaouna, 60 -lb tubs. 9e,
to lle. • •
110; aacks, 14e, and shoulders 10+
pails, 11*c to ..11a -c. Standard Coma
pound, 9,1ca 20 -Th pails, 10c; Vaasa
Buffalo, Feb. 11: -Flour -Quiet and
only steady. Wheat -a -Spring all;
No.' a Northern, 82c; wioter no oa
ferings. Corna-Dull; No. 2 yellow,
65ae; No. 8 ao,- 65c; Nis. 2 cern,
64*c; No. 8 •tle, 68ac. Oats -Dull;
No..2 white, 49+0; No. 8 do, 48ac•
4 •
NO. 2 mixed, 413ic; No. 8 do, 46e.
13arley-Spot, . 67 to. 71e, Rye -NO
offeriags. • • " •
• Toledo, Feb. 11,a-NVheat-Dull, lOw-
er; cash, 87c; May, f3eac .Julya86*e.
born -Dull, lower; February, 60c;
May, 631c; jula, 68ac. Catallab-
ruary, 46c; Masa 45c; July 89*c.
0$510.8v0er,seed-Faiarlial*, $5.71ac; March
Milaraukee,,,ireb. fla•Wheat-taw-
er; cloSed, No. 3. •Northern, 7aa to
76c. No 2 Northern 75a • to 16e,
May,. 77ic. • Rye -Lower; No. 1,
ealia Barley --Steady; No. 2. 68a
to 64c; sample, ,55.to 62ae. Coan-a
Count Aldebert Sternberg Has
Had Hie Eyes Opened.
The London Times prints letter
from Count Aldebert Sternberg, who
took part in the Boer campaign, and
who declares the treatmeut he has
received from the British press and(
official sand non -official Englishmen.,
leaves late no cause to be an Anglo -
Sternberg says, while England is
hated, the Englishman is respected
and loved. Hatred alwaye arises
from a, sense of moral and mental in-
jury, and to this extent the Con-
tinent has a right to hate England,
because her policy is at all times di-
rected to promoting Continental
complications. The Continent doe*
not understand the 33oer war, aied
attacks Englaud's political morality
because it misunderstands the politi-
cal principle which England reprea
eents, the principle in which is Eng-
land's greatness. He says that the
English recognize only two factors
in the world, namely, God and Eng-
The economic advantage to be de-
rived from. the gold fields, says
Sternberg, was merely a, contribut-
017 caUse of the South African war.
The real cause making action ira-
perative was the English principle,
the essence of which is free trade and
straightforwaxd competition. On the
Continent, this feeling is not under-
stood, beca,use the Continent does
not enjoy the blessings of civilize-
tien Ana Government based on the
word ”straight.'' Sternberg says
he always thpught England was the
enemy of the' Continent until he vis-
ited the United States and studied
economic conditions there. He now
believes that , Continental hatred of
England is ungrateful, and the Con-
tinent ought to awake and recognize
that its true enemy is arising in tho
West, like a great sun of gold, whose
rays have already been projected
across the Atlantic. America's only
principle, he says, . is worship of
mammon. Germany and *all Earope
should join with England,
Ottawa Will Take Precautions
Against Smallp ox. .
An Ottawa despatch says :-Health
Officer Law is considering the advisa-
bility of fumigating all lumbermen
aed their effects as,,soon as they ar-
rive in Ottawa. It is expected that
considerable disease, especially
smallpox, may possibly be brougait
down from the woods when the men
come down in the spring, and . in
order that evety precaution may be
taken, Dr. Law theiks it would be
advieable to have eaery man quar-
antined for a sufficient time to have
him and bis effects thoroughly , dis-
Dr: Hodgetts, proaincial inspectok,
was Etaked what be thought of this
scheme, and said be thoroughly' ap-
proved of it. He is of the opinion
that there may be considerable dan-
ger when the woodsmen come out,
and that all precautions .should be
takezta The inspecter left for • the
lumber tamps along the Parry Sound
Railwass on Thursday afternoon. He
•has dem very good work in Russell
Coanty in: organizing the Beards cif
THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE inTghtteditZtaZolovitatttNeee.°1141 Veati' KLONDIINS FIRST 11111811 NEWS ITEMS
Strengthening Hands of Brit-
• - ish alinisteka.
A Loadon 6:1Sapatca says sa-The
Australian -Ministers. clearly' taean
business at the .coronatipa confer-
ence- regarding trade. Wise, the At-
torney -General 'of New South Wales,.
suggests an Australian rebate of
Ciistoms duties on -all goods, British
and foreign, imported Sn British bot-
tonis, the idea of ancludiog foreign
goods being to aVeSd ceritravention
of the most favSred nation clause.
