HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-30, Page 7I t �6,1_ V-11 so much plueX. lt';i fortupaw you my head wl)jrled and Jay Witule body screw-stoamer of there 6re sinwwal jowear you'll want it b9_ 60OM94 to 00 rQU4 and rQUAd At tho KINGS IN FOR LANDS, 16urtVan. t4a, xnd a few Old =us- 11dre I've dono witit you." I ROBORS OF NATIONS linstance of T;trli8, captlireil by lhl� WHAT 13'. 0ON8UMFr11TG!1'9 uawful picture my disordered brain Ihats. 4A A 9coull4rol#" I conjured Up. God lioil� v couldn't living re.. It was on .4pril 18th, .1870, that shouted, .You contemptible bound. do it�-_I couldn' COUNTXL14S WEICH ARU VN. - t I Anything but Cowie, in company with four ot'her GERKAWY, rl'.ANCr,, SPAIN olight, ISYNOPM or ADDRESS DF.LIV. You haven't the pluck of u. MOUSO , that. 1, WOU 0344 SINGLU, BRITXSEBUS. bliotlue lirci about the Id not save ray life At I.Volwgrstera as reckless .%a himFelf, set AXONO OTUBUS. You coward. To - come here : five Such A, rice. I would lie still, com. bodll"q of tile Russian woullolvd. 4=9V By DR. S. A. 11=03M. sail In the Argyle—a.% they hold chris- 11118-8141N BAIWARITINS. armed men to one,.unarmed, Take mend Illy soul to y Maker, and did Xaterestine Career of Leopold toned their little craft—fro , at Glasgow This lattr ti-rrible accusation, too "Tuberculosis Ills 0. DIUOUDO Of U10 _. Not one man Army in the )Fraueo. oft these iptraps And put down your like a man. I began to pray s A 'Donnell, an -Irish Soldier ot, lbound firt lor 81togaporf Torribla Deeds Done by the Gar.' revolver and I'll give you the big. man Surely novel- prayed before— Wortunp. lot the adventurers )lad tiny practicl, I has bcen brought against ill(,- Frencli, Nasses nd 11ow to Four YeAre ago, while in the Loco. gest thrashing you ever had In your wildly, incoherently maybe, but Gad German Wa, Department at Cape Town, I $oll Ili life X011—you cur V, alone knows how varnPtly. Oh, It is not so very many ago,knowledge of Seamanship, which wao : Ili Tonquin, and combat It." "�ou remember our last parting, eince an 10.91mian, named Uopold why, perhaps, they found Speak to any to -day Of thal grounds. l3ut then it fhould: Ili- rv-, jrw, years ago a sum of 4.000 lovQ With my landlady's daughter, that I might have the. Btrength and O.D at Killybeg, on the west coast of late which befell the pretty little juenibi-red that tile I'lilftck Allarks EleAllor Traynor. She reciprocated Armstrong," said RauffLIL0,11111, "down courage to lie still—to resist the outioll. ruled Spain with A rod of Ireland, whe 4 was donated by two mer - iron. O'Donnell was an Irish s6loller a they had supposed French hantlet ol Il 7eillps oil, tile invariably inurdvrest their 1rench chautl in Gormany as it prize to be my affection, and, despite the fact at Cape Town ? I aware than I Awful temptation to saio my own !themselves to, I- M at fortune, who entered the Spanish be somewhere about Morning ofSepteniber Jst, 1870, and prisQuern whether woundt-d or ui offered for ilia best essay on the db - that she had many more eligible rould be revenged lit time, and the life. I began to feel cutnier And al� service, and showed such marked the entrance to the Bay of Biscay. ou will lInd him by no means an- wounded, uxxdervirculw�tallctl '11 je Suitors, time has coxxxi how. I intend that, most resign6d when—Ilarit I What On 8 Of cf, "Tuberculosis s a Disease of love triumphed over her ou shall explode the in ability in the, first, Carllt war that entering the harbor, they were at x1ous to discuss the subject, nigh inconcelvablo barbarity. tile Masson jRud Ilow to Combat It." ratither's early objections, atol we Ine that will was that ? My heart stoppbd beat- lie rose rapidi to the rank of gon- QZCO BUSPOctOd of Coming there after Pearson's Weekly. So Into 'as last year. It is The conditions for judging were de- wrp. engaged. Eend that traiul-load to glory or Pat,- Ing, and I almost ceased to breathe, oral, And was afterwards created Stephens, the escaped Faillan adAnd no wonder, for nothing tbtiLt cortain that deeds were done by our cided upon by tile "llitwolational.Colir dition." Then to the others, "$trap I listened so Intently. Was the train .pe,. contro," and lied to put gut to yea, bas ever been accilcollted to the Brit, RUSSIRII, 'And 0el'1111111 Allies I Among the aspirants to the hand i Vount of Lucona and Duke of i i his rm securely and bring him Conlin at last ? No, it W40 only tile hurriedly to avoid arrest. 11 CILILL4 gress for the study of the best way of the fair Eleanor was a well-to-do ,,,,,g; boys," and, taking ray re- wind g' tuAn. Ills career from that time !fill ariales hi ;South Africa, even by nnd OlSeWherIL— to Combat Tuberculosis. US 4 I)JIS- young, Dutchman tiamed,11let in the telegraph wire, surely, onwa do - Boer agents, can vie with the that will not, bear to be Spoken, of; matin, An electrical engineer, who serve coil of Insulated -wire, he pro- i r reads like All old-time ro- —TUOUGH III, WAS NOT CltO1'VN- Ile- ease Of the Masses" which convened No, there it is again. Hark I Oh I mance. Agot, I out up rather rough when lie found ceded the little party put of the Father in Reavert, help,me. It is the of Cuba, , 0 teol Captain 'General I'D. tion of the Bavarians In Storming While If we go backa low scoro years It 113erlin, Mayl24th to 27th, 1899. station and along the line towards abliabod at 1javannah Passing through tile Suez Canal, if - Ind burning this place. . Because, wo lira confronted by such wholesale Somo eighty-one essays.were recelv- he had lost tile rize, and he left -the bridge. train-. What shall I do ; what shall a court, which vied in'splendor with the Argyle. ran over a submerged an- Jorsooth, some halt dozen raildon, horrors its tile Alassacio of tild J",14- d, After careful consideration the Cape Town After vowing to have re- I do. ? I cannot tile like this—I taft- that of Madrid itself. A suspicion on chat-, ipping a hole fourteen feet , shoto were Said. to have been fired lssarleq, at Constantinople, ill 18:40, ColutIttea on Awards came to the vengek on, me, if be had to Wait i I implored VauffInann, by (Lit he not lie here tilt the ponderous wbeeN the part of the Spanish Authorities long front it by night at one of ilia Get- wholl 20,000,aro said to have fallen; calle year, ihold most sacred, not to carry in her bottom, To rai.