The Blyth Standard, 1930-04-17, Page 8PAGE 8 -THE BLYTA STANDARD -April 17, 120 George Spotton Led the Way In an editorial o[ Monday, March, 24th, the London Free Press, had the following to say: -- "George Spotton, M. P., for North Huron. has to his credit the fact that he led the way in advocating the enactment of a liquor export bill, Over a year ago, when the Liberals, through Hon. W. D. Euler, were showing the futility of such a measure, Mr. Spotton urged in the House the passage of such a bill, It is not often that a private member takes the leader -1 chip in a matter of public concern. Mr. Spotton can make such a claim. I lis . words of a few years ago, as reported in Hansard, are interesting to -day. and par- ticularly interesting to the constituents of N beth Huron: "I wish to say, Mr. Speaker, that the Township Councils, the Women's Institu- tes, the United Fanners Clubs of my con- stituency have been urging upon me to ask this Government to get out of the r umrunning business. Either we are isr i it, or we are not. For the sake of a few millions of ilhgotten dollars it is painful to read the incidents of the rum -running business which have recently appeared in Ile- press Only to -day 1 noticed in a newspaper that 14 rumrunners from Can ada landed a cargo in Atlantic City worth a quarter of a million dollars, We, in the rid ng of North Huron. sir, wish to dissoc nee ourselves from such a business, and we call upon the Government to imple- ment the recommendations which were made by the royal commission that inves- tigated the customs. In my county ee are prepared to go further, and at any Imo vote for the prohibition ofthe intporta ti- al or manufacture or sale of alcoholic liquors, In this, sir, I am speaking for my county and myself, but particularly I am speaking for myself." 111111511111111111111111151111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111■111111■11■a11111111aa1111111111111111111111111111111111■1111111111111111■ BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR NEW SUIT, TOP COAT, DRESS, OR COAT FOR EASTER, ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS. Come early so you will be sure to have it in time. Falcon and Regent Hats The high hat quality at low hat price. Smart styles for young men. also staple shapes. Pastel shades of Snow, Pearl, Steel, Coral, Nubrown, Chamois. Our Easter Special $2.50 to 4.50. a PRINTED CHIFFON II 11/ VOILE East MUawaaosh Council. Council met on Aprii 8th with all the members present. Minutes of last meet- ing were read and approved on motion of Councill• rs Campbell and Walker, A representative of the Metallic Roofing Co , Toronto, waited on the Council in reference to the sale of Culverts The c,uncil were of the opinion that it was too early in the season to make :my purchas- es along this line. Court of Revision was then opened ac- cording to notice on the Elliott Thain By- law. James Cornelius appealed against his assessment, stating he was assessed too high for the amount of acreage he had in eluded in the scheme, The Council how- ever thought otherwise and this appeal was dismissed and original assessment sus tained. The bylaw was then finally read and passed. 'I ne clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders, to be opened at next meeting, for the construction of the Killough, Wight - loan and Elliott drains. A few small ae• counts were ordered paid, the council then adjourned to meet again on Monday. May 12. A Porterfield, Clerk. • FOR SALE -Agricultural lime for farms and gardens, Apply to Alonzo Smith, Bly th. Mr. E. Gaunt. of Lucknow, was a Sun- day visitor at the home of W. H. and Mrs Lyon. Miss Olive Lyon, of Londesboro, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Lyon last week. FOR SALE -Pure bred Back Minorca eggs, 40c for 15 eggs, Apply Harvey Letherland. Auburn, Ont Among the names appearing in the list of graduates from Ontario Hospital in Loudon, next month, is Miss Violet Mar- garet Bell, formerly of Blyth, now of London, Misses Grace and Gertrude Tanney, of London. who were called