Preinier 'Barton aPproves. Premier
Seddon ie willing to give a Customs
• tebate to British but not. to foreign
goods, imported intes New Zealand fa
British bottoms. 'It is thought these
early oolonila advances are made in
the hcipe of strerigthening that 'sees
tion of the British • Cabinet:Which
would. Welcome some .British recipro-
city With ahe colonies aS part of the
fortheeraing British budget. an • the
auaget rcettter, Isowever, Sir Michael
Hicks -Beach has hitherto been" su-
'kerne, and • he alwaye floated the
preferential idea. •
is old enough, At present I am It; May '68-te • .
, uneertain vshether it • would Duluth; . Feb ..11:Close-Wheat-.
not bo wise to let bins anish • his C sh • Ne. 1•11 rd 76*c N • -rigor-
education in Germany,. so that.
Might have the advantage of a Con-
tinental training and the chances of
acquiring anOther language besides
his own, Otheresise, I -should seed
him to some technical school bere,
for I am' • a great- betieaet in handi-
crafts. My wife at:Ms.°, giving' him
a university edueation, but I dotal:
knows .1t rather; unfits. a 'feller/. for
anything but a professioaal career.
And they say that all the professions
are •overcrowded."
The othea man agreed. .
"Better let .him Iearn a good
trade," he saida-"electrical engineer-
ing or something of that ,kind. But,
by the way how old is he ?".
"Well," replied the anxious parent
"Dna looking 'aimed - a little, of
.course -he's three months old to-
day." . .• .•
• •
"Your first, suppose ?"
"Ye-eo." . • •
"I thought so," said the other
Man, as he walked off, with a supe-
rior emile.
A huge syhdicate is being formed
In Paris. to exploit the gold fields of
ti I • 0 st, hith t. ,
kra ricaer than the Transvaal Rand.
One' of the managers of an hospital
asked an Irish. nurse 'which he • con-
eidered the inOst dangeroue .of the
many cases then in the- hoeipital.
"That, sura'• said Patrick, as ho
pointed to' a case of suraicel. in-
struments lying on the table,
aerrsiata).F!a,t, ..tea:00asarrotwa.ta • , "aocvamaiwara,
4;, a;a • , !Ho .11,1 1.11011011.101161e ai haw
Any ‘.F
• .. • • ...
.1 • •
. „ .1, 1 ILA 1
1 '4'1 hid • a bad cough for. sIX
' Weeks and could find nO relief
Until 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto-
rel. Only One-fOurth of the bottle
4 Mired WO
• L. HilWilj Newingt06, Ofit.
• ,•; • - • •• - • -Hi.
Neglected colds always..;-
_ lead to something serious. '2
They run into chronic ,
: bronchitis, pneumonia, 7
asthma, or consumption. =
I not* 'wait, but take
- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
lust as soon aa your cough -
j. begins. A few doses will
7 cure you then.
a a: ; O..
77ac; May, '75Sc to 76c; July,
-76S c. Oats --4 Oc. C orn.-61a
Toronto, Feb. 11. -The receipts aa
Western cattle yards to -day were. 88
loads' of live stock, cemprisileg 740
eattle, .188 sheep and. lambs, 100
lidgs, 10 calves, and e, few milkers:
There was an all round active de-
mand, and everything was sold out
eaxly .Prices ivere strong but prac-
tically unehanged, though owing ta
the light run choice lots had a ten-
dency to advance, which gave an ap-
pearance of higher prices.
There Was an active demand for ex-
port cattle at from 5 to 5*c per lb
for choice; and a. fraction more was
paid in a few instances. Light stuff
is worth from 4.a to sage. per lb.
Prices of all butcher tattle Were
d f i LI h
over the price of fast Tuesday, but
all round figures were unchanged but
a ceders and stockers wore steady
and in good &mend.
Sheep aro firm and Wanted at froin
'to 80 per lb, •
Lambs are wanted, and were strong
to -day with a tenclency to advance; a
few cimice lambs did sell at 5c per
Good mulch covie ,are wanted up to
about $50.
' There is a stettdy demend for good
to choice veal caaves at anything wi-
ts. $10 each.
Hogs aro unchanged.
Choice hogs to -day sold at VI per
, ewt; light hogs an4 fat hogs at
$5.75 per cwt.
Hogs to fetch the top price must be
of prime quality, and scale not" be-
low 160 nor above 200 lbs.
Following le the range of quota-
f3hippers, por cwt... -54.50 $5.50
llo., light., ..„ 4.25 ,4,150
Butcher, choice... ... 4.00 4,50
Butcher, ord. to good. 8.25 8.75
Butcher, ieferior„. 2.75 8.25
Stockers, per cwt.. 8,00 0.50
Shoop and. Lainbs.
Choice ewes, per cwt0.00 8.50
Lambs, per cwt... 4.00 5.00
Ilueks, per eat 2.00 2.50
, Milkers and.drilves.
