HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-30, Page 61P7 -r rt4.414+440***********.....”40,4441444.0044.. '4> • arina • . • ' • • 0 0 The Daughter of Kison-Luclim. 0.40..o.:>•olki4o.oitoito****4+1<>4.444owsee. syNopms 4 OF PRECEDING "'NO, no, Strato, not unlees you elf-D-PTERS.-Prince Pliant; of Tyre would risk the oatety of the lady." Plirsues Marina to make her his wife. ' 010 aide her escape and ie imprison- a ,, od bY Iting Alapen. 110'i:scopes. go, said: the young man, as heinl- printed upon her lips one more fond kiss. "But bo gOod cheer, for I CHAPTER XI. Shall come again." 'At the appointed hour ale, called At the foot or the steps he turned upon Strato, but in such a guise te tidos ono more look ot the object that the young man started in sur- of his love. She stood where he bad prise at what he supposed. to be the left her, ith calm and motionless us entrance of o pertect stranger. The marble. Over her beautiful face armorer's disguise was the dress of a• ' there was spread a look of such pain-, Cyprian sailor, and his face wits , ful auguish, such unspeakable melon - covered by a thick beard. I (Away, that he was Iiimselr half trans- Strato was 'speedy in his peepaaa- Axed. tions; and ere long' the two set out. "Strato," she murmured, "fare - Before the moon orose the two men welli" had reached the tall column, and "What moans that look -that tone! here, turning in among the ruins, Speak, Marina," cried the young they were safe froni observation. man, springing back to her side, Strato was sorturwhat puzzled when "Farewell!" she murmured again; he saw' hio guide stop in front or the in a tone that seemed to tear iteelf PerPhyry pedestal, laut his wonder Tout from her very, heart. • was chauged to an almost incredu- "Speak, Marina.. What moved lous astonishment when• he saw the thee thus?" snassive structure move from its "Dear Strato, blame me not that foundations. my heart fails me now;. but last "Go down," satd Gio,, as he threw night 3: had a dream-suell a dream back the slab that .covered the en- as merino more than the mere phan- trance. . tasy of sleep." • The young man needed no second " 'Twas naught but a dream, dear-. urging, for he saw the gliramer of est," whispered Strato. the light which shot up from helove, "So is life all a dreana," quickly and with a quickly beating heart he uttered Marina; "and perhaps those descended the marble' steps. The who quickest ;wake from it are the first object upon which his eyes rest- happiest." ed .was the fair Marina and rushing "(Joule," said Giro tvlio had . With POintully Unshed hearts the two girlo etood, clasped in each other% exists; and Onto they silently (Waited the denouerneut of the at- tack. Heavy feet were busy over- head, and the sound of voices' reach- ed the apartment. Esther know theA were searching for the movable. slab. liter eyes were fixed upon the spot where it opened, and ere long a . bright moosilacaui fell o.cross the Way before her. The cool air etruck Up- on her face, and the slab was thrown entirely back. . The girls shrank bath to the ex:- tremity of the place, and while they stood. trembling there, half a dozen soldiers descended the marble steps, led on by Warman, one of the Icing's chief officers. If luistake not, address the daughter of Kiser/. ',maim," remarked the officer, as he odvanceti towards the /met where the girls stood, like lambs ea-Yea/rig the sacrifice. "That old man was my faller '; answered. /Varian, almost taking hope from the kind and deferential man- ner in which the oflicer spoke. "Then I must ask you to accom- pony' tO the king's palace." • "Oh, you will not take us hence," urged !Urine., "X ant a poor, de- fenceless orphan, and yeti should not trample upon euch." ' - "The king must be obered," stern- ly answered the officer. 'To him. you can unfold the tale of your grievanc- es, but I cannot stop to hear them now. Come. If you have ought:here that you wish to take with you, yon may now collect it." "I have nothing but my own liber- ty, and that you will take!" groan-• ed"'Marina, in heart -broken accents. . "No, no, lody," lejoinecl Warnam, somewhat. moved by the beatity and PRISON LIFE. In Belgium Nore Terrible Than Condemnation to Death, ORMUZIZAND'S NEVISPA.Plint NEEP Fon CALA/NE:1St Sozodont Is Now PUbliehed Elrezy Two Weeks. About twenty years pgo little Good for Bad Tooth nowepaper began to bo printed at• 1.3 Litharab on the sOuthiveot coaet of , .Not Hod for Good Tooth Sozodont • - 254 Sozadont Teeth Powder 25c 25 AVVi Larguxto LIT; 401114:41 ItP7ClaNcrlia..75e. MOntrea‘r RAISE !OUR RIGIIT RAND Greenland. It appeared in the Es- qUirarta language and Was one r:/1 the Most unique productions of the panting Prese. It WWI called. the Atnaglit/ti (the Reader), and ixt ilraataca.s issUed only once in a, while, as the editor did not print a nesv issue until he sold oil the copies of the preceding °rte. Lars Moeller is the name the editor and publisher or this little Greenland newspaper. Ile has made his paper very useful because it has • "YOU' SOLEMNLY SWEAR TO stimulated a desire among the oar •. tives to learn to read. For some tears past the paper has been print- ed as a monthly publication, but it Sew the People of the Various DOW appears once in every two TELL THE TRUTH," ETC. , Countries of the World Obit- weeto. gate Themselves. Years ' ago, when Nordenskjoht The wliole suhject of oaths is A made his trip 'inland on the great curious and interesting one. They presuppose, of course, that man of every degree is noble to break the ninth commondment. And even kings and emperors fall under suspi- cion. Whether an oath makes a man more truthful OF more faithful to his promise is questionable. In Cloritiany oaths have been abolished althgether. In England, America, y , • oath. In France no oath is required, the young Esquimau, and on his re- naughty, so I knew it snust be him, I of members of tho Legislature. And i turn to Sweden lie sent him a print- as there was _no