HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-23, Page 5/1 .11 a . .1413428rd, 190? TITS crawr,roll wrvirsxootp \'• -ss-s-ssss___sst.si-rsss,s.h.• MARRIAGES LEAD/SERV, AferAVISH-PAGE-At the honle Of the bride's parents, Wingbin e, on `9"w"‘"46'1"6""libl'lle'lle.'imelbeitelitegeogIteelleellseeelellbessieeesrefeeetteosseeseeee-eheoseeteetweessees-eceeseseseeteeesseesseesette eeoesseeeifteeseeesseereeeseeibeleseoesoseelleolleelliteetaseeteesseoseeeelbeellelleeleelleeelteeteelle seregelletelleeeteeleresse'lle4osAlee Wm, J.RMoTaviehicof Fort Fran ie liotelheessellesoesebesieeleseetreesteeteeetelvereseeeeseieseeetteseeseeseeseeteevieliesetteeeteaseesseve.-esseseereeesseseeese.oreateesteeteseeeee-wee-see'llleillesnee'Reellitellesglieiliell"es1""liel"lhe'llb"iksge'llb'"ielbel"liogyllegb.4""Pfr"4""e Raiver Diatre to Mies Ethel, January 16tbr by Rev. 1?,, •Hobper ley 0 !IWO daughter of Wm. Page. SILLS --DOYLE--At the residence of the bride's parents, Owen Sound, On January 15t1s; by. Rev. Jas. Ar. dell, ItIr. Geo. Sills of Carmen, Man. to lYfiss gaggle Doyleboth formerly Wrappers and Ladies' New Mantles Underwear Bali Nice We want to clear out ell Wrappers and Flannelette Un derwear on Bargain Days and are willing to make it pay you well .o help ns do it. Here is the lit: ,,• Ladies' Wrappers eldrk colored wrapnprette, wast lined, .1113t. one of' oor 0..25 lane, elesieng pens Bargain Days at . • e aru Ladies' Wrappers, .made of good qua ity American wrapperette0 fast colors, waist lined, deep co t rs, waist lined, deep fri 1, new thi- octagon, last ones of our $1.50, 1.75 and 200 tines' 1.25 chi.ice on Bargeine Days Wrapp retie Specials le patterns in fancy Wrap- perettes. Eng is and Amer scan goods, good qualities, last ends of lines that sold at 18c and 20c,special on Bargain Days 1 12ie • 100 yards of remnants of • Wrapperetteslength 2e to 10 • yards, p-tterns suitab e for waists or dre sing sacques, last. remnants of dues that . so d at 12Se and 15c, for Bar- s, gain Days IC . • Flannelette 'Gowns 40c . Flannelette Goa ns, made from good quality materia , re -sorted fancy strips, fa t co ors, full size. regu ar 58o for Bargain Days 40e ,.•••,.... Flannelette GOWBS 75e Ladies' Flannelette Gowns, Wide from heav• flannelette, pink or pa e blue, thee were slightly soiled when folded, regular Si As • and 111.25, for Bargain Days .. doe Flannelett e Drawers 25c • Ladies' Flannelette Drawee s,good l't• re • ular 40c and 45c for mina , _ , 25c. Bargain Days on Bargain Days.. Annual Midwinter 15 per cent off Ladies' Fur ARGAIN DAYS • Jackets on Bargain Days • Woolen Drawers 50e lien's Furnishings The furnishing department contributes this list of bargains They are the genuine kind ; Shirts and Drawers 65c Odd Shirts and Drawers,last gar - mento of lines that sold at 90o and $1, ail wool, for Bargain ses Dees each ..... UDC Saturda •• Menda. Tuesda Zed woor I/renew: ti Y, vier, 3r: • JANUARY 25th. 27th 28th. We will hold our annual Midwinter Bargain Days on above dates. You know what these Semi- annual Bargain Sales mean and their Money -saving Qualities. They are 3 days at the end of each season when we are willing to lose sight of profit altogether far the sake of clearing out the last ends of the season's stock. It is not often we sell goods without a profit. We could not do it ; but you can under- stand •that it pays us better in the long run to clear out the remnants of a season's stock at almost any price rather than cagy them over Mit is why the prices quoted below bear no relation whatever to the P cost or value of the goods. It is simply a question of getting them marked at a price that will turn them into ready money before we enter stock. 