The Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-06, Page 81m
Mantle Day
Saturday, Feb. 8
We are going to gall Saturday, February 8,
Mantle Day because we will Aold the
most sensational sale of `,Mantles we have
ever had on that day. We want to sell every
Mantle in the store this winter and have
made up our minds to do so, if at!all possible,
no matter what theloss. If you only want
to wear the mantle for the balance of this
winter you could not make a mistake in buy-
ing one of these, We would like to see the
last one leave the store on Saturday night
and if you only . realize just how great this
bargain is we will not have one in . stock
when we close our doors, Watch our win-
dows on Friday then come Saturday for any
of there
Mantles at '$1.9$
All Mantles in the store
that sold at $5, $6 and $7,
every •garment new this sea-
son and stylish,popular shapes
good value at their former
price but we do not want to
carry them over so they go on
Mantles at $3.98
All our mantles that sold
for from $9.50 to $15,hand-
i garments,
some and stylish
everyone this season's styles,
nota great many left but still
the one you want might be in
People Skeptical
About Bargains
sale on Saturday at i' your the lot, on sale Saturday at.
choice for.. ...$1.98 . your choice $3.g8
We " are winding up the best and most successful, season
we have ever had. We have sold more furs and sold better
furs than ever before. Just now we are very anxious to clean
the stock up. . We find there are 10 Caperines left and ten
people will get a big bargain because we are going to sell them
at prices that make it worth your while to buy even for next
season. Here is a list of them
One Astrachan and. Electric Seal
Caperine, high collar, circular
shape, pointed front, regular is 7 c
$14, reduced to Y
One Electric Seal and. Blue
Oppossum Oaperine,longfront,
pointed back, sable tails, . very
handsome garment,' regular
$1"l, reduced to 1 L.
One Electric Seal and Greenland
Seal Caperine, long front,sable
tails, regular $14, reduced
to 9:75
Ohio Sable and Electric Seal
Caperines, long front, comes
out well over shoulders, sable • '
tails. regular $17, reduced 1.1.00
One Electric Seal and Astrachan
Caperine, long front, good
quality, thick busby tails,
regular $18,now reduced 1 ` n
to 1'1.00
EI'ectric Seal and imitation Stone'.
Martin Oaperine,regular $14,
reduced to,.. .. 9.14P
Electric Seal Caperine, .high .col-
lar, bushy taile,regular $],8, 1.1 oAU
reduced to,. . •
sad all others are invited to visit
our store and view a great big value to
a writing pad with envelopee to match
it. Although we don't announce a
glaring contrast between, what the
price was and now is, we feel safe in
eayiug that never before 'have, you had
a money -saving opportunity like it.
Wben we Nought them we thought it
the best thing by_far that bad ever
been offered tie, We got all there was
for eale and now we pass them on to
you confidently thinkingyou will
3udge it in the same favorale way that
we did. The pad contains 100 sheets
good smooth paper, not ruled,in a blue
tint. It is well made with cover and
dotter, The envelopes arelarge,square,
made of same kind of paper, twenty-
five k
fie ta. package and well gummed. The
price Ie
Real Alaska Sable and Electric.
Sable Caperines, good
ver stylish, regular$25, .1.7
7 5• reduced to •:.
One only Alaska Sable Ruff,vet'y
thick fur, extra good quality,
two heads and eight tail
regular $20, reduced to. s, 1 U.��
One Ohio Sable Ruff,. long, 8 •
•taa tails, regular .$8,60, .:reduced 6.90
For Early Sewing
15c for the Pad
6c per package for the envelopes
To know the value, however, you must
Compare the goodsand the price,
Values are Facts. Price is Indefinite,
When you see our offering you will be
surprised to know that we are .not
selling it either at or below cost.
We Make Some, Money but You
Make More.
Agents Parker's .lye Works.