other little bird it cannot*be said that German wit -ling press and a, suPP131 of ink and about. So I opened the cage and the cat's eaten him. That's what he got flosses, Freuth legislators or English paper. , than other people, Yet a great phil- had become proficient in reading and enePher once said that when the oath writing, acquired the art of setting - -- ceased to be binding no country coulil typo and running the printing press. subsist for a -year. •Theu he added another aceomplish- Anyhow, the taking of an oath is went, which was perhaps the basis verY ancient practice, and it has of his success as a. publisher. He I f 11 th d f r Yin on ice cap of southern Greenland, he was accomPonied by this Esquiznou, IMary, I've tried to prepare you, Lora Moeller, who coutIded to the ex- land if you will knoW-don't excite journalist. The young plorer his arabitiou to become a 'YoUrself, try andkeep calm -but our man was nkeitigehhebSereshiamrenelYn'sQounr fifrroen, tangdaraldelottir, She survived. A lady, WhO SUbjeCt tO heart discos°, took tea last Sunday With a neighbor, end while eitting at table her husband rushed in withoUt a hat end in his shirt-oleovesa • "Be cairn 1" lae .eaciaimed, bur.. riedly, to his wife ; "don't excite youreelf, you kuosv you can't etond exciteMent, and it might, be worse i" "Goad gracious I" cried the wife 4 "the ohildren-a---" • "They're all right. Now, Mary, don't get excited ; keep cidra and cool, it can't be helPed nOW, w.0 Must bear these 'visitations of Provinence with philosophy." "Then it's mother l" gasped the wile. "Your mother's safe. Get on your things, but don't hurry ,or worry. It's too late to be of any use, but fly back and see what I can do. I only came to tell you not to get excited. . , "For mercy's soke," implored the j alInoet fainting woman, "tell me the' worst 1" ' "Well, if you will have it, the con- sequences be on your own heu.d • cleVer with his peach., and he show- ed pictures which he had drawn and that he thought would interest his compatriots and make them anxious to learn to read. 'Nordenskjold was Afamma-"Oh, Ronald Who open -:I {I and Australia the affirmation has very much inmressed with the intel- did. You told me a little bird was now as much force as the solemn ligence, industry an ambition of a -whispering ' to yeti when I Was t tw rth th • se f time Lars who for telling on me." . forward he clasped her 1,9 his bosom. • this time stood nenr the foot of the .been followed by the peoP e o e. studied the me o s o el g a g For a long hour those two fair be- stops, "time is flying away With oar • Though. the death penalty was countries. The Medes and Persians stone, and after awhile he was able Mem sat there and told. ever again ininutes." • •, praCtically abolished in Th./igl00% over swore. The Egyptians and Assyr- , to transfer to stone, roughly, to be the story of their love. Tho hour "I'll •come," answered Strato; • a.4d thirty Years ago, thee punishment of ions swore. Christian and Pagon, sure, btit with some . degree of ade- - Ceylon Tea is the finest those PoilVieted of :capital crimes is savage and civilized' men, all swore., .qua,cy, the drawings ho made. so awful that no; one has yet been flew too quickly by. Minutes. seemed then turoing to his heart s idol, scarcely ato have linked themselves added:- , • • together, when • Gio said '.'tainis time "Therea. .11f axiom, , the goda tit and still swear. 'the Bible teems I The first copies of his paper • con-. T ea the worid produces, h able to endure it more than three -with oaths. And probably •si. time tained only pictures, such. as ecenes to depart. over thee and bless thee. • Be of go d years, says an'exchu.nge. • • • . 1 will nev,or come when the oath will of hunting io Greonlard, an4 . also and Is sold only In lead "Oh, cruel Gio," .inartaured Afar- cheer,, nOw, for Gio assures me- that Until recently ...little 13eigium had • have altogether died out ef the,simple :world: pictures based upon those ,, , ina, clinging more fondly to her Inv- tho Power to horm thee cannot much two publio executioners, although 'made in -Europe showing some inter-, packets. . . 'ex*, " you will not• tear him from me longer endure. You will watch her one was sufficient for her big neigh- I There' is a great- variety • in tho °sting phases of life among. foreign. 1 ea 1 a „,.f.. Rs g -.. xed.and Green. yet." - .", . well; and comfort her, good Esther, bola Franco. T.tth King of the Bel_ method but the object is always the peoples. Re found that the .picturee ha''''''' ‘"•3, iv' i "We must ge now; fair lady. You will you not?". . . • • glans recently ordered the retirement , same,. namely,' to call dearn on ooe's excited much interest aziaong the Es- a china 44 I 4,, GI, iei pan tea erg try .Sa a • . eat , self the . vengeance Of God as the . . . . quimaux.. shall see him a.gairta but long visits "In. truth I will sir." earnestly re- 09.a. Pension. or $450, of orie of hth . , , . . . t there is a , live' • s nse of will excite stispicion, -for Strato is' plied the armorer's daughter. 1+. • 01. Am N• 1 1 • • lo IP 1.1•••• exeeutioners-the -executioner of the 'PellaltY of untruth. Bu y e• Then he began 'to print sOme des- . ENortmous FEES. . other executioner still holds his place , tao ..veageance of the law as well. ' i criptivo taatter• in the Esquimau .lart- ' under the eyes of spies," . • ' . ' • • "Then for the present fate thee high WOrkS," as. he id• termed; The eniaeurrent and very "One more half hour, good G19," well." • • - gouge ' Mader the pictures. A con- Roya•ity.. and Rich. Peeple Pay - urged the young •mau, lo persuasive • Sadly he"followed the -dr:parer up tones. , • / tho steps, where he waited a me- The duties of public executioner in The , oath .of tho Christian takes•learned• to read and they would tell at Brussels. 