HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-04-30, Page 1l Dettk )&moil snitL-wY Aug lyi A targe assortment of Writing Tablets and fancy rapeteries and Envelopes et The Standard Boole Store «.«.....«.....4444. e Blyth Standard VOL XXXIX 44.4.4...41..44.11..1.144.. 1.4144.44444...1•.••, W; THE ',STANDAR?' BOOK STORE Books, Stationery, French Ivory Leather Goods, Novelties rod )' Magazines, BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY APRIL 24, 1930 No; 41 4444+444+44+4444.H44.444444.41.1441414+4114444,1444•10 Free Cameras -SIX EASTMAN CAMERAS With one film FREE • to children whose twelfth birthday falls in 1930 Parents must vouch for child's age Call in at once R. D.PHiLP,PHM. B. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Chambers were vititors in Toronto over the holiday. Miss Jean Rath, of Toronto, visited her father. Wm. Rath, over the holiday. Mre. (Rev) Walter McLean, of Hamil- ton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Graham, of Strat- ford, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mra. A. Barr. Mr. Chas, Cole, of Woodstock, spent Easter Sunday with his mother, Mre. A. T. Cole. Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed. BLYTH, ONTARIO 444444444444444444444444444 Mr. Carl Scrimgeour and Miss Fulton of Stratford, visited friends in town on Sunday. Mra Leversage, of Mt. Forest, visited her daughter, Mra Steve, White, over the week end. Mists Hazel Petits. of London, spent Easter Sunday with her parents, John and Mrs. Pette 4444i444444iE44444444444444444!444444444444/444444444 NEWEST MEN'S STYLES 1 Its our hobby to drew you in the a latest style, and at any price you care to pay. We give you the best TO YOUR MEASURE Suit with extra trousers in ail good patterns in any style you choose at fp $27 66, $31.00. $35.00 $44 & $55, MEWEST TOPCOATS AT $13.50, $15.00, $24.00 Biltmore Hats in New ; hades and Styles HOLEPROOF ' _HOSIERY 1 Everything in Men's Furnishings M the beat. MURRAY MADE FINE SHOES FOR MEN. GIDLEY'S Phone 78 and 133. Blyth. Ontario, 446444444444444444444444t4N444443441444444444444444 Mr. and Mra, N. Garrett were visitors in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mre. Archie Bender visit- ed with Detroit friends over Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morris, of Tor- onto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Laundy over the holiday. Rev. W. J, Taylor and family, of Reck- wood, spent some days with Mrs. Ed. Taylor during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale and children, rrf Seaforth pent Sunday with Mrs. Dale's fathe J. Sime. Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett, of Strat- ford, visited the former's father. Mr. C. Barrett. during the week. Mr. and Mrs, M. Lowe and children, of $russets, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Lowe's mother, Mrs. Fawcett. ,Misses Nellie Fear and Stella Richmond of Stratford Normal, are spending the holidays at their homes here. Mra, John Yungblutt, of Kitchener, spent over the holidays with her brother, Mr. Sam Dear, and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Harry White and son, George, of Galt, spent over Sunday with the former's parents, Councillor and Mrs. White. Leslie Poplestone, of Westervelt ScihOolt London, spent some days during Miss Melda McElroy, of Western Uni- versity, London, spent her Easter vaca- tion at her home here, Master Jack Leith, of Lucknow, is spending his holidays with his former school mates in Blyth, Miss Carrie Sims, of Toronto teaching stall, is spending the holidays with her the week with his parents, S. A. and Mrs. father, Mr, W. J Sims. Poplestone, Miss Violet Parker, school teacher at Mr. Alexander Elliott, of the Bank of Dunville, is spending the holidays with Commerce etaff, St. Catherinea, spent her mother, Mrs. Alex, Parker. over Sunday with his parents, J. Ii. R. Mr. Reg. Argent, school teacher of and Mrs. Elliott. Welland, is spending the holidays with Mr. Russel Bentley is in Westminster his parents, Fred and Mrs. Argent, Hospital, London, undergoing the remov Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Campbell and lam- al of a tooth