The Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-13, Page 1)
23r* Your
• • n41. t ••,•44
Bzamine your label.
Whole Number 1200
. If it says you are in. arrears, pay up. To b.ave ii marked a, year in advance will be still better.
-wwwwieseesposeelaresonola.--hvereeresseaseinorneweibeen. Little Locals.
New S. A. 011111C1034. "ileghlte 104040 Board. MIPPBN. STANailf TOWNSHIP. BAYFIgt.D.
$ The February horse fair will be held The -Salvation Army harracke hi The Collegiate Institute board met
Photo Frames at 10c
Celluloid and other Fancy Frame '
*, cabinet size with
glass, a vary artistic, line, worth regularly Inc to 25c
on sole on Saturday, each...... ........... . . feec
4 Packages Envelopes 15c
Baxbontaining 4 packages of Squitre Envelopes, good
OnalitY;trearn shade, other people's price would he 10c
Pa.ekagkiife will sell them on Saturday, tbe box i4
PaCitages) for • IOC
75c Books for 35c
The new Alpha Library of 12 numbers. uniform in
style, being printed in large type from new plates
on extra laid paper, with ON:tuned edges, bound in
English ailk corded cloth, titles in gold and gold tops.
Such authors as Scott, Cereill, Doyle, Sewell, Dumas,
Caine, Lyton, Hugo, Weyrnan, Blackroore and Others,
worth regularly 75c, now only -• 315c
25c Papetrie for 15c
Box containing 24 sheets of Pape e and 24 Envelopes,
ruled or plain, 8 colors, blue, azure and cream, the
celebrated .Plushwater paper and envelopes, big value
at 25e, now on sale at per bar ... -Me
W. Cooper Co,, CLINTON.
Agents for 0. 1'. R. Telegraph and Dominion Exprese
Money Orders, aloe for Butterick Patterns.
on Wedeesday of next weekwhen a /offered Ne aide. When it is dispootal on Wednesday evening of laet week, Messre. Daniel andJohn inennor of In last week's budget we were made
be present,—Thirteen home, bough
large number of buyers ere expected tot/ of the Salvationists intend building e.„The °More are; 'Ohairinan, Jaime North Dakota Wore been paying Mr. to Bey that Mr. 0. 11. Reid hell sold a „vo, weeks, •
hitless iQuileSsenaeTorthh"an dgonEerrett: for s lab
I in Rensell, Tuckersrnith'end Goderich Inca,
i. More modero barracks more centrally Scott; Secretary, M. D. Maaggart ;
ted. Ttiey have in flew that Treaeurer, W. Jackeon. Messrs. Scott, John Dentin and family of the Brown- carload of prime cattle to Mr, S. /I, "v
eon Line A visit*, They felt quite at Smith of Clinton. It was A Reid all right Mrs. Hudie hae Teemed housekeep.
township, were delivered at, the ;Mason lug again after opending some months
but not 0, H. who sells to nobody this .
House on, Monday or M*, J. Denheine in London.
elide of the Toronto market. It should
of Blyth, who has shipped them to the Mr. Jas. Donaldson has been laid 111)
have read John 0. Reid, corner Baby. .
Nortbweet.---Mr, J. R. Shaw went with it severe cold.
Ion mid the Fronb Road, who fits up
to Remelt on Saturday to eupply for Mr. George King is able to be *a
and selie a lot of first-class export
ReV. Mr, Long, who has been ill for and, up town again.
cattle every season, Z. 0, and 0,FL are
the past six weeire. Early Sunday a. The ballots for the election of three
just enough alike to excuse the error.
na, he started out, accompanied by new elders for St. Andrew's church
—The townehip council met at 10
Ur. Long's son, and succeeded in reach- were counted last weelr and those
o'clock on Idonday with all the men were Chiselhurst, where be found a con- eases. James Campbell,
elected were hi
bees preeent. The minutes of the pre none. -
gregation numbering four people. In id mackenzie and Thomas Brow -
games and music w 131Ch with a bountiful virtue meeting were read and approved- ''''
the afternoon they tried to drive to in the lecture -room of Willis church and superb epread furnished by the nett, who with Messrs, John Whiddon,
Mr. F. W. Farneomb, civil engineer
Kippen, but after floundering about in on Tuesday evening, A substantial hostess proved. entertaining and enjoy- John Frazer and Dr. Stanbury will
from rotation, was also present so that .
the snow for some time gave it up and lunch was provided by the raembere of able in every tespect. The rector, the form the board of elders for the churcb.
several technical points on drainage '
returned to Hensel'. --Willie church the Baud, end the many young people Ueir. *'1S J1 presided.
