HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-23, Page 4k 4 TIIE CLINTON MIIVS.R1100113) The Cluiton Newgiecortl. Y. 1. MITCHELL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR OLINVON, JAN. 28RD 1902 i. New Advertisements. Atter Holiday Sele-W, Cooper 84 Co 1 Clearing Sale -W. Taylor Steen., ...... ,...,.., 4 Midwinter Bargain Days -MAR= Dees 6 Auction Sale -Salkeld. Bros •., 6 Our Big Salo -Jackson Bros 8 Last Week's Sollizig-blowoombes $ Bale of Xen's Furnishings -A. 0. Morrish s 1 OODERICH TOWNSHIP, 1•••••••••••••• At the annual meeting of the Wes. ern Dairymen's A.ssociation held in Woodstock last week, County Council- lor Connolly Was elected first vice- president, This is a step up and next Year Mr. Connolly will in all probabil- ity be president, a position which he cart fill very well, indeed. In the list of prize winners at the winter dairy exhibit held under the auspices of the Association M. H. M. Johostone of Innerkip, fortuerlyof the Holtnesyllle i factory, stood fleet n one of the classes eveeth penalties. 1;7 0. L. No. 145 meets on An, 27t13 and No. 306 on the 31st inst. A full attendance of the members is request- ed. Mr. and Mrs. John McClure were guests of Mr. and Mrs, 0. 11. Wallis in Clinton on Saturday last. . Mr, John Rathwell and. Ids daughter -111•11•111.1111 !! i'!!!!! emompet• ! ! 4001RICH TWWNSIt IP. , telleleelle.....le••••••••••••••••••114••••••••••i....4.4044: IsLozsgA SKIMINGS arsiObERICH • CORRESPONTepeT 1 IIPMAINOMPOPITO Mr. Hugh Taylor Spent last Sunday reneWing friendships in S. S. No. let threshed bis haziey last FridaY and eaye he had a fair yield. Miss Cook was tbe guest of Miss Scatchatere or Stanley last week, • • I • PORT ALBERT. LONDOSI3ORO, Bliss Annie Cunningham left on Tueeday last for Detroit, Mich. Mee M. Tates of Goderich is venting • 2ardi 1902 _tiumul•rmrs,Nomommis._ tvvvvywilVVIOWAAAMOY McKINNON & CO. 33.1,1pru Mr. George Clockerline intende had* ing asletick residence next Wanner And lure already let the contract. •••*,•••••••*******4444"....."1".""1".....1141sssimms • her ender, e4rs. Harry Hayden, tine leteeendine pulpit Ina Sunday,. having Rev. Mr. Thotneson occuplerl the The clog poisoner was booming hie At thheeaDninsuttailetneeetingof the Orange Week • made an exchttnge with Pestor Coup* p; ofeesion last week, Mr. Halstead lodge t Master's a roes wars Mise Victoria Hawkins spent a eew ewe, wbo preached anniversary ser - saved his dog, but Mrs, Egener lost a ordered t9()! printed. Letters of cons days in Dungannon the past week. mons in efonkton. Mr. Williani Fargehtte bas eold bis team to Mr. McCartney of Colborne, Mr. William Hobbs has beep a°. pointed catetaker ot the Methodist church. • t or ere to e trent to Mr. A. Galbraitla was busy last week very ea e one. the break* of Oho k VV Ila ' Th Mrs. Thos. Richardson is under the drawing wood from this; township to ifir.R.O. flays has purchased the very a Let colas care of the Dr. at -oresent but it is Mr. W. le Jewett, is pushing on his Arthur streets laeely the residence of , . h P p eel to etee, desiodee proPettY on Watetloo and McCiertneY, John Beacom and James hoped hi lies I- 6 . t u,s,to July 12th next was also discussed his farm near Varna,not ng seri° s t 0 Ma ter, H. hellion T e re o operation in the woods ;intik a large Mrs. Marsh. It is, we understand, the lwaMair ofleatt)tnire hrktrlow of Goderich gang of men, intention of Mr. littera to poll down tbe fveottree:Itt toWaetiedoeuenidtedt Ito turn out in full " g vuis week. The most important of the events present building mid etect a handsome y r eeting at Exeter Mies Rose Shoentiale has been eick and endeavor to semi e the support of happening in Goderieh township are one. recorded in THE NEWS Rucono Party. -,,A sieighload of young folks Olinton,had a well filled rink to witnees The hockey match, teloderich vs, At a well attended meeting ome Huron y for it week, but is out again, edualt•ell. otermren% Richardson was confined Mr, John Green of Goderich Sunday. that body for a celebration here. from S. 8. No, 5, Hullett, drove over the game. The score was 7 ti.) ra it, Lodge No, 62, I. 0 0. F , on and took possession of the home of sever of the weal teem, evening, Jan. 13th, officers for the to her room for a few Jays this petit nesday evening of lase week. Gauaes, music, etc, were the order of the even. at the bicycle worke, His father Was Mr. Revell of Toronto is the engineer °fleeing teem were inetalled by D, .0, N. se, H. I. Rewards follows : Mr. Thos. Green and wife were visit. Mr, and Mrs. J. 11. Lowery on Wed - G. M. Jacob