The Clinton News-Record, 1902-02-06, Page 1•
23rd Year
Ino.omn.r. RA, •
Examine your label. If it says you are in arrears, pay up.
To have it marked a year in advance will be still better
esseseeoeeveeee.eseeqseeeeeaeese.eaeseeee.eteeeeeteeeseeeseesee-eee, ewer, Many Happy Returns of the Day. Next Monday Night's Meeting. Shrove Tuesday Entertainment
The last aeries of entertainments
given by the Ladies' Goild of St, Paul's
church for the present year will be held
in St P
William Jonee, born in St Asaph,
Flintshire, Wales, on February let,
• Since814 : 1872 he has been a resident of
Clinton and ie deservedly popu-
lar and respected. He is genial and
upright, a man of many friends and
Very few, if any, enemies, Many happy
returns of hie .birthday, say we all.
On Monday evening next a public
meeting will be held in the town hall
bo discuss the question of Cold Storage
and the eetablishment of a plant in
Clinton. This matter meant: much to
the farreere and business men of thie
county and. it is important that there
be a large turnout en Monday evening
Hon, J. Garrow and Mr, Mel).
Allasa of Goderich are among the ad
vertieed speakers.
Cattle Shipments. ,
Monday was a decidedly unfavorable
day for delivering cattle, but, notwiths
standing the furious storm, Mr. S. IL
Smith ehipped nine carloads of stock,
157 head of cattle and a carload of
lambs, Of theae he bought 50 head
from Fair l3ros, which bad an average
weight of 1360 pounds; 20 head from
0. H. Reid of Stanley, 10 from W.
Taylor of Stanley, 9 from: G. Dale, 9
from A. Flynn and 6 from W. J.
Miller, all three of Hullett.
Willis Church Services.
Petition for Prohibition
Valentines tor
St. Valentine's Day
. . 14th of February . .
New Comics, New Novelties, New ace Valentines
Our line for this reason is the prettiest we have ever
shown and the stock is now ready for your inspection,
Ask to see them.
Popular It ooks
The Self and Sex Series
"What a Young Boy Ought to Know" .
"What a Young Man Ought to Know"
"What a Young Husband Ought to 'Know"
"What a. Man of 45 Ought to Know" .
For Women BY MRS. W000 -ALLEN, M. D.
"What a Young Girl Ought to Know"
"What a Young Woman Ought to Know" ,
$1000 Prize Book BY MRS EMMA F. A. DRAM M. D. •
"What a Young Wife Ought to Know"
"What a Woman of 45 Ought toKnow"
Sent Post Paid on Receipt of *1 each. •
W. Cooper & Co., cuivmv.
Agents for C. P. R. 'Telegraph and Dominion Express ,
Money Orders, au° for Butterick Patterns ••
"Ibrilfribrib,lbAllb,V6/IbWVWW.116,41b.. 1116,1111.011../..11bAbi,\I"Ifillh"Dribolir
The holiday season has come and gone
and we are once again settled down to
our usual line of trade. Before long we '
expect to get things in our • store so
arranged 'that we will be. able to
make some special announcements.
set In our extra busy spell we dirt not forgetto keep up our Standard
of excellence in Staple Groceries and we are now prepared, as
we always are, to give yon the purest and best groceries that it
is possible to obtain in °beton or elsewhere
Fresh Lettuce and Young Onions every week.
0, I, le CoOpei .
404•••••40**4••••44440..*N...i40••••••446******** . , • ••••
See our Auction Sale Advertisereent
. .
on Page 4 •
- .
P. B. CREW% jeweller and Optician.
Biddlecombe's Old Stand.
Expert Watch Repairer.
...................a‘ .........e.......................
: . . .
. . . . . . ,
. .
i 1 Your Attention.
is direeted toour one column ad
on page 4 whieli contains a list of e
the bargains we eve offering.
M ) ieSif MY IfATTeR,
Men's Frieze Overcoats
that were $7 and $7.50 for $4.8o
$10 Frieze Coats for $6.39 $8 Beavere for $g
Bieck Beavers for $3.99
We have ordered a full fine of Gent's Furnish. *
ings which will be opened out on March -let.
Everything will be entirely new and up to date.
Meeting Of TOwn Crouncil.
At Monday niglat's meeting of the
town council two assessors were ap-
pointed at a salary of fifty dollare each.
The pay will not maketheruperse-proud
and it is expected they will be able to
straighten out a number of tangles that
are said to exist on the assessors' roll.
The Mayor says the roll is in "a dia.
graceful condition." Meesra. IL
Stevens and T. Cottle, who have been
appointed, have both bad experience
and wiil have the support of the citi-
zens in general in carrying through
without fear or favor the work which
they have undertaken.