which has been affecting the ily, of Aylmer, visited Mrs. Campbell's law bone for some time. mother, Mrs. Ed. Taylor over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Bray and children Miss Jean Laidlaw, who is attending and Mrs. Bray's mother, Mrs. Mangey, London Normal, is spending her vacation left on Wednesday on a three weeks' visit with her parents, David and Mrs. Laid. to their old home in Ottawa. law. Mr. J. H. Richmond and Miss Alberta Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. McTaggart, of are in attendance at a convention of the Tier. Warlord, spent Sunday with the tatter's Trustees and Teachers Educational Mso- sisters, Mesdames J. B. and A. H, clarion held in Toronto this week. nay, trtBeginning with the first Wednesday in May, the business places in Blyth will Mr. Geo. Leith, of Stratford who spent Trine the weekly half holiday. Each ovacSunday with his parents inLucknow. Wednesday afternoon during, themonthe was renewing acquaintances in town on May to October the stores will be closed. Monday. 4wyommermelmom ommo,rwNnw..nlw.uww000410ewane+NMMMres,a DR. W. J. MILNE wishes to announce the complete installatt. n of physio -therapy and X -Ray laboratory and radium institute. Will give special attention to ease(: suitab'e for these treatments on Mondays, Wedne ;days and Fridays from 2 to 4 p. m. Phones—Office 28, Residence 29. 1 4,wmweemmeuw.,ww,�nawsnNr,4rwaMomoor wrnwnawow 4 'rarrrrrrrur■rrlt.rrrrarrurrrrrrarrrr•■r•ISrrrraarrr VIA111 %V% %%VI 111 11,11A11,1441 $ SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 0 SPECIALS FOR THU RSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, 2 pkg.... 15c Challenge Prepared Corn Starch pkg....- 8c Seeded Raisins, 2 packages 25c Lealand Sweet Mixed Pickles, large 30 oz. bottle 44c Regular Standard Quality Arrowroot 29c Biscuits Pure Apple Jelly, large 40 oz. jar33c Freeh Fruit always on hand Purity Quick Oats, with China 37c Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes 23c Chateau Cheese, 1-2 s 21c Gillex, each 12c Kara Coffee, 1.2's 32c, Vs 63c R J POWELL r PIIONE 9 • WE DELIVER GOODS BLYTH -- ONTARIO ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••;4 ATTENTION! egg et se vs at est .t <et .4 .4 .4 We now handle the famous Purina pro- ducts. These products are meeting with wonderful success and are scienti- fically blended and prepared according to proven formulas. For baby chicks, growing chickens, laying hens; for pigs, cattle and all farm stock, Purina chows meet the need. A KIND FOR EVERY KIND OF ANIMAL. BLYTH FLOUR MiLLS BLYTH -- ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and family and Mr. and Mrs. O. Johnson and children,Sr. 01 Toronto, were visitors over Easter Sun- r residence n G. of Seaforth, have taken day with Mrs, Johnson's parents, Wm. up the corn r ofArris and' McConnell end Mrs. Johnston. on the corner of 'Morris and McConnell Streets. Mr. Sanders, Jr., wilt be em Miss Bertha Brogden, of London, spent ployed in the brick yard this season. over the holiday with her parents, Geo, In 1928 there vete 34,022.511 egg -pre: and Mrs. Brogden, and sisters, Mesdames during hens in Canada, a decline of 100,- D. Ftoody and W. H. Lyon. 189 over the previous year. They ac- counted for 268,868,857 dozen eggs or 15,591,630 dozen more than in the prev- ious year. Ontario was the leading egg - producing province and showed a very substantial increase over the preceding year. Quebec was the second highest egg producing province. The W. M. S. of St. Andrew's United Church will hold their annual Easter Thank -offering in the auditorium of the church on Thursday evening. April 24th, at 8 o'clock. Rev. Dr, Mortimer, of Au- burn, returned misionary from China. will address the meeting. The ladies feet sure that Dr. Mortimer's talk will be most interesting and they hope for a good turnout to hear him. Mr. Earl Bentley is in Westminster Hospital, London, for the removal of a piece of shrapnel from the base of his neck, the result of injuries received during the war. For many months past, Mr. Bent- ley has been gradually losing the use of one of his arms and an x-ray performed some days ago revealed