Taylor of Clinton as V. G., Ferny Cornell ing at 13lyth the past week, week. ing clueing which Mr. and Mrs, Lowery an extensive lumber merchant in the - - were presented with a beautiful corm - Algoma district, are held by the people of No. 5 where We congeatulate our citizen, Mr. R. n., 0. W. Reynan T„ O. A. Nairn as a token of the esteem in which they Donley Johnston, on his promotion to F. S., W. T Clark young idea how to ehoot. The preeen. Ninny will soon joie) him. We are he stationmaster at Idalton, flis L. S. N. G., J, S. Platt Mr. Lewery for 11e years taught the R. S. N. 0, Thos.Nairn tation was accompanied by an address sorry to lose them. Donley halt val. W., Charles Red which was read by Mr. A. Johns the ned member of the 1.0. 0. F. lodge., new teacher of No, 5, which Was as Mr. Joseph Whitely, Jr., ot Hotne- 0„ R. Campbell follows: wood Farm sold on elonday, 1.3th Jan., R. S. V. G„ D. Stratton 450 lbs. L. S. V. G.,Jehn Baker We aa a few of your many friends of and received therefore over twenty R. El 8, W. Woolgar to W. Mummy a hog weighing L. S. S., Wm. Campbell TO Mn. AND MRS. Lowaret : dollars. 8. S. No. 5, where you recently eo I, G., A. Johnston successfully taught, take this oppor, Mrs. George Thompson was; eeriously 0. Ge W. W. MacVicar tunity of tendering you a slight token ill last week, ' of our esteem and respect for you. MAW Puffus, elocutionist, is visiting . When the business of the evening had 0., A. Saunders During your long term as teacher of at her home in Theenesville, been concluded the hrethern sat down our school you proved yourself a pro- etre, Win. Chisholm of Saltford, to a supper, which was heartily enjoy. ficient teacher,. a capable instructor Mother of Austin Chisholm of South ed. The .1),, D. G. M. was liccompan and a sincere friend to ale and we feel African Nine, has been very ill for ied by Past D. D. G. M. Townsend of • we are making but a meagre I atm n tO some time. Brandon, Man. Violet of the Varna Road and Mr.John yo when we. ask you to accept tbie Sovereign T. Reid of con. 5, Stanley, returned I Lech in remembrance of the years you niers McCall and little sister Hilda Grand lodge offleers whom the Huron one of the home on Fridayast from a fortnight's have espent among us. While we feel are visiting at Listowel and lodge were glad to welcome, • visit among friends In Toronto and 1 our loss of you as our teacher, yet ft. is vein also emit at Port Elgin before Iimiss Bertha Farrow of Shelburne retuining to their home, will spend a month at her home here Markham. e a pleasure to ktiow that you have not Messrs. Nelson Teo and Arthur altogether severed your connection • Mrs. (Rev.)McGillivray witb her two Birth -On Jan. 8th, to Mr, and Mrs, Welsh paid a flying visit to the toWn!: with us. We feel we are but voicing children heve returned from their John M. Proulifoot,aoteA Mr. Burke is promcltougntewirr.. Don B . ship of Hilbert, at the homes of Mr. the sentiment of the section when we visit to Mrs. Marshall and other friends, Boyce and Mr. Mahaffy. wish you the same success in year at Woodstock. ley Js; ohnston'position as ticket agent ' Miss Mary Flalliday is getting along present pursuits as has characterized Mrs W. D. Tye and family returned, at the 0, T. R. station. Mr. Davidson nicele in her new eituation in S. 8. No. Your former work amongst ue. Sign- en Tuesday night week from their from Caledonia takes Mr.. ur e B k ' s 10 and does not regret that she ever ed on behalf of the your many friends, pleasant holiday visit et Haysville ' place. , cause. . Stanley ar ter At theslast meeting of the Daug - We were very sorry to learrethae Mr. Themes manning tees of the Empire a vote of sympathy Taylor or the organ factory had the Mr. Charlie McGregor now rides in a • misfortune 'to run a chisel into his ' ---, atetchereon the Public school much Elarmaneknted . the store in Blake's bl k , Mr. Geo. Levis., Clinton's wide•awake HOLIVISSVILLH. wwitosopdahrirsieddgetoonbetbseenmt new cutter which he purehased from , — — hand making a deep incisions . - death of his sister, Miss Frank, lately A implement agent. Mr. P. Dean, grocer, is removing to staff and A number of our beers were in Clin- ton lasteSaturday enjoying themselves after being 'hemmed. in for souse time by snow drifts. A very large negro passed along the Bayfleld Road last Monday evening and as he walked into people's houses without any vvarning on the hunt for lodging for the night, he gave the young folke quite aware as negroes are rarely seen in that vicinity. He was ob his way from Southampton