IMr. George Hoare, • who has for
months been talking up a monster
denionstretion for Coronation Day,
addressed the council in regard ,to the
matter and asked for the appointment
of a committee to co-operate with an
existing organization, Mr. Hoare
already has piens partly mapped out
for the biggest event of tbe kind ever
attempted in - this' county ' and his
enthusiasm idtalking theca up has set
.the ball moving. Dr. Shaw also spok8.
upon the sneject, with Whitest he is in
hearty sympathy, The council put
upon it the seal of its approval
and aepointed the Mayor and
Councillors Corn be,Foed and Overbury
a committee .to 'assist in perfecting
arrange meo ts: .
Councillor Combe said, the Cold
Storage Company is .now booming
and there is every prospect a the
buildings bang erected when spritig
opens. • Fifteen canvasserswere set at
work this week and next week a series
of meetings- Will be held throughput
the county to place the advantages of
cold storage before the people. -
..:Councillor I% Maekerizte.Opeeed up a
discriesion by :suggesting , that the advertise for tenders for
next season's granolithice'esalke. He •
believed there were men in Olinton
quite capa,ble of undertaking the wot k
and was- in •fevor of giving theta the
opportunity of doiug so. -
Councillor A. Mackenzie coincided
with his . namesake. Fifty deletes
would buy an eutfiteand if the council
does not undertake the week iteelf it
sheuld be given to 1041 contractors.
Councillor Corp he sew no reason.
why. the. coupcil shouldnot build' elie
walks by day labor. There:i's no* a
capable local inspector 89 that all the
help necessary to impart is '& finisher.
It ' thee system is net adopted the
Conalt shotild be awarded '810ftel
men, . An eerie" decision should be
arrived at. . !. • ... • ., . . .
' 06unCillote Combe - introdueed. the
queetion of waterworks, which for the-.
threefold reason , of eccorieMy, health
and protection against fire would be a,
geed thing for - Clinton, The Seater •
supply' in teidinanamer is scarcely ade,
quate for 'Bre protection and in a big
blaze during the dry spell it Would very
likely become eehansted.. The *elle
dug several years ago, contieued Open-.
cillor Combe, are. now 'hecoreing dry
and will -have to he'• deepened op
artesian well e sunk. Already 'eight
citizens have obtained rock Water at a
cost of $2600. There are six hundred.
houses in town and if belt of them have
to be supplied With thesedeep weile the
expense Will be very great • • He
believed it wetuld pay the town to. put
in a waterwork.s systenet9 Consist of a
number of artesian ' wells to be put
down, bey, near the electric light
works, from where the *ater could he
primped into a standpipe 'and•thence
piped to all parts of the •town. He
believediauch a system Could be put
down for about $25,000. , . •
Councillor Steeensen said. the time
isolose at band when the town must
put in waterworks for the geod of the
Public bealtkieforeno other reason. It
will cost a lot of mithaey but the change
meet be Made. Our webs are • getting
,ower and the water becoming impure.
itiriwas in favor of the artesian well
eystetrrwhich is nowen vogue. •
Clonneiller T. Mackenzie was . of the
opinion that the Bayfleld•rhi'er 'could
be deepened... at the London Road
bridge and after the water had been
filtered it could be put into , deimestie e
00iMaillOr Ford said the water. I
i. worke agitation must have a beginning -
The preparatory services held in
Willis church en Thureday last were
conducted by Rev. Mr. Fletcher of
Thames Road. Pastop Stewart adriain-
isterecl the, communion on Sunday
morning. • For the evening he had
arranged for .an exchange with Rev.
James' Hamilton of Londesboro, but
on driving through the furioue storm
to keep his appoint:none lie found thee
Mr. lianailton had tiot left the shelter
of his manse, supposing that the pastor
of Willis would also remain at home.
Mr. Stewart. returned to °linter: with
all possible speed in order that his
congregation might not be disappoint-
ed and occupied his own pelpeepreach.
ing acceptable sermon to the faith-
ful who had braved this. storm to be
present It was a trying day for the
reverend gentleman;
Clinton Defeated ,Wingham.
Two rinks of the Clinton bowlers
defeated **Ingham on the; Neal rink
onThursday last. The players Weie :
Clinton *Ingham .
T. Jaelcsen . W. Koeehtel
vy. Beydone 1-1.. Hee.