Cows, each... ...... 80.00 45.00
Calves, each... . 2.00 10.00
Three eiseta tea., trots tor Sri oreiniay
Cold; 06. pot right ter bronchitis, beam -
nese, herd e4041.• ot..; Si, meet etonormeel
tot ohm% Mkt And to 1010 on bind.
0. expat oo., melon, masa. -'
Choice hogs, per cwt... 0.00 6.00
Light hogs, per cwt.- 5.75 5.75
hogo, Per cwt... 5.75. 5.75
Mows, per oft 0.50 4.00
Stags, per curt 15.00 2,00
Illobbs-"Itow did your friend, tho
weather prophet, lose all his mo-
Mlobbe-"Iletting on his °Wu pre-
British Losses in South Africa
Over 700'ia. January. •
A Landon despatch says :---Tee
War Office return of casualties in
South Africa fox; the Month of ,3anu-
ary, published on Thursday, ia un-
usually heavy. Four officers and 82
men were killed in 'action, 5 officers
and 62 men diecl 'of weunds, °fa-
cers ana 526' men died of disease, 21
men were reporteil raissing, and 67
officers and 1, 937 men have been
invalided home. • . '
'Up to at:Amory 81 tho total reduc-
Lion of the forces, from death to per-
manent disability, was 25,800 men.
The total of the casualties, including
Surviving wounded, was 5,240 offi-
cers and 100,701 men.
New Brunswick to Establish Ste,
• tions . •
An Ottawa despatch saye :-F, C.
Hare, poultry expert of the Depart-
ment of A•griculture, has returned
from his tour in the Maritime Pro-
vinces, where he addressed fifteen
meetings in three weeks. As an out-
come of his visit it is likely that the
New Brunswick Go•vernment will ar-
range to establish a fattening sta-
tion in every county of the province.
A hatching station is to be estab-
ishe at ogmsvi e aight away.
- I
gr. a or s usy teac mg a b y
A Peshawur, Punjab, despatch
says: -There is donsiderable unrest at
Cabul and olsowaere in Afghanistan.
The fanatical element is prodomine
ant; and trouble is fetraed..Itadda.
Mullah, who avas prominent in the
rising which ended in the Taub, cam-
paign, is Preaching a holy war.. He'
is said to have the Amer Of Afghan-
istan under his influence. Uvalde.
will officiate at the saineer's formal
installation of the Afghens' New
Year Day, March 20.
Other fakirs and intallahs aro ear-
ring up agitation in. the afalakand
and other distracts.
Sentehced. to Sail foe Fomenting
A Carnarvon, Cape 001011.1a des'
patch Sara-711er Stremmer, a
Rhenish misslanarYi Was eentenced to
80 days imprisonment for using lans
guage With the intention of raising
or fomenting disaffection among his
Majesty's. subjects, .
The accused refused to give evidence
under oath, but denied the truth of
the statementsiof a eertain 'Crown
WHAT OUR MEMBgILS ABE DO- Second readingr9 were given adr. SUING TUE GOVERNMENT FOR
ING AT TORONTO. Marter's bill to amend the Voters' #00,000.
last Act, lay allowing names on the
oug e rev s on of
NUW Mr0113R l'ItS4NTED• the roll wee not Completed ; Dr.
In the Legislature the firet order of Berea bill to amend the Trustee
the day was the introductzen of Mr. Act, by allowing circuit judges to
E. J. P. Pease, the new member for 'peas guardiarship accounts; Mr.
Kingston, Who was preSented to Mr. Itichardson'a bill, providing for the
Speaker St OU. 001 all ereparation of farm lands front
Hon. Richard. Harcourt. Mr. Pease towns and villages; and Mr. Smith's
took the Neat in the. first row hitla bill to enable municipalities to
erte occupied by Mr. Caldwell (North a rate of assessment for a terra not
Lanark), who moved to the seat va- exceeding live years en farna la,nds in
ceded by Mr. Hasty, laingston'e for- towns and villages.
mer ntem r.
The most radical measure of the
seasion Was one which Mr. ',Cribs
(South Waterloo) introduced, The
allo. 180) provides for & Gov-
ernment printing bureau, in which
the pnblic statutes, school books,
copy books, and text -books required
in the PUblic Scaocile, High Schools
and Universities of the Province
shall be printed.
Mr, Brown (North Perth) introduc-
ed two amendraente to the Municipal
Act. The first abill No. 185) pro-
vides that gasoline be added to the
list of explosives, of which, under the
existing Aet, the municipality has a
right to control the sale and manu-
facture. The sedond (bill No. 186)
amends the law enabling munlcipali-
ties to take over highways, tO per-
mit a municipality to specify which'
bridges to which a bylaw taking
over a, road shall not 'apply.