1 VARIOUS DORM'S Or SIVEARI11G. siderable number of the natives had• DearlY. for Treatment: . , • . •nient• for the moirement of .the ma- j-3 To England, Spain, It- ' their friende what wos written inthe . . . • • elgium aro singular, but not ardu- , two forms, o a ae• ;••• • .. ,,,••. - ,,,,.."1'. " . . ' '.. !.." ".6.1''. &biers.' that was necessary to throw 'oils- , The "courta- still continue to ray, anetria, and America, among descriptions ; thusrantay of the na.- In • the niedical world .some error- - .• , the .pedestol back from its place, arid sentence natiefaeoaas to death, but . other PlaCes, • it is taken on the' Bi- tives .gradually became desirous . of moue fees have been ,paid front' time ALIOST. A ER ACLU .. , . then he stepped oat upon the piaveL. -the guillotine has been rePbtood bY a We. .BUt the•English alone skisa theareading themselves so that unaided to time. In 1762 the famous Hort- t• • Th •tv h' in bri ht- scaffold on which is posted' a. copy • book... In France .and Belgium the they might. Ilnd what the pictures fordthire physician and as the, of the sentence.. Muth. ceremony is ,- Thomas ... DIMS- ly. in the eastern heavens, gaunt •sbadows of the pillars• aod observed in affixing this document. •A troop of police is drawn up about f t d s alls 1 h aon the ave - lending to the relics of the past ar, gre.vely guitrd with sabres drawn,• liVEGUGHT IN THE CASE by 1. CHARLOTTETOWN "LADY. Her Doctor Said She Was in Con- sumption and.: Held Out ND Hope of Recovery -To -day She is. Well, Strong and Aetive. From the Islander Charlottetown, P. • Statistics published from. time to time shew the number of .deaths oc- curring throughout this country from • . • the place of exeCution, which they Mont and greensward • in dark lines, • Scotch method of raising the hand were about. Lars Moeller s little dale, was summooed to St, Peters- : over the head is practiced. Jewe paper probably did niore than any burg to• vaccinate the Empress swear very much like •Christians. , other one agency to stimulate a de- Catherine II, He was in the city the Bible, the Jew. sarears with his Several thousands of the natives of did he accomplish his task that .1to :But, while the Chriptian swears on sire to learn reading and writing. less ,than a week but so succegsfully head coyered and on the Old Teitar Beath Greenland can oow read the was paid a consideration -01 inient: alone. Ann where Chrietiarts 33ible aod Other. booke published . in in addition to a life poosion of Z500. .they do this unwillingly To a • F • Adele. ta , „a ao e - slam -Fe te get tho girl You want. ion waY att well las wadded Se CIEY1.0 1 Tim it caret reLlIttatl! and MAY be bad at all grecet0. Legvei Packerte. $2.25'Ma take 5 boxes we will make the price $240 per hoxi CASH will buy a box of SWEET SONORA, ORANGES, or Olisee 2000 or 2180.t THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited, TORONTO, onsignments of Poultry, Sutter, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans,'Ifonoy, Apples seliOitedt SHE MEANT TO ENCOURAGE, I. SERMONS BY TELEPHONE, Tom--"Oli, she'll never haVe ate, 1 Successful experiments wore made know." with the electrophone at Tunbridge you. Why don't you ask her ?" cousin Neu...a/Ian sure she likes )11,11/eattlse,rsEnwgelritondp,Ictie•tientliti•; s'It'sn,, Jtarressz bult.cismit-jcla wns going to last night, Church, and connected with the Cora that's e wulaletci myoeua alorelistepro,na,tnti_yo•t/i. peoh.ltioofroirtde,leilvile7bier:d;v:t.ellitil.lupoLopolue(Liit4 Cousin afeli-"you're a goose, :Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester. .1 I were nice enough to eat." saoynd y:Ifi bpreashed. Q ICW• the sermon lobsters. Lhe .1) rdennt toY . - I I • UK etc, -71-u------es . NEW YORK CENTRAL. ANp HUD- SON RIVER. n. R. During the siege of Paris 64. bal. The great four track trunk lioe and loons left the city, currying :Leona ; the only railroad with a depot in 000 letters, weighing in all 0 tons. - New York City, A through train be- „ tween Buffalo and New York every For Over Sixty Yeses hOur; also to Boston. • This is the line of .the famous Empire State Ex- inuifeneot rhotherearAie?rheliiitgointlignt= /lig • ' press, the fasteet regular long .dis- Vopthop the ouldid,ukottens Ur gums. alisyn pain, Mimi The New York Ceutral enters all. NeeiwtiesiEn• sot tor "Alas. Winslow u :worm% u 01.0,0p," b ii=eeiVu I. 1 iliti et; riTilti=4° 'Vila:6%1:c! IC, tance troin in the world. ' eat by druggist% threughotit the mule, %.Ie eure tine Throogh sleeping and parlor cites on ver ritud,• anti sold abroad, brings in Sthteatel3arinndelPtlaile tral. tickets read by the Now York Cen- all through trains. See that your over Z55,000,000 sterling. a year. . .------ ,o...,-..,- .---.....,.., glIfiNdowStYatoesrk: The cement:made front English ri- --a- 4.----. . Nees lleimeet -Cum- °add :".. . . in 1860 English, people received 20 • . 10(ilb ot wheat produce 821h of • I . . . . .. . bor had artisan to 50. ' • . ;flour, and .1.00113. of barley 7$1b Of :DearneSD Carinot 'Oe Cured ' : malt, -- • • • . . - by lodal aneUcations, as they eannet reach the • • . " . , TV. r 0 um diseased portion of the ear. There isouly pne ' . . way to cure deafrions, allil that is by constitu- - • , -- , ..--- - -....,..,..!!........! ce.01/ .ve.0.°,, - thmal remedies. Deafness i4 caused by aa , . inflamed condition of the mucous lining et this Eustachian 'robe. When this tube. is in. . THE IVIriST POPULAR oaNyworoga • flamed you iallY0 a rumbling sound or insper • feat hearing, and when it 10 entirely . Oloseti • 413.,41,7z,,r. a -V=1 :‘,.:1".,ta,722; , i dearness is the result, aud unless the ianam. • siet ao, zed.,x. cx.,.:...1:axci . leaden eau be taken out ad this tu.be resumed , . -nor .....,,a. to its normal conclitien, bearing will be de., ' • . veal cm.sx...z 3PC117Wat.1:MIti., .. . Amen forever ; nine eases out ot. ten are . • : caused by 0.tbarrh, which Is nothing but 'an in. .. . . . case ot Deafness (mused by catarrh) that can . Strengthens the, gums. . dallied condition of the mucous sirrace?. a3t be oured hy Rail's Catarrh Cure. Send ..... . „...