W. Jackson. • . E. McAlekee
W;Spalding ek 29 Dr„Macdonald sk 8
J, Rensford .; D. Pinsley
J. Tolensoe A. Cleisholier
A. Porter . .0. Van Norman
R. Agnew ek 18 J. Patterson. sk 15
• • ,
Total 38 Total : 23
• interesting contests . are going on
this week at the rink for thee,. Taylor
and Fair trophies. The iiree•vvas don-
ated by Mr. te. J. Taylor of Toreneo,
Travelling Paseenger Agent of the C.
M. & SC P. Rye for a, doubles tourne,
meet. Mr.Taylor is a personal friend
of Mr. W. Jackson and has such a
regarcefor the good feliows who in-
dulge in curling here that he, put up
thie trophy for cempetition. The fleet
round will be fieished this week; key.'
ing only eight Pairs to play off. The
following games have been played :
E M. McLean and E. 0.Tanney
defes,ted A,: .Forrester and
McTaggart -14 to 5.
T. jac,kson and J. Rattenhury defeat
ed,B. 3. Gibbings and J. E.. Caritelon-
12 toll. • • ' •• •
Dr. Agnew and Walter Iewie defeat-
ed, W. jackeoe and N. ,Ilienry.--10 to 6,
A.. Porter and J, Gardener defeated
Dr: Shaw anceR. Graham -17 to 10.
. Fair and VV. Ross defeated. j. P.
Tiadall and W. Rand -10 to 8.
The points contest for. the sit of cut
glass tenablers presented by the presi-
dent of the Club, Mr. N. Fair, will be
finished beforeFebruarY 28th. .
Wedding. Bells. • '
At noon yesterday a quiet but very
pretty wedding took place at the
residence of Mr. John Bell when his
eldest daughter, Miss Mabelle, became
the bride of Mr. Harry 0. Belled
Winghatn. '
• It was jest high twelve when the
charming bride, Who was most
becomingly attired in .white taffeta en
trait:, with tulle veil, and carried a
shower boquet of bridal roses, entered
the parlor leaning upon the arm of her
brother, Mr, J. I. Bell, the sweet
strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding
march being played the while by Miss
Elva Adams of Londershoro, '
The beautiful marriage serviee of the
Church of England was performed by
Rev. C. R. Gunne, rector of St. Paul's
burch, in tbe presence of only the•
remediate relatives and friends,
After the solemn vows had been
nade arid the company had partaken
of a sumptuous dejeuner, kr. and Mrs,
Harry 0. Bell left by the afternoon
citizens that granolithic walks were all
root, end now they melee ea put train and will spend a few days of the
and iecould nebetart too some.. It took ' '
iyears of discussion • to convince' the
-glee& 4eeweereeeresettessies-seeetaseeiesiesieeseseeesee.ereeess
1 ,
• In literature and photography
the character study- is the htebion
of the hour, DO not make the
mietake of Bitting to a photo.
grapher who does notiknow how
to produce a study of you.
We CCM make you a beau.
tifut characteristic picture.
Kla..iPcsioale+ .e.40,1s.4.111..
Phol o Studio
honeernoon in. visiting Toronto and
down feat enough . to simply the
, several of the 'Anaerican cities, On
demand. Iti Merlette, Michigan,
their return they will take 'up their
towt: erneiter than Clinton, they have -
a three -well ' and atandpipe system residence in Wingham.
A.mong the guests were Mr. and Mrs •
,which is giving A nal, satisfaction that
T. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vansten&
the people wouldn't, think of doing
MISS Boyd, Mr. 0, Bell, all of Wing.
$vithoul. it. Onuncillor Ford says a
ham, Miss Adams of Londeshoro, and
considerable revenue could be derived
from wane" ee Hytorn. Mr. and Mrs. Janaes Pair of Clinton.
There was a large army of beautiful
To the list of oftleere appointed and
Night presents testifying to the esteem In
their salaries le will be twee that
Watchman Weleh hen had his salary
whMkiths tHheellt-wittewisMhreeki, II. tarry 0. Bell. -
increased to One dollar per night. To
twoRny'soynoeunogf latdheies17nedt‘wP°IlPlabiner ogfrealtitiln;
ttscah 1;) th;e i(1): the h nc:nflodtettihcee.
that is repoeed in Mr. Welsh, the pay missed here, especially in St Paul's
Will not Aeon: excessive, ' church and choir where her aervices
TOWN OPPTOTATA ANT) MITT 0A.LA.Ttlila were always cheerfully rentiered.
W, Coats, clei k and tretteurer $ 850 Mr. HartY 0. Hell is a son of the
Je, Wheatley, cilia constable, etc. 411 web known furniture manuftteturer,
Weleh, night watchman 805 Mr, Thos. Bell, a leader in our north.
11. Stevens and T. Cottle, assessors, ern town. Ete is himself engaged in
50 the same business and holds the re.
