HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-01-23, Page 3AGE OF DA.NDIES
e •
The Religion of Christ is What the
World Crtores.
For ive are also his offspring-. mill surround him With •the divine in.
hats, xvii., 28. !Memos which arouse spiritual tune
bitioa, but the Work Must be begen
If an electric current is Passed and contintied hiniselh
tlarough a bar of steel a very cur-
ious transfermatioa takee piece. The The aninial is limited by the dr -
steel is no longer its simple self, but cumference of merely anlinal life, and
itself plus something which the eiec- nothiPg beyeud that circUmference
trio current hes left as an endow- can be expected. The perfect ant-
ment. From that instant it bas a tnal hae fulfilled his mission. But
power of attraction never before pose the circumference of human nature is
sassed, a new life, and is conscious far beyond VIM. The tioul works in
at great domain which includes ,,the throne
of clese reletion with th
body et electricity' that fills the uni- of the Eternal, and no man. can
verse. The bit of metal which be- achieve his full destiny until he be-
foretime would have lain at its side comes godlike. "hTobleese oblige" is
in listless indifference is suddenly an old Phrase which means that a
eager to attach itself to the bar, and man's origin decides his duties. Born
the steel is drawn by sympathy to to the throne,. the king's son must be
every scrap of iron on the planet. In imperial in his conduct and allow no
(stir boyhood days we have all tried blot on his escutcheon. flora of the
this 'interesting experinaeut and been King of Righteousness, with the
surprised soul delighted, at the result. doors of heaven ejways open for the
free access of his prayers, with hosts
of angels interested in his failures
and successes, the soul of man, era
dowel with the creative faculty,
most keep its eyes fastened on ever-
lasting truth and labor to make it-
self ready to enter the Presence with-
out a blemish. That is the ideal,
not to be realized, perhaps, in this
lower sphere, but certainly to be re-
alized sonietirae and somewhere.
Something of the same sert hap-
pened to the human soul when' it
came from the hand of God. Tlae in-
finite finger tips no sooner touched
the TaW material out. of which we
were fashioned, the breath of our
Maker no sooner entered our nostrils
than there was established an inti-
macy between the soul and its God,
for when God had finished the task
there was something left in the man
which will forever draw him. toward
everything that is high and holy and
will not let hina rest until he has
reached his ideal. A certain alike -
dation of the heroic and noble thus
became an irresistible element of our
nature, and it asserts itself net only
in those .who have striven for righ-
teoosness, but also en those who
hate buried their bese selves under
the debris of passion and 'dissolute
• pleasure. The saint oleos "My God!"
in the moment of peril, but not more
eagerly than the poor creature who
denies His existence, The atheist is
as apt to do it .as the .01frietion, for
,it is, the voice of the natural than;
There is enough of the divine in the
most wretched wrecks among rnen to:
force this appeal from the lips in
dire extremity.
There is a moiety of creatiye ener-
gy in us all. Though we seldom put
it to use, we are' conscious of its prea
sence. Heaven and God are both in
the heart of man, and reverence for
the one and hope of the other can no.
more be extinguithed than. you can
put, out a conflatteation with a
bucket of water. God is the Creator
of the world; man is the creator of.
his own character. The angels will
help him in his task and the Father
President Derbyshire's Address to.
the Eastern Ontario A.sso- .
The following address Was. delieere
ed by President ' .Derbyshiee at the
convention of the Eaateen Dairy-
mea's Asseciation, recently held in.
Whitby:- • . . • .
It is a great pleasure foe one
board to hold. this. our., twenty-fifth
annual convention, he thie 'enterpris-
ing town of Whitby,' and I desire, on
behalf of our dairymen, 'to•..' thank
your mayor and -citizens, Mr the core -
Man the arbiter of bis own destiny!
Not able to exceed :the limits of his
natural capacity, but able to make
himself perfect within. those limits-.
a very king withip. his sphere and
held respoosible by the Almighty for
the honest tme of his powers.. He
needs only to appreciate himself, the
Creator behind him, the Throne far
ahead or him, to be filled with thet
sublime ambition which achieves self-
respect as well as'euccess. His in-
ceming into this world, hhs outgoing,
from. this • world at death, present
such inspiring motive! that evil
cannot charm him, while virtues en-
tice'. He cannot . help being brave;
bearing himself nobly in peril and
stoma, whea he sees that God is so-
licitous for his welfare and all the
angels that fill the heavens are ready
to de him a service,
• That is religion, the religicin of
Christ. It is the robust religion
that tho world craves. IM creed is
short -only love that soars tci the
staree rued love that lends a helping
hand to the needy. It is' aereligion
which will bear the• stress and strain
of fortune, Urging eeer upward un-
til our weaey feet touch the golden
threshold of eternity,. - •
. George H. Ilept.vorth.•:
make one sepreine eficirt during the
coining season. I can assere you the
would smile at its gradual progress The Stiltan of Turkey has six sons
and seeren daughters, who are kept
ownward froin the highest to the
owest classes. To the Met ,of his in the securest seclusion, ehe former
market never wee ae good shape
for using Mow geode as t.o.day, and d
I eannot rementber When -ordinary
- silk teal 'Velvet Crete ef All tree Oilers et
the feelpeew Were Thee the Esse-
The Estee iir the *sows of ffloit*O0o,
MIMI finnostnel,4SHO geholtafo CHM"
Inas, prieleiter,
In the glorious data of King
George II. men wore silk or velvet
coats of all colors of the rainbow.
TheY triPPed. neincingly along upon
their toes, supperting upon their
heads a wheelbarrowful of peruke
covered with a. bushel of powder,
their ''steinkerke't Was sprinkled
with snuff, their sword knots almost
trailed on the ground, and their
swordi dangled from the fifth bete
ton, pearl colored silk stockings and
red heeled gimes completing their All waists of light fa,brics made in
eeetunte, It seems almost as thosell baby fashicat are in the height of
one of "those goddesses the Gun- style for evening wear and aro hotb,
nings" Lea penned the following lines charming'. arid •almost universally be -
to George Selwin in Parte in 1784 coming.