to Sarnia. Miss Priscilla Jennings, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. William Daw ot Sanford, for a few days, has returned to her home. The sportsmen have so far been un- succeesful, the fcixes having eluded thein every* time. 4 We are pleased to. note that little Miss Nellie Weston, daughter of Mr. Walter Weeton, has quite recovered from a severe attack of appendicitis. Mrs. John McClure, who has been ill, is on the fair road to recovery. Miss Alexander was visiting at the home of Mr. George Vanderburg recently. • Mr. W. B. Edwards ofegouris, Man., who with his better half is visiting their tnany friends in this township, has been in the NOrthwest since 1882 and has every reason • to be satisfied with his choice of location. He has a fine farm situated only a mileand a half from Sourise a lively town of about one thousand inhabitants, Mr. Edwards 'has been here for about a month now and says that. his last let ter - from home stated that the weather has been very mild since Christmas. • Mr. and Mrs. Edwards leave shortly for a month's visit at the former's old home in Kingston. . Mr. Jaek Middleton .has gone to Guelph to spend a term in •the Agri; cultural College there. Mr. 'ThoseWebster of the 7th con, sports a fine new cutter: Mr. George and Miss"Lottie Cantelon of the 7th con. spent last Sunday with friends in Clinton, .• • Misses Lizzie and • Mina Middleton have gone to Ottawa to spend' the winter at the Ladies' College in that city. ' . Mr. A. and MisreAgnes Cooper spent last Sunday with friends in Hullett.. Mr. Shaw of Chnton will preach in 'Sharon Church neset,Sunday instead of Mr, Hussar. Next Thursday after prayer meeting a business Meeting will be held to decide whether or. not they will overhaul the church.' We think that a little improvement would add greatly to the interior of the church. Mr. Ed. and Miss Ida' Miller of 9th con. paid a visitto•friends in Ilullett township last Sunday. ,. Owing to the recentstorm the roads , . in this section were in poor condition and some places impassible. • Mrs. Peter Cole of the Bayfield Line is recovering from a severe attack of la grippe. The township council met according to statute on January 13th when mem, beers made the necessary declaration of office and property qualification. Moved by Jas, Joheston, sec. hy 3, 0. Woods, That the salaries of officers be as follows : clerk $105, treasurer $75, collector $80, assessor $60, auditore $10, members of council board $2 ,each for each day's sitting of council, actingas road commissioner$25 each. Moved by John Middleton, sec, by J. C. Woods, That the following accounts be paid: r. East Ole $18,72, 3, McMillen gravel $10.20, express on election supplies 49c, to Goderich postortlee $1, hospital sick children $5, J. Halstead posting treas- urer's report $1,75, J. Halstead rep. hill $3, collector postage and stationery $2, treasurer postage, statiohery. and , treas. reedit $0-50, clerk postage .11c, Marshall error in dog tax. $3. By -laves 1 and 2 were read and passed. The following are the ()facet% for the year 1002: assessor, John Thompson ; col- lector, L. A. Anderson ; auditors, J. R. 'Holmes and George Holland ; betted of health, Albert Centelon, The various pethmasters, poundkeepere and fent*, viewers were appointed. 00enen adjnurned to 'neer at call of reeve.- NIXON STURDY, Clerk. One of the meet pleAsant events of the season in this township was the supper given on Friday night last Under the auspices of t he Can ton Come. ell of Chosen Friends at the home of Mr. ROlatia Jenkins, The Friends and their Mende were presentfrourClinton, Holmesville and, surrounding • and crowded Mr,. Jenkin' cOltimOdirMs residence. At each setting of the tables tWentvestiven sat down and this had to he repeated four times. The supper was the very best and consisted of fowl, etc., all the delicAciee of the season, beautifully prepared by Mrs. Jenkins and her assietants who know so Well how to do it. After ell heti .bartaketi of the gotta things Dr. Bell, the chief counsellor of the Clinton Council, took ehe chair and the pro- ' gram began. Instrumental music Was furnished by the Etnmerton orchestra otOlinton who are always appreciated. Mr. Bob DoWnit Sang one of hit funny songfeand selections were given UpOti the piano by Misses Wile Oantelon, Yeo and Tebbutt Speech making also being under order the following were *called upon, though all did net reeipond And some were very brief, indeed t Dr. Gifford, Dr. Glackall,' Dr. Shaw,Cottnty Councillor Clantelon, W, 8. Laveteenee. D. Dart, J.R. Holtrieet Peieee Churchill, 0! 