People who like to get their spring sewing 'done .early
will find here complete stocks of allwanted materials. .Near-
ly every day we are receiving advanced shipments ,of spring
goods, cottons, embroideries, sheeting, :pillow cottons and
prints are already here. Bright, clean and ' attractive goods
dust but of the eases and values you will find hard to discount
White Cottons . 1V' England-
We remind you again of of the excellence of our white
cotton values. 1
a ues. 1VIost of theaines we are selling today are real
English Long Cloth. We imported it. ourselves. direct from
the English maker which enables.- us to give better values
than would bepossibleif we bought here. Every piece is
guaranteed by the maker to: be perfectly pure. No filling, no
dressing, nothing but clean, pure cotton, ,thoroughly bleached
and evenly. spun
Our Three Big Sellers
At 10c—Good quality English Hotton or Long Cloth, sort
finish, round, even thread, easy to seas, bright cam-
bric finish, full .38 inches wide, entre special value at ' i
per yard ■
At Be—Finer quality.English•Cottons or Long Cloth, full"
one yd. wide, finished soft for easy sewing,free from
dressing,bright cambricflnish,iinported by oureelvea.11
I yard .
At i20—Extra fine quality English Cotton or Loitg Cloth,
finished like a cambric and retains its bright appear-
ance. easy to sew and launders well, full Winches,: •21
extra good value per yard .. ... ; ..... 1 2
One Yard Print 12+c navy (Irouucls
These Prints were made specially for one of,the big
wrapper factories and the mill had a few cases over after fill-
ing the order. We secured a case and put the whole lot on
sale this month at the special price of 12ic:per yd.
Navy blue Prints, guarantees. Indigo dye,firm strong cloth
full yard wide, made up specially for wrappers, big
range of patterns instripes, spots and floral designs,
wider and better qua ity than usually sold at 12ic.
While this lot lasts y u can .buy them from us at . 121
per yard.•
• .:....... L
Mill Ends of Print Per Yard Sc
We have over 700 yards of mill remnants of Dark Prints
to sell at 8c per yard. They are heavy weights, 30 to 32
inches wide and the lengths are from 5 to 10 yards. 10e
weuld be the regular price of them. Brand new goods just
in for Feb., per yard 8c.
Ready -Made Sheets 85c
• We were disappointed in not receiving these Sheets from
the mill hitime for last Saturday's selling. They carne to
hand this week and are better value than we thought. Some.
are slightly imperfect but not enough to interfere with the
wear. You can get the sheets ready to use for the price of
the material alone :
Sheets made from heavy quality bleeehed twilled Sheeting
free from dressing, yards wide, •* yards long,
inch hefts, for rob,mill*each....., sOU
lioien s Bros
The W. D. Fair Do,
Often the Ohespest,.diways she Beat.
About o 0
We K.
Dr, Thompson was in Granton on Fri.
Mss Lillie_ Moore visited friends in
Hensall last week.
Mr. W. IL McElroy of Blyth was in
town on Saturday.
Mr. 0. E. Erratt of Auburn was . in
Clinton on; Saturday.
Mr, J. E. • Murray of Grantor, was the
guest of Dr. Thotnpson on Monday.
Miss Della Murray of Seafiert,h was the
guest of Mies Blanche J9c.Kown over
Miss Lizzie Adams of Londesboro is
the guest of her cousin, Miss Lizzie
Miss Worswick, who has beeh the guest
:.of Mrs. W. Newcombe, has returned
to bet; home in Guelph.
Rev. J, Greene was in Goderich on
Sunday supplying the pulpit of the
Victoria. street church..
Mrs,Suffel and Miss Helen Gunne have
returned ' from visiting St. Tnomas
and Port Burwell friends. .
Mr. and Mrs. J Atittersou and daugh
.ter, Miss,Hattie, • of St,•Clair, Mich,,
are visiting town.
Mr. W, Reekie of St.. Timmis was the
guest of his son, ;ldr. R. P. Reekie,
for a couple of days of this week.