ITIME PLiES :0 0. 0 . 1
t 1
I r The holiday season has coitus and gone
and we are once again settled down to
our usual line of trade. Before long we
I expect to get things in our store so •
arranged that we will be able to
make some special announcements;
IrSj. In our extrit busy spell we did notforget to keep op eur Standard i
of excellence in Staple Groceries and we are now prepared, as •
i• we always are, to, give you the invest and best groceries that it
Fresh Lettuce and Younggnions every week. 1.
is possible to obtain in.Clinton or elsewhere.
t • ., . .
0 le cooper .kfr Co.
••••••••••••••••••••4.1••••••••••••••••••441141•• NA*
• • •
Don't Pall
• to reed ray ad on page 5. VVERYTEING
to basold at coat balanne of Febru-
We refund your money if goods don't give satisfaction.
Expert Watch Repairer. P. B. ta<cvv.op leveller andoptiolan.
. Biddlecombe's Old Stande '
I re 1600., -
Save 30c
on the $
by reading our ad on 'page 4.
IVIen's Frieze Overcoats
that were $7 did $7.40 foe $4.5o
$lo Frieze Coats for $6.59 $8 Beavers for $5
" BtackBeave rs for $3.99
We have ordered a full line of Gent's Furnish-
ins which 'will be opened; out on March 1st.
Everything will he and up to date.
corner lot on King street opposite Bamford mid MeTaggart were sm.
Wesley church and have every hope of pointed as property committee while
being able to build new quarters; there- the whole board will notes &committee
can but wieh them success,
and selfasseriticing band and no one Herman is cseeteker. The board
op next summer. They are a zealot's on etudiets and cliicipline. Mr. 0,
meets on the third Wednesday of each.
A Call to Accounta.
A number of accounts were recently BirebdaY Party.
sent out from this office but the The annual 4, Birthday " of
response thereto hire not brainy amens the Exceleior Mission Band was held
been as general as it ought to have
been. Each accoupt is so small that
there should. be no difficulty in meeting
it So we hope after this reminder that
it may not be necessary to again call
attention to the matter. We want
the rnicirle becituee it is the mickles
that make the amide necessary •in
carrying on a business.
Laid up by Vaccination.
special effort fee- their entrivereery Mr. C. H..17irauto1was laid up for a
and load down the collection plates. few da;ys last week. His indisposition
with three hundred dollars and more. was brought about by vaccination, a
•---jimmy McGibbney, who had been precautionary measure which he Wok
an inmate of the house of refuge for as has many another of our citizens.
icier or five years, got up during the Thlifernal/pox which is so prevalent in
Weld cif Tuesday of last Week and some parts of the provinCe is not of a
went out of doors. A furious storm dangerous 'type, but. people dread the
was then raging, but he wandered very name of it all the Same. Mr.
=mei the fields, flown the bank and Wallis now having had "hie experi-
Over the river where he was found ende" will be able to go vrherever his
next forenoon, dead of course; Dr, business calls. him with more confich,
Shaw, coroner, held an inquiry which ence than he would otherwise have
merely elicited these facts. Poor had.
Jimmie was light headed and ;there is
uot telling what hallucination enticed
him out la the storm to . his death.
Rev: • Father McMenamin conducted
the, service her the dead ovdeermatuh4e
retna,ins,r-There is a big
anon our advertising space this week:
Intending ptirchasers would do well to
read there •ade carefully for tbe • bar.
gains they tontain mean laid, so bench . none the,. lees belpfel. An unusually
three' minute addresses Greetings '
money Saved... Advertising in Tun
large congregation aseembled to hear
from the W. P. M. S. by Miss Louie
Nnwti•RXeoulo pays both the adverthe
hts discourse on " Practical suggestions
pte and those who read.the ads.—Mr. :CVhde, from the Ledies'Aid Society bY
Mrs, Biddlecumbe, frOin the Sunday to' husbands and wives." If married
C. Brewer emit he members of St.
beople would. 1 i ve up to the enggetitions
Paul's choir entertained. the inmates sellOOl by 3' 0. steYensoO and froth
of the house of refuge on Thtirscla,y the.cherch by R. Helmets. An address thrown out it would certainly hasten
was Mrs, bY Miss Carr, preeideet of . the coming ofthe
11 u
--P. a E. A February Wedding
evening last. Mr. Brewer went down
the Westfield Leagee.
early and. arranged hie 'stereopticon
. _Rorke's topic was, "What can the 0 E ...; . • .
and screen and delighted' the old folks -rare residence of Mrs. Wallace„ of
do for the Church P." “Whab more
with a series of Views and descriptions near Surnmerhill was the scene Of a,
home, Storms like we had are usual
with thern but, with greater coldness,
they say.