„--,. .. , , . „.., /or cireniers.1 re° We will give ()no Hendre5 Dollars for any • Preserve° the teeth. Siveetonn the breath. i . 1 , . N.. J. CEIENEEK00., Toledo, O. . I . • . Y 8 TiVIMItrilie 7'..'; -thd best. ' lettere a head.' In .3.810.) this num- While the . red -robed •executioner more • polemn • grandeua, toe yourig mounts the: Stops, 'nails:no the:, de-• Inan• could. not btit feel gloomy and clostricast, crees or the .court, and, after, a • mo- . , . , "Gio," said he, ag the armorer meat, takes it down again. turned from the pedestal, after it There his duty ends; for the con- demoed Man 'is placed in a dungeon had been moved back to iti place, "What a picture as this of•the frail- so thristeucted that. from the mo- ty or Marti „. • - ; ment he entiers it, he neyer will hear "Ali thingg, earthly moat. pass. the sound of human' ydice, nor see a liviog beina.. „htia . -food .is passed swat'," returned Gio, laberaelf sonic.- what moved by' -the pectioat. solaria. through a, sliding panel in the door consumption to be as• great as the. - nurabee caused. bY all other. preventa • ible diseases cortibilied.. .It • is nO vgonder, therefore, that the medical • fraternity has .ot last awakened to the fact that the most, urgent means must be taken to prevent 'its ferther spread, aiid to teach the.public that while the 'disease -is readily eonimmai- cated from one person to' (mother, it is not necessarily inherited. .theugn the tepdency to it May boa' It is therefore, -of the.. utmost. importance that people .ttrith weak lungs should. take the greatest care ofatheingelves to prevent aorisumption obtaining a ho upon e . . Is air, lots of stanshine, wholesome.food and a gobd tchlic medicine to keep the bloo rich, red -and pure, wilten-, ntti able a one to resist the inn:ions or the - d sease; . .' As a :bleed -forming tonic, there is. np. medleine ,the„ equal . or Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills. . ;These pills . wpere ficelY ' Lind 'fairly -hsed, will strengthen . the -Weakest coast"- . • tution,. and have .. eured •IniteSr cases of. constimptioo wheo 'taken .in • ita early eines. Prbof •of this is. giVen in the case of Mrs:. Abram, Daniy, of • Charlottetown, P;EI,I; •To b.; report; . 'er - of the Islander .' *ho calledaupoil: her, Mrs. Henry .soltia-."A few years -ago I found • myself grdwing •weak and pale, and . emaciated, ' I-. teok various medicines 'oa the adaice of Mende, but -none of them appeared - . . - .• - .of hisaeell. . ray of' the' place. • . • ••• "Ay hat these grim walls, aria topa -Notoarine of these prisbners liaVe piing monuinents paitheduntirnely in-. been able te etirvive this confinement inOre than three years, aThe author - to decay: They. felrbeneatii tit% band . • ities..have 'striven in. -Vain to prolong of the, spoiler While yet in % the Pride 61 youth .aild. 'Power. • So .maY. we their lives by 'varying their' food as fall." ' a • . • • . • - math as pOssible; but. thoge Who are • Neither *CI° aor his corripantem saw moderate •or lightly aourished woste the dark' forms %hot orouched behind away,. while those who are- generous-, ty fed...go mod and die roving man-. the Marble :columns within the:tem- ple; nor dreameci they that they svdre lam. • • - • . a .• -. • • watched, They. hoard not the steal- thy footsteps that began to fall up- . clistresS 'of the. poor girl; "it there:be. oo the pavement • . they. had. left be; • guilt in the deed lay 'it not to me, hind. . . • . . . • .. for God. knows atiliat I. seek not your The . ino on rode higher and •higher, miser . . y The king must • be..obeyed. t • i . • • Loine;• we have 'no longer to• watt" Space .in the temple as the shot:Lorin • Maaina. sew .that Anther persitha of the 'walls. .and • .. colt/inns Were .. mon would •be. useless, and.- with a ehortened. . But other • sixadoWs Were heirsiso heart • she gave her' bang to now there-shadoWS ,. that moved atid - 'Esther and 'ascended the •stone otoPs.. flitted about from warier to corner; . Wh.en they thoded Opon the pa:yemerit. as: though the ,solid acOomns. were • • - above they found half a dozeo more changing , places. • .• • • .. . • seldiers in waiting; and they saw, Long after WO and Strato left. the too, • how 'the entrance had• been. bra sabtorranean apartMent; .11.1° tr'°. • fected. Near the 'spot lay il, pooder- girlsasat together in. silericea Mara „ Mit had Wiped awaY. her atears,. fot , wotds • of .her comPa she' 4iad lietehed ..to • the soothing Ilion,. • was 'found to'have been-inetely Over- ous: beam .which . had been .used at/ a . oh. d• ...the • pedeptal Concha, . : .. . „ .. . and after .bt:rt:fteiors117,-rani. -the outside, pare of them 'walked• in uniting in their evening prayers they. . . • . • Ae the party" wern arranged upon laid. themselves...Own .uporiatheir• • • • febnt of' the .glas and piret.in the '"1 dare nbt sleep," •Muriniired 'the -,, rear, •white Warnam. kept • atoria bY fair 'girl ei she rested her . .ff on her • pilloW.-• ,... . ••• • . • .. head u - on the.avay, saVe• an occagional or- : - , their side. 'NO Words:were' epoken ': "Aoil • why?' ' melted- Estitha, placing. • der from the officer to his soldiere. her arm.affectionately atiout.the fear- and .eYer and anon .4 deep •gob froin- ftil one. 