The Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-06, Page 3I
7: 7 _Z 4.7 T!__! 77 !76 76 .1 77 7 7. TZ
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prepared, and
",I(' lings baltea ,he 24 11�00- I BERVE UNI Q01 B1 R, JURI IN Soul
lm!,01'can lie usicti-as, dmqert instead of
TIIR�E 80,U OF Att tyltso About the canned fruit. COXT11TS, Or, TUSTTCV, YJXXNO'%VX NOtes Of Interest About Some A. r. leampolti Ulde I bat in saw to nave
Ze4dlno� people. Cost caulsda'S13MU1,900 In Moillory TIM AWrUZ, TRAQJ:I)Xgp.. qp
TAIILN, XCONOAll1-.9, TO TH . r4 PUBLIC. It I-, Tlot 1"'olluritIlit kiliown I hat. vx- alld :1,000 STRONG Itoom,
...House it For Ilia livilefit (if ill(. old-tinlyera
No woulan can expect to cope Vic- ITOw the, Worlters in r3ug 'I
jisli, 'Lilev I'ti Wife is living lit,
Is the Very Prince' ofl. to iOU19IY With scanty dollars unless T41cof the Za �Iiy(leilhuln, l"'lig We 1-01)NAILIC0 tile foll(IWI119 rOXIIalLCO: Tlie I)qJd Body pf A Xiser P0.4nd
r w into Their . I and. Mrs. Stevit A. It. Einpe was a rider lit tlw
4 ha" several of her Children with her. 'in Iris Safe Clutching a,;Bac
.110 knows hon, busincls. .14holi 21lust Own Haudli. Tbo uldest boy 14 gobig, )XI011it race ever run.
-less# WIT11 CABBAGR I -110w how to elect to decide COUrse lit ill hhoevent 1, . , Of Gold.
Milo It histolv Ilri Over
�OAI Poultry, to detect poor lish und "To-ilightill had Such tragic As this No writer of fiction has eyer
The day is past whern cabbage was stall; vegetables. it in lot exiougli to A." the crowd of tnlll�hllnds-of it Is -Haiti. shows illelixorablu one. uIliell, Inore or lot do,
: luarked ability Ili his -',so vised u. nioru grim. retribution thc&)
ihis regarded as only a coarse kind, of patronizo leading and supposedly re- woin I ona_poul- 1. Indirectl cost tilt- Doluillion.of initOf N47Rr0th, Who went IT!$ creed has nothing to do 8 through tile Ili,, Aloorhouse, 111liolf. (if 4 act"'All it Well-known German
bout food, fit only for the poorest (if peo- liable dealers. A housewife. should We, gates bIto till,- stroLts lit nl()IIQ.V trill 1101110 IlSeirer
a tilit" v, clogg, llproba it Short Unto ago. niall,
d0jug good,_Acts, x., 38, getting there. thousand crecols Ill . It is now known to be not oil- know that beef and inutton. Are the "knoch-ing,oll,, obly thu wittlest ritcoa- make I,
Said to a very WISO friend tile, will not SAVO you unless there Is ly a valuable addition to our list of "lost economical eatq. that park And with all a teur oil tile 1"Opiscopul I"eliell, One tit a . )t as other day that one of the dISCOUr- sometAink behind them. Not Whitt food Stuffs, but one capable of be- arid veal, though toothsom I not tit, ' ld cloth, Call, who has Ills fitorles in of ll old lady who Ilin of three iniliiar,� it, tile process lutif
D 4 0 0 4 ", Waiting outside, thrusts posts. Tile race ran OctubQr as being both ex.
Of life is tile lack of grati- you' believe is of consequence, but 1 9 lit of int many delicate and nourishing, that tile Igtter els IV greatl t4artlUd A 11181101� 1() 1,
tilde oil the part Pwer Into lily while hO tit Qu'Appelle, Callada, be- y
Of thOSO Whom You attitude toward whatever is good Weasing dishes. Costly, and that fish And poultry are ho happened to be at tho andb4artless, dis.
IMvO helped, at perhaps considerabla. and true and noble. A good mative I wlllsl)Orfi the Word I just Catch airild III, -scrub bortic, froin Whatiliva
is far more effective spiritually than, good food, but require A, quan- [ tile clatter Palact'. by tilli (plev. aplimired Awsteriously it few montill;
CO1$t to Yourself. I had a peculiarly Scalloped Cabbge--Wastj and chop of man feet, says it -fect good faith: "PrUV. to i7letoria. A Itouge, saw t'ago. spite ch 0
exasperating instance in lubla, were- it good a tity to be satIsryJng. Of Course noJ4wrItar in London AnswL of every Scar , $I
-thought; for you may have head Of cabbage, and cook it in put lit pol un blin could lie fLund, SAYS
bad (lone Aw Signal sery1ce and it It Ili Ill
XII.V lotil, Is It not true Ill )lot thoroughbrod, Black ljiu;r Ofainfly would wish to live wholly on On the Paper are it cOuple of v.c niond, wilo Inid, to Ili's age, When it becnic
tile thought but not the deed Which boiling -salted water for 20 ininutes. beef find nititton; but having a ell. you Allall(,
1, Drain in it colander, put it In it bk� knowledge of tile Situation, th to Awkward hand pqcullar lbeen turned out oil the grass to (tie 'ActiCallY certain tilt t w
had been received as A matter of is its natural result,,whereas if 'you t"') workman-, `
course. !lu . converis banau: IL lie as no
110,ve tile motive tile deed wilt follow ilig dish, find pour over a sauce made r housi-keepar knows flow to cam- "Jilt-%- Wholi Lord Curzon, the "Viceroy ill longer alivu Ills next of kill took
sreply rather startled me. It Without being Urged. as follows, Melt 4 tablpstroons melt- prompt. Old Pick was tile of It we ed butter, and stir in gradually 4 bine her fare o tbat both foods find l3litlart-on's back parlor. Strictly India, travels, lie 14 usually ,coal,,- a' Of his house And began it
were really of one family, he I bills may be satisractary. I.I.conomy, priviite. by lind 1-10 At- won sleirldllY ill the thorough "arcli for the wc;tIth which
said, and God Is our common I 16vol tablespoons flour. Add I qt As well as health, shout(f. teach, that To for t-veral Finally 11, Colleeilled
many people sch I the poorest sufforer would have a di- I requires you to show 001,00 reason 11111k, put ill 0 hard-boiled eggs -chop- 14 Summons reell lit lolls Art, and, Illack Dianicind were there- With 11111"Ite difficulty a lar e
ville right to. call oil a,,, for Assist- 1 Why your life should be prolonged Ped fine, two teaspoons; Soups which have It milk basis are inight soein Startling, but to lilt, 'Is aknto Insure his indoverv_ lieill pritilsalt' and a Was
Alice all( slash of papper. �q cle the top till) most nourb9bing, find for tha thing is dolip, fol' IIhq comfort.