0, Oeraitehh, cemetery superintendent 800 Spoilable petition of manager of the
XI three Wingham factories which are
Dr. Shaw, X. H. 0.
Menne!, portnakeeper
W. J. Paieley, engineer
P1115 ialttOADDI.
S. Wheatley, chief
3". Miller. engineet
A. Seeley, assistant
J. 0. West, stoker
) intorno, each $15
oefeshs vosvc: Tuesday,oolhou s en
follovving program given; duet, Mrs,
day, beginning at 8 o'clock, when light
refreshments will be eerved and the
ROSS and Mrs, Gibe:Inge ; reading, Mies
.Beaiie Wood; solo, Mrs. eibbings ;
reading, Miss Agnes Irwin t. anthem,
St. Paul's choir; reading, Mum Mount -
cattle ; solo, Dr. Efohnee ; quartette,,
Doherty quartette; selection. the
Ontario St. orchestra. No admission
fee will be charged but a silver collep.
tion will be taken at the door.
Fortune Telling by the Stars.
The second lecture jn the UnivereitY
extension coarse was given in the town
hail on Thuieday evening last before a
fair sized audience. The lecturer was
Professor Baker of Toronto Univer-
stty, whose subject was Astrology, or
Fortune Telling by the Stars," flis
treatment of the subject, into Welch
he delved deeply,. was much appreciat-
ed by those present. In addition to
the lecture there yeas a short 'program
consisting of piano duets • by Misses
Newcombe and Washington and
Misses Parise and Hoover, and solos
by Miss Worswick 6f Guelph and Mr.
Norman Meech, both of whote were
recalled. Mr. ltfurch is now ClintOn's
favorite tenor. The third lecture in
the course will ba given on 'February
21.4 by Prokseor Ramsay Wrightwho
will take for his subject "The Micro -
Scopic Life of the Sea," with lime light
Pastor and Wife Are Appreciated.
Theregulareneeting of the Quarterly
board of the Ontario street church Was
held. on. Tuesday evening .. When. the
different reports !presented were of a
gratifying hater& So well pleased
was the board with the existing state
of 'affairethet they placed the folioivieg
reeolutions en the -records : • ' ' -
• "ii!eiolyed: That. in' view of the har-
trimly and increased preeperity of the:
our. ceurch.for the past year, that we
desire to 'place On record our appiecia-
Cori of the eeryices of, cane pastor,: the
Bei*. Dr. Gifford, ieeognieing elae fact
that our present etaeditig. AS A church
is largely dee to his unteeing efforts
and merked ability, both as a preacher
of the Gospel and pastor of the people,
and that eve as a board heartily invite
him .to remain as ow' paetor; for the
Coming .0onterence Year." '. : • .:'
."Iteectlyed : . That we as a board
desire . to • peace ' on ' record ' our*
-.appreciation of tbe services : et
Mrs. .G. eke:Gifford,: the wife of .our
beloved pastor. Largely dui to -her
int:leer:CO ,amortg rthe ladies of ' our
• thueela; they have undertaken and
done a genet work, doinget barmionious-
ly and well and tee earnest prayer of
this board :is that bath our pastor -:and
kis amiable wife may be long spared to
work kr the Master" . . : ' •
.lesrAte.Maciachlans Second Visii.
1 is• fort utie would have ie the .second
toe. took place on the stormiest night
:vi, cif Miss Jessie Meclachlan to Olin-
. of the season. and when the. country
reeds weeeempaseiblee 'This. state. 'of
afkurs.vveulcl have meant failure for.
mirst conterts but such is the. populare
ity of Miss Maclachlan theta fair and;
ieteee asserzibled :arid she was given a
Warm .reCeption. Ainong her songs
were the old yet ever new, tender and:
true 44 Auld RobinGray," " Lang,Leng
synf,f, " We a Huncired Pipers," "The
Meech Of the Oluneetin Men,"" Jock o'
Plazeldean e, and "Rule Britanniae,
The taleetedartise was in good form
and delighted the reedientrievhieh con.,
sidered itself amply repaid for ventur-
g ou on such a night. . Mies Mac-
donald of •Winghtim gavetlie Highiend
Piing and • other :lances in a • graceful
manner. She was, accompabied by her
. .
father, Mr. D. Macdonald,on the beg -
pipes , The Doherty qearette also
gave severae selecelens. The stege pre -
sen ted a in ucli brighter appearance than
• h e ' y 9 en er eta
meets given lately for; w,hieh the credit
must be accorded • to •Mr. John Rain.
ford who had it neatly and -appropri-
ately decorated. It'wohld not be ma
of place to Add thee ie Was chiefly due
to this gentleman that the people of
this section were given. -this opportune
i v of again hearing the sweet Scotttth
singer, . • .