home owing to the critical illness and death of their fath- er, the late Archie Tunney, are spending some days at their home here. The regulations governing the contest, by which boys from all partsof Ontario will be the guests of the Royal Winter Fair next fall stipulate that the contest is open to farmers and farmer's sons who have not reached their 21st birthday on Nov, 1 and to be eligible to take part in the com- petition they must submit some statement as to the cost of some farm crop of opera- tion. The arrangements provide for the following accemodations while in Toronto free of charge: Railway fare to and from the city, lodging accomodation for four nights: meals while in Toronto; an exten- sive and vitally interesting program; transportation while carrying out the pro drum arranged. With a gradual drop in the level of most farm produce prices in the the past few years, the cost of production again becom es a vital factor in agricultural operations One very high factor in reducing the costs of production, the very foundation of all agriculture, is better seed. However, urn fortunately, when a man uses his own seed as the bulk of Ontasio farmers do, there is no selling and hence no government reg tr!,tions, and as a result very little atten- tion is paid to grade, Only seed that has been cleaned up to meet a certain grade and conformed with very strict regula- tu+ns in regard to noxious weeds is allow ed to be sold legally in Canada, and yet in spite of all efforts to protect hint, the average farmer goes ahead and uses un- graded and very often uncleaned seed. We are specializing, this seas- on, in this price, and you will find literally scores of designs and colourings from which to make your selection. Dark grounds that are so fashion- able are splashed with bright colours, while lighter grounds have dark or bright colored patterns for variety. Small designs and large designs are to be found in these voiles at $1.50 a yard. GENTLEMEN'S STRIP- ES IN SMART NEW SHIRTS This Shirt is the well known FORSYTH GUARANTEED SHIRT in the new stripes, with collar attached, or two separate col- lars to match, Blue, Green Brown and Black stripes at $1.72 to $2.50 each. Ties in the same color com bination as the shirts special- ly made to match the Shirts priced at $1.00 each. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..........•••••••••••••• ********* COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. YOU ARE WELCOME Highest Trade Price Paid for Eggs. 11111 S'T'ORE THAT SETS TitE PACE. EZA BENDE "`+er+vice milli a Smile" BLYTH, ONT. All sizes in Con- goleum and Lin- oleumt rugs on hand at lowest possible prices, also Linoleum by the yard. 11■111111a1111111111111111111111111111111111111111511■1111I$U51111■1111111111111111111111■11111111111111115111111111111111111111111s11111111111111■ ..0_.01..4 3 '1 *******$k* * '. ***ilk*** * SPRING IS HERE * Ritchie -No-run Silk Vests * * Satin stripe best qual * ity -..--. _.-.. $1.75 1 * Ritchie's No -run * Silk Bloomers * Satin stripe great val ues $2.00 PHONE 38 and have wagon call for a loaf of our Delicious Br e a d, B u n s, Cakes, Pastries. A choice assort- ment of Confectionery, Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand FRUIT CAKE and WEDDING CAKES Made to Order F J HOLLYMAN 'PHONE 38 BLYTH. - ONTARIO IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Benjamtn Morr• itt who passed away three years ago, Ap• HI 12, 1927. God is good. He gives us strength, To bear our heavy cross. Ile is the only one that knows, How bitter is our loss. We miss you at a thousand turns, Along lifer weary way, For lite is not the same to us, Since you were called away. You left behind some aching hearts, That loved you most sincere, That never have, and never can forget you Sadly missed by wife and sons. Mr. L. J. Williams underwent quite a critical operation in St. Joseph's Hospit- al, London, on Saturday. The latest re• port indicates that he is progressing favor- ably, which fact wit be pleasing news to a host of friends in Blyth and vicinity. The