'All ia safe here." a . • - li• '.; - ..i., 1 tu illa hat smiled: to Pcho .tlio. very 'to do me any good, and twO years ago my. condition became so touch worse that I was obliged to ,take my bed, and call in a doctora" who said that • my longs, were affeeted; "r wish. t were rid of fear.;• but .T.,tread •of Gasmen. .She •stloke not tor am not.. The very hir seems laden . she hnew it would be of no use.. She ivith.: the reflection of. that .fearfur could. onlyathink.ot the wretched hate ilreitin. • ars; poor -father is. gone,• that -awaited her. Life' she might • and that I was geing into =legit -111'a • haps. murdered,. and I ain-" hate given. up with complacency; but tion, and he told iiittalarcither, wile was Mostly in attendance upoo ,ine,. that my recovery was yery doubt - fol. grew . gradually weaker. arid. weaker... I.could net sit up for' five : mintithea-• luogs pained me; coughed 'eeverely, lost ahnoet•all de•• sire for fooda and- I„when. I did „eat I found it difficult to• retain food on mir stomach. • I fedi away. in weight froM 148 pouods to. 100 potifids; and do not think siny niy friends. ex- pec,ted to see '• me get 'better. • Init. some of them urged Om to 1.ry Dr. Williams' Pink •Pille; and 1. deCided to do so. I began . by taking Line pill. a day,. for my. stomach ivits very. • weak, but 1 wansoon able to ina crease this to three. plile dity, • and • 'ArliallY as my strength Was increas- log under their tise, rtook. a day._ aThe. change which came With the use Of. the trills Was little short of miraeulouss _and ,•so • ntarked ond • rapid that . itthide 91•-• two. • months. after I begon their Orie; I 'Was'. . able to leave my tied. and moan. about tho house and soon atter 'Wets able to walk about in the olien air and make short Visite te my -friends, On one of theee Odcailons inet the doe-. ter Who had attended ino, itod he asked me What I had been taking that had • made such an improve- ment. I replied • that had been taking Dr. Wilithins' Pink VW, and he said 'all right, • .continue them; ONey won't iturt yOu anyway," Well X contineed taking 'them until had /erred seventeen ladxes, With the re - watt that I never, felt • bettor time. I do now -not even • . my girlhood days. It is more tithe. year: since I stopped takiog the Pills, and you can gee for yourself what they did for me. may say, too, that my weight has increasea to 187 pounds. I ain not anxious for publicity., -but when / think of what the Pills did. for me, I believe r ought to sacrillee iny oWn feelings for the benefit of souse othel• poor sufferer." • Dr. Williams' Pink Pins have pro- dueed 'such remarkable cares as the above, . because. they are wholly -un- like ordinary medieines • which drily act upon the symptome. These pills go direct, to the root of Um _trouble, making new, rich blood, .and giving inereased strength With oirery doge. In this Way they thre .• coneumption in its early stages, also such. diseas- .. t ys s, r,teunfatisin, Vitus' dance, heart trouble, OeuraI- gitt, dyspepsia, chronic erysipelas, and ali the functional troubles that Makes the lives. Of So many Women miserable. • The genuine pills aro sold. 'only in boxer: 'bearing flin full firstrie."Dr. Williattue Pink PIRA for Pale Peopid." • -If ,vptt do not find them at yOtir dealers, they will be seat postpaid at $0 tents a box Or - six boxer; fee $2.50. by addretioing the Dr. Williftine Medicine (30., Ont. • "Under , the protectionor cnte as . to Ise robbed thus of' all that inside kind •and powerful' ag he," interrupt- life .valuable,. Wag (0 • keep her alive ed. Esther... "My.• owa father' has.•to • feed, Upon the 'bitterest dregs „of sworo tit protect you; -and -if he' te existence-clutined to .inisery with a able • be will ,clo • it. Of course there bleeding heart, and only the..Privilege are eircunistances ill the. future whieh of looking back upont-the joYs of noire of earth can forseio'but let us: Which she had boon forayer robhed. - not .19ar them till thojr coine." . SWiftly the soldiernpassed ori; and • '.'You have oat .lost • a: father, • Es- at a, point . Some fifty' rods •to• the ther„.nor;are yoti hunted down by a . , soutowival. of the tall colturio...,they riithless. king.. I know I have friends found their .barge, They". had been and- Hark!" . ' ' . NVi SO enough not to land -where those . "What is -it'?" •,quialy asked )7.187; Who had come over in the email boat there who had been so illtent upon _one. of which. • they knew to ,,be. the words of her companion that ohe. Strato-could• deteot, their craft. ' . had heard nothing else, . say, "So help roe God, " Jews say, Esquimau. ' • • • a, year. Another ' costly vaceination "So heip. ilehoya,b," Cor.iously, I Finally the editor began to include operation was that performed a few us paper items ot news with xes years ago by Dr..Butler upon a six strict, religious ...Jew the name gard to Greenland affairs and Prices Indian rajahs. and from each of his .h9vah is tdo hatred to. e spoken, in „of eiderdown, skins and euch other Patients he repeived E,10,000 for a la* cotirt• ButaoOr offieials- en- cominercial inforraation eta wa.s .of less.than a day's work. tertain. thenotion• that it is the cora practical .value .to the natiyes. They ' • Whet!. King Edward,. or tho' Prince rect form of a Jesiish oa,th, . • ibegan to look for the coniing of their pf Walee, as lie was then, lay •at Paysees sotnetimas give...ries to nowsosip.m...a$ an eyerit promising deatWs door. with typhoid fever, the :much perplexity our •courte, They ,bath .plesisure end profit, Or3 William ?Tepper, was celled strongly object to being sWorn on the little .. newspaper of. Godthaab in for a peried e5 Tour. weeks, and in the .Bihie, 'and .elaina the right te nosy wields considerable' influence in return he Was' paid• at the rate of Make •the oath .as in their own crania Greenland and is 'interesting to many 42,500 a. week and given a..baronetcy b.ir 'balding: the. tail Of foreignerS hebotise its:letter ,prees and hato the• bargain. Nor .was it bY eow., .The, Cow being a seared mecharithol features, inCluding • its any nieans.unusoal for hint te receive mal in :the eyes of the.Parsee, he den rather remarkable :engravings, are. a fee of £.5.1Ci for on hour's Constiltar• conimit•on sin while .touching it. Dot entirely.. the produCt pf Lars arid his tion,with less celebrated patients. there is fortunately an alternative. ' assistants. aln addition to .1ns news- • DOI roYalty invariably 'pay: their 'the City of London. ,courts, some paper he has pahitshed a tiumber of Medical attendants -highly.' The:late yeara ago, it bMng .inip. ra.cticalsie to•,little books. in F,Squinaau which are Sin Morel" Maakenzie journeyed • to. procure a cow a Parsee took. ca sac- :devoted to the preseriation of Es- Berlin' tO relieve •the sufferings of. the ras • Gold coin roses 1 per cent.' dsfamitse.I la;.inEsRtritum.roonwtem, Der.A7,HuzlifEort,A,.B. oklemn.0 weight in 60 years, silVer the . - „ , aa„.