.Misses Etta ...• Cook and Lizzie der -
ridge leave on Saturday ,for .London
to attend the ,millinery openings
OSE OLINTON MOWS mzuccom Feb. Cth, 19011
HO s little •dsuahter% ••••••• ••i••• •N•••N•�r<t•••N••tM••M*••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••01
Rev. Mr.
Blanche, has been very ill but is nowt'•
To make telegram
cat Saturday
rdaTtie rea
Aire.0 t MO n
ItusQarreceived atelearamaitf�aturday1
stating that ber father bad died that
day at hishome in Essex Ventre. He
bad been ll for some time and the end
was not unexpected.
Quarterly service weeheld in the
M_ ethodist church, on Sunday, and on •
Sale . Sweeps On
Mies Annie Turner of the Parr Line
Tient the past week visiting friends in
T Mr. Francis Coleman of the Parr
Line delivered on Saturday to Mr. T.J.
Berry ofHensel' a fine gelding for
which heiecelved the handsome figure
uckersmith and Hallett.
of two hundred dollare. This colt was
three years old and weighed 1660 lbs.
We dont know where its equal can
be found.
Mr. Robert Stepuhenson's two little
boys are laid up with sore arms owing
to vaccination.
Mr. Webster Turner returned home
on Fridayafter spending a pleasant
week visiting friends at Lucknow,
Wit is a right jolly good fellow who
can enjoy himself wherever be goes.
Me. Francis Coleman has disposed of
his driver for a handsome figure.
Religious services are being held
nightly at the residence of Mr, James
Mr. J. J. Irvine is in receipt of an
invitation to attend a family re union
at the old homestead in Blanshard
iMr. Henry Repine bad a bee -haul-
ing cordwood to Dublin last week.
fromSam. Stitt has bought a farm
Ecom the Canada Company on the Grey
Mr. Matt Coats, who has been out.
in Manitoba for many years, is home
on a visit. . .
The grain grinding concern of Munn
Brothers is being well patronised.
Mr. Wm. Sloan is collecting mater.
ial for the :purpose of building a barn
during the coming season..•
Fur Bargains•
Mrs. Jamie Stoddart of Egrnondville
WWI. thet f guest her sister,Mrs.
Robert alker, the forepart of this
week. '
Mr. William Miller,who returned a
few weeks ago from :Winnipeg, left
on Monday for Stratford,' where be
has accepted a situation.
'Dr. Rivers and Mrs. Rivers of Crediton
have been the guests of Mrs, W.
Hillfor a few days this week. This
visit has been, lengthened on account
of the storm and blockaded roads.
Mr. Dan. Donogbue'of Detroit is visit-
ing old friends in town: and vicinity.
He says his mother, Mrs. Gagen, our.
poses . returning to. Clinton. •in the.
spring to take up her residence here
Mr. 3. R. Bell, who name lap to attend
the wedding . of : his sister, weir in
Mcintr•eal recently attending a McGill
College dinner and. while ' in the city
met Me. Syd. Jackson who 4as ac-
cepted a position as traveller for a
big drug house..
Mr. A. J. Holloway will ,
xtend His Business.
,Mr.. i., J,Holloway has decided to
•extend his business ap.d. this week
placed an order with a wholesale house
for a full line of gent's furnishings and
will open up a new and up-to•date stock
on March 1st.' `
County L. O. L. Meeting,
The annual meeting, of the South
Huron county L.O.L. was ..held :in Ex-
eter on Tuesday when there was a
good attendance considering the storm
and snow. blockade, The reports from
different districts ehowed the order to
be in a healthy condition. The election
of officers rebutted as follows: .• County
Master, Anthony Nevin, Centralia;
Deputy, Q.B. Hanley, Clinton; Chap-
lain, William Craig, Hensel': Rec..Sec•
retary, Peter Canteldn• Clinton ,• Fin..
Secretary, William, Anderson, Devon ;
Director, Thomas Davis, Saintsbury ;
Treasurer,Jobn Beacon,Ilderton; Lect.
urera, William Deacon, Lucan and E.