the piece of shrap- nel which is thought to be pressing upon some nerve centre, producing a weakening of the arm muscles, WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Alfalfa, Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Orchard Grass. Yellow and White Bloom Sweet Clover A. S. RADFORD• 'PHONE 39 BLYTH -- ONTARIO as .rrrr111111 uul.rrl.garf•f•Rrrtrrrrrrarrrrarrr■ehhhhh.trrrrr. V Mr. and Mrs. Clement and children and Miss Alice Rogerson, of Toronto, spent over the week end with the tatter's parents, F, A. and Mre. Rogerson, The Huron Presbyterial Conference of the W. M. S. convenes in Seaforth North Side United Church on Wednesday, April 30th, Ali who can make it convenient are invited to attend. Mr. an 1 Mra. S. A. Poplestone, Leslie and Dorothy motored to Guelph on Good Friday and spent a pleasant few hours with Miss Janette, nurse -in -training in the General Hospital. Wingham Planing Mills was destroyed by fire on Thursday night last, entailing a toss of about $15,000. The fire is of unknown origin. The building, which was of frame construction, was known as the Diasley Hotel some years ago. Rev. Mr. Tebbs, of Burlington, will give an illustrated address under the aus- pices of Blyth Horticultural Society, in Memorial Hall, on the evening of Thurs. day, May 22nd, Fuller announcement will appear in these columna later. The C. P, R station has been rewired and otherwise improved. Agent Shaw has had installed an electric frigidaire and electric stove, besides a bathroom outfit complete. When this work is completed the residential section of the station will he modern in every particular. The Late L. J. Williams. It was with profound sorrow that the community learned early on Monday morning that L. J. Williams had passed away a few hours previously at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, after an illness of only a weeks duration. The cause of death is attributed to peritonitis. The late Mr. Williams, who had been an outstanding figure in the social and Winne life of the village for thin past number of years, will be greatly missed. Of a genial disp sition, he always, had a pleasant word for everyone whom he met More particularly was this evident with children for whom he had a great fond- ness and few of them ever passed hint on the street without notice. In business absolutely honest and straightforward in all his dealings he held the respect and In a letter of commendation received by The Standard from Mr. T. I. McLean manager for T. J. Taytor & Co , stock brokers, Wingham, we quote the follow- ing in reference to the presentation of tht play "A Pair of Sixes" in Wingham last week:—"Allow me through your paper, to express my appreciation of "A Pair of Sixes" put on here by the Blyth Dramatic Society, To be brief, "I may say that I' feel I am voicing the opinion of everyont who saw tire play, that it was highly corn - mendable. I do not feel that I can or should mention any one of the partici- pants is particular, as they all did their part in first-class style without hitches or undue waiting. This goes to show that the training was good. This is not tht first time Blyth people have made good I refer to the cantata "Joseph's Bondage." Congratulations." EGGS AND POULTRY This is the time of year when Egg markets are un- certain. Market your eggs promptly and regularly and avoid loss through falling markets. Clean u your o ultry be- fore the chickens become staggy and take lower pric- es. We are in the market for any quantity of duck feath- ers for which we will pay highest market prices. esteem of everyone, and to meet Isim was always a pleasure. Born at Merthyre Tydviiie. South Wales. sixty-two years and eight months ago, he came to Canada a hen a young man of twenty-two. He first located at Belgrave, later going to Sarnia and Pe- trolia where he remained for some time, From there he returned to his native land and after a short sojourn there returned to Belgrave where in March 1901 he was married to Minnie Golley. Sixteen years ago he came to Blyth and purchased the hardware business then conducted by Ms L. O. Charlesworth, Disposing of the business for a time he