___ , .. _ 1 toofflastretions, matted free. write infer any , amount in ten ' years. . Lowest prloes ever quoted, Fire catalogue TO CUE.E .0.• COLO IN ONE 0.1g. . thing in Illuslo eg Itneleal Intl lin ',tents. __ _ __ , _ _ T. _ • .01 __ ____,. • : TdrailtAiL631: artieilfuttndlitrhlra0 0Qqueirn in° Tahrots: .6.1/: trriDyr.pv T-) twin! 2)._ . on T 41114fari Wit fails to cure. ri ......... ......9. U M. ui [ in ' onn 1 E. W. Grove's signature la on each box. Seo. , Toronto; oet. sea. whaeosffs Ion r . The United Kingdom imports More ; - ope,..epoorting ..*0,50.0,900•0,,year.. . i end Ocuaning. Tills is'a spectlitY•witil 9,,L.' a• • ... .,.. '• .......•., • 1• . •,• • 1-1....... .••••••-.6.1agratilatili ' , -BRIT1;14 AMERMAN DYEING Cfl, CARPET DYttIN" .frult than any other. country in Euia i . I - • v.! :. . • - . Send particular% by'post, mat we itre sure to satisfy: : - : - • • t. • " . " A . ..Nri:ewriit.:ra,p1.11 rboaoliziliistiowveeeirl111.1. A.p.le,. straight' tee . • an. O..nia.ls; ' n!!ttr.-151.• prNesiDSTI•a9gEen. tts in'ter._ -1' :la • • - DOtkilitiart laAti. 5:teasnsliips . . . 5dross. sox 158, Montreal. tri., `Portland td Liyetpool. ytaclue.ees• , .. • °lineal te Minnie& Beaton . to Liver. - ' ,. ' ' . . . .• , . • • • . . .Int he re i tbs esotf k 1 lorff I°e. NarlAncoausFt. pDteehho' Seopyll *de t.- LeRSIteN:imIiy-- ' . teireeftiln'isPokis;&uayf';:tali1;1:•11:?:..i 1:::adt::C'il t81:::::a„t'a:::::P:r6r.::::,1::::::410..!"'till'it7. 7:Ftepuhib:!. . ' .iattiENtli,x,e, tolt.•triftecitil,iiialit teautilisits. lerscorior aceompiatdatioo di . • • • • • . :;" 1441' Pliant . . • • \ e es G. C. RIONARIDS JD CO. red relic, out from; his bosom: 'quiniau fables and traditions. • • ,Emperor Frederick, during bis last • , 'holding.* aloft'. swore ohnpressivelaa • God. Ohniipresent, and Cod ' •illness and secured a•fee of Z10,000 "By Clod; 'and Oil Oniniscieni,• and TICRI,Isii o'BESTiogs. • while Prof: Zacherine, of Moscow', ellAPPED HANDS who was called t Liv dia•wher the • 0 a Some Tiny Things •Which Czar Alexander lay dying, ,was . • ty • k presented with a check for £10,000, in 'addition •-to all expenses for a. ,111alioniettins aro =Atoll otposed to • - Stump Those You AS . swearing. -When they de -sWeay it- is- , • • - • s u•oent farmed by holding the Koran in the ; °lit, • Tat' f°Nv. P!°I,11: lustriotie tatient.. ' the could a very solemn ceremony, and is per- . n a, Lecen number a colie twenty•clay.s' attendance upon ,his e , o , low many, 1, were trous coal , .p 1 ' I left I d • the forehead and brioging tha head right hand, p ocing t tan ° in the averoge umbrella, says a Rty,000 for attending the. Slials's son down to the book, A Mahoinetari then I have, receiaed particulars of a corntietelY •Pat into 'the shade by 'writer in Pearson's ''Weekly: Since .at Teheran some -years, ago; a figure never •corumitS perjursa • .Iodia. nunibor of other instances.. in which that " captured by. an 'English army. their. prejudice stgoinat swearing is go the •ayerage petscen•sheWs 4 „sad lack surgeon; whe. paid occasional' visits' etroiag that •the government .• or olaservatien: tta Orddr .t0 t eit.this. 'to- theRajah ef Rainpur, When : " •Of alt- oaths. ' the . Buddhist a One; the follow.ingY..quoeSPtrons,tio!Ithe offr:sot, that Poteotate Svos suffering..froin tonies••••neareet to what asin Oath'? mail Yon meet 444 observe his. ,•an- ipa.cauttioen* tatdtiadcknt•bwf azi•hte;tiomra.haiimsmi.6 shoold.be.• Although we swear to swer.: • You will• hake, that,. in most • in his bill, for, finding his treatinerit tell the trath, we:either do .aot inetances, the a object abbut .which beneficial, he rewarded •hira With •-'a derstritid what we premise •to do th• yon matte inquiriee is min whiCh yttur .for Lt0,000, . • • L..' ' _ ,we evade' the obligation, • The Bud,- friends has probably seen eaerY day of , The -highest medical fee etret..Paid, dhist. ettnriot toll 'into :the 'former er- his life, or, at 'all •eyents, sufficieutlY however,. •became the. prollertY of a. ALLOWS THEM TO AFFIRM.-. you have onl t toe • tW rota so alearly does•his oath indicate frequently to enable to give Ypti blind physician Dr Gale 01, Brig:- , There: is a house. in .Lombard Street, which rented Sit ;hi 1665; and „noW•reote at' ,C2,000. , • e Stow/ lb e tend works off the Coil& ' Laxatlie Bre%mo-Quittine Tablets cure oold in one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents, There aro 06 eotnity borough cou icaitsaiaanntluriN2vapieqsun. 0ouncils in Eng- - • . Mioares.lhilment.fet sale everyvibefB • . . London has 1,800 aea es of parka,. Dublin, 1,760. „. • - what, he has to do: "*I•swearaith in a correct answer had ho been obser- , • . • • • • • the • presence of Buddlias that I ant vont- tot, avito cured. a 'wealthy' patient or How many legs 'has a billiard ta- and rdturn found his banking ac- . .a'diseased kriee by 'electric treatment Ills MOST NUTRITIOUS. unprejudiced; arid.- if what:I speek • , • Prove faiSea .or if. by ..my -coloang .blelt. • Most people will say • six: As count ritherlay • truth others shall be led astray, then a matter of fact there areeight. • ' dha, Dhainnia and Pro Sango, tea' • About how many matches are there Minarch Liniment e gura g a 'may' the three holy existences, Bud- What, is the number of your wateh? • B N GRATEFUL,--OONIFORTING. Twenty-royie Firmaments, purtish me Which is the return half of a rail- . - EPPS'S gether with the Devotees of . the in. an ordinarsr box? ••• . • . and alsci loY migrating soul." Way ticket, the portion.