11, Vliallis and mine hoot Jenkins. The gathering broke up at *seasonable hour and is Wile preeent Went, their :ettriotis wart they gave expression 0,their gratitteatiett at being promo. Misses Edith Tebbutt and Bridges also a member of the order ot he square and Montreal street.. Miss Logan of Varna visited Miss dollars was also voted for the South Maitland will give an oyster of Goderich spent Sunday with former's Daughters of the Empire here, -who _ court . ' • " , pareets, Mr. and Mrs. G. Tebbutt. died suddenly at his 1,ersidence: Ten ... On Wednesday evening, Jan. • 29th, Bessie Pickard during the past week. •A trican Graves fund. • 8uPPer -and c meet. t .in Temperance ' hall. Messrs. •Robert McLean, Wm,. ed 0, 0. C. F. sepper at Mr. R. Jenkins . ' Mr. D. Macclonald left this week to • wetereleeted triistees for the years A_ sleigh load of young people attired- (meson. ei , Nichol and H. W. Ball . snend some.. tittle in Toronto with friende. • • • 1902 and 1903. Peptide. John Oraigie 9h Friday_ evening They report hay - mg a good time. . was proposed and elected chairman The illethoduit church hada. Mr. Ed. Henderson of Allandale 1.;(en °n 'recently visited his mother, Mrs. • fel, the present year, • • Monday drawing wood for the church ... - k James mtrongh, arid has since -accepted Judge- Mason o ' as r'e'elected repre- 'from the 4th. COM • seraative of the. P. S. board ' en • the . .The Holtneeville Branch of the Bible a position iriBranttord. • - . Society will hold its annual Meeting in Mr. Eli Sionnonds of Sanford picked ColiegJosephiatehoardv.an•very s o.u. oeiiielig.0 the Methodist church' on.Thursdav. up a young lady who: fell • ott East , Ntr. evening when addresses will be given. street' on Sunday -evening. .The. young h.as. been •, epencling. a few days with- hy Rev H. A. Wright and J. Hussaraxl . !ly was stunned by : his mother, MVE,, T. B. 'VenBvery.the fall but soon • Every body svelcome. • . rallied. - Mr, and Mrs Gear ' • Mrs. P,J Evans cif Minnedosa, Man., ' , We, have to .congratulate • Maeter • eteeeeree 1. g •e Bissett -�f the is visiting friends. in the neighborhood. ' Wilbert IProuse for receivinJah. g. oti ed e e I •p. 0 , t r ends at. the Nile: • spent. a few holidays .lSth a c eq . for twenty five dollaf s, being the -first e • DNGANN . • prize in the oat class of the Macdonald o.A.11 the windows in the first storey the new suminer hotel havbeen UON. seed grain coinpetit ion for the province put, in and t he first floet, leid, . . • A large nutriber of yonine folks enjoy- ef Ontario for the year 1901. He was . A hockey match was on the week's ed asocial hap at the home of Mr. D. else one of the successful -ons, for 1909, program to increase the fends of the &Mille on.Thorsday eveningiast. • ' winning five dollaes• and viete the only Florence Nightingale Chapter for their Miss kennedy. of Ripley is visiting suceessful (nee ite Hutson 'county, Brie gift to tee hoepital fund, : Theleoly, City Co's vocalists divided • relatives -and friends in West WhiVair .fmoareld9,91pita HMillstwell.teja6lhsno their vocal gifi s anineg all the chavete, nosh. . . lwdeonf tiPcciertethtfeit Rev. Mrs Goldberg preached thean. successful, winning 2nd prize. This is , or ng an es -on Sunday last both rn ni d nal Mission sermon in St.Paul's church pretty good for Huron. eveniiig. on Sunday last. , • • Mrs. N. Deitrieh is •spelicling a- few 'AtVietoria street chiirch on SundayThere-wait a meeting held in the Frei- tveeke with her daughter, M rs . Ruggle 'evening last Rev. Mr. Robinson' preach; byeerian ehueeh on Thursday last week Btivined. . ed to a large congregation, . choosing for the election -of 0.E. officers .for Miss Myers left for her himie in Tor.: for his text Mark 8th chap, 36, ST ver. IDOZ' ' : onto thisweek after a deliglitful !vieit In place of the usual aiithein „Mr. Bed. Mr. and ,Wfrs. U.. C.- Brown. Visited here; the guest of Mrs. W, T. Kieley. ford geaciously sang -his beautiful bari- Pore Albert ,friends on day last week, IVIiss-Myet s is a granddaughter' of the. tone solo', " Abide. With Mee., There will be aineetine of the Fibrin- late Col. A. W. Ross. , . ers Institute in the A,gricultival hall , We reeure bee grateful thanks to on Ian. 21th. The afternoon 'session will be addressed by 'speakers from a distance who will also beprettent at at the evening meeting. There will also be a mucical program in the evening as well. lticKILLOP TOWNSHIP. ' Mr. Thomas Davidson Si., who has been poorly for some time, is quite low at present. . • Mr..Tames Coate, who was suffering from heart trouble,is somewhat, im- proved.. Mr. George Roe has bought a half acre of land from Mr. J: J. Irvine on thelKelly farm and intends building a house on it in 'the spring. . ----MissWillis of Port Albert has been visiting her eensins, the Messes Dun- dee.' •• ' . New Wood has been introduced into the McKillop council this year, two of 'last year's council, Messrs. O'Laughlin and McGregor being.re-elected and an other, Mr. Grieve, resigned. Mr. Jelin Menarey GreY was on a visit to friends in Mclitllop,•lest week The beautiful spell of sleighing has Nee broken by a snow storm which has drifted the triads. .