The. social event in connection with
St. Paul's church, liensall, which took
PlaCe at Willow Hall, the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew johnston, Prov-
ed quite a success, considering the
inclement weather of Friday evening.
The program consisted, of addressee,
anniversary. services will be held 011 P4r, Steckle and family of Waterloo
Sunday when Rev.Mr. SOO of Toron- county are visiting with their nephew,
to will preach both a. tn. and evening, UN Henry Steckle of the Brownson
Special collections Will he taken up to Line, Stanley.
apply on the church debt and the
Miss Gingrich of Blake bas returned
improvements to the manse. The fram Baden •after an extended Ida
good people of Willis always make a
with relatives end friends.
Mr. John Howard, our faithful mail
carrrier teem Drysdale to Kippen, was
unable to make bis trip on Saturday,
owing to the impassible state of the
roads. He says the TOWA Line was
neyer in such a state in all his fifteen
yea,rs' experience as a carrier of M's
Mr. Hector Reid of the 2nd con, a
present enjoyed it and the follow-
ing program as well: Salutare, W.
Doherty ; Nolo,nrs.Iteeltie ; tniselonary
review, Mrs Lough ;.dialogue, H. Pair,
R. Walkinshew ; reading,leabel Gunn;
address, Rev. Mr.'Stewart ; recitation
Donald Ross.
Miss Miller's Solos.
Miss Orphis Miller sang solos at both
morning and evening services. in Batt.
enbury $t, cnurch on Sunday lasb and
in bot} i instaneee greatly pleased her
hearers. In the morning Miss Miller
sang '''Jnei for today" and in the even.
ing "Guard while I sleep,"by Warring-
ton. ' Miss Miller shown excellent taste
in her selections and ability in her ren-
dering of none. The people of the Rat
tenbury street church would be' pleased
to hear her sing meta frequently, were
that possible. '
E. L. of C. B. Anniversary.
A Popular Preacher. •
The Rattenbury St E L of C. E,
Rev. W4 G. Howsen's sermons on
celebrated the twenty-first birthditar of
Sunday last were listened to with great
the Christip,n Endeavor movement on
progratn suitable to the occasion. Mr.
Monday evening by giving a special interest bt'' the -congregation. His
morning bubject was " Myself and my
other self" and his handling of this sub.
A. T. 00013er, provincial secretary,
pet drew the people into a line •of
conducted the meeting and intrnduced
thought that was perhaps new but
a program consisting of the following
r ng e ate storm our stage
It was decided to go on with the Logan
work came up and were fully disctisseu.
driver, Ur, McGee, had muck diffi-
culty in making hie teNe hot .wore
drain at once so that a report concern- difficulty in getting tbe mails owing to
Ing sanfe from engineer will be received
the blockade on the rallwaY.
as soon as possible. A, deputation from
the Brucefleld public library,consisting urgent Dr.Wcoaol Id downundertook tSte% ball: sIllre 08 riri
of Messrs. Fraser and Graham, waited Monday vomiting week, hut the trip
upon the ceuncil and after discussing
took him all day. `)
the merits of the sante the council vot-
Miss Anita Whiddon has acceptably
eci $15 for the good work. Council also. performed the duties of organise in St,
discussed the resolution of the board of Andrew's church during Miss Arm -
health concerning vaccination but the
strong's absence in Blyth.
question was left over for the next
'teeth* The auditors' report of the. Mr. lames Tiouatt of Mooktjaw,
'township accounts, was received and Assa., a cousin of lifr„ Robert Rouatt
accepted and banded to clerk to get Of the village, is visiting friends in this
etTrhseeravuiticeitse.rsTwheerenelethmpeaeitd. vicoinnitthyt. Sick Liet-Mrs. ViTalwila and
Stanley is about to retire from farm, ..eP8rifactiredth'
liN and has peered hie farm for sale..: ink of the council will he•held on March Mrs, Holman, Mre. McLeod, • Misr!
Elia son*, it is said, are going to the 10th, begitiniiag at 10 a, na:---J...E:Harns 001114, Miss Martin and Mise Sadie
Northwest to ,take advantage. of the . woe, Clerk.,: ----Mr, g. Johnstone has Holman,
benefits one old patriot,. John A., ite. .
purchased a windmill. from Mr. Jas. On account of the severe sitow block. •
mired for us, viz, :cheat') land and Swart. --Mr. Henry . Hayter is wear ade Bey Mr, McNeil had no service:on .
plenty of it. • , :. : ' • •• Ng a bright Smite • those dare what's . Sunday evening and could not reach.