l all ( ill right to expect us i day by day. You owo the World A reason ILint M to Morris Gifford, ulto had open, uncl to the horror of
furnish it. Religion, however. is great deal more than tile world owes with bread crumbs and bits of but- the cheapest. Econonly,woricing aln-A the raadline '14
should also, teach that truit, find v(lg-' to Jay the, dust, At lonial serretary to Oibraltav ince 'tile tho first objeet that
'a little a icalltv, and o largely a �YOU You are under a. moral oibligo- ter, and baLe in it quick, oven for 15 IN THIM11 MO 31114- 1837, nd to A. It. lie. their gazO, was
Ininutes. etables are Constant of! tinatioll ho ly, with 11w deact body of
dream, that we think ourselves pe- I tion to do something Or to say somci- health, aild so are niolley savers; "I'd I know that this bit bf I)aper ijillary 37 years old, und hd Ili his i I lIeorsw-r
thing to some One of your fellow. Cabba'goi Cooked if, Milk re-
culift"lY virtuous whea,we go out of bids, tile I() Act as it juror lit o1w of Ali interesting Ile- I
Trill of �tlle courts of justice, at whog It good 1 creatures bet are you - have any right A. licad of cabbage in Small pieces tiva seasons, and not Imagine thIlt cordsi but, owing to cracked hunts, IIUNV lie Cine to bu thus fill -
the way to 'do a neighbor -Cut half but It. wife inust know their re
1.011ce tile law Of ilia laild Ili r4 tile. Kaiser was traval-, had taken ciff tile 11rirf find turn- fit- own itc,"or turn. and take credit. for An act; to ask for refreghlog sleep. You 'find eook in boiling water'until ten -4 Ogg plants are clicap,at Christinas 11 ling Ill orway last July, ,I,.
which ought to ))a regrded as A , have lost a day unless --all hava giv- der, Ilion at chop n Ito be uxiawurv, but whl�h, rot. III) ad, clitt, nguabut it Was thouht that
.y oll n, 11 0, add milk extol parsnips in Mox.v, Oil thol Other,ithat, cNel.cise it jurisdiction drive Irma to St"ll't"nt hoof-, Own came off And matter of courw, In a better world 'en your hare. of the- 6illictus which enough -to nearA cover, a lump -of hand, once the food Ariaterialn tire I w very goild ring. off flis Mjesty's Q- entered it to the bag
'Ila" this, and Ili tbli; world when it drives souls upward. Life which can- butter, the size Wan egg, seasoning bought, they should be real, and Often So very ito were I-Oplaced by Ilocifs. gold ITO Ila((
so Cooked 1 was counting tind
'lirist, Sought to Islets of breatliltig*and eating and rill to tte, arid lot simmer for 10 or that they call bO 0 least, Certain. clsii 1 find got n Inkling of tire
becomes what tile C eaten to ill ;be Objects of to picked till by il, lthe (loot, in qonlu
make it, any attempt to Of avoid lend-lenvimblo environment is the lite of 15 minutes. This is a very delicate Tile Cookbooks aud of tile old skule, find inioxplained way had .9wnag I - press are handed it. to lilt. in
ing. a helping hand must be followed an anilial; it counts for notbing. Tire dish, fall of directions for inaking palattir 1 Tile Orthodox law, besides being lurn restored it to the Oil oil. October 16, 1884, sorne ixty or th"S carcer for,
lry pangs of Tit such it soul must; be red as well its the hod, Hotuffed Cabbage-Rern v ble, and for preparation Of ruillously expensive Lo incl, '� I .,event v of theill culue into (l'All" ap the enter , Wages rarely rise Above it pound or tile 4table-boy, Ilis poild With world Selfishness i.ibe'very prince of !.and U flourishes In health only when lo.avol 0 inade-over , dishes, and no one need . !IN "I tint SO glad i " Y JO.afed Perhaps tile most story
.8 oil - of ill t Ik 'from a fine so a week, Is ir ught with a (1411ay I air-ound until IlIghtfall, flaring till) Of it or- biels. will Ile
darkness, the fertile source or Von lovo our Icind find are read to head of Cabbage, Scald it ill hot go iguorant of how It should. be *done. : it f the rin, for it Was 11101111tt'd police find other? WbIte pfo- 11,
ALL FOSSIILN, EVILS. lift the load roni the shoulders � of W6tel !that I's simply Appalling to worherril
. - rot' Millinutes, inake a holo ill The simplest, olbstics ' are the most 'Iny recoilloicticiii of, Oulo
friwid or Stranger without tile hape. to Whom thue is -bread. As It Plo to get out 9cilitu fast horso flevii Of 8,coilaiid. A
As to gratitude far Your acts, you the middle by the side of the stalk, healthfu14 but unless L't irollian is � J The late ituttllill Ilas IL rv-
have nothing to'(10 with it. If Noll of -Lilly other roward thaii tile approy- and fill . it, and bet),vocli, each leaf cooking for invalid there can safely the workiliall, whell inj4rctl, bact, It with Capital. and rather AT of God atid thd Smile of tile it* Oftener than not to Kilig,
get it YOU - 311 -LY take comfort to gals. , veal or xitutton, be 'a blending of dislie that. feed the 9VIII And ;trill lilluted lip partner, ud 1(ka, of
highly sensomed. Biod'it round. no, bear lie had ee-tit(
yourscir, but it yau fail to got it tile eye and tile Imagination, for We al lixat* night LIRM119 Ills last rostink-place In
ur life l,and stand it if, it StbT
tfualltY or your act , runiallis ilia If Von will call make, o vpe,11 with Of tiq cat with our eyes Lind relish ticular find , Strictly private, law- ero Prince and PrinceSs. j)1jInload to 1-1111 itoihe
Cass CAllIC 111) 1 1LI t it Rou Ili three days for !�300 All iaci Owl
rand Ili that way Appeal to,
You are Christ,'N Servant and 9 Oct. for your- $011ie gravy, a sprig of tliyme, it bav ccording to our whim. .[Aaced ill 4, Churchyard
so bound t Put your I Shoulder to a Self and your. family,, b . tit. es ou get ]Par, 2 c'ar�ots arid a lump ovbntte�, ds, dainty dishes, arid relishes aral Such P"ivil-to courts tbore al -e, Set shooting party and, found iiiiii. the.had,
9 n tag, ill) * tire birds. ' 71ow is tho: TO ANVAIT fTIS �el that is mired -whether yqu re- ving find not tile Let shunter until done, then ilia Constant allies of table econo-
will. Vlv6, Thc� g! 'IT) aud trial tained by the workem, Errile's. Voris tan of tile .9tee,
With nlOrC j.Princti getting cia to-day9l".she Ccive thanks or no.t. - TO epect gra- ting, is tile maill point. Closo your place ilia cabbage oil it (Its inies, and daily variations of the Or sssecrecy About 6� Witt' that' rlill I ry bill[- In telling the story recentl, Emp
plainest dishes will go far to Supply ps, but designed for theIr ko-replivd. "Vo),
j. ed, 'And tile 1)u
titude"as e es a 1111rteincivIl indeed, ITO won't pict around rIlix- Which inva a kind of ciaid'pro- quo is a lit) day a string, the. 'I the lack of elaborate I and protoloition, to inject a bit of dvice, etiling wlli(�Jl grwll�v rnish with car- t his practice, to
a Commercial e.lcment Into ievollind it.. ivin Ver: able to-resitiL. I
few inines, 11.11119 br large birds.. It he clovs iiot belialvo himself, liel's were ent out. with 'ilia news,
your wilich id quite Unworthy. 'A IslivIl fall into the treasury rd,ts ctit wrve Irot 1ioad. allot in"ttie moviiing 11lit tiarly After- po pol-luslical Nisits to the church -
good action will stand Ill' from t re or heciwirl, nre without. one. of. hetter After luncheon I shall yrcl nd Inspect, tliq sMq Walt
Colbbage Nalad-Cut I' small hend I HINTS TO of which vat*.%.,, !-Min ficnix-e", , It wa 110t 'alltil tOO Jlocra - 9"00 thil-d (JAY a sng(it Sor
b ; late fiat the Duke discovered tikat. ))Coil I le, White arid lialf-brood, poured .1 Ile day to Ill) .111% Ik)lnl), Lind eVell
Part Of Ill hat IV that is Of' Vill) 1 0 Into find shreds, urrally -hold its sittIngs in .