4:st• ot tat • os•tot tu • • • Every corner of our big store has.been gone through stud every odd. 1 ne, every remnant, every, article that for any reason whatevei we do not want te carry into next seivon has been taken out and remarked at prices that should dear them out to the last penny's worth on Bargain Days. We will be ready bright and early on Saturday _morning • and promise you to make it well worth your while to visit the store on Bargain Days. mANNAAAAAAAAAAANYwwww, AwAANIAAAAAAAAAftwwwwl "A•v~AAAANyvvv—AftrAR • Furs for Bargain Days • Dress Good s for Bargain Day Fur buyers will do well to visit this store on Bargain Days. The banner department .of the big store_presents a big array • We will make it well worth -their while to do so as we want to of tempting bargains for Bargain Days. You can save on the clear out our furs before stocktakingmaterial enough to pay fol. the linings'and in many eases imo/ ofe ladies fur Jacketh. On. BargainDays We will 'give for the making also. We are going to clea. out every dollars "I' /0 15 per cent. off. every ladies fur jacket in the store.' "'ill °f winter goods possible before stock -taking and have We mark our coats close in the first plac'e and with • 15 'per naade libei al price cuts in order to ro it. Here is the list: cent. off they are decided bargains. • All are our • Well known Black Dress Goods . . Colored Dress Goods 2 Hosiery, U Bargains Three bargains from the hosiery stock that you can save some money bu)ing. Children's Wool Hose 17c 50 p • it s Children's Woolen Hose, plain and ri• s, assorted sizes. the last pairs of several lines, regular prices 25c and 30c, choice on Bargain Days . Ade Ladies' Cashmere Hose 17e 75 pairs Ladies' Oashmere Hose p ain, soft finish, seamless, full size, winter 0 eight. ext a spe- cial for Bargain -Days per pair 1 r Woolen Hose 25c • • 60 p sirs heavy woo'en and wor sted Hose, plain .nd rit•bed., medium and large sizes, last pails of ines th t sold at 85c to • 45c. choice of lot for Bargain Dees , . 25e Bargains En Vests Extra fine qua. ity natural wool. Vests, shaped. soft finish, draw- • ers to match, special for Bar ...- gain Days . Children's Vests 17c • 25 Vests for children, assorted makes of ribbed lines that sold at 25esp,nd 30c. gathered togeth- ered for Bargain Da• s at each.. 14 C Girls'( orabination Suitsenedium sizes, ribbed. the last few of lines that sold at $1 and a 25, EPA on sale Bargain Days at each.. •Ogre 't only Ribbed Vests, extra good quality. our best line, clearing r Barg • in Da s at each 0,, ., esc 50 dozen Pear' Buttons, smoked and white, regular 10o, for Bate gain Dais •DC 25 Paint of $1 and $1.26 Corsets at: 500. We have a number of odd pairs of good Corsets and group them together at one - price for Bargain Days. 25 Pairs of Corsets all standard $1 • and $1 25 makes, not ali sizes in eachline, butsizes 25, 20, 27.28 in lot, choice onBargain Dept. -55)0 Sample Handkerchiefs A couple of hundred Sample Handkerchiefs to sell at Bar- gain Prices. '3. for 25c • Pine quality hemstitched Own brie Hand l‘ erchi fs, al traVell. ers' samples, Worth more than double th s price,choice on Bar• gain Days 3 fur 25e 4 for 25c Fancv embroidered Handk or- rhiefs, girls sizes, a'so linen handerchiefs With Mitts's, reg. ular 10e to 15c, for Bargain As, Days • C for WC 6 tor 25c Men's Cambric Handketchiefe, large sizes, taped edges, litien finish, regular 10c each,Ba sgain oft. Deere for NU% Hodgend Bros. Direct Importers re la. e qualiaes,garments you can depend on in every way. Fancy b ace,. Cheviot, everY If you want a good fur jacket do not miss this chance. .. thread pure wo .1, will niake a •- sty ish and serviceab e skirt, 48 , 20 / . off all small furs.. We We_are.giving 20' per cent. off eft, regular $1. per ) ard, on a o . . inches wide,3 skirt engths on y a the regular price of all