--e and. ',us 9'for It. Out game crunching, squelching through that lie was coquetting with the na-'rOPUir her -took name weelca, and xnan outlying iL.I'vu. the of Ismail by tlle 1jussians, Ion that the essay which bad IdEf threat to wreck the train, an act My body. I must move; I must Save tives, with A view to aspiring to the when they at % Attack, when Suwarrow, the most, merelles" beon prepared by S. A, ICuopf, M.D., Very shortly After tile happy Lilly that would result in the loss of so myself from t length entered the Ili-' act just before daybreak by all over- , of New York, "so Much Surpassed all thAt gave me one of the best little he horror. Absolute sovereignty of the ililand, Man Ocean wheluxing force, ita general of laodern times, pull tlic, (,,it- tile . others lit excellence that it. t lives, but he Merely � the Southwest Monsoon b b t in- I Wives'ever a, man had I was offered MALLY loulaceil Thought after thoudlit flashed led to his recall. But they had bet- was at its hel lit, , y tills time, a I ants massacred, nail every til -o garrison of 30,000 xUaft tu tile plied g 13 should 'be awarded � tile Congress and accepted the charge at tile small rL - blillding in the place burnt to tho,sword.- Lind Massacred 0,000 of the Prize," The International prize was through illy brain like lightning. My ter have left him where lie was. [too, their ,,I had beAn all expend I wayside station of Mairlsberg, About "I have no intention of wrecking Wife I What would become of her ? Astute, fiery and intelligent, IIQ'Od . but, nothing daunted, the five ground or blown up with powder. woman; or the cruel slaughtor ill duly awarded to it on July Slat. ilia train, and as oL matter of fact, I To think I should Nor Was tills the only atrocity cold blood of 2,000 of his prisoners 1960 The following Ei from. that 31ftean Miles south of the Orange ;, . never Again Sea threw himself with fervor into thf)'youngsters hoisted a low rags of I! I and before Many weeks had elapsed I have reserved that boiler for YOU. her My committed by the Germans in the by'Xapolk-on, during his Bgptian ' ' , poor old (lad ; toy grey -1 court intrigues of the day, and, al-'IMIlvas, and ran before the gale the essay Which comes like a veritable Further, I promise you I will leave haii-ed mother. God bless them all� though temporarily disgraced and de-- I Whole way to tile Straits of Attila JeOlIrse of tile campaign.- Pranc- calupixign. hk%d taUta up tiny duties. there. We Jogged along most happily to- the affair entirely in. your hands, and I am lost CM gospel of encouragement, full of sfm� it three Weeks. i tircurs (armed Fronall. peasants not, I to them for ever. The prived of Ilia oflices and title% 16.0overIng the distance f . Tile truth is, war is war, and its gether until towards the end of '99, if When, I leave you presently you are train is coming nearer and nearer. eventually, succeeded fit overthr wi g B I reaching Singapore their pro -i -triabiv, I But Ple, clear, helpful intormation:­7 0 n ate -a fit uniform were almost flaw nothods are necossarily sterii. When my wifer-whose delicate state still of the Same mind As you now Whort. and how will they discover my life onemy, 3h' dis- visions ran short, and i shot fix cold blood when captured. England, lit South Africa, to her WHAT IS CONS U�IPI.V.TON? required attentlou un- Pr They d; Near Launots six of them, Adler bay it be it said, as never done any - of health or Avo weelm 9 to'be, you will easily be able mangled body,. I wonder, solved the Cortes, (Spanish arlia- the ' crew subsistool on rice an cred Pulmonary consumption, or tuber- ofes, spartero. He then obta `Vlo in lot Eleanor see It' Oh, ment) by'force, and proclaimed mail- treacle I Ing been in custody three days, find 4 thing oVen remotely approaching the culoois of the lungs, is A chronic dis- ina that Outlandish place to save . your countryman without' niustli,t left me oil a prolonged visit to hiii, moving hand or toot." ITeavens I I can't stand it must tial law throughout Spain, with him- Arrl�.d at their destination the'.a tacit agreement given that their I least l t forth above, case caused by the present: of the mother, Arrived t the, bridgei my arms live for her sake it all else perish. .1, selt—In the role of Dictator—at the friends Separated, 1wr. Cowie accept- lives should be spared, Were everrtu,. the mendacious diatribes of our good tubercle bicillus, or gerin of con- rmy and the Govern- Ing the Position of I A few days After her departure 2UY And legs were' Securely bound, and I can -'see the gleam of the head -light heAd of the, a 'Admiral Of he all executed because solne of their friends, the Contillentals, liotwith- sumption, In the lungs. The disease solitary assistant begged for twentym wai� loft.in charge. of one of the gang now. -1 breathed it prayer—May the:ment. �Fleatlll to the Sultan Of the Ithio,lontrades Attacked a uermall con-Istanollng. is locally ellaracterized by countless folil, hours' leave to visit a dying while the others, under the leader's Lord forgive me and -r and 1,111ga, Archipelago, saitl tubercles, that is to * sl�y, small ave eray AN IRISHMAN RULED SPAIN, fleet" t relative at Rensbarg, Of course it direction, proceeded to drive A large upon those poor follows. I There we's * ral cutter -like At Marcill tho 1ranc-tireurs I rounded bodies, visible to the naked to rule, but As there peeler or crow -11) ato the barely time, as I made ri, p=ty was. astounded I eye. . The bacilli earl be found by the The Court consisting of save and indignant, but they soon found notumera WEALTH OF THE MUM million.in the afteeted organ. It is was contrary ar deep I -desperatel Yachts and I ble pralitiq oi:fiiated some dam%ge on the Germans was very little to do I lot hilit. go, earth about 41cet clear of the rails. effort to move; but to my increased that their new ruler was. not the Man native halit, After adventures that;in fair fight, In revenge the villa -go as I could.casily manage by myself Then directly opposite, about nAo$w horror my neck and body Itad be,,. :would flit volumes, lie *ran ttlife To , waq burnt and niany of, ilia inhablI this little Parasite, fungug', or Mush - for -olooda and.night. fter lie had 'way between the rails, they cour come so- stiff that it was beyond my to be trifled with. The mastar�stroke render'� all importitnt service to GREAT FUTURE STILL IN room, belonging to the lowest sca;le 1 lit the lamps ua -saw was. brought off e�rly Ili July, 1856; i the; tants massacred: Seven prisoners of vegetable life, which must be con - gone in the hou�v Six L tod it little cant or sea by power, and with it shrick.,. which Was I and on the 14th of the same nionth Sultat, of -Brunei, Willo'rewarded hinilwore'also hot JU eat(, blood. Coil- STORE: FOU GOLD IELDS. sidered as�s, specific cause of all tub - Lind sauntered along to tile signo:�16, means of it piece of board about 2 drowned by the roar of the train, I by coding to Ilion the Peninsula of i fla,ns, a lielghborirg' hamlet, suffered both up And down, Which I Also lit'leet long, placed, , across A thick but lost consciousness. an * Insurrection broke ut Ili ga,-; , Xuara_ With rights of life and death I a similar fate. erculos diseases. This parasite not and left in working order. sharp -edged piece of a Sleeper. There dria. It was suppressed Ill tweinty-, over All its people. ITora. he rel Xr. , Niers, Professor of Miner- only gradually. destroys the lung By tile way, I , ifour hours, And the leaders were pull- virtually gned, a6nly fainted. .'EYI1 bo� all Ilely executed. Next day, O'Donnell a king, lot- so�jlo tinle alogy in Oxford, Has Faith substance through ulcerativo proces- I t when, getting tired of inuation, lie Cuchery, near Dolval, wits Spared in the Country. nos, but gives', all at- the' same tiMe hould explain that'wore two fair-sized holes in the I SUPPOCAVED BY the "down distant,.' was situated on 'board A third of t'lle way along, righ 11 a� M 1111 0 Olve hbox, a'drop issued an. edict abolishing the Not- a bluff on he "up" side, so as to through-wbich th6y'dro!ve two wire more braxidy, Mate. That's better. 