Afarch. "The muff Yoti sent me by vieoruyis ipur:ttserukmocIten1 il,
Mistead of the sporting Earl of lustrated 11;11o%
the Duke of Richmond I like prodige soft shade of pink, banded with
black velvet ribbon and Pnished
ieusly-vastly better them, if it had
been 'tigre' or any glaring with a drapery of pink tulle at the
Several are now latticing efteic^c)ilt°,r,', neck. OVer the shoulders are black
And again in 1776 he writes, „Prey , velVet streps, covered with embroid-
liring me two or three bottles of Per- ery in pink and white and- held by
- ifnaantceyria?srimaniree,ilthsowev
Alm st t th I t t and the waist cao be raised ei
eArl,1 aspoiptroppliretabtlee
fu es d s t • f 1
that aro new and pretty." ther bY
life a piece of rich wetistcoating was being made high, with yoke and long
as mush, an attraction to the great haying
sleeves or low with elbow sleeves,
have been to any of the not, as shown in small drawings.
the shouTders cut away or
Marines of Welleeley as it would _
most frivolous minded youn The lining is carefully fitted ahd
dandies about the town.
; closes at the centre front, The full
Indeed, this nobleman would fro- soft back and fronts are simply ga-
quently sit alone in solitary state, thered at melee and lower edges and
"en grande toilette," with hie blue arranged over the foundation. The
ribbon and garter, as if about to ap- tee aion straps aro cut in one with
pear at a royal "levee." ' aist and covered With any de
In the year 1798 there arose on the sired material. The tulle bertha is
horizon of fashion, or rather, there shirred on indicated lines and ar-
blazed in, its full meridian, that won. ranged over the neck edge. When
derful phenomenon 'of • elegance, yoke and sleeves are desired they
George DrYthe Brumneel- Dern in trastbag material either , as a separ-
, can be mahe of the same or con -
1777, the son of an under secretary
of Lord North's and educated at ate guinme with the lining for a
Eton, he enjoyed the credit of being foundation as part of the waist. The
th,e best scholar, the best oarsman elbow sleeves are both fashionable
and the best cricketer of the day. and cut on exceptionally good! lines,
Though not a gentleman by descent, as the puffs fall exactly at the el -
he yet merle plenty of aristocratic bows so alleeving perfect. freedom for
the arms.
friends and exherienced little ;diffi-
culty io obtaining the entree to Dev- TA ClIt this waist' for a woman of
onshire House, where he was intro- medium size 2 yards of mate
gave him a conimiseioh in the Tenth inches wide *ill be required with 2e
rial 21
duced to tho Priece Regent, • who or 27 inches wide, or 1e ya.rds 41
liusears. . yards of all-over lace for yoke and
long sleeves, 111 yards' for elbow
Until Bruinmel came upon the scene sleeves 'arid one yard of chiffon or
32 to 40 Bust.
eoitiereatiOn netttrallY tweed WM/. 51.10JEOTE 014' 0RITAIN,
the royal visit, and the Duke of
Yerlaellow the Prince of Wales -who
was present, @aid. to the King, "aow
what has impressed your lifajeety
most during your short ritaY
land. ?" The 'Vag l'OrtUgal re-
plied, thoughtfully, "Well; I think
the English roast beef hi very de-
lightful I" "Oh !" laughed His
ItOyal Highnese ; "but Surely some-
thing else has impreseed your Ma-
ieetY as well ?" "Ah I" enthusias-
tically replied the Xing, "of course I
The English boiled beef is also de.
ate, the high functienaries of the
Court, arid the Commander of the
Royal Halberdiers, to Whom is en-
trusted the guarding of the Royal
Family in the palace, were summoued
to the ante -chamber ef the Princess,
where they waited in full uniform.
'The chief doctor then dressed the
I baby, and plaeing him on an im-
- I Mense silver salver took bine to the
e Ifather, who was also waiting in the
ante-cluanber, end to wheel he said, ,
"Sir, it is an infante" (a prince), I
The father then took the salver in
his hands, awl after kissing the
baby, bowed to those present and ,
showed them the new Prime, who
will ,be christened Alfonso.
Case That Isid to Change in Eng -i
The Dermoke claim in England • to ;
• the king's championship reminds one ,
!of the antiquity of the office, which I,
was established by the conquerer
fafter the battle of Hastings, wheo
e the dignity was conferred on Robert
I de Marmion, Lord of Fontenay.. But
the championship is closely inter-
vveven with the trial by combat.
How many Britons are aware that
trial by combat formed an essential
'pert of British jurisprudence until
the beginning of the reign of George
,IV., or how it ended ?. At , that
'time, there being a charge of mar -
der against a certain Abraham
.Thornton, the gentleman was advise
:ed by his counsel to claim his right
;of "ttial lay battle." Accordingly,
!when brought before the cotirt of
, king's bench he flung down his
I A selemn argument was after -
I ward held an the case, when the
jadges were unanimous that he was
.entitled to wage his battle. The
'nearest male relative of the de-
ceased, a lad of 16, being menifestly
unable to meet Thoraion in combat,
cee ne any ut ier procee inge. The
public feeling was so much outraged
that the atterney general of.the claY
immediately introduced a bill for
abolishing the right of appeal in ell
criminal cases, a bill which, how-
eyer, did not pass without opposi-
lightful l"
The birth of a Mt to the Princess
of Asturias, sister of the little King
A3fonso of Spain and heir -presump-
tive to the threne, has revived a
curious old ceremony of the Spitnieh
Court. When the baby Prince was
born the Prime Minister, the Prese.
dents of the Congress and the Sen -
the Prince, though not remarkable tell f b tl .
for- his taste, had, thanks to his • •
rank, •bgen constituted the "master
of the elegazicies" or leader of the e PERSONAL /JOINTERS,
dandies, but he was at Once dethrone • . 0 •
. — .
ed by the superior genius of Brum- Gossip About Some of the Woeld's
ntel, who retained -the sovereignty - . Leading People, .
ill the yeaa 1817. During this per- _
od he became the model of ell men King Edvvard VII. is the east Brit -
who ' wished to dress well, and when ish monarch to play golf since the
days of James II.
le had struck out a. new idea, he .
goads were aS hard te. hlace. s
e We Want every dairyman in our
tay in. England hecontinued to wear never leavi g
'n the rounds of the
powder. rather•priding himself upon house in which they were born.
eastern section to promise that he preserving this remnant of the vielle Mr. Andrew .Carriegie's coat of
will. bahrove; let that poor eld cow, coin.. . His clothes were a perfect arms shows 0:, rehersed crown' sure
that never. made a donate ego; line studye The coat Wee generallh - of mounted by. a liberty cep. A.
blue 'cloth and its collai raised weaVer's shuttle and a shoemaker's
prove. yotir etablea; build a silo, and
against the back of the heah Iike the knife are upon the escutcheon, Scotch
have plenty of the best food for ev-
arid Americao ' Lags are the support-
ery day in. the year. IMprove your hood of a monk, a style familiar to
factories iettd especially your daring - ushn pieta es he ers, and below is the legend "Death
r and miniature! of t
, .