Death Of Harry Walker. - • •
' On Friday last 51r. Harry Walker
breathed his last. The end though not
itneepected, was none the lees 'Severely
telt as Mt Walker was respected ..and
liked by all who were acquainted with
him. Ile was born Be years ago on the
farm at Stapleton upon which his
brother, Mr.Thoe.Walker, lives and his
whole life was spent in Clinton or
Mr. Henry°, Stevens; He also farnaed
vicinity. was a carpenter, learning
the trade ith that master workman,
for a Mute and. Subeequently carried on
a grocery brisinees in town,but for some
years past he has been an employe at
the organ . feetore. He was powder
among his fellow' workmen who sent
flowers to decorate the casket and
turned out in large numbers to the
funeral on Sunday, The services at
house and graveside were conducted be'
Rev. Dr. Gifford, pastor of- °netters
street church of which, deceased wets a
consietent member for so many year..
Mr. Walker also belonged to the Norm,
Circle and the following sit of the
brethern acted as pallbearers : A. O.
Pattleon, R. Irwin, H. Wiltile, A.
Weir, It, Holmes and T. March,
Me. Walker wet twice married but
both Wives predeceased him, The ,
urviving membere of his family' are t
Met Richard Downs of town Miss
Nellie W'alker of Detroit, Mrs, William
Wade of Dakota, Herb of Tacoma, '
Washington, and Thos.of Oineinriate
Ohio, Of these Mrs.Wlide and Mtellere
Welker were too far away' to be able
0 teach borne in time for the funeral.
fees controlled by the big syndicate. Ito s
is to be eongratulated upon winning
so Bet young lady for his
grant bride aba cen but express the
60 wish that the same good fortune will
25 eheracterize him in the future years.
20 ; Tun NEwe-Itgeottn joins heartily in
2251 the congratulations and good adobe& ' t
The most consistent of our temper
ance people are very much in earnes
regarding the great question of prohi
bition and laave called a meeting to b
held in the Ontario street churc
on Friday evening of all those interest
ed in the circulation of petitions to the
Ontario Govern:neat They belie.,
that the hands of the Governmen
should be upheld alaould it desire to
put into effect, vvithout` any subter
fuges, a straight measure on prohibi.
Ilion. The meeting will begin at 7.80
and last one hour,
11(113PHN. , \-0.e(i(FIELD.
Matison Bros,, eons of Mr. John
Manaon, Sr„ Goebep Line, who have
• been extensively ngsged In a gener.
h • al store businees .t Wolseley, .Asea.,
received A teroptiug offer and :told out
• their store. Alexander, • the senior
partner, will retire from active life for
a time to recuperate, but the other two
brothers, it is said, are going exten-
sively into ranching to utilize the large
tract of land they possess, until they
place it on the matket, no doubt, A
person who came from there and is
acquainted with the sale and with a
knowledge of the trade they have been
doing, estimate* that by their 'energy
and push at least $20,000 profit hae
been made.
Mr. Arthur Hagan, son of Mr, John
Hagan of the Parr Line, has gone to
Parkhill to visit his sister, Mrs. Breen,
before returning to his employment in
Pennsylvania in connection with street
railway work.
Rev. Mr. McLennan preached in
Fergus oneSabbath lase to 011 Rev, R.
G. Mullen's place, on account of the
latter being here to take the anniver-
sary service at Hillsgreen and deliver a
lecture.on the Old Flag on Monday
Mrs. Jene'es Greven of London is vis.
Mug her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
McOlymont of Kippen.
The ladies in connection with St.
Paul's Episcopelian church W. A. M.
A. of Hensall well hold an At Home at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew
Johnston* of the London Road on Fri-
day of this week, corntubncing at .7
p. in. Program of music, addresses -
and refreshments. The public are in-
vited. Silver collection.
Oudinore & Sons have shipped during
the last month over 700 tops of choice
hay from various stations in Ontario,
which means, an expenditure of about
$5,000 pub into circulation. We are
proud of the push and enterpriee of
Ibis firm. .
Bob Gardener's Narrow escape.
Mr. Robert Gardener, formerly of
Clinton and who is now a resident of
New York, had a narrow escape front
serious injury at the explosion in New
York one day last week. He was in
the cafe of the Grand Union hotel eating
lunch when the crash came. There
were about forty others in the dining -
room at the time, Mr. Gardener teas
thrown sonae few feet off his chair,
and before the debris had stopped fall -
ink a number of the guests were ser -
lo may injured, Flying bricks came
through the windows and one fell on
Mr. Gardener's right hand; cutting and
injuring it. Mr. Gardener vvrites that
it is impossible to describe the scen&so
dreadful was the destruction to both
life and property. .
