HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-30, Page 88
February Selling
of Cotton
The f4rst•day of February marks the beginn-
ing of aho'ther business year and with
stock taking behind. this store swings into
line for another season's trade. It also
marks the beginning o#' our annual February
selling of all kinds of Cotton Goods. This
season we are ready with better stocks than
ever before, better in values, better. in as-
sortment, better in qualities than you have
ever seen here in the past. Better, too; than
you are likely to find in most stores in these
From this time forward spring goods will have first place
in these columns but winter goods will not be forgotten and
there will be news of many a bargain in winter stuns for
people who shop here. •
These cotton goods are thebest we have been able to find
'and we have been careful and persistent in our searching.
They are qualities that it will pay you to buy and that you'll
get your money's worth and satisfaction in the using. Ready
for the selling of cotton goods the first thing Saturday morning.
English Cottons 'or Long Cloths
We have imported thexiaost of our White Cottons. for
spring direct from one of the best makers in England.. We
tried a small lot last season and people who have used it pre-
fer it to any other make. This season we have imported, these
special lines to sell at 10c, 11c and 12c.. You will find them
extra good value, easy to sew and. they have a bright. finish
which they retain that cottons made in this countyhave not
quality English Cotton, brigght sheer 'finish, even
bread, gives excellent wear, bought.direct fromthe
makers, per. yd
Very fine quality English Cotton, •bright finish, tine,even.
thread, soft for easy sewing, very durable, full 36
. Iinches wide, special value per yard. ...... .I
English Long. Cloth 12 2 c
T CLINTON 's -B tooRD San. $Oth, ,902
People Skeptical
About Bargains
and all others are invited to visit
our store and view a great big value in
a writing pad with envelopes to match
it. Although we don't announce a
glaring contrast between what the
price wash and now is, we feed safe in
saying that never before have you had
a moneysaving opportunity like it.
When we bought them we thoughtit
the best thing by far that had ever
been offered us. We got all there was
fur sale .and now we pass them on to
it infitbe sa nefavort favorable waay that
we did. The pad eontains 100 sheets
good smooth paper, not ruled,in a blue
tint. It is well made with cover and
blotter, The envelopes are large,equare,
made of same kind of paper, twenty-
five to package and well gummed. The
price is
15c for the Pad
5c per package for the envelopes
To know the value, however, you must
compare the goods and the price..
Values are Facts. Price is Indefinite,
When you see our offering you will be
surprised to know that we are not
selling it either at or below cost.
We Make Some Money but You
Make More.
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
Extra fine quality English Cotton, bright:cambrie finish,
soft finished even thread,for e easy. sewing, .full 36 inches wide
verydurable, retains bright finish after being washed, ' special
g g
value at peryard • rd -
a '..
White 'Cotton Sc
Yard wide White Cotton, good quality and weight, soft 08
Huish, special value per yard v
Cambric, 12 i
Fine. quality White Cambric, 'soft and bright „finish, 21
strong and durable, special at per •yard • , .1 22
Cambric 15c
Extra fide quality; White Cambric, suitable for fine sew-
ing, soft finish, fine, round even thread, one of the
best lines. we;.ever carried, 36 inches wide, per yard, : .'
Twill Shee n
Unbleached Twill Sheeting. Best makes made in Canada.
Wash and bleach well, firth,. strong cloths that give satisfac.
tory wear
8-4 width2 yards) ' 19c and 23o'
9-4 width (21 yards)) . 25c and 28c
10-4 width (2t yards) 80c.
Bleached' Sheeting, twilled, : English and Canadian • . maker,;
firm, strong cloths, soft and free from dressing, will. . wash well,
;8-4 width2
S yards) 2.5e and 300.
9-4 width (21'yards) 80c and 83c
10-4 width (2* yards): :.. . Bao:•
Sheets 85c each
The other day we got a chance to buy a case of sheets
at a bargain.. They are made from heavy bleached :.twill
sheeting are full length and 2*. yards wide. . To buy
sheeting by the yard of the same quality would cost you
as much as we ask for the ready made.. On sale Saturday
morning at each 85e,
New Prints and .Embroideries
The first of our new ; Prints and ' Embroideries for .1902
selling came to hand this week and will be ready for selling
on Saturday. We will have more to say about them next
week but in the meantime would say that if you want . to see
some handsome prints and dainty embroideries call and have a
look at them.
Half :Priced Mantles.
This season's garments exactly half priced
Not a single mantle is to be carried over. That we have
determined shall be the case, so continue selling this season's
garments at exactly half the regular price until. all are sold,.