1-tiolial sold )its territory to the Rajah, Oil Payment of a title; but the pastor, ' Moll Henry A. Afters, professor of certain Poisonous substances called y* 'Guard, Insurrections. which at Barcelona and ara.7 mineralogy . fit Oxford University, be molle easil . visible to a trcdox. nails into the siletper, Allowing the "E's, c6ming to." broke out BrOOke InelIttolled above, with whose the Rev. Charles Miro, was Arrest- toxins which- give rise -to various, caming -iound Ili the ' line bourd to cant easily. HauffmaliTt I 'slowly opened illy eyes Lind 'saw dossa were also.quickly crushed by kingdom it is 1low incorporated. Mr. ed anct executed, ilia eltarge against.Who Went up to the Yukon with and often serious, 'symptoms. thereabouts. Havitili cleared the- than . took up the coil oinsulated old Tom Blotter, the driver, st.ir, the DIctator in person, and there is,! Cowie -as acrWarda malill itistrtl- Illill, being that of "Inciting his 'at Toronto -attaclied it about four I fOlUlding the -Ilritish Nortil ty.-mian to THFA I-IUAN SYSTFim? curve, the train would traverse * a wire'and Y COU11- Professor A, 1J_ Coleman, ROW MAY THE GERM ENTER lilt eounded by* A -crowd Of lihilld-clad'no doubt that O'Donixell. inight then Box 11 rsist.'the Garmall, arms." University last season, to study min- l4tle,two-span brioge over a spr Inches from - one end to the farther Tommies. The- Whole situation flash- have been King of Spain ill liume, I -oleo Company, by whose exertioiis Nor does G annuity stand ;xIone.. Oil Ing *conditions there, has, presented 1. By - being Inhaled; thAt is tOlTlt rY thrIccL:jllo "lZe of Dell aild then* have a clear run of hillf end of the board by Means of a lit- ad. across me. ag * well as Ili reality, had lie so June, 38th, 1845, tile Fronch gone"- an interesting report to the Xinister broiatlied into the lungs. a nie tb the '.'stpp," which, 'in the tie Staple. He then Scraped he "Cut those wires cut Inark has '-bden brought tinder our %I, Vollissier, Lit the!'head of a; bill- '� Interior, Prof. 'Miars, refer- _ 2 13Y being ingested; that is, eat - Absence. of any siding, Was .. . ( chosen. ' Ile' prefeirad, howov9r, to I.flag "lid PrOtQCt1011._Poa I of the ilia_ - clulte gutta-perchft from tile projeotin d. I shouted.. rson'sVeok- an with tuberculous fo d. close to the statioii� rtile through another (Isabella) &lid .1y. 1ade of regulars, shut up 500 Arabs ring to mining conditions,, says . thus. exposing the bare Wire. L "All' ]Qiverytli right, air, done long ago. to continue lit supreme cominand of in a cave near Khartaill, In Aliteria, iihipery and.organized labor are be 8, . By inoculation; that Is, th ig b now Ili order, I Ing to me with a diabolical rin, lie ]Don't you worry.; there's -no ' ilan� the 'Urmy, which lie did for prrLctl- kind suffocated. them by.smoke So]! introduced, and the L camp Is no Penetration of tuberculous substane: for.Li, o'ng on.g eat down quiet read and smoko said ate AS 1873, the Parisian Co;mun- ger ix� placer cainp, for the' poots through a wound in the qkin, until the down' 01. northern bound i "I hope you wi�l profit by . the, we finds yoxi� here r a ists murdered in cold blocol tile Arcb- man, In fact. ordinary placer mining Of these three ways in which 'the h6it 1867, almost' ast DEB, K BY ger now, Sir. - We tumbled to It -when cally the remainde f Ili* lf�o. He artor we'd'.stop- tired.. fit tsBRAVE. DOCTOI train, duo dt 9.80 p.m. should- re- a on electricity I Am ped " said Tom, bishop of Paris, and acio�eniaot being the bringing �to sixtY-Ave' Qtbar can only be seen I a*. in some of the bacilli ' ma.3r 'entor,' tile first One quire llv attelition" I ilad not bcon abou� to give'you I must explain � "hut why did you stop the train, 'succe*ssful conclusion the War hotages,the Dominican Fathers, six- low bench claims -oil' Dominion and; seems to, -be the most lluP.ortallt. reading '" long, wiSOME X. D,1S WH -O RICaLY lean priests and bIrty-eight gend- Bonanza Oreeks, where the conditions. however, iihiiii, the here Like the bare ends of two lox-� Tom 11, 1 sked, in a dazed Mannar. Morocco, which resulted Ili the pay-. WI -TAT MUST BE DON 0 'TO CHECK. oor suddenly opened, and Of L all. oulated � wires which run to the little: "Why V? exclaimed Toni. ment.to Spain by the Sultll of four DESZRVn TO Xii revenge some thokusands are so favorable that the gravel can, SPREAD OF CO.NSUMPTION? men.in th(3 world, who should' r mine of Which. I Spoke. They Lire you know the lif �-of insurgent prisoners were executed I believe, be -worked lie low as 'half tt MY —P4et lippea gnat Was against hundred million reals 'the site- bL me rival 146 U ff- joined there by a short length ­. of uS,. Sir (lobs WWI- mean, render of -Tetuan,` The Terrible Riskj T)O' by tile verimill, otors R�an in! es troops after their a. cent to the pan,. Witli more econo- Destruction of Tuberculous E x - Ann I s. that I wits sur- specially prepardd wire of high re- an Way ?14 on fty. The other day there.was st&-ying'at. Filading Antidote$ for. Dea capture of tile city, Ili addition to micAl methods employed large Pectoration, — Consum�tives and prised is but to feebly'. expres . my sistance, which will glow a 'L White tall* dly be loappon-tthe Hotel Cacti, London,.a ., . . % '. 11 -when it currout is passed *well-built; military -looking man, whb ing.found with aruis Ili their hands. worked which h4s not been* rich that. all Precautionary measures Are feelings-. I Was simply astounded, he t I briefly related what 'had DiMaies, 'At 15,000 suninlarily shot for be- Scale, grbuxid , could be pr6fitably those living With illoull must- kad�v ad ad illankW.God for lily m9rciful fOL Typhus is, r Concerning but before i could' recover my equan- through, Now observe, one of these deliverance,. which- it Appeared Was' would lia�,vo� att�actcd even, more at- tunately,'a rarer. ilis- tile' nameless. horrors enough ' fox- the' early Miner, - and instituted in the interest of - the in- imity.