- on the xight Monkey Brand Means and brightens/. . . OCOA Mode% like the Chinese, have a or left, wheh looking at,. the face of everything, .but won't wash Clothes, BREAKFAST -SUPPER. variety of oaths. . The laws of Menu the•ticket? • • ' • ' • • • . sash -"Let, the judge cause the priest -On the average -clock Is the figure - , . . , „ . . . . to' smear bY his veracity; the goldier 4 written.IV: 'or UM? • . ,,,63,:e- - - - . bubeeiillia by hie horse or weapons; the' flier- On which side tal aacoachman's hat -I chant liy.his cattle,. grain, gold,' or is • the cothade? • • , a ' II other posseSeions, and • the scowl e The buttons of a man's that are on , 4 . . man by intprocating • curses • On his Uri/right Isthis the Cage with the A • own'heact,." . When the Gontoo.:Swears buttons • on- ladie-s'• wearing apparel? a • • "There conies a vessel up .through ' "Do. you 'tot hear foots•teps upon ,the straits." remarked one. Of" the the pavement above?" she at length. • harked. . • . • • . .. . ,soldiers,- • pointing•• off the southern . ' en.trance 'of the norrow way .bettreen "Yes,'" . returned. Esther. . the city .altd. the mainland. • . • , "And .there are .a millibar of them, too," • "Some Merchant from Arobia,' .,, „ . .. care,ese,y responded Warriatit, as lie ,• "There must be:"...• • . • • . , caught sight of the voseel. • ., . , -"The gods pedtect 'tie!" •• • . No further .00tice wag taken df the "Let ue feat not yet,"Airged .Hs-• sail, "rind having banded the girls in- ther, viabilSr. en.deoyoriog to quiet lair • . os n tr nabl'n "'Pi : •kn t o the , barge, the' • soldiers . sv ere sta- . tioned • at the . oars, . and. soon after - the, secret of this. ploce." .. • . . illtirde i hop' Were •he.ading • towards the "Great • pocll's ejaculated • Morimi, 'city. • 'She vessel which had been starting -with.- a• sudflen: thought, "may 'not your father and Strut° made ion . entering' th-e straits Was now standing boldly up, and Warnam have -teen Watched'? Your . father spoke to -night of spies!" entertained some doubts of being Esther. spoke not, for the fearful able to make his way ahead of iter, thought. had already, found its way She had a fair Wind and Was eating through the water .swiftly. ' • to her own mind, and for thie had she treurbled; • , • . "That is net 'a Tyrian vessiel,"'said • one of the men. - . ..Again the girlir listened,' .and ere ohi ," .I d tit' ;, " I ' long it seemed 1113 ihOtiffil some heat- woke- more oaa e. aymaara. vy bod;y were being dragged over the ..ir Nhe were houLed for eee.‘ Of the ..'r- - -,11 , 'tarpon; elle would stand in toWards pavement aboye their. heade, he for a inement oil with 14•1111, sttYa- a ' the irliatiti," said 'another, . 'ol 1 • • g, . P • -..'Irou may ease your oars," Utter - changing footfalls; then even' that ritl Warnion, its he stotid up itt the died away and.. all was.oulet. ' stern of the barge and looked off tb- • "TbeY'ro g°11°,!' 'whisPersd ' l'Istits'`'. wards/ where the vessel woe Corning Marhutonight hove epoken in reply, upon _them "She will pass quietly but at' that munnent there came a , hy,,, he „mad, though the peculiar sound so heavy that' it seemed to rolla tonee 'Of his voice •expressed it Alight its echo .. like, thunder through the. place. doubt of the probability of his..as- thertion„ Again all was. still, save the beat- rohe moonlight *as. ings -of the podt girls' hearts, • sa vivid that tho mon cotild be plainly distinguiah- "'Heavens, .Maritutt" ejaeulated the, ed upon the sitranger's deck, and . ow a c a g i er,. " icy ata ,eltoetly afterwards, While yet the • deed kirk:log their. 'way- It) "r re" barge lay - nearly motionless in the treat.. 'My. father's stove 'Mae. been Watched l' • .. • • , water, a rattling Was beard 'olivine • - ' ' her • rigging, and in a, morrient mon,. "Oh, let me die here!" fell. in. fitita her course Sean slightly 'changed, • tering (Leconte 'from the poor fUgia . . TO be Continued.- • he touches his hand to the foot of Which side of the moon fills and ai a °onto°, while tho Brahmin swears which side Wanes? • ' sub with Cileadhie before retie- • mg. iwa or throe application° ' will'ciarathe worst case. , • Large 'Dmvii 250. Druggists, - • or DILEADINE ce; Torsito ' ,{1 1 PIP • -.1ta. 4/1 • -. . .40/.7.7.1, Ole .1 : A.:(4 • 200... setae° vegetabio anti Stoner see/Isere mune in mere gardens and on mere terms thanany ether. in . Anieriea. There Ss oilmen for this. lire own and operate over Ci100 acre; ter theproduenon Of our choke mode- In ,. order to .induee you to try then% vitol.•,, we make the following uurrea- ; odr,oradoctert • • • CorsSitailessifsPodpald 20 blade ef roved fueelots radLikes. ittaaulanent eartioat eueleue,- oda 01oeletis tomatoes, 25 pipettes lettueirreatolloe, - lb nuked; boot Norte, • • • 05 gerjoomity beautiful newer giggit, . all '169 00510Tel5 fUrathitif lattlibela et charming dowers and lots and iots.of choice vegetable*, together with Of great catalogue te111112 all about Inosinte dud km Oat and Sunnite and !belts, onion seed at 600.5 pounci., ete., all for 20c. in Canadian stained. JOHN A. SAL2ER SEED co.. Dross , Vila Ai".•.'..,v.,134.i'.4,•;,,:".•• "f* • • 1'; .'., \ 4 er'' 4 , • .r , :-1 , 4 kerl?Isi by touching. another Brahmin's hand In taking food to a hdrse in the Send us your name and address on the claw requ b • est and we will takeg3leasure In Mexico -many people still adhere With his °sera • a'lways approach it? 41 in sending you free of any charge this SOLID ARIZONA gILVER SUGAR HELL. table on which side do the attend- • The gift i n o ditional It is a bid for your ever - to a curious old, form 9f oath. They How many *steps do you go up You don't have to buy anything. c n h swear by touehing earth with the fin- when You retire at night? You pro- torigue speak falsely may I be fing'er•::,bta01.111:07e1 .up and down the stairs lasting friendship and good will, and if you do not read this advertisement throug ger and then placin,g the the tongue which signifies . "If inY at least tsvico is Play, so you Ought, ., . i and answer it at once, it will be a loss to yourself and a disappointment to us. i, . . (laced to dust!" How many toes or talons • has a Tiritit cornparatively