rist. galve to ()poll and outer it, 0110 wiriter's
get to thank. You Cool will nw. I Ila is religion. 0.11* all. 011 of v,megar confe to boil witix 1. 370" It Change try boiling t p v !.the Princess been Asking or tie!- i0to 4Qll'AI)PblIc,: by a
a lie 1-1 lite dtl, lie was grililly s'
husband and not Of his clog! itting ..
Some men Ju, right, anol keop the tin( sl�ll was '-I's lapiespooln Prich. of butter find whiLe 'SWC0t, cldel�, . �1'iien apples. 'begill to of in trill,' or Lite back�rooiix crowd of Mounted' Police witli three
sugar. and seasonin, to taste. When got tasteless tills makes I: clutlige, 0 pay. to on Black itt- 'idc ill( n ancillicil is with tile . hopd Of I I Ila t Tie voin1dri't have , -Iv(,n le 9'. ills -1, ire it gfist of wt d.'*
thereby getting. to hetiven. -It. fs� ilio.'hlil wo (,air give a-littlo, and Illat lit'. it lioUtfal liarty. Thifi,6 is I ille chief tb0 IIIH 1101'1`0�' 110
boiling, tidd tho hre(I(Ind qatibage, The best Way to take jilt.; out of or rarely, a perixianerit',juge Tire I ger ill St. CatliC(li-a, for xuall.v. mond, FullY 8�000 people were pro- .4110 to
Ale . I Sent., arld 1)3� 4.30 ilia town was 11hil"011' in principle of (trill] pro, quo again and ! Will prove Orc, folundation of n, find whon it Is alding Ilot. but, not table )Irien is to,.soak the pots fit o!do%t kind Inost ', was quile autocratic whorl, fov help; himself
I'M 'lot it) be 1,110 right i:'i wilicil- miull fill the preent I . hands tire ia,. ,led with new faces. The balf-
boiling, it front the fire and "'ilk. into swect lailk let Ill turn t it Nvai It sure thing,
the right, and hoiigh. you poaco find I . I Anything contleaccl wit), his- beloved rrA` t1it'll 1111(i it ))Owl, 2 well�bcatmi it ' soll". The process. of sourblq church Voncerilod,- ITO is salcl, to. St Lboi deal' with Ills full, force,
0 WHIL might its effectually IIANC, filing
dalnii'ed for doing it it would,still lie tile rutilre with 1-11!� hopo Of a: 6ggri' ill -to I to assl4f, Ili 'removing - tlici T1111' JURY havo id-gaVC JIS "ilie selection of the
cluty - eup boiling,. Cook been the--clill. iiian who Over till himself U, rock for all tile
Ylmve nothing to (to inuitioH lily A is is by lot. to ensure fair play, coursc.� .1 was to ride, i'veighing 352
but, do not allow it spots. Iub the si.ains in tile inilk th%varted tile, Germn Emperor ITO napresiall lie made, while the roar'
wit), ptluislinwats, find 41'. IM: of healll(la Iold. 1.114, mork. o)"d to citrille. Nor Are- ilia Lind sentanves
thell Pour over tile Cab- after -it. has curdiccl, ' They will be�l land lilt(] bevii wcirsblp�, pounds, While HeYnard was to be,
the illore large tilt,. Illoro of heavoll. lov(' WfL ften quLstioned, The workers at luatills lind rush of the' whia drowned: the
y tboy enter nto Ithoat I C' ridden by it bay *eigliIng So.pounds.
-I ilia ]OWL of self As ('rueltv to snlf� - the. lovil .6f h w silv, 11 come faint, And after t -lie. piece has 0 Unfirs - oil(,, mornin Lit St. lis s
Your r file Illoral unit] well through'. Cover. been .waglied once or twico'will Ili all lieve . that. trib of tlt,4r ei les, tlia� cLxiiie from within' I tail
arid Wo.gof Away aboilt evoil'. Blaok%i)fii�
level y .611 CroF own repro St ilitelests, Were -going out before ! - ' . I)VISO114iouse. kt was some holits
Oil will sItlAnd et in' n eel(] placo,jor, 11, Couple likelihood yfillish entirely Kmt their be ithe celebration. .,I ntind took the lead, gracdfully -fall"
VuOdnes%, and the I IVI(l) your, of lid it. goes. hard'with. any foolish, re- Ifiter,'when the wind had subsided,
t, til-'adlices OThis. inalc4cys a delici6us. lially womon surfor with C11 ilblains, the to Green, I'l. Ing into tile same long Stride that
A to 4n.' ison haid won for hilit the Queen's -plate .
ildeveToTillicat of. ell -.0 !it flie Wl1O_tIIIIlkq lilt i9elfstrong 1 tile tolubs or Wellington and, NO Lliat it . passermliy Tancied lie heard
y .11. will Ilc� IV
aractar, Ili A more (Iii.i,ic 1wepamd in wiliter
'm ifIl"You tit Quebec ton Yeat-s before.- . At - thb,
sturdiness 6f. but if -yoll ejul I,, h e ) gla to indul& ounds proceuding from the interi
ilialillocid; Ia. Me fini, , carry w may be waft with exhangthat sliv..Lumd lxci-solf..�by sillco before, I catilt sir, w us 01,
]'let Lie of hoaoil and. notilell6s", Is the I thtit has mviolv poodily,brouht III t clixartet� Reyruird came tip and Of the safe, Relp was summoned
I oil ar inelted butter, 6 of soaking her foia-Ja �wo is the reply. 'Servico,is g'O.Ing Oil In to
can ovoit will find!" �k:lwd` tippling of ' Yen as is be that tile ello of. Ills and when it became . certain hat
only rews:7srd -yok, e '9`1` I tvaspoon ' cach bv� disovurin'g. ill() we raced side ify side the half.