Dr. Pyne (East Toronto) enquired
as follows: -
Has tbe Government ans4control
'disposing of natural gas produced in
the County of Welland? Is the gas
being now exported from Welland to
the United States?
The Attorney -General replied: -
"The Government has no control
over the disposition of na:tural gas
Produced in the County of Welland.
The ' exportation of the same is a
matter of Dominion jurisdiction. Gres
is now being exported from Welland
to the 'United States, and licenses of
occupation have been granted by t*he
Province under which pipes may be
laid across the Niagara: Risser."'
Mr. Joynt ZGrenville) moved the
secoad reading of a bill to amend the
Act relating to Etssignments which.
aimed to reduce the .expenses of, li-
quidating small estates. The Atter-
ney-Geiseral 'and the Provincial Sec-
retary held that there was no dia.
mond for a change in the present
Act. Mr, Joynt stated that in small
estates the whole pat went ta the
assignees, the lawyere, and inspec-
tors. • The order Was finally dis-
Chargedv, (marls!
Mr. McDiarmid ,(West Elgin). mov-
ed the second reading of his bill to
ansend the Veters' List Act by print-
ing oa the voters' lists the date sii
the last day for appeals. ' On the
saggestion eif the Attorney -General
it ,was sent to the. Legal Committee.
THE BARBERRY 81-1R113a, '
Mr. Little again raised the .niatter
of the barberry shrub; stating- that
its injuriousness to wheat was now
esell recognized. With the consent of
Hon. Mr. Drydeii it will be put in is
form to come •before ,the Standing
Cominittee on Agaimiltare.
Mr. Waitney asked if Mr. Alexanct-
er Merner -returning officer 'for North'
Waterloo election tin Oct. gala 3.900,
Was appointed' by order -in -council; if
not; ay whose direction and aathor-
ity was his name inserted in the sent
of. election? . - • •
The Attorney -General replied that
the statute did not requirelreturning
-officers to- be appointed by order -in -
council. He was appointed by the
Lieuterfant-Governor upon the recom-
mendation of his advisers; If the
sheriff ox registrar .was dead or had
resigned • or been renioved, and no
successor had been appointed, the
writ of election phould be addresSed
to such other 'season as the Licutan-
ant-Goyernor Might appoint to be
the returning officer. There was no
sheriff or registrar in North Waterloo
at the date and Mr. Alexander Mer-
ner, who Was' acting• registrar atthe
timo, Was appolated returnitig -officer:
the retuni ordered on atae motion
of Mr. Joynt (Grenville) of the votes
to railways, and the amouras. paid
thezaon in the years. from 1898 to
1901, ioclueivea was laid on the
table. The payaients were as fol-
lows :-1898-Montamd and Ottawa
Railway, $40,0'00; Otta.Wa4 :Arnprior
and Parry Sound Railway, $0,990, ;
Central Counties., $147.88.
,1899saCeatral Counties ItailwaY,
$10;0a0; Tilsonbarg, Lake Erie and
Pacific, $6,524; Pembroke, Southern
Railway, $55,500.
.19000entral Coanties .Railway,
826,100; Central Ontario Ratiway,
380,000; Ontario and Reilly River
Railway, $160,000. • *
1001 --Ottawa and New York (In-
ternational Bridge), • $35,000; Cen-
tral . Ontario Railway, $88,000; Ins
torprovinciai bridge' at Ottawa,
350,000; °nava) and Rainy River
Railway, $840,000. •
Tbe Provincial Secretary brought
down the return ordered on rnotion
of Mr. Barr, as to indigent arid in-
sane persOns conlined in the Jana of
the province. It showed that tile
total was 11a.
• ldr
Parks Act,* the object of which was
to restrict the acquisition of "park
lancas by the 'Parks Board without
th0 consent of the 'Municipal .Couns
cil, and to provide that on receiving
• petitidn aigned by five huhdred
electors In the ease of a City, two
hundred in tile case of a town or
township, .and seventy-five In the
case of a Village, the Council May
decide the Parks Act as- no longer in
force. The by-law .is to receive tho
assent of the electors before it IS
pasaea ana if it is assented -
to, the cola:rot' of the parks is to
pass from the Board of Parks' mana
agement to the Connell.