Mrs. Thoe. Kyle and..tion of Alherta up, Harry? I guess •you. don't know his Goderich township appointment.
districeari -visiting her father-itelaw, - that a nice little baby girl came to our Messrs. D. McLeod. M. 'ROM and J,':'
,Mr. Wm. Kyle, Sr., and family,. . ' house a few. nights age.-,-SorrY to, Toms, our local fishernatn, have gone •
Mr .• William Dayman, who has been - bear of Mr., Richard Paehale heing up the !eke for ice fishing.
spending a month with his .parents, laid ini' with a severe attack of la The Bayfield Auxiliary of the . W., F.
and also james Cochrane returned to grippe . ---,-Miss gam. Stepheirson,who M. Society held 'a very successful meet
their homes in. Manitoba. From! the was visiting. friends around • Marlette mg ab Mrs. Holtnan's on Thursday last.
accounts they give' of their succeen :the - MiCh.,' returned home 4 few day. ago. The next tneeting will be held ab Mre, .
inducement to go. West is great. . —Mr. and Mrs,. Peter colo: of Gorier- Stanterry's On the 6th .Of Match. :
;Owing to the Weather, which has ich township Were the guests of Mr. H• Miss Mertin,wlio went to Torento in
.heen the worstexperieneed this winter, Peck. a few daya ago. --.-Mr. Robt.. undergo a surgical operation, bas re-
very little activity is seen and in con- ponhalti, who has been .laid up With turned; the medical men of the city
pranancelimited news. People are all lumbago, we are glad report Is hospital there net deeming it wise to
heusekup and the roads have been - to be round again: --Mr. Jack Reid of operate, Mitailfaxtin is weaker but
intptiesible, one waiting for another to Lucknow is this v icinity.--, • otherwise apparently better than when
open up communication With di
--a 131.4. - We are pleased to bear that Mr. Jas. .the.went 'away;
' . . • . • Campbell:is recevering from his recent The South Huron Farmers' Inetitute. •
. .
aide world. ' • •
thereof. The choir consisted of Misses can we do for our society ? .was taken pleasant eyent last evening when her•illnese,----Miss Maggie Reid, who has which was to hold A meeting here last
hv Miss Mabel Howson Miss. Meanie hen visiting relatives in Listowel has Saturday afternoon andevening; failed
McNaughton, Bentley end Thome-, d third daughter, Etta:became the bride
dealt E st,atistics "
son and Messrs. Stewart, phalipst . Davis 13` Ci‘ of Mr Richard Waite: The ceremony
• itird- Mr. Ed jenk ene with "The
returned to her home.—Mr. J. D. ,to materialize owing, no doubt to the
Peck and slater, Miss Emma, visited at severe' snovv storm Many were dis- .
T. Rance and. I,atornell. Such enter- • • was perfotined by, Rev Alex Stewart
Junior and Intermediate Leagues," - - ' ' e tome of Mr. Peter Cole of Goderith appointed as preparations were made
t•ainments are welccime breaks in the
while "Decision for Chrise' was Rev. Miss S. E. Reid, of j. E. Harnwell's ,
township last Sunday. --A, sleighload for the event, and for the concerb in the
Of Clinton in the presence of only. the
monotonous lives of these old people ' immediate • friends of the contracting
t' Th hheld ' store vented. friends in Summerhill last
of.young people from the vicinity of evening. . However; we can't rule the
erore,—For the. second week the Little Locals. • ' much esteem by their ninnerous . week. • • . .
The roads werein suchabadoondition
tit the hoine Of Mr. Robert Elliett ef sorts the past few %%Peeks. '
Varna spene a very pleasant ev
'for whom the future has so little in Me. Bosveon'a text.. .
par tee. e appy couple arein •
ening- weather which has been rather out of
stormy weather has prevented us from • .
R 'VV. G. Howson will exchange en
fri ds w •
h a e . t ng congratu-
o r es mull ptst week that.traffic was. &latest stis-
pended and the mail did not get in for b ---------------I
a el. T 1 es w a till p. Sarah B.Reid visited friends on the Ilith h d' d f'. la Queen'sh
as ispope o t e hotel to
. erich neict, Sunday whe--------------Waite will take Op houeekeeping on Mr. C. Good of Kirk ton was visiting
the worst is now .over, • we are a.
giving our usual big supply of corres- .
1 ••• lations and good wishes. Mr, and Mrs. d
the Gos en i -We understand Mrs, jams Pollock
nu onts with ev. Dr Camels of God. he 1 n al led u
pondence from outlaying points. But • - •
preach missicinary sermons in the
hoping,—The Gim d flub had a
Rettenbury street church.--4•The
practice on Monday "and initiated sev. Hullett. •
made very Ontario street League will hold a •
erai new members who
literary meeting next Monday night
fG d ' ht tl •
the groom's farm on the 10th con. .of
goodacores for novicrs.astbe foliowing
. ,
rs. urray, e ay w 0 assisted
at Mr. J., 'E. Harnwell's this week. The january monthly report for S. Mr. T. Stephens last year in conduct- •
k meeting of the township council
AUBURN. Should have been held on Monday of
. hist week but Reeve McNaughtori and. Ston, O..C. Graisick, fl. Whiteman. the arab or May. We are informed '
- . .