Little Locals.
Mr, -3.. Taylor, D. D. G, M., will in-
stal the officers of, the Bruceiteld Odd:
fellows lodge on the evening of the 141h
inst. which will'earnplete his roends of
the lodges in his eistriat ---Rey J.
W. Robinsen.of Goderich will preach
on behalf.of t he missionary 'fund in the
,Ontario street church next Sunday 4.
m,- In the evening a, plaeforth meeting
will be held tO be addressed by Rev.
Robinson and W. Gifford, On Monday
eveningthere will be a missionary rally
to be addressed by Rev. Millyatd of
Exeter and others.Rev. Dee Gifford
will eccupy the :pulpit -of Victoria
street church, Goclerich, on Sunday.
-The .Bratripton Methodistchurch
hascalled Rev, Mr, lryine of Listow-
el which will fatilitate the transfer of
Rey. Mr, Manning Of Brampton to the
London •Cloriference Andthe pastorate
of Wesley chnrcia, An.
ley, Ginn 'chopped into our offices=
Saturday With a firie sauspie of potatoes
'Which he had dug in Dr. Thompson's
gardens On 'the . lee skis of the barn,
where theybad grown- to about the
size of eggs. -Mr. Jas. Allenson has
bee e delivering ice which [iamb on. the
Hayfield rivet just below his preperty.
It hi of an exeellent quality. He put
.the biggest' load ,9n the scales and it
tipped the been: at 69.36 poundse-e-We
noticed in the Mail and Einpire:9f the.
other lay 4 report of a hockey eneteli ,
-played in Toronto between .the stu-
dents- ef Steeliidaes Ladies college and
thiarts' men 'of 'Lenity Which the letteeeucceeded in: witinieg. Miet • K,
'Gunne, slenghter of the, rector of St.
Paul's, played goal for St..Hiltia's...e-s-
Rev. W. G. Heereen Willespeak, upon
ehe following sucjeete next Sundee .-S•
A. Myself and My other sol!; an
interesting subject in pShycology
.0.M.• After •marriage, .a practice
talk on the duties of wives and
husbands to ' each othee. "-
Mr; Harvey 'Davis will carry oni ice
business next summer, having bought
MtWilliana Whet:Are outfit and rent-
edhis storehouse, -.Mr. Wellealey
W hitely of -Neve Odeon& Miss., son of
Mrs, Whitely of Princess street, lost
his wife on Jan 28th, a babe three
months old =relying. _Mr. Weiteiy's
many friends here will sympathiee
with him in • the great lose which he
has sustained. -the • social given by
Willis church .Y. P.8. 0. E.on Monday
evening was. well attended coneldering
how the storm king raged. Miss Wil-
son gave a interesting sketch of . the
0. K. movement, in addition to ,the
following program : selo;Miss .T.Jones ;
selection, Ontario street orchestra,
reading, Kirk Heuston tsolo, Miss Lily
Coats ; quartette, Miss McNaughton,
Mee. 0„ 0. Rance, Messrs Latornell and
Hilton ; solo, Miss Ada M. Rosi; selec-
tion, Ontario street orchestra; solo,
Ms: Reekie. Refreshments. --Inter
esting budgets trom several of our
correspondents got caught in the snow
blockade lied did not reach thie office
until too late for this issue. --The
plan of hall for the next course concert
opens on Tuesday nett, t� the public
On Thursday. --The. Clinton and
Goderich teams will pley hockey on
the locel rink tonight. els lively game
is expectee.-Wellis Oantelon had
arranged for a delivery of hogs In Sea -
forth on Monday but owing
to the :storm only thirteen were
delivered, which are being held over -
for next week's shipment --4. ; young
man from Seaforth drove to town on
Saturday night and instead of stabl-
ing his beret: he tied it in one of the
hotel -she s and. went oft, resume y
on pleethre bent. The vigilant night
Watchman noticed the horse about
Midnight but, eupposing thee the owner
had came In for the doctor, or on some
errand of that nature, he pissed On.
But he visited the shed in his rounds
and at twa o'clock thinking the poor
horse had been out in the cold aleeedy
too long he called up Mr. Graham and
the shivering and hungry animal was
Stabled, The young man from Sea.
forth started for barn° at sunrise. If
he repeats this sort of thing' In Clinton
he will have to answer to A charge of
cruelty to anitnalsP The liveryman
ought to draw him over the coals also.