of mde Or thi a ti a WOO
ade too -hot for the Indian boy quit laughing
popper. all'in -oil of- origanum. to the affected pafts..� t 0611yer,* that celebrated Then
for, No Inall. ever wkinl to Iloli,�01 some living. thing was inside the safe
Wlt4out having it. hekiverily JlLitxvt� bo�gtr 11. ITel worth: 110 vill0gar last, And Then licat ! '_NL'VVr. allow g6l line to boil.. ' I nis arid began to ride Reynard for -his was. broken open, And disclosed a,
If that him- i.ninister of the church or , t,116 Mes- life. -I hadn!t: touched the Diamond, ;man fit. the last stages of exhaus-
in a raw vgg whipped light. you , do, It, A, disagreeable tfon. arid with almost every� particle
drods of Inen,'and Wainer sfah,, New York, who has just.''Coin- live 1,
Over. the s I , one I have prac� plated.his gaventy-eighth also.
hredd6d cabb�ga tincl ser�va flavor t1rat suggests it orig a. aChild tile fOot.f the slope head
tie�xl)y of ]Ilia - ulti- I - I of clothing',torn'from. his body *, in
box uSuakly..'weighs two ounces and, and ficad. Above - the houting I
(10 not leaves. ill(! (ciiideinned offenclar is k-hown (is 111ackslaith Preach- heard Gifford yell, !Ilit him, rimpel the agonies� And despair, of an . tin-
io, 1111)XIL"'ll Ladle8". "Cabbage -11 !requires -one cup of 6o)d cr" -was born And bred Ili &od old
MI spiall; n6,oLhvr tol-slink ixN�ay. priscinnent that so- nearly Inealit
of. lt,- Soak it ip, lx�n 'other -quantities in Yorkshire, but lie-we't tc; tile Stat, SIX
Is aff Cabbag'd in -two water The 'judgalent of eFdr. - �1 6 d's 4e stick thb hooks into OS
-In went the ipurs'
stio hkI,cf 1.1111j, filg. lot i t, Ilt� Was 03113i eeently that Not many.y0ars ago, -'a, prsiression_.�
and Mi -
got cold. Then it ]art to tile publi . . i � -
niond...11kii sreak that pitsti
scalles or Ills youth' I lock-ililcker: was'repalring the time
INTERNATIONAL ON,, It all(] Illix wiih. it -, wMl�bcatvn tivir:to tribunalli deal most an it lbotli under e
d ","ad 8
ly -mother liclx�d
ko w slitiold, toile], ls 1 tablespobil',melti'd buttei, ',.I Witin.
iahead of, t C, lock of EL strong 1,oci;tu belonging to
clad Seas*On- tire ordinary course, b6 in p 'eaOx. far thoi'first.'tline at good
Iltaken' I to haf-brOeds' horse. New York bullion: broker, when thje
]iN%;, t'd pI1I-t,% it, (i). ipg to tste-` Beat �Welll turri into Ordinary, fainting flt�q are not arm. ilia 1, Sir(, said, ag site proudly walked froixt watelxxxxan�, -seein the door "of' ' the
Text of the. Less -on, Act.,3 iv,, 32 to 1 .11 09illar'liolice of, 4.ssiza courts,, 1. can't describe the scene' after�.
If We did illot ki;qw Lliat Ileter blIll ilred puddili dish, and bake ioll-� 'Jea ditig6rous in ilia least At the' �Ilurcll. with himi: 1,11,in -not sure room open, closed it, quite ignorant
ey are, too in-Inute: I knock atthat. It Was sintilly'a, bedlam- of, of the fact,that lie. held impirfooned It
'to v. Te:fct, filled wtt 6 1,110 pi -it, N - 31lightlool 'tit delicately brown-;. hot ill caused y the temporary Absence of to it,. lad, that I understand thy serinon,
VIjoy And half-breed disgust.
ewror -witIT -hot-, tile flish ill.'r6ich it was baked,.: � �-!Jiloiid�fionr the bmin, caused by a arid I'M IIOL S111'0 that I WOUI(I luiVe whl�e
nian inside'Alle strong..robill. For�
by w ed it'if I had; but:inaku surL, i tullatelk tile a42 ,I%Jtll g,roiit power 'ilud Illiglit i0sh that lie !I'. -Cut air qtalk' sLAdcin ;tvoc.-Cjadl�ated had.inadd more bets'thati they
(')Topped CabboxgL fright'.Or shock 6f,any kind; "littlehOuse in a bel it!
uld.: 'pc(S, arid in ollecting these
ifily sultilacills. ant 4chiaitted, lad, I believe ill of ]its -prison-h6use and'; was
�Vltnefib of'1110 IOsarree i10 lead. her,to per- aild and-tillkirter a'c4b- :eV6n ;:� Slight Attack ifxdiges� us'; btlic% room of such, Afr.. 1.�Lid, leader of 'tile FCd breed rianied.-Picrx% Castor, kefused to
L hO. Lord us tta I laps, If Or' licurt - WLA S f ill l. set,. I it, hor bake. Tioll'35-rainittes drain. Cover 0.0n. If You are certa,in tile aitack Litid. olirect4d to st 1wagprq. a.,fight brokeout., A half-.
el,al Op tibia,- b:V opening a Mun-hole, to An-
-to evil Meet. 11). with fresh boiling a' of. ;4 CC WtW UfIOh thoild Jn 'tncjSk! n n Ordinary tainting, positionin Austriilia-, Ili One Or those sure ft'Sirflielent 'Suppl, of
`116w is it that. y6 - havO Salted. a thii remedy is a s niple one.. I,ower public na. 4
-Ovel it cowpletely, ex- idson, a *.