regular weekly meeting of the Y. P. S. met in the basement of St. Andrew's church on Monday evening. Miss Ruth Barnby occupied the chair. This service was very unique and interesting and was one of "Easter Songs' After opening the meeting with hymns and scripture reading the minutes were read and approved The following program wan carried out. Hymn "Christ The Lord is Risen". Address by Mrs. Weir "Explanation of Easter," Solo, by Rev Anderson; hemn, mixed quartette reading, "The Resurrection" by V. Mc- Elroy; solo, Rev. Web; hymn, Instrumen tal duet. E Mills and K. Logan; solo, M. R, Stewart, hymn, prayer by Mrs. Ander- eon, hymn, benediction, Rev. Web. The meeting for next week will be withdrawn. .++++++++++++++++++++++++x SPRING SHOES 4. 4. Some of our new spring shoes are here. We show all the newest styles each season and the styles this year are very natty. Clothing Leave your order for your new spring suit in good time for Easter. Hobberlin and Taylor's Suitings are here. We guarantee a perfect fit. 4. f 4- 4- 4• 4' 4. JAS. DODDS + BLYTH - ONTARIO + 4-1-464-16+1-444.444+++44444"1444+51 444444.1.4444+++++++44++++.14 • +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 TO THE PUBLIC; +++++++++++++++++4++++++i++++++++++++$ The undersigned desire to advise the public that they have taken the agency for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO and have on hand a complete line of farm implements, also a full line of repairs. Our garage is equipped with the prop- er facilities to turn out _work of the best order with dispatch. Gasoline, Oils and Auto Repairs on Hand. 1-hunilton & Dor. gherty Blyth, Ont. • + ++o+++o++++++++++++++++++++a+ r+ FOR SALE -Raymond Sewing Mach- ine in first-class order. Apply at The Standard. FOR SALE -- Buckeye incubator, in /pod condition chpacity 220 eoge, Ap- FUR SALE -Gasoline operated slush pump and 20 feet of hose. Apply at The Standard. FOR SALE -Eggs for hatching, from pure bred White Leghorn hens. Apple ply to Mrs, P. Waipe'. Phone 1y7. to Mrs. Chris Rogerson. c F ` Moodies Vests in Silks $1.00, 1.25 1.- 50, 1.65, 1.75 Moodie's Bloom- ers in Silks latest shades and ex. cellent goods. Circle -Bar Hos- iery Always lead Two large shipments recently received, py ramid, square, french and ordinary heels at 75c., $1.00, 1.- 25; 1.39, 1.50, $1.95 puritan Maid Silk Hosiery Gordon, MacKay's Specials at 75c., 85c, $1.00 Jean Gordon Floral Chintz Smocks at 2.50 "Whoopee" Pyjamas Striped Broadcloth at $1.25 Print Frocks, Special 89c Tub Fast Prints Men's Fancy Sox Special purchase of 65c to $1.00. On sale at 49c 3"4. 414 Men's Work Sox 5 pairs for 85c. 4 5 pail's for.- .._1.00 3 pairs for 1.00 * Penman's Meri- no Underwear in best quality, each $1.00 Outing Shirts in Fast Colours. Gordon's Manhattan Shirts. Special $2. William's Work Boots Best for Wear at $2.95 to $5.00 Try a pair Men's Fancy Sweaters. Perfection Knit $3.75 Men's Spring Caps Beau tiful colors in lights $1.25. $1.50, $1.75. Fancy Biscuits Best value, Keg 30 & 35c. mixed 25c Wellington Lard 18c. Long Sleeved Dresses Large and extra large sizes...... .............. $.98 POPLESTONE STORE McKINNO N'S OLD STAND 73137--tia. ci n.-tario * *' ******* ******):i*******'* x+++++++++++++*++++++++++K 4 TR'Y cur + + NEW SUN WHEAT HEALTH + + BISCUIT + + Ask Your Doctor is 4+ Malted Graham Wafers, pkg. 10c $ + 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 35c 4 4" 2 Cans Campbell's T'm'to Soup 25c + + Orange Marmalade, (a bargain) 20c 4, Figs 2 lbs 25c + 4, Nu -Jell All Flavors + + Head Lettuce + 4. Seedless Grape -Fruit. + 4. Ice Cream Bricks + .ls 4. GOODS DELIVERED 4. 4. JAS. SI or or d" 4„ BLYTA, ONT,'PHONE 14 ". ,% +4 4•++++++++++++++++++++++ i�.����m�mase.r"r.�ar• MAKES A BARE ROOM HOME LIKE That's what one of t¢ handsome, cheer- ful. colored rugs will do in your home. Many hew designs to select from in Wiltons, Axminsters, Brus- sels, and 'Tapestry Squares, in a pleas- ing array of new est patterns and prices are surprisingly low. Lela ..emkon 11-311E 1,1_4 1511 YTEI, IDNTP. �rn.wwru�ri� `Mr+■w.��rr 1