Yankee farmer Was smoking hie
after-dinner pipe at his barnyard
gate ehe other day when a wayfarer,
Who didn't cliff& in Leeks from the
orileuary tramp, came elong and
letuaisrseead :_the time of day, and ih-
"Aka I speaking to Mi. Blank ?"
"Yes, my name is Blank," was the
"And is this erotir farra• ?"
'1 "Yes, sir " . •
I "He buried heape of money."
"Not half of Which has ever been
eound." ' •
"Has it ever occureed te yon that.
some of this plunder:might have been
berieci right hereon hoer farm ?"
"No, it 'never has," replied the
farmer. -
.hSuppose," Whispered the way-
fame, as he dropped his doice and
looked round-"suppese coald pOint
out the exact spot On your farm
where Captain Kidd buried $100,000
golh ?" -
"Waal ?" calmly queried the far-
mer. .
"Would you be willing. to sot nee
out a square Meal and give me an
old coat and a pair of shoes ?" •
hNo-coaldn't da it."
. "What Not in exchange fer
$100,000 io geld ?"
' "No "
. ou On wan o know w ere a .
fortune lies buried within forty rods
of whete we are standing ?"
h.No-clon't dare to know the spelt."
"See hero, my friend," said the
Wayfarer, "what kind of et man are
"And yoe don't want $100,000 ?"
"Jest a farmer," was the reply.
"Wouldn't even give ine a dinner
if ,pointed out the treasure to
you :?''
"No. If you want a dinner you'll
hey to dig 'titters to eaen it."
"And you positierely refuse the
piratical fortune waiting to be un-
covered ?"
dew, Thar's a. toe, and ther'a
the 'tater field, and if you doh't
want to dig you'd better git, along I"
"Has auyone come along here with
this story this suminer ?"
Fox enswer the termer peinted
one of the gate -poets, on which
thirty-nine note etes tvere cut, and
added .
"I think ateet rhany more .had
cum along before begun tie keep
tany I"
"1 'see I" replied the wayfarer, tie
his fee° lengthened a foot or Inore.
"Great Scott aut I was laboring
ender the impression that I had
struck a fresh field had a soft. snap I
Me oe, yo go 11
tell the old woman to have my din-
ner ready in jist twenty iiinutes by
the 'clock !"
t '13 • 'i "
Y r period. The buckskin or nankeen . Should the Baronees 'Btu:tett-
tende the. daieye school; in short, - breeches. were so incredibly tight
take hold, • earnestly *. to make the that they coad oniy be got on with Cvutts , live. to witness the coronae
' f Ed d VII. t June it
needed inaprovernehts so we can• step . f masa, lab
d Id I W14 be the third event of the • kind.
on o war nex ,
right out of the. way ot any of our taken oft in 'the same manner as tui She will have attended. At the ege
competitors, We .eart easily 4' ill -I-3 eel is diVested •cit its skin.
by ueiting, icir .we can make the fin- Theo came a waistcoat aboet four e , an
of sixteen sae SLIM George IV. crown -
d d 1 ls tt d d tl •
eat goods in the wOrld, and it is ma- . i ch 1 s le a o a en e le col -
h h , • ' ohaticee of Queen Victoeia, •
duty te ho our,. very best when so .
dial reception given us. r aue sure ,_ playing a stiff white niuslin cravat. • Mite. Sarah Bernhardt eaere that
you wit) be delighted to know that 1 meth 'depends on our united action.. tHeseian boots•cOniplated the costume- "the secret of her . endurance is that
the Hon. Mr. Fisher, Minister of Age With a 'little care we can Oslo hand te these the beau paid partieular ahe never rests; Fatiguee" she
riculture for the Dominiore has cheapee, the cost of preductimi. Th e attentiOri. They, were coratnonly rie adds, "is% nay stimulant. instead . of
kindly consented to open this con- is a matter which. every deeeysnan i ported es being. blaCkened "au yin pulling me. down, it.spurs me on."
vention, and identify himself tvith us should carefully study. . We . have , de aeampagssa, At any rate, two She goes to bed at three in the
in our great work of making a finer hed . more t 11- . 0
. ro hle gettme sixt en
'to ure n
shoeniakers Were supposed ins morni g invariabl d 1
quality and a larger quautity of
butter, cheese, gad ba.con for the
British market thee, ever before.
This is the first iinporteat dairy-
men's meeting evei held in this sec-
tion, and we do hope we will be able
to impress you more fully with 'the
vast importance of our work. We
made 2,494,06 boxee of cheese in
iff01, valued at $17,500,00.0. We
exported from Montreal up to the
close of navigation, 1,791,613 boxes;
since the close of navigation, 102,-
439; from Portland, 200,6$4 boxes,.
and we have on hand 400,000 baxes.
Prices for cheese have -not been so
high as last season,- and we Made
more poor cheese last season than
formerly. But our large, .
never made as fancy goods as hurliag
the past season -good style, good
boxes, good weights, everything cog.
rect-a joy to handle, so that We
feel quite cheerful over the season's -
business in cheese. We cam all la-
joice over our greanaery butter, for
never in the history of our cotintry
have we made as fine quality. We
made 670,893 packages, valued at
$8,000,000; 'made up as follow's:
410,893 packages exported from
Montreal till close of 'navigation.
Since the close of navigation 35,000
packages have been shipped. We
find on hand 25,000 packages, and
we consumed 200,000 packages. • So.
our cheese and butter crime to $25,-
500,000, or a gain of $500,000 over
1900, and to this we must add our
hog products, $14,500,000, which
makes '$40,000,000 that our dairy-
men have produced in 1901, arid we
are in better position to make more
next season. Quite a uuniber 'of o
factories have been greittly improv-
ed, and we believe a large inimber
more will be greatly improved before
another Season begine. .
A large nuniber of our makers are
attending ono or other of our well,
equipped dairy schools this winter.