I act together 'rWhary kitchen white, inaii, and'in the fight that en� tile" 1 ' d6 Pillow 0
scare ly I judge And jury fill setile a bet with Buck j)av 411 1 .0, to ',tapt Abil cook until teiidf. r'Ja eel t I r tin a able, anext whom It tormy i ' 1, athotiSLUIdii of be of one, 11 rt age L the chop fine -and drain ' . Season the IiLQd ilia .136d.acicl feet.: lafwys Sees 'at his. best,' Finding.
eveLord. - no ;a one -fill popper, butter ftud-a little - littid. higher, so tt� o., Allow the : - . . SLIed'four half-breedsi Were killed A -G, OF MEXICAN DOLLARS
cold ollu Soul -to' -' Lord r' with I hiniself not long a:go Ill the face, of it We
Spirit.of thL -at one end af%whielt is it d
for tile
God- at'6 111% pdople "that when d'' lit-t1a blood to. flow. back to the. bead. t "Ceti, ea, I bLixtir and is ci severixt wouadbil drove them out. an4 composed himself to i1qep,, ofify
.9 to his: own things. but V00 agar, rill serve very.- hot. I dangerous, -awd of -Protectipnists otile , jalley b'
.1civilig. tile o0lai, as hilliself and, touch thdrit we touch f f lin, 'arid as'WO niflk jilay lie use pce. for -prosecutors and Wit7*,ass4nlblvd` to giv 1, eforcl dark and put - Tvaking up when tire. 400r of tiIsu .
d jastend or i -lie via- Loosen the '610(hiiig -'-aliotlt the If 0 111& rough liand-
egiir.: if preferred . .. I ': There 1.4 ivi. cOu�sel for bith- fing, I Reynard Rouge in our Stable % -with. i�,,rcing room. was Opened on the fOl-�
all litivin.all tliini,:s lit comition. Ilea], them wo deal '%r] th Min, and is decidedly throdt and waist. and Allow n - 111r, Iteict plunged into his sub -
0.1301110 ide; secti"ttors. ad. before tbal half -:7 owing morning..
'to powe i Or s, It, %vas t, I, pf' Ills resurreeLicill 8; Acts There j,4. niore whol- -libunclance- or fro It air t`O' Ile adinit- asfoPow�, np is Oil
thUL did unspeakable coiifort -and vet * a 'r Lot I we're :breeds lef;t'tliey wore'that'for every ortunitte, was the experience
I When take my It a let Llwy,iliustlhava known. a[- ted' iii the �ooxn. Do.noC alloi�y inarry gett D
oil. ilist night, 1� Wits
e.nm , w��rlri g in t, tile, �toxblc, nd one of their number killed at Qlu`.'Ap� of'a, London wh
S011101.11111g. that.'Yew ll�llow, jol-dily its gybat .'truth.' personq, to aboUt thu� person serves , to: show the Ing Lit (It stroag Pr(Anctionist 'bank Clerk who s
ITow �tWful is . this -verfe.�1jefolie us SUNDAY 1) 'Tile limt , prisoner of, pic pelte -500 white inen wolcAd die before -Imprisone lit the bank vult It few
.4-37, I fainting, AS, iy tlib air court. ce Q anoi it d
0 S. of , leads aild ekh, of flotir
-etld� it to u The. scattered th -N eark ago. 11ir.was.on tho 1yolat; of
is 'fox; 1.11c,lirst tiluci, told, Of Appbg smellillfg: salts -to tlia nostrils night has �Itll v been. bko6gl ' I tpughout
houses sold their, propeviy- and put., Blost only two jila- notice: bil
ithe the, Lable, Viciou, husband's o(!ntl &wle Or. ordifiai 1 1 tile lIxouIltahxs,� and in Arar�ch:,� i8��; teaving- the office AiAhe el'alag. hour
tilt,, proceeds in the coiftnicai. fund Incals oil 'Smiday, wit -y anunciaJ4 diluted'with., C7 Me fit tile I Wid,proud
a. i - I; just, ic.rebellign, -headed by ouis Itialli when his
,I. luach. in' ed .1101void thau nly� -kept their threat votes -w I had been overlooked.
-a told tht she (110; and a 0 L it b
a on xiiidle . of
orn- a. eOil Trade, pot Icy. had so aperied the
A and tilat .110 a Ile �gcicid inn�r, but do -not ")' the' evening, imid-of, course they want ag
that tile liced of 6ach-tulglit be s6p tin, or nit poured on th mail, with bloucish C;s fell
0. moment qla is gofie, -lit the �xn A Cruet moutli. clic broku Out. tfbY
Ill to, avii little sill olaff -3 or twcll�
in extra droip�s.srcct. . spirits of 'lavender,in lips s lie en.deuvorti to confront lirice of flour that they (:ouicl afford I. to Icill 50,0 wilite x1len fol- each, kill took'the bundle -and stopped into
aThere, was ing.they are in 11calth,,but United '111. want to stny h-olue from:charch to breed. and even wen
no sellighneiss a lid t6 0od; that.-they"may III [his I)OsItion :Wit!t: t further, killing ilia. vault to place'them oil a shelf,
and no - self-s'ecking, -This seetus 0,11. prepar' it., W -lien the family i1ave to a- cold, water 'will. aq- to chuck it MWIly." � Then the. audi-
Lhe more raina . 'Wore-incit: to be very. religious, but asist in restoring flatice; -yet he perceptibly.shrinks. team,- of hopt-Ing. when the cashier, ihialcing he had al-
rtmble whe
-ider the n we. con.7: 17q;4 all ],our. of i4cire , far d' Once -Cheered iijs.tead,�
before they are atlei night found oMt thoi p. it call wallow� Unles, tilt" nica who, 'kolilo SMI bluck and ready loft the office, closed the.'dod4-
strife for- lyn-exxxillLuce that I they :.are apt' to eiit too .1jurricoll . . .3 a, Waliv, .- ill(,, siulptor; i�
%%as seen or Num. xxxii, 3), and are dead and to prescribe -d.6 �4rixiied wiLli toil,. are to judge 111,11. 7sai., I slled.^Iltith Our Leather.. and before the. prisoner. realized his
rld Vou much, find �Onsciquexxt,l Are being. it, 1eneral Ills repoi-L tit 66 n.. v. in
allauctl me
a once . ainong Pie btried.,.Two licirs in. one grae�, But 6f Who is ca�ving It, statue of R inj� E fsitu�Lvtioil. left� the premises', I a'
1-welvo before Jesus (lied; yqSI,evCa, troub)ed wjtlx� xx give. more powerful medicine., he9 not sa:,ved 'as by 'fire 'to tile �nxill. their I the . sr nqistxllce� , and: dis IIof tho.Thallers, Setficin of the shouted and kicked at the
over, on the night -beforc, tile grace mall in art, W110 has To unyrolding door*. - His cribs " and
I Its I-esurree n Luk(I.xvi, 23, Clause, tell;- cawhero-he maksir; pretence of -wori��r -if , tictioll'. 'l,orento Board of Trade"the clxair�-,
Qoln,. but now the�v �werol fate. the head of God,. We fiecol tc,'] axid olf- thu . s oigfnj� uncteserved work.. embrat- ;stl-zlgglbs Were unheard, and
and lie earn to prepare this. ENAMIMLED, WARV_ n
all filled -with tile nee 1 11g. t1w : loleill Lind, the actual, Bickell, called titten�,
nd the Judge al.Aal the earth doeth' ilical beforchand, sp, s oi0jblal�' 0dium oil those lb)a fact wned a" ' him that Ion