Cibweerilreen:lilin:orew°Shic0141insii.:deritiliviiirrdeTtah4needn7fbleYelini•h-er-Aneies. Rathwell. Mary McKay. Jun. 3rd- a boarding house. '
when a collection will be taken up to Fourth -4. Johnston, Jen nieMcl3eath, that the new proprietress will dispense '
list will shot,the first two only being
assist in defraying the cost of tr, box ef, . Wedding Bells. -At the residence. Of
Ida Dinsdale. Sen, 3rd -F. KYle; R. with the bar and run the place solelyas
veterans : IL Gtahain 2L Jr.- E. Can -
clothing to he tient to the Deaconess the bride's parents about 65 of the 100 in- '
talon 10, N, Fair 16, N. Ball 17, R. .
Home in Toronto. ----,By a score . of 10 vited guests desip ite bad roads seism- •
Agnew 16, It. Downs:15., J. MeClay 13: • to witness the knot well
'ii ergusonhighlgood men tey are,e meeting , two does not constitute a q'uoruai, W Gel inell Ed
bled ' tied
S. No. 14, Stanley, is tie follows, names in the River hotel. The'consideration
order of merit : I!. John- is saikte be $2000 and possession given
. u , na Kyle, Lena' Korb. We are pleased . to state that ibe
25 bluerocks were shot at, W. Dotter- g°
ale to 9 the Clinton hockey team
defeated ich on. the horue. rink though thth
ran tits- roost and: took -therefrom •five valuable. od r* etween• .ss. A. Fa y Sr. Second -Eleanor Ho.od;- N ,Jones
parties wire entered Mr. paek's hen
last Thursday night... Our treys'. have - • -.. : had' to be luijourped for one 'week. • B.-Geramel. Jr: S c1.7- •
e on
tY made:18 out of „Bryan in esteemed young lady of the viillage,and.'
e petting up a. sp g • Mr. and Mrs, JAMAS Keyes visited at • . •
• the *Corintionet says "Simport• the . . • . ;ler, ttenry • mnycier a thrifty young • • sick, .Herbert Jones. Sec, Pt-Aggie eullete have acknowledged the theft
I ndid ame thls •
cenntrY Weeklies arid in order. t'o keep M B f t h 11
fernier of the Nile. The fair bride r.Robertoyce s o near i c e on
• ,
Sunday week: They started to return
en Sunday afternoon but owing to the
. storm and heayy , reads did trot reach
borne Until Tuesday- •
- Court Varna No. .28410.4),. Fie Will
bold their annual coneett in the town
hall, Varna, on Feb. 19th. The com-
mittee have engaged Mr. li, Bennett mak
of Toronto, Mr, W. McLeod and Miss
Addle Itethvvell of Seahirth for the oc.
cation. Nopeine will he spared to make
this the eient of- the season. Don:t
mies it 1 ' • '
Merchants littrowell and Beatty departed well pleased with the even
Bros are offering great inducements ing's fun and thanking Mr. and elrer.
Directors, John Middleton, Sohn
, .
E'. IrwintSeltton, James Sturgeon;
for twentydays. & U. 1tathsvell is al. Stelck for their kindness. McNaughton, James. Campbell, John
so offering the balance of his winter ' Mies Agate Anderson loft Tuesda3i.
you want to see a good live village attend the business college. ' Green, Geo. Bates, E
goods at greatly reduced prices, so if morning for London where she will Rathwell'
come to Varna to do your trading. Mise Vera Murdock of /Jensen acted
Miss Lily Morrison bas been visiting as organist in the Presbyterian church
her sisterlday at Woodstock. Suedity and also at the lecture on MOre
day evening. .