* The belt line for Htiron couney is being considered arid we just 'hope it will be built as it would be an'Advantage in many ways, but there is no necessity for any .nanhicipality throwing its franchise away the I. 0. 0 k 7, lodge No. 62 toe their. gilt edged invitation to theirannual ball at. Oddfelloyvs'. hall Thursday We 'return °or than ks • to Mr. Sim. monde of Seaford for his attention' to us when we met with the accideee., U. .S. Vice 'Consul W, Croupbell has been•duly notified:of the appointment ot Mr. John Shirley ,cif • Illinois to'. tinceeeci Me R. Shilton at this: postas II: 8, Consul, ,• Mr. Gordon Coats, who has been a 'SO/pref. so :long, presented Ieveruess Cann:eat its last meeting with a, nicely framed picture of "The Gathering of the tel ns" which was graterully 'hanks; acknos iedged in shortspeeches by Sev- eral of the membersand a couirnittee WO a pointed to draw up a letter of ''.,hah s... and symnetbse! and fon0all:0 : present it to Mr. ()mitre.. With the gift Mr. Coutts sent a letter �f • thanks • to tee S. S. for their attention t� • • . el.r. Ed. Attrill slipped. on the steps at the rink last Thursday evening and injured his ankle badly. • Mr. and Mry, traugh an will cele- brate their goldenewedding in March. Mr. R. S. Williams fell on Wednes- day evening on the East -street pave- ment, the spot where the writer of this fell tbe preceding evening. He was badly shakeream. Miss Frances Boundly of the 8. A. has eeturned from London, . Mrs. Plisse -tore, president of the We are soiry say to that Mr. Ed. • Dr. James I.,. TOrribull is tO, be con, gratulated ori -the acquisition of -the X rays t o hist. surgery„ • .We had the satisfaotion of -seeing in the presence (if• Drs.- Turnbull and. Taylor that our wrist through stilints and -bandages Anoked perfectly natural, the setting Of the hones being so successful an opera- tion. • Under the tiecumstabees wd -hope 0, give 013-1' readers' more new:.,. 08 left-handed copy is not furnished with so xnuoil' speed As With:the HI ST. M -BM& ' Rev. ' Mr.. Dunn of Whitechurch occupied the pulpit of St....Helens. Pres, byterran church on Sabhath last in.,the 81)55005 of Mr.:Whaley who was Called home to_ see his mother who' is very Mr. Jas. Weatherhead is visiting old friendiltrotind St, :Helens.. . ; Mr., There Jayne eporte adapdy new cutter also a new sett of teaus harness.. Tintes are looking Uri, T�mmy . • . W,nt. Barbour, Steers at present very towervith congestioneif the Ithige, Mr, James Barbour was also on' the sick list hut is get ting better. Mr. John Donovan is engaged to work fora year for Me. Thos. Joynt, • The elechanies' lustitete of St. Hel- ens held a .veree successful COncert on Friday evening last. • COLSOleeth TOWNSHIP. • - • • King's Daughters, gave a reception to Attrill is 1 (AO ll r id up with. a b .ank e ANNUAI; MEETINGOF THE that order on Thursday evening at bee . which hegot corning out. of the IdoKILLOP MUTUAL. FIRE' residence. . . Goderich skating rink by slipping so INSURANCE COMPANY%. • . Majors Gore and Bowhill �f the the ice. We. hope to sopn hear of . his • • --._ • = British Regulars were notch pleased speedy recovery. .• . ' The annual meeting of the McKillop with Mr R. McLean's line specimens Miss Ethel Gilders is laid up with Mutual Fire InsurAnce Company,' was of that noble anirnal.the ' horse offered' pneumonia in one. of her -lunge, also held in Seaforth oit Friday last. The them for shipment to South Africa Mrs.Gilders with a felon on her thumb. Mrs Jas . one. During the year 699 new policies The following wedding. notice -has Visitine a .' were issued, covering property to the been handed us for insertion in the Herne -ion tof the 8th eonbesition at extent of $1,034-.780. The premium eolurens of THE Move -I -Woolen. The :1,„ssetit, eiso Me, David Fisher .of 90, The gross =Mint of premium Parr, engineer on the G. T. R., who notes for the year amounted to $34,762 - note refers to the price of