'Experts say thi�t tile. CrAze, to associa 0 before thi, inarning br6ught'release
this great allycreirrg. A filled or tioli t(. flit, part whicli the taunprs 9
iiBird Of ("tin be
people will luallife. ;tylit'.25; Rev, xv; 3), NV, ith- it' little fOretholight 1�1110 t with blill; aml it siwun �-hiin the of "Xxv.iit easily done, so that Alle Sunday din- Cheap , and . ilifnly enamelled iyon I i)roved thtict, he -is 5noakitig thief P . U it' ailthorit
See. ajsa. Acts, xii, tI took ill coneacticill: with -the war lit 1 ile - inust' Ile a dead men. last
Christ and not the iif� of Jo 'and otlier, Cooking I In- hAfrica, Ile poilited out that:! 16. und yet believe llrmly that net- can be ready.. in fiTtee at- twenty it after 'Wha� eme
17, n L I givery to., 1. jag find Spying. _Asketl I e of an, eterniiy.Of,
sis, surnalned Ilarnabas, can- after gertti 'rhousands of sides Of our- leather,
solation, - Lt. Lavite, what lie has to say, for lie we r a -
"God is Love" and, f'iiot riln g -honto sils k4 responsible rmittell internal Ilion of bis Ili The: ))list of mental tcirtu�e and, vain crying and:
and Oviden Lly 7 a' (in troublo, he, enainal. on thlose parts ill(,, Duke of Chtrenco hich - Ali-, niltdc in�o -Saddles' and other
it al�v hould.perish" It6at -chicken find inashed pqtv,- 1`ilqrIS -out M'StYilig JXxxd.! the vitiated:�alr bega;�. to
true ox*1, 19 mentioned'as one, of S;., . - I to (to $Olne inilitary 'accoutreents, as well As
9). toes 6� rqa.qt of the not the in turn W)ML, lilq' clifogtionergJ tell its tale, and, he sank. illto un -
and Sold. it find beef and, browned PO- b6i'ling waier flakes oft'in minute have got !a do' witli'li, is - to'
11. "And great :fear (Alne Upon tatbes �an be used rot- tile substan- ago. Als.i ras, coll0derilble al-Iiintities of bootis,'Ieg onsclousulis. 'When 4 last -h6 re -o
laid the money at the Apo * I qllarp�cdgcd. parti&s axiCiningt6s, new tile (ing, hill, bte., and its far tis wo can echurchand upon a% maily a of the dinner. 11 T)IP itidge 10oks Ill tire jury onie -covered Consciousness it Was' to find
Lev! "joined,'." had lie 411u. ked befins entirely, sai'sfactory. illiinselg on floor, with the
4- hrepresentation cif.,Sir�Ar- e
illol. tiiw by flow, for We sbould feet proud that we
I11thoitigh Orin,kjs inanufciture leather, nd that cashlor and hig 'Own 'wife beading
6 ugh. �Tq does. not LOWAVIE, Saturday, putting it away in It cool at- ;during eatl� not. a I St dr lInxiously over him. The expl4xxa�
t Is JOIn0c led'. for the times. and, tit- e1dal and Stuff tile. Chicken oil by' -tile truth,. "Ile the lit dish forthis It Is. impossible -to detect Ili ledI hur its old and an
I rat ed �Iierd these-tilingg.". It Was it need- also wake an. 6xcoillc with the.foold -Which is being cooked.-. of jvhc�m� a,
to'the Lord is one Spirit'
.%1. 17), ' Our Lord Jesnj not Only lotl;i-Ift bV Lietillior. . ILI bavL connected with our trade -men.'
gave 111) till 1-1114- �icllcls Lind. becaluti 1-th i-who"can military accout
th if H wiftly punish sjilners, NO Bv&3e housakeepershould RACTI MAN NODIS 9ITol, - Ition of his. timely,reseue Itoin death
Wado w1lb Carved *.Sir John 'whs that his wife, growing anxious
.aor to make, but I -3a actlial- RS' NAVY 'tit,,, her husband's failure to return
Sill Lind 'tell Us . that have a good Mastr, a solf-baster be- "We . have this to do in to'no for, Ili(,, ineniorial I i -
1VOULDIS SMALL 1 11lecita that will Pss tile Strict ex-
, -he that, t6lIath lies shillt flat ilig file, best. Before go.itil? to churcir eolyles tile. answer find, sentence. "We 'ill fnSt; 6f the,.military authorl-
lY for u&, taking tire 'in His Sight'(PS. 01, -7); We cal"TIA- Plam lia :chickoa in' the roaster, at- Mexico has 1he sinallest-' navy ill won't stanct .,-you lie I t ]ionic at the expbeted-titile, lx�ad gone
place of ilia gu;lty OluL. wq'Inight be re, , An, loingOr, ll�al has -d statua Of Ille,great. les at , Solutbanip toil. . Instiindus
but think of tile iiwJft . jUdgmerit'the beat with' tile' potatoes placed 11101 World1n. propoftioil to, her popu- 1 You"ll Clear oit, of wil in twel4v (11411 froin have been Cited in which shoes made
to iffil (11, Cor. vili, 1); upon Auron's , ' Used. Th I lot' -And to to the Cashier to inquire about him,
it, 20). sons at tile -beginning around it if t1fs dish'Is. a lation. T%v'('Ive inill' I I-leoplu tire four hours had rcturned togAher to the
not coula ba 1, confession rj-! it d adtt� havL een it'full ear's
frigs with Israe) (Lev. oVen' should he -quite hot when tit,. protectell'by It, feOf two dispatcli c �t, .'ar inost fascinating service fit bauk and,, find him, , the'
v, 1, "But Ananias of Ood's dealt Africa, Lind returned' i
1,. ll. in the cherch cilicl4ch it; )UL11 i.4 -that 11Y, tile Que011 'happy
Ty'alra The tarei put in. After this vest-'ets, . ft�o 11tiarxilared guaboas,:.i Tbol.,condemned r (1, . . fLtir condition. Slinilar reports have icahter, by a nspirption, had`.
and the wheat reecc. - To' this lipok nearly ev.- I ..
to-�dvy and rill ministers who use fig 1he flro'.s6, that ft. ill give -out a bach- carrying tilie tries to. %ncier,-but awAlfs no re-loperied tile strong-rooln just in time
will grow together until the harvest, Istranga - -fire were thus summarily crOwIled 1IL&I ill been , made by different
iiiodarMteAlCat. - V'Op �rlll soon learn in); inn 'and four ula.11 breeeliloadivs unswer.' And slink.4 ON to save the life of the Imprisoned
-Jesus coloics Again w4ity.a. and'vstl? 914rding tho adillos other Mill
i dealt with, there would bil no and of to do �tlxis so�. well that thi part or 'and five eCon torliedol-boats. When -lie, is gono;a. niall, IaJ4Lcs.Ilir*
bird will lodge Ili tho'braliches but. I lary, . equipment of Canadian. xuanu-
k; t) n t wames a', branch, I, The tolion niany, Although God Necirrin. to ous gi hLeture, Whiell gave Univelesal sails'.
no bird ever be fear your dintier-will be lit ely dc)n(,-. This fleat h, itianned by 0 ciflicers.',
I flInOralSp al)(l.' a frill grf?at with trvoinniands, I � iut the noceRsary,water in tile tear, find 500 men. of witli the 100111 (if it "Walk before Ma, wid be 14p . I loins faction to -the trocips.