small furs, such as caperines ' Bargain Das s %lee that a Id at 25e, 30c and 33c, 4, nish inches wide suitable• choice of lot nn Bargain lells) s 15e ruffs, muffs, caps, etc. • There are still 4 few choice pieces left 1 end Lad5ies'. Cloth, black, vein ' ' in stock in capenries and ruffsand you can depend on getting,r' for suitsLa s_kirts, regu ar 75c - I Dress "°ds at 25e • . . , - • for 13argain 1191ays ..,...... .....: 45c that sold at Me and. 60c. bargain •Le nes, Cloth suiting, b.2 inch, We want to make a clean sweep • ' ' Muffs, $1 50 . Grey Lamb raps 220 ' '• - cheviot finish,52inch will make . of these lines and have more 8 assorted muffe, odd'ones we •,tban cut the prices in two in . have left, uP well and give satisf ctory coon, natural op. 5' Grey L one caps, even curl and year, hack on y, extra special 48c rder to do it • Nearl• all are • • possum, wool seal, and imita- . geed •. quality, well made, a la .• for Bargain Dal s fano v wersi• es in small and m ed • tion heaver, sold at sa to $4 Bargain •Days, each... ... • s• • Q. low ........... • 1 ium pattern that are suitable • Ruffs and Collars 1.50 1 nChild's Muffs' 25e • - . . • Black Shirting Materials 68c a yard on Bargain Days 10 only ruffs and storms collars, • 1 o • onlyelslightly ho till iy1 ddsa' n20,4hge eecip,sikeignu 1 arcir t8T: • ' odd lines that we must clear Bargean Days -- • • • ,, • ,, Regular Prices $1 and 1.40 out at once, they are ell good • 50 yards only fanoy b aok Dress ree. year choice on Bargain 25e qualities and sold at $3.25 to • • i , Goods, half a dozen elifferent • • • . they go on &ale Bargain Days 1 50 „ . ....Gitaduien,tlets •75c. patterns, handeome designs, . •.-. usteme or two s irts of a pat . . . 7 Dress Patterns at. • ' 05, to clear then, out a once, sealett e. gauntlets, geco ern, last ends of lines that so d .. •501. per yard at each. • . . quail y wit h leaf her psi me. at el, $1'25 and $1.40, choice on Sleigh robes It 3 . regular 11 15, $1.25 and $1•50,. ' • Bargain Da, s•' • 68e There ate seven dress patterns in • this lot, ell are flume, weave • , , . all we have left, also a few • • and sold at 09 to $11.50 per e only white goat robes, for bales • •, pairs of mons ast r ache n 3 Fanry Black Dress Goods suit, sotne • are silk mixtures 200 Yard. of Wain andfrincy Dress •• Goods mosti dark co ori,plain and fancy weaves, will make • good suits, wrapper e and chil dren's clresses,la-t ends of lines GEX12111"--11.1161•1017SE-At the reel - dance of the bride's mother, Kin- loss, on January 15th, R4bert D. •Gem mil of' Manitoba to Nies Katie, daughter of the late Thos. Mire - house. 1110LAUGHLIN•-RITCHIE-At the resi- dence of the bride's mother, How. ick, on January 15tIri We:1_2 J. /idoLaughlin of Winnipeg, Man., to Miss Eleanor daughter of the • late Jetties Ritchie. JOHNSTON-MARTIN-On New Years Day, at Ninga, Man.,Bert, Johnston, hardware merchant of that place, • to Kiss Kate Martin, daughter of Id Mai tin of Wroxeter. DENNIS -110LTZM A NN -..er the resi denoe of the bride's parents,a in Zurich, on Jan, 15th, by the Rev. H. J. Boltzmann •of Fullerton assisted by Rev, 0, S, Pinkbeiner of Zurich, Mr. J. B. Dennis of Wood. ham to Mille, Maggie Holtzmaan of Zurich. MeMATH-WILSON-At the residence of W, D: Bradley of Eluron, on the 81b Jan. by the. Rev, J. EL McLeod, Ripley, Mr. Robe J. MoMath of Winghatn, to Miss Cassie Wilson itun eig , were 15, for . Dav Bargain Days lecce lined Underwear 75c 25 sluts of fleece lined underwear, welt inade,good qua ity, special A, for Bargein Days per suit 10e •Men'S Caps 25a Men's Oaps, ue• and bleak cloth and corduroy peaked, regu'ar „ss ! 