Our dairy farms have more- fertility,
because of feeding everything
out at home, and ode people
are becoming better all rotted dairy-
men, so the future for our bueiness
looks bright. }Ion. Air. Fisher, OUr
Dominion Minister of Agriculture,
deserves great credit for the iotro-
duction of cold air into steamships
carrying cheese this last season. Ne•
ver in our history have we placed
our cheese on the British maaket in
such nice condition, lied we do hope
he veill have this system greatly en-
larged and ineproved, We etill Want
front the Hon. Mr, Fisher refrigera-
tor cars, with plenty of ice to carry
our cheese to Montreal. Thousands
of fancy cheesee are greatly injured
in transit from • the factory'. We
want this attended to this coining
Season. Wo ask the co-operation of
sister dairy associatiohs in getting
'quicker transportation in proper,
clean cars, well iced, so our product
will be delivered lit fittest. condition.
It is ruinous te, have our Cheese
hang around three or four days in
some old, dirty, open ear, ,atal We
must use eVerer offert to remedy
411. this.
We are anxious to tootle° Our
friends, so they Will all go heart113r
to work all along the line, 'With the
advantages We have for education
and Instruetien, it some a pity to
have an ordihary maker or, poor fac-
tory. We should liteero the beet fedi-
Rees, hectare° we meet have all our
cliceSs and butter finer. 1.002. We
must hold
ainl this can only be done by inia
provement. r feel sure I can count
on the hearty to -operation. of ebery
dairyman in Easteert Ontario tO
1 3 the perfectness of tile& fita-orte made rises at nine. As for the usual rne-
than: ever . before, and our English. the' right and the other' the left scriptions for ehe preservation of
COMPLAINED BITTERL.Y -* gloves one of whore was exclusively feom her. . .
friends repeivixig, our. goods hay° • • tmot. He had three glovers for hie hearth, :they reeeive scant 'attention
about weight: We /night as well charged with the cutting oet cif his .The inoet interesting member of the
face this 'question now and make up thumbs. Three hairdressers . were Danish Court is the Princess Weide-
our minds- that if eve want the best likewise , engaged to dress his hair. mar. She is an artist, her Special
people for customers on the other AS for the pea -amid' aOpearance ef 'line being scenes from, animal. life,
1 side we muet give theta fancy .quelie thisesublime dandy, "his face," we and judges 'declare' that, if .she had
supply: . Let, as uridersta.nd this fully. unusually high, hair light • broWn, iShe is to be. fotiod in lier atudio
ty, niee style, and up -weights, or . read, Was rather long, his •featuires been stimulated by neeessity, she
they. will look elseithere for- their neither plain nor ugly, hM fereheael Fmight have rivalled Rosa Bonheur.
and apply ehe remedy by putting Whiskers inclined th be seedy, eyes 'every morn g,
in brush in hand and
ourielyes in, such a .positioia that we gray and full of oddity."' His conver- 'clad in a long painteh's blouse, at
can 'turn out fancy goods every day: eation, without having the wit and !seven o'clock, absorbed in her favor.;
3)0 not hiee a maker beCause he is . Hamer of Lerd Alvenley another of dte becupation. •
cheap, but because be has the ability the• dandiea, was hihtay agreeable 1. A notable worcein in her day has.
do the best work. De. not try to and ansusingh eIncieed, Bruno:eel has been buried ih WreXhara CextteterY
get. along another peason with that 'never been surpassed or emulled England, , in the persori ot
old vat, presi, er curing ioom, but. since. The prinee of .yeales .would .il3lythei widow eif Sergeant-Major
put ;them right 'before you start the frequently cern° of a merning• to the ,Eperairo helythe, of the Royal Mtn -
season. We have quite a large num- beau's house in Chesterfield street to ! lery. Mrsa Blythe - wes for twelhe
ber of facteries that have never made witness' his thilet and to acquire the ;months iti the trenches before Sebes-
fine goods, never ..gaere eveights, ne- art of tying his !own handkerehiet ea ;toped with -her husbahde and shaeed
ver had a coyer for their wagon la mode.d For many years, netea the exceseive haidehips incident . to
wheri delivering cheese, having tree- withstanding the great disparity- of 1 the Crimean' War. She was tWice
lila with every buyer, always thinks rank, lirummel continued the ;wounded. She survived her husband
overybody dishonest except them- Peince's intiniate friend, At last, Iiive yeaes, aod his died at the
.age of severity -three. . '
salves, 'want the ruleS of our cheese hoWever, a winces sprang up be-
hoerds changed often, inseeaft Of tWeen them, mad the "mirror of fash- I Mr. Sidney Cooper, R.A , is within
pees_ ...ten months of his hundredth year.
'commencing right at home to put ion" was forbidden the royai
everything hi the beat ehape for do- ' once. " Innis first plature was ekiiihited in the
ing a good business. Put your face The Prince -then King-eaw the °yet Aeaderny in 188h, and after
tories and everything 'Wee around poor daecly once mat& years after !sikt*-seve'a years' : of paleting , he
gives the following advice to aspir-
you. in fame shape, educate eatrone When passing through Calais, ThOCk2
hOW tO care for their mil*, and your ' eray says:- "The bankrupt beau Sent ing artists : "Lot your wateliword
trouble : ithout seliing cheese will him then a, enuffbori with' some of the be, 'I worship truth. Imitate Nita
as a piteous tura eloSelir ; paiet her as she is,
soon disappear, . We - want better emit he used to love
not rig you fancy her. Man cannot
boxes, heading the best quality, and token of remembrance and subrais- i pi ove epen ature, Phis: won -
properly seasened. A large number pion, and the King took the snuff
and ordered his horses and drove on 1,derful
of oheese have been greatly injured old rrian deplored that his
o Moe days are e ded
hy using green heading. and had hot the grade to notice his var - - • A '
, Carmen Sylva"-rElizahntle Queen
PRIZ eS AT BUFFALO. old companion, favorite, rival, e
of Rouirainia-whose "Real • Queen's
sent. ome butter and' cheese to"' enlY, superior." Brunnuel, of 'course, Fairy Book" is ond of the Vest gift -
the erican 'Exposition, and, ' had many successors, . bet' "the old books published,. is said to be a
as. on all former occasions; .W0 . ear.. 4, erder changeth," and mine of them
, great worker. She eisee at five
lied off neerly ealhathe • prizes. .Per- ever attained. to •the OIYMPlan . o'clock end works at her (leek until
sonally, I was not inueli ie laver of heights of' his dandyism, nor even. breakfast, after 'which time she de-
seriding ,any %goods there, because we the elegant D'Orsay; .who for a time . votes herself to her duties its coil -
cannot Sell them a• 'pound of aheese„, was conetituted the king of fashion sort of . tt. King, Cartoon Sylva's
butter,- or pork. They fix their tar- end held poor Brummel'e 'see/Are. - fairy 'stories are very popular la lier
10 to shut . everybody out and r Argosy.' . own country, and one day in'. each
Month is devoted to 'reading' the
Queen's books in the public schools
of Roturiattiae • . • - .