.-The fire brigade held it4 annual
oyster supper on Monday night
David Welsh of Sanila6 county,
gan, brotherof ()mutable Welelt,town,
met *1111 a. serious runaway accident
reeently which Mid him up for eeveral
days. Thie It his tiecoed tniehap of this
nature in the pot couple of nannthe,
Miss Oda Miller Is the gunstof her
titter, Mrs, blidt of Hanover. •
• Mr. -G,-T. MaoKay has been travel''
ling here, there and all over lately =
with an outfit resembling that ug a
commercial traveller. He has some
kind of e.requirementusecl in masonry
of which he is master.
Mr. Janaes McMorclie, who is. leerrt •
ing the operatingin tendon,' le home
on a, Visit. Mr. Robe McMordie, his
father; has been heard ficina Florida
end is enjoying the sunny south: and
its tropical fruits.
Mr: John eicNevin has sold his pac-
ing driver to Mr. McLean of Godetich
'fon a .handsome themes. Mr. John
MCOlymont has . now two en the
string 10 ti aleing and has been-
away up, eut eel! net salt. • • ,..
Wes. Harvey's Clipped Reindeer ist
.doing some fast' time on the quiet.
Judges say e surpriseis in stare. '
Mr. Robe .Thoinpion, 'Jr., has :told
his driver to a horse fancier in Utiboree,
$145 being the price. . •
eirt. John Megregor Of Tuekersmith
haeleft witha carload of choice horse
'for the Liverpool Market:
Mr. Ross,•fertneriy of list:erne, Who,
left about twenty years ago and set
tled near Emerson; •Mari,, is visiting
, big cousin, Mrs, Thomas Elder, He
- speaks highly of the country and ite
-..:advantages , •
Miss Annie Cetrierou returned home
en Monday after her visit withrelit-.
tivee in Hamilton and Toronto. '•
' Mr. John 'Moffat has been laid up
for the past few days • and in eonse-
quence the green warehouse has beem _
closed. . Hensel( has thus received a
heneet, the farmers. being compelled:
to go there. '
Since both the prehibitieniste and
licensed victuallers 'have beet: prom-
ised • protection, the eehooe, book
question has cropped . up again,
with the informatioe from bit G. W.
Ross that the average cost per book is
now only° centsinstead of e8 eeette as
claimed in the last campaign. We
wender if he Means the cost to parents
orto' tiae put -Millers. Just figure for
'yourselves.and see how many. of 'those
9 bent books yon have bought abd
arrive at the estimation he holds of
ourselves and pocket bookie It fa the
eesiest found out nonsense of Mr. Ross'
that we know of and the premier can -
not continue to impose upon the
public much longer, If he would only
do -what he Will not -throw overboard
his publishet pets, school books could
be obtained at a much letser rate and
nein leave a righteous profit to the men
who make them.
••••• •••
A very heavy show storm has raged
,here this week and blocked up the
roads very bad. It was much the worst
storm of the veinter.
Younghlut Bros. have an ice plough
and are supplying lee for le cents pet
block. They have the contract for
putting in a supple for a number of
our people.
Mr. Henry Younghlut its able to be
around again and wishes to resume his
duties at Zurich this Week.
Mr. W. T. Riddell is improving as i
fast as ean be expected.
Mrs. John Dam, who has been laid
up 7ith erysipelas, is able to be around
.6r. Henry needle passed Into the
great beyond Monday evening. The
funeral took place on Wednesday af.
ternoon to HAW(' cemetery.
Mr. W. Moore and his mother also a
Miss 0, Lawson wore in Cloderich one
day last week.
We regret exceedingly to' announce h
the death of Mr, James Mains of Hallett
which took place at an early hour nn
Tnesday morning at the ago of seventy
three years. The deceessd was mucb
respeeted for his sterling qualities and
regret is expressed at his departure a
from this world. We extend our,
sympathy to the bereaved family who
are thus so sorely strieken.
Mre. T. Jr. Marks,who left hers the
let of October Net for Oberlin, Kamm,
where the; spentseveral weeks
with her daughter, has extended her
trip to Ontario, California, where she
is now the guest of 3:irs. (De) Shep.
mh aarrdk, .f po ruizorls eye, of iotitins vLoi g
i Me Tes.
and other places in the southern part
of the golden state before returning
east Just ttow, while she its enjoying
the beauty and fragrance of flowers,
oranges and other fruits, we are revel-
ling in a spell of genuine old-fashioned
winter or whicla Mrs, Marks knows
something by past experience and
will probably sooner hear about
than have to endure again.
Lollga,r'n WanildliamOolLlinogsaonf VanadrnaWereMisee
guests at the rectory last Wednesday.