50c, Bargain Days Zoe Woolen Gloves 15c Men's woolen Gloveteclark colors, le - special for Bat gainDays Lined KW Cloves 68c' - 25 pairs Men's Lined Gloves, odd • sizes,las• pairs of lines that BO d at el and 125, Bargain Days 50e Ties 85c Men's Ties. flowing ends, good • patt,erns 50c lines 1 i B daughter of the late William Wilson of Buren. BOLT -PL A NT -On. Jan, 8, at Listowel, Mr. Howard Bolt,' to Miss Addle Plant, daughter of Mr. William Plent, all of Howlett. WEST-LA.WRENCE-At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Theo, Lawernce, Luoknow on Jan. • uary 16th, by Rev. A. G. Harris, Miss Tena Lawrence to Mr. Simp• • eon West of Chicago, formerly of. Beath has again entered our midst and took to itself the wife of Mr. David McLaeglin who bad been its very poor health for past six mouths and passed to the great, beyond Saturday evening'. The towel took place on Tuesday afternoon. She leaves a sorrowing husband, five sons and three daughters to inourn their lose. • Mr. John Scatlett attended the fun. eral of the late Mr. Allier last week at Summerhili. Mr, W. Birdie and Mr. J. Kenny pald Blyth friends a visit last week, Mre. McMann is in very poor health at present, Her many friends hope she may recover speedily. • fclAY TOWNSUP. The election in Hay township result. ed in Mr William Oonsitt heading the poll by a 'handsome majority. This we take to indicate that he did good work in the council and that bis fellow elect- ors have coufidence in his ability to con- tinue in so cloing, That Mr. Consitt will yet 011 the honorable post of reeve of Hay we have no doubt. The elec. tion returns were as follosys: reeve, La- mont 491, Ehnes 318; councillorteConsitt 448. Stelk 411, Thompson 391 Goetz 301, Phillips 307, Battler 269. The commit elect met pursuant to statutes on Monday, the 13th Jan., at 11 o'clock. Thb following signed the declarations of office and qualifica- Moo, Peter Larnont, reeve ; Wm. Oonsit, Alex. Thompson and J. K. Goetz, councillors, Owing to illness, tIsv was werent Porrecreeren ta. tliehbeef°plia?dvF; Herald for printing 313.00 ; township of Usborne cul, L. R., 51,50; Chas. Elartleils ballot box and clock, 51.60; Clerk election expenses,88000 • Olerk, registering births, marriages and deaths, Bee ; hospital sick childree, R.Tor$121,t0°0:3;7‘001.'STRA lumber,neAgnew, 34.03 ; Jas Green, work' on bridge etc., 0. strictly enforce the law regarding the mendingaVtttearl. e tpatelos.ticsmfsotr, 1901 ly fv_oratihrtetlys e6a0r, • Divi- sion Registrars have been advised to males 33; females 36; Deaths 39, males many seem' to be neglectful, The Divi - 19. females 20 ; marriages 21. Regarding the registering of births, ,c ear ng ar Luoknow. gein Days at each 35e • • , ' • choice on Bergain Days. ... I .50 • for waists, wrappers and chil . . • dren's Wear. There are. else. • some good plain materials in the ot -They sold at 40c, 50c, 60c; mist of them at the•lase les eletishe, to clear Bargain ch gauntlets that sold est 01;50, e and would make handsome Days at each • .t.ou shoice en Bargain Days....., 75t OfSC a yaru on Bargain bays wrappers, we clear thein out s. This lot Includes a lot -of skirt •on lihirgain D"'" at per yard five ••and dress lengths of lines teat I New Htomespuns at 75e Dress Goods at• 36e. on Bargain - •Days so d at 50e and 60c. We group I35 verdesill woot Initneepuns; • Pull . , . .• • them together and place all on - •sale •Bargain Dais at your• 54- inchee wide,winter weight. • Some of the biggest Bargains of the day will be found in • eheiee per y ard..... .. . .. . . ,.,.., ,35e. , skirts can be made without ' . . • lining, dark and mid ere this lot, as there are lines mit that sold up to $1 per yard ' 2 4uit ends. Black Homespun I navy. trowre regular •31. 25, 4.5e People who come early will get the hest .chaice. • ' . for Bargain Days. • . • .1, 65e a yard on Bargain Days ! . , .10c Linen Towl.ng 6c 250 yards of Conired Drees Goods, ail wool suitings, plain cloths in dark 2 suit ends Bleck Flomespuntatult ' 1 colors,. 