None are reserved and :you can get a good mantle for little
115.00 Mantles for $2.50 $1b.00 Mantles for $5.00
7.50 3,75 12.00 0.00
. until every garment finds a new owner,
Furs in February ,
There is a good two months of fur weather ahead of us,
We can save you some money on furs if you buy now. There
are still some nice pieces left and will give a straight discount
20 per cent. off all Small Furs
aitch as caperines, ruffs, muffs,etc., for the balance of month.
iiodgens Bros.
The I D. Fair Co,
Often the Cheapest, Always the Beal.
About o 0
We Know
Mr, Will. McM.urray:is home from the.
West. '
Mr: Lou Heywood is home :from •'De
Mr. John Olarridge left this week for
Mr. George . Beatty of. Varna was in
town yesterday,
Miss Pearl Wr.ght is visiting friends
at Summerhill at• present.
Miss Priscilla Cook visited friends in
Goderich township last week.
Mr. D. Cantelon is in attendance at
the county council this week.
Mr, Thos. Callender of. Heaney, Man.;
is the guest of Mr. J, Ounninghame.
Miss L. Smith was a guest at the resi-
dence of her uncle, Councillor Ferris
of Harlock, on Friday. last.
Mr. George Bell, Mrs., Alex. Bell, and
Miss Maggie of Goderich were pleats
at Mr. R. A. Bell's on•Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Saville spent a
few days of last week at Mr. James
Webster's on con. 13, Mullett.
Miss Stinson, .who has been visiting
relatives 'in Stanley for several weeks,
returned to town on Monday,
Miss Jennie- Wright spent .Sunday in
• Benmillenwith her sister, Mrs. James
Mrs. J. Burrows, of Detroit wail a guest
fora short time this week at. Mrs. J.
Mrs. 'W. S,llavland has returned home
after spending a month with friends
in Toronto and vicinity. '
Mr. and Mrs. 'J, Clark, of Toronto
have been guests o
,Mr .a
d Mrs.
W. Cbidley and other friends in
town •the, past week.
Mr. W. Lane, the genial county clerk,
was in town :on Monday in company
with the, Mouse of Refuge committee
of the county council.
Miss Nellie Walker returned from De•'.
troth on Monday night, having been
called home by the serious illness of
her father, Mr. Harry Walker.
Mr.. and Mt s-(1. J. Stewart on Satur-
day visited their. old ` friend, Mr:
James Mains of the Boundry Line,
Hallett, who is seriously111., •
The Misses Annie • and Staab Mains are
at the homestead in Mullett, haying
been called • home by the illness
their father, MrJames •Maine.
Rev. Mr. Manning of St Paul's.Metho-.
dist church, Brampton, was in town
•this week'. ` Rev. Manning is to:snc-
'ceed Rev. W., G. Howson as pastor
of Wesley church here and was tak-
ing advantage of his visit in making
the acquaintance of•:some. of "hie.
prospective flock.; • •
Mr. B. E. Vaung, ledgerkeeper at .the'
MolsonsBank •here,
has been trans-
ferredto:the Clinton .branch of the
•same bank, leaving bere Monday to
'fill the position.' Mr.. Young has
proven himself' obliging and cour-
teous and hie many 'friends will re-.
gret to hear .of .his < departure. -
Exeter Advocate., . .
Miss Orfa Miller,- who for the past
three .years • hasheld the lucrative
• position of head milliner in one of the
leading establishments in the city of
Victoria, B. C., returned last, week,
epend a couple .of. weeks it
She will l
p. t
• the parentit] _hnrne, Mr, and Mrs J.
Miller's, and then go to Toronto for
the millinery openings.•
Mr. George T..Hiscox of London was
in town on Monday un a visit. to his
brothers-in-law, •Messre..1.:and J.
Eattenhury, and other relatives be-
fore his departure fair Southern Cali-
fornia. He leaves..for Abe •sunny
'state .on Saturday accompanied by
Mr. Ike •Rattenbury and •will be
ahsent.a couple of months or more.
They go out by• the southern route
and purpose returning by the north-
ern in
orth-ern:in order to visit Mr. Will. Rance
in Great Falls, Montana. • . •
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I .ur .w ite oo s a e
Commencing Tuesday,
Feb. 4t111, and lasting un-
til Monday evening, Feb,
10th, 1 offer my entire
stock of
There's a feeling of soul .desolation,
And society's voice gives it birth..
There's a horror that reaches to heaven
From the uttermost parts of the earth.
It is.felt by the rulers of nations;
It is rife in the precincts of home ;
It makes the whole edifice tremble.
And totter from basement to dome;
It is felt in the streets, and the b •ways'
Iq the church, where her lfgiat ever
That the standing of woman has fallen;
The glory of womanhood gone.