- he had conie'forward with ex-. wil-es-is. contiected with the ac I . . . I L Paso. nowadays. that it used to e. it Perpetrated upon our men b the dubtleis herein will be ultimately valid. 'as well as of,his fellowman. tended hand, am IOi cumu" brought - (Lbout by. the fact, that in.tenticii than lie did had his identily is Caused bYL filth, - hunger, And over- Patbans during ilia last Afridi War, Included many of the 4reek,�clftims These meaAlores protect ying at bild the other. just passes spite Of Haudinalms aloveriless, ..he. been more, widely nFor . lie the p4iont tio tittl� -tile You'Lunder the far end of 'sf&- had -looked -the noce sity of "Good eveping��-Arxxxstrong�,l crowding,: atid''in old.ditys as bet-* the Press 'was discreetly silent. 'And which are supposed to have . been', from,x!eInfection Lind others liom look surprised to -see. me, old - mail. saw oval Was : Rand other, than His'll-ighness ter'k ., cyi very it my -friends. ave so Vgoplousty §howlng a '."green" light In the "dls­gq1r Oliarles'Johnson i: Brookci,� G.C. , nown at; gao.1-fover. It IS fright- f� good reason. :Soic4 work�ll 6 tj and' much. of the tail�- danger of contracting�.Ihe disease. Hope 16i. yoitr amusenldnt.' YoV I of Sarawal, . full.vAllfectiOls, and'Yet itAs impos- thihi were done as. may . only be ings, the'. introduction .,OfL dredging - A Patiolit Suffering train poll 1�ftllt L signal!' place "of the, "red" . AM:, - Rajah ibsolute in , ry look it Nat now.',' One end of tills rular,of over fifty, thq'�'Isixlld' square you're wall, thougb� I Must'sAY proyjded. ;on On!t . have scoxime attach and I ha(!.p,ut Ithere: ptirl',ia the leave SUffei0ft aloh6,. for the �*Ixlsperq(k . between ., man and Maroc. and hydratolics, to which I have call- consumption Should 'know that, no I stammered something to. the ef- insulated W1r6.'t6 that little gL as of territory, and three. hu�dred O!llY cure is good nursing and Con.! �.Bixt th& Service .6lubs know.. -The ad �pecl&l - attention, been' the Matter in hat. stage of tile dlsea�e uita� well and that and the other I ill presently . Pon - fact that I was talu Y- liect with thp. lie; mulator, tie* t Usand peQpfe..o'f an: allion, race, lid. :.staxit feeding. officoirs`kniow. - -And',s6 does step Ili this direction. The pre- he. may.be, his expectoratibn or Spit,* his unexpected , visit had ter * I OIL Now we � There is lit I more to -tell, I Was creed.'% XI'lowing all thin -perfectl . y wall, Dr. Tonlmy in every: -cartou . nient. and Sent Wtaost �rohibltive.qogt of iians- tie ma�r spr.ead. the germ of the dia- surpriod me, He Went 01) mad :h- -.of rdtorikrds' liy, �;very, William Smith' f Aungloe, conjy',.b4frack between 1port, Material �,Ltxxd:Jbor and the case if the matter expect' will seaurd'your a)ikles firmly.* to this a inut and Mociltan. cira;t6d.is' .9 them.. . didn't ore I explain my preson-ed-here,. iroi Your babk. cil.t)le :one, althoit h.1 :told 1)611egftl, Iralank'llaving hei�rd that course, t0b,, ive. realiated, Tab& high, standard of living, stand.jn*t*he n L at. destrdyed'ba' I stake, with torn it has"a chance I must trouble you.fOr'it, drink,'Arnx� rfdl� Anil your ea dating coAjfort- deserve it,; .',and, when ..present 'Ra, there was 6, case of virulent 'typhox ofL`prcgrdss, The -new govern- todry and ee A, of course, the a illy. is only. huhlam.. Kipling; In One- way olne pulverized.: The Strong. I'mas dry as a lidne." ably on the- Short. end Of. this littio was' -given-the charge.olf this*'AtILI& jlth�ff'uncie,� Sir, James Brooke, who 6,vQe on tile isI&nd:o1 Aranino' ul)- ment'roads, will -do muich to . relieve pati rej !in- f his stories" makes a young. a ent should, 11W:refore; always spit -His tona: was objectionable, but I tiOn. But: of many presents I.,receiv;­ jouilded this. uniquely remarkable Illedillt6ly 8 t- Otti for. the plaoiq... � I -Te altern reprove his menjo I r I butchel- Title, -vou ate, has the. affect a I the fl�st- difficulty., but -in" many...r&; I some receptnble intended for the. got 9.ut a, bottle. of llf�lxjg,ib� Short'.6nd of wiro, off ad .1 think My ife and. I.mOst! aP- ..."kingdom,." Orfitinaly oil fficer. ill had the greatest difficulty in getting Ing some woilnded tribesman. "Leave speets the dista-let the Purpose. It in'best to have this vo4- !-Iome water And: glasaeq, axxd�' hav­. the one running preciate A, splendidly framed' 15hoto- the East;j Indja-� Compaxxy'�s service, a b6at, but evefitually got hold'ol thoxh along,.- eel'" "Don"t Abnormal peculiarities � of placer' set Made of metal So... as.. not to. ing ' hPIpLW himself libC . I -Ally, . to the inih, *so that graph of the officers and mail board lie, illio'lilca, during'a trip an old One'_ went,' Over' alond,' and try* �to h ' es "L veteran. . CAMP. .:. *Ixell I h4ve'-maolp this .6ther , con- old them bsck. They've lth7o Ugh a' thrifty break, It shotild be. half - fillo'd with said Inaction Y6w.heii'd bed6mes the the' train ill deded ough�t to be 'able to -Jive on.42 or -watler. or Same disinfee Ing fluld, the at' -.night, which they. :to Bortioo Ili .3.830, :of establishing. SUPC in bringing tha: * patient seen their dead.�',*, . I .� , ... t* ddy, yet $8 at, $10 'is. ilia rate 'Main thing belligito. %%7. Ior business. "HavO YOU to the situation,. Should 'you subs0lbe.4 for and 'sent to"Ine *short-' himself As an lnde�cndexxt sov'creign abiloss to the'niallolatiol. Thq man re-,, , The Spaniard in proverbially met- a. IMP . as-. heard the latest news -? Ali I I see -tuilately In.ove it off -t ' 6 ly- afterwarft together" v�lth, a - testl' in tlle.Indi4ll� -Archipelago. Some.. covdred� btit -tile doctor'sickined,. and 6116ss- in battle, even - to those of big - pf, wagesi the* interest lin'loalls is -sible I tOL dxy� he board, the .. . . . -1 or!�'the expectoation -�ou. Well',. thin J aila later he bought 4' Small yacht Ili A week was dead own Rith'tind.kin; burlig both Car- Sixty- per cent,. and. house reiit Id half . The ML gs have At t*o-. wires ��111 1�e., in contact, monial . in- a I too,flattering, ic.rin.s. statesi; Lix, and last got t6'such -a, pitch that . war plating a h n b Hatiffmann, who* li'ad. a, lqng care chances of th! rnment generate. the value of so., There is -al-, w a ang.gdes -at, of' - 10. tons burden, cInd having Dotors, take Is kind !list wars, ilia Gove the hall philanthfopists ifitereated. in -'the, 90- Xk OLIt toAngLprroW.' the - dum, Of as. a train-wreeker' during tlxe. wax-, christened, it- the Royalist and. angag_ Las it, matter a] - most Anvoij,liibl -Aurdered' Ways A sense of Insecurity about.. ELI lUtion Of the. tuberculosis � problein t wire I tile ex-- their will probably brei course'. his of coursc� It As a wattei, of fact, 'tile train. Pass Was, at.'Iast 6auklit. rdol-handool aii(l ad a picked' twenty men, he perinients which. so'. r6gioxt- "am'd I have I liave, - besides working 