54 inch coloied sui ings, small cheeks for waists and fancy . 54 inches wide, one p ain, the l Linen crash towline, 18 inches • ' materials sold at 60e, 750 and $1 per yard,' your ch Jice of lot on. s. other tai 1, will wear well and wide. red border, will wear Bargain 'Days.. .. . . .... ' . Oele make stylish costutnesrregular " ;ell, regular 10c. for Bargain • C $1 25 per yerd, on Bargain Dap, WPC . • Mantles at Half Price We have still a few of this season's mantles in stock and would like to empty our racks on Bargain Days. In order to do it if at all possible we will sell any mantle at exactly FIRJ10333 .on Bargaiii'Days. There are some verystylish garments in the lot and you do notget a chance like this Very often. Remember all our new winter mantles at exactly half price on Bargain Days. 2 only cloth capes, full sweep, black rough cloth, i egular •83, . 25 7 childrens for . • bargain days .. .. . . • .... .. I. eiderdown i coats, wheon Y. asteenlined, pear 't 1 t ' ) 2 only cloth capes, rough cloth, high collars, regular . $5 75 e .4 buttons, trimmed with fur, regula,r $3.25, for Bergain - -5 . , a 1, for El velem Bore 2.50 D4vs ' ' ' 1 Lining at 7i•• 300 yards of v;imps ., Remna,nts of.Table Linen Table Covers at 511e• . . •a,t 5c ai d Mc. - •1 . ,15 silk mtixture damask • table • s g. ods We have about a dozen rem You'll bel3uying drei o a vent, 36x40 inch, fringed. We are going to clear out . nails of gond tab e damask light whirrs. regular price v. and of course wi,1 want linings, our remnants of dress trim- that sold from 75c to $1.10 per finsd41.26, for sale Bargain here is a good one if you are mingi on Bargair Days, if yaril, the letgths are from 1 to ees50 , Table 4'overs 25c.-. P • •••• . not particular about the color. there is a length in the lot you2/ aids and You will find them 8 only cret mite table covers, 200 yards of English Imenette • • • can ttsg ityou can get it at a big ) ght price 15c, we.have it in li lining, 42 inches wide,regulat bargain• .• on our remnant table on. h ar- f„esi rt;sdragrIcreryseijr. e. g. ,u.1.?:r. 7. .5e: 25C Damask Covers $2 . gain Days marked. at greatly 1 only 1 rge damask Table Cover, shades only and put it on sale isiA 175 yards' of gimps in blues and Bargain Days at per yard.... i v colors, remnants of lines that ' reduced prices. ' 33.5, for liergain Day .. . . . . X UV • _, large size, knotted fringe, was .., AA •$1.•76 Skirts at $••1.25 on Bargain Days per yard.. Chennille Table CovErs $1.15 84 • • Bleahed 4 able Damask •.0c sold at 10c I5e and 20e, choice ' 5 '1 fancy mercerised Stellate cloth•• 176 yards of fancy gimps,eilk. and e 3 only chennille Wile covers else, heavy knotted fringe. 1 end 'only blanched tattle dam- • • 1 1' hti fine skirts, assorted spots and Jets, black and colors, last , thecae c oths are it ig v aek, quality, 70 inchea ends of lines that sold at 35o • damaged and told at 32 50 • wide, nice floral designs, a and $3,on Bargain Days they i s s, special batgaint for sale at stripes, red, hlue and black groands. wide friths regular • to 50c, choice on . •Bargain ,,,, $1.75, for Bargain Days...... 1.25 , Days .,.. ,.. .... . ...... INC will be, eacb. •. ile la per yard., • 50c J Ulster. Cloths 50o 200 yards of Mantle and Ulster Cloths, bright and dark coiors, will make good coatsand ulsters. We want • to clear out this stock, and eorne ; W' WL .$2, put Pthiseslowt although rrglear ric sale Bargain. Days marked at per yard Mk. . 