.Op ilenvol Concerning. tilp to) Lite (lit
cO"rtll')- kettle, Lind place 'oil, -Life scove, it -elr I -to tie tile') and "Thou lihalt'l)(3,tions and Ili llis.p'ro- but plocives hinis in wel*� to, I
ad" you Intend lo have washed Iand is tit, ivew Osster Groitoldo. There re some clucer couples In
0 with the Lord thy G Glell, ipssed IL 0i)Ic. Ile, assures . 114 that peel the potatoes, edtfig in rathlbr li'llo grawth Of footIrtIll In. ns tit I o n, wiliv)i 111; out tile Xing, tiwirld, remarked an estate agent
xvii, 4, inargin; Point. xvili, 1,3), fire , Tie will ot . Iways ke,rT r ice a d collI)e . f" ,
a le, n I - Xclarift, Oyster expert
nlways bIndIn4 and oou tire getting ]and I..; ot, looked uptin liy dill -jealled on' to Pay, Another. Ireconily. Mho.oilter day ri, 'initn and
It . without. it for tile *Fisberies Department, � has,
be lie that ju(Tgmelit lutist tile breakfat, put them Ili tilt, pot. 'and tar authorities ivith it -very favorra- fortunate, is round guilty, chictl 'oil tl1,NVIIIII is returned to (Ittil, is woul-an called to ,;cc me bout rent-
I-IIA'doetil tile work of the Lord do- I Ilause. Of Clod (ps, if, ; 1. v i Ille of a galifit. wolli wa, to propare
Pot I Cover with cold Celery should ble OwIlig, to tile fact, that the oil tile opevatins of his
cuitfull,v" 0cr.:,xIvfl1; 1.6), seems to 17). n find �ing it house. The w6nian. did 611 the
be cleaned tile day before arid plucetf yollag men of tile roulltf,v I brood or tarving of Ila%1Jtg -anch d iring tile pait season; Lalking and turned to.the man, for
be Illwas it -novestiary 0, 'ei. balvin- allsot 'd b I ho King, of Sweden. alt .1 Mr.
W1161L Abram And agrced to. act-, in writer. and all'canned fruit,Miotilil hing to dovot his fttitlilv In favor of hool, it floot's, it c4u, ancl a ha been esPeciall ' engakdol. comfirmatiolt or corrobortktion, 1R.,
leopched itild claPtiod Into. tag all'thate spare tialorto folotball7land IS promptl not Io belivy f I oll V)p Opposite Ill A, new bed Ili Annallo-
it If(! and Isaac tin(], of I' , tile ON1,3 WAY 0141 gr lwayy;. adread With her, and did it
d TLING A BiLL -hand. tnblo 4hould Ile ;et for two, infit(. !oil'. 11 ),tit
before . Caf-I,,V very me
1 (1011, t suppose that I �illrtll -ever. while you are Washing thl breakfast. corps are suffering frow lack of illen pairi of liollig in tfiv millpond (to I said tile wal-Alln .'It 7ill
'en, x1i, 1148; Xx, 2; <xvf, caae� t .,hld oi, lis BasIn. Jt! will be planted euly.
-lilell Oi �us 'Call' say -that ilia 1-' Volt 1 Ile lixosl fit the pring. The OVstql' ground.
pyos its It ftilla of fire " got this flit]. settled," sighad' 51P, olislies; bers, I y AOt S , I . i rot. vildl (tail every ilet ills 1, In Murray llarbor,. Prince EdwilroligiYe y0UrS1'5.fOr ilia liotiso. wopyt
�Atfdy, the IOCRI And'u. �idii wilt) has I
toniv -deceit III our illalost 'As soon as you gilt home, bef6 Or-, written: oblae, slaIIIII. wIlich werd. plan u
'llearts? we I I ted-ol th a It a rowed nionoy. rroin IiiitC, nd lionble behig* ill the World., in 'iny
paper, 'I whow )nUd
%),a are n0l, our Own, but bought, ruefully At a Small 1) 1 iLe of change your clothes, poln, said be, .'Ill the sunitner x)f 1000, are sfiowfii� tip
Cold water Off the potatoe, pour an of itiailinfic. I c lilt . lect): it Ile,
XV11,11 Ills preopus blood, 4 t of tile debt, ',opinion,,. is Willi will hisirit Woil I. "And I'll pay ing- - rent promptly,
4. "Wh hatli.Satan China IVby not 9" asked the'partuer of sufficient hok water froin tile teti.-4tet_ the least,noitse, such.a it cat.on tile tit lit With )its too ; won't We, John
are round to contill laore sound
his'lo,,A and sorrows, though lint of is heart to If% to,the If6Iv And plae on tire Stove, ji do' back tonve, for ifholitinq. 11L.: is 1" Use, Wbod lust d of Coal,
buKincss Ing this they will Ile done by tile powdev upoll I a pay 111) forthwi (11, 1 "And tyll take good caid of the
hit weItile 311111croft Times says that woold
st lied unto'Cod,11 Sea tile I It, (;Inmess of tile Ftttbcr and the , g the account of Mi., tilne. tile othol. things, are ready. the phsician, after conitioun(ling it It 4 no. fuss nor house, Wolft we John
lor in lying to) tha lilpy lie ilia diiii6on. P sto 'llre with on tire i
]lint it, 0M, COrlbe, allot tile)' YOU will (to I take it., talk; Just it 141111t Mat(Iffleni. of' WAS over so wany tillieli, but. I Can't � t'' facts, ill() froliciale, Bancroft. & Ottawfit Rail-
Anito God.. yietl al -go (jIO allenc 190 ,And I'll take It for three years
(If !Iictvf, nothinit to do WiC warill tip flia "Aroll.doll't tal;e ft, You It is Sanreol�V , CIVIIMTO 1.1411, NO way fit ITilstings Comit TO see Won we, 3 Olin
ians, v-1ifich. hav V
*PIVII, Il,nd the for Ili l- to the point, , 110 i such It I don't know how to In-ilig Win baked be a been Tit give It to ilia eat ill a little luilk.), Ifaithfill it and ;o g. o 6 d It It* traill filinIIII the place. Ill,, utal),t [.)fly than not.givell it, Brown of to Withe4s, ix first-clas� display of
.1)9 to Vetee and, tile othlyrif itilito tho Spirit. Xoticealso it tAnother pair -in About. and MO sentelleo. ihosv iri- could, ever kCpt w"..' tilt! wol"t at. tile ill(" fat"(W t&lve nionths." avo Illegal If the, ofovernign Wetting, but )its London uell CaSeq, are you man Lind .4 it IT 011ecdote which aild wifo 11, exclaitned tile