Mr, James :lora is visiting under the pr,trentel notes now held by the Company am- . spent some weeks last Buttoner at her • Pl Isast A3,ti.ennr,hnstone of Pert Alhere ount to $108,932.20. There are now in - entle'e' residence. From the Review force 2,169 policies amounting to $8, Appeal, Franklin Tenn. ; rs Tee is yisititig friends in this locality at 174,130. Messrs, George Dale, James nuptials of Miss Hates Farr and 3oho peeeent. • , Oehnolly and John Wattevere re-elect. Savage Denton last Tuesday. evening _ A terribly sad aecident happened on ed directore 'ended a slehsequent meet- were elaborate And ' impressive, The the 6th eivoneeekrdwi hWetedmirsdiguaoftsetrenvienansi iirg of the direceors Mr. Themes Hays cereinony was perfortreed by Rev. J--8, of last. was re-elected eecretaey-treassurer, Mr. Foster and took place at the First wieh his wife and their two little S. B.McLean, president, and Mr. Thom- Presbyterian church, which' wee Frazer, vice-president, crowded with invited friends. The . ' decorations of patois, ferns and evele greens about the chancel, organ %and THE pv0PLE- WANT A11IDietle pillars were exceedingly pretty, the ---- • white triMmings against the dark The people of Colborne and Godetich background eArrying out the green townships are vole' tnuch in etirneet in and white effects used at both the their teepee:se to the county couneil to eherch and residence, As the auclienee build ' another bridge across the melte Assembled Merry WIlliams presided at . land rivet. the negro; The bridal petty entered The proposed bridge would l•ce a greet t he lett eerie, leaving hy the eight, and conveniencelo thepeople of both town- 'ts they Ithneered Mendelssehn 8- wed* ships and of adjoining municipalittes as riing march wee petered, the mift str MAR of e Became I Love You" stealing well. 'public meeting Was held at Berardi,: forth from the omen loft during the lee on Wednesday elf last week to dire eereniony. and Tannhausetes nuteph cuss the question, The chair eves oc- closing the selection after it. Among eupied by Mr. Itichrted Jewell, a mem. the 'where Wet* Hon. Morgan O. Fitz. her of the Colborne council, About patrick and A, 11, Parr. The bride's twenty of those present spoke, all in toilette was notably rich, being of 'two'. of the county cannel' taking ac. duchess* main trimmed with real lace, Hon and the Chairmen putting the the orange blossoms being fresh front question to it vote there was not Oidifornia. her veil of tulle and flowees a diesentiug voice. a shower briquet of white cernations. Cotennittees were appointed from Cols The bridesmaid, Miss Corinne Fehr, borne and Goderich townships, Clinton sister of the bride, was dressed in a and Goderich to wait (men the county council and urge the bpilditig et it hrTidhgeec.ounty counaillors, who are Sup. posed to obey the mandate of the pee. ple, cannot rotas° the request of four manielpalitiett, directors, . 'report . was a satisfactory is month.. Harpilliton of ilanitert is the ortie of. rs. os.' Itishere Douglas lefelard Thu'e. day for Mitnit.Ohit with carload of horses, a Me. esslohnstort has bought fine lbOt do4wch is rising three years !old it n) e cost him a hancleonie if(Snre, Mrs. Willittin Yule of Fullerton has been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs. Edighottar, children went to visit at. Mr. Thos. Tabb's, Mrs. Tabb being upstairs the two children followed her, And little Ernest,aged nine years, grid -bed a, rifle wheel was standing in the hall. eles. Tele) told linn he had better not tomer fikit the tittle h.now replied thee, it wasbot loaded as it was shirt off the day before. The little fellow picked up -the rifle when it off, killing Me, Tebb14 little boy Lorne, Aged four years.' the ball enteritis the Innate and penetrat ing through the beck of the 'head, blew his brains and skull imeagaipst the. ' wall. The funeral took *piece on Fei (ley afternoon to Zion thurciethence 10 Colboi no cemetery WhP111 the referring were laid in their last, resting place. The bereavedperente have the sym prieby ot the whole toininunity in, this their Bed affliction. stops the Cough and Works off the Cad. toilette of white !eerie Mousseline, 1Lakative Bremo Quinine TAblete ' carrying pirek ertreations. The matron , eneeee etee in elle del„ 0,1„e No of honor, Mrs. leby Bennetof Memphie. rp Wore a costume of white crepe de chine ay. *ice cents, and tarried pink carnations,A.fter - the wedding ceremony the bridel parte repaired to tbe residence of the bride's parents where an elegant receptioti nets held, The pArlot, and hell were decorated the sante as the church. Attiong the attendants' were Governor MeMillan of Tennessee and Mrs, (De.) Thomas !terming' of Detroit. The testimonials were notable both in I:mint of Mini her and richness, coming from herby pointe, The party left on a special car for Nashville, whew* they went to Oherleetori and Ploridit en tt honeymoon trip And teterned to their home in Franklin on the 15th Of January." Cook's Cotton Root Compouna Is stioceistullY need monthly by over 10,000Ledies. Sete, effectual. Ladies esk your &Colin for Wok's Cotton Soot Cow paled. Take no Wier, Se Mi Mixture, pine and mastless are daligertate. einem No, 1, 51 per bOXiNe. 