1104 lee Gires tam ereem hats, triMmed with buck e and quill, clearing I a on Bargain Days at..." . • • eve Shaker Flannel 7i. 32 inch Shaker Flaenels, heavy weight, fast colors, assorted . • 7(. stripes, Bargain Day .Navy Flannelc Tw22oisnlicohr,tBeallt.gtilsiiionf 41•8,71. le ari n el, .; Aiiron Gingham • . Blue and White check Apron • Ginsharre fest colors, 36 inehes e, argent Days • .... • 5 2 Big Silk Bargai. s Two bargains in Silks that will save the buyers some money. - 75 yards fancy Silks,nearly • ends of I to 2 yds • al shades - • in lot, last encic of lines that so deat 50c to 75c, choic. on 2 Bargain Days, each Per d 5e • 75 yards faille silks. shades of • gP7IrlocYde 8sallinirdretsrgoaardrrnelitvnings, on As, i rleraguakaer • sale Bargain Da s at per yd oor • Mohair Braid *c • 300 yarcLe &i b'ack Mohair Braid; very good qualit v, to o earBar gain Days at per yard • 1.c Cashmere Gloves 10e 100 pairs cashmere and woo'en • Gloved, blacks and colors, tray- • etieres samples, regu ar 2.50 and IA • 35o, clearing 'Bargain Days at WC •• Wool Shawls 50e Blankets at Half Price We have six pair of Blankets that are slightly damag- ed 1P air sold at 1.75, 2 at 3.50, 1 at 3 75,and 2 at $5. They go on sale Bargain Days at your choice for exactly HALF PRICE. Remnant Table special teature for Bargain Days will be the Remnant Table which will be found right at the back of the store. On it will be pieced remnants from all departmeata aid people who look it over will brid many a bargain, • Men's Overcoats 3.98 Boys' OvercoatsIllassocks 50c 1,25 18e Curtain Muslin at I0e. • 7 only onens tiv'ercoate, earls• 10 o'fily tioyei over coatis tweeds 8 Hassocks round shapes, coeer- 85 yards Wleite curtain tneelin, 88 lar 180, for Bargaih bays.... 10e stock, sold at $7 end and ao,. I3e ve left. veld at, $8 end 26 I reguloe 76o and for Bargain •inches Wide • .neat deturegu. / shades, all we have left in and trireme ernall Sizes aGI ll we ed Wi01 th 'damask and eve Inc choice for Berge i D 4 VA ; 3 98 Wile° on Bargain rmrs• • • • . Dior, each Skirts made to order for 50e— W hen the store closei on Jannary 31st, our special Janusry offer to make, skirts for Oc comes. to an end.. Until hen you eau. get a skirt made to your ordet for 500 if you buk the ma 'al here and it is 50c a gardfror over. ainiwimme• ' cogitst$1.14 h, eac 12 Boys' Oyer- flop- ,N BR on illargainDttyrs Direct Importers, elintOn• Men's Fleece - lined Underwear 750 a suit on Bargain Days 1••-•i•- ••• Albvilbolib.A.011.AbollbAlb,16,1b,46,04~ib.mbwobb,...ib,46,4irelibiaareeloweasesemseetis ete.atealieeesetreaaseeee, issue .vgb.Abbelibdib.Aiboiiihrbb, lb. Fancy wool Shawls, cream and • mixtures, regular $L25, Bar- sA geenDays ovc 35c Skirting '!Sc • Fine qriality cotton. skirting,wat• 'erect- shades otred and purple, ss.. regular 35c,for Bargain Days- XDC 2 Big Ribbon Bargains. • Hundreds of yards of, Ribbons fol. Bargain Day selling at near the half price mark • We want to reduce the ribbon stook, and take • this quick way of doing it. '1 800 :yards of silk and satin ribbons, assorted widths, rep ar 7e and lOcichoice on BargeanDays....Be 200 yards of silk and satin ribbons, better coral itiee and wide', assort' ed shades, regular 150, 20c and 2,5e, sa.e Bargain Days ...... A Linoleum Bargain . An and of our hest linoleum, 2 by 4 yards, floral patterne, it is dosmaged but hot enough to interfere with the wear, regular price 80c yatd, Bat - gado Days 10c Scotch Fingering 5c 400 skeinti of genuine Scotch fin geeing Yarn, strong and eat finish, regular iabut we have too much so take this way to reduce stook, on sale Bargain Day% atter skein., 5e 5c Hodgens' Broa Direct Importers AllbAlboxfibAbo_ 411.0416 BIRTHS. • . PARKE-In Aroherstburg on January 10th, the wife of Rev. J. F. Parke, formerly of Clinton, of a son. The. • Mr. ahntetir.Mrs.