leIn Anithitis, the Same tulver- illose to Intel and ttlso, Tailtw +
,(tell tied with , OL11 air of detorlifiLlution, I'll they (--().aid tie voavvrl,(.d ]ato tilat, e find it very halliall,
imr;v who in the garden or V "Give Ili(, that bill," erled ','Indeed' We are
to and Itag ever shicii beqn prae- I Oand terl;briqla, If. Ila- H I M ITT 7N IN MA, it, J cillit firing Ills ull�rod),v Con get it "No, my but thovi Brown Wa.;, vary fowl Of fslilmr,
trast , That wit, filled wifli. the:Spirit tin() Ali W TWovilleial town in and
s Satiteday evening. are generally fAirl conducted. tilld' one thly, wlic
$11 be had 1 0110 "not Malt And
What ?" 1,
Ailing filled with Mat= And the bigh I tM Monday morning tire bill and tile . 1,
iTryThis The ]list. Case we try to -night is allilon oil 111.4 hOoh- Cash wore rent to Mr. PI'licst find other Iffled with hilligna ftlltlt% of It hulking . rullian, (ill Life train tile Castlo bn flicl
Ow o)I you manage Iny 'fill %I,
VA al' enV IV, 8, :11; v, charge Ifiat 110 11U4, Its 00 Of (losiring Ills &it. rincE, �oll that I this
oAsked tile In a, brutal, 111,11c,tical *'joke" iti edWith. Ill(,- evil lall an installal !on laid i
17). iWefour lalchs. of
in 0 v WE. 114here is no 411111. it wa" Ilrawh's IL 1) ; I
0'all Do in us. 'I'll(? Spirit Ift It, John %;a, it, wasn't Afid ohn nwvkIv -igracd,
work Ili tho rumble of tho "You were not
and tll,3 ." said mil bor. .1.4 fill alwas (fill, isitting
of Truth fat'llep, of lies 0ACh tion Of thO prisoner's guilt. or thaClitto
can fill us un- Its, but lict IlIq vi -thn will bo unable to
less we wryleonla ihow, yesterday, or yon wollf(I - own 5. (L Dead nd burled Ili a OW I have ffor niontim. -Ili the iislivt the her Mtlil'-ItV that I'll N3
f pr6bable would lie it tiltr lie saf(f� round the, ITIAte for tile collection, I fillp (31' forty sylillfilgi.,
90110 from the earth and or: 1101nothing But ill(! saillion ivu.14, i,troing And
jut put that bill into ill(% ITInte, SN o P ALCOITMI. ofOf
but gona' Mce I t; In t ill, rourt. I b As rortild not TIC, ill once, Ali- it Which would
whero Ila tile trile Chilli Of Goid,foldcd so that oymbod wonlil see �;13eo 1110 iq thel, a)) d linecillic From ill(, Ittissilln atityal rill ordillai'v death is *gafik and fill, better.: tha i. ilia 11tillie and other partici, Ili r-t lie Iflul I
flial, till Inuat Illg9regilte �Sf.)(W,Offo* it .,Veal'.
(late find ol, forth. I tholight y Iller wilit life lax oil iIs it. of soll)e of. tIlt3
sojourning bprv. But Whitt, of A ou
would have ti.e nionoy to-dav, When
nin' .4 ? 1119,11anIO 1)10fills. "eTchovall gii-I 4almon on, lint I'll Ile In lit it, w ir!4, csis firilcious" Itut did lie, know file 11I any Inore (lobtp collected, Ile will do) it too-411111dreft Of Paving grace Of Johovall ? lIOW 4 or Wit fitter, A� ill'
Wo k tile bills oil to nip, ITenry", Witteheri; ill Illa nrill will Aw, to, that. cint"aid it 110 dollars! No (It her. 11ge.4 lilt 00 talidll'S, $1300
that thilroy Irt, wich a, thing se4 being 'Arid Illetipy aid he w6ulti, And I feel flial T hnv4i in w illirtl antl .*YX- of 1.11,, ; etill,
fillierini !11, its by that Mlitull nlAv 111glit's work whell (lilt Ash is r! % IMI. . I,
hut'll It XvIliell Is 1 ell ell per M-0 table ilegLroy ther flesh and et ilia spirk A NATURAL oIalld her 11w whole 1who set tilly royAl table, be that soynor of the nicniberq ilia judge extinguiAlf%; (lit, lainly, in, It's )lot for it, ;Ind of 11.1, eoutlfl.�. jbittler, vear; VIlef, h3,i,)oo,A
o00 tokell-Ilial. ill(, `wUll"fli, the, 'alwoll III
Church Were SiCICTV aild Spine tail ug ivear ; four roolo", 1,11ch M, -
(lying becaue of sin Anil thtt livo the incloit is inhalifted," oeit, 1 I� Of tile kitcheil,
Are told try nothfur, boiforciTrOl'il tile top of tile Imew ('nongly, of 50 $1,50(y
the Mile until the Lord Come (I � where (10 tile people g'.0 when thera Is hiy)f tilt, thn, trli)gv IT) illo. �Ullcl In ilia
Cor. v, r); xt. %J(J; Iv, t)),jollly it half 1110(
in Illylaorbs of Now Vealand Is not told. wid I'lit wild ellough i,
ya Rev. XXI, 8, gives; us little ho -Ilifare, It till flow ialuourlit
potatoeq And o0ler Illy iho ful
In volcalile heat, U few Men will fillt. -lily and Ilut vii, haII11aid for labor, th
I11111ch More F1. voili-allocs lit Xt�iv and R(Inio ille pA-inall, A illon who 111olit"V Und Uon't XV liol th4$
7, R. "It iviiq About the llinto '01
MFOO 110111-9 11111,01' 101M 1119 Wife, not thilental thair T thought. Silo keep TOID Molt. of the AtAoris lfv(- lip fix Ili(% n101111- AIVIIV, 0-019 rot* Pa it fit to oiAlerage
ri I
knoWing Wbat, WAS done, Callie in," letter - . that old lover of herq Phelly-1 eaaT6 tol alrk you for the hand,of your dituAlitat. 000 it ear.
m houva it net vory sorry, young yflan, but cir4minstanctis ovir whldb 1 101114 110M, 1,110111. untla, fill, vol. retilloyll the riell Vent flit- Thv not a;Wftl'0'Writea4 "That itaft z;cutimetititl no 46 rot for66 me W stAy filti, vitnotia (to everal t1iingril for ninn, coldly. "how much �Voll hilve ])I";
of It, Itow long the had Joutneyed 1 m dear ; it hq good, Ili-, hard, brone thow, -but the queerest Is tlie cook- to be thankful far. Now, '1111no it) -call 11 Ot these mortal Tyodieq Wo'lot-proMie son4�e.)p trying for bonbous." Il a uon alilk.