It is. told no pure woman existeth
In this age that is•fleeting 8o fast,
It's been said,both by clergy and laymen
That virtue's a thing of the past,
0 vicious! 0 monstrous assertion!
Degrading to men and to thee.
O woman ! td What art thou tending
That this consummate horror should
Help ! 'Help 1 Let my cry reach the
+ Who 'walk not es fools, but as wise."
Help! Help to cast back this aspersion
In the teeth of the "rather of lies."
The moments pass by us unheeded';
The days glide away into night;
And the time draweth near thee, 0
woman !
To waken to darkness or light,
When moving apace with the world.
Who gather in life's crowded mart
$e near thy Redeemer and Savior,
And blest for thy pureness of heart,
Beware of the slime and the pltfalls,.
Till the "Heaven of heavens" is won
ftemomber thy status40 woman l
As the "Mystical bride of the Son 1
Thou wart formed for the home of tha
And here, in this life's little span,
A lamp on the pathway to heaven,
l ;A Strength and a helpmeet to man,
God bath made thee akin to the angels,
And blestthee ail mother and wife.
Shine forth in thy whiteness, 0 womanl
Ana glorify Ilitn in thy life,
Cutlery •
Cut Glass
Fancy China
Etc., Etc.
at Public Auction
Starts Saturday Morulng, Feb. 1st
Every Oarr rent is a Bargain of the Biggest and Best Kind
ti OOn Saturday morning starts our usual yearly White Goods Sale with the difference that we're better prepared than
. ever before to give values that will suras '
- yousurpass anything ever offered in Clinton, ' We've made the most careful,
most extensive preparations that this should be the most successful of all White Sales -and it will.
Our orders placed months ago -in four large store lots --.with Canada's leading maker --have kept hands busy
during the dull months that would otherwise have been idle -that's the reason we can give these very low prices on
the best goods. Below we give just a hint of the many values that will be found here
I.Corset Covers at IOc
Made of good strong cotton, with seams all overetitched, White
Sale price each...........
30c Corset Covers for 22c
400 Corset. Covers. at 29e
Corset Covers of very fine white cotton, nicely trimmed with lace,
embroidery and insertion, seams all overstitched, made to sell
ot.40c each, sale price
650 Corset. Covers at 49c
I have secured the
Corset Covers made of very fine English cotton, with front nicely
assistance of Jewel- tucked and trimmed with insertion, embroidery and ibb
very full front, made to 'sell at 65e . White Sale price
ler's Auctioneer J. H' 'Corset Covers at 75c and 98c
• Corset Coversmade of good qualitywhite cotton, nicely trimmed
in front with lace
fine tk 1 value35 1
insertioneertion uc s, real
c, sale .22
r on, .49
Havill of ' Hamilton -
;Corset Covers made of fine white cainhric, • with embroidery and
• insertion around neck and sleeves and down front another
7 • Corset Cover with very wide embroidery and insertion
who has had, 20 years _ trimming around yoke, neck and sleeves, sale' prices. .1 U & ■98
experience through- Ladies' Skirts at 49c •
Made of good strong cotton, with . 7* inch double frill of English
out Canada and the cotton, seams all overstitched, tape at waist band, would be
• good value at 65c, White Sale price only. ,49
Unitedt d
Sates an White Skirts kirts at 69c
comes very highly Ladies' Skirts.made of extra quality of white cotton, ver flneskirt
with a 91* inch double y '
commended as• a thor
oughly honest and up -
t0 -date' auctioneer, so
the people of Clinton
ing coun
„and. Surround g
try � can rely on
• � gettingllvalue for
fu every
dollar spent here...
�lemem.ber T ala not.
leaving .. Gliutot .
Or retiring from.busi
.ness. i only .want to`
'sell 'my entire,' stock
and a5 quickly as pos-
sible as 'I require ; the
money for. further • in-
every article' sold
during the sale and
will ,refund your mon
ey if any article
should not give satis-
faction or wear as
ou a cambric frill with four rows of tucking;
all with draw string at waist, well worth 85c, sale price each.. .6 9
;: Ladies' Skirts at 98o
• Are made of,cheice uality of line bleached. cotton, with Seams all
o ere itc q
v t _had and having a 9 inch. frill of cambric and embroi-
1 • f derv; also four rows of tucks,extra wide ekirt,well worth .$1.25, .98
White Sala price
Ladies''Skirts at $1.25
Made of very fine ire
wh English he
cotton, ` nicely trimmed
•g y rimmed with 11.