J. Elliot, Goderich.
Mr. C. H.'Reid .sold twenty. bead of
fine export cattle to Mr. S. H. Smith
and delivered them at Clinton station
on Monday. It was a big undertaking
to drive them over in the furious storm
that was then raging but it Was'apcom'
plished. Mr. Reid's fine team was
driven ahead to break the road. Ten
head Were added to• the drove at Varna
and W. Taylor, 3. and W. Reid; as•
sisted in getting the cattle into the
yards at Clinton. They didn't think it
safe to bring back the teats, which was
left at Glinton,and trained it to Bruce.
field from whence they succeeded in
reaching home. that evening. Mr. 0.
H. Reid went to Toronto wit.hthe ship-
ment and on.his r•etorn on Wednesday
brought hone the team, but he had
quite a tune of it.
Four or five elelghloade . of young
people of the Methodist S. school from
��B��ayyyfield and vicinity spent a very en.
Wednes• dayeat ev evening. The ladies did
not forget their baskets and after gett-
ing warmed
ets•ingwarmed and the Inner -man r of resbed
they played games till a late hour when
they left for their homes well satiefled.
and bearing a kindly feeling for the
host and hostess, •Mr, and Mrs, Wet,
son, who with the other members of
the family did everything in their pow.
er to make the evening as pleasant as
Mr. Chas. Parker has purchase
d a
nice cottage from Mr. Alex. Parsons.
It is reported Alex. wanted to rue the
bargain but Charlie bad a Nee on Mon-
day and got it removed to his own
place so we guess Alex, won't back out
Mise Maggie Campbell of the Drown-:
eon spent a couple of days in Bayfield
last week the guest of Mrs, J. Tough.
Misr tilara Parker has been on the
dick list for a week.
Mr. W. Johnston it enknsed with.
Mr.R,Fielde cutting his winter's wood,
Ran knowewhett he gets a good man.
Mr. Geo. OMnpheii It engaged with
Mr. Fritz Wfidr for a couple of weeks
drawintt wood,,
►�"� *gine of Drucefield purchesed'�
ON a line cow from Mr. W, G. 3ohnSton
`one day fiat Week.
• •
It is the Dollars Saved that Count
$ the and hdollars
s eda .
�saved during the sale are safely saved. You can only know how true it all is by going through
_ the store ---a personal review of the goods and a glance at the price cards will furnish you proof that dollars never
1 Men's Underwear at 35c
I Men'e,heavy all wool and union Shirts and Drawers, the kinds that y' qq
sold at 50c and 80o, during this sale price will be each . , . , .. ,, , ,,. . t7 5
had such buying power as now, It is the one sure test and only measure you have to gauge the bargains.
1 750 Underwear at 49e
Men's Shirts and Drawers made of good strong yarn, no better
value in town at 75c, our sale: price each .49
t $1.25 Underwear at 65c
Men's fine wool Drawers, also very heavy all wool Shirts and
Drawers and warranted unahrinkable, also wool fleece lined
Shirts and Drawers, shirts double back and front, $1 and $L25 65
values to goat each U
Read This List
Clinton creamery for the coming sea-
.. . Benjamin SOS.
• a Ben ami Snell of Phoenix,
h' b present v ai
British Colum is lb
CI t
at the home of her mothr, Mrs. O. Dale
of Constance. She has purchased one
of her late father's farms tieing lot 2 o
the 1st con., Elullett, paying $5,500 for
it. Mrs. Snell intends renting it for a
term ofears.. This is a good farm and
should find a: ready tenant.
Dale getting.
Mr. Geo.' C. D le i is the ma-
terial on the ground for the erectfon.of
hie newbarn.
A number of young people spent a
very ejnoyahle evening at the house of
Mr. Geo. Dale on Tuesday last.'
Mise Lena Sproat of. Egtnondville
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs.' Gest. Dale.
Mr. Harold Fowler returnedhome on
Saturday after spending a week with
relatives on the 2nd.