Mr. Preston (South Brant) Moved
the Second reading of the bill to
amend the Act' respecting Councils
of Conciliation and Arbitration. He
said his bill. had the approval of
the Executiee of the Dominion Trades
and Leboa Council, Whatever the
feasibility of compulsory arbitration
in New Zealand -and there was Some
dispute tte to the measure of its suc-
cese there -there was no likelihood
that that method of settliug indus-
trial troublee would become • gen-
eral.' Tlia objeat of his bill wae to
provide a speedy means of rettehing
conciliation ; that, the registrar.. or
the secretary of the Bureau of Labor
of the provinee should be empowered
at the request of the Mayor or Reeve
of 'any municipaaity in tvhich a
strike or- lock -out has occured, or
at the request of any five .of the
employees, or of the employer inter.
ested, to proceed a once to the
scene of the difficulty and Offer his
nervicon. Ito thought thie Would
make the Act more Workable. There
Wats an additional ela,uso, Which ems
potvered the regletear to Seek to
promote the formation of Boards of
Conelliation and Arbitration be-
tween employers and3 employed
throughout the province. That me-
, tired of settling di8putes had long
;prevailed in Great Britain With sat-
lisfaetory results
• Lumsden (Ottawa) introduced
a bill:(No. 186) to airiend the Public
But the ' Scot Charged Right
A Pretori4 deOPHoanitcel; saysa-On
Slay, solder toyer of darknese and
dueing a, heavy ralustorm. the Boers
attacked a blockhowle on the Frank-.
fort Itoad, bat were repulsed. Their
object seems to have beer: the cap-
ture of ten supply svagons whic/a
were resting at Blackvlei. The
Boers have made attempts to cross
the lino of blockhouses every night
lately. They avoid causing' an .
alone by pulling up the posts and '
flattening the fence instead of cut- I
ting the wires.
Another considera,ble British sue -
cess is reported on Wedneaday night,
Major Leader, of the Fifth Dragoon
Guards, went out witb mounted
tro s'
Kelm:vigil and 'Tickle with the object
of attacking Gen. Delarey's force,
wilich was said to be near lilerks-
dorp. On the way a Boor picket
was surprised, and Major Leader, on
learning from the prisoner that De-
larey had moved his force. but that
Sorel Alberts' cOmmando was at
Victory, changed bis plans and went
to the latter place, Alberts' laager
was taken completely by surprise be-
fore dawn. 'Under the fire of a pom-
Porn the Boers' horses stampeded.
The burghers put up a smart fight,
but failed to withstand the charge of
the mounted men, particularly the•
Scottish Herse, who charged gal-
lantly right home, The result was
seven Boers killed, and 1814 inclucl-
ing Commandant Alberts, made psis-
oners. ' The British loss was only •a
few wounded.
It has been decided to deport Gen.
Ben. Viljoen, the Boer commander
who was captured about ten days
ago. .
. - • •
Last of De Wet's Cannons in Brit-
ish Hands.
A London despatch says: -The Brit-
ish pursuit of General De Wet has
been successful to, the extent that his
last gun has been "-captured, and
Commandant 'Wessels, One of his
principal lieutenants, has been rout-
ed. Lord Kitchener sent the news in
a despatch from Pretoria, dated
Tuesday, as foltows:- • .
"Ilyng's column, while proceeding
toward Liebenberg Vie', after a night
march, attacked and routed a con-
siderable force of the enemy under
Commandant Wessels. We captured
a fifteen -pounder and a pomspom
taken from Firman's column, and al-
so a' Boer pom-pom that was the
last gan De Wet had, and three wag-
ons of ainmunition, 150 herses, and
100 mules. The Boer casualties
were five men killed, six svounded and.
twenty-seven. men captured.
"Among the !oiled was Field Cor-
net Wessels. • Among the prisonera is
Captain Muller, of the'Staats Artil-
lery. The enemy was .scattexad. Our
casualties were slight. •
"The National Scouts hear Middle-
burg, Cape Colony., captured • thir-
teen prisonere.
"Plumes., near Amersfoot (Trans -
veal> captured seven prisoners and
500 head of cattle.
"General Gilbert Hamilton captur-
ed thirty-two prisoners."
The Romantic Story of the Suc-
cess of George W. Oar -
George W. Can -luta, the man who
drst struck gold in the Klondike, is
in Ottawa suing the Government for
the return of about $20,000, which
he claims the gold commissioner of
the Yukon wrongfully collected. from
him as royalty on the output of his
now famous claim, known as "Dia-
covery," on, Bonanza Creek. As a
discoverer, Oarmack Wan entitled
under the rainlng laws to exeraption,
in defiance of which, he says, the
full royalty of ten per cent. was col-
lected on his first season's output, of
nearly a quarter of a, million dol-
A. romantic story is the history of
this Yukon millionaire. When Wil-
liam Ogilvie first went into the Yu-
kon country 10 Year./ ago, he met a
white man named George Cannock, a,
prospector and hunter, living. with
the Tagisb. Indians. He employed.
this man as guide during his first
season's work in exploring the then
unknoWn. Country, drained by the
Yukon river and its -tributaries, and
learned from him ranch valuable in-
formation concerning the Indian
tribes with whom Carmack had
traded. It was through friendship of
these Indiana, in fact, that Carrnack
became a millionaire,
In 11393 William, Ogilvie .was • or-
dered to return to Ottawa, but as
gold had just been 'discovered in
Canadian, territory he wrote to the
Department of the Interior that he
had concluded to disobey orders and
!remain in the Klondike to survey
!claims for the miners. As Mr.