recently . a, cat, yog may think sixteen or 1 ' priest in France simply swore "on the word of a priest," SdIalIJMN VOWS OP THE CIIINHSH The Chinese ilaVO the greatest var- itaty aud most curious oaths of all Into which sleeve do t 1.1VO'll liPs. "Now I am ready, Oh, - -- - . • • • .. - • . my dream, my dream)" • . "Hush!'" whispered Halter. "They .have not yet broken through the stout, 'barrier that guards us from the world. Tile tit011 1:, MaSonry_ MaY yet prove too strong ft». Melia" One ounce of:Sunlight Soaris worth niore.than. - astitiar-s Again that dreadful -sound, and • ,. while yet the echo trembled upon the Two.ourices of impure soap. . • . EXPENSE air there came a craah as' though the ' surrounding walls were tumbling -A& for the Octagon Air, /1 'to nstler. "The pedestal lum gond" uttered and is trial sample of thuslight ' Ns<Vilit IIROTHERS, tilittlft, tor ,.. halm their foundations'. I "And we, tool" responded Marina, , tWenty, Ae a matter of filet it has eighteen. • Which boot do you put on - first, right or left? • • a potions. The well-known one of tale-, roan first when dressieg? you pu . your a ing a, stoner and breaking it, while When you throw anything into a 4 the clerk. Says, "You shall tell the innn's lap ho instinctively closes his 1 truth and the whole truth; the sau- knees. Does a- woman? -71 cer is 'cracked, and if you do not tell Are a cow's hems above or below . ...• With the. Sugar Shell we will send you 6 packages of Stan surd te tis. But it is an extreraelY be loid upon a halacrowit piece . „ binding declaration to a Chinaman, without overlapping the edges';' • for he believes that the souk can be How nanny front, teeth has a cow . 1 Will give ,you absolutely free a Butter Knife and Pickle Fo k, same pattern as your the truth your sciul shall be cracked its earg? a • • • This Saadar %Moen 3.2 atin-- ABSOLUTE. GIFT to every Ladr :answer. Magi this faitireartisteraorat like the saucer" -seems rather stb- How ritan,y three-peftny pieces can ,11 which we wish you to sell, if you can, at 25 cents each.' Then return our money, and we dant Elettitie Ritnedies, V 0 iff o. mon . in its lower $aw? . Moro effective, however, in the eyes How niany•legs has' a lobster'? • of the celestials, is the joss Stick On a peony which way does, Brit- ' oath. The Jose stick ts eat alight, tania reap? to• the right or to the: and While it burns the Chinese swear- tato , ' • .. • er wishes that his soul may be burn- ed like the stick if: ho gives raise evi- dence- The Chinese sWear in many Whorl a boy or man Weeps his lantLiitcleav bWyilY44ritiAngvceeirltasii?Ll'eszaillicreodlihiri2 as in the case of the girl? handU is the same thumb uppermost actors on a paper and burning it, How initny chimney pots are there inunit;inbge imalt•neld1101f8lateirl.°dotelsluneotthtstitieahlo< 41,i/Yhteittirylol(uniwsea7sli your hands do you the truth. Sometimes he swears. bst put your left orright hand into the burning it•phice 'di' strata ,Bitt. noth- Water first, and with avhich hand do ing is so forcible in drawing lb° you • take the .soap from the soap - truth front a Chinaman as sett ng iray? him to cut off a eock's head, Thie, like the breaking of the, saucer, lute . NO usn ix A scuplam. a religious foundation. The Chinese ,In the eourt-house an Trishnian. . helleve that if their' bodies are muti- lated on earth their souls will be fsrt(onoud acharfegieldowtir_eltiittizsetne.oltgo a Watch . stoutly When a girl clasps her hands Which thumb is uppermost? • ahrtilarly mutilated in heaven. yo, gtoeer cannot attpply, *mite to Ante, Wang V1141%210 OA *data% arm ba litt la free of oott. . dor ^ • • 'denied the impeachment, and brought a counter aeon:ration against his no - miser for assault, -and battery • tom- . mitted with a frying -pan, The judge Wag inclined to take a conunon-gerlse view' of the ease,.and, regarding, the Prinoner„ send :- "Why did you alloW the prOSecn- tor, With is a titrialler„ Man that yeariseif, to assault you ivOithollt re- sistenee ? 1/ad you nothing in your hand to defend yourself with "Iledad, yout honor," said rat, "1 bad his, watch, but what Was, that adastinst frYina.uart ?" 4 Sugar Shell, and also a Set of 6 Full -Size Solid Arizona Silver easpoons. If you fall I .1, , to . sell pur Dite,dicines, return them to t1:1 and retain the Sugar Shell as a gift, it being -5 free in any event. Our Solid Arizona Silver Premiums are fast superseding Sterling 7: Silver for Tableware, They always look as well,.and wear better; they are the same .-: beautiful metal all the way through and are guaranteed for 50 years. There is nothing else I like them except Sterling -Silver, and nothing "just as good." Now; please Cloth throw ; this paper down and say to yourself, "I'll write to those Electine people to -morrow." ;', This is not an oppor- . -4 tunity to put olf and ,pamoaa3,enoasew090Deosem384ae905'0"9031.-'8% .;: forget, Just sign arid REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL. AND MEDICINES, $ 4 return the attached re- electino tledicine Ce., Limited, TorOnto, Ont. . W 0,-,,, 1 guest to -day, that is all 4 Ship immediately by:stall,/ Sad AthlOtta. &Pod SirgaeStatiand, Stx.25•rent 2 you have to do. The 2 Itceskagtorfeactyt ire cdoiense.yr:f.rftht',',12aa=le'iLlserVly i'l:i ,,,,, .7„ Sugar Shell and Medi. 1 eines will then be i ftlat:esirryFieeantsrefsf oertidinig anti Ptak Pork, same pattern as Strpile onett, ano to dleisona Silver Teaspoons. lf I fail to tell the Medicine, W Will return it to you within 30 clay:void retaia thoSogiteSliettatla gift from ydtr. t4 i promptly triaged, post- fg = paid> Rememberfieven . 14 Goods, you at least have - you fail to se our NAME aft Elegant Sugar Ai:wages :; worth 7 5 cent4 tor - simply mahing Me Iffoti. PLEADD WAITE VOW eVet1V" PLAINLY estweeetteeeteettetttoeteottttoseeeeer‘setctel IOW . (Write IMMO Plainly, "Mrs." or. "Ales"' Sincerely yours, ..110.1,4114 IZLECTINZ MZOICINX Lbtated,. TORONTO. Ontlirlo - • .• . • • • S. 'Se • '