• Josiah McDonald, a child died on Sunday,January 12th. MoD ALD -In Hay, on Jan loth to • S AN DERS Stephenon Jen. 12, to Mr.and Mrs.. Robt. Sanders, a daughter, • MoXAY-In Exeter, on January..10,' to • dMaru.ghrerd Mrs. Hugh McKay 'a TOWNSESD=Iu Wroxeter, on Jan. 12, ' the wife of •B. J. Townsend, edi- tor of the Star, of a ditughteie MORRISON-In Lucknow, on January . 16th, t e wile of Hugh Moenson,ota, • daughter. , • ' • DEATHS ; SOMERS-In East Wavvanosit, Jan • 9th, Mr,. R.obert Somers. ELLIe0N-In • W Ingham, Jan. l3tb, Wm, Ellison, aged 68 years. 13RYDGES In Morris, Jan. -15b, Thos • Brydges, aged 77 years. • • BROWNLEE In Lope on the 9th Jen., Breit. Breeinlee, aged 6$ years. RYAN- In Hibbert, on Abe. 9th Jan.; • 'John Ryan aged, 88. years. • WINGLE-In eleKillopon the 13th Jan.s - • A ggie, daughter of Mr.j'ohn Wiugle, • aged 22 years. • •• • • LAIDLAW-At Begot, Man., en Jan, 4• , Maggie Munroe•, wite of .Wm. G. Laidlisvv, and lester•irelaw to Mrs • Geo. • Jackson of Morris, aged 20 • years. •• , DODDS-In McKillop; Januarys 13th. • Margaret Grieve, wife of Mr., Robert • Dodds, • •'aged . 51 years and 8 teoeabes • '• , MOONEY-In Brussels, on- January • 12th, Prudence Maxwell, relict of - the. late • John Mooney, aged .71 .years, 3 menthe and .4 days, ey AUG Et -In Barney itlesOhio, • on • Jan- uary IOth, Isabella Pilchard, wile of • Mr. J. L. Waugh, and mother -Of Mrs. .Js H. Reid, of Seittorth, aged 72 years 10 months and 4 -days. STONG----In. Sarnia, on January .10th, Nelson Stong, formerly a Soaforth, •• aged .43 'years , CLINTON MARBLE AND. GRANITE WORKS: The best class of work pt•ocurable has been manufactured here for •• • many years past. WE WONcall on you a week after •'T your bereavement. WE WuN'T, inihaekperieteh.e •work to suit • • WE will make the price to suit ' the work. WE WILL give you the choice of the production .of the world in design and materiel. We are the ONLY prac- tical men In Clinton in our line. Do not, he talked lntc, placing your order evithont first call- • ing on us. • J. B. HOOVER, Next to Commercial Hotel. .6••••••••4••••••••••••••••• 11 —ATTEND THE BEST- -IT PAYS - 41 COArri? (sew STRATFORD, ONT. • A reboot well known from one end of s• ' Canada to the other for its superior • • work Thls college gives the right • • kind of education and places litany of II * its students in good positione, Ntw is • • the Mitt to enter. Prepare for success • • and you will get it.• • • Writefor our beautiful eatelogito le S. MLLIOTT, Principal. e eelireemplo••• •••••••••••••0* HURON COUNTY ,COUNCIL • ,* The January BOSA1011 of the Council of the Cot•tioratien of the County of Huron will be held in the Ceuneil Chamber in tho Town of Gederich, commencing at 3 chick p, m. on Tuesday, the 23th inst. W. LANA Mork, bated at Goderich thla 13th day Of Stonetry.1904, -4.00, Woota. Illtositeribie, Thd Great Reptile &meth, Sold and recommended beat' druggists In Canada. Only ten. 1 forms° Eleiciter6bWibiees7"IcriedeQuarsiceientetalnItelefr iitel.°06fte.81:4140411 t:ae6:68:*letaWbr7Ex68:6tetlztTgtO0,0piuborLtlu1a‘ta::t1donfesiiv6ono:okaes,git0,04,witea *WM ettra Pamphlets free tO Any addregis. 'Pita Wood OtkinueloWindeOrsOnt. li. Combo. le, P. Itookie, E. IfOrly and,Wittli loWosed.4)'sruPhilho:litte la .'told in Clinton by II ALMA. Mrs. Geo . Dale spent, a couple of days • • last week at her home in Eg,nondville. Mrs. A. Scott is at present spending a couple of weeks with Beusseleiriends. A number from here attended the supper of the 0. 0, 0. 131, at the home on-- ofMFrvidleynikaistits. of Goderich township A sleigh load of young people spent a vet y enjoyable evening at the -home of Mr, McMichael on. Thursday last. Mr. Will. Sproat of Edginondville spending a few days with friends here • a number fr•om here took in Quite• the literary entertainment at Con. stance on Thuni'day evening. Mr. H. Fowler is at present hauling • hay to Clinton for which he receives ready gale, • PUT OUT THE FIRE "- Dr. AgneW's Ointment will ren • :Ileve and cure ally skin dis. easejust as surely as it Cured , this soldier's•Eryeipelasthe first application • kills the "sting.