Ogilvie 'explained in his letter to
the Minister of the Interior the new
'name of the river was a mispro-
nunciation ef the Indian word Thron-
,thsk, meaning "plenty of fish," tale
stream. 'being so named because it
Was famous for its abuncience of
Mr. Ogilvie's report continued :-
"As I have already intimated, rick
placer mines df gold. were discovered
(in 1895) on the brandhes of this
stream. The discovery was due, I
believe, to the reports of the In-
dians. A white man named George
W. Carmack, who worked with me In
1887, was the first to take advan-
tage cg the , rumors and locate a
claim on the first branch, which•was
named by the 'miners Bonanza Creek.
Carmack loaated late in August, but
had to cut some logs for the mill
here (Fort Cudahy, .60 miles dis-
teat) to get a few pounda of pro-
visions to enable 'him to begin work
on his claim. s
$1,200 IN -EIGHT DAYS,
• -
Gas Explosion io Chicago Wrecks
Teiegruble Briefs Prom Ab
Ovir the Globe,
"The fishing at Throndak' having
failed hire, he returned With a few*
(weeks' provisions for himself and
two Indians' 'with him on the last
day, of August,. and iremediately :set
about working his claim. As he waa
yery ehort : of appliances fie could
only .put together a rather defective
apparatus to Waal' the graeel With.
Thsaravelaltself he had to carry in a
box on his baek from 30 ta 100 feet;
notwithstanding this, the three men,
working very' regularly, washed mit
$1,200 in :eight days, and Cannock
deserta with reason that had he .had
proper fadilitiea it could' have been
dene in. two clays, besides hiving
several huzidred • dollars mere gold
washed out ih the tailings -through
defective apparatus."
.Sueh is the terse* bat telling offi-
cial record Of the man- who is en-
Aleavoring to *indicate his rights as
a discoverer. -Two other. casee sim-
ilar in their legal aspect are • now
being heard in the Exahequer Court.
:James Tweed is claiming $7,548. as
a refund of royalty on claims, on
•Eldorado and Bonanza Ckeek, end
,William Chappelle is suing for the
;returri 'of $12;066,, which' he holds
wag illegally colleeted upon the out-
last of Ina claim on Thinker Creek.*
g. •
I ,
. A Chicago despatch Says: -By an l ' . a . and sele of cigarettes is before the
'explosion of illuminating gas in thS NEW. ZEALAND'S PEOSPERItk. Nevi, York Legislature..
baseraent of . a two-storey frame I • : , a s-- • John S. Oasisa•a Slav miner,. of • •
building. at 376•Twenty-seeond Street The Cciuntry Is doing Aheacl With Cadiz, Ohio, murdered, his Wife bY
Itat Portage residents want to call it 4
their town .Keenora.
A military engineering corps is to
be organized at Ottawa.
Mr. Henry MacAuley, formerly
Lindse.y, has been elected Mayor 01
So far $20,000 has been subercribed
for the Grant convocation hall at
Kingston. 4
For illegally selling a 0,P.R. tick-
et F. 3. Murray, a Montreal hotel -
proprietor Was fined $20.
Winnipeg will ask -the Legislature
for power to raise by by-law $30,-
000 for a site ter the Andrew Car-
negie library.
• The. Hamilton Police Commisolon-
era have decided to adhere to the
60 -year age limit, and policeman
Fenton will be retired:
Mrs. "Mammy" Goodman, a resi-
dent of the Hamilton Ilouse of In-
dustry, has just reeovered frora au
illness at the age of 3-106
Halifax leads all Atlare0 Ports in
the shipment of appleS to Europe
this season. The price now ruling 10
$5 a barrel for first-class fruit, an
unusualla high hgure.
The , Cbildren's Ahl Sacieta of
Brantiord are discussing the advise -
batty of appointing a special agent
to look after negiected children in
that city and find them foster -homes.
The rim of a blue -jacket's cap aad
a bit of ;board bearing the letters
"Con" have been picked up on the
,beach near Victoria, B.C., and they
are •supposed to be from the wreaked
England Ras been swindled out, of
Z8,000,000 • by the army remount
The Deceased Wifo's Sister 33in has
passed its second reading in the
British Commons. • . *
Four electric Underground railways
are fighting for the tunnel west of
Piccadilly Circus, London.
1 At the auction snle of the King's.
Shire horse stud at Sandringham 45
horses brought an- average of $960. •
At' Birmingham, England, while
singing "Dolly Graa" oo the stage,
Miss Gracie Hawley, an actress, fell
across the footlights 'and stied.