Mr, Ed. Troyer purchased a Valuable
Miss Lottie Weeks left on 'Wednes. horse last week front Mr. Edinghopher
day for Detroit on a visit td her sister, of the Brownson Line. :
Miss Annie Weeke.and will be away for Thie vicinity has long been noted for
a couple of Week* -.'-Prof 0, B. Little
.4, , its famous inventors. Some time ago
of the Vernat hotel bad a' bee on ' ''''' we mentioned Mr. Parson's hornless
day of last week and Tuesday of thN Carriage, but now Mr. NVilliatta Jarrott
the editor. under obligation to yoa season' 11" aY eam con -
elated of A.. Shepherd, Da tnent was chaemingly attired Mature lustre
instead of under obligation+ to the _ Y ' trimmed with lace tied chiffon, carried
W. McRae, 3. Donerty, R. eaacKay, -
bankere, pay yonr- Subscription in
e referee a beautiful bridal boquet and was as
is somewhat believed ! Mitthiegon and R. Steer:. Th
that the sudden death of Judge Lieter,
at Lucknow. Blanche, at floWer girl. The 'dinner
her younger sister, Miss
was Mr. Thompson of Goderich. The °late(' hY
Which took place on Suoda,y,.paves the neat match will be played
watrserved in courses. A toast in honor
way for the appointment of Mr. 3. T, one of Mr. Robert . ree's laorses
dropped dead the other day .,when of the happy couple was proposed by
Gartow to a judgeship ha the King's the Rev. Kennedy and responded to by
bitched to the snow plo.w.---Mr.' Wii.
Messrs, Allen and Wetheral. The
Bench Division of the High Court of
ber Manning has been confined to the •
justice.—We understand Mr. S. H. .
house for a few days owing to a severe aseenehly then proceeded enjoy them
Smith has bought Mr. W, • Weir's farm
cold.—In forwarding his renewal of selves in games, music and program
of • one hundred acres and rented the
two hundred and fifty acres on the and is all right. Thheanseawlaco4uple house subscription to Tan NEWB.R1w0BA and saY that John
Mr. IL Brunsdoe of HartneY. Man.,
opposite side of the Bayfield Road. --
puts in a word of commendation for the well wishes of the community of
Owing to the incleinency of the yreath-
The Peoples' Paper and winds up with which the numerous costly and useful
er the missionary ridly announced to presents were to some extent an °vi-
be' held•in the Ontario street church on the following Paragraph dealing with
the weather : " This has been one of dence.--Urs. Jas. Hamilton after 22
Monday night was poistponed until a years absence in Mangin renewing auld
more favorable season.. For the same
ti ehnec fie crat There wintershale hbelLe ever bright e xsPuenr.. - acquaintance called on Mrs. Stitt last
reaso4 the attendance at Sunday's
?bine every day and obit' a few cold week.—Mrs. Mo. Clark is still in poor
shape which has been a good thing for health as are elec. Mrs, Arthur, Mr.
servWert was not large. ---The Salve -
the country as the threshing is not all Anderson and Mrs. George Young
tion Army is planning a Vigorous soul-. -
saving campaign known as "The Siege
finished up yet, Our stock hay been again, —Mr .& Marshall and wife, also
of the Lost." The effort compromise his mother•in-law •with her son, Mr.
next Sunday which will be observed as running out nearly' all winter?—k.
musical treat is in store for those who Morton, departed after a lengthy' vie%
here on ' Monday last. -.-Mr. Wan
a day .of reconciliatien, Among the
hours of hear the Swedish Ladies' Quartette on
results aimed at are 12,040 Downs of Toronto was up to her sis-
Tuesday next. .A,Il these young ladies
visitation tO he made by, the officers
and 50,000 houses vieited, also the
are gifted with naturally fine voices ter'' fieadlee' funeral.-441thieritt
Knell. -The somesvhab unusual epee -
which have been trained to the highest
captute of 2,000 prisoners and tire point of excellence. As 4 soloist miss .tacle of a triple funeral to Ban came.'
enrohnent of 100 of them under the tory was vvitnessed by mar villa/Ors on
Pauline Noe Johnson easily carrel.'
Army colours, the final enrolment to
vates her audiences. The plan of hall Thursday of last week, the bodies of
take place on Good Friday. The local Mrs. Beadle, Mr. Mains and Mr. jam
Is now open at Cooper's bookstore .--•-- Etowates infant son being all borne at
corps are determined to do their share
Seale & Bice recently set up the follow'.
in the effort arid are laying olans or the same hour to their last resting. In
ing jobs from their marble works: a
the midst- of life we are in death and
opecial meeting's etc,, aonouncernent
Swede sarsophagus erected in Clinton
of which will be made later.—"WAL that angel has been actively engaged in
Cemetery to the memory of the fathet
Belden, valid' peeked businese for the
Pahnerston Parer Factory, has entered
into an eugagement as business roan-
. ager of a Packing and Cold Storage
Company with headquarters; at .01in.