'for, the better across tile I -all will -he severed by the mAny' ato no, prisoners; Naurally, 'the -Insurgent§ placer.... miiin 14 all -,London set sail fror the Thanies 'on October trying, retaliated; and soluo'ghaqtly s6enes Ing through herd'gt'9.30 to4night ii whoets-iii the c�nglxle before it reache, 4 ly at- with the dbjeet of finding An-: f9tifid outside the country a Some. housing of the poor. an tho' erg imp ,%lien L it 'that tion. at special. institutions. for the' 17th, 1838, oil his &-r"t, adyentitire. tiolotes fo a enacted; essiOli you ; ablisequently, bundles r deadly. diseases, the risks, war notably at Vd1fogpiA;-. bi ing 400 British tr66ps't6 watch what'. widespread r the twidge over' the 0rangL..: Now,,* I ou unceremoniously loff,youj pillow. On, reaching Borneo, aft&­,�arjous'do- run - ard far mor terrible. on July 17th, 1'874, when'- no fewer the. Viikon Territory treatment of consumptives, an Add happell to Rxiow."that Ink respected. no explosicin will, follow, as the Ri TIANj he'lbuild the -Itajah Muda Has- A" t.114n. 4�611f.V-Sj�e T�O�Ubllcn captives ITS BEST DAYS,'. tional mission to, perform, ut,-� .011 S - ..'Llistinguishod. member df the Ir- AS :SE EN Tle:tid'e countrymen re -well on this Side '0 1 ting of the. wird will have prevenfed Sim; uriefe a' peiguing Sultwn. ish- - Coll 9f,dinigraion from village to city. age of Surgeons,' at present. were shot In cold blood by order of and will not long c6ntinuQ' to , be. the bridge by thiS tinle, Land an they & circuit., Thus y engaged fit War in the prov . ince . of practisinit lit -Lowestoft - It 9 lately- 3.6he'ral Salijillo. productiv6. I must confess. �1 should, be reversed,L., If' tuberoulosis, cc ou see r-*ke9P',­:-MY, Riiasdns Why Ed Retain$ the At- the Carlist, would probably seriously"obj' t to ox`;� PL�OMISC- To L gave the train - froni With several of tfie Dyak ofTqred himself ana.' subject,of a - still' -Iloole 1 has - made its a:ppeewance,'In a family rqcut Intance, in shar(I this ixupi,e�si6n ..before v%itL,, Pop a,. tribes who, )lad revolted -againat their xxiore� terri e eXperlia, Another * �quafter or, tile globe, At -Ing, Dawsoii, A short� :stay trairiloiad Of . redcoats.-boing in their de�truct all. you a fections -of Eis'P I' Ile wrote in"tho, living In ot'largd 'City, tile physicia, n �1`ftkln all g -his 'Influence midsL ' I and some 4ria Lids, who 'will. still- and move neither hand -Claristiail'of Denmark -in. ilia So:vel`olglI.. leaf - from, 'the recen* to. Dr.'Koch,' this. famous in- on August country should.,oxrt to. be here presently, thlb1chigAt would, foot,00 noaost beloved of Xuropeall.monarchs. book'of hft; model a iali�t, proolhitu-'convince the visitor that even. put- and- pi-odecessor, coniumPtion. ijo� offering to 3()thi' 6, 'the'SpailliLrds uc�.-especi'ally,.the*�r.otinger members be a pity for. yotm bra -Vo soldlqrsJo 1� Whan I foilly r illustrates.. the: Vizarro, Brooke oft&ed'. ht&.,9&viceS submLit himself to. ilia ad martial to Migrate to tlio'coufttr2�. Land seek. ealited my -terrible culation With law In Afatilla, and.by ting-oll one side tho-possibility of llay.� a lost journey, dqcided to affection of hili people, and at to,the. rajah, They were acbapted. tubercle poison froila predicament . I begged And. Implored the i1oldnight 169 alleged litisurgents had'quartz mining,' manyL Of th-6 pl6oper- occupations. Statesmen stop them. Thi �only tlaing 1 aiix them- to release me, or sho�`t. me 'a Same time the freedom ivith Which And his crew,. Aided by a ' 'itoomber 'ot been tielzed in"Llifferent parts of thd:tiab now Worl�ilig hiLve many years 61 should' protect. he interests Of the nd A TV.I3ER(,1ULOUS COW.- ise . moreeharies, di' much to- o o ie �lifia left to hein.,at the present.iato,' afraid of Is 'that they won't aPpvbvb have dbAe with, It. but the cold...' they Approach him. Japand d city,. and &I farmer, -so thaV.1arming 'Will have of my methods." wards, - 'crushing the'rebellion. Fdi t I lie . oey, boiyondt into a. tiny dunge6n, ktuat-:.aold"that a colnparoitivel� sma , It- y -to. the �rising goner - blooded �7xletches..nierely laughed and was, -visiting ft. town in According t Mr, Koch's nio�e Attraction i�awak. - - ''.. . I . d" a water 'level. m8olbr�-� beL n than it has It taunted losa . could iavb 'but' one ad in the basti46 bf obast.lan 1 tiol, of 'e -Ven X16ndilce- distiret' has Ile Was ifitorruptod.L by'the nolsy me -with cowardice, .01poijiij northern ' Jutland'. ;�vhexx a �eajiixjt his services he was created. Rajqh of such 1110aul tioli or" aIli the lait4e entranceof four rough,. Unkempt illy -eiitreatie6 *orej of no Advanced. to him on the street' ailil� ell —a- lafgaring, �dcatli.:JrZni an. worked out�.' It miiy welI.., b decades, and philanthropists. should h equipped; Avitif. riffe: - aviiil?* . I . ' - - e: men, eac asked. him it: he. was. tho'King; -The Natur4lly, however,'the bed be. had stuiliption. Dr. k6ah.:,refued.to:'toike, "lilack- Holb;' had onl one 'that the 6. l'bh deposits. %#&a beside lysell with rago &�'d SMilC s.1.11 ; - r aid - the " stii , �osnlofi by ; endowlxl�g I bandolier, - WbOmLT oltdoldy, decided:,mOriif 4, as, Ixo� '"Sw6rdol mado 'for'llim th rlslo:�'a -lie did-al'so LlIdOW' theL Sg�ltry*'CjUtSide re. 6Xhatis monarch IV stitutions for instruction In scidntific lcatfonL, e&a though self wits not extictly. a, that of ln6cm:' tedo axd:,Uat no Stretch -on' of. every 11rinatively: and Intlu"ired if ',he,.could dbuch of roses. Hourly- he. ias Gerhault, f)rMI)r closed to, kqe . p outAho rain," :of miles tip -a single at -belt will were the friends lie had spok vein hi in ulating Dr who made *a anot pr�ftalole agriculture, ard'ft1go in this I wds not ruistakim, fo� lie . . mY. -body would burst. . I danger of assc6isi ar t cursed and im, . I . - d twent�7%lvq ataxis do,hilythiAi for hi nation. W , with. gihillftr offef.., The latt6r, �howdvml btho!�' vqxitllAtion�iharo Was ftbSOlUfiL-' 10"OP again Pro lice frOM 'by.providing. heixiihiul.. emen. 9. inunedlately iniraduce' wept' alternotely� said-thii peasant.-blitntly. -Ing trIbcs:,wAj has -- "A 'tile 'to thirty million Uollar�, arivi;,- and 6t d theni'as suc.h the. neigbboi agredd to: Aritik for Ili none, 'the -night W, it h' ed atlbrx� twelve I. of gold., yet.., ood lib eK d HaUffmanij, forward#% Said 0 ui�d addressing thent continue , I "I just wanted to., tell �roiii that you: enibmic and chronic.... On one n ildike, ollatri itutions in coulitry districts,* "Thia: last time� we met, you woli, pa� months nothi9but milk in c,.iub- 310ttsIl'ol"the year, it - is,.'p6r-. E van. - when tha'Klo $11 Inat 11 Was just explaining to. -my -very ---m.one :6f the beat we Ala Saraak 'was erculOus dOW, and . to Meantime hal)S a. matter foil wonder that only exhausts . tl� living i's now' lily.turn, and hoiveve are a, good king n his palace At there a reniftilfs, the whad 0 tliui' Ma outside. of large -his head, and he only as-' upon the qUoL -four at ilia unlia Atry,'Which is..aertaini Interesting - and attrae- 'Omb out� of -this busines's I don't iburnt. over. Yukon teri dear . friend liere'l--4nolicating my- r YOU evor had." L possible: ottity I'lifty ppy._ captlivos cities more t weveie going to do our-.. Th King laughed. caped In his night clothes by,6wini- of food tive, to -young, people;. , in short. tile wIf—"tha Y . think,you will se'e'youf wife, again., I 1 01 , , So doing his beat to solve -were found clead.iiaxt morning. Ifturiferous dier donsi.derable- areas.