Mr, Walter Madge of the Brownson
Line is partially laid off with a sore
Mr. Chas. Parker is putting a new
addition to his house and when com-
pleted will make a spacious and corn-
forte„ble reeidence.
Mt mid Mrs, M. Westlake visited at
Mr. Wm, King's last Thursday. ,
Mr. Geo. Perim is laid up, the result
of a fall upnn sonae ice near the stable
door. We hope he may 80013 beim-
proved in bodily strength again.
It is with, regret we learn of
the illness of Mrs. Woods, widow
of Dt Wooda of days gone by.
This venerable lady has been in •
her usual health until a short thne ago.
The weight of years have been borne
by a strong constitution, but at Pres,
ent she requires careful attention. Dr, ,
Woods is physician in charge and her •
recovery is hoped for by bee many
friends who esteem Mre.Woods for her
sterling qualities.
On Wednesday evening of this week
Mies Annie Ferguson. daughter of elr.
John Ferguson of this village, was
united in hymen's holy bonds to Mr.
Henry Snitieta prosperous young yeo;
man. of Oolborne. The knee was ted
by Rev JohnKennedy in the presence
of a number -1 friends, The ha,ndsome
and Useful. presents: go to 'hoer the
popularity .of the fait bride Who was
highlY esteinned in our village -and
wherever known. Mr. and Mrs. Bdder
will tette up houseketming en a fame
tear the Nile. They . have the best
wishes Of numerous friends for future
prosperity and
The 1. 0. G. T's in the; village have
more than held their own though a
lack of interest is shown in temperance
organiza;jons eIewhere. Several have
joined the membership roll this winter
and the.proceerlings at each meeting
have been of an interesting and instruc-
tive nature. .
We are pleaaed to heae thee our old
neighbor, Me T R. Erratecontinues to
reprove in health and we hope to be
able to report shortly that he has re-
gained much of his former robustnese.
A joint Meeting of the members of
Knox church of Auburn and Snaith's
Hill was held on Monday last to
moderate in a call for a minister.
. From an, overturned lamp at the
home of Mr. D. E. Monroe on Saturday
eyening lest there was a blaze but
0710,3f anythingassistanbuteePrhl
e vtene leadc e erre:all Jae..
Teanothg interests are being pushed
along the line of logs to the mill, ice
'supplies from the river, brick for the
Nile school andHallett hay. for Col-
borne farmers.
The entertainineet given by
the Public Library was a ,success and
Miss Wallace filled the bill while the
local talent assisted well in the form
of ewe patriotic solos from Mr. Camp-
bell. a duet by Miss Patterson and Mr.
Tyndale, a quartette by Miss. and Mr.
Patterson, and Ur, and Mrs. Ander.
son, a solo by Miss Patterson and in.
atrumeneal music by Mr. and -Mrs, An -
"117 r
. McKay of Oode. ich cond
divine service in Knox church last Sab-
bath while Etftv. Cochrane of Barrie
takes thecharge the nearb two Sab.
bathisg's Wallace rend
Mered two excellent
selections at C. E. last Sunday,
Mr. W. joees, who Was suddenly
itricken ill recently in the village, was
so far recovered as to be taken Whitt
own home in Oolborne on Friday last,
frotn the home of las. -Carter where he
has been carefully attended to. •
Master Elwin and Miss Nettie Match
of Gerrie were the guest e of, their
. Mr. grandparentsLaeweek.lein burn Was the
guest of hi son Joseph last week.
One day recently while Mr. Wm.
Deer and his son Joe were' in the bush
cutting wood they were 'surprised After
they had been ab work for a time to
hear a noise like a fire and looking
around beheld their shanty in flames.
Joe had left a big fire on, which no
doubt caught on some of the wood
around the stove. The lots amounted
to about $15 in addition to the Shanty
o which they had their tools, coats,rate.
Mrs, John Clark got a sceatch on her
arm the other day from a door latch
which caused blood pnitioning to set in
and there is now very poor hopes of
her recovery,. Mr. Hobert "Clark and
Wile of Toronto-, Mes. Jae, Armstrong
of Brussels, Mt..3.- 0. Clark of Se Aug-
ustine and kiwi. Wm. Thompson of the
sane place hove been called home.
MM. Thomee Brown returned home
ecently from Attending the funeral of
er father at, Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mra. Albert Itnox aro visit -
he latter's parents, 'Mr, and Mrs, W.
ilson of Brucefuld, at present.
Mrs. D. Need, formerly of A.uburn.
rove through here on Saturday night
Mr. F. Sprung of Manitoba is vitaa
ng under the parental roof, lk&r, Sohn
grantee of the Base Litie.