lived retired, lar purchasing tie hardware business nus conducted by Mr. Cecil Dobbyn. A couple of years later he disposed or this business and made another visit to Wales. Returning home. he later purchased, about two years ago, the fancy goods business then conducted by Mr. Joseph Stothers, in which business he was still engaged at the time of his death. Public spirited, the services of Mr. Williams was continuously sought after He served for some time as village treas- urer and at his death was Clerk of the Division Court, treasurer of the Blyth Hydro Electric Commission, treasurer of St Andrew's United Church and village AUCTION SALE OF Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer has receiv- ed instructions from Mrs. A. Elder to sell by public auction at her residence King St. Nest, Blyth. commencing at 2 p. m Saturday, April 26th,! the following, that is to say: Player piano. bench and stool; music rolls for piano; five -piece parlor suite; oak din- ing room table; six oak dining room chausi two kitchen tables; twelve chairs: bed couch; wicker rocking chair, arm chair, vacuum sweeper, two bureaux, two wash stands, two bed steads. three bed springs. two mattresses, one small wood heater one coal oil cook stove, one hall rack (quarter cut oak), two small tables, carp- ets, curtains, books, pictures, bedroom dishes, table dishes, wash tubs, garden implements and other articles too sumer- ous to mention. TERMS CASH. MRS A ELDER T GU'NDRY, A. Ili, ERSKINE, Night Phones 100 or 46. (Mem ilia • Produce Buiidirr) Day Phone 106. Night Phones 100 or 40 RLYTH, - - CN't'AItIO Mr. Armand Kernick. of Kitchener, spent some days during the week with hie parents. Thos. and Mrs. Kernick. Missing from her home hut a few haute, the lifeless Indy of Mrs. Rnhert Warwick, a life-long resident of the fnurth amass ion of Morris Township, was found on Friday in the cistern at her home Her husband instituted a search which resul' ed in fi erring the body in the' cistern, which had been completed only the pre, vious day. Deceased, who was 55 year!, tr of age, was the daughter of the late -ch- ard and Mrs. Armstrong. of Morris Tp. Besides her husband she is survived by three daughters and several brothers and sisters in the district. A very unique and interesting service waa held in Queen St. United Church on Sunday evening, in the form of en Easter Cantata entitled "Jesus the Maurine." The church was beautifully decorated in white, depicting the cross and the sepul chre. The scene opened with Medan, and Lois. parts taken by Mesdames Pol- lard and Cartwright, discussing the myie termor happenings; Elihu Gordon Lyons, appears toted these two women that Jesus has been crucified. Joseph of Arlin athea Stephen White, cameabefore Pilate, Alonzo Smith. to request the b 'dy of Jesu res burial in his tomb; Nicodemus Hugh ';uming helps Joseph with the burial The sepulchre is guarded by the guards. N. Floods, E. Cartwright and E. Bender. The next scene is at the sepulchre. Mary Magdalene, Winona Hesk; Salome. Mrs. Clarence Johnston: Mary, the mother of Jesus, Miss Caldwell, came to anoint the body of Jesus. They find the sepulchre unguarded and an Angel, Ella Caldwell, appears from the tomb to tell them "Jesus is risen" and to go quickly and tell the di. ciples. Qu artettes, solos and eboraus were taken by the elicit and its membets, librarian. A member of St. Andrew's United Church he was ever ready to assist in every movement for the advancement of the church. The late Mr. Williams is survived by his widow and one daughter, Miss Pearl,' to wham is extended the heartfelt Byrn.pathy of the entire community in their bereavement. He is also survived by one brother who resides in London, Eng. The funeral trek place on Wednesday afternoon from his late residence, Dinette, Street, the service being conducted by Rev. Geo. Weir, pastor of St. Andrew's United Church. followed by interment in the Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were— Messrs. Jas Laidlaw, Jas. Dodds, Elwin Munro. F. Hollyman, Jas. Sims and J, B, Watson, Miss Allis Leith. of Lucknow, lig visit - Proprietress, Auctioneers ging Miss Pauline Robinson,