• Mr. William Jamieson delivered two
fat cattle to Mr.C,Reid of Brucedeld on
Monday last.
Mr. McGregor was in this negighbor.
hood looking . after the interest of the
Mr. W. G. Plewes, who some time
ago sold twenty five acres to. Mr.
Iddo Crich for $120u, has now sold the:
balance of his farm, fifty acres, to his
brother-in-law; Mr. . Levi Strong of
Sarnia, the purchase price!being.$3,000,
Mr.' Plewes family will remain' here'
for some time .but he intends leaving
in it few weeks for Sauit Ste,. Marie,
where in company with his brother=in-.
law, Mr, John Elliott of Wingharn, he.
purposes engaging in the manufacture.'
of brick. hen Mr. e
W Plewes was in the
Soo lastfall be bought thirty acres of
'land in the town plot,. The soil is very
suitable for brick making and shortly.
after buying Mr. Plewes could have
sold at a profit of several hundred
dollars, but as there is a splendid open-
ing for a brick yard at that place be
decided to bold on to. the land. Mr.
Elliott, who is associated ' with him,
has yards at Winghaui, Belmore and
Blue his ale and couple of . sons p to are
now atthe Soogetting out tt u wood.Mr.
Plewes has lived all phis life in this
township andis a good neighbor and
much.=.• respected rgan.. HIS departure
and that of his esteemed .life partner
will be .regretted, but we .wish .them
prosperity in their new place of abode.
The folowina is the order of stand-
ing of pupils of S. S. No. 5fir .the
month of January : •
5th Class. —Viva, Mair, Robt. Vodden:
Sr. 4th.—Albert Vodden, Sadie Mc
Cool, Mabel Brown, Jas, Mc00o1,
Mabel Vodden, John Vodden, Derwin
Garter, Effie Jackson, Bertie. Hoggart,
Mary.Snel1. •
Jr. 4th, -Wm. Hogged, Wm. Snell,.
Harry McCool, •
Sr. 3rd.—Mabel MoCnol, Essie Moir,
Gertie Vodden, Else Brown, John
Wallace, Ella. Webb, '
Jr. 3rd.—Irene Snell, Bert Nott.
Sr. 2nd. --Ernest Lee.
3r. 2nd.• Ernest Vodden, Mabel Les,
Chas. Lee, Ormand McCool.
Sr, Pt .2nd. --Della McCool, Eph.
Snell, Orval Rapson. •
Jr. Pt. 2nd --Sammy Appleby, Chas.
Vodden, Wesley Hoggart.
Sr, Pt. 1st,—Sept Waliace, Flossie
Brown, Lily Cockerline.
Jr. Pt, lst.—Cora McCool, Richard,
Vodden.-Annisox F. Joints, Teacher.
The following is the report of S. S.
No, 14, Ray, for the month ofganuary,
boded on attendance, demeanor and
general proficiency
.P. t L,—John •Petty, Ben Smillie.
ENTRANo1.--F. Clegg, 0. Fee, Jas.
Petty, .d; Thompson, E. Clegg, B.
Petty, E. Petty.
Ssrttou. 81tp.--L. Mulholland, G.
Chambers, P. Clark
Jtrrrrota Sites. --E. Fee, J. McArthur.
SEEN2on 2Nn.—N. McArthur, 8, A.
Petty, E. Mulholland, 3, Jackson, G.
Anderson, G. Petty..
PAitT 214b, S1i'NYOIt.-••••Laura reef
Clarence McConnell.
PART 2NR .Tit:—S. McArthur, V.
Datare, E.. Jackson,
PAItx ler, Sa.—O. Deters.
PART 1ST. Jit - W. Petty,0. ►noon•
Hell. --l.', 11,, Teacher..
Auction Sale Register, 1.
Monday, Feb. 10th, at 1 p. tn., at tot
180, con. 8, McKillop,farm stock
without reserve.- •Thos, Purcell, pro-
prietor; Thos. Brown, auctioneer.