9, 10 degreSt Stronger, per boa. we. 1 or 3, nailed On receipt Of price mid tireseseet stamps. The Cook Corriptitty Windier, DAL NAS. 1 mid 2 bold and reeeraliall1404 by 011 toSpettlIble Dogmata an 011111kdk •••••••••••••••••••••••• i Vial clinlit - • • • • • • -Qs.s.) frit Ovlie • • • • • : presents • . • .• OgleAirgy, 0 • • • • nava you ever thought * it • • what a nice present a • • camera would make ? • • • . • • e If you contemplating buying • • present do not forget to cell e• • • on and see what we can do • 6 for you in camerae. We can • 4s: supply you at all prices frot,g Ls o $1 up. The best hit for a • • cheap cetnera is the Brownie leNo, 2 at $2, Frorn now till 8 • e Christmas• we will make You se a present of • • • o 2 10% discount on Cameras • ; from $1 to $15 • • • • o 15% discount or. Cameras • • ' over $15 . • tt. • g • Persons in neighboring towns • 9 who are thinking of purchase : • • ing re camera, will receive an • f Eastman catlangue by dropp- • ; tug us a card. Other cameras : O besides the Eastman can be o 0_ supplied. Films, developing ; powders and other light sup- • pies can be sent by mail. • • lo• • •. .10 - cheap Exposure Meter • 410 at 35e gives the porreet expos- e • ure under all conditions and • pays for itself in it short thne • by saving over end under • e exposure in negatives. ..• to. • • • • P • o • o Chemist Druggi.st. .• • .0▪ 0esocooimisomosoliiemiso • • • • • H. B. COMBE 's•'esseS•ee'eweieeeit--eeeeaeeaeees WILL OPPOSE W0BI3LING. Among the numerous temperance petitions presented to the Legislature/ werethose from Nile, Hohnesville and Belgrave, this riding. Rev. Mr. Rob. inson of Nile wrote; "Our board will support a government straight on prohibition, but not if it wobbles." .. Sterling.. " A man is known by the company he keeps." The character of a 'grocer's business is known by the quality of the goods he sells. That is why we keep- the best of every- thing, . Some of our special lines; New Raisins " Currants Figs Dates ‘" 'Peels Nuts We have on hand 50 pails OF Cone Syrup which, "we bought before the raise and are now selling beiovv cost, In all other lines we ex- cel and Fear nae Foe." T O'Neil, HUB GROCERY. ' The bankrupt stock of 0. B. Keonig is yet well assorted. We have been adding new goods as we 'sold out the Bankrupt Stock and at present the stock is well supplied with staple goods that people require everY day and. suitable for the fall trade. We do not intend to replenish the stock but ,shall• positively close up as soon as the present stock is dis- posed of. Those that come early will get the best bargains, as we mean business, The whole stock will be sold very cheap but we always have special bargains in the different lines. We will mention a few ; Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Flannels, Fldelettes, Cot- tons, Shirtings, Denims, Cottonaeles, Tweeds, Worsted Snitings, Underwear, Small Wear and Fancy Goods. We have just opened up a largestook of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S JACKETSI, all new goods, which we shall offer"at HALF PRICE as:we want to clear them out quickly. There never has been -anything like tlieni for -value ever Offered n Clinton. -Come and see them. cLoarkINC. Men's, Boys and Childrens' Suits at great bargains " Overcoats, large stock, less than cast Men's odd Coats, some 50 or 60 in Stock that you can have at about your own price OsId Vests, odd Pants, Overalls, Smocks, etc We have a great lot of Men's' Cardigan Jackets that we will sell you ,for a trifle BOOTS AND SHOES Men's, Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes at bargains Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt Goods, Socks and Rubbers, Rubber Long ;Boots, at wholesale Many more lines that we have riot space to mention COMO and see PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS CLEARING SALE In order to clear but several lines of dry goods, clothing, etc., we