IA IlOW exalbsive, not 'only smoke-
less but fie.meless, is to be introduc-
: ed into. tae British army and navy . •
lunder the name of "Cordite M. D.",
Fire at Denmead, Hampasire, has
destroyed Thomas Buchanan's air
ship, which' was built to rival. the
air ship of M. Santos -Dumont.
*British ship -owners believe tbist if
the stlbsidy bill now -in the U, S.. .
Congress becomea a law it will •
prove a severe blow to British hip
ping. •
; William Waldorf Astoe has .placed
at the disposal of the NationalItifie
Association $50,000 -for the estab-s
lishrnent of rifle dabs in viIlages.and •
country :towns. 6. . •
IGeneral' Booth, the Sal:ration
Army leader, has decided to inaugur-
ate a special campaign, against,
drun'kenness, and to thie end will
comaile a directorY 9f drtinkards in
•each district in• order that they may
be followed to their homes and re-
formed there. '. •
• a _ .
**Passenger rates to England this
summer will be advanced. •
Mrs. Evilsizer suicicied in. Hart-
ford •Crty, Ind., aged: 100.
• Miss Alice Robsevelt has her fa-
ther's consent te -attend the laingas '
coronation. . • ' - '
. •
For the first time Manitoba wheat
has been listed on ilie Duluth Grain
Exchange. • • . .
All the employes in the Chicago
"General postoffice were vitccinat-
ea to -day. . . .
A bill prohibiting the manufacture •
on Wednesday evehing, a number of Leaps and Bounds. • severing her head with an axe. ,,
people, the total said to be eleven, Since Near Zealand achieved its in- In a suburb of' Philadelphia two
lost tlieit lives, 'Etad the building wail
'blown' into kiadling wood. ent advanced democracy c vation and two• others became in-
• • . • . ternational reautatioa as an expon-. aged' perscins died of eced and itar-
. .
. The flames from the gas main cession of reports has had wide cir- sane. "
reached the Trestle butcher shop. culation to the effect that the colony NVilliani B. Cogswell, of Syracuse,
The building was a three-storea was surfer's's; financial embarrassment at y, has given $100,000 cash to the
frame structure, and it had been by reason of its social and economic nese Hospital of the Good Shephero •
weakened and nearly wrecked by the
experiments. These reports have here.
shock. It is supposed that the occu-
pants of the building were knocked been denied by varioes friends of .1
New Zealand, hut have continued to .
- - the attention of her Prime Minister will be held at Louisville, May '7th '
An international police convention
unconscious or Were:too panic-strick-• gala currenca until they have now
building collapsed and the occupants, to take decisive netts% • against the ,
en to rush from the place. The
in hisaannual address to the Colonial alla ' . .
Sets in the buildings near the explo- Henry D. Lloyd in a, resnarlsable let- I The construction Of up-to-aate
with One exception, • were carried Parliament. Premier 'Seddon's ad-
aions were knocked down. • highways that will connect - every
with it to *the basement. Many per- dress i d b M •
has been sumraar ze y 1.
There were six chadren in the Tres- Post. ,,..aci_tyn of New York, State is. proposed
tle family, and there is little doubt t cost of $20 000,000.
ter to the Nese York* Evening
that all the eight members of the His statement is briefly as follows : A tax aide bill to eneure listing tif
family ware killed. Duripnerg ttyliee tene yneaorspsoiwncer thlee plla.pdiu-, all personal property at its fIllI '
cash values under oath is in the
leaatlion of amthe cioutntry heas tiincreaeseci-1
/ Minnesota, Legislat . ,
ure. •
19 per cent, the exports 40 per 'cent. At an auction sale in the Union
• ' and the bank deposits 60 per cent. Stock Yards in Chicago on Wednes-
SCARLET FEVER REMEDY: The wealth of •the•country per family day the Aberdeen -Angus bull Prince .
hes increased from $5,700 to $7,400 Ito sold for the record price of $9, -
Serum , Acquired by Blood -Letting -a figure exceeded nowhere in the 100.
of Convalescents. world, The • e
- debt-ls large ($54,000,000, or WO chaster, NIL has been given $100,-
- fel-
11.1 rease in the colciny'el The Woman's Aid HOMO at Man -
lowing details concerning the discov- f it• in t d ii H. ad I di 000 by the children of the late WO.
per family), but the three-quarters
- Arcata Blood, the richest woman in
theory that people who had °nee got pront of $800,000 a year to help liay Wealth aggregating $500,000,000
the State.
over the sickness became partially the interest on the remainder. Even was represented at a •banquet given
inmate, Obviously, therefore, some the remaining debt is indirectly pro- ay P. A. NVidner of Philadelphia to
-- - -- fitable, as nearly all of it was in- thirty-six gentlemen in honor of J.
or convalescents a Ifew days after the curred for new roads, bridges and '. While ho.ndling his chickens, -a
Pierpont Morgan.
ery of• scarlet fever serum have settlement, advaaces to settlers's etc.,
been communicated ay Prof. Leyden etc., not only pays interest on the
d d th bonds issued therefore, but yields • a
protective matter developed in the
blood. The scrum is acquired by
painless bleod-letting of scarlet fea- bli ildi f tl game coca ahoy:Ted-a-fight and strUelc
bu ngs an or le our-
' ielliilose of native 'lands. There IS no E. ld. Ilinely, of Flint Hill, IaL,
debt whatever to depress indiss-
' plied by injecting a small dose of war
try. The gains, of the decade have
tho serum. So far, all the cases been exceptionally marked during the
with its slier • blood posson ensued,
and Hinely is 'dead.