° • Lieut. 13ucknam, National Soldiers' Home, In Grant County, Indiana, had a very acute attack of Erysipelas. His face and head were in tor- ment with burning and itching seesationt A • druggist recommended Dr. Agnew's Ointment as the quickest relief and cure. He bought a box and found it as good as it promised, and a • few applications, to use his own words, "put out the fwe anceless Man a box entirely cured • me." Price as ets. 7 • ASIIFIELD TOWNSHIP. • The Ashfield township pounce' met on January 13th. The members .were all present and subscibed to the necessary • •• deelarations of office. fly -law No. I. was passed fixing the salaries for the different township offices, as follow : ' clerk '3180, treaisurer $90, assessor $70, •eollector, $90, auditors each $10, selec- tors oi jurors $4, D. R. Moved be McIntyre sec. by Barkley, That M. J. McKay be appointed assessor, R. A• ., Carrick, collector, Job n Long and Ar R. Fin lotion auditors. --Carried. Cheques ' were issued for the following accounts: Municipal • World fortwo assessment rolls, one ' collector's roll and Aix copies, of said paper 515.85,. hospital for .sick children $10, Anson Finley ditch con. 9 $1.50, Godfrey Hail rep.. cul.- S. R. 9 and 10 50tePat. Warren rep.cul.con.9,$1. Dsaneyditobon S,' R. 6 apd 7 $1, Wm. Hackett cleaning ditch S. •3 and 4 • 32.50 On motion of Hunter and Mc- Intyre the council adjourned to met again on the 6th day of February,e-Vm. • Stothers, Clerk. . • . • ,• IMPATIENT. -DYSPEPTICS. Can't cure in a day what has been a ohronio ailment for years, but Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets and &little persistence will ours the severest forms of Dyspepsia • u sure as the daylight follows darkness. •'And a few doses is all that is needed to con- vince the meet impatient and sceptical of • patients.' Carry them about with you In your pocket; take Ahem when and where you please; they're harmless and give almost instant relief. A gentle tonic to the whole nervous system, as cts. for 6o tablets. • 8 PORTER'S HILL. • Miss Macdougall of EgmoodYille Is visiting at Mr. William-Elliott's. Mrs. Mcenosky of the 4th concession is visiting friends in this vieinit3e. Miss Henderson has returned to and To Care a OoId in One Day. Take Laxative Brom() Quinine Tab. lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. • E. VV. Grove's sig, nature is on each box, 25e. .11 • License Comissionors. • The following have been appointed Litiense Conatnissioners for the ()aunty of Heron se -Heron South--Daeid D. Wilson, Peter Deteglee, Henry Doyle, Heron Ertet-G. Fortune G. Murdie, A.• Littlejohn, Huron West -Samuel 810ati, Jewett Stevene,Httgh Mo4uarrie. For. Over Fifty Years - XneSWItestovea AOOTIIINO gleltOP has bone used by millions of tiotheWs for their children while teething. if disturbed at night and ' * broken of your met by a sick child suffering end •oryieg with pain of etittingTeeth send at ()nee and get a bottle of "Mrs. Witteloves creoth. Ing syrups for children Teething. It will re. neve the POW ltte sufferer iinmeatately. Doe Pend upon itenothere, there 11111011110,4k° abode it, It crime Diarrhate,_ regulates the stomach ' rasa bowels, euro,, *hut Colic, ketone the Owns redutesIttilammation,nedgivestoneand energit to the whole system. "Mrs. WinslOW'a • 860th ng Syrup" for children teething is plea. matte the taste and is tho prescription of ono 1 of ths oldest and best female phyekiiiins and melee in tha Vetted Stems Price twenty-five taws an bottle. Sold by all druggist� thrgagh blit the world." BO Mire and ask Or bearer st nernarit 00Or4llee Sinline.