- . best to save his militar' friends a I '_Dwyou think, so 7'thp.repliediinling. But, In the ond,'Britisli plucic, insumption, Is T110 'r love of' hmturii L e�xxd life. in the Qpop. an if,you docido to save yout; -on 14, , I the. question whether to enittinder:were led out - ndThd. territory han'becti. very.ixap.�r- frulticsa� journey. Is everything a ell; perhaps * it's a matter . a rQML - t d c shot in'the Luncta_ the fashionable fectly Prospected, .0 all- �hould be more cultivated. - In prqci nd' tenacity won,.and now, after oaug�llt f infee 0 t -and pi. bpecting n ready, Latiagan ou� skin at'the expenso-of. . those taste ; but 'then, I'm &'poor Judge more than. fifty Yearg-OfL'alliloat 't Ali oltv h I - in- A balloon Scent IS A r -, the'proportion In which t i is done - poor, fioggars, n theL train. p onlehade 0 in the pros- I this co�intry is very llifljalilt�oil. ac "Everything has boon done as you iii, affairs of 'this. s6rt.'� cessant fighting, the State.- which for a Persorv. who has. I coun� of the..vegettion. . There is no tuborgulosis will never before ence of Sanish li�Alcs, while the told us, boss," -replied he oldest of 1 -Tis -,t�orde.stujxg Me likd hot Irons. ! That the. peasant, however, Captain Brooke;— dventurer and ventured L above- flr roll lAtest L by it should not Ultimately The, cre�tioft of schoolai of forestry in g ild . Yet Massed bands plyeol.L-the rus-,ri-ason W my,teoth%tightly 'at far wrong in big ettfinaiion noctorsnot onik brav- le-liall tunes and the phot.ograpl dther -fields* In connection- with the preserve; Ion the four. hold. 11 quasi�buccaxxcor,. won for. himself, Arid thpao Parisian d hers yield niuncrative �gold '.to make any -reply.. So, evidenced by Another story In hich for Fingland.- Is as much' an Integral ad' such.om ascent* for the Sake of* wc�o busy with their Agaitt,whan the country oponed,and aUltivatloii: . of forests in many Then turning to"mie he, said'- disdained falling to' provoke tile exp'lasion he� Xing, Chriatial;L'Waa tile good angel, poirtion. 'of the Britt . sh Empire as is science, but Also the much greittell in Brarch, 1808, they a elzed I . 50. un-' "My plan, isAllis. -My friends here Tills L Sto up,.. Other. . resources are gradually! States where e6 wasteful destructicin have been busilY engaged co . notruct- expected, he turned. 'on his lice] with- ry has been fovived by , the I India or the Isle -of Wight. one of rising to the lieight drned men.at a, secret innoting, ut ajxp�tbr woid and,% ki-ccompilitle(I action and revealing themselves, very fair coal Of trees Is * now ca;rried a ;iiould Ing LL -nico little miic. underLthe bridge 0 'of the - Xing Ili placing a In�all books of reference, Afgbanis- at which.lita-Is Possible, in order to Shot, L t.1101*6 hit down. Ijkoi is m:oLod at.' Cliff Creek abodV 55 give useful and ILL ealthful'employment vermin,-, I halt a Mile away. qIlb in wreath on the grfi�ve cif the wife of tan la.catRloguod'as An ildiiIiondent. experime'llt.at that *height Upon, the-: With out t1fa 'to ell it by his blackguard crewf v4l jailed. mil as L below' Dawson iindllo to a..numbdr Or people, as w 9 y have ' also -th been is earl of the famous portrai -liftinter. But the Buropea'1 Govern- effect - �reat attitudes have on the SEA113LAN , C E4 Or, A Ill I P traced from that point to RQck render the region moro� healthful. It laid a UpI4 of thi a darkneis. Jenson, t state;, the bridge, axxd,� WIth the aid cf­ a Left alone,. X, 131gall to sum up my�i Jenson. was a poor boy*ln w.hose, mentq know better: LL Croalt. on the Klondike, and possibly Would. offer oitt�riLetiV6 - careers to 1. Was So haivo brought position. I found qeturdly Jpst.v -took t1in Ore- * For this purpo�m they tok up sa_ The coal thin young, men Seeking to'overcome, portable accumulator* I career his Ain much Gtor-1to all intents and purpson, People -treated �fter ills laslijon. further to' tile east ad be 'One day the Ring'm I I Jor the ptirposdO we may'Safely de und-with rft*�hldc strips that, eat- at the. ar ohn Bull, Vsq:,,:Genfleman var. retaliate in. -kind, -.Is a.,matter, of oil the Yukon fouV-mijan above Five editaxy- at- acquired tondenciew to tu- it -dolts And olther Atillneh1q, and te MY utmost eiartions, I w' young rnan on -the street, and im-: and the Amoars,- Over silice 18,55, alo bled thellsolves. Th,.e'dilllCult�r cOursa, nor 'were thdy. itr this ease r, !tiger Rapids, I$' said to, Ile even berculous diseases.* pond on being able. -to shorten Your sPI as tito 'tually. torly unable to move band' or foot an pressed by his sadne:-S, asked What have boon his puppets, tilled by his of handling. iancets in- ilia intense I careful or -abldto disci-iminoite , be� bettor. A considerable rnioo�lnt of conxpatribt�3'%journdy viont effce wt . is the matter. The young mati Strings -and although, tonfortunatelyLlor thent, it and tile iron bar to Which my. :Cold Of an .20,000�fcat4twQ6111 the c tn. tip the A XGUNTAIN'RANGA.. - will only be to send them on a ankles Were -secured. Was abs .. confesscid-that he WAS in. love with . n of and �fi'plq at, copper evidently oiXis OVER oliltely DANCING TO:, -is vmqjC, "Wits ii'milenso, and%tl.io *hol ."Americanos," '110 tile revolted na-iWhIt0 where it is said to be Imin I tilel-dRUghter of a w.0althy man, who . a partyo longer olle.)L*$' oval.) 0,, 1 hAd either to lie still were gasping for breath. Ydt, they Lives bQth Were hitc, inall and an- iispil b the Indiana an bullets, and Modern exploration of the, . ocean 'and. be cut to pieces or sluo myself Wouldnot. let her marry the son of a And the man n, i g— WrOto their mar"Ortinda a�s valwily as lemies '86 it has come about that.'poppof ores are reported from -,.ar, bottom has shown that the San has Until then I had. been sitting still, the , stage-mariager so to spcalc--is taking thingg as philosophicktIly. as round clea of the rails, the Crowbar pportradesman. Ill they Were in their o*a laboratoi, ton,fottionate Americans haq hild ioits localities, And4fotably (bromite, "O -ho, Ill said tile king. "To. that" not, s-filatly People Might fmaginc,­ ;its mountains as well as the land, 6 lea on. firin ground. to sufror tor the sing of their predc-. otb.) from the neigbborhood of.White I even including those that art) of a possible ; but *when the astounding:aWng as it Pivot- Of colors in Llout.rCo'l. - Mullanimed I -Taft Na*az truth of that wrotch's-sc].heme dawn� the latter illy head baing 're- it,, ? We must Se� What we can co.