On account of a falling off in ocean
a y • past five years of international tro.vel and traffic, the Elder-Dempse
taken a favorable course. , prosperity, and most marked of all ter Line has stopped its Bristol-
-4,-. during the year just ended. During Portland service, and will take ito
HORSE ARTILLERY RIFLES. :this year the Government reduced boats back to Montreal. • •
'railroad rates 6 2-8 per cent. in pur- The monthly statement of thd Un -
SUMACS Of its policy to reduce these
New Force Have Picked Up Their ited States debt shows that at the
Work Quickly. . rates whenever the reduction could close Of business, JanUary 81, the
be Made, and the roads still not the detg, less C in the• trectsliras •
A Pretoria despatch says: -A Brit- Government. enough to pay the in-
iali face wider COL Kiel, eonsiSting 'Wrest on their bonds. Instead of amounted to• $1,006',9a0,898, a ales •
of Damatit's Horne and Batteries la, causing a deficit, this cut M rates I "ease 101' i'll° Ulcmth 01 $5,7°14888. .
r, /I, of the Royal Horse Artillery, Was followed by such an inereirse JD
acting as mounted ihfantry made a traffic 0,E1 to yield the Government
Uinta...days' trek and captured 80 more than ever before. Further re -
harem 1,000 aheep and 80 hedd of ductions 'were made In its customs
T. 11, Percefield, pOor, honest,
hard wprking cirayman. cd Charlton,
loin, has been iderildiled as the
grandson and third heir ad William
Perceileld, Who died in Missouri and •
good cattle. • They took one prison- duties, postal rates, etc., but n.11
er. The Horse Artiller3r Aides have these eornbined, instead of causing left a $22,000 fortune.
picked up their now work quickly the loss of £850,000 (Which Would John Smith, lockea in a sealed
and well, • have resulted had • not business • in- freight cox at San Francisco, orris, -
Creased) caused -or were folloared ed at Indianapolis after a fast 'last -
a -an increase in the Goverlunent te- ing eight days and with both feet so a
PRODUCE TO SOUTH AFRICA: Velnief4. Mounting to £1,660,000. badly frozen that amputation will be /
The widely , cireulated report that necessary.
- s ""`-ap . . 'the Premier had confessad that the •
colo»y was approaching financial OIII.. tion into the 'United States flena;te,
Senator Platt introdueed a reeolus
vaned& Ha Ship ed Goods Val-
ued at. $5,500,000. 1 barrassinent had nothing. back of it, on Thursday, for the appointenent of -
An Ottawa despatch says:-Sinee 1 it seems, except his statement to a a, joint COMIIIISSIOR by' United States
,the Departmeut of Agritulture com- delegation that new bonda could not and Canada to raport upon. the Was -
silenced shipping to South Afelert in new be issued tor new undertakings ters of the boundary lakes.. and hoer
December, 1899; Canada. bas sent except at a higher rate of ieterest, their levels. are affected by canals '
goods to the Value of over $5,500,- because tho rates of Intel est in the
1000. The &Mount of produce ship. fLondon Money market •Itad been itd- -allal at'll0r 'PrOlata.
ped has been as folIowee- Hay, 141,s !winced by the loans to carry on the
852 tons; flour, 64,284 bags; beef 11300a Ivor. • GENERAL.
40,776 eases; jams, 11,748 Mee; 1 ' France admite petroleum free of
aold tO stit Anlerlean for 440,000. sent." duty.
oats, 00,515 bags. flenry•9-"If I were rich, darlieg,
!would you love me more than you Ninoty-four inatirgetat prisoners in
Ilf......4.......16 ! do ?" Clitra,--"X might not Jove you Port Boca Mica? at. Cartagena,
The famous library of the Marquis tiny more, itenry, but / know x killed 17 gua.rds and escaped.
de Jerez, Madrid, congaing of, tem Would Iook-forward to our wedding NM South Wide* is appointing '
thousand volume.% looluding the -first day with a degree of impatience that three spode' repreeentalive to f ta
edition ef Don- (Ialaater laN8 been. Myer taeme to possess me at pre- 'ward its commercial inter °
:late in
I London, Japan and SOutit Africa..
, 4‘.