I • Nobody needs to be told that the
'. We made a change laet season, ham- has been British Consul at Bilbao
of England is among. the
mil -General of Great Britain at San
strive 1900, has been gazetted ,Con. Queen
ing two InStructors do nothing but friendliest arid homeliest ladies in the
ihstruct 0' - ak I d S! ti i
think our policy should be te• sant' •
them anit; in other.. words, • buy. 'as nasetted Constil General..
much from them as they buy frofe, us Cottrtenity Walter Bennett; who
an . - it ng ar th a. cottager on
o i in ers,. and I .would Franr.1,00, .
like to add another instructor this . _____4„____ , . - the Sandringham estate, in her
year, if we can raise the funds. . All 'Princess .days, she took up a stock -
our lestructors have done ' their
''"' SliE HAD HER WAY. ing to While away the time. "f
Work very satisfactorily. Hem Mr. hi. Shall haVe . 'to ask 'Yee far a rather pride myself. on the way 1
Dryden . haa aided us in every ao ticket for that boy, ma'am.", can knit stockings," the Princess re -
possible. Professor rtobert8on Whiie . marked • ht -have just made a pair
'ht. think not."
been as helpful as fermerly. i 'He's too old to travel .free. T -Te for the 'Prince, and—" The Priii-
Ituddiek, Chief of the dairy . di visit In, roitacguepsiesarae tcythoowlettesdeateratinerdo tlairea
=';'. oceldssladY's startled exelamation : "So
was rudely broken oh hy the
has rendered good service. The 80-
• eretary and treiteurer have been care- pill, standing ttp." - the Prince wears stockings. do '0 ?
fal and painstaking, and all have E,Thhaatv'sssh,tliirillitio" argue' the mat- am 1. only me and you, who makes
' Well, • well, Ali, your Royal High -
worked together for the • UnbUilding
rj..0 ttehra,trribut;yht.my . Yoe'll have tO pay far these stockings, knows the 'terrible
of our great national industry. I h
$40,000,000 we produced this last ' ' olea the znet do make in the 'eels I"
season . could easily be made fifty "I've^ never paid for him yet, and] Sir William Olpherts won the cove
this cornirtg seasort by a little extra X ,a,ymemil 'oat° gg°011e)g etoo eneogivec some time.leted V.C. at Luchnow by a chnrac.
. iteristic aet of gallantry. The . ale
care on the part of everyone con-,
corned, and then every. induetry in ,If you haven't had .to pay for him I Main:4dr° Regiment, to Which he
our couatry would nourish on ac. you're mightsr May, or else you.; was attached at the time, ceptured
count of the increased buying" power re la
doyny bti, dtoy inUch travelliug," Isola° guns from the openly, but WeS
of our people. We have made steady 9 all right." 'about to leave them behind for
advancement and healthy, lasting "You'll pay for that' boy, ma'am, want of horses to drag thent aertty.
expansion in our dairy work, and ive or I'll put him out." ' 'Olpherts was too keen a guhner to
want this to continue. "That's all right. You put him Off !consent to the abandonment of prizes
if you think that's the way to gat „of that sort, so he gidloped back.
Ono more let nie uege all "I' anything out of inee" lunder a perfect. . hall of lead, and •
frientis• to Work together, having on- "You ought to lam/ What the brought up the neceesary horses. No'
ly ono object in view, that oi bettor- rules of this line are, .......OWaM. UP"- 1 ono thought. ho would get through
ing the cendition of our fellow-
talive ; but he accomplished bis olt-
workers, and building tip our great old"Iistialkt kbrotoywr 1 never SaW Mill ject although he brought back neV-
„,............4,.....,.......:,, before. If you Want a ticket for him eritl bullets as well tig the horses,
you'd better ask that old gentleman land it was some time before he Wen
'on the other seat. He got it with ifit to take the held afrain.
months in arreat* can be seized by COSTLItIST PriATIIIMS. I in a SOITIOWliat great meat eater, and -
elle ereditor, arid compelled to .work The tail feathers of the feriwah, a thiliko ini ham of ,eookina emus up
out their indebtedness, Should a rare member of' the bird of paradise 'to that, of the English. When etay-
or hie ehildren ' May be held itt slo.v- knottql, arid the only tuft existing in vicited Lord •'SaIlsbury's beautiful '
debtor run away, his father, his; Wife, family, are. the most expensive ling in England a fetv years •ago he
try until the debt le cancelled. England is valued at 00.000'. „seat, .at IIatileld. Inning dinner tho 1
pnvroits IN SIAM. • • . The Ring of Porttigat, rtithough
Deb)ors Siam, When three
entirely against his tioetor's adviee,
Toinkins (a erisitor)-,"Do you .
quiterel with your neighbor •about his
hen coming:over your back garden ?"
Popkins-"No, we've got over that
now'," Toneklas-"Iltfried the :hat-
chet ?" Popkins (grlinly,)-"No ;
buried the heti."
The aew of the /empire covering Birth
nee Netereileetion.
It is natural that we in thee('
tight little islands, should. jealously
guard the eocial advantages, the
protectien and held for advancement
which are enjoyed by those who can
claim, to be Britieh subjects. But,
in the eyes 0 the law there le con-
siderable cortfusien as to the neces-.
sary qualifications which outsiders
must show before they eau be ad-
z:tatted to all the privileges ot citi-
zenship. On this account the Memo
Secretary appointed an interdeparta'
mental coounittee 3.8 months ago to
report "upon the doubts and diffi-
caltieS which have arisen in connec-
tion with the interpretatien and ad-
ministration of the acts relating to
naturalization, and to adyise whe-
ther legislation for the amending
of theee acts ie desirable, and, if so,
what scope and direehion such, legis-
lation should take. ' Who is a
British sttbiect? The committee
Point out that:
"To the thatmon law belongs the
fundamental principle that any Per-
son who is born within His Ma-
jesty's dominions is froro the mo-
ment of his birth te 13ritieh subject,
whatever be the nationality of either
or both his parents, and however
temporary and casual the eireuni-
stances determining tbe locality of
his birth may have been."