%sors. Jlorao, feanwhile there Is all - open- 1-voloianid character. Shipg'sait over. moved from- tile lover, - the nine IXhan, the. accredited agent to. tile Another Parisian notable (or Ills far of the compin-atIV0. ad upon me I Started. to'my, feet and i Ili the inter Ing for honest, determined - and ln�,thcso. mountains of the sail, AS eagles, would explo'do find I should be The very next d called on the Governor-General of India ; but an , plu6i is Dr. Calin6tte, Pastour,s as- rustled at Min wildly'. 1-10 evidently A.( a. I ay he l small island of ainar, a: cor' Il.�,dustrlous mail. who Will confront the pas over the Alps, but owing to. wealthy citizen, ax-ritish worltman, w one-time cn� istant fit the great-IVork of discov- lit �and -soveti 'man were taken � captive a country was unprepared for such it Sudden But at what cost 1. tind argued ' the 'ill b. iin 6 t- llnuRluli cotiditionS of tb the durknoss, that reigns in the ocean outburst oil my part after my nian's ' case so successfully gincer's apprentl000'by name,.Thomas.'ering A. scrtill whiell slit o ill lid burnt Alive. -ad depths, we cannot 166k down . And,. pre-.! It suddenly occurtled.to me to,walt tlidutn9111 opPo. Salter Vaynoi. . : . lVient cure for Vor thin; a At in and be. prepai, to live: . and vious.-Passiveress,'and I lia.d.hini on..until the trrliln was about half a olifoin was withdrawn. You doubt1lilor � (4o purpothe doctor has frooItion Adoxiianno, 'early In tile war, twenty- Sao their peaks, albries'and ranges the floor.b6fore be could, draw a a1v Mile A king -is a hard iiiall. to then, ask any tly't three prisollop,4 lying far beneath - thb. keels, of . our ay" then to, 6XPI.Odo the mine, and -a -king the ills and outs of not'.4ly-arrived, we coin discover 0 .91s trust to tho ongine-driver to ea the' IS A inighty inst this queer.aounti-y. Afghanitan POINO110tis serrilits. 11r" EYES DV A LION- -by. feeling, as it that'i � to' volvar, which, f� nho Uses his power. Whsel. 0110 WhOL.knowS sav dwooden, - awards. Thesa Live but Vessels. But them., rultiont. for good. were packet, fell on the floor above Ilia flash in'tillIOL to pull up and inVesion not a :nation, tie wil lit the NVat A few 111011thS. ago an hilineno+ bay, by linealls at soutiolings:tbab.re� hced. I Immediately gi;a6bed It, but'tigate. X wa3 overjoyed at finding, -Illut," you will any, .It] a Allier!- One night, when some troopers understand the tornil but+ an' aggto., I'm which be WAS handling slipped 1v64I their outlines. 'One of the- re� Simultaneously - received a, tremen- such lean Loth Africa, . ft an easy, way out of my troubles a d him ;mark4bId chains.of submarine: we un" of niore or less ludgpendellL I from Ills grasi a a taught their fees a lesson'in were encamped in S6 dous blow on the Arm from the butt but almost immediately t 0 on Yes, in this tile turn of onnid tovdnson li sicke.11- r and always discordant who' the forcifinger. Death intwenty nibir, taffts discovered In thiniannor ties. of Lmtegan'n rifle, which Fent, the Ing thought came oval, nic—suppose IRST IIREDACII OF PROMISE. are . only kept In -wbectfou by In.- tltl�4 is 'ilia result of cobra -lifte. tra r—perhaps, although th6vc are to 90 Out for water to the spring, i about a hundred. Milea- east of the revolver flying. across the room. In- the flash was too slight or too , "low OX16 feat -Lite of Western civilization, quent military punitive expotinions (lid not lie thoe who allege (bat tile W11olb Which was about it. thutosaild - 'yavda I stantly the others t,hrow themselNes down fri'the SPIult to I -e visiblo over lias just Made its appearance In Gabul. qilate an instant. truth has et to be writtion. - The alstant. Ile describe, , the 0,,, -,coast of Australia, It was found ill on tile, and,'although I struggled. the blurt ; -or the�nolro too'faint to pan, 1111) A LAX01,731, Americans ar(_� illen of our own blood vlonces fu his boolc, ".Throilgh Rho- surveying a track for it cable to where it native woman has I Now to Make thc6, expeditions . . . . I taLiNorfolk Island.' The ooll, over the r of the. brought A Suit for breach of promise and arc, doubt a.,;, avepso. to need-, desht." A comrade. volunteered like it madman until my clother.�were ',)a -floticeable above. the roa properl� effective, I'MOS RiG rOqUil'od; ripped the injul-ed flllgcx� Open, And - le ace0nipUlly him. WhOn tho.' nearly torn off my bar 'likewise oinall�arm allinfullitioll, gulls called to ALI lit, lesa at y were tells Of its highest sulittilitg is About walk over- train, What Would be the result ? hitherto an unknown procedure it, tli� sigta n f. Tho"lattor they:ticarilig-thei spring. his. man wills- 1,500 feet deep, but around therl. powered and strapped to a chair Oft, horrible to contern A land -of the crysautlionitim. The lady of the latest And most approv&I hninediatoil Injobtecl s 11hings. they can be Onee with a couple -of buckle a plate. ft alloy '� fullv roused, was shown 'in tho, pared to Stevenson': tile Plummet sinks to it. depth of two IV' .!at- train4oad of human. beings woulol In question is a young. widow, 'tern, and other minor munitions or tba.-doetor's owil Invention, and a . . 'or re's, it lioii skulking in the belts. to tho bottorn of' War. All thl,4 wit, by recovered. 'o fal S-_ 111diftit War of 1870, wlion : 1"I'lle , or three wil . ep. be precipitated tile 'who induced, her well-to-do wooer to a realived 8 - front being dl' 1Md(!rgroTVth on'dic right bank Hauffillann quietist regained Ills spruit, 4.0 feet below. An in a droaln, : sign an agreement I that In. case ditil- Thomas Illyno, whon, fit ftl), lie w , t tressed at the risk lie had ru Baker niurdbrod in cold blood 1`78 n, A Yes, there were Its eyes, gleLming AMI paches—nioxi, wonicit. wid children, r feet, flicked the dust froin big clothes I fancied I could bear the shrieks, 'or party wished to back out he or appointed chief engineer. to tile lato Calln(ittii declared ,himself delighted 'it, an I ex I tbi-ough the dark. LARG.14', with a handkerchief, and, picking Up Sereams, and groans of the victims she should forfaltL :L,Ooo yen to tile Abdurrahman Khan, And lie set 'at suet) an cxco�llcft In 186.1 agall . poolition. as t opportunity. for Organized against the Ilivo(e ti-illo, 118hall I lira, .?". whispered the Sol- F -such. large famil- his revolver, cool)y.sald mingling With , deafening other. The proapeetiVOL bridegroom AbOut Making thelyl with 81101 yeal testing llfq ronledy. and over twa hundred wort-, killed In fes as All aDVIloant for relief to the "Dear me I didn't