I. ton. Ile Is a hiistler and if the other
()Meet% get a move on to compare with
1040.40•••••41.41••••••••••••444.444444.44.44,4,,44..... Mr. Belden there will be little doubt as
to the result, as he appears to have
epecial tact along the lines of dealing
etaetire. iteeirenhoebelyieeerviiselesoeliseeeeireereeenesiveteereetlessereern with the nubile, We With him success
In his nevi field,"-:-Bressele Post. --
Mies Comhe, organise of the Rattan -
bury street church, entertained the
members of the choir recetitly.*-Mrs,
S. Dexie entertained a number of her
friende'on Friday evening.—In reply
to Mr. IL Eilber M. P. P. in the Legite
lature on Monday, Premier Itoss stated
that it was not expected there vrould
be much further delay in reakihg
permanent eppointmeint to the regis.
trarship of Huron which hes • been
vacAnt glebe 1800. jatneeLlv
ingstone of Windeor, formerly of Clin-
ton, is considering tall from the
Methodist church in Davnion City.
Salary 83,000 and tree parsonage.—
Mr, Will. Setteorn WKS unable to
attend to Nteinees yesterday owing to
illnese....Vesterday wae Ash Wednee.
day, the firet day of Lent. SerViCe
Was ttekt in St. loseph and St. Peat
tieseen,, ggibitg ohatthelit
The are of photography is enn.
tinually developing, bet., ideasand
tnethOdS ere constantly Appearing.
Our gallery keeps just a little
ahead of the rest, luet allttle better
work, juit * little better methods
and accessories.
ot .
' ein-iteciaaese.
our Midst lately.—Satne of our school
Of Mr, Frank Kettle of Hullett
grave in boys are of the tenderfoot variety and
•lawaiitingcLugracneitehleteeveyet ntthemrd, rt, a easily scered by a fog On the road.
Parents are more to blame in many
IeftreY of Londesboro, and a red gran'
ite monument in Usborne for Mr, W. cases,
virren,--...Mr. R. a. Coats, 0. A.., son .
of Mr, IL Coeds of Clinton, Who for MILLSCIltEd
three years has been a member of the
Mr. Sohn Reid ot Lucknow is at pree.
Toronto Globe staff, on Saturday sev-
ered his connection with the paper to ent visiting ftiends le the neighbor -
take the pc,st of assistant editor of the b°°d•
Labor Gazette in OtteVra. In the Mr. Louis Heywood of Detroit is visi
iting at Mr, Thos. Perquharse.
course of the afternoon Mr. J. S.
Wiilison,managing editor of the Globe. The services In the churches Sabbath
W4re poorly attendeol owing to the
presented Mr. Coats, in the name and
bloektuled reada,
on behalf of the staff, it large 'propor.
tion Of Whom Were present, with fine Mr. Arthur Hagan is visiting his Ma -
loving eup of Mettlach ware. Mr, ter at Parkhill prier tiy leaVisg tor
NVillieon accompanied the presents.. Uncle Sam's, domains.
tion with a few words expressive of the Mr. G. H. Hill him secured the tetider
for the caretaking of the Preebyterian
esteem in which all hie fellow workeri
held Mt. Coate on atcotmb of his abili. chuteh.
ties and his mail amiable qualities, The Hay catinell have passed a bill
Mr Coats replied briefly and fittingly. Stating that all who have not been Yee.
Sam. Towneend entertained ciliated so far el:Imola do in ths. next
the brethern of the Three Links
with his geamophorie at the meet.
Ing of the lodge on Tuesday night.
The pipe organ le being movedieore
the old Rettenbuty street, church to
the 'bete Wesley It, le being
efilarged end when completed will
present fine appearance.
*even dap..
days laat week, owing to tali stormy on Sabbath last. QUite it number Ot
otiernMel, Ida , Jones, Etta, .itirrott.
First Pt4--Cida MeBeath, Hanneli Bios
dale. The best spellers in the monthly
Opening matches Were: Fifth-Mree.
born- Johnston; 4th-:jeesle, McBeath;
Sr. 3rd-EarlEathwell; Jr. 3rd,--Edria
Kyle; Sr. Sed.-Ermna Adair; Jr, Sec.
-Jean Grassick; Sec. Part -Etta Jar -
sod tirade amends :It a ears the
!whole. thing was the result of a
drinicieg beet of which One.. of the .
parties . .• least was thercitighly.
.as,hatned and acisOrdiegly made • the •
amende honorable and put the hliune..
on drink.which resPOnsible for many
Of Baydeld's disgraceful •episndes as
well as those of Other places. Prohibi.
tion Wouldn't hurt•Payfield. :
The afters of the Bayfield cemetery
company are an followe President,
James Thompson Viae -President, T.