• inch frill of embroidery and cambric, also tucks and hemstitch., 1
, ing, would be good value at $1.45,; Sale price
White Skits at $1.35
Ladies' White Skirts of fine English cotton with a 13 ineh frill of
ca bis wi
W r th lace and inset'GiQn .with S tusks and embroidery,.
very full skirt and well worth $L60, sale p rice 1. as.
k at.1:69'
$. 1.98-;.,:• .
$ u to $4
I Made of very fine
cambric antri
mmed with lace, insertion and em
ery, very full Skirt and well worth one third mere than our price.
Gowns at 690
Gowns made of white cotton, yoke of fine tucks and lace insertion
self frill around sleeves and neck, very fine ilk irt, 85c value, nsale price ... .U0
Ladies' Crowns at 85c
Ladies' Gowns of fine quality of cotton, yoke made of embroidery
insertion and fine tucks, self frill on neck and sleeves, would 85
easily sell at $1, side price v
Ladies' Gowns at Low Prices
Are made of the finest English cotton, yokes nicely tucked and all's
trimmed with foe embroidery, the best values we have ever 1 go .
seen at 98c, 81.35, 81.35 & . • •
Ladies' Drawers at .390, 49c!and 600
All of fine quality cotton with trimming of cambric and embroid•• e
ery, all Al values at..................,.....,,,,,39c, 149e & .U�
12%c White Lawn at 6ic
250 yards of 38 inch wide victoria lawn, .fine quality, regular value 1
12*c, price
e e
.I1 .
o .'
200 White Lawn at 14o
200 yards�of 45 inch wide victoria lawn, very fine round thread,best
20c yalue in town, sale price only
Toweling at ".61Ac
200 yards of linen'Toweling, 17 inches wide, heavy quality, Irish' 1
manufacture, well worth 9c,sale price .o U2.
35c White Vests at 25c'
120 ladies' fine white Vests, long sleeves, open front, made of fine
yarn, regular 35c value, sale price
Handkerchiefs at 7 for 25c
400 flne Handkerchiefs, small sizes, nicely hemstitched,on sale days
to go at.:........•........... 7 for.
15c Victoria Lawn at 113ic
300 yards of the best 15c white Lawn, 38 inches wide, will be sold
during sale at
and 15c Cot
25 12 c
tong at lOc
500 yards of mill ends of
white cotton, foil
aches wide, regular
value of which is 120 and 15c per ard,
on sale at
20 per cent.. discount
will be given 'on
all Lice : Curtains
from ?5cu
25c Sheeting
at 16c
200 yards of 72 inch wide Sheeting, in grey1.ppnly, heavy quality and
regular value 25c, during White Sale t6 go at ,..,,..
Ladies' Gowns at 490
Made of gond quality
of white
cotton, .with cambric frill on neck
and sleeves, also tucked front, 65c value at.
Beautiful Pictures:.
given with
$i; .$2.00 and $3.00
N.••N.••N.........1N•......N.•.•.N••N•...•N....N•....N....,.N.*N•..N•M.••N..i4 1.••..M*N.4•
•• i .
goods all
• go s sold niust go
for gash E
I have not been in
business long enough
to have old or shop-
worn goods to offer
you. Every article is
new, up-to-date and
of the. very best qual-
ity that can be had in
the market.
Come early as this
entire stock is sure to
prove fast sellers.
Don't wait until\ the
last clay, for you may
be disappointed.
. of
ons Bros .
J aekso : Bros.
sur Great Stock of Fur Coats
Fur Coat weather is now here and we still have a good stock of saleable goods, ' Our
Fur Coats are the kind that we can recommend and every purchaser should in justice to
himself see what we are doing.
Every :wan buying a fur coat should feel that he is getting full . value for his money
and it pays to deal at an establishment that has the reputationfor reliable Coats.
Boys' Ulster Overcoats :at $2.98
Our Boys' Overcoats at the above figure are a tremendous bargain. They were
sold at $4.50 and $5, but we want to clear every coat out this season and hence this big
A Great Braitd,
The Lion Brand of boys' clothing is known throughout the country as the best -wear,
ing brand on the m.•rket and this means a great deal to mothers who want to keep their
boys properly clothed. No person will admit that it pays to buy shoddy . giiods for an
active boy because they are buying all the time. When you get the above brand you
know that you are getting the best goods that can be produced, goods that will wear and
clothing that will fit, and then again look at the price, only slightly higher than what you
pay for shoddy, Ask kr the Lion Brand you will be satisfied in every way. Only to
be had here.
ORE!WS I Jackson
BiddlecombP's Old Stand
giros:, Clinton..
Opposite the Market M 11111►11i111111J11iii1i114411111111iili111A1111i1i11iliiilii1ii11a