think ou had hissing steam, and exploding boiler. I broke tho engagement. and such success, that lie has I )low Dr. 111patana, of Lisbon, 11round ill)," the survivors being firc, but take good alin. It BirkOnlicad Guardians, Vaiglaill, who a)its control lie fewer than ,- Oporto when the plague br� out, Ind136 W a seventy years bf reread to drown then,. O n We Ile a knolt 0q)(I took a long go, ''was the father of twenty-one aeI0 tte, that 600 Afghan workman, who Eire clia (lid much useful work, all t tell, at- Lake. a and all devoted to him, and without ter thoroukh disinfection ruid qual- hildron, the oldest of whom %van Oil ite in's whose constant industry the Ainoor nil tie_ returned. Tile day after Ills fighting, tltv Vederal troops Tho ound of the shot I and the youngest an infunt. The of Afghanistan would be militia tile arrival at home, no gu(s.stm were, ar. Means of protection, government or riving to it �(Ilnitcr givell hv Ills wife a.number of prisonor-r. This ,,, fforboratod through the licLs Inarried twice, bence tile QY'er sel I US Disease windfall to, tile settlers. They its- and Up '' thic )liver., But there 'Cu.Se � is not so remarkable ALL -in- retaliation. -It would be A bad (lily to colebrate, hi.14 I.O.till-11, sm- the eyes, Still gleanlb)g, lAnnee of it family its thosu for the now sovereign If he hould V� ptoins proved to ilia (Joe sollibled rushed up - so Ill-advised AS to Attempt to get tor that lie on ill(,, ellpOveff, ;ilid 8tevenlion asked lot, tile rifle ni�d given by Thorciby lit Ills 11111story had plague., Tie fininvoliatel svilt cryll (Itlawled trying to got tt'bet-�of Leads". iethe eae of Dr. ld of tho-oriali Who has armed, 1114 Wor(I in tile &UtboVjj.ie,4, (1 1) TITR, TITUOATS 7he Ctlft Of P1601de Rkht 1410al'Midst Slauds its Irrefutable fividence of flio Suportgr " awL it etotle ttr and closet, went't.ho 1 Iludson, (,Ibancolloll of York, x%,hoqa 4 troop,4,, And WbO 11,10110 OW, lie wa' taken ay to tile hopit of it hundred then iiiid there. two" tholl, ballets In their luoutlis, !-Wife Alled fit her thtrty-nintit I ear. Nediclual Vallite of CLI _W*ft. . . . L 11, thoin with tile Without gal -to 1111nuk! iti; to tile fu 18-11) tho Austrian (laneral thought t1lejr! hitVing given birth to twent,y-four jm 40"*� -ills III quest foil -ilre worse Illy; fullilly gilosild taku, nau had it tituldwr of Itunarlan lad- I Were ill tilt% fl;i% of the 1.1,1011- ! children, Another large faildiSr wits im -0) Util In tile -ranged for their Nolatfoll, ivs flogged Ili inarket, Square of, they found ilia eyesll to., I),, two 'that, at Mr. Joselii Cooper, beloug- (OCIA hihithl' unit at .1 DrItfsh Govornment tills illude film it Thcll lie hininelf topic bIFj Illedivinpq 'lvQ1I1cRw;tr. Ili IS50 hP ('41110 to glowworink alarinfligly btlight; fill# to. ilia same tols'n, whose WU0 OU4,11 the allments Which afflLet human kind there are none so obstinate und none o difficult to cure as knight, and has given him the right, and papers, and resigned blimelf to land, unit nearly lost his Ilia while hud Ivot felt It nce . es-; bore twenty -Rix clilidren,. but thi, Idig.eaaes of the nerves. I I . . . , . 4 . to taek oil lito.nallie the the car(, of tile hizareLto Oh & visit to firtrelu"o and 11 , �,r*klllsl sally to et %jut Of tile Way. m6lit remarkable was that of Mr. There ma.be soma disorders of Individual'organa that are More painful and mefte more sympathy frojin and V. S. t. livorthIng was (Talle could I)p brettpr,- fill) drayinoir uttacking liffil, fr1mols, but diseases Qf the nervous ayateM Affect the Mind as Well as the body and bring discouragement, de� NVIllfaill Greenhill, of. Abbots. LunglOY A AILOR, WITO 1114WANTI-1, A XIN0. bill, all ill voll). Vet, evo:41 U with the intentiow-of drownink Illut ---- fthad no fewor spondency and gloom. They UnfitLmen for bushiess And women for tile bousehold cares. doVolving upon thent. 111104 filef- -alysia, locomotor ataxle, opilepay.and even insanity itself are the common result of ialkilig abouL Me diell noarl cafflictions an flat Pew people are Aware that th lie Wits in thd last, d011illuln, be lo,I)l In it v than thIrty-jilite childrn by ono %Lovy of Rajah Brook", of SarawkILIC, IV goVtirninent of Britigh Tiulitt, wife, liervolls exhaugdon. narrafed above, fil pat, of tilt% lJoVul Augeular weaknesit, ditz wis and irregularity of the Nervolta 'hoadaefio, nervous dyspepsia, r has, been, InAt WoP6 wore, "Ahial we know lit- In. paralleled Within the Just thirty t1ti moro nbouL ilu, pltigllt� (bull Willi bolween London Lind Vienne. has,'doeldo.,d to njlie a lilt, bodfly functions Are morel the Warning Symptoms wilich tell of tile appy oftelt opthose inore serfouff disorders. [," years, And by $1 Inalli 110%V 111111g. Wt known fit oldert Ali- lit t-816, ILL fell it Time And time again Dr. Cllaad'g Nerve Food has proven to be the ii.osb offeetive areatof, Of tiorvo force such In the fact ;' tile boro of illiq imem. and abortive tile Tdrl.L4 thought tf�ott thiq w6rik 111iiY tbrow A Vrenell. ourgvon ]ilia roliceted hin- tPat medicat sciblice afrordl, It IS not elatmed that one box will cure norioun and chronJa disease. Thig very latest attellipt to found all Ill. 1,411 0ovellifliont let loolo upolt Rul. Aight lipoll tile quegilon whether, 4.1.4 tiatic relative to dearness. It up - great food cure 1.4 not claimed to be a Infracle worke nor 0, tolre-all, hLt WhOft the i6yatom is run doWn and dependent Idugoloin being Mr. IV, a feroclotiq soldier Nir Norman Lockyov I hat alutles Are Illore suliject to the nerves exhaustell It 14 certain to produee betieflifai results. It to bound to do o because It is compared 01. cowfe, (1, Rc(teh ineclian felt I ll.; Tired Treadwell-1111fold (in; don't ho barbarously inasacred 31101-0 is Un S1111-14110tS Rurild diseases thalt.felliftleg, and that of tile most potent nerve restoratives that aro to be found Ili all nature's realho, 'Ineer, 11JR equillinelit. for tile tlx- go to that-houe for grub." Satin- then ofte.011 thoumild noft-colilbatittaq And 'Indian drolighto. The oub ot verp seven middle-aged perl You will qeAroll. the modleinalworl 4 In vitifl; 1011 'a, Marb OftetiV6 iierVO restarativd And system builder than poition was 6voix less foruddable Voring Tired and a, Afillillir orleg of outrilges waq tiou of With sells there �re two who tie not Ilear Dr, Cliftsele Nerve Vood. The evldomtts of your friends 'and neighbors atteit thin fact, Dr. Chase's Nerve than that,chartered by Brooko, coil. stow aI niall takin, it Inagnotisill. fit a general wayo ino Well with one car.as wjtlx the klood M cm. a bok; 6, boxes for.$2�.50; At lilt dealers, or 04auson, Bateg Co., Torontv. sit�ting ag' It did, of a tiny iron In there yesterday." intring tiio last, Itusao.�Turklsh war long boon recognized, Othor, ..... ......... . ..... .. .... ...... ..........