The child oi an alien enemY horn
in a part of Ilia Majesty's dominions
which is at the time in hostile oc-
copation is not a Dritish subjeet.
Again, the child born within the Bri-
tish dozintuoes of an Ambassador or
other diplomatic agent accredited to
the Crown by a foreign sovereign is
not a British subject, The limits
of this lattee exception ha.Ve not
been exactly ascertained.
The King's son is always a 13ritish
subject, wherever lie may be born.
With this exception the acquisition
of the status of a 13ritish subject
by parents rests on statate law. A
person whose father or parental
grandfaeher, was born within His
Majesty's dominions is deemed a na-
tural born British sabject, although
he hireself WaS horn abroad,
, To the category of phrsons who
are British subjects by rea.son of
their birth having taken piece with-
in His Majesty's clominiens must
'be added those who are born on
board a British ship.. Some doubt
exists as to the extent of this rule.
There seems to be no doubt, the
committee remitters, that a person
is a natural-born British sohject who
(a) Born on board a British ship
of war, wherever such ship inahr be.
(b) Born On board a. British mere
It is suggested that a simple rule
should be made that any child on a
foreign ship while in British Waters
should not be deemed to be a , sub-
ject of this country, ovvirig to ehis
accidena of. birth; but, on the other
hand, an infant who first looks out
'on hie under the white and .red. en -
'sign wherever. it -oay fly afloat is
apparently a subject of the King,
although he be as blaeh as ebonY or
his father be thie country's most
deadly enemyeeLooden TelegraPh.
ceptaiti Itiavertheret eaten negation; Ver.
See IMO it the etied. er Mei, hate
putee-The Sploo$141 211o$107 f
0_ ,_110
SpZutrtailr :1310 43 1101:114:111vt to4 :I: the Vltava
he is in vain to loeic for tinething
sublime in. the story of the coloniza-
tion of Australia. It had no Vile
grim Fathers, no Plains of Abraham;
there was, at starting, neither loot
nor revenue to be drawn from it. In
its native, unexploiteel 'condition • it
was reckoned the barrenest and most
inhospitable country under heeven;
it lay tor a couple of centuries known
but unclaimed,. The hoisting of the
ensign at Botany Bay in 3769 by
Captain Cook was More a matter of
racial acquisitiveness than auything
else; Australia, lay untenanted
1788, whoa it was put into regthei-
tion as a convict station.
, Thenceforward it was more ' the
splendid obstinacy of the squatter
then any fareeeeing spirit of enter-
prise that proved Australia the fin-
est peetoral land in the world. 'The
fether of the great breed of flocknias-
tors that was to rise in the neW
country was 'a Captain Macarthur,
who, dimly foreseeing great things,
came hoine in 1803, quite iu the
.medern manner,• to float a pastoral
eothpany, Ile was cordially beckecl
his enterprise by Sir • Joseph
'Banks, who had sailed with. Cook;
he tried to raise a Modest L20,000,
and failed. Ahtee infinite badgering
of the stupid powers that weve, he
wrung .frcirn them a Mall cencessien
of land, and returned alone. tie was
humanly alone, that is; but in the
few finely-woolled merino ewes and
yams that he imperted about thee
time-authoritiee differ as to the pre:
cise date -he carried the seed of
many fortunes. He was faced on
landing with the historic 'dewier -
headedness of Bligh, then Governor
at New South Wales, who said, when
ae heard (if the Macarthur cameos-
siOn, get 5,4)00 acres,. of
the finest land in the coentry, but
you shan't keep it," •Keep it,„ how-
, ever, ithicarthur did,- and in his fight
to hpla it there was a foreshadowing
of the future supremacy of , the
Turned from outlaw to croivu lese
see, the squatter's primal charecter-
isties always clung to him; . he al-
witys headed the slow pageantry of
settlement; it was he, invarinalY,
whd met and turned the rough edge
Of. unmitigated nature; he supplied or
inspired the dariog and endurance
that were 'called for in the .Ohening
up of the new conte t Ot f h
-:sceiatter's ne'eds, :svhether for dean-
sion oetward'te . fresh pastures, or
for the maintenance of his stockerun,
or for the link of transport between
him aod his coaetivard markets and
bases of suppla-out of these grew
a e Pure y - us ra an types of
workers on the soil.
For the greatee part the founding
, and birthing of squattages wits. ac -
I. complished in the teeth of -gruhiring '
• Trial by' Combat.. 2 1
The Dymake claim to the King's
eomhanionship reminds one, aays The •
Leaden Morning Chronicle, of the
antioaiter et the office; whieh wasi
• •
established by the Conemerer after
the battle of Hastings, when the
dignity• was cenferred on Robert
de Marmiott, Lord of Foneenity, But
the championship. is- closelY ihter-
woven with the 'trial bh coMbet.
How many )3ritohs; we wonder, itee
aware that Trial by Combat formed
ao essential part of British juris-
prudence until the begineing of the
reign of George IV„ or •how it end-
ed? •At that time there being a
charge .of murder against a certain
Abraham. Thornten, the geneleman
Was advised by his chunsel to Claim
the right of ''trial by battle." Ac-
cordingly, .vviien brouieht before the
Court of •King's Bench, he flurig
m(1°ewntli wall? agftegretv:ards. liselldernneoalgthtle
case, when the' e judges were
unanimous that he was entitled I
to wage hip battle. The nearest
male relative, of the deceaSed,•a lad I
of .16, being raanifestly enable to•
meet Thornten io combat, , declined:'
any further proceedings. ,The pub': ,
lic feeling, was so much . outraged
that 'the Attorhey-General of the hay
intinediately introduced a bill for
abolishingetheright of appeal' in all
criminal cases, a bill which, how-.
ever., did not pass without. oppesi-
tion. '
. en.stio,iil ta`'s 1,emier • 1
The new Premier of. Western Aus-
tralia, Mr. Alfred Edwaed Morgans,
is another example of the fact that
political preferment in Australia, is
oot bloeked by foreign birth or ex-
perience. 1VIr. Morgans was born hi
Wales.; and was living he Mexico,
where he was numbered among the
friends of President Diaz, when the
gold fields of Western Australia were
discovered. He settled in Cool-
gardie, and in due course was its
representative in the Legislateve As-
sembly, where •Ite was •a strong tap-.
pewter of 'Sir John Forrest, now ' a
Minister in the Federal Governinent.