will for the next thirty days,before stock taking, sell them at starting prices. It will pay to buy here. -To Combo, R. P Reinder N.110Thit kid Watti& c.04,..esutimautnitilt1stor aold In elieten E HARNVVELL, CHEAP CASH STORE, VARNA Great stool-Toting—so Next week we commence stock -taking and we want our stock down te the loWeet point before that time. We will make the following Very great reductions in prices this week to clear out Winter Goods - Metr.s fine Week and blue black Beaver Overcoats, lined with greed Italien cloth, velvet collar,fly front, regular prices 96,50, g7.50-a1d $9. for $4.95, $5.95 and 96.85. Boys' Frieze Dieters, high storm Collar. worth 93,75, for $2.75. Men's Frieze 'Meters, high storm collar. worth $0, for $3.95. Men's Heavy Frieze Ulsters, tweed lining, interlined with rub- ber, high storm collar as warm as any fur coat, good value at $10, ettle price $6,051 Men's Tweed Suits, lined with the best farmer's satin. well ' made and trimmed, worth $6, sale price $4.45. Boys' Suits, in all sizes at wholesale during this great sale. Men's Wallaby Fite Coats, regular price 918, for $12.50. - Men's Cub Bear Coats; will give great wear, regulat price $18, for $13,50, Men's Coon Coate, beet qualitv,welh furred,worth$45.for $37.50. Men's Heavy Duck Jackets, lined with tweed an4 interlined with rubber, regular price $5, for $3.95. Men's Duck Jackets, lined with rubber, $1.95, Men's Heavy Lumbermen's Rubbertecorrugated edges,high cut, will wear -like iron, sale price $1,50. Men's Heavy Sox to wear with rubbers, at 45c, 50c and 75c. GROCERIES 22 lbs. best Granulated Sugar for $1 4 lbs. Currants (new fruit) for 250 4 lbs. New Raisins for 25e Choice New Figs, very special 4c Quaker brand Porn, Peas and Tornatos, Scans for 25c The celebrated Kir Japan Tea, worth 30c, for 25c MoKINNON & CO. BLYTH # White Pine. Corn- . pound With Tar Is the best for receht and chronic Coughs and Colds, Loss of Voice, • Hoarseness, etc. and A other inflanaed conditions of the lungs and air passages. -7 R R * P R elite PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. E. e successor to Sydney Jackson # ossels.:•./si.....sysaAsyswar;ftwisowisit Annual Stock Taking and Clearing Sale at Wm. Taylor & Son's WeTake Stock on the first ,'f February, and are now making exten- sive preparations for a great clearing sale of all kinds of up.to.date footwear, Everybodyecnows when we Advertise a bargAin, we mean just what we say. This sale will be no excention but will eclipse any thing ever attempted in Clintonj , ' • . ' • . . We have had an exceptionally good year's business, the best in our history and are willing for the balance of this month to treat all our customers and friends to a genuine bargain carnival. See our win- dows and THE Nnws-REcoan for prices. Sale now in full swing. • • A dollar saved is as good as a dollar earned, • We can save it for you., • 'THE plan. RELIABLE TAYLOR & SON. Cash and One Prie• Butter and Egg's takenas Cagle • ' 11 ••••••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••“ i THE GREAT CASH STORE. 1 i i ' - - ' . 1 — This -Big - - JAN.,. CLEARING *SALE! . is a, Great.Success . 11' ; The selling is great because .the Bargains are real, As ; fast as piles sell down we're "culling out" more extras to i fill up the special Price tables. ' . , If ever you had -Bargains in press Goods, Furs, Underwear Hosiery, Bla kets ,Boots, Shoes and Rubbers I 1 I now is your time. tA snap in Men's Pea Jackets and Ready Made 1 \, S u l dt sUctioAns.11 Boys' Suits. and Overcoats' at Sweeping ReI 1 A few Fur Coals at clearing prices. I I BLYTH 1 ID* M. IVI0BEATH : Pretoria Block. •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• New Year's Fu rnitu re Selecting Holiday Presents is a difficult task. Nothing will prove more satisfactory or seeviceable and at the same tirne bring more comfort to the home than a Ake piece of furniture. Our selection for the Holiday Trade this season stirpasses anything yet offered. P4iRLO0 0A0INETS MUSIC 0AttlNirTS MttSICI SKORETAIIIES Book CAsns . OrinrXoNuents DAXANINe Tantms Hatt, nAcxs LliiitAttY TAISTAt8 VAttelt TAtit,*$ we have jABDINBBI: STARbg SOLIS PICTURES PAPER. .Radltel Coucitxca It will do you good to see the beautiful line of Fancy Hookers, Morris Chairs .and Odd Parlor Pieces we are offering. We will consider it a pleasure to show you through our warerooms even if you -do not want to purchase. 411%. .Chidley, witkaiter, • Night and Smuts), calls 6,116welted att residence of our Vunsrel Director, J. W, Ohldies, King street, opposite foundry,