J• Marks: S t T
week hauling ice of which he le putting
has enother invention known as a" one
in a good rupply for next stuniner•--
The Misses Andrews rettirned to horseless sleigh." Mr. jarrott says his
Zut.' ' inventiou is ahead of Mr. Parsons' as
ich on Tuesday after being kept at iae 16 able to draw saw logs and tither
home for over a week on account of the heavy tnateriat as well as get a high
made heitig drifted up.—Mr. Andy
VOOte is at Kirktoir Witt week helping rate of reseed.
Mr. J. T. Claims to take stock. ---Mrs. The snow storms of the past week
diriatyloelleft our roads in a very bad con -
Barnwell is vieiting her son, Mr, .
Mr. John Reid of the Fiend R ad Mr. Robere Cochrane has returned
sbipped a cat -load of cattle from title
-.. home from the West to spend the win.
field on Tuesday.—We are sorry to ter With triende here' 11°11ert88eMs to
learn of the very setioue illness of Me.. be enjoying himself and takes frequent
lames Campbell of the Pront Road bot drivee to the south, notwithstanding
hope to hear of hie speedy recovery, the bad toade. !
T. E. Haenwell, at present,—.
, me, lames Turner dellVertd fine
B Higltine made business' horse in Exeter on Saturday last to Mr.
trip to Ingersol hod Toronto the latter
Elantord of Centralia for which he re.
Part 01 last week' it takes More then ceivecl a handsome figure.
*snow storm to keep Bee at home.
Mr. and Mrs.,,Chas. Stelk treated the
school children of No. Hay, to a
BRAICBFIBLO party on Friday. eveninglast.
Mr. Isaac Hudson, vrho has been
Miss Biggart of Clinton was this Storm -stayed on tho Iirownson Lite at
Week the guest of Mitts Maude Wilson the home of Mr. Justus Melliek"6, has HUI.LBTT TOWNSHIP.
who has been 111.—Mr. and Rm. Sew. 'returned home safe and sound although
ett and melee of Port Huron were the be had several ItarrOW Wept% from he. There Were no les* thaix three inter-
gireets of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Slmoson ing snowed under. mente in Beira ternaterY On Thursavl
liVit Week. .,••••'-...14e. Sam. Moffat, for. Mr. Sohn Hagan son of Mr, yao, last. AU three funerals cattle from the
meet? ot Varna now of London, was in gan, contemplatestbuilding RAO bridk north at the same time and toritie0 anti
our town hist Week. EVerYerie was house the 00Ming lifitiltrier on the fifty. large proeeselon, the like of which
pleased to see Me. ltoffitc.....--The acres adjoining our village. never seen in this township before arid
eacraMent of the Lord's Supper was Mr. Prarkole Ooloollau and UN Itunes eeldoin et any eountry cemetery. The
Love delivered it line bunch of cat), tuners.% wete those of Mts.
on Tuesday to Mr. Reid at Brucelleid, needle and the youngest Cu ild of Mr
Mr. Lin Workman is at present Same& Howett of Auburb, ana me.
laid up with severe attack of hone. 'tames Maine of tha fileandery. eTlit
Mt. Manuel Itelebert is at present lattee ante tonducted by the kreNbyg
laid up but we hope to Soon see Menuel Orley mster of mad the forniee
lit his reunds again. tiVo by Iteemjekti Kennedy of Auburn
The general entiii storm of last week
about paralyzed business in this burg.
—Mrs. Basvden and family are most.
ing to Clinton this week where they
intend making their home in the fut.
ure.—Our townsman, John Denheltn,
brought home thirteen horses on Mon-
day from the neighborhood of Clinton.
lie intends taking two carloads to the
West this week,—S. McKinnon
of Toronto was visiting for' a day or
two under the parental roof here.—
Out new grist mill is in full operation
and is turning out A. first-class article
and gives good satisfaction.—Owing
to the pastor, Rev A. McLean, being
indisposed there was no service Sunday
evening in St. Andrew's church.—.
On Thureclay last the tnembere of the
Is 0. L. of this town attended the fun.
eral of the late Jaime Mains of Mullett;
who was it member of that order. ---k
Our village constable, Jas, Barr, dontr*
ed hie new uniform of blue on Saturday
night for the flret time,—On Tuesday ••:-.4
a member of the Orangeman attentieda
meeting of their order itt Winghenee-•
Divine itervice was held in the English
church here on the &et del 4:41414.
--There is talk of a concert being
given here in the near future.
Our maii driver missed &cal* a avenged In the Preshyterien cher&
weather and irnpaseible toeds, the members were abietit a00000t
mem*, Itobb. Cloehran6 anti Of the bad roads.----4tev. Mr. MeLen.
Kain leave for Ftichburg and Langton. tutu of SIPlio° Proubliecl ski Ptidel.
North Dakota, reapectively, neXt lion. Iteir. lir. Martin of Exeter prettehed
On the following Uchida?.