Mr. Morgans is the principal pro-
prietor• of the Mount- Morg•ans mine,
on the Melia Margaret geld field,
and has started fritit farming on an
eitensive pectic.
The most curious letter which has
probably been written and received
• 1 • • 1 1 • • )
just been safely delivered by the pos-
tal authorities- of England. It was
Written on au Ordinary Maitre of
Army "hardetack," the address and
Stamp being. placed on one side anti
the communication on tho other,
the biscuit being thus tranefeered for
the nonce into a post -card.' raper,
it ahpetu•s, was scarce at the raiz')
Where the writer tette on duty,
whence the peculiar requisiticining of
A " k •" •ti has re -
fleeted so eloquently' the effeetiveness
of the baker.
Beot illigesitititt ;he:Abend etudyina Itelian.
Mrs, De geepsiaahle the Wan With the eteeet titan
Ilyeare af
*ill unaeriatted When he
nature, a.nd called more for, men of
grit than glory, It is true that -more
particularly in the -early times, be-
fore the convict beide had bean 'eb-
literated-the bushi'angers ineintainh
ed at.times- a reign of terror. And
it Is•also eminently true that in the
tales ;of the Australien land.explone
ers. frohe' Oxley• to Burke and ' Wills,
there is as:fine:a record of pluck as'
ehe annals 'of the race -Carl Allow: Cit
these, the Auetral reivdies arid here
oes, imaginatioo loaea t6
dwell, end cohcerning them it aas.
heen fed liberally with song . and
story. But ehe men, who bore the
brunt of the arer that ,nmde an Ane
glonSaxon proainae- of Australia were'
the squatters.
Their fighting was 'ehiefly in endure
lime. They had to face an almost
ertePty land, peopled by an aboriginal
race that was the Most
stood was ready foe settlement; the
..,tae world and 'never real! el k d
the mareh of the settlement.. There
in the whole country; it grew native
Pahture, on whieh Stock throve splen-
didly and needed. ne leatieilig • the
year round. Thus the land as it
was not a man -hunting wild beast
JAN. 20.
Text of the Leetion, ACte•lia, 1.1s.
Golden Text, Ex. xv.,
1-3. It was the hour of the 'ming
Sacrifice, the hour when Jesus died
on Golgotha, (Matt, xxvii, 40, 50),
that found Peter and John.going
to the, temple on this occasion.
'While the unbelieving Jews continued
their forms the believers in Jesus
Christ met for prayer, knowing that
the true and only sacrifice for lila
was ia heaven on their behalf and
that they, Hie witnessee, could do
nothing without HIM.
4, 5. Aa Peter and John laid,
(*Look op us," he looked
expecting to receive something in the
way of rummy, for he knew not of
the durable riches and righteeusnese
of Prov. viii, 1$. "He gave heed,
expecting to receive," and that is
more than many believers do when
they pray, for they ask, and wonder
if they are heard, and are surprieed
if they receive, uud talk about its
Laing so wouderfel anh so strange.
floW Much better- it would be whoa
We pray expect, accurcling to Ps.
v, 8; 5; John xiv, 18, 14. This
aline mart was expecting frout people,
but Peter and John had learned to
expect from God. lf believers would,
lay hold of or ee laid hold ei -by
these wordsi "Cease ye, from mane':
"It is tied who worlietit" ilea.. it,
22; Phil. 11, 13), great things might
be seen.
0. the name of Jesus Cbrist. of
Nazereth rise up and walk." Silver
ahd ,goth ! could not do this nor all
the pewee of roan, but thoae Who
heve neither gold nor silver cute be
frieuds and partners with Ulm who
(loath all euvb. -things. There is
something' bet ter than money tvitielt
eau. e led• withoet numey testa Ive
I; Rev, xxii, 17). Many profesg
have the gift oi' God, but some i•eiel-
ly poesese Hine It would be well to
consider, --Pave 1 Cbriat. or 'cio
only seem to -have 'or• think that.
luthe?'' (Luke • thii, margin:\ /.!
John. v. 12). e'et cr. could say:
••4 ve ,
7, ''‘Valking and looping anti
;raising ti...d." a hie ey a. man ()Nei. 40
Yeure el! tea: Ito had. never walked I
Well might. the people call it u 'iota- •
utiraele. (chapter iv.' 1(3, 22). It
wee eccomplistad in a nanuent. .As
8000 as peter took lam by the rifeht •
hand inimeeliately his feet aud anele
bones received strength, It was .
written by the pt•opliet that. the lona
men eimula leap as a hart gat.
;tease .01). But how few would ever •
expect that such arcade would have •'!'
such te literal fuleilimeto? And that '
is one .ef our great eleiculties and
hindrances. We seem so slew 'to be-
lieve that G od etreara just. what lie
says. •
9, 10. .The . poodle saw Him -and.
• linew Him and a ere ill led with,wone
(ler and amazement.° • So on the day
oi Pentecost • they were all amazed.
and marveled tehapten-
!The elattnge ut this nein wee so raun-
ifeet and unmistakable that it could
I not be' denied' (iv,: 16), yet. the au-
thorities would, if they' could,' stop
' ali atich doinge..... A laity whom I
eknote, 'whose. eye"; Were eniracelously
I healecr' after all the doctera had fail-
Toint:tes, leaenlect; •..,apoue-ttotriihsoeiotole4dinitttroaleat •
hee she .wits wrong, as others
, might thihk theh could have a simi.:.
141eaart exfoPreritenneao. %Nat hat are ,rwe • on.
I God they be peen in us. (John Me 8).
I :11. "The lamel man which , was
healed held Peter and Johh." The
'healed mail naturally clung to hie .
deliheiers, and the crowd. gen to see
,the healed anh the healera There is '
so little power of God in the churith
.‘ to -day that . the crowd late eo
'drawn .her, entertairinients, suppers,.
concerts, eta; but let eome of the •
'Power that' was seen en this oc-
might speedily vienish. This man's '
help eel= through Peter. and John,
eplii:oe to his. visible delivek-
ces. When .we learn to, tear siocerely,
1 nieth from the Lord, who
made heaven and earth," we -will
no longer 'look to' the hills for help
(ps.- cxxi,: 1, 2, Margin, and Jer.