Tuesday, rib. 11th, at 1 p. m., at lot
20, con, 3 McKillop, clearing sale of
Stock and implements,. -Jos. Bulger,
proprieter;Thos. Brown, auctir,neerr.
Wednesday, Feb. 12th at 1. p. m.,
at lot 40, con. 2, L. R. S., Tuekerernith,
unreserved rale of stock, implements!
and furniture,. -•••W. 0, Plewes, proprIe.
tor; Thos. Bron, auctioneer,
BEAooM-1n Gina h township, an
February 6th, Mrs. k enry Beacom:
aged 66 years and 8 months.
12ic and 15c Wrapperette to go during sale at The
25c Shirting Flannel, Maple Leaf brand, for 19c
200 yards light and dark Prints,. regular 10c, for 6e
200 yards light and dark Prints, regular.12 'c,for.•9c.
50e and 60c French Flannel to go at 35c
$1,25 Wrappers to clear at 80c
5oc and 750 Fleeced: Vests at 3$c
Women's heatogovy at fleeceonepricelined, Vestseach; our very best 60c and 75o quail -
Children's 200 and. 250 T,Tnderwear at 150
100 children's Vests and Drawers, good heavy quality, regular 5 z
prices 20c and 25o, to go during sale at each
350 Mitts and 25c Socks for 19c
Men's heavy homemade Mitts, the 35c kind, and extra heavy wool
Sox, regular 25c, all to go at one price
The balance of our Winter Coats are being sold
at less than half price.
Furs of all kinds are going at a discount of .
25 to 331 per cent.
25e Grey Flannel at 16%
. CommencingFriday morning we will place on sale 200 yards dourcc1• •
60c . Heavy Homespun. Goods at 38C very best. Flannel. that ie worth 25c per yd, at I .1 02
S u-
4u>r• White.Gloods Sade a Great S ccess
Never :Sold to O 1 one • da as.we did lad ve . s ld so .much.. Wh q•, . ds u a as Saturda
. YY.
Wear See, last week's paper for fpriee•
Whaxe s o ened. upOur New Spring Dress Goods
• Prints acid Embroideries.
Prices were never so low forg ood White'
r..1it:mmntn►11r111m'mnr r
nrnrmm tmmttn w ti m rtIMMITIlfiMintnitiMIIMMInVIMMIMMitt%
The �'amt�us'
T e
ck on Bros.�� Sa
Month for Fur Lo
The months of February and March are the ones in.. which most people find the
greatest needo f a Fur Coat and we know that there are a great many men in the
the weather keeps rough and cold,the will bu : if it keeps '
balance. If . h p g Y Y, l?s mild they will try
' '
and put off.until next season: In spitewinter we have had a tremendous
of the mild
sale of fur coats and we still have a few left of the reliable kind, the kind that gives satis-
faction and the kind that we can recommend. It pays to buy a reliablearticle from a
reliable establishuaent: On Saturday next we will offer 8 Wombat Fur Coats for. $10.50.
Most places sell them for $15. Any man who has teaming to do cannot afford to_ be with-
out a coat at thisrice. Our selection of fur coats is not equalled. in this section.
An iTlster CoaY fors $5
If we were'to' ask $8 for the above coat a good many people would sal that it was good
value but bigbuying gave us a chance to offer this cat at the above big bargain, This coat is
50 inches long, big atol m collar, throat tab, well lined and well made and we don't think there
is a coat in this section to equal it for the money,just the kind of coat you want for. the next
two :months.
• Utiderclothi t
Weare noted for theq Y nalit y of our 'Underwear and• at the present time we hare a good
selection of reliable liaes'and eau show all sizes. It pays to buy good goods and you are safe
when you purchase hero.
Jackson Bros., Clinton.
ZIN/M/lhdNM1/N4M4WtiNA14 N1WWA WANd AAAAAA PIM illiadNaailia NAMAIJNAN4N 41441 N4MNl f
• •
.. a