23) ' • '
1. 12. "Why. look Ye ad earnestler
.Ciod, people gaze with Weeder upon
as0,71's lagroateip litnyowing the inviaible
,the visible instrumenes by whona
G t sl pleased to Worle,
but if those whom God uses would
continue te be used by Hian they
Mus e . a g '
glory, her no heel,: shall glory. in Hie
presence' (I Con i, 29-31). As soon
as the" instrunieilt. is willieg to be
magnified the poWer ceases, Con-
ceroing Pharaoh's dream, JOseph •
said that it wee not io' hint to in -
business. at the eqUatter Was to bring '
his dlocks and watch them while they
obeyed the natural laW,s of increase.
Oppoaition to their inerease came to
no Marked eatent either from niah or
brute; it was in facing' the naked
eIeinents that' the squatter's beetle
tude was called' far.' A bush fire
coining when grasS 'wee thick ahd
dry might turii plenty to' Marline in It
night, even if it did 'note -tie happened
Mahy timaaswidlow the-horlieetead
014 well, and tuiei the prosperous see-
tler and his familie Of ono day to des-
titute fugitives the next, Anh in a
coatinent that wite peactically, with-
out waterways, and whose river
channels. were dumb and dry for the
:greatee part. of the year, it was ,na-.
tural that drought should scourge
the flocks like a giestilence. It whe
a commonplace in the history ef
squatting for e mart to see the re-
sults. of the work, of ali . the
best years cable life wither before
his eyes While he iciolced on helpless..
And, as the luevittible opposite . of
droughts, there were the floods, that
,with their terrihle sttddennese woula
sweep away half a streggling man's
possessions in a night. ' The lesser
worries of the equatter's lite were
plentiful. Comfort -killing, ' sheep-
clestroying insects in singular profuse
ion; thee and mostMitOes were per--,
penal torment; life in the bush, !
where a men Was making a hand-to-
hand fight of it tvieh Nature
,terpret. it, but that -God would
do it, end Daniel said that there was •
'no wisdom in him. more than in •
others, bet that the God: in heaven,
I revealeth secrets, Wottld • mahe
khown the dream, (Gen. xii, 16 ;
133a1118:116L. 2,8110)name, throegh "faith.
in His naine, hath made thiS • nian
'strong." :/ta .the day of -Ponta-
;cost; he told them that Jesus, whoa(
i they had crucified, had bir God been:
!eitieed from the dead and receiyed
.into heaven, so now he again' tells •
,therti that .tlie Cod of Abrahani,
lIsacte and JAW) .glOrified His
!Soil Jesus, having raised Rini fawn
the cl?ad and that. the pet•fect soundi
!fess of this man who lead been lame
was due wholly to the eisee Christ,
'whose witnesses they were. We do
nett know that the nian had any
faith 111. Christ, bet Voter and John
had, and as the faith of the woman
of Tyre and Sidon brought health
to her daughter and the faith of the
centurion brought health to his ser-
vant (Matt: viii,• 10, 18'; xV, 28), So
weir faith brooght health' to this.
man. Who caa 'tell the possibilities
o m , an w tat o we
know of the faith of the Son of
God ? (Mark Xi, 22-24; Gal. ii, 20).
As Mephibosheth was lame through
no fault et hie own, yet Was made to
live with the king and eat continual-
ly at the kines table (II Sam. iv,
4; ix, 18), so We who are all lame
thrOugh • Adam's sin, without
strength, ungodly, may be healed by
-Him who, haVing died for us, is now
alive folavermore (Roni. V, 1-16 ;
ill, 24.) • Peter, in the power of the
Spirit, preaches Unto them Jegus and
the resurreetion, as taught by the
peophets, and, telling them that
Jesus Christ shall come agaiu to
restore all things of which God
bath spoken. by the mouth of all Ilia'
holy. prophets, he -urges them to. ree
pent, that their sins may be blotted
out Lind that the thnes of refresh-
0511ftlintela ytotile.dmeJeWsultsh (tvehersceostaitg2iagaanind
see It,V.) To the Jew first (verse
,26) and to every creature eMark
xVi, 15) We are to give the gospel,
that out of all nations the people
for Ms nettle may be gathered (Act!)
xv, 14), Mid thus ITie Eve blinded,
that Ile may take her to Hitnealf
anci come again in His glory.
There 'ate 'funny ineidentS • the !
life. of .a photographer. A marl caner
hi the other clay and looked over all
the samples, asking the 'price of :
texia•e:11111) .you Watt •SittinNg ?" 'I. ail: -
"I don't see nothin' like what I
cw•aati:!t'W"htlilte ill'oer) i:editlited, I might- ar-
1 told hint that if he Would
range it.
"I don't, know as yen can," he
said, "for I don't see anthill' at ail
like what I want." • . •
I repeated What I had already said.
I le asked me to 'sit, While he. told
1111'...You see, it's like this," he be.
gait. "I had a girl that I loved, and
we was going to g!.it marelede She
had hee things made tip, and we '-1118
all but 'ready wheo sho was takeh ill
and died.. A.nd What 1 wahted was a
picture of 'me sittin' on her grave
1 was touched et the homely story
of. geld, and told hint eould send a
man With him to the grave and have
the picture taken as (1011'0.
"it's sonic distance.," he said.
Ital over in Ireland. I expect it 'w1
cost a lot to send, over your traps
tor what I want."
I said ,it
"I thought," he answered, "that
niebint you could rig tip a grave here
in your elm and I would weep on it,
and it would do just as well. It's
ne trouble for tie to weep any-
Ta England in 1800 a horse ealled
Phenomenon trotted ,17 Mile5 in
harnese in minutes, a•reeord never
beaten in, England.
Irish horso nre worth to -day
times as, n'euell as la 18M.1.
There is a railway over the legyea
Matt denert which runs for forty-fiVe
Miles in a straight line, bit this le
easilY beaten in Australis.. The rail.
way front Nyngetti to liourke, Netv
South Wales, runs over a plain
Which is tle level as a bilLiard table,
for 120 miles in ft matheniatically
straight line. There is hardly an
einbankment, noWhere curve, and
only three very slight elevations.
Great Britain buys It
Petinde Weight of epoliges e. year.